#my marefriends are going to kiss and they are going to like it
bodrewritten · 2 months
Daughter of Discord Rewritten Chapter 22: My Love Is Alive
2:30 Pm / CW: descriptions of a meltdown, comfort. Stay tuned for a bonus chapter with an epic surprise. Read tags
When the young couple floated back to the ground, their lips were still locked. The world around them had returned to normal, save for the blizzard. Discord was standing up.
"okay ya crazy kids, come up for air!"
When the pair finally pulled away, Mothball was smiling like an idiot.
His eyes spun in circles and hearts beat in his eyes. This made Screwball giggle. Her friends rushed to her side and embraced her.
"That was amazing!" Apple Blossom shouted.
"Heroic!" Cinnamon twist added.
"Cool!" Doodle palooza piped.
"Romantic!" Dinky sighed.
Autumn Glory lifted her head from below dinky. "Major league epic."
Dinky got off of her friend, giggling. "Whoopsie!."
"So you guys aren't mad at me?" Screwball asked hopefully.
"Yeah, w-well," maple Cinnamon said, putting his hoof to his bandaged head. "You s-seemed to learn y-y-your lesson."
Meanwhile, Mothball was twirling in circles, lost in the memory of the bliss he had just experienced.
"Uh oh," Apple Blossom chuckled. "Screwy, I think your kiss did more than save the world. You've made the poor boy all loopy!"
"like some sorta poison frog!" Cinnamon twist laughed.
The group laughed. Screwball broke their hug and walked over to her coltfriend. She put her hooves on his shoulders to stop him from falling over. Mothball then returned to his senses, only to get lost in her hypnotic swirls.
"I'm proud of you, Screwy."
They turned toward Twilight, who had her horn back.
"I guess I was wrong, you really didn't have to choose. Between loves, I mean." She immediately told spike to write it down.
Rarity dashed to hug her girlfriends, kissing rainbow dash passionately, the only warmth around the mare. She glanced towards Applejack, who only looked towards Autumn Glory. Applejack seemed withdrawn. It made Rarity feel distant again.
Mothball blushed nervously. "Grand duchess...I know I've done some bad things in the past, but I swear I'll be careful around ponies! I can become a vegetarian and live on chocolate!"
Twilight laughed. "You are pardoned, Mothball." She looked at screwball's family.
"I don't think you'll starve anytime soon."
The unicorn's mirth diminished when Discord stepped in front of her. Mothball shrunk under the draconequus' strict glare. His arms were folded and his face wore a frown. The changeling clung to Screwball for leverage. She gave him a reassuring squeeze.
Discord glanced between the two. Neither said anything for a long while. Then he sighed and extended his paw towards the changeling.
Mothball looked at it unsurely. He glanced at Screwball, who was grinning excitedly. She let go of him and nudged him toward Discord's paw. The prince gazed up at the draconequus. His face softened to one of happiness.
"put'er there, son!"
The changeling slowly raised his hoof and placed it in his paw. As soon as they made contact, Mothball felt a bolt of electricity and shook uncontrollably.
Discord started laughing and revealed the joybuzzer in his paw. He clutched he pulled the poor boy into a hug. The Pie family was laughing as well, as was Screwball. The others either giggled or just grinned in amusement.
Mothball looked at his marefriend in confusion.
Screwball chuckled as she patted him on the back. "that's his way of showing that he likes you!"
The changeling looked at the others. Cinnamon twist gave him a shrug.
"It's true."
"t'aint wrong."
"I still have the mark on my hoof."
Mothball then found himself snickering. He still didn't get it.
Screwball left Mothball and ran to her parents.
The couple pulled away and opened their arms for their daughter. Fluttershy weeped at the sight of Zany.
"Oh, my baby!" she cried. "I thought I had lost you!"
"Our family," Discord sighed, "together at last!"
"Promise me we'll never split up again?"
The draconequus shook his head with a laugh. "Never."
Mothball smiled as the family embraced each other. He was happy that they were whole again, but it also made him sad. The changelings were the only family he had ever known. Now that he had left them, he had no one. He did not even have a place to live.
Then Fluttershy noticed Mothball. She was surprised to see him here, but given the fact that Discord had not vaporized him, she figured things were sorted out between them now. She reached out her hoof toward him. Mothball beamed as he took it and she pulled him in.
Pinkie Pie blew her nose in a handkerchief.
"It's so beautiful!" she cried.
Then she smiled suddenly. "Hey! Why the blizzard in summer?"
Everyone looked onward to the horizon line, beyond the mountains. There, windigos raced towards the village.
Something was almost irreversiblly wrong in the relationships with the ponies if they hadn't begun to talk.
The bunkers opened, only to be met with walls of snow.
"Did we miss anything?" Cadence inquired. She had just arrived in ponyville. Princess Celestia and Luna took care of the diplomatic relations in Canterlot.
"quite a bit! Windigos across the mountains!"
The sky was a mourning grey, blistering cold, freezing the tips of their limbs. Crystalline ice formed on the surfaces of everything, sprinkled like glitter on the face of the scowling town.
"screwball, what is happening?"
"WINDIGOS ARE REAL?!" Screwball shouted to her mother! Her eyes were wide with shock.
Why wouldn't they be? They detected the war, drawn in by the bloodshed and now they galloped to consume everything in their sight.
"b-but everything is better now! This shouldn't be happening!" Rainbow dash exclaimed.
Rarity yelped as the wind picked up. Rainbow dash couldn't fly in this wind, not as well as she usually would. Her wings unfurled, but dash almost fell over.
"Applejack! Please! Go get her!"
Applejack stood still in fear, confusion, and...
Twilight tried to rally crowds of ponyville citizens back into their basement, but they screamed, hurling their worst at mothball.
"he did this!"
"spawn of evil!"
Mothball covered his ears. Everything felt like it was being pelted at him, making him angrier, more frustrated, unable to express anything out. Mothball grit his teeth and thrashed at anything, anything to release the steam building up, and The fire around him.
Shouting, yelling, screaming, screech, the blizzard of stinging, the ache in his exoskeleton, the aggravating, irritating tinging of their every breath, crack, shatter, thump, repeat, repeat repeat.
Mothball couldn't help but cry, couldn't help but push out every tear hoping the repeating screams of contempt just goes away. The dull ringing in his ears attempting to muffle everything never worked. Suddenly, he was scooped up and brought somewhere near silent. Still, like a water lily. He was tightly wound up like a little grub baby.
Mothball was under a weighted blanket, hugged tightly under pale yellow hooves.
Mothball's ears were covered with thick earmuffs. He wanted to talk, but Fluttershy spoke first.
"Screwball gets this way too. She's in her bubble right now. I know it might be difficult to talk right now, so if you need anything, just tap me. I'm right here"
He drove himself closer to her. The crowd was quieted down by the princess, cadence and Grand Duchess Twilight Sparkle.
"please, everypony, quiet down! Mothball is an ally! He's a part of the house Discord!" Twilight yelled, and the crowd screamed towards her their woes, the chill dripping from their faces unnoticed.
Cadence made them stand back, directing the crowd to speak one at a time.
"Cadence, I can't keep doing this, they won't listen!" Twilight turned up to her sister in law, ears pulled back.
"oh twily, they might never listen. But we have one chance to do our best. You're always great at that." Cadence noogied the Duchess' hair, and twilight smiled for the first time all day.
The crowd hushed when they saw this. Twilight addressed them directly. "Citizens of ponyville, mothball, the prince, no longer holds that royal title. He has been accepted by the family Discord, so why can't you accept him? He fought off the changeling queen, he and screwball defeated our enemies, he is an ally to the entire equestria."
The crowd talked amongst themselves while rainbow dash crawled towards rarity. The winds blew harder, an impending twister upon them. Rarity climbed into a ditch, safe in a pipe, and rainbow dash held up a wooden pallet, bringing it to cover the entrance. Applejack was attached to a tree, holding onto her hat as hard as she could.
"Applejack!" Rainbow dash yelped! "Dude, what are you doing?! Talk to me! We need to get to rarity!"
Applejack held onto her tree tight as a boa. "Nothing is wrong! Y'all leave me be, I'll get there when I do!"
"what are you talking about!? You haven't talked to rarity in two days! Something's up and you're leaving me out!
Rarity lifted her head. "Is this about the gala? Prince Blueblood? Applejack I can't fix what I did if you don't tell me how!"
"we don't gotta fix anything! I just wanna go back to how it was! I ain't got nothin' more to say!"
Rainbow dash had quite enough.
Rarity looked at her wife, tears streaming from her face the same way they did at twilight's first sleepover. The first time she thought about kissing her woman. She pleaded with her wet, shimmering eyes, salty tears freezing to her thick lashes. Applejack gulped and hid her face. The shame bubbled in her chest. Her hind hooves flew freely in the whipping wind, tearing away her hair ties.
"when you said you would never let Autumn Glory know about her dad, I felt like you didn't care how much it affects a pony! I felt like you intentionally ignored how much losing my parents damaged me!"
Rainbow dash looked in shock. Rarity looked with love.
"oh darling! Just let the words fall out!"
"you're my best girl! So's Dashie! I know you'd never hurt me on purpose, but I couldn't face how much you was hurtin' cuz I'd have to confront how I felt when i lost my parents!"
The storm died down, allowing some leverage for Applejack's hoof to hit the ground. She outstretched every limb like a lazy cat, adjusting every muscle to reach her wives. Finally, after torturous minutes, she found shelter in the large pipe.
