#my brain: you can have all of those things
coolnonsenseworld · 2 years
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the quiet adoption subplot affects me
#corned beef#luca#luca 2021#those gotta be the only applicable tags right. god knows i need as many tags as i can get to go ''that was good & i sure got got'' verbosely#solve this mystery from the other week: me lying facedown on the floor. i am giving a thumbs up. there is a banana peel directly behind me#there are also a dozen witnesses milling around who saw me put a foot over the banana peel & go ''haha okay time for me to get got too''#that was so good everyone was really putting their entire backs into all of it. ok ok here we go i have so many genius things to say. cinema#too many things i must choose some. Fish Design oh my god that's so galaxy brain like ok a merson w/a fish tail is like eh fine. can only do#so much neat stuff w/that though & boo to having no legs. but if you're just creature from black dabloon then eh boo w/e. but oh my god#if you get the best of both worlds legs And tail & then no caudal fins?? just like dinosaur style & ~1 body length?? Galaxy brain!!!! & then#who had the universe brain abt the layered fins for hair & WHO arranged it like flower petals so it looks cool from the back!! transcends!!!#i was like oh my god this design is so good & i wanna try drawing that back of head even though that is gonna be Tricky. & then evidently i#also wanted to take on the challenge of [omg. scales. bright blue stuff & sparkliness] & the absolute fun of Yes Long Tail This Design Slaps#i also was like ha ha well while i'm here thx that massimo is a bunch of shapes that can be tackled readily. i am gonna make a goof abt the#like rly involved texty incredibly specific Customized Tees w/wild design flair & that can even have like this confrontational energy lmao#but this is also an earnest expression of both of course having been told ''i have just seen something incredibly gay'' and going into that#& still; of course; going ''oh Wow. oh my gracious.'' the like dozen times b/c. Remarkable. but also being head in hands Especially about#well you know. [hello i'm your dad now after like 5 hrs] subplot. the degree of sensitivity is like. so there's this one screenshot i was#using as reference & if i give it like 3 to 5 sec of full sensitivity from me i get bravely weepy. no part of that sentence is exaggerated#(looking at my own emotions like. fra gee lay! must be italian) but anyways that whole thing was Affected b/c good god they were just like#all over that Setup Payoff so well all throughout & that is so Effective. kids!! weird kids making friends!! some of you are siblings now!!!#& that was all like. very grounded too. & i again gotta emphasize all the Setup Payoff everything was so earned & well written / structured#has me going like oh my god. having [below the surface] realizations abt Arcs and Resolved Conflicts doing the galaxy brain fireworks gif#that was all Sooooooooooo. and the power of [cinema!] they sure used that. okay & also another visuals thing i thought was very neat was#animation wise i thought there was a stopmo type look not in the Motion but in that things had a kinda Sculpted / miniature look? opposed to#ppl pointing out ''is individually rendering every arm hair the direction animation needs'' & there was also like; 3d model Emulation of#2d drawing uhh. devices? style choices? not quite sure the technical term i want there but. you get it. Big Fan of Expressions throughout#ok gotta wrap it up: gay gay homosexual gay ;m; that icthyo Can relationship. 1 last thing: recalled maybe far back as '15 i knew Of this#project like ''friends summer italian riviera'' ok & there was the [swimming leaping] animation sequence out & i was all ''ok great but if#something is Years Away will i see it :/'' & look at me now. bestie passing along lore & 3 mo's later i'm like Augh! it is good. :]
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the-innefable-idiot · 2 years
breaking news: the mafia show about people who beat up and kill innocent people for money is Problematic® and not Wholesome™
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coquelicoq · 3 years
do u ever think about how. like.
when murderbot had just borked its governor module, it was, for the first time, confronted with decisions like "can i help this person, or will that give me away?" and "if i follow this order (in order to protect my secret) and something bad happens, is it my fault because i could have said no?" it was constantly having to weigh the wellbeing of its clients against its own safety, right?
