#my beloved asshole bitch loser guy
smulnsander · 6 months
Addon officaly has no pronouns but I usualy use they them because they would probably prefer it/it suits them best. You could probably use anything for them but they'd probably take offense to "it/its" pronouns cuz weather they realize it or not they veiw themselves as superior to most pepole they meet. In my mind it's one of those brain disorder things when if you were to explain your thinking abt it you'd realize that you'd realize it sounds super dumb/or crazy but if addon ever like thought abt that feeling they'd realize they sound weird then in like 2 seconds reword it in their brain so they can rejustify it and just continue being weird about it. Some one tell them they have problems disorder.
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annyankers · 2 years
hi train! you're sucking me back into your lore too (it's soooo good and i'm invested) so tell me more about your version of darla?
dkfghkls Sorry this took a bit to get to I've been in the Pit with some other stuff that kept making me forget this was in my inbox rip
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Darla My Beloved, My One, My Only. My changes to Darla are honestly super minimal on like, a base level. I love Julie in the role and I think she builds a truly Iconic Character.
Mainly my thing is that it's Fucking Dumb And Stupid that she dies. In one s6 btvs/ats crossover/combination fanfic I swear to the GODS I'll finish plotting and writing I use an oc to help make sure she survives the pregnancy but honestly I don't care how you do it. She Just Does.
I like to keep Connor and her pregnancy because I think it creates a really interesting and unique conflict for Darla that plays well with her utterly heartless and self-centered character. Sharing Connor's soul is the second brush she's had having with one in under a year after 400 years without one. That's super duper fun and interesting to work with. It's fun to have her be conflicted about still being a heartless bitch and maybe caring for at least 1 (one) person just on the principle that they're helpless and cannot survive without someone who cares.
I don't really like the idea of "motherhood makes her better" because that's uhhhhh.... that can be ummm....... but I think there's something to be said for "jerkoff takes some responsibility for her actions and the lives of others". At the end of the day, Darla is still a vampire and still soulless but now she's got some Complex Feelings about stuff and also things. She's more in the Spike Zone of soullessness and how to deal with it in the face of doing shit like giving a fuck about people compared to Angel's whole vibe about the topic or the Master's -- which is her previous stance.
Connor is Her Baby, he's an extension of Her which is important to the douchey narcissist in her. Even after some brushes with having a soul I don't think she'd even CONSIDER a change of heart or just an adjustment to her lifestyle for anyone who's not somehow "Hers". Darla is about Darla before she's about anyone or anything else. Connor being From Her forcibly extends her circle of Self Interest and cracks open the Padora's Box of Possibly Giving A Shit About Others.
The things she felt while she shared his soul also have a big impact on her, she does care about him and his well being. Her stance on the rest of humanity's wellbeing? Less concerned lol. She's not interested necessarily in ~becoming a better person~ but she DOES realize she has to make some change, some life choices, and get better at covering some shit up because Connor WILL look to her as a role model as he grows up and she'd like to minimize the damage she does to him lol. Also recognizes she needs to make some lifestyle changes so that she's got more than just Drusilla helping her raise and protect Connor or WORST SCENARIO IF SHE DOESN'T-- have that asshole Angel STEAL HER SON FROM HER AND DENY HER ACCESS because she's "A Psychotic Heartless Murderer" or whatever dumb shit he's wanking about now. Loser.
She's TRULY the Vegeta or the Hiei she IS the Regina George and you DO have to bribe her into helping. She's a barely domesticated villain she's only here because all these numb nut goody two shoes can't muster up the spine to say no when she asks them to babysit. She and Spike actually end up having much more familial relationship because they're both working through all this Weird Shit about being vampires with no soul who're also grappling with doing weak ass pansy nice guy shit like losers but also it's weirdly fulfilling??? tf???? Since when tf did they like kids-- and not just as dinner??? what happened here???
She's fond of Cordelia because she's Mean, they bully Angel for sport. She and Buffy probably end up with a weird chilled out vibe eventually as two very sexy narrative foils of each other. Shadow selves Baybee. Darla and Anya would be ride or die let's just be real about that they're both unhinged. Illyria is the only person Darla is afraid of lol. Darla and Angel have the most CURSED on and off again sex relationship that torments everyone around them.
