#my cat won't let me add anymore tags
takidarminato · 9 months
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runnning-outof-time · 2 years
Busted By the Bird | Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader
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Request: yes by @bradshawwannebe
Pairing: Modern!Tommy Shelby x reader
Summary: (Y/N) invites Tommy over to her flat after a night out. There, Tommy finds out some interesting things about the woman he's interested in.
Warnings: language, drinking
Word Count: 2428
A/N: this one’s a bit different than my usual stories, but it was such a fun prompt to consider. Just a quick disclaimer though: I’ve never had a bird nor interacted with a bird, so I’m sorry if the bird seems off…don’t worry, this’ll make sense once you read! Enjoy! :)
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future stories similar to this one!
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Tommy and (Y/N) were both laughing about something one or the other had said as they came to (Y/N)'s flat's door after a night out at one of their usual spots. She suggested he'd come over to spend the night because it was close. The fact that the weather wasn't the best only helped her case.
"Now I must warn you before we go in..." (Y/N) started as she fished her keys out of her purse, "you're going to be very underwhelmed with everything in here."
"I'm sure I won't be," Tommy brushed her off.
"No, I mean it. You're used to high class...in here is how the normal people live," she insisted, emphasizing the word for effect. Tommy just chuckled at her statement and shook his head.
It still surprised (Y/N) that the business mogul, among other things, that was Tommy Shelby had an interest in being her friend. They met through a mutual friend and now had escalated things to spending nights out alone together. This was the first time he'd see her apartment though, because they'd always go to his afterwards.
"Just open the door, (Y/N)," he told her in a light voice, nodding his head to the door then.
"Oh, I should also warn you..." she started off again, pausing her statement to exude a giggle as she thought about what she was going to tell him, "I have a cat," she then said with the utmost seriousness.
Tommy's eyebrows raised slightly as he took in what she had to say. He blinked a few times, waiting to see if she had anymore to add. After a few beats of silence, he exhaled a breath of a laugh and shook his head, "that won't bother me," he told her.
"Ok. I just wanted to let you know before he surprised you. I know that some people aren't the best with cats," she told him her reasoning behind it before she finally went about opening the door to her home. "See?" she commented as they both walked in, "I told you that it's nothing much to look at," she said as she set her keys and purse down on the kitchen island that effectively split the two parts of the main living area up.
"It's fine," he brushed her off, taking off his jacket so that he was now only wearing a hoodie.
(Y/N) found herself looking him over, loving his casual look. It wasn't often that she saw him in a simple shirt and pair of jeans as he was always in some savvy suit, so she made sure to get a good mental image of it.
"You hear me?" Tommy's question brought her out of her thoughts, making her stare at him like a deer in the headlights. He chuckled at her stare. She obviously didn't hear what he'd said.
"I didn't," she admitted as her cheeks heated up, not even attempting to play it off like she was. "What were you saying?" she asked then, hoping he'd repeat himself.
"It was nothing," he brushed her off like he so commonly did, his answer making her frown.
"Tommy," she groaned, tipping her head back at his response.
"Where's your cat?" he asked her, shying them away from the previous topic.
"He's probably hiding...only comes out once in a while," she answered him, still pouting slightly at the fact that he was withholding information from her. Damn you brain and your stupid staring.
Tommy nodded at the information she'd shared with him, and silence fell between the both of them then. It only hung in the air for a few moments before a rather prominent 'squawk!' came from the living room side of the flat. Tommy immediately looked in the direction of the sound, finding a cage sitting up against the room's far wall. He then looked back at (Y/N), a look that was a combination of surprise and confusion present on his face.
"I forgot to tell you that I have a bird," (Y/N) stated, a bit of sheepishness present in her voice. She now felt like she wanted to facepalm herself for not disclosing this information to him. But honestly, She didn't even think to tell him that she had a bird, because who's bothered by birds?
"A bird and a cat. That's...interesting?" Tommy commented, a grin on his face as he thought of the irony of the situation.
"They're fine with each other. Chip stays in his cage and Simon enjoys watching him from the arm of the chair that's closest to the cage," she explained the living situation of her two pets.
"Chip and Simon," he tried the animals' names out for himself, chuckling slightly, "I like that."
"I went simple with the names," she brushed his compliment off as she moved around the kitchen island to go to the small wine rack that was sitting on the counter, "want some wine?" she asked him then, turning with a bottle in her hand.
"Sure," he shrugged, making her nod before she moved to the cabinet where the glasses were stored. She grabbed two before moving back to where he was standing by the island.
"I know it's not your whiskey, but it'll do, right?" her question was more like a comment as she poured two, decent portions out for the both of them.
"It'll do," he echoed her statement, smiling at her as she handed him one of the glasses.
"Let's go sit on the couch instead of standing around the island," she said next, nodding her head towards the living area, "fancy a movie?" she asked as they made their way over.
"Sure," he gave another simple response as they both sat down. (Y/N) nodded her head, grabbing the remote from the coffee table so that she could turn on the tv and log onto one of her streaming services.
They settled on a movie that neither had seen but had good reviews, and settled into watching it rather quickly. About twenty minutes in, (Y/N) offered to go get some more wine. Instead of sitting in her normal spot when she returned, she decided to move closer to where Tommy was on the couch to see how he'd react. He said nothing, just accepted his wine with a smile and focused back on the movie. (Y/N) smiled at that and looked back at the screen as well.
Several minutes into watching the movie again, Tommy rested his hand on (Y/N)’s thigh that was closest to his. He set it on it gently at first, as if he was testing the waters, but after a few minutes of nothing said, he pressed his fingertips into her skin slightly. From the corner of his eye, he could see her glance over at him. This only made him grin.
Some more minutes passed before (Y/N) decided to make the next move. Tommy's hand was still resting on her thigh, so she decided to lift her legs up and lay them over his thighs to see how he'd react. He moved his hand as she made her move and then brought it down to rest on her kneecap so that he could hold her legs in place. She felt his eyes on her, so she looked over at him, which almost immediately made butterflies erupt in her stomach. They held eye contact for a few moments before she looked away, her cheeks heating up along with the rest of her body.
"I really like him!" came out of nowhere from the cage in the corner of the room, followed by a loud 'squawk'. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she heard what Chip had just said, and if she wasn't blushing before, now she certainly was.
I hope that he didn't hear that! she screamed internally as she dared to look in Tommy's direction. Her embarrassment only increased when she found him staring back at her with eyes full of shock. Immediately, she went to cover what her bird had said: "he's just saying what I say about Harry Styles," she told him, laughing sheepishly in hopes to play this announcement off as normal.
"Ohh," Tommy drew out the word as he nodded, his eyebrows raised slightly at her admission. He knew that it wasn't a whole-truth, she listened to his music, sure, but she wasn't one of those superfans that dedicate their life to an artist. But at the same time, he could see that she was pretty flustered by her feathered friend's outburst, so he didn't comment on her explanation of it. He simply squeezed her knee and focused his attention back on the movie; playing catch-up now because he'd missed a few moments of it.
"I can back it up if you want," (Y/N) stated, trying to make the air around them less awkward. She was internally thanking the gods for sparing her the conversation she thought she'd be having. She should have known better to not have conversations with her friends about her crush on Tommy in the same room as Chip. That bird was all ears and had a track record of blurting out things like this.
"No, it's fine," he brushed her off, and she nodded before they went back to watching the movie.
They were able to watch a good bit more of the movie before Chip was talking again: "Tommy Shelby!" he squawked before proceeding to make kissing noises.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened at the bird's words. "Chip, I swear, shhhh!" she exclaimed in a harsh whisper after she realized that he was going to keep making the kissing noises until he got yelled at. Another trait that bird had was that he didn't know when to stop. She then squeezed her eyes shut, not even wanting to see what Tommy's reaction to the statement was. It took her a few seconds to muster up the courage to open her eyes again, but when she did, she immediately took to apologizing. "I'm sorry that he just said that. He always listens to my gossiping, and then he..."
"There's no need to apologize, (Y/N)," he cut her off before she could get into rambling on.
"I know, but I just feel so embarrassed that you had to find out about my crush on you from my bird," she said, trying to keep her cheeks from heating up anymore as she finally admitted her crush on him. It was pretty much out there in the open already...why not just own it?
"I mean I kind of already figured it..." Tommy trailed off, a slight smile on his face, "we're here cuddling 'n all...I'd hope you'd have an interest in me," he added, his words making (Y/N) exhale a giddy laugh. A huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders upon hearing what he had to say. A part of her was still expecting him to reject her. They focused back on the movie then, and (Y/N) finally felt her cheeks start to cool down. She could still feel Tommy looking over at her from time to time, but she decided to ignore it instead of giving herself the opportunity to make a fool out of herself again. "So that first statement wasn't referring to Harry Styles then?" he finally broke the silence and asked her, this time making her turn to face him.
A sheepish smile formed on her face as she shook her head. "No," she responded verbally, laughing slightly as a grin formed on Tommy's face.
"Well that's good because I'd like to know that before I went and did this," he stated before he started to lean in towards her. Holy shit!, (Y/N)'s mind was screaming as it felt like time was going in slow motion, holy shit, he's going to kiss me!. She said nothing though, and instead let her eyes flutter closed as she felt his breath fan across her lips.
Before their lips could touch, Chip'd chimed in with one more statement: "kiss the girl!" he exclaimed, making (Y/N) and Tommy pull back slightly and begin laughing.
"That'd be from The Little Mermaid," (Y/N) said in between her laughter as she looked over at Tommy.
"No," Tommy shook his head, "that'd be your bird being my wingman," he finished his statement, his words making another round of butterflies erupt in her stomach. He grinned at her as he leaned in again, this time leaving no room for the bird to interrupt as he pressed his lips to (Y/N)'s.
(Y/N) quickly kissed him back, her hand slipping behind his neck so that she could hold him close to her as their lips moved together seamlessly. Tommy's hand slid up her thigh, grabbing onto the swell of her hip so that he could manage to bring her body just the slightest bit closer to his. His tongue ran across her bottom lip, asking for entrance, and she was just about to give it to him when he pulled away with an 'oof'.
She opened her eyes to find that Simon had now (literally) joined the party by jumping onto Tommy's lap, effectively knocking the wind out of him in the process. She brought her hand up to cover her mouth, hoping that Tommy wouldn't notice the fact that she was trying to hold in her laughter.
"I'm guessing that this is Simon," he said when he finally had regained his breathing, looking down at the cat, who'd already made himself comfortable in the little crevice present between his abdomen and (Y/N)'s leg.
"That would be Simon," (Y/N) responded with stifled laughter, "and I think that he likes you," she pointed out, smiling at Tommy.
Tommy dropped his head back against the couch's cushion as he sent a grin in (Y/N)'s direction. He was glad that his interest in (Y/N) was requited, and that she seemed to be open to exploring things further with him. His only hope was that the next time they spent together, whether it be in the next few days or the next few minutes, would be without the added company of her lovely animals. But for now, he just looked at her with adoration as she giggled at the scene in front of her, his one hand petting the cat that had now taken up residence on his lap.
