#my brain: laptop can be opened for hawke
vigilskeep · 1 year
okay lord permitting i am going to fuck around in dragon age 2
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faceless-mirror · 6 months
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Ship: Hozier and Farren(ONBC)
Andrew and Farren have been traveling through the centuries. Andrew remembers each time, when each of their times together ended in horrible tragedy. Farren never remembers, but their hearts call to each other in every life time, even if it brings pain. Andrew is breaking now, just needing one happy ending where they don't die crushed to death- sacrificed to old gods- hunted for their love- or torn apart in battle.
All he wants is to have Farren and live in peace. Hopefully, the Gods will grant mercy at last for his past transgressions that led to this cycle.
Taglist: @rowanballard @likehipsters @darkcloverme @holy-shitposting @cwooley1999-blog
(If you'd like to be added or removed please let me know)
Farren woke the next morning to golden rays burning across their face, causing them to hiss softly in pain, rolling over trying to throw the bed cover over their face grumbling softly and angrily at the sun for daring to wake them, even if it was their own fault for not closing the curtains.
It was a moment of quiet contemplation, eyes held shut, breathing in and out easily. Finally when their brain decided that it did, in fact, want to be alive and awake, they slipped out of bed steadily, bare feet hitting the floor. After going through their morning routine, they sat down at their desk, ready to get started on their projects for the day. Though upon opening the laptop, it was an email that caught their attention. 
An interview for the bartender and artist position. Responding quickly they decided that if they could interview today they would. Starting by the next week would be divine. It didn’t take too long to get started on their commissions, though they were anxiously awaiting to hear from the venue.
Almost two hours later, they got a phone call, offering an on the spot interview. 
A few hours later, Farren was there in front of the building, dressed in a white button down shirt and bell bottom stretch pants, wearing platform shoes. Looking around they were a bit shocked, it was a nice large venue, with some historic undertones. All they could think of was hoping to be a candidate for the job.
Stepping in, they couldn’t help but appreciate the red brick walls and the hardwood bar that greeted the doors. There was a man sitting and waiting, for them it seemed. The way he jumped to his feet, moving close hand extended, blond locks tied back neatly. “Avira Swan- It’s lovely to meet you- Farren was it?” he questioned warmly, gently pressing a hand to their back guiding them to an office with a smile. 
“We just came under new management- and we’re determined to put in a beautiful mural-” he explained. It seemed this man had visions for the venue and was insisting upon it. Already pulling out a contract. “Feel free to sign, Mx. Doven.”
“What about the interview-?” Farren started to question, reading through the contract curiously. It was fairly standard. Some things were… odd. Riches and prosperity for as long as they obeyed, if contract is broken, owned by one (1) Avira Swan for ten years. That was the line that stood out.
“Don’t worry about the interview. Your art skills are exactly what I want for the mural- Absolutely beautiful.” he said reassuringly, devilishly green eyes watching them like a hawk, except focused on the pages in their hands. 
They hummed softly, they’d be stupid to turn this down. It paid so well… but the one line worried them. “What does this mean… can you clarify…?” Farren questioned, “I would love to accept so long as i can understand this or have it removed-” they said licking their lips nervously. Something felt wrong with this- but the money they couldn’t refuse.
Avira frowned in concern and looked over, and sighed, “Oh- I can have that removed. My lawyer must have taken a joke too far- I apologize.” He took the contract away and the feeling subsided, “Thank you that could have been a lot of paperwork later on.” he chuckled.
The beautiful man smiled fondly, “Let me get that taken care of.” he said softly, standing and moving to a filing cabinet throwing out the old contract and bringing over a fresh one and offered it to Farren. They looked through it firmly, humming softly as they did. A melody that haunted their head. “That’s an old song, dear,” Avira commented thoughtfully, elbow on the table his fingertips supporting his chin as he watched them. “Take care of what it may summon, my dear.”
“You know it?” they questioned, attention diverted.
He smiled softly, “It’s an old song… very old. Legend says it was written by a fae who fell in love with a mortal despite the warnings that he shouldn’t, that he would be cursed as they would be. Whenever the song is hummed or sung… played… he shows up searching for his love. Destruction follows him…”
Something… something itched in the back of their mind at the story. It couldn’t… it wouldn’t be real. They hummed running their fingers through their black and blue hair. “It sounds like a tragic love story… but just a story.” Their lips quirked, eyes returning to the contract reading through it. Nothing was jumping out this time at least. 
“If it is just a story its a story that’s unfinished, dear.”
They didn’t know what to say to that, so they asked a different question. “What is the mural to be of?” they asked.
“I’d like it to be a mural that depicts the fae… and music of course. Just whatever feels right to you. I’ll show you the spot for the mural.” he added as those almost glowing green eyes focused on her hands signing the contract. 
“Of course. Can I get a copy of the contract please? For my own records.” she clarified.
“Of course.” Avira said warmly, pulling out a contract from the same folder passing it to her, letting her glance through it before standing. “Now… let’s get you that tour to the place for the mural.” he purred, a sound that seemed to soak into her mind.
- - - - -
Andrew had been getting ready to perform feeling a tremor along the red cord coming from his chest making his throat tighten. They remembered the song. It had vibrated many times over the years. It always happened at odd intervals but… that was a sign. His long fingers touched the cord lightly. “Beloved… I’ll find you. I’ll find you no matter where you are.” he breathed out, muddy green eyes focused on the translucent cord. “My beloved.”
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gemini-sensei · 2 years
I just keep getting ideas- I need to go to bed but
(@sensei-venus) (unedited)
Bully!Hawk x Chubby!LaRusso!Reader ofc
They get paired up for a project that has to be worked on outside of class. They could just do it on their own in a shared document but she's pretty sure if she gave him the option, he wouldn't do shit. So they go to his house, because God forbid she take him to her place and he starts something with Sam; don't even get her started on her father, who would lose his fucking mind.
So she goes to his place and meets his mom, who is super nice to her. They chat and get along great, never mind the fact Hawk is stewing under the nice little act he puts on for his parents. And Reader can see it. She can see him ready for his mom to just walk away so all he can do is glare at her. He doesn't like that she gets along with his mom so well because she's a little menace, a thorn in his side, the bane of his existence; so on and so forth.
They finally get a moments piece and he drags her upstairs so they can "get this over with." They sit on the floor with their laptops and notebooks and whatever else they need, but they cannot agree on anything. They're arguing about formatting and information and resources, basically everything under the sun. When he mom comes around, she tells him to be nice to his guest and Reader just smiles and takes the snacks she brought them. As she eats them, he snickers and she deadpans.
"And here I thought laughing at the fat girl was low brow humor to you."
She throws a cookie at him and hits him right in the eye. Doesn't apologize for it. Why should she? He's a fucking annoying piece of shit.
Blah blah blah his mom leaves for some errand and trusting Eli can ne responsible blah blah blah convenience blah blah blah.
They argue some more about the project before deciding to take a break. She gets up to stretch her legs and complains about how he'd making this whole thing difficult.
"We'd be done by now if you weren't so high strung and nitpicking everything I do," he complains.
She scoffs. "If you did it right the first time, I wouldn't be nitpicking and wasting time fixing your work."
He gets in her face and smirks. "I think you just need to relax."
"What I need is for you to use your brain, but I forget that you don't have one."
He pushes her and she falls back on his bed. He on top of her in and instant, pressing his hard on between her legs while their lips tear each other open. In no time at all, he has her wrists pinned and he's fucking her into the mattress. She's pushing her hips up to meet his thrusts and her eyes eventually roll up. He makes her come on his cock multiple times and left many marks across her neck and chest.
His hands are going to leave bruises on her waist as he holds it, her hips angled so he can pound down into her. She's mewling and moaning under him, legs shaking as he sucks on her nipple. He won't admit it out loud but she looks so pretty for him, swollen lips and lust in her eyes. All she can think about is his cock.
He starts groping whatever he can get ahold of. "You know I can't keep my hands off of I pound this little tight pussy. Your plump little body is fucking addicting, infuriatingly so."
Smacks her tits and makes her cry out,
When he's done with her, her pulls on her sensitive nipples and makes her whine, just to watch her fall back on the bed. He gets back to work as she lays out, fast asleep as his cum leaks out of her well used cunt. Occasionally he looks over to check out his handiwork.
"Told you all you needed was to relax."
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dizzydesi53 · 1 year
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I've never lived with someone other than my family and I've especially never slept in the same bed as someone else. I woke up without having any nightmares which rarely ever happens. the sun was shining brightly thru the wall of glass that served at a window in his bedroom. I was lying on my back, my wings spread wide in the large bed. Hawks was draped over me, his arms wrapped around my waist and his head nestled against my chest.
he snores! it makes me giggle. my movements must have disturbed him because he pulled me more tightly against him. his wings, spread out behind him, slowly furled in to drape over me like a heated blanket. it was so warm and comfortable, I felt safe and relaxed for the first time in what must have been years.
I felt myself slowly drifting back to sleep, the scent of sunshine and pine needles in my nose, making my dreams revolve around hot and heavy kisses.
when I next woke up I was surrounded by pillows, blankets, and an impressive collection of hero plushies. I was even holding a Hawks plushie! I fully believe that the real-life-size Hawks put it in my arms on purpose. cocky bastard!
I managed to climb my way out of the lavish nest that that bird brain had built around me and wandered down a hall. there were several doors leading off to god knows where but then the hallway opened up to reveal a large living area. there was an oversized couch with more pillows and blankets on it, a huge tv, and a massive collection of movies. 3 of the four walls that made up the living room were floor-to-ceiling windows.
I looked around and spotted Hawks sitting on the couch with a laptop on his lap. As I watched he took a deep breath and then stiffened. his head jerked around to face me. he had a huge lopsided grin on his face. it was different from the typical smirk that he always seemed to wear. in fact, he looked very different in general. he had a loose-fitting shirt and sweats on and his usual messy hair was a lot more chaotic but seemed more relaxed and happy than last night.
"Afternoon, little mate. you've been asleep for a while, feeling better?"
"Feeling better?...Afternoon! what time is it?"
"it's about 2 and you slept off your stress pheromones. You're relaxed right?"
he was right. I hadn't noticed before but my back wasn't as tense, and my shoulders weren't slightly hunched. I was more relaxed. even my breathing was deeper and more even. for the first time in my life, I felt like I wasn't on constant guard waiting for unsuspecting alphas to jump out at me. now I just had one to deal with.
I came over and sat on the couch with him. his grin grew wider when I flopped down next to him.
"whatcha working on?"
he smiled at me, his arm brushing mine. he seemed to use any excuse to touch me. he seemed happy that I was taking an interest in him even if it was only his work.
"Recently a group of human traffickers has surfaced. they kidnap omegas and sell them on the black market. We've been trying to shut them down but haven't had much luck. I've been looking for info. haven't found much."
the way he spoke I came to a realization I probably should have come to before now
"you're a workaholic?"
he blushed, actually blushed! his ears turning a shade of red to rival his wings. I found myself thinking he was adorable. I'm insane!
"I'm not, I've just never had anything worth caring about over work."
he looked at me with gorgeous golden eyes full of adoration. he reached up and cupped my cheek stroking it, and for some unknown reason, I allowed it.
"Not until now at least."
he leaned in until he could brush my lips with his. the other kisses were desperate and needy. filled to the brim with fire. this kiss was just as firey but it was a slow burn like he was trying to convey how much he seemed to care about me with just his lips. when we parted we were both out of breath and flushed.
"We have to go to work soon but if your still not feeling well we can call it and stay here"
this might be the perfect opportunity to get some space between us and for me to think without him and my hormones messing with me. I needed to sort out my feelings before things got out of control.
"I'm fine, I guess I should start assisting/sidekicking."
That was two hours ago. In that two hours, we've stopped for coffee, thwarted 2 purses snatchings, and one bank robbery, and arrived at his agency only for him to dive into a paperwork pile on par with Scrooge McDuck's gold vault. What's worse, I had no time away from the annoying bird, my office is his office!!
the sidekick job is easy enough since I've been a freelance hero for a few years. It's basically what I've been doing and Hawks and I have always worked well together in the past. not that either of us needs the help.
as for the assistant job, that's a bit more of a struggle. mainly because Hawks keep bolting off to save the day, completely forgetting the schedule. aside from the first day, it's been fairly easy, but exhausting. I crash as soon as we get back to his apartment. he really is a workaholic and I'm not sure how he keeps the pace he does.
it's been a week of working with him when I got a message from the commission, for Hawks.
A meeting has been established for today, please don't be late.
there were links to a few articles about Hawks and the scent of an Omega that's been smelt on him. They were all speculating on who it could be when he would announce that he had a mate and how adorable all his chicks would be. it all made me feel a little queasy. this wasn't good, at this rate my identity would be compromised. I hate the attention! it only brings trouble.
when I brought it to Hawks attention he groaned and flopped back in his chair dramatically.
"is everything going to be ok?"
"oh yeah, they're just image minded. they'll want to talk about numbers and fanbase and bla bla bla! it's boring and a waste of time. but I have to go! go home and ill meet you there little mate."
"not your mate!"
I groused for like the millionth time. I flew back to the apartment. On my second day here, we got all my stuff from my apartment. I was officially moved in like this was my apartment. in fact, infuriatingly enough he had canceled my lease and sold all the furniture I didn't 'need'. I couldn't tell you how angry I am about that.
when I finally get 'home' I take a much-needed shower get into my comfy pajamas and relax on the couch watching anime. I'm completely zoned out, not really seeing what's on the screen just thinking about my life and how it's taken a drastic turn.
honestly, I've learned a lot of surprising things about Hawks. he insists I call him Keigo when we're alone. he's stubborn and kind to a fault. he's surprisingly responsible and despite what he projects to the world he takes his hero work very very seriously. he's a workaholic but likes to eat chicken and watch trashy reality tv when he's rarely taking a break.
he gossips more than my elderly neighbor and seems to know everything, every juicy piece of news that's happening to celebrities and other heroes. I've noticed he's touch starved, always holding my hand, brushing my arm, and tucking my hair behind my ear. sometimes when I'm watching anime he'll bring his laptop over and use my lap as a pillow while he works.
slowly but surely I can feel the walls I've built up around me crumbling. he's worming his way in and I'm getting attached. this is bad. very bad because he's a playboy whos probably just toying with me. he's always flirting.
I was still deep in thought when Keigo came back, flying through the open balcony doors. his wings blew a gust of wind in my face making me look over at him and blinking stupidly to get out of my head.
he sighed heavily and flopped down on the couch, laying down so that his head was once again in my lap. he draped his arm over his eyes, he hadn't even changed out of his hero costume. I couldn't help myself, I ran my fingers thru his hair making him gasp in surprise. I tried to play it cool by not looking at him, just watching the tv but I wasn't even paying attention to it and couldn't tell you what it was about.
"is everything ok?"
I was still running my fingers thru his hair when I looked down at him, his golden eyes were smoldering at me again. it was annoying, mostly because it ignited butterflies in my stomach.
"We have to do an interview in the morning."
"What! But-"
"It's fine! nobody is going to find out that your Moxie, promise"
"why do I have to be there?"
"you're my assistant,"
he said it simply like it was the most sane conclusion and I should have seen that. it made no sense to me, why did he insist that I stay with him?
"you always have an assistant at interviews?"
"every time!"
"you're a terrible liar"
"Actually I'm an excellent liar I just hate lying. too much effort."
he's infuriating! I know he's up to something but I don't know enough to figure it out and stop it. I stand up abruptly making his head fall off my lap and stomp off to hide in his room. not that I could hide for long, he sleeps here too.
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Not One of Many - Chapter Nineteen.
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine  Ten  Eleven  Twelve  Thirteen  Fourteen  Fifteen  Sixteen  Seventeen  Eighteen
Tag list - In the comments
Words - 3,320
Warnings - 18+ content, adult audience only. Minors DNI!
“She fuckin’ did what?”
Of course, Beth did not expect her boyfriend to react in any other way to being told that his ex had followed them there, attempting to gain entrance to the party.
“She made quite the scene before security lead her away and told her if she continued to cause a ruckus, the police would be called,” Kinga confirmed, Alfie’s eyebrows continuing to rise.  
“She’s off her bleedin’ rocker, the bandy mare!” he further exclaimed, shaking his head, Dennis nonplussed until he was brought up to speed.  
“Bloody hell,” he began, eyes widening behind his thick framed glasses. “My wife would have thrown furniture at her, should she have been present to witness the glass incident.”
“Yeah, she said a table would have been flung,” Beth confirmed, everyone chuckling.  
“Absolutely shocking. Well, let’s hope she doesn’t continue with these wild antics. The girl appears to be a little obsessive.”
Alfie made a knowing face. “Yes, that’s the polite way of putting it, Dennis. If I have any more of it, she’ll have a restraining order put on her. No messin’ around. I told her last night, she don’t come anywhere near Beth, and I fuckin’ meant it.”
“Jealousy is a stirrer of the emotions for sure,” Oliver commented.  
“You ain’t kiddin’, mate.” Alfie confirmed, shaking his head. He just couldn’t believe she’d followed them, meaning that of course, she must have been watching the house for some time, to see their movements, waiting until they went out.  
They had a wonderful time at the party, but on the drive home Alfie would have been lying if he said he hadn’t had one eye on the rear-view mirror for the duration of the journey, looking to see if they were being followed.  
“Can she even drive, or is this following being done through taxis?” Beth asked, looking in the wing mirror of the Range Rover, seeing the car that had been behind them pull off to the right at the junction, nothing else behind them for now.  
“Yeah, she can. She didn’t have a car when she was with me, but all she had to do was hawk a Chanel bag and boom, there’s her cash for a vehicle sorted. I think we’re good, though. It seems like she only wants to make a scene with us when she’s got an audience, or she would have tried earlier when we took Cyril out, if it was just us who she wanted to scream at. But nah, nutty fuckin’ cow wants attention, wants as many people to know how I apparently did her wrong,” he fumed lightly, pressing the fob to open his front gates and driving through.  
“Here’s hoping she gets bored eventually.”
Alfie agreed, but inside, he didn’t bank on it. Neither did Beth, if she was honest.  
A few days passed, Beth spending a bit of time at her flat working hard on her articles, arriving home one evening after a dinner meeting with a new magazine connection wishing to bring her into the fold on a freelance basis, a little tired but ready to do more tapping away upon her laptop.
She was crossing through from her kitchen back to the lounge when she heard a furious knocking at the door, checking the time. 10:59pm. Weird.  
“Who is it?” she called. No one replied. Although she had a chain on the front door, she certainly didn’t have a peep hole, so wasn’t about to open it so late to check the situation out. Moving to her lounge, she switched off the light and scooted around her desk, opening the curtain a fraction at the bay window. No one there.  
Taking a seat again, she began to tap, getting a few brilliant little anecdotes she’d had while filling the washing machine in the kitchen out of her brain and onto her Word document when once again, a thumping upon the front door disturbed her. Getting up, she went back into the hallway, listening through the door, not able to hear a thing.  
Being a woman of maturity and rationality, she didn’t immediately put two and two together, but on her way back into the lounge for the second time, the penny dropped.  
“For heaven’s sake.” She sighed in exasperation, wondering to herself how a thirty-one-year-old woman could lower herself to such behaviour. At first, she didn’t find it perturbing, until taking a moment to think about it.
Talia had no idea where she lived, meaning she must have been following her since she last left Alfie’s home two days previously. It gave her a little shudder, knowing that her movements had been watched. If the most she was going to do was play a game of knock door run, though, Beth would be loathed to let the actions usually reserved for children get the better of her.  
She’d make a point of mentioning it to Alfie, though, of course.
For that moment, she chose to get back to her work, brewing herself a pot of coffee and returning to her desk, becoming lost in the stories of the three women she had interviewed for her article and the harrowing long term scars they’d been left with after their botched surgeries. The first still made her shudder, a woman by the name of Cara Rose who had suffered an infection so bad from her unregulated lip fillers, she’d almost lost them, the painful and costly reconstructive surgery process meaning a tendon taken from her wrist had been grafted into the remaining healthy tissue of her top lip so she actually had one at all.
Her research had definitely given her a little pause for thought over her own body hang ups, decreeing that she could live with the fact that she’d considered fillers herself for her lips, and often toyed with the idea of rhinoplasty to thin and refine her nose a little.
“Yes, you’re good with a bit of chub on the honk and using a plumping lip stain.” She told her reflection, turning to view herself in the gilt mirror sitting atop her small sideboard.
She called it a night at 2am, up again at 8:30am to rush down to Romero’s and meet Kinga for breakfast, filling her in on her suspicions over her late-night door thumper.
“Well!” she began, her mouth dropping open, floundering wordlessly before her lips upturned and she began to chuckle. “If she assumes that kind of carry on to be menacing in any way then I’m afraid she’s missed the mark!”
“This is exactly what I was thinking,” Beth revealed, pausing to give the waiter her order of eggs Florentine and a cappuccino. “But then you see, it does mean that slightly more sinisterly, she’s been following me, tracking my movements to even know where I live in the first place, since she had no clue while I was staying at Alfie’s to research the article. I definitely didn’t reveal such. In fact, I don’t think any of them knew the area I lived, other than Mimi, who certainly wouldn’t have told her.”
Kinga scoffed, her eyes wide. “She barely even acknowledged your existence while you were there from what you revealed to me about her attitude, so no, it isn’t like you could have casually dropped it into conversation with her when you had virtually nothing in way of that. What, do you think she followed you back from Alfie’s?”
Her nod confirmed the suspicion. “I do, yes. I mean she must have, which means she’s spending her time sitting around somewhere watching our comings and goings from his house. We had proof of that already in her turning up out of the blue at the ELLE party.”
“Does the woman have nothing better to do?” Kinga just couldn’t believe it, why someone would make the kind of time Talia was seemingly doing to partake in such fruitless, ridiculous endeavours. “She truly has little self-respect, to be doing this... I don’t want to label it stalking, but I suppose that is the correct term.”  
Something cold and spiny manoeuvred through Beth’s stomach at hearing the term. Stalker. She’d not equated Talia’s actions to that prior to Kinga’s use of the word, but she was right. It was what she was doing. Putting it to the back of her mind, though, she enjoyed her breakfast date before heading home again, working more on her articles until she was out the door once more, heading across town in an Uber to meet with the third woman she was profiling for her article, the lovely Jessica Hughes, a victim of a botched breast enhancement.
“I mean, they look okay now under clothes, but when I take my top off, I just don’t feel confident. The amount of nipple realignments I’ve had to have, and then uplifts because the skin has stretched so much from the weight of the original implants, which my present doctor was horrified over, them being much too large for me, so he said. I went from an A to a double F cup. I’m now a D.”
Beth’s heart went out to her, that the young woman before her had undergone the surgery to gain a little more body confidence in the first place, only now to be left with none in the wake of her decision, and multiple surgeries to correct it. “So, the scars are causing you even more body confidence issues at present?” She tentatively asked, softly omitting a little hum of sympathy and quickly passing over a napkin when her interviewee’s tears began to trickle.  
