#my favorite builder with my favorite streamer <3
alchemicaladarna · 4 months
I've had a little more time to gather my thoughts after today's events, and while I do still feel sad and upset that this particular chapter has come to an end, I'm still very grateful that it happened.
I'm so grateful to all the good it has brought so many people. Helping many communities around the world unite and be able to talk to each other, breaking down language and cultural barriers just to freak out about their favorite cubitos.
I'm grateful for all the memories we made. The good and the bad. The sad and the happy. The ones where we all laughed at the silly moments and cried in the tragic ones. I'll look back on them very fondly, and I'm so glad to have been a part of the journey for most of the way.
I never thought I'd get back to watching another SMP after the dsmp ended to be honest. I was just kind of there for that server because I joined at the very end and only watched clip compilations and stuff. So when I heard Quackity was launching a server with Spanish and English speakers with some CC's who I already knew previously, I thought, huh. That's a neat concept I guess. I might not stick around for very long, but I'll check it out I think.
So I began to watch Phil's pov and vods, and I'll never forget the first time I saw an egg live- and just how their characters and stories completely captured my heart in a way that I can't even begin to explain. After that, I decided you know, I might have to stick around for a little while longer. And lo and behold, a year later, here we are.
I also admittedly didn't watch every streamer's pov so I'm not knowledgeable in every character's story, but because of you guys here on qsmpblr, I really felt like I was a part of every community when I read everyone's posts, theories, admire art, or fics people would write too.
I've switched povs a lot throughout the year and I just wanna say thank you to the Crows, Doozers, Jaiden fans (I forgot what you guys are called I'm sorry D':) and especially the Ghosties <3 for keeping me company. I genuinely feel so blessed to have interacted with all of you. Thank you for having me.
And yeah Ghosties, because of your streamer, I'm permanently stuck in that bell now so thanks a lot /j XD
To every fan, on tumblr and elsewhere, thanks for keeping this project- the characters and all the memories we made of it- alive in the fanart and fanfiction. You guys all work so hard and are so very talented too!
To every admin who was part of the project. Thank you for pouring so much love and contributing so much of yourself to the server. It wouldn't have been the same without you. Regardless of if you were a builder, an actor, a writer, etc. you made this project beyond amazing. If it weren't for you, I doubt this project would have reached the same heights that it did. Thank you for all the love, the memories, passion, and care you gave to the qsmp. You all are the best <33
A special thank you to my fellow ghosties here as well. Bad has genuinely become like, my comfort streamer this last year, and I wouldn't have discovered him if it weren't for you guys going crazy over his lore on the dash XD
Thank you everyone. Thank you admins. Thank you CC's . Thank you everybody. This was a wonderful experience and I hope this won't be the last.
This place will always hold a special place in my heart but for now...obrigada, merci, gracias, and buenas noches everyone <333
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kashmiresims · 7 months
Hi Charmful, I really love your amazing neighborhood! It is fantastic to see the passion you've put in this project for about 17 (!) years! What advice would you give to someone who wishes to start their own custom hood with many subhoods and stories, like yours? What are in your opinions some do's and don'ts (be it about technicalities, gameplay or even mindset)? Thanks in advance and I apologise if this question has already been asked :)
No! You are completely fine, I appreciate the question. Very few ever ask me questions on my tumblr anyhow. I just go around giving this advice every so often when I see it asked about how to start custom hoods on the big TS2 Facebook Group or the Sims 2 Subreddit, haha! So, going into your own hood/subhoods project sounds really daunting and it's not a feat for the impatient or those that have a penchant for serial restarting playstyle. 1. Grow it organically. If that seems too loose of a perimeter for someone, they can always use a structured BACC as a springboard. One of my favorite TS2 Twitch streamers, ChocolatCitySim has built her amazing custom hood and subhoods up from a BACC. Here is an album of my hoods and subhoods showing them in 2015 and 2022 and the progress it made and even at present they look different than they did in 2022. 