Fluttershy sat next to discord to wait out the storm. He turned to his wife and nuzzled her nose. Mothball felt a bit embarrassed that they were being so sweet while he was right there.
"discord I have to say it. I thought that screwball wouldn't find love as easy as she did because of how hard it was for you to love and be loved in the beginning. I thought other ponies might think that she's too much."
Discord looked at her with drooping eyes.
"you don't still believe that, do you?"
Fluttershy kissed him. "You two are so easy to love. I'm glad the world knows that now. No, I don't."
Mothball cringed as they hugged and snuggled above him. He ran out to the blanket and out into the cold, starkly contrasting.
Mothball stood in behind Cadence to face the crowds. His chest was raised and chin held level. Just like Mantis taught him to face crowds.
The ponyville citizens kept their stare at him. Cadence pushed him forward, and before he knew it, twilight sparkle let him address the ponies.
"kingdom of ponyville, I implore thee to still thy tongue." He said in the changeling language, like queen Chrysalis did. "I cannot apologize for what my previous hive has done. You have every right to hold malice against them. But please, forgive me. I have experienced the life I can live with you, and I will use my powers to help out kingdom, if only you will let me into your hive. Together, we can be strong, and our friendship will be universal!"
Yikes. Twilight and Cadence looked at each other with wide eyes, lips pursed. Silent as a dead lamb.
One pony piped up from the crowd, "close enough!" Before they erupted into cheers.
The parties were happening all about the town, but most vibrant in the park. Rarity sold more in ponyville than ever before. As did Pinkie. Rainbow dash played in the sky, taking her wives up high as she could, doing anything just for fun. Twilight danced and didn't care who saw, telling everypony what constellations she recognized. (All of them.) Rarity set up a date to allow Autumn Glory and her other foals to meet their father, and told them what to expect. Applejack supported her the whole way.
The war was over, and the storm was dying down. Ponies enthusiastically hugged their heroes, swapped stories of survival, and played through the night. A party with lanterns and fairy lights illuminated the starry sky. All was warm and bright. They could sleep in the day, work even later, but for now, nothing kept the citizens away from eachother
Under a string of pink and blue lights, twilight found Princess Celestia, chatting away with her guard near the banquet.
"and make sure none of them are white. I cannot see the- Twilight!" Celestia smiled at her, unapologetically showing her teeth.
Twilight hugged her and she took the unicorn under her wing.
"you have proven yourself more than capable of your royal position, and much more. You are the biggest mark on history I have ever witnessed."
Twilight nearly cried. huge, wet eyes met Celestia's. She chuckled and pat her student's head.
"consider yourself graduated from my mentorship. You... Are ready."
Twilight was barely able to comprehend that statement before Celestia brought her to her magical alicorn-creating void between universes. Idk man I'm ready to end this series.
Discord and Fluttershy walked to an empty area of the park. Their time alone together was long overdue and the first thing they did was share a passionate kiss.
"I never should have doubted you," Discord said. "I should have known you would never betray me." He chuckled nervously. "I'm such a nutcase."
Fluttershy smiled. "It's alright. We have everything in order now.." She glanced back at the party. "Are you alright with Screwball's coltfriend?"
Discord cringed. "I've been meaning to tell you"
Fluttershy gulped. He seemed so approving bef-
"Fluttershy, he has no place to stay can we please-"
Fluttershy practically deflated. "Discord, you big softie,he can stay with us as long as he needs to."
Discord scooped her up and she blushed a deep color. He kissed her all along her face.
Screwball and mothball, meanwhile, drank punch on the sidelines.
"shall we tell them that everypony can see them kissing?" Mothball said, not looking at his fillyfriend.
"jeez, 16 years and they still act like a couple'a teenagers!"
"that does not seem entirely distasteful. At least you know they love each other!"
"you wanna talk distasteful? Try sleeping down the hall from em."
Mothball stared blankly into the distance. "Glad I do not live with you!" And they laughed at once!
Discord appeared right next to them instantly!
"great news kid! You're living with us! Don't try getting out of it!
Mothball was stunned. He wanted to thank the man and his wife, shake his hoof, but something felt like he wouldn't know peace for the rest of his life.
As he agreed and hugged his girlfriend's family, he felt that he could live with that.
"Aw, Daddy!"
He looked up and saw Screwball hovering above him
Screwball floated down and hugged her father around his neck.
"I'll always be your little girl," she declared.
Discord smiled and wrapped his arms around the filly. No matter what would happen, no matter how big she would get, she would always be his daughter Screwball, and he would always be there for her.
For he was her Daddy Discord.
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nuggets-and-stars · 1 month
Lee!Flutters and Ler Mane 6 of your choice? :3
Sorry this took so long :( but I'm here now so enjoy the cutie that is Fluttershy
Lee: Fluttershy
Ler: Applejack
(Fluttershy and Applejack are dating in this I hope you don't mind
Applejack felt the heat rise up to her cheeks as Fluttershy adorably giggled to a story she just finished sharing about a mishap that happened in the last Apple Family Reunion.
The two mares were going on a nice, calm nature walk through the orchard in the middle of fall. A perfect date idea if you ask Applejack.
The earth pony stared at Fluttershy in awe. How could she not? The pegasus was pretty, kind, soft spoken, and not to mention adorable! What isn't there to love?
"Applejack?" Fluttershy interrupted her thoughts. "Why are you looking at me like that? Is there something on my face?"
Applejack shook her head with a tiny giggle. "No, no. You're alright, sugarcube. I just… really like your laugh. It's cute!"
Fluttershy blushed a deep red and attempted to hide behind her wings. "M-My laugh?"
"Mhm!" The farmpony nodded sincerely, feeling her own cheeks get warm.
When Fluttershy didn't say anything, Applejack took a couple steps forward, the only thing separating the two mares was the pegasus' wings. Applejack leaned forward with a mischievous grin, forcing Fluttershy to put her wings down against her sides again when Applejack kept persisting.
"You don't believe me, do you?" Applejack asked in a teasing tone, booping their noses together.
Fluttershy avoided eye contact. "Well… I don't think you'd lie… it's just… hard to believe- EEP!" The pegasus let out a surprised squeal when Applejack had poked her in the belly, quickly covering her mouth.
"Applejack! You can't- *squeak*" Fluttershy got cut off by another poke, she tried to swat away the orange hoof with a strained smile.
Applejack let out a laugh as she kept poking the yellow-coated mare in the belly. "What? What's wrong? I can't what?"
"Nohohoho… you knohohow what!" Fluttershy exclaimed through tiny giggles, twisting her head in order not to make eye contact with the farmpony. But wherever Fluttershy's head went, Applejack wasn't too far behind.
"What's the matter, hun?" Applejack asked with a teasing grin. "Come ooon~ talk to me~" The orange mare sang, which only increased the pegasus' flustered state.
"Applejahahack…!" Fluttershy whined, her giggles flowing through her mouth faster as Applejack nuzzled the side of her neck. "Nohohohoho…"
"No? But I'm just tryna show my appreciation for my cute little marefriend." Applejack's voice was muffled by Fluttershy's neck. She could've sworn she heard a snort during her sentence.
"I'm tahahahalleheher than yohohu." Fluttershy said, ears turning bright red as a blush began to take over her face.
Applejack let out a mock gasp. "You… okay, you want to do it like that, huh?"
"Applejack… Applejack, wahahaHAHAHAIT! NOHOHOHO FAHAHAIR!" Fluttershy had shrieked, but Applejack didn't mind. She did ask for it by blowing a raspberry on Fluttershy's neck.
Applejack didn't bother responding as she kept blowing raspberry after raspberry, they were the only things that got a reaction like this out of Fluttershy, and she wanted to cherish it. Applejack could tell her marefriend was blushing up a storm from the way the top of her head felt the heat, even through her signature hat.
The orange mare eventually took pity on Fluttershy and stopped with the raspberries and went for nuzzling her cheek right before she crashed into Applejack's chest with a deep sigh of contentment.
Applejack chuckled and went to kiss the top of Fluttershy's head. "You're cute."
"And you're mean!" Fluttershy retorted, sticking out her tongue at the other mare. Applejack knew there's no actual ire behind her words, since the pegasus was grinning.
"Maybe. But you're blushing~" Applejack couldn't help but tease.
Surprisingly, Fluttershy smirked. Uh oh. She only had that face when she had a comeback. "And you weren't when Big Macintosh and Apple Bloom teamed up on you?"
Applejack groaned and covered her face with her hat, now it was her turn to blush. She still remembered it clearly, but she mostly remembered the face her five friends had when they saw that, apparently they had needed Applejack's help with taste testing some of Pinkie's baked goods. Never in her life had she so desperately wanted to melt into the ground and never be seen again.
"Y'all are never gonna let me forget that, are ya?" She asked, voice muffled by her hat. Rainbow and Pinkie loved to remind her of that.
"Eeenope!" Fluttershy chirped in her Big Mac impression. "It was cute!"
"Okay, okay, I get it!" Applejack booped her marefriend's nose with a chuckle, trying not to focus on her heating up face. "You had yer fun!"
The two stayed quiet for a second, before Fluttershy spoke up again. "So… how's Apple Bloom doing in school?"
Applejack smiled warmly at the mare, she loved that Fluttershy was getting closer with her family. She began to talk and Fluttershy began to listen with little hums of acknowledgement throughout the ramble. Those sounds were music to her ears.
