#my grammar died
luna-loveboop · 2 months
I've never done a poll before, so good luck
Who do y'all think Time'll handcuff to him be with for his group in the dungeon? I've seen a lot of people say he will try to control who goes with who since he's scared for their lives rn (valid)
The options are the individual boys, just go with who you think is most likely to be in his group I guess?
Anyways like I said I've never done a poll so it might be messed up or make no sense, should be fun :D
Let me know if this doesn't work. And yes I know it's not well organised.. it's ok. right?
I think that unlike when they split in the Divine Dark Reflections arc, they might try to stay in bigger groups, and I think Time would probably want to have as many close to him as possible (his group have three or four), but I uhh didn't know how to incorporate that.
It's silly, but right now I can't stop imagining a scene where they reach the central room and everyone sprints off into the groups they want before time can argue.
Anyone who goes with legend will survive physically and anyone who goes with four will survive mentally.
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stressedanime · 4 months
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ah yes. thank you google docs. that’s definitely what i meant.
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brinehater · 4 months
I finally did it guys! Arisen + Pawn Intro (template by @arisenreborn)
(Answering these as though before endgame+postgame, more fun for me)
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NAME: Wildrose AGE: 20-21 (plot takes at least 1 year because first run was like 300+-ish days, exact number not screenshotted because surprised, shame; his birthday is in the spring) RACE: Human PRONOUNS: He/Him PREFERRED VOCATION: Trickster, Mage, Sorcerer FAVORED GIFTS: Noonbloom, Moonglow, Ferrystone (+100); ANY jewel (+50); ANY spell tome (+25); seashells, cool beads and buttons, colorful pieces of glass, other colorful/shiny rocks (+10) FAMILY: Chicory (mother, deceased), Mint (main pawn adopted sister)
POSITIVE TRAITS: Friendly, gentle, polite, compassionate, determined NEGATIVE TRAITS: Gullible, forgetful, head in the clouds, evasive (mainly about his own feelings), can also get a bit petty when pushed LIKES: Plants, magic, sweets, tea, shiny rocks, rain (especially the sound of it at night on the roof), getting the chance to be clean and dress well DISLIKES: Cruelty to others, excessive violence, overly hot and humid weather, loneliness (please don't leave him alone), failing to meet expectations
1. What was their life like before becoming Arisen?
Fairly quiet. Chicory, his mother, brought him to Vermund with her when he was very young (~3 years old), and they lived in a small house in the woods outside of Melve for as long as he could remember. He spent the majority of his life assisting her, as she became sort-of known as a witch after this move; she preferred isolation in the woods outside of Melve due to intense agoraphobia, but hated leaving people in need and was a genuinely talented healer. People knew they could come to her if they were in need of medicines and treatments, but it was difficult to get her to leave her home and the few times she actually went to Melve took tolls on her health. Once he was old enough to make the walk, it wasn't uncommon to see Wildrose in Melve making deliveries for her as well getting what she couldn't grow or make for them herself. When he awoke to his magic (~10 years old), she was the one who taught him also as a healer, though he did come to take a broader interest in the subject and often picked up any spell tomes he could get his hands on. About a year prior to events in Melve (~18-19 years old), Chicory's health quite suddenly became poor and rapidly deteriorated. Wildrose cared for his mother through it all to the very end, and her death was not easy to deal with though he had the means to handle it well. He was in plenty comfortable circumstances, and he was far from lonely with the friends he had in Melve even if they weren't particularly close, and there was some freedom too in being able to pursue his interests a bit more freely. It wasn't uncommon for him to even travel a little, but he never went particularly far from home, content with his quiet life. It was chance that he happened to still be in Melve the evening the dragon attacked, having gotten caught up in conversation before he set out for home. It was not like he was going to abandon people in need, or a friend to engage the dragon alone after others burnt, even when he burned too.