2. Create a solid set of sims or families you want to be the foundation population. They could be founders, you could have a headcanon of why they moved to town, or how they fit into the lore of your custom hood. These sims you will play for a long time, hopefully enough to see their children's children and such. My best advice is aim for 5-8 families and then sprinkle in some YAs (if you add a Uni right off) and single adults that are ready to mingle. Add new families and sims as you progress and as needed to grow your population. 3. Don't be afraid! Why is this important? Because Kashmire wouldn't be what it is today if I had panicked at every glitch, accident, or unintended situation that cropped up. It has actually enhanced my hood lore as the years have gone by. It makes for a unique story twist or quirk when something happens and you have to interpret or explain it away into a narrative or hood canon. Don't be afraid to start playing before the hood is 'done'; spoiler alert: a custom hood is never 'done' it might have a good few years stretch of you not updating anything in it until you need it but if you are like me and get the urge to go ham on hood deco after 14 or so years, it's gonna always be in flux! Obsessing with getting a custom hood 'done' before playing it is the quickest way to burn out and abandon your goal. Also, don't be afraid to completely chuck stuff you have downloaded or built and are not feeling anymore. Or re-arranging entire sections of your hood. In real life, civilizations grow and change and seeing that progress in your own neighborhood can be rewarding! You can even send sims you aren't feeling anymore off to another place, or make them townies, or kill them off. I've never played in strict rotation, I've lost sims to glitches, and I've bulldozed more than half my original builds to try and build or download something better.
4. Back to the building of it, I wish I had done it sooner but it's helpful to kind of know what zones of your hood are. Commercial vs Residential, vs greenspace use. Use hood deco to build up parts to make it look busier if you are going for a more urban hood or subhood but don't have a lot of playable lots yet. If you aren't a builder, download lots, there are so many good ones out there! On the same note of building, try to have your basic necessity community lots in every subhood so the sim doesn't have to travel through 2 screens to get a cup of coffee or go to a gym, but you can vary those community lots unless you want to simulate a 'chain' (a chain of restaurants, gyms, coffee shops). Then, try to also have some unique places in each subhood. Places your sims might want to go to impress a date, or dancing with friends, fill a want that comes up less often. I could wax poetic about all the different lots around Kashmire but to not exceed a response character count, I shant. 5. A subtle thing you can do is develop an identity for your different areas/subhoods. You can do this with themes, flora, deco, and even the sims that live there. 6. Let the stories come naturally and retcon what doesn't work anymore. After playing for so many years in Kashmire, stories develop in a variety of ways--most have developed through the gameplay aspect itself mixed with being inspired by lots or poseboxes or just fun scenarios I want to try to play and execute. If you don't have a stellar memory like I do (which is how I keep everything in order) document your play through notes and pics! Even just putting up little blurbs on your tumblr with a few pics can help you start a narrative and then use it to go back to reference. If not here, any blogging site, a forum, or any other place you can post will do! 7. Be choosy with your cc. Things will come along you will WANT but do you really NEED it? This is a good rule of thumb for any Sims 2 player honestly. 8. MAKE BACK UPS. CONSISTENTLY MAKE BACK UPS OF YOUR HOOD AND GAME. RELIGIOUSLY STORE THEM SOMEPLACE SAFE because your heart will break if one day your SSD melts and all your backups were on it and you don't have an amazing computer wizard husband to save your custom hood's ass. People always ask me 'How have you played the same Sims 2 neighborhood for 17 years?!' and my answer: BACK UPS. That's all I can think of off the top of my mind. Thanks for the question and good luck on your Sims 2 custom hood journey!
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smallishbabes · 2 years
“This could be it. Y’know I said- I said I thought that Orange was a bit down but the thing is Quig is dying early and Smallisbeans? Y’know he 1v3’d my team once. He took down Dream, Michael, and King Burren”
Yes Techno praise my man Joel he deserves it (ref: mcc 10, after orange gets two rounds in dodgebolt)
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some stuff and nonsense from the MCC Pride 22 Yellow Yaks!