Basically Darla is the Cassandra Truth in a lot of ways for ATS. She's the Greek Chorus pointing out all the flaws and issues with Angel's dumbass plans and how X is a trap and OBVIOUSLY So-And-So is upset you ninny. She doesn't listen any of them she's the oldest person in the room she's not taking orders from CHILDREN. Angel is 100000x more competent with her around, it's almost like she was always the brains of the operation lol. Basically she and Drusilla are the muppet critics who're also raising a baby and sometimes help fight crime but only because if they don't they'll have to pay rent.
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vampacidic · 2 years
ITS LEO hiii sage. using anon bc i dont want my main to be on here u know how it is. sleepover saturday real..... can i make u pick an aoi twin. also grabby hands thoughts on my special guys... mao ibaba tori ... ALSO whos your most brainrotting oc . u can answer all or none of these go wild
yes yes i getcha leo... i acfually have a couple friends named leo so i was like. Which one for a good second... anyway
ohh an aoi twin.... if i had to pick one my favorite is hinata :) it's the older sibling guilt lol... not that i dislike yuta. yuta is also my little guy. but there's something so..... grabby hands about hinata's. i wouldn't say asshole-ry but the way he's so adamant that he knows yuta that he refuses to acknowledge any change in yuta... echoes a lot of problems i have. im excited to see when he realizes that 'protecting' yuta has only been hurting her in the long run... ultimately damaging their relationship. etc. i love guys who are lost in the past
admittedly i don't know much about either ibara or tori... i never watched/read kiseki series lol. i know a speed run of ibara but i wouldn't say i uh. Know her. if you get what i mean... i think she's silly though. definitely a guy i'd pick up by the scruff of the neck if i ever dig in. tori was also a character i wasn't particularly interested in so i never dug in... i remember during my twitter days thinking her fans were annoying. which to be fair i was right but that was less because of tori himself and more Twitter.
mao however? my silly guy. im a big mixed jp/south asian mao enjoyer. which relates not at all to his character but i just can't see him as pale. i see his canon art and go Whete is his pigment. i love his character... his self sacrificing nature. also he's a fuckin LOSER. he's a younger brother 2 me. he is so special. the meow meow est. funny to me that he's the 'normal' guy of trickstar yet also the most popular... i don't talk about him a lot but he's very special to me. one of the first guys i latched onto... i think i cried over him more than once. his cringe tboy gnc swag seduced me
ok on the oc note. this one took me a while bc all my oc art is old LOL but my most specialest little meow meow is maisie
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this is recent ^ ANYWAY i made her in freshman year chem so she’s been here for a few years… she’s a vampire lol. and a very transparent self insert LMAO she has a girlfriend luna :] (pictured above). i have an entire story for them lol but i need to sit and write it some time… basically maisie is a sad little bitch who lives alone in the woods and despite the happy demeanour she has Guilt surrounding the fact she’s feeding off her friends (human. who also have designs and are important 2 plot but i can’t be assed to remember their names). until she wanders across a lost wolf and is like ohhh. friend ? and it turns out it’s a werewolf lol. and it’s luna. and luna has amnesia or smthn idfk but what’s important is that they’re in lesbians andn it’s about fuckign. allowing yourself to be close 2 ppl again. i have other ocs lol (honeydew is a slime girl and she has a wife named valkyrie. valkyrie has touch sensitivities and thus they can never hold hands….. and they’re going 2 be short comics :] they’re just silly. no deep plot there. i have june who’s important in luna + maisie universe and she has a design i enjoy drawing. and there’s bea who’s a cow girl. not like a lasso and rides horses. like she has hooves) but maisie is my most beloved little fella who i project every problem onto
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moth--blood · 3 years
Rewatching IT Chapter One and this is what i wrote down in that time
• George's last word was him calling out to bill :(
• "is that how you wanna spend your summer? inside an arcade?" "beats spending it with your mother" i love them
• stan: *is reading from the book* "put the book back in my office, obviously ur not using it" bruh huh
• "hey eddie? are these your birth control pills?" "yeah, and im saving them for your sister -_-"
• "do you want one from me too mrs k? :D"
• "WOAH- henry!" the one redeeming character in Henry's lil possy and even then not that redeeming
• "not every fucking plant is poison ivy, Stanley"
• "have you ever heard of a staff infection? >:(" "*holding a stick* oh I'll show you a staff infection >:D"
• "..im fine. whats wrong with you?" "none of your business-" "theres a kid outside and he looks like someone killed him ;;-;;"
• god the first scene with Bev's dad is so fucking uncomfortable
• bev: *jumps off the cliff into the water* richie: "whAT THE FUCK-"
• ben: "cool, huh?" richie: "no :D"
• i think it would be interesting if they included the "*number of cents* for a blowjob" conversation Eddie has with the "homeless man" in the book into the movie, because that could lead a bit more into his character when we eventually get the confession in the second movie but i digress
• "wowowowowoah! what if her dad comes back?!" "do what you always do! start. talking. >:("
• oh my fucking god do i kin Ben.
