#my face was literally just the live slug reaction
jokest3r · 9 months
Me after seeing the first cutscene of OG MW3 between makarov and yuri:
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OPLA is so gay and Luffy is so ace that's it's not even subtle
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I can't find anymore screenshots so -
*Koby and Luffy stargazing in the boat*
*Insert image of Nami and Kaya on the couch*
Nami trying to find a dinner outfit and asking Luffy: "How does this look?" "Looks like Nami."
*1 outfit later*
"Still looks like Nami."
Usopp asking Zoro: "If you were Kaya would you like me?"
Luffy: "I like you already!"
Usopp: "No that's not what I - whatever- Zoro-"
Zoro: "You're asking the wrong guy."
This live slug reaction:
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*Every single interaction Zoro has with Sanji*
*Literally the moment Luffy was like, "This tastes great!" Sanji was smitten, absolutely doomed to join the crew.
*The fact that the writers both included and let Gin live, jackass captain be damned. What does this have to do with the list? Idk, I love Gin.*
*Luffy just totally going shell shocked when Zoro's hurt while the rest are rushing to help him*
Mihawk at Luffy: "Although I do like that hat." I laughed my ass off because I totally didn't expect that - they totally knew what they were doing adding that to the script you can't convince me they didn't. Mihawk's not even hiding it. He knows exactly who that hat belongs to. And also the fact that he was sent to capture Luffy, saw the hat, and said to Garp's face, "Nah I think he should be a pirate lmao get fucked."
*Mihawk's entire existence should literally make everyone swoon*
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 10 months
Okay hiii just ignore me if you want-
This tiny child meeting these two big men, this tiny little child who’s life has been unstable and unpredictable is faced with the prospect of adoption, the promise that they’ll finally be in a home
Of course, before the adoption is complete and finalised, there is that uncertainty about “what if it doesn’t go through or get approved?” And the Fruitbowl Dads™️ can’t always be there all the time, but whenever they DO get a chance, and I mean EVERY SINGLE CHANCE, they’re reminding You that they already love them, and being so young it’s hard to not follow every glimmer of hope that peaks through. It’s just so exciting and scary at the same time. Their own room?! Forever?! Well just faint now.
Making this tiny rascal laugh so hard at Dad Jokes, it’s such a good thing to laugh. Two huge strong dads who are going to be the strongest support this tiny little one has ever seen. Gettin’ carried? A must, imagine all the things you could see from up there! It’s the world! Free for You to explore.
Getting adopted?! The process being finished?! The cheering and hugs? Immediately getting pizza (or some other food of choice) right after? Movie night? It’s such a warm welcome to Your Official Home.
Oh poor child, passed through care home to foster home back into the system, back and forth to and fro, when will it end? Well the Fruitbowl Dads™️ are here to help!
It genuinely surprises You, the prospect of adoption. You had just assumed it would never happen, I mean? A teen? Don’t be ridiculous, it’s completely out the question. Couldn’t help but overhear people debating if it was worth the trouble for someone who’d move out in a few years anyway, and it’s hard not to assume this is all one big dream, and you’ll wake up soon. But every time You pinch Your cheeks, close Your eyes, half wanting to wake up, You never do, opening Your eyes to see two kindhearted individuals in front of You, ready for a huge hug.
After the gruelling process of adoption is complete, You can finally lay in bed and officially say You’re home. I mean, sure, You have been fostered here for a while, but it just feels so much more real and yet surreal at the same time. Cuddle piles are a NECESSITY for this, or maybe not at first, You had learned that getting close to people makes it harder to say goodbye, but now? Now you don’t *have* to say goodbye, now you can bury Your face in incense smelling fur, or bury Yourself into a plastron and not worry about it slipping through Your fingers. It’s here, and it’s staying.
Dad’s are probably gonna have to work with Ya on unlearning bad coping mechanisms, teaching You they don’t have to cry alone, it’s alright, having a rock hard shell is helpful sure, but not all the time. It’s gonna be tough, but who said parenting is easy?
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No no, wait- wait. I-i just-- hrrrmmmmmmgn, hold ON- holding on. I, I cannot-- you just-
You just did-
How did you-?
I, I, ueue- ueueueeee.
^^^ my live reaction when reading this.
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I literally. Wanted to cry while reading this through. That's how good it is. Slash very complimentary. ✨Extremely✨ complimentary, if you will.
Seriously pookie, I couldn't have said it BETTER??? You're undeniably one of my favorite writers on this site. The way you completely understood what I was going for & added to make it even ✨🪽BETTER✨🪽
like it's so good it's making me run my deadlifts:
🌟 \ / 🌟
⭐ \😁/ ⭐
✨ 🎽 ✨
/ \
👟 👟
Look at the stars!! Look at the sparkles!! That is the exudes of my OVERFLOWING JOY AND HAPPY STIMS!!!! 💞⭐🌟🌸✨💫🌷🌈☀🌻☁🩷
I was already in love with the child imagine but then I read the TEENAGE SECTION AND bro. I don't think I can live without this anymore, actually.
Rests hand on your shoulder and gazes deeply into your eyes. (/plat) I don't think I can live without you, actually.
Lemme tell you the things I loved:
All of it. 🌈🌸🩷
............nah nah but fr, lemme appreciate you in full rq-
the way you explicitly mentioned the foster/adoption homes, system, and process and tied it in very smoothly with the plotline!! - I realize now that I didn't mention it much, despite the whole point legitimately being an adopted reader. so you centering it in the way you did just really did sumn to me, no lie no lie. (/vv pos!! ☀)
taking the head canons and dividing them into the aspects by age, and making it work SO SO WELL LIKE--!!!! AS A WRITER? A FELLOW WRITER??? I am frothing at the mouth very impressed!! it all just fits together like a puzzle piece and I just, graaaaahhh ( ✧Д✧) YES!!
bustin in and having the, 💥audacity💥 to say "ignore me if you want" SUCKAAAAAAAAA????
(will legit hunt u down don't ever speak such none sense, I said NONE ❗💥 SENSE 💥❗ e'er again, ya hear?)
the realness of it. like, you. ...... that's it bro, legit just you.
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Now I've got even MORE brainworms and, they say, they're already formulating a part two of sorts. ૧(ꂹີωꂹີૂ) now fellas I love my goobers but-- *dogs barking, truck horns blasting, random screaming on the background*
((*now I must indulge the child!*))
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ryttu3k · 4 months
Thoughts on Doctor Who - Dot and Bubble!
You know what, it's a bold new choice on Doctor Who to go, "Actually, this entire pastel-washed Celebration-meets-Tiktok society probably should die" but I can't say it's like. Entirely wrong in this case. Can't help someone who's so thoroughly wedged up their own arse (or stuck in their own bubble, ofc) they actively refuse help due to their own bigotry, y'know?
Actually, it's very much an 'offering mercy to the enemy' kind of thing. Which, historically, hasn't tended to go great either. It just hits a little different because we spent the entire episode focused on Lindy's storyline that we go, "Oh, she's the protagonist" and it's only at the end that we really get confirmation of, "Ah. She's the enemy." Although, in fairness, the endless microaggressions piling up culminating in killing Ricky was a pretty big hint, so…
Kind of refreshing that the first episode in which the Doctor's skin colour comes up is set in the future, which normally are pretty free of like. Racism and bullshit like that. Like Martha, Bill, Yaz, and Ryan all mention racism being an issue in historical episodes, Thirteen only gets talked down because of her apparent gender in a historical. You kind of make this assumption that even if there are still massive issues in the future, something like race isn't one of them. Only, it is. And Fifteen is the one to come up against the brunt of it. Any other Doctor, and the entitlement may have shown, but the racism may have stayed hidden (unless, again, Martha, Bill, or Yaz and Ryan as companion). Fifteen, however, gets them to show their asses just by virtue of existing. He was literally trying to save their lives!
Quote from RTD: "The moment we cast Ncuti, everyone said to me, "Oh my god, what's it going to be like when he goes into the past? Because a Black Doctor's going to face such racism." You sit there going, "What about now? Why do you think that racism's only in the past, when you look at what's happening to the world?""
Did come across as very nihilistic, ending-wise. RTD has said this episode was Black Mirror-influenced, and yeah, can definitely see that. You know what, that planet and the Finetime community are doomed. The planet's population is gone, a good chunk of Finetime's population is gone (or couldn't be led to safety, in which case it's only a matter of time), and lbr these kids only learned to walk a few hours ago. I would be amazed if they lasted a week playing Pioneers outside. And there's nothing that the Doctor can do, because they're so entrenched in their own racism that they refuse the literal lifeline he's throwing to them!
Conclusion: Fascinated how they went from, "Social media bad!" and "Killer AI!" to, "Actually, maybe social media isn't the problem and maybe, just maybe, it's people being so obsessed with staying within their literal bubbles that they begin to systematically dehumanise anyone who doesn't 'belong'" and also, "Actually yeah I'm kinda going for the AI deciding that the best way to deal with institutionalised and entrenched racism and bigotry is to kill them all with giant slugs."
(I mean, if the Dot AI could see how literally everyone was, I assume they realised they wouldn't accept a sapient AI as a new life form…)
Acting: Not quite as Doctor-lite as 73 Yards, this was more… Diet Doctor and Companion. That said, what we did get from Ncuti Gatwa was goddamn masterful. His reaction when he realises what's going on the end was heartwrenching - the disbelieving laughter, then the anger and frustration. So goddamn good. That said, Callie Cooke as Lindy was obnoxious and thus perfectly acted. Like at the beginning you were lowkey hoping she'd get her head out of her arse, and by the end you were hoping she'd get eaten :D Also enjoyed Tom Rhys Harries as someone who's been raised in the bubble but is at least trying to start just… slowly stepping out of it, only to be violently rejected by the rest of the bubble.
Continuity: Another Susan Twist! This time, actually called out! You know, there are two possibilities here, and both are extremely funny: 1) RTD intentionally cast an actor named Susan Twist to appear in every episode in order for her multiple appearances to foreshadow a twist revealing Susan Foreman, or 2) RTD intentionally cast an actor named Susan Twist to appear in every episode in order for her multiple appearances to have absolutely nothing to do with Susan Foreman and the repeated appearances are something else entirely. Either way, it's goddamn hilarious.
Nothing on Ruby's backstory this week, including a lack of snow. Ruby did feel somewhat unimportant here, she was only really there to make Lindy actually listen, because she's white and blonde and therefore Like Them and therefore worthy of listening to, and could have been replaced by any other young white companion, like Rose or Clara. If it had been the Doctor on his own, or Martha, Bill, or Yaz and Ryan as companions (or potentially even Donna, who might have got caught by ageism?), Lindy would have just kept blocking and blocking and never, ever listening.
The Big Bads of the season continue to oscillate between the possible Pantheon (the Toymaker, Maestro, possibly Mad Jack/the Fairies?) and just. Humanity. The humans who forced babies to be born then abandoned them, the military industrial complex, nuclear ambitions (the only one so far not set very far in the future), and now pastel-washed white supremicists. Very much a 'yeah, humanity definitely still hasn't solved these issues yet' kind of thing.
The 'stories being real' theme was handled kind of obliquely. Still definitely there, but it was a human consequence of being stuck in their own bubbles/narratives and being unable to see or accept anything outside it, and less a metatextual example like with other episodes.
Season ranking
As of s40e05:
73 Yards
The Devil's Chord
Dot and Bubble
The Church on Ruby Road
Space Babies
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heaven-s-black-box · 11 months
A very Soukoku Christmas- Soukoku
Return to File
Recovery date: Dec 20, 2019
Description: Pretend you're dating me for this family event because you’re exactly the kind of person my parents would hate and i’m really looking to piss them off
Notes: Click here for the sequel- A very Soukoku New Year
Word count: 683
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“Hmm,” Dazai hummed raising an eyebrow.
Chuuya looked like he was about to burst, whether from embarrassment, annoyance, or both he didn’t know. But, he had very little patience and would rather ask literally anyone else. But, Dazai was perfect for this, and he didn’t have time to find someone else.
“ I said I need a favor.”
Dazai had that stupid look on his face that told Chuuya he’d never live this down. But at this point, he was willing to do anything to piss off Kouyou. If she was going to pester him about having no love life, he would bring a date to christmas dinner, it was just going to be the person she hated most. 
Chuuya took a deep breath, "I need a date to christmas dinner with Kouyou, but it has to be someone she hates.”
“Awww. Chibi-chan wants me to meet his family? I’m honored! How about new years at my place then?”
“Grrrrr, did you not hear me say I just needed someone she hates!”
“Look I don’t like this anymore then you do but一 wait what?”
“A chance to annoy dear ane-san, I’d be a foul to pass it up! But, I have one condition.”
“Ugh, I’m gonna regret this. What?”
“You’re trying to piss her off, so I can do whatever I see fit.”
“...could be worse, fine,we have an agreement. Saturday, meet me at Kouyou’s at 7.”
“So, where’s this date of yours?” Chuuya could hear the condescension in Kouyou’s voice.
“He’s just running late,” Chuuya grumbled, he hoped Dazai was just late.
Just then the doorbell rang, and just as he had hoped, Kouyou went to open it. She looked so proud, and happy, Chuuya couldn’t wait to see her reaction. Following her to open the door, he felt a bit of panic. Dazai liked to annoy him more than anyone, what if he acted like an angel in front of Kouyou instead of his usual shittyy self (not that it’d change her opinion of him). 
“Welcome to一” by the smug look on Dazai’s face, Chuuya could imagine how Kouyou’s face looked. He let out a small smile before pushing past Kouyou and saying,” Ane-san, this is my boyfriend. I don’t think I really need to introduce him.”
This would be fun.
