#my high school friend who just came back to town is also fine
bumble stop showing me people I know irl challenge
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thebowieconstricker · 2 months
Head Over Heels - Prolouge
(The Creature x Reader)
A Lisa Frankenstein (2024) fic
masterlist link
Alright, monster lovers, I’m gonna try something a little more ambitious: an actual fic. Constructive criticism welcome! Please be kind because I have no proof reader and I’m still learning how to write good stories lol. I’m also gonna be fleshing out some characters to better fit the narrative I have in mind for this story. I hope you enjoy the prologue!
Warnings: slight language, my best attempt at worldbuilding, and our gender neutral reader is an orphan, so discussion of that. Also, (N/N) stands for nickname!
1986, Brookview, Indiana
“Oh. My. GOODNESS, (Y/N)! You have to try a face mask! It’ll help you with those dark circles under your eyes!”
“But (Y/NNNN), pink is totally your color! Just give it a chance, your nails would look SO pretty!”
“You didn’t even jump! It’s like you’re built for these movies, (N/N)!”
Comments like these had already gotten old around- you checked your watch- two hours ago. You considered yourself a survivor of some ancient teenage girl ceremony. Saying polite “no thank you”s to Taffy and the rest of her much too perky friends was becoming quite the laborious task. Some may say you were being too stubborn, as they had treated you with nothing but kindness since you came to town, to which you’d argue that Tricia certainly seemed like she had a bone to pick with you. Along with her, you had unfortunately seen enough of the world to understand one of the most important rules of high school:
The popular girls were mean, and these girls were certainly popular.
You had no idea why Taffy had run up to you on your first day of school and excitedly introduced herself, her gaggle of friends confusedly following after her. You figured this was some kind of territorial power move, checking out the fresh meat before inevitably deciding to kill.
But then Taffy kept hanging out with you. And complementing you. And begging you to hang out with her group of gals.
You took it as some kind of elaborate bit, but hey, they were nice.
At least they didn’t look at you like you were a rotten corpse walking down the halls.
Your thoughts snapped back to your current situation at Taffy’s house. Her mother, Janet, had actually sneered at you when you walked in, but other than that, the night was shaping up to be your average “new girls first sleepover”. Grease had taught you well. That was, until the truth or dare game started.
Lori had brought it up, and it started pretty normal.
“Who’s your crush?”
“OMG, I’m not telling!”
“Come on, Misty! We won’t tell! Right, (Y/N)?”
“Uh, yeah. I mean, no.” You mentally cursed yourself.
This is how it continued for a while before you finally perked up.
“I dare you to go to the Bachelors Cemetary Grove.”
“WHAT??? No way, Tricia! There’s no way in hell-“
Your eyes widened in intrigue and you blurted out without thinking, “There’s a bachelors cemetery?”
The girls turned to look at you.
Tricia raised one of her perfect eyebrows.
“You haven’t heard about it? It’s like- uber haunted.”
That piqued your interest. Life in the foster care system had caused you to grow accustomed to the darker sides of life, and you had always had a special interest in the dead. Your own parents had died in a mysterious fire when you were just a baby, leaving you with no real memories of them. You believed that everyone deserved to be remembered, especially the average, unremarkable person.
(Mainly because you knew that’s how you would turn out, and you’d like to be remembered.)
Enough of that, though, because everyone is still looking at you, so you cleared your throat.
“Would I have to go tonight? Or like, right now?”
Tricia rolled her eyes. “I mean, I didn’t ask you-“
“Oh, shush, Tricia! She’s participating!” Taffy smiled widely at you.
Tricia shot you a look.
“Fine. Yes, tonight. And you’d have to bring back a vine to show that you actually went there. The place is full of them, so it should be easy for you.”
You detected a hint of challenge in Tricia’s tone, but ignored it. You wanted to do this to quench the thirst of curiosity that was bubbling in your brain. This seemed like the first interesting thing you had heard about in this boring town.
You stood.
“I’ll do it.”
Taffy cheered and Lori looked at you in amazement. Misty immediately began to try to talk you out of it, worrying about your safety, while Tricia went silent.
Your mind was set, though. Time to see what all the hooplah was about.
The walk to the gravesite had been much more peaceful than you thought it would be.
Taffy’s house was constant noise, light, color, total overstimulation. However, the cool mist that danced across your skin along with the eerie silence of the woods soothed you. It helped you clear your head.
After walking through the woods for what seemed like hours, you finally came across the old rusted iron gate that sadly displayed the text, “Bachelors Cemetery Grove”. You frowned, finding the disrepair of the cite pitiful. This place should be filled with respect, not to be forgotten by vines and leaves.
Speaking of, holy shit, Tricia was right about the vines everywhere.
Thick, bright green foliage covered every inch of the area, graves poking out here and there to display faded names. It was enchanting to see so much life growing in a place of death. You could have snapped off a vine and booked it out of there, but you were drawn to this cemetery. Careful steps led you deeper and deeper into its heart as you swerved this way and that to try and make out the occasional name.
Then, through a beam of moonlight that shone through a break in the trees, your eyes caught on a specific grave.
You walked closer and came face to face with the stoic expression of a handsome young man, carved in the same stone his grave was made of. He had a strong nose, with beautifully curved lips and hair that flipped upwards on the ends. He was looking slightly downwards, his eyebrows painfully curved upwards, as if to express a dramatic feeling of grief. Resting beside his bust was an arm and a hand, attached to nothing and slightly curled. He looked like a man that would recite beautiful poetry, professing his deepest desires and most intimate thoughts.
Your mouth was slightly agape as you admired him. Despite your more logical thoughts, you brought a hand up to gently caress his cheek, finding a raised texture chiseled there that suggested sideburns. A sigh escaped your lips as you realized the romantic-ness of it all. A man who seemed perfect, a lover, full of life and emotion, condemned to a permanent fixture in a buried world.
You could say it was love at first sight.
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artiststarme · 1 year
Highway to Hell
Just another fun little story based on a random sentence song title that came to mind. I hope you guys like it and please leave a comment below!
Steve was a really bad driver. He knew it, his high school friends knew it, and the police knew it. He didn’t mean it in a technical way, he was perfectly capable of driving a car and not crashing it. Admittedly, he was reckless and he found driving laws to be more of a suggestion than a rule. Steve had his reasons though. 
There was very little to do in Hawkins for any sort of entertainment. One could only go to the arcade or go swimming at the lake so many times before it became boring just like everything else in the town. When the excitement surrounding fun activities wore out, Steve turned to racing down empty country roads and skidding down the highway to feel a thrill. 
And he liked it. The feeling of the wind tearing through the open windows, the exhilaration at the threat of danger, and the delight that came with gaslighting the cops that pulled him over. There was nothing better. 
All of that changed when the kids started hanging around though. Steve couldn’t race down the 25 mph roads at 70. He had to slow down and protect his precious cargo. As such, the only people that didn’t realize he was a notoriously bad driver were the kids and Robin. They considered him the safest driver they’d ever been around. He followed the speed limit to a T, didn’t have road rage like their parents, and always stopped at stop signs. What more could they ask for?
It lasted for a while, his good driving habits, enough that Hopper, Powell, and Callahan all took a sigh of relief. Not having to worry about Steve Harrington doing his darndest to wrap himself around a tree allowed them to let their guard down. Granted, it coincided with strange happenings, disappearances, and murders, but still, it was one less thing on their plate.  
When he started hanging out with Eddie after the events of Spring Break, Steve relaxed a little bit. He didn’t have to be so stringent with his driving and could start letting loose again. So he did. Whenever he was alone or driving somewhere with Eddie, he’d speed like a bat out of hell, ignore the recommended stop signs, take turns too fast, everything he shouldn’t do. 
Hopper was the one who pulled him over first after he illegally passed the police cruiser going 60 mph in a 45. 
“Harrington, what the hell? I thought you were done with this shit,” Hopper grumbled. His face was exasperated which made sense since his pseudo-son was being a little shit again. 
Steve just sent him a chagrined smile, “I’m sorry Hop, I didn’t mean to speed. I’m rushing Eddie back to the trailer because he’s feeling sick and I don’t want him throwing up in my car. I love the guy but not enough to deal with vomit, you know?”
Hopper just shook his head at him and waved him off. “Next time I catch you speeding, you’re getting a ticket. Go the speed limit, Steve.”
“Of course you won’t catch me again, Hop! I’ll see you at dinner tomorrow. Bye!” He called as Hopper walked back to the cruiser. He looked at Eddie in the passenger seat to face a deranged glare. “What’s up with you?”
“Me?!” Eddie shrieked. “You’re the one speeding like you have a death wish then blaming it on me to my future father-in-law! You’re not winning me any points here, Steve!”
“Wow hey, Hop likes you just fine. Also, future father-in-law? Let’s go back to that, as far as I know, you haven’t even proposed!”
“Gay marriage is illegal! Otherwise I would’ve-”
The next time they got pulled over, Steve blew through a stop sign. That one, admittedly, was his fault. He’d been too distracted with Eddie’s hand rubbing his thigh that he’d driven right through it. Luckily though, it was late and no one was out and about. Besides the police cruiser that was parked out of sight in the dark. 
As soon as Powell saw it was him, he told him to keep his eyes on the road and walked back to his car. He’d dealt a lot with Steve Harrington and he wasn’t willing to put up with the headache at 2 AM on a Tuesday. He’d get him next time, he was sure. 
Steve had a tactic for dealing with Callahan. His big brother could be a bit of a dumbass and as long as you muddied the situation enough, he would drop the lecture and ticket out of confused rage alone. It had worked with him every single time thus far and it wouldn’t fail him now. 
So, when he and Eddie got pulled over for speeding down an empty country road, Steve mustered up his bitchiest face. As soon as Phil walked up to the window, he started his act. 
“Phil, what the hell? Why are you pulling me over? I’m just trying to get home after a long day.”
“You were going 30 mph over the speed limit which is considered reckless driving. I should write you a ticket right now,” Callahan spoke with an air of cocky arrogance that was sure to fade. 
“Who says I was speeding? You were the one that had to speed to catch up to me. Why were you driving so quickly? Some might say that’s reckless.” The smile dropped off of Phil’s face immediately and he became defensive. 
“I’m a police officer, I’m allowed to speed.”
“Ohhh, so you think you’re above the law because you have a badge?” Steve raised an eyebrow and could only watch in delight as Phil’s face became more and more red.
“That’s not what I sai-”
“That’s awful, Phil. What would mom say right now? Or worse, what would Hopper say about his deputy mistreating the badge?”
Phil just looked at him in shock before he blinked. “How the hell do you do this every time? Do you know how many times you’ve tried to trick me when I’ve pulled you over?”
“Phil, that doesn’t sound like me at all. Why are you really pulling me over today? Are you trying to pull the annoying big brother card? Is this a prank?”
“You know it's not a prank, you were speeding!” He yelled at him.
“You were speeding!” Steve screamed back, pointing a finger at him accusingly. 
“Jesus Christ, just go home and stop fucking speeding! Fuck Steve, every time!” Phil screamed in fury before stomping back to his cruiser. 
Steve merely rolled up the window and turned his head to look at Eddie. He was once again shocked with his mouth gaping open. 
“Oh yeah, did I tell you that Phil’s my brother? Small world, huh?”
Of course no one in the Party believed Eddie when he told them that Steve drove like a maniac on crack. Every single person he told just shrugged it off and it was driving him insane. He even tried to convince Hopper to talk to the kids but he refused to get in the middle or risk fighting with his kid. 
To this day, the Party still doesn’t believe Eddie when he says that Steve is a reckless driver (and it’s infuriating because Steve smirks arrogantly anytime it comes up).
Bonus: Eddie knows Steve before the Upside Down because he almost hit him with his car when Eddie was walking home one day (Steve gave him a ride after but the damage was done)
That’s how he knew he could handle driving the RV and why he decided to throw him the reins. 
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jariten · 11 months
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May-July 2023 roundup
Okay little by little preparing for regular posting on this blog to resume and thought I'd start with catching up on the roundups!
Midori no Uta by Taiwanese Yan Gao, who first garnered attention for illustrating the original Japanese edition of Haruki Murakami's Abandoning a Cat: Memories of my Father, tells the story of college student Lü after she moves to Taipei for university. There she spends less time on academic pursuits and more on music live shows. She then meets Nanjun, an amateur musician who shares his love of music with her. This leads her on a trip to Japan to look for the band Happy End's album Kazemachi Roman, which leads her to an instant love for Harumi Hosono and his music, and her first infatuation as she grows closer to Nanjun. This is maybe the first Taiwanese comic I've ever read and I loved every second of it. The Japanese translation was really great. Beautiful naturalistic cityscapes and I really adored how Lü's emotions were depicted. Everything Yan Gao was referencing was very interesting too. I love a college coming of age too. I really really hope someone takes the initiative to license it and that she gets another tankobon out soon.
Mermaid Scales and the Town of Sand by Yoko Komori was also a lovely little coming of age, although at an elementary school level. I really want even more understated but impactful stories like this on the english market and I'm really happy this one got licensed despite its age (it first came out in 2013). And speaking of more understated stories, Frieren by Kanehito Yamada and Tsukasa Abe is soooooo good. Def a worthy comparison to a series like Delicious in Dungeon with how it is an earnest fantasy that decides to approach the staples of the genre from a novel perspective, altho I love how the atmosphere and tempo is completely different, really recommend for anyone who likes more low energy or relaxing stories. And PLEASE anime fans please watch the adaption when it premieres this fall!!!
I also in this period really enjoyed reading Ai ga Areba Ii no da by Ikuemi Ryou. This year I've read so much text heavy manga so reading one with a lot of silent panels and textless sequences was so refreshing, and really moved Ikuemi up on my priority list, I'm really looking forward to reading more.
Yoko to Tora by Fuyuko Kurosaki was another fun surprise in the sense that honestly when I pick up 4-koma on a whim I don't expect too much (Making Azumanga Daioh my first kinda set the expectations too high), and its no Azumanga but I still found myself wanting to recommend it. Imagine if you will a world where cats are plushie shaped and have the general intelligence of a child meaning they can understand and make themselves understood to humans without speaking, they go to school, and have friends they like to hang out with. This is the world of Yoko and Tora and all of their friends. Much like Chiikawa its the little world building details that elevate it from just another cutesy comedy. But don't get me wrong it is a cutesy comedy.
On a whole other track, Keimusho no Naka by Kazuichi Hanawa (licensed as Doing Time back in 2004), was a really fascinating depiction of life in prison as told by a man who had to do time over illegal weapon possession charges. The vivid details of the interior of the prison and the oppressive routines they had to endure from the people who run it was very enlightening. Not to mention Hanawa's artistic talent is like, crazy to me.
I'm still not making promises but posting on here is something that I want to do, so I'd like to ask if there's a preference to consistent posting (queue running consistently over the span of weeks) or if occasional sporadic bursts (queue runs inconsistently or just for a couple of days at a time) is fine too
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theauthorunicorn · 2 years
In the Bleak Midspring | Steve Harrington
Summary: Spring break comes and the thought of catching up with your boyfriend in Hawkins may include saving the world and heart break.
May contain ST4 spoilers. You’re warned.
Read In the Bleak Midspring part 2 here.
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I’ve been away for college in my hometown. I lived with my dad in Hawkins for a lifetime but things went sour with him and my mom and she said that her life is better in New York with my grandparents. They asked about my opinion on which side I’d pick - I didn’t pick anyone, I just stayed in Hawkins because it was home, my home. My friends are there, the kids are there and Steve is there.
Steve Harrington. We’ve been friends or as he said it years before best friends. We have a lot things in common, here’s some, we’re only child and parents do travel a lot, he’s in the swim team, he was the co-captain of the boys team I was the captain of girls team. He also played basketball and I was in the cheer team.
Through good and bad days I was there for him and he was in mine too. We always microwaved dinners if both of our parents aren’t home. I have to say I have good memories with him.
Not until he started being the “King Steve” and also started dating Nancy. He distance himself suddenly without any explanations, no more dinner together at his house since he started doing parties and drinking. He stopped talking to me as if I was not part of his world. It hurts, I admit but who am I to seek and explanation from him, right?
So, I started to ignore him as well.
It was one school day that rumors around the hallway of Hawkins High screamed louder than the cries of an infant child. As what I’ve gathered, Nancy broke up with Steve for Jonathan? I don’t know, I didn’t dig further to really know what happened that night and it’s not for me to attend to as well.
A week passed, Steve and I meet at the hallway during lunch, I was in my cheer uniform at that time and for a second our eyes met and I broke it off immediately.
“Hey.” he called. Ignore him.
“Hey, Y/N!” he said it again as I turned in my back.
“What?” I replied.
He smiled dearly, like those sweet smiles he gave when he begs my mom for me to play him in the rain, “Let’s go eat lunch together outside.”
I rolled my eyes because I’m not quite sure if he’s playing with me or not, “I can just go and eat in the cafeteria, Harrington.”
“So, we’re on the last name basis now?”
“I don’t know, should I call you King Steve instead?”
“Steve would be fine.” he rebutted.
I chucked in dismay, “What the fuck is he up to now.”
“I just wanted to have lunch with you, you know -” he stammers “I wanted to catch up with you, since I’ve lost you with this -” he sighed, “I just want to eat and talk with my best friend like what we do before.”
I can see and feel that he is truly genuine in his words - so I gave him a chance to restore what we had before. 
Here we are now, I came back to Hawkins for Spring Break to see him but there are some things that we need to do before I could have a quality time with my then bestfriend now boyfriend Steve.
I was not in town when things started happening. Hell, I was not in contact with Steve since I got here it was Dustin Henderson who relayed all the information of what is truly happening.
And at this time, I’m so confused as I stand with Max in her trailer home. There was a mention of Vecna, Henry or One and the party has been discussing on how to prevent the four gates opening - god help me get through this. I shifted my attention back and forth to gather all information as I could.
