#my glee/gg followers know what I’m talking about
nikkiruncks · 2 years
The njbc is as real as the uth
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Part of your world - Harry Hook x reader - part 16 - It’s Going Down
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a rewrite of the x reader that @bluediamondsevie wrote for me
summary: a who doesn’t love the Disney World, well, (y/n) especially loves descendants, and one day, as she dances in her kitchen getting ready to head out. 17-year-old (y/n) becomes part of that world, now a certain blue-eyed pirate meets the girl from a world where he is a fictional character and he has an actor named Thomas Doherty.
 h/c- hair color
 e/c- eye color
 h/l- hair length
 s/c- skin color
 y/n- your name
 your stuff
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It was almost noon, you sat in front of ben as Harry taunted him, oddly enough, when you arrived and Ben saw you, he seemed to be surprised. As if he didn’t expect you, which was odd.
“hows it feel bein’ a king now eh~” Harry taunted, ben looked uncomfortable, Harry snickered and circled around ben, disappearing from his sight, ben looked around for him, Harry appeared on the other side, opening his mouth to taunt Ben again, but Uma shoved his shoulder, “give it a rest harry, give it a rest” Uma sighed and plopped down next to you, “we don’t wanna damage the goods”
Harry climbed the ropes and growled, pointing his hook at ben “ye said tha’ I could hook ‘em!!”
“I said; at noon!” Harry and Uma had a momentary stare down before Harry dropped from the railing at once again got into bens personal space. Opening his fist lightly, his pocket watch dropped down, he smirked as he read it.
“20 more minutes~!”Ben frowned, leaning forward slightly to glance at the watch, raising his brow. “that says 11:30.”
Harry gleefull look darkened and Uma intervened before Harry shoved his hook through Ben’s throat.
“you better hope your girlfriend comes through” Harry left Bens side and strutted over to yours, hiking his leg up behind you, caging you protectively. He didn’t like the way Ben was eyeing you.
“shes, not my girlfriend anymore” you and Uma just looked at him Bordley, before Harry started giggling, making you and Uma crack a smile, but you snickered along with Harry.
“leave us alone you two” Harry offered his arm to you, pulling you with him. As he passed by ben he grinned and stepped close, taunting him once more.
“19 minutes to go now~!”
Harry huffed and gripped Bens shoulder tightly before releasing it, quickly curling his arm around your shoulders and leading you away, away from Ben, but still close enough for Uma to call to either of you.
“I don’ like the way he was lookin’ at ye luve” you rolled your eyes, ben would never have the intentions of the people of the isle, “I’m sure he wasn’t looking at me in a malicious way, he too much of a goody two shoes for that”
“i-I know, it's just-“Harry had a dark look on his face, anxiety, and fear clear on it. You frowned in worry, what was wrong with him?
“Harry?” you whispered, reaching up to cup his cheek, he sighed and leaned into your hand, closing his eyes. “what's wrong?”
“i-I” he mumbled, “I feel like something bads gonna happen”
‘yeah the wands gonna be fake’ you thought grimly, Uma had asked you about the events of the exchange, but you had told her that you didn’t want to change things, it might have disastrous consequences. Luckily she understood.
Now don’t get yourself wrong, you didn’t want Uma to lose, in fact, you would try to help Uma to turn the tides to her side a little more.
“lass?” you hummed and looked into Harrys eyes, his ocean blue eyes stared sadly and pleading into yours. “yes Harry?” “don’t leave meh side. Understood? I don’t want anything happening to ye.”
You nodded and he softly smiled at your agreement, pulling you close and wrapping his arms around your waist. Hugging you tight.
You hummed and wrapped your arms around his torso, squeezing him back. A moment later Uma called for harry, and he broke away and strutted over to her, you following close behind.
What? He said don’t leave his side.
It was time, Gil announced that the core four arrived, and you shadowed Harry as he pushed Ben forward.
Turning he grinned sadistically and yelled; “welcome~!”
Uma laughed as she stepped forward, “finally~!”
Huh, let's get this party started
I swear I'm cold-hearted
There's no negotiation
I'm not here for debatin'
You need some motivation?
Just look at Ben's face
Then ask yourself how long you think I'll remain patient
I'll throw him overboard and let him swim with killer sharks
You either hand over the wand or he'll be ripped apart
(im not writing the entire scene of it's going down, I just writing the important parts)
As you sang along with the crew, you didn’t notice Carlos and evie point you out and talk with Jay and mal.