• Eddie: "shut up richie" Stan: "yeah, shut up richie" Richie: "oOoooh, trash the trashmouth! >:("
• "wait- can only virgins see this stuff? ..is that why im not seein' this shit?" Richie Trashmouth Tozier my beloved
• "ROCK WAR! *gets it in the head with a rock*"
• and, of course, "go blow your dad you mullet wearing asshole!"
• i love the details of richie fighting the guy with the tuba ("fuck off dude! >:(") and then eddie giving him ice cream
• again: details man. eddie starts using his inhaler and Richie immediately looks over at him; when the slideshow starts going and shows IT richie reaches out to eddie and they're clinging onto each other until it "comes out of the projection"
• richie: "you guys are lucky we aren't measuring dicks" eddie: "shut up, richie."
• "beep beep richie :))"
• "dont let him get away" bill what the fuck.
• fuck u too Mrs K
• mike my dearly beloved
• okay Cinema Sins made this point before but this is such a good use of "Dear, God". its only the first verse but it portrays the emotion so well
• henry you leave that fucking cat alone you bitch. i hate you so much but i can admit your dads more of a dick than you are
• god i fucking hate her dad
• "what sickness, ma?" YEAH EDDIE BABY YOU GOT THIS ILY
• i love how Mike brought the gun for the sheep with him. smart kid.
• i love the detail of Eddie going down the rope just like Bill did; it really shows his admiration for the guy, even if that admiration is limited because here its portrayed in film
• oh my god this scene the fucking dancing scene in the sewer this shit is so finny to me
• i love how mike basically just fucking murdered Henry
• oh my god stan honey nO BBY I SWEAR THEY STILL CARE ABOUT U
• "why isn't she waking up?!" ben honey
• .....i kin ben god fucking damnit
• "and now? im gonna have to kill this fucking clown. WELCOME TO THE LOSERS CLUB, ASSHOLE!"
• "i know what I'm doing for my summer experience essay." richie u little queer-coded mf i love you so much
• richie being the first to hug bill when he starts crying over georgies jacket :((
• oh god the dream/pact scene. ow. my heart. im already mourning for Eds and Stan ;-;
• the shot of the loser/lover cast im sobbing
• "I gotta go. ..i hate you. (smiles)" STANNNN
• not the kiss please bev ur getting blood on his face
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im-tops-bottom · 5 years
The last few days had been nothing but hectic and tiring. Well at least for Michael it was. He found Outpost 3 and ran into quite a bit of people who were nothing but a waste of time for Satans son. Well at least he thought they were.
Turns out nothing annoyed him more than hairdresser. The interview brought him nothing but stress. Especially when he found out about Mr Gallants leather kink and the fact that he's an emotional gay cinnamon roll. God Michael almost vomitted at that.
He only wanted to mess with the diva when he dressed up in the outfit he once found in his dead father's old room. But while he was fucking the blonde, he wanted nothing more than to claim the man. Own him. Make him his. Mark his territory. He knew he shouldn't but he wanted to so bad.
The next day he overheard Gallants Nan talking-to Venable about seeing her grandson on quite a predicament. He didn't rush in to defend the blonde, instead he decided to see what they were going to do.
Turns out that there was a worse punishment than the radiation cleansing Gallant had already gone through. It teared up Michael's insides as he watched Gallant be bratty as he got whipped. Was hurt even more was that he was getting just as turned on watching it and wanted to whip the brat himself.
He felt proud of Gallant as the other was getting interrogated about his apparent history with Michael. He said nothing and welcomed the whips. After a while Venable got annoyed and left the main chained up.
He stands there watching the blonde pant and he calms himself down. He feels something in his dead cold heart light up and knew that this was nothing but a hopeless cause. He walks in to the room with one thing on his mind.
'i must end what has not begun'.
