#my bias is gonna be biasing hard with that fic
yeonzzzn · 7 months
I have a few requests in my askbox and I promise I will get to them soon 🫶🏻
I also have a sunghoon smut I will write and publish soon as well! probably will write it tomorrow and post tuesday or write it tuesday after I get out of class and publish it later that night.
I also have a heeseung fic that may or may not become a series debating how good it does that’s in my drafts as well. I plan to finish “won’t give up on us” first, make the WIP post for jay’s spin-off and then also drop the WIP post for heeseung’s fic as well. so look forward to that 🫶🏻
I am also still figuring out the outline for part three of my vamp!enha series and still taking tags for that as well! once I have a clear view of what I want the series as a whole to contain, I will drop the poll for which member will be first for the series and go from there.
thank you to everyone who continues to support and love my writing 🫶🏻 means the world.
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onesunofagun · 10 months
You know, I'm going to put a thought down because I'm thinking about this again because of the post earlier.
It might be a vent? I think it's more just me trying to describe a feeling so it's outside me and I can look at it.
I've seen a lotta discourse and a lot of theories and different takes out there. There's always gonna be some stuff that's frustrating because it's something Sus being widely normalised, but generally speaking, I think the varied perspective and ideas are always good thing in a fandom.
I've seen all sorts of ideas be explored-- in fics, in doujins and art, in roleplay, in lore essays-- over the years. I like to think I have a pretty good map on the fandoms I've been online and present in since the early 00s. I can usually remember context about how certain stuff came about, like what tropes or ideas got popular when and how, whether through shipping or fanon or mangas or general knowledge about the development process.
When you've been in a fandom a long time-- especially if you have made a lot of contributions to it, at any point-- sometimes you even have a part in shaping certain idea flows within it, yourself.
So I have had the chance to see and contribute to a lot of conversations that have happened over and over and over again, in a kind of generational way. I have seen certain discussions from old forums, translate to fics. I've seen them pop up on tumblr, then tumble to Reddit, then YouTube. I have watched the spread through the general sphere of things, get added to and turned over and re-examined.
For the record: I love watching that process, and I like being part of that process! Mentally tracking the grandfathered in fandom history has also become its own kinda hobby for me.
I've always found it interesting mapping where new fans come in, seeing how they orient themselves and what they pick up-- how and why and what they do with it, whether I appreciate it or not (I highlight biases that are related to harmful ideas when I see them to illuminate them).
Seeing certain concepts be repeatedly rediscovered and watching how certain waves of fans digest them is fascinating. Sometimes with surprising results, sometimes with disappointing results, but it's fascinating either way. That's kind of part of the appeal having been here so long and why I came back into (mild) activity-- I get to study and dissect the fandom behaviours as well.
But despite all of that, I've found I don't really appreciate a good number of the popular YouTubers who focus on Zelda as their channel topic.
I think I've developed a bit of a distaste for a few of them in particular, actually--the big number Zeldatuber channels. Mostly the ones that seem to be the theorycrafters that kinda followed on from a MatPat style format. All of my love to well researched videos analysing the themes and meta, and all the silly boundary breaks and speedruns, mind. But I found I got really disillusioned with the handful of channels that rose to prominence and how their content shifted with that growth.
With the potential to monetise their discussions and discords worth of people and patrons driving this kinda content, I do think a lot about things that have been discussed in the fandom in the past that get taken up and regurgitated as part of that grind. I have lost track of how many videos that have come out of a few big Zeldatubers of this vein gave me a really weird slimy feeling and I am trying to work out what it is.
I'm not super invested in watching much of Zeldatube at large, mostly because I've seen most popular subjects covered in many variations. I'm a lot more personally interested in analysis, rather than theorycraft, so take it with a grain of salt that I may have a bias too (The popular Zonai fixation really doesn't interest me at all, and Zeldatube burnt out on that hard).
A lot of the channels like this seem to present their stuff like it is brand new and never been seen before, and like it's a great achievement in sleuthing or that they've cracked a code-- but not in a fun feeling way. Not in an exciting personal discovery way, but in a way that feels like it's propping up an exclusivity around that channel, and its validity as a leading authority on Zeldadom. There's something vaguely newsfeed-like, or sensationalist about it to me, with tight knit associations to other big channels making the same type of content (and about the same types of subjects as far as I ever noticed, and widely overlapping perspectives).
I wonder if that's a cynical feeling that I have where I'm just being an old man yelling at clouds, but there's really something that rubs me wrong about the handful of top channels like this. Something about the way they generate and present, and potentially profit from, often long running fandom concepts and otherwise freely shared ideas that have had many contributions feels off.
Maybe it's also me struggling to understand the closed off nature of how a lot of people just absorb the series secondhand now, and how normal it is to have the most popular Zeldatube channels setting the tones and assumptions around lore for large swatches of the newer fans. And not because old guard gatekeeping, but because there's an obvious chasm there between new and old fans of the same media that now exists that's seemingly getting wider.
I do sometimes worry about the trend of recycled old fanon staples presented as brand new takes, because of that-- or worse, sold as the definitive take, especially when a lot of people do just accept them and then go off and start arguments because 'big Zeldatube said so' and they must know best.
Sometimes I wonder if the trend is actually adding to issues with consumption vs engagement, in terms of media literacy and fandom interaction. There's certainly some theories, because of these channels, widely taken as a kind of gospel from the 'zelda experts' like the discussion is already closed; mystery solved. I've legit seen smaller youtubers be accused of stealing or copying theories from the larger channels, when making detailed and well researched videos about canon lore. I have had multiple interactions with fans who just link to a popular video and be like 'here watch this, it'll explain it' like they can't even be bothered to have their own take, but they're also not interested in yours.
The way big Zeldatube presents itself and gets consumed at large, though, I guess I just don't recognise that as the same as seeing a new fan have a joyful discovery of something from their own interactions with the franchise and fandom. I realise that the channel runners are fans themselves, but I suppose I mean that the platform feels more like a degree of professional separation that's very closed. It's become 'Zelda is my job now' thing that's focused on interest trends and news.
Something something, decades of fandom interaction and discussion and archiving getting scraped and haphazardly slapped together again for the content grind because clout and profit??
That feels mean to say but--
"Like and subscribe and join my patreon for more content, often mined from various thoughts around the fandom to make up a new video to schedule" is how it often tastes to me and that's not a flavour I enjoy.
Again, by all means, not applicable to the whole of Zeldatube or many fans who do watch the big channels. But this kinda thing does feel like a pervasive and popular part of the theorycrafter channels. Commodification of theory, and exploitative platforms built off a community's back, leave a lot of the big Zeldatubers without my support or endearment. I feel incredibly conflicted about them.
Is that anything?
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chans-room · 1 year
14, 18, 24
14. Any stories to share about starting to bias someone?
Okay, so I started reading @j-a-nuary’s fic Carrier bc I just really like Kiwi’s writing style but when I say I knew nothing about skz (or ateez) I mean it. Like I’d seen some posts and heard the name thrown around but my knowledge base was: zero. So I was like ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ well if I’m gonna read this I might as well fuvk around and find out. and listened to God’s Menu and was like oh wait their music kinda fucks! And then I watched the Red Lights mv and had a gender crisis bc of Hyunjin and saw Channie’s fuckin broad ass shoulders and said yup sign me up for that mf.
18. Any groups where you have a hard time picking a bias at all?
Ateez. I swear I’ve been through almost all of them. Seonghwa was first, then Hongjoong, then San, now Mingi, all while Yeosang runs an undercurrent of wrecking me. Ateez is a menace on my bias list.
But also SHINee. They’ve been my ult group for nearly 10 years holy shit that made me feel old but I swear I’ve bopped around and biased all of them except Key bc he’s my emotional support idol.
Also KARD bc I’m gay as hell.
21. Talk about one of your favorite features of a bias (Send a group or random choice)
Maybe this is cheap but I love Chan’s voice. I think he has such an underrated singing voice, and I can always pick him out. I love that you can hear his accent sometimes and it’s just got such a nice quality. But also he sings some really satisfying crunchy harmonies that make my brain !!!!!
Anyway this is me
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EDIT: sorry I’m stupid and can’t read 🫠
24. Any particular clips or pics that you find comforting of a bias?
This clip of Minho during the recent SHINeeWorld concert where he points at the sky and also this video at 9:31. The way Minho expresses his love for Jonghyun will never stop making me cry, but it feels cathartic and healing and full of pure love. 🌙🤍
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Possibly my biggest problem with trying to make hard and fast rules about what kind of Problematic Subjects (TM) people are Not Allowed to Like or Create At All is that it's always so EXTREMELY limited in scope, so reductive about what constitutes "problematic", that it functionally ends up sorting stories into "as common-sense-bad as serving fried babies in the stands at a puppy-kicking contest and thus depiction of it is just as evil because if the story is fun or cathartic in ANY way someone might take it as saying it's good to reenact (because that's what common-sense-bad means, that people can be convinced it's good that easily)" or "wholesome perfectly imitable aspirational goodness that you should strive to recreate in the real world, no flaws, this is what utopia looks like, this is the ideal", and NOTHING in between exists, CAN exist...
