#my jukebox brain
capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
Spoken Intro: Joe Hill was the most famous, by far, of the many people who wrote songs for the I.W.W.: The Industrial Workers of the World. They wanted one big union, where all of Labor would be in the same union. And, uh, this song is a good example of why. It's about a strike that happened 1911/1912, where, uh, the people who repaired the trains, keeping the trains in shape for the S.P.: the Southern Pacific Railroad Conglomerate went on strike. And the engineers refused to join it.
The workers on the S.P. line for strike sent out a call But Casey Jones the engineer, he wouldn’t strike at all His boiler it was leaking, and the drivers on the bum And the engines and the bearings, they were all out of plumb
Casey Jones, kept his junkpile running Casey Jones, was working double-time Casey Jones, got a wooden medal For being good and faithful on the S.P. line
The workers said to Casey, “Won’t you help us win this strike?” But Casey said, “Let me alone, you’d better take hike” Well Casey’s wheezy engine ran right off the wheezy track And Casey hit the river with an awful smack
Casey Jones, hit the river bottom Casey Jones, broke his blooming spine Casey Jones, became an Angelino He took a trip to heaven on the S.P. line
[Musical interlude]
Well Casey got up to heaven to the pearly gate He said, “I’m Casey Jones, the guy that pulled the S.P. freight” “You’re just the man,” said Peter, “our musicians are on strike You can get a job a-scabbing any time you like”
Casey Jones, got a job in heaven Casey Jones, was doing mighty fine Casey Jones, went scabbing on the angels Just like he did to workers on the S.P. line
Well the angels up in Heaven, they said it wasn’t fair For Casey Jones to go around a-scabbing everywhere The angels Local number forty-three, they sure were there They promptly fired Casey down the Golden Stairs
Casey Jones, went to Hell a-flying Casey Jones, the devil said “Oh fine" "Casey Jones, get busy shoveling sulfur. It’s what you get for scabbing on the S.P. line"
[Musical coda]
Spoken: And let that be a lesson for all of us.
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teetle-time · 6 months
ok i swear i think i remember something from an episode of ninjago (i think it was before the oni trilogy and subsequent redesign-slash-design-retcon?) where, in the middle of celebrating because "yay we beat the big villain," one of them starts dancing and somebody cheers "go ninja go ninja go!"
because now that i've got turtles in the brain i just realized that HAS to mean something wkdjwkshsjsjsa
EDIT: context for plastic ninja enjoyers- jump to abt 45 seconds in
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thirstyvampyr · 5 months
i love u bitch. i ain't never gonna stop loving u.
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existentialarcade · 1 year
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missjoolee · 2 years
More Than a Long Weekend
Making of Sunset Curve's Sophomore Album
(note from me, missjoolee. i have no clue how this happened. but it’s a spiral that ripped itself from my being that i’ve decided to spruce up just a touch [with some very good additions from my group chat 😘] and post. I don’t have the energy or time to fully flesh it all out for a full fic, but i decided i could at least write a scene to accompany the rest. hope you all enjoy!)
sunset curve released a stellar freshman album. they had a big tour and for their next one, the label wants to do a mini documentary of that process
Ray is the head videographer and producer of the film team.