2. How do they handle being Arisen, and the responsibilities that come with it?
Messily, initially. The curse removing his memory did quite a number on him to begin with even without the dragon burning before that. After escaping the excavation site, there was a lot of confusion as while he still understood the basics, a great deal of Wildrose's finer understanding of the world outside of particular niches was compromised, and even a lot of his personality was rather muted at first as he tried to mask having such problems to avoid causing worry. Mint quickly started to call him on it, and returning to Melve so soon and not recognizing people that clearly knew him made it something important to him to work on quickly, if only for the sake of not wanting to hurt their feelings. From there, while he takes a long time to truly recover his memory, Wildrose was able to refocus, and likes the whole Arisen thing as a means to be able to help people. He wants to be of aid to everyone he can, and if he recovers his heart along the way to making sure everyone can sleep more soundly, that's just a lucky bonus. Even when the road gets exhausting and frustrating and he forgets what their immediate plan even was to begin with, he knows with full confidence that this at least is always his goal.
3. What are their thoughts on Pawns in general?
He's always had positive feelings on them, though before becoming Arisen it was more curiosity based. There was a point of time where his interest in magic saw him wondering about its connections and interactions with the Rift, and if he lucked out to meet a pawn, they certainly had to put up with a young him chattering away with questions naïve and too broad to truly learn anything. Further than that, he didn't want to trouble them as they had to be busy and have better to do. After becoming Arisen, when he finally has a chance to get to know pawns better, to him they're just people who are a bit awkward but very steadfast. All of them have their quirks despite what everyone else thinks of them, and he's seen them learn, change, and grow both traveling together and after parting and meeting again. To him, they should be cared for just as much as anyone else, and seeing others mistreat them or simply just think of them as things angers him.
4. What’s their relationship like with their main Pawn?
Mint is his sister. Wildrose knows people claim pawns don't have feelings, that many might call him a fool for thinking such, but for him it's simply just so. They care for each other and annoy each other to no end, they're ferociously protective of each other even when they squabble whether that be playfully or with actual sincerity, and always have the other's back. He could never think to ask for a better sibling in the entire world, looking up to her courage and ability to cut through to the point. Sometimes, usually when trying to fall asleep at night, it strikes him that it'd probably be better if their roles were reversed, if she were the Arisen and he was the pawn. There's a part of him that is able to admit that he envies her easy confidence as much as he appreciates it. It also makes him hope that he's very much able to live up to her belief in him one day, to make everything they've done worth it.
5. Do they have any interest in being Sovran? What are their opinions on the politics of the world in general?
No. He wants everyone (pawns are part of everyone for him) to suffer less, for them to be safe, and Vermund's court is very obviously messy and needs change, but he knows he's not the person to do that. While he can take initiative in a small group of people, and he's fine-ish at asking the pawns to do things, Wildrose is together enough to know that doesn't translate to being a leader of a country. Even with Brant and Sven on his side, he knows he is ill-suited, and intends that if he unable to persuade them, then… well, he doesn't know, but he does know Sven would actually be better than he thinks. Probably.
6. Who are their love interest(s) and/or closest friends?
While Wildrose is prone to making friends with most people, even if briefly, there are some notable standouts. There is, of course, Mint, loyal pawn and his first friend upon their whole journey, and his sister of choice no matter what others might think of that, and the most obvious of all. Before becoming Arisen, Wildrose was friends with Ulrika, viewing her as kind and reliable even though they weren't particularly close friends. Despite the initial embarrassment of the memory loss, they have become friends again. They are better friends now after everything in Melve (sorry game they just watched stars as buddies). As soon as he met Brant, Wildrose knew he liked him; even if he is a bit stiff, he's someone who exudes an energy of trust. Wildrose definitely looks up to him and how very committed he is to helping the people of Vermund. That said, there's also a degree of conflict to how much he looks up to him, as Brant is also very committed to seeing the true Arisen on the throne despite many attempts from Wildrose to convince him that he would be very bad at it. Despite the fact that meeting her was preceded by him falling badly off a long, rocky drop in Battahl and Mint having to carry him there and ask for shelter while he made a painful recovery, Wildrose adores Luz. Her wisdom and the sense of calm she gives makes him look to her as a sort of grandmother he didn't have, and also she taught him to be a Trickster! Wildrose is very fond of Sven; this is his closest relationship that isn't with Mint and... different. Beyond helping him the first time they met, he never expected to see him again, or even again after giving him the money needed to buy the ornate box, but then he actually did come to the fountain. It was nice to simply have someone his age to talk to and share stories with, and they got along well, and learning Sven was Disa's son did nothing to dampen their friendship, it only made visiting each other a little more difficult. In the longer term, it's clear there's definitely something there between them that's not just friendship, but from Wildrose's side there is caution stopping him from just spitting it out. It's not from any sort of lack of trust, but because he wants to avoid causing Sven any more trouble than he already does. Additionally, Wildrose thinks highly Sara, Wilhelmina, and Menella, viewing all three of them as some of the most driven people he's met along the way, whether that be by verve, passion, or devotion to duty. He also very much enjoys teasing Mint about all three (though the last can sometimes make Mint a little prickly). All of the pawns he meets along the way are dear friends too; he's beyond excited when he meets them again while traveling (pawn swap sheet pawns hopefully used to him sprinting up to happily talk to them)!
