#my beloved lyz
tiny-katara · 1 year
Send this to ten other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the game going, make someone smile!!! <3
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
half of Lyz and I's conversations regarding the "official" content for the Ambros twins is how pissed off @koithe2nd is going to be and I think thats mint quite frankly
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simp-lyzity · 3 years
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idk whether to be offended or not 😭
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3, 6, 8, and 14 for ur ask game please!
3. Do you wear eye-shadow? What color?
not often but i tend to go for darker stuff when i do
6. Are you an optimist, realist, opportunist, or pessimist?
id say realist but i sorta need to be an optimist to keep my mental health up lmao
8. Do you own stickers, an stationary?
yes !! but i always forget to use them hdnsndnd
14. Favorite sweet food?
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conartisthaiji · 3 years
GOD i miss that kind of shitty c-drama called accidentally in love. it might not be the best story telling wide but dear lord that shit slapped anyways
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
for the character bingo!! suga, aran, and/or fukunaga! take your pick
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okay!! this one is for aran!! he may have made it to nationals but i still say his potential is wasted because!! i feel like we got to see deeper sides of everyone else in the top 5 except him!!! like!!! i'd love to know more about his doubts and personal thoughts and everything we missed!!! and yes!!! he would treat me right!! i would absolutely marry aran!!
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this one is for fukunaga!!! i would have also loved to see more Thoughts from him!! i know most of his screen time would just be him not even saying anything but i do not care!! i still want him on the screen!!
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oh suga my beloved!!! i would both marry him and be afraid of him if he were real bc i do not think i could match his energy!! he's got so much going on!! and he DID get done dirty by fans!! not even with just the "sugamama" thing but everyone turned it around and denied it so much to the point where people just think he's constantly some feral gremlin!!! no!!! that is not who suga is!!!
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LYZ my beloved of all time.... I hope you are well ehhehe **pats head gently**
Milo seems to have a rather.. prickly opinion about you.. what's your opinion on them? I think I recall them saying you thrive off of attention to your quads- Do you really? Or maybe this is some kind of pitch flirting you guys got going on? 👀
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AA: ♡♡♡ O-Oh! O-Oh dear... I uhm... y-you're g-gonna make me blush... Ehehe~ I-I'm doing okay! Th-thank you! ♡♡♡
They giggle and squeak from the headpats, feeling loved. <3 Though it seems that their mood shifts very quickly at the mention of Milo...
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AA: ♡♡♡ Th-Thats just... Milo is just being mean to me! They just want to p-p-pail! I-I could n-never be pitch with them!!! You can't actually h-hate somebody unless you love them in the first place! ♡♡♡
AA: ♡♡♡ D-Don't trust that one! They're just the... the type that will use you f-for f-fulfilling their needs and then d-drop you immediately after! ♡♡♡
AA: ♡♡♡ A-All they do is flirt and make d-dirty comments a-and they make fun about me! A-All the time!!! Th-They c-call me stuck up a-and goody two shoes! B-But I guess that's just... th-the type of... uhm... t-troll they are!!! ♡♡♡
AA: ♡♡♡ Them and me d-don't mix!!! I-If Masayo wasn't friends with them, I-I wouldn't even spend a milisecond of time a-around them! ♡♡♡
They are huffing and puffing, stomping their foot against the ground. Though to be perfectly honest, it's not menacing in the least... it's just fucking cute... They're only 4'9", I don't know what they expected...
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burst-of-iridescent · 2 years
hello beloved fren mwah
lyz my love!!!! sending u many kisses xxxxx
how are you doing today??? tell me how life is, the angst you're gonna write, your darklina brainrot <3333
*sharpay evans voice* i want it ALLLLLL
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goldenguillotines · 2 years
Wicata, my beloved! I heard you're gonna have a sleepover happening?
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"X OHOHO?? You heard??? Hehehe! I was planning on inviting you buttttttttttt Katz was a little prickly about who was invited.. buuuttt maybe neXt time? We can make it a little thing if ya want!! X"
"X But yep! Yep! Got the idea after hanging out with Lyz!!! Such a sweet thing they are!!! I'm so glad! Got the funny little idea when we were getting everyone matching socks!! Hehehe!! I can't wait to wear em all together!!! Not everyone said they'd show.. which figures yknow? Hmm.. I think Masayo and Nakaou said they're down.. Katz is a given.. Lyz said yeah.. Just trying to convince Milo to join up!! Riaske said he had a match to go to.. and Mickeys been errrr- well.. Hes a little busy! X"
"X I can't wait!! I'm hopin Cherryboy agrees.. I heard that they've been getting along better with Lyz.. maybe everyone can get to see em on better terms! ... and Maybe I can try to nudge em together a little more?~ X"
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thelivebookproject · 6 years
Book Review: Not That Bad, by Roxane Gay
Trigger warning: This book discusses, describes, and deals with sensitive topics, which include but are not limited to rape, sexual assault, sexual violence, rape culture, violence, sexism, misogyny, child abuse, PTSD, slut-shaming, and victim blaming.
