#my biggest take away from Saban Moon
bbygirl-aemond · 3 months
In case anyone was curious about the supposed leaks for season 2 episodes 3 and 4, you can find a paraphrased summary of the main points below the cut. They aren't confirmed, it's just from screenshots of messages between two people, and the person who watched the episode doesn't seem very knowledgeable about canon (hasn't read the book/mixes up dragon names) so take with a hefty grain of salt. Feel free to discuss your thoughts in the replies to this post as well!
Episode 3:
Helaena is only in one brief scene with Alicent
Aegon embarrasses Aemond at the brothel (mocks him for going back to the first woman he ever slept with even as an adult)
Episode 4:
Alicent has a Maester bring her moon tea by saying it's for someone else and then drinks it herself in private
Aemond is supposed to go to Harrenhal but goes rogue and plots with Criston behind Aegon's back to show up at Rook's Rest instead
Aemond burns both Meleys/Rhaenys and Sunfyre/Aegon during the fight at Rook's Rest
Rhaenys has an opportunity to fly away after Aegon was downed, but for some reason loops back over the battlefield, leaving herself wide open for Vhagar who then takes her down
After Aegon is downed, Aemond dismounts Vhagar and is going after him with his sword drawn when Criston finds him; unclear whether Aemond was trying to attack Aegon or not
My thoughts:
I'm sad it seems like we aren't getting much of Helaena since I find her character by far one of the most interesting + Phia Saban is one of the stronger actors on the show
I like the parallel of Alicent and Rhaenyra taking moon tea after sleeping with Criston for its mirroring and also because how it's kinda funny how badly none of these women want his baby
Some people were thinking Helaena might get pregnant with Maelor later but I don't think they're planning to include him at all now; curious to see how this impacts Daeron's storyline since it kinda revolved around Maelor
Biggest point of departure from book canon is Aemond seemingly being the one responsible for Aegon getting burned and crippled and maybe even trying to finish him off in the closing scene. There's no mention of this in the books at all, and book Aemond never tried to claim himself to be king while ruling in Aegon's stead, so didn't seem very eager to usurp him
I'm reserving judgment for the airing of episode 4 itself but am curious to see how this might slot into Aemond's characterization
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glompcat · 2 years
How the hell did they never come up with a name they liked more for Mamoru than Darien?
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lennapo · 6 years
AO3 Fanfiction masterpost *updated*
I’m bringing back this masterpost with the newest works. You’ll find a few different fandoms, like Wayhaught, Trimberly, Sanvers..., even A couple of Faberry fics. I hope you enjoy them!
*I’m currently writing a Deanoru oneshot*
And if you have a prompt for any of those fandoms, feel free to send them my way.
WayHaught (Waverly Earp / Nicole Haught - Wynonna Earp)
Stupid (great) decisions
Nicole gets drunk and starts playing with her phone when she shouldn't. But that might not be such a bad thing. 
A Tumblr prompt: "Haught... did you just thirst follow my sister?" College AU maybe and wyhaught share a class? saw you receiving prompts :D
It’s always her
With the demon's ring in her hand, Nicole remembers. Dozens of lives, dozens of faces, but always her.
Another Tumblr prompt: Wayhaught + "Its always gonna be you" (or/in somekind of soulmate AU or that thing were they are reincarnated and can sometimes get their memories from previous lives or not)
Time and Time again
They've had a lot of lifetimes together, and every single one of them counts.
This is a sequel/prequel to "It's always her", so I strongly recommend to read that one first.  
Keep the tie on
Nicole has a new uniform. 
Sanvers (Alex Danvers/Maggie Sawyer - Supergirl)
And then I’ll ruin it all by saying something stupid (like I love you)
Maggie gets to know the flirty side of Alex Danvers and realizes that, maybe, she’s being an idiot.
Maggie really should stop making assumptions about Alex Danvers.
The hidden face of the moon (is a masterpiece)
There’s a lot of people that cares about Alex Danvers, even if she’s a little oblivious about it. (Or the one where everybody is a little in love with Alex)
Codename: ARTEMIS (ongoing)
*Better if you previously read The hidden face…*
After Alex is badly wounded, scaring the hell out of all her family and friends, Winn decides that it’s time to do something about it.
The DEO agents aren’t used to a happy Alex Danvers.
Out of juice
When you run away from an alien planet without enough time to bring your new gun’s charger with you.