There was a moment of silence after Nancy relayed the things One told her, “Wait,” I said and everyone’s attention is now mine, including Steve’s, “Four gates, four chimes and four deaths. We have three already,” I looked to Max, “and the fourth on will open all seal. And Hawkins will fall.”
They continued to discuss things and the tension is high. I can see that Steve do really care about Nancy, maybe it’s just my mind playing tricks on me but I don’t know. I don’t like this.
Let’s just focus on the important matters here, we will go to War Zone to supply this risky campaign and we just stole an RV, great.
“Hey, Eddie - I don’t like the idea of you driving.” I suggested.
“Oh, Ms. L/N, of course not, I’ll let your man do the driving, I’m just starting her up.” Eddie replied.
Steve faces me, mere inch away from each other, “How do you know that you don’t like the idea of Eddie driving around?”
“Umm,” I smiled, “it’s -” Steve raised his eyebrows.
“Well, there was a time, a lot of times, when it was raining after school that dear Y/N would not have an umbrella or just simply walked to school at morning and then rain started pouring after her cheer practice and would not like to get wet so she just stands at the gym with her lil skirt and white shoes soaked in water and pray tell Y/N that you’re praying for someone to pick you up and drop you at your home.” He laughed. “Then, God answered her many many prayers, Harrington and it is I, who God send to help her.” Eddied taps his chest as he proudly tell this story.
“Wait, you don’t drive your car to school? And why wouldn’t you tell me that you needed a lift?” Steve said with a hint of jealousy in his voice.
“Because you were not there Steve, you were with -” I glanced to Nancy. 
I saw the sadness in his eyes after that, “Not yet.” I assured him.
On the way there, I laid my back trying to get some rest because I haven’t had any since I stepped my feet to the plane on the way to Hawkins. I was dozing on and off and I could hear Steve talking to Nancy about somethings.
He said about having a family a big family with six kids - how can I keep up to that? He also told her that he wanted to do a little trip with his family him driving as he was doing right now going to adventures leaving Hawkins during break visiting National Parks and visiting beaches and learning how to surf.
As he spoke I try to play it in my head, him on the driver seat, me beside him with those six little nuggets roaming around the RV. I couldn’t help but to smile on the idea. I tried to get up to see if he was smiling as he tell Nancy about his future, our future. I glanced at the rear view mirror and it felt like a spear stuck in my heart, he was looking at Nancy with hope, I guess.
Then, it clouded me, that maybe it’s not me in his dreams. It was Nancy after all.
I close my eyes and fell back to sleep to ease my aching heart.
After we gathered the supply, we stopped on an empty lot to prepare the tools. I just wanted to ran away now and hop on plane back to New York and forget about Hawkins and Steve but I can’t. I can’t leave them especially Max, I wanted her to have a shoulder to lean on at this time.
I was standing in the meadows breathing fresh air as the wave of grass follows along the sound of the wind.
Then an arm wrapped my waist and head leaned on my shoulder. “How are you?” Steve said.
“I’m fine, I’m okay.” I lied.
“Are you sure? Because you’re here, standing like for what, ten minutes?”
“Oh, really? It’s must been because I’ve tried to breathe so much clean air because New York doesn’t offer this.” I chuckled.
“Hmm, then move back to Hawkins again.” Steve suggested.
I sighed and closed my eyes, I’m on the verge of breaking down at this point.
“It’s just that I’ve missed you so so much and when the time permits when we can be together this happened as well. And you know that I can’t leave Nancy,” It’s her, it’s been her all along, “and the rest of the gang especially the kids. You know how much I love them right? And if saving the world would still make them smile, like that,” he pointed at Dustin and Eddie running around with their make shift spear, “I would offer my life to keep peace in Hawkins.”
I gulped, “Yeah, I know.” I faced him, “It’s just that I have a feeling that this may not work this time.”
“What do you mean?” 
“I don’t know, I have this sinister feeling inside that’s eating me up and making me lose all hope that I have.” I tried to look him in the eyes but I avoided it. I don’t want him to see what I truly wanted to say.
“Hey,” Steve hugged me tightly, “Are we, are we okay? I’m sorry if I haven’t picked you up at the airport, I’m sorry that I did not spend time with you as soon as you got here, I’m sorry -”
I broke from his embrace, “Steve, it’s okay. Our relationship is the last thing that you need to care about this time. I understand that.” I smiled as I walk away from him.
I jogged to Eddie and Dustin as I laughingly told them to stop before killing each other.
The plan has been set and I am insisting that I’m better off with Eddie and Dustin distracting the bats. I preferred to be on their team than to be with Steve.
“Y/N, me and Nancy would be in the Phase four.” Steve suggested.
They all nodded and agreed, “I think, it’ll be better if I’m with Dusty and Munson since - I  can - um,” I said as I gesture my hand to find the words.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, no. No. No.” Steve argued back, “You can’t those things are not as pleasant as you think it is.”
“I know.” I answered.
“And they might have rabies Y/N, rabies.” Robin confronted me.
“I know.” I repeated.
Eddie looked confused, “I mean, if you’re with Harrington he’ll definitely can protect you Y/N.” 
“It’s not about protecting me Eds, god,” I mumbled, “Rob hated rabies, you clearly specify that on the ride.”
“And have you seen what they’ve done to me, Y/N.” Steve hissed to me.
“Yeah, I know. But I wanted to be with Dustin and Eddie, I get a chance to choose who I wanted to be with, right?” 
“I can just go with Eddie instead,” Nancy offered, “You, Steve and Robin could be at the Creel House.”
“We need you Nancy.” Steve stated, “And yeah, if she doesn’t want to be with me, it’s okay.” 
“It’s not about being with you or not, Steve. I think I’ll be a great help -” I insisted.
“Great help with Eddie and not me? What the hell is wrong with you Y/N. I’m trying to make mends with your right now and I even asked Robin to be with Dustin and Eddie even if she argued back and forth how she doesn’t like those bats and shits and now you’re whining like a little spoiled brat!”
I wanted to argue with him more, I wanted to but my tears betrayed me as they rolls to my cheek.
“Hey, hey, hey, Steve, lower it down,” Dustin walks toward Steve, “Its probably because,”
“She’s just new to this and haven’t grasped Vecna or One or Henry, so that’s why she wanted to be with us. She’ll be a great help with us, right Henderson?” Eddie explained and Dustin nodded immediately.
I wiped my tears and covered my face with my hands, I’m so fucking embarrassed right now. 
“If she wanted to help she would not be like this, like doing some acting shit - it’s not New York after all she’s not at her acting school.” Steve whispered.
“Hey, Steve stop it. That’s enough.” Robin warned him.
“Really Harrington?” I raised my voice, “Go fuck yourself.” As I exited the circle.
“Okay, that settles, Lady Y/N will be in our team.” Eddie finalized.
a/n: I like it angsty though haha. part 2, I guess?
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pocket-jack · 6 months
If I don't get more Penguin and Shachi characterisation in OP, than just "they love ladies, they're childhood friends, they were bullies in their childhood, both are good swimmers, and Shachi apparently can spit so hard it may feel like a bullet", then I do my personal hc about their personality based on the orcas and penguins.
•Shachi is the third strongest member of Heart Pirates (Law is on the first place and Bepo's on the second)
•Shachi adapts to the weather and a temperature really quick. Even tho he's from North Blue - the coldest sea in the world, he's dealing with hot islands like a champion.
•Shachi is a social butterfly. He finds friends anywhere anytime. He's a man who knows a guy who knows another guy who is also know a guy. Want to gather information? Shachi will find it. Wanna form an alliance with the local gang? No prob, Shachi played poker with one guy!
•Shachi's favorite food is salmon.
•Shachi was raised in matriarchy. His mother was pretty dominant woman, and she was the only person he was afraid of during his bully childhood. He's still loves her, but feels really guilty and scared to come back. He followed Law to become more than a mommy's boy, but he just became captain's boy instead.
•Shachi has good metabolism and get really upset on an empty stomach. He's pretty much a cook on the ship so he's fine (he's good at it and gets mad when people dislike his food).
•Shachi's pretty smart. He knows math and physic. His favorite school subject was mathematics. He was visiting school only for math, and he would ran off when it's was over. He also knows how to hunt.
•His family was pretty big, so he often felt himself unseen and unimportant. Heart Pirates is like his family to him, but he actually feels himself like an important part of it.
•Shachi is a little shit. He usually do pranks and get punished quite a lot for this.
•He's actually really protective over his friends and he's not afraid to pick a fight if someone seems hostile towards them. He picks a lot of fights which he can't win, so he usually ends up in medbay.
•In the real world Shachi would be Norwegian
•Unlike Shachi Penguin can't deal with hot weather. But he has a great tolerance to a cold winter islands during its winter season. One day he safed his crewmates, by giving them his warm clothes and carrying them to the town on his back.
•He can hold his breath to 20 minutes. That's terrifying, but really useful.
•He came from the big tribal commune, but decided to follow Law to explore the sea world.
•He's a fan of the sea and especially it's undersea life. He's a sucker for penguins and his favorite fish are squids
•If Shachi is momma's boy, Penguin is a mom friend. He usually babysits people around him and that's one of the reasons why Shachi is his friend. In his childhood many could say that he was too mature for his age, but he allowed himself to be just a kid around Shachi. He also likes kids company a lot, many could say he would be a great father.
•He has a good sense of smell, being able to feel the thinnest of smells people have. It sometimes messes with his sleep, because smells can be nauseating sometimes.
•If Penguin existed in the real world he would be from New Zealand.
•Penguin has a really high eyesight. Law runned some tests and found out that his senses are pretty sharp. Hearing, smelling, eyesight, touch, and taste. The main reason why test's were needed is because he often experienced nausea because everything was just to much. That's exactly why he wears his hat (it helps to protects his eyes and ears) and sometimes he plugs his nose to not smell things and he looks ridiculous like that.
•Penguin loves to sing
•Penguin is this type of guy, who shaves his hair by the mood
•His love language is gift giving
•Penguin doesn't like sweets
•Penguin is pretty loyal to his close ones. He will die for them and will remain silent under any torture. One day he was injured really bad because of his loyalty. Heart Pirates got a really bad trauma after that, and many of them still checks on Peng, because there should be something more than "It was bad! I was scared! But I held like a man! I've told them nothing, captain! And i'm not crying, it's just blood got in my eyes!".
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saintship · 1 year
Omg ur story liability is amazing!! i'm so sad more people don't write Graves as a sweet southern gentleman (who cares if he's a traitor 😭🙏) so I would love to see a part 2 just to read more of your great characterization of him!! 💕
Thank you so much! Also so fucking true
Yes he betrayed everyone yes he would refuse to let you open your own car door 🫢🫢
I’m also thinking of doing like a small town oneshot once my requests are cleared out 🤭🤭
White flags waving
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Graves x fem!reader pt. 2/2
Read pt. 1
Warnings: maybe ooc graves, harassment, healthy communication, graves is sweet, mature content but no secs
Going abruptly from living from shadow to shadow by the skin of their teeth to an upscale event that recognized their branch of military was something no one on the task force was prepared for. Being a private company, it wasn’t as though there was any media or presidents to stick badges on their chest, but Price was told it was an effort to familiarize with other special ops units they could be seeing in the field.
Weeks before the scheduled banquet, half the team was already complaining. Mornings in the common area of their current safehouse were more bicker-ey than usual.
The sun cast beams of light into the living room and across the island counter, where Ghost stood preparing the coffee machine.
“This is ridiculous. They want us to reveal ourselves to whoever these people are voluntarily?”
“They’re like us, Ghost. It’s an event for private companies.”
“You have to admit it’s a perfect plan for an ambush, Gaz.” Spider scored the peel of an orange with a short knife, pushing at the edges.
“Why’s it gotta be like that?” Soap interjected. “Can we not pretend to be normal members of society for one night?”
“You sound like my friends from high school.” Spider threw away the peel, starting on the slices that she’d separated.
“It’s seven in the mornin’ and you’re arguing?” Graves emerged from the hall, eyes bleary with sleep. Spider’s breath nearly hitched at the sight of his uneven bed head, and she ducked her head to focus on her fruit.
“Well, what do you think? Trap or no trap?” Soap questioned.
“No trap. Price ain’t stupid.”
Seemingly beckoned by his name, the captain eased the front door open to return inside. Spider spotted him toss out the end of his cigar.
“Did you—go outside to smoke? Do you finally care about our lungs?” She placed a hand to her chest, her tone flared with drama.
“Needed a break from you lot.” He grumbled, taking a mug offered by Ghost with a nod.
“Where’s Ale?” Spider wondered aloud.
“Shower. That damn music was driving me crazy; s’why I came down here.”
“Ella Fitzgerald is a master of sound!”
Alejandro’s exclamation sounded from down the hall.
“I guess he’s done.” Gaz murmured.
“You don’t like Ella Fitzgerald?” Spider looked at Graves as if he’d socked Price in the jaw. “Do you have brain damage?”
“It would be fine if it wasn’t so loud!”
“Are you a librarian by night or something?” Ghost teased.
“That’s messed up. If you have a secret identity you need to tell me.” Spider finished off her orange, walking over to the hall, but was thrown off by Graves using the hand the others couldn’t see to take her hand for less than a moment before letting it slip past. The others continuing to bicker, she glanced back to see him already watching her, letting the moment linger before returning his eyes to the group with a smile playing in his eyes.
Spider blinked, scolding her rapid heartbeat. She had things to do.
The afternoon’s busy work was mostly inefficient as the team mainly gossiped about the night ahead of them. Everyone was on edge, or planning to drink themselves asleep, or planning to not say a word.
“How are a bunch of special ops agents supposed to small talk? It’s going to be awkward.” Gaz leaned back in his computer chair, looking over at Spider desperately.
“Just create a new identity; that’s what I do at parties.” Spider murmured while still writing something down.
“You’re a piece a’ work, webs.” Graves seemed to be almost talking to himself, grumbling into the folder he held in front of him.
“How has the world not taken the southern out of you yet?” Spider pointed to Graves with her pen. Graves remained stoic, but his eyes shined with amusement.
“That would take a miracle, honey.”
“Alright..” Spider tossed a discarded crumpled file at his head, which he promptly caught, grinning.
Price took it upon himself to go into the nearest town to gather nicer clothes than the ones they’d been recycling for the past months. Spider insisted on going with him, lecturing the man in the car that you most certainly could not tell how a dress fits just by looking at it.
They split up in the mall, Price giving her half of the cash he brought and wandering off to gather tuxes for the boys. Spider found a suitable store, and then a few different dresses. When the first one was zipped, a thought of sending a picture of the dress to Graves floated through her mind. Looking at the dress again; a deep blue high neck with the cutoff just at the knee and a healthy showing of back, she decided to get some photos of each before sending anything.
The next dress was more conforming, a comfortable black fabric that ended at her mid-thigh and thin straps. Then a red flowing piece with lace sleeves running the length of her arms and two shallow slits on either thigh. She photographed them all, hovering over the send button to graves after typing the caption “can’t decide!”
Exhaling quickly, she sent it, quickly tossing her phone on the pile of her clothes and silently panicking. What if his phone was facing up and someone saw? What if they told Price? Shit, shit-
Her phone pinged softly. Spider rushed to see his name light up her phone.
“I’m not a fashion expert, but the blue is nice. Classy.”
Nice. Nice, nice, nice..was that good? Spider’s thumbs hovered over the keyboard before typing.
“I’ll take what i can get
thanks cowboy”
She nearly deleted the ‘cowboy’, but couldn’t resist.
A text from Price telling her to hurry up prompted her to return the black and red dresses to their homes and buy the blue, along with short heels and a few makeup products, then walk back out to the car feeling lighter than air.
Spider made sure to beeline for the bathroom as soon as she returned, nervous for Graves’ reaction to her following his advice. She showered, taking the opportunity to shave her legs and use a scented body wash. It had been a while since she’d showered outside of necessity.
She blowdried and combed her hair, throwing it into a low ponytail to get the dress on with no hair in her eyes. The dress felt different than it did in the dressing room, as expected, but still looked professionally sexy in her mind. After a bout of eye and lip makeup, she put her hair up in a more deliberate updo, pulling a few strands to frame her face. She pulled on the heels, the height low enough to not put her in pain and high enough to add an inch or two of personal confidence. Breathing deeply, she dared to ease the bathroom door open. No one in the hall. She nearly ran to the bedroom she’d slept in to retrieve her clutch, grateful to carry around a semi-classy wallet casually.
She finally made her way out to the living room, a whistle catching her attention. Soap stood adjusting his bow tie, grinning at her blank stare.
“Shut up, Johnny.”
“Dinnae say anything!”
“Mhm.” A smile made its way onto her lips, easing the anxiety rattling around in her ribcage. Ghost and Gaz sat on the couch talking, Gaz in a black dress shirt and grey tie and ghost in a wine-red dress shirt with a dark blazer. The others trickled in slowly, Alejandro performing a short spin that prompted much hollering and whistling.
Finally, Graves emerged from the hall, adorning a crisp white dress shirt, black blazer, and-
“Your tie is blue.” Spider blurted. Not interrupting anyone’s conversation, but catching Graves’ attention.
“Well thank the man upstairs. Didn’t know if you’d go through with it.” He smiled easily, making his way over to her.
“Well, you have good taste.” Spider conceded.
A comfortable pause lingered between them before Graves spoke.
“You look beautiful.”
Spider pushed down the fluttering in her abdomen.
“Thank you. You look very nice, with your suit and..” Spider trailed off when she realized what she was about to say, Graves tilting his head.
“And what, darling?”
Jesus. “And—when you..smile. You-you look nice when you smile.” She managed. His poise seemed to falter a bit, as he fixed his cuff links and shifted his weight.
“Well—thank you.” He murmured. Spider smiled.