Title: Not That Bad; Dispatches from Rape Culture.
Author: Various authors, edited by Roxane Gay.
Goodreads page.
Summary: Edited and with an introduction by Roxane Gay, the New York Times bestselling and deeply beloved author of Bad Feminist and Hunger, this anthology of first-person essays tackles rape, assault, and harassment head-on. In this valuable and revealing anthology, cultural critic and bestselling author Roxane Gay collects original and previously published pieces that address what it means to live in a world where women have to measure the harassment, violence, and aggression they face, and where they are “routinely second-guessed, blown off, discredited, denigrated, besmirched, belittled, patronized, mocked, shamed, gaslit, insulted, bullied” for speaking out. Contributions include essays from established and up-and-coming writers, performers, and critics, including actors Ally Sheedy and Gabrielle Union and writers Amy Jo Burns, Lyz Lenz, Claire Schwartz, and Bob Shacochis. Covering a wide range of topics and experiences, from an exploration of the rape epidemic embedded in the refugee crisis to first-person accounts of child molestation, this collection is often deeply personal and is always unflinchingly honest. Like Rebecca Solnit’s Men Explain Things to Me, Not That Bad will resonate with every reader, saying “something in totality that we cannot say alone.” Searing and heartbreakingly candid, this provocative collection both reflects the world we live in and offers a call to arms insisting that “not that bad” must no longer be good enough.
I am heartbroken. Today, 8th of March, International Women’s Day, I have finished this gut-wrenching, extremely hard anthology of essays that have made me realize the world was worse off than I thought, and made me want to cry on more than one occasion. I didn’t cry, though. But I did space my readings, unable to read more than three essays at a time, because they were too real, too sad, too hard. The experiences described were, definitely, that bad.
That said, I would definitely recommend this anthology of essays. The authors, and thus the experiences and stories told, were very varied: cis and trans women, white women, women of color, of different races, of different backgrounds, of different sexual identities. Even, I believe, a couple of men, though I can’t remember the name of every author, nor do I presume to know someone’s gender based on their name.
The essays were powerful and candid: they spoke the truth without qualms, not withholding details or trying to protect the reader’s sensibilities. However, they didn’t show graphic violence, it was more about what you imagined than what was explicitly said. Which, somehow, made it worse.
What is it like to live in a culture where it often seems like it is a question of when, not if, a woman will encounter some kind of sexual violence?
The narratives, of course, were also very different. Some I liked, some I didn’t, but overall the writing quality was very good. The authors played around with style (lists, 1st person POV, 2nd person POV, 3rd person POV, bullet points, etc.), and I enjoyed the variety.
This was a raw, powerful, heartbreaking anthology of essays that deals with a topic very close to our hearts: rape, and its social implications. While a very important read, I advise reading with care: stop if you’re triggered, space out your readings, try to look into the bright side (these women have all been strong enough to survive what shouldn’t have happened in the first place). This book can get very depressing really fast, and it affected me a lot.
The best part: The truth and importance of what was being said.
The worst part: I felt there were too many essays, and by the end I just wanted to finish this book already.
I rate this book 4/5 stars. 
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suhyeos · 2 years
for the ask game! can i get kep1er?
absolutely thank u for sending one lyz!!!!
if i stan;
favorite member / bias line: xiaoting + youngeun !
which member I’d fight (& why): none of them they r my beloveds :(
favorite song(s): mvsk my most beloved <3 but also i rly love le voya9e from their new album + up!
favorite thing about the group: omg not to get emotional but they're just sooo sweet i love seeing them together so much.. i watched girls planet 999 and i was a little upset some of my picks didn't make it but since xiaoting was my number one girlie i decided to keep an eye on them to support her and idk i just rly ended up loving all of the girls!! i can't imagine kepi having a different lineup now like they're just so !! good together !!
something i’d like to see from them: i would rly like it if they posted some covers actually ! like i wanna see more of youngeun and hikaru dancing ! chaehyun singing ! they're all rly talented so i would like it for them to be able to show it more
send me a group and i’ll answer ..
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
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tags: Ohm Ambro x gn!reader, Lane's 300, fluff.
Mondstadt during the summer months could get incredibly hot. Something you dreaded every year. Your only reprieve came from dating a cryo wielder who ran hypothermic levels of cold. A cryo wielder who wasn't currently in bed beside you despite the late hour. You sat up, rubbing your eyes as you looked around the bedroom. His chair in the corner of the room was empty, book abandoned on top of the fireplace mantel. This wasn't anything new, Ohm often left to treat people in the middle of the night. But the longer you quietly sat up in bed.
