#my bad just saw you asked what the show was about LOL edited
flippinpancakes64 · 2 months
Could you write the Cullen's accidentally hurting their SO and how they would react?? (I alr know Jasper's is about to be so angsty lol)
The Cullens accidentally hurting their S/O
I've literally been rubbing my hands together like an evil villain waiting to do this request. I saw it in my inbox and had to hold myself back lol. And yes, I cannot resist the temptation to make Jasper suffer, so be prepared
Edit I got so carried away. If I had a word count on these it might be like 10k lol sorry not sorry
And thank you for this request! This was so much fun to write lol I hope you enjoy it!
Also quick note I might have channeled a bit too much inspiration from Saw or something cause I ended up getting a bit too into my descriptions of the injuries so
TW for graphic depictions of violence
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You really wanted to go to this concert
Edward knew that, so as a birthday gift he bought you two tickets
One for you and one for him of course
He drove you to the stadium, studying the songs he was going to be hearing later that night
He bought everything that you looked at
You basically had your own merch table
The night was going great
You both found your seats, you were happily eating some overpriced stadium food, and the show was about to start
When a guy stood directly in front of you
The bad part about floor seats is that there aren't seats
The guy was easily 6'6, towering above you even if you are taller
Reading your thoughts, Edward tapped the guy on the shoulder, asking him if he would kindly move or crouch or something
He just looked, rolled his eyes, and stared forward again
"Dude, my partner can't see the show. Please just move a little"
"Don't care. Not my problem."
Edward's getting pissed, and the guy can tell
"What, you wanna fucking fight? Square up rich boy."
"No I don't want to fight I just want you to move a little"
"Okay, then maybe your partner here will fight instead"
And the next thing you know, you see the guy's huge fist heading straight for your head
Before it can land, Edward's hand pushes on your chest, sending you back into the people behind you and ending with you flat on the ground
Your back aches from the impact, your neck torqued from where your head whipped, and your cheek stinging from landing on the side of your face
You feel Edward's chill hands on the sides of your face, and faintly you hear him ask something frantically
You groan in pain as you feel him pick you up, and finally succumb to sleep
You wake up in Carlisle's clinic, staring at the white ceiling
A cold hand is wrapped around yours, and when you turn your head, you're greeted with bright gold eyes
No words are exchanged for a moment before you clear your throat
"So... did you at least rock that guy's shit?"
He laughs and kisses you
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Alice was having a terrible week
She had been getting vision after vision, and none of them were true
Everything from a huge motor accident to what color shoes someone at school was going to wear
It was constant
She was running in circles, going somewhere, seeing a vision, turning around to go somewhere else, seeing a vision, turning again, and on and on
She was currently driving
Or more like swerving
All you needed were some damn glue sticks for a project you needed to do
But every time Alice decided on a new destination, a vision of a horrible catastrophe would enter her mind, and she would change her course
You had enough
"Alice! Enough of this! Just pull over and let me drive!"
"No! I need to know the safest route... ugh! Everywhere is dangerous!"
"Name one vision you've had in the past week that actually came true."
"Well I don't know if they would have come true or not because I didn't go to those places. And look! We are perfectly fine! Everyone is fine!"
"But I don't have all night, Alice! Just choose a fucking store and go there!"
And so she did. She chose the small supermarket right outside of town
She looked nervous as soon as she placed the car in park
But you ignored it and walked in
You walked through the aisles, looking for the one thing you came here for, when you hear Alice gasp behind you
In her mind, she sees you tripping and falling into a display of DVDs, cutting your arm on one of the metal frames holding them in place
And straight in your path is the DVD case
So naturally she tries to grab you
Only she doesn't grab you, she accidentally pushes
You don't fall in her vision, just like how you didn't fall in real life
She was the one who hurt you, pushed you
That was the problem
The reason why there was a horrible disaster everywhere she tried to go was because she was going to cause something one way or another
Only this is worse, because now it involves you
The DVDs scatter, and she hears your cry of pain as the sharp, crooked metal frame pierces the skin of your arm
She is by your side in a moment, scooping you up and not even bothering with the mess you both left behind
On the way home, you are trying to convince her that it's not that bad, but she is beside herself
After Carlisle's inspection, you get a couple of stitches in your right bicep, but other than that you're perfectly fine
And Alice doesn't leave your side
She is constantly fussing
Asking if you're okay, if you need anything, if you're mad at her, if you want to leave her, if you blame her
But after you go to sleep and she watches over your peaceful form, she convinces herself that you're alright
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It was spring break and the Cullens decided to go to one of Carlisle's many tropical properties
It was the third day of the trip, everybody went to do their own things
Alice, Esme, and Rosalie went into town to go souvenir shopping
They dragged Emmett along to be their personal bag carrier
Edward and Bella were down at the private beach that came with the property, enjoying the sun and relaxing
That left you, Jasper, and Carlisle
The three of you were at the attached pool on the house
Carlisle was marinating in the hot tub, sunglasses on and a book in his hands
You and Jasper were in the pool doing anything and everything
Diving, jumping, swimming, racing (he always won), and messing with the pool toys
You had just climbed up the stairs to get out of the pool again, intending on showing Jasper your graceful canonball
But he noticed you were walking a bit too fast
He saw you trip, and like slow motion he sprang out of the water to save you
Only he didn't
His arms wrapped around your middle, saving you from a possible twisted ankle or scraped knee or bruised butt
But that didn't stop the back of your head from smacking onto the concrete
White hot pain erupted behind your eyes and knocked you out instantly
Your blood began to seep onto the wet floor beneath you, and he couldn't help himself
Carlisle heard everything and got up immediately
But he didn't get there in time to stop Jasper from wrapping his mouth around your throat and biting down
In a flash Carlisle threw Jasper up and off of you, rocketing him into the water, and scooped you up to run inside
You awoke some hours later, a throbbing in your head and a dull pain in your neck
The beep of a heart monitor was all you heard
Looking around, you were in the room you shared with Jasper, where just the night before you wrapped around his cold body and drifted to sleep
Only he was nowhere to be seen
Carlisle came to check on you, and he told you what happened
"Where is he? Where's Jasper?"
"... He... left."
"What do you mean he left?"
"He almost killed you. He would have killed you if I wasn't there. He feels terrible- no. Terrible isn't strong enough of a word."
It takes Emmett and Edward tracking him down and dragging him home for you to see him again
And even then he insists on Edward and Emmett holding his arms in case he were to try anything
He looks so broken
Muted red eyes, golden blonde hair shooting in every direction, the same swim trunks he had been wearing that day were covered in dirt and blood- presumably yours
And his face
He looked on the verge of tears, he would have been crying if he could
If the dry heaves coming from deep in his chest were any indication
He flinches when you take his face in your hands, trying to get away, not wanting to hurt you more
But when he kisses you, he remembers why he tries so hard to be good in the first place
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You had been asking Rosalie for WEEKS if she would pleeeeeeease take you hunting with her
And she had been turning you down for weeks
It's a very gross, animalistic process that she, quite frankly, doesn't want you to see
But she loves you
And she is only so strong
So after so many begs, pleads, and puppy dog eyes, she caves
She decides to make it a cute little weekend trip
Taking you to one of Carlisle's properties farther north into the snowy mountain region
You settle in to the spacious cabin and Rosalie makes sure you're all bundled up in luxurious furs and warm scarves before you both venture into the wilderness
She explains what she's doing step-by-step while she sniffs the air, searching for her prey
A wolf because she's part of the "Fuck Jacob" team
She sits you in a clearing and tells you to stay in place while she finds her wolf
You do, finding a snowy log and brushing it off to sit on
She ventures into the forest, eventually finding a suitable wolf and beginning her hunt
Chasing the wolf, being chased by the wolf, until she eventually leads it to your clearing
She knows you'll love the theatrics of seeing her kill it in live action
She chases the beast all the way until it's about to clear the tree line before she pounces
She can imagine herself from your point of view
Bright, shiny skin, flowing hair, posed in midair, and finally coming down gracefully upon her prize
Except she doesn't
The wolf takes a quick turn at the last moment, sending her flying straight into you
There's not much she can do while suspended in flight, and it happens too fast for you to recognize
In an instant her whole body slams into you at full force, knocking both of you onto the powdery ground below
The grunt of pain you let out is excruciating
She rolls off of you quickly, holding onto you, asking if you're okay, if you're hurt
You try to put on a brave face, but when you move your left arm in an attempt to prop yourself up, you find you can't move it
Broken. Completely snapped. And you scream
She paces in Carlisle's home clinic while he puts your cast on, worried out of her mind
But when Carlisle opens the door and she sees you sitting on the table with a goofy grin and a bright red cast, she can't help but relax
"You said red was your favorite color, right?"
And she just kisses you
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You'd been dating Emmett for a while now, and had decided it was time for him to meet your family
And what better time and place for a first meeting than your nephew's fourth birthday party?
It was the middle of August, and the sun was hot
The icing was melting off of the cake as it sat on the food table
All of the adults were drinking margaritas and the kids had decided to play with the water balloons to cool off
Your uncle and Emmett were filling up the balloons as all of the kids at the party talked excitedly
You laughed as your nephew came up to you and asked you to be on his team for the fight
Of course you couldn't say no
And of course, to even the playing field, the other team got to have your human tank of a boyfriend
Very even
Emmett just smirked at you as your uncle assumed his place as the referee and commenced the battle
Pink, blue, green, yellow, and red balloons were flying like crazy
Small party hats were knocked off of even smaller heads
The giggles of 20 little kids rang loud in the air as water spurted all over the grassy lawn
And you took your chance to pelt your boyfriend as hard as you could
His light blue shirt was soaked, and his khaki shorts had a huge wet spot on the front
You were doubled over in laughter at the sight of your scary boyfriend covered in little pieces of rubber, with one particularly large piece hanging off of his ear
But he hadn't thrown any at you yet
"Come on, big guy! Don't be a wussy!"
"Oh you asked for it now!"
You saw him grab a little pink water balloon, it looking even smaller in his hand, and he threw it straight at your head
You briefly wonder if he filled his balloon with cement
The next thing you know you're laying in bed, an ice pack perched on your forehead
"Oh my god, you're awake. I'm so sorry, baby. I didn't mean to, you know how I get out of control sometimes. Not that that's an excuse! I'm just trying to explain-"
You cut him off with a finger to his lips
"Shush... .'m tired"
And so he just lets you sleep the rest of the night, his hand in yours the whole time
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Frankly, she doesn't know why you asked for her help
The Cullens had just moved into their newest house, and everything was set for the "kids" to join the local highschool the next day
You wanted a new look
"New place, new people, new me" you had said
She understood that much
But when you approached her one night with a box of hair bleach and a pleading look on your face, she was lost
Why her? Why not Alice or Rosalie? Or- and hear me out- a professional? They had the money
But you wanted to do it yourself. But not actually yourself For some reason you wanted Esme to do it
And even though she didn't understand, she still agreed
So that's how she found herself closely studying the instructions on the back of the little box telling her what to mix and where
"What's taking so long?"
"Hold on... ugh! This thing doesn't make any sense!"
"It's okay I'm sure it's super simple. I mean they give you all of the stuff. Just mix it all together and slap it on my head!"
Bad idea
She mixes everything together just like you asked, and plops a big lump of it onto the crown of your head
Instantly your hair starts smoking
You scream, asking her to take it off
And she tries, but it's not working
Carlisle to the rescue once more
She is so apologetic
She feels so bad that she hurt you so much
And at least you did get that new look you wanted
Shaved-to-the-skin bald
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He was feeling a bit cooped up
He loves his family, and he loves his life in the Americas, but sometimes he misses traveling and his old friends
So he decided to take you with him to Europe to see some old pals
Not the Volturi obviously
But some other acquaintances he hadn't seen for a while
You were a month into the three-month trip Carlisle had planned
You'd visited Italy, Greece, Spain, France, Britain, and were on your way to Germany
This next friend you were on your way to visit was a man named Friedrich Hans
Carlisle spoke passively about him, nothing positive or negative
He was one of the ones he hadn't been able to contact beforehand about visiting
He wasn't even sure if Friedrich was still alive, or if he even lived in Germany
He wasn't betting on either, but he still figured he would try a visit
The taxi pulled up in front of an unassuming house on a busy street in Berlin, painted a light grey with black paneling around the windows and doors
Carlisle opened your door for you, extending a hand to help you out
He walked with you to the door, rapping his knuckles against the solid wood
Instantly it creaked open and a voice inside whispered "Perfect" before a pale, veiny hand reached out and grabbed your arm
You yelled for it to let you go, begging Carlisle for some help
He grabbed you around the waist with one arm, using the other to try to pry the man's hand from your wrist
The opposing forces splintered on your bones and a sickening crack ran through your arm
Your hand fell limp and Carlisle was finally able to pry you away from the force in the house
"Ah... Carlisle... old friend"
"Old friend? You just tried to kill my S/O!"
"S/O... you always were a weird one Mr. Cullen... sincerest apologies... come in for chat?"
"No thank you, I believe we will be taking our leave now."
