#my heart is breaking into a million pieces
reddesires · 23 hours
hey, would you be down to write some Koba head cannons for if he reunited with the woman who cared for him for a short time when both of them were little, kinda like Caesar and Will except Koba was taken from reader and that’s when he got put in the labs and abused and all that. But years later while he’s hunting with Caeser or Caesar welcomes reader into the colony since they needed help and Koba recognizes them since they kinda raised him and pretty much the only human he’s ever met who was kind for him
Platonic please, may you also include Koba later getting Jealous if Reader interacts with any other ape
I’m so sorry of this is like too much for a request this is literally one of my first time requesting things on peoples pages and I have no clue how to go about these things 😭😭
Koba x Human!Reader [Platonic Headcanons]
Fandom: Planet Of The Apes
Rating: No Warning.
A/N: Here you go lovely, I appreciate being the one to writing your first request. I hope you enjoy it ❤️
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(Primatologists are people who study primates, including apes, in their natural habitats)
•You were a primatologist who helped rehabilitate Koba when he was small, his mother had passed away and was refused by the other bonobos since they had babies of their own.
•You had a bond with koba unlike any other, he clung to you like you were his mother despite there being others that looked after him too. After seeing his distress of being apart from you, you took sole responsibility of the small bonobo.
•He became the light in your eyes. You would coo at him in a gentle tone as his small hands tenderly touched your face in fascination. This small creature captured your heart, and his eyes were your favorite feature of his. The intelligence and unconditional love he held for you became your source of motivation.
•the devastation of being separated from him after there was a financial cutoff for your program was like a punch to the stomach. he wasn't yours but he was in all the ways that truly mattered, you became his surrogate mother and you knew that getting feelings involved would complicate things but he needed you and loved you and felt the same.
•"NO! Please! Don't take him, I'm begging you!" You pleaded and begged. You just knew that if they took him away, you may never see him again. All you wanted was for him live the life he was supposed to, amongst his own kind but in the end they took him from your arms as your pleas' mixed with koba's cries, his tiny hands reaching out for you and your own hand reached out in desperation "Koba!".
•You searched for him for many years, making connections and reaching out to sources, but it always led to a dead-end, but you couldn't give up. You felt immense guilt, and you still carried so much love for him that helped you hold onto hope that you'll be reunited with the bonobo that you raised.
•One of your sources gave you info that one of the last times they heard of the group of apes that came from your program was when they were sold to a corporation for testing purposes in a lab, the doom you felt catapulted into you with such force that you felt your heart break into a million tiny pieces. You had no way of knowing which corporation and the location and it's been so long that you knew the damage was done and there wasn't a damn thing you can do, the shame you carried was an overbearing force as you came to terms. You were working in the San Francisco zoo as the up until the simian virus ravaged the human population, leading you back to the bonobo you were looking for.
•You had found refuge in the woods since other humans no longer welcomed others within their inner circles, you understood they were trying to protect themselves but you'd rather avoid the conflict entirely seeing as how scraped up you are already.
You knew of the apes within the confines of the forest but you'd rather your chances with them as you spent many years living amongst them during your primatologist years, but it was obvious their intelligence skyrocketed since then.
As you are gathering whatever resources within the area, berries being your top favorite and encapturing your attention as you're busy with your task, you start to hear slight rustling to the left of you.
You tilt your head only slightly, seeing two dark figures in your peripheral, you knew better than to react abruptly so you slowly straighten yourself out facing them your hands up in surrender to show you mean no harm. The two are cautious in their steps as they fully come out of the brush. It's a chimpanzee and Bonobo you observed.
The Bonobo has a defensive stance, a spear at ready and a snarl crossed on his muzzle and the chimp has a hardened scowl on his face and you feel a chill trail down your spine at his green stare but the primatologist in you tells you not to stare him in the eye.
"I mean no harm..just seeking safety.." You softly say, your throbbing leg shaking as you try to balance yourself upright.
"Koba." The chimp holds his palm up in front of the bonobo, the bonobo slowly lowering the spear, his stare hard and calculated as he sizes you up but nevertheless listens to the order given.
You feel your heart stop in your chest as the word hangs in the air, and you're practically breaking at the seams. He's not only a bonobo, but his name is Koba too.. it seems too much like a coincidence to not be him.
"Koba?" You say, signing his name the way you did back when you cared for the baby bonobo. You dropped your hand against your sternum, a circular motion you would reserve only towards the small Koba.
Time seems to hold still and resume after Koba drops on all fours slowly approaching you with an unreadable expression on his face as he stands in front of you, and you notice him extending his palm out.
You remember this motion. He did it as a small one often to you. He was expecting you to respond accordingly so you do. Your fingers slide across his palm.
It was you, after all. His mother.
Bonus ending:
You were welcomed by Caesar into the colony after the revelation of your connection to Koba, you were in disbelief of finally getting reunited with your little bonobo and though he was different than what you remember you can still see remnants of the old him.
You came forward to Caesar with your knowledge of rehabilitation to help the other apes in the colony and heal their ailments, he accepted your helping hand concluding that you were now a valuable member of the colony due to your extensive experience and abilities.
Koba was very protective of you and he was in a way jealous of your attention to the other apes, after years of being separated and missing your motherly guidance you were the only human that'll he'll ever hold a torch for.
A growl rumbled from his chest as he watched a male chimp get too close to you for his liking. "Koba, be nice to the others."