“Don’t mention it.”
Please mention it.
“Alright, you lot, time to go!” Price clapped his hands together, everyone filing out and into the car.
The city rolled past, Spider gazing out the window at the skyscrapers and neon signs. The tinted windows hid the true brightness of it all; proven when they stepped out and the dazzling signs all around them became apparent. The venue was on the fourth floor of the building, Price leading everyone to the elevator. It turned out to be much too small to fit all of them at once, and Spider spoke without thinking.
“We can get the one after this.”
Graves, stood next to her, looked over in surprise but didn’t object.
“Meet you there.” Price nodded. As the doors closed, Spider heard Gaz whispering to Soap,
“Are they matching?”
A hush fell over the two soldiers.
“Feels weird. Being out in the open again.” Spider confessed. Graves nodded, sighing in thought.
“You play civilian well enough, though.” He offered.
“Thanks—I think.” Spider returned.
“Listen, I think we should- talk about what happened. At least talk about it.” Graves spoke ever so softly, glancing around him, but Spider’s eyes still widened.
“Not here. Anywhere but here..” She murmured. The doors opened, Spider pulling Graves in unceremoniously. When the doors closed, she spoke again.
“I meant what I said in the med wing. And I like you.”
Graves rocked on his heels. “Straight to the point.”
“I pride myself on it.”
Another silence.
“This won’t work.”
Graves looked over, blinking. “What are you talkin’ about?”
“Our jobs, Graves. It doesn’t work.”
“Who said we gotta parade it around? For all they know, we’re close friends.”
It was true in a way—everyone knew Spider and Graves had become a sort of dynamic since that close call at the warehouse. It was chalked up within the team to be a scare that brought the two together, and if anyone had suspicions of their attraction, they didn’t voice them.
“The rest of the team isn’t what’s dangerous. It’s everyone we’ve ever crossed, and everyone we’ll ever piss off. And I try to hide it, I really fucking do, Graves..” Spider gestured to herself stiffly, her voice wavering. “But they’ll know. They’ll know and- and they’ll use it.”
Graves let a deep breath go through his nose, searching her eyes with his for a moment. He stepped forward, hand just extending to rest by her jaw, when the doors opened, and Spider quickly maneuvered his hand to his side to link his arm with hers and step forward.
“Nice save.” Graves murmured.
The banquet was all gold and high ceilings, rows of food and alcohol running the edges of the room while tables dotted the centre. Swarms of people stood in groups, nursing their drinks and seeming to be unable to relax their shoulders. They found the rest of the team at a table, still keeping to themselves.
“Are the other kids too scary?” Spider chided.
“Very funny.” Ghost muttered.
“Well, personally, I’d love to meet some fresh faces. I’ll be at the bar.” Spider gently removed her arm from Graves’, looking over her shoulder to see him lean forward on the back of Soap’s chair. He’d pushed up his sleeves so his forearms and watch were on display—she shook herself out of the observation.
“Could I get a Negroni, please?” Spider situated herself into a barstool, swiveling back and forth absentmindedly as she studied the people around her. She was surprised to see quite a few attempts of advancements between soldiers—she assumed no one had the nerve. It was just flirting, she conceded.
“One Negroni.” The bartender slid the amber drink over the counter. “Wanna start a tab?”
“Yes, pl-"
“Put it on mine.”
A voice over her shoulder nearly had her flinch—she turned to see a tux-clad man, handsome, but somehow Spider could tell he was arrogant. He had an air to him that said he assumed the best outcome for him would happen naturally.
“How you doin’?” He greeted her, but didn’t meet her eyes, pulling a carton of cigarettes his blazer pocket.
“I’m alright.” Spider sipped her drink as he lit one and took a drag, shifting her weight uncomfortably.
“You with anyone tonight?” He rested on an elbow, leaning into her space.
“Task force 141.” Spider replied shortly.
“Right.. any one of them gotten a piece a’ you?”
Spider didn’t reply.
He grinned with the teeth of a chainsmoker, scoffing.
“What, you never been hit on before? Give me a shot, honey.”
“Are you serious?” Spider’s slight raise in volume made the man finally back up, raising his cigarette to his lips again. “Either find a better pickup artist to model after or never talk to a woman again, alright?”
Suddenly, he grabbed her forearm, yanking it forward to blow the tobacco smoke into her eyes.
“Get off!” She twisted out of his grip, coughing.
“There a problem here, buddy?”
Spider glanced up after sliding out of her stool, seeing Graves appear from the crowd. He stepped forward to size up the man, who got out of his own stool to face him. He lifted the cigarette again, only for Graves to snatch and toss it.
“Yeah, that’s enough of that. I hope you’re listening cause’ I don’t repeat myself. You ever talk to her, or anyone for that matter, like that again, I’m gonna show you the difference—between military..and me.”
Despite Spider’s attraction to Graves’ assertiveness in the moment, the embarrassment won, driving her to speed walk to the bathroom. She felt his footsteps follow her, and he closer the door behind them. Spider faced away, her face in her hands.
“Did he hurt you? Let me-"
“No—no, I’m not hurt, Graves.” Spider’s cheeks burned with shame. She was not helpless. She was not helpless.
“Come on, now, what’s goin’ on?” Graves’ hands were partially extended out to her, and Spider vaguely noticed he’d loosened his tie.
“I just,” Spider sighed deeply, resting her hip against one of the sinks. Graves mirrored her, close but not touching.
“That kind of thing happened to me before I was in the military, and I thought—I don’t know..” Spider looked away, frustrated. “I thought it would be different because I’m different. I’m stronger, smarter.”
Graves nodded, looking to her with those bedroom eyes that nearly erased her rant from her mind.
“And then the fact you helped me, I was so angry at myself for not being able to just handle it; I’m a grown woman.”
Graves moved to stand in front of her, cautiously taking her hand and running a thumb along it when Spider let him.
“I knew you could handle it. You always handle it.” He murmured. “I did what I did out of instinct. I can’t let people like that get away with that shit, but more than than I can’t just watch when it happens to you.”
Spider shook ever head ever so slightly. “How are you this way with me and then when you’re working you just—you just seem so angry?”
Graves inhaled and blinked as if he’d been wounded. “I uh.. I’m not sure. Maybe you poisoned me.” He said it with faux seriousness, raising his eyebrows and pressing his lips into a line.
Spider hummed. “Figured you’d find out somehow.”
A smile pulled at Graves’ features. “I’m glad you bought the blue.” He took the side of her waist in one hand, pulling her into him, while the other traveled up her spine to rest near her neck. The action send pinpricks of electricity all over, and she didn’t care that it was childish.
Suddenly, Spider’s brow furrowed. “Hey, how did Price know to get you the blue?”
Graves looked away for a moment. “When you sent me those photos I uh, I asked him to.”
Spider grinned.
“Shut up.” He grumbled.
“Shut me up yourself.” Spider looped her arms over his shoulders, running her nails through the hair at the back of his head. His eyes fluttered closed when she scratched at his scalp before regaining himself.
“Jesus, baby..” he breathed.
“Kiss me. Please.” Spider returned his words with the same whisper.
“Happy to.”
He leaned down, moving the hand on her waist to hold her jaw and run the pad of his thumb over her cheek. Spider leaned eagerly into him, a soft noise escaping her throat involuntarily.
“I’ve wanted,” she spoke between kisses. “To do this—a long time before the med wing..”
Graves pressed one last long kiss to her lips before pausing. “That right?”
His voice was a low gravel, warming Spider’s body in places she wouldn’t admit.
“I’d watch you work. Drove me crazy.” Spider admitted, earning a grin.
“How cruel of me. And I consider myself polite..” his hands wandered, palming her chest gingerly, exploring the soft flesh of her thighs, hiking the blue fabric higher. Spider took the action as a sign to move her hands down further. She felt his toned stomach through the soft dress shirt, pulling him in to kiss him while she ran her hands up his sides. He sighed into her mouth, and when her nails returned to his scalp with more fire than before, a low groan practically reverberated down her throat. Graves pressed her into the sink gently, deepening the kiss with the hunger shared only between glances before tonight.
Spider broke away to take in his eyes, pupils blown wide, along with his mussed, pale grey hair.
“You’re so gorgeous..”
Graves huffed a laugh. “What?”
“You heard me.” She reached further still, daring to brush her hand along the inside of his thigh. “You make me crazy.”
“Fuck, honey..” he breathed erratically, his hips jerking forward at the sensation. “You tryna’ kill me?”
“I’m a medic, Graves.” Spider breathed. “I make you feel better.”
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onippep · 1 year
Is it fine to talk about certain scars now?
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................. Which ones. Guessing, for thematic sake, you mean these?
[gestures to his top scars]
I, uh, guess so. Pfft.
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So, a little recap-- born in Italy, moved over here when I was 16. Shit happened at 19. Came back when I was 24.
We lived in a super-rural area when I was a kid, so I had no idea what all of that was about. I'd find myself doing things that boys would do and I'd get slapped around for it, or never really liking girls. All my friends were boys. I had a lot of body hair for my age. It was weird to my family.
I got a taste of big-town culture from my cousins and uncles and aunts; they're eccentric, and I'm pretty sure one of my aunts was gay (she never married). I got along with her pretty well, but god, my madre hated her, pretty sure. Haven't seen her in a long time.
Bottom line, I was the "weird kid" of the family, so my parents figured (Also as Italians) to give me a brother and sister, see if they could socialize me properly. Maybe they fucked up the first time. Worth a shot, right?
While my madre was pregnant with my brother, we moved here. Maybe city life would do me good. I was thrust into a highschool barely knowing any English, and naturally flocked to the outcasts and socially awkward weirdos that would get tossed around by bullies and such. It was brutal. I met a girl that disguised herself as a boy and went by a boy's name. I met a boy that had a crush on one of the bigger boys of the school. It was a bunch of new experiences that... for some reason, even with my upbringing, didn't feel foreign or weird. It suddenly aligned with me, and I didn't really think about it until I looked in the mirror one day and wanted to throw up at how I looked. I tried dating a girl I got along with. Being a teenager sucks. That shit hits you like a truck and bleeds like an open wound that you have no idea how to stop.
Not that I had the time to find a way. I did bad in school, got held back a few years, and within that time aggressively took my identity into my own hands-- I'm not who my parents thought I was, I hated my name, I hated them, I hated everything. I got quiet. I hated myself because I wasn't the easy, good-grade getting child that was born loving the body it was in.
One day, my dad gets me alone. He asked me what I wanted to do after High School. I said art. He asked me again. I said art. He said that was the wrong answer. I asked him what he wanted me to say instead.
"If you really don't believe you're a girl, then it's time to be a man."
I thought this had good intentions until I was at the front door of bootcamp with some fresh scars on my chest, a few years of testosterone, and...
Uh, what was I-- right.
Right, yeah, I was pretty much fully out a few years after I was... discharged. I had a fling with Anton. A few women. Some men. Tried the bisexual label for a bit but found out I was just a full-on homosexual.
...Did I get the surgery before or-- no, I think I...
[blanks out for a few minutes]
...[scratches his head] I-- sorry, I think I got something mixed up. I think I got top surgery after 'all of that'. Shit's scrambled in here.
...Right-- I was a fully out transsexual gay man by... I think I was 35? It wasn't a huge focus of mine though since I wanted to try and start my own business. My family knew hard they fucked up with me so they kept their distance-- I let them know how much they failed me (after many years of thinking I was the screwup). Eventually they started using my new name. It was sudden, and there were no apologies.
I couldn't get my art degree, sssooo... Peppino's Pizza it is. Yippee.
Met Gus a year or so after I opened it, connected with a few of the Italian community on the outskirts of the city, uh... then I...
[pauses again]
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--Sorry, this, uh, wasn't a really happy story, but I just. Wanted to say that it was worth keeping myself alive to see myself big, fat, hairy, balding, and smiling in the body I've got now. And happy with the men I've decided to let into my life to love me and this body. It's...
It's something. Better than nothing. I understand that now.
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idkmyblogname · 11 months
I'm gonna find you if its the last thing I do
i was walk home with Vance one day and he was very happy and I mean very happy because he just beat is pinball high score. Well it had come that time where me and Vance had to go our separate ways. "Make sure to call me when you get home okay asshole" I said, Vance respond and said "Will do dip shit". We went our separate and i finally got home but after about an hour I didn't get a call from Vance, huh that's funny. Well I thought that he must have juts got tired and went to bed as soon as he got home so i didn't thing anything of it and went to bed. I woke up the next day and I was already late to school damn it you stupid fucking alarm clocks they never work. I got dressed as soon as i could and got to school and thank god I had my first class with Vance but when i got there class had already started and of course i was late damn it.
I decided to ask Matt where Vance was. "Matt do you know where Vance is by chance because i haven't seen him all day' "No i haven't seen him either, maybe he got grounded again" "Yea maybe thanks though" "No problem Y/N". Really even Matt hasn't seen him Vance is always with Matt. I decided not to think about it to much until 5th period. I was sitting in science and the principle had walked in and said that he needed to talk to me for a little bit. When i tell you i had no clue why i mean that.
I went to her office and they stood two officers and they told me to take a seat. "Hi Y/n i'm officer Copper and this is my partner officer Smith we want to ask you a few questions about Vance" "Why what happened to Vance" "Well Vance was kidnapped and everyone says you were the last person he was seen with" "Where were you two right before you went home yesterday" "We were at the grab'n'go he was playing his pinball machine and i was watching" " Okay was he at all acting weird or anything" "No he was plan old Vance Hopper" "Okay well if we have anymore questions we will come back and get you thank you for your cooperation" "Yeah no problem anything to help you guys find Vance"
I walked out of that office and i ran to the bathroom and i broke down i can't believe that my best friend was taken by the grabber. I cried for good half an hour then the bell rang to go to 7th hour, i can't believe i missed a whole class period. I made my self look presentable and went to class. I went home and i cried more and more until i couldn't breath. Next thing i knew i feel asleep and i had the weirdest dream you could ever imagine. I saw him Vance and he was sitting in a basement on a really dirty looking mattress and he was...crying?
I woke up and i realized that i need to go to school. I went to school and just kinda kept my head down the whole day because by now everyone knew that Vance had been taken and everyone kept asking if me and Matt were okay because we were his closest friends. During 5th period everyone was called down to the gym for an assembly. They talked about setting a curfew for the town to make sure that no one else got taken. At the end of the assembly i decided to tell the officers about my dream i had about Vance. They sat me down and had me describe what the basement looked liked. "This is all really good information miss Y/n because Gwen Blake came in saying she also had a weird dream saying she could see Vance sitting in a basement on a dirty mattress" " She did, did she see anything else like the house or maybe caught an address" "I'm sorry but unfortunately that kind of information is not to be shared with anyone else" "Not to be rude but i think that i deserve to know because i am like one of Vance's only friends and i'm worried sick about him so please please tell me" "Miss Y/n i'm sorry but i can't, if i could i would really but i juts can't. "Fine whatever you ass hats don't tell me but i will find something and when i do i'm going after that son of bitch who took Vance."
After I got home from talking to the officers it was already pretty late like around 10-ish so i got dressed for bed brushed my hair and teeth ect. When i was done i climbed in bed and i did one thing i never thought i would do i prayed. I prayed that Vance would be safe and that i could find him...alive hopefully. After about 10 minutes of trying to find a comfy position i finally fell asleep and i had another dream but this time i was riding on a bike down a street that look very familiar and then all of a sudden the bike stopped in front of a house that i know i have definitely seen before then it hit me i pass this street and house every day to walk home. I went and walked around the house and found a small window like looked down into a basement, the same basement i saw in my other dream and there he was Vance sitting on the same old dirt mattress. I woke up in a panic and i ran to the phone and called the police. By the time they arrived it was already early 9 in the morning and i drove in their car fr a good 10 minutes to the house i saw in my dream. In the car ride i explained what my dream was about. " I saw the house this exact house in my dream and i saw a little window that you can peer into and see the basement and i saw Vance" "Okay miss Y/n just tell us when you see it" " Stop its right here" " You heard her go get the boy go get Vance"
I sat there by the side of the road for a good 10 minutes and then i saw him the person i had missed for so long. I ran up and hugged him, this is the hug i have been waiting for for 4 days now and yes he smelled and look disgusting but i didn't care i just needed to be in his embrace. 'Vance i thought i was gonna lose yo- and i that i was cut off by Vance kissing me and that kiss lasted a little bit. When he finally pulled away he said "You're never gonna lose me Y/n and i wanted to tell you that i liked you for so long but i never had the confidence to do it because i was...scared of rejection" "Well i'm telling you that you don't need to be scared of rejection anymore because i like you too Vance" and with that he kissed me again and this time the kiss was full of passion and love. Never thought that i would actually end up with the guy i like.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
I can only picture transfem usopp x nami and a semi modern au. I say semi-modern because it's based in the early '90s Early 200s.
They live in the suburbs and go to high school together. Usopp moved into her neighborhood after her mom died and her dad got an office job.
nami lives with her older sister and their mom passed away as well so they're financially struggling.
Usopp is all ready out to her family and is in the middle of her transition. She meets nami when they're moving and they hit it off fast nami takes her around the town. She's introduced to some of her friends Luffy, Zoro and sanji they like her and she makes friends.
Sanji of course falls for her drowning her in affections and flirtations before being backhanded by nami.
All in all usopp is adjusting well to her new environment and she already has friends. Nami and her start to get really close and start having slumber parties and hanging out on weekends they even made friends with the foreign exchange student Vivi all three of them got close.
Vivi starts to notice the chemistry between the two girls and teases them about it (Vivi had a very short lived secret fling with nami but all good things come to an end after she had to move back home) they both brush it off as being a joke trying to hide their blush.
