#my durge being a menace
isa-sketches · 5 months
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im feeling cringy today so have some durge x rolan art!
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artist-rat · 5 months
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realised i haven't really posted a proper pic of my durge. so here's Tavis/Noon :} she fluctuates between being a menace of macabre whimsy and a menace with hubris burning like a thousand suns
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brain-rot-central · 5 months
Do you think that Astarion is actually decently intelligent or do you think he is real good at hiding his own stupidity?
Ohhh this is an interesting question. I have a whole theory on why Astarion seems like a ditz in game.
Astarion was (technically still is) a magistrate. The man is smart. He went to law school, and likely grew up highly educated. He's not stupid. His vocabulary is quite rich, though you can also attribute that to 200 years ago being the last time he had an earnest conversation with another being. The version of common spoken now in Faerûn is a bit duller. Even Wyll and Gale, also two highly educated men, don't speak the way Astarion does. Wyll even mentions at one point how Astarion's choice of words gives away his age (the whole "agog" bit).
Given how smart Astarion is, him playing the helpless fool works in two ways for him: 1) it guarantees protection from others by way of gaining sympathy; and 2) it allows him to get close to potential targets without raising much suspicion. Mind you, those are both things he did (or at least tries to do) to Tav/Durge if you romance him.
My theory toward why he seems a bit off in terms of smarts has to do with him being enthralled by Cazador. Cazador keeps the spawn underfed on purpose as a way to make them more submissive and easily controlled. Their minds are clouded constantly by hunger -- only ever getting enough to keep themselves from going feral. Blood could dance under their noses and they'd never be able to touch it, unless Cazador wills it.
Astarion is essentially starved when we first meet him. But not for long, as he quickly takes off into the night to hunt (probably something he did at first just to see if he could and likely out of pure desperation). Once he realizes he can gorge himself on whatever amount of animal blood he can, he graduates to pushing the boundaries of another rule: the blood of thinking creatures. Yet another thing that was banned by Cazador. Astarion comments on how much sharper his mind is after having fed on the PC.
Anyway, my theory is that once Cazador is dealt with and Astarion is free, he slowly begins to regain all his prior memories as well as his intelligence. Everything is just being suppressed. Once Cazador is gone and he's given regular feedings, the man is a menace. A "too smart for his own good" menace.
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madwomansapologist · 8 months
forever in this twilight
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Meet Kind!Druid!Tav | More TiefHusbands | AO3
synopsis: Peace is nothing but a concept for the unlucky tieflings refugees, a sweet dream they can never quite reach. Don't matter how much they run, fight, try: the world wasn't build for them. But somehow, in all this mess, you are the most steady thing on their lives.
warnings: zevlor, rolan x druid!tav. backgroung (arabella, kagha, alfira, volo, astarion). is it too obvious that one of my favorite books is "what we owe to each other"? that my life philosophy is "it's our duty as human beings to care for others"? my tav is a menace. she isn't even a durge. yes, she licked the dead spider. yes, she did it twice. she's just like that. is it too obvious i am the eldest daughter?
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Elturel was left far behind, forever in their memories but never again able to reach their bodies, but its fires anticipated their every movements.
It made foes out of strangers, turned welcoming druids into a threatening force, transmuted safe paths until they were nothing but darkness and fear. The world turned its back against those who only asked for help, as if even the blood running through their veins was cursed.
If they were threatening, they could've understand it. If they were warriors, bandits using brute force to subdue and terrorize others. But that's so far away from the truth. There are kids. Cattle. Aspiring bards, studious wizards, naive lovers.
They have souls, goddsammit. Even when some assume they don't. They look different, are different. Does it matter? From where they are or who's blood started their lineage? Where it matters tieflings are just the same. They feel rage, happiness, pain. Have hunger, desires, needs. When a tiefling bleeds, isn't it just the same as any other being?
They shouldn't see you treating kids as kids, instead of beasts as some seemed to agree, and get impressed. Or be surprised that you would ever decide to help them on the way. Druids are supossed to understand that all living beings are just another facet of nature, yet they can only remind that you're the first in a long time to act like it.
It's maddening that you're one of the few exceptions on their path. They shouldn't feel lucky for you being nice. People are supossed to care for others. They are supossed to be nice just for the sake of it. Kindness was supossed to be a convention, not a surprise.
