#my italian heart explodes
chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons why I, Husk, will not get involved with the spider demon known as Angel: (now complimentary to Angel's list on why he wanna be fucked by BE WITH Husk)
Literally why would I? He’s so damn fake. And his movies suck. And he talks so damn much.
He’s too damn tall. What am I supposed to do? FLY to kiss him?Note: His annoying older brother is significantly shorter. But TOO short. Also not my type. Not that Angel IS my type.
Alastor wouldn’t like it (but who the fuck cares what some radio bastard thinks)
He’s decorated in hearts. IM decorated in hearts. That’s too many damn hearts.
Too many damn arms. Would probably be a good cuddler and I’d never get out of bed. Leading to both of us being killed by the radio demon.
He’s trying to get into heaven. I’d just mess it up.
Literally has any better option and deserves better.
He’s probably get into my stash and drink me dry.
If we’re both power bottoms at rock bottom how would that work?? (AN: this is just a joke from the song 😂 Husk may not be one)
We’re both under soul contracts. Our lives are messy enough as is.
The princess might explode from happiness.
Niffty’s gone on killing sprees against spiders in the past. Don’t want to get him tangled into that.
Don’t want him to get tangled into ANY of this
I purr around him. I am NOT a cat.
I’m stupidly soft around him. I’m NOT soft.
I’m an addict. He’s trying to recover.
He has a cute pig that eats all my damn cherries.
I don’t want to ruin whatever the fuck we DO have. He’s not his trauma, but there is trauma and I don’t want him thinking I’m using him for sex like everyone else seems to.
I lost the ability to love years ago.
Shitty ass poker face.
Drinks the fruitiest damn cocktails that are honestly an affront to bartending.
Looks TOO good in drag (looks too good in anything.)
Too good a parent to Niffty. Kid will get even more spoiled.
Would I really date someone named ANGEL DUST?
His mafioso brother would probably kill me if shit happened
Sounds too good when speaking Italian
Gives people a way to hurt us.
It's better if I'm a man with nothing to lose. (It might be too late for that now though.)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Happy Easter: Dysfuctional Family
Charlie: (blowing a kazoo through the hotel while wearing white bunny ears and tail, carrying an Easter basket, and throwing bright colored and decorated eggs everywhere)
Hazbins: (groan collectively)
Vaggie: (slightly distracted by the tail) Hun, love the enthusiasm, but do you even know the purpose of Easter Sunday is?
Charlie: (cracks open a Cadbury egg and siphons out the innards with her tongue) Isn't it just an excuse to binge on chocolate and snuggle fluffy little bunnies and ducklings?
Angel: (clutches his pearls in ex-Catholic Italian horror) Mama Mia!
Lucifer: *Squeeeeee!* I'll be right back!
Vaggie: I guess that's a more corporate way to put it.
Angel: That's IT!!! I'm making my Mama's Italian Easter Bread! Charlie, you need to be schooled on Easter!
Alastor: Hmmm... I suppose if we're doing a full celebration, I can do a little something to liven things up. (Snaps his fingers, and everyone's clothes are transformed into various colored Bunny footie pajamas)
Charlie: (wearing hot pink bunny jammies and twirls) Oooooh! These are so cuuuute!
Vaggie: (in pastel lavender pajamas and snarling) Cabron!
Angel: (sneaky smirk as he wears a pastel pink and white two-piece pajama suit) Oh, Smiiiiiiles?
Alastor: (simply wearing red bunny ears) No.
Angel: C'mon! Hear me out! (Whispers in Alastor's ear)
Alastor: Hmmmmm.... I'll allow it! (Snaps his fingers again)
Vaggie: (baggy bunny jammies suddenly transform into a black and velvet purple, Las Vegas Showgirl bunny suit with white tail and ears, fishnets, and heels with purple wrist cuffs)
Vaggie: (growls and tries to cover herself) FUCKING-A, ANGEL!!! WHAT THE HELL DID YOU TELL HIM?!?!?!
Angel: Does it matter? I don't have a soul to sell. (Sees Charlie) Ha! Might wanna focus on your girlfriend, Toots.
Vaggie: What? (Looks at Charlie)
Charlie: (blushing, heart eyes, panting like a puppy, and her pajamas turned into a similar Showgirl suit but red with fox ears and tail)
Vaggie: Ch-Charlie? Charlie! No. No! Charlotte Morningstar, we are in front of guests! Shit! (Runs down the hallway)
Charlie: (hearts explode around her head) Hippity-Hoppity, that ass is my property! (Gives chase)
Vaggie: (rounds back around the corner while carrying Charlie bridal style) Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Lucifer: (rides in on a tidal wave of fluff infused rubber duckies while wearing yellow ducky footie pajamas with orange webbed feet) RELEASE THE QUACKEN!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
Alastor: (sighs in aroace exhaustion as a random rubber duck bounces off his head)
Angel: (slowly calming down as he wipes a tear from his eye) It's just like home~
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meguchi512 · 8 months
assigning behaviors I've noticed in people to pjsk characters:
tsukasa: writes his name EVERYWHERE. his desk at school has "tsukasa" "tsukasa" "tsukasa" "tsukasa" written all over it, his notebooks too and even his classmates' notebooks (from a classmate)
shizuku: says "oh, madonna!" instead of "oh god" (from my italian grandpa)
saki: tsukasa rides a bike and saki sits on the handlebar & every time they have to stop they fall off but they just get up and go on like nothing's happened (from an old friend)
mizuki: accidentally sends "penis shaped messages" and immediately points it out (me)
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ena: is so fucking done with mizuki's penis messages (my friends)
kanade: "uhh i think I'm forgetting something? oh well it probably wasn't important" hasn't drank water since yesterday (me again)
rui: extremely verbose, to the point where everyone around him thinks he's some sort of philosophical genius but in reality he's just saying dumb shit and articulating it intelligently (my italian grandpa again so sorry)
an: sends her friends "hot milfs in your area" messages pretending to be a bot because silly and immediately gets banned ( @robinoullea literally)
airi: wants to be supportive but types way too quickly ( @robinoullea trying to say "10/10")
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emu: says the most deranged things in roblox chats and manages to not get censored while her friend (nene) can't even go one sentence without "########" ( @harukaisu )
nene, trying to tell tsukasa to reset his roblox avatar because he got stuck: uhhh kill yourself (me) (I'M SO SORRY)
minori: tries to download a pin and accidentally sends it to a random person and dies of embarrassment (everyone. no one is safe from Pinterest's AWFUL interface)
ichika: goes into a store. gets an ingredient. goes back home. goes back. gets an ingredient. goes back home. repeat until she's got everything to make dinner when it's already 11pm (my forgetful mom)
mafuyu: has the most DERANGED dreams I'm not even kidding ( @robinoullea when he had that one dream where he sent me a tiktok meme of Richard Watterson saying the names of popular pornstars with them flashing on screen for a second each. I've cried real tears about this btw)
kohane: has a chicken farm in minecraft but she's so attached to them that she can't kill any of them for food so they just keep reproducing and in turn the server keeps getting laggier. eventually a creeper explodes right next to it and she throws herself off a mountain (me)
haruka: uses the default pfp which is also the pfp that shows when you get blocked by someone. she also turns her phone off often (which causes messages to not get sent until it's on) so minori always panics and sends her messages to make sure she's not blocked (classmate)
akito: makes gagging noises on purpose because it makes ena gag too and get VERY annoyed and he finds it funny (classmate)
toya: unintentionally causes a lot of fights in vbs regarding what the best way to make coffee is (my whole friend group) (except me i do it on purpose)
honami: whenever someone tags her in l/n's group chat she heroically says "who calls for my help?" ( @robinoullea )
shiho: doesn't have the heart to tell honami how funny it is when she does that (not me i always make sure to mention it)
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ldrfanatic · 8 months
you might still have me
Theodore Nott x Reader "13" Series pt 2
warnings - angst, theodore nott's asshole friends, cursing
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slytherin boys masterlist works
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The entire rest of the week took forever to pass. All you could think about was your Hogsmeade date with Theo. Astoria was downright giddy that he'd asked you and was currently helping you pick out your outfit for the event, which was finally tomorrow. Daphne on the other hand was unsurprisingly, sitting on your bed with a slightly disdained look.
