#my cat walks all over me and sits directly on my neck
ruairy · 7 months
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heavenlyhischier · 10 months
can we get Z discovering Mark and reader please, I love reading traumatized Trev
honestly this was loosely inspired by something that happened to me so enjoy ahahahah.
kinda sucks but here’s a lil blurb of trev accidentally finding out about you and mark 🫢
Your fingers dragged across Mark’s chest, delicately tracing over the bruises splotched across his skin. You had a mischievous smile on your face as you admired your work, Mark’s hand staying on your hips while he watched you. Typically, you would try and avoid leaving any sort of mark on him because you didn’t want the boys to say anything about them in the locker room. Mark didn’t care about that, constantly telling you that no one was going to know they were from you, especially not your brother, and you finally let loose today.
“Take a picture. It’ll last longer,” He teased, squeezing the flesh on your hips.
“You know what? I think I will,” You moved your gaze up to his face, giving him a playful wink as you leaned over to grab your phone.
You were straddling his thighs, so you slightly leaned back and held your phone up and away from your own naked body as you snapped the picture. Just as you went to save the picture to your my eyes only in snapchat, Mark was tugging you back towards him and capturing your lips with his own. You groaned into his mouth, placing your phone back on the table it was on before. However, the picture of your boyfriend was still slapped on the screen.
“I gotta get ready for dinner with the boys,” Mark whispered against your lips, pulling away from you.
“You suck,” You grumbled, rolling off his body so he could get up to find his clothes.
He gave you a chaste kiss on the forehead, hauling himself out of your bed to get himself dressed. After relishing in the moment a bit longer, you followed his path and tugged your own clothes over your body. Mark had left the door open when he went to search for his shorts and shirt, and your roommate's cat took the opportunity to venture into the room. You didn’t mind him being in there, but you watched as he walked all over your phone before sitting directly on it.
“Murphy, get your ass off my phone,” You shooed the cat away, grabbing your phone. Going to wipe the cat hair off, your eyes widened as you stared at the screen. “Oh fuck. Oh my god. Oh my god!”
Mark slowly walked back into the room, brows pulled together as he was tugging his shorts back on, “What’s wrong?”
“The cat sent that fucking picture of you to twelve people, four of them being either my brothers or one of their friends,” You were frantically trying to delete the snapchat before anyone was able to open it, silently thanking the app for that update.
Your heart was racing, cheeks and necks red with embarrassment because of just how outrageous the situation is. After all the hard work you’ve put into keeping your relationship hidden from everyone, your roommate's cat was going to be the one to out you?
“How does that even happen,” He laughs as he picks up the cat, stroking his fur while you throw your phone on the bed, “What?”
“Trevor opened it before I could delete it,” Your face paled. Not even ten seconds later, the facetime ringtone was filling your room. “Should I answer it? I should, right?”
“That’s up to you, baby,” He used the cat to hide his amused face, ignoring the harsh glare you sent his way.
“I’m going to answer it. If I don’t he’ll say something to the boys,” You rationalized before hesitantly picking up the device.
“LITTLE HUGHES WHO WAS THAT,” Trevor screamed into the phone as soon as you answered, “WHY WAS HE NAKED?! YOU BETTER NOT BE HAVING SEX!”
“Trevor, stop yelling,” You cringed, from both the loud noise and the awkwardness of the situation, “I’m going to tell you, but you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone? Including my brothers. Especially my brothers.”
“Oooh, a secret,” His voice was calmer now, more intrigued and curious, “I like secrets.”
“Trevor, I’m serious. No one is allowed to know about this okay?”
He nodded his head, eyes wide and hungry for information. You begin recounting the events of your relationship with Mark, telling him that you both decided to keep it to yourself for a while because you didn't want your brothers to make it a big deal. Trevor listened intently the entire time, interrupting only a few times to ask questions, but he ultimately swore that he would do his best to keep your secret. Though , after you stared at him for a moment, he eventually agreed that his lips were going to remain sealed until you were ready to tell everyone.
“So, does this mean I don’t have a chance anymore?”
“Bye, Zegras,” Mark rolled his eyes.
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An Innocent Mistake (Part 1)
"Tell me again how... this happened?"
Lucifer pinches the knot at the bridge of his nose, exasperated, exhausted, and feeling the headache already forming in the five seconds since he walked through the doors of Purgatory Hall.
Solomon smiles in that sheepishly suspicious way of his, neither innocent, nor guilty. It's infuriating, especially when the sorcerer sits directly beside the proof of his crimes. "It was an accident, a miss-translation in the texts we were working from."
Lucifer glares down his nose at the tiny, cat-sized dragon curled up on the cushion beside Solomon, blinking up at him innocently in the way only MC can get away with.
"Miss-translation my-" Lucifer found himself stopping mid-word, averting his eyes from the now draconian human, as if his mind wasn't already conjuring images of them begging him not to get upset. "Fix this, now."
"About that..." Solomon trailed off, about to launch into an explanation of how and why he couldn't just change MC back into a human, but Lucifer held up a hand, his scowl only deepening.
"Don't, I don't want to hear it. I'm taking MC home, find a way to fix this, or there will be consequences, understood?"
Even under the full weight of Lucifer's glare, Solomon's smile didn't falter. "I'd expect nothing less."
The eldest huffed, gently holding his hand out to MC, unsure of how well they've adapted to their new form. He can't say he's ever seen a human shape-shifted into a dragon before, let alone one the size of an average house cat.
"Come, we have some explaining to do at the House of Lamentation."
MC perked up, gingerly climbing up his arm, with sharp, needle like claws. Lucifer didn't so much as feel a thing through all of his layers, but he had to fight off a smile when they settled themselves around the back of his neck, their tiny snout barely brushing the shell of his ear.
The eldest didn't spare Solomon another word before storming out of Purgatory Hall, firmly ignoring the sorcerer's smug grin.
"I warned you about him." Lucifer muttered as soon as they were clear of prying ears. "How am I supposed to explain this to the others?"
MC let out a chirp as if in apology, tail gently coiling around his tie as they rubbed their cheek against his.
"No amount of pouting will convince me to hide you from them. They are intolerable every time you leave without warning."
A louder chirp this time, almost like a puppy's yip, and Lucifer can't keep the scowl on his face.
"Asmodeus is going to have a field day."
"OH EM GEEE!" Asmodeus' squeal was loud enough to deafen a grown demon, Lucifer had barely had time to spit out the explanation as to why he had a tiny dragon on his shoulders before the Avatar of Lust was immediately pouncing on him, sticking his face as close as he could get to MC, practically hanging off Lucifer. "You were cute before MC, but this is just unfair! Look at you!"
The resulting shove that came from Lucifer had little MC spreading their wings, flying clumsily onto the back of Beel's armchair, answering Lucifer's unasked question of how they adapted to a new body.
Beel looked at them curiously, and MC hissed, as if to remind him not to eat the dragon.
"You really are adorable." Said the Avatar of Gluttony. "Kinda skinny though, you must be hungry."
"There's no way that's MC!" Mammon wailed. "Ye're pullin' our legs!"
"I assure you, I am not, and why would I?" Lucifer huffed, his headache only getting worse as MC's tail flicked back and forth behind them, eyes flickering between the brothers periodically.
"I dunno, but I don't buy it!" Mammon continued. "If that's MC, I'll eat my left-mmm!"
A squawk from the dragon, and Mammon's hand clapped over his own mouth as if it had a mind of its own, silencing the greedy demon's tirade.
Belphie chuckled sleepily. "Yup, that's MC alright."
"Fascinating." Satan mused, gazing curiously at the poised little dragon, who chirped back at him as if showing off their new form with pride. "I wonder what the actual translation was, if a mistake led to this."
"I scarcely want to know."
"How long are they gonna be stuck like this?" Belphie asked.
MC has now made their way to where Leviathan is curled up on the sofa, his face burning red as they gently rubbed their head against his silken hair.
"I think Levi might blow a fuse..." Asmo giggled. "They're cute, huh Levi?"
"Guh, so kawaii..." Mumbled Levi, too quiet for anyone to hear, except MC, who slipped into his lap and curled up like a cat.
Levi.exe stopped working.
"Solomon is looking for a solution. In the meantime, they can't stay in their own room, they could hurt themselves." Lucifer said, moving on from Envy's flustered crisis.
The room erupted with demands for MC to stay with them, and while they bickered, the dragon merely huffed, resting their head on Levi's knee, waiting for someone to be the voice of reason.
Finally, it was decided that MC would pick a name at random out of a hat, and that would be who they stayed with that night, and so on until a solution was found, and Solomon changed them back.
Part 2 Here
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georgiapeach30513 · 5 months
A Snowflake Melts, Part 2
Summary: a blizzard is coming
Pairings: Steve Rogers X Reader
Rating: mild
Warnings:  mild language, just one bed, stalking, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 3.5K
Series Masterlist
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A scent. It wasn’t much. But Jack has gone off less than that before. It was getting a bit close to Christmas, but he had already made early rounds. Who cares if winter is longer than usual? He had bigger problems; finding you. You are what’s important. Your family even said so. They are growing suspicious of him, which means you are talking to someone, but spreading lies about his relationship, and what actually happened.
He never got a chance to explain. Winter relied on him. And you, just like a coward left. He growls, sitting down on the tree branch as he looks at the beauty he created. Once you told him that he made things look magical. That you loved winter, and would always stay in winter. You promised on your stupid cat that you couldn’t live where there wasn’t snow…
He jumps onto the crystallized snow, his feet leaving large craters in the icy white, and he just walks. He smelled you. Marshmallows. The best thing he’s ever smelt. You are close. He knows it. Blowing out a long breath a large gust of wind stirs up more snow. He cracks his neck as he starts to trudge through what you called the most beautiful thing on earth. Fresh fallen snow. Purity. A new start.
He would find you. And you would be his.
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“Don’t look at me like that,” you get on to your Mistletoe who perches on the counter beside you. Her judging green eyes watch you as you look out your kitchen window. Winter is getting worse. You thought you had chosen a place that snowed a lot, but this is different.
“I know what this means,” you are out here all alone. And with winter like this, you shouldn’t go outside and care for the animals. The very ones that were keeping you alive. “Missy, they’ll starve if I don’t.”
She snarls and hisses at you, looking out towards Steve’s cabin. “I can’t…we barely know him.”
“I can’t go out in the snow even if I wanted to. Jack will find us. And judging by this storm that wasn’t on the radar…Missy, he’s close.”
Mistletoe jumps down from the counter, and lifts her paw to scratch at the door. This cat is too smart for her own good. She wants to collect Steve. And you’re sure he doesn’t understand her way of communicating. You aren’t even sure you did, or if it’s because of your seclusion.
“What are you going to do, tell him to get his butt down here with Sugar Cookie, and we live in the cabin for the rest of the winter and make him sleep on the couch?” Missy stares at you, pawing at the door again.
You couldn’t stop looking up the road, waiting for him to come back down here to you. It is ridiculous how everyday you would hope for a visit from him. You enjoyed his company. He made you not feel so alone, while also it was nice to look at him. And he was funny. He was kind. He was everything you had always wanted.
His eyes. My goodness he had the sweetest eyes. His dog is very cute as well. And…
Mistletoe scratches at the air and lets out an angry hiss towards you. “You know I can’t go out in the snow, and I don’t know how to get in touch with Steve. He just shows up at the right time.”
She growls at you again, and you exhale loudly. “Fine,” walking over to the door, you give it a tug, letting her shimmy out. Her toned legs carry her directly towards Steve’s house. With a bit of a struggle, you close and lock the door immediately. Dropping the curtain.
Jack would want your Christmas to be miserable. Bitter and cold. Sighing, you start to close all the curtains around the house. If he couldn’t see you, he couldn’t find you. If you didn’t invite him in, he couldn’t get to you. There is enough stuff in the basement to keep you well fed. Steve had even stacked up firewood beside your heater, even more on the porch.
You didn’t talk about Jack. He just knew you were afraid of winter. And they were the same thing.
Steve jolts in his chair when he hears the tiny scratches, and even Sugar Cookie wiggles her entire body as she moves for the door waiting on her owner to open up. Mistletoe dashes in, meowing up at Steve. “Well, hello, you little bully. What can I do for you today?”
Circling Steve’s feet, she walks over to the door, looking back to the man, and Sugar Cookie joins in to look at him. “She’s not in trouble is she?” Mistletoe huffs, looking up at Steve. “So…is your mom just wanting me to visit? Clearly we need to exchange phone numbers. I don’t turn my phone off. Okay, okay,” he grins, grabbing for his phone and coat. Opening up the door to let both animals out, but Mistletoe stops.
Her ears twitch around, and her eyes look all around before she dashes down the road. “Sugar, let’s go, sweetheart. That cat never gets in a hurry.”
His feet slams into the snow as the wind whips around the odd trio. Beating the animals to the porch, he knocks quickly on the door, and it isn’t until Mistletoe lets out a blood curdling meow that you look up from the middle of the floor, “Missy?”
Walking to the door, you press your head against it. Fear courses through your veins after that sound, “Baby, are you alone?”
“Holly, it’s me.”
“Steve? She brought you? I’m being so rude,” you get an eerie feeling when you open the door. Inhaling deeply, just to be sure. No peppermint. You are safe, for now, “Thanks for tapping the snow off,” even if you hadn't known him long he always seems to remember your needs.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” You couldn’t deny your splotchy face and red rimmed eyes. But you don’t want to talk about it either. Steve would think you’re crazy. No one would ever understand your family dynamic. Instead you just shake your head, wiping away the stray tears on your face.