The world is supossed to be a lot of things, the reality is often disappointing.
It can be tiring, exhausting even, to always fight. Constantly surviving, never enjoying peace. Earning a place to exist, but never the happiness it should've bring. Zevlor won't stop trying, but he won't last forever.
He's tired. How long has it been since he started feeling like that? Gods knows it was way before Elturel fell. Leading his people, the last thing Zevlor could do was to stop. There's no one going to save them, so he better act.
Except, there was you.
Eating from the corners, you made a difference in their lifes. At the gates, protecting Arabella, saving Mirkon. You convinced Rolan to stay at camp, discovered Kagha's plans, inspired Alfira.
Your influence over their plans and fears felt too close to hope. Like that brief moment at dawn, when sunlight warms the world and yet stars keep on shining. That moment before the world start and cacophony become norm.
The way you talked like you knew they would make to Baldur's Gate, like they had no option but suceding. As if you already knew their fate.
You were everywhere. When Zevlor sees Umi running around, when Alfira writes another song, when he has time. He saw you in the repentance glowing in Kagha's eyes, on the attacks to the gates getting less usual, on his people.
Crossing Shadowlands, at the very first moment, Zevlor asked himself what you would do in his place. He followed you, even now that you were long gone. Until the moment he started to question if you were everywhere, or just on his eyes.
Were people always talking about you, or did he only paid attention when they did so?
Lost in the dark, your voice came to him. With his eyes closed, Zevlor allowed himself to wonder about the last good moment he had on his journey. His people celebrating, their heroes being salute, good wine on his cup. And you, beside Zevlor, shining on him.
"And did he," Zevlor gazed at Volo. That man didn't look like a doctor. Or someone sane enough to be allowed near sharp objects. "Got the tadpole out of you?"
"Nah. Just my eye." You took a sip from the bad wine. Astarion warned you about it. "It hurted like hell, but I must say that this new one he gave me is way better."
"You let a bard experiment with your eye?" Zevlor was still in shock about this. "A bard?"
You shrughed it off. "I got curious."
He never laughed so hard. His belly ached, his cheeks were about to fall apart, no air made to his lungs. What a wonderful thing you are. How could you made him forget about all the things going on and just laugh? A real, deep laugh.
A beacon surrounded by darkness, that's what you were.
Your presence was a antidote for some, and for others it was worse than poison. It was a reminder of what happened and what could've. A neon sign of their mistakes and regrets. Of what they could've be and what they should've.
Rolan hated that you continued to smile. That you said you were sorry when he treated you like shit. That you didn't fought him back. That you didn't tried to embarrass or humilliate him.
Or maybe he hated how you had hound dogs following you around all the time. The fact people seemed to enjoy your presence. Don't they see you were the reason why they're here? That you were the one trying to change everyone's mind? That his brothers might die and it is all your fault?
And there was also your talent to hate. The fact nature gave in to your commands. That you could control it, even when darkness seemed to want nothing but kill everyone there. That you were taught, properly.
Or how it would be so much easier if you didn't continue trying to look like someone good. If you didn't opposed the Absolute, if you haven't promised to find his siblings, if everyone else around him didn't seem to idolatred you.
Or maybe Rolan just hated that, doesn't matter how much he tried, he couldn't just hate you.
It wasn't really your fault. He knows that. Shadowland was here, and it would've affect his plans of running away faster just as easily.
But damn, he wants to hate you. It would be so much easier if he did. He wants to have something to direct his anger. Someone that he could see hurt. Someone to blame for the rest of his life.
If they die, if that ever happens, what will be of him? The death of parents is expected, a lover can be forgotten or replaced, even a child lost would hurt him less. Who could ever grown him new siblings? Who could ever replace his mirrors and opposites? They are one and the same.
Would he even be able to call himself a brother? Who lost a husband becomes a widow, who lost a parent becomes an orphan, but what do you call someone that lost a sibling?
Rolan acted as if you hadn't just sat beside him at the bar. Maybe that would make you go away. If you're denied of attention, you probably will look for someone willing to lick your boots to prove their gratitude.
Of course he was wrong.
He just didn't expect to you to not say a single thing. You didn't even looked at him. You just stayed there, drinking something that smelled horribly, until the bar closed. When it did it, you headed back to camp.