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ask-vinyl-scratch · 14 years
Breakfast: Hayburger and fries
Lunch: Hayburger and fries
Dinner: nothing
Octavia told me I oughtta get a food journal going but ehhhh i dont really see the point. Neither of us can cook (Believe me, you don't want to know.) and I get free hayburgers and fries from the school so eh. whatever helps pay the bills.
oh yeah btdubs Im back in Ponyville and there's this weird rumor going around that Celestia's starting to give out tickets for the Grand Galloping Gala?? i mean holy shit talk bout the party of the season! if i got one of those tickets i could hella wubbify all the classical music and hook up some subwoofers to show those nobleponies how a Ponyville mare parties!
When Tavi heard about the rumor and about what i'd do if I got a ticket she just snorted and said, "When pigs fly, perhaps." Well, Octy, I'll have you know that the Celestial Guard does fly! Zing! Checkmate, eediot!
But damn I want those tickets! Tavi makes the Grand Galloping Gala seem like a boring ol sfuffy-flank barrel-bucking see-saw of ancient ponies doing clotheshorse stuff, but I still really wanna go, if only to embarrass those noblemares by kissing them if not anything else. No, wait, eugh. I think I'd just kiss Tavi in the middle of one of her Triple G concertos!!!!!!!! <3
Buck, I'd kill for a ticket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guess it's a good thing nopony I know has a ticket. But I'm always on the watch...! I staked out Sugarcube Corner the ohter day, asking my main mare Pinkie if she saw a ticket anywhere, but unfortunately she didn't. Fortunately, she wasn't expecting me to talk.
Octavia and I played arcade games and I kicked her flank but she's salty now so I get to go to a Lunar rebellion meeting tonight instead of touching grass or indulging my marefriend. hoo ray.
oh Luna that shit was lame. i mean, no moon pies? no dream catchers for sale? literally nopony else wanted to barter with me, it's all just 'WoAhHh OvErThRoW tHe MoNaRcHy' like shut the buck up bitch we be balling we be livin in the moment!!!
but th
but then why won't Tavi let me cuddle................................................................................................................................................................
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temporalreverie · 10 months
Im bored & i saw an ask game so I just answered them all for fun~
1. Would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
2. You talked to an ex today, correct?
I don't have an ex
3. Have you taken someones virginity?
4. Is trust a big issue for you?
Eh, it's complicated
5. Did you hang out with the person you like recently?
Yes :3
6. What are you excited for?
Just having fun
7. What happened tonight?
???? It's morning. Hi.
8. Do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
I support women <3 be safe with alcohol though
9. Is confidence cute?
10. What is the last beverage you had?
11. How many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
Im paranoid but like mostly my dad & brother. But Aidan for sure.
12. Do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
Yes but my jeans phase died when my thighs came in
13. What are you gonna do Saturday night?
Idk hopefully play katamari and talk to friends
14. What are you going to spend money on next?
15. Are you going out with the last person you kissed?
I kiss my parents goodnight so no.
16. Do you think you’ll change in the next 3 months?
Im always changjng
17. Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
Either my marefriend or Aidan depending on the subject
18. The last time you felt broken?
Hmm sometime in the past few days I think i had a tiny moment but not seriously for at least a month.
19. Have you had sex today?
Im still drinking my coffee calm down..
20. Are you starting to realize anything?
Just spam out job applications low care style and make it their problem. Waste the companies time not ur own
21. Are you in a good mood?
Kind of but I'm soooo sleepy
22. Would you ever want to swim with sharks?
My parent have swam with whale sharks once that would be nice
23. Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
Yes! Mine are maybe a little more colorful but we both have gray with a ring of hazel orange
24. What do you want right this second?
To hug my girlfriend & fall asleep
25. What would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
Im in a unique situation for this question where my GF is poly and already is with a few other ppl before we started dating and I'm the most comfortable talking through being BPD triggered with her so like we could talk through it if I got bothered
26. Is your current hair color your natural hair color?
I haven't dyed my hair for a few years. going pink could be fun
27. Would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
I laugh at a lot of things rlly easily so probably no. All sorts of jokes even bad puns, and just like cute or charming behavior
28. What was the last thing that made you laugh?
I don't remember laugh out loud. Probably something my girlfriend said last night
29. Do you really, truly miss someone right now?
Long distance is hard but I don't feel like that's exactly the same as missing someone. I was thinking about my late childhood dog the other day and how I can still image the feel of petting her in various places, the shape of her body and the texture of her hair on like her back and in front of her ears and her neck.
30. Does everyone deserve a second chance?
31. Honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
My dad is nice
32. Does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
We are marefriends!!
33. Are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
Yes. I had a pespi for the first time in ages a couple days ago and it knocked me the fuck out
34. Listening to?
Just noises rn but I've been playing We <3 Katamari so various variations of the main theme keep playing in my head.
35. Do you ever write in pencil anymore?
I go through phases of using a little note book for organization but not recently.
36. Do you know where the last person you kissed is?
I kiss my parents goodnight so yeah
37. Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not rlly, it's like infatuation & good first impressions. Love of everything is like built up over time.
38. Who did you last call?
My marefriend <3
39. Who was the last person you danced with?
I don't remember, but Im always dancing alone with myself
40. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
Saying goodnight to my parents
41. When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
My mom bought cupcakes and a scone a month ago and we all agreed the cupcakes were pretty bland #sconesweep
42. Did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
Not this morning no
43. Ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
Maybe years in the past? Not rlly recently.
44. Do you tan in the nude?
I don't want skin cancer </3 or a tan
45. If you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46. Did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
Close to. Very sleepy
47. Who was the last person to call you?
My dad
48. Do you sing in the shower?
49. Do you dance in the car?
50. Ever used a bow and arrow?
Probably in some boy scouts thing years ago
51. Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Maybe graduation?
52. Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I love music
53. Is Christmas stressful?
A little but mostly fun
54. Ever eat a pierogi?
Yes they r my best friend
55. Favorite type of fruit pie?
56. Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Engineer, artist
57. Do you believe in ghosts?
58. Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
Too much
59. Take a vitamin daily?
Probably should
60. Wear slippers?
In this season
61. Wear a bath robe?
62. What do you wear to bed?
Soft pants + white t shirt
63. First concert?
Green Day probably
64. Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65. Nike or Adidas?
Esos son Reebok o son Nike?
66. Cheetos Or Fritos?
67. Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
Im ageric to peanuts & i love sunflower.
68. Favorite Taylor Swift song?
My fortnite parody of Romeo & Juliet I wrote this January.
69. Ever take dance lessons?
Hmmmm probably not
70. Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
71. Can you curl your tongue?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
Never been in one but i probably could've done well
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yes, i cry easily
74. What is your favorite book?
Idk reading is for losers. Sorry that's a lie
75. Do you study better with or without music?
76. Regularly burn incense?
No, I'm a good cook so i don't burn stuff <3
77. Ever been in love?
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Vylet Pony i guess
79. What was the last concert you saw?
Ummmm idk. I feel like it was something eh with my parents we just passed by. Like third eye blind
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
Not rlly a tea person. Cold?
81. Tea or coffee?
82. Favorite type of cookie?
Smirking dog
83. Can you swim well?
Decent. I love water
84. Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85. Are you patient?
86. DJ or band, at a wedding?
Idk. I guess DJ has more powers so DJ
87. Ever won a contest?
A few. I won a jellybean guessing one like 15+ years ago
88. Ever have plastic surgery?
89. Which are better black or green olives?
Green but all 'lives are beautiful
90. Opinions on sex before marriage?
Im gay..
91. Best room for a fireplace?
Under chimnie
92. Do you want to get married
Down the line
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krowfics · 3 years
True Love (And Understanding)
Fandom: MLP:FiM
Ship: Raripie
Plot: Rarity wakes up to early one morning, Pinkie is here to help
Notes: hurt/comfort, domestic fluff, Rarity has OCD and chronic pain, technically apart of my self indulgent au but context isn’t necessary nor written yet, ponyville’s a college town in this au tho, title is from Hey Lover by The Daughters Of Eve
Rarity wasn’t exactly sure what woke her up at first.
She couldn’t remember her dream or if she even had one and there was no loud alarm or bustling party sounds in the distance, even if there were, Rarity would’ve probably slept through them, having been made used to them by living in a college town her whole life.
She could feel the dip in the mattress next to her, and feel the heat radiating off her marefriend, giving soft puffs of air in her direction. That is if it is her marefriend, it could be some stalker pony who climbed through the window at night and took Pinkie’s place. Rarity should check.
She blinked her eyes open, just barely tilting to look and… it was Pinkie, of course it was Pinkie. Pinkie crawled into bed last night, pressed a kiss to her temple and cuddled up next to her, and now the pink mare laid on her back, her mouth cartoonishly open, breathing in such a way that was not a snore but distinctly not awake.
Rarity should check again. She did. And then she did again.
This was stupid, it’s not like Pinkie was magically going to disappear in between glances, not when she was so clearly asleep at least.
Rarity sighed and checked again, turning this time and- “Sweet Celestia.” she breathed. Well, she’d figured out what woke her.
She carefully turned her head back, biting her lip to hold in the whimper of pain.
Her neck, or her entire spine rather, stiffened and ached. She’d only been awake for a moment but a moment’s all it takes to know that today was going to be bad.
She rolled out of bed, knowing it'll get better if she stretches, and that she'd have to stand to get pain killers even if she didn't bother to stretch. Her lower back protested her movement particularly strongly, so it seemed that just all of her was a mess today.