The louder the silence became.
You slipped out of the bed and moved to the open bedroom door, peeking out into the dark hallway. Definitely quiet. The small cottage was certainly empty, the captain’s coat often hanging by the door missing. You sighed as you grabbed your shoes, foregoing your own coat as you pulled open the door. The wave of hot sticky air hit you like a dense wall and you couldn't help your grimace. The middle of the night and it was already this hot? If it weren't for your mission, you'd consider staying in.
Nonetheless once you stepped outside, shutting the cottage door behind you. It didn't take very long to spot the man in question. Ohm was laying on the ground beside the waterfall, staring up at the sky full of stars. You made your way over to him, the captain barely regarding you as you sat on the grass beside him. Besides the sound of the waterfall and the distant crickets, the night was silent. A few seconds went by before Ohm sat up, untied long periwinkle hair falling around his shoulders as he looked at you.
"Did I wake you?"
"Too hot without you." You mused and the man chuckled, shifting to sit closer. His shoulder brushed against yours and you immediately leaned your head against him. His hand found yours in the dark, cold scarred fingers intertwining with your own. "You okay? You haven't been out here for a while." Your question was barely a whisper and he merely hummed in response. Ohm brought his free hand up, nervously running his fingers through his hair as he undoubtedly lost himself to his thoughts. "Ohm.." You trailed off, voice a bit louder this time.
"The void is not empty and the Abyss gazes also." Ohm whispered much to your confusion. He must have sensed your confusion, a small chuckle escaping him as he tilted his head back up to the stars. "Somebody I respect once told me that. It has haunted me since. I am sure they had different intentions but…" Ohm trailed off, a sigh escaping him. "It reminds me of the Gods." You remained quiet as you listened to his words, hesitation lacing his tone. He barely spoke of the Gods to you nor his connection to them other than the rumours that seemed always present.
Ohm looked away from the stars, ahead at the waterfall once more. You lifted your head from his shoulder, instead turning your attention fully on him. “The stars have always held my family’s fate. And the Gods can be very cruel with it.” Ohm’s voice was soft as he watched the rushing water nearby. “These gifts are a blessing, but a curse too. And Celestia is always watching.. I’m just..” Ohm sighed, closing his eyes. You frowned, bringing your hand up to brush some of his bangs from his face. “I’m tired of everything they ask of me. Everything the stars ask of me.”
You brushed your thumb over the scar under his eye, an action he leaned into almost too willingly. “Well.. Do you want to know how I feel about the stars?” You questioned, a chuckle escaping you at his sudden confused expression. Dull eyes meeting yours once more as he expectantly waited for you to continue. “I feel that no star in the galaxy shines as bright as you. Trust me on that one.” You followed your reassurance with a soft kiss to his cheek. Ohm hummed at the action, arm snaking around your waist to pull you closer to him.
“Hm, I do believe that is my line, moonlight.” Ohm kissed your nose, unable to help his smile in the action though. You giggled as he proceeded to pepper your face in kisses, leaving no place untouched. He ended with a soft chaste kiss to your lips, forehead resting against yours. “Let’s go back inside, you must be warm.” You wrapped your arms around his neck and he easily hoisted you up as he stood, adjusting his grip to hold you securely.
Ohm’s cold body was finally the reprieve from the summer heat you had been looking for as you comfortably rested your head against his shoulder. “Hey.. Ohm.” The man in question hummed in response as he opened the cottage door. “Thank you for telling me. About the stars, that is…” You trailed off and for a moment he was quiet as he stopped in the entrance way. You pulled your head from his shoulder to look at him and try to read his expression. He affectionately bumped his head to yours, a small smile on his face.
“The stars have plenty of stories. I’ll tell you them all someday.”
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simp-lyzity · 3 years
✒️ :D
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Ez my beloved~
Love, love, love seeing you on my dash, lovey, you’re such a sweet bean! ❤️ -Lyz
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conartisthaiji · 3 years
:O ty for the ask! 
20. What is your favorite line from the source material (book, tv show, film, etc)?
“When someone leaves your life, those exits are not made equal. Some are beautiful and poetic and satisfying. Others are abrupt and unfair. But most are just unremarkable, unintentional, clumsy.” AND “Our capacity for love increases with each person we cross paths throughout our lives, and with each moment we spend with them.” -the adventure zone: balance
i’ve never written taz fic but holy fuck do those lines live rent free in my head
AND since we’re both haikyuu fans! have my fave line by my fave character: Negativity, begone! *smack* 
[fic asks for fic writers/readers]
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verwelktesgedicht · 8 years
1/13 Oneman @Shinjuku RUIDO K4
Keiya (Purple Stone) blog entry 2017-01-15 22:32
January 13th, 2017
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It was Purple Stone’s 4th oneman live. The reason why we didn’t have many onemans during these 3 1/2 years of band activity is mainly that we weren’t active from March 6th to September 8th, 2014 due to my illness.