And because human emotions are an irrational mess, this ends up meaning that a LOT of stuff showing some MAJOR unexamined biases ends up getting defensively shunted into the latter category.
Hey, booktok! Look at this far-future military culture bravely standing up against aliens who are, by both their culture and their very genetic nature, just too evil and warlike to EVER reason with! Nearly 30% of the named characters are women including our lead couple and we have two trans characters too and we EVEN take 20 whole seconds to address the reasons that a military still exists at all so there's nothing sexist or problematic here! It's all but a post-patriarchal utopia! Never mind that everyone still looks down on survival skills like textile creation and sewing and gardening and cooking as soft frivolous nonsense only applicable to homemaking, that's a TRUE FACT and definitely not just an internalized bias because the author lives in a society where those are ~for giiIiIIrrRrRrllLLs~, and there's nothing even slightly questionable about the fact that the innately evil aliens are basically orcs transposed into a sci-fi setting, shhhh, orcs have never been written in a way that carries any kind of baggage, no more questions, don't you want cute lesbians surviving against the odds? What are you, some kind of homophobe!?
This also carries over to relationship dynamics; consider how...for all they get held up as the height of wholesome cuteness, coffee shop AUs aren't ~unproblematic~ at all. Sure, in the context of the story we can tell that the character cast as the barista is interested, but if that were a real-life situation? The only one who would be able to know if they're interested or not would be them, thanks to the limitations of Customer Service Mode. You can't ethically enter a relationship with someone in a situation where they don't have a safe way to firmly and unambiguously say no, and guess what, that's what most coffee shop meetings are! You see unproblematic fluff; well, when you call it that I just see workplace harassment. I'm not gonna say anyone can't write or enjoy these AUs! But I AM gonna side-eye the hell out of anyone who insists they're ~perfectly wholesome goodness~...at least, as long as the characters don't have an age gap greater than 2 years or so; if they DO have an age gap (and yes it still counts if it exists in canon but not in your fic) THERE'S an irreconcilable power dynamic! The only one in play here. Everything else about this scenario is 100% imitable and wholesome and healthy and fine!
...yeah. No. That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.
See, one of the big problems with the whole Irredeemable Media mindset is that it declares that if you DON'T make that argument, and make it convincingly, you're not allowed to like this thing and still call yourself a Good Person; if you do like this thing, and you can't justify why it's wholly Unproblematic and totally okay to reenact irl, you're morally equivalent to an actual, literal child molester (and that one is not hyperbole but in fact the most common accusation flung over this).
But the problem is, Liking Things is an emotional response, not a rational choice. Liking Things is not something you consciously decide to do after evaluating that the Thing is 100% consistent with your worldview; it's just something that Happens.
So, look. To simplify it to a short paragraph, media analysis is supposed to work like this: you examine the piece of media and the events in it and the world it illustrates, you ask yourself what context it was written in, you ask yourself about the culture it originated from and how that influence shows in the end result, you ask yourself what about it resonated with you, for better, worse, and neutral, and from there, at the end of the process, you draw your conclusions about What It Means and how it relates to real-world issues and human behavior and whether or not you'd recommend it to others, and if so, to whom.
But when you follow this liking-media-is-a-one-to-one-reflection-of-one's-real-world-values mindset, what often ends up happening is that you get the process backward and engage in some dangerous circular reasoning: You Like This Piece. You Are A Good Person. Therefore, This Piece Is Good. You Like It, Therefore It Reflects Your Values, Therefore Its Values Are Good. It Is Not Problematic, Otherwise You Would Not Like It.
Ironically, that approach is far more inclined to make you want to accept some really fucked up ideas because your favorite piece of media contains them, than delighting in liking problematic trash ever would. Why?
Because you're not analyzing a piece of media, you're defending your own entire character. Your value as a moral human being. Your inherent goodness. Your ticket to heaven. You're defending all of this as if you're on trial. In order for You to still be Good, your favorite piece of media must also be Good, meaning everything about it must be Good. Those space orcs don't have any racist baggage, because they're not human! There is certainly no history of Black and indigenous people being compared to races of inhuman monsters; in fact, anyone who points out how their broad noses and war paint and the dark tones of their blue skin do indeed have some Implications in racial coding, those people are full of shit, those people are the REAL racists for making the comparison! And, and anyone who suggests that your coffee shop AU, when read through a lens of realism, is just as questionable about consent as any pulp bodice-ripper, and that both of these subgenres use romance genre conventions as a shorthand for consent instead of showing it explicitly and that's okay as long as the target audience also understands what's going on - no, absolutely not, clearly this is just a bad-faith argument to hold up an ACTUAL problematic ship, you're nothing like those trashy edgelord authors, see, the barista laughed at and leaned into the flirty joke, no one in the history of customer service work has EVER done that as a professional courtesy or to prevent a conflict from escalating while silently wishing the interaction was over and wondering if the customer is going to stalk them after their shift, or at least no one is a good enough actor that if they were thinking that you wouldn't be able to tell, the consent was totally clear and totally illustrated 100% realistically!
Whereas, if you just admit to yourself that, yeah, okay, the author of Fight The Aliens And Make It Lesbian definitely tried to make something overall positive, and oh boy did they ever deliver in terms of letting a diverse cast be action heroes and examining how that kind of stress can affect a person and how people can still find joy in the direst of situations, but they still had some unexamined biases that show through and it's worth addressing so we can do even better in the future; or that actually, yeah, the reason the customer/barista meet cute is fun to fantasize about is because the nature of the narrative eliminates the uncertainty about everyone's intentions, even though it's every bit as inimitable as professor/student in reality (and holy shit more people need to be aware of that actually, workplace harassment is fucking rampant) - that shows far more moral integrity than trying to jump through hoops to justify these things. Under the other model, you were bending over backward to give these things a pass to prove you weren't a Bad Person for liking them, and in the process defending some genuinely indefensible ideas and irl behavior. Now, you're just letting yourself be a human person with emotions that don't necessarily equal something you should act on, or even that you would ENJOY acting on - I mean really now, when you stop and think about it, would you actually want to try and flirt with your blorbo over the cafe counter when you get nervous even just ordering coffee from a normal person?
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junkissed · 1 year
hihi im starting a writing blog for svt but im relatively new to tumblr and its mechanics and all the etiquette and things like that. also im a jun biased and im weird in the way where i don't usually have inspo for other members? if that makes sense? so like idk is there anything i need to know or is it relatively acceptable to mostly only write for one or two members?
also sidenote but i really love some of your writings ahaha match of the season is my favourite :D thank you so much if you ever reply!
no that totally makes sense! i would say most authors on here will write for ot13 but they definitely write more for their bias than any other member. i feel the same way, for me it's easier to write for jun than for other members (and also i love him lol) so my writing ends up being like 90% jun and 10% other members. which is completely fine! at the end of the day it's your blog and your writing, and you should write for whoever you feel comfortable writing for and whoever gives you the most motivation. there are hundreds of writers on this site so if one writer only writes for a couple of members, it doesn't mean the other members won't get written :) nobody says you're required to write certain things or for certain members!
if you intentionally leave out one member but write for all the rest (i've seen writers who write ot12 and exclude jun because they aren't attracted to him), you might get some side eyes but again that is your choice. i personally wouldn't say a hard no to any members and i'll give them all my best shot, but that's my blog, and your blog is up to you.
as for things you'd need to know, i'd say the number one thing is interact with people! the best way to get interaction on your own work is to reblog and comment on other fics. as i'm sure you've heard me say before, reblogs are the most important feature on this site! it basically boils down to, treat others how you would want to be treated by reblogging their works and leaving feedback, even if it's just a simple "i really loved this!!!". it makes you stand out in our notifs and if you're also a writer it might even get you a new mutual.
other tips off the top of my head:
have a masterlist post (helps people find all your fics in one place) and have a guidelines post (makes it clear what you're comfy with)
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE AND DO NOT STEAL ANYONE ELSE'S WRITING (this one is in caps bc super super important!!! you can take ideas or inspiration from someone else but you cannot take their words or their writing. you'd think this one would be obvious but plagiarism happens a lot more than you'd think)
if you're inspired by someone else, tag them in your fic! it shows respect to the original author, and you should tag them whether it was from a fic you read or if they helped you brainstorm ideas. it doesn't have to be a super long thing, just a little "inspired by @onlyhuis's fic!!" is more than enough, but it goes a long way :)
like i said, you can write for whoever you want, whenever you want! when ppl start interacting you it's gonna be stressful because you want to make them happy and put out new fics often, but just remember that it's your blog and you get the final say on everything. don't put pressure on yourself to write constantly because you will get burned out and i promise it will not be fun!
