#my guy has sex positive parents AND a van
hyperfixatingmenever · 4 months
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juiceinpanties · 2 years
10 Things You Hate About Eddie Munson
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Pairing: Eddie Munson/afab!reader
Rating(s): Chapter: PG; Fic: E
Tags: eventual smut, penetrative sex, oral sex (both m and f receiving), fingering, subbie!Eddie, masturbation (m and f), fake dating, van sex, secret relationship, antagonistic relationship to friendship to lovers, casual sex, not-so-casual sex, phone sex
Summary: Your best friend, Nancy Wheeler, is absolutely dying to date Steve Harrington, but her parents have the weirdest rule: Nancy can't date until her friends (e.g., you) do. Nancy begs you to date someone, anyone, and eventually you agree. Meanwhile Steve offers to pay Eddie "the freak" Munson to ask you out. What could possibly go wrong??
Notes: This is, quite obviously, a 10 Things I Hate About You au, with a slight twist. Throw in some fake dating, a 90s setting, and here we are. Thanks to @tonybourdain​ for dragging me in and continuing to enable me.
Please note the tags. This chapter is rated PG, but future parts will be smutty!
Feedback is always welcome and appreciated and PLEASE reblog! Completely blank blogs that just like will be blocked because I'm gonna assume you're a bot. I've been here a long time.
In case you wanna read on Ao3 instead
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4
Senior year. You’ve almost made it, you’re almost OUT! You and your best friend, Nancy Wheeler, have spent the last 4 years planning for college and your escape from Hawkins, and now it’s just 9 short months away. You’re practically counting the days.
“I’m just saying,” Nancy says as she bites into a carrot stick. “One or two dates. It wouldn’t hurt either of us. Don’t you want to date before you go to college?”
“I have dated,” you say with a frown. “It wasn’t for me.”
She rolls her eyes. “Hooking up with a few guys at a few different parties is hardly dating,” she says. She leans in closer, lowering her voice so none of the cafeteria busybodies will overhear. “You know I love you and all your convictions, but my parents won’t let me date until you do, and I really. Really. Want to go out with Steve. Just once! Please?”
You huff and drum your fingers against the table. You aren’t 100% sure about Steve, but Nancy tends to be a good judge of character, so if she likes him...
“Fine!!” you say. Nancy beams and claps her hands in delight. You hold up a hand to quell her enthusiasm. “But I’m not going out with one of Steve’s idiot jock buddies. Find me someone interesting.”
Nancy stares at you. “Sweetie, no offense, but...what the hell does that mean?”
“I mean, like, I don’t know. Someone not like Steve. Think of Steve, then go the opposite direction.”
Her face twists in thought. “I’ll talk to Steve.”
“Do that,” you say, grabbing your tray. “In the meantime I have chem.” You walk away, confident that they won’t find anyone. Steve’s friend circle is small, and it’s almost exclusively jocks—except, strangely, for Robin Buckley; that’s not a pair you ever would’ve pictured. You’re sure they won’t find anyone who meets your criteria. The peace and quiet of your senior year will remain undisturbed.
Eddie Munson has probably spoken 2 words to Steve Harrington in his entire life, yet now he’s nearly positive Steve is waving...at him. And heading...his way. Eddie glances over his shoulder, but the coast is clear. Just him. And Steve. Making a beeline right for him.
That can’t be good.
“Hey! Munson! You got a sec?!”
Steve Harrington knows his name? That really can’t be good. Eddie shifts his notebook from one arm to the other and shrugs a little. “Kinda on my way somewhere.”
“Right, yeah, your Hellfire thing. Dustin Henderson and Mike Wheeler are in that, right?”
Now Eddie is thoroughly nonplussed. Even more than he was before. “Yeah,” he says. “Is that a problem?”
“Nah, man, not at all!” Steve runs a hand through his ridiculous hair and grins. “They’re kinda friends of mine. I mean, Dustin is. Sorta. And Mike’s his buddy, so...” Steve swallows and glances around. “Okay, look, this is kinda weird, but...you know Mike’s older sister, Nancy?”
“Uh huhh,” Eddie says, drawing the syllable out in suspicion. He starts toward the media room, hoping Steve’ll get the hint, but he just falls in next to him.
“Nancy’s cool. Really, really cool. And smart. Probably too good for a schlub like me,” Steve says, which makes Eddie snort.
“False humility ain’t your look, man.”
Steve peers at him, but then blinks it away. “Anyway, I really wanna ask her out, but her parents have this weird rule...” He explains the Wheelers’ bizarre and frankly antiquated rule that their precious daughter can’t date until her friends do—one friend in particular. You.
“Do you think maybe you could ask her out? She agreed to go out with someone so Nancy and I could date, but she requested someone, uh.” Steve clears his throat. They’re at the media room by now, and he stops. Shoves his hands in his pockets. “Someone...weird? Uh. Not at all like me, were her words.”
Eddie snorts. Is this a joke? He’s seen Carrie like 50 times and he has no intention of being the sad girl covered in pigs’ blood; especially since he doesn’t have any psychic powers to get his awesome, fiery revenge.
“You’re fuckin’ with me, right?” he says. “I might be stoned, but I’m not stupid. No way a friend of Nancy Wheeler’s would go out with Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson.”
Steve shifts his weight from one foot to the other. He told Nancy this was a bad idea. “Look, man, I swear I’m being straight with you. She’s cool, okay? A little bit touchy and, like, grumpy? I guess? But cool. She’s into that Dungeons and Dragons stuff too. You can ask her to join Hellfire! She’d probably say yes.”
He gives Eddie big, hopeful puppy eyes, and as much as Eddie wants to tell him to fuck off, some part of him can’t. He’s noticed you around school; he has eyes. You’re cute and definitely smart and probably way out of his league...but fuck it. It’s not like his stock could plummet much further, and if you really are into D&D, it’d be cool to have a girl in the club.
“Yeah, fine, whatever. Not gonna promise anything, but I’ll talk to her. If she wants to join Hellfire, fine. If not, you’re on your own. Find another patsy. Got it?”
“Yes! Thank you! You’re a lifesaver!” He slaps Eddie’s shoulder. “I promise you won’t regret it! I can even pay for your date. Just lemme know where you’re gonna take her. I’ll throw in a little extra for your trouble.”
Pay him. To date a cute girl. There are worse ways to make money. “Cool. I’ll see if I can talk to her tomorrow.” He pauses and studies Steve through narrowed eyes. “If you’re fuckin’ with me--”
“Swear I’m not!”
“Fine. But if I get kicked in the nuts I’m comin’ after you.”
“Fair enough. Thanks, Munson. Really.” Steve grins again and practically skips away.
Eddie glowers after him. Possibly he just made a huge mistake, but, again, what the hell? Maybe he’ll get a chance to chat up a cute girl; maybe he’ll get kicked in the nuts. Either way it’ll be something to do.
The next day during lunch you’re minding your own business attempting to catch up on the reading for AP English. Nancy is off canoodling somewhere with Steve (or so you suspect), so you’re on your own. Just you and Hamlet.
Hamlet’s hitting existential crisis number 582 (give or take) when you sense someone hovering over your shoulder. You glance back and your eyes narrow when you see Eddie Munson.
He offers a wave and a little smile. “Hi,” he says. “Hey. Um. I’m Eddie.”
“I know who you are.”
“Great! That’s great.” He takes the seat next to you, uninvited, and peeks again at your book. “Hamlet, huh? That’s the guy who banged his mom, right?”
Your mouth quirks. “In some interpretations, sure. But I think you’re thinking of Oedipus Rex.”
“Oedipus! Right. The riddle guy who banged his mom. Yeah, Hamlet’s the one with the ghost dad.”
“Bingo.” You shut your book and set it neatly in front of you. “Can I help you with something?”
“Uh, yeah.” He drums his hands against the table, his rings catching the light, and offers you an awkward smile. “I hear you’re into D&D.”
“Wow. Word gets around about an interest I never talk about or have a chance to indulge in.”
He blinks, then his grin turns sheepish. “Yeah, well. I think Mike Wheeler mentioned it? You’re friends with his sister, right? He’s in my club.” He smooths his shirt. “Hellfire Club.”
“So I’ve heard,” you say, mildly. “Are you selling candy bars or something?”
“Huh? Oh. Ha. No. We’re looking for an extra member for our next campaign. Someone with some experience.”
You eye him a moment. “You know, I tried to join your club freshman year. The guy in charge at the time told me girls didn’t play D&D.”
“He said what?!” He scowls and tugs at a lock of his hair. “Shit. Fuck that. We’re under new management now, and everyone’s welcome. So you in, or...?”
You grab your backpack and slip your book into it. “Listen, Eddie...I don’t know what this is about, but I’m a little busy these days, so I don’t really have time to—”
“Steve Harrington said I should ask you out!” he blurts as you get up to leave.
You freeze a moment before dropping back down into your seat. “You?”
“Yep, me. Sorry, not exactly the Dating Game lottery, huh?”
“Oh, shut up,” you say, rolling your eyes. “You’re fine. Just--well. I did say someone different.” You sigh and shake your head. “Fine. When and where?”
He stares. “The club?”
“No.” You wave a hand. “The date. You are interested in the date, right?”
“Oh!” he says. “The date! Yeah, sure, good. Is it like a double thing with Steve and Nancy, or...?”
This poor boy seems completely out of his element, and he’s kinda cute in a puppy, Muppet sort of way. You take pity on him. “There’s a party this weekend at Sharon Mooney’s. Pick me up at 8.” You scribble your address and the date on a piece of paper and pass it to him. “Don’t be late.”
“A party?!” Steve didn’t say a word about parties. He did NOT sign up for parties! He looks up at you, your brows lifted in a question, and after a moment he gives a resigned nod. “Eight,” he says. “I’ll be there.”
“Great,” you say. You stand up again, so that he’s having to look up at you. “This is strictly for show. No kissing, no touching, no bullshit. We’ll go, have a few drinks, mingle, leave. Got it?”
He blows out a breath and flashes a double thumbs up. “Got it, boss. See you then.”
You give him a brief pat on the head as you go by. “Good boy,” you say, and you don’t see his confused, slightly intrigued expression as you walk away.
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storiesbyrhi · 2 years
Angel of the First Degree - Chapter 16: Fireworks
Eddie Munson x Chubby!Reader 4459 words Series Masterlist
Warnings: Anxiety; fatphobia including internalised; drug use; bullying; body issues; discussion of body function and fluids; period shame/stigma; disclosure of sexual assault (chapter 2); disordered eating and thoughts of food; shitty/abusive/critical parents; porn magazines; smut; reference to suicide (specifically Virginia Woolf’s); no beta; grief/mourning; verbal fighting; meat (turkey)… for the vegans; warnings updated each chapter
Synopsis: When Eddie Munson finds you in the midst of a panic attack, it is the beginning of something. A fic featuring body and sex positivity, Eddie in a dress, soft small moments, scary big truths, and all the usual special feelings you’d expect from one of my stories.
Chapter Summary: 1986 comes to an end, and Dustin just wants a beer.
Author’s Note: I remind you that this story has no beta, so forgive typos if ye will.
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“That’s a very specific question from someone not currently enrolled,” the voice on the other end of the line said. He wasn’t amused, perhaps annoyed at the perceived misuse of his time.
“I know, but my-”
“Yes, you said,” he interrupted, then sighed. “There is a precedent. A student can petition to change the allowances of a scholarship. It happens on a case-by-case basis,”
“Yeah?” To Eddie, it felt like a win. “And, ah, how does that… process… start? What would the student have to do?”
Eddie had his pen and paper ready.
“Why is Gareth taking me?” you asked.
“Because he’s secretly your favourite,” Eddie replied nonchalantly.
“You’re my favoruite,”
“Well, yeah. Besides me. And, I got some shit I gotta do.”
He meant deal drugs but he used to be so much less secretive about it. You wanted to ask him more questions. You wanted to tell him that he used to be so much less secretive about it. But those thoughts were totally at odds with your ‘pretend everything is fine’ psyche. Ultimately, you trusted Eddie. If he wasn’t telling you where he was going, you probably didn’t want to know anyway.
Eddie dropped you off at Gareth’s house, where you hugged the red flannel-clad boy on the sidewalk and kissed his cheek. It made him blush and glance at Eddie nervously. Eddie just grinned at his friend and ruffled his fluffy hair.
Eddie pulled you into a hug and tucked a twenty dollar bill into your back pocket. “You two kids have fun, yeah?” he joked, getting back into his van.
You turned to Gareth. “What do you know?”
“What?” he squeaked.
“How come it feels like you’re babysitting me? Why’s Esther busy today too?”
Gareth was unprepared for your interrogation. He shrugged, hesitating. “I don’t know, man… Eddie said you’re throwing a party. I said he better get the good fireworks,”
“Right… But why isn’t he taking me?”
“He has shit he’s gotta do…” Gareth looked at the ground and then back up. “Also the guy that sells them is… weird. Like imagine Dustin if he was fifty and had spent time in jail and also thinks aliens are coming,”
“Dustin does think aliens are coming,”
“Yeah, well. He’s weird. Eddie freaks him out,”
Gareth sighed. “I don’t know! You ask him why when we get there. Maybe you guys can bond over being super paranoid.”
You playfully pushed his shoulder and walked up the driveway. “Whatever. I get to pick the music.”
Eddie parked down the street a little and waited. If routine was anything to go by, your father would be at work, but it was the holidays, so he needed to stake it out to make sure. Coming face to face with that man would only lead to carnage.
Eddie caught sight of your mother when she came out the front to check the mail. She stood at the letterbox, flicking through the envelopes. When she had gone back inside, Eddie waited another few minutes, then got out.
Before he made it to the front door, it opened and she stood there with a confused look on her face. “Is she okay?” were the first words out of her mouth.
Eddie wanted to be cruel. He wanted to tell her how you were thriving away from her. You catch more bees with honey than vinegar though.
“She’s fine,” he answered, standing on the doorstep with his hands in his pockets.
They looked at each other. Eddie thought she would ask more questions. How could she not want to know about how? How your birthday and Christmas had been? When he realised she would not speak unprompted, he got straight to business.
“She needs all her paperwork and shit,”
“Yeah. Like her birth certificate and anything else important. She’s an adult. Legally entitled to it all,” Eddie said firmly, delivering the words without any aggression.
“Why didn’t she come?”
Are you fucking kidding me?
“I’m asking real nice,” Eddie replied.
Your mother looked behind Eddie, and up and down the street. He wondered if she was checking to see if the neighbours were watching. Oh, how she’d hate to have a scene.
“Wait here.” And the door was closed.
It was a relief that she didn’t protest. Well, she could have still been inside calling your dad, but she wasn’t. She was in his study collecting the bits and pieces. Between your mum and dad, all the household paperwork was fastidiously filed.
While it was a relief, it also disappointed Eddie that she wasn’t putting up a fight. Your mum seemed as disinterested in your life as most people were in his.
“Will you tell her-” she began to say as she handed Eddie the folder.
“Tell her yourself,” he cut in, turning and leaving as quickly as he’d come. He didn’t look back. 
Eddie’s next stop was picking up Esther and Dustin, but he took a longer route and gave himself time to breathe and think.
“This is not a shop,” you pointed out the obvious.
Gareth carefully turned onto the driveway of a clearly private property. You wanted to add that it looked like the kind of place one of Eddie’s grainy grindhouse horrors would be filmed, but then you saw there were a couple of cars parked at the house and people milling about.
“Yeah, I don’t know how legal this is,” Gareth replied, and you really shouldn’t have been surprised.
It took a while for Gareth to park; he had only recently been allowed to drive without an adult supervisor. He checked his mirrors a lot. “Good job,” you praised when he cut the engine.
“Fuck off. You’ve been hanging around Eddie too long. Used to be a nice girl,”
“Nice girl?!” you squawked then cackled.
Anyone who knew what was what in Hawkins drove just beyond the city limits to that house. A guy who everyone called Bam sold fireworks all year round. Nobody asked where they came from. Nobody haggled over prices.
While you and Gareth looked over the selection, some laid out on card tables and others in piles on plastic tarps, you kept stealing glances over at Bam.
He was older than Gareth’s guess – mid-60s at the youngest. His hair was snow white and looked like it hadn’t seen a comb in years. You wondered if he was named Bam because fireworks go snap, crackle, pop, BAM… or if it came from somewhere else.
Bam was watching you back, and when you and Gareth went up to him with cash in hand, he narrowed his eyes at you.
“I’ve seen you ‘round town,” he said as he chewed on tobacco leaves. “You’re with the Munson kid.” It was definitely an accusation. “Bad breed.”
Before you could say anything, Gareth held out the cash. It was more than necessary. “Here. Thank you.”
You looked at Bam with a frown.
“You got something to say, girly?”
“Nope. She doesn’t! Come on. Let’s go,”
“You don’t know shit about Eddie,” you spat at Bam.
The old man’s face stayed neutral.
Much to Gareth’s relief, you turned and followed him back to the car. “Jesus Christ. You know he probably owns half the guns in Hawkins? You really are as bad as Eddie.”
Meanwhile, sitting at the kitchen counter of the trailer were Eddie, Esther, and Dustin.
“How’d you get all this?” Esther asked, looking over the documents Eddie had been collecting.
“She already had a lot of it. Got some from her mum, and, ah, stole copies from the school office,” he replied.
“You talked to her mum?”
“Barely. Asked for this and left.”
Esther nodded. She was impressed.
“So, ah, we can do this, right?” Dustin questioned. “It really seems like something she’s meant to do herself,”
“Yeah, well, she can’t. Alright?”
“Can’t you just tell-”
“No!” Eddie took a breath; he hated when he rose his voice at the freshmen. “No, Dustin. I can’t just tell her about this. Any of it. I fucked up bad. I gotta fix it in a big way,”
“It’s okay. We’ve got this, Eddie,” Esther reassured him. “Between me and you, we know her. We’ve got all this. She’s with her favourite. It’s all good,”
“What? Aren’t I her favourite?” Dustin frowned.
“Nah man… you’re like, fourth maybe,” Eddie said with a wicked grin.
“Yeah… It goes Gareth, then little Mayfield over the road there. Then probably, what’s his name? California? Will? Your friend Wheeler doesn’t shut up about. Then you,”
“WHAT? What the hell am I even doing here then?!”
Eddie chuckled as Dustin threw his hands up in defeat.
“We need you!” Esther said. “Well… We need you… to call Suzie…”
“She tried to fight Bam!” were the first words out of Gareth’s mouth as soon as Eddie appeared in the doorway of his bedroom.
You were sitting on the bed reading while Gareth worked on something at his desk. Eddie snorted when his friend immediately sold you out.
“You snitch!” you yelled, then jumped off the bed to greet your boyfriend. Eddie opened his arms for a bear hug. “Hi,”
“Hi, angel.” Eddie held you. He looked over at Gareth. “Go okay?”
“Yeah. He recognised her,”
“Death by association?” Eddie guessed.
Gareth nodded. “Yep… Um, everything’s by the front door. I’ll walk yous out,”
“Nah, man. I’ve got it. Thanks. We’ll see you at the party, alright?”
You said goodbye to the little drummer boy and collected the fireworks on your way out. Eddie loaded them into the van, humming happily as he went.
Halfway home, you pivoted the conversation back to Bam. “Why does he hate you?”
“Why does anybody in this shitty town hate me?” he dismissed.
“Because they don’t know you,” you answered honestly.
Eddie glanced at you. “Yeah. There’s that. But there’s also my dad.” He said the word like it was unclean. “Not exactly Prince Charming, ya know?”
You nodded, understanding. “We got some cool stuff,”
“Yeah? All we need now is like, snacks?”
Snacks and a bunch of newly recorded mix tapes. You and Eddie were throwing a little trailer park New Year's party, and it was going to be awesome.
“Guess what I found!” Wayne called as he climbed out of his truck. He had gone looking for his fishing gear that a buddy of his let him keep in his shed. “Forgot about this.”
You and Eddie were on the couch on the trailer porch, wrapped in blankets and enjoying a rare mild December afternoon. Wayne came over and dumped a box, its contents visible and mostly of the hunting/fishing variety.