CPK and Oli hanging out in order to record the event
Shubble being unsure whether Grian is alive while they wait for him to show signs of presence
Scott reassuring his chat that Owenge is in fact a streamer too, and not a random man he pulled off the street to watch him play MCC!
Grian decreeing that they have the "world's strongest Build Mart team!"
Grian freaking out that he's "forgotten all of Pete's training already!" at the start of Grid Runners.
"Grian's just gonna ragdoll and see where he lands, it's like in Gangbeasts." -Scott
"Pete's gonna be so proud of me, figuring out strategy!" -Grian
The gang deciding on positioning and Gem calling herself "Basement Girl."
Gem then promoting herself to "Ground Floor Girl".
Scott making a clock and everyone around him throwing redstone at him, just in case
Grian falling behind and running towards the exit door and everyone cheering him on, semi sarcastically
"You're doing amazing sweetie!" -Scott
"C'mon, emotional support straight!" -Gem
The bakery being so depleted from all the players devouring the cake supply that now they're just asking for them to make cakes for them, please
None of the builders being able to figure out the redstone for the final room right away
Everyone being so conditioned from previous GRs that they have to reload their definition of "beasts" for the chicken room
New drinking game! Take a drink every time Grian mentions his favorite MCC buddy Pete! It's happened 3 times so far!
Grian watching the Simmers do the redstone room and just saying "redstone is hard..."
Everyone getting so invested in Blue that they start shouting at the screen
"Grian has like, PTSD from being one coin behind in a Pride MCC." -Scott
Gem disappointingly saying they didn't get cosmetics this time, just breakfast...
Grian relating how one time he went to a US restaurant and ordered a child-sized serving of pancakes, and he had "far too many left over!"
Gem waiting to see when Grian would see the rainbow chicken in the cosmetics section and holding a running bet with her chat
Grian admitting he doesn't watch the update videos, getting lambasted by Scott, and demanding "I didn't start my stream until 8 minutes after the event, you think I have my life together??"
"My content is so poor that my cat can't even stand it!" -Grian
Scott lamenting that he can't call people hitting him a hate crime this time around, because almost everyone is queer!
"How can I weaponize my sexuality now??" -Scott
The Pridebowl PKT map being inspired by a League of Legends piece of art in which the flags were incorporated throughout the background
"Gimme some 🌶 spicy 🌶 callouts!" -Gem about PKT
Gem carrying the second round against Lime!
Everyone being terrified of Jojo hunting them
"I was humbled by that other team because I couldn't catch them." -Shubble as hunter
Gem suddenly becoming British while complaining about PKT?
"I like being British!" -Gem
Scott saying that Vixella "appeared below me like a shark hunting her prey!"
Grian admiring how good Zeuz is
Grian getting mixed up with Shubble and Gem's names many many times
"One of the girls!" -Shubble
"There's no way I should be alive right now, just so you're aware!" -Scott, fighting for his life against TapL
Scott somehow winning against TapL, getting in his head, and everyone surviving that round??
"Just so everyone knows, I have physically peaked tonight! Whether I go home with a coin or not, I've won!" -Scott
Scott then ascending in the decision dome, and being forced to give his Love Bow to Shubble
"Someone in my chat said <he's becoming gay god>. That, contrasted with another saying <he's being abducted>" -Scott
Scott calling the SG remix Pokémon!
Gem and Shelby being on the same wavelength today, The Girls™
Yellow being sacrificed for the Greater Gays in SG
Shubble reassuring everyone to not let it get to them, and Grian responding "it's gotten to me already! It's sitting on my spine!"
