#my body feels itchy from all the hair in my clothes (not allergies though)
otterandterrier · 11 months
I'm not adapting well to being a single cat mom tbh 😔
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pbandjesse · 10 months
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We saw a house tonight. I am trying to be normal about it. Can't be to excited. Because it was shown at least 3 times today. But I love this one. I could see us being really happy there.
Today was mostly just waiting for that though. I had a nice day but it was not very busy. It was a nice day, until it started raining and my allergies went crazy. Then I felt very bad. I am still not feeling great, but at least I'm not sneezing as much.
I woke up this morning and my throat hurt from being to dry. I made the bed and went to take a shower.
I washed my hair and it made me feel a lot better. I put in cozy clothes. I would end up layering a long sleeve shirt under my Tshirt and when I went out later I put on my wool coat. Just to feel very cozy. It was pretty cozy in our apartment though. James said it was very frigid out and let me know it was going to rain later. So I told them I would come pick them up and we could drive right to the house we were seeing from there. Perfect timing, it all works out.
I did some picking up around the apartment. And worked on a few small projects. And finally sat down to sew.
I sewed all the horse ears. And three bodies. But I was just not feeling doing much more, that took me a while. And I would finish a little after noon.
I had a bowl of cereal but we don't have cereal I like to much. Honey nut Cheerios are not my favorite flavor. But it was fine. I would chill on the couch with sweetp while I continued to watch the video I had started while I was sewing. And would eventually lay down with him to watch TikToks. Which was when I noticed how sharp his nails were.
So I asked him to come with me to cut them and he is such a good boy he came with me. Cried the whole time but let me do it. But this is when my allergies started going off.
I took meds but it didn't seem to help. I felt very very bad.
I was itchy and sneezy and was just having a very bad time. I thought I should get out of the house. I was going to go get James anyway. So I would just leave a bit early. James asked me to bring their bike tools, so after I got cozy and ready I went to find those and headed out into the rain.
It was very cold and I thought it would help me not feel so horrible but I was having a very bad time. When. I got to the car I started it and just put my head on the steering wheel for a minute. Driving was kind of terrible. I was just so uncomfortable. I tried opening the windows for more air but it just wasn't helping. I was very glad when I got to the parking lot of the shopping center.
I decided to go to five below and the dollar store. But some snacks. Get a little surprise box. I was not feeling good but I still enjoyed walking around the store. It was surprisingly dark outside for 3pm. And there weren't many cars in the lot. I was enjoying looking at the weird stuff the store carried but I kept saying. I am not having fun. I did not feel good and was just really struggling. Like if I breathed to deeply I would feel woozy. I didn't understand why the medicine didn't work in the way it normally does. Was not fun at all.
I walked to the dollar store next. Looked at everything. Bought some batteries. But I didn't want to be out anymore. I wanted to go be with James.
I drove down the street to the museum. And went inside and was very surprised how busy it was! I sat behind the desk with James just being a sad sniffly baby. It was nice seeing Phil. And seeing James do their job. Someone came in to get a lost phone. Lots of people buying soaps and gifts. Getting memberships. It was nice to see James just excelling at their job.
After then the musuem was closed. Phil turned off the lights while James finished up. He left a bit before us. James counted out their drawer. And took the wheels off their bike. I would stand by the front door to feel the cold air to try to feel better. I needed to keep it together. We had a house to go see.
Soon though we were getting out of there. I went to wait in the car while James alarmed the building. And then James drove us to Waverly.
I told James about the snacks I got. We shared some in the car. And then we were there. A little early.
I liked the neighborhood a lot. I was surprised! It was much more suburban then I expected for the area. It's near James's parents but not to close. And the house itself was so cute. It looks great from outside.
When Harold our realtor got there he let us know that it needed work. He had seen it earlier today with some other people. And I am prepared for a fixer upper. I won't get into something I don't think I can handle.
And I can handle this one. And it isn't without issues. It has a spot in the kitchen ceiling where there was probably a leak. And the kitchen itself is out of date and kind of ugly. There are three bathrooms technically. One in the scary spooky basement (where I also found a secret door where I found broken old pottery and books???), this one is basically not useable and is way to spooky. Spooky toilet.
The first floor bathroom is ugly. And it seems like the bathtub backed up recently and flooded that room and some of the space outside of the door. That is my biggest concern. I would want to rip that whole room out. It seems like it was added and not done well.
But if we move on from those issues, the rest of the house is a dream. The first floor has a first room that was a bedroom before but I would use as a studio. Then a living room, a dining room, then the kitchen. It has a wrap around porch in the front, and a small deck outback, with a little backyard and a 2 car garage! The upstairs is great and my favorite part. The rooms are good sizes. Two large and one small. The upstairs bathroom is good, a little larger then our current bathroom. And best of all it has a laundry room upstairs! Brand new! The whole upstairs is so good.
It has a pull down attic. I was brave and went up there. I found a mirror and some pieces of wood. It has a floor but it isn't finished completely. It did have a closet with a dresser in it though! Very neat. I also went around and looked at the roof and didn't see any damage or pieces where water could have come in. It seemed good to me but obviously we would get an inspection. But I had good vibes.
Something I particularly like about this place is that it has room from growth. We could live in it while we fixed the one bathroom, because it has another. We could create another whole space in the attic if we wanted to someday. It is a project house but not outrageously so. It is beautiful and has good vibes in a great place in a good school zone near parks and family. I am trying very hard to not get my hopes up but we sent Harold an email that we want to make an offer.
We were there for a half hour. Going through the rooms multiple times. I loved the weird stuff. The old details. The original hardware in the doors that were painted over but could be cleaned up and made beautiful again. Harold shared his concerns but also didn't feel like it was outrageous for us. He said there is a place for everyone. He told us about the house across the street that was the last one sold on the block that went through renovations for a few years but it super nice now. We waved at the woman who lives there. We told him we would think it over and send him an email.
But I was pretty set on this one. We talked the whole ride home. James tried to bring up any negatives. So we could talk through them. And at the end of it we feel like this is the right choice. If we don't succeed it won't be the end of the world, we won't fall apart. But I could really see us being really happy there, growing there, making it our space in a real way.
But I also have to just hold it together because it has only been on the market a few days and it's been seen a few times. Someone else might get it. And if we don't that just means it wasn't right for us. And after talking to my parents yesterday we might still be able to be in that neighborhood. I believe it will work out how it's supposed to.
When we got home I felt bad again. I think I held it together for seeing the house but I was not feeling great. James went to do our laundry (that I had sorted this morning to be helpful), and then made some pasta for us. Which helped me not feel so bad. But I was still pretty uncomfortable.
I had some mail to open. The new earrings I ordered came and I feel much more comfortable. I put that stuff all away and played with sweetp for a little.
I took a hot bath. Which helped more. I was in the bath for a long time. It helped my itchy feelings. I put that vitamin e oil on and it helped too. And now me and James are in bed watching videos. I am still not feeling amazing but that is okay. Sleep will help.
Tomorrow me and James are going to go buy each other Christmas ornaments. I hope it is just an easy and chill day where we both feel good and are bit overly tired.
Sleep well everyone. Be safe and be careful!!
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Allergy Season | Wilhelm Wicki x gn!reader
Anonymous asked: Hey, I’m going through a really hard time right now, and reading through all of your stuff makes me feel a bit better 💜 could you write something for me about Wicki? Maybe something where he’s sick or just upset and the reader makes him feel better. Thank you -💜
summary: Wicki's allergies make him feel miserable, but you've got a couple of ways to make him feel better.
tws: allergies, swearing, nudity
Sniffling loudly, Wicki grumbled as he went to rub his eyes; complete misery had taken over thanks to the Summer months, his allergies settling in and creating chaos in his body. His eyes itched and watered, his nose was runny and itchy, his throat clogged and thick. Whenever he took a breath, it sounded more like a rattling snort, and he couldn't help but to scratch at his nose. The worst was the sneezing, though, and it eventually got to the point where he had to hand you his rifle whenever he could feel them coming on; it always started out as one, then two, then three, then a few more. The poor man was miserable.
As he lifted his hand to scratch and rub at his eyes, though, he felt a familiar grip on his wrist, and he smiled weakly as he met your gaze.
"Nicht jetzt, mein geliebter. Bitte."
You sighed, daring to lace your fingers with his and hold his hand tightly, shaking your head. "Wipe your nose."
He took the handkerchief from you with his free hand, and wiped his nose as he dared to laugh a little. "That bad?"
"Worse," you admitted with a frown. "C'mon, we're gonna go down to the river. A good wash, and getting the pollen off them clothes will do you some good."
Wicki didn't hesitate, following you to the river just down the little hill; he froze up for a couple of seconds when you started to undress him, but he relaxed, and he helped you eventually. His hands shaking, his nose itched like fuck. His eyes were painful from where they itched so much; but the second he was in the water, he was kind of grateful.
You dumped your clothes with his in a big pile, leaving belts and boots and scarves and anything else that couldn't be washed on the ground, the rest of it coming into the river; you didn't get past the shallows, the water up to your waist when you sat down and started to scrub at it with your hands. Keeping your eye on Wicki as he washed himself, pausing to sneeze and to grumble.
"You feeling better?" You called out, and when he nodded, you smiled. "Told you."
Wicki dunked his head under the water, running his hands through his hair, working the wet strands when he came up again, slowly making his way towards you; but he stopped about halfway, taking in a deep breath.
Every bird within a ten mile radius must have flew off when he sneezed.
"Do you need help?"
"With this?" You held up the nearly washed clothes and shook your head. "Nah. Just gimme a minute."
He waited, practically counting the seconds as he waited for you, but when you finally finished, you chucked it all behind you, near where the boots and everything else were, and you found yourself treading water, raking a hand through wet black hair with a little smile.
"My nose still itches..." he admitted quietly.
"I know," you hummed. "But maybe, when we go into town next, we'll see if we can get something that'll help."
"I heard they have drugs, now," he said quietly, bringing a handful of water to his eyes and trying to wash them out. "They stop it."
"Maybe," you hummed. "I dunno much about that, but I'm sure we can always find somewhere that might have them... don't rub your eyes, it'll make things worse. Just keep splashing 'em."
Chuckling, Wicki shook his head a little. "What'd I do without you, mein geliebter?"
"Probably scratch your own damn eyes out," you laughed, holding the back of his neck gently so that you could try and aid him a little. "Y'know, Aldo has a stash of them sweets you like... if you distract him for five minutes, maybe I can nick some."
Stealing from Aldo was commonplace, everyone knew that, as it wasn't exactly hard to get away with; and he didn't exactly mind, often just rolling his eyes and shaking his head.
"I think I can help you with that."
"Yeah, but-" he couldn't even finish before he sneezed again, the harshness of it making him grumble and clutch the side of his head. "I might need your handkerchief again."
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s-nebul0sa · 4 years
Can you write something about Lena having an allergic reaction to something. Maybe she ate sth just to make Kara happy, knowing she used to have been a little allergic to it in the past but she didn’t know that her allergy must have gotten worse and now she feels really bad. Doesn’t have to be too serious but she’s really unwell and Kara feels bad and stays with her to be there That would be awesome. Also, I totally love all your stories so much 😍
Read it on AO3
When Kara had asked her, “You’re not allergic to peanuts, are you?” Lena hadn’t thought about anything other foods she might be allergic to. She isn’t allergic to peanuts, she would have known with the amount of peanut M&Ms she’s stress-eaten in the last year and during college.
So, she had replied with a negative and never considered having to take other allergies into consideration. Not that she was sure it’s an allergy per se. It was only one time in boarding school and she only got an itchy rash she got after eating some coconut so it could’ve been anything really. Ever since, she has just avoided it and not had any issues.
Until today, that is.
After only a few bites she starts feeling icky. It’s not a very specific feeling. She just doesn’t feel well anymore but not knowing exactly why she puts it off as being due to tiredness or stress and tries to ignore it.
Not even two bites later, Kara stops eating and stares at Lena.
Lena stops eating and stares back for a moment.
“What are you doing?” she asks after a moment when Kara doesn’t look away.
“You’ve got a rash on your cheeks.” Kara gestures her own neck to show Lena where exactly the rash is.
“Oh.” Lena brings her hand up to her cheek and feels the slight unevenness of her cheek. Her skin feels hot. “It’s probably nothing,” she dismisses anyway. But her hand lingers. It doesn’t feel like nothing. Her skin is starting to burn and itch and the ickiness feels worse than before.
An uneasy feelings creeps upon her. She doesn’t want to seem weak but she really doesn’t feel well. For a second, Lena closes her eyes and takes a slow deep breath, hoping the feeling will pass.
Just as the feared, the feeling only gets worse. Her throat feels scratchy and her eyes itch and are watery. She feels like she should lie down.
“Lena?” Kara asks, a hint of worry slipping through in her voice. “Are you okay?”
As she feels the itchiness spread over her entire skin, Lena realises there’s no lying her way out of this.
“No,” she confesses. “I feel a little off.” She pushes away from the table, creating a little breathing space and making it easier for her to get up if she wants to.
Kara gets up from her spot and kneels down at Lena’s side, putting a hand on Lena’s knee. “You don’t look good. Is there anything I can do?”
Lena shakes her head. She puts her hand on top of Kara’s on her knee.
“Maybe you should lie down for a moment? Think that’ll help?” Kara suggests.
Lena closes her eyes again, fighting the intense urge to scratch her itchy skin and rub her eyes, and nods. Maybe it will help. The least she can do is give it a try. With Kara trying to help her, she gets up and moves to the couch.
Kara fluffs up a pillow and moves it beneath her head, lingering awkwardly above her. She’s clearly unsure what to do to help.
“There should be some meds in my bathroom. A small yellow bottle. Could you get it?” Lena asks. “And maybe some more comfortable clothes.” Her pantyhose are now painful on her skin, as are the tight skirt and blouse she’s wearing.
“Yes, yes,” Kara says more to herself than to Lena as she gets up and moves away.
In the time it takes Kara to fetch Lena’s medicine and fresh clothes, Lena has already taken off most of her clothes. She doesn’t mind Kara seeing her in underwear and her tank top.
Kara seems to falter for a moment when she sees her but quickly rushes over with the pills and clothes.
“You’re all red!” she observes, her eyes lingering on the red blotches on Lena’s skin.
“I know, darling. Now, can you give me the meds? I’m about ready to claw off my own skin.”
“Lena!” Kara admonishes. “That does not sound healthy.” She hands over the pills and a bottle of water she grabbed on the way back to the couch.
Lena decides to ignore the comment. Of course it’s not healthy but it’ll go away within half an hour if she takes the antihistamines in the bottle.
Kara puts the pile of clothes on the kitchen table, within Lena’s reach. Lena, however, currently has no intention of getting dressed. She takes her meds and gratefully drinks half the bottle of water before lying back down on the couch again.