enter sanctuary moon, a world full of humans for whom mb is not in any way responsible. mb can't get attached (read: doesn't want to get attached) to real-life humans in part because bad things can happen to them, things that maybe mb could have prevented. the same is not true of fictional characters! whatever happens to them onscreen isn't mb's job to fix. whatever happens to them can't be on mb's conscience. media is a safe place for mb because, among other reasons, mb can't affect the narrative and therefore nothing that happens in the show is its fault. at a time when mb was being faced with all sorts of horrible moral dilemmas, media gave it a way to care about the wellbeing of humans without the moral dilemmas.
okay so taking this a step further. i think it's kinda funny that mb thinks art is such a baby for being upset when fictional characters die. art isn't used to being powerless, bud! art isn't used to weighing the benefit of saving somebody against the risk of being sold for parts. "people die and there's nothing i could do about it even if i wanted to" might be a nice bit of freedom for you, but art is stuck on the "people die" part. in art's world, it can make sure people don't die because it has that kind of power over its environment and not all that much to fear from exerting that power.
when art is actually put in a situation in network effect where it doesn't have that power, it doesn't hesitate to take the chance to save its crew at the risk of losing its relationship with mb. i wonder if that's a small part of why mb is so upset - not just that it was used, but that art didn't even do it the courtesy of having a moral crisis over using it. whereas art was probably like, "i lied to you and manipulated events so you wouldn't be confronted with a moral crisis over this, and yet you're still upset with me? what's not clicking??"
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six-of-cringe · 2 years
Since it's kinda unclear what Wylan and Jesper even really do (seriously it's underdeveloped what all did Van Eck sell or do as a merchant is Wylan on the council or not is this what the both of them want to do etc etc but that's really another post), I just think that they would start a school. I just think that it would be a place for vulnerable kids to get an education. I just think it would be for people with not a lot of resources and a similarly fraught relationship with education as the school's founders and I just think that they want to keep more people from getting swallowed up by Ketterdam's cruel and money-focused machinations. I just think that it would be a safe place for grisha and strange struggling kids. I Just Think
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howtosingit · 2 years
Y’all remember Gabriel Reyes? This is what he looks like now after his control freak son Carlos (majorly stressing about his father’s hypertension issues), took it upon himself to become his dad’s gym/hiking buddy...
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you know how hard octopi are to keep in captivity and they break out of tanks and stuff really easily. is that…is that something?
the doctor and the master are octopuses #confirmed
first thought: renegades.
second thought: but what about timelords at home?
third thought: are they restrained in some way? did rassilon limit them like the amount of regenerations they get? is the multidimensional eldritch timelord shape a timelord thing or is it a gallifreyan thing? im pretty sure ive read meta about time sensitivity that said that gallifreyans are time sensitive too?
oh right found it i think:
The planet is highly temporally active
The Untempered Schism is ‘an opening in the space/time continuum, “a gap in the fabric of reality from which can be seen the whole of the Vortex”.’Let’s be horribly imprecise and call it a stable Rift. It definitely shares at least some similarities
Since most species on Gallifrey seem to have some kind of temporal senses, we can assume that the area around the Schism is not the only temporally active place on Gallifrey
It may be that something in the atmosphere occasionally reacts to produce artron energy spikes (like lightning but worse), or it may be something else. I’m going to stick with the atmosphere for now because it’s as good a theory as any
Simply put this makes Gallifrey about a zillion times more dangerous than Earth
Here are some fics to show you what I mean
Those tunnels are starting to look pretty habitable now, aren’t they? They have fresh water and the air doesn’t periodically try to kill you
(Have you ever noticed how most Time Lords are really really agoraphobic?)
i got distracted but umm i think the train of thought i was on was like, im imagining the octopus form basically as like, their shape in dimensions we cant perceive? and i feel like time is space theyre both dimensions so, is the time sensitivity and the octopus the same thing? ahsdgjkhfg oh i am tired. i mean. like theyre time sensitive bc they have that shape or they have that shape bc theyre time sensitive or like, those things are the same thing in some way. not the same but like, developed at the same time for the same reason.