Alex’s thoughts have been piling up inside a box under her bed for a long time, hidden in the pages of her notebooks for only her eyes to see. Until the day she decides to share them with the world.
Waiting for you
*Read after Inevitable. Maggies point of view.*
Since her parents kicked her out of her home, Maggie has always felt alone. She only finds some comfort on the stars and the poems of someone she found by chance on Instagram. Until she moves to Midvale and meets Alex Danvers.
Of questions and bets
There’s a hidden board at the DEO’s break room full of dates and names.
I Don’t Wanna See You With Her
It’s been months and her words from that night still echo in her head, like a wound that never heals. I can’t do this anymore.
You are my tree, my destiny.
Sometimes, Maggie needs to hug her soon-to-be-wife like her life depends on it. Some other times, she just likes to embarrass Alex in front of the others.
Beware of the Danvers sisters (and their lack of self-preservation) 
Maggie is used to it. Lena just stepped into this mess without realizing. 
Supercorp (Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor - Supergirl)
You make my heart feel like it’s summer (When the rain is pouring down)
Lena just sent her mother to jail and she feels alone in the world. But Kara won’t let her believe that. Post 2x08
Leo, the friendly dog. Leo loves to make friends at the park. Albert and him are a match made in heaven. Alex doesn't seem to think so. 
Hollstein (Laura Hollis/Carmilla Karnstein - Carmilla)
Eternity is a lonely word
“And what about eternity? What if I find that someone and want to keep them forever?”
Based on that little moment in 3x17 when Lafontaine catches Carmilla stroking Laura’s hair.
Trimberly (Trini/Kim - Saban’s Power Rangers)
We are a thunderstorm (ready to strike)
After the battle, they are one, glued to each other, always together. They just need a little permanent reminder of that bond. (Or the one where they all get tattoos).
You make my whole world feel so right when it’s wrong (That’s why I know you are the one)
The first time it happens, Kimberly is a second away from doing something stupid (like erasing that fucking smirk from Amanda’s face with her fist), before Jason puts a hand on her shoulder to stop her. Or how Trini keeps having suspicious encounters with Amanda, and Kimberly feels like she’s stepped into the Twilight Zone.
The enemy of my friend is my friend (or something like that)
Sometimes, Trini misses the days when she was still invisible at school, when she didn’t have any friends and people simply ignored her. It’s not like Trini doesn’t love her little team of misfits, she’s just not used to all the attention that being friends with the two biggest pariahs at school has brought to her life.
You've got a friend in me (as weird as that is)
There must be something in the water... Or the one where Amanda starts acknowledging Trini at school and Harper thinks she's going mad.
When the past comes knocking
There's a reason for Trini's policy against kissing cheerleaders.
Never you
Kimberly makes a decision that takes her to Trini's door on a rainy afternoon.
Tumblr prompt: Trimberly + "I regret many things but not you, never you"  
In the middle of the night  
In the middle of the night, in a dark, cold lake, Kim is not alone.
Okay, so @youcanbemysanity on Tumblr asked for someone to write a Trimberly fic based on the chorus of Taylor Swift’s Ready for It, and suddenly I got this idea in my head and I couldn’t not write it.
I’m not even sure if it works well with the song, but at least I tried. Also, it’s slightly NSFW.
Friday Nights
Trini loves horror movies, but there's a line she won't cross.
Another prompt from Tumblr! you choose the ship, "im not watching IT" "is xxx scared of clowns?"
Unexpected Knights  
They've had a really public coming out, basically in front of the whole school, but things seemed to be going well, until they return from Winter's break and there's a new guy who won't leave Kimberly alone. But Trini has made some unexpected friends that will jump to the rescue, even if is just to avoid having Trini throwing punches around.
Answering a prompt from Tumblr: I got a trimberly prompt, Kim and trini have their relationship exposed to the school, it's mostly positive and things go good. However as they are leaving school they start getting harassed by bullies, before either can do anything they get rescued (more like helped by) surprise heroes: Bulk and Skull.
Faberry (Rachel Berry/Quinn Fabray - Glee)
On songs and how she came to realize
After their argument at the auditorioum, once Rachel is gone and she’s alone again, Quinn has a revelation. Set after the ‘piano scene’ on Original Song. Faberry one-shot.
Tina and Mike are getting married and their house is full of people. There's one only bed to share, which forces Quinn to face something she regrets doing months ago.
Another Tumblr prompt: your feet are cold, keep them away + faberry maybe ?
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