“I don’t want to force you, but you gotta give me something. Missy kinda scared me.”
“There’s a storm going on, and…it wasn’t on the radar, and I don’t want to be alone,” unannounced storms always meant Jack’s anger. He still hadn’t forgotten. He is still looking for you.
“Okay, you gotta couch,” even though his fingers are ice cold from outside, when he touches your arm, and pulls your body into his, it’s pure warmth. A coziness that feels like hot chocolate running down into your tummy. “I’ll leave the animals here. Let me get some more firewood loaded up, and clothes, and some extra food because I eat a lot. We’ll have a freeze-in, okay?”
“Did it smell like peppermint out there?” You hate that scent. It always meant Jack was near. He doesn’t laugh or look at you like you’re crazy. His smile softens as he hugs you again.
“No, let me get all that ready. The way this snow is coming down, I don’t have much time. I’m sure it’ll be piled all the way up to the windows. You stay here. Keep the doors locked, and breathe. When I come back, I’ll let you make some of your amazing soup while you tell me what’s really going on. I’ll even make brownies.”
You don’t want him to leave, and still understand why he needs to. Biting at your lip, you nod your head. “Don’t start cutting any vegetables until I get back, okay?”
“Okay,” he bundles himself up before heading towards the door again, “Steve, be careful, okay?”
“I will. You stay right here. Wood, more food, and clothes.”
“That, too. Stay warm,” he playfully demands before swiftly squeezing through the door.
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“So, you gonna tell more about it?” You take a sip of your hot chocolate, your eyes staring blankly at Sugar Cookie and Mistletoe snuggling together by the door. Mistletoe always stayed close to the door in winter. Sometimes she’d hop into the bed with you, but she stood her guard by the main entrance. She is a smart kitty after all.
It had been so long since you fully got to snuggle with someone during your favorite time of year. You should be joyful, and instead you let your photography stop, you quit calling your parents, hell you left the most magical place in the world all because of Jack.
You now lived in so much isolation, you lost a bit of yourself. You turn your head away from Steve as you gaze at the curtains covering the big window in the living room. You loved snow. Loved to watch the tiny little snowflakes drift to the earth. You would have never had the curtains closed. You couldn’t even remember if Jack watched the snow with you.
So much of the good times were forgotten as his forever cold heart couldn’t take your glowing warmth. A joy that burned brightly in your soul like embers in a fire.
“You love and fear the winter,” he isn’t even asking. He hasn’t known you long, but he can see it. You nod your head, still keeping your head turned away from him. Having to wipe away a tear that didn’t want to stay put. “You don’t have to talk about it, Holly. I’m just trying to understand. We got a few days of being trapped in here.”
“You’re right,” sniffling, you turn to look back at the girls, as Steve sweetly calls them. They’re comfortable. Missy actually looks like she’s resting. “It’s hard being alone, and scared of winter, and still, I can’t leave.”
“An ex?” Of course Steve could sense that you were running and hiding from someone.
“Yeah,” you sigh, turning to fully look at Steve. “He wasn’t always bad. He’s different. Very powerful, and thrives this time of year. He became cold and unkind, and then possessive and obsessive, and…Steve, he wasn’t nice,” Steve looks away for a few seconds, his jaw clenching tight, and his knuckles turning white from how hard he’s gripping the couch.
“Did…did he,” he takes a deep breath, finally looking at you. “Did he hurt you?”
“It’s complicated,” his hand moves towards you, and you have to look at Missy, and her lazy self is snoring with Sugar Cookie. She was comfortable with Steve. She never had this sense of comfort with Jack. “No, it is complicated. He just…he’s always trying to compete with my dad, and…”
“Did he hurt you?” .
“He’s out of my life though.”
“And you’re still hiding, and afraid to touch something that you love,” even though you can feel his anger, you don’t fear him like you did with Jack. Steve’s anger is protective, and it gives you this strange feeling of importance. He wanted to keep you safe.
“He’s very powerful. You don’t understand.”
There’s a moment drifting between you and Steve, and only the girls’ snores and the crackling of the fireplace can be heard. You aren’t even sure if you’re breathing anymore, just waiting on what he has to say. This is going to be awkward starting off with an argument.
“I want to understand, and I’ll listen whenever you want to explain it to me. For now, why don’t you tell me about your family. Your dad is still alive?” You love talking about your family. They are the best family, and you hate that you’re having to be away from them in any capacity. “What’s his name?”
“Kris. My mom’s name is Carol.”
“There’s that smile. The one you were too shy to share with me. Why do you love winter so much?”
Your body relaxes into the couch again. Finally a topic you didn’t mind talking about a bit more. You can’t say too much, some things you just have to ease into, and him knowing about your family is one of them. Maybe one day things could be different.
“People dread winter, but there’s so much beauty in it. We get Christmas, and the world freezes for a moment. It stops and slows down, and everyone with it. We learn to appreciate the more simple things in life. The world just rests, and we do, too. And if you’re lucky to get snow, it’s beautiful. It looks like glitter. Do you not like winter?” You ask, biting at your lip.
Steve hadn’t stopped smiling at you. With every word you said, you just lit up. You had a calmness about you as you spoke about why you loved your favorite season, instead of hating it. You are absolutely stunning. Breathtaking even.
“Steve, stop staring at me like that,” Missy peeks open her eyes, and then settles herself right on top of Sugar Cookie. Neither you or Steve notice anything outside this bubble you had created.
You fear that if you say anything else that the warmth inside the bubble would dissipate. You wanted to keep it forever. What is it about Steve that makes you want him closer to your body? So you scoot a tiny bit closer. Close enough that your knees brush against each other, and you feel his warmth.
“W-what is it that your father does?” He hiccups, still not breaking the gaze he has on you.
“He’s a delivery man of sorts.”
“Amazing,” he whispers out. His finger brushes back some of your baby hairs, and they tickle along the shell of your ear. “The hot chocolate. It’s…it’s amazing. And your life sounds incredible,” he didn’t even know the half of it.
“Thanks. I used to put peppermint in it. The smell makes me sick to my stomach now. What about your family?”
“They passed a long time ago. I don’t really like to talk about it. So explain to me, you love your home and your family, and you came here to hide from your ex?” Saying it out loud sounds silly. You’re sure your parents could help you out. In some ways, your dad was Jack’s boss. But did you want them to? Did you want them to know how Jack really was?
“What did you do?” Steve really wanted to change the subject away from his family. Hopefully one day you hope he will open up to you. Even though you had secrets concerning your family, you’re telling him enough for now.
“I take pictures. My social media did well. I focused on Christmas. Traveled to different places to see how they celebrated, and what they ate. What their traditions were. I love every aspect of Christmas. It’s in my blood. Like…kinda like it’s in my blood,” you correct quickly. Steve had that same dopey look on his face as before, and you aren’t sure what to make of it. But it makes you feel fuzzy, “What?”
“I love to hear you talk about your passions. So if you’re not on your social media, who is seeing your work?”
“No one.”
“Can I see?”
You hadn’t logged in for so long. It was a creative outlet for you. Everyone always admired your parents, never even realizing who you are. What you could do. You enjoyed it. “You don’t have to show me.”
It was time that you stopped being so scared. You could turn off locations on your phone, Jack could find you in other ways. Why did you allow him to control so much of your life? It was time. Especially now that you were no longer alone.
Sighing, you stand to go get your phone, feeling Steve’s eyes watching your back until you return. The lazy Missy didn’t even stir. Her comfort relaxes you even more. She trusts Steve. She trusts no one outside of your family.
Turning your phone on, you click on the app, and hand it over to him. Letting him browse through your photos and reels. Each second his smile gets larger. Spreading wide across his face, “The spirit of Christmas, huh?”
“It’s what my dad always called me. Said that my enthusiasm towards the holiday is what made everything so holly and jolly,” you giggle thinking about how winters held so much warmth when you were home.
“So,” he says, putting down your phone. “What are our holiday traditions going to be this year? You don’t even have a tree up,” why and how is this man so adorable? Saying all the right words. “I’m just saying, it is very close to Christmas. What about these cookies? Triple chocolate oatmeal cookies, we should make some for Santa.”
“They’re my dad’s favorite,” you haven’t smiled like this in so long. Even though a blizzard is happening outside, the cabin is so warm and cozy, and it has nothing to do with the fireplace. You didn’t feel so alone. And then his hand naturally lands on your thigh, and you lean into his touch. It feels like flurries stir around in your belly, but you don’t want to pull away.
There doesn’t seem to be this veil of awkwardness looming over the two of you, it just is, and it is so amazing. “Okay, so it is late. Tomorrow we put up a tree of sorts.”
“I have a fake one under my bed. I don’t like walking in the snow.”
“I could pick us one out, but it’s not the same if we’re not together. I think the fake one will be perfect this time. Maybe next year, you’ll be more comfortable venturing out into the snow?” You nod your head with a smile. You already feel more confident about winter. “So the cookies?”
“I always have the ingredients for those cookies,” you look over to your bedroom. You can’t even believer you’re thinking this, much less ready to say it out loud. Steve is such a large man, and this couch was kind of small. What kind of host would you be? You needed him and basically invited him into your home. He is keeping you safe, and you can’t make him think you don’t want to extend some hospitality, “I feel bad that there’s only one bed.”
“You have a comfy couch,” huffing out a laugh, you look towards the girls, and Missy and Sugar Cookie have their heads lifted up, staring at you. If you were a crazy person, you’d think they were encouraging you to invite him into your bed. But you’re not that crazy.
“I have a big bed, too. I mean, lots of blankets, and there could still be enough space between us, and,” both the cat and the dog lay their heads back down, pretending to sleep. Now you worry that you are going crazy, “You don’t have to stay on the couch.”
“I won’t sleep in your bed if you’re not comfortable.”
“I wouldn't have asked if I wasn’t comfortable. But before bed, maybe we can watch a movie or something, and you decide how you feel? It doesn’t have to feel weird. And if you want to sleep on the couch you can, and if you change your mind in the middle of the night, you can.”
“I think that sounds amazing. Only if Missy will let me sleep in the bed with you,” she doesn’t look when Steve says her name, just stretches out a bit more on Sugar Cookie. “Here’s to new traditions,” Steve says proudly with his mug held high.
“To new traditions, and new friendships,” friendship. Even if you wish it could be so much more. “Wait! A new picture for my grid!” You snap a photo of the two half-drunk mugs. Editing the photo in a way that you can’t see nothing but the wooden coffee table and mugs. Your parents will be shocked to see two.
To new traditions, and new friendships.
And you hope to forgetting your ex.
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Jack’s hand shakes with fury, and he cracks his neck, screaming up into the frosty air as he slings his phone onto the ground. “Little bitch!” He screams. You are playing games with him. Friendships. Traditions. Traditions weren’t new. They were what you did every year.
He just can’t believe you would come back to social media with a stupid post like that. You were supposed to spend Christmas with him! Winter with him.
Jingle bells.
Why the hell could he hear jingle bells as his snowflakes float to the ground. There is a warm smell in the air…marshmallows mixed with cinnamon. Oh, he’s angry. Furious. You are spending time with someone that is not him. If you want to spend your time elsewhere, he’ll make sure that they can’t get to you ever again.
Wherever you are, you’ll be trapped all alone. And with your scent becoming more powerful, he is close. And he will find you. And you’ll be all snowed in. Just the way you belonged.
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @floral-recs @pandaxnienke
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dawnofh · 1 year
How could we ever just be friends?
König x male reader
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“C’mon Big guy, don’t keep me waiting!!” You yelled at the tall Austrian man who couldn’t peal his eyes away from the fireworks that adorned the sky. His pupils practically looked dilated as he stared in awe. You admired him for a bit, smiling as he could barely look away, every colour and pattern enticing him more to stay and not break eye contact.
“Ich komme…I mean!! I’m coming.” He ran up to you so fast you felt as if he might just tackle you into the snow, which he has done of several occasions. The tall Austrian towered over you, bouncing on his heels like a child, he was excited for you to spend time with him in his hometown. You were overjoyed to just be in his presence. The blue irises in his eyes melt every time you were around him, it was something you could easily lose yourself in. What a magnificent sight. But you were blind to this obvious hints, as was he to yours.
“Yes?” You didn’t break eye contact, his gaze enticing like the fireworks so you stared back at him with the same admiration. He crouched down a bit to your height to stare deeper into your eyes, you couldn’t help the feeling of immense feelings overshadow you. The feeling to just reach out, lunge your arms around his neck and kiss him through the balaclava version of his mask which you quite frankly were fond of.
“Scheiße, you’re turning red, are you running a fever?” He put his gloved hands on your face, expecting to feel your temperament through them. This not only amused but flustered you, you let out an airy laugh, the coldness causing a mist as you did so. “What are you laughing at we need to get you to-“
You cut him off by pulling him lower to your height, cupping his face with your gloved hands, “Big guy. You really are something, you know that?”
“Th..Thank you?” König said with confusion, studying your face for signs of sickness, “Y/N..? Do you want to sit down?” He leaned more closer as the fondness in your eyes went over his head.
“How can someone such as yourself be so slow on the uptake.” You let go of him, walking away towards a small little antic shop. He followed behind, “What does that mean?” He opened the door for you, the jingle of the bell giving him a mini jumpscare. You glanced up at him as you walked inside, the warmth welcoming you in, “Nothing. Don’t wrap your head around it for too long.”