“So, that went well!” Dazai chirped. How he could be so chipper after Golden Demon almost killed him at least twice in the first 5 minutes he didn't know. But, Dazai did exactly what he needed. Between horrible flirting, trying to kiss him (his third brush of death for the night), and asking to stay the night, Kouyou was beyond done with him. 
Chuuya was only aloud to walk Dazai home by insisting it would be rude if he didn’t. Kouyou being who she was had to let him walk Dazai home. At first he had picked Dazai to annoy Kouyou, but now一 now he wasn’t so sure. When Dazai wasn’t trying to piss Kouyou off, he was nice company, he also looked really good cleaned up. Hell he even changed his bandages.
“What?” Chuuya turned to look up at Dazai.
“Is the slug thinking? You should be careful, you might blow a fuse,” Dazai giggeled, avoiding a kick from Chuuya.
“Anyway, since I helped Slug, Slug should do a favor for me.”
“Who said anything about that?!” Chuuya tried to look offended, although he seemed more flustered then angry.
“I did. So, how ‘bout new years?”
“What, need me to help you piss off Mori?” Chuuya sneered.
“Nope! I had fun tonight, so, what do you say?”
“Ugh! Fine,” he yelled,” but only so I don’t owe you.”
“Sure, sure. Since we’re going out together, wear a Kimono?”
“Like hell I will you shitty Mackerel!” He yelled kicking at Dazai again before storming off back the way they came.
“Hey! I thought you were walking me home?!” Dazai snickered.
“Walk home yourself shitty Mackerel!” 
Ah yes, new years would be fun. And maybe he’d talk with Kouyou about a kimono just to mess with Dazai… just maybe.
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krafterwrites · 2 years
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#i really like dominoes but honestly they’re one of the worst things i could’ve gotten bc there’s very little variety compared to the others
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New art for Halloween just came out!
318 notes - Posted October 27, 2022
I found this sprite of Silver while browsing the wiki and idk why but I find it kinda funny, he looks like that sad ant holding a bindle
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386 notes - Posted August 18, 2022
472 notes - Posted October 25, 2022
ALSO something REALLY funny that I just remembered was during the scene where Agent Stone made that latte with him and Eggman’s face in it with hearts and stuff, my (homophobic) dad did not look happy at all. I looked at him right after the scene to see his reaction and it literally looked like he was doing the live slug reaction face. My dad literally did the live slug reaction while I was watching Sonic 2 and I don’t know what else to say about it because it’s literally the funniest thing ever
644 notes - Posted April 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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3,766 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
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cubedmango · 2 years
live slug reaction (aka naina watches the cm movie after midnight and provides long and dumb and unnecessary commentary) (there be spoilers inside. tread w caution and all that jazz)
THE BOOOKK i wonder if we'll get to see the pages eventually.
also remembered my au i based off it...... i gotta dig it up
the recap aka watch how hard can i cry abt krdcs story despite having it seen it like 50 times already
adachi cringefail compilation in reverse so true
HELP ME WHYARE THEY SITTING LIKE THATSHHDHD. they are just sitting . five feet apart cause theyre not gay
ROKKAKU. I LOVE YOU BUT WHY ..... who was he trying to call anyway .....
their fucking faces i cant do thsidjbfjsjd those shifty ass side glances im losing it theyre so NERVOUS IM YELLING
ADACHI MY BELOVED AUGH HE DIDNT EAT ...... and them both laughing AUGHHH theyre my everythingggGGGG
HAHAHAHAHAHA HE REALLY WAS JEALOUS OF THE CHICKEN NOODLES i thought ppl were kidding but no . oh my god
ALSO.! KUROSAWAS ROOM IN DETAIL FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!! taking notes for No reasons
obsessed w how adachi so Obviously checks to see if their feet are touching and kurosawa, Aware of the powers, just does not see it
theyre so cute fucking hell.....
oh the camping trip ough. . .. would pay to be the fish just to watch this sappy ass shit irl
theyre both so dumb theyre literally made for each other i swear
Kurosawa. What Is Wrong With You. Stop Thinking Things Ur Scaring The Little Man
unrelated but omg the shots are sooo pretty i love the waterfall one....
hh.. h h n . h . . hands.. Hands
THEYRE SO CUTE (counter: 2)
OFFICE GANG IS BACKKK i missed them...... ms fujisaki my queen most of all
ADACHIS ROOM !!!!!! sorry i like it a lot seeing it again is like seeing an old friend.......
"for us to be together forever" WHAT IF I THREW MYSELF OFF MY BED !!!!!!!!!!!!
"i wished for our happy days to last forever" AND WHAT IF I PARACHUTE JUMPED OFF A PLANE!!!!!!!!!!
also dear god knowing what happens next as they say this is . it Is.
ah . its them. tsugemina.... ha ha one part of the show i didnt rlly miss
my 'kurosawa actually cares a lot abt rokkaku when hes not busy being jealous of him' agenda REAL and CANON
THE BESTIES ok i did miss adachi and tsuges bestie-isms . they are so funny
the og soundtrack in the bg ......... Yeah
comedic genius w that cut from adachi hoping for them to be together all to finding out abt the transfer
rokkaku... i am looking at him .....
noooo noooooooo noooOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOO
seeing all the times kurosawa sacrificed what he wants for adachis sake ....... girlie who allowed this im so
Ah. Kurosawas Face..... Bros I Cant Do This....
THE BRIDGE !!!!!!!!!! THE™ BRIDGE™!!!!!!!!!!!!
ep 1 parallel..... eats it up. definitely giffing this later Yeah
hey that reminds me of the evil fic idea i was gonna write after watching the movie :)
Also. just noticed i have been talking in caps too much. sorry but 1) its late my brain isnt working 2) i gotta yell man
NEW FRIENDS who is He ........ who are all of they i need to know for fic purposes
adachi my talented brilliant genius amazing son . thats it thats the point
adachi my son hey hello. i understand jps toxic work culture but please. dont do that
so many pretty shots of kurosawa but he looks so sad in them..... this is his burden
adachi, alone, walking past couples/ppl in pairs..... poetic cinema
O NAGASAKI APARTMENT i am Perceiving 👁️👄👁️
kurosawa running to get his phone...... someone fly this man to kyushu Right Now
ough kurosawa pov. . always promising w angst as always
THE BGM IS SOO GOOD BTW HITS SO HARD i think this is a leitmotif but brains too wack rn to recognise which piece its from
Looking. At the Apartment. Tidbits and Things and Blue Theme (very good and perhaps meant to match kurosawas place) but also adachi why is it . like this
47k yen flight bro............ call me unromantic bc i would not unless Absolutely Necessary
aha. foreshadowing.
oh my god okay its happening . gif
adachi jesus okay no stop stoppp go sit down please im begging you
yuta 'jumping to grave conclusions' rokkaku strikes again . in his defense he probably didnt know anything but man
A. . OOF . OKAY i fucking forgot abt that dream oh goodness . adachi i am psychoanalysing ur brain now
not remembering phone numbers he just like me fr
they hugged there btw im declaring this canon rn
fucking Finalllyyyy they Talk
"i nearly lost it" imagining his perspective and. H. . . ... hsj.. kj. ikk.w..d..
"i thought id never see you again" Who ...... why ................ to hurt me ...????? personally??????????
smashing a rock over my head during adachis lines
guys . what the fuck (<- rendered speechless)
parallel 2 !!!!!!! lets go!!!!
ok a complaint here. honestly there wasnt enough use of the magic to even feel like it was missing tbh ? like it got mentioned and plot device-d but we barely heard any actual thoughts so the lack of it felt exaggerated imo
aaaaand we're back to the THEYRE SO CUTE'S (counter: 4)
unrelated but how did the carpet not stain
omg the besties <3 ignoring the tsugemina tho lol
HEEEEEEE omg he looks adorable..... also wow damn that was a fast time skip for 8 whole months lmao
the student becomes the teacher.....
haha . foreshadowing :D
THEY ARE. SO FUCKING CUTE (counter: 5? i think? slowly losing count)
also complaint 2 a bit suddenly but arent the subs a bit off...... not that i know any jp but i feel like they arent exactly right at times
THE ICONIC PYJAMAS RETURN also omg kurosawa avoiding the topic ohhh i wanna squish his cheeks so bad
THE SWEET LIFE DAYDREAM OUTFITS RETURN....... also the fucking choir playing every time kurosawa goes into his. . Adachi Mode. so good
kurosawa meets the in-law (food truck guy)
guys i cannot. the matching everything. chores list . fucks sake. this is a scene from a fic i swear
my 'kurosawa is Not a morning person' agenda. real and canon
kurosawa scrunkly of all fucking time like there is not a more scrunkly chara ive seen in my life i love him so much oh my god
hey have i mentioned how cute they are yet . no? ok here it is. They Are So Cute (counter: 6 or something)
oh what does that say on urabes laptop
(unrelated. had to pause here bc i felt a tiny earthquake and that scared the fuck out of me oof,, anyways back to the brain rot)
rokkaku and fujisaku u both are So real
ah them again.... looking at the besties Only
Hehehehehehe Adachi Got Plans
closing my eyes sorry i dont care abt these two at all ,,......
oh my god tsuge cursed...... king shit
"i want to have a life with you forever and for always" this. .this. the. Head in my Hands. how am i supposed to cope with this . Hello
AAGHHGGH HUG !!!!!!!!!!
i heard the legends of the resume. i did not know it was this intricate. kurosawa my guy what the fuck
taking notes tho. hm yes birthday same as manga kurosawa..... hmmmm yes mari Is his sisters name...... hmmm past jobs (?). hope someone translates the whole thing
boy abt to pitch himself as adachis boyfriend like a stationary product. u know what? unique. points for creativity
WAIT THE REASON FOR APPLY HELP ME DNDJEJDJD THIS MAN someone please please translate this oh my god
KUROSAWA LORE!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god mari got lore too yesssss good for her
why did they reduce kazuyas number of kids.... was it an actor casting thing
kurosawa.......... hes so determined....
AWWWWW IM SO HAPPY FOR THEMMM best family i care them 🥺🥺🥺🥺
"welcome to our family" SOBBING SO LOUD
omg the shogi scene....... that indirect asian family brand of acceptance....... love to see it
YEAHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHH THIS IS WHAT I LIKE TO SEE !!!!!!! (refusing to think abt the next part)
chuckles. uh oh.
HEY ITS THAT SCENE . i didnt know it happened here oh
mont blanc again hehe
kurosawa did we not learn. did we not learn from the nagasaki part. my man
somehow every speech adachi has given this movie has felt like a goddam punch to the stomach . Pain
losing count of the parallels there are so many Sooo Many
preparing my hands to be thrown later
the contrast of their houses is soo interesting me like adachis parents house being small and traditional vs kurosawas parents house being bigger and modern
and smth smth yet adachis family being more accepting of them despite that ....... Looking
saw ppl being like 'why did they bring irl problems into silly gay show' and yes i understand but also 1) this happened in the manga 2) i feel like this is kind of necessary ? not just from a realism perspective but for the storytelling??? like the point is to show adachis growth using hurdles and to show how he gets over them so without a serious scene like this i dont think his chara development would hit as hard
oh. he said it. well guys it was a good run for my online presence im going to go lock myself in my bathroom for the rest of my life now adios
"but then i met adachi. he accepted me as i am" bro i cannot. ep 7 abt to kill me next time i watch it on god
adachis chara dev actually my fav thing on my planet for reallllll its insane how far hes come its incredible to see. and honestly for all that i relate to him it really makes me feel hopeful tbh...
HES CHANGED!!!!!!!!!! just repeating lines atp bc i have nothing to add but i must emphasize. Very Important
LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOO mama kurosawa i hope u get over ur fears entirely and then u and adachi can bond for the rest of time
"i believe your lives are yours to live" Yeah. Yeahhhhh yeah
the growth from magic-dependent adachi in ep11....... Cries
this scene i saw already and yet. yet. . . Oh............... Wow.........
The Bgm. normal about this . very
intro parallel .....................
DORKS. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE (counter: ???? still not enough times)
complaint 3: why is adachis fucking wedding suit not fitting him right. huh
. BESTIES IM . ... ... ... OH MY GOD.................. I DONT HAVE WORDS ANYMORE. THATS IT.. ......
(i want that drawing by the way. as a painting. framed on my wall. for art purpose)
where is this location btw i would like to know of anyone has an idea
well. ... .. .. im super normal after this. i swear (biggest lie told)
if u guys havent read the lyrics to it yet please. please. they are insane.
its 3 am. no thoughts brain kurodachi. this was so worth the 7 months wait. i am filled with serotonin
i did not say anything coherent or deep at all but maybe ill make a discussion post later if i can get my thoughts in order
but first. when i get my hands on that hd rip i am going to make So many gifs u guys are gonna be sick of me i promise
anyways yeah um . .. ....... krdc will continue to be my personality for the rest of the year please look forward to it <3
ALSO . IF OTHER PPL HAVE ANY THOUGHTS THEY WANNA SHARE W ME PLS FEEL FREE id love to discuss (and/or scream in all AAAAAAs) the movie too :D
ok im going to sleep now good night
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itzy0megaverse · 2 years
how would alpha!itzy confess their feelings to omega!reader who is also a member of the group? <3
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An : Thank you for the request but I've never done a 6th member au before... I have done it as you asked but just be aware the whole 6th member part might not be as good 😭😭
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A!Itzy confessing their feelings to 6th member O!reader
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Requested : ✔️
Reader : Gn
Tw : slightly angst, nothing else
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*in this scenario you and Ryujin are roomies*
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"Is everything ok?" You're worried. You were sat playing on your phone with some other members there when Leader Yeji suddenly asked you to come to her room with her. It wasn't light hearted either. She sounded like this was going to be a serious talk. That feeling was made worse when she asked Chaeryeong to leave so you could be alone. After she'd left, you'd asked if everything was ok. "Sit down I need to get something off my chest." Hesitantly, you do as the alpha requested, sitting on the edge of her bed. Yeji grabbed a chair to sit directly in front of you.
