#my cousin compared me to wednsday addams
lying-on-floors · 6 months
Yes, I have a calm and slightly strange demeanor but in my headphones, I'm blasting violent and aggressive music because I have aggression issues and I may or may not snap.
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mocacheezy · 2 years
So I finally got around to watching the sequel to The Addams Family movie, and honestly? I liked it better than the first one... Doesn't mean it was good story wise, but it was better in humour (someday I will go on an Addams media marathon and thrn compare those among eachother).
When it came out in 2021, I heard it was worse than the first movie, and when I saw the trailer for it I felt like people were right. Now that I sat down and watched it however, there were multiple ocassions where the movie had me laughing. Like, "having to pause for a moment so I could process what I'm seeing" and laughing outloud even.
I didn't find all of the jokes funny, especially the ones talking about the celebrities of today (Though I have to say Gomez calling Billie "too sunny" did get a smile and a chuckle out of me), but here are some of the other out-of-order things that were just great:
Lurch singing "I will survive"
"I have been social distancing since birth"
Any moment where someone metions child trauma
The "wife" of professor Strange.
Squid Fester (sidenote: that's some nice calamari. I'd take him out on his fourth first date)
Wednesday referring to the witches burned at the Salem trials as #SquadGoals
That poor, poor couple and the guy's triple attempt at engagement
Grandmama and Chuckles throwing a party, and Gradnmama explaining to guests that the plant is on a vegan diet
*walking past multiple pictures of father daughter moments between Wedesday and Strange* "Wow, they really did a lot of things in six hours."
The family paying their respects while standing infront of an Alamo house
These are the first few that come to mind, but now it's time to move on to the bullshit section. And boy, do I rage here, because the movie without those few laughs has me foaming at the mouth:
I don't know how to summarize the story, because there is quite a few things happening, but the main thing is supposed to be a family trip around America, so that Wednesday would be more social and loving??
The other things happening in this movie are
Wednesday feeling out of place and weird among her family
The after effects of Wednesday's science experiment on Uncle Fester,
Fester trying to help Pugsley with dating
Shittily executed "Wednesday actually isn't an Addams"
Gomez trying to get Wednesday to not isolate herself so much and be closer to him
My first and biggest problem with the idea of Wednesday not being an Addams is the fact that anyone can become an Addams if the family thinks of them as such. There are many awesome posts on tumblr that I love with all my heart, that point out that the Addamses have no trouble having a baggilion cousins - blood related or not - and most of those cousins marry into the family at one point or another.
Even if Wednesday wasn't biologicaly an Addams she would always be welcomed and loved as if she was - Gomez and Morticia not outright telling her/doing that DNA testing if Wednsday wanted it seems... Not Addams like. I understand the intent was likely to show they don't want Wednesday to believe even more that she isn't an Addams. But the insistence on the roadtrip and that "Addams Family Heirloom" necklace? To shorten my rant; I truly didn't like it.
Both the first and the second movie have an important message of Fitting In, and living up to expectations and I personally don't see this family being the proper example of that.
Moving on, Fester's gradual transformation and final form came in handy at the end battle of the movie, and it was sucessfully tied with Strange and why he wanted Wednesday. But the way it was presented could be better in my opinion - I did enjoy that the others weren't at all concerned shocked by him growing tentacles. THAT'S a proper Addams reaction.
Pugsley's love life... Why? Why was it necessary for us to nearly get a fake incest & near beastiality kind of scene.
Seriously, if Ophelia was an Addams, Pugsley would be in love with his sister- which considering the family doesn't shy away from the taboo and unnatural likely wouldn't be as big of a deal to them but STILL. This is NOT something I personally enjoy thinking about in a movie that doesn't focus on romance t begin with. If ANYTHING, they could've swapped this and the Grandmama scenes with Gomez and Morticia being madly in love. Ophelia wasn't even a big part of the movie, and her becoming a real human at the end was... Eh?? I don't care for her? Or Pugsley and his feelings towards her? This is an unnecesarry sideplot and I hate it.
Is Wednesday an Addams, or was she swapped at birth because Fester was juggling babies in the nursery? This could have worked IF THEY DIDN'T MAKE BABY WEDNESDAY LOOK LIKE A TINY VERSION OF HERSELF. BRAIDS AND ALL!!!
All that would need to be done is that they'd make two nearly identical ashen pale babies With a bit of black hair and tada!! IT WOULD FEEL LIKE SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN SWAPPED ON ACCIDENT.
I just hate the shitty shitty execution of this.
And finally, Gomez trying to bond with Wednesday. I do like that he is more emotional, passionate and affectionate than Morticia. I also liked how Wednesday handled the unwanted attempts at affection he tried to give her. Because here's the thing; Gomez and Morticia in other media love and listen to their kids. Gomez forcing hugs on Wednesday and her retaliating so he DOES NOT suceed was brilliant. But being worried that Wednesday isn't coming downstairs for dinner and spending time with the family? When all they do is go against her wishes?
She asked them not to come to her science fair, but they did. She doesn't enjoy physical affection and Gomez keeps trying to give it to her. She is understimulated because she can't connect with any family member, since she loves and excells at SCIENCE.
And a fieldtrip will fix that. Mhm, good job Gomez my man.
I understand that the "field-trip to bring the family closer" is a common movie plot, but they could have focused just on that. Focus on the Addams Family, and how her experiments and passions can weave together with the rest of the family and their passions. If the "Was I swapped at birth on accident" had to be included, it could be worked in or something and executed better than if fucking was, goth am I pissed-
And do not get me started on the way Pugsley is treated in this movie. He is being BULLIED, by his fucking parents and sister. Wednesday? Understandable that is the dynamic. But 90% of the time it felt like Gomez and Morticia don't care about him and that is the biggest piece of bullshittery possible.
But here comes the true, absolute, BIGGEST FUCKING INSULT in the whole movie;
"He's dying" que everyone being distraught and sad, and that family necklace becoming a deux ex machina.
FIRST OF ALL!!! The Addamses don't shy from death or macabre. Fester's death would be a fond memory and a story for the ages. They'd come back to Grandmama and she'd ask why they didn't bring any of him back, she's been craving seafood. I understand why this wasn't included because it's a kids movie BUT THAT REACTION IS NOT AN ADDAMS REACTION.
There might be some dark and macabre humour in this movie, but this scene SPITS on the Addams name in my opinion.
AND THE FUCKING FAMILY BLOOD. The reason why she was even given this necklace was bullshit, the way she was given this necklace was bullshit, and that it was a clear DEUS EX MACHINA, SAVE THE DAY KIND OF ITEM HAS ME WANTING TO TEAR STEEL WITH MY TEETH
The movie was much, much more entertaining than the first one. I laughed more and I loved how disgustingly in love Gomez and Morticia were while dancing among the flames in the begining. But the movie is still pretty damn shitty.
If I had to rate it, I'd give it a 3.5/10
The main problem in my opinion is that they tried to include all Addamses and give them partially equal screentime.
I am just glad that Grandmama stayed behind, because her, Fester and Pugsley doing crazy things in the background would be too much for my nerves.
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