And you kept on doing this. You sat there with a drink your hands. Rolan kept on being quiet, only moving to get something else to fill his cup. Days passed, and no words were exchanged between you both.
He was the first to break the untold law shared by you. "What are trying to do, oh hero?"
You finished your beer, then looked at him. Sarcarm, wow.
"Why?" He tried again, this time less inquiring. If it was even possible.
"You look lonely," you answered. "And I need silence."
Rolan tried to think of something else to say, but no words made to his mind. "Why?"
It took you another glass to answer him. "I don't think I will make it out of here. This place is... hungry. I feel like being a bug inside a monster's belly. Nothing I do is enough."
Rolan reached for a drink on the higher shelf. Even its bottle looked like it would be enough to kill someone of drunkenness. He filled your empty glass. "Don't be stupid."
Damned be you. Now Rolan needs to find someone else to hate.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
BALDUR’SGATE3TAGLIST: @citrusbunnies
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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saltieststar · 2 months
Headcanon: The Black Hand of Bane shakes the Bloody Hand of Bhaal
I've been thinking about how The Dark Urge and Gortash's partnership evolved. While the heist was a good test of their abilities, it didn't truly demonstrate Gortash's value to the temple of Bhaal. The information Gortash uncovered would have become public knowledge soon enough, so it wasn't the most impressive display of what he could offer. Still, it was enough for The Dark Urge to give Gortash a chance to prove that he's more valuable alive than as a sacrifice to their father.
My Durge OC, Briar, often sparred with his mother growing up, and I imagine something similar happening with him and Enver. They engage in a kind of cat-and-mouse game, with The Dark Urge constantly sneaking up on Gortash, breaking into his home, ambushing him on the streets, and so on. The rules are simple: if Gortash can best him, Briar will actually respond to Gortash's correspondence beyond just sending him the bloody hearts of whatever unfortunate he sent to venture into the sewers.
For Briar, the game is about ensuring that any partnership with Gortash will be worthwhile – that Gortash has the wits to survive long enough for their alliance to be fruitful. After all, anyone Briar gets close to dies at the hands of the Urge sooner or later, and they desperately want this time to be different.
I think this kind of dynamic also completely explains Gortash calling Durge a fool and telling them to knock it off if they attack him at the brine pool in Act 3 rather than starting a fight. Gortash knows Durge is just being a menace.
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daemon-in-my-head · 7 months
Still gnawing on a "normal" Durge. Completely casual guy (gn), you look at them and don't think anythings off besides maybe one or two physical features but who knows, maybe just nature being funny.
They act completely normal, very rationale, had relations before and works a normal part time day job. The vivisections are limited to their "free" time when they're not working or working more or running the temple and even their bhaalian work is always quick and efficient.
And even if they're talking about the most batshit insane bhaalist stuff going on again they're just very normal and calm about it, you'd think they're just telling you smth casual and not their various "-cide" plans. Just, a very calm, collected durge. None of that chaotic evil. Simple unsettling calmness.
Listen I love my chaos gremlin and my depressed Durge, but they don't scare me (even though they are batshit insane and certainly should be feared).
But a calm durge? That's actually menacing. That is very legitimatly scary as fuck. Completely deranged but showing none of it.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 months
I hope people continue to ask Larian for Gortash being romanceable. He does have time, he misses Durge, and he would be SUCH a fun option to romance. Let me be a menace with him together.
Also. Not only I want my Durge to kiss him, but to hug him. And fuck him. And rule the world together. C'mon, Larian, you can do it.
Also!! Alfira can "temporarily" join the party? Nahh, fam, give me that bard till the end of the game. If not with Durge, then with Tav. Better yet, let Durge be able to resist the urge to kill Alfira.