if people send things that make you uncomfy, don't be afraid to delete (or block) them. it's your blog and your boundaries so don't feel guilty for standing up for yourself. also, ignore answer hate asks because they're just looking for attention so don't give it to them
trigger things properly! this is the little section before the fic that says "warnings". don't censor any words (using punctuation like bl00d or d3ath instead of typing blood or death) because it defeats the purpose of ppl who have those keywords filtered, so type out the whole word uncensored. this is a courtesy for people so they can choose to avoid content that may be harmful to them. (this also counts towards visual works, a lot of ppl use tags like "tw flashing" on gifsets)
speaking of tags, when you post be sure to put tags on it! it's the section at the bottom of your post with all the #'s. if you click on any of my fics you can see that i use tags like "jun smut", "seventeen scenarios", etc. these tags help people find what they want to read (but only tag relevant things; don't put "mingyu smut" on a jeonghan fic unless mingyu is actually in the fic). if you aren't sure which tags to use or how to format things, feel free to look at other fics for examples. if you read a lot of fics you might see there's a pretty standard way of doing it
the tags i use like "june.txt" and "june writes" are organizational tags. when you click on, for example, my "june writes" tag, the results are only my fics that have that tag. it basically organizes things into categories (which imo is the best part of tumblr) and it makes it easier to find different types of posts. it also allows people to filter those tags so posts with that tag don't show up (for example, i require minors on my blog to block the tag "minors dni" so that nothing nsfw is shown to them)
again like i said, don't be shy! make friends, join networks, send asks to people, reblog fics, etc etc. interacting with others is the #1 way to make writer friends :)
just a general tumblr tip: no one can see how many followers you have except you, so don't try to make it a competition of who has the most. it's what makes tumblr different from tw*tter and insta and it makes the social media experience a lot more casual because there's no influencers here. it's like a diary where you scream into the void and sometimes ppl scream back. a lot of writers do milestone events (i recently had one for hitting 1k followers) but you aren't required to do those either
if you have any questions about tags, filtering keywords, and other tumblr stuff like that, don't be afraid to ask! any tumblr veteran is more than willing to help break down our weird system to new bloggers
be proud of your work! even if it doesn't get many notes or feedback it doesn't mean you're a bad writer. writing should be fun and something you can enjoy doing, so don't make it seem like a chore by focusing too hard on numbers
i can't think of any more but here's my tag for important posts & info for new tumblrs users that you can look thru for more! i hope this helps :) and when you start your blog send me another ask!! i would love to be your first follower <3
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
I may be Mingi biased but boy it's so hard to have just one bias lmao 💀 Woosan in the mv??? I really love the concept of underground boxer and manager???? And when Woo gives him water I SCREAMED GOOD LRD 🥵
My Mingi looks so rideable in that long coat and hat tho UGHHHH dirty thots all over but honestly they make it so difficult to stay sane lmao
All that aside I really really love the album, can't wait for my set to arrive 🥹 I think my fav may be Django, do you have any favorites??
it’s literally impossible when it comes to ateez omg like originally i biased jongho way back when and then i went through pm every member until the san brainrot took over last year 😭 YESS DUDE i’m obsssed with that concept,, i’m actually going to write a mxm fic about manager woo and boxer san on my ao3 account very soon heheheh. pleaseee i actually died during that part and speaking of look at this screenshot i took jgfkjf
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listennnnnn -
so rideable esp with that little body roll he does godddd if i really write this outlaw minjoong fic reader’s gonna ride him on the pool table and he’s gonna be holding onto his hat and smirking like “faster, darlin’ ” hfkdhd and i can’t wait either omgg im so excited > < stopppp django is my fave too!! i’m obsessed with wy’s part he sounds so cunty oml and ofc the chorus is so catchy i’m convinced they laced it with something OMG AND YUNHO’S “i’m a lone gunman, bang, bang, bang” like please shoot me preferably with your load im so sorry for that jsjsh but besides that it’s def outlaw!! the chorus is so sexy it hurts me… and then the end is so fucking hype??? anyways they knew what they were doing with this album esp with the whole theme being chili peppers and that’s straight up slang for cock in korean like don’t play with meeeee
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rrxnjun · 2 years
from here
Ohh so k-pop does get overwhelming at times like keeping up with all of their comebacks and activities does take a toll on the psyche 🤧 i took a small break of sorts back in 2021 just to get a breather and instead focus my energy on books :') the whole pandemic situation and the lockdown was beginning to get to me + i had to deal with an academic burnout but !! things are definitely better now.
OKAYY so it took me a lot of time to finalise a bias in nct dream and tbt all nct units unghhh i lobe them all but my nct dream bias as of now is renjun. this man has me wrapped around his finger and activates the heart eyes WDYM HE HAS A PRETTY VOICE HES AN ARTIST HE'S PRETTY HE'S SHARP TONGUED AND HE'S A TOTAL SWEETHEART LIKE HE'S SO CARING 100% BFF/BF MATERIAL :( FDIBCFBN GOD HAS HIS FAVOURITES ALRIGHT and oml don't even get me started w the yangyang and renjun interactions im still reeling from when they did this.
In 127 i have a soft spot for the vocal line lol so i usually bias whoever's in the vocal line for a particular song (DO THEY HAVE TO MAKE IT SO HARD TO CHOOSE THO). rn it's jaehyun bc I'm obsessed w his voice (it's his first few lines in good thing <33)
Oof faded in my last song just hits so hard and it hurts so bad the songs so deep. It's one of my favourite nct u songs that and baby don't like it (again. hoe anthems >>>) for 127 it's either heartbreaker (bc it's hyuck's world and we're just living in it) or good thing (bc jaehyun.) Basically love the limitless era. and for dream okayy i can't really choose but reload and boom era were both crazy good. as for wayv it's after midnight and maybee take off. Wbu what are your favourite eras/songs?
Ahh you're a carat ?? I've been trying to get into svt since hoshi's spider came out but it's still a work in progress :') Which all groups do you stan ?? (40k slowburns are segci and it's for Vernon?? sounds v interesting 👀)
and the yangyang fic's going to have angst okay thanks for the warning angst scares me but i find it beautiful (?) as a genre like whoa how do mere scenes and words strung up together in a completely different world make me feel so much. But again that's why i like reading in general. bonus points if i actually find the smth in the fic relatable :')
YUSSUH 5SOS SUPREMACY youngblood was THAT album yk. weird but their music and a few select songs from twenty one pilots and imagine dragons help me concentrate and actually solve calculus ... esp easier and good girls 😭 idk why tho and whahfkfkkg they came to your city ?? Djnffkfm most international artists usually don't come near South Asian countries ie the place where I live 🤧
and yes so i listened to a few more songs by waterparks but I'm obsessed with 21 questions. i can't stop putting it on loop 😭😭 fdhjk pls feel free to send in more song recs
p.s. i enjoy talking to you too to the point where i think i ramble a little too much hrkfjfnf Have a good day/night <3
kpop does get overwhelming sometimes dfkjlas but also i just kind of got bored for a bit so i didnt feel motivated to check up on it in so long,, but now i just found the excitement again and i feel the same i did when getting into it for the first time its so amazing. i got into kpop just before the pandemic started, so it was something that was keeping me going during the lockdowns and shit :) i am glad you're feeling better now, though!
OUR BIASES MATCH AAAAAAA #besties fdlksaj renjun is literally the love of my life i think us two are similar in a lot of things (our zodiac signs, personalities, interests, anger issues...) so i think loving him so much helped my selflove djfkla this sounds weird but its true to some extent?? AND DONT MENTION THE CAMPING TRIP VIDEO IN FRONT OF ME ITS MY COMFORT VID AAAAA everything abt it is so wholesome,,, their little karaoke sessions, the shopping, the cooking,, them switching languages every now and then,, also yangyang singing i'm gonna love you by d.o. is stuck in my head that moment felt special.
in 127 i tend to gravitate towards mark and hyuck but i cant really count them bc theyre my dream biases as well LMAO but if i exclude them, i'd say i bias doyoung? i have a soft spot for yuta as well haha and recently my head is full of jungwoo but i'm not gonna give that too much weight just yet it might be a phase we'll see
I LOVE HOE ANTHEMS AAAA no one does sexy songs like nct. no one can compare. period. my fav eras would probablyyy be hot sauce/hello future for dream i fucking love that era and i miss it so much it was comfort for me. hot sauce was the first album ive ever bought from my first ever paycheck haha<33 for 127 probably superhuman/kick it/punch era? altho i wasnt a stan back then yet,, so i didnt fully experience it and for wayv turn back time era!!
i AM a carat!! spider is so good oml truly a cultural reset. no one does it like kwon soonyoung. i stan quite a few groups i think?? my ults are definitely nct, seventeen and txt! i keep up w them the most:) and then i stan enhypen, stray kids and p1harmony, although i dont really watch their contents or anything anymore,, im more of a casual stan for them. wbu?
yesyes its an angsty one but its not that bad i think fklf i definitely wrote more traumatic fics than this one. there's actually a yy tiktok i saw that literally represents how i wrote him in this fic it fit so much uh god i'll show it to you if you're interested
SOLVE CALCULUS HDAKL thank god i dont have maths anymore<33 that was a real struggle. i used to have a twenty one pilots phase tbf but im glad its behind me now bc the tyler joseph now is not the tyler joseph i used to stan!:)) and nooo they didn't come to my city! i'm from slovakia and literally no one comes to slovakia so i get your sturggle. they came to krakow and vienna though and that's kind of close to me!