After a long discussion that ended in not one but two broken hearts, Michael let's Gallant down and walks away quickly before he takes back everything he just said. He rushes to his room and let's out a tortured scream as everything in his room gets sent flying everywhere. He lays down in his bed and let's sleep take him away from his tormented thoughts. The last thing he thought before falling was two words.
'im sorry'.
The next few days was a mess. He interviewed everyone and learned several darks secrets. One of them from Venable ("I plan on murdering them all") and a few other things that not even flirting could fix. He walked out as normal as he can and as soon as the doors closed, he rushed around the Outpost in hopes of finding Gallant. He had to save him.
Along the way he ended up speaking to a girl, a grey, which turned into an argument and ended in Michael being shocked.
"who are you?"
"I don't know. Who are you?"
He tells her to head back to her room and waits until she's gone before he gets moving again.
He manages to finally find Gallant. Half of him was happy and relieved while the other was filled with toxic jealousy. Right in front of him was Coco getting too close and too personal with his hairdresser. Suddenly his emotions rise up and hit him in the feels.
"oh come on. It's probably going to be our last days here on Earth. Why not have some fun?"
Oh that struck a nerve, Michael thought as he tried to calm himself down.
"hey come on Coco. Quit playing. I like you as a friend but this can't happen"
"quite being a loser. Why not?"
"because I'm"
"because he's mine!"
Michael is once again shocked. This time of himself. He looks back and forth between the two faces that are equally as shocked as his. His eyes finally rest on Gallants who goes from shocked to pissed.
"oh so I'm yours huh? Wasn't it you who said that you wouldn't fuck me even if I was the last man on Earth?"
Michael didn't know what to say. He literally prayed to his father (internally of course) hoping that he would give him strength because right now he didn't know what to do.
"fuck you Mr Langdon. Come on Coco maybe your right. We can head back to mine. This room wreaks of fake Gucci and Prada"
Michael watched Gallant grab Coco's hand and drag her off. It takes at least 10 seconds after that for Michael's brain to reboot and soon he finds himself angrily marching upstairs, tearing Coco off his hairdresser and dragging the said man to his own room where he locks the room shoves Gallant onto the bed.
"fuck you"
"I believe I'll be the only one doing the fucking"
Michael and Gallant struggle against each other and soon Gallant gives up fighting and just lays there.
"you're mine. You belong to me. I will bit hesitate to kill anyone who tries to take you away from me"
'but you said"
"I know what I said. Just forget about it for now and let me take you"
"fine but we are continuing this conversation afterwards"
Michael reluctantly agrees before stripping them both. He knew that the whip marks would still be there so that didn't matter but what did matter was the fresh ones. He was so horrified that he almost missed what the smaller said.
"the bitch went for a round 2. Don't worry, still didn't say anything. Calm down would ya?"
Michael closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths before leaning down and kissing Gallant slowly.
The kiss went deeper as they explored each other's bodies and soon Michael was fucking into Gallant slowly. He took his time as he watched all of Gallants reactions. He loved every single one of them.
They kept going for what felt like hours before they came with quiet moans. It only took them a couple of minutes to recover and soon Michael was pounding into him hard and fast.
After a couple more rounds, they laid there as Michael used his magic to blow the candles out. Still inside Gallant and not wanting to leave just yet, he carefully rolled to the side and God he moaned as he turned the sleeping Gallant around while his dick was still inside. As soon as he had Gallants back pressed up against him, he pounded into the sleeping man until he came once again. He calmed down and cuddled with the smaller as he fell asleep.
Hours later Michael woke up from a nightmare that involved him and his precious Mr Gallant. He wanted to make sure the smaller was alright so he turned around and started panicking when the other wasn't there. He put on some clothes and rushed out in search of his beloved.
He searched the whole place and went to the last place he ever thought to check at *checks his watch* this time. He made it just in time to see Venable laugh as everyone dropped like flies. He overheard someone say "poison" but shock managed to hold his ears back from hearing anything else. His heart felt like it stopped beating as he watched Gallant drop to the floor.
That shock turned into rage and soon he tore Venable apart. He hears footsteps and looks up in tears to see that it was only Mead.
"you promised that he wouldn't get hurt. You promised me'
"sacrifices had to be made for the greater good Michael. You will learn this one day when you are older. Trust me. Now come along dear, we must leave"
Michael and Mead weren't fast enough and soon they are thrown back by a strong force. Before blacking out Michael sees that Mead is taken.