Julie was originally just there as his assistant, but her knowledge of the music creation process had her making suggestions of what types of questions to ask, milestones to film, and Ray decided to take  a step back and have her "run the show" so to speak
which you can tell something changes because in the first week or so of one on one interviews, all the guys are kinda nervous, but then they suddenly are much more chill and smile more
Julie is constantly talking to the guys to keep them briefed on what the crew will be doing at any given time, explaining why whenever necessary, and the crew (and the rest of the band) slowly become aware of a blossoming something between her and the lead singer
cue the jim halpert looking directly into the camera moments from Reggie and Alex whenever luke goes off on a enthused tangent while speaking to julie. Cue the crew filming Julie's briefs with the band just so they don't miss any of the looks traded between the two
cue the crew and the band using their phones to sneak footage whenever they stumble upon a soft moment
Ray was surprised at first by all the extra down time footage that was getting recorded at first but then realizes whats happening. so instead of all that footage hitting the cutting room floor, it all gets put in a separate folder. suddenly, he's covertly pulling the guys in for private interviews. he's doing the same with the crew to talk about juke moments (if they want to) (Reggie jumps IMMEDIATELY onto dragging the smitten luke through the mud. telling stories of dumb things Luke has done because he was trying to impress julie)
and then he pulls luke and julie in separately to record a sort of "evaluation" of the documentary process (How was your experience with our crew? Julie took the reigns early on, how was it, working with her?)(julie's was more like the usual interview, talking on her experiences working with the different members of the band. a lot of questions were fishing for candid comments about luke)(and a lot of the more professional questions/answers do get used for SC's documentary)
then the album release is fast approaching. Julie is super proud of these boys. she knows the album is going to fly up the charts. but there is melancholy as after the release party, the documentary crew will move onto the next thing. She has all of the guy's numbers (having had to call all of them at some point to be like "where the hell are you? we are supposed to be doing this") and she's been texting Luke about a lot more non work related things recently.
but she doesn't know if that will keep up once she's not seeing them every week
Just prior to the release, the guys have a concert where they plan to debut one of their new songs. The crew is there because of this. the crowd is told that it's being recorded. Julie is hanging out side stage. Luke can see her getting into the music from his spot at the front of the stage.
Luke loves it when he can see the crowd singing along to one of his songs. It's even better when he can hear them almost drowning him out even with the mic. It's amazing when they are getting into a song so new, they've never heard it before but can really feel it. But as they debut their latest single, he discovers he was wholly unprepared for the emotions coursing through him after glancing to the side and seeing Julie belting the lyrics along with him. The only one in thousands. The lights doused her in pink, red, blue and yellow, gleaming off the luscious curls he's daydreamed about running his fingers through more than once. Her smile is so big he can't help but return it before looking back to the front.
Dread flashes through him, tingling along every nerve ending and taking up residence in his stomach. "It's almost over." His body goes on autopilot, stepping back from the mic and looking at his hands move along the frets for the change up between the chorus and the second verse, as he wrestles with his mind to focus on finishing the song. Luckily the muscle memory from all the rehearsals they've been doing in preparation allow his mind to wander a bit, but turning back to the crowd let's him push it to the back of his mind until the song comes to an end. He walks back to the drumkit riser where there are bottles of water sitting for him and takes a moment. He can hear Reggie talking to the crowd, giving him a small reprieve, but he's not concentrating on that as he re-hydrates and uses a small towel to wipe the sweat off his face. His brain is whirling because up until now, the thought of the documentary crew finishing up their work has always been something in distant future. But now, the album is done. The final milestones of the process are about to happen and then they will be saying goodbye to the documentary team that has been with them this past last year. He'll have to say goodbye to Julie, and he really really really doesn't want that.
Alex does a small drum beat, mostly with the kick drum, right next to Luke's ear to let him know he's noticed something is up but to knock it off and get out of his head to continue the show. That's right! He can figure this all out later. He still has time. All he can do right now is engage with the crowd and put on a killer show for them.
The rest of the set goes great. Luke is able to refocus having determined he'll figure out what to do about Julie later, his energy bouncing back up to 120%. He still finds his eyes glancing over to Julie often. Her smiles always widening when she notices, causing his to as well.
Once the final chords ring out, he's breathing hard, grinning from ear to ear as the crowd roars their approval. He pulls the guitar strap over his head and hands his guitar to one their roadies. They wave to the crowd, Reggie and him throwing the remaining picks from their mic stand supply to the fans. Alex comes from behind his kit to toss his drumsticks as well. Luke basks in the adrenaline, the sounds, before flinging his arms around his boy's shoulders and taking a bow together to the continued roar.