7. What drew them to their preferred vocation? Do they have history with it?
Mage was his first, and was how his mother taught him to control and utilize his magic. Being able to heal and aid others is always of comfort to Wildrose, even when his memory of such is gone and he doesn't truly understand why. Sorcerer was not something he ever pursued outside of interest in further spellwork and magical theory until he became Arisen, and while he had no memory of that interest, some of the notes he'd taken on his own skin ended up prompting him to pursue the vocation and also find it comfortable to work with, though he favors it less than Mage. His most preferred vocation of all however is Trickster. Though the lead up to how he learned the vocation was painful, and though it is much more indirect in how it allows him to aid his companions, the learning of the vocation itself was rewarding, and the ability to potentially keep all of them from getting hurt if he manages to make good use of its magic is nothing but a boon. The more comfortable he becomes too with how to shape and make use of the smoke only gives more chances for greater flexibility to the others and allow them to shine brilliantly.
8. Do they have any hobbies? Any way of relaxing between all that monster-slaying and traveling?
Wildrose likes gardening, though doing so with all the traveling and little space is hard; he keeps some plants that he can manage in small pots and don't need his constant tending so he doesn't need to worry about them so much while he's gone in the house in Vernworth, but he feels cramped. He also thoroughly enjoys making his own tea blends, finding the process both relaxing and stimulating as he tries to put together something he thinks will be enjoyable although there's plenty of misses-- and some of them are dangerously misses. Sometimes this is a side-effect of him mixing up what is meant to go in the curatives he's also making and just ends up going with it, but other times it's genuine excited curiosity that doesn't stop it from being dangerous. Somehow much more safely (or at least more later on), he's taken to cooking and baking, and consistency at doing so has actually gotten him to be at least decent at it. Additionally he keeps a journal, and while it's regularly added to by him, it's unclear if he actually enjoys doing so; he's prone to going off on tangents sometimes for pages but also suddenly abruptly abandoning entries in the middle of them for no apparent reason. A few of those entries also end up beginning again somewhere else unexpected within the pages. Trying to read it can be a bit complicated and definitely at the very least speaks to his thoughts being fairly scattered.
NAME: Mint AGE: ??, she seems like she's in roughly her late 20s-early 30s, though as a pawn this is her first time ever out of the Rift RACE: Beastren/Pawn PRONOUNS: She/Her PREFERRED VOCATION: Thief, Warrior FAVORED GIFTS: Perfect Smoked Fish (+100); Exquisite Dried Fish, ANY curatives in a bottle (+50); ANY fish, quality fishing pole, quality paper, cake (+25), drawing charcoal, ink, writing stylus (+10) INCLINATION: Straightforward
POSITIVE TRAITS: Brave, friendly, confident, adaptive, energetic NEGATIVE TRAITS: Proud, flippant, impulsive, sore loser, intimidating LIKES: Traveling, fishing, gossip, warm and sunny days where she can just lay in the grass, the way her favorite collected bottles refract the morning sun, a good battle DISLIKES: Those who would control pawns and their means, the sound of Wildrose falling again, being cooped up anywhere, board games where she can tell she's already lost
1. What was their life like prior to being summoned by their Arisen?
Not really much of anything. She… existed? She thinks she existed, but it wasn't like she was going anywhere or had any plans. Kind of just was boring, really. Now she gets to go on a grand adventure!