“Must have put some other shit in here for safekeeping,” Wayne said, holding up a plastic container filled with photos.
“Hol-ly-shit,” Eddie whispered, getting up immediately.
While Wayne packed for his annual New Year’s trip to Patoka Lake, you went through the container photo by photo. Eddie looked more like his mother than his father, with his wild smile and bouncy curls. Wayne looked like a real cowboy when he was younger, dressed with a little more pizazz than you knew him for. And baby Eddie, well that little thing was Bambi-eyed from the beginning.
“Don’t burn the place down while I’m gone, yeah?” Wayne joked but in that way that told both you and Eddie he was deadly serious.
“Don’t let John drown in the lake… or shoot someone…” Eddie joked back.
“Give him some credit… Worst he’ll do is get a fish hook in the cheek when he’s casting.”
You winced at the thought while Eddie laughed.
After hugs and more warnings, Wayne was off and you and Eddie finished looking at all the photographs.
“Soooooo…” Eddie said, throwing himself onto the couch in the lounge room.
You put the kettle on for tea. “So?”
“What do you wanna do tonight?”
Narrowing your eyes at him with suspicion, you shrugged. “What do you wanna do tonight?”
He grinned, lopsided and coy. “Second to last night of the year… Everyone will be over tomorrow, so technically, our last night alone for the year…”
“Yeah?” You leaned against the kitchen bench, well aware of where Eddie was taking the conversation.
“Maaaaybe, if you, you know, wanted to… You could get a little cute… for me,”
“Cute? Define cute,”
“Um, well… fluffy tail… little collar…”
After cheesy pasta bake and The Goonies on VHS, you took a long shower only to be interrupted by Eddie, asking you to wash his hair. He was naked and sitting cross-legged in front of you before you had a chance to finish saying, “Fiiiine. You’re lucky I love you.”
Eddie remained naked after the shower. He figured it offered some vulnerability on his part, although he wasn’t self-conscious. With Van Morrison crooning on vinyl, and the bedroom lighting reduced to only what broke through the curtained windows, you folded your legs beneath you and sat on your knees.
Gently, Eddie put the collar around your neck, fastening it and letting his hands brush down your neck and along your shoulders. When the ears went on, Eddie’s pupils blew. You held out your hands and he dressed you in the cuffs.
When you had thought about that moment, you had predicted it would be a little bit silly. Playful and light-hearted. But that’s not how it felt. The tension was thick, hot, and humid. Eddie’s eyes danced from the heart-shaped tag on the collar to your wrists, across your thighs and how they spread as you sat. The softness of the pudge of your belly. The fluff of the ears and the fuzz of pubic hair. He wanted you so badly and completely that it made him a little bit dizzy, his fists curling around the blanket under him.
Eddie was trying to pull himself together. He was meant to be leading you through this, not making you guess what to do or say next. In his head, he was saying, ‘let’s start there’ but it was like his tongue had disappeared, disallowing speech entirely.
All he could do was kneel opposite you, locking you in place with a folded leg on each side of you. He held your face in his hands and ran his thumbs along your mouth rougher than usual. You were taking slow, measured breaths but his breathing was shallow and you knew that look in his eyes.
Yes, he could have been leading you better, but you weren’t lost. You weren’t scared or nervous or alone. He kissed you hard, not letting your head move. He would have eaten his way down your throat if you’d let him.
Eddie kissed you and kissed you until you squeaked a warning that you needed oxygen. While you gasped it in, he decided he’d be fine without it. He moved his lips to your neck, holding the back of your head, fingers tangled in hair. Melting, you put your hands on his shoulders to stay upright, then shook when you felt his other hand disappear down between your legs.
Something was shaking inside you. Fizzing to life. Without thought, you asked in a tone Eddie had never heard, “Am I a good kitten?”
He froze, your skin between his teeth, and his fingers dipped inside you. Eddie’s jaw went slack and he pushed against you with his forehead, unable to silence the banshee screams of euphoria in his head. All he could do was nod and push deeper and harder. You knew it was an undignified and wholly enthusiastic ‘yes.’
The night was just getting started.
“Absolutely not.”
The group of freshmen erupted into a chorus of groans and whines.
“I bet you were drinking at our age!” from Dustin.
“Who made you king of the beers?!” from Lucas.
You sat on the couch next to Esther and watched the exchange. Eddie was sitting on top of the cooler he’d filled with ice early in the afternoon. Jeff and Esther’s BYO drinks had been chucked in there, along with the beers Eddie’s picked up for Gareth and Gene.
“You’re letting them drink!” Mike screeched, pointing at the bassist and guitarist through the window. They were out on the porch with Jeff, working out how to best set up the fireworks without getting anyone maimed or arrested.
“Fuck, Wheeler, you’ve got the body of a hummingbird. All small and jittery,” Eddie teased, motioning at Mike. “Half a bottle and you’d be on the floor. Out before your girlfriend even gets here.”
At the mention of El, the mysterious girlfriend, Mike shut up.
“Oh,” Eddie said, picking up on it. “Is that what all this outrage is about?” He laughed. “You wanna impress your girlfriend with your big man drinks?”
“Shut up,”
“She lives with Byers, man… That drowned cat could keep up with Cheech and Chong. I don’t think she’s gonna be amazed that you can drink beer.”
Mike threw his arms up and sulked off down the hallway to go sit with the others. As he exited the trailer, Max walked in.
“Max!” Dustin and Lucas called in unison.
She looked like a deer in the headlights.
“Max, tell Eddie to give us a drink,” Dustin said.
She made a face that was just so Max. Before she could do much more, Lucas had taken her hand and dragged her off into Eddie’s bedroom.
“Leave the door open!” Eddie called after them.
“Gross, dude,” Dustin mumbled.
“Gross? No, no this – RUBBERS ARE IN THE TOP DRAWER – is gross,”
“Eddie,” from you, along with a flicked bottlecap.
He pulled a sad face at you, then turned his attention back to Dustin. “Seems you’ve lost the battle, brave knight,”
“No. No, I haven’t. What if… What if we do a deal,”
“I’m listenin’,”
“A wager,” Dustin announced, just as dramatic as Eddie.
“Go on,”
“When El and Will get here, they will be escorted by Jonathan,”
“Yeah, I know,”
“Ah! But, do you know who else will be in their party?”
You and Esther watched this back and forth, glancing at each other. “Does he even care if they drink?” she whispered to you.
“Eddie? No. I think he even brought extra. He’s a softy.”
She snorted. “Wouldn’t let him hear you saying that in public,”
“Oh, his cover story is that they’re gonna try shit, so may as well be around him so he can keep an eye on them or whatever,”
“Wow… That makes this-” She pointed to Eddie and Dustin. “-even funnier.”
Eddie tilted his head. “No, Dustin, I do not know who else is in their party,”
“A fourth. A partaker in the… whacky tobaccy,”
“Oh my god,” Eddie laughed, covering his face with his hands.
“And I would bet clear and safe passage to the treasure, that you will be caught in Sir Argyle’s friendship spell,” Dustin finished.
Eddie sat up straight and looked at him. “Let me get this right. You get a beer if I make friends with Byers’ friend?”  Dustin nods. “That’s dumb. I make friends with everyone. I’m a friendly guy.” Dustin and Esther both giggled. Eddie looked at you. “I’m friendly?!"
“You’re not… not friendly?” you offered.
“Whatever! Fine. If Byers’ friend’s not a weird little dude slinking around with his camera, then fine, you get a beer.”
Dustin cheered and ran outside to tell Mike the good news. Eddie grinned at you and Esther on the couch, pleased with himself.
A little later, erratic car honking could be heard, followed by the squeaking of breaks. Will jumped from the car first, his childhood friends bundling him up in a group hug. Max ripped out the trailer to pull El, a girl that appeared perpetually lost, from the car and into an embrace.
Jonathan Byers looked the same as he did when he walked the halls of Hawkins High. You’d never spoken to him, despite him taking photos of the cheer squad for the yearbook. He looked awkward as he got out of the car, glancing around the trailer park like he’d just woken up.
“My dudes, my dudes! Where’s the party?!” yelled a long-haired guy with a smile as wide as his face. “We brought the goods!”
Maybe the only person who could make a first impression as impactful as Eddie.
He jumped onto the small porch where you’d all set up the small shindig. He came bearing pizza and a plastic bag filled with cans of soda and chocolate bars.
Eddie almost flinched in surprise when Argyle turned to him and yanked him into a tight hug.
“Oh, man, it’s good to finally meet you! King of the castle! The little ones are always talking about you!”
Argyle spent enough time at the Byers’ house to hear Will talk about the things Mike and Dustin told him over the phone. He knew all about the metalhead named Eddie, who walked on school tables and wrote the best D&D campaigns.
“Yeah, hi, man.”
Argyle let Eddie go but maintained a hold of his shoulders. He looked at Eddie seriously and said, “Now I don’t know your pie order, but I said to myself, he’s a man of taste, he’s gotta know about pineapple on pizza. He’s gotta know it’s schmakin',”
“Pineapple?” If you knew any better, you would have said Eddie was struggling to keep up.
“Pineapple! Oh, fruit on your pizza is gnarly, you say? Well, I say try before you deny.”
Eddie was wide-eyed and everyone else had stopped their own conversations to see how the meeting of an unstoppable force and immovable object would play out.
Argyle waited for a reply.
You saw the smile twitch on Eddie’s lips before anyone else. He was grinning wide within seconds. “You had me at pie, man!”
They hugged again and Dustin could already taste the cheap beer.
Despite the cold, Forest Hills came alive on New Year's. It was maybe the residents’ favourite holiday, or at least drawing for first with July 4th.
The fireworks you and Gareth had bought ultimately were pooled together with everyone else’s. Some guy supposedly named ‘Skunk’, who had a face tattoo of a dolphin (Eddie said it was meant to be a shark) worked harmoniously with the little old man who kept everyone’s grass neat with the help of his beloved and fancy whipper snipper. Together, they set small ones off on the hour, then fussed around with the bigger ones in the leadup to midnight. “Good job, Mr Skunk,” could be heard periodically.
Hellfire Club’s freshmen did drink their beer, but only Dustin liked the taste. Max could stomach it, at least. The rest kept sneaking little pours out onto the grass in an attempt to empty their bottles quicker.
Eddie didn’t notice because he was in a deep conversation with Jonathan and Argyle. They smoked Californian weed. When Eddie and Jonathan got to the stage where all they could talk about was you and Nancy Wheeler, Argyle literally somersaulted away from them, finding Corroded Coffin a far more interesting group.
The closer it got to midnight, the more the lovers of Forest Hills disappeared away from the barbeques and parties. Mike and El disappeared into the wooded area, and Max and Lucas went back to her trailer, tiptoeing by her passed out mother and locking themselves in her room. Jeff and Esther stayed by the bonfire Hacksaw Henry started, cuddled up together and in their own world. Even Jonathan took the Byers’ rental car to go surprise Nancy at a party being thrown by Steve Harrington.
Dustin, Will, Gareth, Argyle, and Gene were on the Munson’s trailer porch, sitting in a circle eating snacks and playing some sort of weird hybrid of poker and cheat. You stood in the door, leaning against the doorframe. Everybody was happy and in the moment.
“Angel,” Eddie called, his arms snaking around your waist as he came to stand behind you. Dipping his head, he pressed it against the base of your neck.
“Hi,” you whispered.
“Hi,” he mumbled back. “You good?”
“Yeah… Yeah. Just thinking. It’s been nice to have everyone together.”
It wasn’t a casual design to host New Year's. Eddie had pulled all the kids and young adults together, had them surround you for a colourful send-off for the year that was.
“Mmmmm,” Eddie hummed. “Do you wanna come up to the roof? Best seat in the house,”
“The roof? Is that where you disappeared to just before?”
Eddie led you around to the back of the trailer. He had borrowed someone’s ladder, and once you climbed up it after him, you saw he’d set out a blanket and some pillows.  
“You warm enough? I can get you-”
“I’m good, Eddie,” you said, sitting down.
Eddie laid on his back, you cuddled into his side. His guitar pick necklace was as safe around your neck as you were in his arms.
“Got any New Years' resolutions?” you asked, unsure if you were making a joke or genuinely curious.
“Ahhh, not really. Cut back on the smokes. Get a job. All the usual shit… You?”
Truthfully, you were terrified of 1987. You hadn’t properly processed the end of your schooling life, and though you weren’t consciously aware of it, you regretted burning all the college correspondence. You didn’t know who you were or what you were to become. The only thing anchoring you to calmness and happiness was the life you shared with Eddie, and by extension Wayne.
“Probably should get a job too,” you replied meekly.
Alternatively, you could have seen it as the first time you were free to just exist. That’s what you told yourself daily.
A sudden shift in the atmosphere indicated the arrival of 11:59 pm.
Skunk yelled, “TEN!" The proceeding numbers could be heard across the trailer park. Different groups held different times, some off by milliseconds, some by whole seconds.
“I love you, angel.”
“I love you too.”
You kissed under the fireworks, the hues changing Eddie’s skin from milky to pink then blue then yellow. You held each other tight, foreheads pressed together and eyes squeezed shut. The night sky was clear, and quickly the constellations were clouded by exploding stars and shapes.
Below you, Gareth tried to identify which fireworks he’d picked out while the rest of the guys watched in silence. All the lovers held hands and all the people who lived in Forest Hills Trailer Park wished for better things ahead.
You buried your face in the softness between Eddie’s neck and chest, breathed deeply, and tried to work out why it felt like you were saying goodbye to something you never had.
Next Chapter: Glory
End Note: My friends, we are mere weeks away from the resolution of this story... Start to prepare for the end.
Fic Taglist: @ajeff855 @b-barnes04 @nerd-squad-headquarters @word-wytch @harrys-tittie @munsonsmel0dy @sidthedollface2 @eddiethesexy @bardicfrustration @orpheusredux @munsonsgirl71 @a-time-for-wolvess @eddieswifu @rosaline-black @thegirlwhohides @emotionaldreamer @e0509 @briasnow-blog @kiyastrf94 @erinsingalong @rainylana @mrsdollardog @tayhar811 @chickennug90 @b-irock @nana90azevedo @eddiemunson95 @akiratoro420 @thescarletangelsstuff - did you change your url??
Eddie Taglist: @solomons-finest-rum @ruinedbythehobbit @munsonlives @sweetpeapod @depressooo-expressooo-blog @thorfemmes @hawkins-high @corrodedhawkins @grungegrrrl @lilzabob @mymoonisalways-in-scorpio @averagemisfit03 @ches-86 @ilovecupcakesandtea @onehotgreasymechanic @hazydespair @lacrymosa-24 @mel-the-fangirl
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bcalrights · 2 years
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✿ * · ( kennedy walsh  ,  cisfemale  ,  she/they   )   a  little  birdy  told  me  soleil marcus  just  moved  to  sunset  hills  .  have  you  met  them  yet  ? they  look  somewhere  around  twenty-two ,   if  i  had  to  guess  !  pretty  sure  i  heard  them  driving  down  the  street  playing  kool girl  by  seasalt  ,  they  sounded  a  little  pitchy  but  they  had  the  spirit  !  must  be  their  favorite  or  something  .  hey  …  it  looks  like  they  just  moved  into  midnight park  .  have  you  heard  about  what  they  do  for  a  living  ?  someone  told  me  they’re  a  music production major  ,  but  who  knows  if  that’s  even  true  .  guess  we’re  just  gonna  have  to  wait  and  see  .  nervous  ? maybe  you  should  be  .  sunset  speaks  just  posted  about  them  …  apparently  they're  resident  id  11  ?  between  you  and  me  ,  i  think  that  might  spark  some  things  in  the  community  …  but  what  do  i  know  !  you  guys  might  get  along  just  fine  !
howdy howdy !! name’s ryan (they/them), and this is my little french menace, soleil. you guys are welcome to plot with me either here or on discy !! let’s boogey
s  t  a  t  i  s  t  i  c  s  
full  name ,  nicknames  :  soleil claudia marcus  ,  sol, so-so
age  ,  dob  ,  zodiac :  twenty-two  , october 28  ,  scorpio
hometown  :  lyon  ,  france
gender  ,  pronouns :  cisfemale  , she / they
orientation  :  bisexual , biromantic
height :  5′7″
relationship status :  single
occupation  :  music production major
positive traits  :  bubbly  ,  spontaneous  ,  outgoing  ,  kind-hearted  ,  brave  .
negative traits  :  naive  ,  emotional  ,  manipulative  ,  talkative  ,  impulsive .
language(s)  spoken  :  english  -  fluent   ,   french  -  fluent
similar  characters  :  satine  (  moulin rouge  )  ,  carrie bradshaw (  sex & the city )  ,  sloane peterson  (  ferris bueller’s day off  )  ,  serena van der woodsen   (  gossip girl  )  ,  sarah cameron  (  outer banks  )  , audrey horne  (  twin peaks  )
aesthetics  :   being wrapped in the comforting scent of lavender, purple under eyes giving away yet another sleepless night, the hum of a bass guitar, paint stained sneakers, the sound of rollerskates on pavement, the bitterest and hottest cup of black coffee you can find, hating your mom but also missing your mom, perpetual eye rolling, ordering a strawberry milkshake at any diner no matter what
TLDR: soleil marcus moved to the states about nine years ago thanks to a nosy neighbor realizing her parents skipped town and had been ‘neglecting’ her. she lived with her stupidly rich aunt up until her move to sunset hills, ca. has a band called peachshift who she’d kill for.
a  b  o  u  t (tw: childhood neglect ig)
soleil was born to cora dupont and jean marcus in lyon, france, and is the result of two teenagers who’d apparently missed the memo on birth control. neither sets of their parents were willing to house the new family, causing them to move out into their own one bedroom apartment.
she doesn’t remember her childhood, but from what she’s heard from aunt charlotte.. it was never pretty. neither her mother or her father knew what they were doing, and that was from an outsider’s perspective. the fact she doesn’t have a clear memory of a single moment of it makes it all the more worrying. what happened to her first twelve years of existence?
it doesn’t matter, that’s what she tells herself at least. what matters is that one day, soleil had accidentally locked herself out of her apartment. when a neighbor helped her get inside, curiosity of their seemingly reclusive neighbors turned into disgust and worry— she’d been left to fend for herself for months. 
if it weren’t for her aunt charlotte, soleil would surely have been pushed into the foster system. charlotte, a corporate bigwig in manhattan, managed to pull some strings and have soleil relocated to new york city to live with her. 
her first official memory was at the age of thirteen. it was the taste of champagne at the met, if that’s any indication of her upbringing following the move to the united states.
she didn’t like talking about france, and not just because she couldn’t remember it. soleil was always worried that talking about it would bring back memories of her childhood. and honestly, she doesn’t want to fucking know.
throughout her teen years is where she fell in love with music. listening, playing, and eventually writing her own songs. falling in love with the rush of a concert, and what it would be like to be the one on stage, to have people sing along to the words you’d written.
and off to sunset hills she went! she majors in music production, and even has a band called peachshift (would love some bandmates for soleil please and thank you), where she plays guitar and sings. they sound similar to mitski, the regrettes, & the beths.
she’s bright, bubbly and can be a little bit spoiled sometimes, but at the end of the day soleil’s a pretty loyal friend. just.. don’t expect her to open up too much about her personal life.
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
52 and 16 with robin please?!?!?!?
(“Don’t leave me.” + “It breaks my fucking heart to hear you cry.”)
A/N: The scene where this gif is from broke my heart. My heart hurt so much for her
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After bringing the boxes to the helping center, Robin, Dustin and Steve decided to stay and offer their help as volunteers. Dustin had been assigned to serve cups of water, and Steve and Robin were on clothes sorting duty. 
Naturally, Steve began telling her about his love life. Only, this time, it wasn’t about Heidi or Linda or sex, it involved his ex-lover Nancy Wheeler.
‘’Now that Jonathan’s here, all my chances at rekindling with Nancy have gone with the wind. I almost had her. We got so close these past days, but the guy shows up in his pizza delivery van and-’’
Steve’s voice turned into an echo as Robin's attention derived, catching something- someone in the distance, butterflied filling her stomach. The shirts she was holding fell on the kids table and a smile bloomed on her lips, seeing you in the distance sitting on a camp bed. 
