#my head on her lap and she kissed me on the mouth out of nowhere
verstappen-cult · 7 months
Max and Charles taking care of you during a night out, when you’ve drink a little too much.
You look around, trying to find your boys but they are nowhere to be seen, which leaves you wandering around until you find two of their friends, Daniel and Carlos, sitting on a couch talking.
“Hey, boys!” You say, happily, flopping down onto the couch right in the middle of them. You’ve interrupted their conversation but you don’t notice. They exchange looks, which you don’t notice either, and Carlos is up in a second, excusing himself.
“Hey, stranger.” Daniel says, moving closer. “‘What are you drinking?” He tries to take a look at your cup, but you take it to your lips.
"You wanna try it?" You ask him, words slurred.
"Yeah, let me just—" He goes to take the cup from your hands at the same time that you bring it closer to him, causing it to fall on Daniel's lap. "Shit!"
"I'm so sorry, Dani!" You look for something to clean the big stain on Daniel's blue jeans and, with you fuzzy brain, you decide that the only thing that could do the work is your dress. So, you take the hem of your dress, moving even closer to Dani – almost on his lap – not caring about your dress getting dirty.
“It’s okay.” He laughs. If he’s pissed he doesn’t show it, that’s how it always is with Dani. “Y/N, it’s okay!” Daniel tries to move away but you are decided to clean the spilled drink, even if it’s impossible by now.
“What’s happening?” Max’s voice cuts through the air. You lift your head up, eyes glazed over.
“I spilled my drink,” You sniff, looking between your boyfriend and the stain on the boy’s leg. “but Dani won’t let me help him.”
“I don’t think there’s anything you can do, princess.” Charles sits by your side, hands immediately pulling your dress down. “Dani will take care of it, yes?”
Daniel nods. “It’s nothing, really. I have like a dozen of these same jeans.” His big, warm smile makes you feel better. Just a little, you still feel like a fool. “I’ll borrow something from Carlos.” He winks at you before standing up and getting lost.
Max sighs, crossing his arms and staring you down.
“What did we say about mixing different drinks?”
“I was just having fun with Lando.” You pout, looking at your stained dress.
Charles grins and presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “What did you drink?”
“Just a few shots of tequila.” You shrug, snuggling closer to Charles. “Oh, did you know he makes this delicious vodka with cranberry juice?”
Max sighs, shaking his head in disapproval. “What else?”
“Your favorite drink.” You look at him beneath your eyelashes.
“Don’t look at me like that.” Max frowns and closes his mouth. “We talked about this.”
“Relax, Max.” Charles chimes in, working his arm around your waist. “She learned her lesson, right?”
You nod enthusiastically, which is a bad idea because it makes you feel dizzy. Max is immediately moving closer, kneeling in front of you.
“Easy there, baby. We don’t want you throwing up in the middle of the living room.” Max strokes your hair and you can’t help but lean into his touch, relaxed.
“Should we go home?” Charles asks him.
“But I don’t wanna go!” You know you always – well, most of the time – get what you want if you pout, so, that’s exactly what you do.
“What? You wanna go back to drink with Lando?”
“Well, no, but I don’t wanna ruin your night.”
“Oh, baby, you’re not ruining our night. We’d rather be with you at home.” Charles kisses your cheek and you giggle, feeling warm.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, let’s get you home, pretty girl.”
Max helps you stand up, his arm around your waist to help you walk. Not that you need it, you’re just a little tipsy. But you like it when they act all protective over you. Charles makes sure to let their friends know they are leaving before joining you and Max outside.
You lean against the car, pouting for what feels like the hundredth time in the night. “Can we go to McDonald’s?”
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Sneaking Around
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~900
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You and Spencer are keeping a relationship a secret from your brother, Derek
Square Filled: "don't you touch her." (2022) for @spencerreidbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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You don’t ever want to leave this bed. It feels too damn good to want to start your day. Spencer has been up for a while just watching you sleep. He likes to see your eyes flit back and forth underneath your eyelids as he wonders what you might be dreaming about. Where do you go when you fall asleep? Based on the smile on your face, your dream is about him.
“Darling. Wake up,” Spencer whispers and nudges his nose with yours.
You scrunch up your nose in the way he loves, the way that makes you look like a squirrel, and you open your eyes slightly. He waits until he sees your bright eyes before kissing the tip of your nose. There you go again with the cute nose scrunch.
“Why did you wake me? I was having a great dream,” you sigh happily.
“Was it about me?”
“When is it never about you?”
“Tell me what it was about.”
You yawn and move away to get a better look at him.
“Well, I was on this boat and it wasn’t a cruise ship-type boat but like a sailboat. You know, the one Rossi lets us use sometimes. We were in the middle of nowhere but we didn’t feel lost or felt scared. We felt content. I decided to go swimming so I jumped into the water, but then I grew a mermaid tail and you were so jealous because I swam faster than you. You jumped into the water to see if you could grow a tail but couldn’t. So, I decided to take you to my underwater world where we had fish children and ate kelp all the time.”
“Sounds adventurous,” Spencer laughs.
“It was weird,” you giggle.
“So, while you were snoring,” you push Spencer away playfully, “I was thinking maybe we can go up to your parents’ cabin this weekend.”
“That sounds ama—wait,” you sigh, “we can’t. Derek is having his friends over. He’s taking the weekend to do whatever it is they plan on doing. The last thing I need is to be caught by him.”
It’s not that Derek doesn’t approve of your relationship with Spencer, it’s just he’s so protective over you. You have nothing to do with the police or the FBI, and he doesn’t want you getting mixed up in that life. It’s bad enough he’s in it, he doesn’t want to add another person you could possibly lose. He’s only looking out for you, and you understand that, but you fell in love with Spencer the second he introduced you two.
You two have been seeing each other behind his back, and it’s been working out so far.
“Maybe we can rent a hotel room, then. I really want to go away with you for the weekend.”
“I’d like that,” you grin.
You lean over and kiss him, but the kiss is anything but short and sweet. It’s the kind of kiss that makes your head spin. The kind of kiss that makes you want to do very bad things with him. The kind of kiss that makes you fall in love with him all over again. The kiss gets heated very quickly and he pulls you onto his lap so you can feel how hard you’re making him.
Suddenly, the front door slams open and your brother can be heard laughing downstairs.
“Reid! You here?”
“Shit,” you gasp.
You scramble off Spencer and fall off the bed toward the window. Spencer laughs at your panic just as you crawl underneath his bed. Seconds later, Derek opens Spencer’s bedroom door, and you cover your mouth to keep quiet. Spencer doesn’t mind that Derek barges in whenever he wants. With him are Matt and Luke, and the latter smirks at the flushed look on Spencer’s face.
“Why is Y/N’s car here?”
“She dropped it off here,” Spencer thinks quickly. “She took an Uber to hang out with the girls. She didn’t want to drive, and it was cheaper to get one from here than her house.”
Luke looks around the room and sees your toes underneath the bed. He smirks but doesn’t comment on it.
“When she gets back, she can sleep in the guest room.”
“No problem,” Spencer shrugs.
“Don’t you touch her,” Derek points at him.
“I won’t. Why did you come here? Not that I don’t love your company.”
Spencer doesn’t want to get up because then they’ll see the boner he has.
“We’re going to a baseball game. Want to come?”
“No, thank you. I have a bunch of books to get through.”
“I can wait ten minutes,” Derek laughs.
“Maybe next time.”
“Alright. Let me know when she gets home safe.”
“Sure thing.”
The three men leave the room and Spencer busts out laughing at the situation.
“Shut up,” you glare and hit the underside of his bed. You crawl out from underneath it when you know it’s safe to do so. You kneel on the bed and kiss him lovingly. “Derek may be my brother, but he’s not the boss of me. I love you with all my heart, but I better go before he sees me.”
“We gotta tell him soon.”
“I know but sneaking around with you is so much fun,” you wink.
Instead of leaving through the bedroom door like a normal person, you sneak out of the window where there is a tree that slopes down, giving you the perfect escape route. Spencer watches you go with a chuckle, glad that someone like you is in his life.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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jihyoruri · 10 months
can we get a wow!yn and winter oneshot? they’re so intriguing to me I just wanna see how their relationship was😭
I LIKE YOU — kim minjeong x reader
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warnings: wow!yn, idol au, fluff, (you can also find more wow!yn things on my masterlist)
the sound of the pounding rain of outside hits the windows of the dorm it over takes the sound of the movie coming from the tv in front of the three girls who are sprawled on the couch.
“she’s so stupid.” yizhuo says towards the girl on the tv, jimin and minjeong nodding in agreement, minjeong opens her mouth to add onto the younger girls comment but the sound of jiggling keys cuts her off.
the three girls turn their heads to see aeri at the door way taking her keys out of the lock, minjeong was about to shout that they’re watching the movie that she recommended but it dies in her throat when she sees the tall figure behind her member and she’s instantly nervous.
they watched as the two girls walked fully into the dorm, “I brought a gift guys!” aeri, “every girls dream.” she says wrapping an arm around yn’s waist, presenting the taller girl like she was on sale.
she wasn’t on sale actually, and minjeong so wanted to say it when she saw the way jimin’s gaze lingered on yn.
“hey yn,” yizhuo said towards the girl with a smile, who returns her smile, they’ve always had a nice friendship, definitely nowhere near close as yn and aeri but they’ve always been cool with each other, it’s probably because they’re the same age.
yn and jimin just give each a nod of acknowledgment, like always.
minjeong feels her face heat up when yn turns her gaze towards her, she awkwardly waves at yn who just laughs at the older girl.
“I think you wore your last batch of clothes in my room the last time you were here.” aeri says to yn, she was about to offer to lend you some but yn cuts her off.
“I should have some clothes in minjeongs.” yn says nonchalantly, causing everyone to pause and look at minjeong who looks in her lap in embarrassment.
“oh?” aeri says looking at minjeong and then at yn and yizhuo lets out a laugh while jimin just looks at her phone.
“yup.” yn says before playfully kissing aeri’s cheek and walking towards minjeongs room.
a couple minutes go by and everyone stares at minjeong waiting for the girl to explain but all she does is cough awkwardly and gestures towards her room before getting up quickly and walking towards her room.
she hears aeri yell a “we’re talking about this later.” before she closes her room door.
she turns around to find yn laying on her bed in more comfortable clothes with her phone in her face, she lets out a sigh and walks over to the girl and plops right on top of her, earning a grunt from yn.
“you didn’t have to do all of that.” she says to yn pointing her finger at the girls face, causing yn to bite it earning a squeal from the aespa member.
“do what?” yn aks putting her phone down and bringing one of her her hands to rest behind her head looking down at the girl laying on her, “I needed my clothes.”
“I know…” she mumbles, “but now they’re gonna interrogate me.” she whines earning a laugh from yn.
“and I’ll be there to witness it.” yn jokes, “can’t wait.”
minjeong rolls her before sitting up and adjusting herself to straddle yn, “are you sleeping over today?”
yn shakes her head no as minjeong plays with the star ring on her finger, “not today, I gotta help hyunseo with her homework.”
minjeong lets out a playful aww earning a an embarrassed groan from yn, “you’re such a big sister.” she says poking the girls cheeks.
“stop.” yn whines, moving her heated face away as minjeong laughs.
after the laughter dies down she grabs yn’s hand again and plays with the star ring, “yn?”
“I like you a lot.”
there’s silence before yn grabs winter’s necklace and mutters a soft “I know.” before bringing the girl down to meet her lips.