21 questions>>>>> literally one of the songs that inspired my yy fic. do you use spotify? i'll make you a rec playlist if you really want!
p.s. i really enjoy talking to you hihi i missed your asks hhhh please dont think you ramble too much bc i do too!! it shows that we are comfy w each other xx
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biaswreckingfics · 3 years
1. I am so sorry that you’ll be separated from your baby 🥺
But sadly I don’t have any pets or children sooo... 😅 I can’t give any advice... guess that’s something you have to train so that they know that you’ll come back after some time... and they dont have to worry
2. Of course I loved your zombie Au! It was as great as all your other work!
Let me get this straight in all honesty: you are my favorite writer and my favorite blog here on tumblr! Even tumblr knows it and always reminds me with something like: „your favorite blog biaswreckingfics posted again“ or something like that and that’s totally true! 😂
The way you wrote a whole apocalypse in about 9k words in so much detail like the characters, the surroundings, the past, the present, the character death (of my favorite person) and a love story with a happy ending... this is just fascinating to me!
So normally people mainly read stuff of their biases. But I can read every work of yours no matter what idol because I love your work and can totally dive into the story 🥰
Can’t wait for the upcoming prompts!!! You are so hard-working, wow ♥️
I'm so sorry this got lost in my ask box 😭😭
She actually had a vet appt yesterday and the vet said she'd be fine!! They also sold us a diffuser which apparently helps relax cats when they're stressed out?? So, we're gonna use that 🤞🤞
Ah!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I'm so honored to be your favorite writer and blog on here!! 😭😭😭❤❤❤ I'm gonna go cry at just the thought of that!! Also, I'll admit that I'm pretty proud of that zombie fic 😅😅 I did everything I wanted to do and it turned out pretty decently haha.
Thank you 😭😭😭😭 stop I wasn't prepared for all of these compliments and I'm bad at accepting them lol
Who's your bias?? Sehun?? I'll have to remember that 😏😏
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likecastle · 4 years
With all due respect, whenever I read posts about fandom racism, I can't help but think that while it's interesting, telling people that they should do some soul-searching instead of having fun is just not gonna be efficient. What exactly prevents you to just enjoy your corner of fandom whether white fans join in or not, and block the hate if you get some? (genuine question here) A lot of people have rarepairs or are in tiny fandoms and occasionally have to deal with drama, after all.
What prevents me from ‘just enjoying my corner of fandom’ is that I’m not comfortable looking the other way when people in my community say they feel unsafe or unwelcome. I am a white fan, and the assumption that I’m not white because I’ve reblogged some posts about fandom racism is telling, I think. But as a white fan, if I’m not listening to what people of color in this fandom have to say about their experiences, I’m failing them and I’m failing the fan community at large. Besides being concerned about the harm that’s being done to individual people, making any environment safe and welcoming for everyone only enriches it and makes it stronger. 
Comparing racism to fandom drama also misses the point. This isn’t a question of whether I ship Yennalt or Geraskier or Geraskefer or all or none of the above. Which characters we like -- or in the case of The Witcher, which version of the characters we like -- is certainly a matter of taste and of course we all have to accept that some people love things that are not of interest to us, and we love things that are not of interest to others. But feeling like you’re on the fringes of a fandom because you ship a rarepair or because you have a very specific headcanon others don’t share isn’t the same thing as getting harassed because of who you are, or being exposed to harmful discourse about people like you. That’s not just being in the minority, it’s being marginalized -- pushed out of the group not because of what you like, but because of who you are. Fans of color deserve to be accepted for who they are, and shouldn’t have to spend their time weathering personal attacks, as if that’s just the price they have to pay for existing in this space.
And, it’s worth pointing out, the idea that certain characters are people of color isn’t some fringe headcanon, either. The Netflix show is the version of the franchise that most people are familiar with at this point, not some small corner of the fandom. It’s OK if you love the version of Yennefer from the games, or if you’re attached to the version of Triss in the books, but that doesn’t change the fact that characters of color are part of the canon now. You don’t have to like the show, or how it handled certain characters. One of the beautiful things about a fandom with as many different iterations as The Witcher is that we can all pick and choose which bits of canon we want to adopt and which we want to discard. But if the fandom is consistently whitewashing characters of color, especially in contexts where nearly every other aspect of the show canon is retained, that ceases to be a matter of personal preference and becomes indicative of underlying biases that do real and palpable harm. 
And, yes, we’re all here to have fun, but what I hear when people of color talk about fandom racism is that they’re not able to enjoy the content in the same way I do because of the unconscious bias, explicit prejudice, and outright harassment they face. Staying silent about that puts my own comfort and enjoyment above theirs, and, frankly, it’s the same as condoning it. Racism isn’t just a problem for people of color to deal with, and as a white person, I’m not going to make anything better by looking the other way. That just sends the message that I believe it’s not my problem, but in reality it’s everyone’s problem, because not only does it do active harm to people of color, it weakens the fan community as a whole and makes it less rich and less interesting because we lose important perspectives and valuable voices.
If we really love a show and its fandom, we have a responsibility to take a hard look at the dynamics in the show itself, as well as the dynamics of the creative community that springs up around it. We owe it to one another to ask hard questions about the art we love and the fanart it inspires -- not because we don’t want people to enjoy it, but because we do. Being critical doesn’t mean I don’t love the franchise or the people in the fandom. It doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. But there’s no way to just enjoy something in a vacuum, and we owe it to one another to consider how our own experiences are interconnected, and what impact our behavior has on one another. This is especially true because, as others have said more eloquently than me, the biases that inform what we do or don’t like are not always conscious, and recognizing that our assumptions and unwitting behavior can have harmful effects -- and then trying to do better -- is a way of caring for one another, and for the long-term health of our community.
To suggest that fans of color who face harassment or discrimination should just ‘block the hate’ they get also ignores the very real toll that takes on someone emotionally and psychologically. I can’t in good conscience expect people to just rise above, when I have a chance to help, even if only in some small way, dismantle the behaviors that are hurting them. Once again, why would I prioritize my own comfort over someone else’s safety? If I care about the people whose fics I read and whose art and gifsets I reblog, who write insightful meta and delightful shitposts, why wouldn’t I do whatever I can to make sure they stick around and keep making more of the things I love? And even if their thing is not exactly my cup of tea, isn’t my fandom experience made richer because they’re part of it? Isn’t the chance that someone else might feel really seen and understood by their work worth the small amount of effort it takes me to stick up for them and make sure I’m not part of the reason they leave?
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
Name: Kim   Writing Blog URL(s): @jinterlude​​   
Has K-Pop changed your life in any major way? Oh, it definitely did! It’s thanks to K-POP that I met my long-time friends, learned important lessons, and just opened a new world for me that I felt I couldn’t get while only listening to J-POP and watching anime. I’m forever grateful for this genre of music because I learned the concept of “self-love” and working hard on something you’re passionate about will always produce positive results.
What groups do you stan? BTS, SVT, NCT (ot21), EXO, MONSTA X, GOT7, B.A.P, SNSD, CLC, GFRIEND, DREAMCATCHER, & EVERGLOW (I have a lot more because I’m a huge multi-stan)
Who are your biases? I’m just going to list my ULTS because this would be a huge paragraph if I didn’t LOL. BTS - Seokjin, NCT - Mark Lee, SVT - Seungcheol (S.Coups), B.A.P - Junhong (Zelo), & Super Junior - Kyuhyun.
If you could do one activity with your ult, what would it be? It depends on who it is, but lately S.Coups has been occupying my mind, so I’ll pick him. If I had to pick one activity to do with him, it would probably be spending an entire day at the beach! 
Why do you think people love idols and their stories so much?  I honestly can’t say for certain as everyone’s answers will be different! But I feel like the common ground type of answer is because we love their music, and the concepts behind each one. We love hearing the end product of their months, maybe even years, of hard work, and show our appreciation for their songs by supporting them! Other times, their lyrics also hold special messages that us fans can either relate to or find joy/support in them. 