Scott and Shubble cheering on The Girls, and Scott saying that Jojo can make it solo, she doesn't have "solos" in her name for no reason
Scott trying to spectate Kara and continuously getting doors shut in his face
"This is very rude." -Scott
Grian warning Shubble "if you're a runner in Build Mart, our friendship might be on the line."
"I am no longer sure." -Shubble
"During Build Mart, our friendship goes into a little box. Afterwards it comes back out." -Grian
Everyone gathering and ascending into the flamingo together
The BB map only half loading, and Scott calling it a trust fall experience
Everyone planning to ride Grian during Terra Swoop Force in TGTTOS
Shubble and Geminislay carrying in the first round of BB!
"I really need to learn how to pvp." -Grian (please, sir)
"I killed Jojo, so it's like the equivalent of killing Dream, right?" -Grian
"I lost my plot armor, Dream killed me." -Grian
"It's fine Grian, it's non canon! It's the equivalent of another universe in comics!" -Scott
"I hit a man!" -Gem
Scott going out against Pink in a kamikaze potion of harming
"You get style points for that one." -Grian
Scott getting an ace against Orange! He's a PVP god!
"Grian's like, I aged 13 years, just in these last few games." -Scott
Grian and Scott both getting 420 coins in BB! Ayyyyy!
Grian scheduling himself to go to Ghana, and getting a little nervous about meeting with Nana and the village, as he is "a socially anxious man who has spent his mid 20's behind a computer screen".
Grian rambling about editing and his videos during the break so long that he completely forgets to get his anticipated glass of water
Everyone responding "Aye aye Captain!" to Grian directing in BM
Y'all I'm actually just watching in awe with my jaw dropped while Yellow absolutely dominates BM. I'm so impressed. They didn't move from first place ONCE.
Scott talking about how he and Shubble always hold hands during SOT
"I smell. I didn't smell before this, but now I smell." -Grian
Gem deciding she'd going to punch and be a menace this TGTTOS, and everyone telling her it's fine, it's non canon, it won't hurt her vibe.
Wilbur joining the vc on Shubble's account and talking with Grian and Gem during AR, because he heard "it's Ace Race time."
"Scott sounds a little different." -Gem
Wilbur beginning his AR podcast in his "sensual voice" with Grian and Gem listening in shocked horror while he talks about "doing" her, how he's "a bit of a demon" with both AR and SOT, discusses the intimate workings of his complex relationship, and him and Grian agreeing to both put each other down for teams next MCC
Shubble giving her account to Wilbur for AR, and Scott giving his account to Owen, saying if Owen gets top 3 he'll donate 1000 pounds (he did)
Gem getting her best AR performance yet with Wilbur in her ear
"I just want Wilbur to know that my chat did not enjoy that. He was talking to Ace Race, but it was a little bit charged." -Grian
"When the wall says Gay, you shout Gay!" -Scott about HITW
Gem and Scott missing the yellow platforms this time around, while Shubble is glad to have the HITW she knows and loves back
"Yellow! That's...the color of the wall. I'm not speaking again." -Shubble
Everyone calling the Green wall "Grian, Grian, Grian."
"Shelby it's Hole In The Wall, not Ace In The Wall, so you had your game." -Scott
Shelby tragically dying to a zombie and saying "that's it, I'm getting toxic with my eggs now."
"Noo there's so many mobs!" -Gem
"You're welcome!" -Scott
Grian winning the second round and SCREAMING into the mic!
"Grian is reaching octaves previously unknown to man!" -Scott
"Grian just picks a new game each MCC to pop off this time." -Scott after Grian gets in the top 5 players of HITW
"When the stars align, I'll pop off in every game!" -Grian
Scott introducing everyone to the Hard Button™ in Terra Swoop Force
The NPCs in TGTTOS being the straight MCC players
Scott and Shubble getting into a cycle of getting on top of each other
"Me and Shelby keep mounting each other!" -Scott
Owen and Scott reading out Gumi's message demanding which "BOOT LICKING BEAN SLURPING FELLAS" HIT HER in tandem
Owen encouraging Scott to be nice, and then watching him get hit and doing a heel turn straight into KILL THE MAN
Everyone continuously mourning that if they'd just gotten a normal Survival Games...