But they do like each other they actually really really like each other. Nami talks endlessly about usopp to her sister. How pretty her hair is She braids it herself, she always has the nicest outfits She always wears the different color bandana like how many colors does she have?? She's just so pretty She's an amazing painter and really good at photography she carries a camera her dad bought her on her 15th birthday and- She can go on and on and on until her sister interrupts her and tells her to just kiss her already.
Usopp starts hanging out with Sanji a lot more and she confesses her feelings about nami to him. (Their heart is shattered but listens anyway) she wants to be with her I mean she's so kind and funny and tough. She's so headstrong she knows a lot about money but also the weather! she wants to be a meteorologist she's just amazing, everything about her is amazing. But she feels that she can't be with her because she's trans and she's not sure if nami actually would accept her
Sanji at this point is not paying attention to what she saying, after finding out what transgender is. So you know usopp is talking about her first love while sanji is having a gender crisis in the background so she didn't really get that much advice.
During one of their slumber parties the vibe was tense and they actually did confess their view
Usopp:......... (Getting hair brushed)
Nami:............ (Brushing hair)
Usopp:............... Can I ask you something? Uhhmm
Nami:............ Yeah I noticed the bottles, it's fine My sister used to drink a lot after our mom died too.
Usopp: no.. ugh... I'm sorry about him.....*sigh*......you know what..... Transgender is?
Nami: I've heard of it. It's when people change their gender right?
Usopp: yeah........um..... I'm.................. I'm trans...........*sigh*.... I was born a boy........
Nami: oh ....oh!
Usopp: are you mad or... .. weirded out?
Nami: no..... I'm... why would I be?
Usopp: because I like you like like you ......and I don't want to make you uncom-
Nami: I like you too like like you. Who you used to be doesn't change that. I still think you're pretty and smart and talented....uh ....
Usopp: .....I feel the same way
Nami:..can I kiss you?
Usopp: ........umm... Ok.
(Nami and usopp kissing it's very beautiful and very sapphic)
Yasopp: sweetheart can you clean out the cat box in the morn- oh sorry did I walk in on something?
Usopp: Dad get out!
later that night Sanji came over realizing that she's actually a girl and they invited her into the group along with Zoro and Luffy they were bored and they wanted to crash the slumber party
This is so cute,,, I can imagine it perfectly, honestly. The vibes are immaculate. Usopp and Nami pining over each other and,,, Nami isn't really worried about being a lesbian because the friend group already knows this, but Usopp is completely insecure about telling her she's trans because if she stops liking her for this it might hurt her so much she might not even recover. But they're so comfortable around each other,, They go to school together. They walk home together. They won't stop calling each other every day. Most of the time Usopp says the others didn't want to hang out only because she wanted to hang out with Nami just the two of them. Nami kicking her feet and blushing in her bed late at night trying to sleep thinking about Usopp when she has never done that before. Recess and lunch? They spend it with the group but everybody knows they're in their own little world.
Also, Sanji having a whole gender crisis while this happens (because... She can be a girl... If she wants... She had never thought about that....) and also having another crisis because she has this huge crush on both Usopp and Nami (I am spreading the Sanusona agenda) and they're both... Going to end up dating each other... Ouch. But as long as they're happy, Sanji is happy too!
When Nami and Usopp start dating it's just so sweet. They're so happy all the time around each other. The fuzzy feeling won't go away and yet they're still comfortable doing all those things together because they were friends beforehand,,, And they cherish stuff like holding hands and kissing when their friends are with them because they aren't that comfortable doing it in public yet, although Nami has little to no shame with these things so they always end up making out somewhere public.
Long story short, the three of them end up dating at some point because I say so and my heart is begging for it. So when Sanji has the need to come out to somebody, she does it only with Nami and Usopp at first because she knows they will understand her better than anybody else. It's not like she's in a good household right now to actually socially come out entirely and her environment isn't at all healthy. But Nami and Usopp are there to help her out.
I can't stop thinking about them offering their houses most days so Sanji can sleep somewhere else that isn't her house. They let her borrow clothes and make-up and they do all the stuff Sanji can't do with other people. Since they hang out together a lot, these two end up developing feelings for her at some point and... It's time to also learn what being polyamorous is because they're gonna need to know soon.
Also, the whole 90s aesthetic is SO them. You've chosen the best time for this to happen because I swear I can imagine them like that perfectly <33
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oooh i love a protective man
Summary: He was doing his best friend a favor. You were younger but only by 6 years so dating was believable. If it got your psycho ex to leave you alone, Tenoch was ready to help. He owed your brother after all. He just forgot how grown up you would be after all these years.
Fluff, hurt/comfort, and a little bit of violence and protection,
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Tenoch was driving to the restaurant in downtown LA with you in the passenger seat. You were wringing your hands nervously in your lap, thinking about how crazy this all was. Tenoch glanced at you, feeling your anxiety rolling off you in waves.
"Hey, don't worry," Tenoch reassured you.
"Are you sure this is ok? I know you're doing this because you're Ricky's friend but you're so famous now," You were biting your lip going over the events of the past couple weeks.
When your ex had broken into your house and left you a note, that was your brother, Ricardo's, last straw. There wasn't enough evidence to get a restraining order and he didn't trust your ex to adhere to the law anyway. Tenoch was in town for a shoot and Ricardo had asked for his help. Unfortunately, your crazy ex was old school and would leave you alone if he saw you 'belonged' to someone else. Tenoch owed Ricardo big time, and posing as his sister's boyfriend for awhile didn't seem too difficult.
"It's fine. I already told you. Remember we've known each other for years and just reconnected. Ricky just wants to make sure you're safe and so do I. It's only until you fly off to your new job in Europe and I fly to New York for my next movie. Then in a few months we can release word that we broke up. But you'll be safely on another continent. It will work out," Tenoch explained as he pulled up to the fancy restaurant.
You eyed the entrance of the place, dreading going in. You weren't one for such fancy venues, preferring bars and clubs. But Ricky had insisted that your first staged date should be extravagant to 'show that Tenoch was a man with power an influence'. You had rolled your eyes but knowing your exe's background he would be intimidated by Tenoch for several reasons.
The valet came up and Tenoch handed them the keys before moving to the passenger side and helping you out of the sports car. Tenoch scoffed at the extravagant rental that was once again Ricky's idea. The actor tucked your hand in his elbow and led you inside where you were immediately seated.
"Ay chiquitin, relax. Enjoy the dinner. We can catch up and by the time we get out of here there will be some paparazzi and this whole game can begin," Tenoch was smiling cheekily at you, "I do have to say you look beautiful. Don't tell your brother I said that or he might kick my ass again."
You couldn't help but laugh. Ricardo and Tenoch had known each other since high school and stayed in contact once your family had moved to the United States. You had to admit it was cool being friends with a celebrity who was also your adolescent crush for years.
"Let's get you a margarita. I know it's your favorite and it will help you enjoy yourself," Tenoch said, subtly waving for a waiter.
You settled in and eventually you and Tenoch were catching up. He was regaling you with stories of his movies and shows and you were catching him up on where life took you after university. You had always remembered him to be a jovial and kind man, he hadn't changed.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" Tenoch asked as he helped you into your jacket and took your hand. He entwined your fingers like it was a habit and spoke closely to you. You cursed him for his easy affection, a trait of being an actor. You felt your heart skip a beat at the contact.
"Yes, it was amazing, thank you, Tenoch," You replied as you made your way back to the front of the restaurant. Through the glass of the doors you could already see the flashing lights of the paparazzi. You gripped Tenoch's hand tighter. He squeezed your hand to ease you.
"Don't worry, I told them to bring the car already. We won't go out there until it's up front. They just have to take a few pictures of us holding hands, and going home together," Tenoch was looking out at the crowd. He hadn't expected so many to show up, but times really had changed. Tenoch watched as the car was pulled up and the valet got the doors open and waiting for them. He turned to you with a soft smile, "You ready?"
"Ready as I'll ever be," You grasped his hand tighter and let him lead the way. The onslaught of camera flashes and yelling was overwhelming. Tenoch did a good job of waving them off and keeping you close. He did eventually wrap his arm around your shoulders to keep you from getting knocked over.
Once in the car he looked you over, worried, "Estas bien? American paparazzi can be very aggressive. I had forgotten."
You just nodded, breathing heavily and closing your eyes. He patted your head affectionately, "It's alright, just breathe. I'll take you back to the condo."
You were halfway back to Tenoch's rented condo when you started hyperventilating. The anxiety finally getting to be too much for you. Tenoch immediately pulled over and shut the car off.
"Y/n, it's ok. I'm going to hold your hands, alright?" Tenoch slowly and gently took your hands in his, rubbing his thumbs in circles. "I need you to breathe with me ok. You're breathing too fast and I don't want you to faint."
You struggled to nod, your eyes still closed. But once he started counting out his deep breaths you started to follow. Your shaking short inhales soon grew in length and strength. You focused on the feeling of his hands on yours and the sound of his voice. When you finally calmed completely you opened your eyes to meet Tenoch's soft and worried gaze.
"I'm sorry. I should have remembered that paparazzi here are different than in Mexico. I didn't mean for you to get overwhelmed," Tenoch apologized, letting go of one of your hands to run his own through his hair. His other hand entwined with yours on the center console.
"Don't be sorry. You're already doing so much for me," You reassured the actor.
He gazed at you softly, a sad look in his eyes, "I wish I could have stopped your ex from hurting you. Stopped him from making you so afraid. When we were younger I admired your fearlessness. Remembering how you fought so hard to play on the boys' futbol team because there wasn't one for girls, drove me to go after my dreams to. Regardless of whatever arbitrary labels or rules there are against me."
You felt you skin flush warm with embarrassment, "You remember that? I was just an arrogant little kid."
"No, you were an inspiration. You still are. You're a survivor and I will always admire you. Now let's go inside. Your brother will be here to pick you up in a little while. I don't want him to think I made you cry or something," Tenoch grinned at you and you returned the expression.
You went on four other dates with Tenoch and he made sure that each one was perfect, romantic, and comfortable. A part of your heart ached over the fact that it was an act. After the first one your ex had blown up your phone, social media, and showed up at your empty house, thankfully you were staying with your brother and his family. After the second date, your ex still tried to call and stalk your social media. By the third date, he was calling you and leaving voicemails, crying and begging for you not to cheat on him. That particular one made you furious.
By the fourth date, tabloids were running wild trying to figure out who you were and if you were really dating Tenoch Huerta. Tenoch, for his part, was having fun with it. He was going out of his way to turn women down saying he was 'currently seeing someone' knowing it would spread like wild fire. A few of your friends caught wind of it and you had to keep the lie going, just in case.
You didn't expect your life being flipped upside down when Tenoch went on a late night show and said he was dating. He had joked about how they considered keeping it a secret since he was your brother's friend. But with his blessing, you and Tenoch went public and that's why everyone was seeing you two around town.
Following that interview, you had a few paparazzi stalking you. Some people would take pictures of you while you were out at Starbucks or going for a run. But the worst was your extended family coming out of the woodwork trying to get a bit of the chisme. The relentless texts, facebook messages, and wall posts from cousins and aunts you hadn't heard from in years was so much worse than the occasional hate comments from Tenoch's fans.
Though the hate comments were met with some defense from some of his older, more mature fans. But when they started truly digging in to your past you felt violated. You had forgotten to private every single social media account and eventually someone dug up pictures of you with your ex, who was older than Tenoch. People started making insinuations about your 'daddy issues'. Then TMZ had found out more about your ex and released it to the public with as much detail as possible.
You sat on Tenoch's couch watching the TV. He sat next to you, holding your hand. Ricky was behind the couch pacing and cursing under his breath. They were talking about your exe's criminal history, the battery charges, the drug use, and how you were some kind of idiot that somehow caught Tenoch in her web.
"What in the actually fuck does that mean? Like you having a shitty ex makes you unworthy to date someone? Tenoch you have to do something, cabron! You can't let them bad mouth your woman like that!" Ricky raved, slamming his fist on the back of the couch.
"Look, it's not that big a deal. I mean the whole point of us doing this is for him to leave me alone and he has. In two more weeks I'll be on my flight and then this will be over. I don't care what anyone thinks. even I know I was stupid for dating him and letting him do what he did," You tried to diffuse the growing agitation radiating off your brother.
"I don't want them to think badly of you," Tenoch gazed at you with a tenderness in his eyes that had been growing with each hour you spent together.
"They don't matter to me. As long as you like me then we're good," You admitted, hoping he didn't realize the double meaning.
"Well, I for one don't want anyone to think my sister isn't good enough for some big shot actor," Ricky said as he rounded the couch and sat heavily in the arm chair. He pointed at Tenoch, "Take her as your date to that POC Film panel and screening thing this weekend. Show her off and make sure no one says another bad thing about my little sister. Or I'll kick your ass."
"Ricky! We already agreed that we wouldn't be making any official appearances. It will make it easier when we separate and then announce our break up," You chided your brother.
"You can still break up! But like hell am I gonna let them think that Tenoch 'escaped' from you. I'd rather they think you dumped him and the only way to do that is for them to see how amazing you are and how in love he is," Ricky shot back, gesticulating wildly.
"Hey, hey, calm down. I think your brother is right," Tenoch said, still running his thumb along your hand. "It will be better for you if the world thinks highly of you. I don't want them holding your past against you. It's one red carpet. Just think of it like another date, our last one since I'll be busy the next couple weeks before we both leave."
You looked at Tenoch then back at your brother. Both of them expecting another blow up or at least some reply. Finally you sighed and nodded your head. "Okay. Just this once."
Tenoch had his hand entwined with yours again. You hated to admit that you would miss his warmth and comfort. Your brother and family had been a balm to your trauma, but spending all this time with the actor had really helped you heal. He had given you the room to rediscover yourself and had been a comfort when anxiety would get the better of you.
"Are you ready?" Tenoch was turned to you. The car had stopped and you were about to walk on the red carpet to officially debut as the actor's girlfriend. It still made your heart race even if it was all an act. A part of you had very much fallen for the man. You nodded in response to his question, gazing at him.
"Don't be nervous. You look amazing and I can honestly say I am a lucky man to have you by my side," The sincerity that melted off of him made you blush. His hand cupped your cheek and he leaned in to kiss your forehead, a habit that had formed over the last few weeks
You debated on saying your next words out loud, but reminded yourself, it was now or never. "I'm going to miss you Tenoch. Thank you for loving me, even if it was an act, it means the world to me to be able to feel safe again."
Tenoch guided your hand up to his lips and kissed it, "I will miss you too, hermosa. Let's go."
With that he pushed the door open and turned to help you out as well. Lights flashed and the paparazzi yelled questions. You could already hear reporters talking about you. You were frozen in front of the car but Tenoch rested a hand on the small of your back and guided you forward. The lights flashed faster when he leaned over to whisper in your ear, "Your ex, have you ever seen him with a beard?"
The question startled you, but you schooled your face, "Once. But I made him shave it, why?"
Tenoch pulled you close to his side by your waist, his grip was protective, there was an icy coldness to his eyes that hadn't been there before. He kept smiling for the cameras as he spoke to you, "On the left, in the crowd. Blue cap and orange lanyard. He's here."
Your heart constricted in your chest, and a cold coil of anxiety dropped into your belly. You kept your smile on but your eyes quickly glanced to the left. Your next step would have made you tumble if Tenoch hadn't had a hold of you. It was him. There was no mistake. You met Tenoch's gaze, terrified.
Once out of the main photo area and moving towards the press, Tenoch pulled you close, speaking into your ear, "Go inside ahead of me. My manager can go with you. I need to work the line and keep an eye on him."
"No, Tenoch, please I don't want to be by myself," You pleaded, already shaking like a leaf with tears springing up at the corner of your eyes.
Your pleas broke his heart. The actor was also terrified, worried about what might happen to you. It was impulsive, an act of giving and receiving comfort when he cupped your cheek and kissed you firmly but chastely on the lips. You didn't have a chance to react before he pulled away. Tenoch made to speak but was interrupted by a monstrous cry from across the carpet.
You both turned in the direction of the noise. It was chaos as your ex barreled through the crowd, shoving people aside, hopped the barricade and made a beeline for the two of you. There were screams as people scattered at the sight of a long knife in his hand. Tenoch instinctively shoved you behind him. Your knees buckled and you fell to your knees.
Tenoch dodge the left hand swing of the knife and, with his full body, sucker punched the hostile man in the jaw. The sound of his fist hitting flesh was followed by shocked silence across the carpet. You watched as your ex fell back and to the floor, out cold.
Another moment of silence as Tenoch turned to you, then the flurry started again. People were gathering, paparazzi were snapping pictures, and security ran to your ex on the floor. More security arrived as Tenoch came to your side.
"Are you alright? I didn't mean to push you that hard," He asked, worriedly checking you for injuries. Tenoch cupped your face, making you meet his eyes. The shock wore off as you saw the care and fear there. You glanced at the men putting your ex onto a stretcher. Security was gathered around you, trying to control the mob of paparazzi taking pictures and yelling questions. When you glanced at Tenoch again you finally let your tears fall in relief.
"Shh, I'm here. I've got you. He can't hurt you," Tenoch pulled you into his arms, kissing your temple as he helped you to stand. "Let's go inside, away from all this."
To say it was a big story would be an understatement. The attack at the carpet went viral as more footage was released or leaked from the different outlets that had witnessed it. Tenoch was being lauded as a hero and passionate lover for defending you in the face of danger. You were finally receiving pity and empathy from fans and the world. No one seemed to doubt your relationship now that it was basically over. You hadn't asked Tenoch about the kiss. You hadn't talked to him much at all after the panel.
His agency was fielding calls and interviews. You refused to speak to anyone about what happened and people were actually respecting your privacy. Tenoch had already left for New York, with only a brief phone call as a good bye. It made your heart ache not being able to see him one last time but you knew it was for the best.