There are people who don’t know about this, aren’t there? I’m not planning to make a big deal of this but if you want to know what this was about, check out my older blog entries, okay?
Thank you for the beautiful flowers, this time as well ^^
[pics of flowers and of the live which I cut out so that the post doesn’t get super long]
I’m really happy because honestly I didn’t think so many people would come together at our 2nd [oneman in Tokyo].
Thank you for coming.
Since right in the morning we had huge problems, so there was no time for taking pictures of myself.
Right until the start of the live only I was in SUCH hurry... Maybe I’ll talk about it in a while? 笑 It’s a secret~.
The live itself. From the moment the opening sounded and the members stood in a circle until now I’m feeling such an ease of mind...
Your beauty almost made me cry. Even though the live had just started I already felt like crying. [note: Fans were giving out kirakira rings and glow sticks. I think he’s talking about that view.]
I thought that you were all making such a nice face. And with that thought I sang the first song.
When we performed the 2nd song I’ve already seen most of your faces.
I didn’t want to stand on stage giving this live only half-heartedly, so I threw all useless thoughts and feelings inside of me away.
I don’t think I ever sang that purely before. You let me grow again. That’s your strong point.
We included songs in the setlist we usually don’t play. There were also songs I thought: “aaah.. that’s the good point of a oneman. We can let them hear that song as well!” We also included songs that you told us you want to hear. Look, all your words in letters and messages are reaching me!
I prepared what I wanted to say at the MC but it felt like it wouldn’t reach you, so I threw it all away. Sorry, members!
But these were my true intentions. I’m happy I could say those worlds that were sleeping in my heart without me even noticing it. I’m happy I could say them at that place.
It’s because you created this atmosphere! Thank you! 笑 
I’m not sure if I could convey it all, during that limited period of time, but I said what I was truly thinking and if you could feel that and if that inspires you at least a bit, then I’m glad.
This was GAK’s birthday live but when I saw GAK being this happy thanks to your surprise I was so touched.
And our surprise was a huge success as well! Happy Birthday, GAK-sama! [pic of cake]
Surprise cake
Set List Opening SE 「PαR@LyZ£ -Op.10-」 1. Paradise dance (パラダイスダンス ) 2. Kabukichou Butterfly (歌舞伎町バタフライ) 3. Aoiyami (アオイヤミ) - 4. Kaiten Mokuba (回転木馬)  5. Dark In[s]anity 6. Hysteric Lady -SE- prelude[re:vir] 7. RIVER - 8. esoragoto (絵空事) 9. usotsuki pierot (嘘つきピエロ) 10. Scar - 11. poison chocolate (ポイズンチョコレート) 12. amazuppai mango (甘酸っぱいマンゴー) 13. adrenalin BANG! (アドレナリンBANG!) 14. panic panic! (パニックパニック!) Encore 1 1. catwalk (キャットウォーク) 2. BLAME
Thank you for living until the end of this live. That’s what I said. For me that is everything.
There are many times in life when we think: “There are more painful things [than good ones].” We’re experiencing days when we’re alive while thinking “I want to die.”.
We’re all here because while thinking that we’re all still fighting every single day, and don’t give up on living. That’s why we could meet at this place.
Making me emotional all the time, letting me grow and letting me live this life... that is possible because you exist.
That’s why I say: Thank you for living. Thank you for letting me live this life.
Unfortunately there are also people who couldn’t come. But you’re giving your best every single day in this hopeless society that holds nothing but countless tests for us. There are hard things, so for not, just live! I wish you can come to meet us again.
Even if you can’t see your reason to live anymore, it’s fine to live in order to come and meet Purple Stone.
We won’t go anywhere. We’re aiming ahead. We’re not tired of this. We will make your heart pound fast, so let’s definitely meet again!
~~ Purple Stone’s next page ~~ 3/10 oneman at Osaka MUSE Purple Stone’s 4th anniversary
I want to make this day a day at which everyone, the fans who’re supporting us since the beginning and those who’re supporting us since recently, can feel what this band called Purple Stone is really about.
The tickets went on sale yesterday and it seems like for now it’s sold out but there will be cancelations, so you will probably be able to buy tickets again.
I’m looking forward to be able to meet all these beloved people.
Well well, thank you for letting me feel so many things.
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I love you so much.
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
i'm here with cheesy pickup lines
do u have a bandaid or two? i think i scraped my knees falling for u
that wasn't meant to rhyme but uwu
this didnt fluster me but ur cute so you get points for that, 10%
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