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Tagged: @mgcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21 @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica @raincoffeeandfandoms @itscheybaby @gypsy-girl-08 @lora21 @insanitybyanothername @depxiety @dragons-are-my-favorite @sunsetbeachesandwriting @forgottenpeakywriter @cilliansangel
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candied-boys · 1 year
Catboy Charles x F! Reader - Part 5
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Tags: domestic fluff, showering together because bbg doesn't know how
Part 4
The way Charles perches in his seat at the table is adorable. You mentally applaud yourself for not having barstools, but instead for investing in proper dining chairs. Knees up and feet on the cushion, he sits just like he always has as a cat. He even keeps his hands in front on the edge of the chair. Even his pretty tail sways through the gaps in the back.
His unfamiliarity with using his hands only adds to his charm. After a few demonstrations, he figures out how to hold the fork, but every time he thinks you're not looking his pink tongue sticks out in concentration as he tries to stab things onto the utensil.
He refuses to eat his greens. He won't even try them, pouting and saying cats don't eat grass. Charles does drink three glasses of milk, eat all his sausages, and pick out the soft centre of his bread; but you also hear him snacking on his kibble when you leave the room. You'll have to put that stuff away, or at least check if it's safe for humans to eat.
With lunch out of the way, you flop onto the sofa to try and figure out what to do about all this. Naturally, Charles takes his seat beside you and begins doing what he does at least half the day normally - grooming. It's such an unremarkable part of your life that you hardly register it anymore. That is until you're wrenched out of your pondering by much grunting and fussing.
“Can't… nnnn… reach!” Charles huffs as he tries to lick his tail.
As soon as you meet his gaze you can see how distressed he is from the helpless way he looks at you with those big blue eyes. Petting him consolingly you tell him, “I think you'll have to learn to groom the way humans do, Minou.”
He tilts his head in obvious confusion. Come to think of it, you've never let him in the washroom when you're showering. You didn't bother trying to give him a bath as a cat either because you know it's not necessary.
Hauling him up he trails obediently behind, standing next to you as you explain that you use the shower to get clean. From outside the booth, you turn on the faucet. The moment the water sprays the tile, he backs up against the bathroom wall.
“No rain,” he mewls in fear.
“It's not rain, Minou. It's a shower. It's nice. I promise!”
“I hate the rain! It's cold and it makes me feel sick and I get so dirty after it rains it ruins my coat and makes a mess of my tail!” he whimpers and clutches said fluffy accessory.
“This is warm and you'll feel great after! I'm sure you'll like it if you try,” you coo and scratch his ears again to calm him down.
“There's no such thing as warm rain…”
It seems the only way you can convince him it won't be that bad is by proving it to him.
“Here, give me your hand. We'll touch the water together and see if it's cold, okay?”
He nods warily and follows your lead but flinches at the sensation of the water hitting his palm.
“Don't like it…” he murmurs and quickly withdraws.
“I promise it's really nice when you're inside… I know you're scared, but if you can't groom like usual you won't be clean. I know you like to stay immaculate and this will help.”
Shaking his pretty mop of lavender hair back and forth he refuses again. “I don't want to be wet.”
“I'll dry your hair after for you?” you offer.
He looks at you with a suspicion like that isn't actually possible.
“I'll even wash your hair for you if you want?”
This is the only thing you've said that softens his frightened expression.
“You'll groom me?”
“Sure. If that'll make you feel better and help you get used to it.”
He agrees, but clings to your hand when you step into the shower booth together. You stand under the showerhead, blocking most of the water from hitting him until he adjusts. His pretty blue orbs flit to every corner of the little space. The more he takes in the weaker his grip becomes.
“Now what?” he eventually asks when he's satisfied his curiosity.
You show him your usual routine, and one step at a time do the same for him. You start slow, lathering up your hands and then giving him a chance to touch the bubbles. Rubbing the soap into his hands, in between his fingers, and up his wrist until he seems less wary. Gradually, you convince him to step out of the corner and into the spray with you so that you can help him suds up.
After washing his chest, you turn him around to wash his shoulders without much thought, but Charles hates the way his tail ends up soaked and heavy. Pouting and pleading with his moonstone eyes for you to fix it, you switch to shampoo. First demonstrating with your own hair, you then work the product into your hands and through his tail. Careful not to mat it, you make sure all of it is clean right down to the base.
Though you're sure owners shouldn't use conditioner on their cats - or any products not designed specifically for pets - you also know he can't care for it himself. With how fluffy it is, you don't want his tail to get tangled when you dry it. As you work the conditioner in gently you notice he's much more relaxed, to the point where you think you can hear a faint purr to over the pitter patter against the tiles.
With him finally at ease, you suggest he try shampooing his hair himself. Butterflies fill your stomach as you watch him step under the showerhead to wet his hair. It's not like you've never showered with a guy before, but you never had to teach them how to shower; how not to get soap in his eyes, what a washcloth is for, how to use a bar of soap without dropping it, not to lick his hands clean afterwards.
At length you finish and step out, wrapping him up in a big, soft towel. You swaddle his tail in another one and take him back to the bedroom so that he can sit while you blow-dry his hair. Though at first he hates the sound being so close to his sensitive ears, the way you play with his tresses as you dry the roots has him dozing off in minutes.
You debate getting him used to the device by asking him to do his tail, but he looks so peaceful curled up on the bed - ears twitching now and then in his sleep - that you can't resist drying it yourself. All fluffed out, you brush it until it's silky soft, just as you always do for him, then cover him up with the spare quilt.
Though it's not even dinner yet and you didn't get up until noon, it feels like a very long day. Feeding and bathing your cat-turned-boy is all you've done but you're exhausted and clearly Charles is too. You wonder how parents do it day after day for years on end.
When he eventually wakes up from his cat nap, he's very pleased with your work and enthusiastically thanks you by rubbing his head on your shoulder. With a gentle purr in the back of his sugary voice, he asks to pet his tail to see just how soft it is.
“I guess you like the conditioner then?” you comment when he flicks it back into your lap for you to touch again.
“Condi-what?” he responds, taking his tail back and enjoying its softness for himself.
“The creamy one I massaged into your tail after shampoo. It's what makes your hair smooth. You can try it yourself next time.”
Tilting his head he asks, “How do I remember which is which? They all look the same…”
With your fingers combing through the silken fluff at his third request, you answer, “Just read the label. Oh… wait… You can't read, can you?”
He shakes his head and looks terribly sorry as he curls up into himself and wraps his tail around his ankles.
Your to-do list for tomorrow just became a lot longer.
Part 6
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awiderangeofgreen · 4 months
Hell Week (aka Mother's day week) is done so I can finally come back to this ^^ Thanks for the tags @lilmaemae and @ella-norah 💚
Do you tidy your bed?
No XD my bed is a giant nest and one of the house rule is "if you are looking for one of my belonging, look in the bed and at the computer desk first, then under a cat." 🤣
What's your favorite number?
I don't really have one but I don't like 27, its taste is just weird and I can't wait for my birthday just to leave 27 behind me
What is your job?
I'm a florist^^ I've been for 4 years now after I decided to quit college after my english degree.
If you could go back to school, would you?
No. I love to learn new things but school is a place with most of the worst memories (and a few bests too) . I had to go back to school for my florist diploma and the age gap made it really difficult add to this I'm bat at social interactions. If i considered going back to school it would be College for a translation master degree or do research around gender studies
Can you parallel park?
I love to. Fun fact: I parallel park better than other "easy" park 🤣
A job you had that would surprise people?
I worked for almost a year in a high court. First few months was photocopying files and giving them to lawyers and others asking for them. And then I moved to registry. It was a really fun work and made me realize you can write about anything crime related, it can never reach reality without having someone tell you "that's unrealistic"
Do you think aliens are real?
yes, the universe can't be so big without having more about it. maybe they don't exist in a way we can comprehend but there has to be something
Can you drive a manual car?
Yes. I've been for more than 8 years now. Manual cars are the standard around here.
What's your guilty pleasure?
collecting/hoarding books that I know I won't read XD because all my reading brain goes to ao3 and reading in english
so far I have one of my tuxedo cat scratching my leg.
Now I'm waiting for money for the others. I already have one planned in memory of my 3 buns, just need to decide the flowers I want to go with it and find a tattoo artist specialized in watercolor tattoo.
the other one will be on my right forearm with an arrow with aroace colors and zodiacal signs ^^
Favorite color?
Malachite or emerald green
Favorite type of music?
It depends on the mood. If I want my brain to quiet down a little I'll listen to death metal or any "screaming" music. But if you look at my playlists it is just a mash up of everything. It goes from classical to rock to metal to pop and so on.
(Okay, let's be real for a second too: Jeff Satur is really taking over my music. I need him to give me back my soul)
Do you like puzzles?
i love them. The logic behind solving them is really soothing. With my sister we also try to have regular jigsaw puzzle afternoon ^^
Any phobias?
I wouldn't say it's a phobia but I can't stand slugs. I love snails but slugs? can't see them, can't touch them.
Favorite childhood sport?
i liked badminton at school or running but things like sprint. There's something brrrr about trying to go as fast as you can in a really short distance.
Do you talk to yourself?
all the time
What movie(s) do you adore?
thrillers? I don't know 🤣 I read this question and suddenly I'm unable to remember what I watch.
I don't really watch movies anymore because I don't have the focus to stay in front of them so most of the time it's my sister picking one and I "half" watch while scrolling on my phone or writing (and then I ask too many questions about the movie because it's good but I have no idea what happened)
Coffee or Tea?
First thing you wanted to be growing up?
A veterinarian but then I did an internship and realized I couldn't handle some of the emotionnal sides of the job. But now I'm involved in animal welfare, I'm also a foster family for exotic pets and working on opening an educational farm 🤣 so... I didn't really go far from my first idea, just changed how I wanted to help animals.
I have no idea who to tag so if you see this and want to do it, feel free to say I tagged you
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cyanidebitsg · 4 months
Wyvern angst
Tags: Rape, non-con, Sa, kidnapping, gang rape, trauma, torture
Wyvern was vaguely aware of the feeling of Makorav slicing her skin again. The cool air of wherever he was on his exposed body. Fluids hers or his on them dried tears on her cheeks. "This'll show Graves what happens when he leaves me. I can't wait for him to come crying back to me when I frame his precious Price and Nikolai for your murder~." She hears Makorav muse slicing her thigh again.
She tried to speak but she couldn't. Her throat raw from screaming earlier. "What cat got your tongue~? Y'know you can't fight back and no one will find you maybe I should take advantage of this~" He says Wyvern's eyes widening in panic when they realized what he meant. She heard the distinct sound of pants unzipping before a pause before Makorav spoke again. "Maybe I should let some of my soldiers have a go at you to I'm sure they would be grateful" He said chuckling before radioing some of his soldiers to come. Wyvern was panicking now breathing heavily terrified.
