#Union songs
folk-enjoyer · 15 days
i am Obsessed with "The Union Boys" band, formed on March 11, 1944, that literally only existed for one day.
they released one album consisting of entirely anti-fascist, anti-racist, and pro union songs. And it was given its name by Moses Asch, very descriptive name.
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consisting of Josh White (underrated ! listen to his music), Sonny Terry, Brownie McGhee, Pete Seeger, Burl Ives, Tom Glazer, and technically woody guthrie. this album is the reason i always have "UAW-CIO" stuck in my head lol.
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 1 year
Spoken Intro: Joe Hill was the most famous, by far, of the many people who wrote songs for the I.W.W.: The Industrial Workers of the World. They wanted one big union, where all of Labor would be in the same union. And, uh, this song is a good example of why. It's about a strike that happened 1911/1912, where, uh, the people who repaired the trains, keeping the trains in shape for the S.P.: the Southern Pacific Railroad Conglomerate went on strike. And the engineers refused to join it.
The workers on the S.P. line for strike sent out a call But Casey Jones the engineer, he wouldn’t strike at all His boiler it was leaking, and the drivers on the bum And the engines and the bearings, they were all out of plumb
Casey Jones, kept his junkpile running Casey Jones, was working double-time Casey Jones, got a wooden medal For being good and faithful on the S.P. line
The workers said to Casey, “Won’t you help us win this strike?” But Casey said, “Let me alone, you’d better take hike” Well Casey’s wheezy engine ran right off the wheezy track And Casey hit the river with an awful smack
Casey Jones, hit the river bottom Casey Jones, broke his blooming spine Casey Jones, became an Angelino He took a trip to heaven on the S.P. line
[Musical interlude]
Well Casey got up to heaven to the pearly gate He said, “I’m Casey Jones, the guy that pulled the S.P. freight” “You’re just the man,” said Peter, “our musicians are on strike You can get a job a-scabbing any time you like”
Casey Jones, got a job in heaven Casey Jones, was doing mighty fine Casey Jones, went scabbing on the angels Just like he did to workers on the S.P. line
Well the angels up in Heaven, they said it wasn’t fair For Casey Jones to go around a-scabbing everywhere The angels Local number forty-three, they sure were there They promptly fired Casey down the Golden Stairs
Casey Jones, went to Hell a-flying Casey Jones, the devil said “Oh fine" "Casey Jones, get busy shoveling sulfur. It’s what you get for scabbing on the S.P. line"
[Musical coda]
Spoken: And let that be a lesson for all of us.
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nugothrhythms · 8 months
Deathrock cover of "Solidarity Forever" WHEN?
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la-mancha-screwjob · 2 years
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phantasmagloria · 5 months
Storm Stereo 112: FM Trölli, May 1
Storm Stereo for Trölli FM, May 1, 2024, themed around May Day and the international worker's struggle.
Listen back to the Storm Stereo show for Trölli FM, that aired on May 1, 2024. A May Day show to celebrate International Worker’s Day. Songs about worker’s rights and unions, anti-capitalist hip-hop, living with unemployment anthems, proletariat blues, plus music for going underground because “the public gets what the public wants.” We have switched to being a monthly show. You can tune in…
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powerbot2001 · 1 year
check this out!!!!!
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nightowlqueen · 1 year
Solidarity Forever - Pete Seeger
Originally written by Ralph Chaplin in 1915
[Chorus] Solidarity forever Solidarity forever Solidarity forever For the union makes us strong
[Verse 1] When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run There can be no power greater anywhere beneath the sun; Yet what force on earth is weaker than the feeble strength of one But the union makes us strong
[Chorus] Solidarity forever Solidarity forever Solidarity forever For the union makes us strong
[Verse 2] It is we who plowed the prairies; built the cities where they trade; Dug the mines and built the workshops, endless miles of railroad laid; Now we stand outcast and starving midst the wonders we have made; But the union makes us strong
[Chorus] Solidarity forever Solidarity forever Solidarity forever For the union makes us strong
[Verse 3] They have taken untold millions that they never toiled to earn But without our brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn We can break their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn That the union makes us strong
[Chorus] Solidarity forever Solidarity forever Solidarity forever For the union makes us strong
[Verse 4] In our hands is placed a power greater than their hoarded gold Greater than the might of armies, magnified a thousand-fold We can bring to birth a new world from the ashes of the old For the union makes us strong
[Chorus] Solidarity forever Solidarity forever Solidarity forever For the union makes us strong
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autumn-may · 6 months
[audio id:a segment from the master of masters theme, sounding equivalent to if someones humanized oc of a piano was being beat up in an alleyway]
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euroquision · 11 months
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Do not let this slide, do not let this be ignored. Israeli aggression to Palestine may have been something your viewers could miss or ignore in the past, but everyone is aware. Everyone is watching. Make it loud and clear that an apartheid state carrying out an ethnic cleansing has no right or honor to compete in Eurovision.
Just like we held Russia accountable for their crimes against Ukraine in 2022, we need to do the same for 2024. Please spread and amplify this message.
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folk-enjoyer · 24 days
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"Born to Win By Woody Guthrie" by Ricardo Levins Morales / Northland Poster Collective 1979
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my-zen-space · 5 months
Eurovision 2024 be like:
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thecoffeelorian · 2 months
Five Links for Palestine, #1!
Hello, All...
I don't know how else to say this other than to get straight to the point, so. Because two of my most recent followers (Palestinians) have now vanished, I will now pass links along more frequently, beginning with the five GFM Accounts listed below.
Please Consider Donating To The Following::
One: @ayaaamuhanna...£161 out of £35,000--more needed!!
Two: @rajaagaza...$1,903 CAD out of $20,000 CAD--more needed!
Three: @aseelooo2...kr33,628 out of kr200,000--more needed!!
Four: @yasminalbalawiigaza...€26,401 out of €50,000--halfway there, don't give up now!!
Five: @aymanayyad1...$26,338 out of 35,000--getting closer, please keep going!!
Please Donate And Reblog To Help These Families Today!
Thank You! 😊❤
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rosie-kairi · 4 months
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"Oh you saw right through me, didn't you? Your senses are screaming "This isn't a human!" Well, I'm getting better, and sooner or later you'll open the door"
me when I'm normal.
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fagsex · 7 days
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maureen-corpse · 2 months
Spotify seems to have laid off the “maybe this girl needs to listen to Taylor Swift and Chappell Roan for secret spotify reasons” song recommendations lately and it recommended me a bluegrass band singing about organized labor in the northeast which then led me to their songs featuring North Carolina so it’s nice that the music recommendations make more sense now
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capture-s-ii · 2 years
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Три песни о Ленине / Trois chants sur Lénine (dir. Dziga Vertov, 1934)
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