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poppy-metal · 2 months
the boys not men……. thinking….. having the most traumatic break up of your life and deciding you have to reconnect with nature so you go to stay with your relative who owns a ranch out in the country. art works there as a farmhand, your uncles right hand man. worked there since he was a boy, grew into a man. a real fine man with a long strong body accustomed to hard labour, made by it and for it. he don’t think nothing of you when you first come in. city girl, spoiled, precious. hair too nice, nails too pretty. he don’t think much of city girls. you’re pretty. very. but pretty won’t pay the bills, and he’s not risking his lively hood on you. you’re miserable. inconsolable. you thought your ex was the love of your life. you don’t speak to anyone for the first few days, your uncle just happy to have you around, so art only catches glimpses of you off the veranda, wrapped in a shawl, looking forlorn like a lady in the old black and white pictures they play at the drive in. each time you lock eyes you turn with a flourish and go inside, like you were always a figment of his imagination and you were never really there. just a pretty ghost. as the days go by your uncle introduces the two of you, telling art to show you the ropes of what he does. good to keep busy he says. art holds out his long hand for you to shake, and you take it gingerly, but his fingers grip your hand tight enough that you grip his back and really shake. an electric chill runs through you. over the next few days, art tries to teach you things but you periodically break down, over something in some convoluted way relating back to your ex. arts surprisingly good at comforting you, but that’s not what he really wants to do. he wants to show you that men, real men, don’t make girls like you cry. from sadness at least.
RAHHHHHHH need country art on his knees eating my cunt the way none of those city boys do - long laps to your pussy like he's truly enjoying himself down there and he is - broad shoulders holding your legs apart on either side of him - he makes you watch the way his lips seal around your pussy - can fit the whole thing in his mouth - lips and all - makes you leak into mouth an embarrassing amount, but he just sucks it down. languidly and lazy like he has all the time in the world to spend between your legs - eating you until you're all puffy and swollen and your little clit is damn near ready to fall off she's so sore from his tongue running circles over her again and again -
you think you're done when he's made you cum twice down his throat - when the tears staining your cheeks aren't from your dumb ex back home but from how good art donaldsons mouth is - but he tells you that's just the beginning, sweetheart. licks you off his lips like you're honey and kisses your tremblin' thigh.
"nowhere near done with you," is what he says, dragging your legs off his work bench, until your ass is hanging off the edge. forces you to wrap them around his trim waist as he reaches down to unbuckle his belt. the heat in his eyes enough to melt your body right to liquid. "got something else this little pussy needs." and you've never been impressed by a cock until you'd seen his. flushed and hard in his hand - pink tipped and swollen. you think he had it about right, you do need him - how is it that he knows what you need better than you ever could? is that what makes him a man?
regardless - you're biting your lip and watching him feed himself inside you - your tender cunt sensitive but greedy to pull him in - "just like that." he groans when the head slips in, slick and easy - "look at you take it - you ever wanted a dick this much?"
and you have to be honest. you haven't. and so you shake your head and he groans - and you whine when he rocks even deeper - sinks more inside. the spread of him so thick inside you. fuller than you've ever been before. makes your toes curl right up.
"and you won't again." art tells you. "cause whenever you need it, you come to me. understand?"
this pussy is his to take care of from now on, he says, and you can do nothing but nod and let widen your legs to allow him even deeper inside yourself - ready to give him whatever he wants of you, if it means he'll keep making you feel this fucking good.
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the girl next door 17
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
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“You’re leaving me?” Your mom whines. 
“Sorry, Holly, they need to keep you overnight for observation,” Steve crosses his arms. 
“But... you could stay?” 
“What about her?” He asks, nodding over his shoulder as you sit on the bench against the wall, head down as you grip the boxes of pills. You haven’t said much since she woke up, you just stayed out of her way. She only wanted to talk to him anyhow. 
“She can drive,” she pouts. 
“I drove her here and I’m sorry, but I can’t stay. I have stuff to do. We’ve been here all day and I didn’t exactly plan for it,” he shrugs, “you got my number, okay?” 
“Wha-- I’m sick, how can you just abandon me?” 
“Now, Holly,” he firms his voice and drops his arms, hands on her bed rail, “don’t be dramatic. No one’s abandoning you. There’s nowhere for either of us to sleep and you need rest if you’re going to come home. Look at it like this, I’m taking care of your daughter while you’re here. Making sure everything’s ready for you.” 
“Hmph,” she grunts, “I... I’m sorry. I’m scared, Steve,” she sniffs though even from where you sit, you can tell her eyes are dry, “I’m going to miss you,” she touches his hand and rubs it, “these last few days have been... the best I’ve had in a long time.” 
“I know,” he lowers his voice, “but you gotta get better and... take better care of yourself. You want this to last, right?” 
“I.. I guess,” she concedes grimly, “can I... I get a kiss before you go?” 
He nods and leans in. He kisses her cheek, ignoring her pucker, then stands. He gives a yawn as your mom blinks up at him. She obviously expected more and you can’t tell if he even realises her disappointment. 
“Alright, sweetie, give your mom a hug, I can see you dwindling over there,” he beckons you over. 
You stand without a word and approach the bed. Your eyes meet your mom’s glare. You don’t hug. Ever. You can’t even remember the last time you did. Maybe when you were ten? You look down ashamed and spread your arms, embracing her quickly and daintily as she just lays there. 
“Bye mom, love you.” 
She pauses and swallows loudly, “love you too.” 
You spin back to Steve and slant your mouth. You know she’s only saying that because he’s right there. You cross the room as he bids his own farewell and you mom huffs and puffs mopily. 
As you come out in the hall, Steve walks beside you. You’re startled as he touches your lower back. Again. It must be a habit. 
“So, when we get home, are you going to try some of those pills?” He asks. 
“What?” You look down at the handful. “Oh, uh, maybe...” 
“The nurse said you should try. Even just for tonight. At least get some sleep while you can, you know?” 
“Yeah, er, I don’t know.” 
“Nothing wrong with accepting a little help. Especially when you need it.” 
“Mm, I guess,” you shrug, “I’ll think about it.” 
You carry on, following the halls and riding the elevator in silence. You chalk it up to fatigue on both ends. As you come out under the sky, the sun is setting. You follow Steve to his car and get in, resting the boxes in your lap as you rub your eyes. 
He turns the engine and backs out. He grips the wheel and sighs. The air is thick even as the AC blows. 
“Does your mom always talk to you like that?” He asks. 
You’re struck by the question. You know you can’t tell the truth. Even if you didn’t know your mom would lose it, it’s too embarrassing. Besides, you deserve it. You ruined her life. 
“She’s just out of it, I think,” you murmur. “Me too. I was worried.” 
“You’re a really good daughter,” he says, “a good person too. You know, you can tell me anything and I'll believe you. I’ll listen, sweetie.” 
You nod and chew your inner lip. He might believe you but he wouldn’t be able to change it. No one ever tried. Even when your aunt saw how your mother was, she only ran away. 
“Seems like you could use someone,” he steers smoothly behind another car, “what... I hope it’s okay for me to ask but where’s you dad?” 
Your heart drops. You shift and the boxes fall onto the floor. You bend forward to pick them up and suddenly, the car jerks and Steve’s pushing you back against the seat. You flatten yourself to it as your pulse pumps wildly. He’s at a complete stop as the car in front of him is only an inch away. 
“God-- guy didn’t even tap his breaks,” he snarls as he keeps his arms out, his hand on your chest, cupping you. 
“Uh,” you gulp and look down. 
He glances over and retracts his hand. He puts it back on the wheel and clears his throat, moving in his seat as he slowly leans on the gas. You won’t say anything. It was an accident and awkward enough. 
“I didn’t want you to hit your head,” he says. 
“It’s fine, thanks,” you carefully bend again and reach down to retrieve the pills. “Didn’t mean to drop these.” 
“No harm, no foul right,” he chuckles and pulls his hand from the wheel to rub his neck. “You can crash at my place if you want. Might be weird all alone in that house. Unsafe.” 
He bends his elbow against the armrest as he drives with one hand. You lean into the door and stare out the window. You really just want to go home and be alone. 
“It’s okay. I’m... an adult.” 
“Oh, I know, sweetie, I didn’t mean to treat you like a child. I know you’re not. Trust me, that’s clear,” he assures you. “I just thought... pretty girl like you home alone. Maybe I worry too much.” 
You didn’t think of it until he said something. You clutch the boxes tight and cross your feet together. You turn your head straight and watch the traffic ahead. 
“I don’t think... guy don’t...” you don’t know how to say it aloud. You’ve never had to admit what a loser you are, it’s just been obvious. Somehow, he seems to miss that. “It’s a safe neighbourhood.” 
“Sure, I guess you’re right,” he clicks his tongue. “Be weird being alone though, won’t it? You and your mom, you’re always together. Someone like me... I’ve been alone a while. Guess I’m used to it.” 
“Oh, yeah,” you agree flatly. 
“Sorry, that was... sadder than I meant,” he laughs at himself hollowly, “you know, I just never married. Always wanted to but did the military thing then the art thing and then I woke up and I was fifty. Then fifty-one and one and one...” he shakes his head as he slows down with the residential traffic, “if I can pass on any wisdom, sweetie, don’t let life run away from you. Don’t run away from it.” 
“Erm, thanks,” your tongue makes a gross noise as you swallow.  
“Just the wisdom of an old man,” he scoffs, “young girl like you, you got a lot waiting for ya.” 
You turn your head and hide your frown. You feel even worse with his empty promises. There’s nothing for you. You’re too stupid for college, you’re too useless for a job, and you’re just a shell of a person. There’s nothing in you worth a damn. 
“Sweetie, you okay?” He asks as he turns onto your street. 
“Tired,” you answer; it’s the truth, just not the whole truth. 
“Yeah, me too,” he yawns, “before you ditch me, how about you come have some dinner? You’re gonna need something in your stomach before you take those meds.” 
He pulls into his driveway and you peek over at him. Your stomach growls before you can say you’re not hungry. You flick your thumb on the elastic band around the boxes. You can’t be rude, what if he tells mom? 
“Alright,” you accept, “thank you.” 
“You’ve been through a lot, sweetie,” he reaches over to squeeze your shoulder, “you don’t have to keep being strong.” 
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kittenintheden · 7 months
Since I adore the way you write I was thinking this might be up your alley:
Tav/named Tav or Ori (years after the Netherbrain or some such) challenging Astarion that they can make him cum with kisses alone. He's blindfolded and he cannot touch himself 👀
And maaaayyybee just to make it harder: pointy ears are off limits.
Well. How could I say no?
Rating: E Pairing: Astarion x AFAB F!Tav (3rd person) Word Count: 1.7k Content: 18+, established relationship, sexy kissing, sexually explicit talk, teasing, orgasm delay, analingus
They love to kiss.
A few years have passed, the greatest of their heroics nowhere near forgotten but just a bit distant. They've been together through it all and beyond. They've more adventures under their belts, more friends than they know what to do with, and memories enough to bring more joy than sorrow most days.
As they recline in one of their favorite armchairs, her draped across his lap crosswise with her arms wrapped around his neck, Astarion doesn't kiss her like the first time. That was stilted, acted, hollow. No, he kisses her like the first time he realized this was... something.
He remembers that kiss well. Softer, opening. The loosening of lip and tongue to let someone in. She meets him instantly, as she always has. Always up for anything if it involves him. It has the same effect on him now that it did then.
Astarion groans as he breaks their kiss, rolling his forehead against hers. "Gods, Tav, how do you do it? Sometimes, I think I could come from your kisses alone."
Her grin goes wide against his lips. "Is that a challenge?"
His eyelids feel heavy as he blinks them open to look at her. With effort, he raises an eyebrow. "Would love to see you try."
"Oh, you..." She leans in close and curls out her tongue to just barely touch his bottom lip before she sits back again. "... asked for it."
"Literally did, yes," he says. She pushes up to standing and gives him a gentle shove so he takes her place draped across the chair, legs hanging over one side and his head cushioned on the other. He folds his hands across his torso and smirks at her.
Tav matches his smarmy look as she reaches to her hips to untie the sash she has tied across them. She takes the cloth and begins folding it over itself before she says, "I don't think you're going to see me try, though." She winks and comes closer.
"Cheeky," he teases as she places the cloth over his eyes and moves around to tie it behind his head. "Fine. I get to lay ground rules, as well."
"Go ahead," she says as she gets the blindfold in place, amusement in her voice.
Astarion raises a finger in the air. "No ears. My ears are off limits."
She drops her hands with a huff. "What for?"
"You know exactly what for, you cheat," he says, mockingly shaking his raised finger as if scolding her. "This is kisses only. Kisses from your mouth."
He hears her tutting above him. "Tongue? Teeth?" she asks.
"Only as much as would reasonably be expected during an intimate but not... aggressive moment," he says. "No sucking."