"I'm telling you, Y/n." Astoria flashed her sister a look that begged her to please, shut up, but Daphne continued while picking at the edges of her cuticles. "It's really suspicious that out of nowhere he just suddenly wants to go on a date with you." You rolled your eyes and attempted to ignore the slightly older girl.
"Besides, you've had a crush on him for so long there's no doubt that at least someone else has noticed who might've told him or something, not to mention, you've barely spoken more than two sentences to the boy save for your carriage escapade--"
"Daphne will you shut up!"
Immediately the room was silent. Both girls were staring at you with their eyes wide. You'd never yelled or exploded like that. Ever. Everyone knew you to be a shy girl who mostly kept to herself save for a few longing looks at Theo when you were sure he wasn't looking.
The rest of the time in your dorm was suffocatingly silent. When you opened the door to head down to dinner, tension exploded from the room like a pressurized cannister and seeped into the quiet halls. You could feel that your face was still hot from the interaction. Why couldn't Daphne Greengrass just be supportive for once in her life? You hadn't meant to scream at her like that, but you were riding a high for the first time in a while, and you didn't want anyone to ruin that. As your best friend, you thought she'd understand.
Instead of sitting with Astoria and Daphne at dinner, you sat secluded at your own little space at the table. A little while into the meal, Theo entered the Great Hall. You made eye contact with him and smiled. He smiled back and offered a small wave while blushed covered his olive colored skin.
Your surprise (and smile) widened when he made a beeline straight for you instead of making his way over to where Mattheo and Draco were perched on the other side of the hall. Draco look confused and honestly a little put off while Mattheo was smirking slightly to himself. You tried not to think too much of Mattheo's weird looks. He was known to be quite an odd boy, always well beyond his years, older than he needed to be. If anything, your heart clenched for the poor boy who had to grow up far too quickly.
"Your face is quite red, Y/n. Are you feeling okay?" Theo pressed a hand to your forehead and you reveled in the feeling of his skin against yours for a moment or so before pulling back and offering what you'd hoped was a reassuring smile. "I'm okay, Theo. Just a little minor disagreement among friends." Theo nodded in mutual understanding and threw both legs over the bench, one after the other, until he was plopped comfortably at your side.
He stared at the empty plate in front of him for a bit, then suddenly, an intricate and delicious looking pasta conjured. Magic never ceased to amaze you, even though you'd been around it since you were born. "What's that?" Theo's head turned slightly and he made partial eye contact with you. A light sparked in his eyes before fizzling out.
"An italian dish my Nonna used to make when she was alive. It's called cassarecce di pollo." The deep drawl of an Italian accent made it's appearance as he spoke. You leaned over to get a catch of the scent. The smell of the dish in combination with Theo's natural earthy swirl had you practically drooling. In your bliss, you didn't notice Theo subtly scoot closer to you on the bench. When your eyes opened, he was there. Inches from your face. He kept his eyes locked on yours while he collected some of the dish onto a fork and held it out for you to taste.
The moment the pasta hit your tongue, flavor exploded. The sauce was creamy and tangy. The tomatoes were perfectly cooked. The chicken was grilled and rubbed in a sort of dry seasoning that you surely couldn't name, but which made your tastebuds dance on the tip of your tongue.
"Well? What do you think cuore?"
"It's delicious." The word he used with you had your eyes flicking to his in a moment. "What's that word you used?" Theo smiled amusedly and started to dig into his dinner like nothing happened. "Don't worry about it. Eat your food."
After consuming the entire plate of your most favorite dish and laughing vibrantly with Theo, you were on clouds. Daphne had to be wrong. There's no way that Theodore Nott could ever do anything like that to anybody. Sure, he'd never taken much interest in girls before, but he was finally breaking that streak. And for you no less. To be the girl that Theodore Nott chose was nothing short of explicit and perpetual happiness.
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When the sun rose the next morning, you all but skyrocketed out of bed. It was finally the day of your date with Theo. The warm September sun was casting bright golden rays throughout the open fields of the castle grounds and you could only imagine what Hogsmeade looked like at such a beautiful time. You grabbed the cute sundress that you'd picked out last night and slid it down your body so quick that you may have gotten carpet burn.
Finally, the fruition of three years of longing stares. There was no way that life actually got this perfect. When you made your way down to the courtyard with a thrung of other students, Theo was already there waiting. He jogged up to you with a bright smile and his permission slip clutched tightly in his right hand. The two of you exchanged greetings and made each other howl with laughter on the trip to the village.
Theo was crouched over and holding his stomach with hoots of laughter bursting uncontained from his throat when you arrived at Hogsmeade. You'd made a joke about Draco's unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter bordering on an occult following and the poor boy doubled over. His laughter was booming and contagious. Seeing the boy you'd liked for so long, so happy made your heart swell against your ribcage. Like it always did when Theodore Nott was around.
The two of you began your day with a trip to Zonko's. When you'd mentioned wanting to go, Theo's eyes lit up. I've never met a girl that liked Zonko's. Your body blushed from the inside out at the comment. Something about Theo subtly implying that he'd never met a girl like you make your skeleton feel like dancing right out of your skin.
After a long few hours at a few other places in Hogsmeade, the two of you decided to end the date with a stop in the Three Broomsticks. Madame Rosmerta smiled largely at Theo as he entered. She asked of his Aunt Georgia, to which Theo happily replied that she'd had a healthy baby girl and was recovering nicely.
The entire date was going perfectly. Until Mattheo Riddle walked into the Three Broomsticks. Theo's eyes widened as Mattheo took a seat next to him at your table. You'd never really interacted with him too much. Mattheo's crass and abrasive personality set you slightly on edge. Still, wanting to be friends with Theo's friends, you offered him a smile and a small wave. "Hi Mattheo."
Mattheo offered a conniving smile that made you so uncomfortable you wished to look away. You held your ground though. "Well hey there Y/n." He slung a heavy arm over Theo's shoulders and leaned his other thick forearm on the rickety table. "You two seemed pretty content."
Theo hastily shoved Mattheo's arm off of him and put a good five inches between himself and the dark haired boy. "Shove off, Mattheo." Mattheo's eyes darkened and his smile faltered before he turned his attention back to yours and the same unnerving grin returned. "Aww don't be that way, Theodore. I just figured since you and Y/n are clearly so close that she should know."
Your head cocked sideways in clear confusion. Your eyes flickered between the two and when neither of them spoke, your patience began to run thin. "Know what?" Still both boys were silent. Mattheo was staring at Theo intensely and clapped a large hand on his back. "What Theo?" You hissed at the boy across the table.
Mattheo released a heavy sigh that seemed far too fake. Your suspicion grew tenfold. "Here's the thing Y/n. Theodore here only asked you out because Draco and I bet him twenty-five galleons that he couldn't break your heart in less than a week." An iron hammer appeared out of nowhere and swung at your ribcage until the bones shattered and your heart fell right from your chest onto the floor.
Theo didn't deny the accusation and stared at you apologetically with tears brimming the bottom of his eyes. He didn't have any right to be crying. You stood from the table so loud that all the patrons in the Three Broomsticks stared. A few nearby even offered you pitying looks. Tears clouded your vision so heavily you didn't see the withering look that Theo cast at Mattheo or the disappointed one that Madame Rosmerta cast at Theo.
Theo was on your tail as the door to the Three Broomsticks slammed behind you. He caught you just outside on the pavement. The setting sun gave your skin a glow that was nothing short of angelic. But the broken look that you gave him caused permanent shards to stab at his insides until they twisted themselves into dozens of little knots.
"Theo why would you ever do this to anyone?"
"I didn't want to. I didn't want to do this to anybody, let alone you."
"Then why?"
"Because! I've been in love with you since the moment we met and I saw an opportunity to get close to you! What was I supposed to do? I never planned for you to find out."
You laughed brokenly through your sobs and had given up on trying to wipe your running mascara. Your heart shatters all over again. Not only did Theodore Nott do a downright horrible thing to you, but he did it out of 'love'. The biological phenomenon labeled 'heartbreak' settles into every cell in your body. Evidence of your blind, trusting faith in Theodore Nott. Faith that broke and bled and now moves in shockwaves through your body, mind, and soul. The only person capable of truly hurting you had obliterated every part of you until the pieces lay on the ground at his feet. All for a stupid bet.
