#my music tastes change every two weeks tbh
sealrock · 2 months
Five Songs I'm Into Right Now
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I was tagged by @iron-sparrow on my main acc for this neat tag game, tysm friend!
I'm gonna be tagging @tsunael @etheirys @thefreelanceangel @chadhunkler @dragonsongmakhali (feel free to skip if you've already done this!)
coronus, the terminator by flying lotus;
There's nowhere left to go, so I might just save you They all want to be saved My hands been bloody since the day I came It's such a shame, you've seen my violent side
so the funny thing is flying lotus terrifies me, his music and art style (especially his 'you're dead!' album where this song comes from) are on another level I can't humanly comprehend. but this song and its music video in particular touched me personally. it's been on repeat for the past month
butterfly caught by massive attack;
Strange this Light from pages Paper thin thing Protected by the naked eye
I fell hard and fast for the music by massive attack, and this song is no different. I actually just discovered this song last night and I'm already obsessed
let it be by blackmill;
They’ve got a mind track No fool (Oh, oh) It’s all a mystery Let it come and let it be
as much as I love chillstep, I've never come across blackmill until fairly recently. this song pretty much describes my oc x oc ship to a T
regret making mistakes by balam acab;
no lyrics for this one as it's an instrumental, but it's a song I love to listen to as I imagine myself floating in an empty space. it's another track I discovered within the last week that I absolutely love
oh that I had by mt eden;
But I'm so cold my bones, will freeze And there's nought through the haze I've been waiting so long But my hour has gone, away
always been a fan of mt eden from way back when, but I just happened to come across this in my recommendations and it brought tears to my eyes
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fnaf-enthusiast · 10 months
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FNaF 2 general Headcanons
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Withered Freddy
He is still the same tbh
Nothing much changed for him and on him
He somehow drops even more dad jokes
'Raises' Toy Freddy like one would their son and the others always giggle at that
He deeply hates BB but won't show it openly, he probably doesn't even know himself why he dislikes him
Actually likes the new tunes the toy animatronics play but still prefers the songs his band used to play
Whithered Bonnie
We all know he has a lot insecurities now because of his face and his arm but mostly his face
He is the most insecure of the four and it shocks his friends to see him not only change appearance but also personality
He's now just deadpan walking around and sometimes makes a sarcastic joke or two
Though he sometimes still talks a lot and is back to his old self when he talks with the other withered animatronics
He actually doesn't hate his replacement they hangout sometime but it's more like a distant friendship
He also started to swear a lot more and it actually funny to see BB's expression when he hears those words
Withered Chica
She is a close second next to W. Bonnie when it comes to insecurities
She somehow still manages to keep that secret, she sometimes talks with Foxy and Bonnie about such stuff, and she is still very extroverted and happy
She's kinda sad she can't eat pizza anymore but she surprised herself by not caring about it that much
Loves to scare everyone with her broken voicebox and sometimes teams up with BB to annoy the others
Withered Foxy
He's not as flirty as used to be but he doesn't really care all that much
He's had his own insecurities a long time before and knows how to handle them
He turned the flirty jokes and dark jokes up a little now
He and Bonnie now take bets on who will start a 'fight' with who because the toy animatronics always manage to get into arguments
Scratches the wall with his hook and 'draws' his storys and tells them to BB
Once in a week or two he talks with the Puppet because he reminds him of golden Freddy a little
Golden Freddy
He's even more distant now
He already kept to himself but damn he sets new records for that
It isn't like he's insecure, he never really was, but he's afraid he might get a little too emotional when he sees they others
He hangs out most of the time he shows himself with the Puppet
They both are mostly silent or whisper to each other but they love to just observe what's going on in the pizzeria
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Toy Freddy
He's like an average teenager
He would play fortnite if he could 100%
He sometimes tries to prank the withered animatronics but almost always fails and gets scolded by Freddy or cussed out by Bonnie
He and toy Chica make almost every day a food fight and sometimes W. Chica and W. Bonnie join
He rages relatively quickly when he loses, no matter what he's loosing at
A huge fan of ice cream, choko-mint to be specific
Toy Bonnie
He is very social but has small mood swings
One day he chats nonstop and the other he sits in W. Bonnies corner with him and talks about live
Is a little clumsy but covers it up by using a joke he got from W. Foxy or W. Freddy
He loves slushys(ya know what I mean, right?)
He always empties the machine and tries to mix every flavor possible
Has also no concersln about himself when he wants to win a bet and makes all types of crazy stuff
Toy Chica
She loves to talk with W. Chica and is from her personality a lot like her original
Sadly has no taste in music and somehow ends up with everyone teasing her about it
But she can tease back and she is very good at making people flustered
She can also be very sassy
Loves lollipops and would probably also love cotton candy
my poor bby
She is very distant from the others
Has a lot of insecurities, knows that they should talk about it, but doesn't have a clue how to talk about her problems
Since mostly static comes from their voicebox they don't have that much courage to talk
But sometimes she talks with others, the others can understand W. Chica even though her voicebox is almost just as broken, most times they talk with W. Foxy or hang around Puppet because they find their presence comforting
Is the calmest but also the most caring of everyone
Is almost like a therapist for everyone
They mostly keep to themselves but don't mind a nice soul keeping them company
Has a nice laugh wich reminds one of a small child
'Protects' BB when he once again gets in trouble for one of his pranks
Once in a blue moon they tease one of their friends in a fun, harmless way but they don't do that often because they are worried of hurting someones feelings
Baloon Boy
The biggest troublemaker of them all
But also the worst
Has distorted his laugh to scare the toy animatronics multiple times and got his ass almost yeeted across the pizzeria
Puppet is his safe zone
He loves cotton candy, he inhales that shit
Tied to learn the guitar on multiple occasions but somehow he can't learn it
Mad respect tho, he won't stop trying
He laughs at almost every joke, no matter if he understands or not
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gisenchy · 1 year
drinking from a poisoned well (from my tinyletter)
I wonder if I will ever stop trying to find myself in the culture I consume. I also wonder if the culture I consume is as much of a mirror as I think it is - does it have anything to do with me? Does it reflect me? And by reflect I mean does it tell you something about who I am, what matters to me, what I stand for? 
Kanye West recently released his album Donda. As a reformed Kanye West fan, I’ve tried to find the words to describe the dull yet pulsing ache I feel when I think about his music and the impact that he has had on my life, whether I like it or not. I’ve issued a blanket mute to anyone I see posting that they are listening to his album...an album which I don’t need to listen to to know that it isn’t good. But more than the quality of the music itself, I don’t need to listen to the album because I don’t need to support his public alignment with accused and convicted rapists and sexual deviants, homophobes, anti-Semites, and misogynists. I have several problematic faves, but I don’t have 1 hour and 48 minutes to find out if anything on Donda is worth seeing past the list of collaborators, and the glaring lack of women in an album dedicated to his late mother. I don’t know the answer, I don't want to know, and I don't want to care.
Maybe that is the name for that dull, pulsing ache. Care. But not in the sense of, I care for you. In the sense of somehow this affects me with clear undertones of I wish it didn’t.  Like seeing an embarrassing photo of yourself from years ago. Or like this week, I got a request from someone who asked about Fly Art prints. Toni and I have only spoken publicly (lol) about the slow death of Fly Art once and it is as simple as the two of us not being interested in the project anymore and also as complex as my (I can’t speak for Toni) relationship to the music and artists that I love and follow. 
I have loved rap music for a finite amount of time. I think it came about as a result of having dabbled in dance, and also my appreciation for a good fucking beat. I admired the brashness with which a rapper could admit their (though it was often his) faults while also boasting of their success. As a very self-conscious yet vaguely confident (in the right context!) person, I saw myself reflected in the tricky balance between humility and the skill of embodying my own self. I promise! I am! So self-conscious. Rap, and by extension hip-hop fed my soul. When I first moved to Sydney, I attended a Yeezus show in total nosebleed seats. Kanye played the intro to Runaway twice after asking who in the audience was hearing it live for the first time. It was one of the best concerts I had ever been to. I still chase this same feeling: the distance from the stage bridged through shared, mutual adoration. 
I leaned on Fly Art as part of my personality until the proverbial reed broke. I thought it made me cool and influential. I loved the attention so much. And it was fucking fun! Until we tried to make money off of it (We succeeded though) and it became a job. It was no longer fun, more than a cool hobby that made me feel cool and popular. And I just stopped listening to hip-hop. My taste in music changed, and it seemed that every rapper I admired was on a mission to remind me they were straight cishet men doing straight cishet men things, including:
Denying the existence of slavery, supporting one of the actual worst presidents of the United States, which is saying something considering they’re all fucking hacks (Kanye West)
Appearing to have groomed young women...and giving R FUCKING KELLY A WRITING CREDIT IN 2021 (Drake)
Threatening to boycott Spotify if they didn’t return the music of someone who abused their partner (Kendrick Lamar for xxxtentacion, weird tbh)
Fighting with women who were trying to encourage the general public to read??? (J. Cole, in an odd bid against literacy)
Featuring Chris Brown (unfortunately too many to name)
In summary, just a lot of stuff that left a bad taste in my mouth and left me questioning what I had signed up for. What my support meant. Worse, what did my profiting off of the work of black artists say about me across the ugly ugly backdrop of gender-based violence, systemic racism and police brutality? The slow death of Fly Art was really just the same story over and over again: people change and they indeed realise things. They do not condone misogyny and misinformation, which I strive to do. I also cannot stand albums longer than 16 tracks. Who even has the time?
That isn’t to say I don’t listen to any rap or hip-hop music at all. There is still a lot of it on rotation!!! But I can’t think of anything more exhausting than seeing Donda on my feed multiple times. I don’t have to listen to the album. I cannot believe how hard I stanned this man. Part of my disgust and anger is definitely directed towards me. There is an endless bowl of shame in there. I often call myself a “reformed Kanye West fan” because there is so much of his music that I love. And I resent him so deeply now because the more he continues to do *gestures vaguely* whatever this is, the more poisoned the well feels. 
I understand that it is possible to like problematic people and to support artists or people in general who aren’t perfect. It is inevitable that everyone has fucked up at least once in their life. It feels like I’m reliving a cycle of disappointment that I feel for myself when I make a mistake or when I am unkind. Ha, maybe the point isn’t to find yourself in what’s out there, but to find it (speak to the manager) within. Maybe I just feel envious of people who are able to separate the art from the artist? 
On the other hand, fuck that. There is a line. In a world that is rapidly taking away a woman’s right to her own body, where we are constantly in a deluge of violence of all sorts from men in power, I cannot believe that people I know are still listening to Kanye West! Openly!!!! Is any gesture of support worth the pain inflicted by the men I mentioned above? There will eventually be a time when I stop drinking from this bowl of shame, alienation and just straight up anger, but at the very least I know my answer. I want people to know that this shit doesn't sit right with me, because how else can we demand for something better? That’ll be enough. It has to be enough. 
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a-spell-a-rebel-yell · 9 months
oh my god i am sooo sorry for the super late reply yet again 😭 i swear this time the reason is very much valid: i got swamped with school work! oh well, i'll just do an August and a third of September recap hehe
also very much expected to get this amount of workload because: 1) it's a postgrad school, and 2) it's U of I 😂 i'm feeling that significant shift from undergrad environment of a private university, to a completely independent mode of a public university, though not that surprised with a culture shock phase because i'm used to hold myself accountable to a mainly prioritizing critical thinking learning system. so now when we get new task for every class, it’s not a big deal (the only major change is these tasks rendered me chronically offline aka i’m spending less time on twitter, who would’ve thought 😂) because it’s a discipline i’m interested in, reading numerous journals and finding new textbooks to read no matter how complicated feels like getting gifts, ha!
two weeks in and so far i'm enjoying everything, special mention to my ten wonderful classmates that are nothing but a joy to be around with. so it's fun engaging with them and straight away feeling like we're longtime best friends who haven't seen each other in a while.
here to proudly announce i've been made the class': interim manager, secretary, treasurer, archivist, publicist, photographer, timekeeper, and scheduling coordinator 😂😂😂 it's a lot, but i'm having fun taking care of stuffs and it's not like there are much to work on, since all eleven of us are always helping each other. since there's not many of us, naturally a close knit group was formed from the very first day, and i'm happy to have them as companions for the next three years.
what i notice these days is that my personality is slowly reverting back to my old cheery, bubbly, and super talkative self? it's funny to observe really, and if you know me from my elementary school days, you'll know which version of me i'm talking about hahaha i’m more carefree, taking more chances, overall extracting happiness out of everything.
rolling back a bit, my Brisbane cousin got married on early August! me and the fam went to Bandung and stayed at Bank lndonesia's guesthouse at Tubagus Ismail. was feeling so much nostalgia because that house complex is a place of so much childhood memories.
the venue for the wedding is an outdoor restaurant at Dago area, and the decor was ethereal! i love it so much, and Dago is famously known for its forestry and cool air, and alhamdulillah at that time the sun wasn't too hot, the trees provide a nice shade, and no rain despite heavy rain previous and next days after! my cousin and i have similar taste in esthetics, food, and music, so it was like being in my dream wedding party 😂 doing bridesmaid duty was easy, the EO made sure all we do is look good for the footage! also because i had to walk my cousin down the aisle, i had to wear heels (not my usual Dr Martens boots) and boy oh boy it was only a 3 cm heels but i suffered a lot on hour five 🥲 and again with the personality change i mentioned earlier: i literally participated in the fun games thing, and one of the games required me to run for my life with those heels (other competitors cheated by taking off theirs 😤) and i didn’t even win because the emcee changed the rules mid game!!! still quite bitter about it tbh 🫠 but then again i had so much fun with my cousins, Bandung trips are always to remember.
mid August marked the day me and the newbie ortho res met some of our seniors. next day we got our new shiny yellow jackets and took photos in front of the famous dean/Balairung building (goodness i still can’t pick them apart) then on late August we went through medical checkup, basic life support class, and skill station trainings. this time i got 'reprimanded' by the doctor who supervised the checkup, she said i'm way too skinny my body mass index is on the lower end of underweight... and i have anemia too 🧍‍♀️ i'm scheduled to see an internist later though!
first semester started on August 28th but we didn't have our first class until Aug 30th. every single class awed me in a way we do really have the best in the field as our teachers, and i learned a lot. my brain's gonna absorb as much as it can while being here. still can't believe that i'm a part of this huge thing, against all odds i still got in. this makes me want to do my very very very best and prove that i deserve the spot. such an amazing feeling to be able to study more and finding out knowledge is truly inexhaustible. then i realized yet again that my line of profession is never-ending learning process, i'm humbly glad to be on this exact place and time, a dentist and orthodontics resident. no words are able to describe how grateful i am.
in another good news, in 138 days i'll be seeing Coldplay in Singapore! doing mental countdown and using it as a motivation to study 😂 i can't wait to get barrier and scream out all the lyrics, thinking maybe i should get a strategy to be noticed by the social media crews (currently devising a head piece or costume lol) and maaaybe i'll end up on coldplay's instagram heheheh
a bit of sad news: this September it'll be my dad's last month ever working as a Bank lndonesia employee, which means i'm moving out of the Blok M/Panglima Polim house and back to Cibubur. though technically for my first year of school i'll be moving temporarily to my Brisbane cousin's home somewhere in Tanah Kusir, so yep, still a South Jakartan (born and raised! haha)
oh well. that's all the exhilarating run of the eighth month, it's 8/12 already!? time flies so fast, i'm about to turn 26 in three months 😂 see you on September post!
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2jaeh · 3 years
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genre: smut, humor
warnings: poly themes, alcohol, some drug use, threesome, oral M and F receiving, semi-public, fxm, mxm, just a lot of smut related tags tbh
word count : 11,8 K 
Everyone had heard of you but where did the story begin ?
This is the prequel to FREAKS (Jaehyun x reader) a story of why the entire campus were almost certain that you Taeyong and Ten were in a poly affair. 
A/N: before anyone asks I will be doing a part two of Freaks w Jaehyun, I needed to get this part out first! Also commissions are open on my fiverr and let me know in my inbox what you think of this series! 
0. Prequel 
1. Freaks pt 1 
You always wondered what it was like to fit in. Whether people rarely stared, that It didn’t matter what music you listened to or how you dressed as long as you followed the quota you were good. But four months into university made you quickly realise that it wasn’t easy making friends as people made it out to be. Being in the art department, you took notice of a few people that met your requirements but after an exchange or two the conversation fell flat and it would feel like you were back to square one.
You sat your sketchbook down on the wooden table situated at the back of the fine arts classroom and slumped into the chair waiting for class to begin. Your eyes watched every person that sauntered through those indigo doors. Hippies, wannabe tattoo artists, rich kids who took art just to prove they’re cultured, and the ones who weren’t worth remembering.
“Today we will explore life drawings so pull out the items I asked you to collect and partner up with the person seated next to you” your lecturer clapped his hands as the classroom filled with shuffling of seats and small greetings.
You turned to your left and noticed a black haired boy with a mullet cut passed out on the desk. You had seen him at a few parties but you’ve only exchanged less than a sentence with him.
Grabbing your pencil you poked his exposed arm until he groaned and stretched his arms out in front of him yawning, “Are we done already ?”
“We just started, and were partners” you faked a smile and shifted your desk closer to him.
“Oh shit sorry, you’re y/n right ?” He asked, his voice was soft and friendly. His cat-like eyes blinked cutely as he adjusted his loose shirt and turned his body to face you, “you were at Jungwoo’s party last week.”
“Oh yeah I was” you chuckled scratching the back of your head, “You…are Ten Lee, I remember your strip club design project. It was pretty awesome”
Ten’s eyes lit up at your words and you felt a sense of warmth emanating from him. It felt genuine unlike most people on this campus and you couldn’t believe it took you this long to even talk to him.
“I tend to see how far I can go before the faculty calls my parents in” he snickered and began pulling out his drawing equipment from his overly decorated tote bag. You mimicked his actions and in turn pulled out the items your lecturer had asked you to collect. Personal trinkets he said, three items that you think represented you.
You looked around at the nearby desks and noticed a lot of the same items placed on everyone's desk. Candles, AirPods, tea boxes, vinyls and anything else you would find on ‘art hoe Tumblr 101’. You annoyingly rolled your eyes as you looked down at your own equipment.
A rusty old key you had found in your room, the cigarette butt of the last one you smoked since you’d quit, and of course the grand finale, an anime figurine of a woman with boobs bigger than her head. Perfect.
“Hentai is…..your identifier ?” Ten stifled his laughter as he grabbed the figurine from your desk and closely examined her clothing, or lack thereof.
“I actually stole that from the store my ex worked at but yeah we can go with that, what is yours ?”
You watched Ten remove the items from his bag and your eyes widened at one item in particular, “dude is that a vibrator ?” You questioned and Ten grinned, holding up the palm sized gadget and switched it on briefly before turning it off and flinging it on his desk, “yeah I identify strongly with it” he shrugged.
“How exactly?” You quizzed him as the boy, still poker faced, played with the rings on his fingers.
“Vibrators pleasure people, and I do the same, there's no lore to it y/n”
“Good to know I guess” you pressed your lips together and you felt Ten tug on your arm until his lips were against your ear,
“You wanna skip and try it out in the bathroom ?”
You had no idea what the fuck was going on but within minutes you and Ten were walking down the hall to the nearest bathroom after he explained to the lecturer that the two of you had to hand in a business assignment a couple doors down. Ten pulled you into the girls bathroom and looked under each stall until he realised you two were the only ones in here.
“What the fuck is happening right now” you walked hand in hand with him into the last stall and leaned against the cold tiled wall.
“You about to get one of the best orgasms ever that's what” Ten bit down on his lip cheekily and found the slit of your floral skirt and pushed it to the side, revealing your black laced panties on full display for him.
As Ten’s fingers slowly began making its way to your core you smacked his hand, causing him to look up with wide eyes, “What ?”
“At least kiss me first, how am I supposed to get in the…mood?” Ten chuckled at your words and raised his hands amusingly, “Okay Okay I didn’t think this would be a whole ordeal”
You rolled your eyes and pulled Ten by his neck into a deep kiss that actually surprised the both of you. Each side was filled with lust as your tongue moved against his and fought for dominance. Ten pressed his body against you roughly, earning a moan from both of you once you felt your bodies connect in the most passionate way. Kissing him was different, It completely changed the way you looked and felt about him. He went from being the cute cat boy in your class to probably one of the sexiest people you had ever met. Ten roughly bit your lip and smirked into the kiss when he felt your nails dig into his shoulder. He quickly used the opportunity to slip his hands in-between your legs which you politely parted for him and ran a finger over your core.