As Harry held Ben over the plank, you stood back and behind Gil, you had a feeling you were being watched, you didn’t like it.
Harry seemed to notice as well, constantly glancing at you, and every time he had passed you he brushed his hand with yours as if making sure you were really there.
Soon Uma called out for the wand, but she immediately asked for proof of it being real.
Mal faked a spell on dude and the crew laughed at his speech. But a pit began to form in your stomach.
You hated this part. You stayed at Harry's left, as Uma was casting the “spell”, you watched as Harry's face began to fill with hope and glee before his eyes lost the light as nothing happened, he turned to you slightly and you clenched his wrist, staring into his eyes, hoping he'd understand.
‘I'm sorry, but I couldn’t tell’
“NO!” Uma snapped the “wand” and looked furiously at Mal, who had run back and now was holding a sword, along with the rest of her friends.
Uma roared, pointing at Mal she commanded the crew to surge forward “GET HER!!”
Then came the smoke, you heard someone yell for another to wait, and that she was too far away.
What? Who was too far away?
Harry broke away from you and made his way to Jay, you sighed and drew your sword, glancing at the others, they just ran forward and Mal dodged them, sometimes they could be idiots.
Rushing forward, you tripped Mal up, stopping just before she could move away, you hooked your blade around your ankle and pulled it towards you, she squeaked and fumbled forward, you gripped the collar of her vest and shoved her towards Uma, who grinned and drew her sword.
You turned and saw Lonnie, who smirked and made the ‘come at me’ gesture, you grinned back and raised your sword, she bolted forward and tried to strike your torso, you quickly parred, grabbing her wrist and twisted it, she gasped and loosened her grip, you smirked to yourself, twisting her around you flipped her over and stabbed her sword next to her head.
“GG dragon girl!” she furrowed her brows as you grinned at her and bolted off, “huh?” she sat for a moment, before shaking her head to clear it, quickly getting up and unlodging her sword from the deck, she shortly began to battle with another pirate.
You lost yourself in the battle, at the moment fighting Evie, who seemed to keep trying to get a grip on you. What the fuck? Unluckily she backed you into a corner, but you tripped and fell over the edge, lading on Gil, you both groaned in pain, but you quickly shot up, chasing after Ben.
“(y/n)!!” turning you saw Harry reaching out for you from the edge of the dock, soaking wet. Rushing forward you grasped his hand, pulling him up. Uma rushed past you, yelling after mal.
You and Harry look at each other, grinning you drew your swords, and you soon cornered Carlos.
Let's go, bring it on
Bring it on, it's going down
Time is running out
Bring it on, it's going down
Let's go, bring it on
Bring it on, it's going down
Time is running out
Bring it on, it's going down
“Carlos! Smoke bomb!” Carlos twisted away from you, making you fall to the floor from how much weight you were pushing onto Carlos, and the absence of that weight made you fall.
Smoke, it covered your vision, and you accidentally inhaled it in, and you coughed horrendously, your vision started going black.
“Carlos grab her, we need to go now!!”
You felt someone pick you up, and you looked behind you, Harry, still in the smoke, calling your name. you weakly reached for him, softly calling back.
He didn’t hear you, he didn't see you being taken away.
----Harry POV---
Mal pushed the bridge connecting the deck to the tunnel. growling, Uma gave her last verse.
What's my name?
What's my name?
What's my name?
Say it now
Beasty boy called for Mal, she turned and walked away, Uma screamed and pushed my shoulder, rushing to her room, I sighed and sheathed my sword, turning I looked for (y/n), but she wasn’t there. “(y/n)?” nothing no hum of attention or clicking of a tongue showing she was listening “(y/n)?!” turning around, panicking, I looked towards the ground, my heart stopped.
Her sword.
I rushed forward, and leaned down, along with her sword was her ring she wore constantly, the one that looked like an arrowhead.
“no” I whispered to myself, looking up at the tunnel, I heard the traitors voices.
“quickly! get her in before she wakes up, I don’t want Uma noticing she's gone.”
“M I don’t know about this, Harry seemed really protective over her”
“whatever, FG needs to send her home, she doesn’t belong in this world”
No, no no no! NO!!
It wasn’t like a punch to the gut, but instead, like the air had been sucked from my lungs and my stomach filled with stones. “No, no, no!” They had taken her! After everything they had already done to me, that had to take my biggest treasure from me?!