2. What is their opinion on the Arisen? How do they view their relationship?
Very positive. Wildrose is just as much her kin as other pawns are (well, actually more so, but don't tell them, she doesn't want them to be jealous, some of them are scary when they are). At first of course, things were a lot more awkward, with her unsure even how to but knowing that he needed support, and that itself was not helped by Wildrose largely trying to hide his own confusion with much by simply saying "oh" and trying to move on. The first things Mint learned from that was the best help she could be was to not hesitate to be direct, and also to simply sit him down and talk things through. While at the time it was simply her finding the best way to aid her Arisen, she realized later that the latter was also just as important for herself, it was truly the start point for her also finding out what her own interests were, what she enjoyed, what she loathed. At that point was when their friendship grew in sincerity and began to morph into what is normal for them now. They laugh together and tease each other, they fret over each other, they bicker and then forgive one another, and Mint knows at the very least they believe in each other. They are family, whether it be to a joyful or to a bitter end.
3. Is there anything about the Arisen they find troublesome? Be it a small quirk or bad habit? (Or are they obviously flawless?)
Mint finds Wildrose's tendency to be a bit forgetful worrying. It's rare he forgets anything extremely important, and she knows he strives very hard to remember all he can about people he meets, but everything in the middle of the two of those points is questionable if it's still in his head. She watched him get turned around a half hour after getting explicit directions of where to go on a road. It's dangerous. Surely he can't have always been this forgetful? (He was not.) She also is more quietly distressed at the lack of confidence he has in himself. She doesn't understand why this one fills her with such dread, why it feels like such a potential point of failure, but it does. This one has eased at least as they've gone and Wildrose has done some growing and coming into his own. Regardless, it troubles her still, as Mint knows he has the will to see things through no matter what, she just wished he believed in himself as much as she believes in him (and would take better after her own example of believing in herself). Also, she knows that he knows what plants are dangerous independently or combined with others, but she also knows that won't stop him from putting them in his mouth, or trying to make them into tea that he potentially will share with others that he likes. She doesn't understand it; she knows it's likely overenthusiasm and doesn't want to discourage him from being excited about something, but it stresses her to no end. She thinks her fur's actually gone a little grey over this one.
4. What is their specialization and is there any story behind how they cultivated that skill set?
She's actually meant to be a Forager, and would've picked it up initially through Wildrose very enthusiastically sharing about various flora they came across and her actually paying attention if sheerly because his energy about it was infectious. It became her personal pet project from there to document where all such could be found and then that rapidly spiraled into noting where they could find all sorts of resources.
5. Do they have any thoughts on the politics of the world and their place in it as a Pawn - or how Pawns are treated?
Mint is rather focused on how pawns are treated. She thinks that while there is a degree of respect in Vermund, it's also one that's more a veneer, especially for those in power currently. People are polite to them, sure, but also there's something that seems off about being seen as a tool meant to aid the Arisen. Perhaps there is something simply off with herself, however? As for Battahl, she is quite bitter about the treatment of pawns there. Neither the other pawns or herself are calamities for simply walking down the street! And while there are those like Empress Nadinia and Ser Menella who seem to truly care, also under their watch exists the Forbidden Magick Research Lab, who are doing monstrous acts to pawns. Do they know? Are they allowing it to still exist? Or is what the lab doing somehow happening without their knowledge, and would that be better or worse?
6. Does their journey with the Arisen change them in any significant way and how?
The whole journey even starting changes Mint. She was just floating around before, with barely any sense of form. And now she is, by her own hand and all those around her. Everyone they have met, every single time they have been of aid, her confidence grows and she finds her own joy in the world around her.
7. Is there a reason they chose their preferred vocation?
While she was a Fighter originally, Thief is what Mint ultimately settled into, far favoring maneuverability and lethality as the ultimate defense. What's the point of the weight of such heavy armor and a shield if she can just avoid being hit to begin with and be on the enemy before they even dare to hit the others in her company? She also likes being a Warrior, but for a much simpler reason: sometimes you just need to treat a battle like it's a nail, and she's not one to be caught without a very, very large hammer.