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banes-favourite · 8 months
You mentioned Baneites interacting with age regressed Gortash in a post. Does this mean that they're(or at least some of them) aware of Gortash's age regression? When/how did they find out about it? Also thinking of them having some sort of way to emergency contact Durge specifically for when Gortash is little and is being an absolute menace that none of them are able to properly handle at that moment. Or for when little Gortash is throwing a tantrum because Durge isn't there at the moment
Imma be honest, the idea that some of the Banites have known him since the House of Hope really makes my heart melt. Like some older, high-ranking members who helped teach him about Bane when he was just a kid and watched him escape, grow and join the church officially. Sort of like mentors.. I think those people especially would be surprisingly understanding in his regression, esp if they'd seen the way he was treated. If Gortash ever regressed accidentally around the church, they'd be the first ones to explain the situation and insist they continue treating him with the same respect they usually did. And maybe also read him a bedtime story. Some lower ranking member tries to coax private information out of little Gortash and all hell breaks loose when Durge finds out. Fuck their agreement, he finds that church and demands everyone leaves little Gortash alone and call him the very second he regresses or he'll visit tomorrow with a group of Bhaalists and drown the place in blood.
also the idea of having a speaking tablet labeled "emergency" and it's just to contact durge to come pick up his child 😭
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smallnico · 9 days
Okay I know these are basic but I actually think I haven't asked them yet. A rundown of Esper's favorites: favorite flower? Food? Drink? Animal? Color? Season?
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a lot of these i hadn't thought about either, so thanks for the opportunity!!
flower: i don't know if this counts, since it's not really known for its flowers, but i would probably say rosemary.
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i've written a little story where esper gets a gift of a sachet of rosemary from astarion, in part to help with the whole 'lingering smell of death' situation, so it has a lot of sentimental significance to them. that said, it's also pretty appropriate -- in addition to smelling nice and tasting nice, it's also said to purify and protect against negative and corruptive spiritual energy. some meanings i've found in terms of flower language are memory, love, lust, mourning, and fidelity, all of which are also appropriate lmao. it also looks like esper, a little -- so pointy and kind of evocative of spikier pine needles, so you don't want to get too close, but when you do the needles are actually pretty tender, and the flowers are a well-kept secret -- maybe you didn't realize that rosemary Had flowers, that it was just a leafy herb for seasoning, but it has a lot of beauty to it even beyond how useful and versatile it is.
food: roasted dwarf, obviously -- just kidding, though. esper's favourite food is probably sauteed mushrooms.
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(and not just because the durge c*nnibalism stuff squicks me out a little, so i choose not to incorporate it more than i have to into esper's story.) esper actually doesn't like eating meat if they can help it. it feeds That Durge In Them, but that's why they don't like it. mushrooms, on the other hand, remind them in some small way of better times. they did grow up in the underdark, so they ate a lot of mushrooms as a kid!
drink: esper will drink anything that's given to them, but they're especially fond of mint tea.
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esper used to be an absinthe and dark liquor enjoyer back in the bhaalist days, but ever since their lobotomy and necromancer vivisection experience, their old drow poison/alcohol tolerance is pretty much nonexistant, so they don't drink much alcohol. tea on the other hand is good for stress management, and mint tea in particular helps to bring up your energy level without caffeine, so it doesn't make it harder to sleep -- something esper, chronic bhaalspawn nightmare haver, struggles with enough as it is.
animal: no question here. cats!
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it's partially a joke, but i associate esper pretty strongly with cats -- and in-game (though this is mostly my fault) i use speak with animals to prevent ever harming them (yes, i know about steelclaw and grub. not on my watch, larian), as well as other animals. esper has a soft spot for creatures, but they do have a particular affinity for cats and their ways of life. esper too pinwheels between being god's favourite little acrobatic obligate predator and being so cuddly and sweet. also, between being cool and aloof and careful, and being an absolute fucking bastard menace with a taste for mischief. if you've ever been stared at relentlessly by a cat, you understand how it feels to be stared at by esper.
colour: you wouldn't be able to tell by looking at them, but it's somewhere between teal and purple.
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these are the colours i use to depict their magic, not coincidentally! even though the main non-black colour accent i use with esper in art is this purplish red, that's the colour i use when i want to depict The Urge, or bhaal. this is why their text bubbles in my comics are pink -- it's halfway between bhaal and esper. :>
season: now this is one i'm not sure about. they'd need to have a few more years accumulated of Experiencing Seasons before they'd be able to make up their mind, but i know in my heart it's probably autumn.