Once Michael wakes up he finds himself locked in a cell by
"warlocks. I should have known. I guess Outpost 3 will forever be the school of underground witch craft and wizardry"
"on the contrary my dear boy, mainly warlocks come here to learn"
"yeah yeah spear me the details. So I assume you guys are the ones who took Mead away from me?'
"no. Infact it was the witches"
"after we all found out who you really were, we worked together. It turns out the spawn of Satan wasn't as smart as he thought he was. Never mind. The witches managed to bring back some of the dead"
Michael looked up in hope.
"oh Mr Gallant wasn't brought back. We have no need for him. Infact I believe he is one of the dead bodies down here that are going to be burned"
At this point all Michael saw was red. After reading the warlocks mind, Horns raised from the top of his head and fire blasted around him. He heard screams and chose to ignore it as he sent the cell door flying as he left.
He found the location of where the witches were. 3 bodies were tied against wooden poles and dead bodies were piled on more wood off to the side. He saw Mead and the dead body of his beloved Gallant.
He knew he was was spotted as he headed towards them. He felt raw energy keep him in place and knew exactly who was doing it.
He panicked because he couldn't break free and the panic turned into Earth shattering heartbreak as he was made to watch someone who looked after him for so many years burn at the stake for helping satans son.
He glared at Cordelia who stood right in front of him emotionless.
"I'll be coming for you and your witches Cordelia. I will make you feel the pain and torment. I'm gonna kill you"
Cordelia just stares at him and says "I'll leave you to burn the rest of the bodies" before walking away.
After a moment of crying, Michael realizes that he could move again and ran straight for Mead.
"I'll avenge your death. May satans followers rise from the ashes and bring distruction down on Earth"
A moment of silence later Michael heads to the pile of bodies and drags Gallant out. He burns the remainder of bodies and drags Gallant to a safe place where he brings the blonde back to life.
"woah easy there. Calm down"
Michael struggles but manages to calm Gallant down after a while. He gets the smaller to follow his breathing and once they calmed down, he cradles the smaller.
"what happened?"
"you were killed my love. So I brought you back"
"I met your father"
"i thought you were a joy to be around at first but then he came along and I really must apologize for thinking you were a stuck up asshole. Well he was eventually nice after he read my mind"
"he says we can get married in hell if we want"
Michael looks down at Gallant in shock. He was surprised and disturbed by this. Sometimes his father was a mistery even to himself. The man was known to be nice to 3 people. Vivien who was his mother, Violet who could have been his mother and Michael himself.
Michael huffs against Gallants head as he hides his smile because he knows the other won't let him live this down.
"I'll make them pay. Ill make them all pay. They'll wish they were already dead"
Michael holds Gallant as close as he can as they sit on the grass and stare at the beautiful landscape.the silence is broken soon after by a question.
"hey we got hit by nuclear warheads and radiation so bad that not even Chernobyl could beat"
"turns out one of the witches could turn back time"
"ah. Your father mentioned something about witches"
"oh did he now? You two seem to have gotten real close since you were killed. Should I be jealous?'
"no because I'm yours. I'll follow you til the ends of the Earth. I'll die to protect you"
That didn't fit well with Michael at all.
"no you are not getting yourself killed. even if it means I ask my father to turn you immortal or something like that"
After a couple of seconds of silence Gallant speaks up.
"so are we going to fight them?"
"yes. We will take them and warlocks down for good. No one who doesn't worship my father will be left standing"
"maybe you should ask your father to protect me or whatever. Don't want me dying on you again"
"good idea but first"
Michael lays Gallant flat on the grass and starts pressing kisses all over the now giggling man. After a couple of seconds he sits up and smiles down at the panting man.
"don't you ever stop smiling for me"
Gallant smiles right back up him.
"for you, always"
They break out into a kiss and just when Michael starts getting into it Gallant shoves him off and stands up.
"come on. The witches ain't going to destroy themselves"
"god they aren't even here and yet they are cockblocking me"
Gallant laughs and looks down with a smirk.
"if we find shelter for tonight, get some safe and healthy food and water in us and follow that up with a much needed shower, then I'll let you bang me against every available surface in that shelter.
This gets Michael going. He notes in his mind to find the biggest mansion possible. 'more rooms equals more available surfaces' and with that he drags a giggling Gallant along.
Yup falling in love and destroying the world was totally worth it.
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