"I've been thinking a lot recentl- well, for a long time actually. I'd noticed something about me that I didn't really like." Her voice was low and serious. "Yeji you'r-" "Please, just listen for now... I need to get this all out first then we can talk about it after." She pleaded with her eyes as well as her voice so the omega in you submits. You nod your head to tell her to continue.
"As our leader, I want to protect all of you. I want to love all of you. I want to respect all of you. Equally... but that's not happening. I can't decide these emotions and I love all the other members equally but you. You're so much more to me. I really like you... In more than a friend way." Yeji leans forward, resting her elbows on her knees, taking her hands in yours and looking into your eyes.
"I tried to deny it for so long because a leader should love all her members equally and who know what will happen with our careers.... but I can't hold it in anymore. I want to be your alpha."
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[lq but it's the closest reaction]
You had a break from schedules and were lazing about at the dorms, in your room playing games all day. You'd stay there all day but you need snacks. Leaving the room you heard muffled voices that cleared up as you got closer to the living room. You froze in the doorway when you heard what Lia was saying.
"Why does she have to be so cute all the time though!! She isn't even trying!! She'll literally just be talking about what to eat for dinner and I wanna squish her little face in." Yeji was sat on the floor listening to Lia ramble and pace back and fourth in front of her. You'd never seen Lia when she had a crush so you stayed quiet and kept watch. With a massive sigh, Lia asked the question on her mind. "Is it bad to date a fellow member?" She likes a different member?? You think. Yeji stared at her for a few seconds then mumbled a sad "I don't know." Lia's head dropped as another sigh fell out. "I'm never going to have y/n as my omega, am I?" Wait. She likes me!?
Lia, still with slumped shoulders and bowed head, she goes to slug off towards her room..... but you're still there in the doorway. Panicked, she blurts out "How much of that did you hear!?"
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You're sat watching a drama in the living room snuggled up with Chaeryeong. Sat on the floor wrapped up in the same blanket as her like a giant burrito with her laptop playing the show on the coffee table. You're both so absorbed in the show that it terrifies the both of you when Ryujin storms past and down the corridor to your room. Chaeryeong leans forward to pause the show as you both stare down the corridor to where Ryujin had just been. You look back and ask "Did something happen?" but Chaeryeong had no answer either. You decide to go and check on her.
Knocking on the door gently to let her know you're there, you walk in to her looking herself in the mirror. "You ok?" You stand next to her leaning into the desk she's sat at. "Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing anyway." With one last ruffle of her hair, she pushes away from the mirror and over to the dresser where she keeps her pajamas. Normally, cracking a joke makes Ryujin forget and eases the tension so you try it now. "Oh! My memory has suddenly gone and nothing happened.... Why am I in here to comfort you?" She let's out one chuckle with her back turned to you and nothing else follows.
Joking didn't work so it's time to be serious. You let out a sigh and try reassuring her. "Ryujin, please tell me what's wrong." With pajamas in hand, she goes to leave your room but not before whispering "It's stupid anyway..." Ryujin hoped you didn't hear but when you slammed the door shut she knew you had. "It's never stupid if it's bothering you this mu-" She cuts you off and starts speaking sarcastically but you can tell what she's saying is truthful. "Oh yeah, because having feelings for a band mate isn't stupid at all and getting annoyed when she's cuddling with anothet member is completely normal and struggling to share a room with someone you like is very natural even though you've shared a room with them for, like, 3 years now.... Yeah... That sounds so normal."
Caught off guard, she passes by you and out the door easily while your stunned. You know she's probably taking a shower so you wait for her by snuggling up in bed.... Hers not yours.
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You knock gently on Chaeryeong's door, knowing that Yeji was in the kitchen and she was alone in there. "Hello?" You hear from the other side. "Can I come in?" A second of silence. "...Yeah!" Nudging open the door and slipping in, you spot Chaeryeong sat up on the bed, awkwardly watching you. She'd look at you for a second, then away, then back and away again. She'd completely avoid eye contact when you sit next to her.
"Is everything ok?.... Like... Between us..?" Chaeryeong had been acting different throughout all your schedules today, not talking to you unless necessary, sitting with other members every chance she got and was consistently avoiding you all day. From memory, you hadn't said anything to upset her so it was confusing as to what brought this on.
Chaeryeong sighed as her shoulders fell and head fell into her hands, defeated. "None of this is your fault... It's all me.. I'm not doing this because I don't like you, I'm doing this because I like you too much." Her face was still buried in her hands so you couldn't see her reaction nor her see yours. You were frozen in shock until a few gentle sobs broke into your ears. "How can I have a crush on one of my members!?"
Instinctively, you hug her. Her face still buried in her hands and your face buried in her hair.
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"Like why does it have to be so difficult!?" You're walking back and forth in Yuna's room complaining about the dance practice earlier today. There's this one move you just can't seem to wrap your head around and it's really bothering you so you needed to rant to someone. Yuna ended up being your victim. "Like how in the WORLD am I meant to swing my leg over while both hitting my foot against the floor and NOT hitting my foot agai-"
Your brain shuts off completely when Yuna is suddenly in front of you, pulling her face into hers and attatching your lips together. Sweet, soft, coffee scented lips on yours. Randomly. She waits until she feels you relax and kiss back a little, then she pulls away and explains. "Ugh! I've wanted to do that for so long.... You don't know how much I like you." This time you lean in, already too addicted to the feeling of her lips on yours.
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bellesowl · 4 years
head over heels
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- multiple characters
⤷ kuroo, iwaizumi, atsumu, sakusa 
genre: fluff!! ; established relationship
synopsis: in which they realize how head over heels they are for you
word count: 1.4k total :))
warnings: very very slight manga spoilers in iwa’s, i kinda curse a little
- a/n: hi! this is very very late for valentines but i wanted to post it anyways! also, this is very cheesy but when is anything i write not cheesy anyways? & please, i literally write for the same four people BYEE. oh & thank u @omisluvr for beta-ing this ily mwah
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- kuroo tetsurou
he falls for your quick wit & intelligence 
we all know that kuroo is known for his wit and for being a big, big nerd LMAOAKJSC 
i think he would appreciate a s/o who’s on his level academically & could compete with him, esp cause he’s so competitive
and we know how quick with his words this man is- it’s probably one of the reasons tsukishima actually listens to this mf tbh
i feel like he would want a s/o who could bite back and put him in his place every once in a while
probably finds it super hot 
“tetsurou!” you yell, glaring at him. 
he raises his hands in alarm, amusement and mischief swimming in his eyes. he had embarrassed you in front of the whole class, immediately correcting you when you claimed that the reaction on the board was an endothermic reaction when in reality, it was an exothermic reaction. sure, he was right, but he didn’t have to point it out like that!
“what?” he questions, “it’s not my fault you lacked docosapentaenoic acid when you were a child.” he finishes with a smug smirk on his face. 
the scowl on your face morphs into a smirk at his words and his own falls at your face. “i think you mean docosahexaenoic acid, oh wise one?” you ask, sarcasm dripping from your tone.
he recovers quickly, yelling about how easy it is to mistake the two. at your laugh, he realizes just how lucky he and whipped he is for you because this? he wouldn’t trade this for the world.
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- iwaizumi hajime 
he falls for your independence 
lord knows that having to deal with oikawa practically all his life + the seijoh third years, my man would not be able to deal with a s/o who is super dependent on him
sure, he finds it cute when you’re being clingy & want a hug or a kiss but someone who constantly insecure or is just overall emotionally dependent on him - i feel like it would be a slight turnoff 
now, if you feel insecure, tell him because he would also def appreciate your honesty and that wouldn’t necessarily be seen as a problem
it becomes a problem when you push all your problems onto him and expect him to fix it
but a s/o who can work out their problems on their own but still comes to him for advice and support?
yeah, he’s def in love
you hear a knock on your door and quickly move to open it, hoping it’s who you think it is.
“hey love,” hajime sighs as you usher him into your home, “i’m so sorry i’ve been so busy lately, with volleyball and all the extra applications to be able to move to the states, it’s been a lot.”
you nod, understanding written on your face. “don’t worry about it babe, i get it! do you need any help with anything?”
he shakes his head, instead choosing to wrap his arms around you, nuzzling his nose in your hair and breathing in your intoxicating scent. “being with you is enough. i really am sorry though, did you need anything?”
you shift slightly, guiding him over to the couch and cuddling up to him there, “all i need is this, hajime.”
he kisses the top of your head and while you both talk about everything and nothing, and it hits him that this is it. you’re it for him - because when he’s with you, he feels like he’s home.
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- miya atsumu 
he falls for your unrelenting support
i think we all know that atsumu was left out a lot as a kid & i think that one of his biggest fears is that his loving s/o secretly prefers his brother like everyone else
so he probably tries to scare you off by showing his ugly side first- like constantly arguing with you or canceling dates in favor of an extra hour or two of volleyball practice- and you stay? 
he realizes that no matter what, you won’t leave him
“oi! what are ya still doin’ here, slug?” osamu yells, walking into the gym.
“what do ya think? havin’ a tea party?” atsumu quips back, annoyed that his brother interrupted his practice. 
osamu grabs a ball by his feet and chucks it at his brother. “do ya even know what time it is?” at atsumu’s look of confusion he decides that you’re too good for his idiot brother. “it’s already past 8, you’re late for yer movie date with y/n.”
atsumu’s eyes widen and osamu rolls his eyes at his brother’s frantic form, trying to clean up and get out of there as quickly as he can. “just go, i’ll stay to clean up.” osamu sighs, “but you owe me onigiri for a week!” 
back at your house, you’re sitting on the couch, patiently waiting for your boyfriend- who’s late, again. you jump at the frantic knocks at your front door and you open it to a very sweaty, very disheveled atsumu. 
“shit sorry babe! i left my phone on the bleachers and lost track of time but-” you cut him off with a kiss. his eyes widen before fluttering shut. 
“go shower, tsumu- you stink!” you laugh at his scowl “we can probably still get a couple movies in before my parents get back home.” 
he nods, “i really am sorry babe. i didn’t mean to come late, i just got so caught up in my serves and sets and i-”
“it’s fine love, you have to practice to get better, i understand. i would never tell you to skip out on something so important to you when you make sure to come see me in the end anyway.” you interrupt him, “and besides, i love to brag about how my boyfriend is one of the best setters in the nation” you add with a wink. 
he gives you a peck on the cheek before heading towards your bathroom, thinking about how lucky he is to have you by his side. he decides that this will be the last time he’s late because god forbid he does something to ruin something as precious as this. 
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- sakusa kiyoomi
he falls for your respectful and understanding attitude
my poor baby
probably had to deal with getting so much shit for his germophobic preferences 
so when you guys started dating he def asked you to respect his boundaries 
and when you did without questioning him?? or making fun of him?? 
he was shocked because even his own cousin would have something to say about his proclivity for extreme cleanliness
you walk into the huge stadium, eyes searching for a mop of black hair, slightly terrified of getting lost. out of the corner of your eye, you see a flash of neon green & yellow.
“komori!” you yell, hoping he could hear you over the excited chatter all around. you see him whip his head around, trying to find the source of the sound. you yell a couple more times, jumping up and down like a lunatic. he finally spots you and smiles, walking over.
“oh, hey! are you here for kiyoomi?” he asks with a mischievous glint in his eyes, already leading you over to where your boyfriend is, “but i have no clue why you would look for him in the middle of the floor. don’t you know your boyfriend by now?”
you slap him lightly on the arm but excuse yourself when you see your boyfriend hiding in the corner with the most hateful glare on his face. as you walk away and towards him, you notice komori walking over to a tall, dark-haired boy. that must be the setter omi was telling me about, you think. you brush it off, deciding you’d bring it up another time and you tap your boyfriend lightly. the glare he gives you almost makes you want to drop dead right there but you notice how his eyes soften and his overall demeanor brightens.
he pulls you towards him, surprising you and everyone watching, and mumbles into your ear, “i thought you had a tutoring session?”
you pull back slightly and notice how he leans down, practically asking for a kiss. you peck his cheek before giggling, “i wanted it to be a surprise! are you surprised? did you miss me?”
he rolls his eyes before pulling down his mask and kissing you properly. “yes and ... yes” he answers, a light blush apparent on his cheeks.
“awwww! you have a crush on me!!! no, you looove me!! that’s so embarrassing!!” you laugh and he shakes his head but silently agrees because yeah, if the permanent butterflies and erratic heartbeat are any indications, he does love you. and he doesn’t plan on stopping for the rest of your lives.
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larabar · 2 years
I already made a post about this but I'm also sending it to you here because it's super funny and IDK what else to talk about at the moment because literally every part of the movie was so super amazing. So during that one scene where Stone made the heart latte with him and Eggman in it and gave it to him, I looked over to my dad to see his reaction and his face was indescribable. He literally just did the Live Slug Reaction face, my dad did Live Slug Reaction while I was watching Sonic 2
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sketch--booked · 4 years
I wanna complain about how the ninja treated Zane in the first few episodes real quick. Specifically in Home. Since I have some beef with the ninja.
So remember that one time Zane froze the entire monastery without effort? Yeah, that was kinda cool,
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Now I begin to get angry, You’ve been warned--
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And the ninja, understandably, were upset and I can get that.