"Hm," she hums. "I'll work with it. Now, my rules: no touching."
"What?" he huffs through his laugh.
She boops his nose. "No touching me, and no touching yourself. I'm steering, not you. Dear."
"Feisty tonight," he purrs. "I'll allow it. Because it's hot, mostly."
She chuckles as she pushes off the chair and takes a step back from the sound of it. "Challenge accepted. Clothes off."
He turns his head in her direction. "Why don't you do it?"
There's a pause, then she clears her throat and says "uh-uh" and he realizes she must have shook her head and then realized he can't see her. He huffs a laugh.
"I'm only allowed to kiss," she says. "You know I'm skilled, but undoing buttons and hooks via kiss is beyond even me."
"Oh, all right," he lilts through his grin as he begins to undo his buttons. "If you insist."
"This as much as you'll get to touch yourself for a bit, so enjoy it while you can," she says. She's closer now. Kneeling near his head by the sound of it.
He enjoys it. He enjoys it very much, teasing her mercilessly by plucking each button with intentional slowness, sliding his clothing off his skin bit by bit. Though he can't see her, he can hear her pulse quicken, smell the stirrings of her arousal. It's giving her a head start, he knows, but he can't help his body reacting to it.
She notices. "I haven't even touched you yet and you're already half-hard. The odds look to be in my favor."
"Long way to go before you can gl-" he starts, but he's cut off as he feels the weight of her hands on the arm of the chair by either side of his head and her mouth is on his. His last words melt into a pleased hum.
It's a sweet kiss. Tender, loving. Exactly the way she kisses him when she wants him to know he's precious to her, safe with her. It's a lover's sigh swirling down the length of his spine and he blooms instantly, just like she certainly knew he would. He tilts his chin up toward her, trying to get closer. More.
Tav lets him take comfort of her. Take love, take care. When he cracks open from it, when his lips fall open and pliant, she teases them open further with gentle laps from the tip of her tongue. They meet, warm and wet, tasting of one another.
He nearly catches her about to suck one of his lips but she stops herself, her mouth flickering into a quick smile before she gives him a light nip instead. It sends a shiver straight down the line between his abdominals and he feels his cock go fully hard and aching.
Astarion presses his hips deeper into the chair and arches his chest up, a low noise in his throat. He makes his hands into fists and his sides and feels Tav reach for the hand nearest her. She sits up and he lets her lift his hand to her face, gently loosening it until she can press her lips to the pad of one of his fingers. It's a relatively innocent gesture, which makes his soft moan sound all the more debauched in the quiet of the room. He bites his lip and turns his face away from her, desperate to pretend she's not having the effect she is as she presses kisses to each of his fingers, then his palm, then the inside of his wrist.
Then her tongue is warm and gentle against the thin skin of his wrist and his cock twitches hard. There's the smallest bit of tightening and he feels cool air more prominently against his skin. He realizes it's because he's leaking, the head of him going slightly damp.
"Ah ha, ha," he laughs breathily. "That's... made your point, I think."
She giggles and puts his hand back down. He feels her body heat as she leans over him. "I don't think it has, love."
"Oh, oh.... kay..." he manages before her lips land beside his windpipe and he instinctively bares his whole throat to her, head tilted back over the arm of the chair.
Tav giggles against his skin as she kisses down the length of his neck and back up again, paying special attention to the place where his pulse point would be if he had a pulse. He nearly gets it together enough to scold her for straying so close to his ear when she kisses down once more and continues over his collarbones, then between his pectorals.
Her mouth presses and lifts down, down, following the line of his abdomen all the way. She's always careful to keep her arms on either side of him, dutifully not touching in any way that could be considered cheating. Speaking of cheating, she's getting dangerously close to...
But she veers to the side, instead placing another open-mouthed kiss over his hip bone. Astarion rolls into it with a sigh, his neglected cock seeking stimulation of any kind. He's so achingly hard and sensitive that he's nearly to the point of mindlessly attempting to rut whatever's closest.
Tav's laughter ghosts her hot breath over the crease of his thighs. Her mouth leaves him and he bites down hard on the whine that tries to escape him. He can hear her breathing hard around her words.
"Lift up a bit more for me?" she says.
With a groan, he does so, lifting himself so his hips are angled better for her. He's at the point of doing whatever she asks because she's a balm, she's soothing relief and rolling pleasure. Just barely, he manages to say, "Kisses only."
"Yes, dear," she says as she uses the softest possible nudge to get him in place.
Her mouth is back at the crease of his thigh, then the other side, gentle kisses up and down, and it is so sweet but he's losing his mind, he needs more, always more.
Tav's parted lips are soft against the root of his cock and his balls pull in tighter to him. Close, but not quite there. Not yet.
"Darling, I... I can't take... please," he breathes. "I'm so close, please."
She kisses the base once more and moves up higher, just a breath, and he preemptively smiles, waiting for her to take him in her mouth, give him his final end, relieve the ache. But she doesn't keep going up.
Tav goes down.
Just as Astarion realizes what she's about to do, she does it. A warm, teasing, slow open-mouthed kiss to his arsehole, followed by circle, and circle, and circle, and-
The blackness behind his blindfold whites out as his body rolls through its orgasm, his spend spilling from him in bursts as he shivers through it. His groan stutters out of him in pieces.
When he can move his arms again, he raises a heavy hand to pull the blindfold off his head and glares down the length of his mussed body at his partner, who leans on one hand and grins up at him from between his legs.
"That was definitely cheating," he pants.
She shrugs. "You said ears were off limits. You didn't say anything about arse."
"You're... going to get it... later." He flops back onto the chair and goes boneless. "Once my limbs are answering requests from my brain again."
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raspberrybesitos · 11 months
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Muñequita | javier peña x f!reader
Main masterlist
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word count: ~2k
Summary: Javier comes home from a shit day at work, and puts your free use agreement to work.
Warnings: free use, oral (f receiving), mirror sex, unprotected PIV (wrap it up y’all), doggy style, papi (daddy) kink, dom!Javi, dom/sub dynamic, spanking, degradation, praise kink, creampie, fluff, after care, reader is female, reader has hair Javier can pull but no mention of hair type/skin color/body type, NO USE OF Y/N.
A/N: i cranked this out in like an hour. this literally came out of nowhere, i've just been thinking about Javi a lot. like honest to god this is just the result of me watching too many Javi edits on tiktok and a severe case of Javi P brain rot :P hope y'all enjoy! not beta’d, all mistakes are my own. 🏃‍♀️
Divider by @saradika
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Sighing as he unlocks the door to your home, he loosens the tie around his neck and tosses his keys onto the counter. He toes off his shoes and kicks them to where yours lay in the foyer. The sound of music and the smell of something cooking catches his attention, pulling him into the kitchen.
The frustration from today dissipates ever so slightly at the sight of you at the counter, preparing dinner. He trudges to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing a kiss on your neck, eliciting a startled yelp from you.
“Javi! I didn’t even hear you come in, you scared me!” You yell, setting the knife down and turning around in his embrace. He sighs and nuzzles his face into the crook of your neck. “Rough day?” You ask, twirling the curls at the nape of his neck. He silently responds with a nod as he peppers kisses to the column of your throat. 
Javier isn’t typically one for talking about what’s bothering him. Letting him open up to you at his own pace, you two have an agreement: he can fuck you whenever and however he likes after a hard day.
A moan threatens to spill over your lips as he sucks on the spot just above your collarbone. “What can I do to help, papi?” Asking teasingly as you feign innocence, batting your lashes at him.
He snarls at your words, gripping your hair and drawing you into him. “I think you already know the answer to that, bebita.” He sinks to his knees, hands roaming to the hem of your dress. Your scent intoxicating as he leans in to hike your dress up over your stomach and bunching it up over his head. He groans as he takes in the sight of your bare cunt. 
“No panties, baby? Did you know I was gonna come home pissed off huh? Make sure my meeting went to shit so you’d get fucked like a little slut?” You whimper at his words as you shake your head.
“No, Javi, I swe-,”
You’re cut off with a light smack to your thigh, moaning at the dull sting. “Uh uh. What’s my name, bebita?” Javier growls. “P-papi,” you whimper. “That’s right,” he says, pressing a kiss to your mound.
“Look at her, bebita. She’s drooling for me. All from being called a slut?” He rasps against your thighs, his prickly mustache scratching them as he litters kisses along them. Javier doesn’t miss the way your thighs squeeze together, noticeably clenching around nothing.
A soft bite pulls you from your trance, gasping as he sinks his teeth into the flesh of your thigh. “Yes, papi. Wanted to give you something nice to come home to,” you moan, locking eyes with him as his hands roam up to your ass, giving it a firm squeeze.
“My sweet bebita walking around here with no panties on like a good little slut. You go out in public like this or just here, waiting for papi to get home?” 
“Only here, only for you, papi,” you pant, your neediness increasing by the second. Your words elicit a growl from him.
He dives in with no warning, your head swims at the sensation of his tongue on your dripping core. “Oh fuck, papi!” He hums as he laps at your juices, licking a broad stripe up your folds, parting your lips with his tongue. Endless moans stream from your lips as a new wave of slick seeps from your cunt and into his mouth.
He groans at the taste of you, his cock twitching in his suit. “F-feels so, s-so good, papi,” you whine as you toss your head back. The smell of something burning piques your interest, turning your head to the side. The pan you’d left on the stove sends smoke into the air, completely forgotten in the midst of everything. You gently tap Javier’s shoulder. “Papi, d-dinner,” you stutter through your moans as Javier curls his lips around your clit.
Grunting at your words, Javier turns it into a race - betting he can make you cum before the smoke detector sets off. Eager to win, he shoves two thick fingers into your dripping pussy. Your eyes fly open, inhaling a sharp gasp at the unexpected intrusion.
The sting from the stretch is welcomed and so utterly delicious, you clench around them as he relentlessly suckles on your swollen, puffy clit. “Ja- Papi, wait, gotta - hah - gotta turn off the stove,” you whine. He doesn’t relent, in fact, his pace picks up as he laps at your core. His long, thick fingers ruthlessly hitting your g-spot as he fucks them and in and out of you. The smoke permeates the air, your head swirling as your orgasm approaches.
He groans as he feels you clench around his fingers. The vibrations of it sending you crashing into your orgasm.
“Papi!” You scream, seizing up under his hold as you uncontrollably convulse, bucking your hips up into his mouth. Moaning as he drinks up every last drop of your slick. He pulls back, the skirt of your dress slightly falling.
Without moving from his spot, he keeps one hand on your thigh while reaching for the knob on the stove, turning it off before the smoke detector can beep. The smoke slowly dissipates through the open windows as he turns his attention back to you.
A bead of sweat drips from your brow from the combination of the heat and your orgasm. He lets the hem of your dress fall back into place and rises to his feet. His lips crash onto yours. His mustache damp as his chin glistens with your slick, smearing it onto yours. The kiss ravenous and heady, you moan into his mouth at the taste of yourself on his tongue.
“Bedroom, now,” he rasps, grabbing your hand and hurriedly leading you to your shared room.
He nearly throws you across the room as he flings you onto the bed, shucking his suit jacket off in the process.
Drawing him in by the tie, you suck his bottom lip into yours as you fiddle with the buttons on his shirt. He fiddles with his belt as you slip off his shirt, tugging his curls in your hands - deepening the kiss.
He helps you tear the dress from your body, your lips still connected. Swiftly unhooking your bra and tossing it on the floor, he growls at the sight of you laid out, stark naked on the bed for him.
You coyly spread your legs, your cunt still wet and sticky from earlier. Flames burning in your core as he removes his briefs. His angry, red cock throbbing as his seed spills over the tip as his eyes blow wide with lust.
He pumps himself in his first, lathering his length in his precum. “Turn around bebita. All fours,” he demands.
You quickly follow his instructions, eager to be stuffed full of him. Propping yourself up on all fours, teasingly arching your back as you wiggle your ass. A sharp smack comes crashing down onto your ass, a loud moan escaping you.
He snarls at your teasing. The bed dips behind you, as Javier settles in behind you. Gripping your hair, he yanks you flushed against his chest. “You gonna be a good girl, baby? Or are we gonna have a repeat of last time?”