"Look at this slut" she heard a soldier say after a few minutes hearing multiple soldiers walk In. Before she has any time to process anything she feels someone thrust into her roughly causing her to choke or was there a hand around her throat? She wasn't sure anymore. Her mouth opens in a silent scream as she feels someone grabbing her boobs and someone else shoving their dick in her mouth. People were biting her. Everywhere. But especially her boobs. "If you bite I will kill you" She hears Makorav say and she realizes the dick in her mouth is his.
It goes on for hours the rape, the torture she just wanted it to be over to die. But she wouldn't they wouldn't let her. Not yet anyway. Maybe it was days, she didn't know anymore. But finally she heard a familiar, comforting male voice. Graves he'd found her. "Oh darlin'…" she heard him say as he removed her blindfold they put on her and he untied the top and she almost cried at the sight of her battered body. Covered in cum and blood. rope burns all over her actual burns, cuts she felt like she should cry but she had no tears left.
Wyvern woke up in the infirmary and started panicking. "Hey hey it's ok your safe we saved You. Your home." She heard he friend Vance say and he went to touch her but stopped realizing she probably won't want anyone to touch her as much as possible after what she went through and he pulled his hand back. "M-m-mak" She tried to say Makorav's name to ask if he was still out there but she couldn't speak it hurt too much. "I'm not sure Graves left base shortly after bringing you here and hasn't been back in a week" Vance said figuring out what she wanted to say.
Imma end this here I'll write a pt 2 eventually but I hope you enjoyed it I've never written smut before so I'm sorry if the little bit I wrote sucked I've thankfully never had this happen to me so I don't really have a good idea on what it'd be like so yeah.
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The Hello Puppets and MLB "crossover"
Disclaimer: This is not a crossover, but a universe inspired by Miraculous Ladybug. I am not much of a fan of the series anymore but I do enjoy it. I probably won't tag it there because the fandom sorta terrifies me (hence this disclaimer) Although I may have problems with the creator and the show itself, I do think it holds pretty well and my rewrites and changes are entirely for my own universe and lore. This was just for fun
I am not really finished with this universe as I have other projects like Riley Drew and Fallen. I am doing this mostly as casual projects and fun ideas. This has been in my mind for about a year and I remember its existence until a few days ago.
As this was inspired by the MLB lore, I am showing my major changes:
No love square and love triangles will be in here. The guys the main duo is a pre-established couple and will remain that way (most likely the only pairing)
No master Fu will be present, Scout is a sort of spirit guide but she's not exactly the best (best way possible)/Might add the other Scouts
Mayura will NOT be in love with Hawkmoth. She would only be his partner in crime and is platonically friends with him
Some of the stories will be more linear and episodes will be connected.
The powers will be severely limited to keep it in balance (So no lucky charm that magically fixes everything.) I'm still working on that aspect
The story would be more about teens and up
There won't be much akumatized character because I don't have the brain power to create an akuma of the day. So akumatization would be occasional, and the powers of the moth will be different.
The villains will have some allies who they'll akumatize, so villains will repeat but upgraded
In a future I will also change a bit the Kwamiis as I am not really a fan of their designs (don't kill me)
Ok, let's dive into the fun part, and start with the basics of the series, the characters, some lore, and a bit of a plot twist which I won't give too much information. Be aware a long post is ahead!
Also, there will not be any cannon x cannon in this
Feel free to ask questions in my ask box ^^
Overall series summary: The Amazing adventures of Lord Bug and Lady Kitty Noir tells the story of high school sweethearts Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins and Anthony Pierson. At day, they are aspiring journalists with a love of the supernatural, but in night they are the fighting crime famous duo: Lord Bug and Lady Kitty Noir. A duo of superheros fighting the forces of evil along with their spirit kid guy, allies and friends while also learning balance and the hardships of that heroes. often face.
As for now If I ever write this, this would be divided into 2 seasons with 24 "episodes" each (technically it would be divided by parts. Each with some specials each (chapters that connect to each other)
Season 1: After discovering a long time secret from her late Aunt and Uncle, Beth and her boyfriend Anthony decide to continue the legacy of the late heroes "Miss Bug" and "The Black Cat" as a new duo of heroes called "Lord Bug" and "Lady Kitty Noir" as an old enemy of the city returns along with some new faces, and a new partner in crime joining his side seeking revenge against the city.
Season 1 right now has six special episodes (Two special events, all of them add to six.) They would be the longest, and as episodes let's say about 40 minutes each.
Episodes 1 and 2: "Origins"
Episode 1: Miraculous
Episode 2: Lord Bug and Lady Kitty Noir
Episodes 9-12 "Rise of the Phantasm"
I haven't planned out the chapter names yet but this could be it/note: this could change. This will be Mayura's origin story.
Episode 9: "The peacock miraculous"
Episode 10: "A dark new dawn"
Episode 11: "Phantasmagoria"
Episode 12: "The Phantasm strikes"
Season 2: Beth and Anthony are still facing the harsh realities of being a superhero and at the same time joggling the responsibilities of high school students. Things don't look exactly bright however as Shadow and Phantasm started to make their attacks more frequent, disrupting their established balance, not to mention the introduction of a new miraculous holder makes things easier than they already were.
Season 2 is undecided what would happen, but it would complete the same format as 24 episodes/chapters, Two specials with the total of 6 special episodes.
Two parted special would not be the premiere of season two, maybe mid-season or season finale
Special: "Through the Rabbit's hole"
Episode TBD - "Clockin' around"/Tittle might change
Episode TBD - "MadHat Hattie"
Four parted special is still a name in progress "Hero's day", this could be either mid-season or season finale
Episode TBD/ Part 1 - Hero's day
Episode TBD/ Part 2 -Mr. Foxglove and Phantasm
Episode TBD/Part 3 - "Captain Honeybee"
Episode TBD/ Part 4 - "Certain truths"
This is what we have around with episodes, so now let's dive into the characters and their alter egos (I won't be sharing much information about some)
Anthony Pierson (Protagonist)
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Note: His actual hair and eyes are others, since I injured my wrist I have to limit my drawing and writing. His eye is actually gray, and his hair is more brown (close to black) and his hair is exactly like the picrew I originally made with the Vox Veritas' gang.
He's 17-years-old.
He currently studies at Summer Creek's High School in a journalist program with Beth.
He is the boyfriend of Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins.
He lives with his mom, and takes care of his little niece Sally (@dolly-royal OC)
He had some troubles with the law around his preteen years due to many issues with his estranged father Victor, but he has worked his best to better his ways and works towards bringing awareness through journalism.
He's the ladybug miraculous porter.
Tikki's owner.
He's like a brother to Scout.
His personality is more like in the cannon version, but he's more laid back and keeps himself from breaking other laws again.
Alter ego is "Lord Bug"
"Lord Bug" - Anthony's Alter ego
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He has a Ladybug shaped metal backpack that contains his wings to fly (not removable)
He's weapon is still a yo-yo. It's store on his
Under his goggles there is a mask like the OG Lady bug has.
He has level booths with some spikes as well (not removable)
He can't exactly remove his googles but he can move them up to his head. This help him have eye protection when he sees.
Once he activates his wings, his googles automatically extend to create a safety helmet.
His lucky charm is a bit different from cannon. He has the ultimate lucky charm, which creates a bigger item that he can use to fight crime but will disappear once his time runs out. He has the lucky charms, which are small charms with different uses. He has to limit his use because it would drain transformation energy.
He has the ability to fly thanks to his backpack, and other miraculous can activate their personal googles is he needs to carry them.
His booths and gloves give him the ability to climb and stick on the walls, although some surfaces are limited.
He has a shield that he can activate by spinning his yo-yo (a ladybug symbol appears)
This is what I have for now.
Sarabeth "Beth" Jenkins (Protagonist)
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Note: Beth's appearance is in fact quite similar to the first colored drawing I gave her. I would just add some minor changes. She has a beauty mark on the left side of her cheek like in the drawing
She's 16-years old
Her mother passed away at birth and her father died while serving in the army. She lives with her Aunt Daisy (who is not her aunt, but she promised to take care of her after her best friend Amyrose died.)
She used to live with her Aunt Amy and her husband Owen, long before they mysteriously passed away in a fire.
Her personality is pretty much like in "Ambition" but she's more energetic and juvenile.
Anthony Pierson's girlfriend
Studies at Summer Creek High School at the same journalist program with Anthony
Is the high school journalist. She works with her counselor and editor Ericka Swan (no picrew yet)
She's like a sister to Scout
She originally was intended to inherit the ladybug Miraculous, but she chose to have the black cat miraculous.
Plagg's Owner
The Black chat miraculous holder.
Alter ego is "Lady Kitty Noir"
Lady Kitty Noir - Beth's alter ego
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Just like the original Chat Noir, her gloves have claws, but she can get them out whenever she wishes too.
She has night vision and super hearing abilities.
Her weapon is the same as Chat Noir, but besides extending it, she can separate it into two.
Her suit grants her the ability to climb walls, although some surfaces are limited.
She has supper speed (like she can run around the same speed cats can) and can jump up to 6 feet tall thanks to her booths.
Her powers are still in definition but she can use catalyst (it will be like small ones) but it would take up her transformation time. They would look like cat scratches to be honest. She has the ultimate cataclysm which would be the equivalent of the OG power but to a larger scale. This would also take some suit power.
Her flexibility and a delicate sensor ability.
Her shield is activated through a special button with a kitty paw. She makes a circle with her weapon and it appears (it has a Kitty cat symbol)
This is all I have for now.
Scout (Tritagonist)
Guardian/Spirit form (True form)
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Human form (Harper)
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Scout is a kid spirit designated to care of the box of the miraculous and guide the next miraculous Ladybug and Black cat holders to the future (Recently assigned)
Although spirits have lived for centuries on earth, in Spirit age she's 12 years old.
Her personality is like in the games. She was a bit distrustful of the new set of heroes but eventually warmed up to them as their friend and spirit guardian.
She's rather clueless of her guardian abilities, but at least tries.
She can also turn herself into a golden retriever to get out of the world as it's too dangerous for her to live as a civil human.
She originally kept herself as a dog before Daisy learned the truth about the heroes. Now she can stay with her in her human form.
Her real power is being an annoying little shit/affectionate/positive
As a spirit she can fly
She gets the bunny miraculous on season 2
Fluff's owner
Alter ego is Madhat Hattie.
Madhat Hattie - Scout's alter ego
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Her powers are way much different as the OG version because it was way over power. So she cannot travel in time, and her powers are more inspired by magicians and Alice in Wonderland
Her weapon is sorta her umbrella and is in her hat (she takes it out like a magic trick). Her real weapon are a limited deck of cards that she can use as shrikes
Her powers would be refences of Alice in Wonderland stuff. I haven't planned them out yet.
She can jump and run like a rabbit. Her umbrella will help her gracefully land by opening it.
Shield is activated by spinning her umbrella (bunny symbol appears)
Her superpower is Rabbit's luck. Her umbrella will become a drill that will let her create rabbit holes from a certain distance. It will also limit her super suit power.
Mayor Mortimer Handee - Main Antagonist
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Mayor for about the two seasons before Rachel Breadstone takes the office.
Has an ok relationship with Nooro and treats him with respect. This is because there is a possibility that he'll have a redemption arc.