"You should've said no, Theodore." His name was soft from your lips but the boy still noticeably winced. The sound cut his skin like knives leaving invisible scars. "I should've known that loving you would be the end of me. To love you Theodore Nott, is to lose my mind. You and your stupid little friends justifying it. 'She's already fucked in the head.' Is that what you've been telling yourself to sleep for the past week?"
The rage began to simmer under your skin until it felt like it was pouring out of every inch of your body.
"Actually don't answer that. I don't care."
For the first time in three years, your heart rate didn't jump when you looked at Theodore Nott. Your heart didn't swell, it deflated. Your cheeks didn't heat up. For the first time in three years, when you looked at Theodore Nott, you felt nothing.
Nothing at all.
series masterlist
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lamponellatempesta · 4 months
synopsis of Chaos Theory, but as things @gingericywolf said during watch:
- Ben watch the road when driving (and stop throwing PHONES. I will maul you if you do it to ME.)
- darius, darius, darius, darius.
-he is a sassy boy and I like that
-Accidental fire but still a fire and I count that as started by ben
-you live like this man. Really??
-sammy so stressed poor girl
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-stop lying pincus no one believes you on That.
-how fucking tall is ben
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-climbing scenes. Respectfully looking. The height is killing me from the screen.
-yaz IS The best adjusted one after all
-someone hug darius pls.
-Cried in That Kenji scene
-Brooklynn what the fuck did you get into. Omg she had a Bike!! Yess girl slay. But what. What
-NOOO THE VAN. I mean I knew it but Nooo the Van
-also Ben talking in italian!!! Canon!! [explodes] [shame you won't feel that in the Italian dub] [those 3 words will live in my head forever] [I'll dream them] [the new 'what never seen a ghost before' to ME] [ON LOOP] [Daniel is too good at imitating him in that scene and is bullying me with it, send help. I won't survive. If he says it one more time I'll melt]
-Darius. Darius.... my boy. Have you idea of the germs in that tub..? Whatever brothers moment. FUCK DARIUS WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY
-Ben does muscles are really useless, you had more strength before
-EGGY. Baby!!
-Ben/kenji looking like parents with the egg. It's super effective, ginger fainted
-Sees more benji crumbs. Dies.
-so is that big eatie after all or is it another rex? Cause Darius said that he doesn't think it's her? but also not the same from nublar? So? Buck?
-This is actually so cool
-Ok but what is the timeline of this stop fucking my timelines theories!!
-if it post dominion it doesn't match their ages but the dates don't match a pre dominion. Plus a lack of Red also doesn't match a pre dominion but a post dominion fucks everything in my mind
-Oh Ben did get electrocuted in the end uh! How does it feel then? I bet bad. Think how you wanted to do that to Hap and only Lynn stopped you.
-Ben leans on kenji,kenjj holds him tenderly, ginger dies again
-hell ye go to that ship and find out stuff!
-brooklynn you beautiful, problematic, beautiful girl. God she looks soo pissed? So badass and so... evil.
-lots more fucks in the middle of everything and after
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russolover · 1 year
Sweater Weather II
"Do you want to come inside for some tea? The rain is only getting worse, might as well warm yourself up"
She spoke almost inaudibly.
"Depends.. do you want me to stay?"
You turned your head only to be met with Crystal blue eyes already looking at you.
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to"
She spoke sincerely making your heart rate pick up again.
This was going to be a long night.
The 18 year old version of yourself would be surprised that you finally caved in and let your feelings take over, but the more you thought about what you were going to say the more nervous you got. You helped alessia bringt the tea over to the couch table while sitting down next to her. You watched as she tried the tea which was way too hot resulting in her scrunching her whole face.
"You're not very patient are you?" you teased as the blondes cheeks turned a crimson colour
"Not when it comes to tea" she chuckled as she leaned back on the couch
The silence between you two was comfortable, you listened to the heavy rain hammering against the window while your thoughts were running 100 miles an hour.
How were you about to explain that you actually didn't dislike her? In fact you liked her a lot, probably since your early uni days you just couldn't let her know. After all she choose to kiss your captain.
"Penny for your thoughts?" she spoke softly as she leaned her head onto the back of the couch and turned her body into your direction, signalling that all her attention was on you.
You mimicked her behaviour so you were in the same position as she was. The blonde kept holding eye contact which made your heart rate slowly pick up.
Even though it was already dark outside and the room was dimly lit, it seemed like her eyes were carrying so much light and warmth. You could get lost in those arctic blue eyes with no care in this world.
You were lying to yourself if you didn't feel the warmth in your stomach creeping up the longer you watched the Italian in front of you.
"I never hated you, I was just annoyed " you mumbled as you watched her listen intently
"Because of the championship?" she asked carefully, knowing it was a sore subject.
"No.. I mean the tackle was pretty nasty but I was so close to doing the same honestly" you laughed quietly
"Do you remember my farewell party?" you asked her as you grew more nervous by the second. She only nodded as you started picking the skin around your thumb to calm your rapidly beating heart.
You took a few deep breaths to muster up the courage but when alessia took your hand in hers your heart felt like it could explode.
"Don't do that, it will hurt later" she said quietly while trying to distract you by caressing your hand.
There was no denying anymore
Your whole heart was aching for alessia, not just for her touch but all these years you tried to hate her because you couldn't have her. And seeing someone else kiss her at your party, when all you wanted to do was spend time with her just made you shut down.
"Why did you ki-
You were interrupted by the sound of loud thunder before all the power went off. The storm seemed to cut all the electricity in the street. The blonde clutched your hand with hers as she looked somewhat terrified.
"Oh fantastic" you mumbled as you watched around the darkened room trying to find some light sources while alessia didn't let go of your hand
"You okay?" you asked softly looking into the direction of the blonde
"Yeah.. just got scared for a second" she said as she squeezed your hand
"Do you have any candles or flashlights?"
"The candles are in the second shelf to the right, I'll go get them"
"No I'll get them, you're already very clumsy on a bright day I don't want to know what would happen when the whole flat is pitch black"
You could hear alessia grumbling something which you choose to ignore as a smug smile graced your face. Once you've gotten the candles and lit a few of them, the whole room seemed much more comfortable. You sat back down next to the blonde with your newfound courage.
"So what were you saying?"
"Why did you kiss them?"
You watched alessia as her whole face turned into one of confusion.
"why did you kiss my captain at the farewell party?" you asked as you tried to steady you racing heart
"Is that the reason you hated me all this time?"
"No- I-I mean- it's just-
"It was a stupid bet, I was drunk out of my mind while we were playing a game of beer pong and they won" she explained calmly as she watched you intently
"oh" you suddenly felt embarrassed for thinking that all these years alessia tried to make a move on your captain to mess with you, but she was just a drunk college kid.
"so no feelings?" you whispered
"no absolutely not" she replied in the same tone
You watched her as she sat crisscross next to you, her blonde hair falling perfectly onto her shoulders as those blue eyes you loved watched your every step. They started glistening even more due to the dim candle light which had you in awe. She was truly breathtaking.
"Why did the kiss bother you so much?" she asked as she kept eye contact
Now or never you thought.
"I just don't like seeing you kiss other people" you whispered almost inaudibly
A light smirk made its way on alessias face as she started blushing.
"Why is that?" she whispered as she pulled you into her direction so you were directly in front of her. Your face had never been that close to hers. Her perfume took over all your senses as your scanned her face. From her pretty blue eyes to her lightly painted strawberry flavoured lips everything was perfect. This girl was truly carved by greek gods.
"You know why" you whispered back as the blonde started smiling, her nose scrunching up making all your insides turn. You couldn't hold yourself back any longer.
"I actually-
You cut her off by placing your lips on hers taking in the strawberry flavour. The blonde sighed into the kiss as her hands made its way to your cheeks. You placed both of your hands on the backside of her thighs to pull her into your lap, never breaking the kiss. It seemed to grow only more passionate from there on as she started placing kisses on your jaw and all over your neck making you feel that warmth again.