The delicious memory of him restraining you to the bed, edging you for hours replays in your head.
Despite how appetizing that sounds, your neediness overpowers your decision making as you’re desperate for him to fuck you.
“Yes, papi, I’m gonna be good, I promise,” you keen as he nips at your ear lobe. “Good girl,” he whispers in your ear, tossing you back onto the mattress.
His girthy, long cock drags along your ass and teasingly prods at your aching pussy. Anticipation bubbles in your tummy as he lines up his length with your entrance. He enters you in one, slow motion, drawn out moans from both of you filling the air along with the squelch of your pussy.
Filling you to the hilt, you pant as he languidly pulls out of you before ramming back into you. You duck your head into the mattress, muffling your moans.
“Uh uh, don’t do that. Look into the mirror and let me hear you, baby. Let me hear those pretty sounds you make for papi,” he says as he slowly begins fucking you.
Turning your head to the side, you catch a glimpse of you two in the mirror. A particularly loud moan escapes you at the sight of him buried in you while he fucks into your sopping cunt, stroking your g-spot. The familiar mouthwatering sting of his cock causes tears to blur your vision.
“M-more, papi, more! Please!” You beg, needing more than the slow pace he’s going at. Suddenly, he’s ramming into you fast and hard, grunting with every thrust against your cervix as your cries fill the air.
“That hard enough for you? You like getting fucked like a slut, baby? Como una muñequita, like my little doll?” His hips snapping into yours, his balls slapping your clit with each thrust.
“Yes, papi, yes! Your little doll to use whenever you want, do anything you want with, papi!” You cry out on a choked sob, tears of pleasure streaming from your eyes. A tug of your hair elicits a high-pitched moan from you.
“I’m the luckiest man, bebita. Coming home to my girl cooking for me and letting me fuck her whenever I want, however I want. So fucking good for me, baby. So. Fucking. Good,” he moans loudly, his hips punctuating his words.
“Only for you, papi," you breathlessly whine. 
“That’s right, baby. Only for me. Cum for me, bebita. Wanna see you cum on my cock. Look in the mirror and look how pretty you are when you cum all over my cock, baby. Be a good girl for papi and cum, bebita,” he babbles.
You shift your gaze to the mirror again and the sight of him fucking you along with his words launch you into your climax, screaming as he grips your hips harder.
“Fill me up, papi. Stuff me full of your cum. Want it so bad, need your cum, papi, please,” you sob through your release. 
Thrusts growing sloppy as he fucks you through your high.
"Fuck!" He grunts as he coats your walls with his warm load, dribbling out of you and smearing between your thighs and onto your cunt.
Toppling over you, he remains inside as he rests his weight on top of you. Pants and the smell of sex linger in the air as he softens inside of you. He grunts as he pulls out, placing a soft kiss to your shoulder before padding into the bathroom.
Your limbs feel like jelly as you lay there, pliable and fucked out. Javier returns with a damp washcloth and kneels down to gently clean in between your legs, eliciting a soft hum from you.
He carefully flips you onto your back, delicately swiping at your mound, causing you to hiss at the contact - still sensitive from your back-to-back orgasms. 
“Lo siento, bebita,” he whispers, placing a tender kiss on your hip. “Estás bien, papi,” you softly tell him as you run your fingers through his hair. He goes to toss the washcloth into the laundry basket before coming to saddle beside you in bed.
Scooping you up in his embrace, he places a loving kiss on your forehead.
“I meant it, bebita,” his words making you perk up, your brows furrowed as you lock eyes with him, confused as to what he means.
“I’m the luckiest man and I don’t thank you enough, so… thank you, baby. I love you,” he rasps as he gazes into your twinkling eyes. Your features soften at his words, a small smile splaying onto your lips.
“No need to thank me, baby. I’m happy to do anything for you. I love you, Javi,” you whisper, cupping his face and drawing him in for a leisure kiss.
Your lips stay melded to one another’s for a moment until the sound of Javier’s growling stomach interrupts you two. You break the kiss as you burst into a fit of giggles.
“What?!” Javier asks, a smirk playing at his lips at the sound of your laughter. “I knew I should’ve stopped you when we almost burned dinner!” You laugh, playfully swatting his chest. A chuckle rumbles from within him, you lightly bounce on his chest as he laughs.
“We can order something, I know you’re tired, bebita. Don’t worry about it, okay?” He asks, pressing a chaste kiss to your temple.
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tag list: @nostalxgic @mandoisapunk @bastardmandennis @tinygarbage @party-hearses @pascalpvnk @daydreamingmiller @persephone-girl @harriedandharassed
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dioll · 4 months
— yes to me ・ kmj 𐙚
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synopsis - after moving on from your ex of 3 years, you fall for someone new.
⊹ ݁ ⋆ — 윈터 x reader ・ genre. angst + fluff ・ warnings. lowercase intended ・wc. 658 ݁𖥔. aespa house || yes to heaven ( part 1 - heeseung x reader )
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minjeong has been keeping you company since the wedding.
keeping you distracted from the memories that pained you.
her presence healing you, in a way you’ve never experienced.
caring so deeply for each other, one might call you two in love.
mending your wounds without possibility of being deepened.
you love her, you’ve mentioned it a few times, it’s platonic.
or is it?
❕rest under the cut❕
you don’t want to confess.
you’re not ready to risk your friendship.
what if she doesn’t feel the same?
you brain is clouded with negativity and rejection.
better be safe than sorry, right?
it’s getting difficult to hold back.
you keep resisting the urge of kissing her on her pink stained lips, whenever she surprises you with your favourite flowers.
“y/nnie~!! new week, new flowers!” as she hands you a large-colourful bouquet of flowers.
never a day without her feeding you her homemade deserts, or making your cheeks turn pink due to her heartwarming compliments.
“not even sugar itself can surpass your sweetness.” she says as she sweetly gazes into your eyes.
your feelings are only growing stronger.
impossible to retain.
you have to distance yourself.
confusion and sorrow, floods her mind.
did she do something? why did you suddenly ghost her out of nowhere?
she feels sick.
she doesn’t want it to end like this.
you weren’t doing well either.
drowning in your hidden feelings.
you can’t take it anymore.
heavy rain splashing against the surface of the ground, clouds hiding the natural light. it was gloomy and dull. weather making you feel drained.
your laze is disturbed by the sound of your doorbell ringing.
the pressure of the rain increasing.
door revealing none other than her,
kim minjeong.
body drenched in rain, yet her tears are still visible.
you assist her in drying up, handing her a fresh pair of warm pajamas, making your colourless face, blush at the adorable sight of minjeong.
“i was worried sick, why would you do that, y/n?” she stares at you with furrowed brows. you can hear the pain in her voice.
your heart desires to let your feelings out, but your brain chaining you. you remain silent.
“is this the time to be hiding things? i’d really like to know, y/n.”
“you know minjeong, i only did that so we could preserve our friendship. trust me, you won’t regret this.” you say, sternly.
“so ignoring each other ‘means to preserve our friendship?’ what kind of bullshit is that y/n? these half assed answers of yours are not on.” minjeong adds, her voice trembling.
the atmosphere thickens.
“that’s because i’m in love with you, kim minjeong. i don’t want my selfish feelings to get in the way, and ruin the beauty and happiness between us. i’d rather sacrifice my emotions to keep you close to me, rather than scare you away, and lose you eternally.” you finally let out.
“say yes to me, minjeong.”
a moment of silence strikes.
she looks at you with wide eyes and mouth slightly agape.
“i know, minnie. i’m sorry. i know it’s a lot to take in, but please don’t leave me here-” you add before she immediately silences you with a soft, lingering kiss.
“are you joking? i’ve been trying to hint my love for you as well, y/nnie. you think what we have is normal for ‘just friends’? do ‘friends’-“ you quickly shush her by placing another kiss onto her lips.
“so are we having a silencing battle or what?” she says jokingly
“as long as your lips are on mine, i’m down for it.” you say in response.
“you’re such a tease.” she rolls her eyes, playfully.
a comfortable silence settles in, as she lays her head on your lap, admiring her view of you.
“you’re so pretty, y/n.” she says as she slowly dozes off.
“you’re the light to my dying star.” you whisper as you both drift into slumber after these days of separation and pain.
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aehouse residents : @onlyjjong @cholexc
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Fun Girl (Slight NSFW)
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Synopsis: You and Jack have been in a relationship for the past year and a half, and when you approach him with the idea of settling down, an argument ensues and you come to the conclusion that he'll only ever see you as a Fun Girl
Pairing: Jack Harlow x Reader
Requested by: the gorgeous @toocriticalharlow 💕
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
The night was winding down and you were getting ready to change from your outfit that you had danced in into some regular clothes to head home to your cat Genesis when your manager, Celeste, came over towards you and leaned her arm on the vanity that you were sitting at.
"Don't take your outfit off yet, he's here for you." She said while wiggling her eyebrows and smiling.
Of course he was.
"He only ever wants you and asks for you so go out there and put on a good show. Go do what I pay you for. You're one of my best, if not my best girl."
You softly laughed to yourself before sliding your shoes back on.
"Where is he?" You asked while turning around to look in the mirror in order to touch up your makeup.
"Where he always is. You know I always put my highest paying clients in the best rooms. Don't keep him waiting."
Without another word she walked off and once you were satisfied with touching up your makeup, you made your way to the room where he was.
Once you opened the door and closed it behind you, his back was facing you and there was no doubt in your mind that it was him by the curly hair that sat on top of his head.
"It's about time you came in here." He quietly said and all you could do was roll your eyes as your heels clicked across the floor making your way towards him.
"Hmm, I heard you were looking for me." You said while leaning down to whisper in his ear from behind as you grazed one of your stiletto nails along his neck.
"I only want the best when I come in here and that's you so of course I was."
"You missed me that much? Aww, too sweet." You lightly ran a hand through his curls and was still behind him as he caught your hand once you took it away from his hair and lightly kissed the back of it.
"So are you going to dance for me or what?" Jack finally asked as you had walked around the couch to be face to face with him.
"Now, do you want me to actually dance for you or do you want to fuck me since you claim to have missed me so much?" You asked while straddling his lap and placing your arms around his neck.
"Can you dance for me and we fuck after? You already got me bricked up so we might as well go all the way."
"I guess I could honor my favorite client's request." You answered while shrugging and placing a kiss below his ear. 
"The difference is that your favorite client just so happens to be your boyfriend." Jack swiftly answered while giving you several kisses as he undid the top of your outfit to expose your breasts as he placed kisses over both of them.
"Damn, I missed you." You breathed out as soon as you felt him slowly start to massage your clit.
"The feeling is mutual, princess. Spread those legs for me. You can always dance for me later and give me my own private show."
"As you wish." You breathed out as Jack then inserted two of his fingers.
"Hmm, I can tell my baby missed me. Look at how wet she is. Is all this for me? Is this what I do to you?"
"Yes, all the time and only you can."
"And I miss the way she tastes. Come here and sit on my face." 
The two of you had been going at it for more than two hours when he finally pulled you on top of him on the couch so that the both of you could catch your breath. You had a feeling that you were nowhere near done since he hadn't seen you for almost a month.
You slowly started stroking him while he immediately reached up to kiss you.
"You gonna give me one more?" You asked while giggling because you knew that he was just as worn out as you were. 
"I can give you a lot more than that." Jack softly breathed out as you took him in your mouth and his hands immediately went to your hair.
All you did was laugh to yourself as you made him come undone before you once more.
When the two of you had finally gotten back to your condo and made a quick detour to McDonald's, the two of you were sitting in the living room enjoying each other's company when you got curious as to why you had seen him more frequently within the past few months. Typically it would be once or twice a month here and there, but he would always send you gifts. This would have been the longest stretch that you had been without him at least in the last six months. 
"Babe, to what do I owe the pleasure of you gracing me with your presence?" You asked while taking a sip of your orange Hi-C.
"So, I can't come and see my girl and fuck her brains out anymore?" Jack asked while leaning over towards you to pinch your cheek.
"I'm never going to tell you no when it comes to that, but I was just curious. I love every moment that I get to spend with you. I know you’re busy so I don’t take it for granted."