''Robin? Robin, are you listen-'' Steve looked up, realizing Robin was no longer listening, and followed his friend's vision field. A smile formed on his lips when he saw you. 
Since the whole Vecna thing began, she had been thinking about you, worrying about you. What if Y/N becomes Vecna's next victim? She is seeing Mrs. Kelly too, you know. If she rises in the air, no one will know what to do and how to save her. Even if they did know, would they know her favorite song? I do, it's Heroes by David Bowie.
After they got back from the Upside Down, after the gates merged, Robin told Steve that, next time she would see you, she's gonna make a move and ask you out. It was probably some words in the air after almost dying, but Steve wanted her to keep her words, having a feeling that the outcome would be positive.
‘’What are you gonna do, Robin? Just stand here and gawk at her?’’
‘’Shut up.’’  
She stepped around the table and walked over to the rapid care area where the beds were - where you were. 
As she got closer, Robin noticed a cut above your eyebrow and a bandage around your arm. You must’ve gotten hurt during the ‘earthquake’. 
‘’You’re hurt.’’
You flicked your eyes up at the raspy voice, meeting Robin’s familiar face. ‘’Yeah… My house sort of…split in half?’’ you explained, still having difficulty believing and processing what happened. ‘’Crazy earthquake, uh?’’ You forced a laugh. 
‘’What happened to your arm?’’
‘’I fell. I was looking for Berlioz during the earthquake and I lost balance.’’
‘’Berlioz? Like the gray kitten in The Aristocats?’’
A smile spread on your lips. ‘’Yes! No one ever gets the reference.’’
‘’They must’ve had a boring childhood, then.’’ 
You nodded. ‘’Totally.’’ 
A nurse came up with a few sterilized gauze and bandages for you to take ‘home’ and dismissed you. Robin watched as you put them in your bag, which was already filled to the brim.
‘’Is there anything you need? Beside gauze and bandages. Since your house has been destroyed,’’ Robin asked kindly, wanting to help you in any possible ways. ‘’Clothes? Blankets? A place to stay?’’ 
You shook your head. ‘’No. My parents, Berlioz and I have been relocated temporarily. Temporarily.'' You scoffed, trying to make a laugh of your situation. ‘’There's a massive crack going through the house. What did they mean by temporarily? We can’t go back there - ever.’’ 
Your vision began to blur with tears, thinking about everything you had lost. They may all be material belongings, but it sucked to lose your house and everything that’s in it. Compared to some families, your loss was small, yet here you were, healthy with a few scraps, crying about your house.
A sob escaped your lips and Robin started to panic. 
“Hey hey, don’t cry,’’ she begged after seeing the first tears fall, taking a seat next to you on the small camp bed. It creaked under her weight, not really made for two people. 
Using the sleeve of your shirt, you wiped your tears. ‘’I'm sorry. I think my brain is a little frazzled with everything.’’
Robin covered your other hand with hers. ‘’It's okay. I didn’t mean it in a ‘don’t cry’ crying is pathetic way. I meant ‘don’t cry’ because it breaks my fucking heart to hear you cry. I also don’t really know how to comfort a crying person so forgive me if I say something I shouldn’t.” She removed her hand, realizing what she did. ‘’I’m sorry for that. I...I should get back to helping Steve with the clothes-’’
She stood abruptly, about to leave but you grabbed her wrist. “Don’t leave me.”
From the clothes sorting table, Steve watched with a fond smile, seeing his best friend finally getting what she deserved. 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @grace-loux  @iamharrystyleslover  @matildavol6  @Original_babababoo  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @Pastel-abyss-x  
Robin Buckley taglist: @uhidklol-26 @prettyplant0   @ran-rap   @eddiemvunsongf    @batorchids222  @scarlet-kazuha  @saphmoth  @uhidklol-26  @you-makeme-crazier-blog  @spongebob-in-the-upsidedown  @swiftbyul  @xenon54xe  @tribute-101  @starstruckspring  @whyamihere2673  @moonlight-imagines  @p40l44 @moonlight-imagines   @ofherscarlettwitchways  @pastelbabygirl19 @eddiemunsonbby
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honeymoonjin · 3 years
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 6.1k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
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ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: orgy slash train, jk-centric eightsome, oral (m receiving), rimming, fingering, orgasm control, edging, unprotected sex, mxm sex, sub!jk, dom!hoseok, dom!yoongi, dom!jimin, dom!namjoon, dom!taehyung, dom!jin, sub!yn
A/N: it's voting time folks !! both votes are in this google forms sheet. as usual, it requires sign-in with an email. this is to limit votes to one per person. i don't collect the emails or do anything with them, i just take a screenshot of the pie chart for reference. if anyone has a more private way to limit votes please do let me know! i know it's not ideal. this time i'm leaving the vote up for a week, so until sunday 27 10pm KST!
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Sejin’s not pleased.
On the contrary, he stares you two down like a disappointed parent as you step inside the production van out the front of the Villa.
Arms crossed over his chest, eyes tired behind his smudged glasses, he lets out a sigh once you close the door behind you. “I’m sure you’re well aware of why you’re here.” He pauses enough to let you meekly nod. “And I’ve made the rules clear, have I not?”
You swallow hard, guilt swirling choppily in your stomach. This was your choice, your idea, and it had landed you in hot water. Taehyung meets your gaze for a moment, but apart from a tinge of fear you can’t read his expression.
“So I have one question for you. Do you enjoy making my life difficult?”
“No, Sejin,” you insist in a near-whine. “That’s not what it is at all.”
“I would hope not. You’ve put me in a very awkward position here. The rules dictate that if an eliminated member has sexual contact with Y/n, that they’ll be sent home immediately.”
“But I kissed him,” you put in frantically, voice wobbling. Taehyung’s looking at you but you can’t bear to pull him from your peripheral.
“And if I saw correctly, he returned that kiss.”
You chance a look now. Taehyung looks ill. “I didn’t touch her, sir. And it wasn’t sexual.”
“No? Before you were eliminated, what did kissing lead to?”
You flush hot even as it feels like all the blood is leaving your head. “Then you should’ve waited to call us. Taehyung didn’t touch me sexually, Sejin. Don’t kick him out.”
Another chesty sigh leaves Sejin. He looks truly exhausted. “As true as that may or may not be, it doesn’t change the fact that you, Y/n, certainly broke the rules. Correct?”
This you can’t deny. “Yes.”
“Then there needs to be consequences. Fortunately for you, Jungkook needs to complete his prompt before the meeting tomorrow morning, so I can’t cut you off for twenty-four hours, and I am certainly not willing to be handcuffed to you during that time. So I’m running up empty on how I can maintain some order and authority in this house without scarring myself or making things worse. You see my dilemma?”
Your brain comes up empty on solutions. Taehyung, too, still sullen though not as scared, wets his lips but doesn’t speak. Sejin stares at you half-expectantly from behind thick lenses. Eventually, you clear your throat. “Why don’t you make the other guys decide the punishment? At least that’ll add some drama in the show.”
Sejin considers this for a moment, eyes slowly shifting around the room, and after a moment he sighs in resignation. “Alright,” he allows, “I’ll be in to talk with you all at 10. In the meantime, kindly leave my office and let me sleep. If there’s any more funny business I’m kicking the both of you out. Don’t think I’d hesitate in making this a show just for twinks. I haven’t slept a full night in two weeks thanks to your antics.”
You and Taehyung send Sejin a deep apologetic bow before hustling out of the van and back to the house, shoulders bumping like co-conspirators, but being careful not to get too close. Sejin seemed at his rope’s end enough that funny business was probably a significantly wider pool right now.
Though you were wired no more than ten minutes earlier, once you slip back into the pre-dawn silence of the villa, you feel exhaustion tug at you, and you can tell Taehyung feels the same with the way his slippers scuff on the floor.
Voice hushed even though the others are upstairs probably fast asleep, you rub your eyes and give Taehyung a tired smile. “I think I’m gonna get some sleep, too,” you decide after a moment, fighting the gravity that pulls you closer to him.
Taehyung, hair bouncy like a poodle, smiles softly back. “I’ll go upstairs and act like I’m not replaying that kiss over and over again in my head.”
A surprised laugh bubbles out of your throat, and you punch at him playfully, padding towards the stairs. “That kiss almost got you kicked out,” you jibe, but the reality of it dampens your mood slightly.
Always so in tune, Taehyung picks up on it and reaches out to briefly squeeze your hand, eyes unusually sober. “Hey,” he states intently, “I don’t regret that risk. And I certainly don’t regret being kissed by you again. Okay?”
“Okay.” You begin to ascend the carpeted steps, reluctantly breaking his gaze to follow your feet in the dark. “But we better wait next time, just in case. I don’t know what shit the others are gonna pull tomorrow.”
“I’ll convince them to go easy on you,” Taehyung assures, and you can hear the grin in his voice. You reach the top, dividing up to stand in front of your respective doors.
“Goodnight, Tae.”
He looks like an angel with a soft, caramel halo and a radiant smile. You want to kiss him silly all over again, but keep yourself tethered to your bedroom doorknob. He leans back against his, eyes fixed on you in bemusement. “G’night. I love you.”
You grin, melting. “I love you, too.”
As you quietly crack open your door, still not wanting to fully leave him, he presses a slow, careful kiss to his fingertips, and waves them to you. You reach out, miming grabbing it, and press your hand to your chest, feeling your heart thump joyously beneath your ribs. “Goodnight,” you whisper, realising belatedly you’ve already said it.
Taehyung cocks his eyebrows once cheekily. “So I’ve heard. Get some rest, petal. I’ll still be here when you wake up.”
Even after Sejin had dropped the possibility of Taehyung leaving, it’s not until your lover himself utters those words that the last shred of anxiety in your chest dissolves, and you fall back asleep much lighter than before, the memory of his lips on yours the last thing on your mind before you go.
“Jungkook, be honest. What did you do?”
“It’s not me! We’re probably in trouble because hyung broke the blender.”
Seokjin’s back stiffens in petulance. “It’s not broken. It’s just resting.”
“Tell that to my protein shake. I’ve never swallowed anything so grainy before.”
“That’s what she said,” Hoseok fires off automatically, before he belatedly cringes at his own joke. “God, ignore that.”
Jungkook knits his brows in mock concern even as his lips twitch. “I’m so sorry to hear that your nut isn’t smooth, Hobi-hyung.”
“It’s perfectly smooth, thank you,” Hoseok spits, face twisted in a grimace. “Anyway, where is Sejin? He told us to be on time but he’s not even early. It’s suspicious.”
“Everything’s suspicious to you,” Jimin complains, looking particularly regal in a deep purple blouse and a single pearl earring. He hadn’t been dressing up as much these days as he usually did, but it seems this morning his old wardrobe is returning. If you squint, you can make out his catlike eyeliner. “It’s a miracle you’re not wearing a tin foil hat.”
“I have a little more fashion sense than that, thank you. My accessories are real silver.”
Jimin’s mildly bewildered face is overshadowed by Sejin hurrying in at that moment, a yawn wracking his face and a two thirds-empty takeaway iced americano. It looks far darker than usual, but he sits down on the edge of the coffee table and chugs the rest of it, leaving the plastic cup at his side.
“Good morning, everyone, you may be-”
“-wondering why I’ve gathered you all here today,” Jungkook interrupts, pitching his voice lower to imitate Sejin’s. He swallows, all but shrinking under Sejin’s miffed gaze. “Sorry, I had to.”
“For those unaware, Y/n and Taehyung broke the rules of the game last night at roughly 2:43am.”
Namjoon, silent up until now, turns to look at the two of you sharply, though his face is smoothed out to mild surprise. Jimin is looking between you with an inquisitive look, Jungkook has his jaw dangling.
Hoseok smirks, shaking his head in bemusement. “Taehyung, you dirty dog,” he drawls, “couldn’t resist, huh?”
You press your hands against your cheeks, feeling the embarrassed blush heat your skin. “It wasn’t like that,” you defend on Tae’s behalf. “We… we kissed.” It feels somehow absurd saying it out loud, like you’re a schoolgirl admitting a crush. You avoid everyone’s gazes, cursing your prior self for even suggesting this as a scapegoat.
“Because of that,” Sejin continues, “there needs to be a punishment carried out to prevent the breaking of rules in the future. Which is where you come in. Y/n suggested herself that you gentlemen be the ones to decide what it’ll be. I’ll stay here until you’ve reached a decision.”
Jin narrows his eyes slightly, seeming uncertain. “I mean, what can we do? What’s the ballpark here?”
“Nothing that lasts for longer than 24 hours, and nothing beyond her regular limits here. Aside from that, be creative, I suppose.”
Jungkook raises his hand immediately. “She has to go and buy us a new blender.”
“Preferably something inside the Villa, Jungkook. This is a reality show.”
“She has to construct a blender from things inside the house.”
“Okay,” Sejin sighs shortly, “anyone else?”
Namjoon bites at his lower lip. “I don’t know… This feels mean.”
“Y/n could order a blender online,” Jungkook slips in again, before Taehyung catches him around the waist and pins him back against the couch. “Fine, I guess you guys can decide.”
“I have an idea,” Jimin says slowly, eyes heavy on you. You swallow, not trusting the glint in his eyes. “She follows our every command for the next 24 hours. Sexual or otherwise, as long as it doesn’t break her limits.”
You bite down hard on your lower tongue, glaring daggers at him, but the others are already bursting into noise around you, and it takes less than a minute before Sejin calls for a vote, six hands going up immediately and a seventh following after a moment’s hesitation.
“I won’t use it,” Namjoon promises you from your left side. His eyes are rounded in concern, and you don’t doubt his words for a second. “I’m sorry.”
“It won’t be that bad-” you begin to say, but Jungkook wrestles himself out of Taehyung’s grip and puffs his chest, and you know it’s going to be a long day ahead.
“Boy, I sure am thirsty.”
You flatten a thinly-veiled glare at the oldest member in the house. “Just spit it out.”
He beams at you, eyes glittering with amusement. “Y/n dearest, would you mind fetching me a cool, refreshing bottle of water from the fridge?”
“I do mind, actually,” you grumble, but you’re already getting up for the millionth time to fetch something. It feels like it’s been days already, an eon of regret, but less than two hours have passed. “Still or sparkling, sire?” you drawl, voice dripping in acid.
“Still will do me just fine,” he responds from the living room with a dreamy sigh. He has one arm slung over the back of the couch, torso twisted to watch you, eyes dipping low.
Beyond embarrassment, you huff and use your free hand to tug at the too-short skirt you’d been put into. Part of an initially-humiliating French maid costume (where the fuck did Hoseok find it on such short notice?), the fabric threatens to expose your panties at the slightest bend.
Namjoon remains on the couch, nose buried in a thickly stapled academic paper, teeth latched onto the cap of a highlighter that he hasn’t used for the past fifteen minutes. In an effort to be respectful, it seems he’d decided that looking at you at all was crossing the line.
Apart from the two of them, Jimin is the only other that currently remains in the room with you. Once you pass off the water bottle to Jin with perhaps a little more force than necessary, you catch Jimin’s expectant look and sigh, sinking to your knees on the carpet beside him.
There’s a pillow there, thankfully. You haven’t actually put your ass on a proper seat since your punishment was decided. For a while, Taehyung commanded you to sit in his lap, wrapping his arms around you with a pout that failed to prevent the others from commanding you to move. Now, you’ve been instructed to remain at Jimin’s feet as long as he desires.
Out of principle, you’re miffed, but deep down it’s strangely peaceful to be so physically reminded of your submission to him. If he wanted, he could certainly be a dick about it, but he’s done nothing more than smile down at you and run his fingers lazily through your hair. You feel taken under his wing, safe beneath him and in his proximity.
The four others are upstairs, helping Jungkook prepare for his Sunday camming stream. He’d instructed you to wait downstairs and watch it, and his team of older men flanked him up like they’d rehearsed it. You’re suspicious, but Jimin’s low murmur of approval keeps your mind from gnawing on it too much.
Content with his water, Jin doesn’t request your service again, though his eyes occasionally dart over the top of his phone to drink in the sight of you on your knees in such a ridiculous getup. Namjoon focuses on his study like his life depends on it, and Jimin’s hand slides down between your shoulderblades, holding you to his side and rubbing there softly. Time blurs under his fingers, and you rest your chin on his knee and zone out.
When the four horsemen of the porn industry come clambering downstairs, it gives you a fright. Taehyung is first, clearing his throat and stomping his foot to gain your attention like an enthusiastic squire. “Introducing, for a special-edition livestream, gukked97!”
Namjoon puts his paper down and claps automatically, faltering when nobody joins in. Taehyung seems content enough with the lukewarm response, waving behind him to the doorway.
Everyone holds their breath, struck silent by curiosity. One thick boot peeks around the door, followed by a black-clad leg, a chunky belt, and soon Master Jung is in full view, dressed to the nines in his dom gear.
One hand swings freely at his side, but the other is stretched behind him, out of sight. He pulls it forward, and you see a leather strap wrapped around his fingers. A strange, wet huff sounds from behind, and Hoseok steps forward leisurely, the strap extending until it finally meets a neck.
Jungkook rounds the corner, leashed, gagged and stripped down to his underwear. He’s breathing past the rope in his mouth, drool running down his chin with every pant. His eyes are lidded, but flickering around the room without pause. In front of him, his hands are bound together with a chunky rope. You know Hoseok well enough to sense that this setup is intended to look primitive, animalistic.
He grins, carefully tugging Jungkook closer to his side by his throat, the younger man shorter than him thanks to his heavy boots providing some advantage. “I caught a sub for us to play with,” he announces casually, like he’d returned from a weekend hunting trip. “Y/n, clear the table.”
Jumping up, you rush to shift Jin’s water bottle, the TV remote, and some of Namjoon’s stationery off the low coffee table, dumping them on the main dining room table between the couches and the kitchen.
When you turn back, the final member of the party has come into view. Yoongi has a camera in his hands, eyes tracking the screen as he centres it on a squirmy Jungkook being lowered back-down onto the coffee table. The doctor watches the screen with a lopsided smirk as he leans in close.
Not that you’re complaining, rushing back to the couch and almost sitting down before you catch yourself and fold at the knees on the carpet again. This position puts you at eye level to Jungkook’s heaving chest, back arched up slightly off the table.
“Are you gonna be good for us, little bunny? Let us play with you?”
Jungkook remains silent at Hoseok’s words to your surprise, even as he wriggles on the table and a hiccuped breath bubbles from behind the gag. He does, however, nod furiously, gaze pleading. He looks painfully hard, stretching the cotton of his underwear taut. You can’t blame him, feeling hot between your thighs yourself.
Hoseok spreads his legs wide around the coffee table, looming over Jungkook. Reaching into his pocket, he retrieves a delicate chain, hanging from which are two metal clamps. Your own chest aches at the sight, Hoseok swinging them lazily with his Master’s grin. “Starting off so quiet, huh? Cat got your tongue? Let’s see if we can change that.”
Jungkook huffs a breath again, squeezing his eyes shut and stomping a single bare foot dully against the carpet. He refuses to make any real noise, even as Hoseok sits on his thighs, flicking clinically at Jungkook’s nipples to make them perk up. He squirms, trying to rock Hoseok off of him, but bites down hard enough on the gag that you can see a vein pop in his neck when the metal teeth close their jaws around him at his most sensitive points.
He’s breathing heavily, head shaking back and forth not in discontent but in overwhelming sensation, foot thumping. “Still nothing?” the dom above him questions, but all he gets in response is a weak gurgle.
“Well, then,” Hoseok announces, lifting back up off Jungkook with a sigh, “I guess I’ll need backup.” He glances up and smirks at you before his gaze is directed to the gentlemen in the room. “Give him a go. If he makes a noise, he’ll fail his prompt. Isn’t it getting to that point in the competition where it’s time for a little strategy?”
A sharp exhale leaves Jungkook’s noise as he glares accusingly at Hoseok, bound hands curled into fists. The dom bends down above him, a teasing look of sympathy on his face. “Oh, poor Kookie; thought I was helping you. I’m not going to let you fuck Y/n until you can take the others without a peep. If you don’t want this, just safeword out. You know the drill.”