“You know English isn’t my first language..” He complained, closing the door behind you and looking around. The store was completely fragile, glancing at the items made him tense up, he even had to duck to just get inside. “You’ve got to be kidding me...” He mumbled in German. You knew what you were doing by bringing him into here.
“Hey König, come see this~” You said teasingly as you gestured to the ceramic bowls. He practically tiptoed and sucked his breath in to avoid touching anything, it was like bringing an elephant into a room made of glass. Or that’s how he felt.
“Looks. Great. Wow.” He said stiffly to which you moved deeper into the store. König just stood there, afraid to move an inch, his eyes widened however when he stared directly at a cat on the shelf. Then those eyes softened the same way it does when he looks at you.
While the tall guy was distracted you browsed around, grabbing the item you came here for. “That’ll be 20 euros.” The shop clerk said in German as she smiled at you while you handed her the money, “What a precious gift young man, who’s the lucky lady getting this?” Somehow with your limited German you could put the sentence together and understand.
You could only chuckle before gesturing to the dangerous mountain of a man who was petting a cat. “He’s the lucky lady~” You said in English.
She could only stare, frightened that he might squish her cat to death just by petting it. “Well.. you know what they say about Austrians..” She began to speak back in English to you.
“No? What do they say?” You leaned in, curious.
“That it’s all in the eyes.”
“Come again?”
“What’s the first thing you noticed when you saw that man other than his height.” She continued, you let out a gasp of realisation, “It’s all in the eyes, Sonny.”
“Oh my god, you’re right. Thank you, Lady.” You grabbed your item, pocketing it.
“Hey wait-“
“Keep the change.” You said to her before grabbing König by his arm and dragging him away, he said goodbye to the shop clerk in his native tongue and to the cat while you pulled him out the store, he instinctively ducked and when you two were finally out you let him go to stare.
“What’s up?” He asked confused by the sudden change of behaviour but kinda used to it by now. “I should be asking you that.” You practically stormed into town square, leaving König to run after you rather confused. “Y/N?! Did I do something—“
“Are you trying to seduce me.” You made direct eye contact, he genuinely couldn’t tell what emotions you were showing, a problem he found out when you two first met. The Austrian soldier looked up at the fireworks for a second, collecting himself before grabbing your chin with his index finger and thumb. His eyes were now half lidded as they sent chills down your spine.
“Would you like me to seduce you?”
You simply stared back dumbfounded, lost for words. Utterly flabbergasted. You tried to register those words in your head again, not believing König out of all people said that to you. You always saw him as doormat from the first time you joined the military. You were so used of being top of everything, in control, making people lose their words, choke on their breath and catch them by surprise. How the turntables.
“You..I…uhm…” Your words weren’t wording. König got the biggest kick by doing this and you had no idea how someone like him was able to gain the upper hand against you. As if he could read your mind, he let go putting a hand on your shoulder, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to do that~” You knew by the tone of his voice he wasn’t genuine so your eyes hardened, resorting to glare to try mask a side you didn’t know existed.
König leaned down to your height and you froze up yet again, he knew very well what he was doing as he lowered himself towards your ear, “Lass uns nach Hause gehen.” He glanced at you before walking towards a bus stop.
You took out the music box from your pocket that you bought him, wanting to just throw it at his head for no reason whatsoever other than the fact he made you fall deeper. You wanted to mask yourself again, this time with hatred. You hated how König was breaking through and causing cracks in your facade, hated how he nearly saw right through you.
“C’mon Little guy, don’t keep me waiting.” You heard him say.
You felt your eye twitch before turning to him slowly, those half lidded eyes staring into your soul. You could smell the smirk across his face now. The fireworks continued as they were in the background, you could see the colours reflect off of König. He was still a magnificent sight.
“How could we ever just be friends….” You whispered inaudibly, pocketing the gift and following close behind him. König slowed down so he was next to you, unsurprisingly making a move by putting his arm over your shoulder.
“Guess you’re a bit slow on the uptake too.”
Credit to: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMFnmrXhE/
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oreharuuu · 1 year
éta ritual (4)
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Summary: Hanging out with San was fun, but a guest that's not welcomed may have changed the tone of the night.
Warnings: none
A/N: pt. 4 babyyyy, hope y'all like it but i wonder who's san implying at the end ;)
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You hummed as you looked back at San, where he's standing there holding the plastic bag containing your ordered food.
"Hey, you alright?"
"Yeah, just feeling under the weather I guess."
And you're not lying. After the encounter with a certain demon, you've been waiting basically for Jieun to show up. But nothing really happened, which was relieving. Hyein also said that Jieun never directly talked to her, but she did caught Jieun a few times staring at her before bolting away.
"Damn. Did something happened?" San sat down besides you, before passing your food to you. You shrugged, slouching down as your gaze rests on some random movie that's playing.
"Nah, nothing bad happened. Maybe I'm just overwhelmed with work and stuff."
He hummed, nudging his shoulder with yours as he smiled. "Wanna hangout with me later this weekend? Maybe it'll take your mind off of things."
You smiled at him, remembering how well your introduction to the area has been. Thankfully it was a beautiful day to walk, so you offered to just walk around instead using San's overly expensive car that he somehow has. You both joked around, telling stories about yourself, and you didn't even realize how fast time went by because it's already midnight when you both came back to the apartment.
It was fun having a new friend to hangout with. Hyein is busy with her big project, so you don't want to intrude too much but you still help her if needed. Mark is a good guy, but his schedule has turned into a shit storm so you both have no time to hangout too much except for meeting at the cafeteria.
"Yeah? But where will we go? This place has nothing fun to offer," You huffed as you sipped on your Thai Tea. Humming in delight, you didn't notice how San slowly moved over until his shoulder touched yours.
"I don't care," He chewed. "As long as I'm with you, I'm fine."
You coughed, looking away from his smirk as you felt your cheeks heat up. Damn this guy and his confidence with flirting.
Before you answered, your body tensed up when you felt something brushing on the back of your neck. You whipped your head, seeing nothing but San's bedroom door that's slightly ajar. You grabbed the back of your neck and moved your gaze back to the movie.
"Hey, San?" You asked him, but stopped when you saw how he's glaring at where you looked behind, clenching his jaw before looking back at you. "Yeah, what's up?"
"Uh—nothing. It's stupid."
"Aww, come on! What's wrong?" He whined, putting his head on your shoulder before rubbing his head like a big cat. You giggled at his hair brushing your neck.
"No, it's just—have you ever experienced something...weird happen to you in this apartment."
"No? Not really," He shrugged as he sips his drink. "A bit too quiet for my liking. Thought there's gonna be parties every weekend."
You scoffed. "Wrong area. If you wanna go to parties, go to Jieu—uh, the apartment residence near the university. It's packed all day."
You both talked about your day, making comments about the movie and overall having a good time. San gathered all the trash before he excused himself to throw out the trash, grabbing his already filled to the brim trash can before going out.
You played with your phone for a while, texting Hyein and Mark and even Suho because he asked if you want any pastries at work later. You said yes, of course. Free food is free food and you'll always take the offer.
"Hey, (name)?"
"Were you expecting anyone to come by your apartment?"
"Huh?" You asked, sitting up before looking confused at San. "No, not really. Everyone I know is busy at the moment."
San raised his eyebrow. "You sure? There's a girl near your apartment door."
What the fuck?
"Woah, woah, woah! Wha—when did you see her?" You bolted out of the sofa, pushing San over to open his door slightly so you could take a peek.
"Literally before I entered, I didn't ask her anything but she kept staring at me. Fucking creepy," He huffed.
There she is, Jieun pacing in front of your door as she bit her nails. From her body language you know she's anxious, but taking a closer look you could see how red her eyes were. Like she didn't get any sleep. Cursing under your breath, you closed the door and quickly locked it. Walking backwards you hit San on the way before he grabs your shoulders. "You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Uh," You debated whether to answer truthfully or not. But you're scared and you really didn't want to be alone in your apartment after seeing Jieun. "No, I'm not fine actually. Um, could I stay here for the night? If you don't want to it's—"
"Hey," San shushed you. "Of course I'm fine with it. I'll gladly have you in my apartment. But you need to tell me what's wrong."
You took a deep breath, grabbing his hands for support. "San, that person is—"
Knock knock knock
Your heart dropped, voice stopped working as you heard the knocking. You pushed San towards his bedroom, trying to be as quiet as possible.
San didn't seem to agree.
"What's wrong? Is it about the girl before? Is she a problem?"
"San, please! I'll explain later but we need to—"
"Hello? Is anyone there?"
Fuck, Jieun has the worst timing ever.
" San! Wait, no! Please—"
San shushed you gently, rubbing your shoulders trying to comfort you. "Hey, don't worry. I'll just say she's bothering me, maybe lie about how I was working."
You shook your head. "No, I don't want her to see you! She's nuts!"
But San was already walking away, opening the door making you hide behind a wall and crouched down, trying to stay quiet. San's voice became annoyed, telling Jieun that she bothered him while working.
"Sorry, but do you have a girl inside? Maybe she lives in this apartment residence too?"
"What? Why is that you're business?" San scoffs.
"It's my business," Jieun's voice changed into a more hostile one. "Because she has a problem with me! I need to see her so we could end this and all will go away and they'll be back."
You pinched the top of your nose at hearing her nonsense again, trying to make the headache away. San hissed that he didn't know what or who she's talking about and threatened to call the cops if she doesn't go away.
"Fine," Jieun scoffed. "If you see her, just tell her that I've left a present inside her apartment. I'll bet she loves it."
With that you hear her footsteps walking away. You exhaled loudly as you thumped your head at the wall, noticing how tense San became after the encounter. Closing the door, he sighed before walking to you. "Your friend, I assume?"
You grimaced. "Sorta. I don't really know what our relationship is to be honest right now."
"Is that why you wanted to stay? Because you're afraid of what she placed inside your apartment?"
You pause before looking at San anxiously. "No, I-I actually wanted to stay here because I was afraid she'll stay here for a while. What did she mean by present? How did she get in?"
Your eyes welled up with tears of frustration. You didn't gave her any access whatsoever to your apartment. How could she even enter the place? You quickly brushed them away, hiding your face in your hands. You felt tired and sick of this game they're playing. If it's even a game.
"Hey, (name). Come on don't cry," San coos, brushing your hair back before deciding to hug you. The hug was nice but it even made you more emotional as you tried to blink the tears away.
"How about this," He brushed your tears away. "I'll go check on your apartment while you stay here. If I find anything bad, I'll tell you."
He grabbed you before slowly guiding you to sit on the sofa, covering you with a soft blanket. Where he suddenly got the blanket, you have no idea. But it smells like him, so you relaxed even more. You hear San opening the door before closing it, leaving you all alone. You sighed as you slumped down on the sofa, closing your eyes while trying to not think about Jieun and her crazy antics.
You flinched when something touched your head, noticing how it's almost patting your head softly. You huffed before shaking your head roughly. You don't want any of this bullshit happening when you're literally having the worst night of your life.
Fuck the demons.
"I don't know if you're hearing this," You huffed. "But kindly fuck off because I'm not in the mood to deal with any of this paranormal shit right now. If I'm talking like a crazy person to no one that's fine, but if you're there...then yeah," You lamely finished off before laying down. You're mind wandered off to the pink haired demon and also the one that basically invaded your personal space when sleeping, wondering if they're actually here right now.
You distinctly heard a soft chuckle somewhere but you ignored it when San enters the apartment.
"San? What happened—"
"It got trashed."
"What?!" You yelled, sitting up before running towards your apartment. The sight that greeted you was horrible. Almost every corner of the room was trashed. Books, posters, clothes are all everywhere as you walked inside. You checked your personal belongings before sighing in relief when you spotted them still inside.
You don't know what Jieun's playing here, but you're sick and tired of it. Running back you brushed past San before grabbing your phone.
"Hey, what're you doing?"
"Documenting the scene, sharing it with my friend."
You snapped photos upon photos of the apartment, groaning in disgust when you're trash is thrown everywhere in the room. "Real classy," You mumbled. Angrily texting Hyein, you notice San entering, looking around as he grimaced.
"So...what happens now?"
"What happens now is that I'm going to fucking report that bitch Jieun because of what she did to my place. I can't believe this is the stunt she pulled after...nevermind."
"After what?" San cocked his head.
"Nothing," You frowned. Responding to Hyein as she cursed Jieun in her text, San peeked around your shoulder to see what you're both texting about.
"Is the police gonna believe you?" San murmured in your ears, making you shiver. You glared at him but it only made him laugh as he hugs you from the back.
"If I'm not wrong there's CCTV around here, so I'll contact the owner to say that my apartments been trashed by some lunatic," You sighed, the feeling of tiredness creeping up on you mind and body.
"And you!" You pointed towards San. "Me? What about me?" San also pointed towards himself.
"You saw Jieun pacing around here, she basically asked you about me! San, please. You have to help me," You grabbed his hands in yours. "Please? I'll do anything, I just want her to go away with her nonsense."
You noticed how tense his posture became, his breathing almost heavy. "Anything you say?"
"Y-Yeah, but not anything weird, alright!"
San chuckles and nodded, grabbing you again to hug you. "Alright, I'll help you," He mumbles to your hair. "But after I help you, you'll help me with my problems, alright?"
"Hm," You nodded. "Yeah, I'll help you."
San hums sounding pleased as he moved back to look around. "What are you planning to do here? You wanna clean this up?"
