#my anxiety is through the roof rn
negrowhat · 1 year
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kamiitsubakii · 27 days
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I'm at the gynecologist and I brought piplup for emotional support
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obitohno · 1 year
it’s three am n a nightmare woke me up n i’m too scared to go back to sleep
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sleepy-sothis · 3 months
I thought I kind of knew how things worked but it turns out I just fucking do not and maybe that's just life, isn't it
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whoa whoa wait i’ve been gone for a few days. is tumblr shutting down what did i miss???
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lizardlizz · 1 year
time to try not to have a panic attack
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kiwikoopa · 2 years
If you are ever stressed out of your mind and think "hmm a coffee sounds great right now" just know that is the devil talking.
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rapidhighway · 2 months
I need every public place to have detailed descriptions of the entire place + how to behave and what behavior is acceptable or not and i need it all as straightforward as humanly possible
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tripleyeeet-archive · 2 years
i hate doctors i hate medicine i hate being sick i hate the potential of contracting a deadly illness and not knowing if i have it until it’s too late i hate it i hate it i hate it
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mogai-sunflowers · 2 years
honestly shout out to “visibly queer” people. shout out to us because it’s really fucking scary. i think people think that if you’re visibly queer you’re automatically confident and unafraid and while I’m sure that’s true for some people, in my experience that’s not the case. I make a choice to be visibly queer because of the amount of times people have told me that it makes them feel safer to be themselves. That doesn’t mean I’m suddenly completely unaware of what could easily happen to me every time I leave my house. It’s more than nerve-wracking. I’ve even seen people say that the visible queers are privileged because clearly we’ve never faced discrimination otherwise we wouldn’t have the freedom to be so open but that’s really dismissive of the work so many of us have had to put in to be confident enough to be that way. i see the eyes on me as I walk down the street and they burn into my skin. It is scary. I see a lot of support for people who have to hide their queerness, which is not a moral failing in any way, but bravery isn’t just one thing. Visibly queer people are not silly stereotypes. Twinks who fit every gay guy stereotype proudly are not your enemy they are your fiercest allies, so are the genderfucky trans people who don’t make an effort to pass as cis and the butches and studs who are fucking proud. We’re brave and just because we appear so confident and impenetrable on the outside doesn’t mean we don’t have the same struggles or support needs. So just shout out to us. I’ve had a few… experiences… lately and it’s made me reevaluate my decision to always be so open, but I’m willing to risk my safety to make a change and make others feel safe and I and others are brave for that and deserve your love.
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channelworldbluez · 2 months
What they DONT tell you about detransitioning is the constant need to prove myself to others that I’m fr.
Like for example, most detransition stories(female perspective) revolve around a woman who regretted it and is now presenting feminine which is no problem! Great! I’m happy for them.
And the ones that do retain their “masculinity”(I hate using this word but stay with me) do make changes still. Grow their hair out a bit, cut off their facial hair, get laser hair removal, change their name and again I am happy for them!!
Then there’s my goofy ahh who besides stopping T(I’m four months off T today for the record) who virtually changed nothing and doesn’t want too. I look exactly how I always been because for me when I was transitioning technically I was being myself I just felt like I had to take hormones and call myself a male. But the whole time the way I dressed the way I act etc was me frfr…
Like in part of this detrans discord and their was a discussion one day about swimsuits and it’s like…can’t I just wear board shorts and a tank top like I always have? I don’t wanna wear swimsuits…like obviously they weren’t saying I should but it was just this disconnect so I checked out (could be a bit of entitlement idk)
Honestly the only thing I wish I can change is the gender marker on my drivers license I just idk how yet
But then there’s the “proving” part. Now I feel like yall looking at me like I’m not really about that life. Like I’m lying which is stupid because I’m not lying, but idk…fuck this. If they were more detrans women like me out there that I saw I probably wouldn’t feel like this but now I feel like an oddball lmaoo
I’m overthinking myself to death
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thechosenanubis · 1 year
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manuinout · 2 months
Me, who's an anxious and sensitive auDHD that feels absolutely scared of watching anything Inside Out related that isn't from the only Pixar account I see, scared of having a heart attack:
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j0kers-light · 4 months
Hi hi 🫶🏻
So I'm reading His Lighthouse on A03 & got a tad confused when reading through the choices 12&3 chapters. After going through comments & back through the chapters, I got more confused thinking I missed something, so I switched to looking at them on tumblr & Choices part 1 & 3 are different on there but in A03 Choices 1 & 3 are the same chapters? Or am I missing something? Sorry for the ask, it's it no way meant to come off in the wrong way I just get confused easily and wasn't sure ♡
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NO BECAUSE BLESS YOU @jaysmentalspace ! The way I scrompt and woke up my household. They thought something had happened UH YEAH A WRITER’S WORST NIGHTMARE!!!
“Sorry I died a painful death go back to sleep!”
I don’t know HOW I managed to update the wrong flipping chapter but it has since been resolved and nowwwwwww I’m paranoid and I gotta check everything. It was purely a mistake since I cross post on Tumblr, A03, and Wattpad. Ya girl is shaking rn
Guess I have homework now.
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t0xicp0sitivity · 7 months
fuuuck there's probably a spider in my bed now
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palesoftangel · 8 months
my heart is about to stop
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