Geminislay carrying TGTTOS!
Scott and Gem getting wings, becoming " a gay butterfly" and "a pride fairy!"
Shubble and Scott calling for donations to them, two gays
"They say charity starts at home, and home is me!" -Scott
Shubble breathing heavily and murmuring "Let us in." about 20v20 DB
Grian asking "is this what is was like to watch me?" during Red's 1v3
Grian taking a moment to address this one guy Brady in the chat who has been consistently asking how Maui and Pearl are doing the entire tournament, and saying "they're doing great, they're my cats, they're all cute and snuggly!"
Gem just admiring her pride wings and comparing them to her Empires wings
Grian killing his one-sided arch nemesis, Zeuz, in the 20v20
"I ate it." -Grian after dying
"That one almost came for me, I felt it on my chin!" -Shubble
Shubble almost rounding out her MCC story by doing a Shubble once again in the 20v20, but losing to Jacksepticeye
"He's an ally, he's carrying a gay!" -Scott about Grian's gay chicken buddy
Yellow Yaks finished MCC Pride 22 in 4th place!
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redwinterroses · 3 years
i hope im not bugging you, but i really want to get into hermitcraft! is there anywhere you suggest i start?
Asking me about my current obsession? NEVER a bother!
You're coming in at an excellent time, since we're about to get a new season starting and you can just hop right in -- last season had Story Stuff but in all likelihood most of that won't carry over other than one or two players' personal videos/storylines and likely a few running jokes.
As for where to start, that kinda depends on what you're interested in! All the hermits are fantastic content creators and honestly my best suggestion is to try a video or two from all of them and see who clicks with you. If you want to kinda get a head start, I'd suggest watching everyone's first videos from season 8 -- you don't even have to watch the whole thing. Skim through and if that particular hermit isn't hooking you, go on to the next!
But as far as some generalities go:
For gorgeous and inspiring builds, I recommend Goodtimeswithscar (goofy, lots of interactions with other hermits, an absolute darling of a man), Bdoubleo100 (friendly and shouty, like a human exclamation point, builds mountains overnight), Grian (server gremlin, starts wars, arguably the most well-known hermit), GeminiTay (new hermit! soft voice, cottagecore but fearsome), or Keralis (voice like honey, sneaky jokes, can't sing but will anyway). Most of the hermits are very talented builders, and a few of them really stretched themselves this last season, but those are a few of my favorites.
DocM77 (obviously first on the list. recreationally breaks minecraft. a true og -- if you've seen the Minecraft menu splash message "What's Up, Doc" that's literally a shoutout to him), TangoTek (my comfort streamer, dry humor, cartoon logic, wild iron farms and more), ImpulseSV (friend-shaped voice, major dad vibes, took a season off from being a redstone innovator to create a crazy megabuild, but plans to be back with more in s9), or ZedaphPlays (you'll never look at redstone the same way again. Also the man sounds like being wrapped in a cozy blanket)
like I said: most hermits are skilled at multiple things, and even the most technical players usually also create gorgeous builds, but especially after last season a couple stand out to me:
Mumbo Jumbo (ever wanted a house in minecraft that turns inside out, communicates with extraterrestrials, and also includes every farm possible? Mumbo has probably built it. Renowned for his powers of lag, and really put his heart into learning to be a builder the last couple seasons), Cubfan135 (regrettably fond of the Chicago Cubs, but is king of the grind and puts the mega in megabuild), and Xisumavoid (more for his informative snapshot/prerelease/ minecraft update vids, though he also usually builds cool farms. server admin, has a voice like warm tea and somehow is actually shredded irl).