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i have an easier time saying for certain what seasons esper hates, lmao. they hate summer. too much sun, too hot, too much Weather, too humid. again, they grew up in the underdark and spent a lot of their forgotten adult life either underground or prowling at night. they are more than happy with shorter days and cooler weather -- the only reason winter isn't their favourite season is because snow is a pain in the ass, and because esper runs hot (body temp wise) but not hot enough to dress how they usually like to when it's Actually Cold. and spring just means summer is coming, so to esper that makes it the sunday night of seasons. autumn is nice and cool, kind of spooky, dark, and full of the smell of things rotting (but in like a good way).
THANKS FOR ASKINGGG you're a real one molly <333
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commander-krios · 1 month
For the writer asks
☁️ 💧 🌸
☁️Do you prefer writing canon x canon or canon x OC? Why?
I'll be real with you, I tend to write more npc x oc ships than any other ships. The majority of my pairing writing involve npcs from my fandoms. As far as the question goes, I always drift towards canon x oc over canon x canon though i've done all of them before.
💧Is there a ship you wouldn’t write yourself, but love reading?
Aylin/Isobel and Durge/Gortash. Both dynamics are super interesting to me, and I love reading fics with them, but I honestly don't think I'll have the time or inspiration to write those pairings myself.
🌸Rec one of your fics and tell us what you like about it!
Juniper's Kitty Catastrophe I had so much fun writing this one. Juniper being herself, a menace, and Rolan having to deal with no only her antics, but those of Astarion, Karlach, and a friend's Tav. Juni is my favorite Tav to write about, she's always fun, and this really let me stretch my writing muscles. I don't tend to write humor all that much so this was great practice.
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erosathelstan · 1 year
WARNING: Spoilers for Act 3
I don't really have much BG3 friends irl and I have a lot of thoughts that I cannot put into proper writing yet so I'll just post it here:
As much as I love the idea of giving Astarion an item that allows him to walk in the sun (my durge also does that, bcs in my headcanon the "Sunwalker's Gift" is the perfect item to do just that) I just want to talk about one other thing that Astarion mentions about being a vampire that I don't see a lot of people posting about: the aspect of hunger.
In one of his conversations with a Dark Urge PC, he mentions being unable to speak and think clearly when he wasn't able to feed for a long time because the hunger deprives him of reason. During one of the post-Cazador dialogues, too (if you kill Cazador without him, regardless if you're DU or Tav) he talks about being condemned to an eternity of hunger without being able to make a choice about it. Freedom to choose and consent is a major theme in Astarion's story, and with Cazador gone, that hunger then becomes the primary contender for his ability to choose for himself, because that hunger can literally rob him of reason when left unchecked.
Yes, he's also a murder hobo and wouldn't even blink twice if he had to kill someone, especially if it's for the sake of keeping himself safe and well-fed. At the moment, considering that our Tav/Durge is also a willing Personal Juicebox™ for his twink ass, then the guy is pretty much food secure. However, I don't think that later on in their relationship, he'd be comfortable with continuing that arrangement with their partner - whether it's due to old age/sickness on Tav's part, or some sort of self-realization that we can all only headcanon about. Him hunting down criminals/vagrants/random strangers also inadvertently puts Tav and whatever home they've made in danger, as someone at some point will want to hunt the vampire that killed their friend/family/workmate/what-have-you. Idk maybe some mofo with a strong sense of justice will also eventually go after his ass because he's a total menace to society.
Fighting is not a problem, or at least at first. Tav can fight. Tav literally led the group into fucking up an Elder Brain ffs, so what's a couple of vampire hunters and/or vengeful band of misfits, amiryt? But again, it will be kinda tiring to have to always be on guard, because someone might just kill you and the love of your life because you fed on someone else's. Also, again, he can fight for as long as he needs to, but what about Tav? Esp if our Tavs are not from long-lived races.
Part of getting Astarion's life back has to not only include making him able to stand in the sun again, but also ridding him of that hunger. Vampiric hunger can be an all-consuming thing that could put both him and his lover in significant danger. Whether he as a character would want to address this is a matter of our personal interpretations as fans/writers/artists, but I personally want to see more of this aspect of his vampirism being explored in fan works.
Anyway, I have said too many words. Maybe I need to finally give in and go hunting in Ao3 for this type of content. But for now, I slep 🙃
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pinkberrytea · 5 months
BG3 Romance Picrew Game
Rules: Show me your Tav/Durge and their BG3 romance, then give me their song. Tag some friends to share too!