“Oh shit” you breathed against his lips as he moved the material out of the way and slipped his finger inside with ease. His finger moved slowly in and out of you while his lips were still attached to yours not missing a second of that mouth-watering kiss. You had no idea when his finger was replaced with the vibrator but the sensation made you break away from the kiss and throw your head back in ecstasy, not knowing when was the last time you even felt like this. The combination of Ten’s wet kisses on your neck and the vibrator completely destroying you, it was happening. The orgasm of the fucking century was approaching. You would like to believe that you were only at your breaking point because you hadn’t hooked up with anyone in a while not because Ten was this good. But he was. He was fucking amazing and this was just a taste, just an introduction to him.
Ten increased the speed of the vibrator until your legs were shaking and clasped his hand over your mouth to prevent the whole department from hearing you coming undone.
“Fuck..” You sighed, holding onto his shoulders for support as you tried catching your breath, “yeah the whole pleasure analogy between you and the vibrator….I get it.”
“Glad to be of service” Ten stuck his tongue in his cheek and began neatening his outfit before hooking arms with you and walking out of the bathroom. You already had no intention of going back to class anytime soon so the two of you ended up wandering the halls of the pristine campus, hoping the day would pass away.
“Y/n” you heard a voice call from behind you, not your favourite voice in the world.
“Fuck” you sighed and turned around, watching the tall black haired man make his way over to you. You watched a cocky smile spread across his face as he came over, his tall frame standing over you and Ten.
“What do you want Jinyoung ?” you asked, raising your eyebrow at him and folded your arms.
The boy bit down on his lip and moved his hair out of his face, “I just came to say hi y/n do you have to be so rude ?” He scoffed and raised his eyebrow at Ten, “got a new boy toy ?”
“What Ten and I do is honestly none of your business” you responded coldly, Ten immediately putting two and two together and stifled a laughter before smiling up at Jinyoung,
“Oh you’re the ex boyfriend ? Is this the one who finishes in 10 seconds ?” Tens words caught you off guard causing you to let out a chuckle and Jinyoung to shift uncomfortably in his spot. He tried his best to stay composed but his red ears told a different story.
“That’s probably someone else, you know she’s been around the block” he licked his lips and folded his arms across his chest.
“Anyway do you want something ? We gotta go back to class” you rolled your eyes and rested your head on Tens shoulder.
“Come out with me tonight, you know I always get guestlist to varsity parties” Jinyoung said and Ten waved his hand in front of his face startling Jinyoung, “I have plans with her, so maybe next time” Ten pulled you down the hall before Jinyoung could get in another word. You couldn’t help but turn back and take in his dumbstruck frame as the two of you furthered away from him and headed back to class.
“We have plans ?” You asked as the two of you slipped back into your seats and Ten propped his legs up on the table and leaned back,
“Yeah there’s a party at that guy Wooyoung's place tonight and we’re going” Ten stretched his arms above his head, “wear something sexy so I’m not standing out.”
Of Course listening to Tens words and knowing the kind of closet you were working with it wasn’t that hard to not stand out. You opted for a cute little baby blue mini dress that was tight enough to show off your curves and a pair of holographic combat boots. Your favourite part was always getting to match your eye make up to your outfit. Drawing on an intricate design that accentuated your big round eyes almost made you doll-like.
You retrieved your phone and noticed you received a text from Ten, who had already updated an outfit pic on story. A very low buttoned down black shirt and black shiny pants that had a fucking garter around his leg ?
Yeah he was hot and the both of you knew it.
You grabbed the last of your things and made your way downstairs to Ten who was waiting at the dorm house entrance. Unconsciously biting on your lip you were welcomed by his slender figure posted up against the fence with a cigarette hanging from his mouth. He looked straight out of a movie.
“God finally….holy shit you look hot!” He whistled and pulled you into a tight hug before pulling you into a kiss and grabbed your waist. The kiss was indeed surprising even though earlier that day he was practically fucking your brains out.
His lips were soft and sweet, laced with a hint of the menthol cigarette from earlier. Ten finally pulled away and he gave your ass a cheeky squeeze before handing you his half burnt cigarette,
“Let’s have a wild fucking night then shall we ?”
Taking the cigarette from him you took a drag and blew the smoke up into the air forgetting about your sobriety and watched it disappear in the night sky, “let’s go.”
The night was cold but quite a few people were all over the residence roads, making their way to various parties or down to the bars where the rowdiness had already begun.
“Shit I really should’ve brought something to pre drink” Ten sighed and pulled out his phone.
“Who are you texting ?” You asked, trying to match his quick footsteps as yall began nearing the busy part of the street.
“Yuta, you know that tattoo guy ? He always has a bottle on him” Ten explained as you followed him into a narrow corner and saw a group of people gathered at the steps of the building.   You noticed a few people from your department hanging around but the most noticeable person was in fact Yuta Nakamoto. His long black hair, pierced ears and tatted up body was hard to miss. You got a tattoo from him once and it almost ended with him making out with you on his work desk.
But that was a story both of you agreed to forget.
“Ten and y/n, weird combination but I’m not really surprised, what’s up ?” Yuta grinned and handed Ten the bottle of vodka while pulling you into a quick hug.
“Yeah it’s called matching each other’s energy” Ten winked at you and took a shot of vodka straight out of the bottle before handing it to you. You eyed the clear bottle up and down knowing your kidneys were screaming at you right now but fuck you hated walking into a party without a slight buzz going. You took the bottle and took a shot before wincing at the bitter taste and the fiery sensation that was now running down your throat. “You ready ?” Ten grinned holding out his hand and you placed your hand in his, nodding a thank you to Yuta and his friends before entering the chaotic party.
There were people of all kinds inside. Some from your department, some from God knows where. All you could see were lingering eyes on you and Ten as you stepped inside. Some people made it obvious that they were staring, hoping that maybe you’d strike up a conversation with them. Others just peeked and gossiped amongst their friends as they stared at the outfits that you and Ten adorned.
“What else do you expect from people who sleep around with drug dealers” you and Ten overheard a girl say as the two of you made your way over the kitchen for drinks.
“Drug Dealers ? Geez that’s the first” Ten scoffed and sifted for a cider in the cooler.
“None of that bothers you does it ?” You smiled, intrigued as the cat-eyed boy barely noticed a few people checking him out from behind the counter.
Ten handed you a drink and leaned up against the counter taking a sip of the cold liquid before shrugging,
“Why should I let it bother me ? It’s not like their lives are interesting that I want to fit in with them, I mean their lives revolve around talking shit about me” Ten giggled and took another sip of his drink.
His confidence was extremely attractive and his words resonated with you. It made you wonder if maybe you thought too much about it at times even though you didn’t care to conform to society norms of an average varsity student. Hanging out with Ten for just one day already gave you more life, more energy than anyone prior in your university. Ten wasn’t hesitant to show you that he felt the same way either. To him it was fate that he had sat next to you earlier today because he finally found someone worth keeping his attention.
“There’s something about you y/n I just feel like we get each other” he scratched his head and looked over at you, “it’s so easy just hanging out with you without feeling so fucking drained.”
“I feel the exact same way, like don’t get me wrong I like hanging out with the likes of Yuta and that guy Hendery in our class, but it’s different with you”  You grabbed Tens hand and he squeezed your hand tightly,
“Here’s to tolerating only each other.”
You and Ten toasted and downed the last of the cider before heading to the dance floor filled with people who either despised you or wanted to be you.
As the two of you danced it felt like the room was moving in slow motion, the mixture of the smoke filled room to the loud music and alcohol in your system made you feel euphoric. As you danced the night away, you had no idea when you and Ten had separated on the dance floor but a sudden tug on your arm snapped you out of your daydream to face a harsh reality.
“Please leave me alone” you groaned as he wrapped his arms around your waist and placed his mouth against your ear,
“Baby I’m sorry when are we going to put all that shit behind us ?” He groaned, slipping his hands to your sides and squeezed gently.
“You cheated on me asshole did you forget ?” You shrugged out of his grip and pushed by the bodies of people trying to make your way to the backyard for fresh air.
The small garden was filled with people having intimate conversations and someone throwing up in a bush at the back. Normal house party shenanigans.
You rolled your eyes when you noticed Jinyoung had followed you out already trying to put his hands on you once again. “Would you stop ? Why don’t you run after the girl you had in your bed when we were together” you spat and headed for a bench.
“You know what, keep resisting, that’s why your ass is sitting here alone” Jinyoung retorted and pushed his way back into the party.
You groaned and sat on the empty seat far away from the party, finally able to hear yourself think and breath in fresh air. You were about to slip back into a calmer state when you felt someone drop in the seat next to you and as your thoughts expected it was Jinyoung, it ended up being a boy you had never seen before.
“Hi, sorry I didn’t mean to startle you” the boy said, his big round eyes sparkled under the night sky. His body was petite like Ten but he was broader in the shoulder department and had the most innocent face you’d ever seen.
“Oh it’s not a problem” you replied, still taking in his striking features. The boy brought a small metal flask to his lips and took a shot before offering the drink to you,
“It’s tequila” he smiled and you mouthed a thank you before shooting back a bit of the drink and handed it back to him.
“I’m y/n….I haven’t seen you around before” you quizzed as the boy set down his flask and ran his fingers through his blonde hair.
“I’m Taeyong, I’m actually new here” he replied and wet his lips with his tongue, “I’ll start in the art and design department on Monday.”
“I’m in that department, well welcome to hell” you grinned and held out your hand. Taeyong grinned and took your hand in his and gave you a firm handshake before scooting closer. As much as you convinced yourself he had the most adorable and innocent face you’d ever seen, there was a hint of mischief in his eyes.
“I just came here to get drunk and get laid but like everyone’s looking at me weird” Taeyong goofily laughed and you joined in, “can’t help you there, I’ve been in that position for a few months now” Taeyongs eyebrows raised at your words and jumped to his feet, holding out his hand for you to take,
“We both have nothing better to do so let’s get wasted.”
You and Taeyong set up a couple shots and downed everything in one go, not bothering about anyone around you or what they had to say. Taeyong was hilarious, his face was animated as he talked which made you laugh, something about him drew you in like a moth to a flame.
The two of you went from casual talk to dancing together and you didn’t mind the closeness, especially when he danced so fucking well against your body. You had no idea when it happened but Taeyong had spun you to face him while the two of you danced and your bodies were practically merged together as Taeyongs lips inched closer and closer until you felt him practically getting dragged away.
“Yo what the fuck man” Taeyong shouted as Jinyoung had a fist full of Taeyongs shirt and escorted him outside. A few people pushed past you to see the commotion before you processed what the hell had just happened.
Making your way through the curious crowd you watched as Taeyong and Jinyoung squared up in the middle of the garden for everyone to see.
“What the hell are you doing with my girl, man ?” Jinyoung shoved Taeyong who stumbled back, the alcohol not helping his balance in any way. You rushed toward them as Taeyong found his footing and pushed Jinyoung right back, he was definitely way stronger than he looked.
“Jinyoung I’m not your girl you moron” you snapped and tried to stand in front of Taeyong before things got any worse.
Jinyoung scoffed and took a step forward, challenging you but you stood your ground even though your head was spinning from the amount of alcohol in your system.
“You’re defending this nobody ? Y/n you’ve really hit rock bottom now haven’t you ?” Jinyoung said, loud enough for every person to hear. This was one of his traits that you hated most.
When Jinyoung knew he had lost you it resulted in insults, manipulation, making you feel like you needed him more than he needed you. But it never worked and it drove him insane.
“Hey it’s not her fault she decided to drop the dead weight in her life” Taeyong shrugged and took a step forward, “don’t worry I’ll make sure she gets satisfied in any way she wants.”
Before you could even respond Jinyoung swung at Taeyong, hitting him right in the jaw before two other men stepped in and held him back. You rushed over to check on Taeyong who instead of showing signs of anger or pain, was laughing.
Laughing with a bruise on the side of his jaw, unphased by what had just happened. Jinyoung muttered curses as the guys dragged him away from the garden and the crowds of people finally dispersed, unsatisfied with the lackluster of the fight.
“Are you okay ?” You sighed helping him up and took him to the side of the house where it was more secluded from the public. You shone your phone light to get a better look at his bruise and Taeyong winced at both the sudden light and the throb from the hit.
“I’m fine I’m fine, it’s really okay” he chuckled and leaned against the wall pulling you with until you were inches away from his face.
You had no idea why, especially considering you just saw him get hit in the face, you leaned in to kiss him. Whether it be the alcohol or the adrenaline from the fight you just found Taeyong to be so goddamn hot in this moment. Taeyong moaned into the kiss as he slipped his tongue into your mouth and massaged circles on your lower back. Your lips moved against his slowly and passionately, smirking into the kiss when he bit down on your lip cheekily.
“God there you are”
Your kiss quickly broke when you heard the high tone of Tens voice and he made his way over to you and Taeyong.
“What the hell happened, I heard that idiot Jinyoung was harassing you again and-“ Tens eyes turned to Taeyong against the wall and pointed to him with his index finger, “who the heck is this ?”
“Uh this is Taeyong, he helped me with the Jinyoung issue” you scratched your head and Taeyong half waved at Ten before clutching his jaw.
“Uhm okay” Ten pressed his lips together, “let’s go back to my dorm I’ve had enough of these Neanderthals...Taeyong you can come too.”
The three of you finally arrived at Ten’s dorm in silence. You and Taeyong shifted awkwardly in the middle of Ten’s bedroom, not knowing exactly what to do. Looking around you noticed Ten had an eye for interior design. His furniture was quite outlandish for a dorm room yet it was surprisingly homey.
“God please sit or do something you guys are making me uncomfortable” Ten groaned, kicking off his boots and discarding his shirt. Taeyong opted for the office chair near Ten’s desk and you took a seat at the very edge of Ten’s single sleeper while he lay on his back next to you on his phone.
“You guys like sushi ? I'm feeling for sushi” Ten hummed scrolling through a food ordering app completely oblivious to the awkwardness that still sat in the room.
“Sushis good” you nodded,
“Yeah I don't mind either” Taeyong added but winced when he felt the sharp, still very prominent pain in his jaw.
“Ten you got an ice pack or something ?” You sighed, jumping off the bed and rummaged through Ten’s mini fridge. “Yeah right at the back” Ten replied, still trying to place his order for the late night meal. You retrieved the ice pack and knelt down in front of Taeyong who smiled shyly as you placed the ice pack over his swollen jaw. Taeyong silently thanked you for your kindness and applied pressure to his jaw as you decided to take a seat beside his chair, to make him feel a little more comfortable in your friends bedroom.
“Okay” Ten threw his phone aside and sat up to look at the two of you with inquisitive eyes,” yall gonna tell me what happened here ?”
“Well I lost you on the dancefloor and Jinyoung found me” you began, Ten already rolling his eyes at the sound of Jinyoung’s name,
“I went outside and Taeyong approached me, he’s going to be starting at our department on Monday and he didn't know anybody, so I offered my friendship in a form of alcohol and having a good time” you smiled and Ten scoffed.
“Jinyoung saw you guys just drinking and decided to rearrange his face ?” Ten raised his eyebrow, he definitely knew there was more to it considering the two of you were sucking each other's faces off in a dark alley.
“Okay so we were quite close, and honestly does Jinyoung need any other reason ? He wanted to punch you this morning” you groaned.
“Yeah but I was literally fucking you in a bathroom stall with my vibrator y/n”
Taeyong’s eyes widened at Ten’s words and looked between the two of you frantically, “Wait you guys are together, I mean hooking up ? Why did you kiss me ?” he questioned while Ten just laughed it off and turned on his bluetooth speaker.
“Chill, we're not together you can have a little relationship if you want to” Ten smirked, stretching his arms above his head, “honestly if you wanna hook up now I like watching.”
“God shut up, and none of us want a relationship. We just got there to have fun and Jinyoung ruined everything” you groaned, leaning your head back against Taeyong’s leg as he finally returned to tend to his bruise.
“All this aside do you guys mind if I hang out with you ? you’re honestly the only fucking normal people on this campus” Taeyong pouted and you and Ten shared a quick glance before grinning from ear to ear.
“Okay he’s cute I get it” Ten sighed and held out his hand to Taeyong, “I'm Ten, y/n and I only started hanging out this morning, neither of us have close friends on campus and frankly everyone finds us annoying, welcome to the club.”
Taeyong smiled cutely and shook Ten’s hand, setting down his ice pack and got to his feet, “Well i'm Taeyong, I too don't give a shit what people have to say about me, I like doing whatever I want with whomever I want and I'm pretty sure after tonight people aren't gonna like me either, so I guess i'm in.”
Before you could even say your part to this little club initiation your phone began to blow up with message alerts and story updates from practically everyone on campus tagging you in a specific video.
“What the hell is going on ?” you frowned as you opened instagram and noticed that the account that everyone was tagging you in was a burner account with a few videos and two pictures. Ten and Taeyong stood on either side of you as you opened up the first video and noticed that it was taken in the hallway earlier that day with you and Ten linking arms. The second video was at the party, you and Ten dancing with each other and the video cutting to you and Taeyong dancing together. The last video on the account was a blurry video of you and Taeyong making out and Ten walking in, with the ending obviously being the three of you leaving together.
“Why is this account posting videos of us ?” Taeyong asked, noticing that he too was tagged by people who he didn't know at all. Ten pulled up the account on his own phone when the account refreshed and a new post appeared, this time it was text only.
“It's probably Jinyoung I’ll just call him and-”  You were cut off by Ten grabbing your phone and tossing it on his bed, “dude what the hell ?” you protested but Ten silenced you with his finger.
“This is garbage right ? like what do our lives and how we live it got anything to do with any of these assholes ?” Ten bit down on his lip and looked between you and Taeyong, “They are so obsessed with us, wondering if the three of us are fucking right now ? really ? well let's give it to them.”
“You want the three of us to fuck ?” Taeyong quirked his eyebrow, his large eyes still hazy from the party.
“I want them to believe we are!” Ten grabbed Taeyong by his shoulders and looked back at you, “any publicity is good publicity. We get to be ourselves and we get to piss people off for free.”
“Would be pretty funny to see all of this blow up in Jinyoung's face honestly” you agreed, and Ten’s face lit up before moving his attention back to Taeyong, “What do you say pretty boy ?” Taeyong scratched his head and shrugged, “All this pretending and I don't get any action here ? doesn't feel like a win at all” You tried to hold in your laughter as Ten groaned at the blonde boy’s words and held his face between his hands before pulling him into a kiss, you watched Taeyong’s tense shoulders finally drop as he leaned more into the kiss and wrapped his hands lightly around Ten’s waist.
Ten pulled away and swiped Taeyong’s lips with his thumb, smiling at the doe-eyed boy, “we will have to make it convincing right ?”
“Okay im in” Taeyong smiled brightly and the three of you held hands in the middle of the bedroom, sharing mischievous glances with each other, anticipating the fucking whirlwind of chaos that was about to hit the campus.
“Good, well I guess the only thing left to do is upload our first post of the official poly club” Ten smirked and pulled the both of you onto his bed. Ten sat in between you and Taeyong and turned on the video mode of instagram stories. First he showed his face then turned to you, pulling you into a soft sensual kiss before moving to Taeyong next to him and did the same. After breaking the kiss with Taeyong, Ten nudged you to move over to the other side of him, putting you right onto Taeyongs lap. Ten focused on the two of you as you lifted Taeyong’s chin with your index finger and bit down on his lip, slightly pulling, teasing him as he brought his hand up to wrap around your neck. Ten zoomed in as you and Taeyong shared a very scandalous kiss for everyone to see. Your tongues darting in each other's mouth while the music drowned out your subtle moans.
“Done!” Ten chirped and uploaded his story, making sure to tag the burner account in every single clip. There was no going back now and every moment of this escapade excited you. The comfort you felt around Ten and Taeyong was something that you’d been craving for a long time. As cheesy as it was to say, and especially since it was only Day One, they felt like your soulmates.
“Man I fucking love this campus” Taeyong threw his head back and groaned while you and Ten burst out laughing.
Monday quickly approached and as soon as you and Ten stepped on campus all eyes were on you. It gave you an incredible sense of confidence and you had no idea why. Heads turned with every step, everyone was whispering as the two of you walked hand in hand through the hallway keeping your head up high and not giving a shit about anyone. Taeyong was waiting for you guys at the end of the hall, adorning a buttoned down printed shirt and ripped jeans that snatched his waist in the right way. Taeyong was leaning against the wall with a lollipop in his mouth and dark sunglasses while everyone who passed him did a double take.
“Hey babes” he smirked and placed a kiss on your cheek and Tens before joining your walk towards your first class for the day.