And with that he rushed you to the nearest hospital
He didn't have his medical equipment, so he just pretended to not know German so they wouldn't ask questions about how you broke your wrist
He cuts the trip short then and there
He sends letters to all of his friends that he wasn't able to visit, explaining that something urgent came up
He is so apologetic for the weeks afterward
He is convinced it was his fault even though it wasn't
He doesn't relax until your cast is off btw
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Vampire! Bella:
Since she's so new to the vampire life, she doesn't know her own limits yet
She has hurt you a lot in the past
All accidents of course
Hugging you too hard, punching you playfully on the shoulder, telling you to catch something and literally lobbing it as hard as she can
She always feels terrible afterwards
But the worst was the time you took her bowling
It was 10 am on a Tuesday and there was no one at the bowling alley
Not even the competitive grandmas and grandpas in their bowling leagues
The only other person in the building was the bored looking cashier who wasn't even trying to hide that he was on his phone behind the counter
You both took your time to pick your balls, trying out all of the ones on the rack to see your best fits
You laced up your ugly shoes, input your names on the scoreboard screen and off you went
It was fun for the first couple of turns
Until the ball return does that stupid thing where it doesn't actually return your ball
It's your turn, and you're standing at the ball return tapping your foot restlessly waiting for it to show up
"You know, you can just use mine"
Bella stands up and grabs the ball she chose
The resin was a beautiful mix of black, purple, and pink with some reflective glitter sprinkled throughout
It's so gorgeous that you don't even check the weight
You hold out your hands to take it and it just drops straight through
And directly onto your foot
You let out a loud scream and try to move, but the ball won't roll off of your foot
Bella starts panicking, asking what she should do, scrambling around until eventually she picks up the ball and throws it onto the ground behind her
Maybe she forgot that the cashier was there, or maybe she didn't care, but she picked you up and started sprinting at full speed back to the Cullen house
She even left the car at the alley smh
On the verge of inconsolable
She is so frustrated that she can't learn to control herself
Doesn't leave your side tho
Note: Just for shits and gigs I timed how long this took me
Started at 12:01 am
Jasper done at 12:21 am
Edward done at 12:40 am
Alice done at 12:56 am
Rosalie done at 1:19 am
Emmett done at 1:33 am
Esme done at 1:44 am
Carlisle done at 2:03 am
Bella done at 2:16 am
Total time 2 hrs 15 mins
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memser · 9 months
mcr blogger dash in 2025
🪳 buggerard
still so much debate about sexualizing gerards moans in Self-Flagellant but no ones talking about why in that muffled intro mikey is asked to leave the studio??
#im telling you something happened #frerard solos dni
🌫️ coquettegee Follow
yes in the new doc lindsey had any pronouns on her intro card but so did gerard. i think they just used his as a template and its some sort of error
🔁 singleangelicnote
all your posts are still using he/him for gerard and this sounds terribly gendercrit get help op
🔁 coquettegee
i see him as more of a femboy type and i have since dd, don't try to police me
🔁 kondemnedkadaver
🐕 omgee
"november 22nd of 2024 right before the teaser dropped" uh oh guys
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Anonymous asked
when will you people address the themes of necrophilia in the limited vinyl comic
🪨 fyeahfoundationsofdecay
sorry i didnt have 200 dollars and i dont care
#the larger mcr conscious has forgotten he jerked it to horror movies
🌄 infectionpiece
a bralette and the comfort flannel
#i hauve
🧘 clergy-xxx
I have some. bad news. Frank did not
🤹‍♀️ cryptclown
✴️ grifties Follow
selling ltd edition frank iero binder!! it still has the skeleton decals and it still glows in most low light. from the first run with that chemical they had to recall so probably don't wear it without a shirt on top or if you don't have insurance lol. 30 bucks just dm me.
🦕 toro-saurus
October 25th 2022
🔁 toro-saurus
omg my old post i was so correct
#meeee when the new single dropped #how does he find the time truly
🤺 singleangelicnote
Guys since why does that new pope follow Gerard's private account on Globeus theres only like 80 people on there she HAS to know
🪳 buggerard
dude i lost my implant magnet 🥲 im using my old touchscreen to post on here
#gawd im having swarm tour livestream flashbacks
🧘 clergy-xxx
I actually went to a few shows during danger days and mikey would often just turn around during the destroya incidents. theres video on youtube if you can get past the ad walls
🤹‍♀️ cryptclown
oh okay super awesome!!! so mikey leaving during antics isnt new. did frank leave too?
🪨 fyeahfoundationsofdecay
does anyone remember when the heavn photos came out. i had a job then and i saw them literally a year later
🔁 buggerard
november 22nd of 2024 right before the teaser dropped
#wild night to be online tbh
🌬️ mesmer
i got concussed what happened sunday
🔁 mesmer
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bboricha · 1 year
eyes up here, darling!
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➳ wc: ~600 ➳ pairings: pervert singer friend!venti x afab!reader ➳ cw: spanking, possessive!venti, there's actually no mention of venti being a singer lol, mention of onlyfans, heizou is mentioned briefly, degradation, dacryphylia if u squint, fingering, light bondage (with a belt), pet name (darling), not proofread ➳ kabukicho bad trip: 5wirl edition masterlist
synopsis: you're eating lunch with venti as he talks your ear off about some survival show. he usually wears sunglasses, but on the rare occasion of when he takes them off, you get to see what's really going on in his mind...
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you’re eating in the dining hall, zoning out to your friend venti babbling on about some show– guy… planet? boy… world? something about idols and you can’t bring yourself to listen to anymore about him gushing over who gets center uncaffeinated. you’re thinking back to your lit class and kazuha, confused by the whole situation. you’ve seen a lot of things when you read people’s minds, you thought you’ve seen it all! but never in your life did you expect to see someone thinking about railing you while your grandpa of a professor drones on about literature! suddenly, venti gets in your face, the braids of his hair swaying as your thoughts come to a stop.
“hey, are you even listening?” he asks, waving a hand in your face. “mmhm,” you say blankly, clearly not. “ok, then what did I just say about my onlyfans?” “wait—what?” you blink at him, staring at your own reflection on his sunglasses. he catches you off guard and grins mischievously, lowering his sunglasses to look straight at you in the eyes. the thing about venti is that he has a habit of wearing sunglasses, something about how he wants to protect his eyes and what not. so you usually don’t see him without them, and when you do, he happens to be thinking nothing (honestly, you never really thought of him as anything aside from a thoughtless idiot so you were never surprised by this). but right now? you get sent straight into the depths of his mind.
you see yourself bent over on a bed, ass up face down. venti runs a finger up and down your dripping slit, playing with it, teasing you gently just to watch you squirm.
“ven…ti…” you whine needily, swaying your bare ass as he grins, the corners of his mouth lifting up sadistically.
“you’re so,” his hand comes down hard on the left side of your butt, “fucking,” he hits the right side this time, “desperate,” he smacks right in the middle, his finger a breadth away from slapping your pussy, “it’s a bit pathethic, darling…” he finishes, shoving two fingers inside of you without warning as you cry out, moaning loudly. he drinks up all the sounds you make, thrusting his fingers in and out as he marvels the way your ass is changing colors.
“beautiful… i don’t hate it, you know. seeing you out of control like this…” he whispers, pulling out his fingers to gently caress one of your cheeks before landing another slap on it as you let out a whimper. “so pretty…”
he leans down, turning you around so that you’re on your back as he kisses away your sweet, sweet tears. he swipes away what he couldn’t kiss and runs a thumb over your lip. you take it into your mouth and suck on it obediently, making him throb against the confines of his pants.
“you’re so fucking perfect… I almost want to lock you up… for myself…” he says, now hovering over you as he takes off his belt. he gently grabs your wrists, wrapping the leather around him as he secures a knot, pinning your hands above your head. “we’re going to have so much fun…”
“haha! i’m just kidding,” he cackles, bringing you back to reality, “i don’t have an onlyfans, that’s heizou’s thing, not mine.” he’s wiping a tear away from laughing as you stare at him confused. a blush spreads on your face when you process what you just saw, averting your gaze away from him. venti watches your expression change and he thinks you’re blushing at the onlyfans comment. he grins and reaches a hand out to your face, tracing a thumb over your cheek.
“eyes up here, darling. i’d prefer it if you keep your focus on me.”
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➳ an: he said it!!! he said the thing!!!!!!
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babybluebex · 6 months
lol can you imagine showing DS tweets and TikTok videos of people being charmed by/thirsting over him).
“Save me Dominic Sessa, Save me”
“I never wanted a man this bad before”
And my personal favorites
“dominic sessa you have to stop. your swag too silly. your joy too whimsical. they’ll kill you”
“He’s got me Zendaya laughing whenever he speaks”
(this made me realize his initials are DS, so henceforth he shall be known as my little nintendo 🫠)
but i can imagine it's like a nightly ritual for you guys to lay in bed, your head on his chest, and scroll thru tiktok and show him the funny stuff you saw during the day, and a lot of it are edits and memes about him (bc tiktok's algorithm is goofy and if you search for a specific topic once, your fyp is FUCKED forever) and he's online but not Online, so you need to explain some to him
"dominic sessa you have to stop, your smoke too real, your bitch too bad, they'll kill you" and he's like "what does that mean?" and you have to go "they're just saying you're cool and like, i don't know, people are jealous of you" and he goes "'your bitch too bad'?" "i guess they think i'm pretty" "you are, but i don't like that they called you a bitch :(" "no, it's not mean, like it could've easily been 'your girl too bad' or whatever" and a few days later he's asked about that specific tweet in an interview, just a kinda "have you seen this" type thing, and he's like "yeah i've seen it, and thanks, but also, don't call my girlfriend a bitch, even as a joke, because she's not" and THEN the joke becomes "dom sessa drinks his respect women juice"
or like you'll show him one that says "dominic sessa, pls reject me so i can move on already" and he thinks that's HYSTERICAL and won't shut up about it for DAYS
and you teach him about the "I ♥️ [whoever]" memey shirts, and he's away from home for work and gets papped on the street wearing a shirt that says "I ♥️ [your name]" and you're like "were you gonna TELL ME you bought that?" and he shrugs "i'll get you one with my name on it so we match"
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polaris-stuff · 10 days
*destroys the door*
Do you have any ships with sun ? I want to know them.
I don't need sleep I NEED ANSWERS
Ohhohoho, I have, dear anon 😎🤏✨
Let's make a little organized list so this post doesn't look so disastrous lol
Sun x Eclipse (SunChips): The first ship I saw and loved in this show. Sun and Eclipse are so similar to each other; they both went through horrible times thanks to Old Moon, they both wanted their own bodies, and I dare say that if the show had taken another route, Sun and Eclipse could have been friends talking about their traumas and Old Moon being the cause of them 😔 OG Eclipse was always defending Sun in a way, killing the government agent who threatened to decommission Sun, wanting to rebuild the world so that July 16th wouldn't happen again, facing Old Moon when Sun couldn't. Idk, it's like a enemies to lovers with extra steps and slow burn XD💖💖💖
Sun x Spaniard: EHEM. HEAR ME OUT. It is no lie to anyone that Sun was in daycare most of the time, even when New Moon or any other family member was not there, but do you know who was always there accompanying Sun? The computer, Spaniard. Also, Spaniard asking Sun for a body? That blew my mind, I was like WOAH!! He wants to kiss Sun! Hehehe ✨
Sun x Solar: Oh, the tragedy of being the spitting image of the person your lover lost. Sun helping Solar to heal slowly, making him understand that he is not a monster, what happened is not his fault, Solar just wanted to live 🥺💖 Plus, man, Solar would be so sweet and nice to him, lowering his voice to talk to him because Solar knows that Sun doesn't like it when people talk too loud. Kissing Sun's hands and hugging him when Sun is having too much anxiety 😔💖💖
Sun x Bloodmoon: oh boy, Beauty and the Beast but the Beast does act like a beast. Idk, imagine Sun seeing the BM twins being so gentle with each other, caring so much about each other's well-being, I feel like Sun would think that they're not really that bad, yeah, they're murderers and all that, but it's not their fault either, they were programmed that way; After all, BM really likes the calm.
Sun x KC: HEAR ME OUT PART 2!! When Old Moon died, I love to think that Sun ended up living with KC for a couple of weeks just because KC was the only thing left of OM. And of course, KC knew that but if he could help Sun feel better, he would gladly do it, he owed it to OM.
Sun x Dark Sun: man, I love selfcest. Dark Sun doing his whole plan to, idk, help Sun? That's so gay. Dark Sun really cares about Sun and wants to push him to his full potential, that's so beautiful. And gay.
And I think that's it! I can't remember any more at the moment but if I do, I'll edit this post 💖✨
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|| Marlon
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Summary: after a strange interlude during one of their latest bike excursions, Elaine is left reeling at the new reality of sharing, and the insistence by the men around her that no more discussion is needed on the matter. Bereft, adrift and not a little curious, Elaine’s rather sure she’s finally crossed that damnable line that Elvis first nudged her up against.
Warnings: 18+ only -smut, hot tubs, pats threesome mentioned, sorta a foot job but only because that’s the only discreet body part nearby?? not trying to make that weird. public play, emotional (and some physical) infidelity. Elvis is in his Bastard era, be warned.
Authors note: this is a fragment but it may be all j ever produce on this subject, we shall see. It was requested and so here it is, such as it is. I always love answering Headcanons and theories so if this sparks interest, confusion or anger, lemme hear it. And Honestly? For those of y’all not into this? It’s not essential enough to be read or considered canon for Sarge, the breakdown of their marriage having only a small part to do with this. This entire side quest is a bit more of an exploration of Elaine, so feel free to leave it be if it’s not for you.
Apologies ahead of time for the poorly edited and misspelled content lol 💋
Circa: 1967ish
“I just saw the silhouette of a very attractive woman ridin’ an attractive man I thought I’d lend a hand.” Marlon answers her straight, Elaine deserves that with all the bullshit she has to deal with these days -threesomes included. And the kitchen is finally empty of kids. He knows whatever arrangement the Presleys have with the redhead has to be more concession than ideal. The least he can do is admit something he’s never hid before, even from Elvis himself: Elaine Presley is uniquely capable of giving him the hots and something about Elvis Presley mismanaging her magnificence tickles the masochistic tendencies Marlon has had it suggested to him by therapists might have a root in childhood perversity. Neglectful parents and weird nannies and that sort of shit.
Marlon doesn’t know. Sat at her kitchen bar, drinking her daughter’s lemonade, Elaine is owed this much, an answer to why he opened that tent flap and slurped cunt when he’s barely so much as held her hand before, not even during mealtime prayers. She’s got to be some sort of neglected if she can’t shake it, or maybe she’s wickeder than those gentle eyes has them all thinking.