But then you see how they all kinda just--- treated him really badly all the time. I get it,, he’s got weird traits and does very “Zane” things (being unfazed to be in the bathroom with somebody, legitimately not understanding comedy and laughing at odd things, at least Nya and Jay weren’t watching a horror or slasher movie, and his famous sitting-in-the-fridge scene) but like--
They really gonna do this??
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Laugh at the guy for what he wears and throw around the food he made for them? Even Wu, may I add.
Can I also call attention to Jay, who throws something at Zane.
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That is not a face of comfort? By any means?? Zane shows a very little range of emotion, in the early seasons especially. But when Jay throws his own food at him, he frowns. THAT’S EMOTION,, HE’S NOT HAPPY,,, THIS ISN’T A JOKE NOR IS IT FUNNY TO HIM.
And they just--Don’t even do a double-take.
I’m bewildered at just how horribly they treat him, in this scene specifically. Not one of them, NOT EVEN WU, takes a second to think about how Zane might feel in this moment??? IN FACT, If you listen carefully, you can hear Nya and Jay belittling him.
“He looks so cute in his apron!” and “Look at his face!”
So after this god awful display of friendship that makes me want to slap all the other ninja, we get the infamous Falcon scene.
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Zane has his general neutral kinda-angy-lookin’ expression. So we can’t really tell what he’s feeling in this moment, but it’s his actions that follow that say everything.
He sees the falcon and is intrigued by it and actually smiles. Which is good! That’s emotion! Well done, Zane, you’re learning!
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NOW IT’S THIS BIT---IS WHERE I GET REAL JUST---HHHHHMMM It’s in this moment, I wonder if Zane knows what a toxic friendship isghghgh I jest--
Zane is smiling when he sees the falcon fly off. He likes the bird but he lets it leave.
But then---
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Zane takes one brief look back to the sound of his friends and without a second doubt he BOOKS IT--
So from initially seeing this, you get the instant feeling that he would prefer to follow a mysterious bird into possible danger, than go back to his friends who are still laughing in the distance. He obviously was going to return back to them, they tease his lack of returning later in the episode WHICH I HOPE TO GET TO. But that does say enough about his actual feelings towards the rest. 
Strange, possibly evil bird---or my friends who’re probably going to continue to laugh at me.
It’s a nobrainer that he’d follow the bird??
He’s not truly upset at them, I don’t even think that Zane has the capability to really be angry ngl,, but he still chose the bird over his “family” and that’s what makes me so angry at the ninja. 
And to those who say “He’s not upset at the ninja, he’s just curious and the fact that he essentially ran away from them, doesn’t mean he dislikes them” I say,,, That is fair. And I will, for the sake of not looking like a dick, argue for that.
It’s clear that Zane likes to know stuff. In the beginning, he’s been the smart one. Even in this episode Kai says “We like the guy, he’s really smart..” then complains about him being weird. And later down the line he’s shown an interest in learning, being the only one in season 11 to actually read about the desert of doom and the Mechanic himself saying he’s an inquisitive nindroid in season 12.
So it’s understandable if Zane was simply sating his curiosity. But how can you tell me that the previous event was not a deciding factor in choosing the bird instead..
I would now like to jump forward to when the ninja are at Lloyd’s tree-house (Can I point out that the first place the falcon took zane, was a tree-house. And the last was a tree house?? Anybody? okay just me--). 
And when they ask him how he found it; he tells them it’s because it danced. Jay then jokingly asks if it was a coo-coo bird, promoting everyone to--
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When he does his info dump thing they don’t even bother, they just shrug in unison--which ngl I do find funny ghghgh
Now that’s where you’d think the Zane bullying stops right?
NOPE,, TIME TO BURN DOWN THE MONASTERY (this is a cool shot btw)
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This is a good shot too, because it sets up that Zane will be a focus, and you can already assume it’s because, in some essence, this is Zane’s fault.
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But then they go all out on him. They straight up tell him this was his fault, that he shouldn’t have followed the bird, he shouldn’t have been curious or try to help, that everything they had here is gone, and yell at him to his face “A teaching moment? What’s wrong with you? Don’t you get it? Everything is gone!” and it’s because of him.
In this moment they are taking out every frustration they had with him. They’re taking out every moment he’s gone into his own world and making their lives harder and that their home is gone because of him.
This is one of the very first, and very few times all the ninja have pitted against just one of their team. And it hurts. Because Zane’s reaction to this, his response to being treated horribly, having his food thrown at him like he didn’t spend likely hours making and planing it, like he doesn’t do the chores they probably wont do (taking out the rubbish earlier in the episode), is to go back to them like he wasn’t hurt by this at all. 
And y’know what could’ve solved this entire thing? What could’ve prevented the exclusion and the explosion that is their friendship. Communication. On both sides, neither of them communicated with each other. The ninja didn’t openly express their feelings towards Zane TO Zane, only Wu and probably Nya. And Zane never expressed anything, ever, like--literally nothing. His moment of most emotion is in episode 7 dammit.
And I just--This is an issue that’s followed through even to the new seasons. Honest to god some of the only times I can recall him actually expressing how he feels about something, is with Pixal, and when Kai persuades him to break his morals and cheat in the slug race. God please help me find more examples because I cannot remember anything else (I’m ignoring Decoded for the time being since the last episode of that was almost entirely “Zane therapy time”)
Imma end it here because my rant juices have stopped flowing and I haven’t slept in many many long hours and I really would like to collapse right about now.
So i’m not saying Zane has it worst, he probably doesn’t,, but what I’m saying is that Zane had a tough time in the beginning especially. After Kai became properly a part of the group, it was Zane that they outcasted. And because they wouldn’t actually talk to him about what they all thought. They didn’t take the time to understand him and only realized they missed him and how badly they’d been treating him when he was gone.
In the start, they were bad friends, they were horrible in fact. Zane tried, or didn’t. Where he didn’t understand people or social cues, he understood being kind and doing the right thing. 
The ninja did however work from this. As of this episode, they tone down the mistreatment and make a bigger effort to get the guy. And it’s all explained and finished in episode 7.
Overall, I really like this episode! I think the characters were great! I think the humor was great! I think the progression was great! I dunno why some o’ yall think I don’t like something because I hate it. I can hate-love something, and you’ll find there are a lot of things I hate-love in ninjago.
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yarbz · 4 years
cowardly game of rival — n.jaemin ( f )
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 ━ as the girl’s football team captain, you were used to the endless derogatory taunts, the wolf-whistling, the attempts at romance being boys telling you what they thought of barcelona’s starting XII. na jaemin fell into all those catergories, a detestable flea in your hair. as sworn enemies, there was not even an inkling of romance, and you were convinced that your attraction to him was ONLY physical. weren’t you?
pairing ━ na jaemin x female!reader
word count ━ 6k
genres ━ fluff, rival!au, football!au, comedy, romance, very little of the football game is described in detail.
warnings ━ profanity, football terms, dirty jokes, y/n and jaemin are literally just cowards
( author's note! )
this one came to mind when i thought of how i love female footballers and decided that jaemin would be the idiot in question to chicken out of confessing to their crush by being an ass instead. i really hope you like it !! other notes are sissoko is the name of like three different players and a cracker is slang for a really good goal.
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A sport of creatively insane wits, fancy footwork and incoherent celebrations. Those were all the things you loved about it, along with the ridiculously cute uniform.
It provided you an escape from the man's world, a chance to carve out your own story, free from the shackles of stereotypes. At least, that's what you'd initially thought.
Unfortunately, the boy's football team made it their sole objective in life to demean you. As captain, you took on the strenuous task of refusing to resort to physical violence when a stupid comment about your short length was made or when boys assumed you couldn't tell your Sissoko's apart (you could, quite well actually).
You had taken it as a sign of war, and refused to comment on their pathetic sneers. You did, however, feel as if Na Jaemin made a blood pact or something to be a parasite towards you.
He stood at the cusp of six foot, towering over you like an evergreen beanstalk, cheshire-cat like smile taunting you. Chocolate colour tresses fell over his eyes in straight lines, shielding his forehead.
It's not like you paid attention to his visage, but even you had to admit in your spite that he was attractive. And horribly so.
Today started like every other, going to your locker before heading to your homeroom. Luckily, you'd managed to get there before the freshmen started to pile in. Being a senior had its positives along with its various faults, one of them being the early access you got to the school.
You jammed your key in the lock, flinging open the locker door, making quick work of exchanging your books. In your fast-paced stupor, you didn't notice the figure leaning behind the door. You slammed the door shut, nail catching an patch of skin, scraping it.
"If you wanted me to leave, you could've been less catty." The voice wheedled, throwing a withering glare in your direction. You rolled your eyes, annoyed, arms crossed across your chest.
"Jaemin." You sighed, rubbing your temples. "Why are you hiding behind my locker? Are you looking for a death wish?"
He sat up slowly, soothing his reddening nose, suddenly regaining his smile as he leaned closer towards your face. "If I was looking for a death wish, I'd eat whatever food you just stuffed in there."
"Fuck off. Don't see you making any gourmet meals."
"I'm the gourmet meal." He slithered, breath fanning your nose. From this distance, you could see the wonder swimming within his eyes, breath caught in your throat.
Damn, he was too fine.
You tore your gaze from his eyes, "And yet, I don't feel inclined to taste it." He jumped back in surprise, eyes widening, giving you an opening to dash. Chuffed that you left him speechless, you walked towards your next class, resisting the urge to turn back to revel in his awe-struck face.
Jaemin's eyebrow quirked in curiosity, crooked smirk hanging from his lips. He watched you stalk away, cursing underneath his breath softly. You carried a fiery aura around you, burning him with every snarky remark — even though it beat him bruised ghastly lavenders, he could bear to play with fire if it meant you would pay him attention.
You see, Jaemin did not hate you as per say. The 'hate' which you believed in was merely his inability to profess his affections towards you. For lack of a better word, he was a coward.
A dashingly handsome one, but a fragile, chicken-legged coward all the same.
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You'd made it to class in record time, ego bared boldly on your shoulders, attracting the curious eyes of your best friends Yangyang and Donghyuck. Both were terrorists in their own right, but you couldn't help loving them all the same. Sure, they came as a dreadful pair, but love had decided to shackle your heart to them.
"What's got you so happy? Jaemin finally drop dead?" Yangyang joked, shifting to make space for you. Headband strapped to the pinnacle of his forehead, he grinned at you from beneath the base of stretchy ebony material.
"No..not yet." You hummed, sad lilt to your tone.
"Awh, didn't kill him yet?" Donghyuck teased, nudging Yangyang in their laughter. "I think it must be love stopping you from committing the crime yourself." You shoved both, peals of laughter tickling your throat at their whines of pain.
"If you don't shut up, I'll be killing you two instead, never mind Jaemin." You snapped. "Love is what I feel when I score a cracker from the halfway line. Seeing Jaemin makes me want to jump out of the nearest window."
"Are you sure it's not just unresolved sexual tension? I, too get antsy when I haven't jacked off—"
"Finish that sentence and you'll have no arms."
"I'm flexible enough to suck myself off." Yangyang mused, "You'll never stop my libido."
"You're disgusting." You and Donghyuck said in sync, swatting his grabby hands from flying at your shoulders. Quite frankly, you didn't want to hear about his freakishly boneless limbs, or his untameable sex drive, nor hear anything about his genitals at all.
"Does that count as self—"
"Yes, it does. Please don't be telling people that I'm your friend, or that you can do that. It's not a little icebreaker."
Friendship with these two had crossed all sorts of personal boundaries you didn't know existed, and it was starting to decompose you, like a rotting piece of cabbage infested by slugs, yet still hanging on for the glimpse of sunlight to regenerate.
Okay, so you were being dramatic. But, that didn't explain their dire need to over share certain aspects of their lives with you.
"Doesn't change the topic at hand —Did you get my pun?" He asked, looking for Donghyuck's reaction.
"I did. Not going to comment on it before she breaks my arms. Just know I enjoyed it very much."
"If I wanted to mess around with Jaemin, I'd put my hand in a beehive. It'd sting less." You snarled, slamming down your books. They winced comically, faces alert as the teacher walked into the class.
Apart from football, you enjoyed learning — how to make things, break things, self defense, people skills, and education fell not too far from that. Classes like biology interested you greatly, which is why you found yourself fully immersed in the process of respiration.
Your mind drifted for a second, thinking back to what he'd said. Was it actually sexual tension? Did you actually bare an emotion other than loathing towards him? Then, you thought of that face and how you'd want to do nothing more than break his pretty little nose—
Yeah. There it was. You were normal after all.
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School had come to her daily dreadful end, and you were happily striding into the ladies' changing rooms for football training. Nobody had gotten here yet, luckily.
You glanced over into the full body mirror, tugging at your shorts until they fell just above the bump of your knee, pulling your sock midway at your calf. Lean abs shone underneath the dim light, and you proudly paraded around the room, happy to be alone.
A knock on the door came, and you swung the door open with a feverish excitement. "Who is it?"
"Didn't take me as a bra kinda girl. Was thinking more spandex or a binder." Jaemin seethed, hands on hips, azure jersey hanging off his lithe frame.
"You're insufferable. Why are you here?" You groaned, choosing to ignore his taunt at your breast size. His eyes crinkled into upside down crescents, wandering lower to the dip of your frilly black bra.
"To see my favourite girl, of course." He whistled, eyes still glued to your unmarked expanse of skin. "I think those need a new owner." He pointed towards your chest.
"Preferably one whose face I can stand to look at."
"I'm roaring with laughter." You snarked, voice dripping with sarcasm, making no attempt to cover yourself up. Jaemin was still staring, face flushed a flaming cerise. "You gonna keep staring or are you gonna leave me alone?"
"I'm not staring. Why are you staring at me?" He shot defensively. Your eyes narrowed at him, watching his cheeks darken with every lingering stare.