but it's a gallifreyan thing then right? all gallifreyans would be like this the same way all gallifreyans are time sensitive because they live on a weird planet?
fourth thought: does it make sense for rassilon to restrict that? to control it in some way to make them all follow the time laws? and if that is the case, if rassilon like put a little cage on timelords like that, do renegades become freeer? and non-timelord gallifreyans, are they freeer? what do they feel like?
i said the other day that i definitely think about their multidimensional form as like, these partially independently acting body parts that are constantly sensing and doing stuff without the main brain's conscious awareness. like theyve got their tentacles in other minds and theyve got their tentacles in time at all times. just manipulating stuff very subtly and naturally.
timelords are sorta somatophobic right? but are shobogans too? i feel like how free any individual would be regarding touch, telepathy, time meddling, and like tentacles, would all be connected?
i mean like, do renegades get super big like the fish that if you put them in a pond instead of a fish tank they get super big?
#no idea if this is what you meant this is where my brain went so#that meta i linked concludes early gallifreyans might have lived in underground tunnels#i went through the meta ive saved and can find easily but coudlnt find stuff ive read meta or hc about like dr nya#i dont know how that name ends im sorry adhfjhgkj#also i have this hc that thoschei in childhood went to lowtown secretly and thats where they first were exposed to like#music and stories and stuff#which isnt really canonical but i like it too much not to believe in it#bc they would go down there where like all the criminal activity was to do illegal things and those illegal things would then be like#drinking. but also people down there just Touch Each Other like without any like clothes between them#and i like to think thoschei back then was very queer adn they would hold hands in secret or whatever#but then the queer bit of that is the holding hands part not the gender part#if that makes sense#i dont remember why i felt this was relevant but i did#like idk they wouldnt have been super good at limiting themselves as timelords. especially theta. and they went to these places where#peopple were just a lot freer in every way#and then they become renegades so like#they must have very different octopus Shapes then timelords that are like caged i guess#also i think koscheis shape is all twisty and turny bc of the schism and what that did to them#i dont know if im making sense im going back to my documentary now#octopusblogging
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octoagentmiles · 2 years
Any headcanons for the octoagents?
This is an old ask, my apologies 😅 I wasn't sure how to start, because there's so many. This is gonna be a long post.
Definitely not neurotypical but I can't place how; He seems to have low empathy for people, but hyperempathy for objects (his measuring pole and waterboard) and a rigid moral compass (why he stole the Gup-H and their water without thinking, because he thought it was right).
I can see him as both being gay and aro, so I'm gonna say he is both. yeah.
Multilingual, mostly speaks English and Hindi, but can also speak Spanish, and a lot of Indigenous languages.
Chose his own name.
Autistic, was diagnosed young
Barnacles' first actual friend in the cub scouts
Also friends with Bianca: he visits her and the cubs regularly
Fluent in ASL/BSL; goes nonverbal during meltdowns/shutdowns
The Polar Emergency Post Station also has a Text to Speech messaging option for him to use just in case he's ever nonverbal during a crisis
He's younger than Barnacles (but older than Kwazii, so like 28-ish), and really looks up to him in a "big brother" way
Hits his head (lightly) or pulls his fur as a stim
They/he vibes. I feel like he's nonbinary but doesn't realize it
Grandfather figure to Barnacles; his relationship with him mirrors Kwazii and Calico Jack's
He's an immigrant, that's why he has a Russian accent
Maybe like 40-50-ish years old??