I stared at the tunnel, the distance between it and the dock, and wondered if I could make it. It would be risky, but if there was a chance I could catch up to them,
“Harry?” Gil called, curious at the look in Harrys eyes, watching him walk backward, then another step “Dude what are yo-…GONZO CATCH HIM!”
It was too late, Harry ran forward and lept across the gap, just making it, thanks to the parkour lessons Harry did with (y/n), he knew how to make jumps like that. Harry rushed through the tunnel, just seeing (y/n)s passed out form before Mal saw him and eyes wide, she slammed the car door. The car started and quickly drove off, with (y/n) inside.
Harry screamed her name, rushing after the car, but alas, he was just human, the car was too fast.
“GIVE HER BACK!!!” as the car drove farther away, Harry lost his footing, he landed on the floor, grunting at the pain filling his chest. He quickly tried to get up, but it was too late.
…the barrier opened…
…the car went through…
(y-y/n) was gone, she-she promised!! She promised she wouldn’t leave his side!!! She swore to Calypso!!!
“no” Harry whispered in a broken voice, “No! please god no! g-give her back please!” he pleaded to the gods, hoping any of them would hear his cry and bring his bonnie lass back.
“GIVE HER BACK!!!” He screamed out, he broke, hot tears streaming down his face. “give her back”
His shoulders shook with his sobs, wailing he buried his face in his hands.
He lost her!
Shes gone!!!
(y/n)’s gone!!!
Give her back!  
Give her back!!
           “I love her”
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 ---end of part 16---
Comment or message me for part 17!
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wonhuis · 5 years
hey! sorry for not being that active, i got one final! i didn’t expect it tbh but since subjects have a limit of 3 years i was “forced” to take at least one if i wanted to keep my regularity. so yeah i prob didn’t pass but i just need a 4 to keep it cool. ah yes! exo m had a lot of potential, i still like exo tho, they are one of my first groups. i read you put seulgi in one of your tags, do you like rv? 1/? 🍰-sss
i feel your struggle is like i want to multitask but at the same time just for a little while. the game had a 80% discount i think, it was like woah steam and its christmas spirit came early this year. fbkjsfsbk gta betrayed you! can you change it tho? thank you! my stomach didn’t help me these few days but the stress didn’t help as well. I haven’t watch it but it’s on my list? would u rec it? 2/? 🍰-sss 
idk a lot abt dramas, animes on the other hand💕 do u have any fav anime/s?jun in denim jacket is everything! it suits him very well, the red sweater he wore on going seventeen was amazing too! tbh everything he wears + black hair is my fav look. black hair suits him so well! but brown hair is my close 2nd fav. for clothes: sweaters, like a nice cream colour. i love when he wears jackets or big coats, he looks so cozy and my heart goes *boom* ¾ 🍰-sss 
question: who would get along with the most in svt? also the whole mess thats going on bc of twitter and reposters, smh. people have no shame to not only steal content but believe they have the nerves to say “it’s just a gif”, then do it yourself. a lot of ccs spend time and effort doing it. twt is pure clownery. i hope u started well this week! (besides twt drama). also vernon + bugs lmao!!! i’d have done the same ngl 4/4 🍰-sss
oh sweetie don’t worry about it!! i’m not a consistent person myself so i tend to be inactive out of nowhere for a few days as well lmao but omg hope u at least got that 4!!! what are u studying, if you don’t mind me asking?
ah yes i still do love exo as well!!i mean baekhyun is still my ult lmao if ur a cheol stan are u also a suho one? oh but u said u liked exo m better lmao i just know so many ppl that are suho stans and also stan cheol lmao (and taeil from nct????) so i’m curious about it!! 
and i do!!! we’ve been fighting a LOT recently because i really dislike the songs they dropped after bad boy but oh well, they’re still cute and i rlly like them!! not my fave gg of this generation bc twice exists, but they’re somewhere there with a few others lmao 
oh i multitask all the time it’s an addiction honestly kkdskdj if i don’t do at least two things at the same time i absolutely can’t concentrate for some reason, but one of the things can be listening to music so it’s all good, like right now i’m answering this and listening to some glee performances LMAO but omg 80% is a reallyyyyy good discount!! i think i could still return gta but i paid it rlly cheap and i’m still planning on getting a new laptop so i don’t rlly wanna get rid of it lmao also i play it when i’m at my friend’s house sometimes 
ah it was a really cute drama, but some things rlly annoyed me lmao i’d rec it because it’s cute and i’m hella biased towards jinyoung and jisoo lmao also i didn’t suffer that much but the final ep disappointed me a lot bc it felt rlly rushed :/ like the two seasons went at a certain pace and then the last ep felt too much, but it was still good!!