"Alright, give me a hug," Ricky said, as you made it to the TSA line. You were about to board your flight across the world to start anew. You held your brother tight as he kissed your cheek, "Call me when you land. We'll be there in a couple weeks to help you with everything so don't rush with the unpacking."
"I know. I love you," You shouldered your bag as you turned to the line.
"Love you too. Be safe. Oh wait, I forgot," Ricky searched his pockets.
You turned to your brother just as he found what he was looking for. He held his hand out to you, holding a little envelope, "Tenoch wanted me to give this to you. I don't know what's in it."
You hesitated then took the small envelope and shoved it in your pocket. "Thank you."
Before you could leave, Ricky stopped you one more time, "He likes you, ya know. I'm okay with it."
"What?" Your heart skipped a beat.
"I know you're going to take your time starting a new life and all that. But give him a call, when you're settled. He'd be happy to hear from you. Now go. You don't want to be late," Ricky gestured for you to move alone. You could only nod as you turned away, processing what he had just said.
When you sat in your seat on the plane you pulled out the little envelope. It was really just a paper folded and taped in on itself. Inside was a simple message, "Rome is beautiful in the spring."
Over 12 hours later you were finally rolling your way through arrivals at FCO in Rome. You had your bags lugged onto a cart while you tried to switch out your sim card with one hand. You were startled when someone came up beside you.
"You shouldn't walk with your head down like that, hermosa," Came the familiar voice of Tenoch.
You looked up at his smiling face, feeling a grin spread across your own. Before he could say anything else, you threw your arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. You both melted into the embrace, breaking only for air, and to hold each other tighter.
KK that was interesting.
Review, Reply, comment, reblog. all of the above.
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bygiornogiovanna · 2 years
"We really are meant for each other, aren't we?"
Yandere! Josuke Higashikata x Yandere! Reader
Summary: You move to Morioh and Josuke wants to be friends with you. What happens when, after spending months only with Josuke and his group, a boy interferes with you? What will Josuke do? And, what happens when he finds out you two are the same?
word count: 2.9k
tw!: violent fight scenes, slight manipulation, sexual tension, blood, yandere behavior, reader uses their stand to beat up two girls
this was a random idea I had. also, yandere josuke >>. don't forget to leave me any requests you want. enjoy!!
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Your life was pretty simple until you moved to Morioh. Oh, and how simple it was. Nobody was talking to you, you weren't talking to anybody. You didn't have a crush, you weren't worried about anything other than getting good grades. You would simply entertain yourself with your power, growing roses and taking care of them. Oh yes, you had some kind of power that was only seen by you. It was like a second-you, but like, invisible! You could grow roses with or without thrones and climb high buildings with its help. It was also fast, not letting anything hurt you. At first, when you accidentally discovered it by dodging a dart you didn't even know was thrown at you, you were scared. Over time, you grew fond of it and started using it to your advantage: like when you broke a weirdo's leg because he was cat-calling you.
Anyways, you thought your life would be the same as it was...
Until you met him. Him and his stupidly attractive face. Him and his sweet personality. He who loved to tease you. He, who came straight to you after your first week of high school and asked to be your friend. Higashikata Josuke.
At first, you didn't think much of your first meeting. It was kind of awkward:
You were never approached, therefore you didn't know how to react so you just stared at him. He raised a brow and tilted his head, confused.
"Hey, did you hear me? I asked what's your name. I know you're new here so, I thought, you know, maybe we could be friends." You heard the taller boy speak to you again and you blinked.
"I...uhm...I'm Y/N. I...Yeah, we could be friends, I guess." You replied shyly, scratching the back of your head.
"Mm, this sounds like you think I'm not good enough to be your friend, doesn't it?" He asked in a teasing tone, a small smirk planted on his face.
"I-It's not that! I just...Back in my town, I didn't have any friends so I thought that it will be the same here and you...kinda caught me off guard." A blush crept up your face and you took a step back.
After that he introduced you to his friends: Koichi and Okuyasu and you were quickly accepted. As months passed, you two became closer. His mom already knew you since he invited you over many times.
The downside was that you started developing feelings for him. You weren't sure if he felt the same since he was friendly with everybody. You also learned that he hated when somebody insulted his hair so you made sure to always compliment it.
One thing that annoyed you at him was that he was popular. Everybody liked Josuke. They didn't have any reason not to, but it still made you angry that girls were all over him, greeting and complimenting him. And why was he so nice to them? He had you now! He didn't need them!
"Hi, Josuke." You smiled at him as he picked you up from your third class. "How was your English exam?"
"Hm, fine I think. Might get an 80 or 85, who knows. How about you? What did you do at Biology?" Josuke asked, knowing you were stressed about it these last weeks.
"Probably a 95! I think I got one answer wrong, but it was only 5 points so no problem!" You said, happy you were finally over with them.
"There's my smartass." He smirked, ruffling your hair. You two started walking to the cafeteria, when you heard two girls running towards you, yelling Josuke's name. They quickly got there and started clinging onto him, giving him the same old compliments, making you roll your eyes. You had enough of their bullshit and you knew exactly what to do: Deal with them after school, since you knew their usual spot. It was behind the school, less crowded so it would be easy to deal with them.
"I forgot my pencil case in class, I'll go get it." You tell Josuke, well...At least tried to, since the girls somehow multiplied and from two, they became six. You sighed irritated and went back to your class, grabbing your dark blue pencil case. You opened it to see if anything was missing when you suddenly saw a small piece of paper in there. 'Meet me in the school's garden, I wanna talk. -Haru'. Haru, who was it? Ah yes, the tall, brunette boy which whom you shared both Biology and Chemistry classes. He was cute, even hot you could say, but you barely talked. What could he possibly want to talk with you?
Shrugging, you debated in your head if you should go or not. You had nothing to lose, if he tried anything weird, you could use Rose Kiss to break his arms and run away. Stuffing your pencil case in your backpack, you headed to the school's garden with a small smile on your face. He was standing on a bench near the roses with a small bouquet of blue lilies in his hands. You patted his back, offering him an amused smile when he turned scared at you.
"Sorry, didn't mean to startle you." You said and he somehow looked...relieved when he realized it was you.
"Wow, you actually came! Take a seat please!" Haru said, patting the place beside him. "I c-can't believe you actually came, wow. Oh also, this is for you. I know you like flowers, but roses seemed kinda boring so I brought these!" You raised a brow at how flustered he was, accepting the beautiful lilies. They smelled incredible and they were really pretty.
"Thank you. They are incredible. Also, why wouldn't I? I'm surprised you invited me here, we barely talked and you didn't seem to notice me." You giggled softly, smelling the lilies again.
"How couldn't I notice you? You are so pretty and you are also really smart! Also, you are kind and honest and I don't know why don't people talk to you. I've only seen you with Higashikata and his friends." Haru let out a small sigh and you couldn't help but blush at his words. This is how people viewed you? As pretty, honest, smart, and kind? This was a much-needed confidence boost.
"T-Thanks. What did you want to talk about, Haru?" You asked, curiosity taking over you.
"Actually, nothing. I just wanted to spend time with you and you know, maybe become friends." The boy beside you said and he offered you a bright smile when you let out a small "Sounds good". This was the start of a new friendship.
Over the past week, you started spending a little less time with Josuke and more time with Haru. He made you forget about your worries targeting Josuke, distracting you from him and his fangirls. Of course, you didn't lose your feelings for Josuke, still feeling jealous whenever he was close to girls, but it was nice having a distraction.
That did not go unnoticed by Josuke. He felt rage bubbling up inside him whenever he saw you and him laughing. Why were you laughing as much with Haru? Did you replace him? You were his, you didn't need that boy! He wasn't even half as attractive or as good as him. His frown deepened when you and he walked into the cafeteria laughing, you hitting his shoulder randomly while a small blush was covering your cheeks. Josuke threw you two a glare that ugly that if looks could kill, you both would be dead already. But he wasn't mad at you, of course. How could he be mad at such a perfect person as you? No, he was mad at that boy. How dare he think that he was good for you? Nobody was good enough for you, except himself. He was here first. He was your first friend, he was the first to see you cry, and he was the first to come over to your house. He was the only one who deserved you.
"What's wrong man?" He heard Okuyasu ask, taking a deep breath.
"Nothing," Josuke mumbled, massaging his temples. His rage could probably be seen on his face so he tried to calm down. He needed to have a small talk with that boy before he did something. He got up, made sure you were somewhere else, and went to where he was seated. "Hello, Haru." He said in a calm tone, a fake smile plastered on his face. "Can we talk?"
"Oh, Josuke? Yeah sure, is there something wrong?" Haru frowned. Why did Josuke want to talk with him?
"Somewhere more private, if we could." He requested and the shorter boy nodded, getting up and following him. Probably his biggest mistake, after the fact that he decided to talk with you.
The two boys arrived at a secluded part of the school, where Josuke simply put his hands into his pockets. "I will only say this once." He started, looking dead serious. "You will stay away from Y/N. You will not be their deskmate anymore. You will not give them gifts anymore. And you definitely will not spend time with them. Don't even look in their direction. They are mine and mine only. Did I make myself clear?"
Yep, clearly a mistake.
"No, I won't? You aren't Y/N's boyfriend, you have no right to tell me what to do." Another mistake. Josuke huffed annoyed, rolling his eyes.
"I don't think you understand what's happening here. I'm not giving you a choice, I'm not asking you to stay away from them. I'm telling you to."
"And I'm telling you that I won't listen to you. Why do you think Y/N prefers staying with me more than she prefers staying with you? They don't like you." Haru said, rolling his eyes.
"You seem to not understand. It's fine if you don't want to listen. I'll make you listen." Josuke says and takes Crazy Diamond out. Before Haru knows it, he feels something grab him by the neck and slam him against the nearest wall. Then, he felt as if he was being punched by someone, but Josuke never moved from his original place. What the hell was happening?!
Josuke smirked letting Crazy Diamond use the poor boy as a punching bag. "Tell me now, dear Haru. Will you listen to me? I can easily heal you if you swear you will never get close to Y/N again." He said after some time, getting bored of watching the boy being beaten up by his stand.
"Y-Yes! P-Please, let me go!" The boy screamed and the taller one started laughing, making his stand let him down, Haru's body hitting the ground.
"I didn't hear you swear," Josuke said, getting closer to him, his hands still in his pockets.
"I s-swear I will never get close to them again." The boy was covered in blood, groaning in pain. He was about to pass out when Josuke made his stand to heal him.
"If you ever do as much as look at them again, what happened now will be a child's play compared with what am I going to do to you. Also, you will not say a thing about it to anyone, got it?" He whispered and the boy nodded in fear. "Good."
While he finished with Haru, you found yourself in the same situation as Josuke. As you were in the school, fixing yourself while looking in the little mirror in your hands, you heard two girls talk about how one of them finally kissed Josuke's cheek. You felt anger fill you up when you heard the oh-so-exciting news.
"You did what?" You asked, your voice going down with two octaves, rage plastered on your face. You were in one of the school's emptiest halls, the one that lead to your Physics laboratory.
"What, are you deaf? I kissed his cheek. Don't tell me you like him, weirdo." The shorter girl said, her high-pitched voice scratching your brain in the wrong places.
"Stay away from Josuke. He's mine." You said, stopping before them.
"Pfft, don't make me laugh. Josuke would never look at someone like you. He is just nice to you since he knows nobody would like you either way and he is too kind to be mean. I even heard you had no friends before him." The other one says, making you grab the bridge of your nose.
"Do I look like I'm kidding? You stay away from him and we will be good. Or else, you will find out I'm not somebody whose nerves you play with." You threatened, your stand already summoned. You knew they couldn't see it, but it made you feel more powerful.
"Aish, you really think you are scaring us? You are just crazy about him and don't realize he will never see you more than his classmate. Bet you think you will be together with him one day." They laughed, rolling their eyes.
"Fine..." You mumbled, smirking as your stand was behind them.
"Wipe that stupid smirk off you-" The first one wants to say but Rose Kiss grabbed them by their necks, slamming their head together.
"Now tell me, what would you like to have broken more, legs or arms? Or maybe, I could break your neck! Or...hm, maybe rip off your dirty lips for even trying to kiss my Josuke." You said, and judging by the fear on their faces, you knew you look psychotic. "Oh, I know! I will do all of them!" You said, slamming them against each other as if they were some useless dolls, laughing at their pleas. You were having fun breaking their limbs when you remembered you had a class to attend.
"As much as I would like to break every single one of your bones for making me endure seeing your filthy hands touching my Josuke every single fucking day, I have to go, class. Now, to end this, you two will never go near him again. You won't even breathe next to him. And tell your friends this too. I don't want to see any of you around him, or else I will make sure that Morioh's hospitals will be full of you little shits. Did I make myself clear?" You said in a sweet tone, sending them a bittersweet smile.
"Y-Yes! J-Just leave us alone!" One of them screamed and you noticed both of them were bleeding. You clicked your tongue, closed your eyes to calm down, and turned on your heels.
After the long, boring rest of the day, you head back home. When you entered and were about to go upstairs, you felt somebody pull you by your wrist. Startled, you wanted to punch the intruder, but when you turned and saw Josuke, you stiffened.
"Y'know, what you put up in the hall during the physics class was quite a show, dear. Even though, I have to say I'm glad to find out I'm yours." The boy said in a playful tone, leaning over you.
"H-How much did you see?" You stuttered, backing away, scared that he might hate you. You didn't even ask what he was doing here, the news about him knowing what you did was too shocking.
"Hm, sadly I only saw the parts after you said you were going to do "all of them". Not sure what those 'them' were, but still." He didn't seem scared, nor disgusted, he actually seemed... amused? He slowly pushed you until your back hit the wall. "But tell me, Y/N..." Josuke mumbled, leaning to whisper in your ear. "Why do you call me yours, but ignore me for that little boy, Haru?" He asked in a different tone, sending shivers down your spine.
"I...I don't like Haru." You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding when you felt him that close to you. You were going insane with every second you felt the heat of his body and you inhaled his scent.
"Oh, I'm sure you don't. In fact, you are not allowed to like him." You let a small whimper leave your throat when you feel his teeth nibble at your ear. "You're going to pay for this."
"P-Pay for what?" You stuttered, your breathing uneven.
"For driving me this mad." Said Josuke when you gripped his shoulders tightly. "Before you came here, everything was normal. After you came...You've been on my mind every single day ever since I met you. I knew we were meant to be. And the fact that you have a stand makes it even more lovely. We are made for each other, aren't we?" Him saying those mad things to you made you rub your thighs together, whimpering again and again when you felt him biting at your soft flesh.
"J-Josuke, please." You mumbled, already air-headed by his touch.
"Say it. Say we are meant for each other and I'll do whatever you want me to." You whined at his tone, letting out a soft cry.
"We are meant for each other. I'm yours, Josuke. Only yours." You said in a shaky breath and he caught your lips between his.
We could say you two had a really fun time together.
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sebsgirl71479 · 2 years
Wrong Side of The Tracks
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Jock!BuckyXFem!Reader   Jock!SteveXFem!Reader(platonic) Sweet!WandaXFem!reader (besties)
Warnings: Nothing much really, just a lot of fluff, little bit of language. Protective Bucky is a warning.
A/N: Hey everyone this has been 2 months in the making and I figured what better time to finish it than for Sebastian’s 40th Birthday. This is a HIGH SCHOOL AU. Both a song and movie inspired me to write this but with a bit of a twist to the original. I also want to thank a few people who inspired me to finish this. @buckyalpine​ @altagraye​ @jtargaryen18​ @imaginedreamwrite​ @endless-summer-soldier​ @christycurlswrites​ I’m sorry if I missed anyone. I hope you enjoy and as always likes and reblogs are always appreciated.
A/N 2: Apparently tumblr deleted my story so I’m re-posting this again.  dividers by @silkholland​  Moodboard Aesthetic by me and Canva 
Living in the town you’re in had been some what of a rollercoaster. Some good and some really bad. You moved here when you were 9 years old after your parents divorced. When you first arrived you felt really out of place for the first few weeks. Then one day you asked your mom if you could hang out in front of the towns city hall where other kids in the town hung out, maybe you could find some friends. She agreed and let you walk there. When you got there, there were a few kids around your age some a bit older. After hanging around the benches for a little while a boy your age came up with a few of his other buddies and started picking on you because you were new in town and they knew which part you lived in. Not the best part of town but you could tell they were from the better side of town. After trying to get them to leave you alone to no avail, a brunette and blonde boy came up behind them.
“Hey why don’t you leave her alone Brock before I punch you in the face.” The brunette yelled at him.
“Why is she your little girlfriend Barnes?” Brock teased him.
“Come on man she just moved here, lets not let her think everyone here dislikes her.” The small blonde came to your defense this time. With a small bashful smile, you looked up at the boys defending you and felt safe with them around.
“Whatever Rodgers, she’s not even worth it anymore.” And with that the bullies left to do their own thing. When they left that’d when the two boys who defended you looked at you asked of you were ok.
“Hi there, my name is James but you can call me Bucky and this is Steve are you ok?” 
“Yeah I’m fine, thank you for doing that. I’m just trying to fit in and I think that just set me back.” Looking down at your lap fidgeting with your hands. Bucky looks at you with those big bright blue eyes and immediately you feel that warmth of being safe again.
“That didn’t set you back, your our new friend. What’s your name?”
“My name is y/n.”
From then on you Steve and Bucky where thick as thieves. In a town of less than 20,000 people everyone pretty much knew everyone. That meant that every kid in school knew you as the new kid from the other side of the tracks. You tired not to let that discourage you especially when you had Bucky and Steve at your side. Even though they both lived in the nicer part of town they never made you feel less than.