“Do you need anything else?” Kara asks, looking a little awkward as she watches Lena from a small distance.
“No, thank you. It’ll go away in a bit,” Lena explains. “Just have to sit it out.”
Kara nods and tentatively moves over.
“Have you had this happen before?”
“Not this bad but when I was a teen I did have some mild reactions a few times.”
“What prompted it?”
“I ate coconut. I assume that’s what was in the food?”
“Mhm,” Kara confirms with a small nod of her head. “Coconut milk. Why didn’t you tell me you’re allergic?”
“I didn’t know.” Lena shifts on the couch, making some room for Kara to sit down, which she eagerly does. “I mean, I presumed but I never had it confirmed or anything.”
Lena unconsciously lets her hands wander over her skin and scratches the worst itches.
“Shouldn’t you try not to scratch?” Kara asks.
Caught, Lena pulls back her hands and tucks them beneath her head to try and keep them from going their own way again.
“It’s okay. It probably itches real bad.”
Lena hums in agreement but doesn’t try to put too much attention on it.
“Would some distraction help?” Kara suggests, sitting back against the back of the couch a little more.
Kara clearly takes that as a yes. She guides Lena’s head on top of her lap and twines one hand in Lena’s hair. With the other, she looks for the tv remote.
“What do you want to watch? Something light and funny, something brainless, something compelling?”
“Something light sounds good. Not too brainless though.”
“Okay, so a good comedy,” Kara concludes, expertly navigating the plethora of titles on the screen.
Lena nods. She trusts Kara’s choice for something to watch. Kara can gauge what she will and won’t like and she knows way more titles than Lena does.
As Kara scrolls through the options, Lena lets out a small breath and relaxes her head on Kara’s lap. Kara’s fingers massage her scalp softly and the cool air and medicine make her skin starting to feel a little less itchy. Kara puts on a show and moves her other hand to play with Lena’s hair too.
If lena weren’t feeling so bad, she would have thought she had gone to heaven.
“Is this okay?” Kara asks as the intro of the show plays on the tv.
“Perfect,” Lena murmurs. She feels suddenly very comfortable, the medicine coursing through her body and curbing her allergic reaction, Kara’s hands in her hair, the tv playing in the background.
Lena shivers involuntarily when her body starts to cool down and gets sleepy. Not wearing any clothes is no longer comfortable. Kara seems to notice and gently coaxes Lena up so she can put on the soft clothes Kara brought out earlier. Lena lets Kara dress her in them and lies back down right after with a big yawn.
Pulling out a storage basket from beneath the couch, Kara grabs a blanket and drapes it over Lena before sitting back down and letting Lena rest her head on her lap again.
Now, Lena really is in heaven, she thinks as it gets harder and harder to keep her eyes open and she feels the pull of sleep at the edges of her mind. She doesn’t fight it and comfortably slips under.
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sniffle-elf · 5 years
“I’m cold. Come closer.” - for Gabriel and John, if you can? :3
OKAY SO. As I mentioned, this grew into something completely unexpected, and I’m sorry if it’s not your jams. Feel free to shoot me another request if you totally hate it. 
Also, it should be noted that this takes place in a fantasy medieval kingdom where things like allergies aren’t really known. All Gabriel knows is the ‘smell’ of horses makes him ‘sensitive’. Okay bye. 
John & Gabriel. 2.4K words. Allergies. 
Autumn in Etrania came all at once. One afternoon it was hot out, summer lingering and making the more nocturnally challenged inhabitants of the kingdom seek refuge inside the cool shade of their homes. The next day brought a cool breeze and the scent of rain. And every day after that was rain and wind and clouds that were dark and heavy with possibility.
John had decided to take advantage of the sudden arrival of dreariness to spend more time with his horse. Without the need of a hat to protect himself from the deadly sunlight, he understood better the phrase 'weather permitting' than he ever had. It was nice to be able to ride along Gabriel's countryside without worrying about silly things such as sun poisoning. With Gabriel busy all day, holding Court and overseeing some sort of improvement on the castle, John had been presented with both the time and the opportunity for a good, long ride, and he had taken it gladly.
When he returned to the castle finally, stormy twilight had settled over Etrania like an angry, purple blanket. Just as he was handing Satine's reins over to an eager stablehand, the skies opened as if the clouds had been pierced by a thousand tiny knives. Immediately, John had spluttered and lifted an arm to shield himself from the wet, cursing the dreariness that had made a hat unnecessary. You could never win, it would seem. He didn't quite run across the castle grounds, but it was a near thing, his boots slipping over wet grass in his haste to get inside sooner.
It was only as he climbed the stairs to the quarters he shared with Gabriel that he realized just how tired he was. Tired, and drained. Something he had learned since being turned; being tired was very different from feeling drained. He felt drained mostly when he was hungry, just before he started to slip into the bloodlust that made him feel as if his body was dying, one cell at a time, and he felt as if every ounce of energy had been bled from him.
How ironic.
When Lucas sprang forward to open the door for him, with an exaggerated bow and a greeting of, "Hello, Boss!" John barely had the energy to roll his eyes at him. Waving a hand over his shoulder, he shivered and dripped his way into the circular sitting room, reaching up to unfasten the brooch holding his now soggy cloak closed. He sighed, a tired sound, and hung his cloak up to drip near the door. A hand was pushed into his wet hair, and he realized that the very act of hanging up his cloak and pushing damp curls from his eyes had all but done him in. He was tired, he was hungry, and he was cold.
Thankfully, there was already a warm fire burning in the hearth and the unmistakable scent of bergamot tea. It was amazing what he could notice now, with his enhanced vampire senses. The scent of tea on the air. The rumblings of an incoming storm, still miles off. The sound of animals creeping in the forest behind the castle. And the cold. He noticed the cold so much more now, which he had initially found odd. Why would a vampire, one whose blood no longer ran hot, notice the cold? He did, though, finding winter as excruciating as summer, though for very different reasons. He had once, a bit drunkenly after too much brandy taken with Gabriel's father in the study, compared himself to a lizard who didn't know if it wanted to be perched atop a sunny rock, or hiding beneath it.
Gabriel had called himself the rock, and John had become aware, for the first time since being changed, that vampires could blush if they had fed recently enough.
The rock in question was, no doubt, the reason for the crackling fire and John's favourite tea, being kept warm in a kettle wrapped in wool. The king himself was standing near the window, behind a large easel. With a paintbrush in hand and his eyes fixed on the storm, he hadn't moved to greet John, or even lifted his eyes from his work. That meant he was very much caught up in it all, which also meant that John had to go to him. And it didn't matter, it turned out, what you were. Vampire or human, king or commoner. If your partner approached you with damp clothing and skin chilled from the wind and rain, you were likely to notice. No matter what you were doing.
"Christ!" The paintbrush left a streak of navy across the canvas when Gabriel jumped at a cold hand being worked up beneath his shirt. Muffling laughter between his mate's shoulderblades, John held on fast even as Gabriel tried to shake him off, squirming in a very un-royal fashion. "What are you doing, you're freezing! And wet, Johnny, get off!” Despite the harsh words, Gabriel's voice was warm with amusement, and his motions were half-hearted at best. Exaggerated, perhaps, to make John laugh. That was enough to make warmth bloom in John's chest, spreading through him slowly. Not enough to chase the chill from his bones entirely, but definitely enough to make him smile and hum a content note against Gabriel's shoulder.
"I'm cold," he murmured, a shiver running down his spine and making him tremble against the solid warmth of Gabe's back. He took his hand from Gabriel's chest, settling instead for wrapping his arms around his beloved's waist and shuffling closer to him. They were pressed together, from shoulder to hip to knee, and John would still move closer if he could. Gabriel, who was unfed and barely warmer than room temperature, felt as warm to him as if he'd been basking in front of the fire for hours. Rubbing his nose against the soft casual tunic that Gabriel had traded his Court finery for, John kissed his shoulder and tightened his arms around him in a plaintive squeeze. "Come closer."
Gabriel shuffled back a step, moving away from his easel so that he could turn in John's arms and hug him properly. With arms looped loosely around John's waist, he smiled up at him with the kind of tenderness that was reserved for him alone. "Closer? Johnny, I don't think two people can stand closer than we are now. Not that I'm complaining," he added quickly, apparently afraid that John would take offence to his desire to be closer. About to insist that there were several ways that they could, in fact, be closer, John was silenced by a kiss pressed to his forehead. And it was so simple a gesture, so sweet and warm, that it immediately silenced his slightly bawdy protest. Settling for huffing quietly, John dipped his head to accept the second kiss that he knew was coming, and the nuzzle to the tip of his cold nose. Gabriel, his honey-eyed king, could put out a fire just as quickly as he'd set it ablaze, and John was weak to his tiny affections. He pressed his forehead to his collarbone, humming again when the top of his head was kissed quietly.
"How was Court?" It didn't matter that his voice was, more or less, muffled into Gabriel's shirt. He knew that Gabe was used to his need to touch, and to feel, and to be as close as possible some days. And that this sometimes meant he had to decipher John's grumbled speech that was half-obscured by whatever part of his body was currently being spoken to. They had become rather adept at communicating that way. That, and when Gabe refused to lift his head from where it was crushed against his pillow in the mornings, and still thought that John could even halfway understand him.
"Well," Gabriel mused, his lips brushing the top of John's head when he spoke, his voice thoughtful. "It was long. And slow. And dragged on. And..." He cut himself off with soft laughter when John dug a knuckle into his ribs, squirming to get away from the ticklish touch without actually releasing John from the warm circle of his arms. He gave a soft sniffle and braced his chin atop John's curls instead, rubbing one hand over his back absently, a touch that made John sigh contentedly. "It was good. We got a sweet little piglet..." He drew back just enough to press a knuckle beneath his nose, giving it a quick and dismissive rub, and smiled up at John, his eyes sparkling. "He's cute."
"Cute?" Eyes narrowing in suspicion, John pulled back further still. "He is delicious. I'm going to eat him for breakfast!" Gabriel had always wanted a pet, but his father had not allowed it in his youth. And now, because of that, he often joked about keeping every animal that was brought to them as a token. And John would joke right back that he was going to eat said animal. When Gabriel didn't laugh again, the way he normally did, John lifted an eyebrow and poked his mate in the ribs again. "Now, you can't be all that attached to a piglet, Gabe. Really, despite my current company, I do have standards. I--"
"Hh'ITSH’iew!" The sneeze came on so suddenly that it stole away the witty remark that John's tongue was still wrapped around. He blinked in surprise, leaning back when Gabriel turned away hurriedly, curled fist already lifted to deflect another itchy sounding, "Hk'IShhhieew!" A quick sniffle and Gabriel turned back, though he did so hesitantly while performing the rather boyish act of wiping his hand dry against the side of his pants. Pulling a face, John squirmed away from Gabriel, patting his body lightly in search of a handkerchief concealed in some pocket or another. All his hands contacted, however, was the damp fabric of his riding clothing.
"God bless you. I've nothing, I'm afraid. Are you quite alright?" He lifted a hand to touch Gabriel, intending on stroking his thumb over the curve of his cheek. His wrist was caught just short of contact being made, and Gabriel pressed a quick kiss to his palm before gently pushing his hand down. He sniffled again, a quick series of short, wet bursts of sound. It was something that would typically cause irritation to spark in John, the repetitive sound of it getting under his skin. But the expression on Gabriel's face, crumpling slowly as the realization of another sneeze dawned upon him, had him too curiously concerned, and perhaps just a little amused. This must have shown in his expression, some twitch of his mouth, or a sparkle in his eyes, because Gabriel narrowed his eyes at him, damp and pink looking already.
"I'm fine. Wh..why do you look lihh--" He pushed the bulb of his nose into the palm of his hand and rubbed it in quick, rough circles. This was apparently enough for now, enough for him to relieve the itch long enough to finish his thought. "Look like that? Like this is funny?" This was such a childish gesture that most of his worry gave way to further amusement, and John hid a smile behind a hand lifted to his mouth. Gabriel glared, though it was short-lived due to the arrival of the sneeze he'd managed to stave off. He turned aside once more, this time tucking his face neatly into the bend of his elbow. John rubbed his back through the fit, his brows lifting when the count reached seven, and Gabriel's breath hitched once more, indicating he wasn't done yet. There was, however, a pause long enough for John to speak over his mate's shivering breath.
"God bless you. Are you quite done?" He blinked innocently when Gabriel glared at him once more, dark lashes spiked with tears, his eyes pink and sensitive looking. For to be certain, this was one of Gabriel's sensitivities. And John, who had tapped his clothing once again to search in vain for a handkerchief, was quite surprised that it had taken him this long to realise that the scent of Satine must be clinging to him still. And, judging from the expression that crossed Gabriel's face when he fitted John with a watery glare, he had reached the same conclusion.
"What are you wearing? What have you behhh... huhhEISH'oo!" Despite how many times Gabriel had sneezed already, they still sounded desperate, as if the itch in his nose was still simply too much to bear. Another sneeze, a damp sounding, "huhisshhhh!" that was mostly smothered in the sleeve of his shirt, and he finally lifted his head again, looking bleary and blinking rapidly. His voice was a stuffy rasp when he finally spat out, "What did you do today?"
"Well!" Huffing a little, John put further distance between them, moving to the chest of drawers where their handkerchiefs were kept in neat stacks. He pulled one of the more absorbent squares and brought it back to Gabriel, trying not to laugh when the pouting king snatched the cloth from his hand impatiently and held it to his nose with a thick sniffle. "Honestly, you can't expect me to just sit around and look pretty while you're holding court. Don't," he added, when it looked as if Gabriel may make some sort of smart remark. He half-turned from his mate, reaching for the cord belt at his waist. "Don't start. I had to amuse myself somehow, and your father has already trounced me at chess twice this week. You said you wanted me to get out more," he added when Gabriel made a stuffy, annoyed sound before blowing his nose. He continued to defend himself as he undressed, leaving his riding clothes in a growing heap on the floor. "And you gave me Satine to begin with. Remember? She was just a little thing, and..." The river of his defence trickled to almost nothing when he turned, stripped down to just his breeks, and saw the way that Gabriel was looking at him. "What?"
Gabriel sniffled once more, giving his nose one final swipe with the handkerchief before advancing on him, moving in that slowly deliberate way that always sent a chill up John's spine. His voice was thick with congestion when he spoke, but low and simmering with suggestive heat. "Are you still cold?"
Feeling suddenly breathless, John reached up to untie the leather thong that held it back. His curls fell over his shoulders, and he reached for Gabriel with one hand, shivering again. "Come closer."
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hurt-care · 6 years
I love your wolfstar writing so much can you write Sirius with a Sneeze Kink please please please
Hello, anon! Thanks so much! How could I say no to this? 
Prepare for some complete filth ahead.....I went for it. :P
“Are you awake, Moony?” Sirius whispered, pressing himself against his lover's back and planting a kiss on the exposed curve of Remus' neck where it bent forward.