It was so surreal going from everyone ignoring your existence to every single person watching the three of you, anticipating what was going to happen next. You found your seats in the middle of the lecture, giving everyone the best possible view of course. The professor cleared his throat to get everyone's attention and Ten tried to stifle a laughter as the people who stated they didn't give a shit about you guys clearly paid a lot of attention now.
“Give them a show bestie” Ten whispered in your ear before gesturing to Taeyong who sat on the other side of you, slumped down in his seat with his legs spread apart deliciously. You nodded and slowly reached over to Taeyong, caressing his thigh and he bit down on his lip while keeping his eyes on the lecture slides in front of him. You noticed two guys shuffling behind you and one pulled out his phone, waiting to record the next escapade of the campus’s new favourite stars.
You danced your fingers up Taeyong’s thigh and inched closer to rest your hand on his crotch as his breathing hitched. Leaning forward you made your movements less suspicious to the professor and everyone around you except the camera that was now focusing on your actions. Taeyong sunk further in the chair awaiting for you to quit teasing him and touch him where he needed you most. You obliged to his needs and palmed him through his jeans and you heard the guy behind you curse under his breath as you began rubbing Taeyong’s member. It felt so fucking powerful to do whatever you wanted after being so cautious on this campus for so long. The ironic part was all that shit about you being notorious on campus was a fucking lie. No you weren't a saint but you were not sleeping around every other day since you hated about 90% of the people that attended the university. Now with that burner account claiming to know more about your sex life than you did, what was holding you back now from doing what you wanted ?
Taeyong undid the button on his jeans and pulled down his zip enough for you to slip your hands inside his pants with ease. A gasp from Ten made a shiver run down your spine, coming to your senses that you were giving Taeyong a handjob in the middle of a 10am lecture.
“Shit he's walking up” you chuckled and pulled your hand out of Taeyong’s pants and quickly pretended to be involved in your studies as the professor began walking around the room. Taeyong groaned loud enough for most of the front row to turn around and look at him in annoyance.
“Is something wrong Mr Lee ?” The professor raised his eyebrow as Taeyong quickly redid his pants and hid his prominent boner from his professor.
“One of the questions is a little….hard” Taeyong groaned while you and Ten covered your mouths trying to hide your laughter.
The professor shook his head and went on his way as you and Ten watched Taeyong struggle with his boner for the next thirty minutes of the class. Finally the lecture wrapped up and as soon as the three of you made your way to the hallway you felt Taeyong tug on your arm and began leading you into the girls bathroom, into the nearest stall. A few girls in the bathroom frowned at Ten sauntering into the bathroom straight after, setting down his bag on the counter and began fiddling with his hair.
“Uh this is the girls bathroom ?” a girl snapped, folding her arms and made eye contact with Ten through the mirror.
“So what ? I saw a vag before love, and just because i'm a guy doesn't mean I want yours” Ten shrugged and the girl cursed and stormed out of the bathroom. Meanwhile your mouth was practically merged with Taeyong’s as he pressed his still very hard member against your stomach and nibbled on your bottom lip.
“Was giving me blue balls for thirty minutes worth all of that ?” Taeyong growled as he grabbed your ass roughly, causing you to moan in his mouth. “I'm sorry baby let me make it up to you” you purred and dropped to your knees while Taeyong braced himself against the ceramic wall for what’s to come.
You undid Taeyongs jeans and pulled it down along with his boxers, allowing his member to spring free still hard as ever. You looked up at him, eyes big as you began stroking him slowly before spitting on his tip in order to lubricate him.
“Fucking hell” Taeyong yelled.
A girl on the outside jumped at his words and looked back at the stall then looked at Ten, who was just waiting on the two of you.
“Exam season huh ?” Ten pressed his lips together as the awkward girl quickly dried her hands and rushed out of the bathroom as soon as possible.
You began bobbing your head on Taeyongs member, fully taking him until he reached the back of your throat causing you to gag. Taeyong marveled at the way your plump lips wrapped around his tip, he couldn't help but grab your hair and slowly pull you off him just to take in the sight of your messed up lipstick. You gave him a cheeky smirk before locking your hands behind your back and giving him full control of his movements. Taeyong took full control, his dark eyes narrowed and he sucked his bottom lip between his teeth before thrusting inside of you at a rapid pace. You felt your throat burn at the way he fucked your mouth rapidly but it turned you on so much that you waited until he finally came inside your mouth and you swallowed every bit of him. Taeyong pulled you to your feet and kissed you passionately, his tongue tasting remnants of himself.
“Thanks baby” Taeyong cooed in your ear before exiting the stall, stuffing himself back into his pants while a few girls looked at him absolutely horrified. You followed him, neatening your hair and washing off your mouth and borrowed a lip balm from Ten.
“Had fun you two ?” Ten smirked, leaning against the sink as you and Taeyong made yourself a little more presentable before making your way out of the bathroom. Upon exiting the three of you  noticed the two guys who were filming in the lecture room quickly run after you.
“Don't we get the ending to what went down in the lecture room ?” the one boy snickered like an immature school child as his friend kept the camera on the three of you making your way out of the art department block,
“She swallowed, the end” Taeyong threw his arms around both you and Ten leaving both boys dumbstruck at his words.
You playfully nudged Taeyong who just shot you a cheeky smile as you made your way to a little bench under a willow tree. This was where you usually sat on your own, when you didn't have the energy to socialize with the rest of the art students. Now, it felt a little more complete with Ten and Taeyong accompanying you.
“So my lovelies there's this afterparty happening after the final football game of the season next month” Ten said twirling his ice coffee in his hand as he took in the afternoon sun.
“What do you have in mind ?” you crinkled your nose as you sifted through your unappetizing salad in a box.  
“Okay so you guys heard of Onlyfans right ?” Ten looked between you and Taeyong.
“That site that pays for nudes and shit ?” Taeyong quizzed and Ten nodded brightly and leaned in, “I was thinking let's capitalize a bit of this leading up to the party” Ten responded and pulled up an invitation on his phone,
“The afterparty is being held at Jinyoung’s frat house, him and his idiotic friends are making people pay in order to decorate their football recreational room or some stupid shit like that.”
You took a closer look at the invite and rolled your eyes at the ridiculous pricing, as if their parties were worth going to anyway. Jinyoung was incredibly full of himself and he knew a lot of people worshipped him on campus thanks to his parents being higher ups and the poster boy for the football team. Going for his pride, knocking him where it hurts would be fucking bliss.
“We open an onlyfans, nothing too scandalous but it's gonna get people interested enough to pay forward and we use that cash to host our own party on the same night, free entrance of course” Ten continued and already started setting up the OnlyFans account.
“We should make the party crazy as hell too so nobody would resist coming over” Taeyong added and began going through his contacts, “there's this guy called Seungyoun, he’s a fourth year and knows that DJ from that enigma club from downtown.”
“That's perfect, and we will get Yuta and his tattooist buddies to do temporary sets for us, also my friend Chaeyoung in fashion can help with decor” Ten squealed, already messaging whoever he can.
“My friend Hendery has...uh happy pills if you're interested” you mentioned, knowing that everyone knew Hendery on campus for selling shit, not strong stuff but able to keep you going for a good amount of time.
“Yes! Anything to create hype and watch those preppy idiots sit in an empty house come game night” Ten replied and showed off the OnlyFans page he attached to his instagram account.
“Okay, so what now ?” Taeyong’s large eyes looked between the two of you.
“Now” Ten threw his phone in his bag and got to his feet, “we go back to my dorm and take some naughty pics.”
“I don't think my ass looks good in that” you whined as you got off Taeyong’s lap and took a look at Ten’s camera viewfinder. Taeyong grumbled, sitting in nothing but leather pants on Ten’s office chair, “your ass looks great trust me” he smirked and reached to pull you back onto his lap.
“Come on, just a few more then you can take pics of Taeyong and I” Ten pointed his ring light where Taeyong had a grip on your ass that adorned very pretty pink lingerie. After a few more angles and more compromising positions, Ten finally got what he needed and handed you the camera,
“Make us look cute” He winked and pulled Taeyong to his feet.
“What are we gonna-” Taeyong’s words were cut off by Ten shoving his hand down his pants, “okaaaay” Taeyong pressed his lips together as you began snapping pics of the two of them.
They were so beautiful to you. Every picture you snapped looked better than the last and they needed no direction at all, just enveloped each other with their ridiculous sexual energy, filling the room with their pheromones.
“Done, you guys look sexy as fuck” you purred earning a kiss from Taeyong who was obviously horny from the entire ordeal, but when the fuck was his dick not hard.
You felt yourself being tugged away and Taeyong whined when Ten handed the camera to him and pushed you down to lie on his bed. You felt a shiver run down your spine when Ten positioned himself between your legs and moved his body down until his face was level with your core.
“Taeyong, stand above y/n and shoot down from this angle” Ten instructed to which Taeyong obeyed and his shadow casted over you.
Ten leaned in and kissed you softly on your mound as the room echoed with the camera shutters and your deep breaths. You desperately wanted to run your fingers through his hair but you’d only ruin a perfect shot. It was agonizing but you had to stay still while Ten had his way with you.
Ten moved the piece of fabric to the side and peppered kisses all along your inner thigh and around your core. You were unable to see his face thanks to Taeyong hovering over you but you pictured that smug smile spread across his face as you restrained yourself. You sucked in another deep breath when you felt his tongue dart out and take a slow lick before placing his mouth on your mound and ate you out like an expert.
“Fucking hell” you sighed as you felt his tongue inside you, exploring every part imaginable. You could tell the scene was getting to Taeyong too, as he stood there one hand on the camera and the other hand on his hardened member, watching Ten eat you out.
“Did you get the shots ?” Ten suddenly said, pulling away from your core as you squirmed out of protest.
“Uh..yeah I did,” Taeyong muttered, still staring down at your legs spread wide apart and his member practically screaming through his restricted pants.
“I hope you're not planning to wrap this shit up right now Ten” you groaned, reaching your hand down to your core in order to finish what he had left off.
Ten snickered and slapped your hand away, “of course my lovelies, I never quit a job halfway.” Ten gestured for Taeyong to stand next to the bed while he inserted a finger in you, causing you to moan his name out loud. As you got accustomed to his finger you managed to sit up a little and watched as Ten rubbed Taeyong’s boner through his pants. God you had never been in a situation like this before. How the hell did you get so lucky, meeting two men willing to fuck you and each other.
Ten entered another finger inside you as Taeyong undid his pants and Ten’s mouth was pressed against Taeyong’s member while pumping his length. Taeyong’s eyes were on your figure as he moaned when Ten took him fully in and his fingers were now destroying your core.
“God im so close” Taeyong whined and Ten slowly took his length out of his mouth and looked up at him and then down at you,
“I think you should cum on y/n, she wants it” Ten licked his lips and looked at you with hooded eyes.
“Y-yeah Taeyong….just do it” you squirmed as Ten’s fingers slowed down, holding you back from your orgasm.
Taeyong uttered a few curses and Ten quickly returned to pumping his member until he was at his breaking point. Ten removed his hand from Taeyong and gave you his full attention, attaching both his mouth and three of his fingers inside of your core. Taeyong stood over you with dark eyes as you reached out to run your hand down his exposed thigh.
Taeyong grunted as he released, you felt the warm liquid all over your stomach and breasts while Ten was still recklessly fingering you until you had one of the craziest orgasms of your life. You couldn't process when Taeyong had pressed his lips to yours and Ten had left to get tissues for the mess the three of you made.
“That was some content our viewers missed out on” Taeyong sighed, still trying to catch his breath. You chuckled and went over to the bathroom to quickly shower off the mess and returned in Ten’s oversized shirt, taking a seat between the two of them in bed.
“Okay I uploaded a few previews and linked the onlyfans subscription link” Ten announced as he uploaded three of the explicit versions on the paid side of Onlyfans, “we will get a notification when someone has subscribed and our earnings are on this page.”
The three of you sat, mouths dropped open as you watched subscription after subscription start to fill the page. The comments were flooding in too, and someone even left a hefty tip in a matter of minutes. Ten switched to the earnings page and the account was already sitting at a triple digit.
“What the actual fuck” you gasped as more people began visiting the page and your followings on instagram began skyrocketing.
“This was way easier than I thought it was” Taeyong marveled, also noticing many people start dming him on instagram.
“Well Jinyoung and his goons wanted a party, well here’s the party of the fucking century” Ten smirked and hi5ed the both of you as absolute chaos ensued all over social media in real time.
Just like that in the next couple of days the three of you were watched by the entire campus. It was like Jinyoung wanted. To show the campus that you were notorious, and nobody should get involved with any of you. But that's where his plan was flawed.
Every single person on the campus besides his legion of preppy followers were obsessed with the three of you and craved more. Despite the onlyfans pictures containing no nudity, people still subscribed, they still tipped, they would do anything to see more.
It was in the middle of the afternoon and Ten had confirmed the account had garnered enough money for the party. It had been about three weeks since the very first post on the onlyfans account and now the account stood at a staggering 850 subscribers, each paying for the monthly subscribed content plus tipping generously from time to time. In the midst of all of this the three of you were also preparing for the party that was going to be held on the big day. Taeil, a friend of Taeyong's, allowed you to use his frat house for the event since it would look good for student rentals later on. Yuta and his friends prepared alcohol and a temporary tattoo station to appease drunk girls to get matching tattoos and frat boys to bet their friends to tattoo a dick on their faces. Chaeyoung, Ten’s friend from fashion completely transformed the house into an instagrammable masterpiece, channeling one of those fancy hollywood parties that nobody could ever get into. Seungyoun, the fourth year who was friends with a lot of musicians and DJs from downtown spread the word on campus radio, letting everyone know about Ten’s huge announcement that was about to happen Tuesday afternoon, 2:30PM.
“Alright you thirsty hoes, I see you all made it” Ten said into a karaoke microphone he found from God knows where. Ten got up on the table in the courtyard, standing in front of a huge crowd of students who quickly gathered ready for the grand announcement that was the talk of the town for the last week now.
“We would just like to say that we're so grateful for all your support on our….craft and in order to honor that, were going to host the best party of the fucking semester” Ten shouted while people cheered from the front all the way to the back of the crowd.
“If you look at the link under Ten’s instagram bio, it should take you to a little preview of what’s in store come saturday” Taeyong explained, leaning into the mic while the crowd murmured in confusion.
“Saturday after the big game ? Isn't Jinyoung having a party that night ?” someone in the crowd said followed by more confused chatter.
“That's right, I am having a party after the game” Jinyoung said, moving through the crowd accompanied by two of his frat members and sneered at the sight of the three of you,
“What ? Are you guys planning an orgy or something for your onlyfans ?”
“If you want to suck my dick all you gotta do is ask Jinyoung” Taeyong mused and a few people giggled while Jinyoung shifted uncomfortably and gritted his teeth.
“Listen, you freaks are not having a party on the same night as me” Jinyoung spat and took a step forward, “save yourself the embarrassment of nobody showing up and cancel it.”
You approached him slowly, chuckling darkly as he watched your fingers dance up his arm and up to his jaw, caressing his cheek, “Sweety are you threatened ? You're afraid everybody is gonna ditch your little frat party and come to mine ?”
Jinyoung tried keeping his cool while you stared up at him, playing with him like a little toy in front of everyone to see.
“Are you afraid if people come over i'm going to hook up with everyone who gives me attention ?” Jinyoung avoided your eyes when you recited the words he wrote about you on that burner account. You smirked up at him when you noticed how he still wasn't man enough to own up to his actions.
“Well, our party is FREE by the way” you continued, stepping away and now addressed the crowd in front of you, “So if you’d rather go over to Jinyoungs then go ahead, but if you wanna come play with us…”
You walked up to Taeyong and gave him a sloppy kiss as he grabbed your ass in front of the entire campus to see, “we will see you Saturday night.” The crowd cheered and Jinyoung growled, taking one more glare at you before storming off with his frat boys away from the cheering crowds.
It was D day and everyone who helped with the party gathered in the kitchen, drink in hand and took a final glance back at the rager that was mere minutes away from opening up.
“I can't thank you all enough, actually I did, with all that onlyfans money” Ten stuck his tongue out and Seungyoun whistled while everyone clapped.
“No but seriously, thank you guys….revenge never felt sweeter” you smiled and Hendery put his arm around you as you leaned into him, “if nobody shows up well more for us!”
“Cheers, freaks¨" Taeyong yelled and Ten nudging him in his abdomen,
“Really ? I'm pretty sure Jinyoung’s little nickname for us isn't a compliment” Ten rolled his eyes playfully.
“Its a compliment to us, fuck it im a freak and proud of it” Yuta raised his glass, and a few others joined in.
“Fine Freaks club it is, cheers everyone!” Ten raised his glass and everyone clinked glasses before downing their respectful drinks.
It wasn't long before people began pouring in, it wasn't a large number but it was still something. Most people were from the music and arts departments, and you noticed a few girls from your business lecture drop by as well.
“You think the rest all went to Jinyoung ?” You bit down on your lip as you and Ten monitored the crowds of people while having a drink.
“Maybe ? doesn't matter though, our party is way cooler” Ten shrugged and threw back his drink, “but if you really want me to pull one last move hey just say the word.”
You looked over at the black haired boy and frowned while a cheeky smile spread across his face and he pulled out his phone. You watched him text a few paragraphs and slip his phone in his back pocket before returning to his drink.
About 20 minutes later Taeyong emerged from the crowd to join the two of you in the kitchen, a confused look spread across his face.
“What's wrong ?” you quizzed him.
“Some of those basketball guys are here, they brought over like fifty more people” Taeyong pointed to the entrance and you and Ten watched the guys who the campus worshipped next to the football team enter the party, followed by their fangirls and whoever else wished to be in their presence.
“What the heck did you do ?” your eyes widened as the small party now turned into a whole fucking campus rager.
“Oh I told Johnny Suh that I'd give him a lap dance in front of everyone if he came over with his friends” Ten smiled, waving at the tall brown haired boy with a goofy grin spread across his face.
“Johnny Suh ?! as in the captain of the varsity basketball team ?” you were still confused as to how and when Ten had started talking to one of the most popular guys on campus.
“Yes him, now if you would excuse me, I have a deal to seal” you and Taeyong watched Ten down his drink and make his way over to the lounge where Johnny stood excitedly.
Ten spoke to the DJ and the DJ had the crowd clear up the center of the room while everyone exchanged confused glances as to what the hell was about to go down. Ten placed a chair in the middle of the room and pushed Johnny’s large frame down until he was seated, legs apart and that goofy smile never leaving his face. His teammates whistled as Ten used a piece of cloth to cover Johnny’s eyes, and took off his belt in order to retrain his hands behind his back.
“I gotta give it to Ten, he sure knows how to put on a show” Taeyong wrapped his arm around your waist as the two of you watched Ten fuck around with the captain of the basketball team.
The room was filled with flashing lights, everyone recording the moment as Ten gave Johnny the lap dance he was promised. Johnny slumped in the chair allowing Ten to grind into his hips, and you're pretty sure if the music wasn't so goddamn loud the whole campus would've heard Johnny moan in Ten’s touch. Ten ended it off with a cheeky kiss and untied Johnny, whose face was absolutely red as all of his friends cheered them on, all of them attacking him with hi5s.
That definitely sealed the deal, because after a few uploads of the clip, almost everyone was at your party and Jinyoung’s was most likely empty right now. The party was so big that people were on the street, everybody having the time of their life.
“We did it” Ten threw his arms around you and Taeyong as you stood on the balcony, overlooking the party from above.
“Yeah, we really did” you chuckled and sighed deeply, “I wish I could look at Jinyoung’s face right now.”
“Oh you didn't see ?”
You and Ten turned to Taeyong as he pulled out his phone and scrolled through his gallery. You and Ten burst out laughing when a video of Jinyoung sitting in his empty estate with a few of his preppy friends looking absolutely miserable.
“Fuck thats brilliant” you leaned your head on Ten’s shoulder, completely satisfied with how the night turned out.
“Hey you guys wanna go back to my dorm ? I'm kinda over this” Ten yawned and placed a peck on your forehead.
“You wanna leave your own party ?” Taeyong scoffed, shoving his hands in his pocket.
“This” Ten gestured to the three of you, “This is my party, let's take it back to my room.”
You and Taeyong both obliged and without anyone knowing the three of you escaped the party and made your way over to Ten’s dorm room hand in hand. Upon entering Ten threw off his shirt and kicked off his boots and Taeyong did the same, the two boys grabbing alcohol from the mini fridge and set them up on Tens desk.