He's more serious and threatening but nowhere near his cannon version which is terrifying.
Has a vendetta against heroes and has a complex moral compass about his evil deeds. He doesn't do harm to people as he does take his duty to protect them, but questions if heroes are something necessary (quite complex that I am working on)
The moth miraculous (I am not calling the butterfly miraculous) was given to him by a minister during some duty stuff. He kept it ever since, and is presumably linked to the dead of that corrupt politician.
He actually was relieved when he stopped being mayor because the stress was bad.
Is in the search for the miraculous to keep them lock and end heroes as he believes there's evil that could abuse them as poor Nooro exhibits trauma.
Was good friends with Dr. Fred Ruckus
Moth Miraculous porter and Nooro's owner
Alter ego is "Shadow"
Shadow - Mortimer's alter ego
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Note: I hate Hawkmoth and Mayura's design sorry not sorry
His villain name is because he's in the shadows and rarely makes appearances. He was named by Miss. Bug "Shadow" after he tried to akumatize her while introducing himself as simply "I am a simple guy in the shadows"
His cane is still his weapon. His shield is activated the same way Lady Kitty Noir activates her. It has a moth symbol.
He was the shadow for about 10–16 years.
Just like Lord Bug, he has a set of moth wings that he can activate, and his goggles can move up to his head. He was a mask underneath.
He still has the power of akumatization and can do it numerous times, but his suit time will run out and he would lose connection to the akuma. He can also upgrade former akumas and remove akumatization.
He actually creates the akumas with the power of his hands. I cannot take seriously Mortimer having a garden full of evil butterflies XD
For his ultimate power, I guess he can call an army of moths he creates that could work as a giant hand, or he as the ability to give himself one superpower with a time limit (TBD)
His personality is more jovial and cracks jocks. Phantasm is sick of his bird puns, but well sometimes he gets under her feathers
Dr. Riley Ruckus - Supporting character and now second main antagonist
Before becoming the Phantasm
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Note: I forgot her freckles, sorry XD
Curator of the "Ruckus' Museum of Science" and daughter of Dr. Manfred "Fred" Ruckus.
She was friends and sorta is still friends with the duo. She tolerates Nicholas Nack (No. They're not related, and yes. I am keeping some of the cannon. No shipping) and had a rocky relationship with the mayor
She was very close to her father, Manfred (as her mother died in an expedition accident), and is the next Ruckus in line to inherit her family museum.
Her role was to investigate around the city and help the heroes find more about the akumatization.
Kids tend to stress her out a bit due to their lack of interest in her presentations as their attention was always drawn to the stupid Dino figure (who is historically inaccurate) Nick made as propaganda
Her family also found the book containing information about the miraculous, and her mother was the one who found about the peacock miraculous.
She used to have a bit of a secondary role until the special "Rise of the Phantasm"
She used to be an allied for the heroes.
After becoming Phantasm - Events after 4-part special
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Note: The good boi is ok, he's being a good boi in the background doing good boi things
After the events and becoming the Phantasm, Riley became much colder and quite temperamental. She sorta remains friends with the main cast, but has become more distant due to the events
Her appearance drastically changed as she took over the museum she had to get into a more professional image, and was getting a bit more involved with candidate Rachel Breadstone and Mayor Handee was helping her with the museum.
She and Mortimer eventually learned each other's identities and formed an alliance as they fear the other could expose them. The eventually formed a Platonic bond and were in good terms, almost as best friends/ a mentoring relationship (No cannon x cannon shipping in this AU BTW)
She called off her deal with the two main heroes (in their hero alter egos) after they decided to redeem a group a bit related to her villain arc. She's rather cold and often ignores them.
She works very closely with Mortimer trying to translate the book her late mother found
Peacock miraculous holder and Owner of Duusuu
Duusuu does get along pretty well with Riley and she finds them tolerable. They basically adore her and drink Coffee with her.
Alter ego the Phantasm.
The Phantasm - Riley's alter ego
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Note: Mayura is not really a pretty design and I gave her a mask for congruency. My AU my rules.
Her face mask is more reminiscent of a peacock. Her suit seems to be a dress, but it's a full suit with a not removable jacket that contains the peacock feathers.
Her fan is still her weapon and she can take one of the feathers and throw it as a dagger. She can also separate it into two to fight with her hands.
She works closely with Phantasmagoria for her public appearances, as she stays in the shadows working around and pulling variables to her advantage.
Her powers are basically the same as Mayura with the exception that she can create multiple amoks with the same consequences as Shadow has.
I haven't decided her ultimate power yet, but it's probably relating to creating a giant sentimoster to aid her. Sentimonsters tend to reflect what a person want and/or need the most.
Her suit can actually open her tail feathers, so that's her shield. They can also extend and make her land safely on her feet.
She makes clear that she's Shadow's partner in crime and not his assistant.
When contacting an amok or an akuma (if they're link) she can alter her voice to sound as Phantasmagoria.
Dr. Manfred Ruckus - Supporting character
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He was more of a minor supporting character until the special "Rise of the Phantasm"
He was a great fanatic of heroes and the one who requested Nick to create Dino.
He took great care of Riley as she was the last remaining of his late wife, and the only family left.
His late father gave him the Ruckus museum and he often donated to charities
He rescued the Good boi and gave him to him as a gift for Riley during her time grieving over her late Mother
As Phantasmagoria
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One day he was gone and the other day he appear to the public as Phantasmagoria.
Nothing is much know about his rise as a villain or his reason why. He's the face the Phantasm use for her public appearances.
He doesn't use his powers, but does fight with his fan (Which I forgot to mention it was made out of metal)
His mask is removable, but is speculated he uses it due to his accident. He no longer appears as Manfred but now as Phantasmagoria.
Nick Nack - Supporting character, now Anti-hero
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Note: No, He doesn't have a fox as a pet is probably a statue
Artist and owns his own gallery. He has fair prices and sometimes lets people enter the gallery for free. His art varies from various inspirations
He made Dino the Dinosaur as per requested by Dr. Fred Ruckus. Riley told him to add feathers, Manfred told him to be created so he did not add them to piss off Riley. Dr. Fred loved his work
He's in an ok term with the heroes in their civil and hero form. He annoys them and they annoy him, but there is nothing that bad outside the occasional insulting Nick's supposed genius with criticizing his art
He's much nicer than the cannon version, and still has a lot of Daddy issues.
Mortimer ignores him, but at least he's in good terms with Daisy and she gives him goodies.
Owner and best friend of Trix
He found the fox miraculous and did try to tell the heroes but he was ignored. He kept it.
Alter ego is "Mr. Foxglove" (He gains it around season 2)
Mr. Foxglove - Nick's alter ego
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His suit is more related to a fox but picrew was very limited.
Yes. He is named after Mr. Fox and Foxglove, it's meant to be a pun.
He has more of a trickster personality like a fox usually does in fables and stories.
Just like Lady Kitty Noir, his gloves have claws but he cannot exactly get them out whenever he pleases.
He has super hearing and speed. He has also the ability of camouflage
His flute is his weapon and he has to play a tune to activate his shield (Fox symbol)
He's more of an anti-hero as he helps both heroes and villains whenever he pleases or they convince him. He will help the Phantasm every time she threatens him (Why? Squirrels In My Pants/ They meet in season 3)
He accidentally slipped the whole Phantasm and Phantasmagoria deal after accidentally referring to Phantasmagoria as it and the Phantasm as she.
I am still deciding his powers, but he can make several illusions by playing minor notes. Prop ultimate power is a moving illusion with power suit consequences.
Daisy Danger - Supporting character, later hero
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Note: not much info on her, so sorry Darlings
She's a character in progress sadly, so there is not much about her.
She's a home baker and a single mom. She took Beth under her wing and cares for her as an adoptive mother/aunt
She often helps with making pastries for special events and sent cookies to the Ruckus family.
She's sorta Riley's best friend and a mom friend to everyone.
She then becomes a mom to Scout, and makes sure she doesn't overwork herself during.
She becomes a miraculous holder thanks by Lady Kitty Noir choosing her to help her out. Beth gave her the miraculous back after revealing her identity. (Season 2)
She's now Pollen's owner
Alter ego is Captain Honey Bee
Captain Honeybee - Daisy's alter ego
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Still under construction
Her googles basically function the same way as Shadow and Lord bug as well as her wings.
Her hair now has some black stripes and her suit resembles a bee.
Her weapon is still the same, but she can paralyze a couple of people. Still super suit downside
Her superpower would be the one that Multimouse has of becoming very small like a bee, which enhances her abilities to the max and is hard to spot.
Just as Lord Bug, she had to stick to the walls, and her vision is much better.
She also has super strength and her shield is shaped in a honey comb.
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"Where are we going?" Robin asks, the sixth day, and Dany ignores him. "Where are you going?" He repeats, changing the phrasing.
"None of your business," says Dany.
"I'm traveling with you now, so..."
Dany sighs, rolls her eyes and regrets agreeing to let him come with her. The numbers game isn't worth it, she thinks, but she still let him tag along. She's still trying to figure out why.
"Family," is her only reply.
After a pause, Robin replies with a subdued, "Okay."
Now curious against her own better judgment, Dany looks sideways over her shoulder at him. "Do you have any?"
Robin blinks at her before she turns back to face the trail. "Family? I mean, yeah, but not really anymore. I was raised by my grandparents, so..." He trails off and Dany nods.
"Got it." She doesn't ask anything else after that.
It's drizzling a little bit, not enough to really be raining, just enough to drip off of leaves and make the air thick and heavy. You'd think the moisture would cut through the smokescreen that coats the sky these days, but it doesn't. Dany thinks it only adds to the miasma, but maybe that's pessimism talking. She has to feed two people now. She doesn't know why she let Robin stay.
He's talkative, but not too much. He'll shut up if she tells him to, and sometimes even before that. He asks a lot of questions, but Dany somehow can't begrudge him that anymore. He staked his whole life on curiosity by coming with her on a whim, she doesn't know what else she should have expected. Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back. Robin isn't dead yet.
He mostly trails behind her, keeping a few paces back and to the side. She tells him to stay on her left because she's right-handed and that's where her pistol is holstered if she comes to need it. He looks sidelong at her sometimes, hazelish eyes giving away all of his questions that he won't ask for fear of getting left behind or snapped at. Dany raises an eyebrow at him and he looks away.
This is the way things go between them for a while — terse companionship, clipped questions and monosyllabic answers, nights passed in Silence. It's a month and a half, give or take a few days or up to a week, before Dany lets him take a watch, and she doesn't give him a gun. Only an order to wake her up if he hears or sees anything.
"What changed your mind?" He asks one day, hair falling over his eyes and too busy trotting to walk directly beside her to push it out of the way. It's late spring, muddy and wet and nowhere near as bright as it used to be, and Dany's eyes are more fixed on the ground to watch her step than on anything Robin is doing. If he slips and falls, that's on him.
"What do you mean?" she asks absently in reply.