Maybe it was the years of pining after her, or the room full of candles which finally made you confess your feelings. Whatever it was, you were glad it finally had happened. As you and alessia were still pretty indulged into each other, the both of you didn't realise that the power came back.
You two were interrupted by a sudden voice at the door.
"Less I saw the power was off in your street are-
You and alessia immediately broke apart as soon as you heard tooneys voice. The smirk on the brunettes face was as big as ever as she watched the two of you separate.
"what do we have here?" she laughed as she watched your kiss stained face turn into the same shade as alessias lipstick.
"tooney don't" alessia sighed as she fell back into the sofa
"Proper set the mood with all those candles" she laughed as alessia turned red
"i will pay you if you leave now" you exclaimed desperately which only made her laugh more
"don't worry I'll go now, just wanted to check up if less was alright but apparently you were already doing that.. have fun" she gave you one last smirk before she closed the door behind her.
You and alessia started laughing uncontrollably as soon as Ella left. The blonde looked at you with big eyes before trying to rub something off of your cheek.
"what are you doing?" you laughed trying to get her to stop
"you have kiss stains all over your face" she chuckled embarrassed
"I don't mind them"
Her blue eyes crinkled as she smiled at you. You took her hand in yours and placed a kiss on it before you intertwined them.
"Do you want to stay tonight?" the blonde asked as she made herself comfortable on your chest
"I'd love to less" you replied as you wrapped your arms around her placing one last kiss on the top of her head.
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gravehags · 2 months
because natalie is a girl after my own heart, i know her art historian ass would get into fights with the emeritus brothers when she insists that northern renaissance art is far more interesting, complex, and aesthetically appealing than italian renaissance art. like the way they'd all [RECORD SCRATCH] then explode and copia's trying his best not to argue with her because he's like "i really need to weigh how badly i need to defend my culture against how badly i want to piss off the love of my life." terzo is furiously stomping around the room, collecting any italian renaissance art books for proof. secondo and nat actually getting so heated at one point she loudly asks, "you wanna take this outside, signore worldwide?" and copia panics trying to hold her back. then primo tells her he's not mad, he's just disappointed which makes everyone fall silent and copia say "damn, dolcezza he raised me and he's never said that to me" causing natalie to burst into tears. which starts a whole new fight because copia is shouting LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HER STRONZO at three other old men. the next morning no one is speaking to one another and everyone's stubborn silence gets so bad sister imperator has to end the bullshit in the middle of a staff meeting. natalie confesses that she started the argument on purpose because she knew it would rile everyone up and she wanted entertainment but underestimating her own self control regarding the argument. copia admits he prefers northern renaissance art ("look at dürer. look at van eyck. bosch! bruegel! holbein!" "yeah yeah we get it you want her to fuck you"). papa nihil rolling in 23 minutes late to the meeting with a large cold brew in hand and saying "who invited these uggos" (natalie: "the FUCK", sister imperator: "PAPA!", terzo: "who taught him what an uggo is?") anyway i think the edible kicked in because i've been writing this post for 2,100 years and giggling to myself. continue.
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starbunii · 2 months
HIII I know ur busy these days so don’t take this too serious, write it if you feel like it! I’m just needy for content lol.
Can you maybe write abt dating game Reader x Rantaro? Salmon mode my beloved… I’d like to see what kinds of cute dates and things he would think of^^
thank you!!! Heart 🤍
# . dating game 𓂃 ♥︎
𝜗𝜚 ┈ rantaro x reader ! 。
notes: I LITERALLY LOOOOVE SALMON MODE SM ITS ADORBS <33 honestly im kind of addicted to imagining characters in dating games/gameshows no matter what media, so this was super fun!!!
headcanons ノ fluffノgn! reader ノcanon universe
second person pov !! please enjoy! ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶
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the whole thing is kind of awkward for him at first...
it's obvious that Rantaro is a bit of a sweet-talker, what with that attractive voice, those long lashes, and his luscious hair
but really, he's not that kind of guy. yeah, he could flirt with whoever he wants, but why would he? playing with people's hearts just isn't something that's appealing to him
he's awkward when you two go on your first "date", trying to make sure you have fun without over-stepping any boundaries
once he gets to know you though? he's teasing you like there's no tomorrow. making puns, winking at you, complimenting you to the point you feel like you're about to explode!!!
on the bright side, you get to hear that cute little chuckle of his...
most of the game, he's spending time thinking of ways to impress you, not the other way around. whatever he can do to make you happy, he'll do it. no questions asked.
he loves taking you to cafes and restaurants, making sure that you don't eat the same kind of cuisine twice. dinner could be Chinese food one night, and Italian the next
when he's not taking you out for food, he'll take you to parks, hikes, bike rides, or even just midnight walks. he loves talking to you, especially if you guys are doing something outside together. he just adores the atmosphere it creates <3
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starbunii 2024 — all rights reserved. do not redistribute or translate to any other platforms
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violettduchess · 2 years
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A/N: A day late but better late than never! I thought it might be nice to celebrate the anniversary of my first fic with the suitor who was the subject of it! Comte was my first Ikemen route ever and he holds a special place in my heart 💜
Prompt that won the poll: Pulling suitor by the tie in for a passionate kiss
Comte x f reader
WC: 875
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The party in the remote country estate, several kilometers away from Paris itself, is over. It was a night filled with delightful music, warm candlelight, and the soft murmuring of people dressed in their finest clothes, drinking the finest wine and spinning across a dancefloor of the finest Italian marble. Your host, a gracious baron and friend of Comte’s, was warm and welcoming, greeting you with a smile on his mustachioed lips.
And how you seized the night, your skirt billowing like a glittering, golden cloud around your ankles as you turned around the dance floor, the amber jewels at your throat and ears drinking in the warm candlelight. Your partners were admiring, complimentary, and above all respectful because while they enjoyed the time in your radiant company, everyone knew who truly holds your heart.
When you and Comte finally danced together, the night held its breath. The casual possession in the lay of his hand at your waist, the way he held you just a hair’s breadth too close for propriety’s sake, the way your gazes locked with one another and held, a covalent bond, hydrogen and oxygen. The way you moved together, smooth as water, across the floor, grace in motion. And underneath it, the visible crackle of electricity in the slight part of your lips, the hungry gleam in his bright eyes. There was no hiding it. Some party-goers snapped open delicate folded fans, cooling the sudden flush to their cheeks. Some felt the grip of the green-eyed monster's fist, wishing they would be so lucky to have someone look at them that way. 
You bid your farewells, arm in arm, before your carriage pulls up. The driver opens the door with a polite nod, doffing his hat to you both before setting it back down on his snowy white head. Comte climbs in first and then helps you up as you thank the driver. He’s hard of hearing and often just smiles and nods, but there is no one who knows the streets of Paris and the surrounding area better.
The door closes and soon the carriage lurches forward, over the stones of the baron’s long driveway before turning onto the road that will take you the long way back into the city. A small lantern hangs discreetly in the corner of the carriage, swaying back and forth, spinning shadows within the carriage’s plush interior. Comte, sitting across from you, glances down as he carefully removes his gloves. His handsome face is half-lit in soft, yellow light and half in wavering shadow.
“What an evening,” he says as he leans back against the plush maroon cushioning of the carriage’s walls. “I had heard wonderful things about the musicians Baron Gourgaud hired for tonight but they far exceeded any expectations. I must tell Mozart–”
You have other things on your mind. Sliding to the edge of your seat, eyes bright even in the dim lighting, you reach out and take hold of Le Comte’s chocolate-brown silk tie. Your eyes never leaving his, you slowly wind it around your hand, reeling him in, closer and closer.
“Abel….I don’t want to talk about the music.” One light tug and he is breathless, balancing on his own seat’s edge, the light in your eyes sending a shower of hot sparks cascading down his spine. The tie is now your prisoner, held tight in your fist as you smile slowly. “I don’t,” you whisper as quietly as a feather on the night’s breeze, “want….” You pull him even closer, your lips now a heartbeat apart, “...to talk at all.” 