"You're in the girl's changing room, drooling over two lumps of fat on the body of a girl that you hate. The real inquisition here is your lack of sensibility to stop thirsting after anything with a vagina."
Jaemin stayed silent, eyes boring holes into your full lips, tongue instinctively darting out to wet his own nimble, chapped ones. Rolling your eyes, you lead him to the door, hand clasped against the door handle.
Then, you heard loud footsteps approaching the room, incoherent rambling increasing in clarity. You began to conjure up a plan, wondering how on Earth you'd be able to kick Jaemin out without the girls knowing.
With the shouts of the team gradually getting closer, you panicked, chucking Jaemin into a locker.
"Fine, I'll leave! Lemme out!" He squirmed, trying to come out of the metal confines.
"You can't leave now, they're literally outside. Do you want to be stomped to death by Nike Mercurials?" You hissed, closing the door over, much to his protests.
"Don't wanna die with the last image being your breasts."
"If you survive this, I'll gladly provide you a new image."
He shut up at that, and you straightened, reaching for your jersey in a false calmness. The girls burst in, squeals of various greetings being thrown across the room.
You smiled gently at them, encouraging them to get changed, joining in to laugh at their jokes. The topic kept shifting from manicures to new boots before finally settling on Na Jaemin.
"Cap'n, what's going on with you and Jaemin?" One of the girls asked, batting her eyelashes softly. "A boy on the football team told me that you guys are dating."
Dating..that devil? A sin punishable by death! You repelled all instinct to shudder in disgust, instead choosing to maintain a neutral expression.
"I am absolutely not dating Na Jaemin. He's a despicable little mongrel and I'd rather eat my shoe—"
"Mon bébé chérie, why do you curse me like this?" Jaemin squeezed from the locker, voice like a wounded puppy.
"Did you hear that? I think it was—"
"No! It's my Jaemin impression. Isn't it so good?" You spluttered, voice rising in volume. You were sure that your face was a painful beetroot, breathing crazily as you over-exerted yourself.
"Cap'n, it was so good I almost thought Jaemin was in here with us!" She gushed, hands clasped. "You guys would be so cute together. Even if you don't like him, I think he most definitely has feelings for you."
The rest of the girls joined in at this, shouts of 'you should take a chance!' resounding in the hollow room. You'd already ruled out that as a possibility, chalking it down to his uncontrollable thirst for being a pest. Na Jaemin was your rival, the utter bane of your existence, a rodent that fed on robbing your spirits dry of any positivity.
"He'll get a chance when pigs fly." You muttered, noticing their eyes staring at you inquisitively, as if they knew something you didn't. Awkwardly, you smiled at the girls, ushering them towards the door, scanning the hallway after the last one had skipped out.
Jaemin untangled himself from the locker, straightening his limbs, pulling at his calves in a stretch. You peered over your shoulder, frown deepening at him.
"Did you mean what you said?" Jaemin breathed, walking into your personal bubble. He was way too close. His breath tickled your forehead, eyes dark with something you couldn't decipher.
He felt his heart pound against his chest, resisting the urge to pick the stray hair in your eye to the side. You were looking at him with a confused expression, nose scrunched, eyebrows furrowed. You were going to be the death of him. Devastated, he broke eye contact, feeling all forms of fight seep from his bones.
"You don't like me." You whispered, wincing at the wobble in your voice. "Everyone's just saying that....right?"
"What do you want me to say?"
"No. I want you to say no."
"I can't do that."
"Well, you have to say no. I don't want to hear the rest of your sentence — keep us as just this." You softly yelled, pointing between the pair of you. "Don't change anything."
"Okay. I'll leave, but only because you want me to. But, before I go..you've gotta start being more observant." He sighed, ruffling your hair before making his way out.
"I’m plenty observant. Wouldn’t be a good player if I wasn’t.”
"I’ll see it when I believe it. Oh, and the thing you said about pigs flying..”
“What about it?”
“Renjun’s working on it.”
You laughed heartily, locking the door behind you. So, Jaemin did in fact think of you as his Aphrodite — all those nicknames were genuinely created out of affections. 'Mon bébé chérie' held a lot more emotional weight than it did twenty minutes ago, and you had to breathe before your eyes prickled with saltine tears.
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Fresh air hit you like a loaded delivery truck, Mother Nature delicately wiping the tears from your eyes, shaking you with a cold flourish, roaring your cheeks to life. The team had already started their warm-up drills, as opposed to the boys' football team who were cooling down from their jog.
You ran over, tightening your ponytail, shifting into 'Captain' mode. The coach pushed you into the circle, encouraging you to take the reins. "Team, we've been doing nothing but straight work. Let's make this session count before the match tomorrow." You shouted, feeling that familiar rush of adrenaline.
The team chanted back, settling into their positions for the first drill — a penalty shoot out. You stepped to the ball, striding back to gain a better angle, socks hugging your knees.
Giving yourself a five second countdown, you charged at the ball, foot pointed, kicking it with a passion that rivalled Lionel Messi. It rolled in the back of the net, flying past Hyejoo, who could barely even process it.
"Still got those fire feet, I see, Cap'n!"
"Lady Luck gave them to me for a reason." You boasted, smugness slapped all over your face.
From the corner of your eye, Jaemin snickered, winking at you when you turned to make eye contact. At least he had the audacity to keep up appearances in front of everyone, even if you had probably made everything awkward.
"My granny could kick better than that, babes!" He boomed from across the pitch, teasing smirk on his lips.
"Your granny lives in a retirement home and still calls on you 'Nana Banana'..it's not very nice to lie." You retorted, eyes narrowed, nearing his hunched form.
"Doesn't mean she can't kick your ass. Granny was a little Aguero back in the day."
"She can't if I'm the Manè, can she?"
"But I'm a Modric. I'll beat your ass, any day, any time." He grinned, leaning in to you. "In any way you want."
You heard blood pumping in your ears, your cheeks filling with immense heat. He grabbed your cheeks softly, grinning even wider when you flushed even warmer, a human sauna. Pushing a lock out of your eyes, he searched your eyes for any sense of rage, face softening at your lack of that emotion.
"Any..way..I want?" You mouthed silently, innuendo catching your attention again as you mulled over the words. "Na Jaemin, you're a dirty boy."
"I think you're the dirty girl." He hummed, saying the next sentence in an octave that made your head spin, quietly enough that only the two of you could hear. "Sauntering around in your little Victoria's Secret bra, cozying up to me without even batting an eyelash or covering up."
"These boobs are mine. I'm allowed to show them to anyone I want."
"So you admit to showing them to me? You admit that you were trying to put on a show for me?" He pressed, purposely craning his neck over you.
"I was trying to change. If you didn't come into the room like a little pervert, you'd never have gotten a visual of these."
"And yet I know how they look now. There's nothing that can erase that image."
"Fuck you, Na Jaemin."
"I think you meant to say fuck me, but I'll allow the slip-up just because I'm so nice." You squirmed under his predatory gaze, heat in your cheeks akin to a fever. "Better get back to training, Cap. Your team's got a match tomorrow."
You hissed at him weakly, choosing to walk away from his provocation, going back to the team, who were all smiling at you with a glint in their eye. By the looks on their faces, they'd definitely taken that exchange as a form of flirting.
Not that you were disputing it, of course.
The coach rounded the girls up, calling them to grab bibs. You relaxed, running over to take the last bib once you'd calmed down. Na Jaemin was a little toe-sucking, filthy mongrel who only knew how to charm his way out of everything — totally not your ideal type or anything.
His penance for being blunt coupled with that honeyed voice was what was throwing you off. Not your physical attraction to him. At least, you hoped so.
The shrill shriek of the whistle behind you shook you out of your mind, bringing your attention back to the practice game. With every shot at the goal, you could see Jaemin taunting you, making kissy faces.
After the first half, you weren't sure if it was real or if you were hallucinating — almost like a mirage, he was wearing that stupid little smirk and there was nothing more you wanted than to slap those lips clean off his face.
Soon enough, you clocked that it wasn't just an illusion, as he'd shifted to the opposite end of the pitch, the other boys from the football team watching from the stands.
They'd started jeering at every pass, exaggerating their reactions, commentary toeing the border of sexual harassment. You volleyed the ball on your foot, battering it into the stands, grinning widely as it hit one of the boys in the face, leaving his nose lopsided.
"If you're gonna be a sexist piece of shit, just fuck off. My team doesn't deserve to hear your brain-dead commentary, nor see your fuck face." You smiled, bite in your voice. "Kindly take the opinion that nobody asked for and shove it up your ass."
Jaemin's eyes twinkled with respect, breath caught in his throat at the dark look in your eyes. He felt his chest warm in adoration, heart doubling in size. "You heard the lady."
"Includes you too, Jaemin. Better get home before Granny Na starts missing her little boy."
"Yes, ma'am."
"Fuck off." You said playfully, recovering the ball. He waved you bye, lugging his bag over his shoulder, fixing the collar of his jersey. A beam touched your lips, face lighting up.
Jaemin smirked back at you, taking his leave. He dragged the remnants away with him, leaving the girl's football team alone in the cooling dwindle of Autumn light.
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"Nice shorts." A tug.
"Oh? Na Jaemin complimenting me?" You mused in surprise, arms folded across your chest.
"You didn't let me finish." Jaemin whispered, standing on the sidelines of the pitch, pulling at the hem of your shorts. "Ooh, I can see your stubble. Better bring out the razor."
Your jaw tightened, feeling that rush of annoyance fill your veins again. The nerve.
"More stubble than you'll ever grow on that chin."
"At least I'm not a human Sasquatch."
"I've got hair in the right places—" You started, catching the innuendo, glaring at Jaemin's raised eyebrows. "—I know what I meant. Don't be such a dirty boy."
"Say it again. Love the way it rolls off your tongue."
You gaped at him, whole body blowing a fuse, skin reddening at his tone. Sweltering heat danced atop each fingertip, each muscle, making you jolt. His gaze was still glued to your face, relishing the quickly dilating pupils in your eyes.
"—Would rather have you speechless after our first time, not for your championship final. When you win, I'll buy you fucking adorable ice cream with the little star sprinkles that you like."
"Going to ignore you on that first statement, but the second one sounds like a motive."
"Win the match, and I'll ask you out. Properly."
You saw his eyes flash with something passionate, flakes of gooey molasses swirling behind the irises. Before you opened your mouth to reply to him, he pleaded silently for you to just take it as it was. "Gimme a chance. Who knows you better than your enemy? Nobody."
"I mean..."
"Only you know that my grandma calls me those corny names or that I see her all the time."
"Or that you lose every game that's not football because you're too lazy to pay attention." You added.
"And I know that you broke a guy's jaw because he was bothering Yangyang." He continued. "And I also know that you know one thing I've never told anyone."
"Ooh, what's that?"
"That I like you."
You looked away from him sheepishly, goosebumps popping up on your skin, and whether it was from the cold or from his words, you didn't know. He was looking down at you tenderly, ruffling your bed of hair, pressing a small, wet kiss to your forehead as the whistle blew.
"Don't play with fire, Na."
"You're more like a carpet burn."
You sighed, defeated. "Fine. I'll give you an answer when we win. If you're playing me, I'll break your arms."
"Okay. Go get 'em, Lady Luck." He smiled, waving you off as you scurried onto the pitch, face glowing under the fluorescent lights. Jaemin felt his chest tighten with pride, jaw aching from all the strenuous smiling.
With that absurdly contented face, you reminded him of a cross between a kid at a carnival and a man about to kill another. Your hair gathered wildly atop your head, a wicked glare painting your face.
This was you at peace, he deduced. Even with the gruesome of expressions, you looked calm. The pitch was truly your home away from home.
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Two minutes into the second half saw you being carried off on a stretcher with a torn hamstring. You'd fallen to the grass, no sounds coming from your limp body. Jaemin swore he felt his heart plunge into his ass, and with a frantic flourish, he was coddling your head into his chest.
"Luck, don't die on me. I'm supposed to take you out for ice cream after this, and I stole Renjun's Baskin Robbins loyalty card to cut costs so if we don't go, I'll be getting beat up without having kissed your stupid face." He babbled, slapping your cheeks, scared that you'd genuinely lost your life.
You groaned, rolling slowly in the elastic. "Stop touching my face, I'll get acne." Mildly concussed, you soothed your throbbing headache, registering Jaemin's face looming over you. "Jaemin?"
"Oh, thank God. Thought I'd never see that unruly sparkle in your eyes again."
"Fuck off. My hamstring feels like a fried chicken mukbang and you're talking about my eyes."
"I can't cry before our first date. You'll think I'm a wimp."
"Already think that."
He hit your arm lightly, beaming at your focus on his face, meeting your eyes. You were glaring at him with a kissable pout on your lips, eyebrows furrowed — he wanted to pepper your face in balmy kisses.
The paramedic pushed him away, leading you to the ambulance. You flipped him off, yelling loudly as they wheeled you in, "Make sure you win! Won't forgive you if you don't."
The girl's football team had gathered around the door, all tight-lipped smiles and crumpled faces. They visibly brightened at your declaration, huddling together to recalibrate — the ref blew her whistle to call them back, summoning them back into position.
Yangyang and Donghyuck left the stands, rushing into the ambulance alongside you, closing the door behind them. Jaemin could faintly hear your loud curses, and sighed in relief, knowing that you'd be fine.
With two goals up, the team were at optimum working speed, playing loyally for your honour. Jaemin stood at the sidelines, holding your jacket in his hands as he recorded the match on his phone, wanting to send it to you later.
At 90 minutes, the girl's team had become the winner of the Division One Seoul Inter-district championship, and Jaemin was content. Not because it meant you'd go on that date with him, but because he could feel how much it meant to them.