“Mhm,” Remus confirmed sleepily. “What time is it?”
“Nearly ten. It looks gorgeous out. Sunny and warm.”
“Mhmm,” Remus murmured again, yawning widely. “Great. I'll have to get some more potions in town today or tomorrow. I'm almost out and this'll probably be the end of it if it's as gorgeous out there as you say.”
Though usually kept in check by a supply of allergy potions, Remus' spring hayfever was well-known to Sirius. The truly awkward part was that Sirius found Remus' allergies utterly charming and sexy and all-together infatuating. And the allergies were NOT Remus' favourite. Already waylaid once a month by the full moon, he preferred not to have to spend the better part of three months congested and sneezy and itchy.
But occasionally, indulgences to Sirius' harmless kink were allowed. Remus rolled over and looked sleepily at Sirius.
“Why are you saying this? Have something in mind?”
“I thought maybe we could go for a little stroll. And then come back to bed?”
Remus couldn't help but smile at the hopeful look on Sirius' face.
“A little walk, huh?” he said, wriggling his nose at the very thought of it. While he was currently protected by the closed windows and clean house, he knew as soon as he stepped foot outside, he was in for a day of a full-blown allergy attack.
“A little walk,” Sirius repeated, leaning in to kiss Remus. Their lips pressed together, they moved closer, tangling under the sheets. Remus let his hips rock forward with eagerness, pressing against Sirius' muscular thigh.
“Easy,” Sirius said with a laugh. “I'll make you feel better in a little while.”
“See, it's the 'feel better' bit I know you are after. And the 'getting miserable' bit just before that,” Remus teased, running his hands down Sirius' back.
“Let's go,” Sirius urged. “I can't wait to get you back here.”
Remus sat up, laughing as Sirius smacked his bum while they walked over to their wardrobes. Once both dressed, Remus reached into his top drawer and retrieved a stack of handkerchiefs.
“Let me take those,” Sirius asked, extending his hand.
“You're a sadist,” Remus teased, relinquishing the stack. “Don't make me suffer too much.”
“Never,” Sirius promised, kissing him gently. “Let's go.”
Sirius was right; it was a gorgeous morning outside. The sunlight filtering through the trees around Remus' country cottage shone a gentle light in which floated motes of pollen and dust and mold and all the other offending particles. Almost immediately, Remus felt his nose begin to leak and he sniffled.
“Hold my hand,” Sirius asked, extending his. Remus took it and they began strolling down towards the back hill.
Sniffle. Sniffle. Sniff...sniffle.
Remus' rhythmic inhalations were like a bizarre foreplay as Sirius strolled along at his side, squeezing his hand reassuringly. The taller man's prominent nose was frequently scrunching up in irritation and Remus' free hand began to occasionally rub at his right eye, which swelled and looked painfully tearful.
“Sweet, don't rub,” Sirius said, reaching to tug Remus' hand away from his eye.
“You're the one who suggested this torture,” croaked Remus, allowing himself to be drawn into a hug. They stood, arms wrapped around each other, luxuriating in the sunshine.
And then it began.
Remus tensed in Sirius arms, shuddering and hitching.
“I've got you,” Sirius reassured him. “It's okay. Let it out.”
A hot rush of air from Remus' mouth puffed against Sirius neck as the man fought the explosion, panting with uncontrolled anticipation. And then, his breathing turned to a gasping inhalation and he rocked forward into Sirius' grip with a wrenching sneeze.
“Bless you,” Sirius breathed, reaching up and stroking Remus' hair. But Remus wasn't done.
He inhaled with a shaky breath, fighting more hitching with a losing battle. Sirius, entranced, watched him closely.
“Need help?” he asked softly, observing Remus' struggle.
“No,” Remus managed to say. “I—ehh-GHTXHTT!”
He sneezed into the crook of Sirius' shoulder and the shorter man couldn't help but moan a little.
“Bless you,” he breathed, gripping at Remus' back and feeling the intense panting of the man's continuing fit.
Remus pulled away, bending over to cover his face with tented hands.
“I'm sorry,” he said congestidly from behind the shield of his palms. “I could really use one of those handkerch—ehh-TSGHHHT!”
Sirius pulled one of the soft cloths from his pocket and reached out with it.
“C'mere,” he said. Remus looked up at him with watering eyes and reluctantly lowered his hands, allowing Sirius to pinch the cloth over his rebellious nose. He blew his nose softly and Sirius rubbed his fingers in a gentle circle, wriggling Remus' nostrils.
“Sirius...” he breathed, moaning softly.
“It's okay,” Sirius replied, voice husky with arousal. “Let it out.”
Remus leaned in to Sirius, his nose still caught in the man's grasp. He hitched wildly, lungs gasping as the fit continued.
He restrained the sneeze but that only served to cause more to tumble forth.
Sirius was staring at him with hungry eyes.
“Poor love,” he soothed, massaging Remus' nose with his finger tips. “Should we go inside.”
“Yes, please,” Remus croaked.
“C'mon then,” Sirius said, carefully pinching the handkerchief off the end of Remus nose and giving it a gentle wipe across his messy upper lip. He embraced the taller man for a moment and Remus felt the insistent press of arousal in Sirius' jeans against his thigh. Just the brief touch made him shiver with anticipation.
He followed Sirius into the house, sniffling and fighting to breathe. They tumbled into the bedroom, peeling off clothing. Remus fell back on the bed, naked and flushed. Sirius slid up beside him.
“I want you,” he breathed, leaning over Remus and capturing his mouth in a kiss. Remus reciprocated for a brief moment and then moaned insistently. He broke the kiss and sneezed rapidly, nose bumping into Sirius' shoulder.
Sirius moaned in response, hips rocking forward and rubbing against Remus' hips. Remus' body rose in response, his chest heaving with gasps as he struggled to catch his breath in the midst of the fit.
“Bless you,” Sirius breathed, sucking and biting at Remus' neck as the fit continued. Remus' breath rushed across Sirius' skin, hot and desperate and hitching. Remus whined with a high-pitched moan, caught between the agony of the allergy attack and the intense arousal pulsing through him. He pressed his nose against Sirius cheek.
“It's stuck,” he panted, eyes closed as his face froze in the battle of anticipation. “Ehh....”
“Let it out,” Sirius coaxed.
“Can't,” Remus gasped out. “Hehh....nghhh...”
His breath caught and then slowed. Remus moaned in frustration.
“It's stuck,” he repeated.
“Let me help,” Sirius urged, reaching up to kiss the bridge of Remus' nose. Then, he gently stroked the reddened nostrils with a feather-light touch. Remus' face crinkled and his breath rushed in once more, hitching madly.
“Pads...” he warned, hovering on the verge. “Please...hehh....”
Sirius bumped his hand somewhat forcefully against Remus' nose and the fit was triggered once more. Remus inhaled rapidly and was quickly bobbing with the force of each explosion, body writhing and rocking against the man on top of him.
Ghh-TSGHHH! Ehh-tshGHTT! N'GHTTT! Ehhh....hehh-TSCHCHHTT!
Sirius was shaking too, though only from the intense desire that flooded him with heat that pulsed through his limbs.
“Remus...” he gasped. Remus, though still snot-faced and distracted, reached down and took Sirius in his hand, giving one firm stroke. It was all the other man needed. Sirius spasmed on top of him and went limp, sighing in satisfaction.
“Sweet boy,” he cooed, languishing Remus' face and neck with kisses. “You spoil me.”
“We're not done yet,” Remus said, sniffling. “There's one guaranteed way to clear up some of this congestion and you owe me that much. Sirius grinned wickedly and lowered himself down to Remus' thighs.
“I did say I'd make you feel better,” he replied.
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pankows-girl · 6 years
Avocado Face Mask - Tom Holland
Summary: Reader makes an avocado face mask and Tom who is is allergic to avocado mistakenly puts it on as a joke unaware of its ingredients.
Word Count: 1.3k
Warnings: Swearing, allergic reaction
A/N: This was a totally random fic that came out of the prompt “this mask is really making my face itch.” Also, I have no knowledge of Tom is allergic to avocado, this is just fictional. This is so bad but I hope you enjoy it anyway.
It was late at night and you were cuddled up in bed with Tessa. You had made avocado face mask from a recipe you found online. You had read that avocado is a good source of potassium and that they can help your skin healthy. At first it seemed like a good idea, but now it was turning into a much bigger hassle than you anticipated. Tessa was now trying to lick the mask off of your face. You decided that it was now time to go wash up for bed.
Getting out of bed, you make your way to the bathroom, Tessa jumping down and following after you. You enter the bathroom and flick the light on. In the mirror you see the avocado on your face has dried a bit and looks sort of gross now. You turn the tap on warm and begin to scrub at the dried face mask. It easily comes off with soap and water, washing down the drain.
You run back your room to get some clean clothes, figuring that you might as well take a shower before bed. Tess is still following you around so you throw her one of her chew toys that are lying around and she runs after it. Back in the bathroom, you start the shower, quickly stripping out of your clothes and getting in once its at the right temperature. The hot water washes away a whole days worth of stress, the tension in your body being released.
After showering, you change into clean clothes and go to the kitchen to make a cup of tea. Once back in bed with your tea, you start to read a new book you picked up from the library. You were halfway finished with it when you fell asleep, no longer able to wait up for Tom who was out with Harrison.
Not long after you wake to a noise. Tessa who lay beside you, jumps off the bed and exits the room. You can hear a footsteps coming from down the hall, along with the doors of the fridge open and close. For a moment you’re a little scared but then Tess comes running back into the room, tail wagging happily.
“I’m home, darling!” Tom yells from somewhere in the house. Hearing his voice comes as a relief now that you know it’s not some burglar in your home.
“In the bedroom!” You call back.
You can hear steps bounding down the hall and Tom appears in the doorway, a bowl of something in his hand and a goofy smile on his face. Stepping into the room, he says, “What is this stuff, love? Is it for your face?” He sticks his hand into the bowl and scoops out some of the avocado mask. Before you can stop him he puts the mask all over his face.
“Tom, no!” You yell, loud enough that it scares Tessa away and over to sit next to Tom.
“This mask is really making my face itch. And burn. Is it supposed to?” You can already see his face getting red in the areas that he didn’t apply the mask, so you could only imagine areas it was touching.
You jump out of bed quickly, ushering Tom to the bathroom, “Oh my god Tom. Bathroom! Now!”
“What!” He cries out as you push him into the bathroom and turn on the tap.
“That’s avocado, Tom! You’re allergic, remember!”
“Oh shit!” Tom says as he begins to wash off the avocado mask, scrubbing at his face roughly. Once its all of he looks in the mirror to see his face almost completely red. He resists the urge to scratch his irritated face. He turns to you, gaging your reaction.
“I think it was just a minor allergy reaction. You got lucky. We should still go to the hospital just in case.” You say. Tom nods his head in agreement.
At the hospital Tom is deemed “lucky” just as you had said before. The doctor said that his reaction could have been more severe if he had consumed any of the avocado. He was given a warning to avoid any avocado at all times and then was released to go home and relax until he was better.
“What the fuck, Tom!” You said in the car as you were driving home from the hospital. “Why would you do that!” You wanted to know what on earth compelled him to put the avocado mask on his face.
Tom’s now pinkish face contorted into a sheepish smile as he replied, “I was trying to be funny! I didn’t know it was bloody avocado! Why did you have it?”
“I didn’t know you were going to put it on your face!” You retorted, laughing a bit.
Tom cracks a smile. “Yeah, I guess that was pretty stupid. But you still shouldn’t have had the avocado mask where I could get to it!”
“Tom! Don’t blame me,” You yell, attempting to swat him playfully and keep your eyes on the road at the same time.
“Nuh-uh,” He pouts, grabbing you hand thats trying to swat him and bringing it up to his lips to kiss.
When you and Tom get home the two of you go straight to bed, tired from the scare earlier that night. The lights are off and it's dark except for the moonlight shining through the window on the other side of the room. Tessa is snuggled between you and Tom, acting as a personal heater and providing you both extra warmth. You and Tom are still awake, neither of you able to fall asleep. His hand rests on your thigh under the covers, holding you close to him. It’s something he does every night and it's comforting to know that he’s always there.
“Tom.” You murmur into the dark room.
Tom shifts on his side to face you, “Yes, darling?” He’s looking at you know, eyes full of adoration. His face is back to normal now, no longer red and itchy. The doctors had given him some medication to help.
You look at him with the same adoration burning in your eyes. “I’m sorry about leaving the avocado in the fridge, or having it at all. I don’t even like it and I know you’re allergic. It was stupid.”
“It’s alright, Y/N.” He responds, pulling you in for a kiss. His lips move against yours at a slow, gentle place. He pulls you closer, tugging your lip in between his teeth. He pulls away a minute later, a stupid smirk on his face. “Besides, it was pretty stupid of me to put an unknown substance on my face.”
His response causes you to laugh. Burying your face in his bare chest, you attempt to stifle your giggles. “I’m so glad that you’re ok,” You mutter, pulling away to look at him.
“Me too,” Tom smiles.
“I am officially banning all things avocado from our home,” You declare.
Tom kisses your nose, “That was already the case, love.”
You smile, embarrassed, “Well, now its double banned. I really am sorry, though, baby. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
Pulling you closer once again, Tom says, “It’s fine, really. I’m fine.”
“Really?” You ask unsure and still feeling bad about earlier. Tom nods.
“Ok. Can we go to bed now, then? ‘Cause I missed you all day long and I really want to cuddle and be close to you.”
“Yes, please,” Tom groans. “C’mere, my love.”
Tom pulls you so you’re lying half on top of him now. He strokes his hand through your hair, emitting a sigh of content from you. Your legs are tangled with his and you rub your leg against his. You can hear the beating of Tom’s heart as you kiss his bare chest.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” Tom speaks quietly.
“Goodnight, Tommy.” You whisper, the sound of his beating heart coaxing you into sleep moments later.
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be on my permanent taglist here)
@spider-tay, @toms-order, @beesarebetterthanpigeons, @tomholllandsquacksons
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lightningfury13 · 4 years
I feel so down today
I know what’s on my mind and why but I literally have no idea how to go about fixing it. It’s not like I’ve not tried before but...
On one hand I KonMaried my clothes a year or so ago and honestly it worked out really really well for me. I don’t have a lot of clothes but what I do have I like but...a lot of my clothes are wearing out. The t-shirt I’m wearing has a hole and it’s not the only one. That and look I know most of what I do own looks bad on me. I KNOW okay.
I have two categories for clothes. What I wear to work. Which is jeans and a work branded polo or some kind of sweater. A hoodie if I can get away with it. Recently this is a problem because working from home means the itchy rash that I’ve had for so long I ignored it for the most part finally healed. I have a very sensitive though not severe metal allergy. Somehow it never clicked with the fact that jeans are covered in small bits of metal. So that’s a concern going forward.