“Oh by the way I have something” your words had both the boys turn to face you and you held out your hand, holding three small blue pills,
“Hendery gave them to me, Its not that strong and the high will only last for an hour or two but fuck its good way to end the night off right ?”
“I'm in” Taeyong grabbed the pill and handed you a drink, the three of you washed the pill with beer and Ten switched on a playlist before joining you and Taeyong on his bed.
“I know we've only known each other for like 2-3 months now but I fucking love you guys” you sighed, running your hands through your hair and looked between the two boys.
“This group, us, was the best thing that ever happened to me” Taeyong replied, “you two whores mean the world to me.” “Very sentimental Taeyong” Ten chuckled before reaching out to caress your cheek, “I love you too babe, both of you, were soulmates, if like the devil decided to link people together or something.”
The three of you chuckled and the laughter quickly switched to Taeyong rubbing Ten’s thigh and looked over at you with dark eyes. You had no idea if it was the drug, or the alcohol but there was a desperation within you. Grabbing Taeyong’s face, you pulled him into a sloppy kiss, and quickly switched to Ten, giving him the same energy as Taeyong pushed your shirt over your head and sucked on your exposed skin.
Ten unclasped your bra and massaged your breast as Taeyong kissed the other, each boy stimulating you in the best way possible. Taeyong growled and tossed you onto your back, pulling your skirt off and began sharing a passionate kiss with Ten who was already down to his boxers.
Once Taeyong pulled away from Ten he moved on top of you, grabbing you by your throat and rubbed his hips against your core, the friction sending you into a frenzy. Your thoughts were so focused on Taeyong you had no idea when Ten had got on his knees beside you and began kneading your breasts and rubbing his length with his free hand.
“Who do you wanna fuck first ?” Taeyong growled in your ear that made you so wet you had no fucking clue who you wanted, you just needed someone inside of you at this moment.
“I think it's fair if I go first, I've waited long enough” Ten smirked and switched positions with Taeyong who jumped off the bed to get rid of his pants.
You watched Ten’s dark eyes take in your body, and his beautiful body looked so fucking alluring under the dim lighting of his bedroom. Ten rid you of your soaked panties and wasted no time in inserting two fingers in your wetness.
“Baby girl has been waiting for this for a while huh” Ten purred while Taeyong grabbed your jaw, pulling you into a kiss before making you sit up enough for his member to meet your lips. Just as you took Taeyong in your mouth Ten had already replaced his fingers with his member and began thrusting into you at a rapid pace.
“Oh fuck” you groaned as Taeyong guided your movements on his member with a fistful of your hair. All three of you were so in tune with each other, rough when needed to be and delicate straight after.
As Ten fucked you he leaned forward enough for Taeyong to bend down and meet his lips, the two of them sharing a dirty kiss while they fucked you senseless. Ten pulled away from Taeyong and rammed into you until you came all over his member. “Come on open wide” He mewled and pulled you up and shoved his length in your mouth until he came, making you swallow every bit of him.
“Get on top of me” Taeyong demanded and you did as he said, climbing on top of him and sitting on his length. Taeyong let out a groan, finally feeling you around his length and you felt Ten sit behind you, his hands cupping your breasts as you bounced on Taeyongs member.
“You think you can take both of us ?” Ten whispered in your ear and his request somehow made you wetter than you already were. You had only tried it once, but never in a situation like this. You quickly nodded and Ten caressed your body, leaving sweet kisses all over shoulder and neck before jumping off the bed to rummage in his closet.
Taeyong, not knowing or caring what was going on, carried on slamming himself inside of you, his nails digging into your ass as you rode him like a pro.
Ten returned with what you assumed to be a bottle of lube and bent you over slightly, making sure his touches were careful and delicate. Taeyong finally caught on and slowed his pace despite almost being at his orgasm, in order to make the process easier for you.
“If it's too much just let me know” Ten pecked your cheek and inserted a finger inside your ass, the new sensation was odd but extremely satisfying. Ten continued lubing you up while Taeyong stroked your thighs and made sure your body was relaxed in their care.
“I'm ready, just do it, I want to feel both of you already” you whined and both boys cursed at your words, each anticipating this new experience.
Ten inserted himself and gave you a moment to adjust to him and Taeyong, before slowly moving his hips, keeping his touches light.
“Oh God that feels so good” you moaned as Taeyong picked up his pace and the both of them began fucking you at the same time, something you always wished would happen eventually. Ten returned to his roughness and bent you a little more, allowing Taeyong to lean up and capture your lips, his tongue entangling with yours as the new position only got him back to chasing his raging orgasm.
“Fuck im gonna cum” Taeyong groaned, slightly mad that he couldnt hold onto this feeling any longer.
“You wanna cum inside her mouth ?” Ten asked in between his grunts as he felt himself also reaching his second orgasm.
“No I wanna cum in yours” Taeyong replied darkly, and Ten’s thrusts stopped abruptly to look down at Taeyong.
“Well...fuck okay” Ten finally said and pulled out of you, allowing Taeyong to move to the side of the bed while Ten flipped you on your back and inserted himself in your core. Taeyong stood on the bed for Ten to get better access to his length as you screamed Ten’s name who was quite literally destroying your core at this point.
Taeyong yanked on Ten’s hair causing him to slow his thrusts and you watched the delicious sight of Taeyong slipping his length into Ten’s mouth and Ten swallowing every bit of him. It was quite possibly the hottest thing you'd seen in your life. Ten wiped his mouth as Taeyong slowly pulled out of him with a groan he returned to slamming his hips into yours. “I'm so close Ten” you groaned as Ten crouched over you, allowing you to wrap your legs around his waist as he brought both of you to your climax and let out a huge sigh when he finally came undone with you following shortly after.
“How much money do you think we would've made on onlyfans for that ?” Ten breathed as he collapsed in the bed next to you and Taeyong crawled on your naked body, resting his head on your chest as the three of you tried to catch your breath.
“Probably enough to drop out” Taeyong hummed, his eyes drooping as he made himself a little more comfortable.
“Yeah but hey it's time to end the notorious onlyfans account now don't you think ?” your eyes shifted to Ten who nodded at your words and got up and grabbed his phone from his desk,
“Tae-Ten-Y/N onlyfans era has now come to an end, thank you everyone who tuned in” Ten said, falling back into bed and showing the account that was now deactivated.
“Kinda surprised you are willing to end the onlyfans era Ten, this doesn't have anything to do with Johnny Suh now does it ?” Taeyong raised his eyebrow and you also joined in, looking at the black haired boy with curious eyes.
“Maybe,” Ten sighed, rolling his eyes as you and Taeyong mimicked kissing sounds, “Ugh anyway, they have a game next week, I want you guys to come with.”
“Fine, i’ll ask Johnny how it felt to taste my c-”
“Shut up Taeyong.”
“I have no idea what the hell is going on but Johnny is so hot” Ten sighed as the three of you sat in the bleachers of a varsity basketball game.
“Athletes are not my type these days” you shrugged taking a bite of your corn dog, watching Taeyong play some game on his phone.
“Oh shit they're almost there” Ten pulled you to your feet as the crowd all stood up around you cheering on the varsity team as the time began running out. You watched Johnny run across the court and throw the ball to a boy with chestnut coloured hair, and upon receiving the ball, the boy threw the ball straight into the hoop at the last second, taking his team to victory.
“Fuck….who is he ?” you gulped, as his teammates carried him on their shoulders and his lips curled into a tight grin, showing off a beautiful set of dimples.   “That my dear friend” Ten patted your shoulder, “That's Jung Jaehyun.”
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angel-anoetic · 3 years
first, i absolutely love you wringing. second i'm a huge music nerd and my taste in music is shitty pop punk right. this leads to me to, can i request yandere (if you write yandere) Dream (or whoever you think would fit here) with inspiration from the song Mrs. Infamous (My Sweetness) by Palaye Royale. if you're not cool with this for any reason don't take it, but this has been plaguing my mind and since i love your writing i think i'd be really cool to see how you would write this. if you decide to take this request (and even if you don't just reading my ramblings is more than enough) thank you!!!!
Okay so tbh, i've never read or written anything remotely yandere, but i do know what it is. while this may not be the most yandere compared to fics, i really tried!! i also enjoy pop-punk and this song was super nice to listen to. thank you and i hope you enjoy <3
Don't forget to like to save and reblog to share!
yandere! c!Dream x gn!Reader - Mrs.Infamous
genre: yandere!, unrequited /rom, angst, song inspiration
warnings: yandere, stalking, slight violence
masterlist <3
He hadn't slept in almost three weeks. The constant thought of you was the only thing that ran through his mind. The way your hair fell so naturally, how your laugh would basically echo throughout the server, the way you could handle anything that came your way.
Most of all he thought about those nights. The ones when the two of you had been so close he could feel your warmth. You had once stared into his eyes with so much fire and had held him close.
"My sweetness! Where are you going to be tonight?" He passed an apple between his hands, leaning against your door.
"I happen to have some very important business to do with Puffy and Niki. But after that, I should be free, why?" You packed everything into your inventory.
He shrugged, giving a crooked smile, "I thought maybe we could hang out, I could take you around the server...show you the secrets I've found."
You had grinned at the proposition. Dream and you always found a way to get into trouble, Sam usually had to tell you two off.
"I would love to."
That night after causing a few explosions near the BadLands and stealing some materials from a few places around the server you both made your way back to Dreams house. Well, 'house' was an overstatement. It was more of a hole in the side of the mountain with a door than anything but at least it was a place for him to stay.
The cigarette you two passed back and forth went out, and you two found yourself swaying back and forth to the music, enjoying the nightlight. Jokes and topics floated in the air until you packed up your stuff to leave.
Now? Things had changed so much compared to the beginning of the server. Dream had always been some pretty boy that had enjoyed your attention. You loved him as a friend, he could never be anything more as much as you knew he wanted.
In his mind, though you had led him on. Pulled him around like some puppy that couldn't guide itself. It had started slowly. You couldn't hang out one day, and the destruction got worse and worse each time.
"Hey, Niki! I was wondering if you've heard from Y/N. They're not answering my calls and I'm a little worried."
"Oh yeah um they had something to do today, so they're just out and about haha." She lied. He knew because he showed up at your house and found you scuffling about, making dinner, and enjoying a show.
He had gone home that night wondering what he did wrong to make you ignore him.
It wasn't long after that things had started escalating. Him showing up more and more and then seemingly disappearing. Or so you had thought.
It was supposed to be an easy-going day, you and Fundy planned to go looking for some new places to explore and then walk around the server. Until he had shown up. You saw him out of the corner of your eyes, the mask giving away his location.
"Dream?" He had tried to stay hidden but came out once you approached the tree he was behind.
"Dream? What are you doing here?"
"You were ignoring me. I thought maybe you were mad."
"What? No, I've just been busy lately."
"Doing what, hanging out with him?" The look he gave Fundy turned your stomach upside down. It was filled with rage, jealousy.
"Dream I think you need to leave."
"What?" He whispered.
"Leave. Please."
And so he did. For that day.
These last few days the feelings in his head had been taking over, pushing him to do something, anything to get you back and keep you.
"Y/N! Please just let me explain myself! Please!" You stopped dead in your tracks and turned to face him.
"What Dream? What could possibly so important that you need to tell me right now?"
"Why have you been ignoring me? You won't answer your calls and you never answer the door. Niki and Puffy have started asking me to leave you alone...I just need to know what I did wrong."
"You cannot be serious right now. You want to know what you did wrong? How about terrorizing Fundy so badly he won't get anywhere near me? Or calling me more than a hundred times a day? Leave me alone. I don't want anything to do with you and I don't need anything from you ever again! So god help me if I ever see you again I will leave and never come back!"
Your words left him cold. Every inch of him just lost.
You began walking away but you didn't make it far before the handle of the ax was brought down on your head. You fell to the ground, unconscious.
He stared down at you, admiring the way the moonlight hit you. The deja vu of that night in his home hit hard. Oh, how different things had been. And how much had changed?
For future reference, I don't think I'll be writing yandere until I get more experience with it hehe
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toorumochi · 3 years
KaruShuu OTP Questions
Ah- I created ehhh 4?? I suppose KaruShuu head-canons posts today but do I regret it? Absolutely not, I loved it. So here you go, have another one, don't be shy, read it.
Also, please keep in mind that these head-canons are completely made up by me in a way of that it's just how I would see it sksksk also here, KaruShuu would be probably adults?? Also married??
Anyways, enjoy~ 🌸
Who is the most affectionate? Sinceee they got married, I'm sure the longer into the relationship, the more they have opened up to each other? Karma would be the type to wake up first in the morning and kiss Shuu good morning, but since Shuu is an early bird, he would wake up before Karma and make breakfast for him. Thats how he shows affection ❤️🧡
Most common argument? Sad to think that they NeEd to argue 🙄💅 but oh well- I thinkkk they would argue over super silly things. For example what to watch (If you have read my previous head canons, you will know what I mean by 'Shrek Marathons'):
"Let's watch something"
"Sure, what do you have in mind?''
Karma would just grin over to Shuu and Shuus eyes would widen, "Hell no"
"Absolutely ye-"
"Karma don't you dAR-"
They ended up watching (again for the 12 time this week) Shrek.
Who apologizes first? Karma apologies fly out of his mouth faster than they stop arguing. Karma would rather apologize than not let them talk for the next few hours.
Favorite (non-sexual) activity to do together? They enjoy getting massage! Ifff KaruShuu was too lazy to go out to get a professional massage for a few hours, they would do it to each other. (It usually ends with them making out later on but I'll delete that part)
Who is most likely to carry the other? Karma would carry Shuu ❤️😩 Ugh bridal style to embarrass him 💀💅
For Karma, by Shuu: Tamponhead (I used this one in my fanfic and I will forever love it), Moron, Karma. Tbh, I don't think neither like these pet-names or nicknames since that think they are 'cringy'.
Tho, Karma has quite a few: Shuu (Main, he doesn't use 'Gakushuu' but when he does, Shuu melts lol), Pumpkin, Orange, pumpkin pie, Strawberry shortcake (bc he loves strawberries so why not call Shuu one 😌🤚🏻), Sugar cube (Idk I think it's cute, tho I don't know if that's even a nickname- 💀💀)
Also a note: They would definitely not use 'baby', 'babe', 'honey' bc- noooo 😩💀
Who proposes? Karma 💅
Who sings along with the radio? Karma would sing along but he is horrible at singing and Shuu makes him KNOW it by him singing and Karma shuts up but finds it hilarious at the same time.
Who worries most? Both do, depending on the situation. Shuu would be worried about stuff like paying taxes or things like that, meanwhile Karma is worried for Shuus health, if he is eating enough as well as getting enough sleep every night. Shuu is a hardworking bee after all ✨
Who always wants to take selfies with the other? Karma wants to, for example they are traveling somewhere for vacation and Karma wants to take as many pics as possible with his husband so he can later on put them into an album ❤️😩 (KaruShuu as a married couple >>>>)
Who likes to playfully tease the other? Ohhh~ Karma teases Shuu all the time, but there are times where Shuu would feel playful so he would tease back
Who has the weirdest taste in their music? Karma I'm begging you- his music taste changes every week and road trips are a disaster for Shuu
Who remembers what the other one always orders at a restaurant? Karma remembers because Shuu is always ordering the same things since he is minimalistic lol but Karma is a living chaos when it comes to food so Shuu can't remember it all.
Who is embarrassed to take their clothes off in front of the other? Lmao no matter for how long they are already together, no matter if they are married, no matter how many times they had done it, Shuu would be the one to be embarrassed about it every time.
Who tops? ...Okay so here, personally as someone who writes Fanfics, Karma tops. Always. I just- I just can't imagine Shuu as a top?? my friends gave me some really valid reasons for Shuu to be a top but I just can't see it 😩
Who initiates kisses? Both I guess? But mostly Karma
Who reaches for the other's hand first? Oooo here an example! If they are driving in the car, and Karmas hand is free, Shuu usually reaches for it but as soon as Karma needs it to drive, he has to let go. Or if they are in the cinema - Shuu would definitely hold onto Karmas hand the whole time - as comfort, since they usually watch Horror movies together so yea 😌
Who kisses hardest? Who is most ticklish? Both is Karma, but when it comes to tickling, even tho Karma is more ticklish, he is also stronger than Shuu so he can easily pin him down and tickle him, just for the sake to see Shuu giggle which kills him bc God damnit isn't he adorable?
Who brings an animal they found home? Lol depends on the animal. I would say Karma is a cat person and Shuu is a dog person b u t Shuu is allergic to cats so they can't have cats. But I think if Karma would be the one to bring an animal home, it would be a dog.
Who holds the umbrella for the other when it's raining? Karma's shoe laces often get untangled, so when Karma bends to tie them, Shuu stands over him with an umbrella to keep the rain from pouring on him.
Who tries to playfully embarrass the other in public? Karma 😭
Who kills the scary bugs? Oh lemme tell you about this one:
Shuu HATES bugs, since he always had the feeling of his father having a bunch of centipedes around himself whenever he acted manipulative and so on so he hates them. So one time when Shuu was taking a shower, and Karma was in the kitchen, Shuu suddenly screeched so Karma went to check on him. He walked onto a Shuu, covering himself with a towel and looking absolutely T E R R I F I E D at the ceiling, stuttering. Karma was hella confused so he looked up and oop here we go, a spider. Karma obv took the spider off the ceiling to free it, but first he had to tease and scare his husband a little by walking towards the shower stall, "Shuu look~ He wants to be friends with you~", the way Shuu screamed at this made almost all of the windows in the apartment break.
Who asks the weird questions at random in the middle of the night? Karma does that on a daily basis, but when Shuu is a little bit drunk, he would ask weird questions to which Karma never has an answer but he jokes around.
Who hogs the blankets? Karma hogs them and Shuu ends up having a cold the next morning 😭
Who wakes up first? Shuu is an early bird, but Karma wakes up first for work.
Who wants to stay in bed just a bit longer? On weekends, they both stay in bed a bit longer to cuddle ❤️💕
Who always makes coffee for the other each morning? Karma makes coffee for Shuu before he leaves for work 🥰
Who cries during certain films or when reading sad books? Lmao Karma cries during Shrek every time the scene comes up where Shrek had an argument with Donkey 😔
Who gets scared during horror films? Shuu 😩😩 He would (as said before) take Karmas hand for comfort
Who tells their friends/family about the relationship first? Lmao none since GakuHOE is well, a hoe so they won't trust him b u t I have the feeling of Karmas mom being actually super supportive?? But they wouldn't tell her, she would just get the hint and then when she receives the wedding invite she goes "oh-".
What do their friends/family think of the relationship? Rio was shipping this since the beginning of middle school aight, she loves it and she even threw a party for them. #IstanRioNakamura
Who is more likely to ask the other to dance with them? Karma would ask Shuu to dance obv but Shuu would go along 😩💕
Who cooks best? Karma! And Shuu loves his cooking! :D
Who wears the other's jacket? Shuu is the one to wear long coats, and Karma those thicc jackets. Shuu usually gets super cold even with the coat on, so Karma gives Shuu his jacket on top of the coat lol.
Who uses cheesy pickup lines? Karma- anywhere. Have an example:
"Hey Shuu, could you feel the shirt?", he asked Shuu while they went shopping and Karma wAsN't sure about his T-Shirt choice so Shuu was running his fingers slightly over Karmas chest with the shirt still on and thinking about the material, then Karma went: "Know what it's made of?", and Shuu looked at him and was about to answer him, but Karma was quicker and continued, "Boyfriend material", ObViOuSlY with a grin and Shuu was a gay blushing mess 💅 but then Shuu went along, "What do you mean boyfriend? I can only see Husband material", and tuRNED AWAYYYYY~
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other's ear during inappropriate times? AAAA I T H I N K I've written sum like this before- So two things that happened:
KaruShuu were invited to a funereal or sum and pls the church was quiet and stuff but obv Karma had to joke around and he leaned over to Shuus ear and whispered a joke into his ear which made our stubborn Shuu giggle and the church was this close👌 to throw them out lmao
Shuu was at work, and Karma likes to call him randomly, but oh well Shuu picks up and Karma starts to tease him over the phone maybe something very sexual stuff (knowing Karma he would) and Shuu just- he is sitting at his desk and his workers are giving him looks about why is he blushing so much.
Who makes the other laugh most? Karmas jokes always make Shuu laugh, sometimes even cry since they are hilarious.