Patting them on the back once they are standing up again, they all turn and head offstage to where Julie is waiting with a giant grin on her face, pride lighting up ever feature. Luke doesn't even think, he just makes his way directly over to her. Her grin begins to drop slightly in confusion, not understanding the intense purpose of his stride. He stops in front of her, his brain just barely beginning to catch up with his actions but he's made it here and he's not about to let it talk him out of this. He reaches up and cups her cheek in his palm, hesitating. The confusion leaves her eyes and they begin to sparkle. It can't just be the reflection of the stage lights, can it? Her grin creeps back up and that's gotta be a good sign, so he takes the plunge dipping his head down to kiss her. She immediately pushes up into the kiss, standing on her toes. Her hands drift up his chest like live wires to help her keep balance. He'd thought nothing could beat the high of an amazing performance but this, this moment with Julie, is euphoric in comparison.
Neither of them remember that there is a whole crew of people recording. They both miss the glance between Reggie, Alex, and one of the cameras. The same glance they've missed every time they've gotten lost in conversation while the cameras were rolling. They don't hear the cheers from some of the crew, drowned out by the still roaring crowd, celebrating this turn of events after months of watching the two's feelings for one another grow.
It takes Alex's snapback hitting him in the back of the head for Luke to pull away, his eyes not straying once from hers. He watches as her eyes drift behind him and suddenly her face comes crashing to hide against his chest. Looking behind him, he sees the cameras, and behind them, Ray, and he can't help but feel a smidge embarrassed. Not enough to wipe the smile off his face or dampen the happiness coursing though him right now though. Glancing back down, Julie's curls are all he can see and this time he doesn't have to dream. He gently runs his fingers along them to try and get her to show her face again. She doesn't, but he can feel her smile pressed over his heart and that works for him too.
anyway. the documentary comes out and it does well. but then years later after they get engaged, all of her coworkers show up to the party with giant grins on their faces
and Ray interrupts the festivities to announce he has a surprise for the couple.
they are presented with a high quality documentary of the beginnings of their relationship. WITH interviews.
there are even milestones from personal cameras. not just from that beginning time, but from other moments throughout their relationship
they are in love. everyone knew it was happening. and they are super grateful getting to watch it happen all over again
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smile for the camera (and keep your fingers crossed) Chapter 2: Interrogations, Interviews, and Impromptu Not-A-Dates
So instead of the food trucks, he’d bought a sandwich and a soda from the convenience store (and maybe a magazine too, shut up, he needs the physical proof that yes, he had in fact kissed Klavier Gavin). He’d also bought a pair of nondescript sunglasses and a baseball hat, in the hopes that he’d have a good enough disguise to head back to the office without being recognized. What Apollo Justice had failed to account for, however, was the fact that unlike in the movies, paparazzi aren’t stupid.
Well. Whoops! Didn't mean to take so long to post this chapter, but...here we are, more than a whole year later. Hopefully the chapter's interesting enough to make up for it?
In all seriousness, thank you so much to everyone who's read, commented, and reminded me that there are people out there waiting for the continuation of the story. Somehow I thought I'd already posted the start of this chapter?? Maybe I just thought about doing it so much that I thought it had happened already.
But anyway...I'm going to make sure the gap between this chapter and the next is significantly shorter--you guys deserve to not have to wait for annual fic updates, lmao
As ever, huge thanks to @cubedmango for providing some incredible spot art! And for understanding the "oops, what do you mean i didn't post that?" moment I went through like two weeks ago.