She groggily waddled into place, and levitated her yoga mat over. It wasn't really necessary but it did make her feel more booshie and less broken. She stepped on and laid her head in between her forehooves, arching her back with her flank in the air. Trying to breathe through it, no matter how much her body protested, she leaned up and possibly reminiscent of Opal slinking up from a nap. She slowly moved from position to position, trying to release any tension she can.
"Rarity?" A voice said softly.
The unicorn blinked over, "Yes, sorry for waking you, love." She said as she stepped over to the mattress again but didn't lay down, "You can go back to sleep."
Pinkie rubbed her face into the pillow or maybe she was attempting to shake her head, "Mmno. My pretty marefriend is up and I wanna be to." She said stubbornly, "Wha’s wrong?"
Rarity shook her head with a small movement, “Just my back, dearest, go back to sleep.”
“Didyu take your meds yet?” she asked insistently, though her eyes were already closed again.
“Not yet,” Rarity murmured, “I will in a moment.”
Pinkie huffed and then dramatically pushed herself up to stand on the bed.
“Pinkie, you don’t have to-” but by the time the words were out of her mouth, Pinkie had jumped down and carefully but quickly pressed their lips together.
“Keep stretching.” She said, trotting to the door, “Zecora’s or Doctor H’s?”
Rarity rolled her eyes fondly, “Zecora’s, they don’t make me jittery.” If she jittered, there was no way she’d go back to sleep, plus Zecora’s had a calming side effect that made her drowsy, making it better for night and unreasonably early morning’s anyway.
Pinkie skipped the rest of the way out of the room despite the fact that she had only just woken up, but that's just Pinkie being Pinkie. Rarity couldn’t stop herself from smiling and shaking her head fondly as she stepped back to the yoga mat to continue her stretching.
She looked up and arched her back and then looked down and hunched her shoulders. She repeated that motion a few more times, pushing passed the boredom and full tiredness that filled her to keep repeating the stretch.
She was laying on her back, one leg crossed over each other, making her twist, when her bubbly marefriend bounced in, a little vile wrapped in her mane bouncing along with her.
"One portion of Zecora's achy go away-ey medicine for the prettiest mare in all of Equestria." She smiled.
Rarity took the bottle in her magic, "Hardy har." She said, but couldn't help but grin, "That sounds fairly inaccurate darling, I think there's a few that have me beat."
"I don't."
"Well, you sound quite confident, but you're sorely mistaken. I can't be the prettiest mare in all of Equestria because I'm staring at her right now."
"Oh, you." Pinkie swooned, stepping forward to nuzzle Rarity's cheek and then press a kiss to her lips, too slow to be a peck but too tired to be anything heated. She then stepped away and towards the bed.
Rarity downed the vial, setting it on the nightstand to deal with in the morning, and then crawled into bed, still stiff and sore. The stretching helped but not as much as she'd like. Luckily, Zecora's  medicine tended to work quickly.
Pinkie shuffled closer but didn't touch, though she really looked a bit put out by it, like she wanted nothing more than to hook her head under Rarity's chin and wrap her limbs around the unicorn. Rarity wanted that too but she appreciated the restraint, if bitterly.
Pinkie offered her hoof and that placated some of the sour feelings in Rarity's gut at the thought of her pain stopping their cuddling. Rarity took the hoof gratefully.
"I love you." Rarity said, perhaps a tad bit more desperately than necessary.
Pinkie just hummed, raising the white hoof to her lips to press a kiss to it like some type of fairy tale princess. "I love you too."
heres that fic that i said id edit and then i didnt but look i finally did!!
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prettyponyblog · 4 years
Hmmm,, fake dating trope Flutterdash.
Rainbow is finally sick of Zephyr’s antics so begs Fluttershy to pretend to date her in order to get him off her back.
Initially they only pretend to be marefriends while over at Fluttershy’s/interacting with Zephyr buuuut Zephyr totally goes around complaining about how his sister stole his girl.
Suddenly everypony thinks they’re dating.
Well they can’t fess up now!! That’d be super awkward!! Just a few more weeks and then they’ll pretend to end things and everything can go back to normal.
Oh no, now Rarity is setting them up on date nights. They’d better go along with it so as not to make her feel bad. Rainbow is not wearing the dress though.
Huh, it was kinda nice.
Welp, they forgot about Pinkie planning every single party milestone in their life. She even has their 8th foal’s baby shower prepped.
All these dates aren’t half bad actually. They could get used to them.
Oh well, everyone thinks they’re having a date night tonight, may as well stay in and help Fluttershy put her animals to sleep- they’re beginning to feel like Rainbow’s as well.
Everypony’s asleep but they aren’t even tired, let’s go for a purely platonic moonlit stroll down to the pagoda.
Oh sweet Celestia, Rainbow wants to lean in for a kiss oh my stars what is she doing oh wait is Fluttershy kissing back? Wow.
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airheadandco · 5 years
Hmmm how bout something with Silken thread and Velvet rose?
A romantic date
When Silken Thread had proposed Velvet Rose to go out on a romantic evening in the countryside, he had a radically different idea of what it would entail.
Sure, the scenery was nice, the night was warm and quiet and the place was filled to the brim with friendly spiders... But in his book, a romantic outing didn't involve treasure-hunting nor death traps. And as far as he was concerned, they shouldn't involve running for his life in an abandoned castle. All things considered, the big boulder rolling closer and closer to Silken and him was probably a dealbreaker.
"Silken?" he called between two heavy breaths. "If you have an idea that would be the right moment!"
"Oh! Right!" she said, strangely unphased by the situation. "Sorry I was looking at the murals. They're still oozing with magic! I wonder who built them... I'm sure they were a master of–"
"Oops... Sorry, darling! Hang on!"
There was a flash of light and everything turned to black.
When Velvet opened his eyes, the boulder was gone – which was an incredible improvement. He took a second to analyse the situation. He seemed to be in a corridor, pretty similar to the one he'd been running not so long ago. He moved a bit to get a better understanding of the situation. He was on his back, his head on Silken's flanks, which was admittedly very comfortable. He just had one thing to check.
"Silken Darling?"
"Yes?" she hummed.
"Are we dead?"
"Hum... I don't think so... Wait let me check." There was a knock on the wall out of his field of vision. "Either we're not dead, or being a ghost is way more disappointing than I was led to believe..."
Velvet giggled. They were alive. All in all, things were as good as the situation permitted.
"Yes, dear?"
"Why are we here again?"
"It's a surprise!" she said with a bit of nervousness in her voice.
"You said that before," Velvet let out quietly, "but why did we have to go here to get it?"
"That's part of the surprise..." she admitted, clapping her hooves together in embarrassment.
"And why did I have to come...?"
"That's... also part of the surprise..."
Velvet sighed, defeated. "Well, I guess I shall have to trust your judgement."
"I'm sure you'll love it!" She kissed him on the forehead, bringing a smile to his face. "You'll see it's amazing."
"I'm sure it is, darling," he said with a smile he hoped looked confident. He just wished there was not any more trap on the way to it.
Life, however, had other plans, and he had to risk his life a few times on the way to Silken's surprise. Fortunately, his marefriend was incredibly adept at saving them.
"Are we close yet," he whispered, dusting his clothes off the dust the previous trap rooms. "I admit I grow tired of these contraptions... What were they trying to protect here?"
"Oh! That's an easy one!" she said, her attention focused on some inscriptions on the wall. "The ponies outside!"
"Wh– What? What do you mean?"
Silken Thread went closer to him and helped him remove the few specs of dust still on his person. "They weren't protecting the treasure. They were protecting the ponies outside from what was inside."
"What are you trying to tell me?"
"Well– Oh! You sneaky pony! Almost made me spoil the surprise!" she accused with a wry smile and a boop on his snoot. "You'll see when we reach it!"
"Wait! Silken what–"
"We're almost there!" she declared, running toward an empty corridor. "Follow me!"
"Silken wait!"
But it was already too late, the mare had already disappeared in the shadows. With a resigned whimper, Velvet followed.
Finding his way in the darkness was easy for the batpony. How Silken managed to do it was a mystery. She never seemed to complain about the obscurity and sometimes he wondered if she didn't have a few ancestors of the same species as him. He let the thought slide and focused on the way in front of him.
The corridor wasn't long but he couldn't help but wonder what was at its end. If his echolocation was to be trusted, it was a big room filled with cobwebs... and no traces of Silken.
"Da–darling?" he called as loudly as he dared.
"I'm up there!" Silken answered enthusiastically from above his head.
"Are you okay?" he said, trying to understand in what situation his marefriend had put herself in this time.
"Hunky-dory! I found your surprise!"
A skittering noise rose from the ceiling not too far from the mare. A feeling a dread slowly took hold of the batpony. "Silken, darling whom I love with all my heart, what is the surprise?"
"It's her!" she declared, before realising that she was in no position to anything. "Oh wait... give me a second..." Her horn suddenly lit up, temporary blinding him. "It's her!"
Velvet protected his eyes from the light long enough for his eyes to adapt. In a corner of the ceiling, in the direction Silken indicated with her magic, something was moving, apparently bothered by the sudden illumination. It was big, at least twice as big as a pony and it was slowly descending toward him. It didn't take long for Velvet to understand what it was, but he was still shocked when he saw her.
It was a giant silk spider.
"Do you like my surprise?"
"Silken dear, get us out of here now please!"
"You sure? Don't you want to talk to her or something?"
"Right away!"
There was a flash of light from Silken's magic as she teleported out of the cocoon she'd been trapped in, a second one when she appeared next to him, then a third when she teleported them both out. Velvet felt his legs give up and he honestly couldn't fault them. He collapsed in a heap.