Who would have to bail the other out of jail? Oh my God- Shuu would have to bail Karma out of jail maybe during college years, but I think Karma would mature a bit more as an adult
What would be their theme song? YOOO- A WHOLE PLAYLIST WOULD BE NEEDED-
Who would sing their child back to sleep? OOO!! Karma would be the type to read stories, but Shuu would sing them to sleep :D
What do they do when they're away from each other? I can imagine that they both have those business trips from time to time, so when they are apart, they FaceTime each other every evening to check on each other. Yes indeed they must stay at fancy hotels for their business trips and they are being served food, but they still check that the other one is eating and sleeping well. Oh and good morning and goodnight texts™️🥰
A headcanon about them that stabs your feels? Oh- oH GOD- That maybe they tend to act very distant at first in their relationships?? Or more cold? For example Shuu, he would not really know nor show much affection to Karma and Karma at first thinking that Shuu doesn't love him at all (which isn't true bc Shuu loves him deeply) but then he after some time figures it out when Shuu opens up to him more.
A headcanon that mends the previous one? That they both after some time spend together, have the opportunities to open up to each other, know each other better as well as find out each others weaknesses and strengths which makes their relationship stronger. I absolutely love them ❤️😩
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griff-us · 3 years
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Title: Being So Normal Part: One Pairing: Black!Reader/Bucky Barnes Summary: Neither of them are very good at being normal. Good thing the spectrum of normalcy these days is anything but the definition of the word. In other words: two broken people mend together. Warnings: typical canon level violence, mentions of past abuse both physical and emotional, alcohol abuse and mentions of, drug abuse and mentions of.
Chapter Theme: Being So Normal, Peach Pit
Notes: Just a little self-indulgent series that's been sitting in the back of my brain that I have finally decided to work on after kinda scraping the previous one.
Sort of a Neighbors's AU mixed with a Coffee Shop Au. Lots of character introspection for the reader, and Bucky, and some fun and drama along the way. This will no doubt be a slow slow burn.
Hope yall enjoy and feel free to leave any comments or hit me with questions! Oh, mood board slapped together by me! Also, no Beta. Tbh I'm lazy and impatient so excuse any mistakes.
Saturday: 11:30pm
Sam was the one who convinced him to come---or maybe forced would be the better word. Life has been returning to somewhat normal for the two of them; Sam shouldering his mantle as Captain America, and James slowly easing into his role as Sergeant Barnes rather than The Winter Soldier. But, it’s not all easy, at least not for James. Normalcy is not his strong suit, not when the urgency of survival had been drilled into his skull for the past hundred years or so. Sure, he was comfortable, but not necessarily happy. James is lost, and no one can tell that more than Sam.
And that is how he’s found himself in this crowded club with flashing lights and a bass beat that he can feel in the pit of his stomach. It’s not that the environment is too much---it’s just that he feels so...odd out. After all, Jame’s idea of a night out used to be something more akin to a jazz bar and dancing. Not whatever gyrations and wiggling around the kids called dancing was these days.
God, he really is old.
“You gotta loosen up man, you’re killing my vibe.” Sam, as if on cue, shoulders into him. James scowls, making sure to keep a tight grip on his beer---if you could even call it that. The brewery it was from managed to pack so many damn spices and fruit in it that it tasted more like a cocktail than any beer he’s come to like.
“You’ve got a weird vibe then, Sam.” the other man laughs, elbows resting against the bar top behind them while he scopes out the scene. It’s a typical New York club; fashion being the forefront of it all, the entire reason anyone is out right now is to be seen and admired. Among other things.
“That cutie over there keeps tossing you looks, you should go say hi.” James follows Sam’s gaze across the bar. A gaggle of young women crowds around a booth, all of them eyeing them and whispering to one another. He rolls his eyes and takes a long swig of his beer.
“I think you mean they’re looking at you, Sam.” The super soldier turns back toward the bar to push his empty glass to the bartender who only nods his way and produces a refill without another word.
“Eyes up, Sergeant, they’re coming over.”
James doesn’t pay any mind to the coming onslaught; it’s always the same really. Sam is descended on by a group of gals excited to meet the new Captain America and even more enthralled when they realize he’s pretty damn charming. Not that he’s jealous in any way. Annoyed? Sure. See, he just isn’t one for new people---especially the kind that Sam tends to attract sometimes. The airheads, the young ones just waiting to hook up and never talk again. He just can’t vibe with it, can’t grasp it. Maybe he is too old for this modern age of love and romance.
James just turns his attention to the muted TV over the bar, his back facing the chatty group of women behind him while they flock to Sam like vultures starving for a meal. The news flashes between stories from all over; follow-ups on the last of the Flag Smashers, some weird disturbances in a tiny town somewhere far off, and a local story on a stray cat that is just “too cute to not have a home.” He snorts, lips smacking from the twang of his beer.
“Sorry about them.” The tiny voice from his left nearly makes him jump, and James can only blame the blaring music for his lack of attention.
“Huh?” He peers down to see an average height woman; with big brown eyes and skin a deep tan and sunkissed. By all accounts, she is stunning---and looks nearly as out of place in this massive club as he does.
“My friends---” her head jerks towards the group of women still fawning over Sam, who no doubt is loving all of the attention. “I tried to explain to them that you guys are just normal people too," she thinks they're normal? "but the alcohol made them all braver than they normally are.” The woman rolls her eyes but by the soft smile she wears he can tell she means no malice.
“And what about you?” James leans his full weight on the bar top now all the while inching closer to the woman. He can read the confusion on her face. “Are you feeling braver than normal?” she flushes at his clarification, and an easy shrug rolls from the shoulder.
“I’m just the mom friend trying to make sure my friends don’t end up dead, in jail, or worse.” James can’t help but laugh at that.
“A mom friend, huh?” gloved fingers pluck the pint glass from the bar and neither of them breaks eye contact while he swallows nearly half the glass.
“Yeah, kind of how I’ve always been; just an eighty-year-old woman at heart I guess.” James gives her a crooked grin: he could understand that.
“You’re too young to talk like that.” he elbows her gently, suddenly so comfortable with her presence that he can feel himself loosening up a bit.
“Then what’s your excuse?”
Brows cock high, that twisted little grin never once wavering from his face. He likes her---the idle and quiet wit, the way she matches his quips with equal stride.
“What’s your---” but before he can finish the group of girls are flagging her down, yanking her arm in one direction while they all gossip about how someone managed to snag Captain America’s number. James watches while she shoots him an apologetic smile while she is all but dragged back to their booth across the dance floor. Before he knows it, her face is lost in a sea of people.
“You would pick up the prettiest one.” Sam’s voice yanks James from his thoughts, and he looks up with narrowed eyes. “Don’t think I didn’t see that little flirt session. You get her number?”
“I’m going home.” James slaps a crisp bill on the bar top and Sam laughs, all loud and boisterous.
“You didn’t even get her name, did you, man?”
“Good night, Sam!” with hands shoved deep in his pockets, James turns heels and heads home.
Sunday: 8:am
The mornings were his favorite time to jog. Consider it a coping mechanism---not that he necessarily needed to go for mile-long runs or work out, what with the serum, but it was the only time his mind was truly quiet. So, James kept to a strict schedule of an hour or so run every morning followed up by a tall dark roast. Only today, he is late by nearly an hour to get to his usual coffee spot; which wouldn’t be terrible but James lives for routines. Without one, his entire day is skewed.
It’s eight in the morning when he strolls into the coffee shop, a tiny little place sat precariously on the corner of two streets only a couple blocks from his apartment. Clad in joggers and a simple black t-shirt, he strides up to the counter; eyes glued to the menu board for any new sweets that may catch his eye.
“Well hi again.” brows grow taught at their center---he knows that voice. James looks down to see the same woman from the night before. Black hair is piled high on her head and rather than the slim little dress from the night before she sports simple leggings and a graphic shirt of which the reference he is utterly lost on.
“Oh. Hi...uh....” blue eyes look for a name tag, and he finds none. Damn it.
“Y/N” she smiles wide at him, much like she had in the club only this time, with better lighting, he can make out the dimples that crease each of her cheeks.
“Y/N.” he repeats her name back slowly. “Uh, nice to meet you, or see you again. I guess.” he points to himself, “I’m Bucky.” said so lamely, so simply, he really can’t blame her for laughing at him.
“I know. What can I get for you, James?”
That throws him; tosses him so off-kilter the man can hardly remember his order. Sure a couple people call him James, well really only his mother and his therapist when he’s in deep shit but…. To hear a name nearly forgotten to himself, and from her? Well, it turns his brain to static.
“Just a large black coffee and one of those brownies please.” She nods and starts to prep his order, all the while he stands there like an idiot with a ten-dollar bill in his hand and his heart in his throat. Finally, he finds a safe landing back on earth.
“How was the rest of your night with your friends?” Y/N groans while she pours him a fresh cup of coffee.
“Catty. I finally got the last one home around three in the morning. Got home just in time for a nap before I came in here.”
“That sounds---awful.” James trades her the coffee for the ten, and watches while she works the register.
“Wasn’t so bad. I don’t sleep much these days anyway.” Y/N offers the change back to James but only nods his head toward the tip jar.
“Sounds like you earned it. Did you just start working here?" he's never seen her working here before, and per his routine, James is here around this time at least five times a week.
"Covering for a friend, I usually work the closing shift if I'm not teaching." Teaching? James would assume she'd be on the younger side to teach.
"I'll have to come more often around that time then." he watches while round cheeks twitch, and flush.
“Deal. I’ll uh...see you around, James?”
“Y-yeah. See you around, Y/N”
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kneebleed · 3 years
i left (my heart in your hands)
[Read on AO3]
This was written for @phandomreversebang‘s face the music edition (which was my favourite tbh).
The fic was based on @schnaphan‘s prompt (and who’s art you can find here), and the beta was @simonlikesdnp; thanks to both of you for being around this journey!
On that trip to Amsterdam (that had to last two months, but somehow it stretched when he met him), Dan wanted to pretend like he was someone else for a while. He remembers that he created a story of a perfect guy and gave him a name (that he now couldn’t remember) just to do that.
The lie that Dan planned to tell back then didn’t last more than a few hours though, if he recalls correctly; the memories of the trip were all rose-tinted, blended on a canvas full of blemish images. Some images felt like they wanted to stay there for eternity, especially the ones that occurred at the end.
He remembers meeting him like it just happened a few seconds ago. It was his favourite anecdote of the whole trip and the one that stood out more than others. Dan couldn’t bring himself to forget about his eyes and the shape of his mouth, how could he? Dan falls in love with them, and that isn’t that type of feeling that you can erase from your heart whenever you want to.
Dan sat at the Easy Times Coffeeshop’s outside tables, looking towards the pizzeria that was at the side of the shop, silently regretting his decision of the place where he wanted to eat that Sunday afternoon. Dan wanted to go somewhere else, but he didn't want to be rude, so he stayed at the coffee shop.
The streets didn’t look that crowded that day, surprisingly. Maybe it was because the air was cold and people wanted to stay at home, although Dan wasn’t that sure about that; the breeze was perfect to buy a coffee and just enjoy the view.
A man with a camera walked close by the coffee shop; Dan didn’t pay that much attention to him at the start, not until the photographer took a picture of him, trying to be subtle.
“What are you doing?” Dan said to him, trying to hide the blush that was starting to form in his features.
“Trying to capture the essence of beauty in front of me.”
“Yeah, the facade of this place is beautiful, isn’t it?” Dan was trying to keep it cool, using his abilities of acting that he lost some years ago.
“You could say that, yes,” he sat down at Dan’s table, “but I wasn’t focusing my lens on that, to be honest,” he smiled at Dan. “I’m Phil, by the way.”
“Dan,” he smiled nervously, completely throwing his false name under the bus. “Are you always this flirtatious, Phil?”
“Only with the guys that deserve it, and you, Dan, are a piece of art.”
Phil gave Dan the picture that he took of him the first time they met on their first date, and Dan didn’t doubt a second when he decided that he was going to keep that picture and all of the other pictures that Phil gifted him in a box. Dan was holding that picture in his hands now, and what can he say? Phil did capture him that day in all the ways that he could have done.
Dan’s feelings for Phil grew every time that they met, and he thinks that the first thing that caught his eyes was Phil’s smile. Dan misses that smile every single minute since their parting; Dan was suffocating on his feelings and the things that he left unsaid.
The conversations that Dan and Phil had under the moonlight drinking tea, coffee or anything was everything for Dan. Those conversations were so fun, why did he let them fade away? They could spend hours talking, only stopping to catch their breaths. Dan felt so happy, at ease, during those three months that they spent together, but now even the tiny things can piss him off or make him feel sad.
Dan closed his eyes for a moment, trying to find calmness once more, only to get memories floating around his mind again.
Amsterdam had something called Museum Night that they celebrated the first Saturday of each month, and Phil wanted to take Dan with him around some of the 50 museums that were open that first Saturday night of July.
They walked around the city holding hands, laughing and enjoying their time; every time that Dan looked at Phil’s eyes, he felt content, and so did Phil.
“The city looks wonderful tonight, isn’t it.”
“Do you want me to give you compliments?” Dan laughed at Phil’s response.
“The night looks wonderful just like you; the stars should be jealous of how much you’re glowing tonight.”
“You never disappoint,” Dan chuckled. “At what museum are you taking me, anyway? You never told me.”
“We’re going to Mediamatic; I have a feeling that you’re going to enjoy it.” Phil smiled at Dan, taking the camera hanging on his neck on his hands, aiming the lent at Dan, “smile!”
And Phil was right; Dan did enjoy his time at Mediamatic. He smelled and tasted things that amazed him, and Dan was sure that he would go back to that museum, trying to build new memories that don’t have Phil on them.
Dan knows damn well that trying to forget Phil was going to be difficult, especially with the box full of pictures of him and Phil at Amsterdam, drinking coffee or just admiring the view of the city where they were staying.
A part of Dan wants to set fire into those pictures, completely erasing Phil Lester from his life, but he knows that just the thought of that was unbearable because, even after one month of not seeing Phil’s face, Dan could still feel his knees tremble just imagining it.
The days can feel so long now that Dan doesn’t have someone to spend them with, and even if that sounded cheesy, they were Dan’s true feelings. He cared and gave too much, but when the opportunity came, Dan couldn’t give what Phil asked him; Phil expected a lot, and Dan wasn’t enough to fulfil his wishes, not that last time.
Dan knocked on the door to Phil’s apartment with a bad feeling on his gut; Phil sent him a message a few minutes ago, saying that they needed to talk, and that phrase was enough to send him in a bad mood.
“Hi,” said Dan softly, trying to hide his nerves, once Phil opened the door.
“Hello,” Phil smiled back, seemingly calm. “C’mon in, do you want something to eat? We could order take out if you would like.”
Phil was trying to delay the time, maybe to have their last date, and Dan went along with him, taking his time to look around the flat, spotting a few boxes lying around the floor, and he was sure that some of the decorations that Phil had around before weren’t there anymore. Dan felt a knot forming on his throat, but he decided to ignore it, and just enjoy the evening that they had in front of them.
They ordered pizza and drank a bottle of wine that Phil had in his flat, and after a few hours, Dan brought up the main reason why he was at Phil’s apartment that night.
“You said that you wanted to talk with me?”
“Yeah, I-” Phil wasn’t looking at Dan’s eyes anymore.
“Phil? Is everything alright?”
“Yes! I just-” he let out a sigh, “I got promoted.”
“Oh my God, Phil! That’s awesome!” Phil wasn’t matching Dan’s enthusiasm. “Or it isn’t? Can you deny the offer if you wanted to?”
“It was a great deal; I couldn’t seem to deny it, and I do want the job, to be honest, but…” Phil looked at Dan then, “the job is in Spain.”
“Oh,” Dan couldn’t ignore the boxes that were around the flat anymore, “I should have seen that coming, I guess.”
“They gave me a few boxes to start with the moving process as soon as possible.”
“Makes sense.”
“They even offered me a flat too, and I mentioned that I had a boyfriend.”
“Where are you going with this?”
“Dan, do you want to go to Spain with me?”
He said no, and he left Phil there, at his flat at Amsterdam with Dan’s heart between his hands; Dan went back to England two weeks after, with a box full of memories and the ghost of Phil’s lips on his.
Dan misses Phil with his entire being, and he regrets saying no to him that night; he doesn’t even remember why he did that. They could have had a future full of wonders, but Dan acted like a coward because he was scared of commitment.
Dan holds the memories of that trip that lasted more than expected close to his heart, and yeah, maybe he won’t burn the pictures that he has, or forget about Phil’s face and name, and Dan doesn’t even know how long it would take for him to heal completely.
He left his heart at Amsterdam, where he could dream and nights were long, but he wouldn’t change a thing, because loving Phil felt amazing, and Dan couldn’t want anything else.
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maybankiara · 4 years
summary: Addie Mallory is just your average economics student when she meets Drew Starkey at her local Target in Atlanta. This is where the story is supposed to end – a short meeting and a picture to go – except Drew accidentally leaves with the wrong phone, and the story begins, instead.
w/c: 3k
a/n: ah. the bittersweet taste of our own flaws. -- probably addie in this chapter tbh. basically marianne being very british and making addie Question Everything, as best friends do
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Virgin Mary | 3:47pm so the gang is planning a night out this week, you free saturday?
Me | 5:07pm why this saturday? Me | 5:07pm is it someone’s birthday?? Me | 5:07pm pls say no
Virgin Mary | 5:08pm Tom’s is in two weeks and you better not forget that
Me | 5:08pm ffs marianne i won’t
Virgin Mary | 5:09pm you better not bitch I need your help with the present Virgin Mary | 5:09pm can’t give my boy anything less than perfection
Me | 5:10pm wow what a way to not put pressure in your about-to-burst-from-stress friend
Virgin Mary | 5:11pm you mean my overdramatic friend? Virgin Mary | 5:11pm get your hole and you’ll be fine
Me | 5:11pm MARIANNE
Virgin Mary | 5:12pm BITCH WHAT Virgin Mary | 5:12pm you need to shag Virgin Mary | 5:12pm when’s the last time you got your hole
Me | 5:13pm I’m busy okay i don’t want a boyfriend rn
Virgin Mary | 5:14pm so that’s totally why I’ve been hearing about Holden for the past three months 👀
Me | 5:15pm you do realise we work at the same place right Me | 5:15pm i can’t just hook up with a guy i have to see every day for at least 8 hours
Virgin Mary | 5:16pm fucking hell you’re a tuff nut
Me | 5:17pm go make me some tea pls Me | 5:17pm I’m home in 20 and I’ve got some late emails
Virgin Mary | 5:17pm whatever bitch Virgin Mary | 5:18pm you’re a freaking workaholic Virgin Mary | 5:18pm shag Holden
Me | 5:19pm shut up Me | 5:19pm ur blocked ❤
Virgin Mary | 5:20pm so are you free on saturday or not? Virgin Mary | 5:33pm ur cancelled❤
The music coming from their apartment is loud enough that Addie hears it as she walks up the staircase. She can’t distinguish the song, but the beat’s there, and she’s either imagining Marianne singing along, or it’s actually happening. One is just as likely as the other. 
  It gets louder when Addie walks through the door, and she figures it’s safe to assume it’s her friend rather than her imagination. The door closes behind her, sound swallowed by whatever rock song Marianne is blasting through the speaker – this is what Addie is used to. 
  She leaves her purse on the drawer at the side of the hallway, one that’s filled with trinkets they’ve got nowhere else to put, and she hangs the raincoat right next to it. Her shoes are the next to come off – the loss of the three inches that the burgundy platforms come with comes as soon as she steps out of them. Her feet are grounding her on the floor, now, and a moment’s break is all she gives herself. It’s peace after a tedious day of relentless work; it’s the calm from the scent of cinnamon candles, Earl Grey tea, and the dish Marianne is making that smells very Italian – this feels like home. 
  Addie makes her way to the kitchen. Her roommate is singing her heart out to music coming from the speaker on the round table, stirring whatever’s in the pot in front of her. Marianne doesn’t notice her come in, so Addie walks over to the speaker and tunes it down, low enough for them to talk. 
  ‘Honey, I’m home!’ 
  Marianne turns around with a big smile on her face. Her ginger hair is pulled into a high ponytail, loose from what Addie assumes must’ve been a kitchen concert. This is paired with sweats and a loose crop top, and Marianne’s demeanour is enough to tell her she’s ready to tackle the weekend ahead of them. 
  ‘Honey, welcome home’’ She points behind Addie. ‘There’s your tea. I’m making lasagna and it’ll be ready in about half an hour.’
  ‘Shit, I've actually been craving that today.'
  The girl goes back to stirring the pot, swaying her hips to the tune of the music. ‘Sixth sense, Addie. Bruce Willis had it right.’
  ‘I told you that movie creeps me out!’
  ‘It’s a masterpiece and you’re a pussy.’