You sigh. "Yeah. I'll ask my boss I could take a few days off maybe to clean it. Thank God—"
San flinched and frowned but you ignored it.
"—my assignments are already over. Hyein's busy in another city for her assignment, maybe I could ask Mark to help around."
"Mark?" San growled making you pause.
"Uh, yeah? You're working from morning till the afternoon, I can't let you help me after you've worked. That's just mean."
"Who's Mark?"
You waved him off. "A guy I'm working with at the library, sometimes we eat together at lunch too."
"Why him though?" You could hear the pout in San's voice as you grabbed a trash bag.
"San, I don't know anyone else to help me. I'm having limited options here," You deadpanned.
San huffed before smirking. "Well, if you're okay with it...I could ask my friends to help around. It's not like they have nothing to do anyway."
"What? No, San. You don't have to do that."
"Don't worry. Besides, they've been dying to meet you," He smirks. You raised your eyebrow at his tone but shrugged nonetheless. More help is more help. "Alright fine. You sure they're alright with it?"
"Believe me," He purred. "They'll be very happy."
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alienaiver · 11 months
Can you share the Shinsou scenario that made you cry? 👀📠
I DONT NORMALLY WRITE ANGST SO... UH 🫡......i also cried again as i wrote it IDJIWAODJSEFSE 🤡 imagine my BETRAYAL as all i did was try and find some comfort before sleep????? 😨 i was so bamboozled
wordcount: 1.6k warnings: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH but happy ending (trust me i guess), sfw, hurt/comfort, angst, MAJOR HURT, more of my Shinsou can't name cats for shit-shenanigans, gender neutral reader, no use of y/n, midoriya's there too and aizawa's mentioned, implied erasermic family, (i actually dont know much abt sleep cycles. ignore that), unbeta'd, not proofwritten, hope i didnt break ur hearts 😭
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The curtains flutter in the wind as the only indication that anything’s changed in the apartment. You don’t notice it, comfortably resting in the REM-part of your sleep cycle. You’re currently walking through a field with flowers, incredibly picturesque and almost so dreamy that your mind seems half aware that it’s not awake – but not entirely. In your nostrils the scent of burned leather and ashes flare up, making you scrunch up your nose in confusion. You blearily clench your eyes tightly, both in reality and in the dream. That’s when you feel the arm lazily wrapped over your shoulder and onto your chest. You hear Shinsou sigh out tiredly before he noses into the nape of your neck. A half-hearted, sleepy groan leaves you at his audacity to come into bed directly from his nightshift. He knows better.
You grumble out some unintelligible words that sound close enough to a reprimand that he tightens his hold on you, “jus’ shut up. Just needed to smell and feel you real quick.”
There’s no bite in his voice and you lean back against him with a scowl, “you’re changing the sheets after your shower.”
He laughs lightly. It’s warm and gruff and so, so him. You love his sleepy, exhausted laugh the most and it brings a smile to your own face as you try to ignore the stench of the battlefield on him. You want to ask if he’s hurt but your eyes are drifting again, wrapped in his warmth like this.
You suppose he’d tell you to help wrap up wounds if he needed to. You nod off again.
What feels both like several hours and only milliseconds after you drifted off, your phone starts ringing angrily and noisily on the bedside table. You’re not one to have the sound on but whenever Shinsou has night shifts, you seem to switch it on as part of your own night routine. It makes you fall asleep easier, knowing they’ll be able to get through to you.
You nose your pillow for a few moments in hopes it’s just a dream before you clumsily reach out for it in blindness, knocking over the little cat figurine Shinsou bought for you the last time he was in Kyoto. Just as you have the phone in your grasp, you hear the doorbell ring as well. What time is it?
The screen is bright, painfully so and even as you squint your eyes, the name seems distorted, like you’ve forgotten how letters look. The contact picture tells you everything you need to, though, as a picture of Midoriya in a field of sunflowers you took last year paints the screen.
You pick up and before you’re able to even greet him, you hear the knock on your door. Huh. Midoriya does have a spare key – the doorbell might’ve just been to warn you he’s on his way. He says your name in a strained tilt you hear from him often at the office when he’s confronted with problems. It makes you raise your brows in confusion. You sit up and repeat his own name to him as your hands feel the sheets for Shinsou. He’s not there and based on the temperature he hasn’t been there for a while. Maybe he’s taking a bath. Normally he only takes showers after nightshifts, but based on the burned smell, you think he might need a minute.
Did he forget to report back that he went home? There are protocols for this, you think as you get up and find a shirt on the ground, letting Midoriya know you’re on your way to the door to let him in.
You settle easily onto the couch with Midoriya standing stiff by the coffee table. You laugh, “I’m sorry, I just woke up so… would you like a coffee? My manners are a little off,” you laugh, scratching the back of your neck. Midoriya doesn’t answer but smiles at you. He’s about to say something when you accidentally interrupt, “I’m sure Shinsou’s done in a minute in the bath. He doesn’t like long baths.” You don’t notice the way Midoriya grimaces before he can control his conflicting and confusing emotions at your words.
Midoriya bends down into a squat in front of you and takes your hands. His gloves are burned. He smells the same as Shinsou did.
Your name sounds foreign coming out of his mouth as you recognize the tone of his voice. You’ve stood next to him before, delivering news like this. Your mind instantly puts up walls and your eyes lose their light. He sees the change instantly and squeezes your hands, “at 2.32AM we received a request for support. There’d been a fire in a department store that’d spread to living quarters. They needed help evacuating.”
He tells you more – a lot more, given the fact that you’re colleagues. But you’re not sure how much you actually take in before you interrupt him with a borderline hysterical laughter, “’Zuku, he’s in the bath – he came home. He stank up our entire bed with the smell of burned skin and ashes. He smelled like you! I wouldn’t be able to think that unless…. Unless…” you sniffle and look up at Midoriya again, your eyes glassy and looking for any sort of hope yet finding none.
You try to get up. You need to check the bathroom, you bet his suit’s littered all over the bedroom floor on the way but Midoriya keeps you in place with his hands, begging you to calm down.
Calm down? You’re not even in a panicked state. You’ve seen loved ones break at this kind of news, you’re fine.
You’re fine because it’s not true.
It can’t be.
You’re supposed to have sukiyaki tomorrow. It’s his favorite. The groceries are in the fridge.
His birthday present is nestled in with your winter clothes where he doesn’t look, waiting to be opened on Saturday.
Your cat only wants to nap on his lap. Where’s she gonna go now?
Where are you gonna go now?
It’s like your spine breaks. You fall over, unable to hold yourself upright and Midoriya’s there to catch you, hushing and tutting. Clenching and caressing. Repeating strews and mixes of apologies and mutterings of encouragement. He’ll be there. They’ll all be there. Aizawa’s already on his way over here.
You can say goodbye at the hospital when you’re ready. Mise, the cat named after a store because she always showed up at the same time the convenience store opened and closed, can go with them and be with you at Aizawa and Yamada’s place. They’re even bringing a leash and a carrier so you won’t have to look for them.
You keep telling Midoriya to stop. Stop talking, stop planning, stop muttering.
He doesn’t listen. He keeps listing solutions like a bad coping mechanism, unable to really handle the loss himself.
He gets up slowly, not letting go of your hands. You hear his own bones crack and whine, being bent like this for so long.
How long?
At the loss of contact you didn’t want and was convinced you didn’t need; you panic. You start trashing, crying, screaming. You’ll fall apart if nobody holds you together right now. You need Shinsou to do so. You yell his name, his nickname, his full name. You yell everything you can’t keep in, in the hopes that he’ll come back. Come back and hold you.
You stand in the living room and your back suddenly feels wet; warm. There’re arms around you, clenching you and legs wrapped around your own legs. You’re lying down, not standing and you feel dizzy with that information. Mise already left the bed, perched on the dresser as to not get hurt in your pain. She doesn’t like seeing you like this, but she also doesn’t understand it. She trusts no one but Shinsou.
The sixth time he says your name your eyes shoot up and the brightness of your bedroom burns you, making you cave in on yourself with a shrill shriek. “There you are.” Shinsou’s voice says calmly, a hint of praise laced into his words. The koala grip he has on your body loosens as you find yourself, your breathing subconsciously following Shinsou’s caricatured deep breaths, the ones he knows your body will follow even if your mind can’t wrap their heads around it.
“’ts okay,” he hushes and kisses the back of your head, your cheek, “’m here. I’m here, my love.”
With snot and tears terrorizing your face you struggle to turn around. As soon as you see Shinsou’s face, it’s like a new wave of tears hits you, and a loud sob leaves you again, your hands traveling to his face to squeeze every square inch of it. He lets you. No raised eyebrows or jabs, just waits patiently for you to realize he’s there. He kisses your hand as it passes his lips and your breath hitches before another sob leaves you.
“The bed is soaked,” you cry out, hiccupping and sobbing. Shinsou laughs. He’d heard you trash around from his bath and ran to you the minute you yelled his name the first time. He’d promised to change the sheets before they got wet anyways. You’ll just sleep cuddled close on the couch instead he decides and leans in to kiss you properly. Your muscles all relax at the contact, flatlining into a relaxed state, only residual sobs leaving your body. He strokes your head and then lets his palm rest by your jaw, “I’m here.”
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sweaterkittensahoy · 1 month
if ur still taking prompts can i request more daddy rosie and harry 😁😁 preferably with harry acting up but that’s all urs to decide
"You're being a brat, Harry," Rosie says quietly as they sit in the officer's club. Harry's been leaning in close all night, just barely touching Rosie on his leg and his arm, staring at him with his eyes half-closed and tapping his fingers on the cocktail skewer with very deliberate rhythm. 
Harry responds by leaning back in his chair and stretching from head to toe, lifting his hips from the seat while staring at Rosie. "Oh, sorry," he says. "Not trying to be a bother."
Rosie feels himself grin just a little. He can't help it. "I don't believe you," he says. 
Harry shrugs and sips his drink. He leans towards Rosie again and reaches out with one hand, plucks at something on Rosie's shoulder near his neck and just manages to brush his thumb on his ear. "Maybe you shouldn't," he murmurs. "Maybe you should catch me lying." 
And Rosie's hot under the collar in an instant. He takes a slow breath and shifts so he's facing Harry more directly, stretches out is legs so their ankles touch. Harry doesn't back away, which makes it easy for Rosie to speak directly into his ear. To anyone around them, it just looks like they're trying to hear each other over the noise, same as anyone else. "Is that what you want? Want me to take you around the back and press you against the wall and give you a little punishment for this attitude?" 
"If you're not too tired," Harry taunts, and it's definitely a taunt, all hot breath and arch tone. Rosie wants to grab him by the hair and pull back slowly until Harry's neck and back are arched sharply. Show the whole room what a fucking handful he is. 
"Finish your drink," Rosie says. "Quickly." He leans back in his chair, smiling like they're having a perfectly repeatable conversation. He watches Harry lounge back in his seat like a contented cat, and his dick throbs when Harry picks up his martini and takes a tiny, delicate sip. 
Oh, it's going to be like that.
Rosie waits him out, letting him take the tiny, slow sips of his drink. He gets up at one point and has a quick conversation with Pappy just so he can turn and catch Harry staring when he's done. He walks back over and leans down. "You done?" He asks. 
Harry meets his eyes and swallows the last of his drink. "Looks like," he replies. 
Rosie doesn't waste any time. He touches Harry's elbow as they leave and directs him behind the officer's club. It's dark back here, no windows on this wall. He backs himself against the wall, then grabs Harry's chin, making Harry look at him. "Baby boy, you're asking for trouble," he says. 
"You always say you'll give me what I want," Harry replies. 
Rosie can't help his groan. Harry's all sharp, confident lines and brash energy. He wants to kiss him until he's whimpering, but he can't, not just yet. Harry wants to get punished for being a brat, and Rosie will oblige. 
"On your knees, put my cock in your mouth, but do not suck it until I say so," Rosie says. He tightens his grip on Harry's chin for just a moment. "If you try and get tricky about this, baby boy, I won't touch you for days."
Harry's eyes flutter shut, and he breathes out shakily, and when he opens his eyes again, the brashness is gone. He's soft and sweet in his eyes, and he brings up one hand to hold gently to Rosie's wrist. "I'm listening," he says. "I'm listening, Rosie." 
Rosie slides his thumb along Harry's bottom lip. "Prove it," he says.
Harry drops to his knees and opens Rosie's trousers, pulling his dick out of his underwear with a careful, slow movement. He looks up at Rosie with his mouth half-open, and then he swallows hard before leading Rosie's length into his mouth. 
Rosie sighs at the hot wetness of Harry's mouth, of the way Harry's cheeks contract the tiniest bit before he freezes and breathes out hard through his nose. "That's the only slip you get, baby boy," Rosie threatens, and Harry shivers and tilts his chin just enough that Rosie can see his face, can see that he's holding still and not trying to be a brat. 
Rosie touches the side of Harry's face and strokes the hair at his temple. "I shouldn't tell you I love you like this, but I do," he says. "I love when you tease for what you want." Rosie shifts, and his dick slips over Harry's tongue. Harry wraps a hand around Rosie's leg just above his knee and squeezes hard. "You want to suck, don't you? Want to get your mouth nice and sloppy for me?"
Harry opens his eyes, then blinks once. Yes, he's saying. That's exactly what he wants. 