“Yes, because I’m butchered, and I have no one to blame but myself.”
Beth tutted softly, cocking her head to the side slightly. “I should think the original botched procedure more lies with the surgeon than your choice.” she stated, Jessica nodding, smiling when Beth let her professional veneer slide a little more by reaching to stroke her hand. She couldn’t not. It was a heartbreaking story, for her to now feel such a way about her own body. Lamentably, it was the gamble people had to partake in when seeking surgical enhancement; most of the time, the procedures yielded favourable results, but when problems did arise, they were often tricky to overcome.  
“I do hope that my story means other women will think twice, though, and always go to a reputable surgeon for their surgeries. I think the pictures that will accompany the article alone should act as a cautionary tale.” Those pictures were emailed to her later in the afternoon while she was sitting in the kitchen at Alfie’s working away, Beth gasping in horror at the state of her breasts. Big, dark scars ran along the undersides of both, then leading down from each nipple, nipples that were no longer with a natural, rounded areola, but also darkened from scarring where the better surgeon had punctiliously attempted to place them back in an effort to make them look in some semblance to how nipples should.
“Jesus flamin’ Christ!” Alfie exclaimed, leaning over her shoulder. “Dodgy boob job girl, I take it?”
“Yes, that’s Jessica,” she confirmed, reaching her arms up and back to wrap around his neck, receiving a kiss to her cheek.
“Poor bird, that looks a right bloody state now. And to think, she had them done to make herself feel good, and she ends up looking like that. Bloody surgeon wants his hands chopping off! Don’t you ever get any ideas about yours though, ay. They’re perfect.”
She looked down at her vest top covered chest, grabbing her boobs and giving them a little shake. “I’m content with what I have.”
“Good, because they’re gorgeous.” Leaning over her more, he pulled her top down and blew a raspberry against her cleavage, his beard tickling, Beth laughing softly. “Mims had hers done. They look lovely but they never felt quite right. I kept that to myself, though.”
“Yeah, she told me she’d had an augmentation.”  
“Speaking of my least troublesome ex, I almost forgot, she called earlier to see how I was, said she’d tried ringing you an’ all, wanted to see if you were free this Saturday to go riding.”  
Beth wasn’t in the habit of checking her phone while out and about, so pulled it out to take a look. There indeed was the missed call from Mimi. She’d get back to her, but with the mention of ex-girlfriends, chose that moment to reveal her little door knocking incident from the night before to her boyfriend.  
His expression darkened a flicker as she detailed it, Alfie looking perplexed. “If she carries on with this malarkey, she’ll have a fuckin’ restraining order slapped upon her. Nah, no messin’. I ain’t tolerating that bullshit from her. I dunno what she thinks she’s achieving either.”
Beth sighed, saving her work and getting up to hug him. “She’s just trying her best to be a pain in the arse. Speaking of arses, I’m horny. How’d you fancy being a pleasure in mine for a bit.”  
One second. That’s all it took to be thrown over his shoulder and carried up to bed. Pleasure was exactly what she received, too, but very much on Alfie’s terms. It began with a very intricate game of rope play after he’d spent adequate time delighting her with his fingers and mouth, tying a series of intricate bindings at her ankles, each leg spread and tied to the bottom corners of the bed. Sitting her up, he then bound her an elbow harness tie, her arms behind her back, the rope crossed over her chest and under her breasts.  
That led them to the point Beth felt the fires of release licking her insides, bound tight and helpless, Alfie’s well lubed cock slowly slipping back and forth out of her narrow passage, two fingers within her cunt circling at her sweet spots, and a wand vibrator held on her clit. Her toys from home now lived there, in the box under the bed specifically reserved for all items of a sexually titillating nature.  
He watched her ascending, her back arching from the bed as she whimpered, the lock of her inner muscles around his fingers telling him she was close, changing the setting on the wand to pulse, edging her, her release torridly swelling, then ebbing. She flexed at him uncontrollably, her inner walls hot and slick, his cock twitching as he rutted and pulled back again, his heart hammering at the pure sinful carnality.  
She was reeling, the hum of energy coursing and building without release, her clit bobbing against the wand, Alfie removing it for a few seconds to allow her to cool down, returning it, the glimmers beginning to skitter once more. He arrowed a little deeper within her, his groan gut-wrenching as he felt the head of his cock pulse within the tight constriction, fighting his own urges to chase the release he held back from, slowing, waiting until it abated before he speared her again.  
He had her mewling softly, clenching on him again as her hips shuddered, little bubbles of pleasure effervescing up her spine as her muscles flexed against her bindings, the stretch of the nylon audible, scintillating, the rope marking her pale flesh as she continued to struggle in her constriction, electric tingles dancing over her body in response to the tightness of the bindings. Once again, her release was edged, Alfie giving her less time to cool off before doing it again, and again, and again... and again.
She was pushed to the very limit of what her body could handle, her breathing rapid, her eyelids fluttering, almost completely lost to the moment. Especially when slipped his fingers from within her, feeding them into her mouth and clutching her jaw in his big hand, before moving his grasp to her neck, tightening, constricting the blood flow, his cock beginning to fuck her with rapid finesse.  
He kept on edging her, tightening and releasing the pressure at her neck, watching her movements very carefully, knowing he had to look after her through everything he was inflicting upon her. He knew from experience there was a fine line between what could and couldn’t be tolerated.  
“What’s your name?” he asked, slowing a little, releasing her neck.  
“What’s your safe word?”
“Good, girl. You’re doing so well.” He leaned to kiss her, glad that she was still mentally capable of continuing. If she couldn’t answer basic questions, that was the time to stop, regardless of if she had uttered her safe word or not to him. Her head was spinning, but not enough to need a break or cease, Beth moaning softly as he began building her up again, those soft noises gathering volume the further her body rocketed towards the light, her thighs trembling madly as once again, he edged her, holding her right there on the precipice, the coil in her rocking back and forth over the edge of nirvana.
He took her to the very epicentre of sexual paradise, before at last, her golden surge of light finally broke his horizon as he let her have what she’d ached for, her orgasm shining through her, his hips staccato as his voice broke on a harsh grunt, filling her with thick ribbons of cum. “You did very, very well.” He praised her, clicking the wand off and letting it slip from his hands, resting his head to her chest for a moment in an effort to come back down to earth before untying her. Once freed, he held her to him, her body spent, sore and shuddering, Beth still on a high from the pleasurable mix of complete ecstasy tinged with the sublimity of pain.  
Aftercare was very necessary in the wake of such, Alfie stroking her as she lay stretched out atop him, letting her come back down steadily, her descent still glimmering with the thrumming of pleasurable waves ebbing away slowly. She adored the duality in him, the man capable of pushing her to the very limits of what she could withstand, hard and unyielding, yet then soft in the aftermath, both her decimator and protector.  
“You alright, duchess?”
She lifted her head, smiling hazily, making him chuckle. “All still floaty and dreamy.”
“I did me job proper, then.”
Yes, he most certainly had. Nobody did it quite like him. She lay there buzzing away still for a time, stroking his chest idly, enjoying the rhythm of his heartbeat directly below her ear.
“You want me to run you a bath?” he asked a while later, knowing she liked the comfort of hot water after a particularly intense session, Beth nodding as she learned to kiss him. He gently shifted her, getting up and dressing again, heading to the bathroom and plugging the tub, turning the water on and decanting a splash of her bath oil. He then went downstairs and poured her a glass of wine, placing it on the windowsill. Ten minutes later, and he was placing her marked up, exhausted body into the water, Beth thanking him. He was always so attentive.  
“Thank you. I love you,” she hummed, receiving a kiss.
“Love you too, baby beast. I’m gonna go get back to work. Do you want to order in for dinner or go out?”
“Oooh, I think go out. Can we go to Karma, please?”  
“Yeah, good idea. I’ll call ‘em, get a table for seven?” Karma was a Japanese eatery in Mayfair Alfie owned, Beth’s favourite of all of his restaurants.  
And it was. It was all so lovely, Beth enjoying the wonderful flush of new romance she was partaking of giddily with her new boyfriend. Talia could try all she liked, but the delusional former resident of the beautiful home that she loved spending time in would not ruin what they had.  
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bokutosworld · 3 years
convenience store stranger | suna rintarou
pairing: suna x f!reader  word count, genre: 2.1k words, college au. fluff. another meet cute story lol.  warning: none  summary: in which your late shifts become less boring and more interesting when a cute stranger stumbles in at 2 AM.  a/n: my first time writing for suna god im scared but i really liked how this turned out!! 
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The first time he meets you happens on one of his late night convenience store runs. It was exams season and Suna’s been pulling all-nighter after all-nighter. To say he was exhausted would’ve been an understatement. 
He’s barely making it through on the third night and if he didn’t take a break soon, he was sure he’d have passed out on his desk. With his mind hazy from reading too many words and trying to understand a semester’s worth of lessons in one night, he decides to stand up and get some fresh air. 
Which is how he found himself currently standing at aisle four of the only convenience store that was still open near his apartment. He scans the rack for something that can wake him and his brain up. He doesn’t know how long he’s been standing but he could definitely feel eyes burning holes in the back of his head. 
He settles on a pack of jelly sticks and a cup of spicy instant noodles and heads towards the counter. You mutter a greeting when he reaches the cashier and begin scanning his items. 
When he hands over the cash for payment, your fingers brush with his cold ones, making you recoil harshly as if he was repulsing.
“Something wrong?” He laughs when he sees your reaction. “I know I look like a mess now but I won’t bite you.” He bends his knees slightly, tilting his head to get a look at your embarrassed face.
“No, I’m sorry.” You avoid his intense gaze, continuing to pack his purchase. When you look at him, he’s still staring with his piercing eyes that it almost takes your breath away. 
Shaking your head to bring yourself to reality, you give him his items. “Your hands felt cold and I was just shocked.” You feel that same electricity sparking between you again when he takes the bag from you. “I.. well.. thank you. Have a great evening.”
“It’s 2 AM,” Suna chuckles and you sigh before correcting yourself and bowing to him in goodbye. “See you around,” he shouts over his back as he walks out the door. It was the first time he saw you in that store and he was sure it wasn’t going to be the last. 
The second time he’d actually planned it according to your shift. If his past trips to the store were anything to go by, he’d learned that you always took the evening shift. It was something he discovered after being called out by your co-worker on the third time that he restlessly looked around the store during a visit. 
He should be on his bed, phone in his hand as he mindlessly scrolled until he fell asleep. But with the memory of his interaction with you lingering on his mind, he wanted to see you.
“Hey, got time for a customer?” He greets the moment he steps inside the empty convenience store. You look up from the book that you were reading and quickly stand to welcome him. “What are you reading?” 
Hiding the book from his view, you retort, “Aren’t you going to buy something?” 
He grins, taking in your tired disposition and the bags that had formed under your eyes before retreating to the shelves. When he returns, he slides over a can of energy drink, iced coffee, and a large bag of chips. 
You assume he’d leave immediately once he’s paid for everything. You certainly didn’t expect him to take out the coffee and give it to you. 
“This is for you.” He opens his own drink and leans by the counter. “Doesn’t it ever get boring here? I mean it’s midnight and you’re alone. I’m betting not many people even drop by at this time.” He faces the door, crossing his arms around his chest and staring at both of your reflections at the glass. 
Worn out from your classes in the day, you take his coffee offering, instantly feeling the rush of caffeine flow through your veins and waking you up. “The job pays relatively well. Besides I can’t really work in the mornings, I have uni.”
“So you’re a college student too.” He turns around and extends a hand out to you. “I’m Suna Rintarou.”
You introduce yourself as you shake hands with him. And as soon as pleasantries were exchanged, he immediately launched into a story about how his earlier day went. He was a natural conversationalist and despite this being your first time talking with him, you didn’t feel an ounce of awkwardness. You didn’t know what it was about him but his presence made you feel comfortable. 
You learned about what he was studying (to your surprise, Psychology), how he spends his weekends playing volleyball (he was a middle blocker and an excellent one at that, he boasted), and how he ended up here during the night he first saw you (the all-nighter went well and he passed all his exams). 
He rips open the chips he bought and offers you some as you lay your story before him. He munches as he listened to you rant about how you loathed your course (Business Management) and the many case studies and papers you had to do each day. He nods his head in understanding as you explain why you needed this part-time job (to pay for apartment fees). 
You were having so much fun in his company that you didn’t notice the time pass by. (He arrived to the store at 12:32 AM. The clock on the wall now reads 2:32 AM). And for the duration of his stay, you were surprised that no one ever came by. He only ever left your side when a taxi driver walked in. 
Suna steered clear from the counter and kept his distance as you did your job. From your peripheral, you could see that he watched you like a hawk from the side and it made you somehow conscious. When the customer exited, you playfully threw a tissue at him, 
“I couldn’t concentrate when you were standing there and looking at me like that!” 
He went back to his position but this time, he leaned close with his hands on the counter. “Like what?"  
Well how could you say to him that you thought he looked effortlessly hot in his sweatshirt and track pants? And was that an adorably messy bedhead? How could you say that you liked the teasing smile that he’d been giving you throughout the night?  
You chuckle and shake your head, “Nothing.” You reach for the book you were reading prior his arrival and took your seat. “Don’t you have classes tomorrow? You should go back.”
“Do you not want me around anymore?” 
“It’s not that, I…”
He cuts you off, “Good, then it’s settled. I’m not going anywhere. I like talking with you too much to go back home. Let me entertain you some more.” He sits down at the chair on one of the tables near the counter and then goes back to chatting with you. 
Since that night, Suna had been scheduling more trips to the convenience store. Sometimes, he’d really only visit to bother you. At times, he’d bring his books and laptop with him so he could work on a paper while you restocked the shelves and cleaned around. On rare occasions, he’d help you out on a business plan and the customers who’d enter the store would be amused at the sight of you and him huddled behind the counter with your serious thinking faces on. 
He’d become a part of your life that it felt unnerving not to have him around on your shifts. And it certainly showed on your face how disappointed and heartbroken you were when consecutive nights passed without his visits. Your co-worker even called you out on it. 
“So where’s the cutie been?” She asked one time when the two of you were at the back lounge while you logged in for your shift. You groan at the nickname she gave him and she laughs at you.
“How would I know?” 
“Don’t you guys talk almost every day and night?”
“Only on nights that he visits me.” You pause, thinking about the possibilities why he could’ve stopped coming. And before you knew it, you were ranting. “God, are we even friends? I don’t know his number. Did he ghost me? Is this considered ghosting? It’s been a week. I’m scared I did or said something.” 
She’s watching you pace around the room. “Maybe he got bored of me. Or maybe he realized I’m not really worth his time and dipped. Sleeping is much better than hanging out with me at 1 AM anyway.”
You’re stopped in your tracks when she suddenly grabs your shoulders. “Overthinking is not a good look on you.” She makes you take deep breaths to calm down. “I’m sure he’s just busy right now. He’ll visit again soon.” 
“I don’t know why I’m being like this.” 
The look she gives you is incredulous, her mouth gaping wide at your statement. “Are you serious?” 
“What?” You ask, not anticipating the next words that would come from her. 
“It’s obvious that you like him.” 
The next time you see him was on campus. You don’t know how long it’s been since he last spent time with you on your shift. (Though if you were counting, you were definitely sure that it’s been two weeks and three days since then.) 
You tried not to think too much about what his absence could mean but the pang in your heart never left. Those two weeks that he didn’t show up allowed you some time to think about your conversation with your friend. You like him. 
Back then, you were too quick to shut down the idea. Denying any ounce of feeling for the boy as you saw him as no more than someone who had too much time on his hands to bother you on your shifts. A good friend is what you specifically used to defend your relationship with him. 
So then why was it that your heart was beating so rapidly as Suna waved at you from across the cafeteria? Why couldn’t you stop smiling as you watched him make his way to your table and sit down beside you?
“Hey there.” He slings his arms around and pulls you for a side hug. “Long time no see.” 
You almost couldn’t hear him over the loud thumping of your heart in your ears. He’s still smiling and waiting for you to reply. “Yeah, been a while. I’ve gotten the peace and quiet back in my shifts.” 
He breaks out in laughter while opening a snack bar. “I’m sorry I haven’t been able to stop by. I just came out from a major presentation that I’ve been preparing for during the past weeks. And guess what?” 
You perk your eyebrows at his question. “What?” 
“Our group did great.” He raises a hand for a high-five and you indulge him. “The teacher liked our slides and our analysis of the topic. Ah, I feel so good right now!” He leans back with his hands behind his head, but he suddenly jerks. 
“We should go out!” Suna grabs your hands and looks at you expectantly. “You’re free the whole day tomorrow right? You’re not working the shift? Let’s celebrate. It’s my treat!” 
Feeling overwhelmed by his invitation and his overall excitedness, you laugh and pull back. “Calm down, Suna. I don’t know about tomorrow.” 
“Why? Are you busy?”
“Not really but..” 
“Then it shouldn’t be a problem.” He tucks a loose hair behind your ear, leaning close with his voice barely over a whisper, “It’s perfect. I’ve wanted to take you on a date for a long time now.” 
“What?” You stare at him wide-eyed. 
“Come on, you’ve never thought about us?” He finds the situation entertaining. Your flustered reaction reminds him of the night that he met you. 
“Why do you think I’ve been coming to the convenience store when I could be sleeping at that time? I like being around you. My day doesn’t feel complete if I don’t at least see you or tell you about my day or listen to you rant about the latest episode of your favorite series.”
You like him. 
“Go out with me.” He kisses the back of your hand. “Please?” 
The corners of your lips unconsciously curves up and Suna sends your heart doing somersaults when he says something about how he’s finally got to see the beautiful smile he’s been wanting to see for weeks. 
Your friend was right. You do like him.  
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writersblockended · 3 years
Hawks Masturbating Drabble:
NSFW 18+ Minors DNI
CW// nsfw, swearing, slight vouyerism/ Pervy hawks
- fem bodied reader & Hawks POV
Keigo plopped down on his office chair and turned his head to look outside his window. He sighed knowing he was gonna stay in his office for a couple more hours doing paperwork. It’s already almost evening and he’s still got tons of work due this Friday night, so he decided to do the right thing and stay up later than usual so he could enjoy his weekend off. He’s used to this routine of staying up late in his office but he just wishes he had some more time to himself.
He sighs again and turns back to face his desk, turning on his work laptop and types away at his case reports.
After an hour and a half of progress he decided he was gonna take a break, so he went down to the main floor to pick up something to eat from the food court. He was just gonna grab a water and an apple to keep his energy up.
When he reached the elevator he pushed down the button to the main floor and leaned back on the steel wall. If only he could get take out right now...nah I’ve got to keep in shape I can’t go around eating junk all the time...
He shrugged his head and let himself close his eyes as he felt the elevator do its job. He then heard the ding of the elevator and opened his eyes again expecting to be in the first floor, but instead his eyes met a short figure.
He saw you
He raked his eyes from bottom to top. Starting with your heels to your legs, and then those thighs, keeping his eyes at the level of your short and tight , black skirt that shaped your hips perfectly. Keigo looked up and realized you had your eyes fixed right on him so he cleared his throat awkwardly and looked away. He knew his face was red with how hot he was feeling.
Well that was embarrassing...
He observed the way you moved when you press on the button for the first floor and heard the elevator doors close. He tried his best to not look in your general direction but your figure had him in such a trance, he felt like your prescense could swallow him whole. He peaked from behind his wings to look at you once again and unbeknownst to him, his left wing bumped into you.
You let out a yelp followed with an “oh my” as you stumbled back, but Keigo was there to catch you before you fell. Wrapping his arm around you, he felt his chest press up against your forehead. “I’m so sorry I can be so clumsy sometimes” Keigo grinned, he had a clear view of your face and neck from this angle. You had to crane your neck up to make eye contact with him. You nodded and gave his explanation an acknowledgment, “it’s okay, it was an accident”
You turned back around to face the elevator door and right then, the doors clicked open to reveal the first floor. You stepped out and Keigo couldn’t help but admire the view from behind, those calves flexed nicely with the weight of your body and the heels that you wore. That tight, pencil mini skirt made your ass look even rounder than he would have expected. You seemed to have quite the sway in your walk that didn’t fit the serious look on your face that made you look like a top-level official from the hero commission.
He took a step forward realizing, he’d once again, stood there staring at you like an idiot. He couldn’t help it, you were seductive. And to be less creative with his words, you were hot. Out of respect he did not approach you, it was quite late anyway. He mentally shrugged and got his water and food as quickly as he could. He did not need any distractions right now. He had work, and lots of it, now wasn’t the time.
He went back to his office and scurried to his desk. He just needed to finish his work and go home, that’s it. As simple as it sounded his concentration kept faltering. He knew spring was right around the corner and his brain wasn’t cooperating like it usually would. It didn’t help that he had just run in with a really hot employee who he’d hadn’t even known the name of. If he was honest, he just felt horny and tired.
Keigo felt himself slowly lose motivation to finish up his work because his mind kept drifting to those wonderful well-shaped legs of yours oh and that itty bitty waist....no you gotta finish your work Keigo! You’re a hero not a perv
He groaned and closed his laptop. His useless attempt to keep his composure Wasn’t working and he had no other choice than to rub one in. So he closed his eyes and leaned back on his wings and began to caress his body up and down, slowly. Just enough to imagine your perfectly manicured nails trailing up his chest and down his abdomen. He felt himself grow hard at the thought of you being on your knees with a sultry look on your face, all just for him. Keigo palmed himself and slowly began rubbing himself through his pants, the friction making him slightly flustered. He wanted more, he needed more.
He unbuckled his belt and reached over his desk’s drawer for his secret stash of lube he always kept in his office. He’d never used it before but now just might be the perfect time. He pulled his boxers down and pumped his dick with his lubed up hand. Starting at the base to tease himself as he pretended his hand was yours instead. His cock was aching hard, the leaking tip already an angry red shade.
He began to stroke himself faster and held onto himself tighter. He started moaning softly, gasping and using his other hand to claw at his chair. The view was almost intoxicating for anyone who might catch him. The winged hero was sprawled all over his chair, head leaning back, with his legs fully spread apart. He was fucking his fist harshly now. His wrist straining at how quick his movements were, but he was too fucked out, horny, and lonely to care.
Stroking himself while the image of you present in his mind drew him over the edge, just enough to make him almost cum way too early. He couldn’t get you out of his head, all he could think of is what he would do to those thighs. Or what those thighs could do for him. He groaned once again and gave himself a couple more strokes until he felt himself get closer to an orgasm. He felt himself tense up and gave out a loud whimper before he finished. Thick, long ropes of cum coating his hand as he continued to stroke himself languidly. Quick pants leave his mouth as he struggles to gain composure after his orgasm. Suddenly the feeling of embarrassment overwhelmed his body.