8. Do they have any hobbies or preferred past-times?
She took to fishing and collecting things (mainly bottles she thinks looks neat) pretty early on, the former starting just because she wanted something different to eat and then was hooked, and the latter really taking off once they had a place for her to actually put out what she collects to be seen. Also after an afternoon where Wildrose became distracted telling her about many, many plants and their uses, she began to take notation of where else such useful flora could be found, and that turned into her then more broadly taking very detailed notes of where they could find useful materials, and now she tries to draw her own maps so she can combine that information to something more concise and useful. Mint is also very social, she enjoys going out and getting to meet and know people and other pawns alike, and she loves whatever gossip they can share. One day, she will know everything about everyone!
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kanoshusband · 1 month
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MY BBAY GIRL OC !!!!! I FINALLY made a reference for her🙂‍↕️
I was honestly gonna make like a whole post where it has all his info and all that cool stuff but this drawing was already taking the life out of me and it has so many mistakes 💔💔
She's 5'6 (5'4 w/o heels)
Just as some quick info though— As ive said his name is Valentino!!! He's my black dragon OC and if it wasn't already obvious, works in the Infirmary area :)
He's like mid 40's, bisexual (preference for men) and bigender (uses both she/him) 💋 he's obsessed with cheeta print and I never shut up about him with my close mutuals :3 You guys might see more of him especially with Kano so maybe be on look out for that 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
She's a loser☝️ I would give like a bit of her lore but it's best that I actually do that as a separate post,,, since the quality is kinda dimmed down, her eyes are like kinda robotic?? If that's how you describe it😓 She used to be a human but She's fully cyber
The skin isn't real, it's synthetic— that woman is PURE fucking metal and weighs like a ton she will crush you
Inspos: (not including all the fictional characters)
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I've had her for 2 years 🥳!!!!
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bwambiee · 11 months
i miss doin’ mi smau’s ‘n i found dis’ idea i had on mi other acc ‘n i wanted 2 share bc it made me laugh hehe ૮₍˶ •. • ⑅₎ა
so uhm . . . take dis’ idea i had of nagi bein’ a bobarista ‘n he thinks yn is cute ‘n tries to flirt with her (he fails v badly ૮₍ •⤙•˶ ) da bad grammar is intentional bc in da kayla-verse of smau’s no one is good at spelling
‘m totally nawt postin’ dis bc i want boba rlly badly ꒱ა
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Reminding y’all that this exists 😍
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workingchemistry · 9 months
“Kih’ori’vod.” Tenten rumbles. His voice holds all the weight of affection b’Jan’buir. There’s also a cruel sharpness that Jan’buir never showed in front of Boba. “The Kaminiise were careless. The equipment malfunctioned and all of the cells they harvested from Prime died off.”
Boba stares at him blankly, not understanding what that has to do with his staying in prison for the rest of his life.
Tenten glances over his shoulder and then crouches down so he’s at Boba’s eye level. He brushes the back of his scarred knuckles across Boba’s cheek. “They’ll try to harvest cells from us, but we’re too edited—impure. You, on the other hand, are untouched. Tsad Droten is churning through us like mulch, they will approach you soon with a plea bargain.”
“Gar’gotal ner mav’cuyi.” The words fall from Boba’s numb lips before he can take them back. “Why?”
Tenten rocks back onto his heels, plastoid bucket scraping against his thigh plate. The silence drags on forever, long enough that Boba starts to think that he isn’t going to get an answer.
Then, finally, Ten’ika says, “Gar buir ru’juri skira. N’cuyi harycne viini goyust ures kyr.”
Mini translations:
Kih’ori’vod: little big brother (different from ori’kih’vod which means tiny brother)
Gar’gotal ner mav’cuyi: roughly, you manufactured a way to free me. lit. You create my freedom (mav being free and cuyi being exist)
Gar buir ru’juri skira: roughly, your father was burdened by revenge. Lit. Your parent carried revenge.
N’cuyi harycne viini goyust ures kyr: roughly, I won’t become exhausted running a path without an end. Lit not exist (most) tired running path without end.