"Well, you wanted to tease, so I'm teasing back," Robert replies. He reaches down and taps Harry's fingers on his cock. Harry takes away his hand. "On my other leg," Robert says, and Harry curls his now-free hand in a mirror of the other one. Robert rocks his hips very gently, just barely moving his cock back and forth over Harry's tongue. "Take your cock out, baby boy," Rosie says, sliding his dick side to side in Harry's mouth. "Jerk yourself off. Just don't suck."
Harry whines, staring at Rosie, but he does as he's told. He takes out his cock and starts to stroke. His lips press hard around Rosie's cock for a moment, then his mouth goes slack, chin hanging down away from Rosie's skin. 
"Almost caught you," Rosie murmurs. "But you stopped yourself. Good boy." 
Harry shivers and the hand still on Rosie's leg tightens again.
"That's right," Rosie says. "You're being very good for being such a brat earlier. Keep it up, and I might let you come first." 
Harry sighs and shifts his head so Rosie's cock rests against his cheek. 
"Oh, you look lovely like that," Rosie says. "So content and needy all at once." 
Harry slides his head back and forth so Rosie's dick slides against his cheek without him sucking. 
"Clever," Rosie murmurs. He lets Harry keep moving, enjoying the slide and the feel of Harry's breath on his fingers when he slides forward and touches his lips to Rosie's hand. "Yes," Rosie says, slipping a little more of his cock into Harry's mouth when Harry's lips touch his hand again. "There you go, baby boy. Take a little more."
Harry opens his mouth wider and shifts again, settles so Rosie's cockhead rubs his soft palate. Rosie curses at the feeling and shakes hard. "Oh, fuck. Fuck." Harry's eyes are open, staring at Rosie with bright challenge. 
Rosie takes his cock out of Harry's mouth and holds it just out of reach of his mouth. "Finish yourself, baby boy."
Harry's hand speeds up. He bites his bottom lip and his hand squeezes Rosie's leg, and he makes tiny, frantic noises in the back of his throat. 
Rosie stares at him, fighting the urge to jerk off onto Harry's lips and neck. He watches Harry's eyes flutter shut, and then Harry's hand drops from his leg and splays on the ground, and he curls over on himself, panting and swearing under his breath again and again until he goes suddenly still. Rosie moans at the curve of his back and the way his entire body relaxes after one, gasped breath. "Beautifully done," he gets out. "Now, suck me off."
Harry tips his head back, licks his lips, and pulls Rosie's hand off his cock. He puts it in his hair, then sucks Rosie down to the root. 
Rosie grunts and grabs hard at Harry's hair. He doesn't lead, just holds on for dear life as Harry sucks and sucks and sucks, sloppy and desperately wet, no finesse but very determined. Rosie presses his hips forward and his head back, back arching at the sheer force of nature that is his beautiful boy fully focused on the task at hand. 
Rosie pumps his hips out of rhythm and scratches his fingernails along the wall, squeezing his eyes shut as he comes so hard he sees spots. For a long moment, he's only aware of the feeling of Harry's hair between his fingers and the sharp sting of air in his lungs as he tries to catch his breath. Then, he feels Harry rubbing his cock dry with a handkerchief before tucking him back into his trousers and doing up his buttons. For a moment, Harry's not touching him, but then he's pressed up warm against Rosie's chest, hands on either side of his ribs and pressing easy, sweet kisses to Rosie's neck. 
"Amazing," Rosie manages. He holds Harry in a loose hug and drags a kiss across his eyebrow. "Was it what you needed?" he asks. 
"Always is," Harry says. "Thanks."
"Oh, it is absolutely my pleasure," Rosie replies, and he smiles when Harry chuckles. 
They hold each other for another few minutes, lethargic from the afterglow. 
"Got a letter from Jean today," Harry murmurs into their shared quiet. "She bought the new bed frame for the guest room. The one she thinks you'll like."
Rosie grins and presses his face to Harry's cheek. "Is that what caused this teasing? You're excited to have me at your place?"
Harry hums agreement and turns so he and Rosie can kiss, easy and carefree and comfortable. "I can picture it already," he says. "You and Jean and me. I really like it."
"Yeah, me, too," Rosie replies. "And Jean makes three." 
Harry grins and cuddles against Rosie, lets him hold him tight. "And Jean makes three," he repeats.
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seungsluvv · 6 months
~Don’t be shy hyung~
lee!minho | ler!hyunjin
tw: tank top, tickle fic, feel free to scroll if this is not your cup of tea! ☕️
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it was in the late afternoon and hyunjin was at his dorm, he felt in the mood to do some art. He happily got out all of his art supplies: paint brushes, acrylic paint, newspaper, etc. The dancer was thinking of painting something linked to nature. After a while he decided that he was gonna paint a blossom tree. Knowing how forgetful he is, he didn’t know where his canvas was. He looked everywhere, in the bedroom, the lounge, the garden; he couldn’t find it anywhere.
“Ugh, where is it!” hyunjin shouted in anger as he couldn’t find it. “I could have sworn I saw it earlier!”
“what you doing, jinnie?” Lee know walked into the room seeing his hyung stressed. He could see the frustration in his eyes. The dancer used his canvas the majority of his time, it was really precious to him.
“Oh you’re looking for your canvas? Is there anything I can do to help, hyung?” Lee know walked towards his hyunjin when he looked him directly in his eyes and smirked.
“Nah it’s okay. Sit down, I’ll give you a massage instead!” the rapper dragged the poor quokka down onto the couch where all his art supplies were.
“Wait! H-hold on! Why me? Can’t y-you do someone else?” the older whined because he didn’t want to be painted on, or because he had a secret he didn’t want him to find out...
“Oh, stop whining, it’s relaxing. You’ll just fall asleep” jinnie laughed as he looked at the rabbit sighing. “It wont take long, just lie down for me, will you?”
“Hyung! ugh…fine” the vocalist took off his sweater - he had a tank top on - and closed his eyes; let him sit on his back and begin massaging him. Hyunjin went for his shoulders first. The cat started to jolt a bit when the younger got near to his left side.
“Jeez, caha you keheep still? You’re moving soho much!” hyunjin warmly laughed as minho was trying his best not to move and to let out his laugh.
“y-yeh wehell its kihinda hard.” The older mumbled giggling a bit which caught the attention of jinnie. “Im t-trying my behest!”
“hang on, are you…ticklish?” Lee know dreaded for this moment to come. He hurried his head into his hands. Jinnie couldn’t find out he was ticklish, he’s one of the biggest lers in the group! “Lino…are you ignoring me?” The rapper poked the vocalists side which let out a little cute squeal.
“hyunjin-AH, I’m not tick-LISH.” hyunjin laughed as he started to jab him hardly all over his sides and the older started to shout.
“PLEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOP, NOHOho MOHOhore i sahahaid.” he couldn’t turn around to grab ahold of the rappers wrists because he was stuck with jinnie sitting in his back. All he could do is laugh and beg for him to stop. He throw his face into the pillow on the couch and laughed hysterically.
“Are you ticklish anywhere else, kitty?~” hyunjin teased him which made him blush. No one usually makes him blush.
“Why would I tehell yohohou?”
“Because otherwise this will happen…” he lightly touched where his neck was exposed. “Will you let me tickle you here? Or are you going to resist and I’ll have to torture you?”
The rabbits eyes lit up with terror as his neck was really sensitive. But he didn’t want to be tortured so he let the younger do what he wanted to do. “Ugh! Your so annoying, fine…just don’t over do it! You know how sensitive I am..” the ferret lingered a smile on his face and started.
He really, really slowly tickled his neck and the older groaned. The younger was getting bored of his hyung staying silent so he did something which would hopefully make the vocalist non-silent. He used his fingers and stroked up and down his sides which gave the older goosebumps and made him giggle a bit.
“mhmhmhmhmhm, whahat are yohou do-doing?” lee know tried to obtain his giggles as the tickle sensations were overcoming his sides.
“Is there anything you’d like to say, hyung?” Hyunjin teased him again
“justdontgotomyunderarms itsmyworstspot-“
the rabbit blurted out without realizing what was going to happen next. The dancer had an idea. he spider crawled up his hyungs sides and used both his index and middle fingers and began to quickly massage his underarms. Lee know gripped the head bar tightly and started to laugh hysterically.
“Plehehehease, quhihihihit it. Ihihihits soho bahahahad!”~
“Your the one who can take your arms down off the bar and protect yourself but your not.” Jinnie wheezed at him which made lee know laugh louder.
“DOHOHONT LAUGH LIHIHIKE THAT. IT M-MAKES THE TIHIHICKINGWOHOHORSE.” hyunjin thought to himself that his hyung was being weird that he didn’t protect himself whilst he was attacking him. Surely he didn’t…enjoy being tickled? The ferret decided to stop and lino a question whilst he heavily panted.
“Hyung? Do you enjoy being tickled?” he asked vaguely
“Uhm… I don’t know..?” he said quietly and cutely.
“Don’t be shy hyung! If you do it’s not a big deal!” the rapper confidently spat out as if hopefully he would get an answer.
“okay.. yeah. I’ll admit it..I do…, also - can I turn to my back? My neck hurts.” jinnie got off of him and then quickly sat back on top of his stomach which made his hyung nervous again. He pinned his arms above his head but wasn’t going to do anything, he just wanted to tease his hyung.
“Don’t you think about it- HWANG HYUNJIN, IM TELLING YOHOHO RIGHT NOW DOHOHONT.” the kitty started laughing shouting which made hyunjin too weak from laughing to have the strength to keep Lino pinned down. “Dohohont tease me like thahat!” He started to drill his hands into his torso.
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
BTS Reaction || They Have A Cat Loving S/O [Request]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - June 2022
It didn't matter what you were doing or where you were going in the house, your cats were always following you around. They were your therapy cats and you'd lived with them for many years and all of them had formed a strong affectionate relationship with you,
"Doesn't it scare you?" Jin asked as he walked into the bathroom one night to find you sitting in the bathtub, three of your four cats asleep on the bath math while the fourth one sat on the edge of the tub playing with the water.
"Nah, does it scare you?" You asked as he sat down beside the tub and pressed his lips to yours. When he first moved in with you he had to admit it was a little jarring, especially when he would always see four little cats following you around the house.
"My girl is the cat whisperer," He smiles proudly while you let out a small giggle.
"They love you, I think it's sweet." He added before running his hand over one of the ones on the floor and smiling as it moved to come and sit on his lap. 
"You don't find it annoying at all?" You always worried he would get too annoyed with the constant following of cats but he shook his head.
"If it was up to me I would surround you with cats, I love how happy they seem to make you." He smiled once again before slowly getting up and grabbing you a warm towel.
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When you first started dating Yoongi you were worried he was going to be annoyed with the cats but he really seemed to love them all and constantly wanted to spend time with them,
"I can't believe you told me this would be a good idea." You laughed looking around Yoongi's studio to see all of the cats taking their places and getting ready for the day.
"They keep me relaxed," He whined at you as he noticed you shaking your head at him. That morning he'd told you it would the best idea in the world to bring them with him to work and so you had. Only they'd done nothing but distract him all morning and now they were finally getting ready to sleep for the afternoon.
"You're ridiculous." You sat down on the sofa, your head resting on Yoongi's shoulder as you smiled a little. It was nice that he always wanted to have the cats around but you didn't want to get him into trouble or risk losing one of them in the building. 
"If Namjoon finds out, we'll get into trouble-" You stopped when the door opened and Namjoon stepped into the room making you both smile up at him shyly.
"I heard a rumour," Namjoon smirked shutting the door behind him and going to find one of his favourite cats of yours, he wasn't annoyed like you thought he was going to be.
"All of them will come next," Yoongi smirked as he pressed a soft kiss to your lips,
"Shall we get another one?" Yoongi asked suddenly making you stare at him with wide eyes. Eight weren't enough for him?
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"I love you," You whispered breathlessly against Hoseok's lips as he carefully laid you down against the bed, his lips quickly making their way down your neck.
"I love you too, I missed you." He moaned out making quick work of taking your shirt away from your body and kissing down your chest.
"I'm going to worship every second I have with you," He whispered kissing down to the shorts you were wearing before removing them and kissing back up to your lips. Your hands made their way into his hair and you tugged on the strands softly, desperate to feel your boyfriend's lips on your own. He'd been on tour for the last two months and it was the first time he'd been home,
"P-Please," You begged a little, grinding your hips up to meet him when he suddenly stopped and stared to the side of the room.
"What's wrong?" You questioned, looking over at the space he was staring at and laughing a little. Sitting there and watching you were the two cats you owned, both of them staring directly at you.
"I'm going to kick them out of the room," He mumbled as you shook your head, 
"No! No, they're comfortable." You pouted at him, kissing his lips softly as you began to dress yourself earning whines in protest from your boyfriend.
"We can wait baby, or we can move to another room,"
"We both know they'll follow you to the next room," He mumbled a little annoyed but you laughed softly kissing his neck softly. 
"You're the one that won't do anything in front of them."
"Because I don't like them staring at me." He whined making you giggle as you got up from the bed and headed downstairs to either feed the cats so they'd leave you alone or drag Hoseok into the bathroom and finish what you started.
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As soon as Namjoon walked through the door he should have known what was going to happen. You were nowhere in sight but he could hear you through the house and he smiled a little.
"Hey, shh baby or you'll ruin the surprise." You cooed to the little kitten that was sitting on your bed, you were pretty sure Namjoon wasn't going to be surprised anymore since this was the fourth kitten you'd bought home in the last two months. 