You pull one last time, firmly, and your mouths meet, the sparks flickering in both your veins exploding like fireworks, sending a flood of heat rolling between you. He is a gentleman but you know what lies beneath that controlled beauty, that intelligent gaze. You know what needs to be done to unleash something uncharacteristically reckless, something thrumming with licentious want. Keeping your grip on his tie, your other hand slides up into the tawny locks of his hair, fingers curling into its strands. He is now caught in your grasp, yours to maneuver as you will. You press your body against his, forcing him back onto his seat before settling yourself over him, your voluminous skirt spread out across the cushioned seating like a shimmering, golden blanket. 
His hands press into your back, warm through the silk of your gown, his face tilted up like a man searching for answers from a higher power as he meets your demanding mouth. Right now, in this moment, there is no power higher than his desire for you. No divine call that could ring through his body like yours. You release your grip on his tie and he growls softly, your name now a carnal sound, before tightening his grip on you and burying his face into the curve of your neck. 
Your last coherent thought, as you feel the scrape of his teeth against your skin, the possessive clutch of his strong fingers, the shift of his body as he pulls you even closer, is how very lucky you are that your sweet driver is hard of hearing and the way back to the mansion so very long.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @kissmetwicekissmedeadly @bubblexly
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rebelwrites · 6 months
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Twenty Three: Don’t Make A Scene
Charles Leclerc x Nova Teller (OC)
Till the wheels fall off Masterlist
Small town meets the fast lane. What happens when two souls meet? Will it end in happiness or will they both crash and burn?
As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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“How is everyone doing back home?” I hummed, leaning against the wall of the Ferrari hospitality area, a smoke hanging from my lips as I squinted at my phone screen trying to block out the Italian sun, even with the raybans shielding my eyes it wasn’t enough. Everything was different here, I had never really traveled outside of Charming, well apart from the occasional run with Jax back in my teenage years. But this was different, the warmth of the sun beating down against my skin felt like I was being wrapped in a fluffy blanket. There was something comforting about it and I couldn’t help but smile.
Everything so far had been somewhat of a culture shock, I had tried foods that I would have never dreamt of trying, and even though I was still trying to adjust to the time difference I was living my best life.
“Everyone is good, in fact everything is perfect,” Jax smiled back, there was something about it that didn’t sit right with me. Not only wasn’t it as bright as normal but he had a haunted look on his blue eyes.
“Tell that to your face,” I scoffed, taking a long drag of the cigarette. “You look like someone just took a shit on your Harley.”
I stared intently at my device, watching as my older brother ran his hands over his face. “I’m just tired, that’s all,” he paused, obviously trying to think of what lie to spin. “There is nothing for you to worry about, I’ve got everything under control. Now enough about me, Squirt, how is Monza treating you?”
“It’s amazing, Jax,” I beamed. I finally felt free from the weight of the world that always seemed like it was crushing me into the dirt. Part of me felt bad for feeling like this, but I had quickly realized that taking care of Pops and the club had taken a toll on my mental health, so it was nice to have a break from it all. Although that didn’t stop me from missing everyone. “Everyone is amazing, and they are already treating me like family. Fred has taken the role of my body guard which is highly amusing,” pushing myself off the wall I decided it was time to head back into the garage, not wanting to miss the start of free practice.
“As in team principal, Fred Vassuer?”
“That’s the one, being the new kid on the block the press are trying to get the latest gossip but anytime they try and get too close to me whilst Fred is around he gets all protective of me. It’s kinda cute, reminds me of Pops.” I grinned, glancing over I noticed that the pit crew had formed what looked to be a human wall at the front of the garage. There was some sort of commotion going on, I wasn’t quite close enough to hear what was happening but the moment I heard my name being screamed I felt my blood boil. It had been years since I heard that scratchy voice, the sound alone sent a cold shiver down my spine.
“Squirt, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost, you have gone white as a sheet.” Jax asked, causing me to shift my attention back to him.
“I think I fucking have,” I mumbled, trying to stop the anger brewing deep inside me from bubbling over, causing me to explode, this was not the place, “that bitch has a fucking death wish.” I growled, flicking my gaze between my brother’s face and the opening of the garage.
“I can fucking see her, let me speak to my daughter.”
“There is no way,” Charles growled, venom dripping from his words. This was the first time I had seen this side of him but I wasn’t scared, in fact my heart skipped a beat at how protective he was being. “Sur mon putain de cadavre. Over my fucking dead body.”
I could feel the anger radiating through the phone screen from my brother, from the look on his face I was adamant he was going to jump on a plane to personally take care of the waste of space that was my birth mother.
“I am gonna fucking kill her,” Jax seethed, “She has no right crawling back into your life now, god I am so fucking angry right now!”
Taking a deep breath I knew I was going to have to take control of this situation, this was not the type of press coverage the team needed.
“Jax, I gotta go, don’t worry about me, I can handle this bitch,” I said, not taking my eyes off Charles. I could feel the anger radiating off him from the other side of the garage. “Charles is gonna snap and that isn’t good for him or the team.”
“Don’t make too much of a scene Squirt,” he hummed, cocking his brow at me.
“No promises.” I shrugged, before quickly saying bye.
Slipping my phone into the back pocket of my jeans I let out a shaky breath, I hadn’t seen this bitch since she last tried to make contact with me and Pops and the club chased her out of town.
“Kiddo, you okay?” Fred asked, appearing at my side.
“Je le serai, une fois que j'aurai mis cette salope à terre. I will be, once I put that bitch down.” I growled, clenching my fist by my side. She had no right trying to worm her way back into my life, I didn’t need her, she was dead to me.
“Il suffit de ne pas salir le sol et des blocs de glace se trouvent dans le réfrigérateur si vous en avez besoin. Just don't dirty the floor, and there are ice packs in the fridge if you need them.” Fred chuckled, taking my shaking fist in his hands squeezing softly. “Don’t let her get to you, kiddo.”
Slowly nodding at the Frenchman standing in front of me, I took a deep breath trying to steady my heart rate. I knew I needed to confront her otherwise she would never leave and reporters were already gathering around the garage trying to get the best shot of the disruption to the weekend. Within a few short strides across the room I found myself standing next to Charles, my hand instantly finding his, not caring if I outed our relationship at this moment. I needed his touch to keep me grounded and calm because I did not want my face plastered all over the gossip sites.
“The fuck do you want?” I said keeping my voice low and emotionless.
“I want to make amends, you are my daughter at the end of the day,” she pleaded. “I’ve changed, I went through rehab, I’m clean just for you baby.”
Rolling my eyes at the confession, did she think I was stupid? Her pupils were the size of dinner plates, she couldn’t stand still to save her life and was excessively sweating. I knew what her game was here and she wasn’t going to succeed in creeping her way back into my life, using me to get money.
“You ain’t clean,” I scoffed, leaning further into Charles. “Do you really think I would believe you? I ain’t that vulnerable five year old you left living in squalor just so you could get your next fix.”
“Fred, il faut la faire sortir d'ici. Fred, we've got to get her out of here.” Charles said, turning to his team principal.
I was moments away from lunging forward tackling the person who abandoned me, the main cause of my trust issues, the reason I carried demons on my back, but before I could step forward Charles wrapped his arms around my shaking body, holding me tight as he managed to guide me through the garage back to his driver room.
Once the door was shut I felt my resolve crumble, my fingers went into my roots as I slumped on the floor letting out a strangled scream. “Who the fuck does she think she is, coming here trying to act like the caring mother.” I growled, “you should have let me rip her apart.”
“Sunshine,” Charles whispered, crouching in front of me, placing a hand on my knee. “You need these right now,” he said softly, handing me a pack of cigarettes.
“I don’t,” I whispered, resting my hand on his cheek. “I just need you.”
“Je suis là, bébé, je ne vais nulle part. I'm here, baby, I ain't going nowhere.” he hummed, wrapping his arms around me, pressing small kisses against the top of my head. “Why would she come here now?”
“Because you have money and she is a gold digger, she must have seen the posts about us and thought she could get a massive pay day,” I breathed, gripping onto Charles’ fireproofs like my life depended on it, “and she knew if she tried to step foot in Charming, Pops would kill her with his bare fists.”
“Well, if she tries to come near you again I will drive over her with my car at 200 miles an hour.”
“Char, that would cause too much damage to the car,” I said with a slight laugh. Letting out a shaky breath I looked over his shoulder to the clock on the wall. “Five minutes till FP1 you better get going.”