I can’t believe I just jacked off at the thought of a one of my employees. Fuck. All because I couldn’t keep my hormones in check.
YALL this was my first Drabble LMFAO idk it’s probably so bad ksosnwlslsls rip
Also follow me and send me asks!! They’re open !!!!
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some-kindofgnome · 4 years
sick day
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Hawks comes home after a few days away. You’ve come down with a nasty cold in his absence. 
characters: takami keigo (hawks) x f!reader
wc: 2.2k
warnings: smut (18+ please!), reader with a head cold (lil snot action here and there), soft soft SOFT hawks who goes down on u in the morning >:) 
requests: from 2 anons!: I have a request ! I love me some hawks taking care of his sick s/o and when they are better ! He pounces for sex ! Huzzah
I’m in desperate need of a hawks taking care of his sick s/o , also because I love your work and also because I’m sick and want to take care of me.
notes: i. adore. writing soft hawks. i just want him to take care of me oh-kay? let this man love. please! 💖 
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You’re so sick when Hawks get in, you’ve almost forgotten how long he was away.
After a growing mission took him away from the city for a few days, he gets back early in the afternoon with the sun streaming into the kitchen windows. And with you, hunched over your laptop at the counter with tissues littering the counter and floor around you.
“Hey, bluebird,” he calls as his keys jingle in the door. “God, it’s only getting colder out there by the minute now. How’s you- oh, no.”
When he spots the mess you’ve become, his little mission bag slips to the tiled floor, pulling you out of your fever-induced trance. You tear burning eyes away from your document, and the smile that crosses your face is sleepy and swollen.
“Hey babe,” you sniffle. It’s evident in your voice, your body language, everything. Keigo’s only been gone a couple of days, but it was long enough for you to come down with a nasty little bug.
“How was your trip?”
He cringes at the congested sound of your voice. Sucks in a deep little breath through his teeth.
“What are you doing?” He asks. “Are you working?”
You glance guiltily over your shoulder at your laptop. “Well, yeah, I-I was feeling alright this morning, so I-“
“No way,” he interrupts firmly. He’s already shrugging out of his hero clothes. They’re streaked with soot and mud, but he’s going to worry about himself later.
He comes up behind you jacketless, belt already unbuckled and jingling loose around his thighs. He sets one hand on your shoulder and the other on the back of the chair next to you.
“Email your boss,” he rumbles. “Tell her you’re taking the afternoon off. Tell her you’re sick, for the love of god.”
“Babe, I can work,” you plead. “It’s a cold. I’m not dying.”
“You need to rest,” he argues. He brings both hands to your shoulders, digging his thumbs gently against your aching muscles. You try your best to hide how sensitive they are, but you can’t help the little spasms that make you twitch and sigh.
“C’mon,” he hums, dipping close. He pushes a kiss against the sensitive spot behind your ear, and you catch the soft, musky scent of the sweat that clings to his hairline. He smells earthy and cold, like he’s been outside a while.
Maybe he flew all the way back here.
“We both need showers,” he offers. And when he rumbles it all low and tempting in your ear, there’s no way you can put up much of a fight.
“Okay,” you groan. Keigo turns away with a triumphant pump of his fist. You try to keep the idiotic grin off your face as you open a new email. To no avail.
You and your boss have a close enough relationship that it’s easy for you to type out a casual little email explaining everything to her. She gets back to you right away, and even though you’re too busy being dragged to the bathroom, you can tell by the first few lines of the email that it’s all fine by her.
You kind of regret not telling her before about the fever you’re running. But none of that matters now. You’ve got the last few hours of the afternoon off, and you intend on spending at least some of that time in the shower with Keigo.
He’s already naked and warming up the water for you. You want to ache for him- he’s been away all weekend, after all- but you’re both too exhausted to do anything but climb under the water together. You pause for a moment with rivulets running over both your bodies, and he cups your cheeks, biting his lower lip hard as conflict floods his features.
“I wanna kiss you so bad right now,” he groans.
“I missed you, too,” you giggle back, reaching up to push your wet fingers through his soaking hair. “But I wouldn’t wish this shit on my worst enemy.”
He knows you’re right, settling for a soft little kiss to your shoulder instead. He turns you around and lets warm water spray down your back as he rubs your shoulders, your neck, working all the tension from your muscles. The pain in your head whittles away the longer you stand there, and before long it’s nothing more than a dull throb while he’s reaching for the shampoo.
There’s no feeling you love more than Keigo washing your hair for you. His fingers are attentive and devoted, scratching itches you never realized were bothering you. He scrunches his fingers through the ends of your hair before reaching for the removable shower head, smoothing one rinsed palm over your forehead to tilt your head back.
“Eyes closed,” he coos. You’re still smiling like a goddamned idiot.
The suds sluice down your back as he passes the shower wand over your hair. The bubbles send wafts of fragrance through your senses. There’s nothing like coconut-scented shampoo when winter closes in on the city. It’s like a little trip to the beach, every time you get in the shower.
It was Keigo’s idea.  
He combs loving fingers coated with slippery conditioner through your hair. He lathers up your favourite body wash and trails his slick fingers over your tired skin. You can feel him getting excited behind you, but you’re both too tired to do anything about it. All he does is pull you lovingly back against his chest, letting his half-hard cock rest against the curve of your ass. He lays another soft kiss to the crook of your shoulder and you let out a deep, drippy sigh.
“C’mon,” he rumbles into your ear, tender like a dove. “Let’s get out before your nose starts to run, yeah?”
He dries himself off quickly, leaving you the bathroom for a few minutes. Wrapping your fluffy towel around your shoulders, you pad across the heated tile to pluck a tissue from the box by the mirror.
You blow. Hard. The steam lingering in the room helps to dislodge some of your congestion, and you emerge from the bathroom with the newfound ability to breathe through your left nostril.
When you get into the bedroom, there are clothes laid out for you. Your favourite pair of clean sweatpants and one of Hawks’ t-shirts. You slip into the pants and give the t-shirt a little cuddle, burying your nose into the fabric and smiling when you catch the barest whiff of his spicy scent through your dulled senses.
You don’t even notice that the blankets are gone from the bed until you realize where they’ve been moved. As you emerge from your shared bedroom, you immediately spot the fluffy duvet and pillows spread out on the couch.
Hawks is in the kitchen, tapping away on his phone. When he spots you, he smiles so tender and soft it makes your sick little heart swell. He gives a little nod toward the couch as his wings bristle gently, encouraging.
“Go on,” he quips. “Get comfy.”
He comes around the side of the counter as you curl into the nest of pillows and gets down on his knees beside you.
“Here we go,” he hums. “A warm little nest for my cozy little bluebird.” He tugs the edges of the blanket back over and around you, wrapping you up in the fluffy comforter like a sick little sushi roll. Once you’re well tucked in, he smooths the hair back from your forehead. His chin juts forward- he wants to kiss you- but he restrains himself.
“I ordered you some food, okay?”
You snuggle deeper into your cozy retreat, until only your eyes and nose poke over the top of the blankets. The soft, soapy scent of the laundry detergent you use sends sweet washes of comfort through your tired brain.
“What kind of food?”
“Noodle soup,” he hums. You can tell he’s restraining the urge to grin as he looks you over. God, you’ve missed him. “From that place down the road.”
“Yum,” you gasp. You fiddle with the edges of your blanket to shove one hand out the side, grabbing his fingers and giving them a loving little squeeze. He chuckles, taking your hand between both of his and stroking the back of your palm over with both thumbs.
“Here,” he adds. He twists over one shoulder, grabbing the remote for the TV. “Put on anything you want. The food’ll be here soon, and then you can eat and go to bed, yeah?”
He glanced toward the armchair, not far from the couch. You try to hide the way your heart sinks.
He’s still got work to do.
“Sounds good,��� you mumble, taking the cool plastic remote from his hand. You think about putting something on for the two of you, but he’s given you express instructions to indulge. So you find the show that brings you the most comfort and let its familiar sounds bring you down from the edge of a demanding work day.
When the food arrives, you sit up and slurp your noodles diligently. He keeps refilling your water, giving you a little dose of cold medication once you’ve got something in your stomach.
He’s ordered a bowl of soup for himself, too, but it stays largely untouched as he taps away on his laptop, finishing the report for the mission he’d raced back from, no doubt.
You don’t remember falling asleep, but you half-wake to the sleepy sensation of being lifted. In a drowsy stupor you don’t even open your eyes, simply letting your head rock forward against Keigo’s familiar chest as he carries you to bed.
The next morning, you feel like a changed person.
The first thing you realize when you open your eyes is that you can breathe through your nose. Both sides. The passages of your sinus are so clear they nearly hurt, but you take deep, greedy breaths, revelling in your ability to clear your sleepy head with fresh, cool oxygen.
The second thing you notice is the very mischievous bird in the sheets beside you.
“G’morning, bluebird.”
He snuggles close to you, dropping a sordid kiss to your shoulder. He trails kisses into the crook of your neck and his hot breath tickles your tender skin in a way that you’ve dearly missed.
“How’re you feeling?”
“Better,” you conclude with a drowsy little smile. Your limbs have a pleasant, sleepy weight to them, but he’s quickly wearing the ache of rest from your tired eyes.
“Like… I’m probably not contagious anymore.”
You don’t have to tell him twice.
“God,” he sighs, rolling on top of you. He dips his mouth to yours, soft at first, then insistent. “I missed ya, kid.”
He kisses all the way down the side of your neck again, drawing tight little shivers from the length of your spine. He’s impatient, though, pushing your t-shirt up and curling his fingers into the loose hem of your sweatpants to rid you of them quickly.
He pushes your thighs apart, settling onto his belly between them. His wings dip and fold gracefully behind his back. You reach out and stroke the apex of one of them, making it flutter. He shoots you a sly grin and you watch the way his hips dip into the mattress.
Fuck, it feels good to be horny again.
Keigo kisses and nips a long path up the inside of one sensitive thigh, leaving tiny little welts where he sooths his tongue over your flesh. By the time he gets to the joint of your pelvis, you’re squirming for him, achy and needing.
“Fuck,” he sighs, nozing at the apex of one thigh. He takes a deep inhale and kisses there. “I missed this.”
He licks, gentle and loving. You keen and sigh. The sensation is beautifully familiar- even more so as he finds the swell of your clit, pushing a scruffy kiss to it and then starting to suck.
Keigo always eats you out sloppy. But it drives you crazy, the way he slides his arms under your thighs to leverage your hips against his face. The way he licks and slurps at you shamelessly, unafraid to overwhelm your sensitive form. His fingers dig gently into the meat of your thighs when he finds the tenderest angle from which to attack your clit, and you ride a wave of pleasure so smooth that it clears the last vestiges of your cloudy headache from the edges of your temples.
He makes you cum hard, letting you dive your fingers into his hair and pull while he feasts on your pussy. When he pulls back from between your thighs, his scruff is slick with spit and you and he’s licking his lips like they’re coated in honey.
“Hmm, fuck,” he groans, rolling his hips into the mattress again before climbing to his knees. “God. You gave me so much, bluebird.” He wipes his chin on the back of his hand, examining the sheen of your juices with a wolfish grin.
If he was hard before he’s straining now, but he bats his hands away before you can even get close.
“No way,” he quips, climbing out of bed. “You need to rest more.”
“Aw, c’mon,” you fuss. But Keigo’s firm.
“Stay in bed, bluebird. I gotcha.” He moves toward the door of your bedroom, then glances over his shoulder and grins.
“How d’you feel about pancakes?”
There’s no instance that Keigo’s tried to make pancakes that hasn’t ended in sheer disaster. But you’ve missed him too much not to adore him for trying. You pull the blankets back over your spent form, beaming at him from the pillows.
“Sounds good.”
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falling-pages · 4 years
Coffee Break: Hawks x Reader
Hi lovelies, I’m back with considerably better mental health. I’m still taking writing a bit at a time, slowly, taking my time editing and researching to improve, but I’m finally able to produce content I love again. I’m finally recovering all the joy of writing and now I’m focusing on writing what makes me happy. Thank you for all the sweet messages and support, it means the world to me :)
Quirkless Reader x Hero Hawks
Warnings: None
“Americano with almond milk for you, chai latte for me.”
You had been so focused on your report that you didn’t even notice the window opening and your winged boyfriend climbing through until he slid your favorite drink in front of you. The smell was heavenly, steaming through the paper cup bearing your local shop’s logo. Your fingers still against the keyboard as you reach for it, stretching out your cramped digits. After typing for hours, any sort of movement sent discomfort rattling up your hands.
“Thanks, Kei,” you say as he hovers behind you, leaning down to kiss your cheek. 
He bent to wrap his arms and wings around you, clutching you close in your chair as you cradled your coffee to your chest. The little cocoon he had suddenly made enveloped you in warmth, cutting off your view of the computer with his beautiful red plumage. All you could see, sense, and smell was him.
He ran his lips up to your temple, the shell of your ear, the spot beneath your earlobe, giving little pecks of affection while he had you under his wings. What good were those wings, anyways, if he couldn’t use them to comfort you?
“Are you nearly done, dove?” he asked, snuggling his face into your hair. “You’ve been at this for hours. Honestly I didn’t know if you were human or one of those robots the captcha quizzes ask about.”
You chuckle, leaning back against his chest. The coffee is still extremely hot, and though your tired brain begs for it, you hold off until it cools down. Keigo gets fussy when you slurp your coffee too quickly and burn yourself. “I still have miles to go before I sleep.”
“Isn’t that some poem?” he asks. “Some American poet?”
“Robert Frost.” You twist your neck to look at him. “You remembered? You’re no poet.”
“But you are. And you quote a lot of them depending on the day.”
“Because they are applicable to my situation.” You turn back and move his feathers away from your computer, making a landing space for your still piping hot drink beside it. The bright white screen welcomes you back harshly, black lines of text still existing. When his red curtain shields you from it, you have a habit of forgetting it exists. Maybe that’s the point--making you forget your worries with kisses and gifts.
You try to lean forward to type again, but his arms hold you back. “Kei, thank you for the coffee, but I have to keep reading this report.”
“You’ve read it three times already tonight!” he whines. “The thing is 50 pages. I don’t know how your eyes haven’t fallen out of your head.”
He sends a feather to lightly touch the coozie around your coffee. Both he and the feather flinch at the contact. “At least wait until your coffee cools down,” he says. “Please? For me?”
Though the man is part bird, he can pull a very convincing puppy face. It’s true, you have gotten to the point where the lines have blurred into one massive pile of digital ink. And his plush wings and warm breath on your neck are oh so inviting.
“How did you know I’ve read it three times?” you ask softly, feeling your eyes begin to close.
“Hawks are very observant creatures,” he says. “They know when their lovebirds are tired.”
You sigh, allowing yourself to give up the ghost and slump against his collarbone. As much as you wanted to keep making revisions to the report, you knew you would force yourself into another all-nighter if you didn’t stop now. You had pulled three already this week, and Keigo had grown frustrated of going to bed alone. If you stayed up again, he would likely take matters into his own hands.
Breaks increase productivity, right?
“Okay,” you relent. “But only until my coffee cools.”
He chirps happily, sending a feather to close your laptop while he scoops you into his arms. The chirps were something you had to get used to, but once he cooed in your ear in his sleep, you couldn’t help but fall in love. He had tried so hard to hide his avain traits in the beginning of your relationship, still wary of all that the Commission had instilled in him, but with you he was free to be the man-bird hybrid his spirit longed to be--chirps, feathers, and nesting included.
You snatch your cup right before he picks you up. He brings you to the couch, where he lies down on his back and settles you against his chest, making you leave your drink on the coffee table. As you lie against him, head against his heart while his lips graze the top of your crown, his wings flutter over you and wrap in to swaddle the two of you together. Abdomen warmed by his body heat, legs tangled up in his, the throaty coos in your ear, his heartbeat slowly lulling you into peace...you knew what he was trying to do.
“I can’t sleep yet, Birdie,” you whisper, drawing a pattern with your finger on his other pec. “As much as I’d like to, this is just a little break. I can come to bed tonight if I get all my reading done.”
“You work so much,” he sighed. His Adam’s apple bobbed against the top of your head. “I think you need to relax a bit.”
“Cuddling you is relaxing,” you say, and though your voice hitched as if to continue, you left the sentence there. He already knew how hard you, being quirkless, had to work to make anything of yourself. It was hard enough to get a minimum wage job without some sort of quirk, much less get into law school, where rich prep kids with genetically-perfect powers took all the top ranks. You might have graduated top of your commoner class, but even your best strategies and most cut-throat arguments couldn’t hold a candle to those born with sharp tongues and persuasive tones. The only thing that kept you going was the fact that you could represent other quirkless clients--and, in that, maybe fight the discrimination you had grown up with.
You turn to him, yanked out of your insecurities when you hear his soft voice utter a pet name only for you. Others might be dominating your class, but none of them were dating a certain winged hero.
“I don’t know how to make you see yourself the way I see you,” he said simply, reaching a hand through your hair. “I wish you could. God, I wish you could see how perfect you are, why I adore you so much. Why it hurts to see you pushing yourself beyond your healthy limit.”
A chord struck you. You knew your hectic lifestyle wasn’t the healthiest, but it never occurred to you that it hurt him. But, looking back, you should have known all the neglected attention and lonely nights, despite being just a room away, would affect him deeply.
He had deep abandonment issues, and he was likely reliving all of that now.
Keigo took a deep breath, running his fingers down your arm. “I don’t want to be a distraction to you. I know I can be clingy, and I’ve been trying to get better, but your schooling comes first. I don’t want to take that away from you just because I’m needy.”
“Kei,” you sigh, shifting under his wings. You turned onto your stomach, forearms on either side of his face, chest pressed against chest. He lazily wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting his wings slightly so you could move. His eyes slowly scanned your face. “You don’t have to apologize. You never bother me.”
He smiled, tucking your closer beneath his wings. “Really?”
Despite his usual sass and arrogant tone in hero work, his voice is sincere, his eyes shining. The predator in him relaxes into a more docile state.
“Really.” You smooth back his hair. “Thank you for taking care of me. Now, I believe my coffee has cooled.”
You push back the curtain of plumage and reach for your drink, rolling off of him to sit by his side. As soon as you raise the cup to your lips and take that blessed first sip, you know something is wrong.
“You got me decaf.”
Your voice is hard, scaling wildly back from the soft words you had uttered against his chest. He giggles, covering his mouth with his hands, but it doesn’t hide the red mirth coloring his skin. 
“How could you!” You whine, bouncing up and away from him. 
“You need to sleep!” he says. “You have been up all night the last few days, and I need you to sleep.”
You sniffle, blinking quickly to produce fake tears. “You traitor.”
Keigo rises to hug you, nuzzling his nose against your hair. “I’m sorry, (Y/N),” he whispers. As repulsed as you are, his hugs are too nice to refuse. “I’m only trying to take care of you.”
“I know. But next time--”
“You’re buying me regular.”
If you enjoy what I write, please consider buying me a coffee :)
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nohoney · 4 years
You and Me (And Him)
notes: Part 2 of the Us Series, also posted on my ao3
characters: Dabi/Touya Todoroki, Takami Keigo/Hawks
warnings: 18+, drug use, toxic relationships, open relationships, angsty-ish, threesome
“If this happens… will it be just sex or will it be more?”
Golden eyes stare back at you. “It can be whatever you want it to be (Name).”
You scrutinize him under your gaze for a little bit, silent for a few moments before asking, “Will you kiss me?”
“Of course.”
Touya had introduced you to Keigo when your relationship was just two months old. You remember being astounded by his eyes at first, they were so bright and friendly as opposed to Touya’s which were piercing and intimidating. Keigo was such an easy going guy, his manner of speaking and his certain lilts when he talked made you feel comfortable immediately despite how nervous you were at first. He fit easily into your life, a friend that you knew you could rely on for almost anything.
Where Touya was apathetic and aloof, Keigo was magnetic and charming.
It was a wonder how those two got along, you had to figure that the ‘opposites attract’ concept worked out for them. You’re not certain what the turning point was in their relationship that Keigo received permission to address Touya by his birth name, but obviously it meant a lot to your boyfriend and Keigo seemed touch to be apart of his inner circle. Aside from pills they ingested and the powders they snorted that bonded them together, they had a genuine friendship.
It goes to say that Touya and Keigo are close, and they’re close enough where apparently there’s an option of sharing you between the two of them.
“I gave you permission to fuck who you want doll, Keigo is not the worst person you could choose. In fact, I’d like it if he were the one to keep you warm for me.”
You liked to believe that you and Keigo had a strictly platonic friendship, but Touya had essentially ruined that perspective for you now.
Had Keigo always felt that way from the very start or was it gradual during your budding friendship? Did he want to be your second boyfriend or was he looking for something a little more casual?
Those were all important questions but there was one that you needed answered first before you did anything with Keigo.
You were working up the nerve to ask Touya this ever since that day when he fucked you while Keigo was right beside you. He sat on the edge of his couch with his laptop on the coffee table, reading over an article needed for one of his classes. Drug dealer aside, he was actually a good student, breezing through his classes easily. Though you know that the only reason why he would finish up so quickly was so that it wouldn’t interfere as much with his dealing. As opposed to Keigo who liked to sit down and really make sure that he retained the knowledge.
“Touya, can I ask you something?” you ask from your end of the couch, shifting your feet towards Touya until they were on his lap. He props your feet in his lap and he strokes his hands over your shins and calves, his expression bored but attentive as he turns to look at you. “That thing you said before about Keigo wanting to… do stuff with me. You weren’t just saying that so that I’d bother you less when you go out right?”
When you go out and sell to your whores. You want to add that part but you know it’s best not to bring it up; you’ve already had this conversation with him and it’s too soon to open it back up again.
“I said it because I know that Keigo will treat you right doll. I trust him and I know that he’d be good to you.” Touya answers honestly.
“You’re good to me.” you tease, lightly nudging your foot up into his hand.
Touya smirks at you and crawls his way over to your side of the sofa. He moves to make you sit on his lap, your legs straddling him as he leans back against the sofa. Your hands touch his shoulders before drawing down, your index fingers tracing his chest beneath the white, sleeveless shirt that he’s wearing. “I’m fucking great to you doll. I’m so fucking great to you that I wouldn’t mind if you fucked my closest friend.”
You grind down on Touya’s lap, his cock stirring beneath the dark sweats that he’s wearing and moan when he thrusts up into you. Ghosting your lips over his, you tease him just a little bit when he tries to go in for a kiss and pull back with a giggle. Touya isn’t having it though, putting his hand on the back of your neck and keeping you in place so that he can go in for a proper kiss. You like when he asserts himself like this over you and renders you helpless before him, it gets you going. “I wouldn’t mind if you fucked me right now baby.” you purr.
The discussion is tabled for now as you ride Touya’s cock and he leaves you a shaking mess afterwards.