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distant--shadow · 1 month
every morning when I take my meds I get this song in my head when I take sertraline and in my head I replace her singing certainly with sertraline
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dragonairice · 1 month
Neurotypicals are sooooooooo weird wdym you don't have random music playing in your head 24/7
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 5 months
A song that popped into my head upon reading this post
[Spoken]: A song about coffee --through the ages! A Sultan sat on his oriental mat In his harem in downtown Persia. He took a sip of coffee, just a drip, And he said to his servant Kersia, "Aw curse ya', curse ya', Kersia, That's the worst cup of coffee in Persia!" 'cause
All I want is a proper cup of coffee Made in a proper copper coffee pot. I may be off my dot, But I want a proper coffee in a proper copper pot. Iron coffee pots and tin coffee pots, they are no use to me. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee In a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea.
In days of old, when knights and men were bold, And whiskey was much cheaper. Ben Turpin rode to a coffee shop And showed his pistols to the keeper He said, "Stand and deliver! Can't you see that I'm all a'quiver?" 'cause
All I want is a proper cup of coffee Made in a proper copper coffee pot. I may be off my dot, But I want a proper coffee in a proper copper pot. Iron coffee pots and tin coffee pots, they are no use to me. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee In a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea.
[Humming the first lines of the French national anthem] When Bonaparte found that he was in the cart And he lost that Waterloo fight. He gave his sword to Wellington, my Lord, and he said (with exaggerated French accent): "Those British can't half fight. Now you've had your Waterloo, sir, tell me what Am I having with you, sir?" 'cause
All I want is a proper cup of coffee Made in a proper copper coffee pot. I may be off my dot, But I want a proper coffee in a proper copper pot. Iron coffee pots and tin coffee pots, they are no use to me. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee In a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea.
Now King Solomon and his queen would carry on, So we heard in the ancient scandals. He bought her lots of silver coffee pots With diamond legs and handles. And said the queen of Sheeba, "I'd rather have any old tea bag," 'cause
All I want is a proper cup of coffee Made in a proper copper coffee pot. I may be off my dot, But I want a proper coffee in a proper copper pot. Iron coffee pots and tin coffee pots, they are no use to me. If I can't have a proper cup of coffee In a proper copper coffee pot, I'll have a cup of tea. [Repeat twice more, faster each time, as if caffeinated]
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crystal-grotto · 2 months
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emo-and-confused · 2 years
i will not hold it in.
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ivettel · 11 months
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kazzattack · 6 months
“all i see is the best of you, and all you see is the best of me… and you bring out the best of me” god when is it my time
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missjoolee · 2 years
1-102 is such a big rangeeeeee 🤔
I’ll take 17 plz ❤️
@thedeathdeelers​ wanted soft juke in bed scenes, and you chose 17. (this was influenced by your recent addition, and i peppered in some "u"s for you as well. to make it feel like home :P)
Pick a number between 1-102 (97, 45, 17, 13, 23, 82)
She's finally asleep. Luke leans heavily against the headboard of their bed with a sigh. His eyes rove across Julie's face, peaceful now but with remaining dregs of discomfort after the last several hours, which is pale. The color only recently started to return to normal. A faint sheen of sweat is just barely visible in the low light of their room.
Reaching over, he gently brushes her hair back from her forehead, pausing when she shifts, hoping he hasn't woken her up. She settles down and he breathes a sigh of relief. Today had been rough. He feels pretty lied to by media and society. They all paint morning sickness as a one and done kinda thing and well.. a morning thing. Not whatever had happened today. Absentmindedly, his thumb begins to trace patterns across her shoulder and down her arm. He pretends it's to help soothe Julie in her sleep, but really the touch helps to ground him, remind him that she's right there and will be okay.
They'd been working in their music room that afternoon when he'd noticed her begin to regulate her breathing with slow exhales. Then the colour had drained from her face and she was making a mad dash to the bathroom. He'd ran after her but retching sounds were already bouncing off the walls out into the hallway before he'd made it to her.