Jungkook’s eyes steel, he grits his teeth around the gag, but doesn’t make any moves or noises. The only motion is the semi-regular heaving of his chest.
“I see,” Hoseok sings, “you don’t want to end this because you really think you’ll win, don’t you? Let’s see how far you last.” He sets his sights to the oldest. “Jin-hyung, you’re up first.”
Seokjin seems surprised to be called up, but he gets up off the couch willingly and approaches the sprawled out sub, letting his broad palm run lightly up Jungkook’s side. The younger sucks in a breath at the feathery contact but his body leans into it, seeking Jin out.
“What should we do with you?” Jin murmurs under his breath, almost like he’s thinking aloud. He lets his fingers trail over Jungkook’s mouth, breathing a laugh when the boy’s lips twitch, unable to respond like wants to.
To your surprise, Jin makes his way back down again, and settles on his knees, Jungkook’s thighs splayed on either side of him. “Let’s get this pesky thing off,” he comments absentmindedly as he removes Jungkook’s underwear one leg at a time.
The moment the elastic slips below Jungkook’s waistline, his cock slips out and smacks audibly on his lean lower abdomen. If you strain your ears you think you can hear the beginning rumbles of a growl, but the sub suppresses it, thighs clenching.
Jin doesn’t allow him to lock up, instead gripping at the flesh and tugging him further down the table, pushing up to fold Jungkook’s legs. He’s spread open unceremoniously, fully bared to the therapist.
Right as you expect Jin to lower his mouth to Jungkook’s aching erection, he goes lower, and Jungkook’s back leaves the table at the exact second you see a flash of pink.
Jin teases Jungkook’s rim, alternating long laps that almost reach his balls to pointed plunges inside his hole. The younger man is whiteknuckled, breathing heavily through his nose and flexing his pelvis - whether to escape or to seek more out, you don’t think even he knows.
The eldest in the house is an expert with his tongue. You’ve experienced it firsthand, and you feel yourself dampening at the memory of it. In Jungkook’s silence you’re left with the obscene wet sounds coming from Jin’s ministrations as he enthusiastically eats him out, occasionally pausing to nip at the paler flesh of his inner thighs.
Yoongi still remains close, perched on the edge of the couch with the camera leaned in close. His lids are heavy but beneath them his gaze is sharp with focus. He’s taking his role as cameraman seriously, hands steady.
Hoseok has Jungkook’s leash in-hand, standing above so Jungkook doesn’t forget his presence, his role. You shift slightly, wishing that attention was being spent on you, but equally aroused to be the observer. The others on the couches above you are clearly just as invested as you are. Jimin’s hand has stilled in your hair, half-gripping the nape of your neck as he watches Jungkook’s expression intently.
Jin’s slurping at him now, leaving behind all manners to focus on Jungkook’s erogenous zone, but still the boy manages to hold back his noise. His cock twitches on his stomach, precum the only physical sign of his arousal beyond the way his body can’t sit still.
Eventually Jin growls between Jungkook’s legs and comes up for air, a displeased look on his face. “Bunny really does want to keep his lips locked, hm? If you’re going to be rude and hold back your precious sounds, then I’m certainly not going to give you an orgasm.” Jungkook pouts through the gag, fingers curling and uncurling in frustration, but Jin is already wiping his mouth and sitting back down, knocking Taehyung on the shoulder. “Have at ‘im, kid. He’s a stubborn one.”
“Come on, Jungkookie,” Taehyung chirps, hopping up with a considerable pep. “You’ll be a good boy and moan for, won’t you? I’ll touch you so nicely.”
Unsurprisingly, Jungkook has nothing to say for himself, but when Taehyung comes close he wraps his ankles around the masseuse’s waist and brings him even closer.
Tae’s attempt is making use of his golden hands. He sits on the edge of the coffee table, Jungkook’s legs dangling up and over his thighs, spitting into his palms.
The younger’s whole body seizes up when his length is enveloped by two wet hands, pumping him with the kind of intensity that would otherwise have him crying out for more. While his body certainly keens up, his voice remains dormant, hair sticking to his forehead and temples with sweat.
If you could hear Seokjin rimming Jungkook, Taehyung jerking him off is deafening, the rhythmic sound echoing in the room with no other noise to muddle it. Taehyung grins at the volume of it, his biceps flexing past his sleeveless tee.
“I wonder what your viewers are saying right now, Kookie,” he teases, not pausing his thorough movements for a split second, “turning up their speakers, their headphones, wondering why they can’t hear their gorgeous boy moan for them. They must be so disappointed. You don’t want to let them down, do you? You don’t want to let us down?”
Jungkook’s legs wiggle in frustration, his eyes clenched so tightly shut that his lashes barely peek through. His hips won’t stop rocking into Taehyung’s fist, and it looks like he might be close. Just as his nostrils flare and the huffed breathing picks up the pace, Taehyung lets out a frustrated growl - no doubt played up for dramatic effect - and takes his hands off, giving the glistening cock a single smack.
Jungkook jerks like he’s been electrocuted, but instead of making a noise, he throws his head back, knocking it against the table to express his need.
Having successfully edged the camboy, Taehyung lets his annoyed persona drop with a grin, glancing up at the cameraman. “If he’s not going to moan for us, why don’t we put his mouth to better use?”
With a resound agreement, Yoongi moves around, Taehyung happily untying the soaked gag and letting it drop to the floor. Jungkook’s first move is to close his jaw and wet his lips, but Taehyung only gives him a moment’s respite before he’s hooking two fingers behind his upper teeth, opening his mouth up again, ready to receive. It takes very little navigating to get Jungkook’s head tipped slightly over the upper edge of the coffee table so that his rounded lips are in better line with a kneeling Yoongi.  The latter keeps both hands steady on the livestreaming camera as Taehyung unzips his jeans for him, guiding the tip of his cock into Jungkook’s awaiting mouth.
Yoongi lets out an indulgent sigh when he slowly buries himself to the halfway, Jungkook’s lips stretching. Taehyung leans down to Jungkook’s left and gives the younger no warning before he’s lifting off the closest nipple clamp, bending in to soothe the blooming red with his tongue.
Jungkook gurgles around Yoongi’s cock but any noise that may have escaped is muffled. Neither man seems to mind, Yoongi slowly and carefully fucking Jungkook’s mouth hands-free, groaning at the feeling of his throat relaxing and periodically swallowing around him.
For a few moments, the rest of you watch in thick, aroused silence as Yoongi gradually picks up the pace, Jungkook drooling hopelessly and pressing his thighs together as Taehyung turns to the second clamp and gives that aching nipple the same sloppy treatment.
Yoongi’s groans begin to deepen into grunts as his hips loose their rhythm slightly, and he has to take one hand off the camera to prop himself up on the table, Jungkook’s throat bobbing as he sucks the doctor off. Yoongi spills into Jungkook’s throat enough that it floods his mouth, slipping out the corners. He pants, praising Jungkook. Once he slips his cock out, Jungkook swallows again and lets out a dopey sigh, eyes hazy. Still, the only sound out of his throat is laboured breathing.
The tension racks up a notch when Taehyung gasps, giving one last teasing flick of his tongue before he jumps up and grabs Namjoon. The academic is tugged to the foot of the table with wide eyes.
Taehyung reaches down Jungkook’s legs and slips a finger inside casually, hoping to catch the younger off guard. Sadly, his breath only hitches before he’s rocking his hips back into the touch, gasping and letting the masseuse finger him open two and then three fingers at a time.
“You just need a big cock to fuck you dumb, don’t you, Jungkook,” Taehyung wonders aloud. “That’ll loosen your lips. Namjoon?”
Namjoon hesitates, even with the sizeable tent in his pants. From his knees, perfectly poised between Jungkook’s open legs, he glances up at Hoseok for guidance.
The master bends down to Jungkook’s ear, tucking his hair behind it before lowering his voice to a whisper. “Just pinch him if you don’t want it, Jungkook. Real hard; give him something to write home about.”
Jungkook’s lip bite and shuffle closer is a clear signal that he does, in fact, want it. Namjoon swallows hard and takes out his swollen length, the tip an angry purplish-red.
When he aligns himself at Jungkook’s entrance, Namjoon pauses once more, but the boy nods hastily, toes curling, and he gives in to his desire.
Post-orgasm, Yoongi’s slow to move down to get the shot, and by the time he focuses in on their union, Namjoon is buried deep inside Jungkook, his hands clasping the camboy’s hips tightly. He groans, pulls out almost all the way, and snaps up again.
The breath is punched out of Jungkook but he quickly sends his hands up and bites down hard on his knuckles.
Hoseok lets out a laugh, smacking him once on his already-pink chest. “That’s a good boy. Don’t hold it back, now, let it out.”
Jungkook refuses, however, muffling himself with intention as Namjoon fucks him in earnest, every stroke rocking him on the table. You find yourself unable to sit still as you take in the sight. At perfect eye-level to watch his cock disappear into Jungkook, you grow even needier and restless.
How much more did Jungkook have to withstand before he could fuck you? How long before anyone fucked you? Your eyes focus in hazily on the blissed-out look on Jungkook’s face, and you adjust your position so that your right heel falls perfectly between your thighs. It provides a small amount of much-needed friction, and you rock your hips in time with every deep thrust.
Namjoon is finally comfortable and in his element, and you can imagine just how much ecstasy Jungkook is holding back behind the hand stuffed in his mouth. You wish to hear it, too, betting that every viewer on the livestream is wanting much the same.
This time, Jungkook is being jostled around so much that nobody sees how close he’s getting before he shoots his load in an arcing line up over his chest, spattering as high as his neck and chin. He makes a strangled, choking noise, and thrashes around so much that Hoseok bends down hastily and slips a hand behind his head to ensure he doesn’t hurt himself.
Still, he bites down and bears it without a noise.
From behind you, Jimin clicks his tongue and huffs. “Amateur hour,” he announces dryly and leaves you with a pat to the head. Pretending to ignore Hoseok and Namjoon’s stares (the latter slowing down his thrusts and panting himself, the white coating his cock indicating he’s met his end too), Jimin crouches down and presses his lips to Jungkook’s ear, resting a single hand on his spent and softening cock.
He whipsers something, a few syllables of which sound suspiciously like your name, and then it happens.
Jungkook lets out a guttural, unintentional whimper, clapping his hand over his mouth too late to stop it.
Hoseok scowls at Jimin, who stands back up dripping in self-satisfaction, and returns to his place, bending down to press a kiss on your temple, like he’s staking his claim over both the sub and the servant.
Having lost his challenge, Jungkook whines and reaches down to gently crade his own length, curling up. “‘S cheating,” he complains, but Hoseok is turning his focus back onto the boy, checking over the red marks left behind by the clamps. “Hobi-hyung, ‘s not fair.”
“You did well, Kookie,” the dom coos, helping him sit up carefully, untying his wrists. “Hyung’s got you.”
As Jungkook sighs out his simultaneous disappointment and deep physical satisfaction, you fight a frown. The heat still burns between your legs, unquenched, yet nobody is paying you any mind. You’d been promised Jungkook once he passed his trials, and at the last moment that promise was taken from you.
You turn, looking up at Jimin with pleading eyes. “What about me?” you whine with a pout, propping your chin up on his knee.
He shrugs. “What about you?”
Your frown deepens. “Do I not get anything?”
Jimin’s brow lowers, making your stomach drop. “We have the generosity to let you watch while you’re on punishment and still it’s not enough for you? That’s awfully ungrateful, little mouse.”
Mouth dropping open, you turn to Hoseok, knowing if one of them thought one way, the other was sure to disagree. Much to your disappointment, he continues stroking Jungkook’s back and stares at you with an even expression. “Perhaps if Jungkookie held out,” he states flatly. “But he hasn’t earned you, and you’re certainly in no place to earn anything else. Why don’t you go get Jungkook some fresh water?”
“Y/n,” he cuts through firmly, though not unkindly, “we decide whether you deserve pleasure or not for the rest of these twenty-four hours. Do you want to get on our good side or not? Think very carefully.”
You bite your tongue, scowl, and eventually get up to retrieve a bottle of refrigerated water for Jungkook to sip at.
For the rest of the day, you’re an errand monkey for most of the men in the house. They’re never outwardly rude or extreme about it, pushing you just enough to make it a punishment and an inconvenience without angering you.
It seems that, despite this golden opportunity, the impending elimination has not left their minds entirely. While you have to follow their every command, you ultimately will have the power tomorrow to punish them right back should they take things too far.
So you run back and forth, fetching snacks and drinks, folding Jin’s laundry, keeping count of Jungkook’s reps in the gym, washing the dishes after dinner for Yoongi.
The French maid outfit makes you feel stupid for the first few hours; the hem never sits below your ass properly, and the lace gets in the way. After a while, however, you tune it out, and take the time doing mundane tasks to observe the guys.
Jungkook and Hoseok spend the day pinned to each other’s sides, the former growing needy and clingy, Hoseok all too happy to indulge him. In the late afternoon, Taehyung goes over to Yoongi in the kitchen and questions him about the cooking process. Soon, Yoongi is patiently instructing him through every step of a basic spam fried rice with vegetables, the masseuse focused in until moments of triumph make him beam and cheer.
Jimin takes a nap outside soon after dinner, with the sun still keeping the air warm but mild under the shade of the patio. Namjoon, wandering around the house with a deck of flashcards, sees him and quietly tiptoes around the blue-haired man to drape a blanket over him. He remains close to the windows for an hour or two, keeping an eye on him until he wakes up.
Jin, who calls on you most during the day, is in a quiet mood. The comfortable kind of quiet where he’ll request your help on a simple job, and then take his time sitting with you, folding a single sock at a time to drag it out.
You don’t talk much together, but it’s nice to just be in his company. When you get sleepy, he commands you go upstairs and chill out for a bit, winking at you fondly as you go.
If you take advantage of the command to stay locked away for the rest of the night to avoid more demands, nobody interrupts you. Instead, you have a long bath early on and lay in bed, winding down after a strange weekend. Both yesterday and today have blurred together in your mind because of your early morning trip to Sejin’s van, and the upcoming meeting feels both overdue and premature.
You scroll on Twitter for a bit, comforted to see that the public consensus seems to be as divided as you are on who to eliminate, and it’s jarring to see clips of yourself and the others from alien angles posted for all to see. Knowing you’re being filmed is one thing, but it becomes easy to mentally sideline, and seeing compromising videos and images of yourself with the guys takes you a moment to process and get used to.
You spend longer than you’d like to admit curled up under the blanket, reading through opinions of viewers, some incoherent keysmashes and others length threads analysing your every interaction. You see some focusing on the moments shared between two or three specific guys, others that are centered around you and one other of them. Countless accounts seem to be made for or at least themed exclusively around the show you’re on, and you go down a rabbit hole until you feel even more confused than you were before you investigated.
Though it may be foolish, you set your alarm for tomorrow and decide it isn’t a decision you have to make for another few hours at least. Monday Y/n can deal with that choice. Sunday Y/n is fighting a yawn every minute, and you figure it’s best to just give in, settling in for a long night’s sleep.
VOTE VOTE VOTE this is the funnest time in tgm !
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JJ Maybank x reader
This doesn’t have a title. But, it will have a pt 2 soooooo
You had been working all day, cleaning dishes and serving tables. It didn’t pay a lot. But, it paid enough for you to chip in at home. Especially now your father was gone, and your shit uncle was off somewhere in Mississippi, you weren’t sure what John B was up to but he hustled around with his friends most of the time, making cash here and there. The person who said the oldest has all the responsibility was wrong. Your brother was older than you by 6 whole minutes, and he acts like he is 6 years younger. You open the front door to be met with loud laughter from John B’s friends. Your eyes immediately met those of JJ, he gave you a wink, it was barely even noticeable at first you thought it was just in your head. “Sis.” John B greeted you, holding out his blunt to you. He knew you wouldn’t, you hadn’t smoked in months. You declined the blunt, and made your way to the kitchen. “Did you guys eat yet?” you yelled out to them. You see the dirty dishes in the sink, but no pots or pans, making your way back into the living room. Kie was already passed out, snuggling one of the blankets on the couch, and Pope was hitting a new blunt that JJ undoubtedly just rolled for him. You were going to sit on the ground as Kie was taking over the entire couch except for JJ's seat. “Come here.” JJ said, pulling you into his lap, you hated when he did that. You hated a lot about him actually. He’d get high or drunk and want sex, you never gave into it because you weren’t dumb enough to fall for it but it did create a big disliking towards him. “Did any of you go to the grocery store today?” you asked. But, glared at John B, you already knew the answer to this question. JJ was being touchy as he snaked his arm around your waist. You were too upset to stop him, it was always like this with them. All they wanted was to get high, and cruise the waters with their dumb boat, not a care in the world. “Thanks for doing the one thing I asked you to do!” You snapped at your brother who in his state of mind didn’t care that you were upset. You take JJ's arm and push it away from you to be able to get up. 
Almost an hour later, and you returned from your trip to the store. Three big bags of groceries, and a twenty minute walk because everyone was too high to drive, and they never let you drive the van, meaning you could finally make some dinner for yourself. You opened the door, and this time completely ignoring the people on your couch, quickly making your way to the kitchen, setting down the grocery bags. JJ came stumbling in wrapping his arms around your waist, and leaning his head on your shoulder. For a second you let yourself lean into him. You take a deep breath in, and remind yourself not to fall for his stupid games.  “Can you not do that?” You ask him, as you take out the bread from the bag. “Do what, princess?” he asked. You take his hands from around your waist, and push him away from you. You turn your attention away from him. “Fuck off JJ” you tell him. He didn’t leave, instead he went over to the counter, and leaned his arm against it. He didn’t say anything, and just started lighting another blunt. Ignoring his presence you decided on making dinner, which was a fish stew. John B entered the kitchen opening the fridge for another beer, Kie and Pope had left some ten minutes ago, probably not sober enough to pass their parents suspicions but Kie had to help at the Wreck, and Pope wanted to study some more. How the hell they were going to do either of those things, when they were as high as a kite was not your problem. “What are you making? I’m starving.” he said, handing another beer to JJ. “Stew.” you said short, you couldn’t help but be annoyed with your brother. “She’s being bitchy today, man.” JJ said, you glared at the blond boy. “Yes, I’m mad. None of you did anything today.” you said, you look at your brother who just looked at the ground, trying not to look guilty. “That’s not true. I have been mowing lawns all mornin’” JJ defended himself. You didn’t even bother looking at him this time, you just stirred the pan. “I can smell that.” you said, and John B started snickering. “Grab some bowls.” You told your brother. For once he listened to you. 
Taking the meal to the living room, John B sat down on his lounge chair, and JJ was already on the couch eating from his bowl. You made your way to sit down in the lounge chair  Pope had previously been sitting in but JJ pulled at your arm to sit with him. Or rather sit on his lap like you had done previously. You didn’t agree with it, and slid down next to him instead. “If I catch some fish tomorrow. Will you make this again?” John B asked. You let out a laugh. “You haven’t caught any fish in months, but sure yes. If you catch fresh fish.” you promised him. After that, you let your brother and JJ talk, zoning yourself out of the conversation. You move yourself to the other side of the couch, and let your feet rest in JJ’s lap, your head on the armrest. It wasn’t a lot longer till you fell asleep. 