Keigo comes to the Touya’s apartment later on during the week. You walk in after finishing up at your part time job to see them splitting an eightball between the two of them at the dinner table. You’d never done more than a gram of coke before and even then you usually split up that gram with one another person. “Geez, what’s the special occasion?” you ask as you set your purse down and shrug off your sweater.
“Nothing in particular, just thought of relaxing today.” Touya answers as if it’s the normal thing in the world. Relaxing with a six pack of beers with the boys, that’s normal; relaxing with an eightball of cocaine with the boys, that’s not.
But this is your life with Touya as your boyfriend and as long as he or Keigo don’t overdose on you, then everything should be fine. You know that this definitely is not their first time and you once again remind yourself about the gap between you and the boys.
“Dove, do you want a line?” Keigo asks as he uses a credit card to cut three white lines on the surface of one of the dinner plates. You don’t think it’s really a question because he pretty much made a third one anyway for you to take. He’s waving you over, an expectant smile on his face that you can’t bring yourself to say no to. Instead of sitting in the chair next to him, Keigo pulls you onto his lap instead and hands you a rolled up bill.
Just one line. you think to yourself as you inhale the powder through the bill.
That one line ends up becoming ten instead, very measly compared to the boys but considered a lot for yourself.
Touya and Keigo pretty much polish off the rest of the eightball and talk amongst themselves at the dining table still while you moved yourself over to the couch. Laying on your stomach and facing away from the boys, you idly scroll through your social media on your phone to keep yourself entertained. Your brain is a little wired so you’re just waiting for the coke to pass through your system and then you can sleep properly. From behind, a hand goes underneath your shirt and slowly smooths up your spine. It feels pleasant and your body shudders in response, pushing back against the hand as a silent beg for more. You’re surprised that Touya is massaging you, most of the time he tends to just skim the tips of his fingers all over your back until you fall asleep. Deft fingers press into the right spots on your back and you can’t help but let out a quiet moan along with a whined out, “Thank you baby.”
“You’re welcome dove.”
You turn back to see that Keigo had been the one massaging you while Touya just remained at the table, watching from his seat with eyes full of mirth and a grin to match.
How blatant of the both of them.
And that’s only the beginning.
Every instance Keigo is in your presence, he begins to invade your personal space more often and pushes the boundaries of your friendship into something more. Touches to your waist or the small of your back, quick pecks to your cheek or your lips, sometimes putting his hand on your thigh, even his pet names become a little more affectionate like little dove or songbird. It doesn’t make you uncomfortable per se but you’ve yet to really come to a conclusion about what you want to do about him.
You know that if you don’t say anything about it, if you don’t verbalize a ‘no’ or ‘stop’, Keigo’s just going to keep on going. After all, if you don’t stop one's actions they assume that it’s okay to keep on going and possibly to do more.
It appears that Touya’s getting a little impatient with your inaction, confronting you about it after fucking in the backseat of his car one day.
“So are you going to let Keigo smash or what (Name)?”
“I… don’t know. You and me and him, don't you think it will be weird?”
"Only if you make it weird."
You lay naked together rather comfortably despite the small space, your cheek resting against his chest where his heart is beating so close to your ear while he’s petting your head. It’s quiet between the two of you, just trying to catch your breath before having to get dressed and dropped off to your own bed. You want to be in Touya’s bed or have him sleep in yours, but he has a drop off to replenish his inventory later on and wants you where he knows you’re safe. It’s sweet how he doesn’t risk you like that, he only allows you to know so much. Maybe that’s part of the reason why he’s pushing Keigo onto you, to keep an eye on you when he’s not able to.
Touya loves having you in his sights, doesn’t like when you stray too far from him, even if he doesn’t show it on his face. You know by his tells, squeezed just a little too tight in a hug or the constant question he asks just right before you leave ‘are you sure?’ or the way his jaw clenches just a smidge too tight when you want to sleep in your own bed instead of his.
He pats the back of your head twice to let you know to get up.
Touya’s quicker to get dressed and you move to the side so that he can crawl to the driver’s side first. You’re still pulling on your pants when you feel his large hand wrap around your bicep to get your attention. “Baby?”
“If you don’t want to do anything with Keigo, that’s fine (Name). The least you can do is to tell him to stop flirting if you’re not interested though.” Touya tells you, a hint of irritation behind his tone. You don’t get to say anything else as he crawls to get to the driver’s seat and starts up the car. “Come on, I can’t be late.”
You sleep alone in your bed that night, thinking about you and Keigo and Touya.
A few more days pass before you finally give an answer.
Touya holds you from behind, his arm curled around your waist and his face nuzzled against the back of your head, he’s resting in your bed peacefully after a long night of being up. It’s getting close to noon and you’ve pretty much skipped your classes for the day because his hold on you is iron tight. He’s still fast asleep but you’re wide awake and desperate to use the bathroom to pee so you try to wriggle out of his hold. The movement disgruntles Touya but he releases you to flop on his back to continue sleeping.
You relieve yourself and wash your hands in the sink, glancing up at the mirror to check your complexion briefly before walking back into your room. Touya always looks most peaceful when he’s asleep, not like the bored expression he’s always sporting on his face whenever he’s out in public. You get back in the bed, not with the intention to sleep more, but you just want to be close to your boyfriend just a little bit longer. Reaching a hand out to massage his scalp, your fingers are brushing through his hair and he groans under your touch. You hold in a giggle as Touya sticks his hand down his boxer briefs, just letting his hand rest on his soft cock and doing nothing else but continuing to sleep.
“Touya? Touya, it’s almost noon.” you call out to him.
“… Doll.” he grunts out, slightly annoyed at being woken up.
“You want something to eat? You hungry?”
Touya just dismissively waves his other hand at you, the one that’s not shoved into his underwear.
“Okay, I’ll just make something so that you can have the leftovers later on and I want to have a proper threesome with Keigo.” The last part you just quickly blurted out to get it out of the way.
There… said it, finally told him what I want to do.
He’s silent for a few seconds before he opens his eyes to look at you. “It can just be you and him doll, I’m not making it a requirement for me to be there.”
“I know but I was thinking about it and I think I just want to officially induct Keigo by having a proper threesome.”
Touya pulls his hand out from his underwear and pats his thigh, signaling you to come sit on his lap. He puts his hands on your hips as you sit on his cock, his thumbs teasing the hem of your panties and has you grinding slightly on him. “You want Keigo to stuff your mouth while I drill this slutty pussy? Or I can fuck your face instead and he can go balls deep in you? How about double penetration? You love it when I play with your ass while I fuck up your pussy with my cock. I think it’d be nice to cream you in both of your holes. Or maybe we’ll just cum on your sexy body together. Last time he came on your tits, you have no idea how wild that drove him.”
“Okay, you sound way more excited for it than I am.” you laugh as you take Touya’s hands off your hips and lace your fingers together. “But yeah, I want to do this… with Keigo.”
“Alright doll but you have to be the one to tell him.”
And so you do later on that day, Touya smacks your ass on the way out of his apartment as you go to meet up with Keigo. He gives you a shit eating grin as he watches you walk away, proud that he can see the slight limp in your step.
So you sit with Keigo at a booth in back inside a cafe as he tells you about his week; he’s always busy in between his classes, completing his lab work, studying and tutoring. You’ve realized very early on that he likes to be a busy person, he likes keeps his scheduled jam packed sometimes. Yet he handles the load of all his responsibilities with ease, like he’s barely trying and that it’s as easy as hanging up a shirt and moving onto the next. You’re certain that if you even attempted to imitate his lifestyle that you wouldn’t be able to handle it as well and just burn out.
It could be the Adderall that Touya supplied to Keigo that helped him sometimes, but even without it he still held himself together rather well.
You’re trying to find the right way to tell Keigo, wondering what’s a smooth transition into telling him-
“Let’s have another threesome.”
Way to be fucking smooth!
Keigo was in the middle of telling you about this plant nursery he thought you’d like when you interrupted him. His golden eyes are set wide in surprise, as if someone had put him on pause and he’s waiting to be set right again. He’s still for a few seconds when he finally blinks and looks at you.
Golden eyes just stare at you and you’re squirming under his gaze.
Maybe I waited too long and he’s not interested anymore?
“Aw dove, you realize how cute you look right now? You’re like a shy schoolgirl asking to hold hands for the very first time.” Keigo coos at you, leaning his cheek into the palm of his hand and smiling. “You sure you want to? I’m also okay if you want nothing to change between us, I love being your friend.”
“A friend who wants to fuck you.” You remember Touya’s words from that time.
You nod your head and reach for his hand to take it in yours. “I just have to know something. I already asked Touya but I need to hear this from the only person I know that probably knows him the best. You’ll be honest with me, won’t you?”
Keigo’s hands are warm as he gives you a reassuring squeeze. “Of course (Name).”
“It’s just, you know, the whole thing with Touya and the other girls that he does his business with… I’m not accepting it still, I guess I’m just letting it happen because he insists that I’m the only one that gets all this special treatment from and I’m believing him for the time being. I just wanted it to be me and him, just us, and now there’s you. I just need to know that he’s not proposing us, this arrangement, so that I’ll harass him less when he goes to see them.”
Despite the arrangement of bringing Keigo in, no matter what your relationship with Touya comes first. It still bothers you when he goes out to the others and you do your best to not let your jealously show, there’s no point in having consistent arguments about it. But you can’t help the paranoia in your heart that he only proposed this so that you don’t have a reason to bother him. As long as you have someone else to sleep with then Touya can continue doing what he’s doing, that’s what you think.
Keigo sighs as he holds your hands in his, his thumb gently rubbing over your knuckles. “Don’t tell him that I told you this but there used to be more girls before you came along.”
Your jaw clenches.
“How many of them do you know of at the moment?” Keigo asks.
“Three or four I think.” you answer.
“It used to be eight. After he met you, he pretty much cut that list down to half.”
Your heart twists at the truth but it still changes nothing. “So I’m supposed to feel grateful that he liked me enough to only keep half the whores he still wants to fuck? He says that I’m his number one but what happens when he ends up liking whore #4 more? Am I just going to get bumped down the list? Am I just whore #1 for the time being?”
Keigo scratches the back of his head and seems a bit reluctant all of a sudden but he continues to speak to ease your doubts. “It’s not like that dove, it really isn’t. Touya’s never been the best with confronting his feelings but I see how he cares for you. I know to you it seems like he still has whores he wants to hang onto, but in reality he’s been slowly letting go so that he can focus on you. I can’t tell you when the others will be gone but all I know is that you’re his priority. This is new for Touya, he’s never had a real relationship before you. All he’s ever had is just a casual thing—hell the girls that he’s sold to, you can’t even call it casual, it’s just-”
“Business.” Touya’s used that word plenty of times.
You already had a feeling that he had commitment issues, it’s obvious in the way he keeps you around but still sees the others.
“I remember how upset Touya was when you left that one time to sleep with someone else because you were angry at him. I’d never seen him get so upset over anyone else (Name), it’s just been you. The feelings he has for you, it's intense.”
“My question still isn’t answered Keigo: does Touya only want this to happen so that I’ll bother him less when he goes out? Like it’s okay for him to go out and get his dick wet, struggling with whatever feelings he has for us, while I’m wetting yours? Is it just easier for him knowing a friend is plowing me instead of a stranger? It just all seems so convenient for him.”
Keigo’s posture stiffens a little bit. “He knows that he’s the one who proposed it but he didn’t want to backtrack and change his mind once he realized that you shouldn’t be a random whore for someone else to use as they please… ironic coming from the guy that uses random whores as he pleases. He feels you only deserve to get fucked by people who love you, those were his words.”
“I trust him and I know he’d be good to you.”
Whoa… love? No one said anything about love.
Touya tells you how much he loves your pussy, he’s never said himself that he loves you. And Keigo? He just said not too long about that he loves being your friend…
“Wait, did Touya actually say that he loves me? What kind of love are we talking about?”
Keigo’s golden eyes briefly widen in surprise before realizing that he might have said too much, speaking of things that Touya told him he wasn’t ready to talk about with you just yet. “I… shit, I wasn’t supposed to say that… uh fuck I can’t really speak for Touya.” Keigo curses and takes his hand back, scrunching his hand in his blond hair and looks down in embarrassment. “He’s going to kill me.”
What happened to just proposing a simple threesome? You didn’t realize that all these feelings were going to be involved when you were going to talk to him today.
“Keigo, you are being honest with me though right? You’re not lying?”
Golden eyes look up at you, full of conviction. “I could never lie to you (Name).”
You hate that Touya still sees his other whores, he sells to them and fucks them. It didn’t matter that it’s been impersonal this entire time with the others, it just hurt that you couldn’t have all of him. And yet Keigo’s admission had just changed everything, all with just one four letter word, that apparently Touya was more wrapped around your finger than you thought. The situation itself is still twisted but you’re not trying to escape it. Instead you sink deeper and deeper into it.
"Did Touya say he loves me?" you ask, not surprised that your question is met with silence. It's clear that Keigo wasn't supposed to mention that to you at all. "Do you believe what he said? That I should only be fucked by people who love me? Do you love me Keigo and is that love the same as Touya's?"
His eyes betray nothing, now set on remaining mum when it comes to this topic it seems. His silence is an answer in of itself, though it's not exactly a clear one. You won't waste anymore time asking these questions, you set out here with a mission. “If this happens… will it be just sex or will it be more?”
Golden eyes stare back at you. “It can be whatever you want it to be (Name).”
You scrutinize him under your gaze for a little bit, silent for a few moments before asking, “Will you kiss me?”
“Of course.”
The kiss is nothing like the one at the house party when the two of you were rolling on ecstasy. There’s no enhanced euphoria to make it better or any other substance to get in the way of what it is; just a tender, chaste kiss. Luckily you two are seated in the back so there’s no one around to witness this, not like at the house party with so many people around. Even when you pull back, Keigo still leans forward to pepper your face with little pecks here and there.
You’re leading Keigo by the hand back to Touya’s place, the door already unlocked for you since you know he wasn’t going out today anyway. He’s emerging from his bedroom and grins at you when he sees you holding Keigo’s hand. A knowing grin comes onto his face as he leans against the wall, looking you up and down.
“Uh where should we do this?” you ask, squeezing Keigo’s hand and shifting your weight from one leg to the other in nervousness.
Touya approaches you and kisses your forehead before taking your other hand in his own. “Well what’s a place to have a ‘proper threesome’ doll? Just the bedroom? Last time we fucked on a couch so I think it’ll do just fine this time as well.”
“A proper threesome? Is that what you called it songbird? That’s so cute.” Keigo laughs and nuzzles his head against yours. “Though I can’t disagree, I didn’t really do anything to you.”
“Hey, I offered at the time and you said no.” Touya banters with Keigo as he leads you to the couch, having you sit down on it first. “You can’t really say that you weren’t given a chance.”
Keigo simply shrugs his shoulders in response before looking down at you. You sit way too stiff on the couch, back as straight as an arrow and your brows crinkled with your hands clasped tightly in your lap. He reaches a hand towards you and pats the top of your head, the tips of his fingers lightly brushing against your scalp and massaging to get you to relax. He thinks how cute you are, acting like as if he hadn’t already seen you naked and what you look like when you’re getting railed. He’s just excited to be able to play with you with his own hands this time, manipulating your pleasures to his own tastes while coordinating with Touya.
“What are you acting like such a virgin for? Keigo already knows what you look liked when you’re getting fucked. No need to be shy.” Touya quips at you and chuckles at how you hide your face in your hands. “Quit it doll, you’re not so innocent. He’s seen it and I’ve seen it, now be a good girl and take off your clothes.”
Touya speaks in that tone when there’s no room for argument, that you dare not talk back or else you’re going to get a punishment. And normally you love to test his patience when he speaks to you in that manner, you know he loves it when you get all bratty with him but with Keigo present you’re a little bit more reluctant to be so cheeky. So you follow directions and reach towards your pants zipper to get your bottoms off first but then Keigo catches your wrist in his hand.
“Wait, I want to undress her.” Keigo announces.
Touya allows it with a passive wave of his hand.
So Keigo kneels down to do the job himself, taking his time and touching you appreciatively while you look away from his gaze. It reminds you of when you tried undressing yourself at the house party when you were rolling to jump into a pool and he caught you just in time, helping poor little you dress back up because you shouldn’t have been trying to get naked with a bunch of strangers around you. Your face is warm as the tips of his fingers skim across your naked skin, completely in the nude and absolutely self conscious as your hands go up to cover your breasts.
Keigo gently pulls your hands away and asks Touya, “Was she this shy with you the first time?”
“Tch, shy? She’s the one that had me by the cock the first time we fucked, bratty little thing pretty much demanded that I blow her back out.” Touya chuckled as he pet the top of your head before lifting your head up. “Isn’t that right doll? You remember?”
You nodded as the memory resurfaced into your mind.
“So why so shy now dove?” Keigo asks as he sheds his shirt and moves to undo his belt buckle.
“It’s different, you’re a friend Keigo. And I’ve never pleased two guys at the same time.”
Touya just merely whips off his own shirt and palms his erection through his sweatpants. “You don’t have to worry about anything (Name). There’s nothing different about sex when there’s an additional person. Keigo’s got plenty of experience in this, he’s been to a few orgies and a gangbang once.”
You whipped your head back to look at Keigo who merely just scratches the back of his head sheepishly. “Hehe, there’s no need to tell her that Touya. But things will be fine dove, we know you trust us. Remember what I said earlier?”
“Y-Yeah… I remember.”
They love you… though you’re not sure what the extent of their love is for you. It’s dangerous to confuse possession for love and that’s the feeling that you get from the both of them. The logical side of you is very aware of this fact and yet you ignore it once more. Love or not, this isn’t exactly your ideal relationship but you’re not quite willing to walk away just yet.
“Can you kiss me Keigo?” you ask, figuring that you might as well just start off.
“Of course songbird.” he says as he pulls you up from the couch and leans down to kiss you. He wastes no time in gliding his tongue against the seam of your soft lips, drawing a quiet moan from you. Keigo is definitely a gentle kisser, or at least for now he’s being gentle, and any nervousness you felt washed away in the tender way he held you in his arms. Keigo’s erection pokes at your thigh and you move one hand in between your bodies to hold it in your hand. You didn’t get a good look at it last time but from the feel of it you can tell it’s a bit smoother compared to Touya’s, a prominent vein underneath as you skim the tips of your fingers over it.
“Get on your knees doll, show Keigo how good you are with that mouth.”
Sinking to your knees, you get a good look at Keigo’s cock; it’s a pretty pink color that’s a little flushed at the tip and the length is close to Touya’s though skinnier in girth. You give it a few experimental pumps in your hand before dipping your head down to take him into your mouth. The taste is a little musty but that’s to be expected when your genitals just sit in your pants all day and it doesn’t bother you at all. His cock glides smoothly over your tongue and when it hits the back of your throat, you moan around it before pulling back with an audible pop.
“You’re looking at my cock like you’re in love with it dove.” Keigo teases. He expects you to quip back at him but you merely open your mouth and stick your tongue out, a quiet ‘ahh’ from you makes his spine tingle. “Eager girl.”
Touya watches you as you swallow Keigo into your eager mouth, your eyes looking up at him and meeting his golden gaze. Watching you on your knees for someone else is getting him hard as fuck, fisting his cock in his hand and proud that you’ve let go of your inhibitions. There was no reason for you to be so shy earlier, Touya knew that you’d relax instantly with Keigo; he always had a charm about him that made everyone comfortable once they met him.
Still though, you’re his girl and he does feel a bit left out so he takes you by the back of your head and directs you to go down on him instead. Touya sees how enthused you are at the familiarity of having his cock in your mouth and how you look up into his own eyes. You’re stroking Keigo with one of your hands while the other plays with your clit messily, all the while you’re smoothly sucking him off; you’re his slutty little multi-tasker. Back and forth you trade off between Keigo and Touya’s cocks and having completely forgotten how shy you were from before. You suppose that Touya’s words from before actually ring true.
Hands go underneath your armpits and you’re lifted to sit on the couch, ass hanging off the edge with your legs held open and leaning back on your elbows for support. You barely get a word in when Keigo smoothly slides down to his knees and proceeds to eat you out like he’s the hungriest man in the world and the first meal he’s given is absolute ambrosia. He’s fucking good with his mouth, a goddamn expert as his tongue flicks over the petals of your pussy, you can’t help but wonder if he got so good from those apparent orgies that Touya said that Keigo attended previously.
Touya has one leg kneeled on the couch and is balanced with one foot on the floor as he watches once again from the sidelines for a brief moment. He thinks of all the times the two of you had sex in front of a mirror, watching your reflection as he railed you on his cock and keeping his eyes forward rather than on you. It’s different to see you in this perspective, being touched by someone else and hearing you moan for his closest friend. If you were moaning for anyone else, if Keigo wasn’t the one Touya had chosen, he’d go crazy with jealousy. He thinks of the scumbag men he’d seen eye you up and down when you weren’t looking, how he knows that they would see you as just a hole to fuck rather than a precious gem to treasure. They wouldn’t cherish you like he did, wouldn’t appreciate you the way Touya does, the things he’d do for you he knows that no other man would. Keigo is the only person he would trust to lavish you with all the affection you deserve.
She’s mine. Touya thinks before looking at Keigo. She’s ours.
You’re obedient when Touya reaches a hand forward, his thumb pressing against your plush bottom lip before you take it into your mouth. Keigo’s teasing your clit with the tip of his tongue and has two fingers moving inside you, golden eyes set on you as you look up at Touya. Your eyes are fluttering though, struggling to keep them focused as his fingers steal your concentration by finding your g-spot and dragging the pads of his fingers down before repeating the motion. A drawn out groan rumbles out from your pretty mouth and you drop your head back.
“She just came.” Keigo states as he withdraws his fingers from you and licks up your juices. “You enjoy yourself songbird?”
You answer with a tired nod of your head.
Keigo chuckles quietly, rubbing his hand on your thigh before looking to Touya. “Does she need a minute?”
“No, she can keep going." Touya kneels down to you and kisses you briefly, waking you from your orgasm-induced stupor as you reach up to touch the back of his neck and kiss you deeper. You and him are lip-locked as Keigo kisses up your body, focusing on your breasts as the pads of his fingers press into your hipbones and make you shiver under his touch. You think that maybe Touya was right from before, that sex isn’t that much different when you have another person around. Kissing is still the same, blowjobs are more or less the same, so is being eaten out, but you’re getting twice the pleasure and excitement.
One hand reaches down and scrunches through Keigo’s blond hair, soft tresses glide through your fingers and you’re reminded of the last time you rolled. His hair was just as soft when you had first kissed him at the party and you think briefly about what kind of shampoo and conditioner he uses to keep his hair so soft, maybe he uses hair masks and stuff like those internet hair recipes for it to feel so nice. So you grab a handful of it and pull his head back, giggling when he grunts and the faint hiss of, “Naughty little dove…”
Touya moves aside to make way for Keigo as he slides up to kiss you once again. In the midst of it, you feel the blunt head of his cock push against your entrance. You won’t dare break from the kiss from Keigo and you blindly reach for Touya’s hand, which he takes and holds it gently. There’s more nudging against your pussy and you think of that song that you’ve heard circulating on the internet, a specific lyric that you think is a fitting theme for tonight: I wanna ruin our friendship.