I also love Pearlescentmoon (Australian, prankster, beautiful builds), Ethoslab (incredibly chill content from another absolute LEGEND. We literally call a fundamental part of many redstone devices an "etho hopper clock" after this guy), Rendog (you want story? this guy's got story. love him), Iskall85 (human embodiment of sunshine and sass).
Those are most of the ones I follow the closest, but again: ALL the hermits are amazing and the best place to start is just sampling a bunch of them to see what strikes your fancy. Hermitcraft is not a heavily story-based server that you have up keep up with multiple POVs to get any idea what's going on -- if a hermit does Story Stuff is usually pretty self-contained to their own videos. Even with the Moon Big stuff last season, you could watch any individual hermit and get a sufficient idea of what was going on.
So feel free to jump in anywhere! If you want my personal recommendation? Grian, Mumbo, Tango, and Bdubs. I love all the hermits but those four are probably my top favorites. <3
Anyway! Hope that very long ramble was helpful, and welcome to hermitblr!
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oceantail-oceantail · 4 years
badboyhalo appreciation pt. 2 <3
(part 1 here!! one post isn’t enough to appreciate bbh) 
-Scolded Dream for not taking George’s colorblindness into account during MCC 6 Buildmart and promised George he would take account his needs if they ever played a color-based game together (later, when playing scribble.io on stream he did exactly that)
-Built PCs for Dream and Ponk
-Used to be a teacher for kids with special needs; coached a dodgeball tournament and his kids won 
-Sang “You Are My Sunshine” for a person whose mom passed away (i don’t like when people treat streamers like therapists, but it was still very sweet regardless)
-Skeppy said he was lucky to meet Bad when he did because he was feeling lonely at that time; Bad said it was the nicest thing anyone has ever said about him
-Gave away most of the 72 pizzas Skeppy bought him to homeless people and people who needed food
-Skeppy said he would drop everything to meet Bad
-Quackity described Bad as “an inherently good person” 
-BoomerNA was the one who introduced Ponk to Bad and Ponk says that Bad had a huge impact on his life and that he’s glad he met him
-Told a story of a time he gave money to his server at a restaurant because she was going through a rough time, but he only told the story to tell his fans that he wouldn't be able to do that if not for them. And also said he doesn’t want to tell stories like that, because it would seem like bragging
-Always willing to give actual tech support to friends on streams; gave advice to Puffy when she was talking about buying a new computer; walked Skeppy through how to fix the lag on his stream
-Calls his reflex of randomly saying “quack” a “quackflex”; also, the reason he started saying “quack” was because Skeppy used to say it a lot before
-Gives genuine relationship/life advice on stream to his audience and fellow streamers (this one is my favorite)
-Always prefaces his advice by saying he's just a streamer and he doesn't want people to take his advice as an absolute must
-Always (lovingly) yells at chat for gifting lots of subs or donating a lot <3
-Spent one whole year building a Minecraft server dedicated to Skeppy (with help from other builders); with that comes the implication that he was so sure that he and Skeppy would still be best friends long into the future
-Grinded hours for netherite/armor/tools/enchantments for Skeppy on the SMP
-Once paid an artist $200 for art to use, but never ended up asking them to draw anything so they just… got the $200
-Comments on lots of animatics and fan songs on YouTube and occasionally promotes them on Twitter; similarly, constantly likes fanart on Twitter 
-Talks in his Discord vc fairly often and interacts with fans 
-Once was incredibly sick and exhausted post-stream, but still spent half an hour vetting the small creators chat was suggesting to raid just so he could still send them viewers (both of them were very excited, and one of them cried)
-Makes a clear separation of lore and non-lore streams; on lore streams he always has a non-lore section after so people and unwind from the lore
-Just….such a genuinely good person
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jay-me-says · 4 years
Dream SMP Ask Game
Because my Hermitcraft one did well and I thought some folks might enjoy this one as well :)
First person you watched on the SMP?