When you woke up, John B was already gone off to bed, and JJ was still there. Undoubtedly John B had promised him the couch to sleep on. He was staring at the tv, lightly drawing circles on your foot with his index finger. You couldn’t help yourself but start to tease him. Sliding your foot up and down his leg. He must’ve thought you were doing that in his sleep. After a few minutes JJ takes your foot, and makes you stop, taking his foot in yours he rubbed it once. “You think you can tease me like that?” JJ asked. He turned around to look at you with a stupid smirk on his face. You had expected him to push you away, instead he got up and crawled over your body, with his knee in between your legs, and taking your hands above your head. With his body towering over you, and his hot breath on your skin, you wanted to push him away, and tell him to go fuck himself. That was John B’s little sister talking, no, you wanted JJ to take you here, even if you’d regret it in the morning. He didn’t say anything, he just looked at you, and it made you intensely nervous. “Dude, stop looking at me like that” You snap. JJ quickly pushed his lips on yours, he hadn’t taken you by surprise but you still didn’t think it was possible. He tasted like weed, an intoxicating taste. He let go of your hands to touch your body, sliding his hands down your body to your hips as he made himself comfortable, leaning his body on yours. Your hands found themselves in his hair, slightly tugging at it to pull him closer. You could only think about the times he had picked you up from school or the way he’d pull you into his lap when he was high. Maybe he felt your hesitation because he pulled away from you. The absence of his lips made you lean forward to get another taste. “I- I don’t want you to think-” he started out but he couldn’t figure out the words to say. “Hey, just sex okay tough guy.” you said, giving him a smile. A slight frown appeared on his face.”Y/n, you are my best friend's sister.” he said: “It could never be just sex with you.” you chuckle, pushing him off you, making him sit up on the couch, as you follow his position. The two of you are now looking each other in the eye. “I don’t have time for a boyfriend, JJ. So either you fuck me as a favor or we go back before we kissed and forget it.” you tell him. The look in his eyes is of betrayal. “I’m not good enough for you, princess?” The hurt in his eyes was almost enough to just give into his wishes. “JJ. I am sixteen years old and every day after school I buss tables to afford living here. Because my father is dead. I know John B doesn’t want to face that possibility. But, he is dead, I can feel it.” You tell him. As you spoke your words, you saw JJ being patiently waiting for the moment you tell him he is deadbeat weight, like his father. “I am trying so hard to keep it together, JJ.” your eyes were filled with tears. “I can’t be what you want, I can patch up your bruises. But, it is killing me that he is killing you. But, I won’t be your girlfriend if you are on a self destructive war path.” Silent tears were on your cheeks as you explained to him. He hesitantly put his hand on your cheek. But, you pushed his hand away, getting up and running to your room. 
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cityofimagines · 4 years
Dating JJ Maybank Would Include:
Warnings: mentions of smut, mentions of abuse
A/N: another long list because i love jj w my whole heart & always get so carried away writing these omg
dating jj is the epitome of having your significant other also be your best friend
him calling you pet names like “baby girl” “bub” “babe” & “gorgeous”
so much physical affection
him hugging you from behind and burying his face into you neck and giving you kisses there
always gives you a forehead kiss before he has to leave you to go to work/home/etc.
always has a hand on your thigh when he drives
the hugs you share are so comforting; lasting as long as either of you need them to
cuddling in the hammocks together
JJ is your number 1 hype man
“that’s my girl” is like the most common phrase that exits his mouth
he didn’t tell you about his dad for a while because he hates talking about it, but since he trusts you so much he eventually told you everything
now you’re the only one who knows the true extent of his home life issues 
always being there for him when he needs to get his emotions out; whether it be a bear hug, or someone to listen as he screams at the world
the only arguments you ever get in are after you find out he’s done something that could be considered (and usually is) a felony
like when you found out he stole a gun you were PISSED
you will not shy away from letting him know whatever he did was a stupid decision
he’ll apologize profusely and then lay low for a few weeks after because he hates seeing you upset with him
you honestly just worrying about him 24/7
always making sure he’s fed
you sometimes pay for his meals at the wreck very much against his will
your parents were wary at first but after seeing the way he treats you swear they love him more than you
your house is basically his house
beer chugging competitions while out on the boat 
going to the beach together and accidentally falling asleep for a couple hours causing both of you to wake up ridiculously sunburnt
him teaching you how to roll a blunt
(mostly jj) hotboxing in the van & kiara finding you both and rolling her eyes
another random piece of his love language includes letting you take hits from his juul
at a party he’d walk up to you with it and you’d take a hit while he holds it in his hand 
you definitely don’t smoke as much as him though and you’d try to get him to calm it down a little bit 
you running your hands through his hair while you make out 
borrowing stealing his muscle tanks to pair with a lacy bralette or bikini top underneath to wear around which would drive him crazy
he cant keep his hands off you when you’re in a bathing suit
which never fails to prompt a “get a fucking room guys, you’re being gross” from john b
speaking of getting a room
yalls sex life is POPPIN
we can all agree that jj is one kinky mfer 
your sex is either the slowest sweetest most praiseful experience or the fastest roughest time. there’s no in between
usually the slow times happen in the morning, or after an episode with his dad where you just wanna love on him for hours
the other stuff happens whenever jj feels like it
this kid would get turned on so easily
he makes sure to always leave hickeys on your neck or collarbones, much to your dismay because living on the beach makeup isn’t exactly a priority to have
you have sex literally anywhere & everywhere
every room of john b’s house is christened, and he’s definitely caught you on more than one occasion but that never stops you guys
his favorite positions are doggy and missionary
lots of shower sex too
he tries to tease you but it never works because he gives in too quickly
“jj will you stop eye fucking (y/n)” is a common phrase heard from pope
you & kiara are best friends and you go to each other whenever you need relationship advice
he is the most protective boyfriend you’ve ever seen
always keeps an eye on you during parties
if a guy were to ever touch you or make your feel uncomfortable it would either end in a physical fight or jj screaming “i’m gonna fucking kill you” across the beach at the top of his lungs
you being the person to calm him down and keep him grounded in these moments
“you know i would take bullet for you (y/n)”
you said i love you first
it took him a little while to say it back but once he did he couldn’t stop and now tells you multiple times a day
movie nights at john b’s house that end up with you falling asleep on his chest
late night deep talks under the stars in the hammocks
being an unbeatable team when you play beer pong
having matching string bracelets
kissing his cheeks and his nose because it makes him blush & its the cutest thing ever
overall just being that couple that everyone’s jealous of because it seems like you’re never not having fun & there’s so much love between you
im so sad someone wanna get me a jj :(
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School Girl Attitude Part 1
@detective-giggles​ and I came up with this little series.
Warnings: SVU talk, SVU crimes, talks of underage girls and undercover.
WC: 1720
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“Thanks so much again Mrs Carisi” you lent down and kissed the older lady on the cheek.
“Anytime my darling, I just wish you weren’t going undercover in a skirt that short- where is it anyway?”
“Come on Ma, ya know we can’t tell ya that” Sonny took a sip of his coffee.
“Well please stay safe” Sonny’s Mum cupped one of your cheeks rubbing her thumb over it “Are you coming for Easter on the weekend Y/N?”
“Ma I told ya, we have to see how the case plays out- I might not be here either” Sonny’s mum huffed back at him.
“Ok, you need to let me know” she winked up at you.
Manhattan Special Victims had been home coming up 3 years. You had transferred from Philadelphia PD after you worked with Liv and the squad on a kid napping over state lines. The squad was amazing to work with and Liv offered you a position the day you were driving back home after the case was closed. You moved down 2 weeks later and hadn’t looked back since.
You were partnered with Sonny and soon became best friends with Rafael after working close with him on your first big case in Manhattan. You had become a Carisi your first year in Manhattan, after you stood beside Bella every step of the way with Tommy’s case against his parole officer after only being in Manhattan for 3 months. You had met Sonny’s parents outside of court one day, and as they say the rest is history.
You fell for Sonny the first Easter the Carisi’s asked you there. You sat outside and watched as he played with his nieces and butterflies filled your tummy when he looked over at you and winked. Rafael being your best friend heard about this crush quite often and tried to talk you into asking him out every chance you guys were alone,
“Come on mi querida, how long are you going to keep it to yourself? You deserve to be happy”
“Rafi- have you seen the paper work? There is so much involved, and well what if he doesn’t feel that same?”
“Have you seen the way he looks at you? Of course he feels the same- I can tal-“
“Don’t you dare” You gave Rafael a warning look
“Mi querida, come on just say something”
You looked at yourself in the mirror of the locker room sighing at how much skin you were showing. You, Liv and Sonny were going undercover at an underage sex party. Sonny was going in as a John, Liv your madam and you as one of the girls along with some girls that were picked to look the part from the academy. You hadn’t heard the door open when you heard someone clear their throat, you spun around almost losing your balance in your heels to see Rafael looking less than impressed,
“Mi querida, you’re getting sent in looking like that?”
You had short blue and white plaid skirt, just covering your front and back, thigh high white socks, black pump stilettos and a short white button down tied in a knot under your breast’s and only a couple of buttons done up. Your hair in piggy tales in big curls and heavy makeup.
“Rafi-“ you rolled your eyes.
“I know don’t start” Rafael huffed at you “I’ll have your ugg boots and badge in the van with me for when you’re done, so you don’t break your neck in those” he nodded towards your shoes “Come on Liv is waiting, Carisi and the other women are already in there and you still need to see if your earrings work” Rafael walked towards you and linked his arm in yours to help you walk out.
You, Liv and Rafael arrived at the salience van to Amanda and Fin and you all got inside to wait for the signal.
“Ah- wow Y/N” Amanda looked you up and down, you went to open your mouth and Fin cut in,
“Carisi needs to start paying attention to the room” Fin frowned.
You looked up at the screen and seen that Sonny was looking down at a girl’s ass, and then moved his head to look at another one that walked past. Rafael looked over at you and saw your face, he pulled out his phone and open a message to Sonny,
8pm Rafael: Find something else to look at Detective.
Sonny pulled out his phone and looked at the message clearing his throat. Sonny stood up and walked over to the DIY bar in the house and asked for bourbon and coke, which was your signal,
“Ready Y/N?” Liv looked over at you, you just nodded back still pissed at what Sonny had been looking at. As you went to walk past Rafael he grabbed your hand and squeezed it,
“Everything by the book” He looked between you both, leaning over to kiss you on the cheek “Stay safe”
You walked in through the back door of the house with Liv, the kitchen and lounge area was full with young girls and older men. You started to work the room and act the part when you came into the lounge area to see Sonny with one of the other undercovers sitting on his lap whispering in his ear as he ran his hand up and down her thigh, rage and jealousy ran through you. You couldn’t let it show or you would blow your cover. But what you didn’t know was they were both playing the part, all she was doing was reciting the 50 states over and over again in his ear.
When Sonny had seen you walk into the lounge area he was glad one of the undercovers was on his lap, he instantly harden and had to adjust her on his lap so she couldn’t feel it pressing into her thigh, he didn’t want her to think it was for her when really it was for you.
Sonny had feelings for you from the moment he worked with you on the kid napping case. You walked into the bull pen in your full blues with your Captain and he felt like the wind was knocked out of him. He had never wanted to say anything about how he felt in case you didn’t feel the same and his Mum put doubt in his head about being with someone he was parented with in case it didn’t work out, although she treated you like the daughter in law she has never had.
You lent against the lounge room wall trying to look as sexy as possible not looking in Sonny’s direction when one of the older John’s walked over to you leaning into you.
“I haven’t seen you around here before” the john smirked at you looking you up and down.
“I’ am new” you tried to sound sweet.
The night took a weird turn. You and Liv where in the back of this John’s car on the way over to a house a few streets over where he kept his girls. The john had offered to buy you off Liv and she managed to talk him into taking you both to the house so she could see it before they would work out a deal. Once you guys had left uniforms busted in arresting all the johns and rounding up all the girls.
Sonny came running over to Fin, Amanda and Rafael who were all getting in the car to follow you guys, Amanda following the GPS from your earrings on her phone and listening to Liv’s microphone from her ear piece,
“What’s happened?” Sonny said puffed out from running over to them.
“We will fill you in on the way” Fin said as he got into the car.
They all sat in the car across the road from the house you guys where in, waiting for back up to pull up.
“Barba, Carisi you guys wait here” Fin and Amanda got out of the car ready to bust in, Sonny wasn’t armed so he couldn’t go with them.
Once both doors where closed Sonny turned to Rafael,
“What was with the text earlier?”
Rafael turned his head and glared at Sonny,
“What was with you checking out so much ass while undercover?”
“What’s it to ya Counselor?” Sonny snapped back.
“It is everything to do-“ Rafael paused “ You need to start seeing what’s in front of you before it’s too late” Rafael snapped.
“What’s that meant to mean?” Sonny turned his body to look at him, Rafael rolled his eyes back at him when Rafael’s phone started to ring,
“Yeah Liv”
“Barba you better get in here, Carisi too. Y/N said you have her badge she needs it.” And she hung up.
Rafael and Sonny got out of the car, Rafael carrying your ugg boots and your badge in his pocket. They both walked into the house to a mess, the john that had been trying to buy you was cuffed. They both looked around at the dump that the house was, with air mattress’s all over the floor. Rafael had seen you kneeling down talking to a girl who was crying, as you seen him and Sonny you squeezed her arm, stood back up and walked towards them.
“Thanks Rafi” you took your ugg’s off him and swapped your shoes over. Rafael then shrugged off his jacket and handed it to you, you put it on and he pulled your badge out of his pocket and handed it to you, clipping it on the waist of your skirt.
“At last count there are 4 missing Philli girls here, I recognised them from their missing person’s picture. Two are foster kids and two have families.”
“What do you need me to do?” Sonny looked down at you.
“I think you have done enough for tonight” you couldn’t look at him and you went to walk away.
“Why is everyone on my case tonight? What’s with the school girl attitude Y/N?”
“Excuse me?” you spun back around to face him.
“You heard me” Sonny snapped back to you. You balled your hands into fists, spun on the balls of your feet and walked away.
“Smooth Carisi” Rafael scoffed at him rolling his eyes.
Tags: @the-baby-bookworm​ @thatesqcrush​ @permanentlydizzy​ @averyhotchner​ @infiniteoddball​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​
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This one-shot is my entry for @jtargaryen18 's super spooky Haunted House writing challenge! The prompt was - A celebrity haunted house for charity will be open one night only, Halloween night. You spent days trying to get a ticket online for the event. Thanks to a bad day on Halloween, you get there only a minute before the line closes. You’re the last person to go in and thinking that’s either really bad (everyone is tired or would be in a hurry to see you out) or really good (maybe you’d get some extra time with the one you came to see). You are never seen again.
I had extremely fun writing this story with Mr Freezy! 😍 I hope you guys enjoy it! Please click here to check out all the other wonderful entries!
Description: Villain!Reader meets Mr Freezy aka Robert Pronge and, let's just say they don't get along well.
Warnings: Torture, mentions of murder, non-consensual acts of sex, abusive language, dark theme. ONLY PROCEED IF YOU ARE 18+
Word count: 4300~
My Main Masterlist
I don’t consent to have any of my work published or featured on any third party app, website or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but Tumblr and AO3, it has been reposted without my permission. In that case, please do share the link and let me know.
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You looked at the pale, lifeless face of a certain Mr Patterson. Skin shriveled up, eyes gouged out, side of the face smashed in and the mouth permanently set in a horrified expression, Mr Patterson laid on the table in front of you as his widow sobbed beside him.
"I-I can't ev-even look-k at hi-him," she croaked between her tears, "My sweet-sweetheart, who-o would d-do this-ss to yo-you?" she wondered rhetorically as she completely broke down in the arms of her daughter, a woman of closely your age.
The daughter couldn't bear to look at her deceased father as she consoled her other parent. She looked at you with sadness, "Can you, maybe, make him look, a little, a bit, presentable?" she inquired quietly, "It's not going to be an open casket funeral. But we, we just want him to, you know, look a little…like slightly, better."
You almost laughed at her face on the request, but years of working at a funeral home as a makeup artist to the dead had trained you not to gawk any client's requests.
You successfully suppressed your laughter, and instead donned a sincere expression, "I will surely try my best ma'am. I am sorry for your loss, please accept my condolences."
As the mother-daughter duo left the room, you turned to face Mr Patterson. "Condolences my ass," you muttered as you spat at his face. It was ironic how the majority of your victims found their way to the funeral home where you worked. Take Mr Patterson here for example, not less than 48 hours ago he was begging you to spare his life, and now, here he was, laid out in front of you, lifeless.
You considered him for a moment, then decided against wasting your good makeup on this pervert bastard. Or maybe he might have been innocent? Who cared, he was dead now. Maybe he was truly looking at the Halloween decorations hung around the house behind you that night, or maybe he was just ogling at you. It was dark so you couldn't get a good look. But hey, you had a suspicion that he was checking you out, so you obviously had to teach him a lesson!
You still remembered killing your first victim. It had been your piano instructor. That lecherous pedophile had forcibly pulled you down on his lap, stating that sitting on him will make you a better pianist. You had grabbed the nearest glass vase and brought it down multiple times on his head, until the carpet beneath was red and his screams were all but an echo in the living room of your parent's house.
Since then, murder had become an activity from which you rarely partook in, then turned in to a pastime, a hobby, a passion and now finally, it was as natural and as necessary as breathing for you.
It didn't matter whom you killed anymore. Whether it was an old man looking at his neighbor's Halloween decorations, a dull attendant at the supermarket, an enthusiastic door-to-door salesman, a college student listening to irritating music on their headphone, or an incessant toddler crying for attention in the store, you didn't care. Anybody who irritated you, or pushed your buttons in the wrong way, or just, was at the same place at the same time with you doing something you disapproved of in your mind, you made sure to dispose of them.
The world had enough idiots, you didn't need any more of them around you.
You quickly wound up your work and left. Halloween was tomorrow and you had to make a quick stop to a local celebrity haunted house that you hoped had already been set up. It was being organized by an NGO for some God knows what charity and the tickets had proven to be difficult to procure. So you had just decided to break into the establishment a night prior.
Unfortunately, the exhibit was still being set up when you reached the venue and so, you decided to try again tomorrow night.
"OMG I can't wait to see him!" the teenagers standing in the line for the exhibit squealed as you watched them from the shadows. You looked at them with disgust, open contempt. Bloody fucking teenagers, you thought as you regarded their extreme enthusiasm. Clad in rhinestone studded clothes which sparkled under the streetlight, all the teenagers were busy on their iPhones. You rolled your eyes as each girl went live on either Instagram, Snapchat, Tik Tok or God knows what app. Fortunately, they were the last group to be admitted inside the exhibit, and if you could just time everything right, then you could maybe pull this off.
Gingerly, you approached the one who was facing away from the group, her front camera facing her with the entrance of the exhibit behind her. You cleared your throat, "Hi, um, excuse me, could you please help me?"
The teenager looked at you and flashed a wide smile, "Sure what's up?"
You smiled in relief, this would be easy, "I think my car keys fell somewhere back there, and my phone died so I can't really find them. Will you please come with me? I could use your phone's flashlight."
"Oh sure absolutely! Hey guys," the teenager called her friends, "Let's go and help her find her car keys."
"Oh no no no that's not necessary," you said urgently as her other friends grinned kindly at you, "I really just need one person. You guys stay here and hold your position in the line. We will be back in a few minutes."
"Are you sure?"' inquired another girl from the group.
"Yes yes," you smiled back in a reassuring manner.
The teenager who came with you - Ashley - looked at the grass and sidewalk at your request. If you hadn't want to enter the haunted house so much, then you would have considered sparing poor Ashley's life. Meh, you thought as you slowly crept up behind her, life wasn't always fair.
"Hey Ashley, please look under this car. I think it might have gone underneath it," you requested with a sincere expression.
She nodded as she got on all her fours, "It's not here."
"Try inhaling a big whiff of air. The keychain has a strawberry scented air freshener on it. Maybe you could smell it?" you suggested, knowing full well that the cyanide sprinkled under the car by you would instantly kill Ashley.
Your plan worked almost too well. As she painfully writhed on the floor gasping for air, you took her smartphone, hid her hideous rhinestone phone cover in your pocket and headed towards the exhibit.
Ashley's friends were waiting for her at the entrance when you reached. You told them that she was on a call with someone and would join them soon. While they still waited for her, you showed the guard the e-pass on Ashley's phone and entered the haunted house.
You were thrilled at seeing your most favorite characters almost alive in front of you! The animated wax statues bore close resemblance to their movie counterparts. Whether it was the Ghostface from Scream, the creepy Annabelle doll, the weird guy in the hockey mask, the Nun, Pennywise the Clown or the long-haired lady from The Ring, they all looked truly horrifying and you were loving it!
As you ventured further, you were surprised to see Chris Evans' character Mr Freezy or Robert Pronge. The movie wasn't exactly popular, but you figured they had maybe included this character now that Evans was all the rage thanks to the uptight stick-in-the-ass Captain America character.