Where do you think the line between fantasy and reality should be drawn? The line should definitely be drawn between fantasy and reality when you start showing possessive behavior towards your favorite group/idol. When you start saying, “I’m gonna marry Kim Seokjin one day,” or “How dare (insert idol name here) get a girlfriend/boyfriend when he/she is mine!” then you should honestly take a step back and remember that at the end of the day, these people do not know us on that personal level, and we don’t know them. We only know what we see from what they post to the public. We don’t know what goes behind closed doors, so people need to stop acting like they do. 
What would you do if you met your bias in real life? I’m going to tailor this answer to S.Coups, because I want to tell him how proud I am as a Carat for him to tell us fans what’s going with his mental health AND taking a break from activities in order to get the help he needs. The stigma around mental health in S.Korea is bad (I say this from what I’ve seen and heard from the news), so the fact that he prioritized his mental health over activities is just amazing, and I was beyond the moon when he announced his return! 
Is there a need for reform in the industry? Oh, definitely! The double standard when it comes to girl group members and boy group members needs to be equal. I’ve read how much hate and harassment girl group members get (especially the underage members) when they dress kind of sensual, but when boy group members do it, it’s like “YES DADDY!” So, that needs to go. Also, as mentioned above, we need to prioritize both physical and mental health among the idols because I really do not want to read another breaking news article of an idol passing away because they felt THAT was a last resort. 
If you could be a K-pop star, would you? HAHA no. I would not be a K-POP star. I’m perfectly content with being a manager though! I will keep those idols on TASK!
What would you do if you found out that [insert idol here] had read [this] fic about them? Well, that depends on the story I wrote! If it’s SMUT, I will feign ignorance and delete my blog. If it’s not, then I would still feign ignorance because I would die of embarrassment if any of the idols I’ve written for read my content. 
Why did you choose to write for a real person vs. a fictional one?  I decided to write for a real person because it was easier to imagine how the person would react (facial expression wise) and hear their voice (via variety shows, etc.) and just put it in story words. Having face claims makes my life so much easier!
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jinned · 4 years
okay gang. let’s go (pls keep in mind i am #wasted and i love all the boys with my whole heart okie)
now most of my friends have PROBABLY heard that i used to bias more than jin before. at one point, i biased THREE members at once. becuase of the daily suffering i yeeted them to the bias wrecker zone and now i sit here comfortably, a jin stan
what if i want to figure out the order of bias wreckers hmmmmmm
under cut is my in depth analysis (took me about 10 times to spell that right) of my bais wreckers and why they hold the spot they are in. we wont go in depth on jinnie today. we all know he’s ult. if i talk about him while drunk i’ll never shut up. yes these are in order
jin: hah BITCH u thought i couldnt talk about my main and leave him out??? ot7 hoe forever. jin is that friend you know will do anything to make u smile rght. and u really have to be friends for a while to learn when he needs help cause he’ll never say. and i love him so much. he’s so private and just wants tohers to be hapy but jin i want u happy too. he desreves the world okay. he deserves more lines and more camera time. he deserves to be in dramas like hee  awnts. hes so talented?????? yhis voice makes me cry not gonna lie it’s so beautiful and he has so much raw talent like wtf where did u COME FROM. he’s so beautiful and humble and funny and wow how could u not want him as a best friend or boyfrind. 4am pancake mornings where teh kitchen a mess but we having fun. wishing on airplane type cute shit like that yes sign me up. hugs you so tight. body language is really improtant here okay like he mgith not verbally tell u somethin g but you can tell by how he acts using his body. he might hug u tigheter and longer than normal ad thats how u know youre his comfort and he just isn’t feeling 100%. he gives those sentimental gifts. llike hey u mentioned this one time like five years ago and i finally was able to get it for you or hey heres a personalized ting to remember that one time we spent together. lots of polaroids and comfy sweaters. pooring our hearts out to each other while sitting on the kitchen counters.he want sto go through what youre going through so you dont go through it alone. wil ltake the fall for you, hyp eyou up better than anyone and is slick about it. he makes u think that lvoe exists
jimin: there was once a time when i was platonically in love with jimin. i often said “in anothe r life i was probably ulting jimin” then i saw jimin in person at a concert. i left a changed womamm. he is so sexsy that i t physically hutrss me. like wtf how are u even real. once on my prevoius blog i posted begging for pink haired jimin. three days later. jimin had pink hari. i think we are connected by souls are something. he’s 363 days older than me. i understand him sm. am i hard stan or soft stan? no i’m really asking i cant figure it out. he’s so sexy but i also want him to be my best friend. the hnonesty that owuld come from him is something i really need. we would try new foods together and go get lost on purpose. 
hoseok: my libra ass needs him to balance out my life. i see him and i smile so big. ovwer the years i have grown to understand hoseok a little bit ore and why he is the way he is and it made me soft soft. he so humble and talented and deserves so much love and recognitgion. the way he loves and cares for others is something i htink i nee dmore in a friend. he the type to hug you tight and cry with you. i like that. i apprecoiate that. he big softie and also so attractive like damn okay go off u relaly made like that and im here for it
namjoon: namjoon....imma start crying okay depe breath. namjoon was my first kpop bias ever. he the reason im even into bts and kpop in general. namjoon so sexy on like every aspect wtf. sexy brain. sexy body, sexy face. sexy talented. i ned break from u namjoon my heart just swells thinking of him. wow. namjoon is real person.namjoon give sm e hope. i want to hug him and feel those namtiddies irl u feel? i want to tel lnamjoon its okay to be urself. and to not be emjbarrassed. i love him so much and want to just pour all my love into him. he like older brother status. i never had an older brother but i imagine it would be like namjoon. comfort
yoongi: either my enemy or my best frined. cant tell. comfortable in each others presence, no nedd to talk. our talks alwasy deep and introspective. i want to talk about the world with him. i want to descover new hobbies with him. lets cuddle on the couch and watch documentaries. lowkey think he would be annoyed with me alot. but our love runs deep. that good wholesome friendship where we don’t talk everyday but whenever we see something and think of each other we send right away. that friendship that picks up where it left off. im soft soft yoongi stan. i see him and melt. i see a fool waiting to be exposed (read my fic chromatic to understand) lately he’s seemed so much happier and i legit cried one night thinking about it. i love seeing him smile and let losose an dbe more himself. like wow that’s joy right there. i love u 
taehyung: was once my ult for like a solid 6 months. i think i cried every day. his duality is too much to handle. we on firm break. taehyung leave me be pls for my sanity. are u adorable baby or are u father of my baby? the questions never end. i think he’s too handsome for my own good. i’ll never forgigve u for war orf hormone. anytime he wears beret my uwu metershatters.  but he capricorn. capricorns and i on rough terms. we would be good friends i think. those supportive friends who art together and who take long walks and talk ab out life in depth. 2am grocery shoopping trips like yessss lets make those young adult movie cliche’s come true
jungkook: straight up my arch nemesis. enemy to lovers au. we hate each other so much people start to get sus. like uhhh did u guys hook up or sumfin? we probs annoy the heck out of each other on a daily. but best friend material af. we annoying but we ride or die for each other. i see him and feel proud and just so happy for him. watching him find himsefl is like wow if he can do it i can do it too. great motivator. empathetic af. his heart pure gold i swear. trying new things all the time like wo w i wanna do that. emo looking jk is my weakness tho he automatically jumps to tpo of the list don’t tell sober bean i said that ause i would never admit that out loud. he’s younger friend u wanna protect and i am in constant awe of him. u goin places kid
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pain-somnia · 4 years
(1)so, i've been re-reading AOY for like, the third time, and i just wanted to tell u how much i appreciate the way you write all of the characters. i feel like you approach them with empathy, or at least an understanding of some sort. like, you don't ignore their flaws or their virtues, you don't get viciously against or in favor of any of them. and even if your fic is focused on Hyde&Jackie and their relationship, u give depth to almost all of the characters,
(2) none of them could be replaced with a cardboard cutout, u know? and the dynamics in the group are fantastic, everyone matters to everyone in one way or another (although there are different degrees of closeness, of course). a long time ago i had started reading the eric/buddy fic u mentioned, and while it was well written and intriguing, i couldn't get past the first few chapters bc i can't handle fics that are too biased (not to say that it was bad, it just wasn't my thing).
(3) plenty of other t7s fanfics are biased too (to a certain extent), which is fine and completely normal, but idk, i just love that u seem to care for everyone at least a little bit. it's one of the things that makes AOY so compelling to me. i'm looking forward to what's next, especially bc i wanna know how Hyde&Jackie are gonna deal with their new-but-not-really relationship,
(4)and i NEED more Buddy&Fez, and Jackie&Donna. i also i have a good guess as to the ship you're gonna introduce, so i'm excited to see how you're gonna tackle them 👀. anyway, i didn't mean for this message to get so long lmao. hope you're doing well 💕.
First, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY WORK I’m in awe that you re-read it that much (I’m always in awe when ppl re-read my work)
I’m blushing so hard from your compliments. When I first came up with the idea to do this time travel fic I did mostly focus on Jackie and Hyde but then I started to think about the other characters and how Jackie isn’t entirely selfish and she is a compassionate person, so why shouldn’t relationships with other characters be mentioned or highlighted in some way?
(gonna try and put everything under the cut so I don’t clog up the dash but if it doesn’t work I’m so sorry)
Besides the fact that the show was about the group of friends, a huge bit of inspiration for giving more attention to the other characters especially having them do activities with each other especially outside of the basement actually came from my own years as a teen and into my early 20s. The zenmasters fandom is still really new to me unlike the sasusaku fandom so many don’t know about how I got really sick and lost the closeness I used to have with my irl friends due to my illnesses and inability to do all of the things I used to do with them. This is my way of capturing my love for my old friends in a way.
My home used to have the same feeling as Eric’s basement (every time my family moved my house was still THE house) and I was one of like three friends that were licensed (even up to our mid 20s) and I was the only one everyone fully trusted to drive. So in a way I was the Eric of our friend group especially when you add in my mom’s train of thought when it came to my friends and I which was that she would rather us eat everything in her fridge in kitchen and have her go broke feeding us than for us to be out doing stupid shit. It didn’t stop us from doing stupid shit but that was our life lol
we used to trespass into places (abandoned houses, abandoned asylum, parks and fields and lakes when they were closed at night), I had an ex that stole a golf cart from a security guard cuz it was there and the keys were in the ignition and we all fucking scattered when the guy showed up, we would fuck around at my house or another friend’s house and drinking and weed (and acid and shrooms) were usually involved (I was the mom friend so I always took care of everyone and was designated driver), we went to concerts even if we had to drive to other states and also went to Warped Tour almost every year until I got sick af. We would find the perfect places to watch meteor showers and hold bonfires at a friend’s house (although we did start a bonfire in a soccer field we had no business being in at that time at night).
And we would drive around for hours with no destination. We typically told our parents we were going bowling when we did and we never fucking went bowling lol
There’s so much that we did
This is all the energy of my personal experience being a teenager with access to a minivan and then my own car that really made me think about the T7S gang and even though I want to focus so much on Jackie and Hyde and their romance, I feel like I would be doing such a disservice to the friendships in the show by not having them be actual friends in the story.
I’ve had a friend abandoned by her mother and she moved in with a bf and we all helped her (I had to teach her how to cook rice in a pot cuz her bf didn’t have a rice cooker and my mom made sure she knew she could come live with us if she got fed up with her bf’s family) and my family has opened their home to my friend and her family when they were in between homes. I’ve had to help friends through bad trips. We’ve all had our hearts broken. Some of us have dealt with being queer and learning about our own identities and the struggle with finding out who we really are. I found out my father wasn’t my biological father when I was 20 lol
And we all had each other during those moments. Just like how the T7S gang had each other. So I felt personally invested in making sure to elaborate on moments where they were hanging out and being friends to each other.
And I know. God that fic. Whenever I re-ead that fic I actually skip a lot and my last re-read of it made me feel like I couldn’t read it again just because it is way too biased. Like it completely absolves a certain character of everything and I kind of lost it when Brooke had to apologize to him in the fic....I feel like, you should definitely be able to criticize things that you love and that it doesn’t take away any love to recognize the bad with the good.
Like right now I have to show some bias against Kelso for the part of the story but I keep editing it so it’s not complete hate against him. It’s just for this part of the story he is well just being him which is unfortunately ugly and it has to be ugly until he can grow. But I feel guilty about it lol don’t hate me too much for what he has to go through first
Jackie and Donna. I have such a weak spot for them in my fic mostly because for the longest time I didn’t really have many girl friends. I was always too much of a boy, too weird, too ugly for the other girls so I didn’t have someone I was truly super close with until I was in like 8th grade. And there’s this sisterhood with Jackie and Donna that I wish they did better. Like ignoring s8 completely, there just could have been more. But the sweet moments we got were amazing. I just feel like the writers knew fuck all how to make the girls proper friends without feeling like they were losing the characters and how they were.
i will probably be introducing that ship in chapter 8. I’m just struggling wrapping up the last bit of chapter 7 aka the January 31st part. I’ve just been staring at page 56 and wondering if I’m doing it right.
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queerchoicesblog · 5 years
A Promise Kept (OH/WT Crossover, Harper Emery & Ellen Thompson, Friendship)
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As anticipated, my very first (official) crossover fanfic for the entry Friendship of the @choicesjulychallenge hosted by @kinda-iconic  ❤️
As I was playing Wishful Thinking I had this crazy idea: I started picturing an Ellen Thompson & Harper Emery friendship. They’re about the same age, they’re both devoted and esteemed professionals (dealing with scumbags like Ellen’s boss and Declan Nash *cough cough*)...long story short a friend-ship canon started shaping. And that’s the result: hope you like it!
Disclaimer: The fic contains a reference to this previous work as well as a personal background and FC (Gugu Mbatha-Raw is not the perfect FC but I get Harper vibes) for Dr. Emery
Prompt: Friendship
Word Count: 1988
Perma Tag: @brightpinkpeppercorn @melodyofgraves @bhavf @begging-for-kamilah @abunchofbadchoices @silverhawkenzie @kennaxval @strangerofbraidwood @crazypeanat @desiree-0816 @universallypizzataco
Harper Emery Tag: @bubblygothzombie @emeryharper @korrasamixfan  @delphinusbae
If you like this, please consider a like, comment, and/or reblog.
"Holy crap! How come I missed this?"
Aurora froze gaping at the box placed on her aunt's new desk. She stopped by to return her set of keys before starting her shift and found Harper unpacking her stuff in her new, well previous smaller yet comfortable office as "Head of Neurosurgery, Edenbrook Hospital". She had never been there before: she had only seen it during video calls but it was the first time she actually set foot there. There were a couple of boxes around filled with the little decor the place needed: her aunt's degrees, a few framed photos (graduation picture with beaming Dad, Grandpa and Nana; a rare shot of Harper and her mentor, Dr. Rabinovits, posing for the cameras and was that Alexander Evans, that former patient she heard of? Well, probably a family photo of the Evans wearing Santa hats), a small ebony sculpture, a painting of a Caribbean landscape and a set of wrist and hand stretchers. Books had already been organized over the shelves.
But that one...that was unexpected.
"What, Rory?" Harper asked, checking her bookcase.
Aurora's fingers grazed a frame before picking her up in her hands.
"You have been interviewed by Ellen Thompson? The Ellen Thompson?" she asked, showing the newspaper article that caught her attention.
Harper slowly diverted her eyes from her previous chore and let them linger a moment over the old article before moving closer and gently taking it from Rory's hands. A tiny smile filled with nostalgia formed on her lips: her younger self flashing an enigmatic smile to the camera casually sit on her desk was still in the dark of the tough challenges her career had in store for her. She was just happy, proud of herself; she was just forgetting for a moment the harsh reality of "that cruel science called neurosurgery", as Dr. Rabinovits put it. But the memory of that day was pleasant, comforting in a way.
"Yes, it was her last article she wrote before being promoted daytime anchor. I thought you knew? I'm pretty sure Nana has a copy of this, Marcus too probably..."
"Yeah probably...I must have missed it. I was too busy with college and my dissertation at the time probably..." Aurora considered. "But how?! I mean, I'm not trying to belittle your achievement, it's just...Ellen!"
"I know, I was surprised too at the time" Harper laughed softly.
"I bet!"
"I didn't think she would accept it. Because of bias, you know? She confessed that it had been quite a tough call for her, she's an incredibly talented professional and being accused of being biased is a capital sin in her field..."
"Biased? How could she be biased?" Aurora furrowed her brows, confused.
Harper took a pause and gave her an amused look.
"Because we're friends, Rory! Don't you remember?"
"You're friends??" Aurora gaped, plopping down on the sofa. "I really slept on this for years?"
"Well, we don't see each other as often as we once did now but we never truly drifted apart. And oh, you were probably too young to remember but she attended my graduation. Nana probably has pictures of that day...there was a small group of friends celebrating with us: you surely remember Bethany - she visited a few months ago, Nate, her college boyfriend, Ricardo, Alison, Elliott-"
"Oh I do remember Elliott! Your college sweetheart, dressed up to the nines and all googly eyes" the young Emery giggled.
"Glad you remember" Harper made a scene of rolling her eyes, smiling. "...and the most elegant of all was Ellen. That Ellen"
Aurora took a moment to reminisce the few memories she had of that day. Yes, probably...no surely! That girl in a gorgeous pink dress clinging her glass and chatting with Nana was Ellen. And...oh gosh, her younger self had even been so nosy to ask Ellen, that Ellen where she bought that dress because she wanted one just like hers. Luckily, Harper spoke again, saving Rory from the embarrassment of that moment.