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velvetjune · 7 months
the need to talk about Alan Wake all the time has become a personal issue
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def-not-kaz-brekker · 11 months
It’s one fucking in the morning, I’m finishing reading “all the young dudes”, and the only FUCKING thing I can think about is how nico di Angelo’s name has a MOTHERFUCKING GRAMMAR MISTAKE IN IT
It’s not even REALLY a mistake it’s more like an IMPRECISION and it’s FUCKING KILLING ME and I have lost my ability to english but bear with me
When two vowels near each other from other words, one disappears and there’s a fucking apostrophe ik this to be true in French and Italian idk in other languages
Like in French you don’t say “je me appelle” you say “je m’appelle”
So it’s NICO D’ANGELO not DI ANGELO like I get it it’s a fucking name but for fucks sake plz
Yeah sure people move his mom could be originally from the south but UGH PLEASE
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evadingreallife · 3 months
I think i just got mansplained how discounts work by the drugstore guy. 0/10 would not recommend. Also maybe next time do not display promos that say they are already over ON THE SIGN and get upset when i ask you if it's still on sale. Just a thought.
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4listr · 12 days
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you’re supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens but it’s sweet to know someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out <33 !!! 💖💖💖
jopay. kamusta ka na. maligayang pasko alis (nandito na tayo sa ber months eyy) I hope you're well! just wanted to let you know that your work is amazing and I love your ideas big and small. Truly is a gift to meet a fellow pinoy on here with the same humor BWAHAHAHAHHAHA but seriously I truly appreciate your presence and I wish you all the best! ABANTE!!!
- ang pagmamahal ko ay para sayo at hindi ito aalis (wrong grammar ata but fuck it we ball. throwing that one back at ya HAHAHAH)
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MALIGAYANG PASKO PARE! i hope you're doing good as well! please remember to take good care of yourself and rest when you need to.
also thank you so much for your words, it truly means a lot! im so glad that i get to bond with my fellow pinoys in this app, it's such a blessing :"D wishing you the best in life and praying for good health and stuff! ABANTE ABANTE!!! PAYTING!!!
- ang walis niyong hindi aalis para makasama kayo habang buhay (EEEYYYY ANG CORNYYYYY 🫶)
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pekodayz · 1 year
uhhh............. ososan oc infodump but i laser u after u finish reading bc i am... out my comfort zone. vulnerable to everything (cries) I HATE BEING SELF CONSCIOUS . plz... read under the cut.. haha.
So I made three in one go, bc I wanted to have a trio...badly. They were initially just my basic ocs, but I realized it would be funny to change them and put them in hell. (stripped of their powers and forced to be human ??!!) Their og clothes were good (they're cute ashell but I NEEDED them to be in casual clothing). So I was thinking about ososan, then my brain clicked. After like 3 weeks of me losing files, getting petrified. drawing something else to cope, and staring at other ppls stuff... I came up with those designs. I AM SHY PLEASE FORGIVE ME and the grammar idk it's 3am...and im a bit nervous
So there's Aini (she/her..5'2) . "what the hell is that "fufufu~" for??" "..I-It's my signature laugh..shut up..". She has a complex where she thinks she's better than everyone else. Cocky. She's a (squints) a chunibyo...and a tsun___.She finds this world boring and a waste of time. She believes that she is a demon, and that she is surrounded by petty humans. Don't mind her, she's harmless. Unless she gets like flustered, then she pulls out a gun and gets trigger happy. (misses every time). She does know deep down, that she's playing a delusion...but she immediately removes that thought once she spots an unsuspecting victim. I think she just likes making rivals. She does get emotional and will break her act when she is at her most vulnerable state. It's rare, but it happens. She is a walking anime stereotype.
Then there's Molly (she/they..5'7). They are a sweetheart...most of the time. She's a bit of a pushover at times, but she does have another side. They care for their friends very, very much. She's the tallest of the three. Why does she always look afraid? Like they just saw a ghost...what...? Nothing is there, everything is a-okay. She lovesssss anything sweet. They get fraps...every, single, day. They can't help but drop an unusual amount of money on a sweet treat. She shares with Aini and Usiuii, they both r foreva grateful for her kindness.