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Fast forward to your senior year of high school. Things were better now, you had great grades and were thinking of what colleges you wanted to go. Bucky and Steve were doing the same thing plus you 3 were going to apply to schools you all could go to together. Your little crush on Bucky never left you but you never said anything because who would date someone from the wrong side of town? So because of that you watched him date a few girls but non really stuck. Not for a lack of trying on his part but he could never get you off his mind. You were the one he wanted, always watching you while you were in classes together even came to your choir concerts front and center with roses in his lap waiting for you. You thought it was always sweet of him and Steve to come to your performances. You knew it was only because they were your best friends, not knowing the underlying reason was that Bucky liked you.                                     
It was just before Thanksgiving break, and you three were discussing the colleges you were applying to and when you and your mom would be going to Bucky’s house for Thanksgiving dinner. Ever since you were 10, Steve and Bucky’s families always invited you and your mom to Thanksgiving dinner. Sarah always made the best pies and Winnie was a master of cooking turkey.
The boys got up to grab some sodas from the vending machine, when non other than Brock came and sat next to you.
“Hey y/n, now that your watch dogs are gone I wanted to see of you wanted to go on a date?”
Well this was a major turn of events.
“Now why would I want to do that? Last thing I remember is you bullying me when I first got here.” Was this actually happening right now?
“Come on I was just a dumb kid then. I now see what a beautiful girl you’ve turn into, and want to take you out.”
You were starting to feel a but uncomfortable and confused at the same time. Just as you were about to give him another retort, Bucky and Steve had come back to the table with rage in their eyes. Since growing up Steve and Bucky became very tall and muscular guys, so they intimidated everyone. But not brock, he always seemed to have something to prove.
“Brock why don’t you leave y/n alone, she clearly is not interested.” Steve spoke up first, Bucky was just there giving Brock daggers.
“Oh great, y/n's guard dogs are here. Look I was seeing if she wanted to have a little fun this weekend.”
“Yeah well she’s clearly not into you so why don’t you go to your side of the cafeteria, and leave her alone?” Bucky had told brock with venom behind his words. This shocked you a little bit, you’ve never seen Bucky so upset. It kind of made your crush on him become deeper.
“Whatever guys, look y/n when you’re ready to come to your senses you know where to find me.” Steve had to hold Bucky back so he didn’t just sucker punch him in the face. Once brock finally left you could let out the breath you were holding from all the tension around you.
“Man I hate that guy, he just thinks everyone has to bow to him.” You were the first one to speak up, Bucky was still watching Brock leave with such intensity, the only thing you could do to calm him was to hold his face in your hands and get him to look at you.
“Bucky, hey handsome you still there? He’s gone ok, he won’t come back.” That snapped him out of his trance and he finally looked at you. You rubbed his cheeks with your thumbs trying to calm his emotions. He looked at you with such adoration you both started getting lost in each others eyes. After a few minutes of staring at each other, Steve was able to get you two to separate after he waved his hands in front of both of you.
“Hey guys snap out of it, you ok??” You both stepped back a bit, feeling the heat creep up to your ears and letting go of Bucky’s face. “Yeah I’m ok, Bucky are you better now?”
“Yeah yeah sure um, I’m just gonna head to restroom real quick. Hey punk want to come with?”
“Uh yeah sure buck.”
Once they were in the restroom, Steve turned to Bucky.
“Dude what was that?”
“Steve man there is something I need to tell you. I really like y/n, like a lot.” Steve stood there looking at Bucky like he had two heads.
“Come on man say something, I’m freaking out here.”
“How long have you liked her? I mean this is new to me, you tell me everything jerk why didn’t you say anything?”
“I don’t know I just thought they would go away but they are still there. I’ve liked her since middle school. I really want to ask her out, I want to hold her man, I want to kiss her so bad.”
“Bucky you have to tell her if your this deep about her. You can’t keep these feelings about her bottled up.” “How do I do this? I’ve never had a problem asking a girl out but this is y/n, I’m a mess when I talk to her. You know how she has always felt like she doesn’t belong here because of where she lives and I don’t want her feel like this is joke. Now with Brock trying to ask her out I don’t want to her to think she’s some charity case or something.”
“I don’t think she would ever think that. Did you see the way she was looking at you just before? I think she has the same feelings for you as well.”
Bucky had some thinking to do before he could get the guts to ask her out. While Bucky and Steve were in the restroom you sat at the table in a daze. A minute later another friend of yours cam over to talk to you. Wanda was sweet girl you met in middle school when she moved here from Europe with her twin brother Pietro.
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“Hey y/n what was all that about?”
“I have no clue, I’m just as shocked as you.” You say with a little sly smile. Wanda noticed this and just blurted out.
“Oh my god you like Bucky, I can see it in your eyes.”
You shh her to get her to lower her voice. “Yes I like Bucky, but you can’t say anything to anyone not even your brother. I know you have that twin telepathy thing.”
“Ok I promise I won’t tell anyone. When did you start liking him? “Since I moved here, him and Steve saved me from Brock bullying me and I looked into those damn eyes and I was hooked.” You say with the biggest smile on your face at the memory.
“Are you ever going to tell him about this? I mean you’ve like the guy for a long time.”
“Wanda I can never tell him, look at him and where he lives. I’m from the other side of the tracks and he lives on the nicer side of town in a big house with rich parents. I mean don’t get me wrong, their families have never made me feel bad about where I live but I don’t know. I just feel like I’m not good enough for him.”
Wanda looked at her with a sad smile and a hug. She knew deep down that Bucky wouldn’t want to date her. She can’t compete with the other girls in the school who come from better families. She’s never really been ashamed of where comes from but she knows being with Bucky is an unatonable dream.
As her and Wanda pulled from their hug, Bucky and Steve were walking back into the cafeteria. “Hey I’ll talk to you later ok? We can hang out and make cookies at my place.”
“I’d really like that Wanda, thank you.”
As she got up to go sit with her brother she greets the boys.
“Hey guys how’s it going?” They both tell her they are good, and she says her goodbyes. The boys sit back down on both sides of you, and they look a little better now.
“So, about Thanksgiving? Should me and my mom bring anything this year?”
Everyone laughs a bit and go back to like nothing happened. As the week goes on, Brock is still relentless in his pursuit of asking you out and you keep telling him no. Man he can be annoying. He waits for you by your car, which isn’t much but it your baby. When you see him leaning on your car you prepare yourself for another five minutes of him begging you to go out with him. What is it with him lately?
“Y/N, what do I have to do to get a date with you? Come on we would make a great couple.”
“Brock when are you going to get it through your head that I’m not interested? Right now I’m really just trying through this year and find a good college. I don’t have time for your relentless begging. Besides you’re really not my type.”
“What do you mean I’m not your type?” Oh that really got him. “I’m good looking, I’m co-captain of the football team and I’m rich.”
“No brock, your parents are rich. And I don’t care if your on the football team. I want someone who isn’t as shallow as you are.”
Ok that really pissed him off, but you were on a roll and wanted him to really get the hint to back off. “Shallow, shallow? Listen here y/n, I’m doing you a favor by asking you out.”
“A favor? Since when is acting like a douch and bullying me when I first got here a favor to me?”
He was seeing red now, and you were about to be on the receiving end of a major Brock blowout. Before things could escalate further you saw over his shoulder, Bucky booking it towards you. You didn’t give Brock any inclination that he was coming behind him. When he finally got behind Brock he tapped him in the shoulder crossing his arms showing his bulging biceps. Well hello to Bucky’s muscles. No stop that, we are trying to piss off brock. When he turned around he gave an exasperated sigh and rolled his eyes.
“What is it now Barnes?”
Bucky just stood there staring at him, like he could blow his head up with his eyes. After a few more beats, brock had had enough.
“You know what, I don’t have time to deal with this. Y/N I talk to you later.”
“Don’t count on it Brock, the answer will always be the same.” You yelled back at him, Rolling your eyes.
“We’ll see.” With a roll of your eyes, you turn your attention to Bucky. Gosh he was so gorgeous when he wanted to intimate someone. It really turned you on to the point you wanted to say screw it and just kiss those beautiful pink lips he has. “Hey I was thinking, would it be okay if we went to your house to finish up that report on WWII? My house is crazy with my mom preparing for the holiday and I think we need some peace and quiet for this.” Bucky had asked. “Sure of course we can. My mom is at work until 7pm so it will just be us.”
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You and Bucky got into your car. It wasn’t much but its been your dream car since you were little. A 1985 Buick grand national, Bucky and Steve helped you refurbish the engine it was your baby. On the way to your house you and Bucky sing every 80’s song that comes on the radio. That was one great thing about your friendship with Bucky, you both liked pretty much the same stuff. You get to your house and unlock the door. You and Bucky put your backpacks in your room then head to the kitchen to grab some drinks and a small snack to do your work with. Both of you sit on your bed and get to work.
Every so often you look at Bucky in your peripheral vision as he studies his book. Furrowing his brow in concentration looking so adorable. What you don’t see is he is doing the same thing when your not looking as well. He loves studying with you, especially when you guys are alone with no one to bother you. After about 2 hours of writing and bouncing ideas off each other, you both take a mental break from studying to have a snack and talk.
You both lay down side by side, eating and feeding popcorn to each other and laughing when you each miss the others mouth. Bucky turns to his side to watch you laughing. He has never seen you look so beautiful, hair out of your ponytail fanning across the bed head back in full on laughter. When you calm down you look over at him watching you. That’s when you see it, the gleam in his eyes like you’re the only person in the world. You look back him the same way and then it clicks for both of you. You’re mere inches form each other, and you both are moving towards each other like there is an invisible string pulling you. With your noses about to touch Bucky looks down at your lips then to your eyes as if\ asking permission.
He places a hand on your cheek and you lean into his touch. “Can I kiss you?” he askes. “I’ve been waiting for you to ask me that.” Then Bucky closes the gap and the kiss starts of sweet and innocent, like he might break you. Soon his hand moves to your hip and gently squeezes. You hand finds the back of his head and you start stroking his hair. He moaned into your mouth and that’s when it starts to get heated. Bucky then moves to lay above you and then slips his tongue into your mouth and your grant him entrance. Finally after your lungs start to burn needing air you both pull away, leaning on each others forehead. You're both panting looking at one another in the eye, smiling like idiots.
“How long have you wanted to do that Bucky?”
“Since middle school, but I didn’t truly come to terms with it till about a week ago. What about you?”
Giggling, you leaned up and kissed his nose. “Probably since freshman year.” Bucky leans back in a kisses you again. A few more minutes of kissing and Bucky rolls off you to have you cuddle him. You both look into each others eyes not wanting this moment to end. “Hey as soon as Thanksgiving is done can I take you out on a date?” “I would really like that Bucky, but what’s gonna happen when we get back to school? I don’t come from the same upbringing as you or Steve, what if people think I don’t belong with you and they tease me? What if the other girls who I know who have been interested in you think I’m not good enough to..” Bucky then kisses you passionately to shut you up. 
“Y/N, I don’t care what everyone will think. You are the most beautiful, smart, funny, and down to earth girl I have ever met. No one else compares to you. Who cares what others think I love you!”
You stare at Bucky wide eyed at his confession, he looks back with so much adoration and no hesitation. You bring your hand up to his face and and look deep into his eyes. “I love you too Bucky.” After a few more minutes of hugging and cuddling you both get back to finishing your history work. Around 6:30 you both head back to the kitchen and decide to make dinner for the both of you and your mom when she gets home. When your mom gets home she’s pleasantly surprised that you and Bucky made dinner for her. After some light conversation about School and your moms work, she cleans up since you made dinner on her insistence. Bucky goes to your room to pack his stuff up so you can drive him home. You grab your keys and coat and say by to your mom, Bucky runs over and gives your mom a hug goodbye. You didn’t tell your mom what had happened between you and Bucky, wanting to keep it to yourselves until you had your first date. Besides the next day was Thanksgiving and all 3 families would be together and didn’t want the whole group to know just yet.
As you drive to Bucky’s side of town it hits you again. Just how different you both are, looking at all the big houses and nicely trimmed yards. Bucky can sense your Inner turmoil. “Hey, no non of that.” “I’m sorry, I forgot how good you are at reading me.” You get to Bucky’s house and park in the driveway. The two of you sit in your car for a few minutes and just stare at each other smiling. Bucky reaches over and cradles your cheek and leans in a kisses you goodbye. Oh you could kiss him for the rest of your life. When you kiss, the world does not exist its only the two of you. You both pull away and smile.
“I better get inside before my ma wonders where I’ve been.” 
“Just tell her your bad influence bestie kept you out running a muck.” You tell him laughing. “Hey you can’t say that anymore, your my girl now.”  
“Oh I’m your girl now? We haven’t had our first official date yet.”
“Y/N, you have always been my girl” He goes in for one more last kiss and exits the car. He leaves you there in a daze, realizing you really have been his girl. He turns around to wave you bye while you back out of the driveway and he enters his house and then you drive off to your side of town.
Bucky enters his house with a shit eating grin on his face. He hears his mom and dad in the kitchen going over the final plans for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow, so he schools his face as he gets to the kitchen. 
“Hi ma ,Hi dad.” He gives his mom a kiss on the cheek and pats his dad on the back. “You seem to be in a good mood, where have you been?” As Bucky goes to the fridge to grab a bottle of water his mom starts with the questions. “I went to Y/N house after school to finish this report we have in world history and then we made dinner for her mom and ate.” There is a mischievous grin on his moms face like she knows something, but he doesn’t read into it. “Plus I’m always in a good mood when I hang out with y/n.” He tries hiding that smile again. “Well I’m gonna head upstairs and take a shower and get ready for bed. Goodnight mom night dad.”
As he heads to his room his parents watch him suspiciously. “Honey, what’s going on in that head of yours?” George asked Winnie. “Oh nothing, I have a feeling our son will be telling us some good news soon.” George eyes his wife trying to figure out going on. He shakes his head ,he can never understand what his wife thinks and probably never will.
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The next morning, you wake up to your mom shaking you awake telling you she made a special breakfast. “What makes this breakfast so special mom?” As you stretch and yawn. “Well honey, you and Bucky made me dinner last night so I thought I would repay how wonderful you are for doing that for me.” Y/N sat up and hugged her mom. “It was no problem mom, you’ve done so much for me, it won’t even compare to me just making you a simple dinner.” After getting up and brushing your hair and teeth, you head to the kitchen where your mom waits with the most amazing breakfast. French toast, sausage, eggs and fake mimosas, (orange juice and sprite) A little treat that your mom started when you were younger to make you seem like you were a grown up drinking from a champagne flute. As you both pile your plates with food and grab your mimosas, you both sit down at the table and clink your glasses together and laugh at how silly you two are.
Your mom watches you eat and starts thinking that soon it will only be her in your home with you soon going off to college. So she savers this moment while she can. After breakfast you head to your room and grab your phone to see a text from Bucky. 
“Good morning beautiful, can’t wait to see you later.” You smile at his text. “Good morning yourself handsome.” You put your phone down and get ready to pick out an outfit for dinner at his parents house. You hear another ping and check your phone. “I love you.” You text back. “I love you too.” You fall to your bed laughing and smiling. You still couldn’t believe this was happening, you were Bucky’s girl.
As it gets close to leaving for the Barnes home your mom starts telling you to hurry or you’ll be late. After looking at yourself in the mirror for the fifteenth time, you finally come out and meet your mom at the front door. You both grab your coats and says she will drive to the Barnes house. Your mom notices you are extra jittery for some reason. “Honey, is everything ok? You seem nervous.” You look over to your mom and give her a small smile and tell her your good. She tried not to pry so she continued to drive. You pull up to the house and your mom sets it in park. You both head up to the door and ring the door bell. You smooth out the imaginary wrinkles on your dress while you wait. The door opens and you see Bucky in front of you and you both have matching smiles. “Hi.” He breaths out. “Hi Bucky.” 
Your mom taps you on the shoulder to bring you out of your daze and steps forward to give Bucky a hug and enters the house. You finally move your feet and he brings you in with a big hug. “I missed you.” “Bucky I just saw you last night.” While you two are still hugging at the door, Winnie and your mom are watching you. “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Winnie asks your mom. “I had an inkling but I think this has confirmed it.” They stand there smiling watching their children embrace like it’s the last time you will see each other. After finally releasing yourselves you close the door and further enter the house. You see Winnie and give her a big hug, next you see Mr Barnes and give him and equally big hug. The Barnes family see you and your mom as an extension of their own, as well as the Rogers family. Five minutes later Steve and his mom Sarah arrive with her famous pies. Mr Barnes announces that dinner will begin soon and you all start gathering in the dinning room and find your seats. 
Winnie made place cards this year and sat you between Bucky and Steve. Before you start, Sarah rogers begins the Thanksgiving prayer. Everyone holds hands around the table but only you and Bucky interlace your hands and hold tight looking at each other. Afterwards you are all asked what you’re all thankful for. What everyone didn’t know was earlier you, Steve and Bucky texted each other saying all three of you got your letters from NYU but didn’t open them. When it got to Bucky he started. 
“Well everyone we wanted to do this while we were all together but today all three of us got our letters from NYU and we wanted to open them in front of our family.” All the parents had shocked looks on their faces. Your mom already had tears in her eyes and all 3 moms were holding hands. George Barnes went a head and told Bucky for you guys to open them now. You all start to open your letters. 
Steve got in on a full ride football scholarship, Bucky got in on a baseball scholarship. That lead to you, your face was in so much shock you had to be shaken by Bucky. “Y/N what is it, is it bad news?” You look at Bucky with tears in your eyes.
“I got in.... full academic scholarship! You don’t have to worry about paying for my college mom!”
Bucky practically tackles you in your chair and without thinking kisses the life out of you. Everyone in the room is looking with wide eyes and open jaws. After a few more kisses you both pull away and finally realize its really quite and see what you both just did. You look around and see everyone’s faces. “Oh crap.” You say as Bucky released you. “You guys are probably wondering what that was about?” Bucky breaks the silence. “We are dating and in love. Even though we haven’t been on an official date yet” He tells the parents. “Finally!” all the moms and Steve say in unison. “We wanted to keep it to ourselves for a bit but I guess this is us saying it now.” You finally speak up. After the initial shock all parents get up and hug all three of you and congratulate you on getting into NYU. 