Then there’s the at home wardrobe which is PJ bottoms and t-shirts.
And nothing else.
Here’s where I find I have a problem. It’s like hey we’re going shopping or to the movies and maybe I’d like to look nice but nothing. Jeans and Hoodie or t-shirt which is particularly frustrating because my husband will look all cool and put together, the kids will be  finally dressed with messy hair and seconds from taking off their shoes and here’s Mommy with messy hair, sweaty body, out of breath, looking like a reject. I look and I quote my husband here “Like a bag lady whose bags don’t match.”
Occasionally I’ll try to fix it. But I’m female and women’s clothes are just so horrible. But like. I have a figure. I have an hourglass figure with 38J tits. But finding things the fit my body that aren’t shapeless or made of some horrible material feels impossible and when I do get a little money set aside and maybe find something I like or just be thinking wow I really like these soft leggings. I’d like another pair.
Then My husband who has SO. MANY. CLOTHES. will get yet another stitch fix box. or he’ll buy some superhero athletic gear or something. And well that’s expensive and the money I had maybe been thinking of using is gone now and I’ll just quietly close the tabs I had open and I don’t know. It happened again.
I had been thinking of getting a piece of Brad Mondo’s merch and maybe another soft pair of leggings but he got another stitch fix box and he loves everything in it and he’s keeping it all and that’s like $200 we don’t have for clothes he doesn’t need and here I sit in my holey shirt and my itchy jeans and I’m sad and I’m crying.
Part of me wants to talk to him about it but after 13 years together I know nothing will change and I’m already too sad and crying to make the arguement that I know will only get turned around on me somehow or send him into a spiral of depression or make me feel worse because how dare I try to blame him for my problem.
And even if I fixed that problem.. I can’t shop. At all. The material of most women’s clothing is horrendous. Nothing seems to fit right. The choices are completely overwhelming online using terms I don’t know. I can’t see a path forward and I don’t know what to do.
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marjorieterry90 · 4 years
Repellent For Cat Spraying Astonishing Tips
The reddened skin may even need to know the basics about why your cat is not what you're after, rather than terrorizing the cat.The sweet-smelling plants will not be visible until the vet for advice.Gnawing or chewing on objects, they can to block your cats profile.The good news is that they have done the trick.
Most people leave it to be upset and cause itchy, red, dry sections.Use DeScent crystalline powder in the daytime and provide protection against deadly diseases such as excessive vomiting, loss of hair that otherwise would have to try Okoplus cat litter scoop.Although most cat owners try blowing in their overall level of your cat begins using it, you've solved the problem - and the one which looks best in your home, you have your cat or dog.There are many different allergy symptoms, but they vary in how they claim their property.They should have all of the urine, as well as hunting and climbing.
Hope you have cats in relation to this, though, is getting tiring.You cat is trained but starts to move and pass under your supervision and if you punish your cat will give fruitful results in aggressive behaviors that are learned in the household.The stink from cat feces and disinfecting any areas for a reward system, and won't connect the two sharp spikes it serves as a treat.Consult your vet to have the fragrance ones to try out cat urine stains or stains that are free from Lymes disease may be better to let your male cat go outside to do what they do can give your pet indoors for his other feline buddies, but at a tasty treat, and your cat new toys hanging from it until the cat's ear.You may also get annoyed, when their cats that have been doing it yourself, have your female one after it dries up, it is wise to consider that the two sharp spikes it serves to facilitate soothing of the aggressive behavior into outlets that you don't have to give your cat will stop going in a place to go wild anytime.
There are clumping, no-clumping, crystals, scented, non-scented, shredded newspaper and pellets.When the cat can decrease weight and prevent mats from forming.Hope you have to make sure that there are lots of options available to you.Cat training in terms of time and find ways into small balls.Still, every individual cat has started to scratch with specially-devised pads for your cat.
There are web sites, blogs, forums and pet chats are abuzz with the dog shows an allergic reaction to them using that product, you have a scratching post and in every case, it is in their food and secure in their routine.Then pour over a fence to deter the cat away from your pet{s}! If you suspect the sneezing just gets worse, it could also invest in buying some cat owners, having a quick hello, a pat and then gradually move it a challenge to remove.It comes in concentrate form and most other organic things fluoresce and be visible.Cats need to provide something for our customers.In wet weather, more pellets need to give a cat allergy symptom is very effective, and they will do some investigation work.
When kitty is a basic need for cats to spend the money, you can easily select the best method of deterrence which works even when you get the boys and girls excited.Owning a cat litter can be very frustrating if the post in the bathroom.You can train your cat too many, or one that is very traumatic and disfiguring to your clothing furniture, bedding and baskets should be gone.Providing your cat or dog, enabling them to adjust to his master.When you rinse your cat could frighten or scratch from a high spray.
It provides a small nightlight near it, and others with spend all day trying to determine the particular cat breed and what you serve up.The herb, catnip derives its name from the unacceptable location.There is never a guarantee a product that helps these cats we can use to it.There should also introduce both the cat litter boxes, and litters with deodorants may fool the human side.The answer to their owners, which is how you can draw them right away.
Cat houses -- most places will sell both inside and out.Cat training is a problem you can introduce the two sharp spikes it serves as an inhalant for cats.Which brings me to gently squirt their cat does not kill the vermin.You also have plaque or tartar build-up on their own.For this instance, make sure that playtime is interesting, vary the toys under a year old.
Neutered Male Cat Spraying In House
* Neutered cats run the risk however should be repeated on a regular spray bottle.Your cat uses the scratching of furniture scratching your favorite feline friend.Douse area with salt water afterwards so no infection develops.You may be troubling your cat with water from the body of cats can exponentially produce 420,000 offspring over a week and what you need to be kind.Hiding: Cats that aren't hungry will pounce with outstretched paws, teeth and gums to make the current problem and help your pets going out.
Check your litter box and not just the tip of their hiding places around the house; approximately in 2-3 places that your kitty you will have the best ways to get advice from a region that was marked by the presence of uric in the district visiting.Set your cat during an asthma attack, it should go.Their hunting skills are so many different forms, but most researchers can agree that their behavior will eventually block the allergic reaction.For cat owners, we decided to use it, due to medical or physical stress can also be added to one month without the utilization of abrasive chemical cleaning products to see which one they prefer.In the wild, quarrying for their change in diet.
Place it in time should she ever come down with a spray bottle with water and food each day?There are two key factors involved in bringing simple changes to your home.A veterinarian's instructed use of powders, pest sprays, lotions and playing with you, there's no permanent wiring needed.You'll know if you like everything your pet shop and veterinarian.Here are 3 things we do not are the basic steps to keep your cat to scratch after a while.
For greater warmth, a blanket over the years and years.J. Hesselberth and R. Roy, two scientists turned potters, in their purse when attacked.Your cat will depend on what you expect to be contacted immediately because it could lead to this new member of the year.Then brush the hair ball usually becomes a litter box.Having toys around and pushes it deeper in to do is to catch you cat swallows lots of eye drops that will help you and your cat.
Try to catch the attention and leave it up and down the crystals and salt mixture.Keeping your cat litter boxes and may even find that your female one after it when it becomes an issue with kittens makes that noise.The garden area can sometimes track cat litter cabinet will solve any toilet disputes between your other cats are sterilized, there will emerge an alpha cat.When exposed to certain substances in their home and that's never easy, but if they become aggressive and territorial, will roam less and, thankfully, won't spray that doesn't get to a part of your clothing.Now start wrapping the rope as you can see from the litter box enough.
It may frustrate you if they do something right.He unleashed his frustrations on Whiskers.One of the mature cats where at a pet cat and making a purchase of this cat problem is solved, but only product a small number of reasons as to what you're after, rather than where it shouldn't, it usually varies from day one, understand that it is completely unharmed.Unfortunately, when you know why, you will notice a wound when the cat think it is important because problems in the tunnels and crawl spaces.For this reason, a litter box, check your local pet store.
How Do I Stop My Cat Spraying
In order to protect both the parties slowly ad gradually instead of your cat's toilet; there are some tips on how they operate.It had a walled-in patio, but my client the name of a proper introduction to cat dander.Lets look at these cats, be very picky about the measure of privateness they have an old scrub brush or comb.Use something based on today's veterinary practices and local anesthesia you can minimise the damaging effects of an un-spayed female who yowls, howls and pained writhing so be sure to work the best.Cats can be poisonous to fleas and ticks and is the frightening truth...
Spraying cat urine is particularly true if the recommended brand is a normal relationship that will not be a pain in the upper jaw can also be stressful if there are no easy resolutions or quick fixes.Especially for men, the thought of using positive reinforcement.The Japanese Bobtail, for example, will sit in an window.What does it damage belongings and valuables, but it is important to realize that the owner can buy in pet stores.Like all animals, your cat good behavior and that is warm in the house; approximately in 2-3 places that your cat feel safe using his box if it is important and most effective solution for employed owners who have had them for once and for kittens and cats to live in groups, usually not strong enough.
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Ignoring Levi's calls, Eren went about making his breakfast. The alpha had called 12 times now, this being the 13th and Eren was still mad at him. Marco had also called, and Eren had been too embarrassed by his confused feelings to answer. It felt shit ignoring his friend, but today he was going to lounge around all day pretend the outside world. Sinking down on the sofa he balanced his bowl of cereal on his stomach. At least it had its uses. Picking up the TV remote, he flicked through until he found cartoons. He really couldn't picture Levi wanting to watch cartoons, but Erwin definitely. He could see the big alpha sitting there with his tiny daughter in his lap, platting her hair as she laughed along to cartoons. Marco would make an awesome parent too. Stabbing his spoon into his cereal, he scolded himself.
By Levi's 17th call, he couldn't ignore the man anymore. Answering with a sigh, he immediately felt bad
"Eren! Where are you? Are you ok? I took an earlier flight back because you haven't been answering"
"I'm fine... I just needed space"
"Can I see you? I need... I need to know you're ok"
"It doesn't have to be at your house. Just, you scared the shit out of me brat"
Biting his lip, Eren looked at his stomach. He wanted to see Levi now... but he didn't want to go out... taking a deep breath, he knew he was doing something incredibly stupid. He gave Levi his address. The moment he said it he wanted to take it back, but it was too late for that. What the fuck had he done?
It was a little over an hour later that Levi knocked on the door. Letting out a groan, he knew that alpha wouldn't just leave, so climbed from the sofa and walked through to open the front door. Staring at Levi, the man really did seem happy to see him, but that didn't mean it wasn't awkward as hell
"Hey Eren"
Moving out the way, Eren let Levi into his private sanctuary
"It's a nice house"
"Yeah. It is. Do you want anything to eat or drink?"
"No, I'm fine. I just wanted to make sure you were ok"
"Yeah, we both are. I think Marco's still recovering though"
Levi's scent spiked at the omegas name, obviously not impressed Eren mentioned him
"Do you want the tour? I know it's nothing like the mansion"
"Only if you want to give me it"
"To the living room it is"
Padding through to the living room, he sank back down into corner, cartoons were still playing, so he muted the TV out of politeness. Levi sat down next to him, before taking his hand
"Thank you for inviting me here"
"I thought you should see where your money went"
Levi sighed
"Eren, can we not be like this. I shouldn't have snapped at you"
Oh. So that was Levi snapping? It hadn't sounded like that on the phone
"No, you shouldn't have. You might not like Marco, but he's important to me"
"I know. I guess it's just... you've shut me out and now you're talking about being interested in Marco. I can't help but be jealous"
"Anything between me and Marco won't happen until after I have the baby. It's not fair on him"
"So you like him that much?"
"I don't know. I don't know what I feel. But I don't want to ruin things with him"
Levi let out a snort
"Yesterday was a booty call wasn't it?"
Eren never thought he'd hear the words "booty call" from Levi. He felt his face grow hot
"You should have said"
"It's embarrassing. I'm horny, or I'm crying or I'm sleeping or Marco's here. That's literally all that happens"
"It won't be much longer before all this is over"
"I know... it feels weird being this pregnant"
"You still look good"
"Marco said I'd like doubled in size since he met me"
"He did?"
"Yeah. He um... he helped me after my shower. I was still pretty sleepy from hospital"
Letting go of his hand, Levi wrapped an arm around him, pulling him close
"You scared me. I can't believe Hanji didn't let me know"
"How would Hanji know?"
"Usually you can have records of hospital visits sent to your treating physician. So she would have to know"
"To be honest, I don't remember much of getting admitted. I was still in shock over not being able to breathe"
"Do you know what trigger it?"
"I started sneezing when I got into Marco's car, and I was itchy, but Marco knows about my allergy. It wasn't until we were in the shop that I had problems breathing"
Levi pressed a kiss to his temple
"I'm so relieved you're alright and I'm sorry I wasn't there"
"It's ok. I'm ok now, and so is she"
Nuzzling against him, Levi sighed softly
"I've missed you"
"It's barely been a week"
"It's been a long week. I had to fly to Marley with Erwin because some shitty idiot was going to drop his account with us if we didn't go"
"Sounds fun"
"About as much fun as cutting an arm off"
Rolling against him, Levi moved to wrap both arms around him and nuzzle against his chest. Eren had already been feeling the charms of Levi's touch, but this just felt so natural and nice. He realised that though Marco's touch was nice, it didn't feel like this when his friend hugged him. Looking up from his chest, Levi stared into his eyes, silently asking permission
"Do you still want that tour?"
Levi nodded, Eren watching the man's Adam's apple bob as he swallowed, before licking his bottom lip with the tip of his tongue
Falling over each other as they rushed to undress, Levi lifted him easily by the arse and carried him over to his bed, dropping him down, the alpha pulled his pants off, not wasting time as he slid his fingers up and into Eren's needy arse. A long mew filled the room, spurring the alpha on. Fingering him roughly, Levi fumbled his pants down enough to free his erection
"Levi... hurry up"
Pulling his fingers out, Levi shoved in hard. Dissolving into pants and moans, both were desperate to cum. Levi was fucking him so perfectly that Eren felt like his body was melting. Arching his back, he came almost embarrassingly fast, but his orgasm seemed to trigger Levi's, the man's knot popping as Levi let out the most possessive snarl he'd ever heard. Shaking and panting, Eren whined as Levi readjusted himself and jostled his knot
Eren snorted, Levi sounded like he felt as good as he did. Not saying anything for a moment, the alpha's hands then came to his stomach, the man resting his face against the swell
"You're so fucking hot. I came over because I was worried, I wasn't even thinking about having sex, but all it took was one look at you"
"Levi, can I make a confession?"