"I have an event tomorrow that's close by, so I figured that I would come and see you. You can always put me in a better mood. I love the fact that I can talk to you about absolutely anything."
"And you know for a fact that you’ll always be able to do that. Oohh, what kind of event? Can I go with you? You keep saying how you're going to take me. I’m tired of being in the house and I never really go out unless I’m going to work."
"Not this time babe, besides I thought you had to work tomorrow? And Urban is going to be my plus one." 
"I can always take off. It's no big deal. And Urban, your best friend whom I have yet to meet in almost two years?" You responded while munching on your fries.
"Maybe next time, okay?"
"It seems like you always say that." You quietly muttered while looking away from him.
Deep down, it did really bother you that you really didn’t know any important people in Jack’s life and that just didn’t sit right with you.
What was he hiding?
But he didn’t really have anything to hide because he was always honest and told you everything so why now all of a sudden you feel uneasy? 
"Hey, look at me. When the time is right the entire world is going to know that we're together. Just not right now. Can you hang on a little longer for me, baby?" Jack asked while looking at you with those blue eyes that always had you in a chokehold.
He could tell you the color of the sky was purple and you would agree with him. 
Jack then leaned over to kiss you which you gladly accepted as he then slid you onto his lap since you had finished eating. 
"Besides the day after I'm taking you shopping since I’ll be here for a few days. I feel that it's long overdue."
"With no spending limit!?" You asked since the last few times Jack put you on one when he woke up to one of his credit cards being maxed out. He said that you could get anything that you wanted so you had listened to directions. 
"No spending limit. Anything you want." 
The next evening while Jack had gone out to his event with Urban, you decided to spend time with one of your best friends, Blanca in the hope of making the time go by quicker. Even though he was only going to be gone for a matter of hours, you wanted to spend as much time with him as possible seeing as it will probably be a few weeks before you saw each other again.
However, you were going to bring up to Blanca how he didn’t seem to want the world to know about you and that was fine, as you were more concerned about his friends and family. You were just trying to make sense of this and maybe hearing her opinion would help you get some type of clarity.
“B, this just doesn’t make any sense to me. I totally get that he’s famous and values his privacy but, I mean I haven’t even met his friends or his family.”
“Hmm, something doesn’t sound right. I know you like him and it seems as if he has good intentions towards you, however, something is up.”
“I think so too, but I already approached him about it and of course he said that when the time is right that he would show me off to the world. But when will it be time? We’ve been together for almost two years already.”
“Then you need to ask him and get a straight answer. Truth be told, any man would be lucky to have you to show you off, but the bottom line is that you’re a good person through and through that would do anything for anyone. I just…. I don’t want him to take advantage of that because that's literally the last thing that you deserve. You are always bending over backwards for someone.”
“I just… I don’t know how to feel. When I really think about it I think he’s hiding something frome, but I don’t want to say that without having any evidence to back it up. And besides, I want to stop dancing and really start my life with him.”
“Then you need to tell him that so that the two of you can be on the same page. But he already knows that if he hurts you that he’s going to have to answer to me and that is literally the last thing he is going to want.” 
For the rest of the night you tried to put it in the back of your mind and focus on spending time with your best friend. If the two are meant to be together, then all of the pieces would eventually fall into place. 
The next day the two of you were currently in your bed watching a movie marathon when you decided that this was as good a time as ever to bring it up to him.
"Babe?" You softly said while looking up at him.
"I think I'm finally ready to stop dancing. I'm turning 31 this year and want to start a family."
You couldn’t exactly read Jack’s facial expression, but you had a feeling that whatever he was about to say wasn't anything good.
"I… and what are you going to do?"
"Well I do have a marketing degree and I could always help you. We've been together for almost two years and I know I could be of value to your team."
"What made you even bring this up? Like, where is this coming from?" Jack asked while getting defensive and you didn't understand why.
"I.. I can't do this forever and I had been thinking about it for a while. How am I your girlfriend when your family as well as the majority of your friends don't even know about me?"
"You know I like my privacy."
"But from your parents and closest friends? Are you embarrassed that your girlfriend is a stripper?" Because that was honestly the only thing that you could think of. 
"What? No." Jack hesitantly said and you couldn’t help but to immediately roll your eyes.
"You are. I… want to be with you and start a family with you."
"What? You always tell me how much you love and care about me so what's the problem? Why are you giving me so much pushback? Do you not want the same thing?"
"Okay how do I put this lightly?" Jack said as he sighed and you knew that shit was about to hit the fan in the next few seconds. 
"Put what?"
"Y/N, I do love you and care about you…. But I don't see you in my future."
"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" You said while sitting up and looking at him.
All Jack did was sigh.
"You're a stripper… what future does a stripper have? I'm thankful for the time we've known each other but… I can never see you being my wife or the mother of my kids."
"Wow." Was all you quietly said as you were taking it all in.
"You're fun for me, this has been fun but I don't see you as anything else. I don't mean for it to sound like that, but that's the truth."
"So I'm just a fun girl to you and nothing else? I'm a human being with actual feelings you asshole."
"Let's be serious Y/N, you keep my bed warm when I'm away from my actual girlfriend and that's it."
"Your actual WHAT?!" You want to run that one by me again?"
"You couldn't possibly think that you were my main girl all this time. You're more dense than I thought if that's the case."
"Wha… so because of my job, you don't see me as a person?"
"I kept you around for entertainment and you did your job beautifully, but now I don't have a use for you if you’re about to quit dancing so why should we keep this going if it's literally not going to lead anywhere?"
"So, all you've been doing is feeding me lies for the past two years?" You asked as your eyes started to water, but you were for damn sure not going to let them fall.
"I didn't lie exactly."
"But you didn't tell the truth either. Just…. Do me a favor and get out. Make sure you lose my number in the process."
"Shit, I'll delete it in front of you if it makes you feel better. Face it, all you'll ever be good for is keeping another man's bed warm."
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megistusdiary · 7 months
ok but himeko and rosaria's titties ... pls let me be buried in them 😔 they're def for the girlies
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i am so sorry for the delay. trust me, i see all of your guys' asks, i have just been so busy and tired lately. but i do enjoy rosaria and himeko 😁🫶 and yes, they are for the girls. i just know it 🙏
i am so flat, and yet my big titty gf is nowhere in sight (tragic, i know)
anyways, i just put this together, and i know it is short, but i hope it is up to your standards, anon
♡ himeko and rosaria thoughts ♡
dom!himeko and dom!rosaria x sub!fem (anatomy/pronouns) reader
warnings: smut (mdni), wlw content, tit play, strap penetration/fingering (sub receiving), individual warnings below
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rosaria ⋆·˚ ༘
warnings: strap penetration (sub!receiving), tit play, hickies, kinda rough sex (it's rosaria, i have to)
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rosaria's sharp nails dug into your hips as she pulled you up and down her strap. you were panting, whining so pitifully in her ear, begging for her to fuck you. even though you were so spoiled, how could she resist?
with every thrust, her own chest bounced, leaving you entranced. your hands gripped her shoulders, head slowly sinking down to kiss the tops of her breasts, hands following to palm them.
"what do you think you're doing?" she arched an eyebrow, purposefully thrusting harder as your hands faltered, sliding down to her waist.
"you're- fuck- you're so pretty!" you whimper, palming her breasts, clumsily swiping your thumbs over her nipples.
she lets out a breathy sigh, pausing her movements momentarily. "you're really that interested in my chest?" she scoffed.
instead of responding, you leaned down to lap your tongue over her breast, using the tip to tease her nipple and her expression turned surprised as she let out a soft moan.
her nails gripped your hips tighter, hips bucking into yours as you teased her, sucking at the skin and leaving pretty marks across her chest.
she looked down at the marks blooming across her pale skin, picking up the pace of her hips just to see your mouth slip. she could feel your soft breaths, panted against her skin as she fucked you deeper, smirking ever so slightly at the way your moans vibrated against her body.
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himeko ˚ૢ⋆˚
warnings: fingering (sub!receiving), soft sex, tit play, 'girl' used in petnames
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himeko's hand rested tenderly on the back of your head, cradling you close to her while her other hand remained occupied between your thighs.
you were both still relatively clothed, though your bottom half was entirely exposed.
her hand smoothed down your head sweetly, resting on your neck as her fingers pressed deeper into you.
"does that feel good, sweetheart?" she asks softly, enjoying the little whines and whimpers you give her in return.
your head rested comfortably on her plush chest, nodding into her body. she swept her free hand across your forehead so sweetly, contrasting the way her fingers pressed into your sweet spot so sinfully.
her reward was your crescendo of gasps, though she had to admit she was surprised when you tugged the top of her dress down purposefully to reveal her tits.
"oh- what are you doing, baby?" she asked, caught off guard. although, she didn't mind too much when you leaned your head up to kiss her breasts so cutely, giving attention to her while she played with you.
your tongue passed over her nipples, and her fingers stilled inside you, her own thighs pressing together. she only moved when you whined, hips fucking themselves back on her hand. "himeko-" you huffed at her, grinding your hips.
"i'm sorry, sweet girl, your tongue just feels so good." she smiles down at you, kissing the top of your head. she keeps finger-fucking you, enjoying the visual of you palming her tits, rubbing and pinching her nipples in between little kisses and licks.
her breasts grow sensitive with each touch, her own chest heaving despite the impending orgasm belonging to you. "such a good girl-" she breathes out, pushing your head further onto her chest, head falling back when you teasingly nip at her. "good girl."
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monseulamourrr · 9 months
→ “a long road ahead.” || ahn yujin x reader fic.
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— you set off on an approximate six-or-more-hour drive with your girlfriend and you come across your greatest enemy: boredom…
word count: 1.4k
tags: fluff, literally just yujin and yn being cute while on the road like stopppp, me when.
requested? : nope.
a/n: is anybody surprised that i'm already on my third yujin fic? no? yeah, me either... anyway this one's going to be kinda short since it's a pretty simple idea to begin with :] hope ya'll like it 🥺💕
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yujin knew that as soon as you dropped your nintendo switch on your lap, you were bored as hell.
she was only able to take a few short glances in your direction from time to time since it was her turn on the wheel, but she could see it all in the little habits that you showed whenever you were weary. your eyes wandered, you couldn’t sit still, you weren’t sitting up straight like you usually did, and the most notable habit, you started talking with impatience evident in your voice.
your constant sighs along with your tiny mumbles and occasional grumbles were nothing short of adorable for yujin. especially with the way you got frustrated from playing animal crossing of all things. but having been your lover for years now, yujin knew all the things that would ease you and hopefully even cure your boredom.
she reaches for her phone and opens it, earning a ‘tsk’ from you.
“eyes on the road, miss.” you said, nudging your girlfriend’s arm.
“i got it, love. one sec.” yujin seamlessly switches to your favourite playlist and triumphantly smiles as she did so. you shook your head, not at all a fan of her recklessness. although you were happy that she thought of playing your favourite songs instead of the usual playlists for a trip like this.
a smile graces yujin’s face when she saw how you’ve relaxed on your seat, softly humming to the songs you love as you stared at the long road ahead.
“you don’t want to take a nap? it’ll be a while before we make a stop.” yujin said, eyes briefly switching from the gps and back onto the road. there were still three and a half hours of driving before the two of you reach your destination. even yujin thinks it might’ve been better if neither of you drove but instead, just flown to that other city.
“and who’s gonna keep you in check? surely not azzo.” you looked at yujin’s beloved puppy sitting on the backseat of the car. azzo was diligently decimating her chew toy. good girl!
“i promise i’ll only stay ten over the speed limit.” yujin says with a cheeky smile, earning a soft punch in the shoulder from you. you don’t fall asleep; it was impossible! yujin found every way to keep you up and alert either by randomly touching your face, taking your hand and kissing it, or simply just letting it rest on your lap. she probably knew, but you were so giddy. you couldn’t hide your smile, even when you turned your face away.
damn yujin. she will always make your heart jump.
if she wasn’t constantly touching you, yujin was singing. and when she was singing, she was a mess. head-banging, slamming her hands on the steering wheel, even honking out of nowhere. yujin didn’t care that she looked stupidly insane, she cared that it made you smile and laugh. although you did scold her when she swerved a bit after singing too passionately.
when you noticed that yujin had a pout on her face a few moments later, you knew only one thing could cheer her up. well, two things. food and kisses, mostly the food part. after giving azzo some treats, you proceeded on feeding yujin and yourself. she had insisted on bring some donuts for the ride, saying that she needed the sugar to keep herself awake. but you knew the silly thing just wanted some donuts.