“That’s not enou- thats, Marlon, you said yourself everyone used to…go at it..during those trips!” she hisses the last part as if there’s some shame left to this household where the man of the place flaunts his dalliances like it’s part of the press tour for the latest trash comedy. His wife’s dignity and pain be damned.
“Ma’am, I’m just a man.” Marlon insists- Elaine is in love with her husband, after all.
“That’s rather my point!” Elaine warms to it, “-there were a lotta couples you coulda lent a hand to and there were a lotta men loiterin’ about but only you chose to ‘lend a hand’ and you chose…us! Why! Why?”
“Have you seen the couple you make?” he asks levelly.
“What was that, Marlon? What was that?” she begs again, eyes no longer soft but wild and shimmering.
“You’re not this stupid, Elaine.” he takes a sip of lemonade Daisy made just for him, “Even if he likes it best when you act like you are.”
She doesn’t even bat an eye at it, and Marlon thinks it’s a damn shame, a crime really, for any man to wear a woman down this far. Maybe Marlon is as bad as her husband for pushing on the bruise he made. Can’t be helped, he’s always been an opportunist. He can be honest even if it’s a ugly, masculine, virulent truth that makes a mockery of vows and roles and institutions like marriage and dreams.
“Wanna show me just how clever you really are, little lady?“ he’s risen from his seat, sauntered over to her by now, no contact, except for his thumb that tugs at her bottom lip, thumbnail at the root of a tooth. Her eyes are brimming with tears -they both know it’s not sadness. If she were a woman to cry from sadness she'd never have a dry eye.
“The house is full.” Elaine sounds hoarse.
What a flimsy little objection for so virtuous a woman. The way Elaine chases his thumb as he retracts it tells him -try again, when it’s empty, test me once more.
Summers are long in Palm Springs, there’s always more lemonade to be drunk. He’ll be back, they both know that. For now, the house is full. He sits back down at the table. Elvis and five children and a buncha good for nothings he calls friends come in wet from the pool twelve minutes later. Marlon curses, he could have brought her to climax twice in that time. If only she’d stop looking at him like he’s planning to steal her from her husband, give it a few months and she’ll not be wary but eager for it.
Summer turns to Autumn and Autumn to Winter and the Presleys choose to ring in the new year in the gentle climate to California after a bracing Graceland Christmas.
Marlon doesn't know what a Presley Christmas is comprised of except for hearsay from Daisy’s long over the phone account and the toys shown him when he dropped by as soon as they were in town. He’d brought his own kids, the ones near at hand, to play for a bit and the rest had taken to them well enough while Daisy sat beside him and told him about the roller blades she’d gotten. He imagines a sickeningly happy affair with stiff smiles and a great deal of bling bought by Elvis and Elaine getting fucked in a Santa lingerie set.
Marlon doesn’t know about Presley christmases.
But he’s learning about their New Year’s -it’s past twelve, the kids are abed and champagne has been toasted, wishes swapped and the nighttime air rustling the palms has been obliging enough to even be a little brisk and chilly. Just for atmosphere, he guesses.
It’s nice as the hot tub they’re all in is bubbling like hell’s cauldron, with the jets on full blast and their buddies -Elvis’ buddies from the way Elaine is the only woman amongst thirteen men- are stacked in it like sardines. Marlon is here because he hasn’t driven himself home yet, he supposes, otherwise she’d be very alone.
The guys, the other twelve, they’re swapping stories and being loud, noisy and obnoxious as Elaine relaxes in her seat, frothy bubbles lapping around her clavicles and her neck, that lovely neck laying back on Elvis’ outstretched arm as he nearly forgets she’s there. She’s such an extension of him by now, her face lax with this chance to relax even as there’s hubbub all about.
Marlon, he can’t stop watching her and the way her eyes flit and flutter when the jets hit right, the way she melts into Elvis and the way he tolerates her adoration even here. Even at the beginning of a new year. Marlon wants to smack the man for telling anecdotes when he should be-
-hell Marlon doesn’t even know what he expects that Elvis should be doing, it’s not like he’s doing anything wrong or mean. no not at all in fact, he’s acting like a longtime married man and letting Elaine Presley vibrate beside him in euphoria unadmired. Talking to his buddies when Elaine Presley is turning to a puddle next to him and all Marlon knows is:
-if it were him, oh if it were him.
If it were him, Elaine would be melting sure, and he’d be watching every second of it like it were the meteor shower of the century. Turns out, even though she’s not his, he’s still watching all the same.
he’s still watching and forgetting to laugh with the cues when everyone else does. But she forgets too, floating away somewhere that makes her lips curl up a little and her face shimmer with sweat and steam. her legs float to the top of the roil from the jets, there’s a little giggle at the buoyancy. pink painted toes surfacing right in front of Marlon’s face opposite her.
He sees her, she looks to Elvis. To see if he notices.
He doesn’t.
That precious giggle of hers is lost in a roar of manly laughter over some unfortunate movie set story, as is the way Marlon’s hand reaches in the foam and puts his palm over the little pruned toes right in front of him, snapping at them with his hand like she’s a kid and he’s playing shark amongst the bubbles.
Elaine’s head swivels from watching Elvis to sending a questioning look towards Marlon.
She catches his eye, holds it. curious and pleased he’s in the same mood as her, stories and memphis mafia forgotten. A connection fizzles between them and she giggles again at having found a playmate.
But then he doesn’t let go, even as her foot goes down in the water, on the ledge, near between his legs and suddenly this isn’t playing shark.
Her posture goes rigid as Marlon starts to rub that dainty foot, engulfed in his warm hand, hidden by the discreet bubbles. He dared. It took her aback, it was offensive and flattering and she felt a violent fear at being suspected and then a pang of jealousy over the unlikeliness of it.
Between the warm water, the firm press of a man’ hand and the pummeling of the jets, her head starts to crane back again against Elvis’ shiny, toned bicep and the picture of a woman enjoying herself next to her husband but not from him shouldn’t make Brando so rash and angry but it does.
She fights for a minute but only in the way of guarding her face. but it’s been awhile since she’s been the center of someone’s universe -beyond a peg that this whole carnival that their life has turned into revolves around. perhaps a step of infidelity to let Brando see the pleasure he gives her, to see her the way Elvis once told her only belonged to him, but it was Elvis who cracked the door first, back in that tent, back in the spring.
Elvis notices, at long last, not the eye contact of a friend and his wife but the mewling body language of his woman. Not that Brando is holding her foot beneath the churning surface but that she looks nearly to the brink of orgasm from the jets. And snuggled up to him as she is -Elvis smirks. Of course his widdle baby is excited, sensitive little creature that she is.
Elvis thinks he’s being secretive when he keeps chatting with the guys but sneaks his hand to her bathing suit, not even looking over at her as his fingers find her seam and wiggle under.
Just the motion of his arm visible and Marlon sees the reflection in her face the minute her husband's hand begins to stroke her. His grip tightens on her foot involuntarily and she moans.
Her eyes are utterly focused on Marlon and it’s well that they are, if she were to tear away that frantic gaze he’s mad enough to make a scene right here and now, hopeless and damaging as it would be. But he has her eyes and the power that is in the caress of his thumb. He can see it, Elaine is imagining he’s stroking her instead of Elvis, using that suggestive tempo on her arch as a conduit to replace the coax of Elvis’ calloused pads against her bud.
Elaine braces her hand on Elvis’ thigh as she nears, just a reflex as he speeds his fingers up and she’s grips his thigh, almost wanting him not to intrude on this moment even as the brink nears. And Elvis, he thinks she’s trying to reciprocate but he is hardly in the mood for it, that would ruin his little game so he takes her hand away, puts it firmly back on her own lap and keeps up his pace against her slick petals.
When she comes, Elvis can feel her bow up beside him and without even looking he is smirking around his cigarillo, her legs kick out in a spasm and he feels bad for whoever’s crotch is opposite her. He smacks at her pussy once, twice, before quite obviously turning away from her to ask Charlie something related to arrangements.
It’s a damn game he likes to play with Elaine, seeing as she don’t mind it, she gets some benefit from it and he’s seen that face a million times, he doesn't need to look.
But Marlon.
Marlon’s gaze on Elaine is heavy enough it feels like the caress of aftercare all on its own, and some stinging part of Elaine’s battered heart feels loyalty to him for that. for watching her, delighting in her even as everyone else snickers or ignores.
She flexes her foot in his hand.
Her flex touches tender flesh and up to where he is pulsing and firm between his thick thighs. It startles her, somehow not expecting either the usual anatomy or else -not this level of arousal. Not to this degree, not in public, not when her husband just claimed her so casually. Her eyes sting at being flaunted as his little plaything, the one she’s been happy to be since that honeymoon train ride down to Texas. It feels belittling suddenly, and it’s Marlon’s aloof admiration to blame.
She flexes her foot again, heel firm to his base and eyes unwavering. A little repayment, a little show of thanks. It’s too much.
Marlon covers his eyes with his hand as if to wipe the mist away. Her coal smudged eyes are scorching his face and her foot, such a lowly part of her, and yet it’s pressing and he’s wanted her to admit to wanting for such a longtime and suddenly there’s the feel of his warm release flashing against Elaine’s foot in the broiling hot tub for an instant. Only an instant splash and a thob, then it swirls around them all, lost and sordid and utterly misused.
A waste. A deadbeat hope. A torn confession.
It’s late when they all get out, Elaine can barely meet his eyes now, dazed she willingly did that herself. Up in their room Elvis shucks his wet shorts off, relaxed and in a good mood to tease her about her being so needy for him in the tub as he leaves the shorts where they drop on the carpet and puts himself in her, into his wife, his plaything, his darling.
And God help her, for the first time in her life Elaine’s mind wanders to someone else as Elvis’ face is buried in her neck, huffing in pleasure over her swollen state.
After a long while of waiting for them to show again downstairs, the Memphis mafia laugh it off that the mister and missus must’ve gotten distracted -and it’s lights out and manly predictions about a noise complaint and a happy start to the new year.
Marlon goes to his damn car, he exits that beautiful house into the balmy night air with its twinkling stars and strong humidity that will now forever be tied to the curls at the nape of her neck and the beads of moisture on her nose, and he saunters away from Elaine Presley’s house where Elvis Presley gets to go home. Go home to lose interest and gain interest in that gorgeous woman at whim. Brando leaves it and gets in his car and stares at the single light in the house that’s still glowing for far too long.
Upstairs, throbbing and staring at the beamed ceiling and its whitewashed villa tile, Elaine startles at the sound of a car starting and pulling out of the drive. It’s late for a loitering guest, but Marlon was always one to loiter when it came to her family. Loiters with the kids and loiters with Daisy, accepting her adoption of his Godfather responsibilities with ease Elaine wants to hate him for, and he loitered in the tent on their motorcycle drive when Elvis and Elaine should have been left alone to be husband and wife, yet -he loitered. That once he had stayed. And no one speaks of it, that night gone by, though it tumbles around in Elaine’s mind like the jets that battered her flesh tonight, fresh as anything: the feel of Elvis’ shock at Brando’s presumption and then her husband’s pride warring with his excitement and for her -the feel of a man licking at her while her husband was inside her. How Elvis can think such a night can be tabled for all further discussion is beyond her, and Elaine stares at the ceiling and prays for forgiveness for this wild curiosity that has finally led her astray. She’s as bad as the papers would make her. Voracious and untamable in her appetites, finally it’s gone beyond Elvis alone, even if he was the one to crack open the floodgate with his hubris.
Now she wonders about an older face, a broader chest, almost fleshy shoulders and a hairy belly in the glow of the jacuzzi lights, Marlon had looked a man, older and impressive and unfamiliar compared to her precious and ever more pristine husband. And she had seen behind the screen of his hand the flash of agonized ecstasy her touch had caused him. She had made another man lose it. Someone besides Elvis. She knew, hypothetically, that a whole generation of boys had grown up tugging themselves to pictures of her, half of the barracks has been besotted and not in a wholesome way. But to have an older, impressive, commanding man enjoy her, want her?
Elaine throbbed.
There had been an emotional and sexual adjustment that Elaine had to make when she went from marrying a controlling manchild to being his emotional ballast and superior after losing Jo. Elaine hadn’t had a chance to think twice about how suited to it she was, how natural it felt to ease Elvis through it, whether she herself found it nice or not, whether it’s what she needed or not. Or what all she lost as she did so. It had been like pulling teeth to have him back in her bed at all, to have him something besides manically cheerful or pitifully morbid. She understood him. She didn’t even blame him. But it didn’t change how very -open, it left her to the slightest firmness of intent shown by another.
She’d been enjoying stepping into Gladys’ shoes, she’d been enjoying tossing off the role of being Elvis’ dolly and becoming his nanny, all of it had been a show of his trust in her until the load had become too heavy and when she turned to someone to rest her head, she found her husband's head already in her lap.
Until Marlon.
Until a grunted “huh” above her in the stuffy garage as she worked on the bike, only for her to look up and to find it wasn’t Charlie or Marty snickering at her for being all greasy again. It had been a wide stanced superstar looking at her like she was a specimen he wanted to inspect.
It had been Marlon and he’d come to meet her, to talk to her about bikes, to admire her shape in leathers and he stayed because Daisy liked him so.
Or maybe he’d stayed for Elaine. That had been reprehensible to imagine before tonight, perhaps only because if there was a man out there who would dare try to take her from The King, it would be him. And before now that had been impossible, not even fathomable or feasible, if she didn’t think it she wouldn’t invite it, she was sure. Marlon Brando wasn’t a good man, but he could be kept contained if kept at arms length.
Now though, that vision of him staring tonight, the feel of his hand stroking her, competing with her husband for her pleasure -there’s no ignoring now how he looks at her, has looked for some time, the way he loves to see her riled but not at him, strange how he’s never infuriated her like Elvis endeavors to on a daily basis. As if he knows his very presence is thrumming enough for her. And he wouldn’t want to see her vibrate apart. Not fully. Only because she’d hate that so. But if she ever asked he’d take her apart like a little marionette and then glue her back.