and i looooooooooove animes lmao my all time fave is fullmetal alchemist!!! for anime and for manga! i reread and rewatch it every single year and i’ve been doing it for 10 years lmao (i do the same with percy jackson because i’m crazy like that!!) but i also love haikyuu, bnha, tokyo ghoul (rip), kimetsu no yaiba, bungou stray dogs, kuroshitsuji and i’m a huge fan of shoujo too!! my fave is fruits basket, but i love gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun, kimi ni todoke, ao haru ride, akatsuki no yona, ore monogatari, ouran high school host club, kaichou wa maid sama and others! AND ALSO!! i love those cute slice of life ones like barakamon, tanaka-kun wa itsumo kedaruge, kyoukai no kanata and hyouka!! i’m always watching new anime but i also rewatch most of the animes i’ve watched, some that i really like to rewatch (besides the ones i’ve already said, that i have rewatched a few times lmao) are karneval, yamada-kun to nananin no majo and servamp! they all only have one season of 12 eps and they’re rlly easy to watch, that’s why i watch them a lot lmao 
omg yes black hair is everything to me i’m the biggest black hair suppremacist lmao BUT the brown comma hair he had during clap? AMAZING! his mansae brown hair was also REALLY nice, i rlly did enjoy the dirty blonde one from very nice too! and the pink!!!!! i love pink hair sO MUCH, I LOVE JUN IN EVERY HAIR COLOR LMAO HE LOOKS AMAZING IN ALL OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!! (but black hair is def my fave for anyone lmao except minghao bc i loved his clap hair the most)
CHEOL IN BIG AND WARM AND COZY JACKETS/SWEATERS/COATS YESSSSSS I LOVE IT TOO!!!! big and fluffy sweaters are my fave looks ever bc it’s just so cute my heart combusts always 
also i think wonwoo? we have a similar kind of humor and we also like the same things, but even though i talk a lot i’m never the one to start the talk and neither is he, so we’d basically never talk LMAO but it’d be all good we could just hang around together in a comfortable silence while we read and pet my cats!! i’d also like to say minghao and vernon bc i love them but they’re kinda too deep for me lmao i’m a shallow person and i don’t like taking things too seriously so it’d be a problem sometimes i think… oh!!! there’s jeonghan too!! we’d definitely either love or hate each other LMAO i’m rlly similar to him when i’m comfortable with someone i think, like his sometimes devilish personality is 100% me with my close friends lmao but what about you?????
and ah yeah… the reposters…. see i get PISSED over reposters i really do despise them SO MUCH!!!!! see from 2011-2013 i had an anime blog and i used to make a lot of edits and gifs there and i always had these two accs that reposted me all the time and i got so pissed bc u couldn’t report for this back then so i just deleted my whole acc (it had over 20k followers lmao) so i still get pissed!!! this one set of mine from my nct blog got reposted and it got almost 2k notes when mine had like 500 (it now has almost 4k but still) and i HATE that lmao like nowadays ppl aren’t even supporting content creators anymore u know, the likes to reblogs ratio is RIDICULOUS. i have this one post from 2011 in my old blog that has 1800 notes and only 100 are likes, but now it’s the exact opposite and it kinda :// i always say that i don’t care about numbers bc i LOVE to read to tags and stuff like that is what matters to me the most, but if people don’t reblog there’s no tags for me to read and that’s what saddens me the most :/ i never rlly cared about notes, but it’s kinda shitty to spend a shit ton of time doing something just for fun and people don’t even appreciate it :/
also the way content creators literally are the ones that keep this plataform up and running and it means NOTHING to have a big following here, like ppl on twt and ig get sponsors for their numbers even if they do NOTHING. i hate twitter so much lmao ppl out there only stealing jokes and posts from tumblr and acting like they’re the shit, then getting 100k followers and sponsors like?? i’m sorry?? also there’s SO MANY artists on twitter that get absolutely no recognition but only those shit ass people that tweet about their foot fetish get followes, same with ig if ur rich and take nice pics of urself traveling then ur famous i HATE
FUCK reposters and fuck tumblr and fuck twitter too 
but not fuck you sweetie, sorry pls come back ksdjnakjsd
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