“you picked all my favourites?” yujin asks. you hum in reply since your mouth was full. you don’t notice the loving look yujin gives you before she turns her head back towards the road. a small action from you, but one she appreciated beyond understanding.
“one could never go wrong with the excellence that is the strawberry flavour.” yujin says, licking her lips. you shook your head and wiped her mouth as best as you could before continuing one eating. yujin was much, much happier after getting fed and a much happier yujin was a much happier you of course!
eventually, and thankfully, you had to stop at a near-empty gas station for a bit of a break and to refill the tank. while yujin busied herself taking azzo out of the car to run around, you decided to stick with the car and fill it up. there were still a few hours of driving left, thinking about it made you groan out loud and roll your eyes. at least it was going to be your turn to drive though, it wouldn’t be too boring.
“babe, we should have lunch.” yujin says after you finished what you needed to do.
“wouldn’t that just keep us on the road for longer?” you asked, scratching your head.
“well, you need to relax! and we both know those donuts didn’t do too much for our stomach. come on, the restaurant’s open.” yujin nods her head to the eatery right next to the gas station—it was empty.
well, you couldn’t exactly say no to food, much less your girlfriend, so you ended up parking the car nearby and entering the eatery with yujin and azzo following close behind. you and yujin (and azzo) chose to sit in the booth on the farthest corner of the eatery, and you stared out of the window and into the empty road.
even if you miraculously teach your destination quicker than expected, there were still things needed to be done that would chip the day away fast. checking in at the hotel, dropping off all your things in your room, organizing the plans for your getaway, dinner, shopping, outfits—
“why’s mama so grumpy today, mommy?” yujin spoke with a ridiculous high-pitched voice. you turned your head and scoffed at the sight of her ‘talking’ with azzo.
“because mama’s got a lot on her mind! see that look in her eyes?” you were glaring at the snickering yujin. “she could summon a storm!” a hearty laugh leaves yujin’s mouth when you rolled your eyes. of course, you would never be upset at yujin and you knew that she was doing these seemingly annoying antics to cheer you up. you loved her a lot for that.
yujin lets azzo sit on her side of the booth before sitting beside you. she wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you close. automatically, you lay your head on her shoulder, sighing blissfully at the feeling of her warmth next to you. “let’s look in the bright side, okay? we finally have all the time in the world just for the two of us, and azzo. as soon as we reach the hotel, we can just have fun and do everything we’ve been wanting to do but couldn’t because of work. think about that, and suddenly, a few more hours of driving doesn’t sound so horrible, huh?”
as always, you could rely on yujin’s positivity to kickstart your own. you nodded, putting your hand on her thigh and squeezing it gently. “you’re right, yujin-ah,” you raised your head slightly, frowning. “sorry i’ve been real stingy this entire time.”
“nah, don’t worry about it,” yujin ruffles your hair and kisses your head, making you giggle and snuggle even closer to her. “i love you even if you’re feisty. and you know i love it when you are.” yujin winks at you, making you grimace and pinch her cheek.
“i love you too, idiot.”
you had a good time at that restaurant. you and yujin took turns feeding each other, discussed the details of your plans only to end up adding even more plans just to maximize your time and fun for as long as you can, and she even teased you about a gift she prepared beforehand which of course got you so curious that you asked her endless questions about it. surprisingly enough, yujin could control herself and managed to not spill a single clue about her gift. she said you simply had to wait and be patient like you always are.
(it was a promise ring. one she would give to you five days from now during a romantic candlelit dinner in a beachside restaurant.)
after eating, you, yujin, and azzo set off in your homey car once again. this time, however, you had a smile on your face! brought only by the cutest girlfriend that made the long drive a lot less boring and more fun, loud, and exciting.
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kurogane2512 · 1 year
Service top Zoya x bottom fem Chief nsfw? 👁️ I like to think that even tho Zoya could get rough if she wanted to she still takes precautions to make sure she won't accidentally hurt the Chief with her strength
Oh yes soft dom Zoya all the way
Game: Path to Nowhere
Characters: Zoya x fem! reader (Chief)
Type: Smut (service top Zoya, fingering, thigh riding)
"Shh, Chief~" Zoya whispered in your ear from above, her body had you bent over your own office desk. She caged you from behind, her hands running all over and groping before sliding your shirt up to grab your breasts.
"Hnng~ Z-Zoya! Not here....please!" you moaned out when her cold fingers pinched your nipples, her tongue lapping up your neck as if she was waiting to mark you.
"You lost our arm-wrestling competition, Chief. You knew this was coming, now keep quiet unless you want your Adjutant to hear us~"
"L-Let's....go to a room— aah!~" she pulled your nipple while biting down your neck, a loud gasp leaving your mouth.
"There's no time for that, not when you are so wet~" her other hand moved towards you core, fingers rubbing over your pants. Zoya grinned and bit your earlobe, her fingers fiddled to unbuckle your pants and her hand immediately dipped inside your underwear.
"Heh....You are wetter than I thought. Does this turn you on, Chief? Being pinned and toyed with by your own convict?~"
You bit your lip as you struggled to reply. Zoya chuckled in your ear while continuing to rub your folds, her rough yet gentle fingers stroking your clit. You wanted her to go inside and touch you properly but you were too prideful to say it, it was embarrassing enough to do this in your office then this position made matters worse. You anticipated Zoya to be rough and ruthless given she was the wolf of Syndicate but she was surprisingly slow and gentle.
"What's wrong, Chief? Too aroused to speak?~"
Zoya teased by rolling her hips against your ass, a whimper leaving your lips at that. She was toying with you, but she was also careful of your state. She truly wanted to devour you but she couldn't bear to hurt you in any way, you were more important to her than she herself realized.
"P-Please....just..." you stuttered a request.
"Hm? What was that?~"
"J-Just touch me, please...!"
Zoya smirked in amusement, "How desperate you have become~"
She suddenly released you and leisurely sat back on your chair before pulling you on her lap, your front facing her now.
"Go on, do it yourself. Take it as a reward for being so obedient~"
You pouted at her, earning a chuckle in response before she went to wrap her lips around your nipple and sucking. You arched back as you gripped her shoulders and began rutting back n forth, her hand supporting you by your waist and helping you move. Her tongue lapped your nipple followed by her teeth lightly grazing and biting it, a strangled moan leaving your mouth while you held onto her head and hugged her closely.
"Aww~ How cute you are, Chief. Seeing you this way is making me want to watch you further than help you~"
You shuddered as her tongue licked up your chest you, her lips seeking to mark every part of your neck while you continued your movements on her lap. Her pants were long drenched in your juices and you felt so sinful and dirty but couldn't stop, she finally gave in and played with your clit while you rubbed. You grinded on her thigh faster, feeling you orgasm approaching.
"Go on, Chief. Cum for me, show me how dirty-minded you are~"
You bit your lip as your eyes rolled to the back of your head, a wave of pleasure washing over you when you came and squirted on her thigh. She grinned and didn't stop rubbing your clit, milking you of every last drop that stained her pants. You panted out and embraced her tightly as she softly kissed you and patted your back, "Well done, my good girl~"
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peachesofteal · 3 months
MY NEPHEW IS IN THE 99TH PERCENTILE!!! *inhuman screeching!* He is huge! I am… not. I can’t hold him properly for long. He ends up under my arm most time, like Superman! He’s just *so* big! And chonky!
He’s bigger than my torso at 5 months!! *sobbing* his legs go all the way around my waist and people mistake him for a 1 year old!!!
Little man- my little man. He started turning over early, little man *stands & walks* with our help we balance him but the strength in his legs? It’s there. he’s got strong chonky legs. And he’s trying to crawl- muscling through it but getting nowhere. Just… head banging with his butt in the air. (He forgets to use his arms) If we wedge him, like wedge his arms and feet underneath his torso, he can sit. (He’s getting better at doing it alone.) He jumps if you hold him, jump on your guts in your lap… it hurts.
LITTLE MAN DOES CRUNCHES because he wants to sit UP! He’ll grab your finger and *pull* while grunting, trying to sit up. He wants to MOVE!
Little man will watch you as you eat. Baby boi is ALWAYS hungry- he knows chip bags, bottles, boxes. If it’s food? Intense staring. (It was recently my birthday & Auntie gave him frosting for the first time… Auntie was stared at for the rest of her birthday like she was MAGIC)
He has learned to suck those little baby food pouches dry. It’ll curl up on itself he’s trying that hard to get every bite. No regular milk anymore- has to have baby cereal mixed in because it’s not enough to feed him.
It’s a fight to get anything out of his mouth, bottle, food pouch, spoon. He ain’t giving it up until he’s done.
No socks fit his chunky little feet. None. They cut off the circulation in his pillsbury legs- footed onesies are the best option. Love his chubby cheeks! He always smiles wide when you kiss them!
I love my giant nephew very much, and reading your latest update on the Simon story made me absolutely delighted. Orion’s size was so similar to my nephew. We delight in how big our baby is and it makes me happy seeing something so similar!
(Except, my nephew was *tiny* when he was born. My sister is quiet… big. And he had little room in her uterus, so when he came out? Smallest baby in the hospital that wasn’t on a ventilator! How that changed! Biggest baby the pediatrician sees at the moment!!!)
Thank you for making my morning very happy! Loved reading the latest chapter!
I LOVE that you call him little man and I can’t get over him watching you as you eat omg 🫠 This really validated a lot of my ideas about Orion so thank you! Also I’m sure he’s lovely, I know how wonderful it is to be an aunt 🩵
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doxypsychlean · 2 years
is there a part 2 to Strong maybe bit of smut
Strong pt.2
Aegon ii Targaryen x Strong!Reader
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Previous chapter: Strong pt.1
Warnings: Targcest, Explicit language, NSFW content, Blood, Aegon beats up Aemond(not that bad, I swear)
Thou shan't repost/copy/ translate any of my work or I'll sneak into your home late at night and bite your nose off!
English isn't my first language. I don't proofread. I slap commas wherever I feel they're needed.
Additional info: Instead of Rhaenyra escorting the Strong fellas back to Dragonstone, they all stay in the Red Keep(just imagine it for a sec that Alicent begged her ass off and got Rhaenyra to stay, cs she wants to spend more time w her(this is my fkn world and in it, these two make up idc)
A/N: Ooop, here it fkn issss!!! Ngl, I was cackling like a middleschooler while writing the spicy part of this one. Welp... Cheers, you horny bastards!!!
P.S. I fkn lied, this is nowhere near close to the req. Sorry, dear Anon.
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A choked up sob came out of the Prince's mouth as he rubbed the linen washcloth over the bitemarks on his neck. Tears welled up in his eyes, but Aegon was quick to blink them away, before the woman could see.
She was sat across him, on the edge of the bed, watching him as Aegon dabbed away the blood. She was already dressed, in a long, bell-sleeved green gown that showed off every curve of hers. Aegon sneaked a glance at her deep neckline, then quickly averted his eyes.
The woman noticed it immediately, eyes never leaving his face. She ran a soft hand over her shoulder and pushed her long, dark hair out of the way, so it could trail down her back.
"Our mothers, along with your sister, Baela and Rhaena are in the gardens." She said, voice gone back to its usual cushiness. "They invited me to join them. I trust you will behave?"
The silver haired man flinched at her question. His hands dropped down to his lap, pulling at the washcloth as his eyes looked down at the dirty sheets.
Behave. Behave. Behave.
"Love?" Her eyes narrowed, word coming out rough and low.
Aegon flinched again. He looked up at her, head shaking up and down violently. She let out an amused hum, then got up on her feet.
"Good." She was now standing next to him, one hand reaching up to his face. She took in the angry bruise she'd awarded him with the night before. Then the faint imprints of her hand that covered his face, neck and chest. The rest staying hidden from her eyes by the sheet Aegon had covered his lower half with. "You're so good."