Noticed Barnacles was autistic immediately upon meeting him, and chose to become his personal mentor for that reason. He's autistic himself
^ would've done the same with Tracker had they met earlier
Calico Jack:
Shunned by his family/crew, he left on his journey to the Amazon River because he had to leave them
Would've come back for Kwazii eventually, he wrote letters to him everyday. Most of them got lost, but the ones that didn't contained spooky monstery tales
Pete is almost as old as he is (60-ish)
Guess who else is autistic???? that's right, this guy!!! also has dyscalculia
Left handed/ambidextrous because Pete always sits on his right arm, so he taught himself to use the other
Can speak Japanese
Asexual he/they because I say so
Ranger Marsh:
Let Tweak dye his fur last time she visited before the Great Swamp Search (the dye is like, SUPER permanent. Tweak engineered it herself)
Can't swim, that's why he'd never been under the swamp's waters
Taught Tweak how to grow carrots, and a bunch of recipes
Excellent forager
ADHD and dysgraphia (but never diagnosed)
Dyslexia and dyspraxia. She struggles with coordination and spatial awareness, and she's not very good with her hands.
Nerd™ almost moreso than Shellington
Around the same age as Barnacles, so like 31-35.
Always tired for some reason
Abrosexual. That's all.
Her colour scheme is literally orange, white, and pink, need I say more?
10-ish years younger than Inkling, so about 50-60.
English is her second language, Mandarin is her first
Paints as a hobby; she likes to paint rocks and leave them in the places she travels, then mark them on her maps
Totally knows kung fu
Gay gay homosexual gay and they/she
The neurotypical friend 😔 /lh
She and Dashi definitely had a Thing™ together at some point
Can NOT cook. Has really bad taste buds in general.
Probably has a bunch of scars from cave diving
They've been stuck in caves for much longer than "a few days" before; this started happening much more often after Dashi left
Autism. no neurotypical child reads 56 novels in that short of a time because they feel like it.
Instead of not noticing/struggling with social ques, she's hyperaware of them at all times. She heard Barnacles say his catchphrase ("Let's do this!") once in her first appearance, then stole it from him immediately in AnB.
Stims very "loudly" (jumping, screaming, arm flapping)
Calls Dashi "Sis" because that's what Donna Doxie calls her sister. The author of that book is siblingless.
ADHD; coincidentally happened to be having a hyperfixation on pirates when he met Kwazii in his first appearance
Kwazii hooked onto that AND recognized his ADHD right away, which is why he bonded with him so fast (he reminded him of a younger version of himself)
Struggles with executive dysfunction sometimes, and jumps from one interest to another constantly
He started school recently, and it's made him more aware about his "inability to focus" and he's been feeling kinda insecure about it
^ he's gonna have fun being a Junior Agent, because at least half the Octonauts have ADHD too, so he'll feel more understood and accepted with them :)
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wolves-in-the-world · 3 years
something something season two Moreau putting out feelers to see if Eliot will work for him again (potentially staying right where he is and spying on the team, which has a bigger reputation with each passing month) and Eliot spends his holidays taking side jobs that almost kill him several times over, earning and spending all the favours he can - to pull the right strings to call in the Italian, who's a bit less of a knife at their throat and a bit more here are some things you can use. To break his own rules and run a con on his team. To be more prepared in more ways than one by the time they figure out what he's done.
It's okay that he'll probably lose them, because getting rid of Moreau will be the best thing he's ever done. In the face of Moreau's whispered promises and threats and reminders of all the grubby little things Eliot did for him, in the face of Moreau knowing the names of the people Eliot cares for and won't yet admit he considers family, in the face of the knowledge that trying to keep them oblivious for six months or more while he does what he needs to will not work - and he can't go faster without risking getting too close to Moreau, who has far too much leverage with those names in his mouth, and Eliot won't go back - Eliot will use them, and Eliot will protect them, and Eliot will leave them safer than they were before.
(when it comes to it, when the danger's locked away and the team is justifiably angry, when Eliot's ready to leave - they ask him to stay. and nothing in his life could have prepared him for that.)