"Another one?" Namjoon quizzed when he walked into the bedroom to see an all-black kitten staring up at you and purring, you smiled a little. 
"Why am I not surprised?" He laughed sitting down and carefully introducing his hand to the cat, smiling when the cat seemed to lick his hand.
"Are you mad? I couldn't leave him alone in that place," You admitted while carefully sitting down on the bed. Being mad at you was the last thing Namjoon was feeling whenever you bought home another cat, he knew how caring uou were toward animals and he never would expect you to change.
"No baby, I think its sweet you want to take them all in and care for them," You leant across the bed to kiss his lips and smiled, 
"I promise next time, I'll text you before I bring a whole litter home." You admitted since you'd almost done that once or twice before.
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Jimin absolutely hated the fact that he was allergic to cats, he hated the fact that you couldn't have your ideal pets by your side. Ever since he found out he was allergic he had to try and come up with ways to cheer you up about it. He'd taken you to different cat sanctuaries and sent you kitten videos whenever he came across them but it never seemed as though it was enough for you.
"Babe? Are you home?" Jimin called out when he heard the front door open, it was either you or one of the boys and either way he was excited. He had the best surprise waiting for you.
"Yeah, I just finished my shift," You sounded exhausted and Jimin smiled down at the box in his hand before walking out and into the living room where you were standing. 
"I have a surprise," His voice was practically bouncing off the walls and you laughed a little, turning to face him and letting out a loud gasp.
"J-Jimin...What's that?!" You saw the cat sitting in the box, watching you as it curiously took in your appearance. 
"A cat-"
"But you're allergic? You'll get sick," You pouted trying to take the box away from him to stop him from getting worse than he probably already was but Jimin chuckled.
"He's a hairless cat, no allergies apparently." He gently ran his hand over the top of the cat's head and smiled proudly at you. He'd been trying for months to find a way to bring a cat into the house without it causing a problem with him and this was the only way. 
"He was up for adoption and so I just...Adopted him," Your eyes teared up as you realised he had done this for you, 
"Jimin...This is...This is amazing, thank you." You didn't know where to even begin this was insane to you that he had done this, 
"Thank you," You cooed running your hand over the cat's head and smiling as he started to purr, snuggling into your hand. 
"I got him everything we were going to need, food, toys and a bed," Jimin explained as he began to show you the cat tree he'd been attempting to build all afternoon long.
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"You sure this will work?" Jimin questioned before sneezing into his elbow and groaning, he had no idea why he'd agreed to help Taehyung with this when he knew he was allergic. 
"It's perfect, you should go out the back door I heard Yn's car." Taehyung rushed Jimin out of the door before turning to look back at the small box of kittens that were sitting in the living room. You'd been feeling really down lately because you'd lost your family cat and Taehyung wanted to do something to help cheer you up, even a little.
"Tae, what are you doing?" You laughed when he greeted you right at the front door. The last time he did this he'd broken your favourite mug and wanted to tell you before you got into the house.
"I got you something," He said with a giant smile, you frowned. Taehyung knew that you hated when he would spend his money on you.
"You got me something?"
"Yeah, close your eyes." You laughed as he covered your eyes and began to walk you carefully through the house until he stopped in the living room.
"I know you've not been feeling like yourself and I thought that maybe this might help..." He slowly removed his hand and your eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the lights and looking around.
"On the floor," He whispered before you stared down at the box of kittens in front of you. There had to be around 4 of them sitting in the box and watching you, tilting their heads to the side.
"Tae? W-Where did you get them?" You whined sinking down to your knees and carefully running your hand over each of their heads and whimpering as they meowed at you for attention.
"Someone was giving them to the local shelter and I asked if we could take them...They're fully wormed, had their shots and we can take them back for checkups soon." He smiled before pulling out another box. 
"I got them all collars too, but I don't know what gender they are because I can't tell," You laughed softly before carefully picking up each of the cats to try and help him out. Both of you spending the night curled up on the floor with your newest editions to the family while trying to come up with names.
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Jungkook was convinced your cats hated him at one point in your relationship. It was back when you first started dating, they would constantly get in the way of your alone time or when he first started staying over they would hiss at him. He always told you it was like they had a personal vendetta against him and he hated it.
"Jungkook? Have you seen Pepper? I can't find him or the others..." You trailed off slowly when you walked into the bedroom to find Jungkook sound asleep on the bed with Pepper on his chest with the others all laid on the bed around him. Pepper was the newest addition to your little cat family and Jungkook told you Pepper was going to hate him only...The two of them were the best of friends. Ever since Pepper had arrived the other cats had slowly begun to warm up to Jungkook.
"And here you thought they hated you," You cooed softly, running your hand gently over Jungkook's cheeks as he let out an adorable whine and turned to look at you.
"You thought they hated you," You whispered nodding down to all of the cats as Jungkook started to smirk at you, 
"Call me the cat whisperer." He chuckles as you rolled your eyes at him playfully.
"Okay, watch this." You smirked picking up the food and shaking it a little laughing to yourself as all of the cats began to rush out of the room and head to their food bowls. 
"MY BABIES!" Jungkook cried out as you rushed out of the room to go and feed them all.
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tagline: @lyoongx @mitzwinchester @rjsmochii @taestannie @sw33tnight @sweeneyblue1 @agustdjoon @jin-from-the-block @acciocriativity​ @mwitsmejk​ @taeechwitaa​ @justbangtanthingz​ @stillwithlix​ @kookiekuu​ @lolalee24​ @hopeworldd-2​ @totallynoanalien​ @yubinism​ @ethereallino​ @heyjiminnie​ @aerastus​ @tinyoonsblog​ @cherrybubblesandvodka​ @kimahnjung98​ @halesandy​ @snigdha-14​
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sukacheri · 6 months
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RitsuIzu Week 2023 Day 6 - Embarrassment
rosy [AO3 or Keep Reading below]
ritsuizu | pre-relationship | 2.2k words
Knights takes a 23 hour flight to Iceland so they can do a photo shoot. After hours of chaos, Izumi just wants to enjoy the peace and quiet when they finally all fall asleep. It's never that easy.
Six hours left.
Not that Izumi normally kept track of the time remaining whenever he traveled. What was the point? You’d get there when you get there. If you were late, it was your own fault for not planning properly.
If this were one of his routine flights, he’d be landing around now, maybe even already at baggage claim picking up his sleek black suitcase. Milan to Japan, Japan to Milan, they both averaged out to 13 hours. On those flights, he tried to sleep as much as possible — he invested in a high quality, very expensive, neck pillow for that very purpose — and if he was lucky he’d have passed most of the time that way with a good eight hour sleep.
However, those flights were not this one.
Those flights didn’t have four idiots bouncing their energy off each other. Those flights had the presence of the public to subdue any urges to have an outburst or cause a scene. Those flights were not private with an unlimited refreshment bar that was being ransacked like kids at Christmas.
Now, some of those other transcontinental travels Izumi went on did have Leo aboard, but Izumi booked their seats separately. As far apart as he could, in fact. Leo would be someone else’s problem for half a day.
It had taken about twelve hours for Knights to calm down — Izumi thought they burnt out around seven, but Arashi had, unfortunately, found a karaoke machine. It did not mean his maturity dropped when he joined in for a few songs. Not when he had been directly challenged by that red-headed brat. 
Izumi huffed, glancing back at the rest of Knights sleeping in their seats. Tsukasa had a neck pillow hanging around his shoulders, and he slumped against Arashi wearing her sleep mask, a “cute” (tacky) design with green cat eyes staring back at him. Leo slept in the next row over, taking up 3 seats to lounge out, and forgoing any sort of comfort such as a pillow or blanket. And Ritsu was…
Not there.
Izumi narrowed his eyes. He was sure Ritsu was back there the last time he checked, Izumi didn’t remember him walking past at least. He could have gone to the bathroom, but that would require believing he was a mature and sensible adult, and not Ritsu Sakuma.
Where would someone stupid go? 
The overhead bins. (Izumi knew this from experience after traveling with Leo for so long.)
But where would someone annoying go?
Izumi felt under his seat, barely keeping his hand from reeling back after touching what was definitely hair.
“Kuma-kun,” he hissed, leaning his head down to look under the seat. Red eyes and a frustrating smirk looked up at him.
“Hi Secchan. I love it when you pet my hair, it makes me feel like you’ll take me home one day like a stray cat.”
“Will you shut up? God, this is so annoying,” Izumi said. He considered pushing Ritsu to go sleep with Leo or something, but painful experience told him if Ritsu had chosen to crawl and lay here, it was because he specifically wanted to pester Izumi.
Ritsu waited patiently to be told off, his sleepy smirk remaining happily on his face. Izumi was very tempted to just kick him, but no, he was mature and not an idiot.
“Move your ass and sit up here or something. You’re laying on my needles.”
Ritsu’s smirk deepened. “Is that an invitation to sit with you?”
“Are you stupid?” Silence. Whatever. “Yes. So move, I need to work.”
While Ritsu crawled out of the impossibly small space that existed underneath airplane seats, Izumi grabbed his knitting needles and a ball of thick violet yarn. He mourned his would-be quiet time as he unraveled a bit of yarn and started to cast on his needle.
“Who are you making that for?” Ritsu asked, taking the middle seat and essentially trapping Izumi against the window.
Izumi’s lip twitched. Observant men were so annoying.
“Why would I be making anyone anything?” He kept his eyes on his needles and loops, not wanting to have a mistake in the start and only realize it 20 rows later. 
Ritsu hummed next to him, the noise far closer to Izumi’s ear than he would’ve liked, sending prickly goosebumps raising all over his arms. At least he was wearing a turtleneck. You learned to cover as much skin as possible when it came to dodging Ritsu’s prying eyes.
Plus, it kept his neck safe considering the whole pseudo-vampire thing, whatever was going on with that.
“It’s not for me. You would be too embarrassed to make it right in front of me,” Ritsu observed. “But Secchan waited until he thought everyone else was asleep to start it, so it’s down to Tsukipi, Nacchan, or Suu-chan.”
“Or it could be that you’re all so loud and annoying, and I had to wait until you fell asleep so I could actually get some work done. Huh, I wonder what the more likely option is?”
“Violet doesn’t really match Tsukipi, so probably not for him,” Ritsu continued, blatantly ignoring Izumi.
He clicked his tongue, sparing a sideways glare at Ritsu.
In return he gets the same half-awake smile as before.
“Hmph. Leo-kun wouldn’t know fashion if it hit him in the face. Him or the brat. Kasa-kun’s lucky he has maids to dress him.” He turned his focus back to the knitting, double checking the loops for any inconsistencies and resuming once satisfied he hadn’t botched it.
Ritsu shrugged next to him. “Well, Tsukipi is Tsukipi, there’s no changing that. And Suu-chan is rich, so he’s always wearing something presentable. Even if it doesn’t hold up to Secchan’s ridiculously high standards. Also,” he paused. “Ah, hey. No changing the topic. I’m playing my favorite game here.”
“What game?” Izumi scowled, wishing he could swat Ritsu away with a giant fly swatter. Even mosquitos weren’t this pestering.
“Making Seccahn red with embarrassment. My high score is FF2400.”
Izumi opened his mouth, irritation laden throughout him and ready to spill, but at the jumble of numbers he paused. Numbers? What do numbers have to do with this?
The realization dawning on him nearly made him stumble on a loop as he leveled a sharp glare at Ritsu.
“Fuck off with the fucking hexadecimal. How fucking immature can you be? I’m surrounded by the world’s dumbest people at all times,” Izumi snapped. “How the hell do you even know that? Actually, don’t answer. And watch your mouth, or I’ll find a better use for these needles.”
“Mm, Secchan’s gonna stab me.” Ritsu invaded his space with no further warning, draping himself across Izumi’s shoulder.
Izumi really did want to stab him, and only the thought about having to take a layover for medical attention and add onto the seemingly endless travel time held him back. His skin prickled with frustration, but that wasn’t uncommon whenever he talked to Ritsu. In fact, it’d be concerning if he didn’t feel on the verge of hives the entire time he exchanged words with him.
It was a requirement of dealing with Ritsu to accept you were going to be handled in overly affectionate ways, and somehow the touching was far easier to deal with than the other man’s grating words. So, Izumi let him stay. If he was lucky, Ritsu would fall asleep on his shoulder and finally shut up.
“Nacchan or Suu-chan. Hm…”
Izumi’s fingers clench around his needles and he puts more force than necessary into making a loop that would tear a thinner strand of yarn. This conversation was going to give him a headache if Ritsu refused to drop it, so with a tight exhale Izumi explained.
“It’s for Kasa-kun. He forgot to pack his scarf.” Ritsu smiled into his shoulder, which sent a horrifying fluttery rush through him which he promptly ignored. “Scarves are easy. And I brought my yarn to pass time anyways, so it’s not like I’m really doing anything.”
Ritsu hummed, wrapping his arm around Izumi’s and forcing himself closer than he had any good reason to be, but again Izumi forgoes commenting on it. It was what Ritsu would want him to do.
“I see, well if that’s what Secchan says, then it must be, mmm… 60% of the truth.”
“I’m not lying, so I have no idea what else you want from me.”
Fingers tap against his arm. “I want the other 40%, what you’re not saying. You admit you’re making a scarf for Suu-chan — which is so sweet and just like you by the way — but there must be more. Did you already make something else while everyone was distracted? When was it? I was asleep for a bit when we first took of—”
Izumi went painfully still, keeping his face as blank as he could. His time spent in front of a camera and on runways should give him a better grasp at maintaining a poker face, and yet his cheeks started to burn.