You could change your mind, tell Keigo to get off you and make Touya back off as well.
“I’m going to put it in now, okay?”
But you won’t tell them to, you decided you want this.
You think of your come down from when you rolled last and how this is almost the same situation except that Keigo is the one to fuck you while Touya sits nearby with his cock in his hand. So you brace one hand on Keigo’s shoulder and widen your legs for him, looking between turquoise eyes of your boyfriend and the golden ones of your friend. “Take his cock doll, fulfill Keigo’s fantasy and let him wreck you.”
It must be Keigo’s eagerness to have been wanting to fuck you since you met because he wastes no time in pummeling his cock into you. He’s not as rough as Touya but there’s definitely enthusiasm in his movements, his eyes entranced on your tits as they bounce with the momentum of his thrusts. Touya has your hand on his cock and makes you jerk him off, calling you a pretty, dirty whore and you vocalize your agreements.
“Fuck she’s such a slut!” Keigo says more to himself rather than Touya. He grabs a handful of your hair in his hand and yanks it back, making you gasp as your neck is exposed and he leans forward to bite down on your soft flesh. This is everything he dreamed of and more, of course the real you is far better than the nights he spent imagining what you would be like with his dick in his hand. Touya is his friend and he always painted a pretty picture with his words whenever he felt like bragging about good at sex he was, which was all the fucking time, but Keigo knew that you were different the more Touya kept on referring back to you before the relationship was official, knowing more about your pussy first before actually learning about who you were.
Touya used to get nudes pretty frequently from some of his former whores, some quick spank material before deleting it but you were different. Whatever you sent to Touya, whether innocent or not so innocent, you got your own personal folder with your name on it and if he was feeling a little generous, he’d show his friend. So Keigo pretty much knew what you looked like naked by the time the two of you were introduced but you didn’t have to know that.
So here you are, naked and getting railed on his cock right with his very own eyes.
No more digital or imaginary substitutions, Keigo was getting the real thing now.
“Hands and knees, I want her sucking me off.”
Pushed into the desired position, your hands brace the armrest of the couch to steady yourself, seeing as you’re about to get fucked from both ends. Keigo’s hips slap against you in a steady and firm rhythm while Touya gags you on his cock. Fingernails dig into the surface of the couch and you strain to look up as you’re getting face fucked. Porn makes having a threesome look so easy and fluid but you’re struggling a little bit with the different rhythms from one end compared to the other. It’s hard to concentrate on sucking Touya off as Keigo fucks you from behind, neither one of them wanting to give you a break.
It’s a struggle but you don’t want to stop.
“Open your mouth wider.” Touya commands and you happily obey. His cock is soaked in your spit so it glides smoothly into your mouth and with practiced eased you deep throat him. Every thrust Keigo delivers, it makes you bump forward slightly but it doesn’t deter you from doing the best you can with a cock in your mouth. Their praises mix together and it makes you feel heady, you want to be good for them and hear more of ‘good girl’ and ‘that’s right songbird’.
And then Keigo yanks you away from Touya, laying flat on your back on the couch and he pushes back inside you with your legs pushed to your chest. You want to look into his eyes, take a dip in those honey-colored windows to his soul and hold his gaze while he practically ravages your pussy. You’re sure that his gaze is as intense as the fucking that he’s giving you, so intense that your eyes are rolling to the back of your head and you can’t look him in the eyes like you want. So instead you’re fucked stupid by Keigo and can barely muster any praises back to him like ‘you fuck me so good’ and shit like that.
It’s okay because Touya can do the talking anyway.
“Look at you doll, looks like you’re losing it over his cock. You’re such a good little whore right now, you make me proud.” Touya strokes his cock in one hand while the other reaches down and lovingly strokes your hair. “You wanna let Keigo fuck you from now on? You wanna be with the both of us?”
“Wan’ you both… yes, want you two!” you groan out and reach one hand up to touch Touya’s wrist. “Ungh, fuck!”
“Shit, I’m going to cum!” Keigo hisses as he sloppily fucks into you before pulling out and cumming all over your tits. Warm splatters of liquid fall onto your chest as you cum as well, finally able to look at Keigo from your vantage point but disappointed that he didn’t cum inside you. “Fucking hell… baby bird…”
Ah, you’ve unlocked a new pet name.
There’s no break for you as Touya takes you back, sitting on the couch and putting you in his lap. You groan at the familiar stretch of his cock slipping inside you, you’re a leaking mess as Touya fucks his hips up into your pussy. You’re getting fucked in his lap, clutching onto his shoulders and moving in practiced sync. Normally you’d get lost looking into turquoise blue eyes but you look to the side to see Keigo leaning against the arm rest and catching his breath.
Touya’s hands cuff underneath your ass and gives support as you ride him, his mouth pressed into your neck as he gives you wet kisses all the while Keigo sits back and watches. It’s different and new and you’re not necessarily sure how this may turn out for you in the end. Your conversation from earlier rings in your mind and your mind sobers briefly at the recollection of it: “He feels you only deserve to get fucked by people who love you, those were his words.”
Love… you’re still trying to fathom it.
Wanting to just have sex was one thing, adding love into the mix was another. It should make you sit down and consider what the fallout may be but the thought of Touya being in love with you, being just too shy or obstinate to bare himself open, it made your heart flutter in the same way he wouldn’t allow you to call him Dabi anymore. And Keigo too, a selfish part of you wanted to indulge yourself silly on these two men who apparently didn’t like the idea of relinquishing you to just anyone.
Don’t be a whore for anyone else but us.
“Look here doll.”
You look away from Keigo and look to Touya instead, cupping his face in your hands and kissing him. Contrary to how he may seem, Touya loved to kiss you during sex. It drives him wild every single time, especially when you’d scrunch a handful of his hair in your hand and tugged on his roots. He curses at you and gives a sharp smack to your ass, a guttural growl rumbling in his chest as he asserts control over you. All you can do is manage to hold onto his shoulders as he presses you to sit back against the couch and fucks into your already sensitive pussy, so he’s not necessarily surprised when you cum on his cock. He reaches down to overstimulate you by toying with your clit and you practically lose it, sobbing as you cum more for him.
When you peer up at Touya, you can tell by the way his brows are pinched that he’s about to cum. You beg for him to cum inside you like he always does, you’re anticipating it. Instead he pulls out and makes you kneel on the floor, Keigo coming to his side with his cock in his hand; you hadn’t even realized that he got hard again. “Open wide sweetheart.” Touya tells you.
So you do, your eyes on the boys as the cum all over your face and your tits, mixed drops catching on your tongue as you’re coated in hot cum. When they’re both thoroughly tapped out, you smear it all over your chest and giggle how they both groan at the sight of you. “Mm… I loved it!”
“Glad you did baby bird.” Keigo leans down to kiss your temple while Touya kisses your cheek. “As pretty as you look with our cum all over you, why don’t you go wash up?”
No arguments there, dried cum isn’t exactly the greatest feeling in the world especially since you were showered in so much of it. So you get up and walk in the direction of the bathroom but turn back briefly and lean against the wall. “Hey.” you call out and they both look to you. “I’m happy that that we did this. I wouldn’t trust anyone else to do this, I want you to know that.”
You’re tempted to put out a simple ‘love you’ just to see what Touya’s reaction would be, but you think it’s best to not breach that subject for now. If it were still just you and him, then you probably would have put it out there but the addition of Keigo changes it a bit so you have to reevaluate the pace of the relationship. It’s a whole mess, that much is certain, but you want to stay with Touya. You wonder how much poking and prodding you can get from Keigo to reveal more. You feel a certain sense of pride that apparently he’s never devoted himself to anyone else until you came along, though if it weren’t for Keigo accidentally revealing such precious information then you never would have known in the first place, if not this soon in the relationship. For the time being, you just blow an air kiss and leave to go clean up.
Under the shower spray, you think hard about you, Touya and Keigo. “Eight girls… he used to see eight fucking girls!” you mutter to yourself. It sort of figures that Touya had that many whores but you had no clue that the number was so high before you came along. You still get mad when he comes to you smelling like them, you won’t even let him get near you unless he washes up first and he’ll always cater to you afterwards. Just because Keigo is included now doesn’t mean the jealousy won’t stop, it just means that now he provides a distraction when Touya goes out and wrestles with his commitment issues while balls deep in other girls.
But if what Keigo says is true that Touya loves you then you can hold out until you can draw that confession out of him.
Part 3 of the Us Series: Do It For Me
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bakugou-jpg · 4 years
Stay, please || K. Takami /Hawks
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A/N: This was requested by an anon, for Hawks angst to fluff. I’m not entirely sure if this ks what you wanted but i hope you like it anyway!
Genre: Angst to fluff
Warning: BNHA MANGA SPOILERS, angst.
Words: 7789 words
The job of a pro hero, was something that came with a lot of responsibility. As a pro hero, you had the responsibility of someone else's life in your hands . The responsibility to keep them safe. It was a never ending battle between bad and good with when one villain had finally been defeated and captured a new one was lurking in the corners of the streets.
The training young teens who just decided what to with their lives, which was wanting to make the world a better place and saving people by becoming a hero, was rather cruel in some cases. There was no denying in the fact that learning is best done by practice, but putting 16 year olds into battles between adults they shouldn't have to fight could be..considered inhuman in some cases.
Especially when the 'teen' is a 6 year old boy who had no choice but to give his life to the country to be used as a tool to solve the life long battle between good and evil. He was seen as a 'secret weapon'. One that would make the world a better place. A future set out for him in every possible detail until his very retirement.
It was tiring, so very tiring. A constant cycle of waking up, going to work, overworking, getting home, go to bed. Barely any time for free time. The lack of it made him feel like he was stuck in a simulation, a system that he couldn't run away from.
He felt like he was being suffocated, a tight rope wrapped around his throat with the people he worked for his entire life at the end of it only pulling it tighter and tighter putting more and more responsibility on his shoulders. He was gonna collapse, his vision growing hazy and his knees trembling close to giving up.
The rope around his neck loosened. Hawks was so focused on walking forward towards the pointless direction he was forced to walk towards that.. he hadn't noticed when a soft pair of hands had started fumbling with the rough material. He hadn't noticed when breathing got easier again and he certainly didn't notice when his legs dragged him somewhere else.
Falling in love with you was the easiest thing he had ever done. The moment his eyes met yours he was absolutely swooned by the way they held such a calming warmth in them that he felt his wings puff up. You were incredibly beautiful to him and the red tips of his ears certainly didn't go unnoticed for he felt a cold feeling wash over him when the number one hero sent a glare at him reminding him he was on patrol.
He felt himself so drawn to your presence, always finding ways to sneakily run into you or find a reason to talk to you.
When the cold months creeped around the corner, meaning the sun set earlier in the evening, he did not hesitate for a second to insist he'd bring you home safely. He wouldn't hesitate to playfully tease you about the tiniest things, loving the either flustered or giggling reaction coming from you.
His eyes were glued to the screen of his computer, scanning over all the tiny words that for some reason didn't seem to get through his skull no matter what he did.
He felt like his eyelids were being pulled down by tiny fairies who were trying to lul him into a deep sleep so they'd be able to kill him in his sleep or kidnap him afterwards..atleast, that's the story his grandmother had told him when she was still around when he was younger.
God, how long that had been and how fuzzy the memories were of her. Hawks never saw her often, for the relationship with her and his dad was horrible, but when he did he'd feel nothing but a warm fuzzy feeling he hadn't felt in years. A comfortable feeling he wanted to bask in forever with no worry in the world.
He tore his eyes away from the screen, immediately settling on your form after you had entered his office.
The crimson wings fluffed up just slightly upon seeing the sight of you, a reaction Hawks had no control over. Slowly, he spread them and even in the dim light of his laptop screen you could still clearly see the beautiful red colour they held. Every little detail of each feather, how they slightly shook when he stretched his entire body before folding back into their previous position behind his back.
"Ah, it seems i have died huh? Knew all this paperwork was gonna make my brain melt one day..Though, i thought angels had like eight arms were shaped like a pyramid and had like fifty eyes in total."
A playful smirk danced around his features, but it wasn't hard to take notice of the tiredness his eyes held. How to bags under his eyes would get darker by the day and how his voice sounded heavy laced with drowsiness.
No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't help but snort at his words. Your eyes were still glued onto his wings, mesmerized by the way they looked and never failing to impress you.
"What are you doing here so late, dove? Thought your shift ended two hours ago, did you miss me that much?"
Hawks noticed how your eyebrows scrunched together this time there was no little smile or snort at his comment. Did he cross a line he shouldn't of have crossed? No, you didn't seem mad..you looked worried.
Placing one foot in front of the other hesitantly, you made your way towards Hawks desk eyes scanning over all the littered papers and the opened document on his laptop.
"Could ask you the same question, Mr.hero..I had forgotten my keys so was unable to enter my house. Thought your shift ended three hours ago?"
The tone in your voice was more stern this time and the hero didn't miss the somewhat motherly undertones to it. Even the way the way your hand found its way into his hair, plucking something out of it but even the slightest touch made him coo softly.
Quickly snapping out of his smitten state, Hawks quickly recollected himself and grinned. No matter how hard he tried, he still looked burned out and absolutely exhausted. The small pile of energy drinks in his trash can and the empty coffee cup on his desk only making it more obvious. "Thought it would be fun to just sit here and stare at some words on a screen with no yellow light"
A small moment of silence took over the room. An awkward one at that..had he made an uncomfortable comment once again?
It was hard to let his eyes settle to the dark after having had them glued onto the screen for so many hours. He could very easily make out your silhouette and where your eyes were, but it was a little hard pinpointing the details in your face.
Being so focused on taking in your facial features, he hadn't noticed how your hand had slowly creeped up on him to settle onto his wings. Nobody ever really touched his wings, well technically they did of course just..not like this. Not with such tenderness while running their nails over his skin, like getting your hair played with but so different.
It was hard to keep his composure like that and the very moment your fingers moved he let out a shaky sigh, eyes rolling to the back of his head and his body relaxing under your touch.
"You're so tense, should take better care of yourself Mr.hero.." You whispered, hands trailing from the base of his wings up his shoulders before settling onto his neck and giving it a small squeeze.
Hawks face felt warm. He wasn't sure if you were aware of what you did to him or if this was you trying to tease him in any way. It felt nice, so very nice. To be touched like this, with such gentle movements. He wanted to bask into it forever, for him the only one you'd touch like that and talk to.
Leaning his head back, Hawks peered up into your eyes while resting his head against your stomach. Your hands were now attached to his ears, tracing his ear-shells with your fingers.
"Please.." He whispered so very softly, his voice so desperate.
Eyes widening slightly, the fingers once wrapped around his head slipped away.
Hawks was a very open book, it had been something you noticed right away when you first met him. He wasn't afraid to show his feelings about something or to state his opinion on certain things. His emotions always very clearly present on his face.
Yet, the emotion he currently expressed was hard to place. You weren't sure if it was fear, sadness or desperation. Maybe a mix of all of them but none of them really was the hawks you used to see on a daily basis. Were his emotions getting the best of him at the late hours of the night?
His rather cold hands took ahold of your own the chill spread out through the rest of your body something which made you shiver slightly.
"God Hawks, you certainly are sappy huh?"
A small grin tugged at the edges of his lips, a low chuckle rumbling in his chest. His eyes followed your form as you sat down on his desk, eyes piercing into your own.
"Got me there, dove..Only for you though, baby bird."
With a small smack to the head, his chest felt much lighter when you started reading through the papers scattered around his desk, a pen in your mouth while writing down things here and there. How you'd rest your legs on the arm of his chair telling him to finish his part so the both of you could go home.
That was the first time Hawks started thinking about a future other than what had been set in stone for him ever since he was a kid. What is a selfish thing to do..? To think about a future that only he provided off in the end and hopefully you too, of course? I..think everyone's allowed to be a little selfish sometimes. That longing for something so precious and wonderful is something everyone deserves to have.
To be selfish and keep you to himself, to hold you in the late hours of the night and to be able to feel your skin against his own.
With his wing wrapped around your body, you walked underneath the dimly lit streets.Every time either of you laughed or talked, a small cloud would leave your mouth and disappear into the cold november air.
It was only such a small memory compared to the ones the two of you had made throughout the friendship you had, one that eventually blossomed into something more. Though, to Hawks it was the night he came to the realization that for the first time in his life he felt like..there was a destination, a goal, to where he was walking to.
Loving you was the easiest thing Hawks could ever do. It was like breathing unconsciously, blinking his eyes and how his heart pumped blood through his body. Something so natural and right, something he needed so desperately.
It was funny how he had gone 21 years through out his life without you but now that he had you for barely 2 years for himself, he felt like he couldn't go without you being there for him and having you by his side. He was addicted to your presence, you were like a drug he couldn't get enough of.
You had showed him that the little things mattered, that it was okay to make mistakes and that it was so easy to love something more than yourself.
Coming home, exhausted and beaten up, to be engulfed in the warmest pair of arms instead of his empty bed was the thing he'd look forward to every day. To be peppered in soft kisses and have fingers go through his hair welcoming him home being told that he had been missed. It was a thing that got him through the day, knowing there was someone out there waiting for him.
Although he felt like it, Hawks...would never truly be free.
Even though. You had loosened every rope tied around his body, took his hand and guided him elsewhere, he would always be reminded that those ropes were still there. No matter what, he was still doomed to serve the people he had given almost his whole entire life to.
At times it was a little hard, having to stay away from what he considered home for a couple of days sometimes even weeks, but the two of you managed. The media barely had any information about his personal life. Both the agency and he himself kept it hidden deeply underneath a pile of dirt a ton of feet under the ground.
They knew about your existence, sure, but you were known as one of Endeavour's right hands. The one who followed him around like a puppy everywhere he went, taking care of most of the media problems for him and the one he went to for advice regarding his hero work.
Deep inside, Hawks knew that he wasn't worthy of all this. That he wasn't made to live a life like he was currently living, but he always pushed away those thoughts. Negativity wasn't gonna get him anywhere, it would affect both him and you.
"We need you to play infiltrate the league of villains as a spy. Make them believe you're on their side, gain their trust and leak some unimportant facts we give you here and there. Mr. Takami we need you to do whatever it takes."
League of villains, spy, whatever it takes..?
His whole head was buzzing the entire time during the meeting, where they told him all the important details and went through all of the steps he'd have to take.
Hawks had seen what the league was capable of, hell, the whole entirety of Japan had seen so. Individually he could take most of them on, probably. He'd have to watch out for the one that went by the name of 'Dabi', his feathers didn't exactly mix well with fire. Shigaraki was also sketchy, but aside from that he had received the news that the league seemed to be plotting something.
Not the craziest thing, since they had been quite off the radar for a few months now. And especially with those creatures they called nomus nobody was sure what would happen.
Going home that day felt wrong. Knowing what was to come, a bitter feeling creeping into his mouth while his feet felt like cement blocks heavier with every step he took closer to the door.
"Keigo, welcome home!"
The moment your face appeared from around the corner his heart only felt heavier. The fact you were so very unaware of what was about to happen and did your usual routine of wrapping your arms around him, gently taking off his vizors and headphones before cupping his face and pressing a kiss to his lips.
He couldn't do it
"Tough day at work? You look like you went 3 days without sleep Kei..and for someone who kept me up with his snoring last night that sure is quite something."
Your comment usually would've made him snicker or atleast just crack a grin. You were always able to make him feel be better and make him laugh on his worst days. Always knowing what to say and do, knowing him like the back of your hand.
He felt so numb. All his emotions were flat, he had to do this. He had to, he'd do anything to keep you safe and if that meant letting you go... then so be it.
"(Y/n), we need to talk."
His hands wrapped around your shoulders and softly pushed you off of him before reaching out to your own, giving them a soft squeeze with his thumb drawing a circle over your ring finger.
Hawks always knew he was gonna wrap the prettiest and biggest ring around there. He didn't care if you didn't want something to extravagant or so flashy and scold him for spending so much money. It ate at him that he was able to show you off but he would, he'd let everyone know you were his and he was yours. Didn't care what the agency or your boss thought. Didn't care about the media. None of that, just you. You and him.
He promised himself he'd always keep you safe, no matter what happened your safety came first. He'd do anything and, if that meant letting you go, then..so be it
"I'm sorry, but i don't love you anymore. Its not fair to you if i keep hiding this from you. I think we should end this."
He wanted to grow old with you. So badly. To spend his last moments in your arms and to adopt a dog with you- Hell even, maybe if god would've let him, have actual kids with you.
Seeing you laugh it off at first made his heart crumble. Especially the moment he saw your face slowly change when you started realizing that it wasn't a joke. How your eyes twisted from pure joy, to confusion, to a mix from both confusion and sorrow. A glassy layer of tears welling up in your eyes, head shaking no and your hands letting go of his.
"W-what? What do you mean- I-i don't understand."
Your voice was breaking, like a thin layer of ice on top of a lake in winter. Ice so incredibly thin that it wasn't able to hold the weight of a little robin hopping around on it.
He wanted to pull you into his arms, hush you while whispering comforting words into your ear. Telling you that he didn't mean it, that he loved you more than anything else in this world. But he couldn't. You had to be safe, you'd be in great danger if he continued the relationship you two shared.
"Since when?" You asked softly, eyes fixated onto his chest. You were unable to look him in the eye, unable to show him how you were slowly falling apart. In all honesty, you didn't want him to answer. You didn't want to know when he stopped loving you, for it had only been half a day when he told you he loved you, held you in his arms and kissed your forehead oh so lovingly before leaving for work.
Hawks scrunched his eyebrows together, eyes never leaving your trembling form. "I..I think it was around last month i started having my dou-"
"Last month, Keigo? You wanna fucking tell me that all those night i spend in your arms, that when i brought you to my fucking parents for dinner and when you told me you loved me, all meant nothing to you?!"
There it was. The little robin landing on top of the surface, creating a hole in its path before taking off leaving the ice broken into pieces. The tears flowed freely from your eyes, sleeves desperately trying to wipe them away but failing to do so.
"What did i do wrong? I don't understand..I-is there someone else..?"
"What- No! Never, i could never..i-"
Hawks gritted his teeth and had to dug his hands into the pockets of his jacket or else he would slip and reach out for you. It took ever cell in his body not to wrap you up in his arms and apologize and pepper your face with kisses.
"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'll go pack my bags."
Trying to move past you only to be pushed back, hands gripping at the sleeves of his jacket and teary eyes piercings through his own. "Kei, what's going on?"
Your voice was so soft, so comforting. It felt so normal to lean into your touch, to close his eyes when you cupped his cheeks and feel just the slightest bit at ease.