“I can’t leave you, not like this.”
“I will be fine, promise,” I nodded, resting my forehead against his, “I’m gonna go chill with Fred, we might even make a list of different ways to kill her, you know just some light bonding nothing major.”
I knew Fred would make me feel better, there was something about him that reminded me of Pops, he happily took me under his wing in Zandvoort making me feel right at home within the team. I knew Charles had told him everything he needed to know about me and my past, which was the reason he was so protective over me when the devil made her appearance in the garage.
“Just don’t go all psycho killer on me now baby,” he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss against my lips.
“Don’t spoil all my fun, Mr,” I hummed, a small smile appearing back on my face. “Now go kick some ass out there.”
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I found myself staring blankly at my boyfriend, trying to process the words that had just casually fallen out of his mouth.
“Hold on a second, you want me to drive that?” I stated, pointing at the SF-23 that was currently sitting in the middle of the garage.
“Were you not listening to me, Sunshine,” he chuckled, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, pressing a kiss against my temple.
“I was listening, but you do realize how crazy you sound right now? I don’t even have a super license, we would get into a shit load of trouble if anyone knows I took her on the track. She aint set up for me Char,” I rambled, not taking my eyes off the car, “there is no way. Aint happening, I will kill myself do you know how fast that thing is.”
The sound of Charles laughing caused me to tear my gaze away from the middle of the garage, cocking my brow at him, it was official he had completely lost his mind.
“Babygirl, it’s fine, we are all good, no one will know, trust me. Plus we aren’t in parc ferme conditions yet,” he smirked, slowly guiding me towards the car. “All I ask is don’t crash, I kinda need her for quali tomorrow.”
“You are fucking crazy, Leclerc.” I shot back, refusing to believe he was being serious. “We shouldn’t even be here, everyone has gone home.”
“Thought you loved driving fast?” he hummed, that cocky smirk still firmly planted on his face.
“Yeah in my beater of a truck, that if I am lucky will hit 70 miles an hour, or Jax’s Dyna, not a beast of a machine that is built for speeds of 200 miles an hour plus.”
“Fine, if you won’t drive this, what about this?” he said, fishing his car keys out of his pocket, placing them in the palm of my hand.
Dropping my gaze I ran my fingers over the bead keyring Elenor had made for him, my heart fluttering at the fact he had this on his keys, “wait, isn't this your Pista?”
“You talk too much,” he winked, moving so his arms were wrapped firmly around my waist, in one quick motion I had been thrown over his shoulder and was staring at his ass.
“Well, this is the best view ever,” I giggled, praying that he didn’t lose his grip as he carried me out to the track. “You drop me and I will kill you.”
“Quoi, comme ça ? What, like this?” he said, jolting his body causing me to cling onto him for dear life.
“Fucking asshole.”
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@withmyteeth @chibsytelford @stillbreathin @danzer8705 @keyweegirlie @burningcupcakefire @dragon-of-winterfell @ohthemisssery @a-distantdreamer @sgkophie @angywritesstuff @enchantedbytomandhenry @scribbuluswrites @dangerouspursepeachbear @buendiabebeta @ferrarifwendvale @theplobnrgone @charlesleclercje @queenslife @panicforspec @justme2042 @liv67 @derpinathebrave @clcspeonies @pleasantducktimetravel @raaaaabzzz @mehrmonga @sbgal @fangirl-lb @pitconfirmbutton @oslokij @tall-tanned-tattoo @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @pumpkin-spice-hate @talicat713 @band--psycho @little-diable @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @theysayitscrazy @rosieposie0624 @choochoo284 @meteora-fc @beeroses @darklydeliciousdesires @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @youflickedtooharddamnit @babypink224221
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON FanFic: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 27 will be posted tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. I'm in the final stage of completing it and after I do, I'll proofread and edit it then I'll post it on AO3.
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Currently 26 chapters completed: 1M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
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I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 27 because at the end of Chapter 26, while Buck was sleeping, he made a sound that Eddie hadn't heard before then he immediately sat up in bed and called Eddie's name. He was in a daze when he did and to Eddie, Buck appeared to be still dreaming but since his eyes were open, he started talking to him to get his attention.
They spent the majority of the day before in the hospital after Buck collapsed in Eddie's arms and suffered a bradycardia event of epic proportions. He was unconscious and unresponsive after he received a package that was delivered to the firehouse while they were in Europe. Once he opened it and read the letter, he reached the part where it stated someone died and it reminded him of his own death and it triggered the event.
All three members of the Diaz family are supporting one another as Buck faces the fact that he died last year and as he proceeds to deal with all 7 stages of grief.
Here's a romantically fluffy and almost smutty snippet from Chapter 27 of Buck and Eddie being head over heels in love with each other.
Buck breaks the sound barrier first and admits, “Eddie, I love you, so much.  Do you know how much I love you?”
“I do.”  He smiles and stretches his arms out as far as they’ll go and replies, “This much.”
“More!”  He whispers as he moves closer and positions himself so he’s on top of his husband. He leans down and kisses him passionately and after he pulls back, he looks him in the eyes and says, “I love you to infinity and beyond.”
Eddie raises his eyebrows.  “My love… did you just hit me with a line from the movie “Toy Story”?  Didn’t Buzz Lightyear say that?”  Eddie knows the movie and the line because Chris watched it over and over again when he was 6 years old.
Buck laughs and Eddie does too and before they know it, they’re both crying from laughing so hard.
When their laughter subsides, Buck says, “Yeah… he did but it’s the only way I could think of to describe how much I love you.”
And who is Eddie to refute that.  “I love you to infinity and beyond too” then he lifts his head and presses his lips to Buck’s and when he runs his tongue over his bottom lip, he opens for him.
The kiss is tantalizing and magnificent because it’s filled with love, passion and devotion and when Eddie rolls his tongue like he rolls his "Rs" when he speaks Italian and Spanish, Buck thinks his heart’s going to explode in his chest because he wants to feel his husband all over him.
It’s been more than a week, actually it’s been 13 days but Buck thinks who’s counting, then he realizes he has and he can’t wait for Eddie to be buried deep inside of him again.
After more than a minute, they break it because they need to come up for air and when they do, Eddie looks at his husband and he wants to make love to him so bad right now but in the back of his mind, he hears, “You know you aren’t supposed to” but his heart and the bulge in his pants causes him to breathlessly say, “Ciò che vuoi!” [“Tell me what you want!”]
“VOI!  [“YOU!”]
And that’s all it takes for them to crash their lips into each other’s again and for Buck to start undressing his husband while speaking Italian in his ear.  “Voglio che tu faccia l’amore con me!” [“I want you to make love to me”].
Eddie’s breath hitches in his throat but then everything that happened and was said to them on Monday comes back to the front of his mind like a whirlwind.  He gasps and after he catches his breath, he whispers, “Amore mio, we should st—op!”
Buck keeps kissing that soft spot underneath his earlobe that drives him wild and after he scrapes his teeth over it, he asks, “Don’t you want me because… I really want you?  Eddie, I need you!”
Without hesitation, he admits, “Of course I—I do… I always want you, more than anything but you know we can’t… not right now.  We have to wait until…”
Why did Eddie tell Buck they have to wait to make love? 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-26 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
Chapter 27 will be posted tomorrow or Tuesday at the latest. I'm in the final stage of completing it and after I proofread and edit it, I'll post it.
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toweroftickles · 1 year
🎺 🎺 🎺 And now, ladies & gentlemen, your local theatrical production of
"What would happen if I was writing the Gwen/Vulture fight from Across The Spider-Verse"
because I am trash
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So they're fighting, the scene's playing out like normal, Vulture tries to threaten her. Gwen only speaks Mario Kart and Family Guy-style Italian but thankfully handy cursive subtitles pop up around his blathering.
"Hai paura di L'Avvotolio, little girl?" ("Are you afraid of the Vulture?)
“Nah; not scary, Big Bird. I just get a little nervous around feathers ‘cause I’m allergic. Oh, and like… really ticklish, so watch out; I might kick you.”