Usiuii. (she/her..5'3). Stoic. Stop staring at me...why is she getting closer?? I don't know what's going on in her head, but she has some sinister vibe that travels with her every step. (jk she just wants to say hi :3!!!!) ...okay she does have some slightly evil tendencies. Keeps Aini in check by slamming her in the head with her bass. (just imagine Usiuii holding it like a bat and aiming for Aini's legs) She has a shark-toothed smiley face, wishes she can eat gum properly. High pain tolerance. She has a side gig. It's suspicious. If you do find her at that gig, do not approach her. She will spiral if she sees anyone she knows at this place, and will chase you down.
They all love pachinko. Molly thinks it's like Vegas, so she drags Aini and Usiuii with them. Aini loses the most, Usiuii is in the middle, Molly wins the most. Aini goes into a frenzy and starts to violently shake the machine, trying to force those damn silver balls to start pouring out. In the midst of her frenzy, Aini accidentally smacks Usiuii in the face. They both start fighting, looking like idiots. Molly gets her cash and pulls both of them by the collars with a disturbing look. They leave. Aini is quietly sobbing. Usiuii is counting Molly's winnings. Molly is staring at the sunset while pulling the two. (fucking idiots: she thinks while giving them a warm smile)
As for jobs: Molly works in the corporate world. She hates it...but alas, it pays well; they're just gonna have to force a smile and keep going. Every waking moment, her boss keeps giving them more work to do. Pushing her around...Molly silently gets angrier by the day. They are testing me, she smiles through the pain.
Usiuii and Aini work in a convenience store. They both love it, they can be as stupid as they want to be. Huhuhu!~ Pathetic humans in need of MY service?? Hmph. I SUPPOSE I can help you. "....isn't that your job." ".....uh....y-yeah....." (i guess u can imagine Aini leaning over the counter when a customer is about to pay...saying that...plz stop aini, you're being bizarre.) Usiuii gets realllyyyy close and welcomes anyone who comes in, she finds their reactions funny. Takes 15 steps to you: WELCOME...!~ (she gives them a wide smile, then she bursts into laughter)
The three of them would befriend Chibita. ummm bc they pay their tab as soon as they finish. And they love. love eating his oden. like it was a gift sent from the heavens. I guess they would also rant to him about their lives.
Aini thinks the matsus are figments, like how are there that many copies of one person...just there? (this is just her trying to make life a bit more interesting..don't try and school her on sextuplets, she will tune you out. ("I AM NOT A FOOL! I KNOW THEY'RE REAL, IDIOT. DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME..." teary-eyed) Molly tries to believe they r all good citizens, blah blah blah... sees them in action. ....immediate mood change.
I think the 3 would befriend totty first....bc uh...let's just assume he still works at the cafe, okay? since molly is always getting frappes and stuff. She eventually makes small talk with totty, and yknow yay a friend!11!! They rant to him a lot, considers him a dear friend.
Ummm maybe aini would "befriend" oso at some point but like its a rivalry thing idk. it's funny. to me.. It would prob be over pachinko, aini won for the first time and she rubs it in his face. he wins, he rubs it in her face hahaha (stares at wall) .they find each other slightly annoying, but good company. i think aini would be playing one day, and stumble upon him being there..then stuff insues, omg yay friend. they both knock each other out. idk they prob get drunk one night and kiss but its like ewww cooties!!11!1 then they stare at each other. silence. "....that was gay." "....pardon?" (slams head on counter)
Usiuii hmm would be fwiends with choro bc she finds him funny .,,,looking. got em yeah. okay..fine jk they both love idols. but Usiuii does NOT want anyone to know. she begs choro not to tell a soul, threatening to take his if he dares. usiuii...what. she's supposed to be the cool one, not the one who goes bonkers over idols. but..yknow. they both fangirl over stuffz yeah...
WHAT IS ROMANCE. I DONT KNOW. (I fold on real-time romance…expect goofy shit instead. like in the anime’s!!!1!!)
umm yyahhh im exhausted. thank you for reading. i will work on their ref sheets very soon!!!!`` lhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oc brainrot starts......when i wake up in the morning . line up -> infodump -> ref
EDIT: i add stuff as i lay here in bed (steam comes out of head)
They all drink. but in moderation…maybe. then they beat the shit out of _____________ ____________ group attack i think. gag. haha (puts finger down)
who would get drunk (first to last): aini usiuii molly
Molly has warm hands, but when she gets nervous, they have the tendency to fidget them together a bit. Then they catch fire. oh no…..