Rattling, that was more Elvis’ speciality, rattling her apart. She was tired of buzzing. If only he could always be one thing, but lately he was a myriad and she felt married to a performer more each day until she lay beneath him and wondered how Marlon would feel penetrated deep within her.
Elaine hears Elvis and his shower turn off at the same time she strains to hear the mechanical creak of the gates opening to let Brando out.
“Still layin’ how I left ya, hopin’ f’more, baby?” her husband asks her as he turns the light out and lays against her warm and familiar and moist.
In the drive, Brando bites his lip and forces his gaze from the rearview and the darkened house in it and speeds out of the hills. Daisy will call again soon enough, the call again and again, and if he’s lucky he’ll hear about how Elaine is from time to time or even hear her voice briefly as she answers before passing the receiver off to her little girl. Those are certainties in the new year.
It’s wicked of him, but his hopes are entirely different. They’re of her calling, and not another excuse being made.
Just Elaine calling to tell him “the house is empty.”
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bonjas · 1 month
season 2 predictions:
I feel like I saw way more behind the scenes stuff that I never saw in the actual show, leading me to believe that either A. they already knew they would get a season 2 and filmed it at the same time or B. what was originally filmed was split up, hence why it feels so choppy. BUT probably neither of these things are true I'm just projecting 😩 cuz I still can't wrap my head around this season
I predict season 2 will bring us back to the original plot of Armando and Betty dating on the down-low and sneaking around behind everyone's back and that's how they reignite their relationship, and it's gonna end in another wedding for them.
there's sooooo much to talk about from the last two episodes but I'm too tired to really dive in, I can only think in bullet points lmao:
did I miss something? why did all of a sudden Hugo end the union/strike? that made no sense 😩
how did Mila and them even know about the papero and how to get there.....again did I miss something lol (edit: I forgot they're the original Ecomoda bodegas, but still they were acting like they knew exactly who he was, how lol)
the timeline was so fucked up. so you're telling me they ended the strike, Mila finds out that night about her mom and dads past, the next day Betty goes on the trip to cartagena and they're doing the fashion show at the same time? how did it get done so fast?! no one bothered to ask their president if they could do it, had the funds for it, bothered to ask her to come? HUH????? 💀 showing random shots of sewing and fabric doesn't do shit to show the passage of time 😭😭
the ADR by the beach sucked so bad it looked AI generated lmao. I'd rather have shitty ocean wave audio like in the original lol
Armando's lawyer continues to make no fucking sense as to why she even wants to be with him, it's a useless storyline with no context other than "of course she'd want to be with Armando Mendoza" and just serves as a "see, he's changed he's not hitting on other women" plot device
Betty's lawyer at least got to be cute and have actual interactions with her that help us make sense as to why she'd wanna make out with him 🤪 do yo thang girl
mila and nacho practically living together - huh?????? this novela is HORRIBLE at timelines, sense of time moving, days passing, literally without them saying that we would assume that was their second time sleeping together. bad bad bad.
mila going through the same betrayal as her mom - sorry I rolled my eyes at that one 😭 trying to wrap everything up in a bow having Mila discover the truth by somehow magically guessing his password, finding everything, spilling the beans during the meeting, all in one episode trying to have us connect to her heartbreak, girl we never fucking liked him lmao!!!!!!!! he was always ick as fuck u have horrible judgement 😭
glad her and Betty have essentially mended things but lmfao still have no idea why she was sent off for 5 years like that's not an insignificant time frame, 15 to 20ish is a HUGE stage of life and to have missed that??? like what?? but they depicted Mila so terribly I was still waiting for the other shoe to drop every time there was a "sweet" moment between them because they didn't give me any reason to think she was being genuine, I think that's a huge failing on their part cuz they never showed the love between them only Mila hating her, right to shopping and hanging out, there was a huge disconnect for me.
Mario you were fired, armando "rejected" your firing but what are you even doing here bro
Jeff and his relationship and their drama with Mila is so blah why is it even in this. Mila you suck for kissing him knowing he has a gf wtf? Also her hairstyle at the fashion show was giving Troll doll what did they do to you girl!!!
not letting Betty have a moment with her dad to actually talk about the diary is such a cop out, it could have been a beautiful moment in him confessing that he still failed her after trying so hard to protect her and she married the man that caused her the most pain and she couldve been like yeah it's pretty fucked up it's why I'm getting a divorce, after all that I feel like he still didn't accept us as his family~ or SOMETHING. crumbs, it's all I'm asking.
Ignacio being a sibling instead of a nephew is sooooooooo duuuuuuuumb lmfao literally serves no other purpose than to make people go GASP!!!! no purpose.
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kristinamae093 · 1 year
Hey There! I saw this, and I couldn't agree more! Nothing says I love you more than "I'm willing to try this for you." And this works for all kinds of relationships: romance, friends, and family, too.
Would you be able to create something showing this for one of your characters or pairings? It could be a drabble, fic, edit, art - anything at all!
NO PRESSURE AT ALL - only if you want to, but I'd love to see what you could come up with!
Hey @jerzwriter! 👋 Thank you so much for sending this my way! This was a lot of fun and I hope you enjoy this silly nonsense I came up with! 🙂
Baking Memories
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Everything else can be found here.
Book - TRR
Characters - Constantine, Liam.
Warnings - There's like, one bad word.
Word Count - 2489
A/N 1 - This is a one-shot from my HCTS AU, but this can absolutely be read as a stand-alone. The only thing you really need to know is Constantine didn't die as he did in canon and beat his cancer, but has been diagnosed a second time. Kyla (F!OC) is mentioned but not present, so I guess this takes place sometime between the previous chapter and the next.
A/N 2 - I slipped in the third @choicesflashfics prompt — “Why are you being so weird?” that will be bolded.
A/N 3 - (last one) - thank you SO MUCH @ao719 for reading through this for me and your suggestions! Any errors found are mine and mine alone, and I didn't really edit this a whole lot to be honest, so...... There's your warning lol 🙃.
Most characters belong to Pixelberry.
Constantine Rys was once a hard man; born and bred for royalty, he never got to enjoy and experience the little things in life. It never bothered him before, considering he was the reigning monarch of an entire nation with the world at his fingertips. However, since his retirement he found himself longing to experience all the things he missed out on. Today specifically, he wanted to learn how to bake; not just anything, a very specific recipe. 
His first wife was clueless in the kitchen and Regina knew very little, but Eleanor spoiled him with various baked goods consistently while she was alive. When she found the time for it Constantine never understood, but she always had warm cookies for him and the children to enjoy. He'll never forget the memories of retiring to his quarters after a long day and opening the door to hear the boys and Eleanor’s laughter, accompanied by the sweet, heavenly smell of whatever she prepared for them that day. 
Now, especially since his time left on earth was limited, he wanted to learn all these things he never had the opportunity to experience before. He found an instructor and Bastien vetted the person before scheduling a private lesson right in his quarters. His intention was to set everything up so Kyla could join him, but the teacher was only available on a specific day and Kyla was off. He knew she would still come if he asked, but he didn't want to impose on her personal time. Regina was his backup, but unfortunately, that day was a no from her as well. 
Even so, Constantine was still excited about his lesson. It may only be a class of one, but he was looking forward to putting his new skill to use. 
A knock sounded on his door and he quickly scurried over to answer it. On the other side stood Bastien, a woman who he assumed to be his 'teacher', and Liam, who Constantine hadn't told. It wasn't that he was trying to hide anything or keep secrets; he initially wanted to recruit Liam for this venture to begin with. However, he knew all too well how busy a Friday afternoon was as a solo monarch and figured it would be of no use to ask. However, his unexpected presence made Constantine hopeful that perhaps they would get to share this experience after all.  
"Son! What're you doing here?"
"I just so happened to be taking my lunch when I saw Bastien with Mrs. Finch." Liam motioned to the woman with a polite smile. "Care to explain to me why you're having bakers come to your quarters?"
"She's going to teach me."
"You want to bake?" Liam asked with an arched brow. 
"Do you remember those cookies your mother would make? The molasses ones?"
Liam's mouth involuntarily started watering. "I do… That's what you want to make?"
"Eventually I'd like to try other things, but that's where I’ll start. I haven't had them in years and the staff just can't make them the way she did, anyway. I was hoping if I took some lessons, perhaps I could give it a go." Constantine stopped talking as he took in Liam's nostalgic expression. "Care to join us?"
"I don't bake, or – haven't in quite a while."
"Then this is the ideal time to perfect your skills!" Constantine hopefully suggested.
Liam's face instantly fell at seeing him so excited. "I really wish I could, but I have a meeting soon." 
Constantine was trying his hardest to smile, but on a few occurrences he realized Liam was doing what he'd done to him and Leo for years; putting the crown first. He never realized how much it truly hurts to be left alone when the person you're longing to spend time with is occupied. Of course, he understood Cordonia does ultimately have to come first, but perhaps since his time was limited he was beginning to develop a love-hate relationship with the word duty. 
"Ah, I see... No worries, son." Constantine sadly smiled and motioned for the woman to come in. "If everything goes right, perhaps I can bring you some." 
The woman stepped inside and disappeared with Constantine. Liam remained outside the door, suddenly feeling guilty for leaving. His whole life all he wanted was a genuine relationship with his father, and now that he'd been blessed with it he often had to put the crown first. However, now that his father's time left was dwindling, he found it was practically impossible to walk away.  
"Bastien," Liam started, "Clear my schedule for the day – no, the weekend. I'm unavailable unless it's an emergency." 
Bastien smiled and bowed. "Of course, sir." 
Liam made his way inside his father's quarters to the in-suite kitchen and couldn't help but laugh as he saw his father wearing a white, puffy chef's hat. When Constantine looked up and saw Liam enter, the pure excitement radiating off of him was enough to fill Liam’s heart so full he was sure it would burst any moment. 
"Liam! What're you doing here?" 
"As it turns out, I had a cancellation." Liam winked. 
"Get in here, then! You need a toque as well." 
"I don't think–" 
"We are pastry chefs right now; it's absolutely necessary." Constantine held out a hat to him. 
Liam stared at it for a long moment before he took it and reluctantly put it on. "Happy?"
"Elated. Now, Mrs. Finch, what are we doing?" 
"First we'll start by creaming the sugars and butter together." She showed the pair her measurements, as well as how to soften the butter. Using a hand-held mixer, she swirled the bowl until the task was completed before continuing, "Now, the eggs. The biggest thing to remember is don't over mix, or your cookies won't turn out properly."
Constantine nodded and picked up an egg from the supplies laid before him. “I’ve never done this before…” He held it up with furrowed brows as he intently studied it. "How do we get – inside?" 
Mrs. Finch laughed. "We have to break it, sir. See? Like this." She gently cracked an egg on the counter and emptied it into the bowl. Liam silently chuckled at Constantine's flabbergasted expression; something so simple was blowing his mind, and his elation was incredibly contagious. "It's easy, you just need a hard surface. You try."
Constantine nodded and tried to mimic her by using the counter, but that resulted in multiple yolks in his palm after a number of failed attempts. Finally, he looked around the area searching for a different surface to try when he got the perfect idea. He took the egg and although he intended to lightly tap it, he ended up smashing it against Liam's forehead; the egg splattered but thankfully most of his hair was shielded by his new accessory. However, the yolk and slimy membrane started dripping down his face, accompanied by the remaining shells. 
Liam squeezed his eyes closed as the goo slipped over them and his mouth fell open in shock, but he quickly closed it to not ingest anything. He felt something soft on his forearm and blindly reached out to accept a towel someone offered him. 
After cleaning his face, Liam turned to Constantine with narrowed eyes. "Seriously?!" 
"I guess I do still have some strength left." Constantine nervously chuckled before he added, "I apologize, son, I had no intentions of being so… brute."
"Why my head, though?!"
"She said a hard surface…" 
"Ha. Ha." Liam grabbed an egg and without breaking eye contact used one hand and cracked it perfectly against the side of the bowl. "Gently, grasshopper – and it goes inside the bowl." 
Constantine’s mouth fell open. "You may be upset, but you will not refer to me as a bug–" 
"It's – Nevermind… Mrs. Finch, please continue." 
She did as instructed and walked them through the various steps to make the cookies, plus gave them tips and tricks along the way to help make sure the recipe turned out correctly. They sifted their dry ingredients together in a separate bowl and were preparing to combine everything together, but Constantine insisted he wanted to be the one to use the hand mixer this time. Liam was absolutely reluctant, but ultimately caved after a five-minute debacle. 
Liam stood beside him watching Constantine's every move; so far, he was doing incredibly well with this specific job. Mrs. Finch was slowly adding their dry ingredients and Liam started to relax, thinking that things were smooth sailing from here on out. 
His phone rang and he stepped away to answer it but remained in Constantine's line of sight. Liam spoke with furrowed brows, his face red, and Constantine could tell he was speaking sternly; it instantly piqued his interest. 
The conversation was short and Liam reappeared a moment later completely unfazed. "Who was that?" Constantine practically shouted over the mixer still whirring in his hand. Liam answered, but Constantine couldn't hear him. "What?!" Again, Liam said something, but Constantine couldn't make it out. 
There was text beside each button on the machine, but they were so small Constantine couldn't see which one was labeled power. He ended up increasing the speed to the maximum setting, causing the mixer to shake and vibrate in his hand. Liam walked back beside him and spoke again, but Constantine paid him no attention as he was trying to read the tiny prints. Instead of leaning over to try and find the correct one, he decided to bring the mixer to eye level. 
It happened in slow motion; everything was fine one second, and the next their still very thin batter was flying all over the front of Liam’s suit. Constantine naturally turned his direction to Liam instantaneously as he held the mixer at arm's length, away from his own body. The machine continued to forcefully whirl until the beaters were clean, all its contents now covering the front of Liam’s face, body, and a little of the surrounding area. Liam could only stand there in shock; mouth agape, arms raised, completely flabbergasted. 