Sarah, Winnie and your mom take you aside and tell you how they knew you both had it bad for one another but waited for you two to finally see it. Steve and George talk to Bucky and tell him its about time he maned up and admitted his feeling to you.
After all the congratulations are finished dinner gets started. Everyone laughs and is just enjoying each others company. You, Bucky and Steve talk about where you will live when you get to college and that’s when Mr. Barnes speaks up. “Kids I just want to say even though you all have full rides I’m not having you guys stay in a dorm. I’ll be paying for the three of you to live in apartment near campus.” The look on your faces is could rival a cartoon. “But, no hanky panky you two.” He points to you and Bucky. You both blush and look down at your laps. Everyone laughs and the mood had finally lightened.
Soon enough dinner is finished and you are sitting in the
living room having dessert and coffee. After a while Steve, Bucky and yourself go up stairs to Bucky’s room and discuss more about NYU. Then Steve brings up the one person you don't want to think about. “So, what do you think Brock will have to say when we go back on Monday?” before you can say anything Bucky speaks up.
“I don't give a flying fuck what he has to say!” You smack him on the shoulder and tell him to watch his language. You all laugh and fall all over each other. You really don’t care what Brock has to say either but you love it when Bucky acts possessive over you. “I really can’t wait to see his face though.” You tell them. An hour later its time to say goodbye. You hug Steve and Mrs. Rogers goodbye and they leave. Then its you and your mom, you and Bucky stand outside just holding each other saying I love you and how much you will miss the other.
You finally pull away and give one more kiss for the evening. Its not long because you can tell your parents are watching. “Text me when you get home safe okay?”
“I will Bucky, besides my mom wants to go shopping tomorrow for Christmas.” “Okay, hey how about after you finish shopping we meet for lunch?” “Will this be our date?” you laugh. “That will be a pre-date. Later that day will be our first official date.” 
“Really, and where will you be taking me?” 
“That is a surprise my angel face.” He then kisses you on the nose and walks you to the car. All your mom can do is smile while she drives back home. The rest of the weekend is a blur, after your date with Bucky friday night you were practically inseparable not that you already weren’t this was different. And soon enough Monday is upon you and its back to school. You decide to pick up Bucky and Steve for school that day. As soon as you get to the school and put it in park, Bucky is running to the drivers side and opening your door and give you his hand to hold. He kisses the back of your hand and you walk into the school. As you enter Bucky puts his arm over your shoulder showing everyone you’re his girl. As you head to your first class brock is waiting for you and the look on his face is priceless.
Before you get to the door Bucky turns you to face him and gives you a short kiss on the lips and tells you he loves you against your lips and hugs you goodbye. As he passes Brock with a look of utter shock he turns to him 
“Hey Rumlow, how was your holiday break?” But he doesn’t wait for a response, and just walks to his class with a huge smile on his face. When you get to class and pass up Brock. “Brock what’s wrong? Looks like you’ve seen a ghost or something, you felling ok?” You also enter class with a smile knowing you have just brought his ego down several notches because he was unable to land a date with you. Brock finally snaps out of it and admits defeat and heads in after you.
When its lunch time it all seems like the usual lunch with one exception. You sit on Bucky’s lap the entire lunch hour and you can’t keep your hands off each other. Wanda runs up to you both and stands you up and gives you a big hug and tells you how happy she is for you. You look back at Bucky who is looking at you as well and tell her, “Happy isn’t even the word to describe how I fell at this moment.” She squeals and hops up and down and gives you one more hug before she sits across from both of you. Everyone at lunch is giving you shocked looks especially the snotty rich girls. But you pay them no mind because you have the most wonderful, caring and definitely the sexiest boyfriend anyone will ever have.
After graduation the three of you head to NYU and the apartment Mr. Barnes rented for you guys and it was the best years of your lives. Yes there were some ups and downs but what relationship doesn’t. When college graduation rolled around and you all were about to throw your caps in the air, Bucky tapped you on the shoulder. You turn around and he is down on one knee proposing with his mothers engagement ring. A simple but beautiful ring. 
“Y/N, we have known each other since we were little kids and best friends ever since. Senior year I finally pulled my head out of my ass and confessed my love for you. Almost 5 years later we are ready to take on this world and why not do it together for the rest of our lives? Will you Marry me and officially become a Barnes?” 
“YES! I will marry you!” 
Everyone is watching and Steve is even recording it on his cell phone. After kissing you breathless, he slips the ring on your finger and rush to tell your parents.
You both may have grown up on different parts of town, but that never stopped you from becoming best friends then boyfriend and girlfriend, and now future husband and wife. Never be ashamed of where you come from, even if you come from the wrong side of the tracks.
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ahoy-robin · 2 years
Field Trip
Robin Buckley X fem!reader
Robin and reader take part in a school field trip and have an adventure of their own. 
wc: 2.6k
a/n: Maybe a little scandalous? Not really smut but its just kissing, technically implied smut. Also I definitely imply that Eddie is gay.
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At Hawkins high school every senior class had to partake in the traditional of an annual school field trip. This year, the school was taking the grade to a science museum in the next town over. The science teacher had been droning on for what felt like hours about the details of the upcoming trip.
“Alright kids, for the field trip on Friday, I need everyone to pick a buddy so nobody gets lost.” the teachers attempts to shout over the blaring bell. 
From across the room, you lock eyes with your girlfriend, Robin, and you can tell that she is thinking the same thing as you. Beating the other students to the desk, you inform the teacher that you and Robin will partners. Robin’s locker is right outside the door, making it easy for you to find her when you exit the classroom.
“So, science buddy, are you ready for the most exciting scientific adventure of our lives?” you ask leaning against the lockers next to Robin. 
“I’m probably the most excited” she retorts without missing a beat and continues to exchange the books from her locker. Since biology was the last class of the day for you both, Robin and you head to your car. Due to her lack of a drivers license, you have gladly taken on the responsibility of driving your wonderful girlfriend to and from school.
The following Friday rolls around and it’s the dreaded day of what you assumed would be a boring field trip. On a positive note you would be skipping the rest of your other classes and getting to spend the whole day with your girlfriend. The same girlfriend who is starting to run late and making you contemplate honking the horn for a second time. Moments before you're about to, she hastily scrambles out her front door and gets settled in the front seat. 
“Well good morning to you too, beautiful” you greet, leaning on the arm wrest waiting for a kiss. 
“We gotta get going, we don't want to be late for our super educational and important scientific venture.”
“I’m aware of that Buckley, but you know what I want first” you wink.
She rolls her eyes but smiles as she grants you quick peck on the lips and then forehead.
“Are we good now?” 
As you pull up to the school, you spot your fellow classmates and teacher huddled outside the bus. You run to the rest of the group and make an attempt to blend in. 
“I told you we’d be late”
“We aren’t late, Robin”
“Buckley, Y/L/N, you’re late” your heads snap at the sound of the teachers voice. She was calling attendance when you both scuttled up to the rest of the group. 
“Sorry!” you and Robin shout back trying hard not to laugh at yourselves.
The mob of students files onto the bus and prepares for the almost two hour long road trip. Right before the doors close your friend, Eddie Munson, just manages to squeeze through them. He smiles wide and bows to the rest of the bus. You knew he wasn’t a big hit with the majority class. His popularity level was made quite evident with the chorus of groans and various comments calling him a “freak” that came from the back. 
“Pleasure to be with you all on this fine day” he abruptly clapped his hands to together, purposely waking those who had already managed to fall asleep. 
Eddie takes the seat across from you and Robin, leaning against the wall with his leg perched on the bench. 
“Ladies”, he greets you both with a nod. 
“Munson, you do know this is a school function, right?” You laugh at his theatrics.
Robin smirks at Eddie, anticipating a sarcastic quip. 
“Huh? It is really? Coulda’ sworn it was a meet up for my fan club” he fakes a puzzled look with his hand on his chin. 
Before the bus even made it out of the parking lot, Robin had quickly dozed off on your shoulder. Hearing her soft snores and feeling the weight of her on your side brought you comfort. The rest of the ride goes by quickly with the help of your conversation with Eddie.
“Hey Robs, we’re almost there.” You brush your knuckle lightly against the side of her face.
She turns her face into your shoulder and groans, “No, I think we have some time. Just leave me on the bus to sleep.” 
Giggling at her groggy mumbling, you proceed to more annoying tactics and poke her cheek, “Come on, Robby. Don’t you want to walk around all the exhibits with me? Pretend we’re learning things?” 
She grabs your hand and lowers it to her lap. 
“Fine, but only because I like you so much” she kisses your shoulder and straightens up in the seat. 
The class shuffles out of the bus, creating a large mass of uninterested teens. The teacher tells everyone to stay with the tour group and what time they’d be stopping for lunch. You all mosey through the bugs and health sections barely listening to your tour guide while messing around with the exhibits. 
“Hey Robin” you stage whisper to your girlfriend. 
“Hey Y/N” 
“What if I told you I had an excellent idea that could potentially get us in trouble, but only if we got caught?” your whisper gets quieter. 
“I’m down. What is it?” 
Robin always loved to entertain your schemes. She knew you couldn't possibly try anything that would get you in real trouble. That’s where she came in to help you be a little more adventurous.
“So I saw the planetarium entrance a little while back and the next show is in like 5 minutes. What do you say to sneaking away with me?” 
“Wow, look at my girlfriend being all rebellious. Of course, I want to sneak away with you.” 
You grab her hand and find Eddie. He had grouped up with his Hellfire friends and they were totally not laughing at the anatomical displays.
“Hi my best and most favorite friend, Eddie” you make your voice higher in singsong way in an attempt to come off as sweeter to get on his good side. Not that you were on his bad side, but you could never tell with him.
He turns to you with his hands on his hips,“What was that? What is that tone? That was weird, don’t do that again.”  
“Munson, we need your help.” Robin interjects.
“Yeah, we kinda want to sneak away and we need you to cover for us.”
“Ohh are you ladies trying to-” Eddie points between you and Robin. He throws his hand over his mouth with a gasp to act shocked. 
“On a field trip? Surrounded by our innocent teachers and beloved classmates?Not to mention the other museum patrons?” He truly has a knack for making things so dramatic.
“Gross, dingus! C’mon.” Robin slaps the back of her hand against Eddie’s arm. 
You know what he was getting at, making your eyes grew wide. That’s definitely not what you had in mind in the first place, but now that he brought it up, you couldn’t deny that that thought didn’t sit in your head for the rest of the day. 
“Eddie! Tha-that’s not- that’s not what we’re doing. Just tell the teachers we went to the bathroom or something if they ask” 
Eddie holds up his hand in an ‘okay’ symbol and turns back to his friends. Robin could tell how flustered you got at Eddie’s suggestion. She wasn't embarrassed per se, more like annoyed at Eddie’s lack of discretion. Robin giggles as you grip her hand, look back and forth for lingering teachers and sneak off. 
You slip into the group of tourists funneling into the planetarium and snag a seat in the back row hidden from the crowds that chose seats in the middle. As the lights dim, the ceiling is filled with projected images of the Hawkins night sky. You relax into the reclined seats, your eye dancing across the images the ceiling.
“Wow” you whisper. “This is like insanely beautiful”
Robin, who wasn't looking up, traces her eyes over your profile.   
“Yeah, it is” she smiles. 
You glance over and lock eyes with Robin. She smiles and you can feel warmth rush to your cheeks. You shift your body closer to the left so you can lean your head against your girlfriends. Robin, being the keen intellect that she is, can't sit still with all the facts and anecdotes she is dying to tell you about the stars. 
“Do you see that five star almost ‘W’ shaped constellation?” using your hand she points and traces the constellation. 
“Yeah, I think so”
“That’s the constellation Cassiopeia. She was a queen in Greek mythology” she moves your had to point to another constellation “and that is the husband over there.” 
Robin continues to do this throughout the show. Pointing to other stars or planets and adding more information than the presenter was giving. She stops mid speech about Venus when she catches you watching her instead of the sky.  She mutters a small “Sorry” and returns to watching the ceiling. 
Shaking your head with a chuckle you look back to the stars and whisper to Robin, “Don't apologize for your brain. You're so smart. When you start rambling off all this knowledge it just makes me love you more.”
It takes a second for your to realize what you said. Your face feels like it’s burning now. This was the first time either of you had confessed a feeling of ‘love’.  You watch Robin out of the corner of your eye but can't find any indication of a reaction. Robin’s grip on your hand tightens and that's the only signal you catch that she actually heard what you said. Robin can see you out of the corner of her eye while her face is still pointed up at the stars. Coincidentally, you both let your gazes fall on each, finally locking eyes after your confession. You could look at millions of galaxies and millions of stars but her face will always be the most beautiful phenomenon.  
“I love you too. Like a lot” Robin whispers at the lowest level she could where you could still hear her.
You bite your lip to contain the emotion that threatens to burst out of you at that exact moment. You turn your face back to the ceiling and watch the rest of the show with Robin’s head leaning on your shoulder. 
“I really want to kiss you right now” she whispers in your ear. The heat from her breath isn't the only thing sending shivers down your back. You run your thumb over her hand and keep watching the show.
When the planetarium show ends you both beeline for the exit to beat the crowd.
“The group is probably at lunch now, we're gonna have to sneak into the cafeteria” you try to find the nearest map to figure out the most likely location of your class.
“What if we didn’t get back to them immediately? Took some time for ourselves?” Robin trails on raising a suggestive eyebrow. 
She grabs your hand and starts pulling in the direction of the bathroom. 
“Robs?” you question her actions. “Where ya going with this?” 
“Shh don’t worry” she raises her finger up to her lips. 
You enter the bathroom and she leaves you standing by the door. Robin runs across the stalls checking to see if anyone is using them. Luckily, you are alone in the museum bathroom. Swiftly she pushes you against the door with her body and locks it.
“I just really needed to do this” she rushes out before slamming her lips to yours. You place your hand on her cheek and her waist. Robin’s hands were on your cheeks, roaming to your hair and down your neck.
“I” “Love” “You” Robin places kisses all over your face in between words.  
“Robs!” you giggle through her attack. 
“Robs we-” 
She interrupts you with a kiss. 
“Buckley! We really need to go. I love this and I love you but-“ 
“You love me.” Robin repeats to confirm your statement with a wide grin on her face.
Robin lets go of you and steps to the mirror to fix her appearance. You do the same, fixing your hair and lipgloss. Watching yourselves in the mirror, Robin places a kiss to your check before heading to the door. 
You were right about the class being in the cafeteria. Apparently the rest of the museum also decided to have lunch at the same time making the cafeteria extremely busy. You slide into the table next to Eddie and his little club friends. 
“Ah, so glad you ladies cared enough to join us. How was your little” he wiggles his fingers in your direction, “adventure?” 
“Geez, Eddie” Robin rolls her eyes and flicks his hand away, “it was just totally, disgustingly scandalous. Is that what you wanted to hear?” 
“Robin!” you nudge her leg under the table. “Don’t tell him that, I don’t want him...thinking” 
Eddie throws his head back in a laugh. 
“Oh Y/N, please. I just like that it bothers you so much. This?” He gestures between the two of you, “I get nothing from this”. 
“Oh?” You raise an eyebrow at Eddie. 
His statement catches the attention of Robin too. 
“I’m, uh, not that different from you” he lowers his voice and winks. 
You smile at his confession. You knew you always liked him. Your conversations flow easily before they are abruptly interrupted by the teacher announcing that it’s time to head back to the school. The grade makes their way back to the bus. 
As you get to your seats, your head falls on Robin’s shoulder this time.
“Gonna take a nap, my love?” 
“Mmm, of course” you nudge your head into her shoulder. 
“Might take one too” you hear Robin mumble as you feel the weight of her head on yours. 
What only feels like minutes later, you are woken up by someone, you assume and hope it’s Robin, squishing your cheeks.
“Must you do this?” 
“I think it’s required of me to do it actually” Robin laughs as you grab her hand to make her stop. 
Sitting up and looking out the window, you can see the high school in the distance. 
As the bus pulls into the parking lot, Robin pops up and drags you both off the bus. She beats you to your car before you even have the chance to unlock it.
“Someone seems excited?”
She laughs and hurries into the front seat. As you click your seatbelt into place, you feel Robin place a kiss on your cheek. 
“Robin! We are still at school!” 
“School ended like an hour ago? No one is here” She points outside. 
She was right about school ending but the parking lot was filled with the other seniors. 
You drive back to your place because you know you’d be alone. 
“Your house?” Robin asks confused. 
“My house?” You raises your eyebrows in suggestion.
“I don’t know maybe I was just thinking?” you bite your lip trying to get the message across to Robin. 
“Or not? Maybe we could just watch some movies, have like a sleepover maybe? It’s not a school night, so I thought maybe your parents would probably appro-“ 
Robin laughs at your ramble and caresses your cheek.
“You’re cute when you ramble”
You sigh in relief. 
“Oh man, I thought you were mad at me. I thought I was over stepping” 
“Y/N, I know you, I always know exactly what you mean” 
She pulls you into a kiss, holding your face in hands. 
“I love you so much” you smile against her lips. 
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starry-blue-echoes · 1 year
au "Koichi the younger brother of Hol Horse" + au "Kochi dies but is reborn as act 3 with a hole in his chest in the alley of ghosts"
Hol Horse decides there's no more danger and is like "what if I leave my brother in this town with my new friends and go off to work?" and leaves (maybe this goes into one of your au "Hol Horse in part 5 works for Passion")
And of course. Kira Yoshikage himself in Morio. The man who later kills Koichi, but gets payback.
Imagine the horror everyone will feel not only from Koichi's death, but also from realizing what Hol's reaction to his brother's death will be when he finds out about it. No one called him about Koichi's death; everyone felt bad.