“Ah, I see,” Ritsu purred. “A gift for me.”
Izumi resisted grinding his teeth together as the heat in his face grew. But now that Ritsu had said it, Izumi refused to give him the satisfaction of teasing him as he fruitlessly tried to deny it.
“Whatever. It’s not a gift,” Izumi started, eyes narrowing as smugness began to ooze off Ritsu. He continued quickly before Ritsu could get a word in, “It’s for utility, so that when we get there and do our photo shoot, you won’t be able to sneak out of it by bitching about how cold your hands are. Because I know you’ll do that, then just go over to wherever they’ll have hot chocolate. And then you’ll drag Kasa-kun over to indulge his sweet tooth, and Leo-kun will go over too because he hates being left out of delinquency.”
“Wow. Secchan’s thought up a whole story to excuse him doing something nice out of the kindness of his heart.”
“Shut up.”
“So gloves to keep my hands warm, huh?” Ritsu tapped his chin with his finger. “Interesting. I could have sworn you also bought my current gloves last winter. Are you so neurotic that you want me to have a new pair each year?”
“It’s not gloves. I’m well aware you have gloves already.” Hot embarrassment flooded through Izumi, but he forced the next words out of his mouth before he could decide he’d be better off burning what he made and throwing the ashes out the window. “It’s mittens to go over your stupid gloves. Because I know you’ll be so annoying and bitchy about the weather even though the gloves should be perfectly fucking fine and keep you warm. So, whatever. I made some.”
For a moment, all Izumi heard was the sound of the wind rushing past the plane outside and his own heart beating quickly in his ears. He had kept his eyes trained on his knitting so he wouldn’t have to look at Ritsu, but as the silence stretched he couldn't help but glance over.
Ritsu’s cheeks were dusted with a rosy red.
When he caught Izumi’s eye, he quickly tried to bring his eyebrows down from where they had risen and pulled a smooth smirk on his face.
“Secchan curses like a middle schooler, but he’s as sincere as always.”
“Whatever. You act like you don’t give a crap about it, but aren’t you always happy to get something?” 
Ritsu poked his cheek, turning Izumi’s face to make him look back down at his knitting.
“You should stay focused on finishing Suu-chan’s scarf. He’s too stubborn to complain if he gets cold,” Ritsu said. “C’mon, finish up, finish up. I’ll hold the yarn ball, that way I can say we both made it.”
Izumi begrudgingly moved his fingers again, letting Ritsu grab the thick ball of yarn. “You can take all the credit. Better than him thinking he can get shit from me whenever he wants.”
“Mm, he wouldn’t believe me for a second if I said it was all me. But since that’d be funny to argue about with him, I’ll do it.” Ritsu let out a small laugh, already enjoying his hypothetical argument with Tsukasa. 
Izumi continued knitting, working rows upon rows into the scarf while Ritsu fulfilled his simple job of keeping enough yarn unrolled for Izumi to use. Their conversation turned to other topics, such as the idiotic decision to let the fans vote on their photo shoot location (because who the hell wanted to go to Iceland when it wasn’t summer? So much for embracing the midnight sun). And when their talking hit lulls, it wasn’t uncomfortable. Just a simple silence, a pause of conversation.
Besides, Izumi was pretty sure Ritsu started napping partway through. Eerily able to keep his hands moving to unroll the yarn despite his closed eyes and small breaths.
By the time there was one hour left to go, the other members of Knights woke up and attempted to get some final rounds of karaoke in. Izumi denied their invitations with a glare, even if getting up and gaining some blood flow back into his legs didn’t sound like a terrible idea. He had a lump of deadweight drooling all over his shoulder, and he knew he’d never hear the end of it if he got up now.
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thelaundrybitch · 2 years
TMNT Trick or Kink: The Halloween Extravaganza - Introduction
Part two.
For your viewing pleasure. (I hope 😂)
Part one: HERE
Part three: HERE
18+ content - for mature audiences only
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Halloween Extravaganza - part 2
Fucking Job, you think to yourself as you shift and pull at the black corset that you swear is now permanently part of your body. He wasn't kidding when he said tight squeeze. 
You turn and check yourself out in the mirror.
But damn, did he do a fabulous job. 
You appreciate your own reflection, looking at all the fine details he added to your costume. 
The tight leather pants with the animatronic tail.
The long, black leather gloves reaching all the way up to mid-bicep.
The absolutely stunning corset lined with faux fur and black rhinestones. 
And the BOOTS! 
Hot damn. They look like he borrowed them directly from Helen Parr, for crying out loud.
Of course, to top it off, he made faux fur ears to pull the outfit together.
A knock comes from the guest room door.
"Come in!" You say loudly.
Job comes in fully dressed in his costume, and you let out a chuckle.
"Very fitting," you tell the little man who is dressed like a Ringmaster.
"And you look like my main event," he says with a flirty wink. "Come and sit. I'm not done with you yet."
You sit on the stool for the vanity, and he adds some cat-eyed makeup to your eyes and fake eyelashes. He pulls out some professional-looking, makeup artist glue and glues whiskers on your cheeks. He finishes the look with a hot, red lipstick and some gloss.
He helps you up from the stool and takes a good look at the finished product.
"That man isn't gonna know what hit him," he says with a huge smile, clearly satisfied with his work. 
You feel your cheeks heat up with his implications. Job knows you've only had eyes for one man these last couple of years, and he was currently downstairs awaiting your arrival.
You follow him to the door before he spins and says, "Wait! I almost forgot!"
Job walks you down to the main entrance of the party hall, where Derek and Hector are waiting for you by the closed double doors.
You snicker at the sight of the pair of them.
Derek has on a one-piece jumpsuit of a sheep - that looks more like pajamas - fully equipped with the hood that adorns two cute fluffy ears.
And Hector is wearing a huge cloth diaper - held together with a giant diaper pin - and a bonnet. A pacifier is on a string around his neck.
By the time you get to them, you're cackling because they look like absolute idiots.
"You two embarrass me," grumbles Job, shaking his head in disbelief at their costume choices.
"What?! I'm a wolf in sheep's skin!" Derek defends himself, making you giggle again.
"And what about you?" Job accuses more than asks the shark-man.
"You said you wanted sexy costumes!" Hector replies, eyes wide.
Now you're roaring with laughter as Job says deadpan, "That is not sexy."
As you're trying to collect yourself, Job is apologizing and regretfully informing you that he must send you with those two while he makes his grand entrance.
"Oh good! I haven't missed the big reveal!" Sean calls from behind you.
You and Job turn around simultaneously as the two bodyguards snicker.
"Oh, for the LOVE OF…" Job stresses, slapping a hand over his face.
"What?! It's my work uniform!" Sasses the small man that's dressed up like a leprechaun.
He hurries over to where you're all gathered, taking a good look at you in your costume.
"wOAh… Hope you're ready for all the cat calls," he says, wiggling his eyebrows at you while Job groans at his friend's terrible joke.
Job bids you adieu and sends you through the party room entrance with the three stooges.
You're seated at a table directly next to the giant stage that’s in the center of the party room,  sipping your drink and wondering where the guys are, when the lights in the room dim.
"Witches and Zombies! Goblins and Spirits! Ghouls ALL over the age of 21!" You chuckle at the creative Ringmaster opening as you hear Job's voice over the surround sound loudspeakers from every corner of the room. "Welcome… To the Jobiathan Halloween EXTRAVAGANZA!" He announces, illuminated by a spotlight as he's lowered into the room on a cable - his foot in a small loop, holding the cable with one hand and the other spread out to the audience - like the showman he is.
The room, packed with hundreds of tables of costumed guests, erupts in cheers as Job's feet meet the 360⁰ stage in the center of the room.
"This year, we have a MULTITUDE of fabulous things to do around the Jobiathan Estate!" He gushes, a huge smile dancing across his face. "Find your way through the Forbidden Forest! Glance into the scrying pool and have your fortune told! Meander the Magician's Maze and Trick or Treat in the Hallway of Terrors!" He tells the crowd through their excited oohs and ahhs.
"Be sure to visit Cadaver Cafe for a spooky snack, and Poisons and Potions has all your adult beverage favorites!" He continues. "BUT! Before you get lost in the fun… As promised… This year's sexy surprise…."
The room is suddenly bathed in pitch black as all the lights click off. They are quickly replaced by five spotlights, creating a circle around the little blue Ringmaster.
Under each of those lights, a huge box rises up from the stage floor, and you see Sean has now joined Job on stage.
"I introduce to you… The Extra…. In my Halloween Extravaganza…"
Please stay tuned for the main event…
If you enjoyed it, Please reblog for others to enjoy 🤩💕
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littlemonday · 2 months
All my writing sessions must first begin with me leaning back in my desk chair and letting my cat walk all over my chest, screaming in my face, then finally wrapping herself around my neck and face like a scarf. We snuggle like this for about ten minutes, at which point she leaves, and I’m allowed to begin writing. This is the way.
What happens if I don’t do this for her? She sits directly in front of my screen, sulks, and lets out the most pathetic murrs you’ve ever heard until I relent. It would be heartbreaking if I didn’t know how spoiled she was.
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snowthornes · 8 months
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"Are you alright?" the golden-haired Norm asked, a note of concern entering his voice. "You look like you just swallowed something awful." Thorne felt his smile freeze on his face. Slowly, under the gazes of the three Shepherds — Hael, of course they'd be Shepherds — he nodded, still smiling. "Yes, I'm doing wonderfully. My apologies — I think I had something in my throat." Thorne had never planned on joining the Shepherds.
1 ✦ Demons. Awful for Business.
“Do you believe in free will?”
The question echoed in Thorne’s ears long after the red-haired man with the wide-brimmed hat had left, flicking a coin into his empty cup before he made his exit with a dramatic finality. He stared idly at the solitary cup, sitting only a table away — turning the previous conversation over and over in his head.
It was an intriguing question, he thought, settling back into his seat. His hand absently came up to finger the gleaming silver necklaces looped around his neck. Free will. Did he believe in free will? He had played along with Croelle, (Omens, his mind whispered, warnings and legends and gods), curious to see where the other man was going with his random approach of a stranger, but — he wasn’t sure. 
All he knew was this: as a Diminished stray who had had to survive by himself since his Wreath Day, free will had never been his to contemplate. He had laughed, and charmed, and manipulated, and slaughtered — all under the looming banner of survival. 
Could the sort of life he had led be the kind that had anything to do with “free will”?
He didn’t know. 
Still, the thought that everything in his life was predetermined… to put it nicely, it set him ill at ease. To put it bluntly, it pissed him off.
Faith was a shadow that he had turned his back on long ago. Whatever ‘path’ this so-called One-God had allegedly set out for him, Thorne had no interest in walking it. Just the thought left an acrid taste in his mouth. If not believing in free will meant believing in the One-God’s will, then, fine — he believed in free will.
And with his free will, Thorne had come to Haven with one mission: to find employment.
Not very glorious, but one does what one must. And what Thorne must do was find some sort of employment that involved more than wandering around the continent and picking up whatever jobs the day saw fit to throw his way — jobs of which were always a toss-up between the mundane and bizarre.
(He couldn’t count the amount of lost pets he’d had to find over the years. Once, he’d had to track down a family’s beloved pet pig after it fled deep into a forest. Needless to say, while he'd managed to rescue it, the massive wild cat that had also been tracking said pig hadn’t been very happy.)
Note: If you can't open the link and you get the 'typo in href.li.' error, just delete https://href.li/? from the link in your browser and press enter :D
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Hello! Thank you very much for opening my fic :D This won't be a chapter by chapter retelling of SHOH, but more of a fic about Thorne's own experiences in Blest as himself , not as an OC limited by the (very understandable!!) narrative constraints of the game. There will be scenes that weren't directly addressed in the game like Thorne's initiation to the Shepherds, so there will be quite a lot of headcanon-ing going on! This is very much a passion project and something I'm writing for fun — Thorne Briers and the world of SHOH are both very dear to me, and I couldn't resist the urge any longer. I hope you have as much fun following the story as I do writing it!
This is an unpolished work; I'm still very new to writing. Hopefully I'll be able to improve my craft while writing this fic, and have fun doing it!
DISCLAIMER: The world and characters of "Shepherds of Haven" do not belong to me, but to Lena Nguyen. You can find her on Tumblr under the @ shepherds-of-haven. Thorne Briers is a character of my own creation, and the MC of this fic. Due to narrative reasons, there will be several lines lifted directly from the game (ex. when a canon character speaks). Please let me know if this is a concern!
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A Family Split in Half Chpt. 1
a/n: ...aka Half n Half au. I've already posted this on ao3 as some of you may know but I've decided to start posting at least some of my fics directly on tumblr as well in an attempt to get a bit more exposure on this hellsite. I'll post chapter 2, which is also already on ao3, next week, or in a few days, depending on if my ploy for attention works at all lol.
Late in the night, two boys ran through the streets of New York City.
The shorter one, dark-skinned, curly-haired, and wearing an orange sweatshirt with a broach pinned tightly to it, vaulted over a food cart- knocking it over as he leapt past.
"Sorry!" He called back, not slowing down.
"You don't have to apologize, Mikey." His companion running alongside him, taller, wearing a purple shirt with another broach pinned, said to him. "It doesn't matter, it's just a human."
"Yeah, I guess you're right." The short boy- Mikey- replied. "Ah! Donnie!" He suddenly cried, pointing ahead- "The dog thingy's getting away, we gotta hurry up!"