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Everyone around him was cheering madly, chanting and spraying assorted drinks in each other's faces, an infectious joy lingering in his veins. Amongst all the commotion, he'd somehow been pushed into the middle of the team, feeling their gazes boring into his frame.
"You like Cap'n, right?" The brunette said, eyes bright.
"No. I don't like her. She's my rival." Jaemin lied pathetically, trying to escape their judgement.
"Why were you in the locker room then?"
"Damn. How do you know that?"
"Cap'n is horrible at lying, so she's always upfront. She also cannot do an impression so she never attempts it."
"Wow, you guys sure know your stuff. Bet she's glad to have a team like you. I know I'm feeling a little jealous."
"Cut the smooth talk. If you like Cap'n, just be straightforward. She's more innocent than she seems, and can get her heart broken easily."
"Got it." He nodded, "Well...ladies, I have to thank you for the advice."
"No problem, but if you break her heart.." They chorused, "We'll break that pretty little nose." Fifteen studded feet swung at his face, narrowly skimming the bridge of his nose.
He flinched, caught off guard, grin bared. "Now, I definitely got that message. I'll be going to check up on her, what do you want me to say?"
"We've already called her and shown her the trophy, so we have nothing left to say, you, however...take all the time you need."
"Since I have your blessing, am I allowed to—"
"Don't finish that sentence. Keep in your lane."
Jaemin promptly closed his mouth, and bid them a goodbye, dashing into his car towards the hospital, stopping at Baskin Robbins to buy the ice cream he promised. He hoped you’d at least be able to eat the sprinkles (the ones you liked were expensive, and if you didn’t eat them, he’d just wasted an extra 2,500 won.)
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In the hospital, you were now dressed in a medical gown, surrounded by the two idiots. It smelt like an experiment lab, and the spotless shades of ivory splashed on the walls made you feel a tad bit overwhelmed.
Your leg had already undergone the MRSI scan, and the nurses had told you that you’d definitely tore your hamstring, but surgery would fix it right up along with natural healing.
Of course, all those details lacked in comparison to your team finally winning the trophy you’d worked so hard towards — that excitement numbed the pain considerably.
“We thought you’d somehow died.” Yangyang confessed, grasping your hands in his clammy ones.
“You did.” Donghyuck sneered, pointing at him, continuing when he saw your face change in confusion. “Yang was convinced that you were invincible like Superman or something. He started blubbering about how you could definitely defeat the grim reaper in close contact and that should be enough to steal back your soul or whatever—”
“I’m just never going to ask questions again.”
“Jaemin was on the verge of a breakdown when he saw you fall. Never have I ever seen him run so fast towards a girl.” Donghyuck said, hand on chin in mock thought.
You blushed, remembering your promise about the ice cream and falling back into the bed in distress.
“What’s going on with you? I saw you two all friendly at the sidelines.” Yangyang murmured, eyes squinting in judgement. “Don’t tell me...you guys fucked before the game?”
Suddenly it was too hot in the room. You fanned yourself to cool down, slapping your own cheeks before pulling Yangyang’s ears. “Yeah, because I have the guts to just have my first time in a school setting.” You deadpanned.
“Naughty girl.” Both boys swooned, unable to note your sarcasm.
“Just because my leg is gone doesn’t mean I can’t harm you anymore. I’ll break your kneecaps.”
In the midst of your fight with your best friends, you spotted Jaemin opening the door, wearing that greasy smirk that made butterflies tickle your throat.
“I see a broken leg isn’t enough to stop you, is it?” Jaemin drawled from the door, hands behind his back. “Still threatening people?”
“It’s not threatening if they deserve it.” You mumbled, suddenly shy. Jaemin maintained his distance from you, arm outstretched, ice cream tub in hand. He was looking away from you, faint blush tinting his cheeks, lips squeezed in a puffy ‘o’.
“Not that I remembered or anything, but you did say something about liking these sprinkles.” He said, eyes darting around to focus on anything but you.
“I do...like these sprinkles..how did you know?”
“Everyone calls you star, and you’re cute. It’s your personality in an edible sugar shape.”
You rolled your eyes at his words, forgetting both Donghyuck and Yangyang were seated in the room. It felt like the two of you were just stuck in your own world, glaring at each other like a pair of lovers.
Unfortunately, that moment was cut short by your ungracious best friends, cooing annoyingly. They were squealing like little girls, incomprehensible screams of ‘our girl’s grown up!’ scraping your eardrums.
“Leave me alone!” You whined, face scrunched in discomfort, making futile attempts to push them away. “Jaemin...please get these two off me.”
“Asking your boyfriend to get rid of us? Already?” Yangyang hollered, one of Jaemin’s arms stopping him from jumping on you again.
“He’s not my boyfriend. As of now, he’s the only sensible one who isn’t mauling the girl with a broken leg, and that’s why I’m asking him for help.”
“Should I throw them out?”
“Yes —actually, do whatever. Let them go terrorise someone that isn’t me.”
“Your wish is my command.”
On that, Jaemin escorted both boys outside, shutting the door on them, cutting off the beginning to their long-winded rant with a smile. That left the two of you alone.
Oddly enough, the silence wasn’t stifling but rather a conversation of the mind — you were able to see what he wanted to say by looking into those mocha coloured eyes. You threw the ice cream tub in the bin, reaching for Jaemin’s hands shyly.
He’d sat down beside you on the bed, just staring at you like you were an abstract painting, a mosaic of a splendid array, unable to take his eyes off you. He took your hand warmly, running his fingers over your calloused knuckles, sharing his heat with you.
“Jaemin.” You yawned, head falling onto his shoulder. “I’m saying yes to your date. If I didn’t get injured, you could’ve taken me out today, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t say sorry. Being with you is enough for me, even if I do want to comment on your horrible tackles during the match.” Jaemin teased, grabbing your hand a little tighter.
“Haha...I’m dying of laughter.”
“Hey! None of that here.”
“Sorry. I’m just happy. My team won our first championship, which we’ve been trying to do for three years, and I feel on top of the world. All those years of boys being absolute dickheads to us about our abilities, trying to put us down have amounted to this moment. I’m at peace right now.”
“Don’t apologise. I should be sorry instead. It was easier to talk to you if I pretended I hated you. I shouldn’t have been like that.”
“I accept your apology. But..I think it was cute you couldn’t tell me you liked me! That’s so endearing.”
“Fuck off.”
“That’s my line! Well, you were always attractive to me, even when you were being a dickhead. Now that I think about it, you’re at your hottest when you’re being mean.”
“Is that so?” Jaemin mused, rolling onto his hands, dangling over you, lips eerily close to your own. “Do you want me to treat you mean, keep you keen?”
“Firstly, don’t ever say that again.” You stopped him, hand placed on his chest to push him away lightly. “Secondly, I’ve never had a boyfriend or my first kiss. That means no experience.” You slurred that last part, rushing the words so he wouldn’t be able to hear.
“Cap’n, you’re telling me that I’ll be your first?”
“Not if you don’t ask me out.”
Jaemin sat back beside you, looking up to the ceiling. This was the moment. He took a deep breath, standing up before you, hands rubbing his stomach softly to calm down.
“I wanted to do a real dramatic confession, but I rushed over here in fear that you wouldn’t be able to hit me again, so I’ll have to stick with my speech.” He cheesed, trying to ease himself of his nerves. You laughed, hissing in mock anger when he wore that stupid grin. “I like you. Like a lot. Sometimes, I come to school with a dirty scowl on my face, but then I see your face and start smiling like a love struck fool. You’re someone that I wouldn’t want to lose.”
“Jaemin, you little mongrel. Come here.” You waved him over, arms outstretched in a hug. “Even though I know your ego won’t let you ask me out properly, I would love to be your girlfriend. However, if my heart is broken..I’ll be stoning your car.”
“Thought you were gonna say that you’d break my face.”
“That too.”
He snuggled closer into you, peering up at you with shining eyes, not wanting to move too much to keep you comfortable. You grinned back at him, placing a soft kiss on his head, running a hand through his hair.
That familiar silence returned, and that’s how you fell asleep with Na Jaemin enveloped in your chest. Although you’d broken a leg, Lady Luck seemed to have twiddled her fingers to send you a ‘get well soon’ present, the ever cunning Na Jaemin.
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Five months later had you no longer hobbling around on crutches like a hobbit, but walking proud and tall. Jaemin drove you to school (using the excuse of carpooling) and helped you take your books to first period everyday — the alpha male in him winced seeing you attempt any ‘heavy lifting’, and he’d made it a routine.
“Can you fuck off? I can carry this.” You complained, pinching his side. “Just because I see a physio biweekly doesn’t mean I’m about as able-bodied as a monkey.”
“Got the hair to be a monkey.” He snorted.
“Look who’s talking, Mr.Sasquatch. Bigger feet than his prints, you little scoundrel.”
“Big feet means big—”
“Don’t finish that if you wanna keep the body part in question.”
“—heart. Dirty girl.”
You felt the honey pooling in your stomach, kissing his cheek in haste to escape his relentless teasing. He shut up at that, pulling you back to kiss you properly, attracting the attention of everyone in the hallway.
“Get to class.” He announced as he parted from you, enjoying your petulant face. You hit him softly, flipping him off from behind you, blowing him a kiss.
Ah, Na Jaemin. You still hated him. Just a little less this time.
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disneygeeeek · 3 years
The little mermaid-Ariels real problem
I might get crap for this but here it goes.
So recently I rewatched The Little Mermaid. A movie I love, but have never been able to fully enjoy because of one person- Ariel. I’ve never liked her. She always seemed to be selfish, self centered, and a brat.
Upon rewatching it however, I discovered that I had been a little too hard on Ariel. This whole time I had been treating her like the typical mean girl, who only cares about herself, and throws a hissy fit when she doesn’t get her way. This isn’t true. Ariel has many good qualities- she caring, curious, adventurous, and brave.
However, she still has problems.
Ariel is more headstrong, rebellious, and most of all uncooperative. She refuses to listen to anyone else, which is her biggest flaw. We see it when she’s with flounder treasure hunting, with her father, and never listens to Sebastians warnings. I don’t know if this is because she is oblivious, or doesn’t want to hear the truth. Especially with her father and humans- she refuses to acknowledge that her father is trying to keep her safe, and that humans really could be dangerous. That’s where the conflict of the movie comes from, her not listening to anyone other than herself and what she wants.
She keeps going to the surface, despite the danger.
She has a collection and is obsessed with people who might kill her.
She goes up to a ship and is almost seen by humans, and then is sort of seen by Eric.
And then she signs a contract with a literal sea witch fully aware of the consequences, thus putting herself and everyone else in danger.
Everything bad that happens is a result of her own actions.
But still everything just…. Works out for her.
She shouldn’t be collecting human stuff, but she’s clearly miserable as a mermaid, so we can’t help but feel for her. (Which I’m ok with this one alone, it’s just not cool when you add it to the list)
Then she goes to a human ship, which could have gotten her killed and/exposed mermaids- but then she saves Eric’s life, so it turned out to be a good thing she was there.
And then the big one- she signs the contract with Ursula, condemning herself. Which Ursula later uses against Triton and turns him into a sea slug and becomes ruler of the ocean. But then Eric kills her, and everything goes back to normal.
So the big thing is Ariel never has to face the consequences of her bad/ selfish decisions. And to top it off, because everything miraculously worked out, everyone acts like Ariel was right all along, when really she was just lucky. She was lucky she came across a ship of good people, she was lucky Eric took her in and fell in love with her when she became human, and she was lucky that she didn’t doom the entire ocean. This story could’ve gone a completely different way is she had found a pirate ship instead of Eric’s boat. Or is she hadn’t found Eric once she became human. Or if Ursula hadn’t DIED. She would’ve been screwed, and her father would’ve been proven right.
But instead she ends up getting her way without any backlash- which leads to my BIGGEST PROBLEM;
She never takes responsibility for her actions.
If Ariel had apologized to her father (for real, not that desperate cry when Ursula had her), recognized that she made mistakes, and realized her father was just trying to take care of her, I would’ve liked her. She would have shown character growth, admitted to her flaws, confess to her mistakes, and learned a lesson. But that never happens.
If you were to compare Ariel to Marinette from “Miraculous Ladybug”, it would show how and why Marinette is a better character, despite Marinette often being in similar situations to Ariel.
Marinette, like Ariel, makes a lot of mistakes- sometimes inadvertently, sometimes for selfish reasons, which often leads to large conflict. The difference between Marinette and Ariel is that Marinette takes responsibility for her actions, apologizes to those she’s hurt, does what she can to make it right, and learns her lesson. This is a huge character trait that makes her likable, and shows growth, which makes her a great role model. This is all things Ariel should’ve done.
If there was a scene like this in “The Little Mermaid” between Ariel and her father, this would have saved/ redeemed her character. If she said something along the lines of “I’m sorry for all the trouble I’ve caused, I never should’ve made a deal with Ursula, it was wrong. I realize now that you were just trying to keep me safe.”
And then Triton could apologize for taking things too far, and note that humans aren’t as bad as he thought, based of Eric’s character. This would’ve not only save Ariel, but given a message to the viewers watching. I just hope they do something like this in the live action remake. The things you do define you as a person, but so does your reaction to those things.