"Are you okay?" Silken asked worried, rushing toward him.
"What were you thinking?" the batpony simply said tiredly.
"You didn't like my surprise?" she said, her ears lowered in shame.
"What?" he said, turning toward her with genuine surprise. "Of course, I did! It's the biggest silk spider I've ever seen or even heard of! She's magnificent! No that's not the issue."
"Oh?" her face lit up as suddenly as it had darkened.
"You cannot invade her lair like that! She thought you were food! She could have eaten you if she had been even a bit more hungry!"
"You must first build some trust and bring something to appease her. Like a small snack or a mate. They usually count as both now that I think of it..."
"Now I wonder if I have something big enough to satiate her in my basement..."
"I can teleport us back and forth and..."
Velvet interrupted her with a hoof lovingly placed on her shin. "Silken, my love, we both know you can't. Not without exhausting yourself to the point of sickness. Remember last time you got carried away with your magic." The mare sheepishly scratched the back of her head, remembering the last time she had been too reckless with her spells. "There's no need to rush. I need to find some kind of sweet for her so we can gain her trust... and I need to prepare a room for her in case she wants to come with us... Also I should ask that strange raccoon if he can swindle a giant spider in town..."
Silken merely nodded, happy to see the batpony so invested in the project.
"Hum... Silken?"
"Yes, Velvet?"
"Next time, let's just eat in a nice restaurant..."
"Sounds nice."
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twisonic-hell · 6 years
New Years Cross Universe Party
NOTE:All shipped characters are 18+ in this story
Sonic carefully set the preparations for the new years party...at speeds beyond what anyone was capable but well he always liked doing it fast anyways.
Today it was new year and everyone was coming together to celebrate, including his new friends and girlfriends fro another universes, so he wanted it to be prepared fast.
He still looked back nostalgic at how everyone first meet...there was a lot of insults and fights, but they managed to work things out, now they were just as tight as with their friends from their own dimension...at least he was anyways.
You could say it was weird, but it's not like any of them where normal people anyways.
He didn't notice he already finished decorating, time flies when you are remembering stuff it seems, or you just go into autopilot.
Seeing everything prepared, he sat down in a chair and waited, out of boredom he went to play games in his miles electric.
It was kinda funny seeing his house fixed up, it was usually a chaosforsaken mess of crashed vehicles that he didn't bother to clean up because he didn't even use it most of the time...and now it looked like the appropriate place for a party, it helped that he hanged with twily long enough, he picked a thing or two about being organized.
Speaking of her, she was the one who suggested to celebrate new years (or moon cycle as it was called in equus) in his house, then she was joined by Sash who insisted on it, he didn't know why but he accepted it.
It would be the first in a long while he had other people here...he honestly couldn't remember the last time he had.
He was so absorbed playing with his miles electric and remembering stuff that he didn't notice someone was besides him.
"Hey there"
He looked and saw his marefriend, Twilight Sparkle.
Realizing she was around for some time and he didn't pay her attention make him feel embarrassed.
"Hey Twily, sorry I didn't notice you where there" He said sheepishly, his face glowing a light green.
The alicorn only gave him a smile, not actually being annoyed by it.
"Eh, it doesn't matter, you looked kinda cute with that pensive face" She said giving him a smirk.
Sonic scratched his ear, he normally wasn't one to get flustered but Twily and Sash always managed to do it, though he did it plenty of times to those two so it evens out.
"Ok, sure, so did you like what I did to the place?"
She got a big smile on her face.
"Like it? I love it! I told you this place could look amazing if it was organized, gotta say you turned really good at it"
"Well, I learned from the best"
Now it was Twilight turn to be flustered and for Sonic to smirk.
He loved doing that, guess that's why she and Sash did it as well.
"Hey, starting the party without me I see"
Speak of Dark Gaia.
The two turned around to see Sash Lilac.
"Sup Sash, see you arrived early as well"
Twilight and Sash gave hi an odd look.
"This was supposed to be the hour where I arrived, i'm actually a little late, Twi here arrived at the right time"
Sonic blinked a few times, he checked the clock, they where right.
Guess he was really lost in thought.
Sash seemed to be laughing at something, but then he noticed that Twily was using telepathy to talk with her.
He rolled his eyes, probably about him being lost in thought.
"Man, you really look cute with that face" Said Sash.
"I showed Sash some of my memories"
Ah, that explains it.
Sonic shrugged and opened his arms for a hug, which both the alicorn and dragon reciprocated.
He also did a quick kiss for the two, he was planning of saving one longer one for...well you know what.
He looked at the two while in the hug, it was still hard to believe that they where all in this relationship.
When they first met, he and Twilight where able to relate with each other better than the others did at the start, Sash was his rival just like Rainbow Dash.
But surprisingly, as time went on they started developing feelings with each other, they all...clicked with each other, how they felt the world in their shoulders. The pride they have in their abilities, race, etc. How they valued their friends above all else. Their willingness to sacrifice for others, etc.
It was thing that they didn't thought they would bond and get closer over, but they did and won't exchange for anything now.
But, they didn't want to choose someone and break the others heart, it just didn't felt fair, then Celestia and Amy told them about Polygamy.
They were surprised that they didn't remember that, but still gave it some thought before finally accepting, they didn't feel this certain way about other people (though they still valued the relationships they had with others just as much as this one) so they decided to give this a try.
It was working so far.
It helped that the three didn't want to tie each other down, so they where ok with Sonic globetrotting, Sash her works and jobs for all the kingdoms, as well as Twilight's princess duty, they were ok with each other as long as they keep in touch.
Which they did.
But anyways, the three waited for the others to arrive to the party.
Twilight brought some books to read while Sonic and Sash started playing games in a console, occasionally she spare glances at it and thought of asking if she could play as well.
However, they heard a knock at the door.
The three went there and opened to see all their friends.
Seeing all three there, Rainbow Dash snickered.
"Are we interrupting something?"
She got a quick hit by all three, still worth it in her mind.
After that, they all greet each other and said "Happy New Years" Or "Happy Moon Cycle Celebration" In case of the ponies.
They all started simply hanging around, partying thanks to Pinkie, eating, playing, stuff like that.
Rainbow chatted with Shadow, usually talking about their jobs, new maneuvers they could develop and bragging to each other.
Pinkie chatted with Amy and Rouge, the two had a bit of a hard time getting what the turbo pony was saying, but still manage to understand, they talked about stuff like gems, party and discussed about magic.
Carol, Milla, Neera, Knuckles, Applejack and Rarity discussed about their daily life as well as their job, well Milla listened while the others talked.
Starlight talked with Silver about time travel.
While Sonic, Sash and Twilight talked with each other and occasionally different people.
Then, the countdown started.
Rainbow Dash griped Shadow from behind, startling him a bit then turning him around.
Amy and Rouge held each other close.
Sonic held both Twilight and Sash hands.
The others simply looked at the countdown hugging each other.
Happy New Years/Moon Cycle!
Everyone celebrated it their own way, be it a hug, a hand shake and in the case of the aforementioned couples, a kiss.
Rainbow jumped into Shadow's arms with a smirk, toppling him down and connecting with a kiss.
Amy and Rouge shared a passionate loving kiss.
While Sonic gave a long kiss for Sash and another one for Twilight, the kiss full of love equal for the two.
The trio smiled and held each other close, eagerly awaiting what the new year awaited them.
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Who said “I love you” first: The obvious answer is Applejack which is why I say Rainbow Dash. Just imagine how surprised the farmer horse would be. Dash is just acting really fucking weird and all of a sudden blurts it out. 10/10. Nobody would believe it when they ask who said it first.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: both of them bc they’re so in love? c’mon. I feel like.. if somebody has a relationship like this they both do it. or one of them looks like a dick. lol.
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Applejack!
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Applejack buys the cheesier gifts for sure, because she’s Applejack and she’s incredibly traditional and stuff. But they both do it, I’m sure. Even if Dash denies it being cheesy.
Who initiated the first kiss: Either or! I imagine that before doing it whoever gives the smooch is painfully awkward and nervous.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: I’m gonna give this one to Applejack since there’s no doubt that she’d be awake first. Besides that, maybe it’ll actually make Dash wake up easier?
Who starts tickle fights: Rainbow Dash. Bc she’s Rainbow Dash.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Dash? I imagine then it’d just become a regular thing because they’re both super comfortable with one another.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Rainbow. Not only because Applejack can’t get up to the clouds or whatever but it’s real easy to just show up to the farm with lunch. AJ does it too if possible but I imagine they’d just go have lunch together when they get a free moment. It’s not often either gets torn away from work, I’d imagine.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: They’re both super nervous because wtf they’re on a date with their super cool best friend? I feel like AJ gets over it faster though and is able to calm Dash down, since that’s just how AJ is.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Applejack isn’t afraid to fuck a spider up. She probably just puts it somewhere safe or gives it to Fluttershy, though.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: GOD. When Rainbow Dash has too much cider it’s inevitable. She’s just like LOOK EVERYONE THIS IS MY MAREFRIEND and everyone’s like we know, Rainbow Dash and she’s like NO SERIOUSLY I LOVE HER. SHE’S THE BEST. and she lists off every accomplishment of AJ’s ever.
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tricks-up-my-sleeve · 7 years
{{ Twixie! }}
Who said “I love you” first: ok so like… either Trixie says it and Twilight’s just S H O O K bc that might explain a lot or Twilight says it in like a completely fucking platonic sense and Trixie is even more shook because she knows the intent but.. still. She never expected to hear that from her. If she wasn’t so prideful she’d cry in front of her.
Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: dude if we’re gonna pretend cell phones exist in Equestria and not set this to an EQG verse.. once they get comfortable with one another they’re both so proud of their magician / princess significant other that they just both do it and they’re like THAT’S MY MAREFRIEND whenever someone opens their mouth to say anything about it
Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Twilight! Trixie calls her a nerd or whatever but it’s actually the cutest shit to her. I honestly feel like both of them might be the type to leave notes lying around tho. Twilight’s would be super sweet and helpful and Trixie’s would just be like.. really playful and probably near insignificant lol. 
Who buys the other cheesy gifts: OKAY SO I SAY BOTH ON ALL OF THESE CAUSE IT’S TRUE BUT IF WE’RE TALKING CHEESY IT’S GOTTA BE TWILIGHT. Trixie buys her cheesy gifts too but.. Twilight would probably be the cheese master.
Who initiated the first kiss: I can imagine Twilight doing it and Trixie being shocked and incredibly twitterpated. Then Trixie tries to act mad that she beat her to it but she can’t.
Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Finally I can answer Trixie on this one with confidence. Of course she’d have to be awake early enough and not go directly back to sleep but it’s well worth it to see the book nerd giggle and stuff.
Who starts tickle fights: ALSO I can answer Trixie on this one. Twilight’s just like lol you’re fucking on.
Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Trix? Although she’s such a little shit that she’d probably just show up like hey how’s it going? I’m surprised you don’t read in here. I’m just gonna join you now.
Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Okokok either or, if possible. Whatever is easiest. They’re both super supportive once they become friends / start dating and like to surprise the other.
Who was nervous and shy on the first date: TRIXIE. Twilight is too but Trixie’s so scared she’s gonna make Twilight mad and fuck everything up bc that’s what she’s used to. Eventually Twi’s just like.. y’know you can act like yourself, right? That was all in the past.
Who kills/takes out the spiders: Trixie’s just screeching like KILL IT and Twilight probably just.. uses her magic and puts it outside like.. seriously Trixie you don’t even have to touch it with your hooves.
Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: Trixie - very dramatically - and Twilight doesn’t know whether to be embarrassed or flattered so not long after that she probably tries to get her the heck out of there bc she’s had too much.
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ask-quasimodoquartz · 8 years
MOD: Pulling the Plug, Part 6/?
The Grand Galloping Gala is coming up, finally a time for a breather from all the drama in Quartzy's life. She brings Cute Curiosity, her little Cutesaurus, as her plus-one. The Wonderbolts are present as well, Soarin & Spitfire with their daughters Flame Burst and Muddy May. While there, Quartzy introduces her girlfriend to others, like her distant cousin Prince Léon.
Quasimodo Quartz: "Umm... hello, Prince Léon. I am -" Prince Léon: "Princess Quasimodo Quartz. Yes, I know of you. Word has reached us back home of your accomplishments in the Crystal Empire." Quasimodo Quartz: "/blushes/ Yes well... I have been dealing with some problems. But, I would like to introduce you to my marefriend, Cute Curiosity, the chief librarian of the Crystal Empire." Cute Curiosity: "Uhh, g-good evening, Prince Leon." Prince Léon: "Hmm... /kisses Cute Curiosity's claw-hoof/ Enchanté." Cute Curiosity: "/blushes/ You have quite the dashing physique, Prince Leon. You must be quite the charmer to the ladies." Prince Léon: "/blushes embarrassedly/ If - If you're coming on to me, Miss Curiosity, I must say that I'm flattered, but I'm spoken fo - " Cute Curiosity: "CanIscanyourskeletonpleaseI'dliketoknowmoreaboutAlicornanatomyplease~!" Prince Léon: "...beg pardon?" Quasimodo Quartz: "Ohh, I'm terribly sorry, Prince Leon. She... gets like that. It's... her idea of an ice-breaker." Cute Curiosity: "Offer still standing~"
(One idea that we’d kicked around was that Prince Léon would be revealed to have been assigned female at birth. Quartzy realizing in hindsight that she could have opened up to him via letters to support one another, but not lingering on it.)
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Flame Burst in her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala
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Moonlit Bloom in her dress for the Grand Galloping Gala
Quartzy is swimming in love and congratulations at having been coronated as crown-princess, though she still hesitates to accept this. Royal Beauty meets with her 'nemesis' Cascade Glimmer (Fancy Pants & Fleur-de-lis's daughter), and their long-standing hatred of each other ends with the pair of them making out in a corridor. Flame Burst meets Honeysickle, a mysterious young Unicorn mare, in a corridor at the Gala, not wishing to take part in this, least of all with her hated and "retarded" little sister "Wormy".
Flame Burst: [having extracted herself from the festivities] /sigh/ Where the hell are you, Sugar? Mysterious Unicorn mare: Sugar Rush...? Oh yes, your marefriend! A real catch, isn't she? Flame Burst: [jumping] Gah! For the love of Celestia, don't scare me like that! And... how do you know she's my marefriend? [angry] Have you been stalking me?! Mysterious Unicorn mare: I happened to notice the two of you entering this Gala hoof-in-hoof. You were walking noticeably slower than her. I can put two and two together. Flame Burst: [rubbing her foreleg ruefully, grumbling and glancing aside] Hmm... Maybe... Mysterious Unicorn mare: My name’s Honeysickle, by the way.  Flame Burst: Flame Burst. And, don’t you mean ‘Honeysuckle’? Honeysickle: No it’s definitely Honeysickle. [looking at Flame Burst's wings] Well... look at how stunted your wings are. You must be a very poor flyer. Flame Burst: [baring teeth] Screw you, you bitch! It's a genetic problem and I can't do anything about it! [ears droop] Is it any wonder I don't have my cutie mark yet...? Honeysickle: Funny story; my elder sister has a much fuller set of wings. Strong, broad, able to carry a great deal of wind beneath them... Flame Burst: [glowering] If you think that that's going to make me want to be your friend, you're not helping your case. But Faust above if I wouldn't prefer you as my little sister. Honeysickle: [chuckles darkly, using her magic to unhook her dress and remove her contact lenses all at once, revealing heterochromatic eyes with black sclera] Flame Burst: [jaw drops as Honeysickle's wings unfurl] Honeysickle: [grins savagely] No... No, you really don't.
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So yeah, this Honeysickle is revealed to be Muddy May's shadow, her equal and opposite from a world of Shadows. In this world, there are “shadows” of people from the world of light, who bear basically the opposite personality traits and who carry traits that are lost in ponies of light (Honeysickle’s elder sister, Flame Burst’s Shadow, has the full wings that Flame Burst lacks because of a birth defect). This was an idea for a project that StarryOak wished to do before and that I proposed bringing into Ask Prince(ss) Quasimodo Quartz.
Anyway, Honeysickle kidnaps Muddy May and retreats back into her shadow-world, the Princesses of the Crystal Empire entering as well with Flame Burst, Sugar Rush, and Angel in tow.
In the shadow-world, Quasimodo Quartz meets her Grady Twins-esque shadows, one a pony and the other a changeling. The pair of them are aloof and arrogant, utterly despicable in their unjustified self-assuredness. Quartzy realizes that her self-doubts are not bad, but perhaps overblown. The shadow of Flame Burst is a snivelling grovelling servant to her little Alicorn sister Honeysickle, and Flame Burst is utterly furious that Shadow Burst has the full majestic wings I mentioned earlier, trying to pull them off.
Honeysickle: For being my elder sister's Caster, you are remarkably dull-witted. A Shadow bears those pieces which the Caster lacks. You were born with stunted growth in your wings; therefore, Shadow Burst's wings are full, and powerful. Whereas I am brilliant and canny... /smirks evilly/... and the single worst example of a pony you could ever meet.
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Shadow Burst, Flame Burst’s Shadow
Honeysickle's evil plan is to turn the worlds on their heads, make the shadow-world dominant over the world of light.
Honeysickle: We are the Shadows. You are the Shadow-casters. Your identity is intrinsically contingent on our own... and yet, it is nothing that happens to us that determines when Shadows are born, live, or die. It is you Shadow-casters who ensnare the breadth of our lifespans. It is my intent to change that, however much Amalgor may loathe that intent.
She holds Muddy May captive, seeking to twist the knife in the sides of both Flame Burst and Muddy May.
Honeysickle: [holding Muddy May in her magic] It's true, isn't it, "Flamey"? You said it; you'd rather have me as a sister, rather than little "Wormy" here. Flame Burst: [teeth bared] YOU LET MY SISTER GO! Muddy May: [almost crying] Flay-Burrs...! Honeysickle: [grinning savagely] Tell her, or she dies. Did you not say that? Flame Burst: [eyes widen] /gasp/ Honeysickle: Clock is ticking, 'Flay-Burrs'~ Flame Burst: [tearing up] I... I...! [beat] Flame Burst: ...it's true, Muddy. I did say it. Muddy May: [lips quivering] F-F-Flay-Burrs...? Honeysickle: [lets Muddy May loose] There, was that so hard? All you had to do was break her little heart. But really, what does it matter to you? After all, you'd rather have ME as a little sister. Remember, it was you that said it.
Flame Burst sees past her insecurities about her tiny wings and lack of a cutie mark, rising to Muddy May's defense and pounding Honeysickle down, with aid from Angel and from her Shadow who despises Honeysickle. Flame Burst earns her cutie mark in protecting the ones she loves, and she does indeed love her sister deep down. Honeysickle attempts to salvage her grand plan by gloating to the neutralized gods and goddesses of Equestria who'd been drawn into her shadow-world, but is laughed down by Luna...