Robin shrugs — without looking, she can hear the movement in how his pack shifts and fabric rustles. At least he's gotten better at packing so things aren't hanging off his bag all the time, ready to be lost or caught on a branch or grabbed by someone with less than pure intentions. "About me," he says. "Why'd you let me come with you anyway?"
Dany looks up, stares at the path in front of them. Trees block a direct line of sight and for this moment, she doesn't know precisely where they're going. They're trying to make it to another railway by nightfall, but she needs to pull out her maps again and try to gauge where they are right now. She doesn't look at Robin, refuses to let her momentary confusion show. When she does look at him again, with a little better handle on her bearings, she shrugs in response.
"I don't know."
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himelovesmommy · 6 months
Welcome to my blog! 👑💝
First things first, I'm Hime! I'm in my 20s, and I'm a lesbian who is taken by my lovely butch lesbian mommy. 💝
I am NOT an "4geplayer", and neither is my mommy.
I also DO NOT sexualize age regression here.
I'm NOT into AB/DL or anything like that either.
I don't like actually being babied or infantilized.
My mommy and I have just been exploring a more gentle power dynamic, as neither of us are into k!nk. I heavily resonate with a lot of "mommy/little" material, but our relationship is one of equals. We are both adults who want to love and support each other, and we both enjoy the gentle/soft power dynamic. It's just a sweet caregiver/receiver relationship dynamic, and neither of us think that infantilization is sexy. I know this probably sounds confusing, but it makes sense to us. :3
Because I was parentified growing up, I wasn't really allowed to be a kid, so I really like childish things and activities! I love a lot of the content that SFW agere/petre blogs make and I was formerly an age regressor and pet regressor, but I don't age regress anymore (I sometimes pet regress still, but I generally keep it private). So I will be reblogging content that I like here that I might not be comfy reblogging to my main because agere/petre is extremely personal to me. That said, I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND the need for regressors to have a TL that's free of NSFW content. I will ALWAYS tag NSFW content, even reblogs. Please keep reading below for tags I use so you can make sure they're muted.
I'm actually a switch, and sometimes I'm the one who gets to be mommy! Most people consider me to be very "big sisterly" and nurturing, and growing up I was parentified for my younger siblings, so indulging in this dynamic has allowed me to really let myself be cared for while also providing the care I know I can provide when needed.
I'd love to be seen as a big sister for any age regressors or pet regressors, because I know what it's like and I have so much compassion for you all. So please feel free to come into my inbox or messages! :3
Also, this is a sideblog. If you wanna be mutuals (chances are that my main is already following you!!) then shoot me a message!
Tags I use for muting purposes:
#nsfw / #nsft / #not safe for princesses
(I will add more as I start using more specifics, but those are the ones that I use to cover the whole spectrum of NSFW content for now!)
#swearing / #unprincessly language <- for any posts that have bad words in them but are otherwise safe!
cats!!!! :3
video games
cute clothes
pretty women
There's so much more but I think it would make me recognizable and I'm trying to avoid that :'3
Politics. This blog isn't political. It's just for me to express myself and escape everyday life. I'm involved with politics irl, but there is a time and a place and this isn't it. I won't humor political bait or respond to messages that feel like they're pushing an agenda.
Tumblr drama. I'm not doing background checks on everyone I reblog from. I don't care what they did or what else they posted or what they support. I don't care. I'm just reblogging the posts themselves if I think they're cute or funny.
Moral supremacy. I'm an opinionated person, but at the end of the day, we're all free-thinking adults and I can't control what you do or how you think, and that goes both ways. I'm not here to argue ethics or morality with you; I'm here to gush about my mommy and reblog cute things.
P3dophilia / !ncest. I love kids and I hate anything that puts them in danger.
I won't be sharing specific triggers or major discomforts here because I have muted everything important and I don't want to be spammed.
Below is a list of NSFW 💝s and 💔s. Please read at your own discretion!
being called a good girl by my mommy
being called a princess by my mommy
pussy. i love pussy. the taste, the smell, the way it feels... all so good. 🥰
hickeys + gentle bites!!! 💘💘💘💘💘
breasts. who doesn't love them?
basically the female body as a whole tbh
muscles! i love muscular/fit women. i love women of all body types but there's something about muscles that i really love. i love feeling how strong mommy is. 💗
masturbation. knowing that mommy is touching herself while thinking of me is extremely hot!!
blindfolds. i love being able to not anticipate what comes next, honing in on how mommy touches me, and listening to her whispering in my ear. and honestly, i think they're really helpful for anyone who has insecurities about their body or sex. so you don't have to focus on it. you can just focus on how good you're feeling and let your partner love you! ❤️
light restraint. i'm a very squirmy person, and sometimes it gets in the way of my pleasure. a gentle restraint helps keep me in place so i'm getting the best experience. :) mommy is the only one i've actually done this with, and it's always very gentle, and i have a way to get out of it if i feel like i need to.
pinning. against the wall, on the bed, on some other furniture... it kinda ties into the light restraint. but i really love it. i feel very desired when i'm being pinned down, and i actually feel a lot safer when mommy's body is pressed up against mine. it's a similar effect to a weighted blanket. it keeps me from being too overwhelmed in one particular area. but it's also just hot to have her in control of me. that said, it's never done in a way that would actually fully restrain me. i could definitely get out of it if i wanted. it's just that she does it in a way where i don't want to try because i love it! 🥰
wake-up sex. i'm not talking about having sex with someone who's asleep. i'm talking about mild touching in order to wake up and get in the mood. being woken up by mommy caressing my thighs and tits is very nice.
body worship. this should be a normal for all sex tbh. but i love when mommy worships my body and i love worshipping her body too. she's beautiful.
shower/bath sex.
permission. i always ask mommy for permission before i touch myself and before i come, because i know she'll be good to me and give me what i need! (and when i'm the dominant one, she has to ask me~)
degradation of any kind. not even a little.
pain of any kind. gentle bites are one thing, but hitting/spanking/beating etc. are a hard no, no matter the context. we don't condone domestic abuse LARP.
punishments. we don't think it's healthy to frame sexual acts as punishment, full stop.
slurs. none of this "s!ut"/"wh0re"/"b1tch" business, and no racial/homophobic/ableist slurs either.
non-con. i could never be with anyone who gets off to the idea that i don't want what they're giving me
coercion. none of this "if you let me do this to you, you'll be rewarded" or "i'll only cuddle you if you do this". i have sex because i like it, i love the woman i'm doing it with, the woman i'm doing it with loves me, we both want it, and because we both love the bond we share. it's enthusiastic consent or nothing at all.
male genitalia. it's gross to me and i hate seeing it or reading about it. i also hate it when strap-ons are referred to as phallic in any way. i don't even like when a dildo LOOKS phallic, it grosses me out. i much prefer something abstract
on a similar note, performing oral on a dildo. it makes me feel gross. i just want it inside of me; i don't need to be doing this weird performative hetero-LARP with it 🤨
hair-pulling. i know a lot of people like it and i understand the appeal but it's just not for me.
anal. butts are for pooping.
vomit/scat/piss/other unsanitary stuff. nasty.
drugs/alcohol. mommy likes to drink sometimes and that's okay, but intoxication is a huge turn-off. (her having a light buzz is fine with both of us, but i'm talking if she's like seriously drunk.) and i wanna be completely sober when engaging in anything too.
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greypentachoron · 1 year
The thing about having sheltered over 300 cats and living with 13 of them is that CLEARLY some cats are neurodivergent but like... Not in a human way.
Cats overall have behaviors that can be similar to human autism, but that's common for their species. We have to pick the overall cat behavior and consider outliers to think about neurodivergent cats.
And I'm not talking about depression, anxiety or PTSD related to trauma, those are basically obvious when you foster a cat with a difficult past, I'm talking behaviors that even in a healthy environment they just Are That Way. I'm gonna add a break down here if you wanna hear more about my experiences, and I welcome anyone who have cats (or any other pet, really) with neurodivergent behaviors to share their experiences too because this is fascinating for me.
I'm gonna start with my first case of "huh. This cat is... Not what I expect." I sadly don't have pictures of him anymore, but I promise the next ones will have pictures as payment for a long post.
Paçoca was found inside a dumpster barrel as young as 2 weeks old. Back then I was fostering a momma cat who had just given birth, and when I introduced him to her she decided "yep, long lost baby. Come on in"
Other than having enough fleas to drain him in a day he was healthy and full of energy. I dewormed him, gave him flea meds and he was fed and taken care of, but he didn't... Know how to socialise with other cats. His adoptive siblings were around his age, they tried playing, but the little dude was just confused by the whole thing and usually ran to hide from them. He meowed loudly towards every cat, those throaty meows cats usually do during heat even before his sexual maturity (and he was spayed very early on).
We checked his ears and eyes and he was fully healthy. He showed happiness by wagging his tail like a dog, and loved to play tag like one even though he never interacted with a dog ever. When he tried to interact with other cats when he felt secure enough, most of them interpreted his mannerisms like a threat because of the throaty meows, the intense stare, wagging tail and running after them. He was never trying to attack, mind you, when he got near his newest cat fascination he tried licking, headbutting, grooming... I am not sure how his life was before he was 2 weeks old, but he had most of his major kitten sociability milestones around a healthy mom and siblings. He was just a weird lil dude I guess.
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This little lady is Pompom. She came after Paçoca, but I haven't figured out cat behaviors back then and she was the most striking. She's very aggressively set in routines, cats usually are but it physically pains her to leave her routines. When I lived in my older house she would go to the kitchen window to greet my neighbour everytime he came from work. She hisses and growls at the doorbell because she knows it's something different. When I changed her eating behaviors after she got healthy she would not eat and I had to keep doing the same exact steps for a long while and reducing the "tradition" bit by bit until she was comfortable.
Let me elaborate on that. When she had liver issues I gave all the cats their food while she waited patiently even though she hated the fancy food she was eating, I filled her bowl on the kitchen counter, called her name, we walked towards my bedroom, I closed the door and let the good down. Everyday, three times a day. It took me six months to ease her into the new routine, took me over a year to ease her OUT of the routine. She would not eat if the steps were wrong, she starved herself. Sometimes she was making progress and then remembered her routine and "nope, I don't think I will eat with the door open today"
Starting a new job and moving houses was (and still is, as far as I'm seeing) a terrible experience to her. She became EXTREMELY dependent and desperate for attention. She sleeps on my arms like a baby after these changes, won't eat if me or my mom are not around and she hisses and hates other cats in her personal space. She became extremely antisocial with other cats after my life changed and, sadly, even with a vet accompanying her about her behaviors, nothing changed. She's now a very lonely cat when she was very social, but I'm letting my other cats around her more often bit by bit to open her up to her cat social life again.
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I'd like to just add "that's Pirate, he's a baby, next" but you wouldn't understand how much neurodivergent this cat is.
Pirate Does Not Understand he's not a kitten. He has the manners of a kitten and he's been living with me for two years already. He was at least 5 months old when I rescued him and he lived with a small gang of strays. Zero self protection, no social cues, nothing.