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
Ok so like I know it won’t happen but how would Sheridan and Warren feel about meeting their younger twin cousins Tam & Kat? Because then they wouldn’t be the only twin in the family plus the chaos of having mutiole sets of twins in one place would be amazingly hilarious! Like everyone is like Tam/Kat/Sheridan/Warren NOOO and they’re like >:3c ✨
[who tf are these kids so glad you asked warren & sheridan and tam & kat]
i feel like that would be a really wild ride bc i feel like as sets of twitches one would think they are very similar but they are indeed actually like. very different. i mean a there’s this age delta of like 7 years so that’s one thing so you’d have two grown as dudes and two teenagers but then there’s also differences like. tam and kat each have their own unique set of powers while warren and sheridan have identical powers. tam and kat were raised within magic by a charmed one in a happy could with a younger brother and a boatload of cousins they’re insanely close to warren and sheridan were raised by jack. tam and kat know how to preserve sea slugs warren and sheridan don’t even know why you would need to know this. and, of course, the major difference between the two is tamora and kat have a psychic link and warren and sheridan definitely do not nor do they want one. like for starters if they had the ability to be in each others head the odds of them just using that skill to annoy the other is like through the roof but also it’s like. tamora and kat’s subconsciousness are linked like their dreams border each other and like overlap and i think warren and sheridan would genuinely rather be lobotomized than let the other take a stroll around their dreams. but i mean like beyond that just like their dynamics with the other are insanely different like kat literally ran off to italy and tamora stayed behind in sf and they’re just like. fine with that. whereas warren and sheridan have never ever actually like. lived apart. and in the back of their minds they know at some point that’s gonna happen but like hey man that’s my twin brother i know him i know he’s a fucking idiot and i don’t trust him not to get himself killed. like both tam and kat have done solo vanquishes where they didn’t even like mention anything to their twin bc like. they were busy doing this vanquish. warren and sheridan are a lot more attached at the hip when it comes to magic i mean they also have a lot less experience but like if kat every mentioned casually that she’s currently living on the other side of the globe from her twin w&s would short circuit (and if that didn’t do the trick tam and kat being like yeah i mean it’s never like we’re cut off from each other bc u know like the psychic link would Definitely send warren and sheridan over the edge).
that being said similarities i mean for starters both are twin sets where they’re identical but one twin has short hair and the other long so if they ever met i feel like someone has to comment on that bc like. hey does the author have some weird need to visually distinguish identical twins in an easy-to-read way? yes. also it’s a spilt where one twin’s gay and the other’s straight (kat being a lesbian, warren being bisexual, and tamora and sheridan both being like the lone heterosexuals out of everyone they know) but like. beyond that i think both twins definitely have this stubbornness and like. a tendency not to involve parental figures in their work bc they want to prove that they can do it on their own. there’s also like. a sense of impulsivity to them all in varying degrees ranking sheridan kat warren tam but like. in a wstk team up a battle plan probably will not be drawn they’ll say the vibes of the situation and then like. go time.
if i were to spin a yarn for a tamora kat warren sheridan team up i would set it in warren and sheridan’s world and simply for convenience i’m keeping them both at the ages they are in their respective stories so 18 and 22 and i’m not entirely sure of the circumstances which would land tamora and kat anywhere but the sets would id each other when someone freezes somewhere and they hey who’s that moving over there there’d be introductions where tamora and kat are like hi we’re tamora and kat mitchell and they’re like a lil confused when that gets no reaction bc quite frankly like they are the daughters of a charmed one and where they’re from the majority of witches & other magical beings know their name bc like. they do. and this only gets weirder where warren and sheridan are like we’re warren and sheridan halliwell and kat’s like no ur not. and they’re like excuse me? and she’s like ur last name. and they’re like yeah?? halliwell???? and tamora and kat are like yeah??? bc again where they’re from this name carries insane weight to pose as a halliwell w/o having the last name would be fucking insane but where warren and sheridan are from the charmed ones died in a basement in 2005 halliwell name going with it and also they really don’t know that much about their mom’s side of the family anyways so their like i don’t get what you’re not getting here our last name legally is like halliwell it’s from our mom’s side and tamora and kat are like Who is your mom????? and they’re like her name was prue and tam and kat are like !!!!!!!! what the fuck. what the fuck? and warren and sheridan are like okay. what. and tamora and kat are like hi thrilled to meet u we’re ur cousins. and warren and sheridan are like cool and immediately try to freeze them to talk amongst themselves but then realizes that Doesn’t Work bc they’re Also Witches and they’re like well fuck. new plan we take them back to the house and we hold swizzlesticks in their face (the house cat, a familiar) and go off the cat’s reaction. so blah blah blah tamora and kat are like trying to explain no no no see your mom was a part of the charmed ones right and warren and sheridan are like okay i think that was mentioned in passing idk what that means tho and kat and tam are like fr? whatever we don’t have time the point is in our world prue died and they’re like oh no don’t worry she died in our world too and tam and kat are like oh. my condolences the point is the charmed ones were reconstituted when piper and phoebe (your aunts) found our mom, who was their half sister, an illegitimate child patty had with her whitelighter. and warren and sheridan are like okay cool. the fuck is a whitelighter? and tam and kat are like !!!! bc how tf can you be a halliwell and be so far removed from magic next stop obvi would be the manor which was been magically secured to the nines debatable whether or not they break in warren and sheridan might have like a couple memories i mean less like memories and more like vibes from when they were raised in the manor for 90 seconds and um. they’re definitely getting a premonition of prue’s death, and then also the reconstitution of the po3 with paige for good measure confirming tk’s story. then the mission is obviously find whatever it was that sent tam and kat here and get them back and uhh breaking into the manor was of no use bc when piper phoebe and paige completely remade their identities and faked their death like they took the book with them. they’re not just gonna leave it in the house lmao. and so tam and kat are like okay magic school? and warren and sheridan are like What Down and the girls open a door into magic school to find it totally decimated and almost entirely deteriorated after the death of the charmed ones evil tried to claim it which ate away at the core of magic school until it was uninhabitable. so that’s a no go. okay warren and sheridan what do you do. and they’re like um okay so there’s the school library. and there’s google. and we have some friends who are witches. and tam and kat are like you have friends who are witches but still have never heard of like. the charmed ones. and warren and sheridan are like hey man they’re not Witches Witches they’re like. witch practitioner. but they’re good and they like. know plants and stuff. and of course worse comes to worse fun fact most demons aren’t expecting you to punch them so like. that also works. and tamora and kat are like okay cool what i’m hearing is we’re gonna be trapped in this world forever. but i think it would be a really nice blend of warren and sheridan learning the craft (these lads don’t even know how to scry 💀) and tamora and kat really taking a step back bc they were raised in a world immersed in magic and really have never like. seen the craft done in this way. and i think like they can definitely learn some lessons here. also debatable whether or not kat brings her sword but if she does warren and sheridan would Totally lose their shit. and would probably buy swords 4 themselves.
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atamascolily · 5 years
lily liveblogs  watching “The Terminator” for the first time
I cannot believe no one ever told me the first ten minutes of The Terminator are filled with naked men roaming 1980s Los Angeles. In addition to full-front Arnold Schwarzenegger nudity, there's a chase scene in which Kyle Reese's actor (no slouch himself in the muscles department) runs through a clothing store, dressing himself as he goes. The narrative economy of this movie, I tell you.
Whoever decided that time travel does not involve clothing was clearly having a lot of fun. 
Also, I have no idea why the punks decided to make fun of a naked Arnold Schwarzenegger except they were probably drunk/stoned/high and fond of making poor life choices. Either that or they really were Too Stupid To Live.
Is the close up on Kyle Reese's stolen Nikes supposed to be product placement? I think it's product placement. This is the '80s after all.
OMG, a phone booth. This film was not supposed to be a period piece (or was it??), but it's unintentionally hilarious as such. Kyle Reese doesn't seem to know how to reach Sarah Connor otherwise... so the phone book gets to stand in for the Internet.
(god, if you're from his version of 2029, the fact that machines DON'T control everything seems both a) quaint and b) infinitely desirable by comparison.)
What's interesting is both the film's present and the film's future are dystopic hellholes. Yes, it's the middle of the night in Los Angeles, but the way it's filmed, with all the urban debris and trash and homeless wandering the streets very much parallels the future. The garbage truck in the present and the human-killing laser machine in the future are foils to each other.
It's kinda sad that food service is still visual shorthand for "sucky job" even in the present day, but you can tell Sarah Connor has spunk because she rides a moped and sasses her chain's mascot. Their outfits are terrible. And that kid putting ice cream on her--to the amusement of the assholes she's serving--what a nightmare.
Also, Sarah's friend is awesome and won my heart with one line: "In a hundred years, who's gonna care?" This takes on vast levels of irony given that Sarah Connor is the Chosen One--er, sorry, Chosen One's Mom. I really hope this friend doesn't die.
Child's toy truck getting run over by the Terminator's stolen car. NOT SUBTLE, Y'ALL.
Sarah's friend's first reaction to the news of another Sarah Connor being murdered is to track Sarah into the break room to watch. Efficient way of letting Sarah know something's up and another good character moment.
The contrast between the Terminator effortlessly starting the car and Kyle Reese's labored hotwiring is nicely done. The PTSD flashback as he watches the bulldozer thing is also very efficient way of conveying information without the need for infodumping dialogue. Of course he has a female friend who dies for added trauma. Sigh.
Oh, so she and the friend--whose name is Ginger--are roommates? Well, that explains a lot. Oh, nope, I’m wrong, different person.
SARAH CONNOR HAS A PET IGUANA, I'M CHARMED. She looks so sad holding her pet iguana while her date's voice mail message plays - no going out after she got all dressed up. But at least she has the Iguana of Consolation!
(his name is Pugsley omg omg omg asghkkfl)
Why the hell does Ginger's bf kiss Sarah on the cheek as she leaves? Are they that close to each other or is this a weird quasi-sexual harassment thing (like how he was only kinda embarrassed when she picked up the phone by mistake while he was doing his phone sex thing thinking she was Ginger?)
The police are all, "shit, this is awful," and trying to do something, but it isn't going to go well. Also, you can tell it's the '80s because the police lieutenant just casually lights up indoors like it's no big deal.
Like, literally the plot of this movie depends upon a) Sarah Connor's name and address in the phonebook, and b) no cell phones. The fact that these two are intimately connected IRL amuses me greatly.
God, as soon as Ginger and her bf revealed they were staying home, I knew they were toast. The fact that they're shown having sex just makes it all the more inevitable.
I like that the police decide to get a jump on the press AND maybe alert the other Sarah Connors they haven't been able to reach by announcing it over the TV. Sarah's at a restaurant eating pizza so she actually sees it!
The only reason Sarah Connor survives is because the Terminator went very literally through the list and Kyle Reese went straight to the right person. The difference between human intelligence and AI?
I cannot BELIEVE the club doesn't check ID, but maybe it's an illegal club anyway? Nice relevant background techno.
Of course the police's gambit backfires because Sarah can't reach them when she tries to call...
OH MY GOD PUGSLEY THE IGUANA IS SO PRECIOUS (but seriously does not stay in his cage, lol). Please don't let the iguana die...
The dangers of earphones and not being able to hear your surroundings being illustrated literally as soon as the devices were invented.
OF COURSE SARAH IS GOING TO LEAVE HER VOICE MAIL MESSAGE WARNING GINGER OF DANGER AT THE WORST POSSIBLE MOMENT. And she's going to tell him her location, too. This is... god, I don't have words for this.
Sarah left her driver's license in her apartment, what? Or is that an old ID? I can't tell. Welp, now he knows what she looks like, which he clearly didn't before.
This scene where the Terminator shoots up the club with an automatic REALLY hasn't aged well. I feel sick to my stomach just watching it. Of course Sarah is the second-to-last one out and has a human shield, because of course she dies. Sigh.
"Come with me if you want to live." I think that's the first words Kyle Reese has spoken in this movie! Not that the Terminator has said much, either...
Of course the police show up at exactly the wrong moment and draw exactly the wrong conclusions. Of course they end up dead, too. Sigh.
I would say Kyle's driving is atrocious, but there's no actual roads in 2029 LA, so this is much better conditions than he's used to.
Gosh, what would this movie do without alleyways?
Sarah's like "Can you stop it?" and Kyle looks away sheepishly, all WELL I WOULD IF I HAD MY LASER WEAPONS FROM THE FUTURE INSTEAD OF YOUR PUNY '80S GUNS.
Oh, he says he's going to ditch the car, but instead Kyle finally explains things to Sarah, and we're in yet another parking garage. Parking garages and alleys, that's this movie. Oh, and hotwiring cars.
Kyle's monologue about the defense network computers setting off nuclear war is a very '80s manifestation of a very '80s fear. Several '80s fears, now that I think about it. (Wasn't this also the plot of War Games?) Not that it's not topical today, but I think it's expressed in different formats now.
I hate that Sarah is only special because she's the Source of the Savior instead of the actual savior herself. I hate this so much.
Kyle and the Terminator playing "who can shoot better while also driving" in a parking garage that seems to go on literally FOREVER, how is this possible. This is WHY shotgun is a thing.
Oh, good, he's finally letting Sarah drive while he shoots.
Ohhhh, now she's in police custody, and the Lieutenant is comforting her. I hope he doesn't die, but I know better than to hope that anyone other than the Final Girl survives this movie.
The "flex your artificial hand with a hole in it" scene is a bloody counterpart to Luke testing out his new prosthesis in ESB.
It says something about humans that the only way the machines could hunt them was to make them human-coated (human on the outside).
You can tell by the look on Kyle Reese's face when he says "Nobody goes home," that he knows he's on a suicide mission.
Why the hell doesn't John Connor go himself? Why was Kyle chosen? Because he had to lead humanity in the aftermath of Skynet's defeat or because it would make the upcoming plot twist that much more awkward? Probably both, but I wonder if they ever discussed this. "Uh... hi, dad? Dad-to-be?" (Reminder that Douglas Adams is right when he says the worst part of time travel is the grammar.)