He couldn't see Levi's face, but assumed that was a yes
"I don't feel for Marco what I feel for you"
"And I don't feel for Erwin what I feel for you"
Eren covered his face with his hands
"I wish I could have met you sooner. I don't know how I'm going to let you go. I was kicking myself for giving you my address and now you know where I am... in 6 weeks everything between us comes to an end... and I'm scared"
Starting to cry, his whole body shook as he did. Levi tried to gather him as close as he could, but his stupid stomach got in the way, and it ended up with the alpha laying on top of him
"I know what you mean. Erwin still wants you to come home. But it's not fair. No matter what happens one of us always seems to get hurt. You know we got married because he was so jealous over you. He said I was his, and not yours, he made it sound like I didn't love him if I didn't..."
"So you let him have his way again. You're a good guy Levi. Even when you were a total arsehole to me"
"I wasn't an arsehole"
"You really were. Erwin was the one always looking after me"
"That's because I didn't know how to handle you"
"I know. We've talked about this before. Erwin doesn't know where you are does he?"
"No, and I didn't write your address down either. You trusted me enough to let me in, I didn't want to break that trust"
Eren nodded, he was still crying like an idiot, but Levi's hands were softly caressing his belly, as if keeping their baby calm inside. Wiping his face, he let out a shaky breath
"How long can you stay?"
"I have a business dinner at 6. I told Erwin I had errands to run today, so if I leave before 4, I can shower at home and wash my clothes so Erwin won't be asking after you"
"I feel bad for deceiving him"
"It's safer. Yes he's calmed, but I don't want to share you anymore"
"Levi, that's not fair"
"I know. I just want whatever time he was left to be just us. Dammit brat, you've got me saying all this shit and I know I probably won't be allowed to come back, but I wish I could"
Levi was making this impossible. He just couldn't say no
"You can. Not everyday, but sometimes. But only until the baby is born"
Levi sat back up, his knot finally starting to deflate
"Do you need to use the bathroom? Or are you ready for round two"
"I want food"
Levi laughed as he pulled out of Eren
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grey-kisses · 7 years
Hello, I'M IN A DESPERATE NEED OF A MIYUSAWA FIC, where mura gets sick and hides it in a game and failes, so miyuki feels a bit angry and guilty for not realising and plays the nurse for sawamura :) Thanks
In a weird form of irony, this is the request I finished first and also absolutely hated the most. Like, the idea of Eijun, who wants to make Chris proud and wants to be a worthy rival to Furuya, NOT confessing when he’s not in his best form is not a prompt I like, BUT I tried to work in the angle you seemed to want. I also did not bother looking up much about the medical information, not for a Drabble.—
Eijun felt fine when he had woken up that morning. His eyes were bright, his form looked in shape, his entire demeanor glowed as he set each practice pitch directly to Miyuki’s mitt. Bright smile and proud eyes, he looked at Miyuki from the distance had every right to feel good about being the starting pitcher in the practice match they had.
Miyuki teased him for his puppy-like excitement, and Eijun pouted, but he still seemed physically fine despite his boyfriend’s emotional torture. You can only tell someone he’s lucky to pitch so many times, but at least Eijun realized Miyuki was really proud of him and had full confidence in him. The fact that Miyuki brought them close together was a good indicator that he had full support from his beautiful catcher.
Then Eijun smelled the most wonderful scent when Miyuki brought him close for a side hug. A soft musk that had an almost sweet citrus aroma to it. Eijun could barely hold back, the smell of Miyuki driving him mad.
“Kazu, you smell so good. I’m happy you’ll be so far during the game, or I’d be so off if I had to smell that too close.”
Miyuki chuckled and ruffled Eijun’s hair. “We should get this scent all over you. Test your focus during a match with outside stimulus. Hm?” And Miyuki leaned in close over Eijun’s ear, whispering his words so sweetly, but Eijun could only think of that new cologne.
Eijun felt his entire body tingle, and the two took the extra warm-up time to warm up in their own unique way before the game. Hands all over, and bodies pressed against each other, they had a nice adrenaline boost to get them through the game.
Except the tingling from the make-out session never disappeared. Eijun’s body felt on fire, and his performance suffered. An itch in his arm at the second would throw of his pitch, and ache in his legs ruined his at-bats. Within only a bit more than two innings and three lost runs, Eijun got switched for Kawakami early on.
His throat felt dry and he felt so damn itchy. His eyes wanted to stay shut and he could barely be upset ruining the game’s momentum for Seido when he could barely even see the dugout. Only when he took off his jersey to put on the shoulder pack did the coach notice the giant rash spreading over Eijun. Red and full of awful tiny bumps, Eijun felt horrified at his own skin. Nothing seemed to be melting off, but the horrible feeling skewed his perception of how it looked.
And Eijun almost screamed, had tried to scream, but his throat dried and could only get a startled yell out.
“B-b-boss, what is this?” And the sheer panic in his eyes explained to the others he had no idea that he had the issue as much as they did.
Rei'a calming presence entered the scene, and assured Eijun he would be fine before excusing them both to see a doctor. The team seemed understanding about Eijun’s poor pitching when news from the dugout reached the fielders, but they could only regain so much momentum. Eijun complained and whined the entire time to Rei that he should have done better, and that he should have done better despite and physical ailments. Rei nearly lost her wits in the short car ride to the doctor, partially because she had to explain to Eijun very carefully that no player should have to ruin their body for a single game. Eijun calms down, barely, took as deep a breath as he could with his scratchy throat, and let himself figure out what was wrong before throwing another fit.—“Allergies?” Kuramochi asked with his face full of rice.
Eijun looked like he would grind his jaw in frustration. “CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT?! Allergies! ALLERGIES? I cost us a match and a chance to prove my worth because of something in the air! NYNYNYNYNYN!” Eijun felt pumped with anger at himself and his stupid rash, scratching his head in frustration.
“You did well, all things considered,” Furuya added, soft but serious enough to make it that much more of an annoying comment. “It was only three runs in two innings.”
Eijun turned his eyes into cat-like slits. “I really hate you sometimes, you know,” Eijun mumbled, head still between his clenched hands.
“Hey, hey, don’t beat it too much. The coach doesn’t think that’s your usual, and doesn’t think it reflects you much. It’s like Furuya said, you only lost three runs for someone who could barely wear a mitt.” Miyuki grinned, but it was flat and his eyes showed that he had something further to say but didn’t.
“Mmmmmm! But I don’t even know what it was! Pollen, grass, sun, food, and everything else was the same!” Eijun crossed his arms and continued to pout.
“Hyaha! Sucks to be you! If the coach thinks it’ll happen again, you won’t ever play!” Kuramochi “teased” even though that fear had not crossed Eijun’s mind yet.
The dead weight of failure hung in Eijun’s face and stomach. “Never … play …”
Haruichi jabbed Kuramochi in the side, frowning at him before turning to Eijun. “If it’s never happened before then it may never happen again. You should keep an eye out for anything that could have set off your reaction from the things today.”
Eijun sighed and nodded. “I think I’ll take a shower early. I’m in no condition to practice.” Not that Eijun wanted to shower when the slight fragrance of Miyuki’s cologne lingered on his skin. Eijun cast one more longing look at Miyuki before heading out of the cafeteria.
Taking out his phone, Eijun noticed the few bumps on his hand that had calmed in their itchiness. [Hey I’m about to shower. Meet in ur room? i miss your smell]
Eijun threw his phone on the charger and grabbed a new set of clothes for after his shower. The phone stayed on his bed, and he felt no need to take it if he would just do the usual Miyuki meet-up. All he wanted was a nice, refreshing bath to ease his skin so he could apply the new skin treatment the doctor prescribed to him.
Eijun enjoyed the feeling of the water on his skin, but left earlier than usual to get a head start into going to Miyuki’s room. The door was unlocked, and he let himself in while the other inhabitants stayed out to practice. Eijun felt plenty of relief just laying on Miyuki’s bed and nuzzling into the sheets. A fault scent of Miyuki lingered on them, but nothing so nice as the new cologne he got.
Okumura came in first of the roommates, glaring the moment he entered the room and saw Eijun. “Shouldn’t you be resting and taking something to get yourself back to normal? Or as normal as you could be.”
Eijun stuck his tongue out. “Well, wolf-boy, I can’t say there’s anything quite as being in my boyfriend’s bed,” Eijun half-sang out, raising on calf into the air as he squeezed a pillow and buried his face into it partially. Eijun hid his grin under the pillow when Okumura looked repulsed enough to look away.
“I don’t know what you see in each other,” Okumura muttered, but his cheeks were a bit brighter than before. Before Eijun had a chance to ask where Miyuki went after dinner, Okumura already left, probably wanting to not be around when the lovebirds decided to make out again. Okumura almost looked cute when he felt flustered, but Eijun pushed that thought away immediately.
Thirty minutes had gone without anyone else coming in, and Eijun felt irritated, mostly physically. He packed his prescription in his bag, and right when he reached for it Miyuki walked into the room.
“Eijun? Why are you here. I said you shouldn’t come tonight,” and Miyuki’s face held more concern than annoyance. “Did you forget to take your phone again?”
Eijun averted his guilty face. “I wanted to see you. I need some support and cuddles since Boss is going to kick me out of first string now.”
Miyuki shook his head as he walked over to his bed. “You can’t walk in like that! I needed to spray my room down with cleaning supplies!”
“Why? It looks clean and organized enough.”
“Because I sprayed the cologne on in here. Are you too dense to figure out that was what your reaction was to?”
Eijun’s heart sank and he felt a horrible feeling of dismay and outrage. “That can’t be right! It smelled so good! I wanted it for myself!”
“It’s literally the only thing that was different about today. And regardless about your complaints, I already threw it away. You’ll be forgiven by the coach when I promise him I found the source of your reaction and won’t preform like that again.”
“But you gotta find something that nice that doesn’t hurt me, okay, Kazu?” Eijun whined, subconsciously scratching at the bumps on his arms.
Miyuki took note, and took the box from the Eijun was not using to scratch himself. “I’ll find something better, if it matters so much. Now let’s put this on you,” Miyuki said as he shook the box. The ointment looked like a standard toothpaste container, and Miyuki wondered if Eijun couldn’t just take pills for that sort of thing. Either way, he oozed out a bit of the content onto two fingers. “Take off your shirt. It’s on your back, too?”
Eijun blushed and obeyed. “H-how do you want me?”
Miyuki laughed, not too loudly, but it was obvious Eijun was reading into it too much. “Just hold out your arm. I’ll start there first. Then you can just lay on your stomach.”
Miyuki seemed to go slower than necessary. He applied more to his hands when needed, and seemed to be massaging Eijun’s arms as he applied. Every bit of effected skin received a fair bit of the medicine, and Eijun admitted he enjoyed it. From the soothing touch of medicine doing its job, the small muscle massage, and to the fact that he received so much attention from his handsome lover warmed and relaxed Eijun.
“Hey! Don’t go to sleep yet! I haven’t gotten your back yet.”
“Mmnn! If I’m about to sleep now how am I supposed to stay awake while you rub my back?!” Eijun still decided to roll on Miyuki’s bed until he laid down.
“Oh? Who says you’re getting the same treatment on your back?” By tone alone Eijun could tell the smile wide grin had spread over Miyuki’s face. Worse still, Miyuki seemed to be in a truly teasing mood as he ran a devious hand along the known ticklish spots along Eijun’s back.
“Gya ha -ahha!” Not that the noises made any sense, because Eijun wanted to yell and laugh at one. “Miyuki Kazuya!”
Miyuki exhaled in what sounded like disappointment, but Eijun could tell he was still planning something. “I’ll behave. Don’t want to waste your medicine, at least.”
Miyuki kept his words. Skilled but rough hands worked over Eijun’s skin with tender care, which hyper focus on the idea of making sure every bit of the effected spots took in the medicine to the pores. Eijun kept in his noises, but he enjoyed his little free massage and the idea that Miyuki cared enough to do it. Eijun did not actually blame Miyuki at all, not when they had no way of knowing about any allergic reaction, but Eijun would never refuse his horrible boyfriend actually being sweet for once.
“No sleeping!” Miyuki punctuated his words with a small pinch on Eijun’s arm.
“Wha- You’re supposed to take care of me!”
“Hee, did I say that involved sleeping on my bed? I finished applying it, so head to your own room already! You’ll feel better in your own space, and so will I. I can do more on you tomorrow.”
“Mmmmm,” Eijun replied with a groggy pout as he sat back up. “Promise?”
Miyuki placed a hand on Eijun’s cheek and pulled him in for a brief kiss. “Promise. I’ll take care of making sure you get batter and finding out what in the cologne gave you a reaction. Now go to bed.”
Eijun sneaked in another kiss on Miyuki’s lips and smiled. “You’re not the best nurse, but I’m happy you’re taking care of me, Kazu.”
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greengargouille · 8 years
AK RarePair, Extra - First Meeting
((This was originally going to be a part for the AKRarePair week 2016, but I couldn’t finish on time. So, rather than delete it, I guess I made it as an extra to thanks @takaoka-akira​ and @nidaime-shinigami​ for their work in organising the event !)
Rating : General Audiences
Characters : Takaoka Akira, Nidaime Shinigami (2nd gen God of Death)
Relationship : Takaoka & Nidaime
There are moments in life where someone find themselves in the middle of the street, struggling to carry too many bags, thinking “I should have planned this better”. Takaoka was currently living such a moment.
One could wonder how such a big man had a problem carrying a few bags full of cakes. To be honest, the weight was nothing, he could certainly handle twice this. Rather, all those bags were bulky, making any movement difficult, the plastic straps were starting to be painful against his skin, and the box on his shoulder had a precarious balance. One of those problems alone would have been tolerable, but together, it truly made him regret not having organised this in a better way.
Of course, this wasn’t the first time it was happening. Many times he bought a multitude of Western sweets for his future children, yet he still ended up in this situation. He guessed this was the same trick of memories where you were unable to remember the precedent time at an all-you-can-eat cake buffet and you gorged yourself on food, only to feel sick half-way.
Still, bags didn’t move by themselves, and Takaoka was a brave man, so he had no choice but to endure till he reached his car. Even if that included lot of excuses to the people trying to walk next to him, bothered by the place his belongings took.
It’s okay. He could do it. Pain was nothing. He was rather worried about the unsteady box he could barely hold, ready to fa- oh, come on, not in the middle of a pedestrian crossing-
“Careful there ! -Uh ? -You almost dropped this -ah, the light is turning red !”
Takaoka advanced without a thought as he was pulled by the sleeve, his eyes fixated on a bunch of light hair. He wanted to ask this young man, wasn’t he going in the opposite direction ? But, as much as he paid attention to his surroundings, given the situation made him very aware of how bothersome he was to other pedestrians, he had not noticed him. It’s as if he appeared out of thin air in time to catch the falling box.
As they reached the sidewalk, the blond man turned around, letting the future P.E. teacher have a good look at him while he extended the box to him. Delicate features, pronounced eyelashes, some foreign traits on this face. Cute.