How did you first get into the Dream SMP?
Favorite/a few favorite content creators on the SMP?
Is there a creator on the SMP that you didn’t expect to like at first for whatever reason, but grew to enjoy?
Do you watch anyone on the SMP’s content outside of their SMP content?
Do you try to keep up with all the side plots at once?
Do you have a favorite story arc?
Do you have a favorite moment on the SMP?
Is there anyone would you like to see added to the SMP?
Do you follow any SMP members on social media?
Has your view on a topic ever changed because of something an SMP member has said?
How long have you been watching Dream SMP content?
Were/would you be on the side of Manberg or Pogtopia?
If you play Minecraft, did you start before or after you got into the SMP?
If you’re a builder, has your style been influenced at all by any of the SMP members?
Have you ever laughed so hard at something that happened on the SMP that it hurt?
Have you watched any of the SAD-ist animations?
Do you have a favorite build/place on the SMP?
What’s a line/a few lines from the SMP that you love (ex. “It was never meant to be” “welcome home, theseus!”)
Would you like there to be a Dream SMP world download?
Are you in any of the SMP members’ discords?
Are you in any fan-made Dream SMP discords?
What color do you associate (insert SMP member) with?
Do you follow any recap accounts? (ex. moxberry on TikTok)
Do you have any of the SMP members’ merch?
Are you a creator within the fandom? (writer, edit maker, artist, meme maker, etc.)
Have you ever spent all day catching up on vods on the SMP?
Has someone from the SMP ever taught you a life lesson?
Do you have a set activity you like to do while watching/listening to the more chill streams? (ex. drawing, knitting, etc.)
Who’s content do you keep up with the most?
Do you have a comfort streamer out of the SMP group?
Has anyone on the SMP ever inspired you to do something?
Are you having a good day? <3
(psssst I’d really love if you would send me some)
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mentalmars · 5 years
Tumblr media
Borderlands 3 Community Q&A with Anthony
Hosts Mitsu Tessachka Anthony Live Stream Summary Throughout the live stream, Mitsu and Tess talk freely with Anthony from Gearbox Software.  They talk about their opinions and perspectives. For the Q&A Summary, I have shortened some of the questions and only going over the essence of the question and answer. Where does the story of Borderlands 3 pick up in relation to Borderlands 2 (including the new DLC)? Borderlands 3 takes place like 6 years after the events of the Commander Lilith DLC. In that DLC we learn what happened to our favorite characters and how they ended up as they do in Borderlands 3. What are some the new things we can expect from the weapons in Borderlands? For example, the Atlas weaponry that has smart bullets. You can tag enemies with a grenade and all your bullets will home into them. What is your favorite Jakobs weapon? Classic pistol. I deliberately ended the Moze gameplay on Eden-6 with a pistol because of that and the theme. What can we expect from raid bosses? I can only speak about normal bosses at the moment. We want to test you with boss fights, to challenge you with different mechanics. Bosses can go through phases. You might need to use different elements. We added new ways to move around in the game that you might need during these boss fights. We will have multiple big boss fights. Will farming bosses be more accessible? Yes, we have bosses and other rare enemy types that you can farm. We implemented some new features to make those accessible for you and your friends. If that’s better than BL2 that’s up for you to decide. How big is the game? We have multiple planets you get to travel to. There are still a few locations that we haven’t revealed yet. I don’t want to spoil too much here. (Randy Pitchford did mention something about the scope of the game) How Big is Moze’s Mech? It’s gigantic, it might be twice of Moze‘s character. You should spawn it everywhere, except if you are crouched underneath something for example. Will dualling be back? Yes, it is! Was there any consideration to adding other PvP modes to Borderlands 3? No, Borderlands is a campaign driven page so no PvP modes were considered. What brought the new playable characters to Pandora? That’s an excellent question you should ask one of the guys from the narrative team. Why did Lilith step up as the leader of the Crimson Raiders and what happened to Brick & Mordecai? Play the Commander Lilith DLC to learn about Lilith path and you will learn about Brick & Mordecai in Borderlands 3 Why did you guys decide to leave Pandora? Borderlands is a growing franchise and at the end of Borderlands 2, you get to see that there are more Vaults on other planets. It’s also exciting for us to do that. Why did you guys give each playable character 3 action skills instead of keeping it at one? 3 is better than 1, right? We take the formula of Borderlands and expand on that to bring it to the next level.  