Mr Freezy was standing besides his ice-cream truck, inviting you to enter it in repetitive robotic movements. His face with his signature long hair and glasses smiled at you vacantly as you looked on.
You vaguely remembered watching this movie, hell, you had even copied the cyanide idea from Mr Freezy himself! Just when you squinted your eyes, hoping to remember more parts from the movie, you heard noises behind you.
"She came inside, Officer," said a voice that sounded like one of the girls from the group. Shit! They must have discovered Ashley! you panicked as you looked for a way out. The door ahead of you had been mechanically locked shut, and the voices behind you were growing louder by the minute. The bright lights flickered on and the animations of the objects around you completely stopped.
Except for Mr Freezy.
His movements increasingly sped up and his eyes grew wider. At first, you thought it might be a malfunction, but you were shocked when he whispered your name, "Enter the truck to escape. NOW!"
As if on auto-pilot, you opened the door and hurriedly stepped in. The dry ice engulfed you, the voices lessening in volume behind you. A moment later, the entire truck shook violently, causing you to blindly hold on to the sides and yelp in surprise.
Suddenly, someone pressed the brakes and you lurched forward. The dry ice cleared inside the van as you stumbled towards the driver's seat. You heard someone close the door and walk towards the back of the truck. A moment later, the backdoors of the van were opened by none other than Mr Freezy himself.
Your jaw dropped to the floor and he mirrored your expression, the pair of you taking in each other's appearances.
Your modern 21st century clothes were completely out of place in the 1960s America that was home to Robert Pronge. His blue eyes from behind his long curtain of hair seized you up as he recovered from shock.
"Who the fuck are you and what the hell are you doing in my van?" he broke the foreboding silence.
You cocked your head to the side, your brain unable to comprehend the reality of the situation. Did you just appear on a movie set? What sort of time-space travel bullshit was this?
"ANSWER ME YOU CUNT," Mr Freezy's voice was loud enough to break you from your reverie, but the strong, tall, well-built man hardly intimidated you.
Instead of cowering as he expected you to, you raised your eyebrow, "So you are one of those method actors huh? Sorry I appeared on your set unannounced Mr Captain Evans," you said with spite as you walked towards him and crouched down to be at his eye level, "I will be on my fucking way now."
"Mr Capta-what? Who the fuck sent you? How did you come inside my van when I locked it? You weren't in there when I left Atlantic Avenue. What the fuc-"
You punched him in the face before he could finish his sentence. Though you liked his deep, smooth voice, his incessant cursing and hostility had started to get under your skin.
As he stumbled backwards from the force of your punch, you looked around him and noticed the absolute absence of large lights, cameras, large crew and any kind of set whatsoever.
You jumped from the van and looked at Chris Evans again as you landed on your feet. He looked exactly like his character in the movie. But something didn't feel right. That's when you heard the small click of his revolver.
Before he could aim it at you, you hit his right palm that held the firearm and twisted it, effectively breaking it in the process. He screamed in pain and tried to move away from you, but you weren't done yet.
Pulling him towards you, your knee brutally met with his pelvis and you punched the air out from his stomach. He doubled down with pain, his eyes watering as he tried to regain balance. But one swift blow to the back of his head turned his world dark.
You were panting when Mr Freezy finally lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground. You looked around again. The streets were isolated and there were barely any houses lined on the sidewalk.
You felt around your pockets for your belongings, but found them empty. You waited around for a few minutes, hoping to get some sense of clarity for your situation as Mr Freezy drooled on the street.
Finally, you resigned and hauled his heavy ass back into the van in the passenger's seat. Desperate for some sort of explanation, you put your hands inside his pants' pockets. You were rewarded with his wallet, some keys and a bunched up paper with an address roughly scribbled on it.
The year on the license was 1963 and the city stated was Jersey City of New Jersey.
Just as you secured his unconscious body with the seatbelt, you took a close look at his face. Despite the creepy hair, he did look handsome. Afterall, it was Chris Evans! Or some sort of alternate-universe-reincarnation-asshole version of his. His soft plump lips looked a bit dirty, so you looked down at his crotch. The pants had riddled up when you had placed him on his seat, giving you a clear outline of his dick.
And my was it a sight!
His thick member was struggling against the uncomfortable position of the pants. The rotund rod was anything but flaccid. You squeezed and rubbed your palm over the semi-hard member, cherishing the disgruntled noises that escaped his lips.
After about 5 minutes, you decided to drive his van back towards the line of houses. You guessed you were at the outskirts of the city and right now, you needed to find how to blend in with the people.
Soon enough, you were deep within the city and found a dress shop. All the signs on the shops which you passed seemed to fit the 1960s, thus leaving no doubt that you had actually time traveled into the past, that too in a completely different timeline.
You considered breaking into the shop and stealing a few clothes, but then decided against it. You were absolutely against stealing. It was probably the only crime you couldn't excuse.
The only time you hadn't paid for your stuff was when you wanted to buy a yellow dress. The lady shopkeeper with kind eyes had told you that the colour purple suited you better than yellow, and insisted that you buy the same. Later that night, you had calmly walked over the old woman's dead body and grabbed the yellow dress that you had loved.
You looked at the dresses in the shop window and decided to come back tomorrow. That's when you noticed the sign "WHITES ONLY".
You went back to the van and grabbed the revolver. Three suppressed shots from the silenced gun destroyed the sign, the wreckage of which witnessed you breaking into the shop and literally stealing everything that was on the premises.
Two. There were two crimes you wouldn't excuse.
You turned the van around and headed back towards the outskirts of the city. It was almost morning by the time you reached the address that you had found scribbled in Mr Freezy's pocket. It seemed to be some kind of a cold storage facility in a dilapidated building.
As you managed to make your way to the second floor with his limp, but still heavy, body, you remembered seeing a similar storage facility in the movie where Mr Freezy stored the dead bodies of his victims.
Your suspicions were proven correct when you picked the lock and entered the room. You found the tub where he cut the bodies of his victims and the chains he used to tie their bodies with.
As you ventured further, you found the dead body of the girl who had been force-fed pufferfish. That you remembered well, because you had tried to buy one but couldn't get your hands on the costly bugger fish.
Looking around, your eyes fell on the chains again and an idea popped into your head.
Robert Pronge woke up to find himself naked, spread eagle on his table, hands and legs wide apart, tied to the table with secured chains. The worst part? Large chunks of ice were wrapped around his palms and feet, rendering them numb. Waves of painful, frostbiting cold passed through his body. Hardly any sounds escaped his gagged mouth as he feebly tried to recollect what had happened last night.
He vaguely remembered you, a strangely dressed woman who had suddenly appeared in his van and knocked him unconscious.
He tried to look around him, a painful but necessary moment, and he realised he was in his own facility.
After what seemed like a few hours, he heard the door open and the clickety-clack of a woman's heels came near him.
Still shuddering with cold, he looked at you with his hooded eyes, the blue irises filled with hatred.
You chuckled at him. This was going to be fun. "Good morning Robert. Or should I call you Mr Freezy? Do you have a preference?" you cheerfully asked him as he kept staring at you.
You were wearing a yellow dress with white polka-dots, and a small artificial bouffant completed your look. Basically, you were dressed like any other cunt in 1963.
"Oh silly me," you scoffed at yourself, "I forgot about the gag."
A slew of profanities escaped his plump lips as you removed the gag, "You fucking whore! Untie me right now you bitch. Who the fuck do you-aaarrgghhh!" He shut up mid-rant when you slapped his cold naked dick.
"I will not tolerate any bad language. Let's take it from the top, shall we?" you reprimanded him and gave him your name.
He tried to spit at you but failed, his body dehydrated with the cold.
"You have no idea who you have messed with bitch. When my friends find out-"
"Friends?" you asked him, feigning surprise, "I thought you worked alone. Or has Mr Freezy gone all softy for The Iceman?"
Watching Robert gulp in anticipation gave you immense satisfaction. You went away from him, the dull clang of the metal chains filled the air as you heaved and huffed. Finally, he heard you crank the lever and the metal rattled as something huge was hung upside down on the metal hook.
Richard's dull, muted musk reached his nostrils before his dead body came into view. His feet were secured on the hook while his lifeless eyes stared into nothingness. His arms waved around a bit before the metal conveyor belt was brought to a stop.
"See? Richard found you," you claimed excitedly as Richard Kuklinski or The Iceman's body slowly turned above Mr Freezy.
Robert went still. Too still. A different chill had now consumed his body, his heart. He recognised the ugly emotion. He was scared. Terrified. It had been a long time since he had felt this horrible emotion but now, he lay motionless consumed by it.
His desperation grew when he heard you hum lightly, "You don't own me, I am just not one of your many toys". He had to get away from this place, from you.
As soon as he saw you disappear inside the freezer storage, he started struggling against his bonds once again. But the chains did anything but budge. "Now now, that is no way to thank me for making sure you meet your friend,* you scolded him, returning with a heavy block of ice.
"Let me tell you-UGH," you irritably shoved aside Richard's limp body as you came to stand beside Mr Freezy's horizontal torso. "Let me tell you how this is going to work. I want the names and addresses of those dusty, old, poor excuses for flour sacks 'Mafia Bosses' who apparently rule this city," you emphasized with air quotes.
Mr Freezy regarded you carefully. He knew by now that you were dangerous, but even he had his doubts that you would be able to destroy the mafia families in New Jersey. "Rot in hell bitch," he managed to spit weakly.
You rolled your eyes, "Men. Why do they always have to be difficult?" you muttered as you placed the heavy block of ice on his chiseled abs, and he immediately started writhing with the cold. "What did I tell you about your language? Tut-tut, looks like someone needs to be taught a lesson."
And with that, you made your right hand travel down his stomach and towards his thick naked member. Upon the contact, Mr Freezy tried to still his body, but the unbearably cold chunk currently resting on top of him made it impossible for him to stop moving.
You played with the hair surrounding his trunk, twisting and pulling almost teasingly, your eyes searching for his, but unfortunately, Richard's body hung between the two of you, blocking the view. So Mr Freezy couldn't see you and you couldn't see him. But who said there was romance in maintaining eye contact?
You gently wrapped your fingers around his length, making him gasp. "Someone likes this huh?" you cooed as you sped up your gestures, his length soon hardening under your touch.
"St-stop," his command was almost a moan.
You laughed at him, at his pathetic state and at his measly little request, "I don't think you want me to," you teased him as his member was almost erect now. You increased the speed of your strokes, your hands applying more pressure to thick rod that was now bulging with veins.
His hips and thighs tightened, indicating that he was close to the finishing line. But you were not done with him. Not yet.
You completely stopped your ministrations and lifted your hand. A small groan escaped his mouth before Mr Freezy caught himself.
"N-now you lis-listen to me you bit-AARRGGHH" he tried to speak between his pants, but shrieked when you roughly slammed an ice cube against his penis.
"What did I tell you about the swearing?" you chided him as you pressed the ice cube further to his length and balls.
Mr Freezy started fighting his bonds again, and frankly speaking, his refusal to accept his fate had started to get on your nerves in a bad way. You decided to keep the chunk of ice between his legs and grab some early lunch.
You returned in about 2 hours, just to find him in the same position as you had left him. The only difference was that all the ice had now melted. Oh, and there were huge, deep, red cuts on his wrists and ankles, probably due to all the fidgeting.
He was still slightly shivering though. Eh, it wasn't your problem anyway.
"Let's try again shall we?" you asked him as you got a fresh chunk of ice from the freezer. Richard's body was still hanging exactly where you had left it when you reached for Mr Freezy's lollipop again.
He tried to shake his hips, his length dancing along with his movements, as if to discourage you. "No," he muttered through gritted teeth, "No. Stay where you are. Don't you dare don't you fucking da-"
He shut up as soon as you started stroking him again. "We need to do something about your swearing Mr Freezy. Is that the language you use when you talk to kids? Huh? Looks like I will have to teach you some manners."
He soon started feeling the knot in his stomach, ready to unwind at any second, but you stopped. Completely. Again.
Even though he was mentally prepared for the cold hard ice to be rubbed against his genitals, his body wasn't.
This continued for 4 times more before he gave up. As you tried reaching for him for the sixth time, he almost pleaded with you, "I will give you their names, addresses, fucking every detail you would want about the mob bosses. Just let me go."
You laughed at his admission. He nearly jumped out of his skin as your sickeningly sweet laughter filled the isolated room. "Do you really think it's about that now?" you asked him, am incredulous expression on your face, "Ooooh Mr Freezy. I can get that information from anyone! Sure it would be convenient if I got it from you. But that's not what all this is about."
"Wh-why?" he asked, as if he already knew the answer and was terrified by it.
"Because I like breaking strong men," you replied with a pleasant, innocent grin. "Now, let's get back to work. Hhmm?"
"No no wait. I can. No. I will give you whatever you want. You want me to kill for you? I will-"
"Do you think I need a handy boy?" you interrupted him. "You want to give me something? Fine. Then stop swearing!"
He nodded eagerly, "Done. Not a single bad word. I will stay quiet. I promise. Just let me go."
You regarded him carefully, "No," you shook your head, "I don't think you have learned your lesson yet," you claimed decisively as you headed towards his legs.
With what bare minimum strength that was left in him, he shook his body again, hoping to get away from you. "Stop touching me! Stop!"
"It's funny that your mouth says stop," you grabbed his member again, "but your dick says the complete opposite." You bent down to kick a wet stripe from his balls to the tip of his mushroom, giving it a gentle suck as you reached the tip.
Mr Freezy's breath hitched in his throat. While he felt filthy and dirty everytime you touched him, the organ between his legs was aching for your attention. A tear escaped his eye as he realised this was probably the end of his life, that he might never see his son again.
As you set to work on him again, the part of his mind which had refused to accept his fate, slowly started succumbing to your sinful torture. His rebellious spirit was only left with one thought now. To be afraid. Very afraid. Of you.
Permanent tag: @donutloverxo @notyourtypicalrose @just-one-ordinary-fangirl
Chris Evans and his characters taglist: @onetwo3000 @bluemusickid @badbo1-evans (unable to tag you ☹️)
Taglist open! Just comment, send an ask or message!
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Life & Style, April 26
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Khloe Kardashian is a total fake
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Page 1: Lady Gaga in a wedding dress on the set of House of Gucci in Rome
Page 2: Contents
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Page 4: The Top 10 SAG Awards Looks -- Mindy Kaling, Jamie Chung, Amy Adams, Sarah Levy, Kerry Washington
Page 5: Kaley Cuoco, Nicole Kidman, Natalie Morales, Viola Davis, Lily Collins
Page 6: Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen celebrated their 12-year anniversary, posting heartfelt tributes to each other on social media, but their relationship hasn't always been so rock solid -- Tom admitted that Gisele has made a lot of sacrifices for their marriage and she hated living in Boston because she had no friends there and felt so alone because Tom was never around; things got so bad they sought counseling, which was the wake-up call that Tom needed -- he promised to make changes and he agreed to quit the Patriots and sign with a team in a location that was more desirable to Gisele and Tom stuck to his word and he came the new quarterback for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and since moving to Florida, Tom and Gisele have never been happier and they have date nights every week and always make sure to communicate -- it wasn't easy, but they're both really proud of how far they've come
Page 7: After multiple delays, David Schwimmer, Courteney Cox, Jennifer Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc have finally filmed the highly anticipated Friends reunion special and they all got really emotional when they saw the set and being there brought back so many fond memories -- it's the first time in 17 years that fans will get to see the entire cast together since the show went off the air in 2004 -- afterwards, everyone went to Jen's house for dinner -- each of the stars was paid $2.5 million to appear in the special
* Throwback -- Dolly Parton in 1965
* Biggest Spenders of the Week -- Bobby Flay, Aaron Rodgers, Vanessa Hudgens, Angelina Jolie
Page 8: Drew Barrymore revealed that, after three divorces and a string of failed romances, she's sworn off marriage altogether -- Drew doesn't need a man to feel complete and she's happiest hanging out with family and friends -- if the right guy comes along later down the line, great, but for now, she's content with being single
* Becoming one of the most sought-after stars in Hollywood has gone straight to Ana de Armas' head -- the cast and crew are often left waiting for the actress to emerge from her trailer on the set of the new action thriller The Gray Man -- Ana's got a lot going on and she's juggling several different projects, as well as photo shoots and phone calls with her team and people don't stay mad at her for too long, but they have nicknamed her Ana de Diva, but she isn't upset by the scathing moniker because she's a big name now, and with that comes a lot of responsibility and the way she sees it, there are worse things than being called a diva
Page 10: The Week in Photos -- Orlando Bloom got a surprise visit from the Easter Bunny
Page 11: Jennifer Lopez in jeans at a photoshoot for InStyle, Priyanka Chopra dancing around her backyard in a bright yellow dress
Page 12: Animal Tales -- Gilles Marini posed for a pic with his African grey parrot Anya, singer Madison Beer leaned in for a kiss from a caramel-colored stallion, Kate Beckinsale's feline Clive seemed less than thrilled when Kate strapped him to her chest in a carrier
Page 13: Kaia Gerber and her precious pooch Milo snuggled up in bed, Malin Akerman and a goat
Page 16: Stars Behaving Badly -- Lisa Vanderpump let her parched dog drink from her water glass at a restaurant in West Hollywood, Maisie Williams went topless under a translucent jacket while shooting a new TV series about the Sex Pistols in London, HGTV Design Star host Allison Holker used a megaphone to give out instructions to Property Brother Jonathan Scott on the show's finale, Calvin Klein wasn't worried about stains when he shoved a pile of spaghetti into his mouth at West Hollywood's Mauro Cafe
Page 18: Say What?! Helena Bonham Carter who turns 55 in May, Chelsea Handler who admits she consumes mushrooms almost every day, Olivia Munn who is the proud pet parent of rescue dogs Frankie and Chance, Melissa McCarthy on doing her own stunts in Thunder Force, Brian Tyree Henry on Godzilla vs. Kong co-star Millie Bobby Brown
Page 20: Pete Davidson has officially moved out of his mother's home and into a $1.2 million luxury high-rise condo on Staten Island, and it's all thanks to his new girl girlfriend, Bridgerton star Phoebe Dynevor -- the Saturday Night Live star showed off his two-bedroom, two-and-a-half bathroom bachelor pad during a Zoom call -- Phoebe is a down-to-earth girl, but she doesn't want to date a man who lives in his mom's basement and she thinks Pete's mom, Amy, is awesome and says it's a great thing that they're super close, but being in a long-distance relationship is difficult enough so Pete and Phoebe need some alone time when they're together, which was almost impossible with his mother hanging out upstairs -- Pete knew it was time; he just needed that gentle nudge
Page 21: Matt James and Rachael Kirkconnell were spotted in NYC together, sparking speculation that the former Bachelor couple have rekindled their relationship -- the pair parted ways while the show was still airing after photos of the graphic designer at a plantation-themed college party in 2018 surfaced on social media -- Rachael made a mistake but she owned up to it and was willing to learn from it and it didn't change her feelings for Matt or vice versa and Matt was in love with Rachael too and he couldn't just turn those feelings off so no one would be surprised if they decided to reconcile
* Michael B. Jordan's girlfriend Lori Harvey was left reeling over photos of the actor sharing a smooch with Chante Adams on the set of their new movie A Journal for Jordan -- of course, they were just shooting a scene for the film, but Lori was still annoyed and she asked Michael about it, and he brushed it off and explained it was part of the job but Lori still has her suspicions and she's been thinking about dropping by the set just so she can keep a very close eye on them
Page 22: Cover Story -- Khloe Kardashian living a lie -- devastated by an unretouched photo leak, Khloe faces claims she's a body positivity hypocrite as she demands the viral image be taken down
Page 26: Alex Rodriguez to Ben Affleck: Back off my fiancee -- Ben gushes about ex Jennifer Lopez in a new article and A-Rod isn't happy about it (not quite Bennifer yet :)
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Page 28: Prince Harry overwhelmed with work -- Harry struggles to adjust after trading his cushy royal role for a variety of normal gigs -- though his job for BetterUp is primarily remote, added stress comes in the form of Harry's Spotify and Netflix deals, plus growing charity work -- Harry finds all of his new, non-royal titles fresh and exciting, but while he's a great person, some in his inner circle say Harry's kind of dumb and worry whether he can handle the pressure
Page 30: Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli life after prison -- reunited following months spent behind bars, Lori and Mossimo try to pick up the pieces -- prison definitely took a toll on Mossimo and he doesn't expect sympathy, but he's still struggling to adjust to what he went through; it really broke him down and forced him to reevaluate his life
Page 32: Who Lives Here? Lil Nas X
Page 34: Entertainment
Page 35: Star Review -- Jonathan Van Ness
* As Seen On-Screen -- Meghan Markle wore a dark green coat while walking through Archie's Chick-Inn during her CBS interview which was J. Crew's Perfect Lightweight Jacket
Page 36: Go Green at Home -- reduce your carbon footprint even more with these eco-chic essentials, because our planet can use all the help it can get
Page 37: Beauty Crush -- get Jurnee Smollett's look from her makeup artist Emily Cheng for the SAG Awards
Page 38: Spring Beauty Must-Haves -- these product picks aim to reign as new-season favorites -- Camila Mendes
Page 40: Diva or Down-to-Earth? Rihanna bagged her own haul at Bristol Farms in Beverly Hills -- down-to-earth, Shay Mitchell worked from home with help from her most trusted assistant daughter Atlas -- down-to-earth, during a photo shoot in Malibu Brooke Burke got a makeup refresh from a personal primper -- diva
Page 42: Social Stars Posts of the Week -- Sofia Vergara sneaking Heidi Klum a chip on the set of America's Got Talent, Neil Patrick Harris finished the first season of The Irregulars while quarantining in Toronto, Jared Leto pretended to pluck the moon straight out of the sky during a masked outing in Italy, Beyonce treated her daughter Blue Ivy to a meal at Nobu in Malibu
Page 44: Horoscope -- Taurus Gigi Hadid turned 26 on April 23
* They're Not Together, But They Should Be -- Capricorn Charles Melton and Virgo Zendaya
Page 48: What I'm Into -- Kameron Westcott of The Real Housewives of Dallas
11 notes · View notes
About Kink at Pride
One: Thanks SO Much to the person who decided to @ me about 6 different times after I already mentioned how I can’t reply. Edit: Just read them! Thank you for linking me to the same article twice. I saw that one to, and at least 7 others! I closed out of all of them. Read on to see why!! And I call everyone hon, hon - sorry if I offended you!