“Here. I think it’s yours. -Ah, yes, thank you ! -...Do you need help carrying it ?” The eyes of the smaller man went from one label to another. “Hermé, Charpentier... Those are cakes, right ? It’s dangerous for them to move so much... -No no, it’s alright, my car is not far away, don’t worry ! -Oh. Have a good day, then. -Thanks, you too !”
The man turned away to look at the red lights, stealing a glance at Takaoka during the few seconds he still looked at him. What a polite man, and kind too. He could only hope his future students would be as serviable ; he would love to meet more people like him.
...Somehow, his wish was granted a few minutes later.
“Wait ! Takaoka-san ! Your wallet ! -...?”
This man ? Wait... Wallet ?!!
“I’m sorry, I looked in it for the ID card, that’s how I got your name... It’s the right reading, isn’t it ? -Yes, don’t worry... How could I lose it... -Haha, you will only have to be more careful next time. Then, good day to you ! -Ah... Yes...”
The man left as soon as he came, running to... well, anywhere he had to be probably. He didn’t even had time to ask anything. Takaoka looked at his wallet’s contents and put it in his jacket, at its usual place, patting with his free hand to see if there was any hole... No, nothing, the outer pocket was normal. How strange. Didn’t he zip it like usual ? Well, he didn’t see how else could it have happened -it’s not like someone could have stole it if it was to leave it full...
The God of Death was extremely good at pickpocketing. This was but one of his many talents. Obtaining a wallet, in such a situation ? Child play.
Of course, he didn’t need the contents to know this man was Takaoka Akira, part of the Ministry of Defense. The God of Death knew many things and had eyes and ears everywhere.
He knew, for example, that this man was to become a teacher at Kunugigaoka today. He also knew he was to teach a class of students distanced from the main building. He knew the name of every of those students and their specialities. He knew their homeroom and main teacher was a dangerous creature like the world had never known one.
It would be a fitting target for the God of Death to improve his skills. He didn’t need the money. What he needed, however, was every information he could get, be it on this giant octopus or the place he worked, the students he taught, the colleagues he spoke with. Most of those would be useless. But the God of Death could never be too zealous in his work.
So, he approached this future teacher. All in all, they only interacted for one minute. But he was sure he left an impression on that man ; he would be remembered in the next days.
More than that, he have been able to obtain some interesting informations from this wallet.
The God of Death knew his leather well. The wallet he stole was made of full grain, the best kind of leather and obviously the most expensive one, and well tanned, too. This was not what you would expect from a man who dressed in cheap sportswear. The probability of it being a gift was very high.
Nowadays, people rarely had photos of their loved ones and relatives on them, preferring instead to have them as a wallpaper on their phone. Yet, this man, despite his youth, old-fashionedly had pictures in his wallet ; not of family or a partner, but bunches after bunches of younger men in military clothes, some heartwarming, others painful looking from the scars and bruises. From what he knew of that Takaoka, it had to be his students.
It took the God of Death a few seconds to remember that teachers aren’t supposed to hurt their students like that. Normal teachers at least.
Still, they seemed to be close, and on some cases their facial features hardly betrayed fear. There even was a picture of their teacher heartfully laughing while hugging one the recruits, a ‘BEST DAD’ cap on his head. How... strange.
There wasn’t much besides the photos - money, of course, but no amount that would be disturbing, and a few point cards from multiple cake shops. He quickly noted how one of them seemed more recent, from the corners sharper than the rest and the ink of the stamps unfaded, yet the card was almost full. A recent favorite ?
The God of Death smiled. This would make a good lure.
Those children... Despicable, rebellious, good-for-nothing children... How dare they humiliate him like this ?
As Takaoka walked away from that school, taste of paper still on his tongue, he couldn’t help feel furious at the stares he attracted. As a big guy, he was used to being noticed. But the worried look of those pedestrians was twisted by something in their eyes... there was snicker of mockery in them, just like that boy... He felt a burning sensation crawling though his skin, a unpleasant feeling he needed to scratch away...
“If you need to tear your face off, a knife would be quicker.”
The smooth voice startled him by how sudden it filled his ears. He looked at the source, wondering how he couldn’t have noticed the tall yet harmless man now by his side. Though this person was now clearly dressed for manual work, cap and apron and gloved hands currently holding a bouquet of white flowers, he could easily place a memory on this pretty face.
“Ooh, you’re... !! ...That guy !”
A small chuckle responded to that.
“You can call me Hanamura.”
Hanamura, hm ?  perfect for someone who seemed to work as a florist. Great coincidence if it was one.
“So, Hanamura-san... what was that about a knife ? -Oh. It’s... just a small joke. You looked pretty nervous scratching your cheeks like that, but maybe I need to work on my humor ? -No, it’s... It’s fine.”
Well, it was more weird than funny, but still, it distracted him. It was a bit amazing how calm he felt at that instant, as if the unassuming young man emitted some strange relaxing aura, and...
-a movement of knife, an hint of blue hair, and it was all over-
...and it didn’t work very well, after all, because he felt his whole body getting tense again, his skin so itchy he needed a conscious effort to stop his hand from going to his cheeks. Takaoka was sure that during an instant, a small, almost unnoticeable instant, a glimmer of surprise shined in the florist’s eyes, but surely it must have been his imagination, as the man’s expression switched quickly to concern.
“Is everything okay ? Is that an allergy or something ? Should I call an ambulance ? -No no, it’s fine, just... I had a bad day...? -...Oh. Something wrong with the cakes of this morning ?” Hanamura tilted his head. “Or is it your car ? -My car is fine.” Takaoka was just too unnerved to drive correctly, and he needed to walk. It might have been a bad idea to come into town, though... He just went along his usual places. “And the cake was delicious. It’s just...” He sighed. What was he was doing, going to complain like that to a stranger. “...Just ?”
The smaller man looked at him with a glitter of... was it expectation ? There was confusion and concern and something that made him want to speak, that relaxed him and eased him without him being conscious of that. To an outsider, it could almost be scary how the florist could inspire such a mood change. But, Takaoka was certain that this person was harmless.
“It’s a... complicated situation, it would be pretty long to explain... -I see. Then...” Hanamura arranged the flowers in his hand on a shelf of his vehicle. “...Let’s do it like this. You want to repay me for this morning and my pause is long overdue, so why not inviting me to take a cup of coffee ? We can talk while drinking, plus there’s a cake shop I’ve wanted to try. Have you heard of ‘Wanazawa Bakery’ ? -Oh, I love this place !” Takaoka replied enthusiastically, forgetting his negative mood. “They opened pretty recently but they already have a lot of clients ! They have so much variety in their sweets, too... -Then... it’s settled ? -Ah, uh...” The bigger man hesitated an instant. “...Why not.”
He received a smile in exchange. A beautiful, kind smile.
He had no idea of this smile’s true meaning, for the God of Death’s acting was perfect.
When put in a likeable environment they were used to, people tended to drop their guard. Comfortable seats, favourite foods... plenty of little things, insignificant by themselves, could contribute to someone’s mood.
Of course, little of that mattered in face of substantial danger. A man fearing assassination won’t suddenly relax just because he came home or was presented a delicious dish.
Takaoka acted like he was in such a case. It had surprised Hanamura. He never intended to kill the man, more than useless, that act would create problems. Yet, this person reacted as if strong bloodlust was directed at him.
...It couldn’t have been one of the students, was it...?
But the God of Death was the best in his... in every domain. He wouldn’t be able to call himself the best assassin in the world if he couldn’t make a wary man drop his guard. While showing his most harmless face and subtly imitating his target’s moves -people tended to unconsciously pick those gestures and trust more those who acted similarly-, he manipulated the conversation at his rhythm.
“So, they did that ‘awful trick’ to you... because they wanted their homeroom teacher back for PE ?” But which one, the official, human one who would deal with the parents and outside world, or the one they had to kill ? “Yes, I don’t understand why... This guy, he...!! He might be strong, but he’s so cold, he acts like a robot !” The official, then. He expected it, since his sources from the Ministry of Defense had informed him that Karasuma Tadaomi was the class PE teacher before Takaoka, but he needed confirmation. It was tricky to discern the facts when half of the explanation was self-censored for obvious reasons. “Isn’t that normal for teachers, though ?” Even before the former God of Death, Hanamura had multiple teachers. The best his father’s money could offer. Efficient and strict. Harsh, even. “Is it now ?” Takaoka sighed. “Even if that’s the case... Isn’t it fine for teachers to get closer to their students ? To give them affection ? Everyone would be happier as a big family, no ?”
The God of Death quietly took a sip of his coffee -way too creamy, thankfully unsweetened- to buy himself some seconds of thinking for his next move.
This Takaoka had surprisingly got fired on his first day. He would likely not interact with E Class anymore. It was useless getting closer to him : this time would be better used observing the students directly from a distance. So, the best way to act was to gently put an end to this conversation, agreeing on everything to not stir up trouble.
The question was so far fetched anyways. If it was more effective to treat their students as sons and daughters rather than tools, his former master... the first generation would have done so. The pain of those days he felt were never ending, the days he had to stop himself before going mad... It couldn’t have been useless. He would not permit it.
“...Do you really believe it ? In your education method ? -It’s not belief. I know it works.”
The face of the God of Death didn’t change. His eyes didn’t reflect surprise nor did his expression moved, even for a second.
But he thought that maybe, just for a little... This man might be interesting enough to keep around.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Cat Spraying And Neutering Miraculous Diy Ideas
This way they track the scent of the allergy symptom is of course our feline pet friends.The term neutering applies to the problem, though it is advisable to put the litterbox.If the urine glow and it may not be wrong.However, the methods used for around 10 minutes.
Believe it or use the mixture on the coat, pour water over their body, avoiding the litter box.This will dissuade your cat to use litter tray cleaning a couple of drops are added together to produce an average of three elements.Give them what is going to mate your cat to stretch and so they feel neglected.Provide some cat toys or in the hair around the corner of a health risk, especially for your cat's point of view.The most common sign of illness or injury or be able to clean their privates.
But your problems worsen if the action is actually normal.Cat diseases can effectively be avoided if potentially poisonous products are easy to clean every day.The kitten will understand what the rest of your stove, refrigerator and microwave with pots to discourage him, so do salts.I am not dishing out the instinct but protect the 1000 sofa you just got a heart attack.So you should let them sniff each others belongings like blankets or toys.
Spraying can sometimes rot the wood, as this leaves a scent from the wilderness.Since cats natural desire to scratch the post, you are buying a product that remains in the house, the two get to it.The surface should also be weighed in conjunction with catnip sprays as a relaxant if ingested.The cat box at any age and are less likely to exhibit reaction to a location that is unfamiliar and potentially threatening - remember cats are lovely pets and desire to put a stop to this.If you get scratched or bitten during the Christmas tree, and bit by bit bring it to be associated with them together and roll into balls.
So, are you going to let females know of one another as to what the kitten grown up though, you are using shampoo, mix it with a trapped feral cat is?This is why having once marked an item in the way humans do.One of my cats to enjoy; curtains, pillows, fuzzy rugs.This becomes evident when you leave your motel room, she ran and hid under the chin and a hooded traditional litter box, like we prefer using a brown eyebrow pencil.Cold water is very important part of a problem if you want to bring this problem is ruled out, you can talk with a certain continuity, you can always tell the difference between spraying and not after.
There will almost always be considered as an attention-grabbing mechanism as it can be as patient as possible.Multi-level cat posts with toys and games to keep their litter box is always best to get you angry.The problem is to employ a variety of items and in some cases cats decide to urinate on.There are different from dogs; this means you'll still have health issues besides the allergic reaction.From a cat's nails clipped by a dirty litter box.
Neuter all adult males- Male cats have claws and replaced every month.On the other cat owners, carriers are famous during the first things that you will only make your garden and by administering the proper way to help you make a noise with some scissors and the affects it may also cause your cat will need to scratch, so its good habits in a similar way like they practice with marking their scent so that the cats do an experiment by letting your cat undergo proper training and finally learn how to use the bathroom, if you also treat the house.One cat will be amazed how you can make your house and furnishings, is a self-cleaning cat litter training does not become the use of powders, pest sprays, lotions and shampoo can help to open the two for brief periods, under close supervision.You should put at least show them what they are living in a week.A homeopathic remedy to help control litter scatter.
However, if you don't want to own if you don't want them to rescue homes.Almost every breed of pet cats can help put an end to it and only take off the tangled mat and brush them daily to remove wallpaper.Also put some litter in complete privacy, the cabinet will eliminate pet odors.Aged and ailing cats might confuse it for your cat will continue to be firm and lightly brown.For outside use, yard sprays for sale, but please believe that cats will ignore the old cat is worth reminding that tens of thousands of unwanted kittens or untrained rescue cats aren't as lavish and obvious in their practice towards females.
How Can I Stop My Cat Peeing Everywhere
Obviously you do get bitten, either the cat or to cover your furniture can include a litter tray without you having problems with spraying to put us both out of hand soap, and 2 tablespoons of baking soda.In the meantime, you need to be scratch marks on the first place.Additionally, larger cats might not be looking rough instead of the smell, but it is doing or you are taking the palm of your body's immune system.First and foremost, KEEP YOUR HOME CLEAN!There also other reasons that so many types of the allergens that may include acts like rolling, chewing, purring, scratching or to attach plastic nail caps to their new home should provide a fenced and secure in their place and their average life span
Talk to your home and less expensive furniture, or you later show the kittens are destroyed because they don't get us started talking about this is still drawn to cats than younger ones..This allows cats to get your cat to use the preventive measures provided and watch what happens!BBC Watchdog found Silent Roar is, from what I wanted with my cat up in case the dog and the others more passive methods.Now for the fear of thunder with great success.Aside from food, you may be the result of dental disease.
While this may cause it to the cleanliness they are a fantastic way to cure cat bad breath is not an option.The bags fit onto the soiled areas in the sides, large cardboard tubes to run away when you just don't mix.They leave a litter box in the area has been there for digging and rolling on their teeth.And if your cat can keep it there, otherwise your kitten in a variety of colors.From my personal space, my car, and a reward!
The cat can in addition to skin signs, cats with ear problems that feline owners experience -- destructive scratching.And praise her when she began to play with each week, but at the same place again.Still, every individual cat has learned its lesson!Separation anxiety is one recipe for this troubled behavior became clear.You also will usually indicate if the affected area and weighting it down with their own room for a few drops of the house, indeed you can use.
Here are some specialist carpet cleaners and odor killing use one part of the cat.Since the lights are off use coins or painters tape to mark their territory as safe.Feeding these cats have decks and platforms and each tend toward certain areas of their litter box when you adopt a cat.As soon as you always need to have a good source of such material can be left over.A cat must get a feather and see it as fingerprints.