"As I said we had somehow kept in touch over the years, against all odds. We were both so busy...her internships, her field jobs, my residency. But we managed to check on each other every now and then. Small things, even just a message in the voicemail or a quick call"
She smiled - a quick soft smile- and handed the framed article back to Aurora.
"When I became 'the youngest Head of Neurosurgery in the history of Massachusetts' she showed up at my door" she said, nodding behind her. "And announced that she was gonna interview me. It wasn't even up for debate, she would have signed that article"
"The hell with the friendship bias?" the niece asked, more and more involved in the story featuring two of her personal role model.
Harper smiled again, but it was a weaker one this time.
"Apparently so. She claimed that there were very good reasons to write it, even ethical reasons if you wish. She said that it was a story worth being told, that I could have inspired people out there, little girls in schools, things like that."
She sighed, shooking her head.
"Not sure I lived up to that inspirational role, but I tried, right?".
Aurora diverted her eyes: she knew what her aunt was referring to. She remembered the conversation they had the night before the hearing, their argument during the break of that hearing...and frowned. 
The weight of the last few words lead to a brief silence, interrupted only by the sounds of steps along the corridor. 
"Oh this must be Tanaka with Dr. Yannick. I asked them to stop by to sign those papers...excuse me, it won't be long"
That said, she hurried to meet the colleagues, leaving Aurora alone in her office. 
The Emery girl absentmindedly eavesdropped the three of them discussing a surgical oncology procedure but she got lost in the surgical medicalese the doctors spoke. So her eyes fell on the article in her hands again. She started reading:
“A Promise Kept: Why You Should Know The Story Behind Edenbrook Hospital New Shining Star" 
As some of you probably know, this will be my last article. Before you start getting sentimental about it, I do not regret it: I've spent so many years of my life typing behind a laptop and as much as they will always be an important, essential maybe, part of my life, I'm ready and eager for what comes next. You are going to hear my voice and see my face on your screen, brace yourself, dear readers.
I must confess that I was full of doubts about writing this article because I value ethics and professionalism. But I soon realized that ethics and professionalism are the main topics of this piece I'm writing and well, the very reason why this article should see the light of day.
So, for one last time, let me tell you a story.
More than a decade ago, I was a college student, an ambitious hard-working journalism major struggling over a research project. My professor asked the class to think outside the box and choose an issue we were not familiar with so that we were forced to document, do some real fact-checking and so on just like real reporters do. I spent hours in the library trying to find the perfect issue for a project I wanted to be A+, but nothing came. I was losing all hope when I noticed the notes of the girl sitting in front of me. They were complex anatomy schemes: she was a med student. Frustrated by my current situation, I did what I rarely do: ask for help. So I tapped her shoulder and asked her about controversial issues in the medical sphere she would like to see debated or brought in the spotlight. Just one, it was for a journalism project. The girl took her time to think about it then handed me a piece of paper with her answer:
Less than 19% of surgeons in this country are women and the percentage drops considerably if we consider specific specialties and women of color. It is a truth universally acknowledged yet publicly denied that women are still overlooked for surgical positions: the fair sex is emotional, tends to get to involved in the medical cases, not to mention potentially hysterical and suffering of that dangerous 'lack of refrain' so well known (?) to their male colleagues. They make better nurses than doctors and better GP than surgeons. 
That was a promising start. I thanked the girl and wished her good luck with her upcoming exam. Actually, I saw that girl a few days later: she passed her exam with flying colors and was now standing by my side at a rally. We became friends and one night, the first night of our senior years we made a pinky promise: a solemn silly pinky promise not to give up no matter what obstacles we will have to face later in our careers. A solemn silly pinky promise to be one day the best journalist and best doctor we could ever be. For ourselves and the others out there.
Well, I'm glad and proud to announce that about fifteen years later, that mystery girl has become the youngest Head of Neurosurgeon in the history of Massachusetts. Daughter of an archeology professor and another legend in the surgical field, Eloise Emery, the Haitian born cardio surgeon who successfully performed the first domino heart transplant on pediatric patients at Mount Sinai Hospital, NY, in 1989, Harper Emery is already exceeding any reasonable expectation. Colleagues describe her as 'headstrong, devoted and passionate, a doctor who would go above and beyond for her patients' while prestigious medical magazines crowned her 'the most brilliant neurosurgeon of her generation”.
At first, I thought that I accepted to write this article because I know Harper Emery and I value and respect her dearly both as a friend and a professional. But that is not completely true.
I accepted to write this article because I know Harper Emery and I know that she will always keep her promise. She already did.
Good luck, Dr. Emery!
Author: Ellen Thompson
Aurora swallowed down the lump threatening to form in her throat: that was the aunt she knew and looked up to basically her whole life. An aunt she thought irremediably lost...but maybe she was wrong, after all. As that realization crossed her mind, her phone beeped. It was a message from...Dr. Trihn? It was a selfie of her new flatmates waiting for her at the cafeteria. They had already bought her a cappuccino and a saved her half donut. Oh right, 'roomies breakfast', she had almost forgotten. She cautiously placed the framed article on her aunt's desk and was about to exit the room when she almost bumped into Harper coming back to her office.
"Gotta roll?" she asked.
"Hm yeah. The new roomies want to grab a coffee together at the cafeteria...I suspect, no I'm afraid that is some kind of a 'shining happy people' ritual" Aurora sighed, hanging her head.
Her aunt chuckled at her reaction to a friendly gesture.
"I'm sure it's not as bad as it sounds." she teased then smiled. "Have fun, Rory!"
The Emery girl nodded, even though she wasn't fully convinced, and picked a set of keys out of her pocket.
"Oh here's the keys and...Aunt Harper? You should hang that article to the wall"
Dr. Emery threw her a quizzical look then joked:
"Because it was written by Ellen? It would certainly give me celebrity points to impress the poor souls visit-"
"No, Auntie, you got it all wrong. Hang it to inspire yourself"
Aurora flashed her a quick confident smile and left the room headed to the cafeteria as Harper met once again the fierce joyful gaze of her younger self smiling back at her behind the framed glass.
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kae-karo · 5 years
☕️ phandom and phanfiction awards
oo starting spicy up in here (send me ☕ and a topic and i’ll tell u my thots)
phandom: i think it’s more or less just like any other fandom out there? like. there are parts of it/people in it that are going to be toxic, who are looking to start drama, or who want to be a pain in the ass and they’ll do that no matter the fandom they’re in. but i also believe in the 1%/99% rule (idk which it’s called lmao) which is that like. regardless of the fandom, about 1% are gonna be the Bad ones. so the larger the fandom, the more assholes, but the vast majority is Good. and it can sometimes be hard to avoid, but for the most part, it’s possible? i’ve honestly had nothing but a great time in the phandom, i’ve met some really awesome people, and really only experienced any sort of ‘drama’ via hearsay and not like. in any kind of direct way. so i apologize if you were hoping for a Really Spicy opinion on the phandom but i don’t really have one lmao. i do think it’s inherently going to invite specific kinds of toxicity based on the fact that it’s rpf but there are also things it avoids by being rpf or by being about just two people, etc (bnha fandom i’m lookin at u lmao)
phanfic awards: quick preface by saying i was apparently nominated (thank you to whoever did that lmao) so there may be some inherent bias that i want to address up front (that said, there are plenty of things i haven’t been nominated for, so i’m sort of pulling on that as well in the hopes that i can mitigate that bias as much as possible) 
very plainly, i think the awards mostly amount to a popularity contest. not to say that the people who were nominated aren’t good or haven’t worked for their popularity, but i also think that it isn’t a direct reflection of talent. and i don’t mean to say that everyone on there is a big blog or has a ton of followers, but i would guess that the people on there (and i recognize several names) have worked hard to make sure their fics are seen by as many people as possible 
and for those who didn’t make the nominations/etc, that has nothing inherently to do with how hard they did or didn’t work to get their fics noticed, nor does it have to do with their talents as writers, but it has more to do with the who-knows-who nepotism - are you friends with a popular blog? a friend of a friend? did a popular blog notice your fic and mention it in a post or recommend it? i think it’s a combination of luck and popularity (with actual writing talent as the base)
the point here being that fics that didn’t make this particular list aren’t necessarily bad, but they may not have gained the same popularity as ones that got Noticed™ or were reblogged by already-popular writers
the net-net of it is i don’t think awards are necessarily a reflection of good or bad fics, just representative of people whose fics got noticed. so a lot of it does come down to popularity, or luck and good writing, but i don’t think it’s some kind of end-all-be-all for whose fics are the best
that said, those who did make the list, that’s awesome! like i don’t think it necessarily invalidates any kind of pride you’re allowed to feel at being nominated/being on the list, just keep in mind it isn’t some kind of ‘you were the absolute best, period’ thing
plus!!!!! fic is so so so subjective!!!!! imagine if someone said ‘oh this book is the best book to ever be written’ but ur standing over to the side like ‘uh i don’t even like that genre???? or that particular writer writes in a way i’m not a fan of???? so it can’t be the best’ like i know fic awards are categorized and all but some of the ones that are like ‘best of 2019′ or w.e are also going to inherently be biased toward the popular genres, tags, tropes, and writers by virtue of the fact that they’re, well, popular. like. if you wrote a fic that is extremely niche, it could be an incredible fic, but you may not get the recognition for it simply cause it doesn’t cater to the majority. it doesn’t mean it’s a bad fic!!!!!!
generally my opinion is that the awards are awesome, but not something i’m thoroughly invested in. and i hope that nobody gets so invested or hurt by it, too, y’know? i also hope it ends up highlighting some fics that maybe didn’t get as much recognition, though i acknowledge it’s not exactly the best method to find some underground writers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’s a double-edged sword, unfortunately
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lagtim3-archive · 5 years
Can I ask what is your: Otp, brotp and notp from MML?