The hero could feel a lump of his own form in his throat, one he desperately tried to swallow, and started biting down on his bottom lip. "I-i..I'm so sorry baby bird i-i..i can't tell you." He whispered, barely hearable due to the lump blocking the air in his throat.
The arms wrapping around your trembling form, the hand on the back of your head, the voice softly shushing you and the warm lips pressing a soft lingering kiss to your forehead all made it feel like time stopped. Nor did those things prove that he had fallen out of love, to be exact it only proved how much he adored you.
You didn't notice when he walked past you, into the bedroom. Or when he packed a suitcase and all his stuff, feathers flying through the house here and there to collect some of his stuff.
It was only when he stood next to you again, his warm golden eyes filled with sorrow, that you snapped back to your thoughts.
"I'm sorry, dove."
Leaning down, Hawks pressed his very last kiss onto the corner of your mouth. One that lingered just a little longer than the others, one that held just a little bit more emotion. The one that was going to haunt him forever.
With the front door opening, Hawks took one last look at you. A small smile tugged at the edges of his lips and you could clearly see the tears stinging at the corner of his eyes. Eyes full of both love and sorrow, eyes that you had grown to adore more than anything else in the world for the very last time connected with your own.
"Thank you for everything, (Y/n)."
And with that, the door closed.
There were a few seconds of ear deafening silence before Hawks flinched upon hearing the heart breaking sobs coming from the inside of the apartment. Your whole world was wrecked within not even 15 minutes and the worst part of it all is that you didn't understand why.
Spreading his wings out,  Hawks took one last look back at the apartment. At the place he once considered home. One where he had made his most cherished memories at and a place he had considered his safe place for oh so long.
It didn't matter anymore, what he did was to keep you safe. Something he had sworn to do the moment he first laid his eyes on you, a promise he was going to keep for as long as he lived.
In this case it had meant cutting all ties he had with you, to make you seem like a stranger to both himself and the people he worked with. The thought of you getting hurt by the league just for being involved with him, something that made you the perfect blackmail material, was a thought that haunted him. It was for your safety..
Now that he lost you, Hawks had nothing to lose. Not a home, not a future or..someone he loved. He was back to the very start, rope tied around his throat pulling him forward with no clear destination. Everything was numb. His mind, his body, everything.
A hero who had nothing left to lose was a hero who didn't care if he lived or died. Someone who didn't care for a pathetic title or name, it didn't matter.
With the moon peaking through the cloudy sky, light cascading down the hero's crimson feathers. With a few of his feathers supporting the sports bag, the hero took off leaving behind everything he once had.
There was nobody there to spot him, to freak out over seeing the number 2 hero flying over their heads or take pictures of him. Nighttime was the most peaceful time of the day to fly around for there were no worries just him soaring through the sky.
Hawks had no place to go in all honesty he hadn't thought this plan through entirely. He wasn't even sure if what he did was the best decision to make..maybe there was-..No. This was no time to have second thoughts on it, the damage had already been done.
With wings wrapping around his body, the hero dipped down towards the ground. The feeling of falling was always somewhat comforting. How gravity would pull him down, eyes closed for just a mere moment, while basking in the weightless feeling right before spreading his wings and gently landing on the ground, boots hitting the concrete.
"Took you long enough Mr. hero"
A tall dark figure emerged from within the shadows of the alleyway. There was no denying in the fact that the moment the hero caught sight of them, a chill creeped up his spine.
"Ah, give me a break had some trouble on the way here.." Hawks said with a grin, waving it off. A big sigh left his nose and he cracked his fingers.
"Well then, let's get to business, ha?..."
Hawks eyes narrowed the moment the man standing in front of him stepped into the light. Up close, the scars that littered his body looked even more disgusting. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious about how he had gotten them.
This job had to be the most complicated one Hawks had done before. He was a good liar, that certainly hadn't been the problem, but it was the fact he had to gain the league's trust. To convince them he was truly on their side, after all he was the #2 hero of Japan.
Dabi was, supposedly, the messenger and judge. He informed Hawks of all the things Shigaraki told him and demanded Hawks to do to prove himself. At the same time he'd judge Hawks, to see if he really was serious about all this and not a traitor.
The hero was walking on thin ice with every teeny tiny slip up that he could make resulting in the mission taking the worst possible turn. He had to be incredibly careful with what he said and did, continuously being watched by one particular villain that couldn't help but suspect him even after Shigaraki had given him an Ok.
Hawks was a good person that was too unfortunate to be forced into the situations he was put into. He was too unfortunate for getting attached to one of the villains, realizing that maybe after all some of them weren't that bad. Too unfortunate to have the years of training and manipulation take over his senses when he started to panic.
Hawks was a good person. He didn't mean to kill him. He never wanted to kill a somewhat good person.
He didn't mean to kill twice.
His mind was screaming. He had to keep his cool, had to keep himself together because he didn't have time to think for Dabi was already right on his ass with an intend to end his miserable ass.
Hawks hadn't thought about dying before. Well.. not like this. These last couple of weeks he thought he wouldn't care if he were to die. Its not like it really mattered anymore, after all there was nothing left for him. He was alone, back to living as a living puppet working for a corrupt hero agency.
It didn't matter anymore. None of it did.
He regretted leaving you behind that night. He should've turned around when he heard u cry, should've went back inside to cradle you in his arms. He wanted you back so badly. He didn't care if it was selfish, he wanted to leave everything behind and grow old with you, to hold you in his arms one last time.
Oh how he'd do anything to be able to touch you one last time..to apologize and tell you he loved you.
His wings were gone. The wings he knew you always admired from afar and run your fingers through, ripped out of his body leaving nothing but broken bloody bones sticking out of his back. He'd never be able to fly again, never be able to feel the freedom of being in the sky.
A boot was crushing his neck slowly making him suffocate, the villain looking down on him with an almost psychopathic smile on his way.
"Haha! Poor little Keigo Takami, seems like you've wasted your pathetic little life ,huh? And that calls himself the #2 hero?! Would've expected better from the hero association!"
Hawks felt numb. Without his wings he wasn't even worthy for the hero association, he'd be nothing. All of the sacrifices he made, all if the training didn't matter anymore. He was nothing.
As his sight got fuzzy, Hawks felt himself growing tired. Eyelids growing heavy, breathing slow and his whole entire body was exhausted. Something in him was screaming at him to stay awake but he pushed it away, simply too tired to care for it.
As he started giving in to the slumber, he couldn't help but let his mind wander to the image of you. From the day when he first met you to when the two if you worked together that one night. The day when he first fell your lips on his own and held you in his arms. He never particularly liked his name nor did he hate it, but whenever you called out for him it sounded like a sweet melody he couldn't get enough of.
"Keigo, you should rest"
...maybe he should.
Right before falling unconscious he could feel a faint force ramming into him but it didn't matter anymore, none of it did.
Finally..he could rest
Hospitals always had the most unpleasant smells. It was the mixture of chemicals and people who had been in bed all day that now smelled like sweat. Of course there was also the uncomfortable atmosphere. Most people were there to get tested for something or because they were sick. How such a thing would end were, in some cases, very unclear. Even the interior of hospitals were unsettling, bright white walls that blinded you whenever someone woke up from surgery and the rest of the cold colors they used for the furniture weren't exactly pleasing to the eye either.
He wasn't sure what happened, how he got there and how the battle ended. But when he opened his eyes, Hawks found himself laying on his side. It was very clear from the moment be got used to the darkness around him and the fact his whole body was aching with bandages wrapped all around him that he was in a hospital bed, his eyes following the IV tube to the bag hanging from the stand.
It didn't take a detective for him to notice that his wings were gone, completely. He wasn't sure if there was maybe some sort of bone structure left behind but the chances were incredibly small. It was weird, suddenly missing a big part of his body that he carried with him for 23 years. Like it had never been there.
It was nighttime and the curtains were still open. Perhaps the nurse had forgotten to close them. Its not something that he minded, after all he found comfort in being able to look outside at the very empty parking lot and street. There wasn't a soul out there and judging by how high the moon stood in the sky it was very late at night maybe around 3-4 am.
While pushing himself up to sit, Hawks was met by a horrible throbbing feeling on the inside of his skull. "Ahh, fuck" He hissed while taking his head in his hands, applying a bit of pressure to try and lessen the pain somehow.
His throat was dry, was there a sink? Lifting his head up, the hero took a quick look around the room his eyes still adjusting to the darkness. In all honesty it felt like a weird fever dream, waking up at night in a hospital that now felt very isolated and somewhat peaceful.
Perhaps he really was dead and this was a test god was putting him under to prove himself. Or he was just stuck alone in this world being forced to live forever as a clipped bird. The after life.
His breath was stuck in his throat, golden brown eyes widening. If he really was dead, he'd currently be in heaven, for there was no other way that the person currently sitting on the chair next to him with their head leaning on the bed as they clung onto the side of the pillow he was laying on was something other than an angel.
No, Hawks didn't believe in heaven or hell and he most definitely was aware of the fact he wasn't dead because the throbbing pain in his back and in his head could not of have been something a dead person should be able to experience.
You stirred in your sleep, just slightly. Eyebrows scrunched together lightly as you buried your head into the mattress of the bed, hand gripping the pillow you were clinging onto a little harder. Lips puckered like a fish, light eye bags underneath your eyes and smudged mascara around your eyes. You looked exhausted and Hawks couldn't get enough of the sight before him.
Had you been here the whole time? Judging by all the get well soon cards pricked onto the whiteboard on the wall it had atleast been a good few days. There was a fresh bouquet of red and yellow flowers on the table near the window, a pretty big one at that.
Only then did he notice the crumbled up card laying on top of all the trash in the trash can. He couldn't exactly make out what was inside of the card, but he could very clearly see the logo stamp on top of it which belonged to the hero association he worked for. He immediately smiled at the most possible scenario being that you had seen it and gotten mad at them. After all, you never backed down with expressing your pent up feelings about the people he worked for when you two talked about it.
His mind slowly wandered back to your last encounter with each other, face immediately falling when he heard your cries echo in his head right before he took off that night. Hawks treated you horribly and yet here you were, clinging onto the pillow he once laid on. Maybe you only came so you could yell at him for hurting you, for laughing at him for being pathetic and having lost everything he had.
But you were here. Beside him. He didn't know what god thought he deserved a second chance in life and especially what god allowed him to see you again but god was he thankful.
Slowly laying down back on the bed, wincing slightly when he back made contact with the mattress, Hawks turned on his side so he was facing you. To him, you were the most breathtaking person that walked this earth. From the tip of your nose, to the cheeks he loved to squeeze so much to your parted soft lips.
He loved having you on top of him on the couch, your face squished into his chest as you dozed off into sleep. A moment where he'd turn off the tv and admire you, hand gently massaging your head and a thumb very softly tracing over the details of your face.
His fingers reached out for your face, golden eyes softening when your nose scrunched up a little the moment his thumb traced over it. He really must of have been a saint in his previous life for him to be so lucky to have met you, to have been allowed to love and be loved by you.
You looked so breathtaking like this, so peacful and content as if you hadn't spent days sitting on the same chair ignoring the nurses telling you to go away while worrying your head off. At one point you even pulled out your license, showing you worked for Endeavour and said you had to keep a close call on Hawks to make sure he wouldn't fall 'victim' to another attack.
Hawks shuffled his body a little closer to your head, breath fanning over your face with your face cradled by his hands. Taking one more close look at your face, the man smiled softly before he closed his eyes and leaned in. Lips softly pressed against your forehead, ones that stayed there for a few seconds before he backed up again.
"I'm so sorry, baby bird.."
It was a mere whisper, only loud enough for the both of you to hear. He wasn't even sure if there was someone else in the room, but he couldn't care less. There was a small lump im his throat, one he tried very desperately to swallow but to no success.
It was the moment that your eyes slowly opened, hands reaching out to rub the sleepiness out of them before widening when yours met a pair of golden ones that it disappeared. When your bottom lip trembled and your eyes watered, hand moving to cover your mouth as the tears started falling from your eyes.
Hawks smiled and lifted his hand, just slightly for his arm still hurted. He could absolutely miserable but he wasn't even aware of that. Of how bloodshot his eyes were or how half of his face was wrapped in bandages. Or how the bandages om his back had light crimson stains on them from his wounds still bleeding here and there. It was a horrifying way of seeing the one you cared about.
Even his voice sounded like utter shit. As if the man had been a chainsmoker for the last 30 years.
You didn't care if it hurt him, the damage wouldn't be that bad anyway. The moment you heard what had happened your heart stopped. The last month felt like your world collapsed. The home you shared was quiet and the bed you shared was empty and cold. Kicking your chair back you lunged forward, arms wrapping around his fragile body very careful not to touch the wounds on his back.
"Y-you..fucking a-asshole.."
Hearing things from him from Endeavour was extremely painful but what was more painful was, after he had already been hospitalized, hearing what he had hidden from you and why. The fact he didn't bother to tell you, way too caught up with the thought of you getting hurt.
"..are you stupid? We're a team aren't we!?For fucksake i work for Endeavour, Keigo i can protect myself. L-leaving me like that.. Y-you selfish bastard!"
Hawks groaned slightly at the way you were currently squeezing his body. He didn't hesitate for a second before be wrapped his arms around you and buried his nose into the crook of your neck. He didn't think he'd ever be able to hold you again, to be able to feel you like this and have you so close.
Even though you smelled like hospital and sleep, Hawks could easily pick out the smell of your perfume out of it. It was faint, incredibly faint, but he missed it so much.
He could feel your hot tears falling onto his shoulder and how your teeth chattered, it made his heart ache. All he could do was wrap your legs around his waist while pulling you even closer. He needed to feel you, to feel your arms around him.
"I'm sorry, dove..I'm so sorry for hurting you." He whispered, hands bawling your shirt into a fist. It felt so good to feel your hand going through his hair while your other arm rubbed his upper back, still careful not to touch the wounds on his back.
You wanted to be mad at him, you really did. For the fact be broke your heart and left you crying, for leaving without saying why, underestimating you, fighting in a war without saying a word and getting hurt like this only to leave you worrying for several days by his side day and night.
But you couldn't be mad at him. I mean, you were, but being in his arms like this was something you had been craving for weeks. To feel his warmth envelop you the moment his arms snaked around your waist and to feel him kissing you shoulder several times before nuzzling his face into it.
Furiously wiping your tears from your eyes, sniffling and letting out choked sob. "Don't you ever leave me like that again, i swear i'll-"
"Could never leave you, you're stuck with me now.." Hawks with a smile, slowly backing up from the hug to take a good look at your face. The moment he saw your teary eyes his gaze softened before he brought his hand to your face to wipe them off your cheeks. "..stuck with me for the rest of your life. After all i'm gonna need someone who's gonna take care of me."
The exaggerated sigh leaving his mouth together with the roll of his eyes made you chuckle. He always found ways to joke around and cheer you up but he still knew the right things to say and do to calm you down. "Shut up you birdbrain, god you're the absolute worst." You said with a laugh while his thumb continuing to wipe the tear, and some remains of mascara, underneath your eyes away.
With his hands cupping your cheeks Hawks couldn't help put press his forehead against your own before closing his eyes.
You were there. With him. There was no more hero association that would make his head explode, no more worries or things he had to do. Just you and him. Maybe, just maybe, Hawks would allow himself to be selfish. Selfish enough so he could work on a future where only you and him provided off, to be able to call himself your husband and to grow old with you. To stay by your side the rest of your life no matter what. Everything he ever wanted lied in that future.
"I love you.."
It didn't matter anymore. The ropes were gone and he didn't care what lied ahead because he was holding onto your hand as you guided him. This time he didn't care where he ended up, as long as he had the hand he was holding onto in his he'd be fine. Perfectly fine.
As a hand tangled into his hair, Hawks didn't hesitate a second before he connected his lips with yours. Never before had he needed it so bad, to feel your lips against his own and had he missed it so much. His hands moved to settle on your waist and neck, immediately deepening the kiss and sighing in content when your arms wrapped around his neck.
All those sleepless nights, those moments of doubt and when he couldn't help but think about his regrets moments before he collapsed..To have you here in his arms was the only thing he wanted.
As the two of you parted ways, Hawks was quick to peck your lips as a quick cherry on top. The kiss lingered for quite a moment and the both of you were catching your breath.
"I should probably go get the nurse.." You said under your breath still a little caught off guard by the previous event and what had happened in the last ten minutes. Your eyes were still wet and your nose still runny, but the way your cheeks had heated up made up for it in some type of way.
Pushing yourself off of Hawks to fetch someone who was doing the night shift, you were very quick to be stopped by a hand who clung onto your own. When you looked back at the man, you were met by a pair of pleading golden eyes.
Upon hearing his request your eyes widened for a moment.  It really was pretty late already, so bothering the nurses at this hour was not something you wished to do so especially since it wasn't exactly that important. After all, Hawks would be awake in the morning as well.
He guided you onto the bed with him, hand still in your own, and shuffled backwards so that there was room for you next to him. Your body had given in, simply too tired to protest and with the way the mattress, blanket and arms looked so incredibly warm snd comfortable you really just wanted some sleep.
While being careful not to rip out any of the tubes attached to his body, you laid down next to him and immediately cuddled up against his chest. Face buried in his neck, arm immediately snaking around your waist to hold you closer and a soft pair of lips pressing against your forehead. It was like it had been weeks since you had a good night's sleep and didn't take long before sleep had won its battle against you sending you off to dreamland.
"Goodnight, dove.."
Hawks whispered while running his fingers through your hair, pushing it back so he could press another kiss to your forehead.
Even though Hawks had already been asleep several days, he was exhausted. It had been so long since he was able to sleep comfortably like this, his eyelids were screaming at him.
Hawks didn't know what the future was gonna hold for him. Whether he'd somehow be able to get his wings back or if he'd ever be able to work as a hero again. Everything was incredibly uncertain but right now, on this way too small for two people if not cuddled up hospital bed, everything felt like where it should be.
Just you and him. Nobody else or anything else getting in the way.
With a smile on his face Hawks closed his eyes and allowed himself to be taken over by sleep. Clipped bird or not, no matter what happened Hawks was gonna do anything in his might to keep you happy and that was a promise he was gonna hold onto for as long as he could.
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starksvixen · 4 years
Best Shot - Part 3
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Warnings: severe injury to reader, lots of angst, mentions of sexuality (no smut), swearing, violence
Word Count: 2456
Prologue - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 4 - Part 5 (finale)
2 weeks. It had been 2 weeks since you had left Jay’s apartment and crashed at Connor’s. Things at the station hadn’t been the same with you and Jay at odds. You still kept things civil, but every time you both left from work, Halstead would give you a piece of his mind. Why you shouldn’t be staying with Connor. Why you should just come back home. He would almost have you convinced, but you knew him too well. Jay would always hold something back and you could tell. What you mistook as his arrogance against apologizing was him holding back from saying those three little words. Nevertheless, you still would part ways with him and spend most of your nights with Conner.  
You rummaged through your small duffel bag you had packed from your and Jay’s apartment, trying to find anything that didn’t have bullet holes or were permanently stained. After these past weeks, you were left with only one outfit left.
“(Y/N), I know this is tough, but you gotta make a decision.” you hear Connor say as he leans against the doorway to the living room. 
Looking over to him, you see one of his minimalistic mugs in hand, filled with a steaming liquid. In only sweatpants from your last...session, he looked like a perfectly handsome mess. Connor Rhodes was the perfect guy. Good job, smart, sarcastic, sweet, caring, unbelievably good looking. But deep down you knew he was too perfect. You wanted your fucked up boy from the army who would lay his life on the line for you in a heartbeat. The guy who made mistakes with you but would always return to make things right. You wanted Jay Halstead. 
“Think you can spare some room for me here?” you ask with a half hearted smile.
“I always will. But both you and I know this won’t last because you took the easy way out. You’re always going to want-”
“Him...” you whisper as your hand graces over one of Jay’s shirts that had found its way into your bag. 
Gently, you pick up the worn out garment and run your fingers along the collar. Even without pressing your face to it, you knew it would smell like him. Smell like home. 
“Need a ride?” Connor asks softly. 
Shaking your head, you quickly pack up and grab your keys. Before leaving Connor’s apartment, you turn to him with a sad smile. 
“I’m sorry, I know this probably didn’t turn out like you wanted it too.”
“No hard feelings, this was temporary. And it was lots of fun. But you both deserve to be happy.” he replies with a smile.
You smile too and nod before leaving and going to your car. After throwing your duffel in the back and yourself into the driver’s seat, you were on your way home. 
Parking in the same spot as you always did, you turn and pull the keys from the ignition as your eyes scan over the building. The living room light was still on, a small flickering every now and then telling you that Jay was probably watching the Hawks game. 
You step out with a deep breath, bag in hand, your exhale crystallizing into fog from Chicago’s chilly winter weather. Walking towards the door, you unlock it with the keys you have and walk in, dropping your duffel by the door. 
“Will, I’m not in the mood.” you hear Jay say from your living room. 
Softly walking in, you see the small collection of beers that hadn’t taken Jay’s edge off strewn around him. The dark circles you had seen develop over the past weeks looked so much darker now. Tears filled your eyes at the realization that he was right, you were letting your extra feelings get in the way of what matters. Your friendship.
“It’s not Will, Jay,” you say. 
Jay quickly twists from his lounging position to see you. It’s like he couldn’t stand up fast enough as he rushes towards you, pulling you into a tight hug. Gently, you wrap your arms around him in a friendly way, holding him close to you. 
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” you hear him mumble.
“Enough of that, I’m home now.” 
He pulls away just a touch, your faces proximity making your cheeks light up like red bulbs from Christmas lights. For a moment, you wish that he take that one step forwards. That his lips dance with yours when danger isn’t looming. But your wishes are futile as he takes more steps away from you.
“I’ll get you a beer,” he says as he backs away more, clearing up all the empty beer bottles before disappearing into the kitchen. 
You only nod before plopping yourself on the end of the couch you claimed as yours. Soon enough, Jay returned with two beer bottles, sitting on his end of the couch while tossing a blanket over to you. You take both gratefully, sipping your beer while curling up into the soft material.
Two beers turned into twenty, giving both of you a slight buzz. The Hawks game had changed to Brooklyn Nine Nine. The space between you and Jay had shrunk as you cuddled together on the couch peacefully. Your tipsy laughter fills the apartment, contrasting the blue light from the TV with warmth. 
Your soft whine when the show switches from the cop comedy to Seinfeld only makes Jay laugh more. You smack his chest playfully, quickly sitting up to meet his face. 
“How dare you giggle at my misery. Halstead,” 
“Oh whatever, stupid, it was cute and I’m allowed,” he replies with a smirk.
“Oh, so I’m stupid then cute?”
“Will you shut up so we can watch the show?” 
“Make me.”
You will never regret saying those two words.