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*Pissed-off Vulture roars and fires rounds of sharp dagger-like feathers in her direction*
*The feathers whiz by and nearly sever the microfibers of her suit, Gwen does the Spider-Man dodge*
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“Whoaaa, buddy, slow down; we’re not quite there in our relationship yet.”
*hitches a ride on his back but his costume tickles*
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*Poor Gwen having such a hard time hanging on while tons of his feathers accidentally brush under her armpits* 😜 *she has to try so hard not to laugh & let go*
“You mock me?! Stop snickering!"
"Dude, I told you I'm ticklish!"
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*Vulture slams her into column with his grappling hook & then Miguel rescues her*
*the end*
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except Miguel doesn’t rescue her and instead Vulture tickle-tortures all over her ribs and her tummy with his huge claws until she’s got tears in her eyes from laughter and it’s so fucking cute that my heart explodes 😳🫣
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liaromancewriter · 1 year
What Could Have Been (6/?)
Series Premise: When Ethan breaks his promise, Cassie is forced to accept they’re not inevitable after all.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Angst Words: 1,660
Series Masterlist
Chapter 6: Sunshine and Rainbows. A new romance leads to a surprising admission and food for thought.
A/N: Submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge - using January challenge prompt "dating". I'm also using one of the flirty pick-up prompts @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills
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Cassie Valentine had forgotten what it was like to primp for a date and try out sexy outfits designed to drive a man crazy. And feel the butterflies flutter in her stomach when she really liked a guy.
She tried to remember the last time she’d been on a date. Flipping a mental calendar, she paused in surprise that it was with Nate Hanson six months ago. And now they’d come full circle.
Despite their physical intimacy, she and Ethan Ramsey had never gone on a date. And she was a woman who loved romance. So why had she settled for less?
Because being with him in whatever way she could, had filled her heart in so many other ways.
Studying her reflection in the mirror, Cassie nodded in satisfaction. Dark jeans, a black blouse that shimmered in the light, a dark red leather jacket and subtle jewelry completed the look.
She was grateful Nate had texted to say the dress code was casual. After today’s harrowing events, she wasn’t in the mood for fancy. Luckily nothing was broken or torn, and the swelling in her shoulder would die down in a few days as long as she didn’t overdo it.
Cassie absently wondered what it would be like to go on an actual date with Ethan, not just a stolen coffee catch-up at Derry’s or wine and takeout in his apartment.
In her mind, she saw a candlelit table tucked away in the corner. Ethan in a beautiful suit, her in a gorgeous dress that would make his eyes darken with desire. He would have to behave in public, but the dress never stood a chance once the door to his apartment closed behind them.
And imagining what couldn’t be was not helping her get in the mood for her very real date with a lovely man who deserved better.
When the knock came on her door, Cassie shook off the memories and reached for the sling, carefully adjusting it around her strained left shoulder before cradling her elbow.
With a final look in the mirror, she blinked away the lingering sadness and left the past behind.
“You know, when you said we’re going out for pizza, I wasn’t expecting to be whisked off to Brooklyn in a helicopter,” Cassie said a few hours later.
She hummed in pleasure as the hot, gooey cheese burnt the top of her mouth and the mouth-watering flavors exploded on her tongue.
“Best pizza in the city,” Nate grinned, carefully biting into his slice. “And I was trying to impress you even if private jets and helicopters are par the course for a Valentine.”
“It worked,” Cassie teased, lifting her glass of Chianti in a mock salute. “This pie was definitely worth the trip.”
“I make it a point to visit Lucali whenever I’m in town,” he said.
The atmosphere in the pizzeria, with the aroma of garlic and Italian spices in the air, was homey and casual. Packed with locals and tourists alike, the restaurant was loud and noisy, perfect for her mood.
“How’d you hear about this place?” Cassie asked, curious. She knew Nate lived and worked in Bethesda.
“I was visiting VCs in the area, trying to secure funding for my start-up. This was back in med school,” he told her.
“I’d already decided residency wasn’t for me and opted out of the match process. Needless to say, I was financially desperate and emotionally invested in getting the company off the ground.”
He polished off his slice before continuing the story. “Anyway, after a couple of rough meetings where I was basically laughed out of the room, I walked around the neighborhood and stumbled upon this place. I hadn’t eaten all day and practically inhaled a whole pie.”
“And you loved it so much it became your favorite?” Cassie prompted when he paused, lost in thought.
He laughed. “Not quite. I was sitting in the corner, wondering if I’d just thrown my career away on a whim, when one of the top VCs in biotech dropped in for dinner. Apparently, he’s a regular here.”
As he narrated the tale, Cassie watched Nate’s face become animated with a hint of self-deprecation she found charming and refreshing. He wasn’t afraid to share parts of himself with her.
Ethan always held himself back from everyone, only letting his guard down when she backed him into a corner.
“I figured nothing left to lose, so I walked over and pitched him the idea while he dug into his calzone. I could tell he was amused by my naïvity,” he grinned and shook his head at the memory.
“He handed me his business card and told me if I was gutsy enough to interrupt his dinner, I’d earned at least twenty minutes on his calendar. Tim’s still my biggest investor and has become a friend and mentor.”
“So, you brought me here because this place is special for you,” Cassie said, astutely connecting the dots.
“Yes,” Nate said, topping their wine glasses. ”It marked a new and auspicious professional beginning for me. I’m hoping it does the same on a personal level with you.”
Cassie sniffed in amusement and observed him over the rim of her glass. “Tim was right. You’re definitely gutsy. No wonder Fortune Magazine put you on the cover.”
Cassie appreciated that he didn’t push her for an answer, letting their conversation drift to other topics. But in the back of her mind, she kept turning over his proposition and wondered if she was ready to move on from Ethan.
It was late when they returned to Boston, and the drive from Logan Airport to her apartment didn’t take long. Cassie felt satiated from the meal and the company. And a little bit tipsy from the wine, if she was honest.
Nate escorted her up the steps of her building, and they stood facing each other in front of the street entrance door. He took her hand and moved close, angling his face, and his hazel eyes caught the light.
Anticipating a goodnight kiss, Cassie tilted her head back and wondered how his lips would feel against hers. And would they be enough to make her forget laser blue eyes and a firm mouth that had touched every part of her body and soul?
Lifting his hand, he tenderly brushed a golden lock of hair off her cheek, tucking it behind her ear.
“So,” he murmured, leaning in. “How does dinner and dancing sound for our next date?”
“Hmm. I haven’t decided if I’m going on a third date with you yet,” Cassie said, amused.
“You know, I believe that honesty is the best policy,” Nate said, his lips hovering above hers. “So, to be perfectly honest, I want to spend many more days with you.”
Cassie stilled. He was being honest with her, and she owed him the same. She stepped back, breaking the spell cast by the wine and a moonlit night.
“I need to confess something,” she said, closing her eyes briefly as she struggled to find the right words.
Nate looked confused, but he didn’t say anything.
“I was in a relationship until recently, and it ended badly,” Cassie said, rushing to get the words out before the pain that never went away caught up. “He broke my heart, but I can’t seem to get over him. I don’t want to lie to you, pretend I’m okay moving on when I don’t know if I’m ready.”
She peeked at Nate through her brows, worried that she’d hurt him or made him angry by not being honest sooner. He looked taken aback, but he pressed his lips and schooled his features neutrally.
“I’m sorry you’re hurting, Cassie,” Nate said eventually. “But I can’t be sorry that his loss is my gain.”
He put up a hand when she started to speak.
“Not many people know this, but I was engaged several years ago,” he said, shoving his hands in his pant pockets and rocking back on his heels. “She dumped me when she realized I didn’t want to become a doctor after med school. It took me a long time to get over what we were to each other, longer than it should have. So, I get it.”
“I like you,” Cassie said sincerely, tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you when I’m still mourning the loss of what could have been.”
“Dreams of what could be are the worst delusions and the hardest to wake up from,” he said softly, a hint of sadness in his eyes.
Nate checked his wristwatch. “It’s late. You have work tomorrow, and I need to fly back to Maryland tonight.”
He stepped towards her and framed her face between his hands, his eyes so gentle and understanding that Cassie felt like crying.
“I like you too, Cassie, and we could be amazing together,” he said. “Selfishly, I want you to pick me because you believe that too. But I don’t want to be the fallback guy because you know he will never be an option.”