  Instead of a reply, Addie huffs with an eye roll, taking a sip from the cup. It’s midnight blue with a quote from one of the books Marianne likes, imported straight from the British Isles. The colour is faded on the holding part of the mug, but it remains the girl’s favourite mug despite a variety of prettier, newer mugs she’s acquired over the time. 
  Marianne is simple. She’s got things she loves and doesn’t stray from that. 
  They chat for a bit, Marianne preparing the lasagna to go into the oven and Addie drinking her tea. Addie learns that the firm Marianne is interning for has gotten a new project for a family home on the outskirts of Atlanta and the interns are being allowed to try out their hand at designing it, and the firm will end up critiquing their work and possibly giving one of them the chance to have their design turned into reality. 
  It’s an exciting thing – the most Marianne has gotten in the past three months of working there. 
  The lasagna is put into the oven and Addie announces her shower time, and promises Marianne she better tell her about her day after she scrubbed off all that reminds her of the office. Taking her contact lenses out and getting into the shower after a long day is the one feeling Addie cherishes more than just the arrival home in itself. Her showers are long, with steam rising and fogging up the blurred glass sides of the shower and the mirror in the bathroom. 
  When she gets out of the bathroom, she’s wearing an outfit that mirrors her roommate’s. Her hair’s wet and wrapped into an old T-shirt, basking in a curl-defining product she got the other day. She’s got a facemask on, too, and Marianne sighs at the sight of it. 
  ‘Bad day, huh?’
  Addie walks up to the counter beside the oven, taking out some cutlery and begins to set the table. ‘I envy you. All your bosses are so self-absorbed that they don’t even notice you guys. Mine are self-absorbed and narcissistic, so we get all the work nobody can be fucked with.’
  Marianne taps on the table with the fork she’s just been given. ‘No swearing, missy.’
  The brunette raises an eyebrow, trying to figure out if her roommate is joking. Then she remembers her resolution from a few days ago -- “I will swear less because I’m not a fucking sailor.” “That’s a quarter in the jar, Miss.”
  ‘Whatever,’ mutters Addie. She places the last of the dishes on the table and plops into the chair across from her roommate, resting her head in her hands. ‘I’m so tired of Harrington. The divorce isn’t going well because his ex has actually got a brain, which he hadn’t anticipated, and now he’s literally just throwing the worst shit at us. And to complete it, Patty is just being her regular cruel self.’
  ‘That’s horrible.’ Marianne scrunches her nose. ‘That’s also three quarters now.’
  ‘I’m allowed to say shit!’
  ‘Well, you’re the one who decided to swear less.’
  ‘Saying shit isn’t swearing. It’s basically a normal word.’
  The look Marianne gives her is full of friendly scorn. Addie sighs and fishes three quarters out of her wallet that’s on the table—she can’t believe saying “shit” alone cost her two quarters—and throws them into the jar that's on the part of the table closest to the wall. There’s hardly anything in it, but Addie reckons that’s more because of the fact that she’s hardly both home and awake anymore, as opposed to her not swearing a lot. 
  Marianne walks over to the oven, checking the lasagna. She pulls the door open and hot air fills the small space, alongside the smell of a beautifully done Italian dish – or Addie is just really hungry. 
  ‘Patty made Holden and I work on a budget plan for some Grubson’s subdivision upstate. We did budgeting. He majored in finance and I majored in economics and we’re doing damn accounting.’
  ‘You’re interning for a law firm,’ notes Marianne, putting oven mittens on. ‘You shouldn’t expect to do exactly what you want to do.’
  Addie’s lip curls into a bitter grin. Her friend is right, and she knows it and she hates that this is what her career has come to -- wasting her actual talents because the industry is shitty as it is. She’s got to put in triple the effort her white male colleagues do, and even then, her brilliance is hardly registered. 
  The lasagna is on the table. Marianne gives each of them a piece and Addie fills their glasses with some Coca Cola-ripoff they got at Tesco. The music from the speaker changes to something more dinner-appropriate. 
  ‘This looks delicious, Marianne.’
  ‘It better be. Took me nearly three damn hours.’
  Both girls blow on their slice before taking it, and both of them still end up having to half-blow through the food while it’s in their mouths, bursting into laughter as they watch one another struggle. 
  ‘I don’t know what’s your excuse,’ says Addie, having finally swallowed the piece, ‘but mine is that I’m absolutely starving.’
  Marianne pretends to chuck some food at her. ‘My excuse is that I invested a lot of time in this.’
  ‘Fair. It’s amazing.’
  At this, the girl beams with happiness, and Addie can’t hold back a smile even as she struggles through the heat of another piece, her stomach grumbling. 
  ‘Anyway, it’s shit. It got so bad today that I ended up spending nearly all of my time with Holden— No, hush, I’m not having it— Seriously, Marianne, we’re literally work colleagues!’ Addie sighs in exasperation, one finger raised in the last effort at getting her friend to stop nagging her about her colleague. 
  Marianne pouts, then gives away an innocent shrug. ‘All I’m saying is that there’s something there.’
  All Addie can do is roll her eyes and focus on the plate in front of her. Her fork pierces through the lasagna with a little too much force than warranted, and the brunette concludes that’s enough to show how irritated Marianne got her.
  Despite her hardest attempts at denying it, Marianne’s kind of got a point. Addie’s been at the internship for over three months now and it’s not like she has gotten close with anyone – at least, not enough to call them friends. Her career and education have always taken the priority over friends and temporary relationships, and it’s never hurt her in any way. Sure, she might’ve been lonely from time to time, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t end up with great friends, regardless. 
  With the internship and a Master’s degree to work on, Addie doesn’t really have time for personal connections that won’t last. 
  Addie shakes the thought out of her head. The lasagna bit is steaming in her mouth and Marianne rolls her eyes, but it eases the tension between the two. 
  ‘There’s nothing between us, Marianne,’ says Addie, once her mouth isn’t burning anymore. ‘We’re a good team. Patty and Harrington noticed that we get more done than any other teams.’
  ‘So there’s work chemistry. You don’t have that with just about every other person, Addie. Especially not you.’
  Especially not Addie, who likes to have her work done at specific times of the day, filing it in a specific way, handling her responsibility like a drop of water. Again, Marianne’s got a point. 
  ‘Plus, he’s pretty good looking.’
  The memory of showing Marianne pictures of Holden makes her chuckle. ‘You flipped out. I was scared for Tom.’
  ‘Please,’ scoffs Marianne, waving her hand. ‘There’s no one better than Tom. But after I spent a whole month listening to how well you’re getting on with this Holden guy, how much better it’s to work with him than other people, how much he’s helped you join the group… How else was I supposed to react when I found out that he’s a hot piece of blonde-hair blue-eyes?’
  ‘I just…’ Addie’s fork moves some of the lasagna around the plate. ‘I don’t know. I didn’t want you to think he’s hot.’
  Marianne huffs. ‘All I’m saying is, don’t write him off.’
  ‘I’m not writing him off. I just don’t have the time to focus on anything romantic right now.’
  ‘That’s bullshit and you know it.’ Marianne finishes the last of her slice and puts her fork down, leaning back in the chair. ‘Addie, you’re the most organised person I know. You never have a problem making it to any of the things our group organises, so why do you always say you don’t have time to hang out with people from work?’
  For a few moments, the only sounds in the kitchen/dining area are whatever’s coming out of the speaker, Addie’s work scratching the bottom of the plate, and her chewing. 
  She knows Marianne’s got a point, again. It’s starting to annoy her.
  ‘Things are good the way they are,’ she finally says, the admission heavy across her lips. ‘I get closer to any of them, it’ll become more difficult to point out what they’ve done wrong, or do my own work if I want to know about their day. It’s already difficult enough with Holden, and we’re just friends.’
  ‘That’s different. You want to shag him.’
  ‘I don’t—’
  ‘Are you seriously trying to deny the fact that you’re attracted to someone who looks like a damn nineties movie star?’
  Addie grunts, burying her face in her hands. ‘Fine. He’s hot.’
  There’s a pregnant pause and when she finally dares look at Marianne, the girl has a tired smile on her face. She knows this look -- a combination of I told you so and I could be your therapist, you don’t need to pay for one. 
  Marianne taps her hand, her smile widening. ‘I know your career means a lot to you, but you’ve got to loosen up. You’re going to burn out.’
  ‘Everybody burns out.’
  ‘Yeah, but you’re gonna do it at, like, thirty.’
  Not dignifying this with a response, Addie rises to her feet, taking her plate and Marianne’s, then stacks the cutlery on top. She’s acutely aware of Marianne waiting for a reaction, even if she doesn’t want to give her one. Instead, she gets to washing the dishes. Running water drowns out the tension easily enough for it to slip into the back of her mind.
  She hears Marianne’s chair let out a squeak a moment later. Her ginger hair appears in the corner of Addie’s eye, and she sees her put the uneaten half of the lasagna into the fridge, wrapped up in aluminium foil. When finished, Marianne rests against the counter with the small of her back.
  Neither of the girls says anything. Addie is trying to ignore the gnawing feeling in the pit of her stomach that’s trying to convince her Marianne is right.
  She sets the washes dishes aside, letting them air dry on the dish rack.
  ‘All I meant was that you could go out with them, for a change, not turn your life upside down,’ says Marianne. ‘Just think about it.’
  Addie presses her lips together. ‘Okay. I’ll think about it.’
  ‘Great! Anyway, you need to come out with us on Saturday. Leanne spent fifteen minutes of our coffee date today just freaking out over the fact that you met Drew Starkey.’ A beat. ‘She binged Outer Banks yesterday.’
  ‘I can’t believe my life is finally interesting to you guys.’ Addie puts away the last of the dishes and wipes her hands with a kitchen towel, smiling. ‘All it took was meeting an actor.’
  Marianne pushes herself up on the counter, grinning like a fox. ‘It’s not just that you met him, Addie. It’s been three months and you still talk.’
  ‘Not really. We haven’t talked in’—she counts the days in her head—‘about two weeks.’
  ‘Oh, so you haven’t talked since he read your essay and shared it to his hundreds of thousands of followers and said how much he liked it?’
  The sigh Marianne lets out is pure exasperation. Addie walks out of the kitchen and the girl follows suit, bringing the speaker along. Both of them plop on the couch as they usually do for half an hour after dinner, before going each to their own studying sessions. Deciding to room with Marianne, who’s currently also doing an internship and a Master’s degree (in architecture), was one of the best decisions Addie has ever made.
  Except for the times when Marianne is awfully nosy for a Brit – must be the French part of her.
  With her legs criss-crossed and an arm draped over the back of the couch, Marianne is in her element. ‘That is not your average celebrity interaction.’
  ‘I know.’
  ‘So you’re telling me you’re not trying to get on that?’
  ‘On what?’ asks Addie, feeling her irritation levels steadily rising again. ‘Jesus, Marianne. I’m not trying to get with every guy who’s good-looking and nice to me. We share some opinions on social media and whatnot, he agreed with them. It’s not that big of a deal.’
  ‘So you’re saying you wouldn’t shag him if you had the chance?’
  Addie looks away. Her cheeks are hot and body is on fire, and she’s had more than enough of Marianne’s attitude today, and that’s on top of already having had a pretty fucking shitty day in the first place.
  ‘You can’t be ser—’
  ‘I don’t want to talk about this anymore.’
  She grabs her phone and, absentmindedly, checks her Instagram notifications – none. The feeling in her stomach intensifies and she opens up her work group chat instead, and curses herself for hoping that maybe there’d be a specific person in her messages.
  Maybe Marianne isn’t that far off.
tagging. @jjmaybanksbaby​​​​ @taiter-tots​​​​ @sacredto​​​​ @snkkat​​​​ @drewswannabegirl​​​​ @yeslifeofateen​​​​ @rudypnkw​​​​ @stfukie​​​​ @x-lulu​​​​ @sacredto​​​​ @drewstarkey​​​​ @butgilinsky​​​​ @solllaris​​​​ @hyperactive2411​​​​ @chasefreakinstokes​​​​ @surferkie​​​​ @jroseron​​​​ @k-k0129​​​​ @starlightstories​​
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backtobasicbellas · 4 years
only wanted a taste of your lips
words: 3,167 relationships: Jade West/Tori Vega warning: angsty
(tbh I really don’t know what this is I just had an idea and ran with it and now it’s here and idk how to feel about it but enjoy?)
It starts like this.
It starts at one of the many summer parties the gang attends, the ones all their - now old - classmates throw at the start of summer in celebration of graduation and starting what they believe is adulthood.
It starts with too many vodka shots and not enough water.
It starts with Tori and Jade tumbling into the bathroom, Tori whining about how she can’t go alone and hasn’t seen Cat since they arrived.
It starts with Jade just watching her as she washes her hands, how her cheeks are flushed and how the smile doesn’t quite disappear.
It starts with Jade not moving and Tori just staring, both of them clearly not ready to open the door, both so close in this tiny upstairs bathroom.
It starts with Jade leaning in, but it ends with Tori on the bathroom counter, doing her best to be as quiet as she can as she comes undone.
They don’t say anything after, not when Jade stands up and wipes her mouth or when Tori hops off the sink and pulls her pants up. 
Not when Jade opens the door quickly and makes her way downstairs, Tori following closely behind as the music fills them up.
Not when Andre teases them for taking forever in the bathroom and Beck notices the way Jade looks distracted.
They don’t say anything, but neither of them have to.
It’s obvious: something’s changed.
And, yeah, maybe it does become a thing.
The way Jade sees it - at first - is that she’s starting a whole new life in New York this fall anyway. Who cares if she’s fucking the girl she insisted she hated for the better part of four years?
(Okay, maybe fucking is a little too crude. They hang out before or after that part of it, too, Jade supposes. Tori isn’t as awful as Jade has insisted all this time.)
It’s not like they tell anyone; they don’t mention it, but it’s clear - neither of them say anything about it to other people. Tori seems just as content as Jade to not share the information with the world, not tell their friends when they see each other, but they can’t help the occasional glances or the way Jade’s hand brushes against Tori’s when they’re next to each other.
If there’s one person on the planet Jade doesn’t want to find out, it’s Beck. It would be awkward, Jade figures, considering they’re all friends and she and Beck dated for so long and then Beck almost dated Tori and all that.
It goes on for the whole summer that way, when Tori’s family isn’t home or when Jade’s parents are out. It’s easy, Jade discovers, being around Tori like this. Tori doesn’t hold a grudge against her for all the mean things she’s done and Jade isn’t nearly as cruel as she can be. Jade decides she likes being around Tori.
“So you move to New York next week,” Tori says one day.
“Yup,” Jade nods, trying to ignore the rising feeling in her chest. “And you’re starting at UCLA next month.”
She knew they couldn’t avoid this conversation no matter what, but Jade was still hoping there would be no final word.
“Yeah, pretty crazy,” Tori muses.
They’re both silent for a moment and then, “We’re good, right?”
Tori tilts her head, biting her lip in a stupidly adorable way. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” Jade shrugs, trying to make this as normal as possible. “I mean, like, it’s not going to be weird...with you and me.”
“Oh,” Tori says after a beat, nodding. “Yeah, totally. I mean, you’re off to New York, but we’re good. It’s not like we’ll just stop talking.”
“Right,” Jade nods.
It’s not exactly the answer Jade wanted - what answer did she want? - but she’ll take it.
Tori smiles just a little. “And, it’s not like you won’t be home for holidays.”
A sliver of hope, despite her thoughts, infiltrates its way into Jade’s system.
“Of course,” she agrees.
So that’s that. Jade moves to New York, Tori starts at UCLA, and when she comes home, well, it’s like she never left.
They still don’t tell anyone.
Not until sophomore year when Jade has found herself increasingly thinking about Tori even when in New York, that Jade spills out the secret over coffee with Beck in between their busy schedules.
“I’m sleeping with Tori.”
Beck coughs up his last sip, eyes wide as he says, “What?”
Jade shrugs, staying a nonchalant as she possibly can. “It’s not - like, we’re not dating. It’s just..I don’t know. We hook up when I’m home.”
Beck is silent for a moment and then, “Oh.”
“Oh?” Jade repeats.
“How long has it been going on?” Beck asks.
He’s not mad, this much Jade knows. It’s curiosity in his tone that puts Jade at ease.
“Uh, the summer after graduation I guess,” Jade shrugs.
Beck nods, taking the information in. Jade tries not to squirm.
“Do you like her?” 
Instead of snapping, Jade shrugs, looking at her half empty cup of black coffee.
“I don’t know,” she says. “It’s Tori.”
“Yeah, it’s Tori.”
When Jade looks up, there is a knowing smile on Beck’s face. She rolls her eyes, kicking him under the table and asking him how his last date went.
(They don’t talk about it much after that, at least not when Jade can help it.
It doesn't stop Beck from his teasing when they visit home and Jade is too busy for him.)
For a moment, Jade feels like she’s in high school again.
Here she is, in her favorite hole-in-the-wall diner, sitting at the exact booth she’s always sat in. Across from her, Beck Oliver is chowing down on his fries, burger half-eaten and a chocolate milkshake at his side.
But Beck is not her boyfriend and they aren’t teenagers at Hollywood Arts with big dreams and miniscule problems. Instead, they are now twenty-one and on the verge of real adulthood. But this, this moment in the corner of the tiny diner that’s still somehow running, this is tradition.
Despite breaking up somewhere between prom and graduation, she and Beck still remained good friends. Of course, it was hard for all of their friends to understand, how quickly they transitioned from boyfriend and girlfriend to just friends, considering all the other times they’d broken up. But there was just something about the finality of it all, the way Jade didn’t scream and yell and kick and punch, as if she knew this was the only way it could go, the way Beck didn’t have to argue with her, that made sense to the two of them.
Jade still loves him, always has if she’s honest, but she knows it’s not the kind of love they both are looking for. Beck is her sounding board, he’s there and doesn’t push and just lets Jade be. He’s her best friend, if she’s being honest. The two of them still ended up going to New York after graduation, Jade to film school and Beck for acting. And despite wanting to get as far away as possible from the life she’d known in Los Angeles, there’s always been something comforting about having Beck not too far away.
But here they are now, in the diner they’d frequent over high school, where they’d go on their first date and then just because many times after. This place has been grounded in their relationship.
“I think the food just gets better every time we come back,” Beck tells her as he leans over to slurp out of his milkshake.
Jade only scoffs. “I think we’ve just been away too long.”
He gives her a look, one that she rolls her eyes at, but they both smile in the end. They flew in together last night, finishing finals just around the same time. Their stay is only temporary though, just for a few weeks. Jade landed a summer internship in New York for a film company. Beck’s got an acting gig at a local theater by his apartment. New York suits them both, Jade thinks, though she’s grown fonder of Los Angeles since she’s been away.
“So, have you made plans to see your girlfriend yet?” Beck asks, a teasing edge in his voice as he wipes his mouth with a napkin.
Jade shoots him a glare. “I don’t have a girlfriend.”
“Sure you do,” Beck insists, that stupid smile on his face. 
“Tori isn’t my girlfriend,” Jade says pointedly, her jaw setting.
“Right,” Beck nods. “She’s just your friend who you occasionally hook up with when you come home.”
Jade resists the urge to squirm. Beck usually keeps quiet about Jade’s friendship with Tori, but the older they’ve gotten, the harder it is for him to ignore. Jade knows deep down, he’s known it all along, known it longer than Jade herself has for sure.
She’s never really hated Tori, not at all.
But she still won’t admit it out loud.
“We’re fucking adults, Beck,” she snaps. “I can hook up with whoever I want.”
Not that anyone outside of Beck knows, or that Tori knows that Beck knows that this has been going on for years now.
Beck softens them, leaning forward in his seat as he says, “Yeah, but it’s not just casual.”
Jade pointedly looks away, her jaw working. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
“Jade, you haven’t dated anyone since me,” Beck says softly. “I think we both know why.”
“We’re just friends,” Jade insists. “We don’t even talk that much when I’m at school.”
Beck sighs, deciding to let it go. “If you say so.”
There’s silence for a moment and then, “She’ll be at that dumb thing Sinjin’s throwing tomorrow night. Guess we’ll see her there.”
“Guess so,” Beck echoes, staring at Jade for another beat before he’s finishing off his milkshake.
Jade is two drinks in and she’s still not even really sure what this event is that Sinjin’s hosting - is it a birthday? A random party? Who knows - but it’s nice to have all her friends here, even Robbie and his stupid puppet.
“Where’s Tori?” Robbie asks.
Jade, too, noticed she’s the last one of their group to arrive, though it’s usually not normal of her. 
Andre looks up from his phone. “She said she’s five minutes away, she’ll be here soon.”