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chateaaa · 2 hours
"he probably hates me" x "i love you so much"
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pairing: Rin Itoshi x fem! reader
warnings: angst, fluff, swearing
req: "he probably hates me" x "i love you so much" Trope with rin is so true! Mau I request a one-shot of this pls? If u do make it, Tysm! ❤
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Rin Itoshi was bad with his feelings and emotions. He knew that but deep down, he is actually a very fragile and sensitive man. Whose heart has been shattered into a million pieces because of how his brother left him.
Ever since you met Rin, your life has changed by becoming his girlfriend, Rin may not seem like it but he would be your typical act of service guy at the start of your relationship
Rin Itoshi, who after blue lock changed, his demeanour changed, his attitude changed and more importantly, your relationship changed. It's like he hates you, he never cares for you, Rin who after blue lock didn't even spare a glance at you.
You knew about Rin's ideals to beat his brother, but you still continued to support him, such as watching how the blue lock won against the football team of japan.
After the U20 match, you received a message from your cold beloved boyfriend, who asked if you can both meet at the park near the stadium because he has something to tell you, which you replied agreeing.
You walked to the park with a small frown, fully expecting that the Rin Itoshi is planning to break up with you.
You sat down at a swing in the park waiting for Rin.
An hour has passed after he messaged you, and he was still not at the park, you then thought positively about how Rin is probably being held up for interviews because of the victory of blue lock.
you saw a stray cat coming near you, and you gently picked it up as it purred when you petted the cat's head.
The park was silent, the only person was you (and the cat) and you were completely thinking about how Rin probably ditched you.
"Hey Mr. cat, do you think my boyfriend hates me?" you suddenly asked the cat, the cat then purred as you chuckled thinking how stupid you look talking about your boy problems to a literal cat.
"You see, i really love him, however i know that i'm a hindrance to his goal so i think it's time for us to break up" you continued talking to the cat.
"My boyfriend is the best, i love his smile and how passionate he is to football and i think i won't be needed in his future" you chuckled bitterly.
You then stood up from the swing, prepared to leave the park then suddenly you saw a figure running towards you.
And that was your boyfriend, The Rin Itoshi, who was now in front of you, still in his jersey, sweat beads going down his forehead as he looked into your eyes.
There was an awkward silence in the air, with Rin catching his breath, you decided to break the silence by speaking up "Rin, how are you? Congrats on winning the game!" you smiled genuinely.
"Y/n listen i—" Rin tried to talk to you.
"Let's break up, Rin" you smiled sadly.
"What...?" Rin replied genuinely shocked.
You closed your eyes, with the fear of getting the look of hatred from Rin as you spoke "Listen Rin, i know that you hate me, it's very obvious and i know i'm an hindrance to your goal in beating your brother, so it's okay and let's break up, thank you for being my boyfriend, Rin, Goodluck on your journey" you smiled, when you opened your eyes you saw something very shocking
You didn't expect the reaction from your boyfriends face when you said that, It was the first time you saw your boyfriend sad, looking like he was about to cry.
"W-What's wrong?" you replied in a panicked state, clearly not used to how rin expresses his emotions to you.
He then hugged you very tight, hands gripping your waist silently pleading for you to not let go, his head resting on your shoulder inhaling your sweet scent.
"I love you so fucking much, Please don't leave me"
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changed my theme! hehe hope you like this! tysm for making a request <33
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hyunubear · 10 months
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sunboki · 1 year
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saw your post so i stopped by! hope looking at this helps you destress some <3
good luck on your collab and other writings, sunflower!!
when i tell you i screamed, screamed when i saw you in my notifs i’m not lying i was so excited!!! the sunset is so pretty :( i’m so lucky to have you jeekies <3
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tatakaeeren · 8 months
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Levi Ackerman | Shingeki No Kyojin Final Trailer
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staurolith · 6 months
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The Great Eagle
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butterflyacademia · 2 months
All of my friends got mentally stable and 9-5 jobs and “can’t read TSC immediately” and “need to reread the series first” and “don’t know if they can go back to aftg after a decade away” and “aren’t in high school anymore” and I’m just sitting here in my little corner of postgrad degree hell clutching my (digital) copy of TSC to my chest like I can personally protect Jean from The Horrors
Send help
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general-cyno · 1 year
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More empty words. I swear to you the day will come when you have to pick between them.
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watchfuldeer · 1 year
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you’d make an excellent truffle pig (complimentary)
succession 2.03 hunting
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ladykeyleth · 2 years
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— I don't know if that makes things more difficult, or less difficult. — Complicated. Everything always gets more complicated.
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shrimpwithglasses · 2 months
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linovadraws · 2 months
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I think about this conversation from Corambis chapter 7 constantly and was sad that I never finished the more detailed version I had planned, so I repurposed it into a cute little experiment.
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Please enjoy this bonus Felix face from the first draft. He is my favorite.
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wikitpowers · 9 days
can u imagine ty and kit’s first kiss just being full of cute giggles, nervous fumbling and the widest smiles
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h0estar · 9 months
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i'm so proud of him 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i love him so much yall dont understand!!!!!! i have been a sobbing mess since i read the latest 3 chapters no one touch me 😭
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saintchaser · 1 year
"if i run away with you, i betray my family. if i marry lucius, i betray myself. my family is very dear to me," narcissa said, looking away from her.
"dearer than i?" alice asked, desperation in her voice.
narcissa smiled pitifully. "no, not dearer than you. but i must do what is right, and that is to say goodbye. i loved you, alice."
a dagger through her heart. they kissed one last time, tasting like regret, bitter on their tongues, beautiful and cold.
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tatakaeeren · 2 years
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"The devils that killed my family and my partner are still out there. So why exactly would I quit?"
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