Constantine finally pushed the correct button and the mixer slowly stopped. He had a sheepish smile as he lowered it back into the bowl before speaking in a soft, timid voice. "The good news is there's still plenty left…" 
Liam only stared at Constantine with narrowed eyes. Constantine nervously chuckled and swiped his finger across Liam’s cheek before licking the contents. "Mmm – delicious indeed." Liam opened his mouth to speak, but Constantine quickly added, "Don't be mad, son… It was simply a mistake…" 
Liam took a deep breath and slowly let it out to keep his composure. "I'm not upset," A vengeful, mischievous idea struck him. He smirked and said, "matter of fact, perhaps we should hug this out." 
"I don't think that's–" Constantine tried to protest, but soon found himself engulfed in Liam’s strong arms. He looked down and saw Liam rubbing his face on his shirt, thoroughly cleaning it, and couldn't help but chuckle. "I suppose I deserved that." 
Mrs. Finch was quick to take over and simply talked them through the rest of the process to avoid any more mishaps, although they did help form the cookies. The sweet, heavenly aroma that filled the air as their delicacies baked brought back memories for both. Their goods came out of the oven and Mrs. Finch was dismissed, paid very well for her services, and Constantine even insisted she take some with her. 
Now, they were simply relaxing on the couch, enjoying the product of their work, and reminiscing with a cup of hot tea. Although they were missing Leo and Regina, it was nice for just the two of them to relive moments they’d shared while creating new memories at the same time. Constantine expected his ‘class’ to be rather boring but informative; never did he think it would turn into a chaotic, beautiful memory for him to relive for the rest of his limited days.
"Liam," Constantine started as he sat forward and grabbed another cookie. "Thank you for joining me today. I know things didn’t go quite as smoothly as they could have, but I'm thankful you were here… I had fun." 
Liam smiled. "I’m glad… There were definitely some mishaps–” He stopped to rub his forehead. “–but I had fun too. And, these cookies turned out amazing." 
"I concur. Mrs. Finch did an excellent job and I have to say, they are quite close in comparison to your mother's." 
"Here, here," Liam agreed whilst holding his cookie up to Constantine, which he returned before they both took a large bite. Liam swallowed and spoke again, "Listen… I know I'm busy, but I'll always try to make time for stuff like this – especially now…" He trailed off with a sad expression. 
Constantine signed and patted Liam on the knee. "I know. But I'm also aware of how demanding the Crown is. I don't want you canceling obligations on my account – again." He gave Liam a knowing look. 
Liam held his free hand up in surrender. "It wasn't that important! Neville comes here and bitches consistently, I'm sure he'll be back in a few days." 
Constantine couldn't help but chuckle. "Perhaps I could give you a warning next time, then… So you can try to pencil your old man in." He playfully grinned. 
Now, it was Liam’s turn to laugh. "You don't need 'penciled in', but a notice would be appreciated." 
"Done," Constantine suddenly stood and extended his hand. Liam shoved his last bite into his mouth and took it, confused, but Constantine was quick to pull him into a tight hug as Liam rose. "I love you, son." 
"I love you too." 
Their moment hung for a few seconds before Constantine stepped away with a bright smile. "Let's plan our next endeavor! It'll need to be during Kyla's work time, which proves beneficial to the both of us…" He stopped talking to wiggle his eyebrows. "Actually... What would you like to do? Perhaps something to woo her? We could go to a massage–" 
"Why are you being so weird?” Liam interjected. "You decide what you want to do and we'll figure everything out from there." 
"Hmmm…" Constantine trailed off, deep in thought. He snapped his finger a moment later. "We enlist Duchess Olivia and–" 
"I'm going to stop you right there; anything pertaining to Olivia means weapons and that's an automatic no." Constantine tried to retort, but Liam held a hand up. "Do I really have to pull the King card again? Think of something else, and we'll talk." 
Constantine opened and closed his mouth a few times before shaking his head and mumbling something as he sat. "What was that?" Liam asked with an amused grin. 
"I said you can be a bit of a hard ass sometimes." 
Liam smirked and confidently replied, "I learned from the best."
HCTS Tags (If you'd like added or removed, please let me know):
@choicesficwriterscreations @ao719 @queenrileyrose @tessa-liam @angelasscribbles @kingliam2019 @differenttyphoonwerewolf  @bascmve01 @busywoman  @belencha77 @mysticalfangirl @nestledonthaveone @lovingchoices14 @lunaseasblog  @malblk21 @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @emersyn-in-cordonia @walkerdrakewalker @tinkie1973 @queenmiarys @choicesflashfics
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sebscore · 1 year
I see your Leclerc brothers holding an anxious little Leclerc's hand and I raise you this: the way they do it is different. Like the 3 of them hold her hand like usual bit their grip(?)/what the energy is like is different so like:
Lorenzo: he holds her hand the way a father would. A strong grip, not strong to hurt her but to help grind her to reality and away from the anxious thoughts. He does not let go till she says to and keeps a watchful eye on her throughout day. He's seen her grow up from day one. Nothing is gonna stop Enzo from protecting his little sister.
Charles: he holds her hand like and overprotective brother (I mean her is one) would. He would hold her hand whilst standing in front of her coaching her through breathing exercises that he would have learned especially for her. Any member of the paparazzi seen trying to take a picture gets a hard Leclerc™ glare and gets the Ferrari media and legal team after them. He is her brother and he'd never let anything hurt her.
Arthur: he holds her hand like a cross between the way Charles does it and a bit of playfulness. When she's calm down and in that state of trying to collect yourself (is that universal or just me?) he would chat about random things that happened in the garage, keeping her distracted and laughing. He would also swing their hands like an excited kid whilst grinning making little Leclerc giggle and forget about her worries. After one particular bad one, Arthur buys her ice cream to help calm her. She was extremely grateful and he never brought that up. However he would constantly bring up incidents where she would borrow money and not repay her ("you're a millionaire Art. You can spare 20 euros for fucks sake" * le gasp* "she swore!!! Charles SHE'S SWEARING THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU- *insert French yelling*" ).
All three of them make her feel safe and protected. She doesn't like going to them constantly but she knows that if she stops they would start crying about her growing up like they did when they saw the edits. She loves all her brothers dearly (enzo more but she won't admit it out loud) and she knows that they love her too.
Olli: further on into their relationship, he would pull her towards him by her waist, kiss her head and cheeks while whispering words of encouragement. That's also the first time she said she loved him (He said so too and when she told her three brothers she had to run and get tissues because they started absolutely sobbing).
Anyways, toodles. Love you babe as always. Stay safe and healthy. Also drink water because hydration and shit :). Till my next brain riot
first of all- this is so illegal of you 😭😭😭 why would you make me cry in the middle of the day 😭😭😭😭😭😭
lorenzo is def the father figure and def keeps an eye on her way more than he does with his other siblings 🥺 that’s practically his daughter right there! 💗 he was a teenager/young adult when she was born so he’s never been the typical brother figure like arthur or charles!
to me, charles’ energy around her is very older brother x father figure mixed! he has a lot of patience with everyone, except when it comes to his sister! he knows that she doesn’t like it when people film her or take pictures of her without her consent so he’ll do everything he can to make her feel better!
the state of trying to collect yourself is def something universal, cause I have those moments too, darling! 💜
arthur is the true brother 😭😭 he opts for distractions as he often isn’t very sure what to do and showing physical affection in public to his sister can be kinda embarrassing in his opinion (they’re still bickering siblings lol)
thur is def the type to ask his sister for his money back, but then when she actually does it, he’s like “no, keep it.”
thinking about having those three as your older brothers makes me feel so emotional (rip only child) and these kinds of messages make me all delulu but oh well 🤷‍♀️ they love her so much and won’t hesitate to break someone’s neck if it came down to it lol
love you too, thank you so much for this! my heart is bursting with joy 🥹🥹🥹🥹 have a nice day and stay safe as well, my love! 🫶🏻🫶🏻
can’t wait till the next brainrot 💞
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Tag Game: 911 Lone Star Fandom Edition
Thank you for the tag, @chicgeekgirl89 @ladytessa74 💝
When did you first start watching Lone Star? Who or what introduced you to the show?
It was right about two years ago around this time of year, and the who would be Owen Strand himself, Mr. Rob Lowe. I was on Hulu and bored and saw this go by and thought well I've never met a Rob Lowe something that I didn't like, so what the hey.
I was not expecting to get this into it at ALL- like by the time the title card appeared for the first time I was like what is this show! (literally, I hadn't written anything in about 13 years, and I had no computer at the time, and there I was, scribbling down fic in my notebook like a child of the 80's lol).
Which season is your favorite?
For me it's a horserace between seasons one and four. Season one did so much with those ten episodes (why I have hopes season five can still be amazing with only twelve episodes) and season four for a couple reasons; one, season four fixed sooooooooo many of the mistakes they made in season three, and season four compared to season one is like them living their lives out loud.
Like that sad boy from New York who just wanted a way to bury his pain? He's getting married now!
That cop with zero work-life balance? Also getting married and has friends who adore him!
The trans firefighter worried he'll never date anyone he can be himself with- look at his relationship blooming now!!
It's just the best, season four.
Who is your favorite character? (Bonus: If you answered TK or Carlos, who is your favorite besides them?
Well, first pick would be my Tarlos boys, but I also do love me some Owen Strand. Yes he's flawed but there is so much good in him, and he's an amazing dad and captain when his character doesn't suffer from the show needing him to be the center of everything and the fact they can't land a decent romantic storyline for him (though I do know why that is lol).
Top Five Episodes - Go!
4x08 1x01 1x10 2x05 4x12
If you could pick any character to be given a "begins" episode, who would it be and what would that episode look like?
Carlos, cause I'd like to go just like a year before the show started - like it's been confirmed TK was his first real relationship but did he try to date? Did he ever hook up? Also I feel that because he is a good son that he wouldn't cut off his parents completely, but wouldn't see them until they asked, what was that like? Did he want to tell his mom about his life and feel like he couldn't? (note; this might be the most depressing begins episode ever - TK really burst in like the Kool-Aid man and color this boy's whole world).
Also Nancy, just because we don't get anything about her hardly - did she go to college? How long has she been with EMS? Did she have another captain before Michelle? All could use answers.
What is a scenario or storyline that you would like to see in season five?
I want Carlos to be up early and trying to wake TK up gently. After TK says just a few more minutes four times, Carlos uses stern voice and tells him it's time to get up. TK still is hiding under the covers so Carlos puts those long fingers to use and tickles his husband right out of the bed.
Beyond that - for TK and Owen to have scenes together like they did in season four; for Owen's rich girlfriend to not be a thing anymore, for Robert's death not to cause any bad feelings between Strands, and for TK and Carlos to be on a team against their problem, not on opposite sides against each other.
Also Carlos picks TK up; in any context. I would love a Carlos puts his husband on his shoulder and carries him out of somewhere while he's protesting but would also accept in a romantic setting he picks TK up, or he picks a very sleepy TK up who wraps his legs around his husband and lays his head on his shoulder.
The still of a concerned Carlos on the phone and a despondent-looking TK behind him- what do you think is going on there?
I think a mean person told TK that Catan is stupid and TK got very upset about it and Carlos's phone call consists of "you made my baby sad? You picked a good day to die, son".
Juuuuuust kidding lol - no I think that Carlos has to do something dangerous (perhaps related to his father's murder, perhaps not) but it's known to be dangerous and TK is scared for him and begging isn't there anyone else? And Carlos gets the call confirming there's no one else; it needs to be Carlos.
We all know about the elusive spicy 5x05 scene that has been teased, so what is your prediction for how it could possibly top 1x02?
That is tough because they're still on network TV - I would say one or both of them are wet - possibly it is raining and they're at the famous Reyes ranch and Carlos takes TK in the barn.
Where was the Tarlos honeymoon in your mind?
(I may be stealing this) but I could see them going somewhere in Mexico - pretty but also not terribly far away, because of what happened but also because TK is very nervous about leaving their lizard child and is constantly texting his dad like what is Lou doing why haven't you sent me videos of him!!"
Shoutout to one of your favorite fan creations
The Little Monkey by @anewkindofme - my most reread fic and chock full of sweet TK and Owen feels. It is the ultimate comfort fic.
Where All This Love Comes From by @carlos-in-glasses - so much angst, so much heart, so much love, so much writing talent possessed by one person!
No pressure tagging - I tag @anewkindofme @nancys-braids @carlos-in-glasses @actualalligator @lemonlyman-dotcom @carlos-tk -tk @heartstringsduet and anyone else who wants to do it - open tag 🫶
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whole-circus · 1 year
hi hi!! i absolutely love ur page, u write so well <3
i was wondering if you could do hcs of jeff dating a male nurse reader with a quite cold personality but certain soft spots for jeff, both sfw and nsfw? tysm!!
take ur time. u just started taking reqs and im sure there’s more than one asks in ur inbox, take care !
NSWF&SWF || Jeff the killer and BEN Drowned x male nurse reader!
➥ Hi hello and thank you so much! Here you go! :)
Im sorry that it turned out pretty short T^T
And I saw your edit to request, no worries!! I promise its all good, no need to apologize sweetheart!! You haven't done anything wrong, mistakes happen :3
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Jeff The Killer
☆ Cold boy with a soft spot for one person? The best trope that could ever exist tbh. Jeff absolutely adores you, and he is the same - meanie to everyone but his boyfriend! Loves that about you, his possesive and jealous side is also pretty content with that :) I mean..you make him feel so special!
☆ Please, please patch him up..! Jeff gets into so many fights..and well he is a serial killer.. so he gets a lot wounds that need to be taken care of! He would never let somebody esle do it, and he is terrible at self-care so he absolutely needs you!
☆ Also dont tell that anybody...but he would comfort you after hard days !! Are you hungry? Thirsty..? Man will order you something! Are you tired? Sore? He would offer you a massage (he sucks at them but appreciate it!) or a hot bath! And if you just want to sleep? He will cuddle with you, and if you are up to it then watch something.