Usiuii keeps putting her hand in the oden, to take a bite she gets yelled at every time. She says she feels no pain, therefore it’s gonna be okay guys. (she smirks, chibita chucks a hot piece at her)
Aini sometimes wears those anime head wing thingys for fun. but uhhh she plays the role. they’re not real, stop wearing them on the job. (Someone just roleplay with her for a few minutes. Then she won’t have to be so cruel with her words)
I think molly is like retsuko (yknow from aggretsuko) since their job pisses them off. she breaks, and goes on a long winded rant, full of evil. Then it wears off, and she’s all like “oh my god??!! im sososoosossoos sorry..!” then they look like they killed someone. plz forgive her.
okay they love u very much, but they might kill u in a triple attack (hearto)
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jils-things · 2 months
YK i'd be willing to draw irene in a more doll-like look if i werent so impatient having to draw EVERY SINGLE STRAND OF YARN HAIR AHHHHHH
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not-totally-blind · 1 year
Context: Will died in Tartarus, and his soul was trapped. Nico wants to drink from the river Lete to forget his entire life as a demigod.
"I want to forget," Nico begged the god. "Let me be only the king of ghosts."
"Your sister will want to see you; they both will," Hades tried to reason, "the son of Jupiter... your mother."
Maybe it was a little selfish, but I didn't want to lose the last of Maria.
"I don't care." Nico's voice was almost imperceptible.
"Everything in my life has been losing and having been the brother of an Artemis hunter, the son of an Italian mortal, the best friend of a Roman hero, the boyfriend of a healer son of Apollo." His voice cracked a little with that last sentence. "I'm sick of the things I was. I don't want a life anymore, father."
"I will recover William's soul from Tartarus." Hades pleads, "You know I will have the help of Apollo; you just have to resist a little more."
Nico just sighed, exhausted."I'm sick of holding on; I'm sick of hoping. If you manage to snatch his soul from Tartarus, then bring him back to me, then I can live again, but until then I just want to make the ghost judge, who doesn't have to lose because he's never had anything."
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in honour of all the unnecessary hate tsats is getting I've decided to reactive my tumblr just to yell about how much I loved this book.
I've been a long-time pjo fan(I'll admit I fell off the wagon after THO) and in all honesty, back in the day nico was not my favourite character. dont get me wrong i didnt hate him but as a kid I just couldn't understand why he kept reacting to his trauma the way he did. constantly pushing and pulling with the people around him and never seeming to stay anchored to a singular mentality. but this book. this book is the long awaited deep-dive into his character and the very long awaited happy ending that he deserves.
its been nearly a decade since I read and finished hoo and by gods if there's one thing Uncle Rick has done by releasing this book it's reminded me how much I loved these characters and this world growing up. its sent me spiralling back into my age old obsession and I genuinely think it's one of the best books I've read all year(regardless of its flaws).
the journey that we went on with solangelo and the development that they were finally given- i wanted to cry because if i was this affected by their love as a college student I can't imagine how I would've felt reading this as a preteen. the light that Mark Oshiro shines on the queer aspects of this book is so beautiful and so blatantly put. I needed this book as a questioning 12 year old and i needed it now as a very well settled adult and i can only imagine the impact its having on its intended audience.
and on an side note anyone who is complaining about the humour in tsats being corny or cringey can fight me. NICO IS SO FUNNY HELLO AND SOLANGELOS BANTER STAYS ABSOLUTELY UNMATCHED.
and my boy. my sunshine boy Will Solace. I have no words only tears to describe how much I love him. in conclusion if you hate this book without ever giving it a go know I am standing behind you with terrible intentions.
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sondheim-girly · 3 months
I’ve now calmed down. I’m gonna try to sleep soon. We don’t know what’s happening, and there’s no concrete evidence for or against anything. It’s all going to be ok.
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