Honeysickle: I'm afraid you've run into a small roadblock, all of you. I am evil, more than anything anyone has ever faced. You'll kneel before your Shadows and become the true Shadows. I am your new ruler, one beyond you. Luna: /laughs/ Honeysickle: [pauses, glaring] What did you say, Worm? Luna: You... You really think that you're the most evil being that has ever been? [smirking] Honeysickle: [stomping hoof] I AM! May I remind you who is captured here? Luna: Oh yes, powerful, one who has to neutralize us to cast us down is truly all-powerful. Honeysickle: I AM POWERFUL! I AM YOUR NEW- Luna: I have been more evil than thee, long ago. And yet, I lost. Honeysickle: And that's why I'm the better. I won't! Luna: That's not the point. You're not more evil than anything that has ever been. Discord was once dictator of the world, cruel and horrible, for times immeasurable, beyond time and above any of us in power. Discord: I wasn't going to point that out. I was enjoying the show. Honeysickle: SHUT UP! Luna: I attempted to create eternal night as NightMare Moon. I almost doomed the entire world to die in the cold, unrelenting night.
So yeah, Honeysickle finds out that she's actually quite low on the Sorting Algorithm of Evil after all. And that's how she's defeated.
Meanwhile, Quartzy is engaged in a deal-with-the-devil scenario with Amalgor, the most powerful entity in the shadow-world, who attempts to barter a trade of Quartzy's undesired Changeling traits with something of his body parts. Quartzy refuses, a great moral victory and acceptance of what she is. Especially given that Amalgor is the Shadow of Starswirl the Bearded, having bartered so many pieces from so many other creatures over the years that he's effectively his own being, a draconequus of his own making. But since Amalgor had been cheated by a Changeling known as Simbad in ages prior, a Changeling of the hive of Chrysalis's grandmother, he's nursed a special resentment towards Changelings. But as long as Quartzy refuses to engage in his game, he is effectively powerless at making her a lesser being.
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Simbad, for his part, was alarmed at the breakdown of Shadows entering the world of light, fleeing from his solitude in the castle in Everfree to warn everypony of the pending disaster. This was the breaking of the wish he’d made to Amalgor as reward for beating the shadow-draconequus at his own game. His “eternal freedom” from the hive meant he would never die, but seeing the Shadows return to the world of Shadow-casters... he flew to Canterlot posthaste. He was wary of Quasimodo Quartz at first, the great-granddaughter of his old Queen, but he followed her back to the Crystal Empire regardless.
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krowfics · 3 years
A Scare and A Treat
Fandom: MLP:FiM
Ship: Diamond Tiara x Scootaloo, background Sweetie Belle x Apple Bloom
Plot: Scootaloo is a scare actor at a haunted house, her friends and marefriend come to get a good fright but Diamond in unbelievably distracted.
Words: 1807
Notes: Shameless Fanfic Trope AU (you do not need to read anything else in this au to get this), mild description of fake gore effects (blood, injuries, weapons, eye stuff, ect), friendly bickering, scary clowns, kissing, food, barely edited! like i read through it once-
AU stuff: Apple Bloom is nonbinary and uses they/them pronouns, Sweetie and Diamond are close and mess with each other a lot, Scootaloo is punk but it barely shows up in this
Sweetie Belle huffed at Apple Bloom's insistent hushing.
"It's all fake, Bloom." she clearly tried for reassuring, perhaps annoyed, but it came out awfully fond, "You know how they're made, your family has a haunt every year."
"Ah know, Sweets but it's different." They argued quietly, "Some of these props are way more realistic. What if they're actually dead ponies?"
"Then something interesting might happen." Diamond Tiara huffed.
The couple blinked over at her then. Some horrid, confused shock on Apple Bloom's face and mild but unimpressed disgust on Sweetie Belle's.
Diamond rolled her eyes, "Did you forget I was here again?"
Apple Bloom opened her mouth, "No-"
"You make it so easy to." Sweetie stated. The boujee appearance lasted for a few seconds before she snickered.
"Yeah yeah," Diamond laughed back, "In my defense, you're too distracted to even see the blood dripping down the walls let alone your lonesome third wheel."
"And what a pretty distraction they are." Sweetie Belle deliberately glanced at her partner, who flushed an amusing shade of red.
"Gross." Diamond stated.
"Like you're gonna be much better."
A small part of Diamond wanted to argue, but she wasn't entirely sure the unicorn was wrong.
Logically, she should be scared, or atleast unsettled, this haunted house was far more realistic and gruesome than the Apple family's maze ever is. It was next to impossible to figure out where the scare actors would jump out from, even harder to tell which bodies were fake and which were costumed ponies lying in wait.
Diamond did get a little startled the few times somepony thought to be inanimate suddenly snarled at her, but it wasn't true fear and it left her after a moment with a little wave to the actor with an awkward smile and she kept on her way.
She wasn't bored. She wasn't. She was just playing it off as that. She liked horror movies, or rather she liked watching horror movies with her marefreind clinging to her. The other fully loved to let herself be scared, the adrenaline junky that she is, despite the fact that none of this stuff really bothered her. If it did, Scootaloo probably wouldn't be a scare actor herself.
And that's why the trio was there and not at the Apple family's hay maze, though they’d probably trott through it later. Partly because they were curious to see a more mature haunted house, mostly because Scootaloo was so unbelievably excited to be a scare actor here that her friends and marefriend had to come to see her. Or be scared by her, judging by the couples reactions thus far.
So Diamond was not bored, but she might have been distracted. She hadn't seen Scootaloo all day, both busy with their costumes. Diamond wasn't going to wear anything but Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and even Silver Spoon insisted she should. Though Silvey's vote shouldn't count considering she shot down the invite to come like it had attacked her.
Under the peer pressure, Diamond fished out some face & coat paint and some old, fluffy, black boots. Painting whiskers on her face and her ears black, and wearing those shoes, she was the laziest excuse for a black cat costume. She was still cute, mind you, but there was a clear difference in effort put in when she stood next to the matching skeleton couple who went all out for the holiday.
Diamond tried to focus on the props and decorations, trying to distract herself from the foal-like excitement of seeing her marefriend, and attempting to distract herself from the cuddly couple. Though it was admittedly amusing to see Sweetie Belle going from calm and collected, trying to help the other relax, only to hear her scream just as loud as Apple Bloom when an undead clown came towards them.
Diamond pulled her attention away from a blood splattered design on the wall when she realized the clown was attempting to scare her now. She blinked, feeling a bit bad that she really wasn't frightened despite the admittedly unsettling eye dangling from it's socket.
"Um, nice eye effect." she said before trotting right passed him to continue on.
It was stupid to be so preoccupied with her own longing. So she hadn't seen Scootaloo all day, she had gone on longer before, it was no big deal. Except Scootaloo kissed her goodbye last night, after spending at least an hour adorably rambling on about this haunted house, kissing her like that was just how dating ponies said goodbye, because it was. Like she was going to kiss her like that every time they parted ways, leaving Diamond dazed and giddy like some love sick fool.
Judging by her current distraction, that seemed to be an apt description.
Diamond wanted to kiss her again. The moment she saw her, no matter what dramatic makeup she has on. She wouldn’t, special effect make up did not seem like it would lend well to smashing their faces together, and also Scootaloo was at work and Diamond was fairly certain Scootaloo would be at least a little peeved if she ruined this for her. Besides, there was a donut and apple cider stand outside that Scootaloo said she could wait at until the pegasus got off work and out of costume.
The filly stopped suddenly, nearly walking right into another scare actor. “Sorry.” She blurted, stepping back.
The trio had been confronted by three ponies, looking to be in varying levels of rotten and dead, still all clowns for some reason. The clearly most frightening one was in the middle. A fake mouth filled with monstrous teeth looked akin to a gash across her face, she wore colored contacts making one eye fully black and the other completely white. She was covered in spikes, presumably because nopony could convince her to dress any less punk rock even when she was literally dressed as a messed up version of a children’s entertainer. And there was quite a bit of blood, and a hacksaw covered in more blood. 
It was impressive and terrifying. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle had screamed and outright looked like they were going to turn tail and run. Diamond’s chest felt like it had been punched out of air.
“Hi, Loo.” She said softly, completely by accident.
Scootaloo snapped her gaze toward her, laughing, in a monstrous laugh that Diamond had helped her practice for so really, who was she fooling? 
“Um- Nice make up, all of you.” She glanced at the other two, “Very scary.”
One of the other ponies growled, jumping forward in an over exaggerated movement, sending the couple screeching in fear. 
Scootaloo stalked forward threateningly. Inches away from her face, Diamond's heart stuttered. She just stared into the others mismatched eyes, trying desperately to not think of a dream scenario where Scootaloo is out of costume pushing her against a wall with her gaze alone.
Scootaloo ended her display with a minute lunge of the saw and a snarl that turned into a hacking laugh.
"I'll uh- see you later, Loo." Diamond said numbly, walking passed the performers.
They were all quiet as they walked. 
"Sweet Celestia, I can't believe you." Sweetie laughed suddenly.
"Shut it, Sweetie!" Diamond screeched, face flushing.
"And you thought we were bad-"
"At least, I wasn't screaming my lungs out."
"Hey!" Apple Bloom cut it, "The make up was very convincing." 
"Of what? My marefreind being a clown?"
Sweetie shrugged, "I actually think they all had the most dramatic costumes in the whole haunt. Hence that." She nodded to the door ahead, "They were the grand finally."