This cat was rescued because he and his gang were stealing food from the kitchens of TWO local restaurants, people were throwing beer (drink AND bottles) on them, and I heard the neighbours talk about poisoning food to leave for them. The gang was easier, I just had to move them from the streets to our colony where they get cat food three times a day, but Pirate has this funny defense mechanism... When he feels threatened he SCREAMS. Also he kept trying to eat trash bags, but the screams are a menace.
Rain? He stands there, in the rain, and yells. Car noise? Stands and yells. Cat approaching? Yell. He doesn't move, and more than once I had to run during the rainy season to search for this silly little cat who was arms deep on a puddle yelling because woe is me. I was drenched like I just went swimming wearing clothes. He's a disaster.
And, as I said, he's a Baby. He sees other cats and he wants to play like a kitten, he wants to be groomed. He doesn't partake in the give-and-take of adult cat behavior because he Is A Baby. He meows on every cat's face begging for grooming like a tiny little kitten. He tries cuddling with other cats and knows no boundaries of personal space with other cats. He just wants to cuddle, nuzzle, pile on top, if you've seen a kitten with an adult cat, that's him.
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And the last one is Rosemary. First of all he's afraid of wet food. Deadly afraid, sees wet food and runs away so quickly he slides on the floor. I've never. Ever. Saw anything similar. I know cats that don't care about it, but he FLEES. He and his mom are with me since his birth. No trauma on this little head. I tried many brands, tried many recipes of homemade wet food, and he is TERRIFIED of it. If there's no dry food he won't eat. He also does chirping noises instead of meowing to cats, and I know he can meow because he meows to me. The chirping seems to be an uncomfortable warning, a "leave me alone", and he is very nonconfrontational with other cats unless there's bullying. He WILL attack the bully to defend the other cat.
Any other social cues related to cat behaviors? None. Nada. He grooms himself and me when I pet him, but he is scared of others grooming him, and is afraid of his own cat mom. My cats are not aggressive or territorial with each other, so I'm not sure where this fear comes from. He also wags his tail to show happiness even though he never met Paçoca, full wag and not point of the tail flickering, so I'm not sure what to make out of it. I don't have much to say about him, but honestly he's a weird and finicky little dude. It's almost as if he's a little alien who tried to get cat behavior right but everything is kind of off.
Everything the other cats do is confusing, cat weed is terrifying, he doesn't like drinking water from bowls but he is confused how sinks and fountains work, plants are weird--- I see him struggle with normal concepts for cats and I'm not sure why, but my cat son needs more time to process than other cats. I've interacted with enough of them to realise he's a little different, but that's fine!
And that's all I remember for now. Again, if you like please reblog with your own "my pet is probably neurodivergent" stories. I'd love to hear all about it <3
And that's feeding time missing only 3 of them, Lynx eats by the living room table, Pompom eats in the bedroom and Maia is starting to accompany her to see if I can socialise Pompom back after the move!
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Summary: There were a few moments during Fred's friendship with Y/n's in which they were a bit too close to kissing. Then, there was that one time they did.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Genre: fluff
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn @meph1stophelian
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: language maybe, murder
A/N: this one was not scheduled for tonight but I wanted to cheer @meph1stophelian up because she deserves it, so enjoy your dose of Fred fluff <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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"Okay, Y/n," Ginny grabbed a pastry from the platter which we had stolen from the kitchen and that now laid on a small coffee table in the middle of the Room of Requirement. "truth or dare?"
"I dare you to... Wait." She thought about it for a second before leaning on Luna to ask her something. "I dare you to kiss Fred."
"Uh-uh." Fred, who had just moved to the higher table where the drinks had been laid, was quick to respond, "Not happening." shortly after followed by me.
"I'm not doing that."
"You can't skip a dare!" Ron exclaimed outraged.
"I can if I'm over eight years old." I replied, leaning back on the couch with my arms crossed.
"What she said." Fred agreed, raising his glass at me before drinking.
"Since when do you two back out of a dare?" Ginny questioned with a frown.
"Since this girl here" he motioned at me "started dating Pucey."
"What?" Harry asked in shock. "Pucey? Pucey as in Adrian Pucey?"
"Yeah?" I replied.
"You and Pucey?" Hermione raised her brows and gave Ginny a confused look. "I don't quite see it."
"Oi, what's there to see? I'm the only one who has to see it, don't you think?" I responded, slightly annoyed. "And why is no one talking about this bloke's love life?" I pointed at Fred who now stood behind me. "He's dating that Hufflepuff girl too!"
He tsked his tongue. "Not anymore."
"That's... unsurprising." George commented.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Fred questioned suspicious, kicking my leg for me to move aside so he could sit.
His twin snorted. "You know what's supposed to mean." He took a sip from his drink before nodding at Ginny. "C'mon Gin, change the dare— for Pucey's sake." George scanned us both with analyzing eyes before adding, "we don't want Y/n to end up ditching his boyfriend for this twit, now do we?"
"YEEEEH" I was already down on the arena, clapping, when Fred landed with a wide cocky grin on his face, his breathing ragged due to the match's intense last few minutes.
I had rushed down the moment the snitch was caught to be the first one to congratulate him, so I was quite breathless too.
"Did you see me up there? Saving the bloody match!" He exclaimed, tossing his broom and bat on the ground in order to catch me when I threw myself to him.
"You were brilliant oh my gosh!" I let out a surprised laugh. The match seemed pretty much lost until Fred's performance came into play. "Oi, don't let it go to your head!" I was quick to add, pulling away from his embrace.
"Y/n Y/l/n just said I'm brilliant," He stated, the grin not leaving his face. "it's definitely going to my head."
I groaned, letting my forehead fall against his chest. His heart was beating fast, but I blamed it on the adrenaline of the match.
But what was I supposed to blame on the way my own heartbeat picked up when his hand found the small of my back and casually pulled me a tad closer?
"Oi," I slid open the door's compartment and scanned it briefly before saying, "everything's full, do you mind—"
"Not at all." Fred rapidly answered, sitting up slightly but quickly returning to his laid back position after I had taken a seat by his side.
I had a brief exchange of words with George and Lee before silence fell upon us; it was quite unsual, yet understandable due to the exhaustion we had been put under during the last semester.
It was because of it that Lee fell asleep, shortly after followed by George. I took the chance to grab my book to avoid giving in to the sleep, though my reading was soon disturbed by Fred's foot tapping over the upholstery of the seat.
"What?" I questioned quietly, my brow quirked at him while my eyes peeked over the book.
"What are you reading?"
"Advanced Potion-Making— what do you want?"
"Rude." I rolled my eyes, making a smirk dance on his lips. He seemed to weigh what he was about to say. "I got you something for Christmas."
"Wait— you what?" He got up, ignoring my shock, and, stretching his hands to reach his bag, he pulled out a small package. "I— you—"
"Speechless, I see." He pointed out amused, handing me the package before plopping back down, his gaze trained on me. "C'mon, open it." His teeth trapped his lower lip in anticipation, and I felt how my blood started to pump violently through my veins before I unwrapped the present. "A little birdy told me you liked... What's it called? Chokers?" I could only nod, speechless at the delicate choker in my lap. "I mean, my hand would have been just as good but you can wear this one in public too."
My face flared up at his words and astonishment was replaced by the usual need to fuck that little bastard up. "I hate you."
"I'm kidding, love." He chuckled, tugging on his sleeves and nodding at the jewelry. "You like it?"
The softness in his gaze made my anger go away as I took another look at the choker. "I love it, but you didn't have to." I scrunched my nose. "it looks very—"
"If you say expensive I'll shove it up your arse so watch your tongue." He warned me, half jokingly and half serious.
"What a way of ruining a sweet gesture." I pointed out, feigning a pout.
"Don't worry, I'll make it sweet again, you'll see—" he pushed himself away from the wall and scooted closer to me, tending his palm. "Give it to me." I obeyed and shifted my position so I would have my back to him. His fingers moved my hair away before his hands carefully placed the strap of velvet around my throat and clasped it. "There." He whispered, putting my hair back in place.
I turned around again without any clue of what to tell him. "I-I'd have gotten you something—"
"Y/n, it's a gift, not a trade." He gave me a warm smile, one that anyone rarely got to see, and my face heated up once more. His eyes seemed to flicker to my lips just for an instant, but he soon averted them from me to check on our peers. "Don't tell them, I won't hear the end of it."
I too peeked at them before leaning in and placing a soft kiss on Fred's cheek. "Merry Christmas, Fred."
The little smile grew into a wide side grin while he casted his face down, fixing it on his hands. "Merry Christmas, Y/n."
I was out after curfew, yes, but I wasn't doing anything bad, just visiting my friends in their common room; I only had to be careful and no one would notice me.
Or so I thought.
To my luck, while I was tiptoeing through one of the halls, none other than Fred Weasley bumped into me.
"Shit!" We both took a moment to observe one another. "Alright, sorry in advance." He apologised, taking a peek at the path he had taken before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.
I didn't hesitate on running with me; I knew he had brought trouble directly to me, and if I didn't follow, I would get detention and, with Umbridge in control, I had to avoid that at all costs.
"Wait wait— Here!" He tapped what I assumed was a camouflaged door and pulled me inside before it could open completely.
We both reached for the door at the same time, shutting it as fast and quiet as possible and stepping back right in time to hear what I assumed was a part of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad.
Fred was so close that I could feel his heavy breath tickling my neck while we stumbled back into the pitch black darkness of the narrow passage.
"Well, that was close." I commented, trying to keep my pants at bay; it was the only sound heard —our pants.
His hands left my biceps to presumably fall limply on his sides, but he didn't step back to put some space between us. I couldn't see anything, but I still turned around and instantly knew his eyes were trying to find mines, just like my fingertips attempted to intertwin with his.
It was a bad idea, but no one had to know; the lack of light in the secret passage would prevent anyone to witness it, even us.
No one would see it, I thought, trailing my fingers up his arm until I reached his cheek.
His own hand made its way to my waist, giving it a squeeze and pulling me to him.
I pushed him away as soon as we heard Filch's cat miaowing at the hidden door, followed by the erratic running of the caretaker.
Fred grunted in frustration. "C'mon!" He rushed me, taking my hand once more and running down the ginnel.
We were running breathless, hands held, casting spells left and right.
'Don't stop moving' Arthur had said when the part of the castle we were defending fell into the Dementors' claws.
One of the Carrow apparated a few feet ahead of us, sending a Cruciatus in our direction even before we came to a halt in our running.
Fred raised his wand, quick as lightning, shielding us from the curse, and I didn't miss a beat before hexing the death eater, hitting her right in the chest.
Fred spun around to guard my back from another death eater that stood behind us while I, seeing that the Carrow sister attempted to get up, casted another stunning spell at her, only that this time it hit her shield.
Both Fred and I duelled the two Voldemort's acolytes until we managed to take them out almost simultaneously, yet in very different ways.
"STUPEFY!" Fred yelled out loud to enhance the spell's effect.
I did the same, knowing I needed that extra push to take Carrow out only that my spell was way more harmful. "AVADA KEDAVRA!"
Fred turned around, still gripping my hand, to see the death eater's corpse on the floor. "Fuck!" He exclaimed.