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vraska-theunseen · 3 years
i love fucked up fourth wall breaking so much. when monika manipulates the story in doki doki literature club. when the other characters suspect something is wrong with kris in deltarune. when they sacrifice the narrator in into the woods. its all so compelling
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shadeswift99 · 3 years
You know...sometimes I wish Tumblr asks were timestamped like DMs. I really, really want to see the time on some of the asks I get in HCHC, because I know those aren't ideas you unlock at a reasonable daylight hour -
#(cursed tags incoming I am so sorry)#(no I am not actually if these get to live in my brain they get to live in yours to(#- Bdubs and Scar headcanoner who wrote something really poetic but also accidentally reinvented kismesis#- the ABSOLUTELY UNHOLY NUMBER OF DOC FOOT ASKS. THE THINGS I HAVE SEEN.#- j3vin headcanons that get perilously close to - yeah you know what I'm not typing that that one stays in the inbox#- anything about the food X eats,please dear god he's cursed enough in reality you don't have to make it worse#- the complicated and somehow universally agreed on dynamic between versions of Gri@n that I've never once seen on screen#- s t o p with the w0rmman ass I know about the w0rmman ass -#- while we're at it you can ALSO stop telling me that ren has cake we all know that man is double cheeked up okay you don't have to say it#- oh how could i forget. the joe asks that i need to read five times before properly not-understanding#- oh also those massive essays that I get that could be turned into fics all on their own?? like bro why are you telling me??#please write it it's so good??#anyway i feel like I've made the tone weird by listing things i enjoy along with the cringe but the category here is not 'good or bad'#it's very much just 'i KNOW you didn't write that before midnight or after 4am'#the ones that are good are good and the ones that are not are at least usually funny#and/or deal me lethal psychic damage which is a kind of funny#basically I'm not complaining I just think that. ask time stamps#please let me look into your minds....#(and yes i know it wouldn't work because time zones but shhhhh -)#right. it is almost 3am.#if you happen to see this consider yourself one of the blessed cursed. privy to forbidden hchc knowledge#take my half asleep ramblings and never speak of this again /hj
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sneez · 3 years
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the english civil wars + reductress headlines
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the compulsion to actually make a discord server so everyone can properly chat together about stuff and share stuff is greater-than-usualy on this rainy friday
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discountwives · 2 years
spencer the type of guy to go ooh big stretch whenever i make those stretching noises you know the ones
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asfdhgsdkjhgb · 3 years
mmmm many thoughts head full
#brain go brr#thoughts including but not limited to#god i really gotta get over pretty boy this is so annoying i hate having feelings#aaa why is life so boring and same old same old i hate routines so much im understimulated and feel like my life is dull#i should get back into writing fiction stuff so i can live vicariously through all those funky little characters (kinda tied to previous)#hhhh hoco is coming up n i feel like its gonna suck bc i feel like everyone else is gonna be having fun n im just gonna be. there.#and one of my least favorite feelings is watching other people having fun and youre just stuck with that sad feeling bc of jealousy#like yeah ik people but all the people ik know other people who theyll probably be mainly hanging out with and i will just be. there.#with school ive sunk into a lull of same-old-same-old and i cant escape once again i hate routines so much im so bored#n like pretty boy said if i was ever bored and wanted to be brought into drama he could do that but the thing is all the drama thats#happening so far is typical high school ''whos-screwing-who drama'' (his words not mine) and like... theres no way for me to get dragged#into that lol there just isnt its not the sort of drama that i would fit well in#(bestie ive never even kissed anyone n you expect me to care abt what the popular kids are doing with each other? lol)#so uhhhh same old same old ig#also i have so much homework that i need to do and just cant/wont so im just sitting here procrastinating it#many thoughts head EMPTY bc theres a lot going on in there but none of it is productive or usefull#urg i have a headache and my brain is being overwhelmingly negative#i love the immediate understimulation i feel the second i get home from school every day its so fun /s#just me rambling again#urg im gonna go watch a minecraft stream or play deltarune or something#im tired
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if you talk about leon as if he’s wooby uwu boy slutty himbo twink~ and then hc him as transmasc i hope you get smashed with hammers. go to hell
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