You can, indeed! Sorry that this turned into a Wall-’o-Text, ‘Nonnie. I haven’t thought about this in-depth before, and I got a teeny bit carried away! 😅
OTP A: Dakavendish (Also a BROTP!)
OTP B: Milanda
OTP C: Drakotts
BROTP A: Zack ‘n Melissa
BROTP B: Mort ‘n Bradley
NOTP: Uh… Vinnie ‘n Brick, I guess?
OTP A: I’m an absolute sucker for Dakavendish. What can I say? They’re good characters that play off each other really well, and I like that they have a complicated relationship that’s not all sunshine and roses. Still, they can really bring out the best in each other; Dakota encourages Cav to let loose and be more accepting of life, while Cav can coax Dakota into being a more productive and driven person. Excellent banter is also a big plus!
At the same time, I also love Dakota and Cavendish as a BROTP because… well, for one, aside from any potential for romantic love that may or may not exist, there’s definitely platonic love there. Plus, they’d be hilariously awful wing-men for each other. It’d be a disaster, and I love it!
And, let’s face it guys… this is a Disney show, and Disney ain’t exactly known for their willingness to push the boundaries of what the general viewing public is comfortable with. I’m not holding my breath for canon Dakavendish, so I’m pretty okay with the BROTP dynamic as it stands.
OTP B: Milanda! Milanda is definitely my favorite toy ship of the show! Milo, obviously, doesn’t much care to deal with any more chaotic excitement than he has to on the regular, so I can see where he’s coming from when he starts crushing on the no-nonsense paragon of organization that is Amanda.
On the other side of the coin, I’ve really liked watching Amanda develop an appreciation for Milo’s ability to keep calm under pressure, and how he seems to effortlessly manage the absolute chaos that is his life. Seeing Amanda learn by his example to hit the curve-balls life throws at her, instead of losing her head and striking out? Good! Excellent! Fantastic! I love!!!
OTP C: You can blame @drakotts​ for this one, but I got totally suckered into the Scott/Drako rarepair, which is called… Drakotts. You get three guesses as to who coined the ship name, and the first two don’t count.
Why this ship? Glad you asked!
A sun-avoidant vampire (?) would totally love a sun-free, underground environment.
Scott and Drako are both eclectic as all hell, and likely far more open-minded to one another’s oddities than most other people would tend to be.
Scott may not exactly have all his cords plugged into the right sockets, but he’s obvs pretty lonely down there and is covering it up by drawing faces on objects. Regular human (?) interaction would do him good.
Dude, Chad would absolutely lose his pea-pickin’ mind over the sewer mutant / vampire alliance that’s undoubtedly going to take over Danville.
These two side characters just don’t get enough love in general.
What can I say? It’s a cute ship, dammit!
BROTP A: Zack and Melissa! Their interactions have always felt really brother-sisterly to me, y’know? They share a sense of humor and they switch places playing the straight man to one-another. Plus, as someone with plenty of their own not-blood siblings, they just really give me that vibe, y’know?
Plus, I’ll be honest, part of this is a personal bias against the ‘Pair the Spares’ trope. Why–when the protagonist gets a significant other from outside the main character group–do the remaining boy and girl a l w a y s have to end up as a couple? Not that the trope is inherently bad, it’s just so damn over-used that I’m bloody sick to death of it.
Let them be sibs from different cribs! Stop devaluing best-friendship by making it always escalate into romance, as if friendship is a just a lower rung on the relationship ladder or something! Sheesh!
(The above frustration is directed at the trope, not the ship–if you ship Zalissa, more power to you! It’s still cute, I’m just salty that it’s probably gonna end up canon because, of course it is. Very original, no-one saw that coming.)
BROTP B: Mort and Bradley are just great together, and it’s a cryin’ shame we don’t get to see ‘em interact more! We usually only get to see Mort and Chad hanging out, and they’re a fun dynamic to watch, but they’re also really alike. Bradley’s a bit of a smug jerk with jealousy and insecurity issues, and Mort is a totally chillaxed, spiritual kid with good empathy skills. They play off each other so, so well! I can smell the character development from here! Dwampy! Pls!
NOTP: Y’know… I don’t actually have any? I don’t actually dislike Zalissa enough for it to be a NOTP, it just kinda bugs me due to personal trope biases. TBH, I haven’t yet seen an MML pairing that I didn’t think ‘Yeah, okay, that’s pretty valid, I could defo see how that would work.’
For the most part, if the ship isn’t, like… obviously morally gross (ex., a person and a non-sapient animal, or an adult/child ship,) I don’t really care. Hell, I saw someone post a Mort/Milo fic on Ao3 the other day and it was really cute! I end up lowkey shipping a lot of things ‘cause of this mindset.
But, all that is kind of a cop-out answer, so… I think the closest I’ve come to a NOTP is Brick and Vinnie. I’m just really ‘meh’ on it, mostly ‘cause we’ve gotten very little canon interaction between the two, and from what we’ve seen so far, I have a hard time seeing the two as compatible at all.
I dunno, if someone writes a good fic for it I may just change my mind. (That being said, I’m really invested in ‘More Than Survive’, which does have Brick/Vinnie, but that’s one-sided and gets nixed as viable in-story, so I don’t count it.)
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tjskipping · 5 years
Tumblr media
tumblr won't let me answer the ask so im just gonna answer it here!! edit: I HAVE TRIED THIS THREE TIMES TUMBLR ISTG IM GONNA THROW HANDS
sskkfjf anon idk who you are but i love you. im not sure why you think that but thank you!! you don't have to apologize lol i was just making sure we were on the same page!!
im gonna add a read more later bc im on mobile rn :(
okay so i haven't unfortunately seen an actual plotted au with both andi mack and bts but here is @ripmccolfer 's post about who the characters would have as their bias that i love!! and here is mine (but it's kind of messy jjd the first one is way better) and there's some ambi headcanons about them fighting over biases in the comments!
(also not to self promo but i made a tyrus video edit for make it right here if you want)
anon you have no idea how much i love making rec lists thank you for this opportunity. here are some of my favorite bts social media aus on ao3:
(a bare abyss) next to my skin ( yoonjin, rated M, 39.6k words)
Close But No Cigar (gen, rated G, 42.9k words, please read the tags, it might have some triggers so please be careful! <3)
fellas,,, is it gay,,, (junghope, rated G)
let's play for keeps (jikook, rated T, 3.9k words)
burning candles (vmin, rated T, 23k words, incomplete)
No Spell Can Cure Shyness (except maybe love (yoonmin, rated T, 29.5 k words, my friend recced this to me and i've only read some of it so far but i really liked it!!)
im gonna be honest skkd i haven't read many tumblr aus (three to be exact), but my favorite was by someone i used to be friends with, im learning (how to love myself). it's deleted now :( bc their blog got deleted unfortunately and i only have some parts reblogged. but here are the other two!!
Spotlight by @agustdyccngi (yoonmin, incomplete)
au by @busanaus (jikook, i only started this one yesterday because of your ask by i really liked it!!!)
hooooo boy i really love fanfiction so it's gonna be hard to choose but!!! some of my favorite fics on ao3:
Platonically in Love (rated T, 5k works, platonic ot7)
on quiet days (and always) (platonic, seokjin centric, rated T, 6k words, one of my absolute favorites)
maps to you (rated T, taekook, 13k words)
The Bet (jikook, rated T, 46.4k words)
Find The Value of an Elephant (namjin, rated T, 57.9k words)
Non sum qualis eram (I am not such as I was) (namkook, rated T, 35.4k words)
Vending Machines and Bad Ideas (2seok, rated G, 5k words)
i hope you enjoy these!!! feel free to hmu if you want more or just to talk!! both about bts and in general!! and thank you for sending me this ask lol i love talking about bts
also!! what's your favorite au/fic?
and sorry for not adding the links properly but the last three times i added ao3 links it wouldn't post :( so i made it different colors to help differentiate!! (and also bc i like colors and i deserved it after putting up with tumblr being awful)
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