☆ Learning male anatomy.. Oh? Wanna practice..? Well guess what..you have the best model here! You can touch all of his parts, he isn't the shy one! I promise he will make it fun! But after all, its the best to learn in practice, right?
☆ Will make you suck his dick in your pretty uniform.. Dunno but it just make him so weak..and so horny lol You on your knees in front of him?? Oh my god! He would put his hard, and long dick into your mouth..making you gagging and feeling him in your throat! He just loves that..Would cum into your mouth,grabbing your chin/hair to look down at you, and make you swallow! „Do you enjoying having your mouth filled with cum, silly boy..?”
☆ Jeff would be into quickies before job. Sex with him is often pretty messy - even if you dont have a lot of time! He just loves the fact that he ruins you so much.. You got all pretty looking for your job? To bad, now you need to correct your look - and better make it fast, you need to go out in a couple minutes! „Tell me about everything you like about having my huge cock buried deep inside you baby..” - he whisper to your ear, in his low husky voice, as he fucks you hard.
BEN Drowned
☆ Ah?? A mean boy?? He is so in love!! And if it comes out that you have soft spot for him?? You will make him die! He loves to be pampered and he loves to be loved!! Also..not to overuse you being a nurse..but take care of him, please. I know he is theoretically dead, but he have many bad habits, for example he eat poorly and rarely or he sleep too little (if he even sleep at all).
☆ God,he is such a simp for you!! Like really, he would do anything for you..you show him that much love and care? He is so special to you, that you have a soft spot for him? Again - melting! Would do everything to you..just say the word and he will bring you it on his knees lol
☆ I bet people can be suprised that you and Ben are in relationship. You are pretty diffrent from eachother, he is really outgoing and loves people, but you? A cold man?? What kind of mix is that?? No worries (i mean, not like you care about people opinions), if someone somehow will discover that you can be softie then they will totally see that you are made for eachother! ..just saying that Ben is chatterbox..
☆ Come on..I mean nurse kink... He would love to role play with you. Just you in your uniform wakes something in this wild men. Imagine him laying in bed, fully naked..becasue you need to do your job and examine him <3 Massage his prostate, your warm fingers going so deep into his hole.. Dont forget to check his puls on neck..maybe when holding your hand around his silly throat? And finally his hard member..your hands touching his heavy balls (you need to squeeze them, just to make sure everything is alright) and his quivering cock! Oh? Is he sick? Mhm..I bet you must cure him then..? How about fucking his brains out? Voilà! You cured him mr. Y/N!
☆ Oh I believe Ben is absolutely a switch, he loves being sub deep down. Please let him suck your dick if he will be a good boy for you.. He would absolutely beg for you, he dreams of seeing your soft thighs again and again - and of course seeing your pretty cock. Definitely will beg for your seed when he is being deepthroated by you..?! I promise he wont waste any single drop! „Please..please let me suck your cock until you cum all over my face..”
☆ Okay but..guide masturbation! Doesn't matter if in person..or if you are way away (maybe duriing your break in work??)..just do this! Ofc he could jerk off alone but where is the fun in that? :(( And as I mentioned earlier - loves being dominated and told what to do. There is something intimate in this kind of things too! „Please sir..please i cant..only you can make me feel soo good..”
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: A Tale of Thousand Stars Loving Rewatch Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I write about my LOVING rewatch of one of the best BLs out there, ever, in A Tale of Thousand Stars.]
While I’ve been in the midst of a plethora of awesome new shows (Only Friends, Dangerous Romance), I’ve also been treating myself with some oldies. I just wrapped up a rewatch of Until We Meet Again, to prep for New Siwaj’s Absolute Zero that’s coming out this fall. And one of the joys that I set for myself in the course of structuring the Old GMMTV Challenge was to allow myself some loving rewatches of shows that I originally first consumed out of any chronological order, and/or out of total curiosity for the amount of space they generally take up on a daily basis on Tumblr, and/or for the amount of times that I had seen these particular shows listed as top examples of genre-defining or genre-transcending BLs. Those shows include Bad Buddy (of course), and A Tale of Thousand Stars.
Way, WAY back in the day -- November 2022, to be exact -- just a couple months into my joining Tumblr and actively blogging, I realized that this show called Moonlight Chicken was being bandied about excitedly, mostly in part because EarthMix and FirstKhao were going to be in it. I was intrigued, excited to participate in my first active Tumblr fandom from beginning to end, and I asked the Tumblr gods -- oh hey, should I watch A Tale of Thousand Stars first, to get to know Earth Pirapat and Mix Sahaphap first? And the answer was YES, so I did, and I totally loved it.
And of course, I look back at that review from almost a year ago, and I giggle, because while I picked up on a lot of the raw elements that make ATOTS great, I didn't have ANY context for why the show was transcendent vis à vis pre-existing BL tropes in the Thai BL genre, what it meant to be watching a classic Backaof Noppharnach show, what it meant for the show to be set in Northern Thailand, etc. I even wrote -- oh wow, I see why some of the elders on Tumblr are saying that there are shows way better than KinnPorsche out there (LOL, oh, hindsight). I didn't have any of that context.
Now, I do. And during my recent ATOTS rewatch, I just ATE, ATE, ATE, oh my god, I just sat and fucking ENJOYED this FABULOUS drama. I was yelling and gesturing to the screen -- oh god, WHY are you SO GOOD, YOU SHOW, YOU?! Man, oh man. It was a shit-ton of fun to start rewatching dramas that I already have nostalgia for, even if I only saw them for the first time last year.
Besides rewatching some of these important dramas back in chronological order through the OGMMTVC, I also have a mission in mind: to properly rewatch ATOTS and Bad Buddy before rewatching Our Skyy 2, which I've been wanting to do for a while. That rewatch will take place after I rewatch Bad Buddy in a couple of weeks. And I'm glad I waited until I could consume Aof's entire oeuvre, because I think his whole slate of shows -- not just ATOTS and BBS -- give us clues as to what was happening by way of Pat and Pran's relationship in OS2 before their physical separation in BBS that further explain the ATOTS and BBS universes. But more on this in a few weeks, when I get to my BBS and OS2 reviews.
Back to ATOTS. As I rewatched it -- in the context of the OGMMTVC, and what I've learned about the Thai television BL genre NOW, what were the elements of this show that stood out the most for me?
1) The striking use of flashbacks to tell a story. I know NOW shows that haven't used flashbacks as well to tell a compelling narrative -- for me, most recently, the biggest example is Double Savage (and maybe even KinnPorsche goes up there, too). Before ATOTS premiered, I think the BL that used flashbacks the BEST in its narrative was Until We Meet Again, which *needed* flashbacks to tell the entire scope of its intricate story, from past to present.
Something that I forgot about ATOTS until my rewatch was how very PACED the show was. I think I had it in my head that it was a slow-ish story, because -- again, it bucked a lot of BL trends and tropes, just like He's Coming To Me also did. No side couples. No university setting. No warring faculties and uniforms. When I first wrote about ATOTS in December 2022 -- after having watched The Eclipse as my first GMMTV BL -- I marveled at the singular storyline of Tian's life change and journey. There was a LOT we needed to know about Tian to GET where he was going, and where he wanted to go. What I didn't appreciate back then was how Aof TOLD the story.
Sure -- it could have frustrated some folks that we didn't get the truth of who was driving the car until much later in the series. But that would be missing the point of that piece of truth. Tian had blamed himself for Torfun's death the second he learned about it. It didn't *quite* matter who was driving the car -- what mattered was the self-blame he assigned himself to, and the journey he thought he needed to take to absolve himself of the guilt that he carried.
The structure was beyond sharp, and just INCREDIBLY compelling. Between UWMA and ATOTS, we have two tremendous dramas that flirted with VERY risky past-to-future infrastructures, and both succeeded exceedingly well.
2) Phupha and Tian's TERRIBLE communication. I'm serious! Oh my god, y'all. Did we appreciate back then how AWFUL they are at communicating? HA! Our Skyy 2 obviously emphasized this even more -- Tian himself accuses Phupha of not being open enough to tell Tian why Phupha won't meet Tian's parents.
But, holy shit, these two guys are such drama bastards. By episode 9, I had to write in my notes, in all caps: THESE ASSHOLES ARE SUCH AWFUL COMMUNICATORS. If one person wasn't angry at the other, and avoiding the other person, then something was off in their world. Tian's titchyness, Phupha's avoidance, played against each other like opposing magnets.
And yet: of course, we know WHY they are bad communicators. We know that Phupha grew up in a traditional, rural household -- one that likely wasn't welcoming to his inner truth as a queer man.
Tian grew up in a privileged and patriarchal household that disguised itself as a matriarchal household. Now THAT shit's confusing. What Tian was to do with his life, as assigned by his parents, supposedly came from his mom -- but it was his dad that enforced those rules. Who could Tian go to to talk about his own growing inner truth as well? Not to either of his parents, who both had designs on who *exactly* Tian should be by way of their own demands and outward-facing lives.
So these two men -- both of whom barely had any practice in expressing their inner truths, their raw feelings about themselves, their life situations, and each other -- are figuring out their emotional shit vis à vis each other, for the first time in their lives. And what we get, gloriously, is a whole bunch of damn hilarious drama that left me shaking my head and laughing a bunch. They were SO passive-aggressive with each other, I had to applaud EarthMix.
And through their bad communication came so many resolutions to each storyline -- the illegal merchants, the revelation of Torfun's death and the story behind it -- that what we ultimately got to see were life-defining moments for both Tian and Phupha of utter growth. The trade-off between those dramatic anguishes and the TRUE drama of the show itself -- was well worth it, and brilliantly done.
3) The metaphor of freedom. We know, now, that Bad Buddy was existing in the same world as ATOTS.
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God, I LOVE what Aof pulled in Our Skyy 2 by way of the Nong Nao eye mask (Tian even wears the Nong Nao eye mask!) -- because in rewatching ATOTS, I would have NEVER clocked that Tian was talking about his own freedom through his OWN eye mask.
We know now that Tian and Pran, in their respective shows, were on their own paths to freedom -- both from demanding families that demanded that each of them comport to absolute idealistic images of what perfect sons DID in those family structures. Both Tian and Pran have overbearing mothers with complicit fathers who demand exacting obedience. And both Tian and Pran ultimately sought freedom from that pressure.
In episode 9, I clocked a message on Tian's tote bag -- I can't get a clear-enough screenshot of it (it's in the 3/4 segment), but the tote bag says, "what is the meaning of free?" All of ATOTS is based on Tian's journey to emotional freedom -- freedom from his parents' expectations, freedom from the guilt he carries from Torfun's death.
An interesting comparison to UWMA happens in episode 5, when Tian asks about his growing feelings towards Phupha: "I don't know if these feelings are mine or Torfun's." And, of course -- combine that with what Tian needs to reckon with at the cliff in episode 9, when Tian is struggling with figuring how who's life he's truly living. As Tian separates himself from his parents -- as Tian understands his needs vs. Torfun's needs -- what Tian's struggle ultimately comes down to is, who is he really living his life for? Torfun saved him, his parents bought him the transplant -- but what does that actually mean for the meaning that Tian brings to his own life, and to the lives of others, including Phupha?
What Tian ultimately realizes is that needs freedom from the influence of everyone and everything around him to gain clarity as to who HE truly is. That, to me, is the ultimate core message of ATOTS -- it is Tian's defining journey towards the freedom that only he himself can find, vis à vis Torfun, Phupha, and Pha Pun Dao.
But because Aof is so good at wrenching our hearts with every last bit of energy he’s got: he showed us that Tian was able to come to this conclusion, ultimately, through Phupha, and Phupha's love for Tian.
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ATOTS is a wonderful coming-of-age story, but without the typical cheesiness that that structure can often bring. It's a story of individual and internal change that we know gets echoed, expanded, and transformed in Bad Buddy through Pran. I see now that ATOTS and Bad Buddy are Aof's deep studies of internal maturing, both told through queer revelations, through empathic love with a rock-solid partner, and through fights against oppressive societal and familial resistances to living one's full truth.
Way, way back when -- and thank goodness for the OGMMTVC for allowing me to dive into this -- Aof depicted queer men living their very robust truths in Gay OK Bangkok. As I wrote in my GOKB review, what happened after the premiere of GOKB is that Aof went to the BL genre to begin slowly changing it, to make the genre a true home for real queer revelation and introspection. Did he ever nail it in ATOTS. Did he ever expand it in BBS. Watching ATOTS felt like coming home, because once again (as in HCTM) -- Aof defied typical expectations of the genre to get honest about what an internal reality of being queer could really be like. And to do that in Thai television BL, with all the tropes and expectations the genre had created by the time of ATOTS's airing in 2021, was remarkable.
Hearing the theme song, seeing Pha Pun Dao and the villagers (AND THE CHILDREN! I LOVE THOSE CHILDREN!), seeing the schoolhouse, seeing Earth in his forest ranger uniform, hearing the original source of the forest ranger t-shirt joke, seeing Rang and Yod again -- man, was it ever nostalgic to rewatch ATOTS, even after having seen the guys in Our Skyy 2. This show is SUCH a classic, SUCH a must-watch of the very highest order, and the fact that it does NOT shy away from a very real and difficult emotional journey is only just a part of what makes it one of the enduring diamonds of Thai BL.
[We'll return to Pha Pun Dao in a couple weeks once I get through my Bad Buddy and Our Skyy 2 rewatches -- stay tuned!
In the meantime, my review of Lovely Writer is on deck for next week. By far this is my favorite Tee Bundit drama. For the sake of my fellow drama clowns, I am giving I Feel You Linger in the Air a shot, but the editing choices are giving me slight Step By Step-PTSD. I'm gonna keep a close eye on this one.
But Lovely Writer is Tee's anomaly, and what a fabulously genius anomaly it is. I can't wait to get into it, and if you loved it, too, and you have NOT watched the Lovely Writer special episode, PLEASE watch the special ep, as I'll be referring to it -- it has a super important conclusion that wraps up the entire series beautifully.