(Made using this picrew)
Ty ty so much for the tag @bardic-inspo, this is too adorable 😭💖
Astarion & Mavka
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Aw look at them cuties sharing some tomato sauce 😭 I'm weirdly proud of how this turned out 💖
As for their song, uhh I'm going with something other than arai tasuku for once.
Song of choice
Hold my life until / The beating of your precious heart / Decides to kill / I'll bleed for you, love
Okie that's it I guess. Uhh I'm tagging @locallegume (I know you've already been tagged, I'm just being a menace and sending you a useless notif), @starryjuicebox, @zekeen, @bananasfosterparent and anyone else who wants to do it 'cus it's so cute. Sorry for double tags! (except you KC, I'm not sorry)
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inflictswounds · 4 months
fuck it we ball : shipping edition !
( these are both romantic and platonic dynamics i'd like to write - friendships usually end up being my favorite kind of relationships so i encourage them VERY much. bolded names are the ones i'd like to write the most. ocs are obviously always included. this is a list i will keep updating. )
surana: romantic: alistair (specifically, august's (@/psychcwound), leliana, zevran, morrigan. platonic: other alistair muses [because these two are besties(tm) in my og worldstate], leliana, zevran, morrigan, jowan, wynne, sten, cullen (she's gonna dunk on him.... i understand if you don't wanna write them dlksjf)
hawke: romantic: varric........., merrill in aus. platonic: fenris, anders, isabela (the one who can match the menace energy alright), merrill, hawke twins.
lavellan: romantic: solas (it's. it's the drama alright. it got to me), josephine, blackwall, cassandra. platonic (the more romance focused characters apply here, too): COLE (from being afraid of the fade and its dwellers to befriending one. they are so important to me) iron bull, sera, leliana, dorian, varric (he calls her grumpy. as he should), vivienne, cullen.
zevran: romantic: ur warden 🫵 platonic: isabela (as in. friends who sometimes have fun together obv), the blight crew, other crow muses pspspsp.
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tav (lorelei): romantic: gale (her 'canon' romance), karlach, shadowheart, rolan (because i think they could be fucking HILARIOUS, though depends how old you hc rolan to be) platonic: astarion (exclusively platonic, they are Friends), wyll, jaheira, lae'zel, halsin (bc these two have zero romantic chemistry rip), gortash (i need them to have a 4dchessing nemesis dynamic soooo bad).
tav (ramona): romantic: lae'zel (their 'canon' romance), wyll, minthara. platonic: gale, shadowheart, karlach, halsin, minsc, jaheira, astarion. (i didnt play a lot of their run yet, but this is how i see it for now...)
astarion: romantic: ur tav/durge 🫵, wyll, karlach, minthara (she could make him i worse i think) platonic: ur tav/durge, gale (i don't like bloodweave. sue me ig), shadowheart, halsin, minsc, (even he doesn't see my vision, too bad), jaheira.
karlach: romantic: ur tav/durge 🫵, astarion, wyll, shadowheart. platonic: ur tav/durge, lae'zel, wyll (again, bc they are just too powerful), gale, halsin, jaheira, minsc, dammon (i could b swayed to play a more romantic undertone, too), gortash (as in, i'd like to write a thread when she worked for him still. it could be inchresting).
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bruised-halo · 3 months
Fuck it
Here's more information about each of my completed Tavs/Durges so far (Besides Zephyra but I have a pretty good feel for her personality already because I'm almost to Act 2)
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- Mephistopheles Tiefling - Folk Hero Background - Level 10 Arcane Trickster Rouge and Level 2 Fighter -
First ever Tav - She's loosely based off of my first DnD character from highschool. I say loosely because I cannot customize her to her full potential on PS5 because there are no mods just yet :(
Once I DO get the ability to do mods here in September(?) I will be remaking her to look more like she should
Lawful good for the most part
Romanced Spawn Astarion
I imagine that she had a rough childhood but decided to make the best of it
Would definitely sacrifice herself without any regrets if it came to that (Out of any of my current characters she is probably the most likely to willingly become a mindflayer to save her companions) - I think if I was to play her character again she absolutely would become a mindflayer to save her companions. Especially if Karlach tried to do it first (I didn't know you could bust out Orpheus at the time :( )
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- Zariel Teifling - Haunted One background - Level 12 Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer -
First ever Durge - was not redeemed
Chaotic Evil
Romanced Minthara
Very loyal to Bhaal
Scariest Bhaalspawn I have created so far. Like girl is absolutely ruthless
Definitely a narcissist and does not really give af about any of the companions except for Minthara.