And then Koichi is reborn in Haunted Alley, and that makes everyone panic even more.
Just. Hol Horse had heard about RHCP and the Stand Arrows and came running. He helps guide Koichi and the other kids, Josuke and Okuyasu get to meet Koichi's funky morally grey brother, and it all goes great! He stuck around for a few more days after RHCP's defeat, but he felt confident that it was safe once again in Morioh now and things would be calm. The two bros promised to call every few days, and went about things as they usually did
And things are fine for weeks after that (RHCP was beaten sometime in mid/late May and Centipede Shoes happens somewhere after June 24th and before July 1st). Sure there's the occasional Stand User that pops up and stirs up trouble, but nothing the kids or Jotaro can't handle
And then one day there's a phone call. Or to be more specific, he doesn't get a phone call. Hol Horse waits for hours, but..... Koichi never calls him
At first he brushes it off. Maybe Koichi was busy or got roped up in more Stand shenanigans. He'd probably call tomorrow to make up for it.
But then he doesn't. Okay, a little weird, Hol Horse would think, but maybe it just slipped his mind.
The third day he gets anxious enough to be the one to initiate the call.
Hundreds of scenarios were running through his head. Maybe Koichi was hurt, maybe he got kidnapped, maybe he went missing, maybe he was-
The word echoes in his head as his aunt is sobbing on the phone, her words barely coherent but enough that Hol Horse can understand the meaning.
His baby brother is dead. Murdered days ago, with the killer nowhere to be found
He'd heard about the killer. About the ghost girl Koichi had met, about how they were probably responsible for all the missing cases, the anxiousness and questioning he'd had, wondering if Morioh was even as safe as he thought-
Well...... the answer was obvious now.
He drops everything to go back to Morioh. Screw whatever mission he was on, screw whatever target he had, he needs to get back right now because he's already too late, the least he can do is be there for the funeral and to protect the rest of the kids.
Hol Horse would immediately bar the kids and any other underage Stand Users from getting involved after this, a rule he only enforces more after he learns about Shigechi. Because that's what they were. Kids. Three 15 year olds who'd barely started high school, now two 15 year olds who are now going to be burdened with the weight of a dead best friend and a 12 year old for the rest of their lives
But then it turns out Koichi isn't as dead and gone as they thought. He was still dead, very much so....... but he was here.
And Hol Horse would be torn. On one hand he wanted, he needed, to hunt down the piece of shit who'd killed his baby brother. He needed to find Kira and make him pay for the pain he'd caused, and he was going to be sure his death was a slow, agonizing one.
But on the other....... that isn't what Koichi needs right now. Koichi needs stability and security and someone to be there for him. The kids all have their lives and can't dedicate every moment to be with him but...... but Hol Horse can. And he does. Every step of the way, every new ability, every nightmare, every flashback, Hol Horse is going to be there with soft words and gentle hands to comfort and hold him
And if we throw in the Hol Horse In Italy Looking For Polnareff, this could add an interesting spin to that. For one, if he went undercover before Part 4, Sorbet and Gelato wouldn't be dead yet so his bond with La Squadra as a whole would probably be different. Still a bit distant because of Hol Horse's intentions, but that's cleared up much faster and easier when a few years down the line La Squadra decide to turn against Passione
But when this happens......... ho boy
If we make this at the point where relations are a tad strained with everyone but Pesci, this is probably going to just add more to that tension. At first it would be fine, Hol Horse requesting a couple weeks off because of some personal issue arising, maybe even coming back early because "it figured itself out faster than I thought" and things going fine...... but then a few weeks later he suddenly gives Risotto a notice that he's going to be gone for a bit and then just. Fucking off to who knows where for several months straight but still sending them money to help pay bills every few weeks(he probably got some kind of job in Morioh, maybe thanks to the SWF which essentially boils down to "compensation for tracking down and securing dangerous Stand Users")
And what if when he goes back....... he ends up bringing Koichi with him. Yes Italy isn't the safest and given Hol Horse's position he's probably in even more danger but..... while Kira's gone, that isn't going to just magically erase all the anxieties Koichi's been having. Maybe Italy can be a bit of a change of scenery, just to help him cope and process in a place that isn't full of memories, at least for a couple years. He still keeps in very close contact with his friends of course, something made easier by the fact he doesn't need to sleep and thus can bypass the issue of inopportune timezones, and it's a simple few days of flying to visit, so he's able to keep those bonds without too much issue
and when Pesci accidentally stumbles upon something he shouldn't...... what if instead of Hol Horse's plans to find the Boss, it's instead Koichi. Maybe he mistakes him as an enemy and attacks, nearly getting a bullet in his skull from a partially conscious INCREDIBLY protective Hol Horse who really shouldn't be moving right now. I do think Pesci would agree to keep this secret, and now at least Koichi has another person to talk to :D
hmmmmmmm....... maybe to tie this in to the rest of the Act 4 AU when Giorno's existence comes to attention, Koichi ends up taking the job to show that he's grown and more capable now. Not in secret of course, he tells Hol that he wants to do it and they have a LONG talk and set up all sorts of contingencies in case anything goes wrong
And massive shocker here, Things Go Wrong
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I have a request. Steve Harrington x hargrove reader, billy and yn are twins,. They have a good relationship. Yn is on the track team and practice for basketball is later. Yn x Steve flirting and billy interrupting and death glaring or threatening Steve and then yn being the badass she is is like the fuck not and kisses steve in front of billy. Billy won't hurt yn and he knows if he punches Steve she would murder him.
Tag me plz if you do it
Hi, I love this request and I’m definitely down for Y/N being a badass. This is my first Steve fic and I’m honestly shocked that this didn’t happen sooner.
Stay the hell away from my sister- Steve Harrington x female Hargrove reader
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A/N: I may have gotten what year that Billy joins Hawkins high wrong but I’m from the U.K. so American high school years confused me. Also I know this is a picture from Steve from season 4 but yellow is his colour. Apologises for all spelling and grammatical mistakes as I’m super dyslexic, enjoy.
Warnings: alcohol, Billy being extremely over protective (the reader and him are fraternal twins to suits all readers) and the reader and steve make out but it’s steamy so 18+
Part 2
Being the new kid was never easy, especially when you joined in your junior year. Meaning that everyone has formed their own cliques and groups ect. Which means that you’ll feel like an outcast for a while till you find your feet, just hoping that there was a track team so you could run off your anxiety.
In California you and your twin were almost masters at the athletic field, you took to track loving the feeling of the wind flowing through your hair, the fast rhythmic beats of your feet on the ground matching the beating of your heart. Running so fast that you could run away from all of your problems, watching as they grew small and faded into the horizon behind your body. Running felt freeing, if nothing else in life you had running and maybe being the new girl might be okay?
You lent against the cooling window of your brother’s car, allowing the cold glass to relieve your pounding tension headache.
“What’s wrong?”
“Seriously Y/N, you keep on looking out of the window looking like shit. It’s fucking terrifying”
You scoffed and flipped your brother the bird, he smirked looking very amused by his insult, but hey what are siblings for if not to sometimes irritate the shit out of you?
“Look” you sighed fiddling with the cuffs of your sweater that had a vibrant green trims across the cuffs and the neckline. The way this town practically worshiped this high school was nauseating.
“I’m just nervous about starting a new school, we’re joining junior year, they’re all going to have their own friends by now and I’ll just be the weird new girl”
“You’ll be fine” Billy shrugged, placing his lit cigarette to his lips. He loved you dearly and you were the only family (well the only family that matters) he had left. Billy just has a hard time showing an ounce of sympathy, he was the sort of brother who would rather sort out what ever problem you had with his fists, so when you had issues that couldn’t be solved by knocking some asshole down he tried to say whatever sounded the most sympathetic in his mind, which mostly came off as awkward and a little cold. But you both had each other’s backs and the one who you could confine in.
“Easy for you to say” you muttered under your breath too quite for him to hear
Life is easy when you’re practically treated like royalty, Billy had a talent of automatically becoming popular no matter where he walked. It’s easy to achieve when you’re captain of the basketball team, when you’re conventionally attractive and all girls and boys will practically throw themselves down at your feet. That’s how it was in California, no doubt it’ll be the same in Hawkins too.
High school was just about how you’d expect it to be, awkwardly standing at the front of the class while the teachers make some big announcement about you. Staring at the sea of eyes that was pinned upon you, you felt like you was under a microscope, as each pair of eyes focusing upon you making their own judgment about you before even asking you a single question. God you hated this!
You sat at the back of the classroom where the only free seat was available, just thankful that it wasn’t at the front of the class so you could also avoid all questions that the teacher would probably throw towards your direction, asking you about the previous education you had been receiving in California.
Slumping down in your desk, you open the text book the teacher gave you hoping that it would create a shield, protecting yourself from the pairs of eyes still glued upon you.
“We’re on page 34 by the way”
You lifted your face from being buried within the pages, to see a handsome boy with soft brunette hair smiling at you. There was something in the way that he smiled at you that set your heart a flame, he looked at you like he had never seen anyone as beautiful.
“I’m Steve” he lifted his hand towards you
“Y/N” you smiled back at him, shaking his hand. Biting your cheek to stop the blush that was threatening to flood across the apples of your cheeks.
“Earth to Y/N!” Billy grumbled clicking his fingers in front of your face, bringing you out of your loving gaze towards the Harrington boy who sat one table away from you. God you were such an idiot, you barely even know him
“Sorry what were you saying?” You awkwardly chuckled moving the grey coloured mashed potatoes around your tray, providing cafeteria food in Hawkins was beyond edible.
“I was saying that Tina is hosting a party this Friday and we’re going” Billy responded , shooting death glares towards this ‘king’ Steve that he’s heard so fucking much about, enough to know that he is bad news. This Steve was a dick, well at least according to Billy, and he should stay the hell away from his baby sister (he was literally 10 minutes older than you). Steve caught one of these stares and quickly diverted his gaze to his lunch tray, Billy assumed that Steve got the message to stay away from you, but oh how wrong he was.
“Y/N wait” you turned your head to see that attractive brunette boy that you quickly developed a crush on. You let out a small squeal of joy as you saw him running up to you. Screw subtlety, you were too infatuated with him to care.
“Hey what’s up?”
“I wanted to ask if you and Billy were a thing?” He asked awkwardly, praying that the response would be “no” so then he could take you out on a date. But the way Billy was glaring at him earlier today made him doubtful.
You screwed your brows and tilted your head to the side, looking at him completely dumbfounded. Is he for real?
Seeing his smile twitching with nerves made you howl out in laughter, while he stood awkwardly confused at your sudden outburst. Did he say something wrong?
“Ewww, no me and Billy are not dating . He’s my twin brother” you spoke in between fits of laugher.
“Oh” his face turning into a deep scarlet hue over his own embarrassment, he rubbed the back of his arm as he avoided your gaze. “You two don’t look alike”
“That’s because we’re fraternal twins you idiot” you cried out with laughter still not over his mistake. He was an idiot but god was he a cute one, it was adorable seeing how red he was going and the way he bit his lip made you want to melt into a puddle on the floor.
“Well does that mean your free to go on a date with me this Wednesday?” He asked, his voice still a little shaky with the remainder of his embarrassment. God he was never going to live this one down.
“I would love to” you smirked, feeling your own cheeks heat up into a blush. You were trying your damned hardest to be flirtatious but you were failing miserably, as right now you were a giddy mess of a person.
“Great I’ll pick you up at 6” he smiled back, his eyes adoringly looking into yours. Steve must admit he loved seeing how much of an effect he had on you, it showed him that you felt the same way as he did, absolutely smitten.
“Harrington stay the fuck away from my sister!” You heard Billy’s growl echo throughout the corridor.
Billy looked like the definition of rage, he charged down the hall like an angered bull. You could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.
“Billy calm down” you rolled your eyes at your brother’s overprotective nature, this always happens and you were sick of it. Billy had a habit of chasing every boy you’ve ever had an interest in away, at this point you thought that you’d be single forever with the amount of guys he scared away. Yes it shows that he cares for you and only wants the best for you, but you’re in high school now and are old enough to make your own decisions.
“I’m not going to calm down! Harrington if you know what’s good for you, you’re going to stay the hell away from my sister” he aggressively spoke, his finger poking Steve’s chest making his point clear. He narrowed his eyes at Steve, watching as he shakily nodded his head. “Good!”
“What the hell was that!” You yelled as soon as you slammed the car door “why do you have to scare off every single guy who shows the slightest interest in me”
“Excuse me for being a good brother. Steve is an asshole-“
“No he isn’t, you barely know him-“
“Neither do you!” Billy yelled back. He glanced over towards your direction seeing your dejected look, turning your body away from him. He swallowed down his remaining anger, he didn’t want this to end in a screaming match for he did care about you. “Look I’m just looking out for you okay?”
You huffed in response not even caring to look at him. You gave him the silent treatment for the remainder of the journey, god you hated him at times
You huffed collapsing on your mattress, your body weight melting into the soft springy fabric below. If you could scream you would, releasing all the pent up anger which had been brewing for days. Billy hovered over you at every moment he could, acting as if he was your own shadow, which resulted in Steve staying the far away from you.
Every time you aired your frustrations to Billy about his aggravating behaviour he just pushed you off, saying that this is what all good brothers do. And Steve and Billy were nauseating to watch as they had this idiotic tendency to out do each other, the clash of wounded masculinities was irritating to observe. Don’t even start about their pathetic little scuff they had on the basketball court, how childish could they be? You felt like an object rather than a human after seeing the way those two fought over you.
If it wasn’t for your irritating brother you could of been on a date tonight, but no Billy had to intervene and stick his nose where it wasn’t wanted. You were brought out of your thoughts by a gentle tapping at your window
You turned to see no other than Steve Harrington, the only one who you wished to see tonight. Turns out that your prayers have been answered
“Are you crazy? What are you doing here?” You giggled opening the window
“We had a date planned, I would never stood you up darling” he grinned, carefully climbing through the opened window, trying not to make too much noise or to drop the pizza box that was balancing on his arm.
“This isn’t what I had planned, I was going to take you to this nice restaurant before we went to the movies. But I suppose pizza will do” he placed himself on your bed, opening the cardboard box.
“I thought that you weren’t coming”
“Are you serious? There was no way I wasn’t coming tonight-“
“But Billy will kill you if he catches us-“
“And so what if he does, you’re worth dying for” he flirted giving you a wink, silently chuckling to himself as he saw your face glow red. God he was infatuated with you, he never thought he could have ever met anyone as beautiful as you. It was as if the gods handcrafted yourself for him. Steve never did believe in love at first sight but the moment he saw you walk through the classroom door, his heart skipped a beat making him believe that the cringey saying was true.
“So tell me about California?” He smiled leaning on his arms, his body angled closer towards yours. The empty pizza box laid at the bottom of your bed, while your bodies laid so close that they almost intertwined.
“It’s beautiful, I miss it already. They had crystal clear waters where my mom used to teach us how to surf, honestly nothing could be better than feeling the sun warming your skin surfing on these high cool ocean waves”
Steve leant closer into you that your faces were merely inches away from each other. Steve was addicted to your voice, the way that you spoke each word sounded heavenly like the greatest symphony known to man. He loved how your face lit up as you spoke about the good times, like you painted the perfect picture and he was transported to California with you.
You felt his breath fanning your face, you cupped his cheeks bringing his lips upon yours. It was sweet and gentle to begin with, but the hunger you felt for him was too great to be ignored. You picked up the pace as your lips fought for dominance against his. He held you closer to him as his tongue explored your mouth. His hands made their way up your shirt, moaning as his cold hands roamed your body.
You threw back whatever was in that shot that Billy handed you, you could of sworn it was gasoline with its bitter acrid taste. Billy left you all alone in the kitchen as he was rushed off to prove his masculinity in some stupid game which involves drinking a whole keg of beer. Sometimes you questioned the maturity of your classmates.
“Hey darling”
You jumped as you felt a pair of hands snake their way across your waist. You jumped over the sudden voice down your ear and the unexpected contact.
“Jesus Steve! Don’t do that, you could of given me a heart attack” you scolded him, lightly slapping his arm. Taking a deep breath to slower your racing heart.
“Sorry darling, it’s just that you look so good tonight I couldn’t keep my hands off you” he smirked as his eyes scanned over your body. You truly were the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
You shuddered as you felt his lips kissing your neck, leaning back into his embrace to allow his lips more access to the area of skin. You closed your eyes melting away into this blissful lustful state you were in, allowing the outside world to slip away-
You snapped open your eyes to see Billy glaring furiously into Steve’s eyes, you could see his nostrils flaring, he looked like he was going to combust into flames at any moment.
You were pushed out of Steve’s arms as Steve was pinned to the wall by your brother. He held the collar of Steve’s shirt with a vice like grip forcing him to look at Billy dead in the eyes.
“I told you to stay away from her!”
“Let him go!” You screamed at Billy, he was in a state of shock upon hearing your voice booming across the empty kitchen walls, that he let Steve go.
You walked up to Steve who looked disheveled and also in shock both from Billy anger but also from you sticking up for him.
You put both boys in an utter state of shock by crashing your lips upon Steve’s, his lips moved against yours returning the feverish kiss.
When you broke apart you saw Billy’s eyes wide with shock, still unable to process what the fuck just happened.
“If you dare to lay a finger upon Steve again, I will kill you myself is that understood?”
Billy quickly nodded his head which was still hazy in disbelief and also the beer which was starting to come into effect. He knows you and knows that you most probably will act upon that threat. Maybe he was being a little too overprotective?, he was your brother and he loved you deeply, even if he may never like Steve he’ll begrudgingly put up with him for your sake.
“Good, now Steve I think that you owe me a dance”
A/N: thank you so much again for this request I loved writing it, I hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did. Requests are still open
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