“I do believe that, but….” Cassie said, her voice drifting off when uncertainty reared its ugly head.
“Let’s do this,” he said, filling the silence. “I’m leaving on an R&D trip to Australia in a few days with a detour to Singapore. I should be back in about three weeks, four at the most. Take this time to figure out what you need and if things with him are truly over. I’ll accept your decision, whatever that is.”
He kissed her forehead, a sweet touch rife with friendship and caring, and then he was gone.
Cassie watched the red lights of his car fade into the distance and wished she could fall in love with Nate. But as things stood now, she couldn’t see herself loving anyone but Ethan.
When a Valentine meets their true love, it’s for life. But could a Ramsey believe that too?
All Fics & Edits: @annfg8 @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @doriopenheart @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @takemyopenheart @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @hopelessromantic1352 @mrs-ramsey @youlookappropriate
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leezlelatch · 2 years
Okay it's been forever since I've requested anything from anyone but damn, am I in pain right now. I just got my wisdom teeth removed five hours ago and my lip is still numb which is kinda freaking me out but whatever. This is fine.
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How do you think Copia would react?
Tooth pain can be some of the worst pain of your life, and I can only imagine what you’re going through! I’m sorry, friend! I hope you find relief soon.
Copia Reacting to an S/O Who Has Oral Surgery -
🐀 - Oh, Copia is NO STRANGER to tooth pain.
🐀 - He’s had a couple fillings in his lifetime from all those sneaky snacks. Doesn’t stop him though.
🐀 - First off, he’d be worried about the procedure and be totally put off that the oral surgeon won’t let him in the room with you. He just wants to hold your hand and tell you he’s there. That everything will be okay.
🐀 - He’s bought every kind of pain relief under the sun, loads of Orajel. He keeps a tube in his pocket and carries around a bottle of paracetamols in case you need pain relief at any time.
🐀 - The man would be so tender when you come out of the procedure. He’s gentle and whispers sweet Italian nothings into your ear as he takes you out to the car, an arm wrapped securely around you, hand cradling one of yours. Don’t worry, he took care of everything and paid any expenses.
🐀 - You’re woozy and silly and he’s caught between wanting to snuggle you into his arms because you’re so adorable and his heart is about to jump out of chest, or laugh himself hoarse.
🐀 - You proceed to inform him of every sweet or wicked thought you have about him, following it up with, “Don’t tell Copia.” He promises never to say a word. He’s also blushing fire engine red - is it possible to explode from such incredible love?
🐀 - Getting you home means a pillow blanket nest he’s created on his bed for you that fits two. He makes sure you have everything you need before pulling you in for the deepest, sweetest cuddles known to man. Every so often he’d brush a very gentle thumb across your cheek or delicately cradle your jaw as he whispers how brave you were today and to let him know if you need anything.
🐀 - When the pain starts, he’s quite distraught, internally. And there’s a brief moment of panic that makes his stomach flip because seeing you in any kind of discomfort is something he very quickly realizes he HATES. Nevertheless, your Copia is ready with all the medicines and love and care, and the man even tries to get you to bite down on a tea bag because “it’s supposed to help.”
🐀 - He’ll try to assuage any fears you have, and assure you that he will do whatever he has to to make sure you’re okay. And try to make you laugh with a funny story about his own dental experiences. Overall, it’s important to him that you know you’re safe, he has you, he’s not letting you go, and that he’ll guide your through any pain.
I hope you feel better! And I hope this provides some sort of comfort!
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shiftingwithmars · 8 months
Only you—Theodore Nott one shot
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A/N:Thought of this really cute idea with Actor Au Theo. Also let’s ignore the insane amount of nicknames in this fic-
Summary:The reader gets a little insecure while watching Theodore film a scene with another girl. Luckily, Theodore knows just how to cheer them up.
Warnings:Actor Au, Modern Au, Fluff, swearing, Italian(It’s Theo, what do you expect?), use of Y/N(once), pet names(A lot), insecure reader. Lmk if I missed any
Songs listened to while writing: Those Eyes-New West
(Italian was translated with Google Translate so it may not be 100% accurate.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You watched from behind the camera as Theodore filmed the scene. The girl seemed to be getting a little too close for comfort, regardless of whether it was just acting or not. Theodore laughed, and your heart felt like it was going to explode. He usually only laughed with you like that. He only wrapped his arm around you like that. You were supposed to be the one hugging him right now, not her.
You couldn’t bear to watch anymore. You headed back to Theodore’s dressing room, wanting to be anywhere other than sitting there watching another girl cuddled up next to him. You pulled out your phone, trying to distract yourself from the sinking feeling in your stomach.
Theodore let out a sigh of relief, glad that the scene was finally over. He hated filming romance scenes with other girls. Why couldn’t he just film all of his romance scenes with you and have them edit the other girl in? Theodore glanced up to catch your gaze, but you weren’t there. He approached one of the crew members, a question etched into his expression. “Have you seen Y/n?” Theodore asked curiously. “I think she went back to your dressing room. Said she was tired or something.” They responded, shrugging their shoulders.
Theodore slowly entered his dressing room, a soft expression on his face as he saw you. “Hey Tesoro.” Theodore said with a smile, wrapping his arms around you as he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. “Where’d you go? You weren’t there when the scene finished.” Theodore questioned softly. “I was tired.” You lied, brushing his question off with a shrug. “Cazzate.” Theodore exclaimed, seeing right through your phony excuse. “Love, what’s wrong?” He asked softly.
You sighed, sitting down on the sofa. Theodore happily joined you, his hand holding yours tightly, as if he were afraid to let go. “I-It’s nothing, really…” You said softly, shaking your head in dismissal. “Don’t lie to me, Dolcezza.” Theodore said softly, his thumb gently running over your knuckles. “What’s wrong?” Theodore repeated.
”I don’t like watching you act with those other girls. I know that it’s just acting, but it hurts seeing you with them.” You said softly, glancing up to meet Theo’s gaze. “Oh, Cara Mia…” Theodore said softly, brushing a loose strand of hair behind your ear. “My love, my life, my treasure. I’m sorry. I hate it too.” Theodore sighed, pulling you into a tight hug. “If it was up to me, you’d be the girl in all those scenes. No one else. Only you and me. Only you.” A smile slowly crept on your face as you met Theo’s gaze. “Cuddles and ice cream?” Theodore questioned, causing you to grin. “Cuddles and ice cream.” You agreed. Theodore chuckled, admiring the love of his life sitting next to him. No one here to interrupt. Only you and him. Only you.
(Google translate used)
Cara Mia:My dear
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akaeijis · 1 day
if you ever want dumb lil tidbits to shove in feel free to hmu because i know way too much about this area (stuck living here)
hihi!!! tysmmm, i'm so glad you are enjoying it (i hope i'm repping th east coast properly LOL), i really hope i'll finish it since i don't really write multichaps. but, i've been really loving falling back in love with hetalia over the last few years... honestly, i have no idea where i got the courage to write aph (i see that ppl don't use this acronym anymore...) hws, since i was always so fulfilled by the fandom back in the day + i was like 13 so my writing skills were meh.
but now hetalia fandom is small and even smaller if ur a spamano/usuk/whatever fan that ppl don't like anymore so I'm here to contribute to our little fandom of people who actually like antonio & lovino! there was an influx of spamano fics in the last year that also inspired me, and i reread My Heart is Drenched in Wine by ChampagneSly, which has also got to be one of my favorite spamano fics ever... i love rich kid romano i love ceo romano i love bitchy romano i love (explodes) and the recent small, but strong & passionate love for hetalia and spamano by fans has inspired me so much to open documents and write!
sorry for ranting very tangentially... as you can see i don't have that many friends who like/care abt hetalia so I'm always down to explode and rant to ppl who actually know what I'm talking abt...
ANYWAY, yes i'm so glad you're having fun with it! I'm also having a lot of fun (but a bit worried I'm putting really random details about rhode island Italian American beach culture LOL). and yes, pls message me w any details (or pls just talk to me in general i haven't had a friend to engage w me over hetalia in..... years.....) . here's a sneak peek to prove that i do have something drafted.
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i've never seen the sopranos
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