A heads-up that I may need to take a week's break or so in early September.... hopefully I won't, but I am moving, so while I'm ahead on a few dramas, getting pen to paper has proven difficult by way of time. Hopefully this project won't be delayed too much -- but send me your best big ups nonetheless as I move domiciles!
In the meantime, here's the list -- as always, I welcome your feedback! (Tumblr's new web editor is jacking with the list below and not allowing me to strikethrough the shows I've watched. For the very latest updated list, please click here!)
1) The Love of Siam (2007) (movie) (review here) 2) My Bromance (2014) (movie) (review here) 3) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 4) Gay OK Bangkok Season 1 (2016) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 5) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 6) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 7) Gay OK Bangkok Season 2 (2017) (a non-BL queer series directed by Jojo Tichakorn and written by Aof Noppharnach) (review here) 8) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 9) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 10) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 11) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 12) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 13) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 14) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 15) TharnType (2019-2020) (review here) 16) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (OffGun BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (no review) 17) Theory of Love (2019) (review here) 18) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (a non-BL and an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn pushing queer content in non-BLs) (review here) 19) Dew the Movie (2019) (review here) 20) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) (review here) 21) 2gether (2020) and Still 2gether (2020) (review here) 22) I Told Sunset About You (2020) (review here) 23) YYY (2020, out of chronological order) (review here) 24) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) (review here) 25) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 26) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS  27) Lovely Writer (2021) (review coming) 28) Last Twilight in Phuket (2021) (the mini-special before IPYTM) (review coming) 29) I Promised You the Moon (2021) (review coming) 30) Not Me (2021-2022) (watching) 31) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 32) 55:15 Never Too Late (2021-2022) (not a BL, but a GMMTV drama that features a macro BL storyline about shipper culture and the BL industry) 33) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 34) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 35) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 36) KinnPorsche (2022) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake of Re-Analyzing the KP Cultural Zeitgeist 37) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 38) GAP (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 39) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 40) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 41) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults) 42) Be My Favorite (2023) (tag here) (I’m including this for BMF’s sophisticated commentary on Krist’s career past as a BL icon) 43) Only Friends (2023)]
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ladysomething · 3 months
Thank you so much for the last update, it was again amazing!!!
I saw that you thought the next update would be in a fortnight what made me wonder. How many hours do you spend writing in a week? How long does it take to write a chapter?
I have thought about writing some fic myself too, but honestly I just don’t have time for it. Since I have too many other hobbies hahahaha.
Once again thank you for all your time and effort for this wonderful story that I (and I think so many others) can’t get enough of!
oh jeez. too many. way too many.
I was telling somebody the other day that it's getting really out of hand, too, because I find time to write just whenever I can, and that has meant some really weird places. the two worst I listed were at a GP (yikes) and also as hospital lmao. sitting in amongst all the chemo patients, sitting in my big lounge chair, kicking my feet and writing my freaky smut lol. (also bc I know that sounds bad - no, I'm not sick, I just participate in a drug trial).
I spend probably ... fuck. I don't know. maybe 20-30 hours a week working on wygig? including editing, talking to @saiyanwitcher about upcoming plot points, answering asks, and, of course writing. honestly, it might even be more hours than that. it's a lot.
and I totalllyyyyy get that. this is probably going to sound insane but I've actually sacrificed a lot of other stuff in my effort to spend as much time on this fic as I need to. which I do so willingly - nobody made me do it - but yeah. I've neglected a lot of other stuff for this fic lol.
I try to stack stuff now so that I can make time for everything - like I said, I write in weird places, but I also usually watch F1 while I write. I haven't watched a TV show in months, and only like 5 movies. I can't concentrate on both, and I don't have enough free time to watch and write separately lmao.
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Thank you for reading my ask and taking the time to respond 💖
I’d like first to correct something, the confession was hidden from jensen for three months before the shooting of the episode,not three years.
Agree with you on j2 hanging out without any convention to do, actually they hangout more on the panels and not so much on breaks, how many times do we see jensen and the cast together having fun and jared by himself, sleeping or having fun with his wife (some people would say it’s because the power that be doesn’t want j2 anywhere near each other, (because they need to hide their eternal love)
Jared also was asked on a panel by a fan : how do you keep your friendship (meaning j2’s) to which jared said : by doing this , meaning cons .
So they only see each other in conventions.
The LM and Gen saga : it was told that walker was his passion project, a family project that he made with his real life wife . That alone would attract audience’s attention it didn’t lol
They were all looking for LM and asking why isn’t she going to PR trips instead of the dead wife ?
Why is he taking his dead wife to talk about twwon and leaving the other lead back home ?
She was treated like an Extra for the sake of giving attention and limelight to the dead wife who shamelessly said she got the role via nepotism .
Waiting patiently for the day that LM grows some balls and say why she really left the show.
I don’t think he ever took anyone of his co-stars to these things, not just lindsy , just the nepo wife to talk about twwon and how she met jared while wearing her little white panties and he going along with saying he was the lead and he demanded that she wears only that (he was joking)
Yes they did more than take photos, they left a lot of stuff on their door step and in the brewery dead kittens and the head of a manikin doll and other stuff that only known to be used in witchcraft stuff with nails , all discovered by jensen he buried the kitten before his kids saw it so they don’t get scared, he didn’t let his wife touch the nails because he was afraid of getting hurt or disease or something.
And that’s just what he said, God knows what else,He has it bad .
This is the curse of being loved and shipped by two different sides , sides that refuse to acknowledge that it’s ok if you want to interpret things how you see fit, (jensen himself said that more than once, it’s open for interpretation, I respect your opinions, but this is how I played it)
Just hopped they respected his opinion as he did their’s
TW was such a bad idea I wish he didn’t listen to his wife who has her name all over it , but how do you tell your wife who was patiently living and taking care of your home for 16 years while you made your own dreams come true?
He couldn’t refuse, just like jared can’t, it’s their time / turn to have some fun and make something , but guess what?
Neither wife had the brain to do something of their own, they both needed their husbands name and fame and fans and money, oh and their face too .
Wish they really did something of their own and let the husbands take care of their kids, it’s only fair.
Thank you so much for coming back. I threw in an edit back in my last one about the photos outside of the kids' school (which I did hear about but actually don't want to look because it feels wrong seeing that honestly) and people actually pretending to be their kids' parents tidbit. If this is really true that someone did this at their kids' school, wow.... people really are terrifying with what they will do just to try interacting with their KIDS. I heard of the nails voodoo doll and the dead kitten somewhere myself, I myself am not a fan of Danneel but I wouldn't ever dream of sending horrifying things like that via mail or leaving it on their doorsteps.
TW was such a bad idea I wish he didn’t listen to his wife who has her name all over it , but how do you tell your wife who was patiently living and taking care of your home for 16 years while you made your own dreams come true?
This.... the highlighted part. I think this here Anon is why Jensen let her be part of the show when frankly she shouldn't have been or at least make executive decisions on it. She barely watched the show for heaven's sake, if she did at least that she wouldn't have said Dean learned it all from his mom.... who died when she was 4 for starters. I've said this in other posts but between it being a failure overall and the ongoing lawsuit happening right now, it was a blessing in disguise Jared was not part of it. I will say that I believe some weird things happened closed doors that the Prequelgate drama doesn't reveal or even the aftermath. I think it's possible he knew something as this post implies. However, I don't buy the whole "scheduling conflicts" reasoning for Jared. They could've held off on making The Winchesters and should've found something else to make. Buuuuut that's just me. This clip below summarizes in a short 27 second why Danneel was not fit to be Executive Producer for The Winchesters.
The LM and Gen saga : it was told that walker was his passion project, a family project that he made with his real life wife . That alone would attract audience’s attention it didn’t lol They were all looking for LM and asking why isn’t she going to PR trips instead of the dead wife ? Why is he taking his dead wife to talk about twwon and leaving the other lead back home ? She was treated like an Extra for the sake of giving attention and limelight to the dead wife who shamelessly said she got the role via nepotism . Waiting patiently for the day that LM grows some balls and say why she really left the show.
I will say it seems barely anyone cared that much Gen was gonna be on the show. Her role was barely significant overall and I felt many of her lines, especially in season 3 were unnecessary. It was filler and frankly her being in this show just screams nepotism to the point my deaf Aunt in Omaha heard it (referencing the movie "Disturbia" here). And don't get me started on the whole nepotism way she got the role. I know the official statements via interview state she was approached by the networks for the job. Someone said Odette may have mentioned Gen to the execs for the role of Emily as she was already in as Geri. For what, to appease your direct boss by mentioning his wife to his bosses as a suggestion for the role of Emily so it doesn't come from him? Genius, why didn't I think of doing this for any of the jobs I applied for? Oh wait....
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As far as the whole Lindsey not being promoted but instead Gen and Jared only doing the promotions mostly at first, I was not around in this fandom when Walker first aired. I therefore wasn't around with it first being promoted but I have this funny feeling things aren't as perfect as they seem. What did you think of the latest Walker promo videos of say the kids being on the set and Jared going to everyone's trailers? I talked about this with a friend last night and I swear I cannot unsee what she said but something felt.... off and forced. I know it was to promote the show and it was obviously being recorded but some of these videos had such a strange "feeling" to them. Can't put my finger on it but maybe this "feeling" is related to what I think really goes on behind closed doors on set. Now, I have my own personal theory as to why Lindsey was not promoted as much and why she really left the show but it's more or less speculation on my part and a strong hunch I cannot shake but nothing concrete. I can definitely say I 100% do not buy the mental health, burnout related reasons being stated here.
I joined a Reddit group conversation about a month or so ago I chime into once in a while. A lot of the people in this group agreed with the sentiment we can't unsee Jared and Gen. We don't see Cordell and Emily when watching Walker period. Heck, even when they're not onscreen together, I literally cannot unsee Jared. I feel like he's being himself as Cordell except with the stammering, deeper voice and taking a moment to get sentences completed he does as Cordell and calls it a day. Sounds like a mean thing to say but when I watch Supernatural I see Sam. When I watch Friday the 13th from 2009, I see Cliff. When I see An Endless Ring of Light, I see Zach. When I watch Walker, I see Jared. I can't put my finger on it as to why I feel this sentiment let alone so strongly but I literally cannot see Cordell, only Jared.
He couldn’t refuse, just like jared can’t, it’s their time / turn to have some fun and make something , but guess what? Neither wife had the brain to do something of their own, they both needed their husbands name and fame and fans and money, oh and their face too . Wish they really did something of their own and let the husbands take care of their kids, it’s only fair.
Gen was 100% a terrible casting choice for the role of his dead wife period in my opinion for the reasons I stated earlier in this post. I mean, is this the show Walker or is it the Gen and Jared show? Come on now. Don't get me started on my real opinions of their marriage as it was implied in some of my more recent posts about them and in other places. I think both J2 feel stuck within their own marriages and the wives know they depend on them for their lifestyles and whatnot. TOWWN is not really doing a whole lot, a lot of talk but how much money is that company actually generating for them? Her affiliate marketing partnerships that is said to fund TOWWN? And the book club ads, how much money are those generating? One time I saw a post where a book discussion drew in a whopping like 27 people or may be 30 something, I'd have to go find it but man... Point is, I remember Jared joining a couple of those book discussions for "Happy Place" (oh the irony of that live video and what happened there) and "Whalefall" with the promise of potential a M&G with Gen and Jared to draw in more interest. My point with this is, they are both riding their husbands' coattails to even try establishing a career and the results are, well, dismal.
If you'd like, I'd love to chat with you via PM and we can share our theories with one another :)
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miniimapp · 2 years
4*TOWN Giving and Receiving Small Acts of Love
Gen ;; Fluff - Headcanons
Warnings ;; Sickeningly fluffy,, you may throw up + Swearing :/
Proofread + edited ;; Nope lol
Auth. Note ;; WELCOME TO DAY 1 OF THE 4TOWN ADVENT CALENDAR !! Every day leading up to Christmas you will be getting some sweet sweet 4town content from moi !!
You all wanted it, you went for it and baby you got it !! :D This has been running around my head for a while so I'm glad I finally get to share lol
Enjoy !! <3
Aaron T - Master of Laughter
T's love language is quality time and physical touch
He feels all bubbly when he knows your undivided attention is on him
You showing interest in and listening to what he has to say ?? Blushing so hard his face might explode
You actively asking him about his passions and hobbies and offering to do those things with him ?? Mans is passing out from cardiac arrest lmao
There is truly no time T is happier than when he's hanging out with you and your friendship groups combined
Speaking of friends, T tries so hard to impress your friends
He wants so badly to be accepted by everyone in your life
You've told him multiple times that he doesn't need their permission but he's said if they're important to you then it's important to him that they like him
T wants to be the best for you
You definitely melted when he went on a whole speech about that lol
T likes doing mundane tasks with you
Like,, doing the dishes
If T's the one washing the dishes he'll try to get through as many as possible as quickly as he can so he can poke fun at you for being slow
And if he's drying he'll pat the object once, put it on the rack and then stand staring you once again calling you slow
Tell T to do a better job and he'll tell you to show him how
He'll stand behind you, hands covering yours as you wash or dry the plates, cups and cutlery together
Or he'll start a water fight
Either way it's never boring between the two of you
T will make you laugh so hard you double over during the most boring of chores
Speaking of,,
Man is so obsessed with your laughter
He loves every giggle, every shriek, every snort and cackle, ugly or cute, beautiful or ear piercing
There's rarely a serious moment with T
He's too focused on making you smile
Seeing you smile and laugh and generally just light up encourages T in a way he never had before
Like,, you two will be cuddling realises his craving for your unbridled laughter
So out of fucking nowhere he'll spout the most random shit
"You ever seen a shaved husky before? Shits wild, man..."