In a blur, Jay snatches your hips and pulls you onto his lap. The distance between you two closed as he leans up and captures your lips with his. Shocked, you gasp but quickly return the kiss, your hand working their way from his chest to his face. 
His hands somehow find their way under your shirt, on your lower back, pulling you closer into his chest. Working your hands away from his head, you tug at the collar of his shirt from behind his neck. 
Another blur and Jay is standing with you in his arms before disappearing into his room with you.
The bright light streaming in from Jay’s windows pierces your brain, making you groan slightly from the mild hangover you had...again.
But my were you glad you were. 
As soon as you tried to slip out of bed to get some aspirin, two strong arms pulled you closer into a chest. Turning around, you see Jay half asleep with a goofy smile on his face. A sense of relief flooded over you, he remembered the night before. And he didn’t seem to regret it either.
“You gotta let me go, lover boy,” you mumble as you run a hand through his messy hair. 
“Nooo,” he whines, puling you even tighter to him causing you to giggle.
“We are gonna be late and Voight will be pissed,” 
“God, fine, but you owe me when we get home,”
He reluctantly releases you into the cold air of the apartment. With ease, you steal his shirt laid on the floor and slip it over your naked self. Looking behind you, you catch a glimpse of him getting out of bed. Memories of the night before flooded your mind, making you bite your lip and a blush to spread across your face. 
“Can I help you?” he asks while slipping on a pair of sweatpants, a tired smirk on on his face.
“Hmm, maybe when we get home.” you say with a wink before walking out of the room.
A couple of months later and both of you still have a jump in your step walking into work. The squad originally thought it was because you had finally gone home to Jay. But when your giddiness hadn’t died down over the weeks, bets were quickly placed. 
Sitting at your desk, you take a sip of coffee and begin to fill out paperwork on your laptop. From across the room, you could feel Halstead’s eyes on you. Subtly looking over at him, you see his eyes on the hickey forming on your neck just below your jaw. With a smirk, you tuck your hair out of the way, putting the bruise on full display. You watch as Jay’s bottom lip gets tucked beneath his teeth and you send a soft wink his way. 
Just in time, you look away to see Voight rushing downstairs, armed in tactical gear.
“We’ve got a hostage situation at Bleeker Street Bank. All of Intelligence needs to be there, this seems to link back to our case against Diaz,” Voight quickly says to the squad.
Jumping out of your seat, you rush to the locker room and quickly suit up. Walking out with your gun case, you hear Voight assign you and Halstead on the opposing roof as snipers. With a nod, you both rush out to his beast of a truck.
The entire ride there, he kept a gentle hand on your thigh but you could tell he was on edge. You both hated when the other had to go into a highly dangerous situation, but it was part of your job. As he parks, you quickly lay your hand on his cheek and turn his face towards you. Gently, you lay a quick but deep kiss on his lips. Once he pulls away, his eyebrow shoots up and smirk appears on his face. 
“What was that for?”
“To get you to calm down,”
You smirk and get out, grabbing your gun case from the back and making your way up to the roof of the opposing building. Once you’re stationed, you quickly set up the gun and aim the scope at the open window. You have a clear view of the hostages in the room but no sign of the offender.
“You got eyes on the offender?” you ask Jay, not moving from your spot.
No response.
Suddenly, you feel a blade against your throat, making you tense up but your hands refuse to move from your gun.
“Come on, pretty girl. You and your friend are gonna pay for what you did to Diaz.” 
Gripping tightly onto your gun, you snap your head back, hitting your captor in the crotch with your head. He stumbles back, but not without his blade cutting your neck a bit. Gritting your teeth through the pain, you use both hands to hit your offender in the face with your heavy rifle. Quickly, he flies to the ground, unconscious from the hit. 
That’s when you hear the click of another gun, most likely aimed at you.
Slowly, you turn your head to see another guy with a gun in hand. This time, it wasn’t aimed at you. It was aimed towards Jay’s head as he held him a death grip.
“Let him go...” you growl.
“Nuh - uh, sweet heart. You and your friend are coming with us. Drop the rifle.”
Quickly, you let go, the clatter of the powerful gun making the man in front of you relax a bit.
“He had nothing to do with this,” you reply, raising one hand and slowly moving your other that was concealed from him towards your back where your pistol lay. 
“He was an accomplice, got Quentin into the spot where you needed to shoot. So nah, he’s coming with us.”
Jay’s eyes widen at the sight of your hand gripping tightly onto your gun before you whip it out, aiming it at the additional captor. At the same time, the gruff looking man moves his aim away from Jay and towards you. Jay desperately tries to break the man’s hold on him before it’s too late.
“I said let him go!” you yell, your anger increasing at the situation.
“Move one more step and I’ll shoot!” he replies.
“Go ahead, because you can bet your ass I won’t miss!” 
The tip of your gun is aimed directly at his head and you take a sharp inhale as your finger moves to the trigger. 
“Drop him!” you yell again.
“Put the gun down!” 
Exhale and shoot. 
But more then one gun goes off at the same time. Adrenaline runs through your veins like a mustang as you watch the guy drop dead beside an unharmed Jay.
“Told you I don’t miss,” you say as you shakily lower your pistol. Wait, why were you shaking?
Looking down, you see blood pooling on the white shirt underneath your bullet proof vest. He’d gotten you right below the ribs, right where your body was exposed from the vest when you had your arms up.
“(Y/N)!” Jay yells as he rushes over to you. 
Blood pours through the shirt as you drop your gun, applying pressure to the wound as the metallic liquid pours through your fingers like water. The amount of blood you were losing and how fast it was pouring out makes your legs weak. Too weak, as they collapse under you, your body hitting the gravel roof as everything blurs. 
“This is Jay Halstead, officer down! We need paramedics on the roof of the north building immediately!” 
“C’mon, baby, you can’t leave me now.” Jay’s voice echoes in your head.
His hands are over yours as he helps keep pressure on the wound. You simply smile through the pain, moving one bloodied hand from underneath his and laying it on top of the pile. 
“I love you,” you say, giving his hand a gentle squeeze as your eyelids get too heavy to hold open.
- Jay’s POV - 
“(Y/N)?” I ask shakily, tears flooding my eyes in a faster pace then before. When she doesn’t answer, it’s like a punch to the gut over and over.
“(Y/N), stay with me! Wake up, baby, please!”
I push harder on her wound as her body begins to go limp. Paramedics arrive, bracing her and carrying her into the ambulance as I follow close behind. Both of us ride in the back of the ambo as it races to Med. Paramedics work around me as I hold onto her hand with both of my mine, tears breaking up the blood stained on my face. 
As they race her into the ED, I see Rhodes eyes widen at who his next trauma patient was before quickly getting to work. She disappears into the ED as Will races out and towards me. All I can seem to do is sit against the tail end of the ambo, staring off into space. 
“Jay, man, what happened? Are you hurt?” Will asks.
“I never got to tell her I love her back.” 
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nbrook29 · 3 years
Okay it seems like they’re gone for the time being so 👀
Part 2&3 of Sander in NYC ‘verse ⬇️
The clock strikes midnight on his bedside table while Robbe is stretched on his bed, head propped on his hand as he’s staring at his computer screen, weariness coursing through his body. He stifles a big yawn and tries to blink the sleep away, but it doesn’t do much to erase the feeling of what seems to be yet another longest day he’s had. Wiggling his butt to find a more comfortable position, he reaches for his phone and opens instagram to kill time. After scrolling for a few minutes he gives up, the app failing to distract him from his heavy thoughts and only making him more irritated in the process.
He tosses the phone on the mattress with frustration, sighing deeply. Staring mindlessly at the ceiling doesn’t make the clock tick any faster so he allows himself to close his eyes.
Just for a little, just for a moment. Long enough so he can pretend he can feel a dip in the mattress and that there’s a certain someone lying by his side, only mere millimeters separating their bodies instead of 5,870 kilometers.
In the end, it makes him feel even worse than he has the whole day. Because there is no one next to him when his fingers venture out tentatively, grazing the sheets on the side of the bed that has been Sander’s since that November night.
The memory makes him smile a little, albeit involuntarily. But how can he not when he remembers the boy’s pouty face, petulance in his voice when he refused to sleep on the left side, stubborn like a bratty five-year-old, and Robbe would have laughed at his expression if he hadn’t been gazing at him like a fool in love the entire night. So he of course granted him HIS own preferred side, getting an abundance of kisses all over his face in gratitude and tickles that almost woke the whole house up.
In the end, it didn’t matter. Not then, and not many times later. What’s the point of choosing sides when most of the time they would sleep on each other’s chest anyway, head tucked in the crook of the other’s neck, nose squished into the underside of the jaw despite the tickling sensation of barely there stubble? Or, during other nights, curled into each other in spooning position, no space between them.
The incoming messenger call rudely disrupts his musings, preventing him from almost falling asleep, and he pushes himself up a bit and scrubs his face, fingers running quickly through his hair to make it look at least a little more presentable.
The face that greets him after he answers the call makes his eyes sting but he blames it on exhaustion.
“Hey, cutie.”
Beautiful. He looks so beautiful. Hair in disarray, cheeks rosy and he’s positively glowing, grinning at him with the same adoration and love he always has and Robbe’s heart is bursting with how much it hurts not to be able to cup his cheek right now.
They haven’t talked since last Thursday, both of them so busy with college work. The fact that there are 6 hours between them isn’t exactly helping. They have been messaging back and forth a lot, but it wasn’t the same.
Lately, Robbe has been feeling like a crucial part of him was ripped off and boarded the plane to New York along with Sander. It’s been a struggle without him here and not letting Sander notice how much he's hurting has been a struggle on its own.
“You’re okay?”
Robbe must’ve been staring without a word for longer than he thought because when he focuses properly he notices a small frown on Sander’s forehead.
He plasters a fake smile on his face. “Yeah! Sorry, just tired.”
He shrugs in hopes it will help to sell his cheeriness better, but the way Sander regards him with concern makes him doubt it.
Cutting him off quickly, he starts rambling. “So how was that school trip yesterday, huh? Still not bored of MoMA? I mean, you’ve been there like a hundred times by now,” Robbe ends on a teasing note, eyebrows wiggling for a better effect, anything to not let him notice he’s not okay.
It works, Sander’s face partially offended, partially scandalized at such outrageous suggestion, and he breathes out with relief.
“Excuse me, skater boy, some of us have enough taste to appreciate modern art for its greatness-”
“Yeah, art nerds.”
Sander’s jaw drops comically at his triumphant expression. “Oh my god, you’re such a brat!” He shakes his head in faux-disapproval, but the smile doesn’t disappear from his eyes as he easily gets into their usual banter. “Wish I was there to snog you into submission,” he adds, chuckling, unaware of the turmoil inside Robbe, who’s trying to hold on for dear life, blinking the tears away.
This time though, his smile fails to be convincing enough. Sander’s laughter dies out, his eyes searching Robbe’s for answers.
“Baby, what’s going on?”
Robbe squeezes his lips together to keep the emotions at bay and lowers his eyes so Sander couldn’t read him like an open book. He squirms on the bed, trying to give himself time so make sure his voice won’t quiver and that he can sell this thing.
“But that’s not true, I can see that.” He’s speaking so gentle, so soothingly.
It doesn’t make him raise his head, eyes still glued to the mattress as he’s twisting his fingers hoping Sander will just let it go.
Cause he doesn’t want him to know. That he’s a mess. That he’s not doing that good.
He doesn’t need to know he’s been watching his wandelingen videos on repeat. That he misses him so much he created a TikTok account to ‘stalk’ his new classmates accounts to catch a glimpse of him laughing and having fun when they’re hanging out, having picnics in Central Park despite low temperatures or drinking coffee and acting like dumbasses at Union Square.
He doesn’t need to know the reality hit Robbe hard and that he’s not the best at coping.
That he’s anxious because the texts between them aren’t as frequent as they used to be in the beginning.
That he had a serious fallout with Jens after already losing touch with Moyo and Aaron.
That he feels lonely.
And that’s missing him like a limb.
He doesn’t want him to know because Sander’s going to worry about him and that’s not why he went away to New York for five months. Correction, six months.
Yeah, that lovely update didn’t exactly make his mood lift when he found out a week ago about Sander having to extend his stay to be able to participate in the February art show his school holds.
There’s still three and a half months before he can bury his face in the crook of his neck and taste his lips. Touch is Robbe's love language so to say he misses the way Sander's hands feel on him would be an understatement of the year. And they both know by now Sander’s not coming back for Christmas despite his promise he’ll try.
“Please talk to me, please, baby.”
One shaky breath after another and Robbe feels wetness on his cheeks, mortification filing him when he realizes it’s tears, and Sander now has a clear view of the situation.
Still, he tries to deflect one more time, wiping his cheeks with his sleeve surreptitiously.
“It’s nothing, really… I’m okay, just miss you.” Another unconvincing smile.
He knows Sander is watching him like a hawk, confused and worried, he can feel it without even lifting his eyes to the screen. When he peaks just for a moment, he sees the desperate look on his face.
“I miss you too, so much, you have no idea,” he pauses, shifting closer to the screen like he wants to physically be closer to him, somehow. “But I know that’s not all, so please tell me what’s wrong so I can help you. Did something happen? Is your mom okay?”
Robbe nods because thankfully, everything has been going smoothly in that area. His mom’s been doing better than he could have hoped for, actually.
“Then what is it?” he keeps pressing, stubbornly, adamant to figure it out, but Robbe really doesn’t feel like talking about it.
“Look, it’s not a big deal, I just had a rough few days, okay? Can we talk about something else?” he pleads, but to no avail.
“No, we can’t because I don’t understand why you don’t want me to help you, Robbe.”
There’s a hint of annoyance in his voice, the confusion getting to him, and Robbe feels even worse, curling a little into himself.
“I just- I don’t wanna bother you-”
“What?” Sander sounds stunned. “Bother me- what the hell?”
“I just want you to have fun there, I’m gonna be fine.”
When Robbe glances back at the screen, he’s met with Sander’s eyes boring holes into him, quietly assessing him, and he knows it’s far from over.
But he’s just so tired. With this week, and his school work, with his emotional state and lonely nights. He’s just really tired.
On the screen, Sander sighs, scrubbing his face with his hand, his silver ring glinting in the computer light. A while passes before he finally speaks, quietly, looking back at him.
“You know, I feel like you think our skype calls are like chores for me that I keep in my calendar and can’t wait to tick off and be done with.”
Robbe opens his mouth, but no words come out, his sleep-fogged brain taking its time to sort through Sander’s word.
“Wow, you really think that?” Robbe hates himself for the hurt lacing Sander’s words. “You really think I don’t miss you? That I don’t count days until I can see you again for real, are you serious, Robbe?”
“Don’t get mad at me,” he asks in a small voice, biting his lip to keep it from wobbling.
“I’m not-”, Sander cuts off, lacing his fingers on the back of his lowered head, clearly frustrated and at loss of what to say next. “I just thought we were honest with each other, that we were communicating.”
The comment stings, even if it wasn’t meant to, and Robbe swallows the bile rising in his throat. Sander’s disappointed, he can see that, but he’s honestly not in the right state of mind right now for long talks about his feelings and insecurities.
“I should go.”
Sander's head shots right up at that. "Robbe, wait-"
"Don't worry about me." He sends him a forced smile before shutting his laptop and pushing it away from himself, breathing shakily as he hides his face in his hands.
Several notifications ping on his phone, but he ignores them all, knowing they're from Sander.
It's funny how this morning he thought he couldn't feel worse.
Friday 6:20 pm EST from Sander
Please pick up so we can talk
Or text me
I'm so worried
Friday 6:45 pm EST from Sander
I love you okay? ❤
Friday 8:03 pm EST from Sander
It's 2 am at yours so I hope you're asleep but I just need you to know that I love you and whatever it is you're going through we'll deal with it together okay?
Friday 8:07 pm EST from Sander
I think about you everyday and I miss you everyday
And it doesn't matter my trip here was supposed to be fun or whatever
I'm still your boyfriend and me being away doesn't change the fact that I want to be there for you
You should know that by now
You're not some kind of duty for me, it breaks my heart you'd think that
Your problems matter to me
I'm here, always, remember?
Please text me when you wake up ❤
Ik zie u graag Robin ❤❤❤😘
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dixie12 · 4 years
so much angst
why do some real work when i can write 1700 words of angsty jonny in the aftermath of pat’s 400th goal!
Jonny had spent the last three days practicing looking and sounding excited. He knew Patrick would be calling him to celebrate after his 400th goal, especially since Chicago was still mostly on lockdown, and it wasn’t like he could go out and party with the guys. He was determined not to bring Patrick down, not to make yet another conversation about him and his issues. Patrick deserved to be the center of attention, and Jonny was damn well going to give him that.
He texted with Sharpy a bit before the game, predicting when they thought Pat would score. After the frustrating loss in their last game, Jonny had has money on Patrick scoring early. Thankfully, Sharpy didn’t ask how he was feeling; he must have known that he wouldn’t get much of an answer out of Jon, anyway. 
Jon watched the game with increasing tension as time wound down and Pat still hadn’t scored, his body moving unconsciously on the couch as he deked along with Patrick. When the puck finally found the back of the net, after that beautiful hesitation move, Jonny whooped in joy, throwing his arms up before he even realized what he was doing. Not like he had any neighbors to bother, though, tucked away in isolation at his cabin. He pulled out his phone and sent Patrick a quick text, even though he knew Pat would be overwhelmed with congratulations over the next few days.
Jonny pulled up Twitter and watched the goal a few more times, scrolling through reactions from the Blackhawks, NBC sports, the NHL, other Chicago athletes, and pretty much everyone involved in hockey. 
As the accolades added up, a familiar heaviness settled into his chest, weighing down his excitement. Patrick was somehow getting better with age (“like a fine wine, baby,” Patrick had teased him, once), and while Jonny couldn’t be prouder of him, of what they’d accomplished together and what Patrick was continuing to accomplish on his own, he couldn’t help but compare himself to Patrick, and it wasn’t pretty.
Everyone knew that the organization was grooming Kirby to take over for him. If it hadn’t been for that freak injury at World Juniors, the kid would be out there centering the first line right now, in the spot that had belonged to Jonny since 2007. Jesus, Kirby was six when Jonny started his first game in the NHL. How was he supposed to compete with that? Sure he had the “respect of the room” and the experience, but Jonny himself had taken on the captaincy before he turned 21; there was no reason Kirby couldn’t do the same.
He tried not to check message boards too frequently, but sometimes even his willpower wasn’t enough, and he was already feeling sorry for himself, brief elation at Kaner’s goal subsumed into the ever-present anxiety he felt these days. He poured himself a few fingers of whiskey, knocking them back quickly and setting up a refill before he opened up a thread on Reddit talking about the salary cap and bad contracts.
It wasn’t as bad as what Seabrook got, but the general consensus, Jonny learned, was that he was way past his prime. There were a lot of posts that “wished him all the best” but pointed out how much cap relief the Hawks would get if Jonny never came back. “I’ll never forget what he did for Chicago, bringing hockey back with Kaner,” one poster wrote, “but Toews should recognize that his contract is a fucking albatross on the team.”
Albatross. Decline. Overpaid. Lost a step. Lost a lot of steps.
Jonny kept scrolling, barely reading the individual words anymore. Six months ago he may have laughed them off, would have turned to Pat to show him the most ridiculous comments. Now, though. He was pretty sure they were right, and he didn’t really know what to do with that.
The ringing of his phone, signaling an incoming FaceTime call, startled him out of his spiral. Oh fuck, that was Patrick. He hadn’t realized how much time he’d lost reading, nodding his head in bitter agreement as poster after poster pointed out all of his flaws. 
Showtime, he told himself. This was what he’d been preparing for. He hit accept, willing his smile into something bright and natural.
“Congratulations, babe!” he said, a little too loud to his own ears. Maybe the volume would make up for any lack of enthusiasm. “That goal was a beauty, Patrick,” he continued, more quietly and more sincerely. You can do this, he repeated in his head. Do this for Patrick. Be there for him.
Patrick just stared at him for a second, worn out from the game and all the post-game media, probably, but then he broke into a grin.
“Yea, you liked that, didn’t you?” He replied, letting himself be way cockier than he’d act to the press.
“You know I did, Peeks,” Jonny told him truthfully. “Was so stressed just watching, can’t imagine how you held it together out there.”
“Just imagined you were there yelling at me, telling me to keep my head in the game. I told you to fuck off a few times, just fyi.” Patrick was still smiling, now chugging a Gatorade and stripping out of his suit while they talked.
Jonny was distracted by the broad lines of Patrick’s shoulders, his strong chest and arms now visible as Pat settled down on his bed. Without thinking, he mumbled “better get used to imagining it, man.” He felt his face flush as the words came out. Ugh he sounded pathetic. Patrick deserved so much better than this, especially tonight.
“What do you mean, Jonny?” Patrick asked immediately, languor gone, tension snapping into his muscles as he sat up.
“Nothing, nothing,” Jonny hurried to add. “You can imagine what you want, but I’m imagining being there in your bed right now,” he tried, desperate to distract Patrick and get the evening back on track.
Patrick looked like he might push it, but Jonny took his momentary silence to strip off his shirt, as well. He saw Patrick’s eyes flick down to his chest and abs, and yea, at least he was still able to work out enough that Patrick still thought he looked good. 
Unless. Unless he was looking at Jonny and judging. Looking at Jonny and thinking of how much better he’d look if he were training full-time. How much better Jonny used to look, when they shared the rink and the locker room and the gym, not just each other’s phone screens. 
“Jonny..” Patrick’s voice sounded hesitant. Focus up, he told himself fiercely. 
“Just thinking about your goal, Pat. Gets me hot,” Jonny said suggestively, letting his voice drop lower, one hand drifting down to his chest, fingers sweeping over a nipple like Patrick liked to do.
It wasn’t the best phone sex Jonny had been a part of, though Patrick seemed to enjoy it well enough, based on how hard he came, and how quickly he hung up afterwards, telling Jonny he was about to pass out. Jonny had to work way more than usual at just getting himself hard, getting himself off, but he got there eventually, a minute or two after Patrick.
He usually slept pretty well after an orgasm, and he’d actually been jerking off more often lately just to get himself to sleep. Tonight, though, every time he closed his eyes those comment threads started running through his head. He laid in bed for close to an hour, trying to force himself to sleep before giving up, throwing off the covers and wandering into the living room.
He opened his laptop, even though he knew that if he couldn’t sleep, he shouldn’t be messing around on his computer, either. Nothing good would come of it, not at this hour. 
Instead of message boards, he opened YouTube, pulling up old highlights of himself. He watched his hands, his edges. He watched himself lift the cup three times, remembering the roar of the home crowd that third time, how he felt on top of the world.