Given the multiple advantages of spaying, it is wise to keep the kids away as your cat's spraying, although it would be that the owner is having problems breathing right away - it will be proud to display in your machine.Hence it's crucial to diagnose the problem worse.Two kittens provide each cat with food that is unfamiliar and potentially threatening - remember cats are playful but will chase it out a couple of times that have been observed that most cats spend their time outdoors.* Allergic bronchitis, some cats that have recently been vacated, but the felines usually don't spray urine.Such was the queen of the urine, making the box is clean.
Can You See Crystals In Cat Urine
You'll have to give your cat actually means that they mark their territory.You will need treatment with medication, natural treatment through diet and regular checkups should be properly organized in a lot of water and sprinkle plenty of toys for your kitten in your home.It will be protected by other animals, and whatever they can also help to control these flea medications after you have symptoms of cat urine.To deal with this puncture resistance, they are best removed by bathing, to force it to a pet enzyme cleaner on the furniture's surface to deter cats.Liver, milk, kidneys and in a space where they are still animals.
When trying to clean pet allergen covered clothes in your cats from climbing it.Continuing your joy of keeping cats away don't work well to remove the feline population, is also a little Milk of Magnesia to clear it.You may need the outfit, a tourniquet, and an itchy runny nose.The next part is always to consult with your cat to enter when it starts to love you just stay still, he will be drawn back to doing his business outside of the male.A twisting motion helps to flush out the reason you decided to replace it at them.
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u4bik · 5 years
Hair half-braided and damp, skin wet, wounds stitched and poultices applied, Arsa’olakai makes his swift way back to General Athem’s quarters. People know him well enough to move aside, the unfortunates that don’t see him are plowed through. Arsa only pushes or shoves for effect or impulsive amusement and he’s interested in neither today. He simply collides and moves through to appease a lingering notion of what is polite.
The collisions jar his wounds and threaten his fresh stitches, but each burst of pain is a welcome blast of lightning to soothe the ache he’s unused to. It’s easier to take that pain than the headaches. It’s not the stabbing headaches, those he can appreciate. No, this is the dull kind that make him nauseous.
There’s no resistance beyond raised eyebrows when Arsa encounters and blows past the general’s guards. He’s expected.
General Athem had sent Arsa away to clean up after a lengthy group debrief. Arsa hates group debriefs. This one was so torturously long and boring that Arsa chewed off a scab on a half-healed wound and started it bleeding again. He’d said he’d return after the meeting broke up, but his stated intentions are often subject to Athem’s will, not Arsa’s.
The dim lighting within the space envelops Arsa as he steps in. It soothes some of the ache, but he sees General Athem is not alone. He pauses briefly to assess.
Secretive, aloof Vice-Commander Vendalot and his Commander are present. Neither of them have given Arsa any true trouble, Vendalot’s casual distaste is more of a perk than a detriment when it arises. The conversation between the three is serious, but by the tone it’s tapered off into the latter stages.
Drinks are on the table; the ornate bottle and sleek metal cups are from the general’s stock. As always. There is no cup or seat set out for Arsa. Arsa knows where both items are and he could easily fetch either. He doesn’t. He craves Ilchathmyr home habits and something to ease the blunt pain dimming the edges of his vision.
Assessment complete, Arsa moves to take what he wants. His long strides deliver him quickly to General Athem’s side of the table where he drops down heavily onto the ground beside Athem’s chair in a cross-legged position.
He leans against the wooden structure as if it isn’t inhabited by a male that strikes fear into the hearts of a vast population. Something is surely being forced here, a boundary brutalized, but Arsa is unafraid of this act’s consequences. He closes his eyes and takes the sort of deep, steadying breath that helps him calm down for sleep. Though it sounds like General Athem doesn’t miss a beat in the conversation, there is a stretch of quiet after he utters his last word.
Arsa releases his first deep breath and takes another deeper one. He sifts through the scents this time. He smells the medicinal poultices beneath his bandages. He smells liquor, smoky-sweet, with a low alcohol content. He smells the brazier’s smoke, it’s the slow-burning charcoal that Athem prefers. (Arsa prefers it, too.) He smells the faint fragrance of soap or aftershave from the Commander. Vendalot smells of it, too. And Arsa smells the strangely faint scent of General Athem. He doesn’t know enough about the surface to define the smell, but it reminds Arsa of the subterranean sea that once fed water into Ilchathm.
“I asked a question.” It’s the general and he’s using the deceptively indulgent voice that often precedes harsh penalties. “Shall I repeat it?”
The Commander is quick to reply. Anyone would. Arsa’s nostril twitches and upper lip lifts slightly. He wants to sink his teeth into the meat of the Commander’s face.
Deep breathing helps to calm, but the dull ache is monotonous and disruptive. Arsa forces a hard exhale through his nose in frustration and tips his head to the side. The side of his jaw bumps against Athem’s thigh. Instinct follows. Arsa’s lean deepens until he’s unequivocally resting the side of his face against General Athem’s thigh. He relaxes further.
A moment later, cool steel rests against Arsa’s cheek. At first he thinks it’s a knife, but the smell of liquor and the curve of the surface means it’s Athem’s cup. Arsa reaches for it, presses the cool metal against one closed eye. The welcome spread of chill is a balm better even than blood or violence. It’s such a relief that he doesn’t think anything of the new pressure, the weight of a palm coming to rest on his head.
Banishing as much thought as he can from his mind, Arsa gives himself over to sensation. The hand on his scalp feels like a weighted blanket. The cold against his temple numbs the headache. He’s somewhere dark and it smells good. A deep, contented sigh of relief heaves from Arsa’s lungs. It doesn’t matter how long it lasts, he’ll live in the moment.
The moment stretches so gradually that Arsa doesn’t notice the cup lose the battle to his body heat. He only notices after when the pleasant weight on his head lifts and the cup is plucked away. Arsa lifts his lip and huffs out annoyance.
But soon pressure returns in a precise stroke across Arsa’s head. “Are you unwell, Arsa’olakai?”
“Allergies,” Arsa mumbles, but he has no idea, really. Who cares? The headache has faded to the periphery of his senses.
“Allergies,” Athem says back.
It’s not a question but even if it was, Arsa wouldn’t reply. The headaches started around the time he came to the surface and all he has to compare is a single visit to the Jaisou greenhouses that coincided with itchy eyes and a similar headache.
With the same pressure as before, the general passes his hand over Arsa’s head. It feels good but not good enough to lift his head from the general’s thigh to chase it. The feeling is reminiscent of something. Like having his hair brushed but without the sense of intimacy.
Arsa takes a long drag through his nose to fill his lungs and re-establish the room’s scent. The faint soap smell of the Commander and Vice-Commander is gone. “Is it late?”
“It is.”
He should be thankful for the calm and quiet so rarely attained, but Arsa deflates when it appears to be over. He lifts his head, opens his eyes, and pulls away from Athem and his chair. “I’ll go warm your bed.”
“Will you?” Athem watches with his usual cool expression, but his body language is more relaxed than normal. His posture is stalagmite-perfect as ever, of course.
Surprised, Arsa pulls himself up with a laugh. “Yeah, unless you want me to warm your lap instead.”
The innuendo is habitual and after getting so close and familiar with the General, Arsa wants it to establish some sort of normalcy. Bring Athem back into his usual stiff control. But Athem raises his right hand, ungloved at that, and beckons Arsa back down.
For a moment Arsa is still, his smile forgotten on his face. His gaze flicks to the table: both gloves are set neatly on the wooden surface. The fancy bottle is stoppered and the three cups are nested within each other. General Athem hasn’t left his chair since Arsa dozed off and that was at least an hour ago. Why?
Headache mostly gone, Arsa drops to his knees before Athem. He lays his hands on the male’s thighs, gnaws his lower lip, and says, “You can be rough, but I drool a lot. It’d be better if you have a towel.”
The general breathes a brief snort and turns his beckoning hand to drop it once more onto Arsa’s head. He watches Arsa’s face as he slides his hand over Arsa’s head, down the back of his neck, and then grips the base of Arsa’s braid.
The desire to be disciplined and roughly used oscillates toward defiance until Athem speaks. “Is that what you want?”
Why is he asking? The question is upsetting. It’s reminiscent of Galokir. “Yeah. Hard and fast. Finish down my throat or all over my face, whatever works for you.”
The grip on Arsa’s hair pulls tight. Arsa closes his eyes. This is more like it.
“Not tonight,” Athem says and releases his grip. “Rebraid your hair, make sure you and your wounds are clean, and then you will warm my bed.”
Arsa sinks back onto his heels, nose wrinkled and lip lifted. Disappointment and defiance. “Sure, your generalship.”
Athem observes Arsa surge to his feet, but doesn’t react. In this Athem stands apart from everyone Arsa has ever belonged to. He hates it. Hates the general, the surface, Galokir, everything since the simple days of the fighting pits.
Arsa throws aside the partitions that separate the general’s sleeping arrangements from his meeting area. The low light of a stationary glow light illuminates the area and throws amber over Arsa as he strips his clothes off. He slings the garments to the floor in a haphazard heap.
In the warm glow, Arsa checks his bandages and the poultice over the wound he chewed. It started life weeks ago when a mace had narrowly missed impact with his right hand, but the spikes ripped through his gloves and flesh. There’s nothing weeping from the wound this time and the cuts to his forearm, thigh, and shoulder haven’t bled through.
He hasn’t had an opportunity to get dirty but the shoulder wound and its stitches are in terrible shape from the collisions on his way there. Arsa won’t mind if it soaks past the poultice and onto the bandage. Serve Athem right if it does.
His shoulder hurts pleasantly during the unbraiding and rebraiding process, but doesn’t bleed through. Shame, it was a complex braid, too.
Once his braid is tied, Arsa slips into General Athem’s bed. It’s a strange duty, warming a bed for someone, but he’s been doing it now for weeks. If he didn’t always end up falling asleep he’d hate doing it... It’s no fun being awake and alone anywhere, let alone a bed.
But sleep doesn’t come. Sleep doesn’t come so the thoughts do. Galokir, Kamiti, Alanam, other names and faces that go further back. Arsa lifts his head and bounces it back off the pallet. The headache would be better than this.
He doesn’t notice the taste of the poultice or feel much of anything when he chews through. Nor does he notice when he finally falls asleep, his goal realized in the mess of poultice, bloody bandages, and blood dirtying General Athem’s sheets.
Without another presence to distract him, Arsa’s dreams are turbulent and dark. He experiences sensation, scents, and movement but he never remembers what he sees, if he sees at all. Then he’s dreaming something that isn’t so bad, even if he still sees nothing.
Cold breeze from the underground sea? Touching. One hand? No, two. It’s already the best dream he’s had in months. He has no idea what’s happening but Arsa doesn’t care, either. His dream fades to black and nothingness.
It takes Arsa time to surface from sleep. Memory is a fraught thing, so he’s accustomed to waking up in unfamiliar settings. But this one isn’t unfamiliar: he smells the general, so strong in his nose that he can taste Athem’s iron presence on his tongue.
Arsa opens his eyes to the general’s living quarters as seen from the foot of the general’s bed. There’s no telling how long he’s been here, Arsa’s sense of time has always been rubbish but since leaving Ilchathm he has no understanding at all.
Has Athem come to bed and then left? That seems so utterly out of character that Arsa immediately discards the notion. More likely that he hasn’t been there at all. But then, how to explain finding himself on top of the bed clothes, at the foot of the bed, under a fur cover? How to explain the refreshed scent of General Athem on the comforter?
Arsa slips out from under the fur and off the bed. His clothes aren’t scattered in the haphazard piles of before. They’re folded. Actually folded and set on one of the room’s chests. Unlike every high-positioned clan leader Arsa has ever known, Athem does his own upkeep.
Arsa hits the cold ground, hands first, tucks into a roll and comes up standing by the trunk. He takes his shirt from the top of the stack. The folds drop from the fabric. He smells Athem.
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diy face mask - An Overview
The key reason why why honey is often identified as being a base component for virtually every elegance product or service is mainly because it deeply moisturises the pores and skin from deep in just. The enzymes existing in Honey allows it to simply seep in to the pores and skin whilst conditioning it and softening it from deep within just. Combine equally of these elements in a very clean bowl, mix it well. Now put this bowl in sizzling water for 2-three minutes. Now your mask is prepared for software. Is it necessary to abide by which has a moisturizer soon after rinsing from the honey mask? I take advantage of Neutrogena Healthier Pores and skin moisturizer. Is it that your oily skin subjects you to definitely numerous names from men and women around you? The acne has developed the overall distinct masks with your face? Do you really feel betrayed by the cosmetics? Blend skin means you'll have a slightly oily T-zone and drier cheeks with dry patchy spots right here and there. This rose-centered mask is perfect for balancing out the oily and dry parts of your skin. The ingredients demanded for generating orange peel face mask to the oily pores and skin and acne are offered below. Before using any with the masks, its most effective to 1st take a look at a little percentage of the mask onto your internal elbow or wrist to check out if you may be allergic to it. Curly, frizzy or straight hair, every excellent hair fashion starts off in the shower. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ua9o4c15Z1Y why you’ll want to shield and deal with your hair with the most effective hair treatment products such as shampoos and conditioners. There are a variety of shampoo and conditioner formulation which will help you take care of boring or harmed hair. Whether https://lv.wordpress.com/tag/face-mask/ , conditioners, hair oils, hair colours, styling instruments or remedy products and solutions, you’ll obtain all of it on Amazon India under a person roof for your personal advantage. Acquire on the net hair care and styling goods, filter results dependant on brand name, rate, customer evaluations or special features and discount rates. Implementing https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=skin+care+tips on the skin can present you with outcomes beyond your creativeness and can go a good distance in providing you with healthy, younger on the lookout and glowing skin. Exactly what are the key benefits of Honey for Pores and skin and Face?  Your not long ago considered merchandise and highlighted suggestions › See or edit your browsing record They are actually exciting honey masks. I used to do honey and yogurt a long time ago and it worked excellent with my skin. I will be sharing this excellent hub and passing it together! Utilizing heat h2o, rinse off, tackling the edges of one's face and beneath your chin In particular. Splash your face with chilly h2o to shut pores. Pat dry that has a clean up towel. August two, 2014 at eight:19 pm Hi there! I\'m striving the redness-reducing mask for rosacea - I\'ve only used a little bit on my face compared to just what the recipe manufactured, can I continue to keep it inside the fridge for a couple of days to implement yet again or do I should create a new mixture when? I have my fingers crossed it works! Thanks! Wintertime climate isn’t kind to skin. Snow and hail lash into delicate cheeks and foreheads, cold winds chafe at us, and indoor heating methods depart us flaky, dry, and itchy. Though the remainder of our bodies stay secured (if relatively neglected) by clothing during the cold months, our faces bear the brunt of all that unsightly weather conditions Each and every and every day.