And of course he'll make a big thing of showing you with the most dramatic overreactions anyone's ever seen
But it didn't start out like this
T realised the random comments at the weirdest of times got you to laugh during another cuddle session
You two had been sharing some kisses (spicy, I know) when he pulled away with the most confused and lose expression you'd ever seen on him
"Are you alright? Is something the matter?"
A pause
"Are narwhals to unicorns what mermaids are to humans?"
You can't help but burst out laughing because wtf ?????
And the worst part ??
You didn't have an answer
So the two of you spent the rest of the night on google as if that would provide answers to a question ABOUT FANTASY CREATURES (excluding nawhals and humans)
At one point T gave up and decided Bing and then Yahoo was the way to go 💀
After that day T purposely started interrupting things and spouting random shit just to see you giggle
And it works
You'd be mad about him interrupting if he didn't light up every time he saw you crack even the smallest smile
But as well as spending time with you T loves it when you touch him
A brush of fingers, a peck on the cheek, a hair ruffle...
Speaking of hair ruffling, T loves it when you play with his curls
Literally just reaching a hand out to touch his head has T melting
T is literally a cat with a case of zoomies on crack and the only way to tame him is head scratches-
And just casually running a hand through his hair ??
Knees ?? Buckled
Hands ?? Shaking
Mind ?? Melting
Hotel ?? Trivago
Overall T is a very sweet lover, always looking for your laughter and small smiles alike and hey he happens to receive a couple scalp massages for his troubles he wouldn't be complaining...
Jesse - Thoughtful King
Jesse's love language is gift giving and physical touch
One thing about Jesse's gifts is that they're either expertly handmade or ridiculously expensive
In his mind you deserve something that's had lots of effort put into it
If he can't make something for you, whether he's busy or art blocked or he's just not proud of the piece, then he's spending his money on something that's equal to the amount of effort he would've put into your gift himself
Sweet ass motherfucker istg
Worst part is Jesse wasn't even trying to be romantic when he was explaining this to you
Simply factual and nonchalant as if he wasn't giving you the biggest compliment you'd ever heard
And still you couldn't help getting unbelievably flustered as he explained his gift giving ideology
And he caught on and immediately started teasing you
Fucking bitch
Not every gift he gives you will be big
Not every gift will break the bank
(metaphorically because Jesse = rich)
But he will put so much thought into everything he gives you
Every flower, every pendant, every chocolate and every item of clothing
Every gift he even considers giving you goes through heavy thought processes
What's the price tag ??
How much effort was put into it ??
Will you use it/wear it ??
Does it suit you ??
And most importantly: will you love it ??
Because at the end of the day, price tag, the effort and usability doesn't matter if you don't love his gift
You could use it everyday but if it doesn't bring you joy then what's the point ??
Jesse has little post-it notes of all your favourite things
I think he started out with just a spare sheet of paper but there was so much he wanted to write and then so many gift ideas that he had to extend the page
So now he has a sticky note disaster on his scrap paper, bullet point list
You know what Jesse loves getting in return for his gifts (not that he'd ever expect anything in return but yknow)
Cheek kisses, forehead kisses, proper kisses, any kiss he can steal from you he will
If his kids ask about whatever he's making you followed by the inevitable "Why?" that drives every parent insane Jesse will simply reply "The kiss tax." and then never explain
Joking, of course he explain but only after thorough playful nagging from his kids
The "kiss tax" means that for every gift Jesse gives you, you have to give him a kiss
Holy shit it was so cute
His youngest made you a really cute bracelet and then stood there staring at you as you put it on
After a weird staring contest they blurt out "Kiss tax." and start making grabby hands at you
It's pretty easy to put together what's going on and what they mean knowing Jesse
And well, who are you to deny their adorable request ??
So you pick them up, balancing them on your hip, and place a gentle kiss on their forehead
...and then their cheek
...and then all over their face because duh
Jesse walks into the room and finds his youngest giggling up a storm as you pepper their face with kisses
He nearly dies on the spot, I won't lie to you
Ever since then his kids have started to expect a kiss or hug from you, whichever they prefer at the time, whenever they give you a gift
And you notice their gift giving, a trait they obviously got from their dad, increases
Hmmmmm,, what a coincidence huh ??
Jesse also enjoys long, tight hugs where you sway from side to side and stay there for as long as possible
Speaking of, he gives the best hugs no questions asked
A group huddle with you and his kids ?? Jesse couldn't be happier
Overall Jesse is a very charming lover who will always have a soft spot for you and his kids (especially if the two are combined)
Aaron Z - Flustered Flirt
Z's love language is quality time and acts of service
Z will always make time for you
You call in the middle of training ?? Sorry guys, gotta take this call
You want to show him something cool ?? Come right in. What ?? Working on something ?? No, Z's completely free right now...
You want to eat together ?? Lunch is already prepared, darling
And along similar lines, Z will do anything you ask of him (within reason, of course)
We all know how much Z despises social events
Too many people
Too crowded
It gets way too loud
And hot
And sweaty
And Z would rather just cuddle up with you back home
Or if he's feeling dramatic he may prefer to jump into a viper pit
Spice it up a little
But if you asked him to, Z would go anywhere
Social events are more bearable when you're by his side
Whenever he starts to feel drained and uncomfy, just one glance at you fuels him for another couple of minutes
The quicker Z gets through this, the quicker he'll have you in his arms, wrapped up in blankets in bed
And hey, if Z is feeling particularly drained he'll tuck his face into your neck and hide away from the world for a while
Once he starts to get his energy back up he'll playfully blow on your neck as you're talking to distract you
But there's always a way for you to get him back because there's more than a couple sure fire ways to fluster him beyond belief
For example,,
That'll get Z every time, zero chance of failure
Or even mentioning the fact you even slightly tolerate his presence
And if you say anything more than tolerate,, perhaps like ??
Mans is a flushed, boneless puddle at your feet
He'll definitely hide his face in your neck after that !!
4town obviously has many promotional events alongside their normal concerts and meets and whatnot
Go to any of those and Z falls for you all over again
It makes him unbelievably happy and proud when he sees you rooting for him
Just knowing that no matter what direction the band takes that you'll be there for him means the world
Z truly loves you and you rooting for him gives him the confidence to be proud of himself
Another thing Z loves to do is little chores that you could do but dont want to
Like,, no one wants to empty the dish washer
Literally no one
But Z knows how much you hate doing it so he goes out of his way to empty it every morning before going to the studio so you don't have to
What a sweetheart honestly-
If you're struggling with work Z will try his best to help
Like,, he'll have no fucking clue what he's doing but he'll try his best
Honestly you spend more time giggling at Z and swooning than you do actually getting any work done
Don't tell him he's distracting you more than he's helping you,, he will be distraught !!
I feel like Z is a little self concious
One thing that comes to mind more than anything else is his height
Mans towers over most people and its like he can never hide
Z hates the feeling of unwanted eyes being on him
It's a love-hate relationship tbh
Hate being the more prominent feeling
So alongside mentioning even tolerating his existence,, if you tell him a reason why you love him for every inch that contributes to his height (punctuated with a kiss of course) he will simple evaporate
When I tell you that you'll be able to feel the heat rolling off this boy in waves
Overall Z is a bashful sweetheart who tries his best to step out of his comfort zone to be with you whenever he can
Robaire - Charmer in 2 Languages
Robaire's love language is words of affirmation and physical touch
The physical touch is strong in this one,, let me tell you
Robaire gets stressed way too much
Being the leader of the band does that to a guy
So 9 times out of 10 Ro's very tense
One way you're able to get him to wind down is playing back tracing games
Truly the most relaxing thing to exist fr
Wherever your fingertips explore the muscles underneath begin to relax
Soon enough you'll have a puddle of Robaire in your lap, blissed out of his mind lmao
Okay okay,, but if yall are actually playing then Robaire is suddenly in this shit to win it
Like,, you were taken aback at first with how serious he would get over these games
Guess the letter ?? Ro's analysing the entire alphabet to match the structure of each letter with what he feels on his back
Guess the number ?? Mans is doing some quadratic formula algebra bullshit to figure out this number
It's literally the number 2
Guess the shape ?? Immediately starts doing the area of a circle off the top of his head
It's probably a triangle
Mans is unbelievably serious about these back tracing games fr
Let's get you some chill Ro ffs
But sometimes Robaire likes to play games of his own by confusing the fuck out of you
Like,, you're just trying to trace a square on his back and he's yelling out shapes that you swear don't even exist
"Double deckahedron!"
"Are these even shapes..?"
At some point or another you figure out that Robaire's just winding you up
The variety of creative threats you sent his way was almost as wide as the range of his guesses
Ro loves these little moments with you
Being the leader of a world famous boyband is tougher than most would assume so its nice to have a little down time
No matter where Robaire is in the world he knows when he gets back to you he's got lots of relaxation to look forward to
That's what really keeps him going when he wants to quit tbh
Flirting with you in French is another thing Ro loves to do
He loves watching your reactions
Whether you get bashful and embarrassed at certain lines
Whether you fire back with your own that have his face heating up too
Or whether it flies completely over your head and he has to repeat in English
No matter how you respond though,, Ro will cherish it
Robaire collects your reaction like trophies and every time he sees a new one he reacts like a little kid in a sweet shop
He always says that you are the peace in his life, the shelter within the storm..and even if your time together doesn't last as long as he hopes it does, he will continue to cherish you for the rest of his days
So overall Robaire is an absolute charmer of a lover, always looking for ways to make you feel special but more often than not he'll find himself being enchanted by you first
Tae Young - Sanctuary Sharer
Tae Young's love language is gift giving and quality time
I honestly can't remember where I've seen this before but Tae is very very protective of the doves he fosters
Ain't nobody allowed anywhere near them
Even the guys have a hard time getting closer than a metre away from their recovery area
And you can bet there's at least 5 security guards outside at all times
Like I said,, protective
Tae can't bear to think that one of his doves could get hurt again because he let the wrong person near them
It would literally break his heart of gold
So when he lets you near them ??
Literally helps one perch itself on your finger ??
I think it would be a bit of an understatement to say you were shocked
You'd heard all of these stories about Tae literally biting people to stop them from touching his doves and he just ?? gave one ?? to you ??
But once you get over your shock you fall in love with the dove on your finger,, Maple
You start to stroke his head and can't hold back your smile when he starts making little bird noises
Holy fuck,, this is the best thing you've ever done in your life
Forget that one time you nearly did the splits,, this is your new greatest achievement in life !!
Maple is your new favourite being,, just look at his little face !!
Your so wrapped up in the little dove perched on your finger that you don't notice Tae practically vibrating a little bit away from you
His hands are clenched and his cheeks are puffed out,, he's almost bouncing with urge to squeeze you in a bear hug and he's ignoring the need to bite you also.. you're just too adorable right now !!
Bro has the worst case of cuteness aggression known to man
To calm himself he grabs your other hand and squeezes it as gently as he can manage and gives you a blinding smile that widens when you return it with your own
Spending time with you and his children doves makes Tae's heart feel full
He's also likes bringing you little gifts in the form of flowers
If Tae sees a random flower (read: weed with petals) he'll pick it for you
He thinks these small flowers are cute and pretty and that's what he think about you !!
Daisies are his most common gift but it really depends on what flowers he sees and which one he thinks you'll like the best
Tae loves gifting you flowers in person
He likes seeing your reactions,, your soft smiles get him through the toughest of days (and Z's relentless dance practice)
But if Tae's busy or feeling extra romantic he'll send a dove to give you the flower
If he has the time he'll be watching from round some corner with the sweetest nervous expression
Tae will never not be nervous when giving you a gift
What if you don't like it ??
What if it's not good enough for you ??
Of course his worries never take place in reality but he's still as nervous as he was when he first started giving you flowers
Every time feel like the first time to Tae.
Overall Tae is an incredibly sweet partner, always waiting for you with a flower in one hand and his heart in the other, ready to give both of them to you
Hope you enjoyed !! <3
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raycatzdraws · 7 months
HI HI HI HI HI My initial request prompt was for silly interactions between loz characters and animals. Some requests I've received have gotten off track LMAO. Thank you for sharing your characters and ideas with me! I have so many things I want to draw and a bunch of animal requests still so Imma get to those first. I cannot promise I'll respond to everything or respond in a timely manner 'xD. It's been half a year and I'm still working on those auuuhg They're really fun, though!
Also as a general heads up to everybody- please don't send me links (as in urls lol) without explanation. I don't know if the one I got was from a bot or a person, but it's an immediate block.
To botw/totk headcanon anon, I'm going to hold onto your ask, but also answer it here:
"Headcanon suggestion; between Wild and Tears, Link has gained weight after slaying the Calamity. Zelda comforts him as his body shows that he’s letting himself rest after the scars he carried, the battles he fought, the people he saved."
This is a really wonderful headcanon! I love reading it and seeing it in comics and art. I swear I saw something like this just the other day where Link and Zelda were visiting hotsprings? If someone's also seen it and wants to link to it in the comments that'd be awesome :D This is a headcanon I see in @/gaylactic-fire's and @/the-phantom-peach's art! It's also something @/linked-maze is exploring with their Warriors and I recommend checking out their comic it's really great!
If this is a request for art I have to apologize that it's not something I want to draw at the moment. I had (have?) anorexia and the thought of dwelling too long while drawing with a character that feels,, aah,, it's that Zelda is comforting him, implying that he feels guilty or uncomfortable about his body? It's a feeling that's important to explore through art and writing and I like to see it. It's a comfort to know that I am not alone. But to dwell in that discomfort myself around one's own body, or eating, makes me feel icky, so it's not something I'm going to draw, at least not right now, sorry TvT I've been there myself and it's too easy to fall back into that feeling and remember what it was like when my anorexia was bad so for my own wellbeing I'm not going to.
I do like the headcanon of Link who's gained weight after his adventures and him enjoying his body!
I'm holding on to your ask as a reminder to draw.
(edit: I found the hotspring art I was talking about! It's the same ask, too. Thanks for including me.)
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