Diamond pushed the door open, blinking blearily at the light from outside. There were a few haunt actors strewn about, some bales of hay arranged for seating areas, and that cider stand probably run by one of Apple Bloom's cousins.
"Really, did none of that scare ya?" Apple Bloom asked.
"I was distracted." Diamond defended.
Sweetie laughed again, "You’re hopeless."
Diamond looked over at them, the couples sides pressed together, leaning on each other. "Pot meet kettle."
Sweetie stuck her tongue out then. Diamond rolled her eyes with a chuckle and trotted over to get something from the stand.
The three waited for a while over donuts and cider. Diamond was right, the pony running the stand had been one of Apple Bloom's cousins. He and Apple Bloom had talked for a bit as Diamond and Sweetie found someplace to sit, which wasn't hard being that it was still early in the evening and the real crowds didn't come until after sunset.
Once Apple Bloom came over, treats in tow and chattering away about their cousin, the pair started properly cuddling. The earth pony tucked themself into Sweetie's side and Sweetie in turn rested her muzzle in their mane.
Diamond caught Sweetie's eye and fake gagged at their cuteness. Sweetie squinted at her teasingly before refocusing on her partner. Diamond tried to focus on her friend speaking, she really did, but her mind kept going to the filly in gory clown makeup.
Her eyes snapped to the distance when she saw a few ponies stepping out of a door. A few moments later and a mental mane peaks out from behind it. Scootaloo was laughing at something one of her co-workers said, she then waved goodbye to them and started her trot to the cider stand.
Diamond was standing before she knew it. Distantly, she was aware that she was being pathetic but she couldn't help trotting over and meeting Scootaloo halfway despite the fact that Apple Bloom was in the middle of their sentence.
"Hey, D." Scootaloo said when they’re stopped in front of each other, "You didn't seem very scared." She laughed a bit.
"I was distracted." Diamond moved forward to lean her head against the other’s shoulder.
"By what? Bloody marefriend not enough for you?" Scootaloo's hoof came to rest on Diamond's mane.
"I missed you." she admitted.
"We saw each other last night?"
Diamond groaned, "I know. I'm being dumb, you were scary, I've just spent all day wanting to kiss you and I can't think about anything else." she spat.
"Oh, uh," Scootaloo coughed, "That- Can be arranged."
Diamond lifted her head with determination and leaned in quickly. Scootaloo made a startled little noise but she softened, hoof moving to cradle the other's jaw. Diamond finally relaxed with the familiar lips slotted against her own, she sighed in what could only be described as relief.
A loud ‘woop’ was heard from behind the pegasus, she broke away quickly to yell over her shoulder, "Biscuit! I swear to Celestia!"
Diamond really couldn't help the hysterical giggles she broke into at that, and when Scootaloo's gaze turned back to her soft and loving, she really didn't feel all that bad.
you don’t understand. I wasnt going to write anything for halloween because i was focusing on a sander sides fic for Logan’s birthday, and in my procrastination of that, this morning i woke up and started writing this.
i’ve had a busy day on top of it, i cant believe ive finished this.. happy nightmare night every pony!!! im gonna go sleep now
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krowfics · 4 years
Kisses Are Distracting
Fandom: MLP:FiM
Ship: Rarishy
Plot: Rarity has a tendency to overwork herself, but her model/marefreind has found away to distract her into taking a break.
Words: 1163
Notes: Kissing, lots of kissing, making out, food mention, skipping meals and not taking breaks, pins (Sewing), very very fluffy, the last mlp fic i posted was very sad so here is the fluffiest thing I think I’ve ever written to make for it
Rarity’s eyes focused on the soft, silky fabric in front of her. Carefully pinning it into place over the mare’s chest, making sure to not knick the yellow coat underneath. She stayed perfectly still in her concentration and was grateful that her model was doing the same.
“Uhm, Rarity?” The quiet pegasus asked stiffly, not wanting to mess with the work the unicorn was doing.
Rarity hummed in response, her mind too distracted by the slippery fabric in her magic grasp to form actual words.
“Rarity, love, when you have a moment,” Fluttershy said.
Rarity carefully pressed another pin into the dress, “Yes dear?” Her words were hollow as her mind was clearly elsewhere.
“There’s no rush but, um, you do need to sit up at some point.”
Rarity had been hunched over to reach the mare’s chest, her face only a few inches away from it for Celestia knows how long. Just as the other had said, she became incredibly aware of the stiffness in her back. She failed to suppress a sigh and straightened out her position, bringing herself eye level with Fluttershy.
Before she could complain, there were soft lips pressed against her. She melted in an instant, leaning into the touch. It took longer than it should have for her to come to her senses, but when she did, she pulled away. “What was that for, darling?”
“We’ve been at this for hours, I think we need a break.” The quiet mare explained.
“Ah,” Rarity glanced to the clock on her wall, looking just above her glasses, “I do suppose it’s a bit late. Are you hungry?”
Fluttershy shook her head, “I ate last time you needed to take the dress off to use the sewing machine.”
Rarity’s eyebrow furrowed, “Are you tired then? Do you need anything? I’m almost done with this bit, dear, but we can stop if you need.” Her voice dripped with concern.
Fluttershy smiled at her, eyes wide as if Rarity had just said something foolish, “Rarity, you haven’t eaten dinner,” She stated, “And your lunch was half a left over cupcake.”
“Oh,” Rarity mumbled, “Well, I just have-”
Her words were taken by another kiss, cursing the fact that she was standing so close to her marefriend, though she didn’t really have any intention to move away yet. Fluttershy broke this kiss after a warm moment, “You said that earlier.”
“You didn’t let me finish, how would you know what I would say?” Rarity pointed out.
Fluttershy just rolled her eyes fondly, “Because, not only did you say it earlier, but yesterday and the day before and every time you’ve been engrossed in a project for as long as I’ve known you. ‘I just have to finish this bit and then I’ll take a break.’” She said with an attempt at Rarity’s usual, almost Canterlotian, accent, “‘Darling.’” She added after a moment. 
Rarity huffed and tried to look annoyed but she couldn’t help but smile. “I do not sound like that.”
“But you do.” Fluttershy said right back, “And you sound lovely, even when you’re overworking yourself, but if you continue with this much longer,” An uncharacteristically sly grin made its way onto Fluttershy’s lips, “I am going to have to silence you.”
“Oh?” And Rarity laughed, she wasn’t sure if she ever saw the kind mare so bold, “And how do you plan to-”
She was cut off by another kiss, this one lasted longer and involved Fluttershy humming into Rarity’s mouth before pulling away. Rarity was dazed by the taste of the other’s lips, “I… see, yes that makes sense.”
Fluttershy giggled at that and Rarity all but swooned at the sound. She took a step back to look at her love in the unfinished dress. It was coming along nicely. A pink base with green accents, a few bits of golden, shimmering fabric that somewhat matched the yellow mare’s coat.
“That’s lovely and all but I do-” She took another step back to dodge the other’s incoming kiss, “..I do need to finish this bit and then I’ll take a break.” She promised, seeing the doubtful expression on Fluttershy’s face she scoffed, “I really mean it, darling.”
“Hm, fine.” Fluttershy hummed, allowing Rarity to step closer again without the threat of distracting affection, “But don’t make me use the stare.”
“I won’t, my dear, I promise.” Rarity hummed, returning to the matter at hoof.
It was another few minutes of silent work. A pin lifted from its place in the pin cushion, raised to the green fabric and then delicately pressed into place, attaching it to the pink fabric underneath. And then another and another. She found herself soon fixing and adjusting the other pins into a proper place, zoning out from the world and only thinking of the task in front of her once again.
“Yes, darling, I’m almost done-”
She’d leaned back to look at Fluttershy, which she should’ve realized sooner would be a mistake, not that she could really call the kiss a mistake in any meaningful sense of the word.
“I think you’re done now.” Fluttershy barely leaned back, her breath on Rarity’s lips as she spoke.
Rarity felt her coat heat up, flushing pink instead of it’s usual white, “Yes. Yes I think you’re correct.” She barely whispered, closing the distance between their lips once again. They stayed like that for a long moment, wanting to deepen the kiss but instead pulling away begrudgingly, “Let’s get you out of this dress.” Rarity mumbled, beginning to carefully undo the pin filled fabric. Careful to not knock out any so that she could stitch the green into place later.
“And get you some dinner.” Fluttershy stated. If she heard Rarity’s disappointed grumble she said nothing.
“Yes, love.” Rarity eventually said with a sigh, helping Fluttershy slip out of the attire. She laid it out near the sewing machine and turned, once again finding a muzzle against her own.
Rarity smiled, kissing the mare in front of her. Fluttershy stepped closer, pressing their chests to each other now that there was no delicate art project restricting her movement. She brought a yellow hoof to push Rarity’s red glasses to sit behind her horn. She then lowered the hoof to the unicorn's cheek, holding her in place and kissing her like she was the only thing that mattered.
But then she pulled away and Rarity couldn’t stop the desperate whine that left her. Fluttershy giggled at that, and really, how could Rarity be mad after hearing that wonderful sound? Fluttershy hummed, releasing her hold of the other’s cheek, “I’m going to make you a daisy sandwich, come on.”
Rarity would have complained and pulled Fluttershy into an embrace, holding her and kissing her until they both were out of breath, but she could feel her own hunger eating away at her, so she instead followed her marefriend into the kitchen, “A daisy sandwich sounds lovely, darling.” she conceded.  
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