Probably the strongest of my characters. She was absolutely slaughtering everyone she came into contact with
Became the absolute in Bhaal's name
Definitely a doomed from the beginning antagonist
Only character of mine that has willingly become half illithid
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- High Elf - Haunted One background - Level 12 Oath of Vengeance Paladin -
First redeemed Dark Urge character - I absolutely loved her dynamics
Chaotic good - an actual chaotic good. Like girl is goofy
Did not break her Oath :)
Bisexual and Polyamorous
Romanced Spawn Astarion and Halsin
Pre lobotomy Lyssa was definitely a menace but not entirely evil. Very conflicted tbh
She did have on and off again flings with Gortash for sure pre lobotomy
I believe she first became a Oath of Vengeance Paladin to get vengeance on whoever robbed her of her memories. Post Orin's death I believe she kept that Oath of Vengeance to continue to vanquish evil that would hurt innocents.
Views Jaheira as a motherly figure for her and cares for her deeply
Her Dream Guardian was her adoptive mother that she killed when the urges first manifested as a child (the guilt will live with her for the rest of her days)
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- Seldarine Drow - Haunted One background - Level 12 Berserker Barbarian -
Redeemed Dark Urge
Neutral Good - mostly heroic but did do some questionable things
Silent but friendly type once she gets comfortable with someone
Romanced Gale
Pre lobotomy Lillith was probably evil asf. But to be fair it was the only thing she ever knew. Girl was most likely besties with Gortash. Maybe some romance? Who knows? But most likley
Fun fact about Lillith: The eye that her tattoo is on changes from Red to White to symbolize Bhaal's grip on her being broken post resurrection from Withers
When she was first resurrected, she wished she would have stayed dead because she thought she could never repent for the heinous actions she committed while being under Bhaal's influence
Gale is the first person she has ever felt truly safe with
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- Mephistopheles Tiefling - Haunted One background - Level 12 Archfey Warlock -
Chaotic neutral/chaotic evil depending on which ending she gets - She is my only Dark Urge character that could go either way
I prefer her redeemed ending bc girl is traumatized but the evil ending also makes sense for her
Queer - she does not give af about labels tbh
Romanced Gale
Pre lobotomy Willow killed her first love Ophelia during a Dark Urge episode - safe to say her dream guardian is a dead version of Ophelia
She definitely went off the rails post Ophelia's death. I believe this event was the main trigger that led to her becoming fully devoted to Bhaal. There's nothing worse than losing everything/one you cared about after all
Romantic but also very toxic relationship with Gortash. Out of all my Durges she is definitely the most likely to have been all over that greasy man LMAO. Girl was FERAL
She is the only Durge who does reject Bhaal but also has the opportunity to become the Absolute depending on the choices she makes in game
Her and Ophelia are tragic soulmates in EVERY lifetime. One of them will always die tragically by the others hands. There is no reality where they can both live together happily ( Angsty I know LMAO )
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- Human - Urchin Background - Level 12 Life Domain Cleric of Selûne -
True Lawful Good
Only exists in the alternate reality where she managed to get the upper hand on Willow in self-defense. Unfortunately Willow dies due to this
Definitely my bravest tav. She will run headfirst into anything if it means saving someone in need
Romanced Shadowheart
Definitely the more rational one between her and Willow. She was always trying to keep Willow out of trouble. She loved it though. The chaos as definitely fun at times
Before Willow's death, Ophelia was trying to make ends meet by any means necessary. She was an Orphan and had no one to rely on but herself. Hence the Urchin background.