"Was that a good 'fuck' or a bad 'fuck'?" I inquired, adrenaline pumping through my veins when I turned to meet the redhead's eyes, sparkling with excitement.
"Definitely a good 'fuck'." We both let out a laugh as if I hadn't just murdered someone. "Kiss me." He demanded; fortunately, I was thinking that same thing, so my lips crashed against his in a rough kiss right after he had finished the sentence.
We both tried to pour into the kiss as much sentiment as possible to let the other know how much we had craved to do that for the last three years. Our hands and arms were wrapped around each other, pulling our bodies as close as possible in the now empty corridor as if the world was about to end; it most likely was.
"Being realistic," I began speaking against his lips, once he had pulled away only enough for us to breathe. "we might be dead by tomorrow," if the situation was a bit different, we would probably be crying, but our little victory had made euphoria flood our hearts. "so know that—"
"I love you too." He finished with a nod.
I nodded back, pecking his lips before untangling by limbs from his and pulling him with me in order to resume our jog away.
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ur-catboy · 3 years
title: stuck snz
user: urcatboy
length: 4:30
description: clothes tag + open window + stuck snzs = probably my messiest fit in a while :0 so yea, it does get rlly messy again (im sorry!!!!!) around 3 mins so beware if ur not into that !! i wish pollen didn't make my snzs so messy but here we are :P
either way, hope u enjoy !!
[contents] talkie, rapids, buildups/hitching, coughing, mess @ 3:04, noseblows after @ 3:04
“so, as you can probably hear, my neighbors are mowing their lawn," a familiar face greets the camera once the video begins. he is sat next to a cracked open window, tissues and a clothes tag resting on the windowsill. his cat ears are lighter this time, seemingly a blend of white and gray sitting atop his head.
"i had went out today just for a few minutes to run some errands, and even in that short time a stuck sneeze managed to find its way into my nose."
he sniffles before continuing his explanation, his gaze moving from the camera to the items beside him.
"add onto the fact that when i came home, my neighbors decided to mow their lawn while i was gone," he continues. "and my dumbass didn't close the window to my room all the way."
he shoots the camera a deadpan look, showing his annoyance.
"now, i'm stuck here with a tickle that doesn't seem to want to do anything but make me hitch like a maniac."
he sniffles again before concluding his exposition. "so, imma use a clothes' tag today to help start coaxing out this inevitable fit. once i get started, my sensitivity is so high at this point that we won't need it anymore.”
“let's start, shall we?"
with that sentiment, he picks up the small clothes tag laid beside him and brings the tip up to his nostril. his nose subconsciously flares as soon as the point slides inside.
"man...it hits so quick," he remarks as his hand gently begins to wriggle the tag around. his eyes begin to squint as he continues.
a couple of weak coughs are triggered by the sensation as his breath clearly begins to pick up its pace. his face scrunches up along with the wildly inconsistent hitches he's starting to let out.
"oh! i—hih~! ah....i—hit's~ s-staring t—to tickle..."
if only he knew.
he begins to shift restlessly in his seat as the hitches continue to drag themselves out. his nostrils are flared out completely now, at times briefly faltering before returning to their round, fully widened state.
suddenly, his body tenses as the tag’s point hits a certain part of his his nose, instant bouts of sequential curt sneezes shooting out of him. spray droplets mist into the air as each sneeze mechanically shoots out of him.
his body begins to turn toward the window as a fuller sneeze lands in the direction of the window, small droplets now sitting on the glass. the clothes tag is still inserted in his nose as he coaxes out another buildup that takes over his body.
eagerly wanting to cut this fit of sensitivity off, he brings his hand back up to his nose and delicately uses his fingertips to press against his sinus. sure, technically he was sneezing, but those cough-like fits were barely satisfying the tickle his body has been laboring over all this time.
with the newly applied pressure against his sinuses, a spiderweb of congestion violently shoots from his nose as the strong sneeze he’d been waiting for finally leaves him. his hand quickly cups itself over his nose as another harsh sneeze follows it up.
"fuck! shit, i'm—h'ghn’cght!"
his body shudders from the recoil of the double set, slowly pulling his hand away to assess the damage. ribbons of congestion link his hand to his nose, his septum having an especially poorly placed link. his shuddering breaths float up to his nose to trigger yet another backed up sneeze.
a defeated look settles over his eyes. the primary look of embarrassment and shock fades away from his absolute lack of control. before his nose could add on to the jackson pollock painting it created for him, his free hand unceremoniously crumples and pulls a handful of tissues out from the box.
he starts to clean himself up, first starting at his hand then making his way to his nose. the sound of the first blow into the tissues clearly shows the extent of his congestion. both of his hands are crowded on top of his nose to hold the tissues up, his eyebrows furrowing as he starts another hard blow.
he's given the brief opportunity to sniffle before a sudden follow up sneeze rockets itself into the tissue. based on the sound of it alone, he was lucky he had a tissue on hand.
he continues to blow longingly into his tissues until there’s no more room left for him to blow. he sniffles stuffily, wiping underneath his nose before tossing the tissue into the trash.
successful in blowing out the tickle, he sighs before rubbing his nose again with the meat of his palm.
"hngh~" he moans lowly in frustration, the sound of his rubs clicking from the congestion inside. "god....snf~ i felt those in my fucking brain..."
he chuckles at his comment before continuing, bringing his hand back down. "at least we know a good inducing method for me.”
he casually turns his head to look outside the window, the glass still housing the droplets from his earlier fit. he flinches in surprise once he notices, immediately grabbing tissues to wipe it away.
“oh! well, it looks like i’m cleaning the window after this!” he admits playfully, wiping up the precipitation.
his chest gradually begins to rise more frequently during his impromptu cleaning session. once he slowly closes his eyes and eyebrows begin to raise into his forehead, the reality is clear.
his head quickly ducks towards his torso, another stifle shaking his frame.
“w-wait,” he stammers breathlessly before pinching his nose tightly with his fingers. “i—h’ghn’chu! have t’st—ah~! stop b’fore it ge—h’chxt! gets m-messy...”
he allows himself a couple more rough stifles into his fingers before the video ends.
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virgil-is-a-cutie · 5 years
Bio!Mom Max Black Headcanons
Two Broke Girls x MLB crossover
Based on this
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When Caroline's movie about her life story was starting production Caroline finally had the courage to tell Max how she felt
The two dated for 4 months before Max decided they should marry
Mostly because she's known Caroline for so long that she literally knows she wants her as her wife
They were going to elope but Caroline told her dad which ended with Max being told by Martin he wanted his princess to be properly married
Sophie helped with the wedding not caring about the price
Caroline and Max got married at the prison where Martin was in so that Martin can give away Caroline and watch her get married
Of course, the news and paparazzi got wind of it and so much to Max's annoyance, the wedding was live streamed
They decided to just add the other's last name instead of one taking the other's
Caroline wore this with her hair in small side braid
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Max wore this with her hair in a bun with a few curls framing her face.
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Earl walked Max down the "isle"
Martin fought the urge to cry seeing his only daughter get married
He was glad that it was Max really
After a year of being married Caroline quietly mumbled as they cuddled
"Do you think about having kids?"
After a bit of talking they decided to use a sperm donor although, her twin cousin Darcy was able to get Bruce Banner to use both Max and Caroline eggs and the sperm donor to make the baby
Caroline was the one to carry the baby
A month before the baby was born their business boomed because of Caroline's movie and they eventually had a good business
They have a baby girl who they name Marinette Cathy Channing-Black
She had Caroline's eyes and Max's hair
Of course, Sophie wants to be the godmother, but Max puts her foot down that it would most likely be her cousin
Much to Caroline's shock Tony Stark is their daughter's godfather
Pepper is her godmother
As Marinette grows up she likes to watch her mom bake
She learns Korean from her uncle Han
Earl babysits whenever her moms are busy
Earl is her grandpa who she and Max consider him her dad
The cupcake business rises and they're very successful
Caroline is glad they finally left the crappy apartment
Caroline eventually is told by her father that she has an uncle who lives in Paris
It's Gabriel Agreste
Caroline is an Agreste in her mother's side really
And that he's the half sibling of Audrey Bourgeois
Audrey made Andre take her last name
Basically making her a Bourgeois through her father
This is when Mari is 13 years old and they decide to expand the cupcake business to Paris, France
Marinette is both excited and annoyed to move mostly because she won't be around to annoy uncle Tony or any of the Avengers
Marinette was almost the spitting image of her mother Max from her pale complexion to her hair, but she had Caroline's eyes and physic
When they get to Paris Caroline sets a meeting with both Gabriel and Audrey
Of course the two are shocked at the news that they're related through marriage
The reason being because Caroline's mom is Gabriel's sister and Martin is Audrey's older half brother
Making both of them Marinette's great uncle/aunt
And basically making two certain blondes her cousins
As well a certain cousin of said one of the blondes
Marinette is a mix of both her moms
She's sweet but very sarcastic and just...kinda like Max
The small Channing-Black family live in a decent comfortable home, not too flashy
Audrey brings Chloé over and Chloé is shocked to hear she has relative, she's somewhat excited
And Chloé is just...shocked to find out she's related to Adrien, her Adrikins before smiling widely
Chloé actually isn't a bully, she acts like it in school to see how far the stupid teacher would let it go and after she's mean to the ones she was she informs the person on what she was doing so as they don't feel bad
Surprisingly it's a lot and she's getting annoyed that Ms. Bustier won't at least do shit
On the first day of school when the Akuma strikes, much to her surprise Chloé freezes and pees herself before shielding herself behind Mari
"This sounds oddly familiar," the ravenette says giggling before scowling, "hey!"