Jade, for her part, hasn’t talked to Tori since she got back to Los Angeles. Something about seeing Tori again always makes her just a little jumpy, though. She can’t help it if her eyes wander around, looking for the skinny brunette with those dumb cheek bones.
It’s only a few minutes later the girl in question wanders in, and hates that there’s a sense of relief that runs through her at the sight of Tori. Andre follows Jade’s line of sight quickly and begins waving, and Tori’s dumb smile graces her face and she is quickly making her way over.
Jade then notices, behind her, a blonde is following closely behind, and Jade wonders if she’s brought one of her friends from UCLA with her tonight.
“Did Tori tell you she was bringing a friend?” Beck asks, and Jade is unsure if the question is for her or for Andre.
Andre’s the one who answers, “Nope.”
“You guys!” Tori squeals, excited like she always is to see her friends from home.
She is quickly swept up in Andre’s arms, the closest to him out of everyone else here - well, if you don’t count whatever it is she and Jade are - and Jade admires it for a moment, how despite getting older, they all seem to find time to be together.
Tori makes her rounds hugging everyone, and Jade tries not to hold on too long when it’s her turn, tries not to make it obvious she misses Tori more the longer she’s away. Tori still smells like fruity shampoo and vanilla, and something about it settles Jade.
“Hey,” Tori murmurs.
“Hi,” Jade replies in a low voice, still enough to be heard over the stupid music Sinjin’s got playing. “Good to see you.”
Tori pulls away, giving her a quick smile before she’s being pulled into an aggressively tight hug by Cat. Jade chuckles softly, looking on at the exchange fondly.
(For a moment, she forgets about the girl standing behind Tori, looking in awkwardly and waiting for her chance at an introduction.)
Robbie is the one who provides it, in typical Shapiro fashion.
“So Tori,” Robbie starts as soon as Cat releases her. “Who’s your pretty looking lady friend?”
Jade notices the way Tori tenses for a moment, giving Robbie a nervous smile.
Tori looks at all of them, the nerves creeping on to the rest of her features and she reaches back and offers her hand to the blonde, who takes it and steps forward to stand even with Tori. Jade doesn’t miss the way the blonde gives Tori’s hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I want you guys to meet my girlfriend, Grace.”
There is a moment where out of the five of them, four are taken aback for a moment.
Robbie isn’t quite sure he heard right.
Andre can’t say he’s completely surprised, but he is still somewhat shocked.
Beck is worried about Jade.
Jade just stares at Tori, trying to process the information.
Cat, bless her heart, doesn’t let a beat pass before she’s stepping a step forward and shaking the blonde’s - Grace’s - hand.
“Hi I’m Cat!” she says enthusiastically, and it’s clear her actions put both Grace and Tori at ease.
Tori can feel the way Jade’s eyes burn into her, but she refuses to look in her direction, refusing to acknowledge what Jade is trying to convey.
After Cat’s introduction, everyone quickly follows suit, and then there are a thousand questions, and Tori does her best to answer them and make sure nothing falls apart.
Jade is quiet for all of it, her jaw working as she tries to process her emotions, process the new information before her.
Tori has a girlfriend. Tori has a girlfriend. Tori has a girlfriend.
Tori has a girlfriend and it isn’t you.
“I need some air,” Jade says suddenly.
It’s the first time she’s spoken since Tori’s announcement, and it seems like almost everyone notices. Beck is casting her a worried glance and Tori is trying to catch her eye now, but she doesn’t pay attention to either of them, walking with purpose out the door to the back of the building.
Beck watches her go, wondering if he should go after her. But then he feels eyes on him and his gaze shifts to find Tori, eyes filled with concern and eyebrows knitted together in slight confusion. Beck contemplates saying something, or at least giving Tori a look, but Tori seems to make her mind up for the both of them
“I’ll be right back,” she murmurs, squeezing her girlfriend’s arm before she’s following the path Jade just walked.
When she pushes open the door she sees Jade paces a few feet away, her jaw tight as her hands run through her dark hair.
“Jade,” she begins, though she isn’t sure what else to say.
Jade stops immediately at the sound of her voice, head turning to face her.
“You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend.”
“I didn’t tell anyone in there until now,” Tori reminds her defensively, motioning to the building behind them.
Jade’s jaw sets. “That’s different and you know it.”
Her eyes flare up in - is that hurt? - and Tori feels the pit of her stomach drop. Something about this has shifted their entire dynamic and she knows it. She knows now, not telling Jade beforehand, letting her find out just like everyone else, was a mistake.
“We...this couldn’t go on forever,” Tori tells her, voice a little softer now. “You know that.”
Jade scoffs. “Right.”
She doesn’t look at Tori, instead focusing her attention on the light post not too far away. Tori can’t remember a time when Jade’s felt so far away like this.
“What was I supposed to do?” Tori asks helplessly. “Was I just supposed to wait around for you to come home?”
“Why did we even do this, Tori?” Jade snaps, her eyes blazing. “What the fuck were we doing?”
Tori throws up her hands like it’s obvious. “We had no idea what we were doing, Jade. We graduated, you just broke up with Beck. You were moving to New York.”
Jade looks at her, cold, unmoving.
“So that’s what it was, huh?” Jade asks, her voice eerily thin, a tone that Tori’s never heard from her voice. “I was just the experiment, testing out the waters.”
Now Tori’s the one with the hurt expression.
“No, that’s never what it was.”
“But it was never enough to be anything more,” Jade continues, and Tori notices the way her jaw tightens and how her eyes walk the line between sadness and anger so well. “I wasn’t ever going to be anything more to you.”
“That’s not what it was,” Tori insists, her voice practically begging for Jade to understand.
“But it was never serious?” Jade asks, her voice coming across hard in the air between them. “Not seriously like Grace in there?”
Tori looks at her for a long moment, unable to put her thoughts into a sentence. Jade swallows the lump in her throat.
They both turn to see Beck by the exit of the building, watching the exchange from there. Tori wonders how long he’s been there, how much he’s heard.
“Fuck off, Beck,” Jade responds, her eyes not leaving Tori.
“Jade come on,” Beck insists. “Before you say something stupid.”
“I don’t need you here,” Jade tells him harshly.
Beck lets out a sigh before he is walking over to Jade, who doesn’t move at all. Tori doesn’t say anything. She only watches as the pain and hurt grows more and more evident on Jade’s face.
There is something she’s missed between them all along.
“Let’s get you home,” Beck says to Jade quietly.
“Leave me alone,” she mutters looking down at her shoes, but her voice breaks and it’s clear to them that this is only going downhill now. 
“Jade,” he says again, this time softly.
There’s a pause and then, “Fine.”
Beck nods, giving Tori one last glance, an apology, before he starts walking Jade to his car. Tori realizes now, Beck knows what this is all about.
Jade turns around after a few steps. Her eyes are shining, but it doesn’t hold her back from speaking.
“You were always more than just a hookup,” she says. “Christ, Tori, you were never just a hook up.”
Tori stands there dumbfounded, watching Jade walk to Beck to his car. Even after they’re long gone, she doesn’t go back inside. She stands there trying to understand how this all went so wrong.
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syrenki · 3 years
for the album asks: lanas "ultraviolence" and sky ferreiras "night time, my time"
oooh, thank you anon!! okay, i'm gonna be honest with you, i only know the title track from sky ferreira. i love it though, i really do, it's glorious. and hey, since you asked this, i'm guessing the whole album is worth listening to, right? thank you for the rec, i'll educate myself on her, hahah
and when it comes to lana, oh man. let's go. i'll actually go least to most favourite, it feels more exciting this way, tbh. so:
14. guns and roses, obviously. it's a shockingly unremarkable track for such a remarkable album, isn't it? just so... bland, frankly.
13. the other woman and yeah, okay, it kind of hurts to put this as my second most disliked song, because it's really good! it just doesn't hit all the right spots for me, i think, quite like the rest of ultraviolence does.
12. florida kilos, it's very sweet and summery! i don't think that i'm very obsessed with it, though. i think she has a lot of tracks that taste ripe like july too, but are more... unique - say 1949 or even the newer doin' time.
11. fucked my way up to the top - well, what can i say, it's sexy. and i love the trance-like feel it has going on. not one of my faves, but yeah, i'm putting it above the other woman and florida kilos because it sets a very... hmm. specific mood, if ykwim.
10. black beauty. it's funny, i actually mostly listened to a different version of it that i downloaded to my mp3 player years ago, only to discover that the real, officially released one sounds completely different now that i regularly use spotify. i do love the lyrics on this one, though. i used to listen to it so, so much in 2016 or 2017, i think!
9. ultraviolence - she was the moment, she was nicole before nicole, huh? i love the dreamy edgyness in this one! it actually took me a long time to warm up to ultraviolence, despite it being the title track, but as soon as i did, i fell in love. i love the wordplay, she really knew what she was doing with the name of this album.
8. money, power, glory - i could have never suspected that i'd put this over black beauty back in middle school, but at this point? yeah. i actually don't care much for the lyrics, as i'm not the type of person to strive for luxury a lot - you can call it being non-superficial, or maybe a lack of ambition, or lazyness. yeah, lmao. what i love most about this song is just the sheer sound of it, the drums, her voice in the ,,glory!" part, the ,,hallelujahs" - it's all so... orgasmic. plus the high pitched ,,i can do it if you really really like it" with the slowed guitar riff in the background completely sells me on this song.
7. brooklyn baby - i mean, what is there to explain. it's just brooklyn baby, you know? yeah, my girlfriend's pretty cool, but she's not as cool as me. i think it's a little bit too cute and positive for the edgy fucker that i am, otherwise, quality-wise, it could very well be in the top 3.
6. sad girl - it's sweet, it's edgy, it's kinda emo. a love child of pretty when you cry and brooklyn baby, i guess. it's not a masterpiece, but i'm putting it pretty high up the list simply for the ,,he's got the fiiiireee!" part and my own personal feelings for this song, yk? oh well, it's my ranking after all, and i can be as subjective as i please. ♡
5. shades of cool - it's just so good! yes, my baby sure does live in shades of blue! some really similar dynamics to black beauty, and again, god, just a year or two ago i would probably say this was my fave, or at least one of my faves, now i think my love for old money and cruel world has outgrown it, though. it really reminds me of dark blue, indigo and violet hues, you know? it's ultraviolet after all, i guess. the vocals in that instrumental bridge kill me every time in the sweetest of ways.
4. cruel world - man oh man, i would eat this if i could. i would drink it, or put this song into a heart-shaped locket to wear on my neck at all times. it's so unbelievably dreamy, and sexy, and the line about being happy that they're gone hits so hard out of nowhere in the context of the song, for some reason it sounds more like she's singing about someone's death rather than simply them not being a part of her life anymore. i got your bible, i got your gun, and i'm so happy now that you're gone. god. wow. some fatherhood themes for sure. i'm not entirely certain why, that's just how i feel it.
3. west coast. what can i say? newer lana is cool, but she wants what west-coast-ultraviolence-lana had. the tempo change every time she gets to ,,i can see my baby swinging", have you actually noticed how much slower the song gets? and those few guitar notes right before this line. agh, it makes me feel so strangely heartbroken for a love i never had. maybe it's because of this world heritage romeo+juliet music video, though. i can't really think of anything else now when i listen to west coast. oh, and also, i never thought a sexy, playful song like froot would work so well with the moody west coast, but it really, really does.
2. old money - look, this is a personal one. i know it's nowhere near as iconic as brooklyn baby or west coast or anything, but i can't tell you how bittersweet this song is to me, personally. one of the first songs i even know from lana. i used to listen to it at 13, laying in my bed at 3am, drinking some oversweetened coffee, reading about sigils or whatever the hell. some blog on here had an audio player built into its html and i remember, it played this song, among others. i spent weeks searching for it. it sounds like peaceful, quiet tragedy. the calm, almost resigned sound of it sends me right back to those spring nights. always, always.
1. pretty when you cry, judge me how you will for this choice. there's something so utterly exsquisite and heartbreaking about this song, it reaches into you and tugs at your heart with its bony cold hands. i cannot praise it enough, ever. even if it's fully because of my own associations and memories. i always come back to it. i used to cry to it when i lost the person that my 'and winters here are eternal' tag is about. there's just... god, there's something about this song. and also, hey, i really am pretty when i cry.
thank you for the ask and i'm sorry for getting so in-depth and, hm, suddenly writing in a weirdly pretentious way. that's just what lana does to you://
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random-mha-thoughts · 4 years
Eyes (Shinsou x Reader)
Pairing: Shinsou x fem! Reader
Genre: Spice
Summary: Shinsou isn’t happy about going out to billiards on a Friday night (he’d rather be home sleeping), and he’s really not appreciating all the attention you’re gathering.
Word count: 2,378
Tags:  @yuki-osaki​ @liviitehe​ @iamsoftsodonttoucheume-blog​ 
a/n: I wrote about 800 words in reader’s POV, then deleted the whole thing because it wasn’t interesting enough and rewrote it in Shinsou’s POV, but I’m still not feeling it.  I know I promised this yesterday, but I’m bleeding out my entire uterus and I’m in pain everywhere and I was in no mood/headspace to write anything spicy (tbh I’m still not, but I’m trying my damn best for you guys).  I still hope you guys enjoy it!
I got the idea because I went to a pol hall with my friends for the first time a few weeks ago and I was feeling myself Oh how far I have fallen now
Btw characters are all aged up to the legal drinking age bc we support responsible drinking in this house.  Enjoy!
Shinsou was less than thrilled with the idea of going to a billiards hall on a Friday night.  He didn't even know why his girlfriend was so keen on going when she doesn't enjoy going out that often and doesn't know how to play pool.  Wouldn't it be better to just cuddle up in bed after a long week of classes?  He certainly thinks so, he gives amazing cuddles.
He was even less enthusiastic when she walked into his dorm in a tight fitting, cropped, black sweater, skin tight leather pants, and heeled boots.  There's no way he would let her walk out of there where other guys could drool over even that small amount of skin showing and banging body.
She's nobody else's but his and he's not sharing.
He couldn't say that, of course, because he knows how stubborn his kitty is and she wouldn't change anyway, and he doesn't want to come off as being too overbearing.  Besides, she's way too excited at the prospect of going out.  Shinsou knows she just recently turned the legal drinking age and has been looking forward to going out drinking for the first time, and he'd hate to put a damper on her fun over some outfit.  And she has a right to dress however she wants without his input.  So he played it cool and sucked it up.
But now, he's regretting keeping his mouth shut.  Even though the two of them arrived together holding hands, some guys don't know how to keep their eyes to themselves.  His girlfriend casually drinks at the bar with Ashido and Yaoyorozu, laughing and having their own conversation, while he notices other guys from nearby tables scanning her up and down.  It makes him want to walk over there and punch the daylight out of them.
"Are you good, dude?  Do you want a drink?" Kirishima offers the stiff boy, observing his intense stare.
"I'm fine, I don't drink," the purple haired boy dismisses.  Not only would he have to look after his girlfriend tonight, but he doesn't want to chance the alcohol amplifying his aggression and he ends up punching someone in the face.  He doesn't want her to be disappointed in him for ruining her fun.
The red-haired boy leans back against the wall, taking a swig from his beer.  "Let me guess.  Your beautiful girlfriend is out there having a good time and you're worried about any unwanted guests touching the merchandise."
Shinsou quietly nods.  "Is that bad?  It's not that I don't trust her or anything-"
"No, you have every right to feel that way, it has nothing to do with trust," Kirishima waves off.  "There are some really unmanly guys out there.  I'd be wary too."
"Kaminari already tried putting the moves on her."  The boy recalls the moment they arrived the the hall.  The lightening boy was just coming back from getting drinks and he immediately wrapped an arm around her and slurred, "Lookin' good, hot stuff."  Shinsou was about to knock him out right there and then.  "If he wasn't my friend, I would've punched him."
"Yeah, but Denki's just a pervy drunk, he knows better than to mess with you," Kiri laughs heartily.
"He better."
The girls finally return from the bar as Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Tokoyami finish up their game.  "We call next!" Ashido announces, grabbing a few pool sticks from the rack.
Shinsou's girlfriend slides into place next to him, he automatically wraps his arm around her protectively.  His heart can't help but soften at how smiley she looks.  "You doing okay?" she asks in his ear.
He gets a whiff of her vanilla scent in her neck.  "I'm fine," he responds in the same fashion, the music slightly annoying him for being too loud.
She takes a sip of her drink and grips his arm.  "I'm playing next, do you wanna team up with me?"
He shakes his head.  "You go have fun, I'll cheer you on from here."
Shinsou can't miss the slight fall of her face.  "Okay.  Don't be too lonely without me."  She kisses his cheek and follows Ashido to the table.
"I don't think the guys oogling her is the problem here," Kirishima chides.  "Pretty sure she would like it if you just spent some time with her."
The boy rubs the back of his head.  "I'm not the best at pool.  She'd lose if she were with me."
"That's not the point!  She's having fun, just look at her!"  Kirishima loops an arm around Shinou's shoulders and points his bottle at his girlfriend.
She's bent over the table opposite them aiming her shot, one eye squinting, her nose scrunched up, biting her lip.  Shinsou swears he feels his heart melt right there.  Even as she stands back up to follow the ball across the table, the twinkle in her eyes and the smile on her face makes him feel lighter.
Bakugou, her teammate, high fives her for the shot, breaking Shinsou out of his trance.  "Of course she had to be with that idiot," he mumbles.
"Uh, thanks, dude," the redhead deadpans from next to him.
"No offense to you, I just never warmed up to him."
They sit back, watching their partners play the game.  During the next round, Shinsou tilts his head when his girlfriend bends over the table.  "I see why people play this game now," he comments, getting an eyeful of her sweetly rounded backside.  Those pants do look good on her, he thinks as the blood rushes downward.
And he's not the only one who thinks so.  In his peripheral vision, he notices some of the guys at the table next to them staring as well.  He doesn't need to use his quirk to figure out what they're thinking.  Eventually, the boys feel Shinsou's eyes drilling into them, only to turn around when they meet his murderous gaze.
"People in relationships really shouldn't though," he grumbles.
"Oh come on, dude.  Don't let a few outsiders get in the way of enjoying the show."  Kirishima himself is enjoying the view of his boyfriend's ass in his jeans.
Between turns, Shinsou watches his girlfriend have herself a good time, slowly taking her drinks, talking to her girls, dancing, and taking videos.  He enjoys the view, in more ways than one, especially the one time she had to take a behind-the-back shot and she had to prop a leg up on the table for leverage (He doesn't want to admit it, but he's a man, after all).
The second time he catches eyes hungrily staring at his girl, he almost goes up to them for a "talk," but Sero and Kirishima stop him.  She's not even doing much except swaying her hips casually to the music, but he still curses her lovely body proportions for attracting all the tempted eyes in the room.
He can't take it anymore.  After a third time, he pulls her aside and away from everyone else.
"Hitoshi, you're hurting me, let go."  Her voice is stern, so he obliges, but the dormant anger still bubbles inside him.  "You're really annoying me today, what's going on?"  The distaste is apparent on her features, a harsh contrast from what she looked like before.
Shinsou knows she's just had a few drinks, so he can't afford to make her too emotional.  "Can you just stand near me for the rest of the night?" he asks gently.
She scoffs, "So suddenly now you want to be near me?  Kirishima isn't fun enough to talk to?"
He closes his eyes and takes a breath.  "There are guys staring at you and I don't like it, okay?"  He's trying to keep his voice steady.
"Let them!" she throws her arms up exaggeratedly, accompanied by a dry laugh, "I'm not here to get another man when I have one right here!  Even though he's being kind of a spoilsport."
She takes a step closer to Shinsou and pulls him by the collar of his denim jacket.  "I love you and everything, but I'm here to have some fun.  If they get turned on by that, I really don't care.  You should trust me enough to know I can take care of them if they try to makes moves on me."  Her breath puffs against his face, and he can practically taste the alcohol in it.
When she let's go of him and strolls off back to the table, Shinsou let's out the breath he didn't know he was holding.  He'd be lying if he said he wasn't the least bit turned on by her attitude and rough handling of him.
When he returns back to the table, his lovely girlfriend is already bent over, about to sink the 8 ball and win the game.  As she does so, she's singing the song playing in the hall speakers and dancing, but it's more obvious the way she swings her hips that she's doing it purposefully.  On the beat, she shoots, the ball ricochets off the edge of the table, and lands in the hole, making everyone around her cheer in victory.  Mina and Jirou join her little victory dance, garnering the attention of all the guys at the other table.
As the song changes, she looks straight at Shinsou, freezing him in place before smirking and sauntering right up to him.
Oh, I'm in danger now.