Aegon whined, the pathetic sound reverberating in his head. Before he had time to curse himself out for it, her fingers hooked under his chin. He turned to face her, hands clutching and pulling at the washcloth.
"My brothers are with Aemond and Ser Criston, in the training grounds." She said, thumb running over his bottom lip. "You'll join them."
It wasn't a question, but an order. One he wasn't brave enough to not follow. Not after the things his sweet,sweet wife had done to him throughout the previous night.
"That's it." The woman laughed out as she bent forward, lips meeting with those of Aegon. "I must go, my love. Get ready, then head down. You'll find clothes on the chair over there."
His pale eyes shot open, following to where her hand was pointing at. He nodded once more, head falling down after. The Prince put the washcloth on the nightstand as he got up.
Although he was a few good inches taller than her, Aegon felt incredibly small. Weak. Worthless. Undeserving.
He hissed as her hands wrapped around his wrists, successfully getting her to pull away. For a bit. Then she grabbed him again, this time much more gently, and brought them up so she could take a closer look.
The porcelain skin was now red and swollen. The ropes had left behind thin, angry traces where they'd cut in, marring the blank canvas Aegon was.
"I am sorry, my dragon." She whispered as she peppered his inner wrists with soft, apologetic kisses.
"It's fine." The Prince finally spoke out, his voice hoarse and trembling. He was smiling down at her, trying to bite back another hiss. "I...enjoyed it."
The brunette looked up at him, plump lips meeting with the red skin for the last time before she let go. Her arms wrapped around his neck, body pressing close to his.
Aegon rubbed his bruised cheek against hers, melting in her hands.
"My dragon..." She trailed off, pulling him impossibly close to herself. "I love you."
Aegon whined again, the tears now falling freely from his eyes. His hands reached for her hips, nails digging into the green silk of the gown that covered them.
"Say it again..." He was falling apart, body shaking with the intensity of the sobs that left his mouth. "Please."
The woman kept quiet. The fingers that were rubbing small circles on the back of his head, stopped moving.
"Please." Aegon needed to hear it. Especially after the cruel words she'd punished him with the night before. "Tell me you love me. Please."
Love me. Love me. Love me.
But she didn't say it. Instead, she unwrapped her arms from around him. The Prince almost fell to his knees at the loss of contact.
"Get dressed." She turned around, walking towards the doors of their chambers.
Aegon became painfully aware of the pitiful state he was in- naked, crying and begging, covered in endless amount of bruises, scratches and marks. He tried to put himself back together, to wipe the broken expression off his face. But there was no point.
In just a few hours, she'd completely destroyed whatever it was, that was left of the Prince. He had no ground to stand on. Not anymore. He could yell in her face, break her to pieces, even kill her. But she'd die, knowing she won. Knowing that she'd broken him in, taken him down to being this sad, miserable excuse of a person.
"I love you." Her voice reached Aegon's ears. "I truly do."
Then she was gone.
"What happened to you?" Aemond asked as his brother approached him. He lowered his sword, signaling to Criston he'd take a break.
The knight offered a small nod, then turned his attention to the younger boys who were standing off to the side.
"Got into some trouble last night?" The one-eyed prince teased.
Aegon's head shot up, eyes staring up at his younger brother in shock. How did he find out, he heard his trembling voice inside his head. His legs almost gave out at the thought of Aemond knowing what she'd done to him. His brother already looked down on him, what must he be thinking now, that he knew his big brother was used like a whore.
"Told you that you shouldn't be going out into the city alone..." Prince Aemond said, hand reaching for Aegon's shoulder.
Aegon bit down a groan as his brother's hand came down on one of the bitemarks. He shook his head, his usual smug grin coming back on his face to cover the pain.
"It was nothing, don't worry about it." A relieved breath escaped through Aegon's words. Fortunately, Aemond didn't notice it.
The long-haired man lowered his hand, eyeing Aegon up and down suspiciously. There was nothing out of the ordinary. His brother looked a bit tired, a bit disheveled. Nothing he hadn't seen before.
He looked away for a second, then his eye came back to Aegon.
"What in the Seven Hells are you wearing?"
Aegon was sporting a high-collared black doublet, black pants and leather boots. That's not what shocked Aemond. It was the red shirt that showed underneath the doublet. The red cord it was embroidered with. The three-headed dragon pin on his chest.
Then his eye trained on Aegon's hands. The ridiculously large gold ring was resting on his little finger of his right hand. On his left thumb, however, was a simple steel band ring. One that had the sigil of House Strong on it.
Aegon turned red as he noticed the way his brother was inspecting him.
"Leave it be." He whispered, eyes going back to their nephews, who were now swinging at Ser Criston. "It doesn't concern you."
Aemond wrapped one gand around the back of Aegon's neck, eliciting a pained growl from his brother.
"You didn't get that nasty bruise out in the streets, did you?" Aemond teased, eye darting to his brother now and then. "No shame, brother. I honestly expected for your Strong lady to put you in your place way sooner."
Aegon didn't dare say a word. He stood there, allowing his baby brother to make his cruel joke.
"Prince Aegon, Prince Aemond..." Criston's voice rang out. "Would you join us? We have to even the odds."
Aemond turned nodded, then took a step forward. He turned suddenly, spinning on one heel.
"Would anyone blame me if that little bastard lost an eye whilst sparring?" He said with that smirk of his. "Do you think your Strong lady will come after me, do to me what she did to you?"
And there it was, the straw that broke the camel's back. Aegon's back.
He lunged at his brother, knocking him to the ground. With his newfound strength, it only took a few blows to the face for Aemond to pass out, his head bouncing up and down with every hit.
Ser Criston, Luke and Jace reached them in no time. They tried to pull Aegon off, but the Prince simply refused to let go. The rage had blinded him, all he could see was his brother's bloodied face.
But it wasn't the cruel jokes. Nor was it Aemond threatening to take their nephew's eye out. It was him, suggesting that the Princess would put her hands on Aemond the way she'd done to Aegon.
That was for him. The pain, the humiliation,the punishment. All his. No one else's. His alone.
And just like that, Prince Aegon let go. He allowed for Criston to pull him to his feet and away from Aemond.
All his. No one else's. His alone.
He shook off Cole's hands, then turned to stare at her. Waiting. For her to storm over to him, and show everyone where his place was. To show to his mother, his sisters, his cousins, his nephews.
But nothing came. She stood there, at the top of the steps, staring down at him. One hand extended out towards Aegon. Drawing him, guiding him.
He didn't notice how Alicent ran past him, nor did he see how she dropped to her knees, next to Aemond's unconscious body. He didn't notice the scared and confused looks on his nephews faces or the way his half-sister, Rhaenyra, looked from her daughter to him with a smug grin.
All he could see was her.
Aegon followed the woman into the Red Keep and up the steps, towards their chambers.
"Why?" She asked, flopping down on the bed.
He didn't respond. Aegon was too busy trying to undo the clasps of his doublet to notice she'd said something.
"Come here..." She murmured, hand reaching out for him just like it had out there.
He heard her this time. Without wasting any time he strode over, only stopping when he had to look down to get a good look of her face.
They stood there like that for a bit, neither saying a word.
Then she spread her legs slowly, making room for him.
"Closer, I can't reach you."
The Prince took another step forward, now standing between her legs.
"I asked you a question." She said softly, fingers quickly undoing the clasps, then the buttons of his shirt. "Why did you do it?"
"He threatened to take your brother's eye out."
"I don't like it when you lie to me, Aegon." Her whole demeanor changed in the blink of an eye. There was no gentleness to her anymore. She tugged at the strings of his breeches, untying them with one swift move. "So why? I want the truth."
Aegon Targaryen had never shied away from a woman's touch the way he did when his wife's fingers ran down his happy trail. He sucked in a breath.
"He..." The Prince turned to look out the opened windows.
"What did he do?" She looked up at him, two fingers hooking at the front of his pants and tugging down.
"He asked if you'd do what you did to me, if he were to take his eye out." Aegon admitted, shaking his clothes of his body.
"And that made you knock Aemond out cold because..." The woman almost laughed at her own words. Aegon got him good, she couldn't deny it.
She watched as his breeches fell to the ground, freeing Aegon from the tight grasp they had on him. He let out a hiss as the cold air touched him, his already hard cock slapping against his lower abdomen.
Aegon looked away again, too ashamed of how much effect she had on him.
Two hungry eyes were staring down at the head of his cock, deep shade of pink and already leaking.
"Because...?" She teased, hand wrapping around him.
Aegon let out a deep moan, his eyes rolling to the back of his head. His pale face was turning red, making the purple bruise on his cheek stand out even more.
He hissed as she dragged her hand up and down the length of his cock at a painfully slow pace. The soreness of the night before still lingered, making every inch of his body scream in agony. Still, he found himself coming to love the feeling. The pain. The humiliation. The punishment.
"Because I don't want you to touch anyone else the..." His breath hitched as the brunette bent down a bit and licked a long stripe up the underside of his cock.
She felt him twitch slightly, making her let out an amused huff. A shiver ran down Aegon's back when he felt her warm breath hit him. His hand came to rest at the back of her head, gently massaging the skin underneath his fingers.
The sensation of her wet tongue dissappeared once she reached the tip, leaving the man to thrust his hips into the air. Then her full lips wrapped around the head, her tongue circling around it. She let out a low hum, the sound reverberating throughout his whole body.
"I don't want you to do what you did to me last night to anyone else!" He cried out, almost toppling over at the feeling of her tongue rubbing over the slit of his cock. "Just me..."
Her lips left him with a loud pop, the woman laughing softly at it. She wiped away the mixture of precum and saliva from her lips as she looked up at him.
"Just you, my dragon." She said as her hands wrapped around his wrists gently, guiding them towards her shoulders. "Help me get it off."
Aegon looked at her with a dumbstruck look on his face. His confusion didn't prevent him from sliding down the garment past her shoulders.
"You're not angry at me?" He asked.
"Quite the opposite..." The brunette said as she got up, leaving barely any space between their faces. "I'm proud of you, my brave dragon."
Another whine escaped Aegon as he slid his hands down her body, ridding her of her green gown. He pulled her close, their chest pressing against together.
He hid his face in the crook of her neck, planting wet, needy kisses on the skin there. Aegon lifted her up, the woman wrapping her legs around his waist quickly. He climbed on the bed while still holding her.
"I'm so sorry..." He said as he pulled away to look at her. "About yesterday. I didn't mean it, I just wanted to get a reaction from..."
She cut him short, pushing him off of her and then climbing on top of Aegon. On hand reached up to cover his mouth, the other going to his throat.
"I know." The Princess said, grinding down on him.
Aegon moaned from behind her hand, thrusting up. The grip she had on his throat got stronger. He stilled, his breathing did too.
The hand on his face turned, until her thumb was pressing down on his lips. He opened his mouth, tongue swirling around the single digit, cheeks hollowing as he sucked in.
"So good..." She whispered, her other hand sliding down his body and dissappearing between them. "So fucking good. For me."
Aegon's eyes fluttered shut as she wrapped her fingers around his cock, head shaking up and down with a choked moan.
"So brave..." The woman raised up slightly as she guided his cock to her, rubbing it over her slick cunt. "My brave dragon."
He bit down on her thumb as the tip of his cock entered her. The woman hissed, but didn't pull away. Instead, she hooked her other fingers under his chin, then shook slowly.
"Try not to bite it off or I'll have to return the favor." She joked, eyes darting from him to where their bodies met.
Both let out a chuckle, the sound soon getting replaced by Aegon's whines.
"Move." He unwrapped his lips from around her thumb, teeth still holding it in place. "Please."
"As my Prince commands..." Her breath hitched as she slammed down on him.
Her free hand trailed back up and then down again, nails digging in. Soon his porcelain skin turned to an angry shade of red, blood prickling.
Aegon couldn't hold back anymore. His hips snapped up, meeting with hers. Her palm collided with his face. He bit down on the digit in his mouth again with another hard thrust.
Another slap. His cheek was staring to sting. Then he did it again.
"You're enjoying it, aren't you?" She hissed out as she bounced up and down.