And sure enough, their target was gaining distance ahead of them. The small creature scuttled past some humans, until it reached a seemingly impassable crowd, where it vanished in a flash of blue, and instantly reappeared in the air a few feet ahead. The vial around its neck clinked against the concrete as it hit the ground.
It turned into an alleyway, and the two boys followed. The creature ran forward, looking back to see how close the boys were- until it skidded to a stop in front of a wall.
"Dead end, dog thingy." Mikey brought out his kusari-fundo. Donnie grabbed his bo staff.
"Give us the vial now, and we won't have to hurt you." Donnie said.
The creature backed itself against the wall and growled.
Mikey shrugged. "Well, we gave you a chance." He whipped the sharp, weighted end of his weapon at the creature, and the weapon let out a joyful, shrieking laugh as it burst into flames, flying directly at the creature-
There was a flash of blue, and the weapon stuck halfway into the wall. They could see the bricks shaking for a split second afterwards.
"Aw, man, it got away." Mikey said, shoulders slumping.
"We'll find it." Donnie said, "We have to. Father needs that vial." He turned and started walking out of the alley. "Come on, Mikey. It couldn't have gone far."
"What was that?"
Two turtle boys, one wearing a red bandana, the other wearing a matching blue one, and a short teenage human girl, sitting together in the girl's bedroom, felt the building rumble.
"Uh…." April, the girl, with red glasses, a yellow shirt, and her hair styled in afro puffs, looked around. "Earthquake?"
"Does New York get earthquakes?" One of the boys, Leo, the one in blue, questioned.
The one in red, Raph, knit his brow and stood up. "I've never felt one before." He walked to the window, and started to look around outside. "I don't see anything, though- oh, aww! Guys, look!"
Leo and April rushed to join him at the window.
"There's a weird dog over there!" He pointed out the window at the neighboring rooftop below, where a small animal stood, looking to either side of itself.
"Looks more like a cat to me." Leo said.
"Whatever it is, it looks scared. We should go help it." Raph declared.
"How are we gonna get over there?" April asked.
Leo opened the window and stepped onto the fire escape. It creaked under him as he drew back, and leaped onto the rooftop, landing with a crash a few feet away from the animal.
It skittered back as Leo landed.
"Owwww…" He muttered. "Hi, kitty."
"Guess that works." Raph shrugged and held his arms out to April, who shrugged back and allowed him to pick her up. Raph stepped onto the fire escape, and jumped to the lower rooftop. He managed to land on his feet… for about half a second, before quickly losing his footing and falling forward.
"Ow!" April shouted. "Raph! You gotta be careful with those landings!"
"Sorry!" Raph picked himself up, and helped April do the same.
Leo rose to his feet as well, dusting himself off. The animal stood a few feet away, observing the three teens in a defensive stance. "It's still pretty scared, we should be careful." He said.
Raph waved him off. "It's fine, animals love me." He turned to the creature. "Hey, lil guy!" Raph stepped towards it. The creature hissed at him. "It's okay, we wanna help! Are you lost-" The creature hissed again before leaping at Raph, latching onto his face, and clawing at him. It vanished in a flash of blue, and reappeared in April's arms.
"Aww!" She scratched it behind the ears.
"Ow…" Raph rubbed the scratches left by the animal.
"There it is!" A new voice rang out.
The three teens turned to see two human boys, around their same age, standing on the roof, one wearing purple, one wearing orange.
"You." The one in purple pointed at April. "Hand over the agent. Now."
April backed up. The animal growled in her arms.
"Oh, shit, humans. Leo, time for Plan H!" Raph whispered to his brother, who cleared his throat and stepped forward.
"Hello, fellow average New Yorker! Could you kindly point us in the direction of the local science fiction convention which we are-"
He was interrupted by a loud, drawn out gasp from the boy wearing orange. "Donnie." He grabbed his companion's sleeve. "Donnie, it's them!"
Donnie looked back and forth between the two turtles and April with the creature. His eyes narrowed. "I can see that." He sighed. "Well, this mission just got needlessly complicated."
"Aren't we supposed to-"
"I'll handle this, Mikey." Donnie lifted his staff. "Leonardo and Raphael, I assume?"
Leo and Raph startled at the sound of thekr names. "How-"
Donnie continued. "Father wouldn't want us to hurt you too grievously, so I'm giving you a chance to back down, hand over the thing that girl is holding, and come back with us. I don't know why you're protecting the Agent, but believe me, the plans we have for that vial will make this world a better place for you."
Mikey nodded. "And! If you come back with us, we'll get to be a family again! Dad'll be so happy to have you guys back, and we have so much to catch up on. And you'll love it at home, you won't need to hide, or do dumb fake nerd voices if someone spots you, you'll just be normal, like us!"
Leo and Raph looked at each other, and backed away from the two boys.
"What the hell are you guys talking about?" Leo was almost afraid to ask. "Why are you calling the cat thing an "agent"? What's all this about us being family?"
Raph nudged him and whispered, "They're probably just on drugs, we should get out of here."
"We are not on drugs." Donnie said in an annoyed tone.
"I think the disguises are confusing them." Mikey unpinned the broach pinned to his sweatshirt. Donnie nodded and followed suit.
In an instant, the two boys standing before them transformed from humans, to a pair of humanoid turtles - one wearing an orange bandana around his neck, the other wearing a glowing, metallic purple covering over his shell.
"See?" Mikey said, spreading his arms wide. "We're your brothers!"
Leo, Raph, and April all stood with mouths agape.
"You guys have more brothers?!" April shouted. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"We didn't know!" Raph shouted back.
"He didn't tell you about us?" Donnie raised an eyebrow, then shook his head. "Look, we can talk about this later, at home. Just give us the weird cat so we can get this over with."
"We're not giving you the dog, and we're not going with you." Raph crossed his arms and both he and Leo stepped in front of April. "I don't know what you want with that thing, but it's nothing good, so if you want it, you'll have to go through us!"
Mikey glanced at Donnie. Donnie sighed and nodded. "If that's what it takes." He leveled his staff. "Mikey, take them out. Non-lethally. I'll get the Agent."
Mikey grinned and pulled out his own weapon.
Leo drew a pair of swords from their sheaths on his back. Raph pulled out his sais.
"Let's see what kind of training Lou Jitsu gave you!" Mikey swung his chain at Leo, and Leo charged towards him, swords held out- he dodged to the side of Mikey's chain, avoiding a direct hit, but stumbled, as the weighted end let out a horrible laugh and lit up in flame. It swung back towards Leo, and he braced himself for impact, but it flew past, missing him by an inch- Leo didn't have time to let out a sign of relief, though, before it swung back around from behind him, seeming to miss him again, swinging back around in front of him; in no time at all, Leo was wrapped in the chains.
Mikey planted his feet and swung again, pulling Leo off the ground, swinging him around until he was past the bounds of the roof. The chains came undone, and Leo plummeted down.
"Huh. That was easy." Mikey muttered, sounding almost disappointed.
"LEO!" Raph screamed and ran towards the ledge.
"I SAID NON-LETHAL!" Donnie shouted at Mikey as he rushed at April.
April turned to run, but before she could make it more than a few steps, Donnie pulled a small device out of a compartment in his metal shell. He pressed a button on the device, and the animal in her arms was encased in a glowing bubble. It tried to teleport away, but each time, it just reappeared back in the bubble.
"Hand it over!" Donnie demanded.
"No way!" April wrapped her arms around the bubble, holding it as tightly as she could, and started to run for the staircase.
Donnie caught up to her almost immediately. She tried to pick up her pace, but he grabbed her by the shoulders, turned her around, and grabbed the bubble holding the creature. April held fast, still holding it as tightly as she could, pulling it back towards herself even as Donnie put his all into wrestling it away from her.
"Mikey?" Donnie called out, "What are you doing? Can I get some help here?!"
Mikey stood behind Raph at the edge of the roof. Raph was kneeling at the ledge, looking down in horror at his brother on the ground.
Mikey looked over to see Donnie struggling with April. "I'll be right there, I'm almost done over here!"
Mikey kicked Raph, sending him over the edge as well.
He rushed to Donnie's side and grabbed the bubble.
"You didn't need to kick him like that." Donnie chided him.
"You told me to take them out," Mikey responded.
"Whatever, let's just get this thing." They both pulled with all their strength. April was no match for both of them- the bubble, and the animal with it, were pulled out of her hands.
"NO!" April shouted. The boys ignored her.
Donnie walked to the edge of the roof and peaked over the ledge to see Leo and Raph lying in a heap.
"Well, they're dead." He said. "Father's not going to be happy with you, Mikey."
"Not my fault they can't handle a little 3 story drop."
April chased after. "Let-" she stopped to catch her breath- "Let him go!"
Mikey lifted his weapon again.
"No." Donnie firmly put a hand on his arm to lower it.
"She's just a human."
"I don't care, we need to go. She's not a threat."
"I'll show you a threat!" April raised her fists.
The two boys ignored her, and hopped onto the next rooftop.
Her shoulders slumped. Hesitantly, she took a step forward, and glanced over the edge. "Oh… oh no…" She rushed to the staircase, down to the street.
She nudged Raph, who'd landed on top of Leo. "G-guys?"
Raph groaned. Leo's arm twitched. April let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding.
She looked around. There was no one nearby. She wasn't sure if that was a blessing or a curse- no one to see the turtles, sure, but no one to ask for help, either.
She pulled out her phone - to do what, she realized, call 911? She couldn't do that, they weren't supposed to be seen by humans! Except for her, and…
She gulped. April had just one person to call, no matter how much she didn't want to have to explain this to him.
She grabbed Raph's phone off him- miraculously, it turned on just fine, with just a few cracks in the screen- navigated to his contacts, and pressed the one just labeled "Dad".
After an agonizing few seconds, he picked up. A sleepy, accented voice came from the other end of the phone call. "Red?" He said, "What is it? Where are you??"
"U-um. Mr. Hamato?" April said. "Leo and Raph are hurt. We're on 31st. You gotta get over here."
"Who-" She could hear the panic rising in his voice. "Never mind, I'll be right there."
He hung up. April sat on the ground next to the boys, left to wait.
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
you can’t just say you lived in a demonic-level house and then say nothing more 😭 what happened there, i got knoowwww
sdfghjkl okay okay just a general tw for spooky shit because I will be going into detail.
brief backstory: my grandmother is a Weird person who tries to do things spiritually that she knows nothing about, like building a small altar and doing a “water ceremony” during sukkot one year and it was…….non traditional and very questionable. like it’s fine if you do that as a practice but she’s very ignorant and did it Wrong. the first house she lived in that i also lived in was a double wide with an office built onto the back and we turned that office into my bedroom. it was the place my grandmother was in the most while living there bc she was a bookkeeper, and I had the worst nightmares and anxiety that literally woke me up with panic attacks and I would roam the house at night crying before falling asleep on the couch. my mom did an intense prayer session in there and then I never had problems with that again. then years later we had to stay with my grandmother at her current house for about 2-3 years while we were between houses, and she has a belligerent alcoholic husband now. that’s important because he adds to her issues that makes the demonic shit Worse. (also bonus fact that adds lore: I stayed over at this house while my older sister was house sitting for the weekend and I saw a shadow figure standing at the end of the bed the second the lights turned out. nearly pissed myself.)
the main spooky shit: me and my 2 sisters slept in 2 bunkbeds in the guest room my grandmother used as a library while my parents slept in the actual guest room. there’s a narrow hallway that starts at the top of the stairs and turn’s immediately to the right to go to the guest rooms and the bathroom was directly across the hall from the library room, the master bedroom was directly to the left right at the top of the stairs. that’s important. I’m a night owl so most of the shit happened to me while I was up and about sometimes as late as 4-5am. one night I was sitting at the dining room table playing the sims on my laptop and i heard a feminine voice I didn’t recognize say my name. no one else was awake. I heard the same voice 2 more times, once while I was in the shower (I asked everyone and no one knows what I’m talking about) and then again being downstairs at night. I’ve seen a white figure walk across the the front windows, like just outside them, really quickly. I said Goodnight to the living room bc my grandmother has a million cats and turned to walk upstairs, I felt breathing on the back of my neck and it felt like someone was behind me the whole way up. I added a name after goodnight and never broadly addressed the room again and never had that happen again. several times, I left the library room to go to the bathroom and my grandmother’s door (left cracked for the cats) would swing open, pause, and close again like someone looked to see who had come out when everyone was ASLEEP.
I firmly believe I was pushed down the stairs. one second I was walking down just fine and the next I was on my ass on the landing but my feet didn’t slip out from under me and I hadn’t stumbled. I would see figures as a reflection in the door of the microwave move out of my peripheral, I would look and no one was there, not even a cat. my grandmother has terrible nightmares about demons trying to kill her and would wake us all up with her screaming in her sleep and it scared the shit out of us every time. she said she had seen a demon in the house before but my mom wouldn’t elaborate to us kids. my little sister and i both felt uncomfortable turning our backs to the corner by the door of our “room” because it felt like something was there. overall the house felt loud. like you don’t realize how much until you leave and suddenly it’s SO quiet.
(bonus: my brother-in-law has experience with mediums and ghost hunters, and has allegedly seen a ghost in the form of an old woman that appeared in his room he’d never seen before, and he claimed to see shadow figures around the border of the small property the house was on multiple times and has been followed by one to the barn across the street as well.)
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