Guilt settles in him as the memories of the afternoon assault him. It's his fault. Julie wouldn't be in pain right now if she hadn't been pregnant. If he'd known how to help her. All he'd managed to do successfully was keep her hair out of her way and given her a cool washcloth to place on the back of her neck as she leaned against the rim of the toilet. Julie had done a better job taking care of him when he'd gotten food poisoning. Everything else he'd tried had backfired, hard. He'd gotten her some water, but she couldn't keep it down. After hours of dry heaving and gagging, he thought it'd be important to get something in her system so he had left her to make some plain toast. The plate had barely made it into the same room as Julie before she was lunging for the toilet again, stomach spasming.
His eyes fall shut, recalling the feeling of inadequacy, trying to remember the breathing exercises he's helped Alex with a thousand times. Is this how it's going until she reaches the second trimester? That's over a month away! He hates this powerless feeling. A tear leaks out, making a slow trail down his face. Movement shifting on the bed causes him to open his eyes just in time to see Julie turning onto her side, snuggling her face into his hip. His hand moves to her back, idly playing with some of the loose locks of hair. She takes a deep breath, a content hum flavouring her exhale. That pulls a small smile onto his face despite everything that's been playing in his mind the last few minutes. How could he not? It's Julie, after all. His brightly burning star. His star that just mumbled something he didn't catch.
Quietly, he asks, "What was that, Jules?"
She repeats herself a little bit louder, eyes staying shut. "Thank you for taking care of me today."
"Of course! I'd do anything for you." The guilt resurges as he grasps for what he could have done better. "Wish I could have been more useful, though."
She shakes her head, nose brushing against him. "You did great. We will get the hang of things. You're going to be an amazing dad."
Love swells within him. She always knows what to say to pull him out of his head. And he can now recognize the fear that was fueling his frustrations. Her body may be doing all the work right now, but they are in this together. It's a fact that they make each other better at whatever they set their sights on. He tucks his legs under the blanket and slowly slides down to lay next to her. He pulls her against his side and presses a kiss to her temple.
"Yeah. We got this."
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echoes-of-mia · 9 months
Jukebox January
Day 6: songs starting with the letter F
Final Masquerade by Linkin Park - this song has stuck with me for so many years now, something about it just hits different, maybe bc of the fact that it's the first lp song i fell in love with
Fillmore County by Vansire and FLOOR CRY - just very nice vibes, this is a train-ride-in-spring-song to me, idk
fuK u lol by CORPSE - lmao
Frequency by Starset - "I bared my soul for you and all I got was static / my heart was bulletproof 'til you took off the jacket" just hits different sometimes
feel good inc. (feat. Mateus Asato) - renforshort - probably one of the best covers i know and you should definitely check out ren's other songs too!
Fumes by Eden and gnash - idk why i associate songs with seasons so much, but this one is summer for me, and the vocalization (is that what it's called? it's too late and idk words anymore) in the chorus gets me every time
Friday I'm in Love by The Cure - one of my mum's favourite songs and just pure childhood for me
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wenamedthedogkylo · 1 year
Aight so who wants to write a Lady Gaga musical and/or a Fall Out Boy musical with me? I know nothing about writing musicals, I just have very strong opinions about this.
Lady Gaga musical should be more along the lines of Rent, where it's modern ordinary people facing down the insurmountable bullshit of our reality, but set to Lady Gaga's specific brand of poetic and emotional pop (if you've never listened to Dance in the Dark or Dope and cried, you might not be right for this project)
Paparazzi is a villain song, and Alejandro and Dance in the Dark are about the same girl (only she actually sings Alejandro), I will not be taking criticism on this
FOB musical ideally would be a retelling of a classic myth, just not sure which one. I feel like Achilles and Patroclus would be good but maybe it's too obvious? Idk I've been hearing Centuries a lot lately cuz my niece plays music while cooking, so maybe that's influencing me
Anyway I just think it's a crime that we have a Beatles musical (I grew up on the Beatles and enjoy them, for the record), and not musicals based on either Lady Gaga or FOB's music when their music is infinitely more poetic and musical-worthy than anything the Beatles wrote thank you for coming to my tedtalk
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