Two: Kink at Pride thoughts, below the cut. TL;DR: Yes, I was wrong on certain things. Does that change my opinion? Nope! Still think Kink shouldn’t be at Pride.
Note: an entire history of gay Pride is listed below, starting with the Reminder marches. I started there because it felt like the logical place to start, given the organizers of Pride participating in those as well. It’s a LONG one guys, so strap in.
So, starting out: Gay Rights Timeline (it’s brief, because I don’t have an entire night of getting triggered and showing I can research things)
July 4, 1965: “Gay rights activists gathered outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia carrying picket signs and demanding legislation that would secure the rights of LGBT Americans. Referencing the self-evident truth mentioned in the Declaration of Independence that “all men are created equal,” the activists called for legislative changes that would improve the lives of American homosexuals. Activist Craig Rodwell conceived of the event following an April 17, 1965 picket at the White House led by Frank Kameny and members of the New York City and Washington, D.C. chapters of the Mattachine Society, Philadelphia’s Janus Society and the New York chapter of the Daughters of Bilitus. The groups operated under the collective name East Coast Homophile Organizations (ECHO). It was called the “Annual Reminder” to remind the American people that a substantial number of American citizens were denied the rights of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
June 28, 1969: A police raid on Stonewall [a mafia run gay bar] occurs, leading to the Stonewall Riots. Marsha P. Johnson, a “transexual drag queen” and known sex worker, frequented the Stonewall Bar, being the first drag queen to go to what had previously been a bar only for gay men. Police raided the bar to check for unlicensed liquor sales, but also to arrest those who were in violation of the state’s “gender-appropriate clothing statute” (which meant that any female-presenting people in the bar who passed as female had their genitals checked by female police officers, and female-presenting people who did not pass were arrested). Fed up with harassment from the police, the community around the bar became agitated. After a policeman hit Stormé DeLarverie, a “dyke” lesbian on the head while pushing her into his police van, the crowd grew violent. Police barricaded themselves inside the Stonewall Inn for safety, which was soon set on fire. It is still debated whether police or the rioters began a fire in the building, but most sources claim the rioters began the fire. Marsha P. Johnson became well known as the one who “Threw the first brick at Stonewall” (though she herself has stated that she came late to the riots).
That night, while returning home, Craig Rodwell passed Stonewall, and alerted the press in order for there to be news coverage of the historic event. Rodwell was a well known activist at the time, one of the organizers of ECHO, sitting in on protests, opening the first Gay Bookstore (dedicated to Oscar Wilde), and of course, helping to organize the first Gay Pride Parade in the bookstore.
Five Months after the Riots: Among those who proposed the Gay Pride parades were Craig Rodwell and his partner Fred Sargeant (who later tried to claim transgender people and POC did nothing in the riots), Ellen Broidy (former member of the Gay Liberation Front, Lavender Menace, and Radicalesbians), and Linda Rhodes (genuinely having trouble finding information on her; I just know she was friends with Ellen and Craig). Together, they made a proposal for an annual march on the last Saturday in June where there were “no dress or age regulations.” Their proposal was given at the Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations (ERCHO) in Philadelphia.
After the proposal was made, Brenda Howard (a life-long bisexual and openly sex-positive activist, as well as anti-war feminist “radical” by some sources) helped plan it. Making use of the Oscar Wilde mailing list, word got out. It was Howard’s idea to turn this march into a week-long celebration. Also on this committee was L. Craig Schoonmaker, who had been arrested the previous year for talking to another male. He coined the term “Pride” for the slogan of the parade. (Note: L. Craig Schoonmaker was an INCREDIBLY problematic person, and discussing just how stupid that story is really deserves its own post – needless to say, I’m a little sad he’s the one who coined “Gay Pride” as the slogan.) This was the one and only contribution he had to the parade.
June 28, 1970: The first Parade, organized by Chicago Gay Liberation. The first parade was originally called the Christopher Street Liberation Day March, named after the street where Stonewall Inn was. These were different from the Annual Reminder marches, where those in the gay community “walk in an even line, wear professional clothing, and do not display affection for a partner of the same gender” (Waters, 1). “The march was 51 blocks long from west of Sixth Avenue at Waverly Place, in Greenwich Village, all the way to Sheep’s Meadow in Central Park, where activists held a “Gay-in.” Borrowing a technique that had been popularized by the Civil Rights Movement, the “Gay-in” was both a protest and a celebration.”
From there, there were more parades of course. But as promised, here’s all my research on Kink at Pride.
I would provide sources. I would share what I tried to look at for multiple hours tonight. But the fact of the matter is, this is the part where I got triggered, nearly threw up, and had to exit most tabs.
What I managed to find out: Yes, Kink has been a thing at Pride for a long time. I do not know the extent of this, but I do know at the very least (due to some image sourcing) that the 1980s saw men in leather that covered most of their skin (it was not inredibly revealing). I was incorrect about this fact, so shit on me I guess. Now, what all I saw was just… men in leather sometimes. I did NOT in fact see people on leashes, naked with only a bandana around their legs to hide genitals, or muzzles (as I have seen in modern-day prides). I saw people who took pride in being leather gays without doing strict sexual acts – costumes, not whipping their partners in broad daylight or walking them like dogs, which is sexually gratifying for the sub (which I have also seen at modern day prides).
Note: I have not personally been to a Pride parade, but I have seen pictures and videos of modern day prides showing these acts. For obvious reasons, I am not including them here.
The reason for the previous inclusion of kink in pride seems to have grown from the fact that, for many LGBT+ people, they are both kinky and LGBT+ in some way. I saw numerous sources talking about how being Kinky is just part of being LGBT, and how pride in being LGBT+ also means pride in being Kinky.
I deadass could not look at anymore sources because I am so physically nauseated by it, and reading about this (as I mentioned numerous times to every single person who DMed me tonight telling me to “Read fucking sources”) triggers me. But can’t stop getting screamed at unless I “do my research” right?? Joy of all joys.
So what do I think about getting rid of kink at Pride?
I still think we should move to phase it out.
1.      The original people who thought up Pride were not the best. They thought up Pride through transphobic, sexist, radial feminist, insert-other-dated-views here. And I don’t blame them – it was the 1970s. But I feel that, by the 2020s, the idea of “Pride” should have changed. And it has! I saw that Ellen B. discussed how Pride had changed “Far” from what was originally intended in the interview with her (raising the entirely valid concerns that I agree with that Capitalism has too strong of a foothold in current pride). I just think that it should change more, to fit with what is currently needed.
2.      This leads to my next point: what is currently needed? Back in the 1970s, Gay Pride was about having pride in, well, sex. Pride was based so strongly in having sex with the same-sex, being deviant, being different. But that isn’t what Gay Pride is anymore, or at least, Gay Pride includes much more than just sex now. Pride is meant to be an inclusive place for all LGBT+ communities – including fucking asexuals. Like me. See, when researching all of this, I had a hell of a time, because I’m “damaged goods” so to speak. I’ve been hurt through sexual stuff in the past, and yes, that has probably influenced my asexuality. Am I against sex? No! I enjoy it! With my partner. And that’s basically it. Am I okay seeing sex stuff? Yes! Most of the time. On a consentual basis. Would I probably be okay seeing it at Pride? IDK Maybe? But it would spark bad memories, to the point that I would rather avoid Pride, avoid going to the Big Event™ that everyone always says You Have To Go To that would make me feel validated… than go to it. Because of Kink Gear. And I have had other people contact me tonight saying the same thing – they can’t go to Pride because you Kinksters. They can’t because of triggers, or the fact that it’s uncomfortable, or the fact that “well, my parents aren’t homophobic, but it’s too adult.”
3.      “Okay, so make a PG Space – we were here first.” “It’s not inclusive if Kink isn’t there.” “Children won’t even understand the kink in the first place.” Here’s my problem with all of this. Kink already has spaces, but PG spaces don’t exist in this much openness. See, I’ve always heard of kinky spaces. Expos, dungeons, etc. I’ve always heard of safe-spaces for kinky gays. Including Pride. But I rarely hear of PG Spaces for Gay People. I rarely hear of PG spaces at all. It’s hard to exist in this world without people making it about sex, so much so that I find myself often getting stuck in Children’s Fandoms, Children’s Spaces, because they’re the only spaces that haven’t been touched by sex stuff. So we need PG Spaces for Gay People - and yes, we COULD make a PG thing for gay people. I think that’s a great idea. I think a parade sounds nice. A PG Parade for Gay People!!! It sounds perfect, like a perfect solution ----- except now I’m not being Inclusive Enough.
We’ve wrapped around to my big problem with Kink at Pride. It always boils down to not being inclusive of Gay People. But the issue is… By keeping Kink at Pride, we aren’t being inclusive of a lot more people.
Banning Kink at Pride: We have gays, lesbians, trans folks, queer folks, people who still aren’t sure, allies, asexuals, aromantics, children, and yes, kinky people who are not wearing fetish gear. You can still come to pride and have pride in your sexuality. You have now excluded anyone who cannot stand to not wear leather/chains/leashes in a sexual manner for a few hours.
Keeping Kink at Pride: We have Kinky Gays, Kinky Lesbians, Kinky Trans Folks, Queer Trans Folks, People who aren’t sure but Are Kinky, Kinky Allies, a handful of Asexuals/Aros, please god don’t bring children, and kinky peope in fetish gear. You have now excluded anyone who is uncomfortable with sex, triggered by sex, or minors.
I assure you, the amount of people who are exluded keeping Pride Kinky is more than if you could just not be sexual for a few hours. Literally. I’m not saying Kink isn’t valid – fuck, dude, I’m kinky. But there is a reason sex isn’t meant to be public. Consent is important, and I’m shocked that people who insist they know about kinks and BDSM don’t understand that.
Pride has changed. In a lot of ways, not for the better, but in some ways, yes, for the better. It’s bigger, with more people, and more inclusiveness. But your idea of making a “PG Pride over there away from ours” --- well, where do you think we should? How can we do it without getting screamed at for not being inclusive? When can we do it without people screaming at us for “taking up too much time with being gay”? We already have a full month and a whole parade – and clearly everyone should be okay with the kinky shit that goes on.
My suggestion is this: Have Pride be PG, and have the Kinky Pride things isolated to Private Kink Party things that aren’t publicied on television because we don’t need people to know more about our sex lives – the majority of gay people just want to exist now. Those in 1970 needed to be loud, proud, and yes, openly kinky – but we don’t need that now. With keeping sex stuff private, you can still celebrate your Kinky Pride with all those who are capable of celebrating that Pride, while those who can’t, don’t need to be subjected to it. Because the fact of the matter is, Pride Parades are subjected to the eyes of the world – the most public thing you can have right now as a gay person. Subjecting people to nonconsentual kink is not the way to make people approve of sex work or kinky pride. It makes them rage against it. And I would rather be able to work for sex positivity through conversation and hard work, rather than alienating anyone who speaks against it (and those who speak for it).
 Some of the sources I used (not all - again, no kink sources here, because I closed all of them. I couldn’t handle it.)
 One last thought, after the sources, because I work in Analogy the best:
Imagine this amazing bakery. This bakery sells a lot of cakes: chocolate cakes, strawberry ones, blueberry ones. This bakery gets national press coverage. Now, from day one, this bakery has used gluten in every single cake. It’s a time honored tradition! And every single Cake Eater goes to this bakery. It becomes a rite of passage, to the point that some people even say “You aren’t really a cake eater if you haven’t gone to this bakery.”
But as the bakery gets more and more popular, people start saying “Hey. We need some gluten free cakes too. Can you please keep the gluten away from our cakes?”
“NO!!! If you want gluten free, go somewhere else!”
“But everyone else only has gluten cakes. Even when they say they’re gluten free, they still bake other gluten cakes. Please, we know how to make the gluten free cakes taste just the same as gluten cakes – we’re only getting rid of the one thing. It’ll be taste almost exactly the same, and you can make those other cakes, so long as they don’t touch our cake. You can still enjoy your cakes. We just ask that we can enjoy ours.”
“NO! Go make your own then!”
“But… This is the bakery with the most famous cakes. We could always make our own, but the world will never know about it, because YOU’RE the biggest bakery in the world. And of those few who have tried, they’ve been yelled at for not using gluten because they aren’t inclusive. We wanted to be able to enjoy cake with everyone else – we just need our cake to be a little different.”
“If I make YOU Gluten Free cakes, that means the Gluten won’t be included!”
“That’s the point – gluten is bad for us. If we have gluten near us, it will actively hurt us.”
“No. This is a gluten bakery only. We refuse to change.”
And so, those who were going to enjoy the cakes there – who wanted to enjoy the cakes there – couldn’t. And even those who would try to make their own gluten-free cakes were overshadowed by the behemoth that was the gluten bakery.
That is how this entire night has felt.
Night, y’all.
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vangoddamn · 4 years
Thirst trap
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Dating would include..
You’d known Van for a while before he managed to coax you into a date ‘down the pub’ with him. You were adamant at first not to fall into the trap that was Van McCann, but what can you say there's just something about him?! ‘Let’s be honest though he is just one big thirst trap’ Is what your friends would say, making you laugh in hysterics.
You were already friends with the lads, one reason why you didn’t want to fall head over for one of them. Although it meant it was very easy to slip into Vans life very quickly. You already knew his mates and your job meant you could travel with him when you wanted, resulting in meeting the parents within four months of dating. That was probably one of the reasons you became ‘official’, when Mary started introducing you as Vans lovely new girlfriend it just kind of stuck. It was natural, and in Vans words “well if me mam approves”.
Sex with Van is like a new moisturiser. You search and search for the perfect one and then suddenly you find it and you could never imagine your life without it. You  went for it on the second date, you didn't really think it would happen but you were horny and Van was legit falling at your feet. How could you turn that down? Wow you were glad you went for it though, you were too buzzed from the drinks you had shared at the bar to feel apprehensive. Van never fails to make you cum, he has this power to make your toes curl and breath hitch with every touch. He loves to experiment with you, you have tried most positions but your all time favourite still cowgirl. (I know how basic eek). There's something really romantic to you about just staring into his piercing blue eyes whilst fucking him to oblivion. You both like it loud, as in he'd give it to you so bad all you could do would be to scream his name. It's all deep guttural moans and harsh breaths out.
He really wasn’t what you had expected. When you look at Van you think cool indie boy, probably sleeps around and doesn’t give a fuck! Well, here's where you were wrong. He LOVES snuggles and long easy mornings are his favourites. He’s all hands and kissing and all the stupid cheesy kind of love you didn’t expect. He has a tendency to leave marks all over your skin, wanting to claim his girl as his own.
This brings you to his protective side, and boy does he not like it when guys show you attention, something the lads find hilarious. You can always tell when someone is checking you out, not because you’ve seen them but suddenly Van tenses. If his arms aren’t already around you, they are now and there is no doubt about it that if they don’t stop looking at you then he will have something to say. If not he'd definitely whisper in your ear things like “Why do guys think they can look at my girl like that” in a disgusted voice making you laugh and coo at him. You'd then lead him home where you most definitely have hardcore jealous sex.
You never find him over protective, even when he gets like that because you know it's just because he's thinking about what it’s like when he's gone. He's thinking of all the men who may have laid eyes on you when he wasn't around to stop them. It’s always the hardest when he's away, for both of you. Van is renowned for being ultimately shit at anything that needs charging and is no good with scheduling. Meaning if you didn't call him you'd probably go the day without contact with him. You know it’s no reflection towards his love for you. You know that he’s usually being pulled in several directions without you being in the picture. You always got the full breakdown of the lads whereabouts through Larry anyway and Steve usually emailed you the boys timetable to keep track. Days without phoning though usually resulted in a late night call from a broken Van. He'd apologise and you'd tell him it's alright and then you'd spend the night catching up and telling each other how much you missed and loved one another. The love was truly there.
When your boy finally comes home, he would basically be uncontactable to anyone other than you, too busy wrapped in the world you both would create. He'd draw you back as if you were his ship that he'd manage to lose in the fog and now he'd found you he had to do all the rounds to check you had no scratches. He left no stone unturned, talking and laughing for hours over conversations you missed and jokes you had to tell.
The little quirks in the he relationship were your favourites. Like his names for you, completely random but the cutest things your heart had ever heard, ‘dimples’ was for obvious reasons but always made you smile when he'd call you it. Others included;’cuddles’ ‘peaches’  ‘love’ of course! You loved all of your inside jokes and little signals, things no-one would even notice. Because you were fairly small compared to him he loved picking you up, wrapping his arms tight around your waist and burying his head in your neck. You love the way you can talk about literally anything with him and he wouldn't be phased. Like how he'd always check if you needed any ‘period stuff’ when he went to the supermarket or how you always talked about the future.
Van LOVEEES PDA, any chance to show you off to the world, he's in! Hand holding, random hisses here and then, hugs from behind when you're out shopping, the lot. He doesn't care what anyone thinks, making him unbelievably confident, something you usually lack in. 
Your sketchbook will forever be filled with sketches of Van. Usually when he's sleeping because he can never sit still, but he's your favourite thing to draw. It also fills your heart so full when you can look at them when he's gone away.