After Willow died, Ophelia swore to repent for what she had to do by becoming a life domain Cleric of Selûne. It definitely helped her grieve. It also gave her a purpose and led her to becoming who she is
The enemies to lovers dynamic with Shadowheart is the BESTTTTT. I highly recommend Shadowheart x Selûnite tav
The ending she gets with Shadowheart is just what she deserves. Like poor girl had it ROUGH
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- Githyanki - Outlander background - Currently level 7 Paladin of Vengeance -
Chaotic good for sureeee
Previously had a fling with Astarion but is absolutely in LOVE with Lae'zel (she pretty much so always was but she was in denial)
She's a little less rough around the edges than Lae'zel (especially in the beginning when Lae'zel still doesn't trust anyone yet)
Also far more knowledgeable about Faerun than most other Githyanki due to her outlander background. She loved to explore far and wide before the mindflayer abduction
She's definitely a romantic at heart but doesn't want to admit it just yet
She swore her Oath of Vengeance after her best friend went missing and is presumed dead. She just wants to know what happened to her (Spoiler: Vlaakith Ascension ending 👀)
Her and Lae'zel are definitely mother's to the githyanki egg from the creche
Her relationship with Lae'zel is absolutely adorable. They definitely complete each other. Zephyra was the first person to ever show Lae'zel the importance and feeling of softness when it comes to love
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Thank you for the tag @casualya <3
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Technically, I've already done this for my 'official canon' version of Syanna (as a durge) here, but fun fact, she initially started out as a regular Tav that I got attached to so I recreated her for my durge run and I ended up loving her even more then (and that version of her became my main OC and who I use for all my runs now). In any case, I thought it'd be fun to do this for that initial version of her as well and see how and what the differences between them are ^^ Or hell, maybe this could be an AU version of her, why not.
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Color: once again, forest green, although for different reasons this time - she likes being outdoors and around nature and animals. Being from and living in Baldur's Gate prior to the game's events, she'd spend a lot of time in the city parks, with the occasional venture out into the woods outside of the city . (and I still maintain the superficial reason of 'I like the way she looks in green')
Flower: Camelia, because I think it reflects her thoughts on being with Astarion. According to a website I found that goes over flower language, they can mean the following: pink ones - longing for you, red ones - you’re a flame in my heart, white ones - you’re adorable. To be fair though, they can also apply to durge!syanna as well (same goes for the red tulips I chose for her, they go well with tav!syanna too I think)
Animal: cat, once again, although not a black one this time. Oh no, think along the lines of chaotic orange cat that can and will be a menace when the opportunity arises (it's silliness. mostly.)
Scent: Gaultier Divine from Jean Paul Gaultier - another perfume I really love the smell of and feel would suit this version of Syanna. There's a sweetness to it, but it still has a certain strength and intensity to it as well. Again, I like to headcanon that Astarion creates the scent for her. Also, fun fact, one of the notes in it (and in Black Orchid, which I chose for durge!syanna) is bergamot ^^
Song: Syanna - Marcin Przybyłowicz (like I said before, easy and obvious choice for this one)
Feeling: playfulness/mischievousness - tav!syanna is definitely a lot more playful around those she gets along with than durge!syanna (although she can also be that way when the mood strikes her, particularly with Scratch and the owlbear cub), and can also be a little bit chaotic and up to no good (in a silly way, while durge!syanna can lean more towards sarcasm or pettiness in some cases - although I like to think that in time, she becomes sillier and a bit more carefree).
And, really, the way she bullshits her way past guards is telling them she's been hired to search for a prized pig named Lulabelle and no, she cannot go into more detail than that, as she has piglets depending on her, so that's what we're working with (I love that this is an actual dialog option and all recreations of Syanna use this when the opportunity appears because it's just too good).
No pressure tags: @astarionposting @wilteddreamsofbaldursgate @roguishcat and anyone who wants to join in! ^^
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kitthenameless · 2 months
I am having the funniest situation with Araj right now. Mal (my Durge) stole a bunch of stuff while Gale distracted her. She noticed after a while, didn't do anything except give him a disapproving look. But she wouldn't take her eyes off Mal. That just meant Gale could stand outside her cone of vision and pickpocket her instead. So they've gone back and forth, taking turns pickpocketing her, like 10 times now. She's so confused that she doesn't even know which of them to look at anymore. Sometimes Mal will do it, and she'll look at him, but then turn and stare at Gale instead 😂 She does not attack though, no matter how many times you pickpocket her. Mal even stabbed her once while standing directly in front of her. She just glared at him, healed herself, and went back to work. At this point, I sorta feel like I've tormented her enough and should just let her live.
Look at these two being little menaces lol.
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