The akuma strikes before Chloé has a chance to introduce her cousins because Adrien couldn't make it
Mari doesn't get the ladybug miraculous bc she just moved
Doesn't stop Master Fu from giving her the Cat Miraculous
She names herself Chat de Ruelle, Alley Cat
She doesn't keep it a secret from her moms who instantly tells Tony who comes whenever he can to help her train
Her outfit as Chat is similar to Lady Noir but her curls are in a messy bun and her mask covers her whole face except her mouth
It also has body armor and spikes on her wrists, tail, and elbows
She got Caroline's clumsiness but mostly that she has things fall on her or anything really but shes's not overly clumsy
On the second day of school she meets Adrien and she and Chloé practically ambush him and tell him that they're related
This makes Adrien happy but is somewhat confused before Mari informs him on how so
Mari is basically done with Ms. Bustier on the first day, complains to her moms who basically storm into the classroom to give her a piece of their mind
Does not help that Chloé turned in the evidence to the school board
Ms. Bustier quits before being informed she is not allowed to teach at all anymore
Adrien does become friends with Nino but not with Alya since Mari sits behind Chloé and Sabrina
Mari only becomes friends with Nathaniel and Nino
As the 3 cousins hang out she basically takes them wherever and causes trouble to the delight of her mom Max and to Caroline's concern
Caroline, Max, and Amilie basically threaten Gabriel to treat Adrien better
Although, Caroline and Max instantly adopt him
Max, Mari's mom, told Adrien that he reminded her of those two Amish boys who stayed with them for a week at the apartment
Chestnut came too by the way
Adrien doesn't flirt with Chat while he is Mister Bug because they're bffs
Max's cupcake shop is outside the school because Caroline wanted Mari to go to Dupont
Alya and Lila Salt
Alya is never told by Mari what her last name is, she usually doesn't pay attention to anyone else's name once her name is called but Mari has told her cousins and friend when addressing her to go by Black
So to the rest of the class she's known as Marinette Black
So she of course doesn't get an interview with Mister Bug because Chat told him not to because she doesn't trust the girl, she screams of wanting to be famous no matter what
Alya doesn't care for cupcakes the audacity
When Lila comes around she speaks about being a family friend of the Channing family
Bad luck for her is that Max and Caroline came to drop of Marinette at school much to her embarrassment
And Max basically ripped the Rossi girl a new one not caring who watched
Alya is shocked to see THE Caroline Channing at school
"How do you know Caroline Channing and Max Black? The great cupcake bakers?!" she screeches to Mari
"I'd like it if you don't speak to our daughter that way Ms. Césaire, please? We don't tolerate harassment from tabloid reporters," Caroline says gently while Max eyes the glasses wearing girl
"D...daughter?" Alya stutters before glaring at Marinette who rolls her eyes
"You're looking at me as if I killed your dog, they're my moms. My whole name is Marinette Cathy Channing-Black."
Everyone in the class sort of new because they always went to the cupcake shop after school
Lila does try her shit but Mari shrugs her off
Lila tries to hang off of Adrien but both Caroline and Max shut that shit down and tell Gabriel to get a restraining order on the Rossi girl as well a threat of lawsuit
Might make more and make this Maribat really idk yet
Tag list: @luciferge @zebrabaker @fantasyfandommaiden @unmaskedagain @queenmj10 @limetchenart @ascending-donotdisturb
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: I have been insecure about my curly hair lately and was wondering if you can you write something with one of the weasley twins where the reader is insecure about her curly hair and one of the twins makes her feel better.
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Hufflepuff!Reader
Genre: fluff
Requested by: @wildcat1434
Fred Weasley: @whiskeyn-rain @lumos-solemn
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog
Warnings: none
A/N: So like, incoming fluff bc this idea was cute and sometimes I do be needing fluff, that's about it, enjoy <3
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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The relationship between me and my hair had always been... Bumpy, you could say.
There were periods in which I would find it quite lovely; during those times I would let my curls free, showing them off with a proud demeanor, knowing my hair was unique. Those times began to turn less and less usual since the middle of third year, though they were still there.
However, after the summer prior to my sixth year, those moments had banished; I only wished to hide my hair, and my friends ended up noticing. They told me surely there would be a spell or potion able to change my hair.
As if they had summoned it, the next day in Transfiguration, Professor McGonagall introduced us to what seemed like my salvation; Crinus Muto, an advanced spell that modified the caster's hair with no restrictions.
My best friend advised me against using it, claiming it wouldn't help my insecurity— if only, it would worsen it.
I really wanted to do as she had told me and completely dismiss the spell's existence, but two nights after I had a big mental breakdown about it, caused by the most stupid thing ever.
"Is Weasley staring at you or am I blind?" One of my friends whispered, her eyes trained on the Gryffindor table.
I didn't even bother to look up, not wanting to know whether it was true or not, before responding with a quiet "You're blind."
"I mean, it's hard to tell with two rows of students between us but," She nudged me, urging me to avert my gaze from my dinner and redirect it to Fred. "it kinda looks like he's... staring."
Curiosity killed the cat, I guess. My eyes finally left my plate and were, in fact, met with Fred's brown ones. As soon as they met, though, he looked away, pretending to be focused on his food, just like I had been doing seconds ago.
"Of course he's staring." Hannah Abbot, who sat right in front of my friend, commented with her mouth full. "Have you seen your hair?" She swallowed her food, looking me up and down before adding, "No offense, but it's an absolute mess." My eyes opened widely in shock at her bluntness. "You should take care of it, really."
"Has someone ever told you you're an ill-mannered bitch, Hannah?" I heard my friend talking back at the younger girl while I got up and started to make my way out of the Great Hall.
Of course, I didn't see Fred shooting up and attempting to go after me; ultimately he decided to stay in his place, since he saw my friend walking out too.
I was very aware of all the pair of eyes that had been laid on me the very moment I entered the greenhouse where we would be doing the Herbology tasks.
When I had met my friends at the Hufflepuff common room that morning, I had received divided opinions about my straight hair. At first I had been very convinced that it looked way better than my curly hair, but seeing my friends' reaction, I wasn't that confident about it anymore.
I didn't have time to undo the spell before class, so I decided to go along with it and see how the day unfolded.
I took a deep breath, my eyes trained on the ground as I made my way to an empty seat; maybe there weren't that many people staring, maybe it was just my anxiety.
I finally gathered the courage and looked up, nervously scanning the glasshouse so I could shake off my fears.
There was only a couple of my peers staring, which would have put me at ease, if one of them wasn't Fred Weasley.
On top of it, of course, he wasn't even trying to be subtle, it was almost as if he wanted me to notice his judging eyes; I could feel his gaze on me for the entire class.
The instant Professor Sprout dismissed us, I shoved everything in my bag and left the greenhouse, thanking a couple of Gryffindors who complimented my hair on my way out.
Again, I didn't notice Fred leaving the class as soon as he could to run after me.
I threw my bag against a tree near the lake shore and, as I fell against it, I heard someone jogging in my direction.
"In a hurry to sit by the lake, Y/l/n?" I followed the tall ginger with my eyes while he circled me and sat down by me. "You alright?"
"I just needed a break from... People." I vaguely explained, focusing on the water instead of on the boy besides me.
"Understandable." He hesitated for a second before adding, "Do you want me to leave?"
"No, it's fine." I surprised myself at how calmed and collected I sounded, as if I wasn't chatting with my crush.
"What happened to your hair?" His genuinely curious inquiry took me aback, and I struggled to find something to answer.
"Why?" My heartbeat picked up, anxiety inundating me once more. "You don't like it?"
"It looks weird." Fred looked at me up and down with a grimace. "You don't... Look like yourself." I was about to enter fight or flight mode, but he seemed to notice, and panic made its way to his face. "But it doesn't matter what I think," he was quick to add, his eyes wide open as if he knew he had said something he should have not. "I mean— I think it shouldn't matter, if you like it, that's great— I mean, you don't need my opinion about that either!"
"Calm down, I understand." I tried to reassure him, before his rambling drove the both of us crazy. "Can I tell you a secret?" He nodded with pursed lips, surely afraid he would fuck up if he spoke again. "I've been very insecure about my hair lately— like, very." I sighed. "My best friend told me not to straighten it, but last night I got a not so nice comment and—"
"So that's why you left?" I nodded, tugging my sleeves. Fred went silent for a moment, and then cleared his throat and scooted closer to me. "I know this won't do much, but I really love your hair. Kinda reminds me of fireworks and streamers." He gestured around his own head, mimicking the fireworks' movement. "Dunno I think is fun and pretty awesome." I raised my brows at him in surprise. "Like you."
"Aw, that's very sweet." He offered me a sheepish smile as I felt my cheeks blushing. "It does a lot, actually." I confessed, fidgeting with my rings. "I guess I kinda needed to hear something positive about my hair."
"Well, whenever you need to hear something positive about your hair," he pointed at himself. "I'm your man." He winked at me and I let out a chuckle. "I can also tell you positive things about you in general, but that has a price."
"And what is it?"
"You'll have to let me buy you a drink at The Three Broomsticks this Saturday." I tried not to let panic slip through my recently eased demeanor; was he asking me on a date? "And give me a kiss after." He wiggled his brows at me and my face turned red. "the kiss is negotiable."
I casted my gaze down, fixing it on my shoes, not sure of what I was supposed to say at that. His foot tapping mine snapped me out of my thoughts.
"So?" My eyes traveled to him once more, only to find his studying me already. "What do you say, Y/l/n?"
"Well," I shrugged, trying in vain to play nonchalant. "Seems like an affordable price, so it's fine by me."
"I'll pick you up after lunch, yeah?" Before I could agree, he gasped, his eyes going wide. "I'm a genius."
"Come again?" I frowned, confused as his sudden frantic behavior.
"Don't mind me, love." He jumped up and jogged towards the castle, leaving me puzzled in there. I was about to grab a book from my bag when Fred rushed back, crouched down and pecked my cheek. "Your hair's amazing." He assured me. "See you!" My fingertips graced my now flushed cheek as he headed off.
I was finishing my lunch when two towering redheads entered the Hall running; while George, slowed down, Fred made a beeline to the Hufflepuff table, his casual clothes already on.
"Ready?" He asked breathless.
"Yeah— you didn't have lunch, did you?" I pointed out, getting up to stand in front of him.
"No, but I'll eat something later—" his eyes roamed over my carefully picked outfit before stating, "You look... very pretty."
"Why, thank you." I offered him a smile and looked over my shoulder at the Gryffindor table, where his friends were very attentive to all we did. "You sure you don't wanna eat something?"
"Hundred percent." He tilted his head towards the gates. "shall we?" He prompted to walk before him, and it was then that I realized he had his hands behind his back. Once we were out in the yard, he tugged my hand and made me turn to him. "I made something for you."
"You didn't have to." Was the first thing that came to my mind when I heard his words. Then the wording dawned on me; he didn't get me something, he made me something. "What is it?"
"So, you know that I told you your hair reminded me of fireworks and streamers?" I nodded, not quite knowing where he was going with that. "Well—" he then showed me what his back was hiding; a delicate, tiny firecracker with my name written on the side. "George helped me so I could finish it on time."
"I'm—" at my loss of words, I could only let out a happy laugh. "This is so cute— am I supposed to ignite it?"
"Duh!" I gently pushed his shoulder in response to his teasing. "Do you know how to do it?"
"I've seen you do it plenty of times." I admitted, grabbing the firecracker with one hand and my wand with the other; it looked so pretty, it was a pity I'd have to ruin it.
With a brief firemaking spell, the firecracker set off. Fred pulled me back slightly before it happened, though.
I was in awe at the beautiful fireworks before us, which looked like a color-changing, expanding version of my hair.
When the colors died out, I turned to Fred, whose attention was already on me, awaiting for a reaction. Surely, he was not expecting the kiss he got, but he didn't complain either; while my hands rested on his chest, his traveled to cup my cheeks before I could pull away.
"So you liked it?" He questioned quietly against my lips.
"I loved it." I whispered back with a wide smile. "You're a sweetheart." I pecked his lips before retreating. Holding his hand in mines, I made my way back into the castle. "We're not leaving until you have lunch."
"You are a sweetheart." He responded, following my lead without offering resistance. "By the way, your hair looks gorgeous." The corners of my lips twisted into a bigger smile at the sweet words he spoke only for me to hear as we went back into the Great Hall.
Maybe my hair wasn't that bad after all.
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