What’s is the max inventory space, is it more generous than previous games? It’s generous, I cannot supply specifics as these are the things that we are narrowing down at the moment. But you will have more ways to keep the items that you collected. For example, you can hang them on the wall on Sanctuary 3. (There will be storage deck upgrades for your backpack and bank space) What does the future of Borderlands 3 look like? At the moment we are focussing on the main game so we can deliver a nice and polished experience. After that, we will tackle the 4 story DLCs that are part of the season pass. Will there be any returning bosses? We just have to wait and see… Will there any loyalty rewards? There is the Vault Insider Program that gives you special rewards for free. Are there any functionalities that support community created modes? We don’t have any specific things I can go into at the moment. But it’s awesome to see, for us developers, what the community comes up with. What did the demise of Handsome Jack have on the Borderlands world and who is running Hyperion now?  Welllll… … … go play the new DLC, there are some things in Borderlands 3… but I don’t want to spoil it. There is so much I would like to say but like I said I don’t want to spoil it. The Borderlands 3 easter eggs in Battleborn mention that Tannis is not what she seems, is that true? She is not what she seems. (Battleborn Easter Eggs, also here is a new interpretation of those easter eggs) Are the actually 1 Billion guns in the game? No, there are more, we just stopped counting. How does the gun sound get selected and do you have a favorite? You can see some of the sound recordings on their social media. My personal favorite is the reloading sound of a single barrel shotgun is awesome. The “UNK” sound is actually a golf ball going down a metal tube but it’s a satisfying sound. Will there be a gun making machine like the grinder from the Pre-Sequel? We don’t have a gun making machine. There are a lot of other ways to get loot and if it falls off the edge of the map, we do have the lost and found machine now. But you can always get loot from your friends as there is a mail system but if they sell it through a vending machine that weapon can also show up in your vending machine. How does the ‘Lost and Found’ work? Here you can find an in-depth article about the Lost and Found. What stats enhancements can we expect in the end game? I can’t go into detail about this just yet. (Check out this article about Guardian Rank) Are there any new Vault Hunters in development beyond the current four? No. We would like to expand on the current roster. Why does Borderlands 3 have pre-made characters rather than having a character builder like other games? It allows you to give the character more personality and that lets you grow and love them more. Where did the idea of the secondary fire mode come from? It’s all about the weapons and loot. Making things new and appealing again.  You have Maliwan weapons that can change elemental types. Dahl weapons can switch between auto and burst fire. In the new co-op rules can I still share loot with my friends? Yes, or you can mail it. Can we customize guns and shields? We have weapon skins that you can apply to every weapon in the game. How higher the rarity of that item is, how cooler the skin is. We also have trinkets that you can hang on your gun. What was the inspiration for the Calypso Twins? We can’t deny the popularity of streamers and their influence in the real world. We got inspired by that and how we could fit our narrative. How do planets contrast from each other? of course the ecstatic.  We have the desert on Pandora, a sci-fi city on Promethea, and a Louisiana swamp biosphere in Eden-6. Will Borderlands 3 has all the same rarities as Borderlands 2? No, we start out with the standard rarities for now. I cannot say what we will release in the future. What was the inspiration for Moze? The classic tank character, a soldier with a mech. There are a couple of genres mixed there but I think she fits well into the Borderlands universe.
Continue reading on https://mentalmars.com/game-news/borderlands-3-community-qa-with-anthony/
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