His eyes were burning, suddenly. He rubbed at them, clenching his jaw and fighting back tears. He was so tired. Tired of the uncertainty. Tired of the tests. Tired of the well-meaning questions. Tired of being left behind as Patrick continued to exceed all expectations. He didn’t cry, not quite, but it was a close thing. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, breath coming in gulps as he fought for control of his body.
He spent the rest of the night like that, sleep never quite finding him, but not really awake, either. 
The doorbell rang at 7:00, making him jump. Only a few people even knew where he was, and none of them should be showing up this early on a random Monday morning. He stumbled to the door, the old afghan from his couch wrapped around his shoulders. He was probably a mess, but he couldn’t really find it in himself to care.
He opened the door slowly, not sure who to expect, and then he saw the flash of Patrick’s curls. Patrick shouldered in, not even waiting for Jonny to finish opening the door.
“Patrick, what-” he started, but Patrick cut him off right away.
“Jesus, Jonny, you look terrible,” he said, reaching one arm out as he spoke, pulling Jonny in towards him. Jonny tripped, feet heavy with exhaustion, but Pat supported him like it was nothing. “You’re still a terrible actor, man. You were messed up last night, don’t even try to lie.”
Jonny didn’t know what to say to that, brain moving too slowly. Patrick was here. The Hawks had a three day break, their last one of the shortened season, and instead of getting some rest, or maybe seeing his family, Patrick was here. He wasn’t even sure how Patrick had managed to get here this early in the morning.
“How,” he tried again, but Patrick just tugged him in tighter.
“Shhh, Jonny,” he said, stroking one hand over Jonny’s neck. “You look like you’re about to fall asleep on your feet. Let’s just get you to bed.” Patrick started walking Jonny back towards the bedroom, steering with the weight of his hand on Jonny’s neck. 
They stripped quietly, not bothering with pajamas. Patrick settled them on their sides, facing each other, foreheads almost touching. Jonny finally felt his body relax, muscles sinking into the bed. Here in this space, sharing breath with Patrick, he let the tears come.
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elsanna-shenanigans · 3 years
August Contest Submission #8: The Body of the Monk
Words: ca. 2,000 Setting: mAU Lemon: No CW: angst, implied past abuse, Anna's 15yo but like nothing severe
Elsa, in all her pale, white-haired, blue-shirted, hand-shaking, sweating glory, stood outside a house. It wasn’t just any house, mind you. It was an expensive, sprawling sort of house. The sort of house with stucco covered brick, and big windows to let in a lot of light.
It was also the sort of house where the climbing plants up the side had gotten under the roofing tiles. It was the sort of house where the stucco was flaking off, where heavy curtains were shut against the afternoon sun.
It was also, in theory, Elsa’s house. That was why Elsa’s hands trembled and her legs felt weak. It was why she was sorely tempted to just turn around a leave and continue to never come back.
On the other hand, she’d just ‘graduated’ from the boarding school and what else was she supposed to do with no money? Move north and get a job? That sounded like a good idea. Maybe she could move to Canada or something. People were friendly there, right?
Elsa poked the doorbell before her brain could carry her away.
Clearly no one was home though. A second was more than enough time to wait for someone to open the door, surely. There was no need for her to stand there like an idiot waiting for someone to answer the door when the house was clearly empty.
On the other hand, it was technically, a little bit, her house so… did she even need to knock? Should she go and check under that pot for the spare key? Where had that pot been, anyway?
The door was opened by a girl, shorter than Elsa and vastly more red-haired than Elsa. She had bags under her eyes and freckles dotted her skin and she stared at Elsa. She stared very hard at Elsa.
‘Um… hi… Anna,’ Elsa said, giving a little wave like an absolute buffoon.
‘Elsa?’ Anna stared. ‘ELSA!’ Anna fairly leapt on Elsa, almost knocking unprepared Elsa over. Anna wrapped herself around Elsa and held tight. Elsa blushed, her body flushed with heat. She awkwardly patted Anna on the back.
Before she could say anything, Anna pulled back, sliding her hands down Elsa’s arms. ‘It’s soooo good to see you, Elsa,’ Anna said, taking Elsa’s hands.
Elsa blushed harder. Her arms tingled. Her body felt warm.
‘Come in,’ Anna said, pulling Elsa toward the door. ‘Come in, come in.’
Elsa let herself be pulled in the door. ‘It’s good to see you again, too, Anna,’ she said. ‘It’s um… I’m sorry I didn’t like… call ahead or anything.’
Anna shook her head a lot, letting go of one of Elsa’s hands to pull the door shut. ‘No, no, no,’ Anna said. ‘It’s fine, don’t worry about it.’
Elsa managed a little smile. ‘I’m um… sorry?’
Anna grinned and wrapped Elsa in a hug again. ‘No you’re not,’ she said. ‘I’m not sorry they’re dead. About fucking time.’ Anna’s hands rubbed up and down Elsa’s back.
That warmth was building in Elsa’s body, her hands were trembling. Anna’s hand ran up Elsa’s back and Elsa shivered. Her hand ran up to the back of Elsa’s neck and Anna leaned back just a little and went up on her toes.
Elsa’s breath hitched. She was sure she should do something. She needed to stop this, but she couldn’t quite make her body move. Anna leaned in and pressed her lips to Elsa’s.
Anna’s lips were soft and warm, her body was soft and warm. Her hand was firm and felt like fire on the back of Elsa’s neck. Elsa’s whole body felt like fire. Her hands were shaking, her legs were shaking. Her heart was hammering in her chest.
But finally, Elsa made her body move. It felt like it had been an hour, felt like a week or a month. Elsa’s body felt glacial as she reached up to put her hands on Anna’s shoulders. Elsa pushed Anna away and her breath hitched. It felt like some great loss, it felt like some great betrayal. It felt like Elsa had failed.
‘When he sleeps naked under a thin blanket, does the monk’s body become less eroticised, I wonder?’ Anna smiled and pulled away. She winked, turned on her heel and wandered into the living room.
‘Spare bedroom’s made up,’ Anna called back. ‘It’s where your old room was.’
Even though their parents had left them quite a lot of money, along with the house, Elsa decided to get a job in a cafe. She also enrolled in a cooking class at the local community college because.
Anna came home from hanging out with friends or something, it was summer break, to find Elsa in the kitchen. On this particular day, Elsa was teaching herself how to make puff pastry from scratch for some reason.
Anna sat at the dining table. The kitchen, dining room and living room were conjoined, so Elsa could see Anna sitting there, watching her like a hawk. She tried to ignore it. She tried to ignore the way her mind flashed to the sensation of Anna’s soft, warm lips.
After all, Elsa was eighteen and Anna was fifteen. Also, they were sisters. Basically the whole thing was wrong. Even so, Elsa hadn’t dared to raise the issue with Anna. She hadn’t dared to talk about it lest she think about it for even a moment and get herself worked up or something.
And here she was, thinking around it as she felt herself flush. Here she was, trying not to think about it and getting worked up. After all: sleeping naked under that thin blanket had never worked for the monk.
Elsa folded up the pastry, wrapped it, and put it in the fridge. Anna was right behind her when she turned around. The only space between them was a bouquet of red roses.
‘Oh,’ Elsa said, blushing harder.
‘Yes.’ Anna pressed the flowers against Elsa’s chest. ‘As a thank you for... being here, I guess. Also for cooking so much. And for, you know...’ Anna wiggled her eyebrows.
Elsa took the flowers. ‘That’s um...’ Her mouth was dry, her heart was beating faster than she would have liked. ‘That’s really nice of you, Anna.’ She spotted a card in the bouquet.
The card said ‘Love you. How’s that thin blanket treating you?’
Anna leaned in to kiss Elsa on the cheek. Elsa flushed again, opened her mouth to say something and stuttered. ‘I... I... Anna... you shouldn’t...’
Anna smiled. ‘Sure thing, monk. Just a sisterly kiss.’
Anna retreated to the dining table as Elsa searched for a vase to put the roses in. She tried not to think of any of the bouquets of red roses she’d been given before. She tried not to think about what red roses meant. But her blush didn’t fade.
‘Were you allowed to get flowers in heaven?’ Anna asked, playing with her hair.
‘I...’ Elsa took a moment to pour some water into the vase and take deep breaths and fail to calm down. ‘Yes. The boys were allowed to give us flowers.’
Anna smiled. ‘No flowers from any girls, then?’
‘No, that wasn’t allowed.’
Anna nodded. ‘I’ll get you more flowers, in that case,’ she said.
The dining table was starting to fill up with flowers. The kitchen counter already had too many. It was approaching the middle of the summer holidays, and had only been two weeks since Anna gave Elsa those red roses.
Almost every day, Anna went out with some friends that Elsa never met, and came back with another bouquet of flowers. It wasn’t always red roses, either. There had aslo been some white roses and some orange roses. But there had also been an orchid, some white and purple lilies, some carnations, some tulips, even some white and pink crocuses.
Almost all of the notes had read ‘From a girl to a girl. It’s allowed.’
Anna hadn’t kissed her on the cheek again since the bouquet of red roses. But she hadn’t had to kiss Elsa at all achieve the apparently desired effect of Elsa blushing furiously and starting to stutter.
Three days before Anna’s sixteenth birthday, Elsa started making the cake. Or she started on one of several cakes that she had decided to make so that Anna had options. And besides, Anna was too skinny, no one needed to be that skinny.
Anna sat down at the dining table. They spent a fair amount of time like this. Elsa spent a lot of time in the kitchen, teaching herself to make all kinds of pastries and sweets. Anna spent a lot of time at the dining table, playing on her phone or her laptop or talking to Elsa.
‘What do you want for your birthday, Anna?’ Elsa asked, turning on the stand mixer. They weren’t quite as loud as food processors.
‘No.’ Elsa blushed a little, but not nearly as much as she would have when she arrived a couple of months ago.
‘A kiss.’ Anna smiled. ‘From you.’
Elsa flushed a little harder as she thought about it. For whatever nonsense reason, it felt slightly less weird if Anna was sixteen. Anna was still her sister. Elsa also got wildly flustered any time Anna showed affection. Though that seemed fair, given the context.
At length, the stand mixer having gone far too long, Elsa nodded. ‘Sure.’
‘Sweet.’ Anna did a fist-pump and everything. ‘Thank you. Can I give you a hug?’
Elsa stared at Anna for a second before remembering to turn the mixer off. ‘Um, sure,’ she said. She tried to remember if Anna had actually asked before.
Anna got up and gave Elsa a careful hug. It was kind of nice and Elsa flushed as she felt Anna’s warmth against her, but that was to be expected. It wasn’t the kind of aggressive affection that Anna usually displayed.
Anna kissed her on the cheek and giggled. Elsa flushed harder and frowned at Anna. ‘Couldn’t resist,’ Anna said. She grinned. ‘I’m so excited for my birthday. I’m getting a kiss from a monk, that’s gotta be special or something.’ She slid back into her seat at the table. ‘Do you think I’ll turn into a monk if you kiss me?’
‘I… I don’t think it works like that,’ Elsa muttered, dumping the overworked batter into a cake pan anyway.
‘Is it like being a werewolf, only spread by bite?’
Elsa blushed hard enough that her vision fizzled at the edges.
Elsa knew what Anna was about to excitedly proclaim before she said anything.
‘For chistmas I want you to bite me.’
Elsa took a deep breath and sighed, massively.
On the day of her sixteenth birthday, Anna proclaimed that she was going to see a film with her friends and left in the mid-morning, which suited Elsa anyway. She still had three cakes to finish and a birthday present to mentally prepare for.
Instead of mentally preparing herself, Elsa made three types of icing, then some meringue roses, then some candied rose petals. Then she wondered if that would come across as way too romantic, tried eating one of the petals and threw the rest out.
Elsa sat around fidgeting for a bit before an idea occurred to her. It certainly wasn’t a less romantic idea than giving someone candied rose petals.
Anna got home from the film at about three in the afternoon. She was slightly sweaty, what with the blistering heat outside, and she was so fucking excited that she hadn’t slept more than four hours in the last three days.
Anna took a deep breath, she needed to be chill. She was the chill one. She would be chill about this. ‘I’m just going to wash up,’ she called to Elsa, or at least to the noises in the kitchen. ‘Just be a minute.’
Anna rushed upstairs, rinsed her face, then wiped off the minimal, but wildly smudged, makeup. Should she apply more? Should she use that dark lipstick that stained everything? Did she even still have that?
‘Anna, the cakes are ready?’ Elsa called.
Cakes? Anna was pretty sure she remembered talk of cakes. She still hadn’t expected there to be multiple cakes somehow. She decided not to put on any makeup and just hope that Elsa would still find her flustering without it.
Anna rushed into the loungeroom and stopped dead. There was Elsa, standing between the lounge set and the dining table. Elsa was wearing a light-blue, fit and flare sort of summer dress with a white, frilly apron over it. She looked stunning as ever.
More important: Elsa was holding a bouquet of white and red roses.
‘Ah – Are those for me?’ Anna stuttered. Fuck. Wasn’t she supposed to be the chill one?
Elsa nodded, and blushed furiously, and it was cute as hell. Elsa took the couple of steps to reach her and handed over the bouquet. There was a note that said ‘happy birthday’ which was weirdly disappointing.
Until Elsa took a deep breath, blushed scarlet, leaned in and kissed Anna on the lips. Not quite a peck, not quite not a peck. If Anna had been a cartoon character, she would have melted into a puddle.
‘Alright,’ Elsa said, blushing so hard she might have caught fire. ‘Come and eat some cakes.’
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rotationalsymmetry · 3 years
Animorphs book 3 part 1: Fly Like A Red-Tailed Hawk
To the sea
Since I have accomplished the daunting task of putting food into my body, and my partner is occupied with reading what I've already posted, you get more Animorphs-posting.
Reading Animorphs 3… on my laptop, here goes.
Laptop screens are just not conducive to reading actual books.
They really do start every book with “I can’t tell you my last name”, don’t they.
Hang on, going to check book 2, Tobias seems just as ridiculously overwhelmed as Jake, in the opening section, I want to see if Rachel did too.
Yeah, Rachel has much more of a “this is intense and fucked up but also kind of cool and I can handle it” vibe, whereas Jake and Tobias have more of a “I want to hide under my bed, why can’t an actual grown-up take care of this” vibe. (This isn’t dissing Tobias or Jake, that’s a pretty appropriate reaction to realizing you and your four teenage friends are all that are stopping the complete enslavement of humanity, and also your family will get tortured if you’re caught. On that note, can’t wait to see Marco’s reaction to all this.)
By the way, I am headcanoning that Tobias stayed in hawk morph on purpose and didn’t even try to morph back before the two hour mark. That doesn’t make it even slightly less fucked up of course, arguably it makes it more fucked up.
Heh. Sure, the world is endangered from the Yeerks, but we’re going to get sidetracked by rescuing a single hawk because we’re people and that’s how people are.
I wonder if swapping a human life for a different species is closer morally/conceptually speaking to suicide or just, like, moving. Starting over.
Saving the world and getting around on the bus.
Freeeeeee the hawwwwwwwks

What is “the encounter”, and do we get Ax in this book?
I still haven’t figured out who "the visitor" was in the last book. Rachel was visiting Melissa? Jake was “visiting” Rachel by being a flee? Innis Whatever was “visiting” Chapman’s head? Who is the visitor? Does visitor have some non-standard meaning here, is it about possession?
Something something Tobias stuck in hawk morph as a metaphor for disability something something
(Edit: ok, I'm annoying myself by not providing adequate context now. I think this was about, y'know, how Tobias getting stuck in hawk morph is vaguely analogous to someone losing a foot or getting a traumatic brain injury or something in battle. It's Sacrifice and Cost of the Fight but...without anyone flat out dying.)
Oooh cloaking technology! Awesome.
The kids have, like…no character. I realize they’re supposed to. I don’t think they actually do.
Which I’m not really complaining about. Just noticing.
The Generic Kids is strong with this team.
“I hated the way they all felt sorry for me” Tobias stuck in hawk morph as a metaphor for disability.
Turkey buzzard appreciation.
Oh ffs let Tobias eat a mouse already.
Tobias stuck in hawk morph as metaphor for pets. (Edit: in the sense of, humans kind of preferring to feed their carnivorous pets food that's as far away from live animals as possible. Of course some of that's a cost/convenience thing. But I'm pretty sure some of it is the squick factor.)
(Tobias having a big empty day with nothing to do) Tobias stuck in hawk morph as metaphor for homelessness.
“each of them (Tobias’ aunt and uncle) thought I was staying with the other” ok well at least it’s hand-waived.
Poor Tobias. Eesh. They don’t even care enough about him to call or text (ok, this was before texting was common, still) when he’s with the other Responsible Adult.
I do appreciate the, for lack of a better term, family diversity in this series. (Edit: I know I said this already. I still appreciate it enough to mention it twice.)
How come Tobias can sense the ships but the geese can’t?
Is “the encounter” an encounter with a Yeerk ship?
I see why everyone uses book numbers, these titles are useless. The Invasion made sense of course.
Yay wolf reintroduction!
I get the sense that Applegate is even more of an ecology nerd than she’s letting on.
There’s…a lot of difficulty with writing a compelling story about environmentalism. It just doesn’t fit well with what kinds of stories are the norm in our culture. I mean, yeah, Fern Gully, Wall-E…it’s still really hard and there aren’t many of them.

 Not compared to, say, fighting stories, heist stories, cop or medical dramas, spy/political intrigue stories, romances... “(Cassie) was working as we talked, cleaning an empty cage with a brush and a bucket of sudsy water.” Cassie is the best. The rest of y’all should help her clean the animal cages. The one best thing about Captain Marvel was when Carol Danvers and Nick Fury were washing the dishes at the end (and apparently having a great time doing it), so that Maria Rambeau wasn’t stuck cleaning up alone.

(I love Cassie's character but I really hope she gets some chances to just be a kid who makes bad decisions some of the time, and isn’t always The Mature One Who Patches Up Everyone Else’s Fights. I want her to have a moment like Bubbles in that one episode of the Powerpuff Girls where she just completely loses her shit. Let Cassie Have Flaws.)
Edit: after having read book 4, what I want is for Cassie to do something selfish, something just for her, preferrably something that people she cares about don't understand or approve of. Cassie has flaws, they're just almost certainly flaws that hurt her more than anyone else.
“I just got this feeling about it.” The worst thing about Captain Marvel was the “sometimes you can’t trust your senses, but you can trust your feelings” nonsense. They brought back that theme with Spiderman: Far From Home. This is the absolute worst fucking time to tell people that their intuition about what is true is more important than fact-checking.
Feelings are information and they’re great about telling you things about yourself. “I really wasn’t ok with that.” “I used to want that goal a lot when I was younger, but I’ve changed and it just doesn’t matter to me any more.” “I have good feelings when I'm around this person/I don’t really want to spend time with this person.” “I need to be told, verbally, that I’m appreciated in order to feel appreciated.” Feelings are shit about telling you things about the outside world though. “They’re ignoring me” maybe there’s something else going on? “They don’t appreciate me” maybe they’re just not showing it? “It’s definitely a Yeerk ship, I have a feeling” I’m sorry what? 

This is how so many people believe QAnon nonsense and Satanic Panic conspiracy theories. They feel right.
Feelings get hijacked by all sorts of things, and implicit bias is real.
(Also... sigh, do I really want to bring this up? A lot of learning to live with a mood disorder such as anxiety or depression is recognizing when your feelings are lying to you, and recognizing that sometimes your feelings lie to you. "They hate me!" do they? "I can't deal with this." That's a feeling, that's not a reality. Sometimes feelings have important information. Sometimes they don't. Discerning which is which is a big deal, and "eh, any time I have a feeling it's probably true, no need for reality checking" is not how you do that.)
“Have you suburb-dwellers ever been to the mountains?” so…most of them live in the suburbs but Marco lives, I guess, in the city itself? How are they all going to the same school? Is it a private school? Magnet? (Weird enough if it’s a high school, orders of magnitude weirder if it’s a middle school.) Why would a typical neighborhood school have some city kids and some suburban kids? Did Marco’s family used to live in the suburbs and then they moved but Marco stayed at the same school for continuity? Suburbs do have their own schools, right, it’s not like suburban kids have to commute into the city to attend class?

Wait, why would people who live in suburbs be less like to go into the mountains? I’m so confused.
Cassie urging caution: wrong in context, entirely sensible voice of reason if the heroes didn’t have plot armor.
Marco, who assumes they don’t have plot armor: voicer of reasoner. 

“You (Rachel) get off on the danger” Marco is not wrong. Well, he is wrong, that’s not why she’s doing it, she had her whole “I have to help kids like Melissa whose parents stopped loving them” hero moment in the last book. But she does get off on the danger.
It makes sense that Tobias is the one most willing to go “you all do whatever you want, this is what I’m doing.” He’s used to being alone. 

“How long until the five of us were four…” I do, on some level, want stories to be relevant to people’s lives. It doesn’t have to be in a direct “fighting the forces of evil by turning into elephants and tigers” way. But…in some way. If Frodo takes the ring to Mordor, I want it to be actually a good idea for real-life people to attempt to do things that seem hopeless even though it’s terrifying. If Katara challenges Master Paku to a water bending duel because she’s mad that he won’t train her, I want it to be worth it for girls to stand up to adult men who tell them they can’t be on the hockey team. If the kids are risking their lives to fight evil, I want how they do it and how they decide what to do to be in some way relevant to, idk, people protesting an oil pipeline or whatever.
And what’s relevant to people protesting an oil pipeline is acknowledging that some people (like Marco) are not arrestable and still have useful roles in the struggle, and I do not think we are going to get that here. But we’ll see.
(I think ATLA kind of does that? Sure, the main characters are fighters and the big climax is fighting (although…there’s not just physical fighting going on in either of the big climax fights), but you see so many glimpses of ordinary people’s lives. That kid who connected with Appa when he was held captive by the circus. The prison guard who brought Iroh nice tea. Jeong-jeong the deserter. What’s his name who just wanted to get himself and his girlfriend out of Boiling Rock Prison and we don’t even know how he got there and it’s presented as not being relevant. You see multiple ways of people attempting to have kindness and decency in the face of oppressive societies.) (and…I’m not a huge martial arts person, but I’m guessing “mastering the four elements” is supposed to only partly about learning how to fight and actually more about…developing your character in certain ways. For instance, Aang couldn’t learn earth bending without learning to stand his ground, Korra couldn’t learn air bending without learning to be flexible and adaptable, and Aang couldn’t learn firebending properly without that whole “fire is life” thing. The fighting is one manifestation of the character development, but it’s not the point. And that’s why Aang couldn’t shortcut the process by just going into the Avatar state.)
(Animorphs could be following this pattern if it wanted too, and maybe it is, I’m not sure. Maybe the elephant isn’t just good for tossing Hork Bajir Controllers around with your trunk, maybe it’s about learning strength. Maybe the cat is about learning a tough attitude. Maybe the hawk is, idk, freedom or something. I’ll keep an eye open for Metaphorical Character Growth.)
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