Oh, god, the "eye repair" scene is nightmarish. Excellent job foreshadowing it, filmmakers. But still gross. So this is why he gets sunglasses.
(Does he have heat vision? Why do none of the future machines seem to have infrared sight? Wouldn't that be super-useful if you're human-hunting?)
Kyle Reese's "I DIDN'T BUILD THE FUCKING THING!" line is such a relatable mood. We the audience already knew that Time Travel = Mandatory Nudity, but I think it's a nice touch that Skynet assumed the Terminator could just work with whatever was available instead of needing to bring weapons. He’s weapon enough. 
Also, this implies the Terminator is just human ENOUGH to pass through the field, which might have been a reason they started working with human-augmented machines in the first place. The reasoning seems to be--no, really--if you put enough living human tissue over a machine, it's "alive" enough for time travel. I don't understand how this works, exactly, but fine.
Oh, good, the cops are giving her body armor now. That can only help. Oh, no, it's a fake-out to explain how the Terminator survived being shot.
I don't understand how this movie is not a walking billboard for gun control, I really don't.
Kyle Reese being all "things are going to shit and I'm going to seize the moment". I think the policeman he slugged might actually survive if he was knocked unconscious and otherwise stayed out of trouble? Don't think the Terminator's going to bother when he's got his real prey to deal with...
And the lietunant who was nice to Sarah is dead. I knew that was going to happen. Great, now the other detective is, too. Sigh. NO ONE IN THIS MOVIE GETS TO LIVE EXCEPT SARAH... and maybe Pugsley the iguana? I don't think he's dead...
Oooh, oooh, another visual theme of this movie is broken glass and smashing windows to unlock things. DON'T FORGET THE BODY ARMOR ON YOUR WAY OUT. (If that's not Chekhov's body armor, I'm going to be very surprised.)  
God, it's so weird to contrast the different fates of the Terminator franchise and the Star Wars films, especially given their similarities.
Oooh, oooh! Huddle together for warmth under a bridge! Fall in love!
Skynet has no freakin' subtlety. You can tell they're not human because they automatically decide the best way to keep Sarah Connor from having kids is to kill her, not to have her doctor give her a fake diagnosis so they can perform a hysterectomy or some other scheme. Or even just giving her birth control.
OR HOW ABOUT EVEN CREATING A SPECIAL MODEL TERMINATOR SHE COULD DATE WHO WAS STERILE AND THEREFORE SHE'D NEVER GET PREGNANT. And then Kyle Reese would be the obnoxious dude trying to break them up for the good of humanity and constantly trying to prove to Sarah her hot boyfriend is actually a robot, and Sarah just thinks he's delusional/trying to get in her pants.
(Oh, my god, I want this fic now.)
Oh, she just discovered Kyle's hurt now, ordering him to take off his clothes, there's only one way this can possibly end.
Nice contrast between the Terminator calmly repairing his bloodied self and Sarah feeling nauseous and having Kyle talk to her while she fixes him.
Oh, god, the way Kyle Reese describes John Connor makes me wonder if Kyle had a crush on HIM or if he knew he was John's father from the get-go. FICS FICS FICS, WHERE ARE THE FICS.
Oh, okay, so Reese volunteered because he wanted to meet "the legend--Sarah Connor". Please tell me she's a legend because she's a badass, not JUST because her son is important. Please. Or at least allow me to keep my illusions, okay?
The way Reese looks at her is distinctly hero-worshipping, which is kinda funny given their roles to date. Also, Sarah is pre-badass at this point -- she will become one as a result of the events of this film.
Sarah also has a problem with time travel tenses, I sympathize.
"Thank you, Sarah, for your courage through the dark years. I can't help you with what you must soon face except to say the future is not set.... You must survive or else the future will never exist."
LOL, John telling his mom she better level up or everyone is doomed... so why isn't SHE the savior again??
And--open question--what happened to HER by 2029? Why is it John and not Sarah who's in charge?
Ok, so the HKs DO have infrared, but what keeps them and the Terminator from finding people on various occasions? (Yes, plot, I know.)
"Tell me a bedtime story about your dystopic past-that-is-my-future and give me all kinds of Nightmare Fuel..." (That could have gone better.)
Where do Future Humans get their Future Guns and Gear?? Do they steal them from machines? How does that even WORK? Wouldn't it be easier for the machines to just, I don't know, get creative and kill them some other way?
Keeping with the machine-man parallels, Reese has his own "code numbers" rather like a serial number that he uses to ID himself.
Yup, the humans in 2029 live in squalor just like the homeless people in the film's present - which might explain why Kyle Reese is remarkably at home, with way less culture shock than you'd expect.
Too bad he and Sarah are on the run and can't go to a fast food restaurant or something fun he's never had before.
The future kids are watching a fire burn in the shell of a TV, OH MY GOD.
Like, it's kinda good the future isn't set because if this what humanity's come to, it might be better to send someone back in time and hope it goes differently? Of course, things can always get worse. Not that they had a choice - I think discovering the machines' plan forced their hand.
Kyle Reese has a photo - is that Sarah Connor? Or is that the woman who got killed earlier in the film? I can't tell.
Dogs barking at the fake people just like the dog barked at the Terminator in the '80s. Nice. Interesting they don't try to shoot the dogs.
Ahh,the photo is burning, the symbolism.... especially when Terminator's flesh melting is going to be a Thing coming up. Cut to: Sarah's sleeping face. Foreshadowing much? (Also: WORST BEDTIME STORY EVER.)
Okay, the way he brushes her face is kinda creepy and hasn't aged well. I hope Sarah has dogs in subsequent movies? I would if I were her.
OH MY GOD, the Terminator has suggested prompts for conversations and chooses "Fuck you, asshole". DYING.
Oh, he's got her address book... and her mom's address. That's how he finds her. Otherwise, there's no way this movie will end in thirty minutes.
Kyle stopping to pet the dog while Sarah gets them a hotel room is such a beautiful background moment.
Sad that even the shittiest '80s motel room is nicer than anything Kyle has ever seen.
AHHH, SHE CALLS HER MOM, this is the smart and appropriate thing to do, but there's no way this can end well for her mom.
I thought the scene was going to cut to her mom on the phone with a gun at her back (before the Terminator kills her), but she's talking to the Terminator mimicking her mother's voice and I... don't know what just happened, but pretty sure it isn't good for Sarah Connor's mom's survival. (Why they didn't go back in time and try to kill HER before she had Sarah... seems like there are so many ways to do this.)
LOL, you think Reese is going to be into food and instead he's into manufacturing explosives in the kitchen. Nice. What follows is Baby's First Improvised Weaponry Lesson.
Kyle's reaction when Sarah asks him about his previous lovers is HILARIOUS if you assume he's actually in love with John Connor. But this does answer the question of who the woman in the photo was: it was Sarah, he's been in love with Sarah the whole time (and now kinda embarassed/thrilled at the prospect of sleeping with his hero?)
I can't tell if Sarah genuinely thinks he's hot or if she just feels sorry that he's a virgin. I guess it doesn't really matter since they've been through hell together and sex is a valid way of coping. Also, while Kyle isn't  as muscular as the Terminator, he's no slouch in the shirtless department--and he's not wearing a shirt in this scene.
Kyle's admission that he "disconnects" to avoid feeling pain just heightens the machine-man continuum even further...
Oh, my god, John totally knows that Kyle's going to be his dad, and that's why he gives them the picture of Sarah. SO AWKWARD TO BE SET UP BY YOUR SON.
This is the '80s so they can't just have casual sex, he has to be in love with her, and have ALWAYS been in love with her, because this is ROMANCE, and she's the heroine (otherwise it would be morally wrong??). I get it, although this trope hasn't aged well and seems vaguely stalker-ish, even though relatively little stalking was involved.
So he loves her, but Sarah never says she loves him... but she's stressed out and exhausted and she feels sorry for him and he's hot, wtf not?
Hey, he lets her top! That was unexpected and also kinda sweet.
What was the point of Sarah telling her mother if her mother never called back and if they were only going to be there for a day? Shouldn't she be suspicious that her mom never called back? IDIOT BALL.
Kyle hears the dog barking and knows what's up right away. You can see the "oh shit" look on his face.
YET ANOTHER CAR CHASE... except now they're in a truck and the Terminator's on a motorcycle. Oh, goody. And he makes her drive once she pulls out the explosives. Oh, good, an underground tunnel!
I don't understand why the Terminator doesn't shoot out the wheels on the truck. He keeps aiming for Sarah, and I know that's his mission, but... seems like it might be easier to disable the truck first? IDK.
Of course leaning out the window makes it easier for the Terminator to shoot Kyle... now that he's delivered his Sperm Packet from the Future, his role is done and he's toast.
That's also the first moment that Sarah really takes agency by swerving and crashing the car. I think up until this point, she's just kinda gone along with everything...? NOT A COINCIDENCE.
Oh, great, now he has a tractor-trailer. Full of gas. And you have explosions. This will end well.
Wow, the Terminator didn't kill the passenger in the truck after all. Why waste energy, I guess?
I don't understand why he goes for the tractor-trailer instead of.. I don't know, just walking over and strangling Sarah? He's a lot stronger than she is and she's trapped in a wreck. I don't understand it. That seems WAY like overkill. And also gives her time to get her bearings and escape with Kyle.
Kyle jumping into the dumpster is oddly appropriate, given how often dumpsters and trash appear in this movie.
Sarah breathes a sigh of relief WAYYY too soon after the truck goes up in flames.
WHYYYY is she going so close to the flames, that's so dumb, it must be so hot and toxic fumes, whyyyyy? (So they can be RIGHT THERE when the Terminator wakes up, that's why!)
This time Sarah's the one to break a window and unlock a door. Agency! Character development! Whatever you want to call it.
Can you really turn an automated factory on that easily? Shouldn't there be... passwords, or something? But I like that Kyle does it "so he can't track us" - so the EMFs interfere with the Terminator's abilities??
And of course, there's the irony that the smart machine from the future is destroyed by by the dumb machines of the past.  Humanity's enemy is also its savior. (Can you imagine what would havehappened if the Terminator had been able to talk to them and convince them to kill the humans / figure out where they were?)
Hey, the Terminator busts down the door in its Final Form and does the EXACT SAME DOOR OPENING TRICK IT'S ALWAYS DONE.
Sarah pulls a chunk of shrapnel OUT OF HER OWN LEG. She gets to scream while she does it because she's female, but it's the foil to the other "repair/healing" we've seen - and a sign of her own transition/evolution.
Kyle's face wound mirrors that of the Terminator, AHHH I SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE.
And of course the Terminator still isn't dead even after it's lost half its body and is just this metallic torso dragging itself across the ground with its arms. Because we're still not done yet. Both Sarah and the Terminator have leg wounds, so they're both crawling, I like it. EVEN MORE PARALLELS.
Oh, god, it's on a conveyor belt now. NIGHTMARE FUEL. And then some sort of ventilation shaft? Oh, god.
And she's able to press the button as it's strangling her and issue a snappy one-liner LIKE THE ACTION HERO SHE IS! And watch its red eye stare balefully at her the entire time.
Oh, and THEN the police show up and she's put on a stretcher and bundled away. Could be worse, Kyle's on a stretcher zipped up into a body bag.
CUT TO: Sarah driving a truck in the desert. A pregnant Sarah is narrating into a microphone a message/memoir for her unborn son. There's a German shepherd in the backseat. Sarah's wearing the same headband we've seen before in Kyle's photo of her. She's got a pistol in her lap that she handles coolly and calmly.
She's in Mexico, at a gas station full of chickens. She tells John she's worried about paradox, but he has to send Kyle. So John DOES know, and gave Kyle the photograph so he'd be primed to fall in love with Sarah, thus guaranteeing his existence. The German shepherd is a Very Good Dog.
Sarah's very blunt about the fact that she and Kyle only had a few hours together, but says "we loved a lifetime's worth" and I'm not sure that checks out, but okay. Maybe on Kyle's end? I feel like Sarah barely had time for any of this, and maybe some of it is retroactive, but... anyway, maybe it's a story she tells herself so she can live with it, especially since she may not be interested, open to, or willing to risk any more relationships in the future, given that she's a perpetual target.
While she's talking about Kyle, her face twists up and a kid snaps a photo with his Kodak camera, and claims if she doesn't pay for it, his father will beat him. She knows it's a scam but takes it anyway, talking him down to four dollars instead of five.
The kid takes the money and runs away, crying about a storm coming. Sarah sighs. "I know," she says, and puts on dark sunglasses as tumbleweeds roll and she drives away, waiting for the apocalypse, towards some mountains that look awfully early-CGIish.
Credits roll. Acknowledgment to the works of Harlan Ellison - that's cool.
Wow, okay. Well that was a ride.
Reading the Wiki: I like how James Cameron decided to cast Michael Biehn as Kyle Reese because he was famous at the time, even though he's nowhere near a household name compared to the film's other stars. O.J. Simpson was floated as a possible Terminator, irony. Harlan Ellison credit was added after he threatened to sue for infringment--oh.
Also, (male) critics talk about how the Terminator represents masculinity, and the ideal man is both machine and human? I guess I don't really see the Terminator as ideal masculinity, but that's a rant for another day...
Also: wtf happened to the iguana??
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krafterwrites · 2 years
ALSO something REALLY funny that I just remembered was during the scene where Agent Stone made that latte with him and Eggman’s face in it with hearts and stuff, my (homophobic) dad did not look happy at all. I looked at him right after the scene to see his reaction and it literally looked like he was doing the live slug reaction face. My dad literally did the live slug reaction while I was watching Sonic 2 and I don’t know what else to say about it because it’s literally the funniest thing ever
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