A/n: hey loves this was another request for a dating would include, the next one will probably be Bondy <3 I hope you're all doing well, I know things are a bit weird at the moment but hopefully things should be back to normal soon! I love hearing from you so don't be shy xx em
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Survey #397
“you’re my religion, you’re my reason to live  /  you are the heaven in my hell”
Do you think that you’ll always love who you love now? Even if we're never together again romantically, I will ALWAYS love her at least as a best friend. Have you ever made out with a random person? Yeah, no. If you could do your first kiss over, would you? No. I'm lucky that my first kiss was honestly cute as hell. Do you like your country’s president or prime minister? Well I voted for him, so I obviously can't hate him. He seems to be doing fine so far, though take that with a grain of salt seeing as I don't keep up with politics. Even before voting for him, I just did a small bit of researching on his values. What color is your house? Yellow with white accents. Do you listen to Christmas music during the holiday season? No, I don't enjoy it. Man, Jason's mom sure did, though... I loved how in the spirit she'd get and always played Christmas music in the car during that time of year. I miss that woman and I sure as hell hope she rests easy now. Do you like ginger ale? Solely if I have a stomach bug, and I can only ever sip it. What are you listening to? "Electric Sugar Pop" by Jeffree Star. What’s the last thing you watched on TV? The TMS office has the TV on, and the woman who overlooks it (I have zero idea what her position is called) tends to have it either on a cooking channel or a home improvement one. Today was a cooking one. Is your favorite author the author of your favorite book? I don't have a favorite author. Describe someone you find really attractive: M-Mark Fischbach. *___* If you HAD to look like someone else, but could choose who, who would you choose? Hm... maybe my friend Alon. I've mentioned I feel like a million times that she is like, ethereal with how gorgeous she is. Have you ever seen someone get a tattoo done? If so, what was it? Did they cry or were they in a lot of pain? Yeah; it was a watercolor feather with "ohana" written below it. She didn't cry at all, but she grit her teeth a few times. Do you have anything you couldn’t go a day without? Some form of technology. Have you ever gotten caught doing something illegal? No. What’s your favorite flavor of Vitamin Water? I don't even think I've ever tried it. Is there someone you wanna date right now? Yeah. What first attracted you to the last person you kissed? If we're talking the very first, our vast similar interests. How many brothers does your father have? None. Does your best friend have any tattoos? No. Do you like Ben + Jerry’s? Yep. Man, I want their Phish Food ice cream now. Would you ever wish to be the opposite sex? Nah. Do you think you’re attractive? Nope. What is your favorite card game to play? Magic: The Gathering. I really miss my PS3 where I had Duel of the Planeswalkers installed on it, it was really fun. Do you own a globe? I don't think we still do. What is your favorite wild cat? Perhaps clouded leopards. If your bedroom had three portals to anywhere, where would they lead? South Africa, Sara's place, and maybe a nice little cabin in the mountains for when I'm feeling a peaceful getaway. You can ask any author one question about their story. What do you ask? I have zero idea. What’s a place you have a strong emotional connection to? The pond behind the local community college. Jason and I took our first prom pictures there. Do you take yoga classes? No, but I'm actually considering it since they offer those at the YMCA Mom and I now go to. What is a decision you’ve made that changed your entire life? To let Jason go. It's pretty great, my PTSD has been less of a bother lately! Have you ever made any money from a side-hustle? Could you consider being paid to take pictures once in a blue moon a "side hustle" when I don't even have a main job? Do you ever wonder what kind of person you’d have turned out to be if a certain event never happened to you? Ugh... it's incredibly painful to wonder how life would be if Jason never left. If you could have anyone’s singing voice, whose would you choose? Adele's or Amy Lee's, probs. What are your top 3 favorite genres of music? Metal, hard rock, alternative. Do you think Mars will be colonized in your lifetime? No. Have you ever been homeless? If so, what led to your homelessness? Technically, yes, because Mom couldn't afford the rent. She, my little sister (who still lived with us at the time), and I each were accepted into the homes of willing, kind people, though. Have you ever been on a ship? No. Who was Van Halen’s better singer - David Lee Roth, or Sammy Hagar? David. Which fictional character has the most memorable quotes? Heath Ledger's Joker is quoted all the time, so probably him. What do you think of the "Healthy At Every Size" movement/philosophy? Before I answer this, I want you to keep in mind that this is coming from someone who is obese, so I would positively love to agree with that for my own self-confidence, but I don't. I believe it's a very dangerous mentality. I think you should cherish your body unconditionally, like it's an amazing machine, but I firmly believe you should have an active interest in becoming what is physically healthy. You couldn't pay me millions to convince me that, say, a 300 lb. person is healthy. What was the name of the first person you ever had a crush on? Why did you like them? I think my first *real* crush was this guy Sebastian my freshman year of high school. I thought he was very sweet, funny, caring, and attractiveness was a bonus. What food will you absolutely not, under any circumstances, eat? Sashimi, caviar, raw eggs... Which famous person would you like to be BFFs with? Bindi Irwin, for one. What kind of natural disaster is most common where you live? Hurricanes. Have you ever had an animal get into your attic? No. Have you ever been bitten so hard that there teeth marks were there after? I mean I've had hickeys before if that's what you're asking. Ever gave one? Oh, I guess you were. Yeah. Do you think its weird if guys wear make-up like eyeliner? Not at all. Would you ever date a disabled person? (Be honest) Yes. Would you rather adopt or have your own child? IF I wanted kids, I'd rather have one myself because I'm well aware I personally need that special connection. Stepkids count, too, because they'd be my partner's and therefore very important for me too. What is the most personal question you have ever been asked? Probably TMI, so here's your fair warning, but I've been asked before if I "touch" myself and I was absolutely repulsed that someone would ask me that. Were you abused by your parents? No. If you’re not straight, who was the first person you came out to? Sara. Were you one of the smartest in your class? Up to finishing high school, modestly, I was. Where did you meet your first crush? Art class my freshman year of high school. Do you ever go places with wet hair? Yeah, idc. Who is your favorite little girl? My niece Aubree. She's such a wonderful girl. Does your best friend have kids? No. If you were pregnant, would you want a boy or a girl? Hypothetically, a girl. What place outside of your own home do you spend the most time at? Um, maybe my older sister's house? Have you ever participated in a medical study? No. Do you have any family members who are cancer survivors? Yes, including my mother. Twice. Are you allergic to any medications? None that I've tried. Do you have any licenses other than your driver's license? I don't even have that. If you’re atheist, would you raise you kids believing in God or not? No; I wouldn't intervene with their own spiritual (or lack thereof) journey. They'd learn what they'd learn and decide themselves what they believe. Do you like reading self-help books? No, I just can't get invested in those. What is your opinion on sex change? If you're unhappy with your body, you're more than free to surgically change that with no judgment from me. Do you have any goals for this summer? If so, what are they? Yes, to lose weight. Can you get a strike at bowling? I have before. There was one occasion where my first go was a strike RIGHT after saying I sucked at bowling, hahaha. Do you ever take pictures of negative moments? Well, I photograph roadkill, and that's one hell of a sad moment. I actually wouldn't mind broadening my horizons of photographing negative moments (with permission of course), because I actually find these very impactful and even builds empathy. I will never, ever forget this one picture I saw sometime of an emaciated boy huddled in the dirt with a vulture close by watching him... like fuck, it made me want to sob. No one should ever have to live like that, especially a child. Would you ever post a picture of yourself crying on social media? No. I know that sounds contradictory to what I just said, I just wouldn't be able to do it myself. Have you ever held a newborn baby? Once, when my last niece was born. I'm terrified of holding them because they're just so fragile. Do you know anyone who has twins? My friend just had triplets. What is your favorite country in Europe? Germany. Are you thriving in your life right now? BOY HOWDY- Do you remember to water plants? I don't keep plants. Name three YouTubers you aspire to be like. 1.) Markiplier in a vast plethora of ways; 2.) Jeffree Star for his incredible work ethic; and 3.) Shane Dawson for his incredible compassion. Yes. I know the controversy, but regardless, he cares a lot about people. Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter? I wouldn't know, given I haven't read the books or seen the movies. Do you watch PewDiePie? Not anymore; his content doesn't interest me anymore. I watched him religiously back in the day when he was a serious let's player, though. Do you have a Steam account? Yes. Have you ever played Five Nights at Freddy’s? No, not personally. I like watching LPs of it and I find the story fascinating, but it's not the kind of game I'd enjoy playing. Have you ever tried Akinator? Yes. I don't think I ever beat it, except maybe once. Are you wearing socks right now? No; unless I'm wearing closed-toe shoes like sneakers, I never do. I hate the feeling of them. Can you twerk? Haven't tried, don't wanna. Do you like dabbing? No, it looks stupid. Do you like fishing? I honestly do think it's fun with all the anticipation and thrill of seeing how big the fish is, however I don't support it anymore unless, like hunting, you genuinely need it for food. The only case where I'd go again was if my dad asked me, because that's always been our bonding experience. Do you have a Spotify account? Yes. Have you heard of Blizzard Entertainment? Well, they're the company behind World of Warcraft, so obviously. Do you like bananas? Yes, but only for a VERY short window of time. I am beyond picky with the ripeness of bananas. Are you addicted to anything? Caffeine and technology. Do you know your phone number? I actually don't. Do you swear in front of children? No.
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jovanniaaron · 4 years
⤜ ❝ 𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖍𝖎𝖙 𝖜𝖆𝖘 𝖌𝖎𝖛𝖊𝖓 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖊, 𝖎 𝖆𝖎𝖓'𝖙 𝖈𝖍𝖔𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝖎𝖙. 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖑𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖘𝖔𝖒𝖊𝖍𝖔𝖜 𝖒𝖆𝖉𝖊 𝖆 𝖒𝖔𝖛𝖎𝖊 ❞
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i’ve been keeping a close eye on JOVANNI MALIK AARON lately . by all means , i’ve started to notice the striking resemblance between him and keith powers , but something sparked my interest more . as it turns out - the aaron family have indeed tried their best to tuck away jovanni’s impulsive tendencies , but it only seems to bring out his arrogance more . according to close confidants , on rare occasions , he can be debonair , last time they saw this side of him was , and i quote - “ON HIS TWENTY-FOURTH BIRTHDAY” . but most shocking of all , seems to be the fact that ever since i dug deeper in his life , i somehow couldn’t shake the image of golden grills on perfectly straight teeth : tendrils of marijuana smoke in the air : leather seats in a foreign car : a façade of perfection : empty bottles of hennessy : pretty lips spilling pretty lies : smooth r&b and soul : the seductive scent of creed aventus & sex out of my head .
full name: jovanni malik aaron ( pronounced: joe-von-ee ) nicknames: j, jo, vanni, van ( pronounced: von ) birthday: march thirtieth  zodiac: aries gender: cis male pronouns: he/him/his sexuality: pansexual occupation: part-time model / full-time law student / part-time paralegal
height: 6′2 weight: 182.3 lbs. eyes: brown hair: dark brown/black, usually cut into a bald fade piercings: both ears, usually wearing small gold hoops tattoos: none distinguishing characteristics: he has a dusting of freckles across his face and a jawline so sharp that it could cut steel. he’s usually wearing a flirty, panty-dropping smirk on his face, and he carries himself with confidence -- a swagger that’s simply unmatched. he has a small scar on his forehead that he got playing in the yard when he was younger. he’s classically handsome, with perfect bone structure, a tall and lean stature, jovanni is something of a walking wet dream. 
positive: bold, confident, debonair, intelligent, creative, playful, easy-going, charming, flirty. negative: impulsive, invincibility-complex, cocky, selfish, self-centered, emotionally unavailable, temperamental, dishonest. short description: to jovanni, the world is his oyster. it revolves around him. the aaron family is the epitome of perfection personified, and jovanni was raised to carry that perfection on his back. he’s gotten good at putting up that façade though -- creating the illusion that he’s just another perfect member of the aaron. on the outside, he’s the picture of perfection and grace -- just like the family mantra. when, in reality, he’s self-destructive. he’s quite the opposite of what his parents would like him to be. his confidence bleeds into unabashed arrogance, he believes he’s invincible to everything -- the law and even death. not to mention, you can’t trust a single thing that spills from those pretty lips of his. 
(tw: drug use) 
     jovanni had a perfect childhood. his parents showered him with anything he could have ever wanted. his bedroom was full of the latest toys, video game consoles and video games, he had the biggest birthday parties in the backyard, and he never wanted for anything. maybe it just came naturally, seeing as his parents are who they are, but jovanni’s always been naturally intelligent and driven. he was easily always top of his class, bringing home good grades and top test scores. however, jovanni had a problem when it came to discipline, and that only got worse as he grew up. he had an affinity for landing himself in hot water with his parents because he talked back to a teacher, or he pushed a schoolmate on the playground -- jovanni just didn’t ( and still doesn’t ) like to be told what to do. of course, this little issue was a blemish on the face of the aaron family name, and it simply had to be handled. 
     and it was. jovanni was taught, by any means necessary, the importance of good behavior and self-image -- because his self-image directly reflected the family image, and the aaron family couldn’t be anything short of perfect and graceful. it’s the family mantra after all, right? 
     jovanni’s academic achievements continued to grow, so did the pressure to keep up that perfect image, and so did his desire to be anything but. by the time he was in high school, jovanni was fully immersed in parties and alcohol, he was sleeping around -- with girls and guys ( though he’s still pretty closeted when it comes to his sexuality ), getting absolutely hammered when he got the chance, when his friends would come over they would raid the wine cellar for whatever liquor they could find, and before he graduated from high school, he was introduced to marijuana and a few other drugs -- like lsd, molly, and ecstasy -- he also did coke once in college but it was a one done thing for him. 
     while jovanni and his friends knew what he was really like on the inside, to his parents and the rest of the outside world, he was a perfect kid. he got straight a’s, was involved in plenty of clubs, always elected president of the student body, a star wide receiver on the football team, a great basketball player, and an amazing baseball player, a tutor, and someone who always had the attention of some of the most coveted universities. he would attend court when his father was working more high profile cases, or more like his father would drag him along, and so jovanni just assumed he was expected to follow in his footsteps. 
     during college -- which were full of wild party days, hookups, and a few scandals that his parents worked hard to cover up ( including but not limited to: a dui charge, a hit and run, two unwanted pregnancies, and a threatened expulsion after a plagiarism incident ) ( he also pledged kappa alpha psi ) -- he started doing a few modeling gigs here and there after being discovered on instagram. he still does it to this day, a few modeling gigs here and there that have garnered him quite the social media following. when he isn’t modeling or partying or fucking -- he’s focusing on law school while also working at the firm his father does as a paralegal. 
     he still lives young, wild, and free much to his parents dismay, though his façade of perfection hasn’t come crumbling down...yet. time will only tell how long he can keep this up. 
exes: maybe an ex-girlfriend that his parents had set him up with in high school, they probably had a toxic relationship because neither of them wanted to be in it. or maybe it was toxic but your muse wanted to be in it, actually loved jovanni despite how he treated her. another ex -- someone he actually wanted to be with and probably loved despite his parents not really accepting that relationship. 
friends: friends from high school and college. they can still be close or maybe they drifted apart. friends who he partied a lot with in high school/college. 
the bro: his true bromance -- otb. this has been his best friend since like the first grade, they’ve been through everything together and they’re still as thick as thieves. 
the sis: his girl best friend, it’s always been platonic between the two of them. 
a boy he’s known since high school, someone he explored his sexuality with. maybe they’ve drifted apart or had a falling out and now they’re running into each other again. 
fuckbuddies: this one’s pretty self-explanatory. the boy likes sex, it’s one of his vices next to weed and alcohol and looking in the mirror a little too much. layer in some angst with some of these relationships and we’re cooking with grease! 
and plenty more! i’m down for any and all connections honestly! just give this a like or slide in my ims and we can plot out some connections and plots for our muses!
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dclaurice · 4 years
The One Where She Tells The Truth
I was raised in a religious household. Strict Pentecostal. No makeup, no cutting your hair, no wear shirts that didn’t cover your arms, or pants. You had to dress modest, meaning skirts that hit the knee and were shapeless. We went to church every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, but that isn’t where this story begins.
This truth begins in high school. I grew up with three girls A, S, and D, who also happened to go to the same church. They were everything I wished I was, but also never wanted to be. A was outrageous. She was always in trouble for something and couldn’t keep her mouth shut. I admired her courage to be herself no matter what. S was repressed. Her mom was extremely strict, and barely let her out of her sight, and was always on her about her appearance. Finally, there was D. She was the worst of all. She had a bad attitude and thought she was the shit. She had it worse than anyone. Her Aunt was extremely strict and since this all took place before it was frowned up to “spank” your children. D would get regularly beaten anytime she did something remotely wrong. 
These girls were supposedly my best friends. Now before I continue with this story, it’s important for me to tell you that I am adopted. My mother gave me up on two separate occasions. The first time was deliberate and included my brother and sister. The second time, it was more like she had forgotten my existence and just never came back. I tell you this so that you can understand that when I met these girls, I just wanted friends. I wanted someone to like me. I wanted to feel like I belonged and that someone cared, because for the better part of the beginning of my life, in my head, I was worthless and something was wrong me. Otherwise, why would my mother not want me. 
Flash forward to high school and we start to notice boys. I say we in a loose sense of the word. At this point in my life, I had had so many bad interactions with foster brothers, I didn’t actually care to deal with boys, but you do what you have to in order to fit in. Each of these girls was boy crazy in their own way, but S really took home the cake. She and I were closer than the other girls. I would spend weekends at her house. Help her with her paper route in the mornings, we would talk about clothes and talk about futures and being able to go shopping anytime we want. She met a boy freshman year and started bringing him to church. Her parents would pick him up and they would all arrive together. It started out really innocent, a few sneaky kisses here and there. Normal teenage stuff. A few months after she met him, she asked if I would sit in the middle of the van, so that they could share the backseat. I didn’t think anything of it, until I looked back and she had covered her lap with his jacket and his right hand was nowhere to be seen. 
It didn’t last much longer after that, he got bored with not getting anymore action and he stopped coming around. After that, things seemingly went back to normal. I had just gotten my drivers license, and had been working my first job at Burger king for awhile, so I started picking her up on Saturday’s and going to the mall. One day while shopping, she tells me she needs to run to the bathroom and she will be right back. Twenty minutes passes by and she finally comes back and tells me she met someone coming out of the bathroom and she got held up talking to him. Again no big deal, we continue our day and once done shopping, calls her mom to ask if she can spend the night at my house and come with me to church Sunday morning. 
That night around 10:30, she leaves my bedroom and I hear the slider open and someone comes in. I go out to see what is going on and she introduces the person she met at the mall. She’s invited him to my house, without telling me and asks me to stay in my room, while they hang out. This continues on for months, sometimes he comes to my house, sometimes she sneaks out to see him and comes back late in the morning and other times, she just completely ditches me at the mall and I spend hours shopping by myself until she has the courtesy to come back.
It’s not until she ends up pregnant that she realizes she’s in trouble. Not only because, the baby’s dad basically abandoned her, but also because her Mom is going to be pissed. She makes up a story and tries to pass of the pregnancy as not her fault. I won’t repeat what that story is, because I am sure you can all guess. Anyway, life goes on. She has the baby and we attempt to get back to normal life. As normal as life can be when one of you is a teenage mother. We start going back to the mall and about 6 months after the baby is born, the pattern starts again. Another man she has met at the mall, has been invited to my house. Only this time when she ditches me, I am left watching her baby, or taking care of him in my room while she fucks him in the other. 
I give you all of this background to tell you two things. During this time all of their mothers/guardians think I am the bad influence. They think that I am the one flirting with boys, they think that I am the trouble maker and basically use me as a scapegoat to believe that their daughters are just the ones getting caught and I am just so good at being sneaky to get caught. And I let them believe it, because it’s better than the alternative. It’s better than sticking up for myself and having these girls hate me, because during that time they loved me. I kept everyone of their dirty little secrets. I never shared a damn thing. When they would talk about sex and the different positions, I would pretend I knew what I was talking about and share my favorite position, even though I had never actually had sex and wouldn’t have sex for the first time until I went away for college. 
To this day their parents still believe that I was the bad influence. Even though S has three children with three different men, A has 5 children with different men and D is working on child 6 or 7, I’ve lost count with as many different men. Yet here I am with no kids and living my best life. This is not to say that you can’t do that with kids, because you definitely can. This is just to say that I am the one that was influenced by them. I was the one pressured to be more forward with guys, I was the one pressured to fit in and in this group pressured to fit in meant doing things you may not have always wanted to do. 
I write this mostly to finally get it off my chest. To rid myself of the weight of this. This post is therapeutic in a way because for so long I have hated that part of my life. Absolutely loathed the pathetic way I wanted to fit in, but recently have been reminded that I have come a long way. I have done some good things with my life and will continue to do good things. I just have to love myself for who I am now and appreciate what brought me here. 
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