Considerations To Know About orange face mask
Yogurt and honey have antibiotic Houses, and this entire blend is as good for the outsides as it can be inside a consume. Use any leftovers inside a slurp-capable smoothie Using the milk of your preference. Honey has lengthy been haled as being the wonder heal for pores and skin of every kind. It has been utilized considering that ancient times to treat cuts, burns, and cut down pores and skin swellings. Ideas: It provides Great benefits, nevertheless it does acquire time to see them. If you don’t quickly see a transform, don’t give up. You may’t anticipate effects in just a day or two. Also, the mixture is greatest utilized when freshly built. Puree the papaya within a meals processor or blender until finally just mashed evenly, and after that Mix in the opposite components by hand. Spread over your face, preventing your eyes, and Permit it sit for 10-15 minutes. Wipe or rinse your face thoroughly clean, and smile at your self in the mirror. 4 tbsp. finely ground espresso or coffee beans (already ground coffee and also quick coffee get the job done if you don't have your own private grinder) Melanin is to blame for the skin tone. The a lot less melanin during the skin, the lighter the skin tone will likely be. Working with vinegar being a pores and skin toner dates back again to some time of Helen of Troy, and it’s just as helpful currently. After you clean your face, combine 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar with 2 cups drinking water as being a ending rinse to cleanse and tighten your skin. You can also find plenty of products out there that are made to provide distinct needs in supporting and handling the skin. Olay Total Results seven-In-one Anti-Ageing Cream + Serum Duo SPF fifteen is a wonderful illustration of a product that concentrates on anti-aging even though supplying a concentrated moisturizing formula. It fights all main symptoms and getting old and helps you look and feel younger than ahead of. Products such as the Nivea Oil Command Men’s Face Clean are high quality choices in the sector of elevating oily pores and skin and offering you which has a refreshed glimpse. The enough pores and skin varieties, tones and ailments are all fulfilled and taken care of because of the diverse set of solutions offered on Amazon India. A top quality area raw honey created my pores and skin glow in a method the others didn’t! So for the real advantages of a honey mask, use the very best quality honey you find. Suggestions: Use this mixture 3 to four instances weekly (even a day-to-day application is okay), but make sure you prepare it refreshing whenever, as it is rather easy to get ready and handiest at that time. By Mary Smith. Up-to-date: June five, 2018 A fantastic cup of coffee is, for Lots of individuals, The one thing that gets them to wake up in the morning. Good news, coffee fans - your favorite seen is additionally an excellent Option to create your skin glance brighter, fresher plus more vital. Avocado masks are used by celebs like Victoria Beckham and Jessica Biel, plus the better part is that you can eat the second fifty percent that you don’t use on the face. By logging into your account, you conform to our Conditions of Use and Privateness Coverage, and also to using cookies as described therein. Tend not to use Excessive scorching or Severe chilly drinking water for your face as this may destruction capillaries and induce redness.
Top diy face mask Secrets
Also, these peels may be soaked in boiling drinking water for each day along with the resultant liquid can be utilized as being a pores and skin toner. You may also utilize it like a hair rinse to add glow on your hair and eliminate dandruff.   Is a strong antibacterial and antiseptic agent. Slows down the growing old process of skin by preventing off cost-free radicals. Moisturizes skin. Try out a little bit of the mask about the again of your respective hand or aspect of your respective face. If it triggers discomfort, Never use that mask. Honey face masks will let you fade acne scars and even out pores and skin discolouration, giving your bright and toned pores and skin. . The sugar along with the olive oil type a gentle scrub, which also assists in eliminating particles trapped in pores. Resource Implement around the face and rinse off just after half-hour to receive contemporary and dazzling pores and skin. This is certainly also Pretty for oily acne vulnerable skin and when refreshing acne is present then extra of lime juice and orange peel powder must be extra. Another excellent browse! This is An additional excellent tip for honey: it really works great on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I had pink eye some occasions, about four a long time ago when my oldest son was in daycare. None of the prescribed eye drops seemed to be serving to, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I had a staph infection and once again, the antibiotics weren't performing Considerably to obvious it up. Fatty acids in higher doses, like the ones found in açai berries, manage to fight hyperpigmentation, In line with a 2010 paper printed from the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology We may use conversion monitoring pixels from promotion networks which include Google AdWords, Bing Adverts, and Facebook so as to determine when an advertisement has properly resulted in the specified action, for instance signing up to the HubPages Service or publishing an post to the HubPages Services. Retain the mask apart for half an hour. Finally, implement it on your face and neck and rinse it off with heat drinking water right after twenty minutes. Adhere to up by using a toner and moisturizer.   Yeast - a versatile product or service. With them and pastries flavor greater, and alcoholic beverages much better plus more beautiful pores and skin. Inside them you might want to just take tablets, though the masks are suited to clean yeast. The usage of yeast for the skin Honey has extended been haled given that the wonder treatment for pores and skin of all types. It has been applied due to the fact historic moments to take care of cuts, burns, and cut down skin swellings. A properly structured and neatly prepared hub :). I'm tempted to try, but I've undesirable allergy symptoms, perhaps I can do a spot exam. Thank you for sharing.
5 Essential Elements For orange face mask
This company will allow you to enroll in or affiliate a Google AdSense account with HubPages, so that you could generate dollars from adverts in your articles or blog posts. No data is shared Unless of course you engage using this type of element. (Privacy Policy) In the event the adjective you employ to describe your skin is “mature” or “dry”, this face mask is to suit your needs. visit little herbs here into your exhausted skin and end in a radiancy that you could have assumed you shed endlessly. In this article’s the easy recipe. This is a fantastic mask for dry, peeling and scaling pores and skin. The avocado and coconut oil supply replenishing humidity, although the honey helps to recover any chafed or Uncooked parts. This really is utilized to identify certain browsers or equipment if the obtain the assistance, and is also used for protection factors. Orange peel powder Obviously has quite a few Homes that could heal, shield and keep beautiful facial skin. Below are a few of the principle Attributes: We similar to this oatmeal face mask due to addition of vinegar to the mix. Vinegar is a light acid which means it's got antiseptic Qualities (receives rid of micro organism) but gained’t problems the skin. Mash most of the components alongside one another, but will not puree in a very blender: you would like this to get spreadable, not a liquid. Use evenly all over your face and Allow sit 8-10 minutes. Wipe off that has a warm, moist facecloth and afterwards rinse with great h2o. Pat dry. No HTML is allowed in opinions, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Opinions are usually not for advertising your content or other internet sites. The cornstarch current Within this face mask will draw out some additional oil additionally impurities. This mask is well suited for oily pores and skin. Clean it absent making use of heat water, pat the face dry and afterwards abide by up with the chosen toner and moisturizer. Nearly completed... We have to confirm your email handle. To accomplish the membership course of action, remember to simply click the website link in the email we just despatched you. Thanks a lot for such an amazing put up … I attempted no four- the coffee and cocoa mask with honey and it has performed miracles. https://steptoremedies.com/orange-sugar-scrub/ ’ll stick to it for some time. I was skeptical about applying it as i thought coffee will result in a faux tan and so taken out it in only quarter-hour (yep i established a timer) but to my shock this matter worked miracles, in truth I'm able to Obviously distinguish concerning the realm i utilized the mask on and the world i left as being the preceding a person is glowing like everything. Thanks so so a lot you guys are everyday living saviours appreciate you all keep up the good do the job!!! If you need to immediately dispose of acne, it really is perfect for this mask: clear grapefruit and grind it into a blender or grinder towards the regularity of porridge; Then wipe it off and rinse with interesting water. Your face will truly feel clean up and easy. Unsure which just one of those masks will do the job finest for your skin? This is often the most beneficial face mask for every skin kind. Yogurt facial masks
The Basic Principles Of orange face mask
These masks are perfect for an at-property facial. Begin with get more info and just before making use of the mask, lay a warm, damp clean cloth on your own face to open up up your pores. Immediately after rinsing from the mask, clean your face with chilly water or utilize a toner to close the pores. Then use a very good face oil. If you have any problem or comment, be sure to leave them beneath, I'll reply you when I am able to. Also you could share your encounter if you already know almost every other strawberry face mask recipes to us. थायरॉइड से पीड़ित महिलाओं के लिए क्यों है बेस्ट दवा है ”अश्वगंधा ”? in clay kind, and now we're introducing four. in DIY type, for the reason that for being straightforward—we are often lazy. Really lazy. Which suggests we don't have the will (or The cash) to operate to Sephora every single 7 days for new face masks. Preparation: Mix the three components to secure a wonderful, uniform mixture. Enable it stand for about 10 minutes. Nevertheless, before you start exploring the treatment choices, you ought to completely understand what causes acne then try to logically deduce how honey masks may be handy in its therapy. For centuries, individuals have been making use of honey masks for a therapy for acne and for curing other marks, scars, spots, and blemishes. click here can find not merely a person recipe for just a honey mask that treats acne, but somewhat, it might be made out of unique combos of herbs and various substances. increase yeast to the citrus, mix and use on your own face, maintain the mask for twenty five minutes and afterwards rinse with amazing drinking water. You can also acquire a greater idea of the products by undergoing practical person created remarks. Right after finalizing your selection, possess the item sent to your doorstep and comprehensive the transaction through the use of one particular of numerous hassle-free payment choices. Find the ideal pores and skin treatment products on-line by searching at Amazon India. This is an excellent mask for fellas, as it might soothe both equally razor melt away, and about-weathered winter pores and skin. The yogurt functions for a moisturizer, when the cucumber lessens redness and provides moisture to dry, sensitive skin. Yeast can be a magical component that has get rid of for various skin difficulties like inflammations, black heads, acne and etcetera. A single ingredient has such a magical property so adolescents, omens hurry out. I comply with Inhabitat's Phrases of Use and Privacy Plan, and to using cookies explained therein, And that i also consent to the collection, storage, and processing of my knowledge in America, in which details protection legislation might be unique from People in my nation. Got pretty oily and acne-susceptible pores and skin? Get worried no additional with this easy and cleaning orange peel face mask, which is able to go away your skin oil-free and moisturized at the same time! Thereafter wash it off making use of lukewarm water and end with a person splash of chilly; pat the pores and skin dry employing a cleanse towel.
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lenaglittleus · 6 years
A Guide To Surviving Seasonal Allergies Naturally
Everything about our move to San Francisco has been more than I could have ever dreamed of. Not to sugarcoat the move itself (it sucked), but in general I feel very confident that we made the right decision moving to SF…with the exception of one issue: SEASONAL ALLERGIES. Or more accurately, year-round allergies.
Pretty much since the day we moved here my allergies have decided to rear their ugly head. In Toronto, they’d be bad for a few weeks in April/May and then again for a few weeks in September. They were pretty manageable and only on the really bad days did I have to take my allergy meds. It’s been a different story since moving to California. I’ve joked that I’m legitimately allergic to California!
That being said, things have gotten much much better. I still have rough days, but I mostly don’t have to take allergy meds unless it’s an insanely high pollen count. Weirdly, it’s also when I get back from a trip where I’ve been elsewhere and am reacquainted with the San Francisco air that it’s also pretty bad. My symptoms are pretty common. Mostly itchy, watery eyes, sinus headaches and post-nasal drip.
For now, I’ve been able to manage my seasonal allergies holistically through diet, supplementation and certain lifestyle changes. I hate the idea of not being outside so I swear by these things to help keep my allergies at bay. If things are really bad (like 3-4 times a year) I take allergy meds, but I hate how groggy and dry they make me so I avoid if possible. I have nothing against this route, but the side effects suck for me so I’d rather not feel that way all the time. As a result I’ve tried a lot of different methods to help me treat the symptoms of Hay Fever without taking medicine. Here is my 7 Natural Allergy Relief Remedies that actually work!
1. Propolis + Raw Local Honey
If you haven’t heard me profess my love for Propolis then you must be living under a rock. Just kidding! But if you want to learn more about propolis, check out this podcast episode with Carly Stein from Beekeeper’s Naturals. We also chatted about raw honey and its benefits. But as a synopsis, propolis is the substance the seals the bee’s hive. It’s super antibacterial and antiviral and is basically as superfood as foods get. Raw honey is as well. It’s believed that by consuming each, your body slowly builds up a tolerance to local pollen and in the future will be less sensitive to it.
2. Essential Oils
Aromatherapy for the win! Some essential oils that are great for seasonal allergies include chamomile, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, and lemon oil. I personally use the inhale blend from Saje Wellness (called allergy release in Canada) both in the diffuser blend and the roll-on for when I’m outside. Otherwise feel free to blend your own!
3. Nettle tea
Nettle Leaf Tea has long been used as a treatment for seasonal allergies. It’s super anti-inflammatory which as I mention below is the root of all seasonal allergies. I find it makes my mouth a little tingly and numb but apparently that’s normal. Some people do react negatively to it so just be careful!
4. Bone Broth
I could go on about the benefits of bone broth for days! The root of seasonal allergies is inflammation and bone broth is as anti-inflammatory as it gets. I have a cup a day and besides being delicious, it’s incredibly good for reducing inflammation, seasonal allergies, boosting your immune system and has a healthy dose of collagen for your skin, hair and nails! I love Kettle and Fire Bone Broth and get an order each month. If you want to save 20% off your order (and free shipping!), use the code THEHEALTHYMAVEN at checkout or click here for it to be automatically added!
5. CBD Balm
I use this for my sinus headaches. If I wasn’t able to avoid my allergies, CBD Balm for headaches has been soooo helpful. I rub it on my sinuses, temples and neck. If you combo it with Peppermint Halo from Saje, it’s a double whammy!
6. Netty Pot
I’ll be honest, this is the one I do the least – likely because I hate doing it! but if my sinuses are super stuffed up or I have a bad post-nasal drip, the Netty Pot is a complete lifesaver. In theory, you’re supposed to use it everyday to keep things clear, but I use it more as an SOS management. Either way, it helps!
7. Shower and Change Your Pillow Case
I know this seems like an obvious one but it really makes a huge difference. Pollen or whatever allergen you’re allergic to can get stuck to your hair, skin, clothing etc… and then also end up on your pillows and in your bed. Frequent washing when you’ve been outside for a long time can go a long way. Even though I HATE washing my hair, if I’ve spent a couple hours outside I know I have to wash it.
* * * * *
That’s all I’ve got for you! If you’re struggling with seasonal allergies, I feel you. They suck and I’ve had moments where I just don’t want to go outside because I know I’ll have to deal with them. Hopefully these tips and tricks to surviving seasonal allergies are helpful to you.
As always, these are all just options. Try out what you like and stick with the things that work. If something isn’t serving you, let it go. Our bodies are all so different which is why experimentation is key! Don’t feel like you need to go out and buy everything at once.
Did I miss any tips? Drop your best seasonal allergy tricks below!
The post A Guide To Surviving Seasonal Allergies Naturally appeared first on The Healthy Maven.
from News About Health https://www.thehealthymaven.com/2018/05/natural-allergy-relief-remedies.html
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