Aegon hummed, tongue rubbing against the pad of her thumb.
She pulled her hand away from his face, his teeth dragging over.
"I want to hear you." She said as she dropped down to his chest, legs giving out. "Say it."
Aegon mumbled a few incoherent sentences before wrapping his arms around her waist tight. He set up a painfully fast speed, skin hitting skin as he chased his own high.
Her mind went blank at the first thrust, hands pushing up as she tried to pull away from his grasp. She almost slipped away, but Aegon was quick to follow her. His head dipped down, lips wrapping around one of her nipples. He bit down and then sucked in, just as she'd done to him the night before.
A hiss came from the woman. One of her hands sneaked over his shoulder, then pulled his head back by his hair.
A thin string of saliva trailed from his mouth and down to her bruised nipple. He offered a toothy, devilish grin before licking his lips clean.
"I'm close." She stuttered, eyes shutting tight.
Aegon laughed out as his bruised cheek came to rest on her chest, his eyes closing. He kept the same pace, the sweet aching in his hips coming once more.
"Princess, the feast..." The doors flew open, one of her maids barging in. "Oh, Gods!"
The girl left just as quickly, blush creeping up on her face.
"Don't stop!" She moaned out as Aegon's thrust stuttered. "Don't!"
He laughed again, hips snapping. Then he stopped completely.
"It would seem I still don't know my place, wife." He craned his neck up as his mouth left behind a hot, blazing trail from her collarbones to her jaw.
"You'll learn..." The woman looked down at him, hand going back to wrap around his throat. "...husband."
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New Year's Kiss
kai parker x reader
summary: it's tradition for new year's to start with a kiss... just like it's tradition to kiss under a mistletoe. and unfortunately, as traditional as mystic falls is, there's no way out but through
tags: holidays / holiday party, kissing, crushes, mutual pining, kai vs his feelings, soft!kai
word count: 1.4k
a/n: this is a stupid, cheesy, short piece i wanted to write up for the new year. my brain's tired and i highly doubt i'll make it to midnight 💤 (i didn't sleep last night) cheers! 🥂
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The minute you walk into the Salvatores’ kitchen, Caroline makes a friendly joke. “Are you gonna share a New Years’ kiss with your mistletoe buddy, Y/N?” 
You feel your face get hot immediately. “I’m not planning on kissing anyone to be honest with you.”
“Aw, but it’s tradition!” Damon enters, holding two bottles of bourbon. “Even if your partner sucks.”
You and Caroline both give him a side-eye. “Be nice,” the blonde says. “But he is partially right, Y/N, it’s tradition. And good luck for the new year.”
“I thought that part only applied to couples.”
“You never know.”
Her vague response has you raising an eyebrow, but she gives no further explanation. Her attention is then taken away by more arriving guests. 
“Be honest,” Damon whispers to you, “was he at least a good kisser?”
“I’m not telling you that!”
“Fine, keep your secrets! I’ll find out, eventually, either way.”
“Just…” your eyes land on Caroline’s unattended cookies, “go away!”
“Ooookay! See you later, Y/N.”
Truth is, Kai was a great kisser. One of the most skilled you’ve ever had. But that was a one time thing, and an accident, might you add. He just happened to be standing under the stupid mistletoe, and you just happen to also walk under it to pass by him. But of course you lingered a little too long to give him a smile, and Elena shouted across the room to point out the green, hanging plant above your heads. 
And the girls of Mystic Falls, deep rooted in tradition, practically begged you to kiss. Kai’s face was red with blush, but you bet it was more embarrassment than anything. You were wracked with nerves and probably shaking. Still, you think you both pulled it off well. His lips were much softer than you had expected, as were his hands as they cupped your face. He was uncharacteristically gentle, and smiled at you afterwards. You had your hands on his chest and hoped you were at least half as good. 
Neither of you spoke after, but he did wink at you on his way out the door that night. Or maybe it was a blink… you’re not sure. 
Regardless, you don’t mean to repeat the incident. Especially not during another one of Caroline’s holiday parties. 
Because while you loved kissing Kai, it totally ruined everything. You’ve had a crush on him for weeks but have been too shy to say anything. And everyone knows carefully-watched holiday kisses are never a good start to anything more. 
You sigh, then stuff a third cookie in your mouth. 
“I’d be careful if I were you,” comes Kai’s voice out of nowhere.
You startle, jumping, and hitting your knee on the cabinet door below you. “Shit, you scared me.”
“Sorry.” He nods to the cookies. “Caroline left those out in the open? Bold move.”
“I have to run when I see her coming back.”
“Oh you definitely will. Especially when she sees how many are missing.” He pops one in his own mouth. “Y’know… I don’t even know how I get invited to these types of things.”
“Caroline’s all about bringing people together for the holidays.”
“I see. Well, see you around, Y/N.” This time, he winks and you’re sure it’s a wink. Your knees almost buckle. 
“You too.”
For the majority of the night, you manage to avoid Kai. The two of you seem to make laps around the snack table; he stands by it for a good ten minutes, then migrates, and you go stand by it for a while. The whole night, you will yourself to talk to him, but can’t find the confidence. Instead, you lurk from afar, feeling your heart speed up when he smiles, feeling a twinge of sadness when he’s alone. 
At eleven thirty, the energy in the mansion seems to rise by ten percent. Sounds and streamers fill the air on top of the already loud voices. Whoever isn’t still talking is dancing in the living room. To the left, Bonnie’s pushing the couch off the edge of the carpet for more room. Elena, meanwhile, has the remote and turns up the tv a few dials. Everyone’s engaged, even Stefan, who was falling asleep a couple minutes ago, but then was forced to his feet by Caroline. 
Celebration carries onto the ball dropping before you know it. The ten second countdown has begun and the shouts to find partners grow aggressive. You try to shrink into the corner, waving at Caroline to turn her gaze from you. 
A tap on your shoulder surprises you. When you move to face the mysterious person, your throat goes dry at the sight of Kai. 
“Hey, mistletoe.”
“So, um, doesn’t seem like we’re gonna be able to get out of this tradition, either,” he shifts his weight from one foot to the other, “and you’re the closest to my proximity.” That was a lie. The last time you pointed him out, he was all the way across the room. “So would you…”
He kisses you the instant the television crowd erupts in chants. He’s confident this time; less hesitant, more eager. You can’t help but kiss him back with the same passion. 
A whistle carries from somewhere in the room, but you both ignore it. Kai joins his other hand with his first, now holding your cheeks with both. You can feel the smile tugging on his lips, lingering, before he finally breaks it off. 
“I’ve waited all week to do that,” he admits.
His words take a minute to sink in. “What?!”
He stares back as if trying to read you. You look down, unable to hold his intense eye contact. Kai only seems to take that as an invitation to hook a finger on your chin and lift your head back up. 
“I-” his eyes take your breath away and you find yourself incapable of speaking.
“Do you not want it?”
“No, no, I do. I liked kissing you,” you force yourself to confess.
He cocks his head. “So what’s wrong?”
“I’m, uh… did- did you like it?”
He seems a little taken off guard by the question being flipped. He licks his lips. “Yes.”
You look out into the living room and see everyone celebrating. For once, no one’s watching you. “I like you, Kai. Like, I don’t just like kissing you, I like you.”
“Like a crush?” His eyes are amused, yet genuine. 
It feels safe enough to continue, “yes.”
He’s quiet for a while. His hand drops your chin to grab a strawberry, and you watch him eat the entire thing before he finally responds. “I have these feelings that I don’t understand. Whenever I see you, or hear your laugh, or even if someone mentions you, I get this weird feeling in my body, like a fluttering. Is that a crush?”
You giggle gently and his eyes snap up to you. “Yes, that sounds like it. At least, that’s what I get when I think of you.”
“So… if two people both have a crush on each other, does that mean they can kiss for real? And not have it be an excuse brought on by two dumb holiday traditions?”
Your heart is racing so fast, it might jump out of your chest. “If they want to, yes.”
“Good. Because I do. I want to kiss you again. Do you?”
“Mhm. But um…”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well sometimes, people with crushes on each other start to date. That means they can kiss whenever they want, and also spend more time together… if you- they want that, too.”
Kai smiles. For a moment, you can’t tell if his questions about feelings were real, or if he were just testing out the waters to get you to admit your own, but you quickly realize you don’t care. Not when he’s looking at you like that. 
“I do… want that. I would like to date you, Y/N.”
“I would, too.”
“You have no idea how much.”
“Mhhmm, try to show me,” he says, leaning in to close the gap between your lips. 
You laugh, accepting the challenge, and deepen his kiss with your hands gently on his face. A kiss of your own volition, without any pressure. A kiss to start a new relationship in a fresh, new year. 
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bullet-prooflove · 5 months
Jujube: Sonny Quinn x Reader
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Tagging: @switchbladeclub @kind-wolf @@mariashane @floydsglasses  @firecountryqueen666 @caffeinatedwoman @@kmc1989 @sca3a @jeysbae @hufflepuffgirl @hgs-11 @meera10 @f1babe98 @angelnyx finiteuniverse13
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Sonny calls you his jujube. It starts as something to make you blush because the first time he’d said it, he’d had his head between your legs and was licking up the mess he’d just made of you.
“You taste as sweet as a jujube.” He’d mumbled against your thigh before he’d devoured you all over again.
It had stuck after that because there’d been a fifteen minute debate about what a jujube actually was.
He thinks about that when he’s trapped inside of the torpedo tube on the edge of drowning. The water’s lapping over his face, saturating his beard, stinging his eyes. His neck aches as he tries to keep his head up but his nose bumps against the smooth metal because there’s nowhere else to go. He’s going to die in here and you will never know how he feels.
This thing between the two of you it may have started off as casual, something to keep him occupied between deployments but it’s quickly become more than that. It’s sunshine and happiness and all the good things in life, everything he’d been lacking until he met you.
“Clay.” He says over the comms system as the water splashes over his forehead. “Clay buddy, I need you to do something for me.”
“You want me to sing the Longhorns fight song?” Clay responds, his voice a welcome sound over the radio. “Because I  gotta say it sounds much better with your accent.”
“Nah man, you’d just ruin it anyway.” Sonny smiles despite his predicament. “It’s about my Jujube, I need you to tell her…”
He trails off then because the emotion in his chest, it’s too much. He closes his eyes and he remembers the morning before his deployment, the two of you together in his sheets, your fingertips chasing over his tattoos as he held you close.
If he had known that was the last time…
“Tell Jujube I loved her, that what we had, it meant the world to me.”
“Sonny…” Clay chides and Sonny can hear the anguish in his  voice.
“It’s important to me.” Sonny tells him, his voice breaking just a little. “It’s important that she knows that she’s more, that she’s always been more.”
There’s silence for a moment as the radio crackles and Sonny knows what that means. If Clay agrees they’re both acknowledging what’s about to happen, that they’re not going to get Sonny out of the tube, that he’s going to die.  
“I’ll tell her.” Clay says quietly. “I promise you brother, I will.”
Sonny drowns after that. He stays dead for three minutes before they bring him back into the world choking and spluttering, coughing up his own lungs.
On the plane ride home he’s a little antsy, his knee jingles and his fingertips tap out a tune on his thigh. He plugs his headphones into his ears and he listens to your playlist, the one with all the songs  that remind him of the key moments from your relationship.
First kiss, first date, first time.
He clings to each of those memories until he gets his feet back on the tarmac. It’s everything he can do to get his ass to the carpark outside of base where he knows you’ll be waiting for him.
When he sees you standing there alongside your beat up Chevy, something inside of him just settles. You’re wearing that pretty summer dress he likes, the one he’s ruined you in multiple times and a pair of worn cowboy boots.
You’re in his arms in a matter of seconds and Sonny, he does not want to let you go. Back in that tube, he didn’t think he was going to get to experience this again so he holds onto you as tightly as he can, his lips brushing over your forehead, your nose and finally your mouth.
When he kisses you it’s like the sun breaking through the clouds after months of rain. All of that darkness, that fear that’s plagued him it evaporates and there’s just you, always you.
“You are everything to me.” He says fiercely as he cradles your face between his hands. “Absolutely everything.”
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