His heart pounds as she finally approaches him and stops right in front of him.  "You wanted me to stay right near you, right?" she questions, innocence dripping from her voice but her eyes hold a mischievous glint.  Shinsou doesn't know how to answer that, only swallowing hard as she turns around so her back faces him.  "Just relax, baby.  No one's gonna bother us anymore."
His breath hitches when she resumes swinging to the music, only she's brushing some particularly sensitive areas.  Shinsou's stiff as a board, the only thing registering is the slight sweeping against his pants and blood rushing.  His girlfriend, on the other hand, acts like nothing is happening, sipping her drink like this situation is the most normal thing in the world.
The poor boy clenches his jaw, his stomach tossing as she leans into him just a little more so her back meets his chest.  He places his hands on her hips to make her stop.  "Kitty, stand still, please."  His voice comes out more restrained than he intended.
"I just wanna dance, is that so wrong?"
He curses under his breath, eyes darting around wildly.  With the blood rushing in his ears, the light seems just a tad too much for him, and it's suddenly boiling hot in the hall.  The rest were setting up for a new game, nobody minding what'd going on in front of him, or what's slowly growing in his pants.
Shinsou looks to Kirishima for some sort of help, only to see the boy trying not to laugh and announcing to play the next game.
Harsher pressure on his groin calls his attention back.  His girlfriend holds his hands with her delicate one as she moves them further around her, allowing him to pull her into his body more.  The dizzying scent of her perfume fills Shinsou's nose, burying his face into her neck to groan out.
"Song's almost over, don't worry," she singsongs, slowly rotating her hips in small circles.
He can't take the strain or the pressure anymore.  The growing sensation keeps building in the pit of his stomach like a slowly tightening knot.  He dares a glance up, noticing for a split second that the same watchers at the next table have their eyes on them.
"Kitty," Shinsou growls, a new excitement planted in his mind at the thought of them observing the show, something like victory.
His beloved firecracker spins around and leans herself flush against him, a knee between his legs as she traps him against the wall with her small frame.  He's stunned at her boldness, unable to formulate words before she pulls him in for an aggressive kiss.  Her lips taste of biting alcohol and sweet cranberry juice.  At this point, he's been wound up and would take any chance to attack her too, leading him to grip her waist and close any remaining space between them.  She pulls his face closer, one hand cupping his neck and the other grabbing the back of his head, their lips colliding with heightened fervor and tempo.  He separates them to catch his breath, but she captures his bottom lip in her teeth and tugs, eliciting another groan from him.
Her thumb swipes the swollen lip she just bit and she smirks.  "Do you think I gave them a good enough show of who my man is?"
Shinsou chuckles and kisses her again, less ferocious as his desire was quelled for a moment.  "I think they know you're clearly taken now."
She loops her arms around his neck.  "And are you more at ease now?"  The mischief is gone from her now, only left with affection and care.
He knocks their foreheads together.  "Yes, I'm fine now."  His face heats up then.  "I'm just a little embarrassed now.  We don't usually do this in public."
She turns back around, leaning back into his chest again.  "It was for good reason this time.  We don't have to do it again if you're not comfortable."
Shinsou laces his fingers together at her tummy and rests his chin on her shoulder.  "If anyone else had seen us, I might've been more ashamed."  A chaste kiss right below her ear.  "That's the most I'm willing to do."
Her fingers entwine with his large ones.  "I'm sorry I was being stubborn earlier, I should've listened to you when you were uncomfortable."
"We got some fun out of it, didn't we?" he whispers dangerously low in her ear.  "Maybe we should come out more often."
She quirks an eyebrow.  "Never thought I'd hear you say that, but okay.  And next time, you're actually playing instead of standing around pouting."
"Who says I was pouting?"
His girlfriend cranes her neck to look him in the eyes.  "Babe, tell me you weren't going to throw hands at someone today."
"...No comment."
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I just looked at your Spotify, first for the Jeffbritta then for your immaculate music taste ........ but sweetheart. GODDESS. What the hell mental illness made you listen to the Russian National Anthem that many times
FSHDKDLD god okay this one’s A Story, and there’s a much more concise way to tell it, but I’ve never been a concise person. jump under the read more if you dare.
sooooo it all started in a Wal-Mart parking lot after going to a high school football game with some of my friends. we had gone in to get a box of cupcakes and somehow emerged with a jar of pickles, a bag of peanut M&M’s, and a bag of Twix bars. as we were walking out of the Wal-Mart with our spoils, a bunch of guys our age ran by us and pushed us out of the way, screaming and running all the way to the edge of the parking lot. they were followed by Wal-Mart security, and we figured out the next day that they were members of our school’s lacrosse team and they were running because they had stolen goods from this Wal-Mart. so my friends and I start walking away from the exit like “oh boy, that was wild” only to be stopped by a woman who asked us if we wanted one of heaven’s brownies. we did not, so we swiftly moved along, clutching our pickles and candy a little bit tighter. 
there were six of us, so we’d taken two cars (and really, we’d come in groups of three anyway and met up on accident), but decided to go back to one person’s car to eat before splitting up and going our separate ways. so four of us found a way to squeeze into the backseat of this not-very-large vehicle and cracked open the pickles. the driver was in control of the music, and at first, he put on a few songs from Hamilton because I guess he was just that late to the trend. I was minding my own business, eating a Twix bar and vibing while being crushed between two of my friends when suddenly, everything changed.
there was a swell of orchestral music. we all looked at the driver in complete and utter confusion as the singers came in, singing in a language we did not know. he looks away, and the rest of us begin to laugh, as we’re very lucid at this point because it’s almost 11:30pm and this wasn’t our first adventure of the night (the first involved sneaking past the other school’s administration to get to the home side bleachers by cutting across the football field itself, we’re such rebels ik). 
eventually, someone (probably me tbh) manages to ask;
“what is this?”
the driver keeps looking down, avoiding everyone’s gaze.
“it’s the Russian National Anthem.”
“the WHAT?”
“the Russian National Anthem.”
he went on to explain that his older brother has a playlist of meme songs that he shared with everyone, and for some entirely unknown reason, this was on the list, and he’d taken a liking to it. whatever, we thought. in all honesty? it kinda slaps. maybe a little more than Hamilton does.
fast forward to about a week later. one of my friends from that group has been my friend since childhood, and lives about five minutes away from me. as such, she would often drive me home after band practice if it was a day when my dad wasn’t helping out with practice.
she usually gave me the aux, trusting me to queue a few things on Spotify for our 20 minute drive. at that point, it was typically lots of Hayley Kiyoko, lots of P!atd, and a fair amount of girl in red, because we were both gay and didn’t develop a music taste until very recently. there was also a specific Sam Smith song that we always listened to (How Do You Sleep) because of a specific incident from that year of band that honestly, I may go into at a later date.
that night, I look at the Spotify search bar and think “wouldn’t it be funny if I threw the Russian National Anthem in there? just to mess with her and call back to the night of that football game? man, that was a fun night. let’s do it.”
so I queue said anthem to come on after How Do You Sleep.
we poorly sing along with Sam Smith, laughing and joking all the way. the song starts to fade out, we settle down. we’re both waiting for the next song to come on. I’m barely holding it together, trying so hard not to blow my cover and laugh that tears are streaming down my face. 
the drum roll. the sweeping instrumentals.
now, I feel like I’ve already provided a gratuitous amount of context, but you must know that this particular band season had been absolute shit. our beloved band director had gotten a job at another school, and we had been left behind to lead a band under the direction of a much more incompetent one. we were stressed all the time, younger kids were turning their backs on us in a desperate attempt to defend this guy since they had to live with him for longer, we’d been losing friends and struggling and breaking down on a daily basis for probably somewhere around two months at that point. every inside joke and moment of levity and scrap of joy was clung to like a life raft, because we were watching the thing we’d loved for three whole years be destroyed right before our eyes. on top of that, we were being blamed for the destruction despite only being 17 years old, only able to cause so much change.
the singers come in. my friend realizes what I’ve done. she starts laughing. I let myself laugh out loud now, head banging and bopping along with the song. tears are streaming down her face now, too, they keep streaming down mine. we can’t find the line between tears of sorrow and tears of overwhelming joy. is there one? or are both emotions one in the same? 
so then, like with How Do You Sleep, it became a tradition to play it on every car ride home from band practice. I’d slip it somewhere into the queue while driving or she’d set it before getting into the car so that she could surprise me. it became our thing, that no matter what had happened that day or who had yelled at us or what ridiculous responsibilities we’d had to take on, we had something to look forward to and rely on. we had the motherfucking Russian National Anthem. 
I bet you didn’t expect there to be a moral to this story, but oh boy, is there ever one. you have find joy wherever you can. even if it’s stupid. even if it doesn’t make sense or you don’t understand why it makes you so happy. even if it’s playing a national anthem that, quite frankly, shouldn’t go as hard as it does.
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goth-girlfriend · 4 years
Heyy could I get a matchup please? I’m a pansexual non binary person excepting and loving to all, I have short black hair and I am 5’1. Tbh I’m more interested in the 1A boys but I do love all the pro hero’s and the villains too. I can be shy at first but once you get to know me I can be very chaotic and alt. I’m very open minded and understanding no matter what your situation is and I am very patient, I rarely get angry. I also do a lot of art from pairing to potter and photography, I love to try new things. I also love your work so much and I hope your doing well 💕
Thank you! 🥰 It means a lot! I hope your doing week in this time ☺️💙 sorry it took over a month 😅 but! I’ll make it up to you! And! The other four waiting....and the few in my inbox! Well! I hope you like it!
Kaminari, you wouldn’t think five inches is enough for him to look down and bully you about your height. But...honestly? You couldn’t be mad at it considering it’s what made your friendship with the blonde bloom.
Then again, when you first met him you were kind of a wreck and didn’t have the guts to tell him, “I’m not an arm rest stop leaning on my shoulder.” Instead you let it be, fidgeting fingers and looking ahead until her smiled brightly at you, “SHORT FRIENDS ARE GREAT!” he looked down at you eyes closed, “I should keep you around more.”
Well, after that you were adopted by, THE BAKUSQUAD! Bakugo not really caring, but when Kirishima and Denki followed him around he always made sure to grab you and drag you with them, because “I WAS SCARED AND PANICKED! I DIDN’T WANNA BE ALONE!”
So, for the first and second week he treated you like a quiet kid, mostly starting conversation until you got into a comfortable groove, and he almost died seeing how you really turned out. YOU started to bully him, when he entered his short circuit, the jokes you made, but still, you took care of him making sure he didn’t get into trouble or hurt. At times you’d become a bit impulsive and your chaotic side came out.
“MOVE! IM GONNA DO IT!” You screamed “Y/n! NO! I LIKE YOU BETTER ALIVE!” He screamed. Silence, you moved your head, trying to pull back, but no luck, your eyes moved in panic looking at Denki, his own eyes wide before he started laughing. You tried to move your head regretting it instantly. Your right hand came up, forefinger and thumb pulling at your tongue that was now stuck to the pole you had made victim to your weird antics. “mm thuck.”
you have great goofy moments together, but the moment he hears Bakugo screaming and silence, and then he hears you screaming? Hah, no. All relations are canceled/expired/rejected/blocked/denied/gone. He likes being alive, and right now, you were a threat to his life, so “Oh, uh yeah I got a thing to do in the other ro-“ RUN
he’s more than great full to have you around, your patient with him when he just can’t do something but he’s determined to. Like the month he dragged you of the dorms every night, because “IM GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS HAUNTED HOUSE WITHOUT SCREAMING.” The haunted house opened the first of October, and ended on Halloween, it was terrible, at one point he passed out, another frothed at the mouth, his screams were priceless, he clung to you more than a few times crying about being scared. Decked a few jump scare people, and at least twice went into Pikachu self defense mode and electrocuted the groups of workers around the two of you at least twice. Honestly, you were surprised they let you both keep coming back. But the last day, he managed to only let out squeaks and squeeze your arm and hands but he did it. Thirty one long nights of walking the same halls, jump scares, and voids, mesmerizing the right way of the maze, you mad wit out fine, he was only slightly shook.
Art? Denki doesn’t get it, claimed he can’t draw to save his life and when you watched him try you believed him, BUT THE COMPLETE AND UTTER SHOCK WHEN YOU FOUND OUT HE WAS BASICALLY AN ART MAJOR WHEN HE SHORT CIRCUITED..... you started saving his drawings and sketches, and then you’d show him and he’d be impressed, but completely denies that he ever did it. “Nope, you got the wrong guy, you’ve seen me, I can’t draw a circle.” But he loves to watch you paint, and take photos, but don’t take him to wildlife sets with you. He will get hired of waiting for birds and throw himself on the grass and start sighing loudly and rolling around, “Nothings coming y/n!” “MAYBE IF YOU SHUT UP THE BIRDS WOULDNT FLY AWAY LIKE ITS THE END OF THE WORLD!” Silence, you can definitely feel him staring you, “Well that’s just rude.... you scared off the only bird that was actually here.” Pottery? He watched you, and he wanted to try, the first time he ended up slinging clay everywhere, second he can’t keep his hands still enough, the third time you took pity and ended up like the cheesiest movie scene, but, you were behind him guiding his hands, he became a flustered mess and crushed the almost pot when you spoke to him and he felt your breath on his shoulder. He was blushing and flustered and then started apologizing for ruining the pot... in the end you both together did make a lopsided pot, it now sits in your room, home to your shared black prince succulent. When you brought it home he made anyone who would listen come see his first pot and new child.
“Y/n?” You heard knocking and groaned getting up off your bed to open your door.
“I brought someone else to meet prince...” the look you gave him was one of ‘Are you sERIOUS?’
You closed your door a bit to look at the digital clock that was hanging just above your desk, 1:37 in the morning...
“It couldn’t wait till sun up?” You asked eyes kinda squinty as the hall light started to flood into your room now that you opened the door wider to let whoever in.
“It’s important everyone knows my new son!” He stepped in and you moved and plopped onto your desk chair.
“Alright, but be careful, you bruised one of his petals last time.” You stretched and looked at your abandoned school work, you looked at it reading the question you had struggled on, and by some miracle, being half groggy and half awake, you read it and the answer came to you. You started to write it down before you forgot. And you were so proud of yourself, until you heard the feminine voice.
“Kaminari, you’re an idiot.” And then a slightly muffled laugh.
You didn’t have a problem with Jiro, in fact you liked her as a friend, she was nice, had good taste in music, bullied Denki with you sometimes, friendly and you’ve never seen her angry or get snobbish with anyone. She was laid back and cool.
But, one thing you didn’t like, was the fact she was slowly becoming the center of Denki’s flirting. Jealous? Nahh....well....no.... maybe a little? Nope, nah that’s not it.......okay yeah.
“Y/n Chan! Jiro is bullying me.” He came and shook you by your shoulders pulling you from staring at your school work.
You turned your head to look up at him. “What?” You asked.
“She called me an idiot.” He pouted and closed his eyes.
You laughed and dropped a hand onto his head, after he kneeled to plead you defend him, “Oh Denki, if you want me to disagree it’s gonna be a long night.”
He pouted at your words but sighed in defeat, until the next words came, “So (y/n), if Denki’s son is in your room does that make you the mother of his son?”
You looked at Jiro a faint blush tinting your cheeks as you registered what she said. You gave a few quiet laughs but before you could say anything Denki became a stuttering flustered mess. Catching both of you and pulling you both out of the conversation that almost started.
“Well! (Y/n)! Well go! A Princess does need her beauty sleep!” He winked at you as he left in a hurry, Jiro just quirked a brow before she told you good night and you returned it as she left. You yawned and got back into bed, before your phone buzzed and you cursed, but the blush on your cheeks wirsned at the flirty text you’d gotten from Denki, you’d think you’d gotten used to it already, but maybe the feelings you thought you’d pushed away never really left the surface.
‘Good night princess 😉 Don’t forget to dream about me 💛’
Cringe yes, but that’s literally the best flirting line he has. Apparently getting comfortable with Denki meant he was comfortable flirting with you 24/7, no hesitation. And you enjoyed the attention and flirted back with him, but things kinda changed when Jiro started to give him attention too.
“Mornin’ babe,” you yawned at Denki’s greeting and gave a wave and small smile as you walked to a table and plopped down. You didn’t get much sleep, you finished your homework so now you had the weekend free, but what were you going to do? You stared at the empty table in front of you thinking about nothing, head empty, until Mina came and sat across from you, “So babe huh? Is it official!” She whisper screamed.
“Pfft, just about as official as me being All Might.” You had a small smile, small but genuine. “Boooooooo.” She pouted, “I have my own theories but I really want to tell you this one, soooo! Bakusquad girls day! But... just you and I. Get ready let’s go!”
So, after deciding you’d buy something to eat instead of cooking you got ready and then both you and Mina set off to talk theories and what’s really going on in her head. “So, I think he wants something serious but since you guys joke so much I think he thinks he’s in the friend zone and don’t even deny it I know you like him, I’ve seen the way you smile at all his stupid jokes even I don’t laugh at all of them and I try to be nice. Plus the way you loook a Jiro is enough to show your jealous but he doesn’t see that, I’m pretty sure he thinks you just don’t like her humor or something, but from what I’ve seen your good friends with her when Denki isn’t around so that lets me believe your jealous of his attention going to someone else. Soooo, what do you say? What do you think? And I think he’s trying with Jiro because you guys kinda have similar personalities and hair cuts? Well not really but you know? When your in love you call broccoli Midoriya and a grenade Bakugo but that’s a different story, so? What do you think?” You just stared at her, the takoyaki had with your toothpick just to far from your lips as you wondered if she was right. A shot smile pulled at your lips as you looked down and closed your eyes to let out a sigh, “Well, I won’t say your wrong, I’ve done lot of things but being in denial has never been one of them. I’m not going to confess or anything but I do have one question.” You looked at Mina through the corner of your eyes while your face was still pointed to the ground. “Yes!” She cheered and nodded looking at you with a big smile, “If this is about a plan I’ve got it all figured out so don’t worry!”
You shook your head and faced her completely, “Nope! Keep the plan well use it later but, if I do something about this Denki thing you have to so something about tape boy.” Mina became flustered at your words but nodded, “well, your first lady she smacked you back causing you to slightly choke on the Takoyaki you’d finally started to eat, after catching your breath and wondering around for a bit you both talked it out and it’s go time.
The next morning you started the plan (titled by Mina) “Seducing Pikachu” Taking a deep breath you readied yourself to take your flirting next level, he called you babe you had to call him daddy, he gave you a hug you pulled his face down to peck his cheek, he draped an arm over your shoulders you had snuggle closer and hug his waist, he tried to tease you by taking your hand you can’t pull away, in stead you interlock fingers and squeeze, if he leaned into your ear to whisper something you can’t push him away. And we’re you ready? No, in fact you felt queasy, and like you had to bathroom, but with a shove from Mina you entered the kitchen and like usual “Good morning babe!” And the usual flirty wink, but this time instead of getting flustered or yawing you locked eye contact and with everything you had, “Mornin Daddy.” You smiled at him and walked to the fridge to try and occupy yourself. In the background you heard Mineta screaming about the name daddy. You looked at Denki with the same smile after grabbing a juice and he was flustered, red cheeks and it looked like his hair had fluffed up a bit. It’s working! You waved at him and walked to the common room and sat down on one edge and looked at the tv, it was playing some show about volleyball. Jiro came and sat across from you on the other sofa joining you and a few others in watching this show, right now, the only empty seats are the spot next to you on the love seat, or the two seats beside Jiro. He sat by you and was strangely quiet, oh gave him a smile when he turned to look a you, he smiled and looked at the tv, after an hour or two your hands began fiddling with the juice in your lap and you felt a tug at your hand, you felt Denki place his hand on yours usually you’d pull away and punch his shoulder, but this time. You didn’t take your eyes of the tv when your intertwined your fingers and squeezed his hand. You brought your other hand and squeezed his hand between both of yours and snuggled closer to his side and laid your head against his shoulder, he tensed a bit then relaxed quickly. He laid his head on yours and you eyed Mina real quick, you gave you a thumbs up and you motioned to Sero with your eyes and she stopped and pouted. After another hour you started to get up and pull away from Denki. You felt a hand pull at yours and you looked at Denki, “Where are you going?” You titled your head, “Gonna go buy lunch maybe.” He looked up at you still holding your hand, “Don’t leave me.” He said, “Come with me then.” You gave his arm a tug and without second thought he jumped up outside you were cool, but inside, you were going ballistic, inside you were nothing like usual, you were honestly so surprised that this plan was working, with your attention he didn’t even pay attention to Jiro,,,, were you really jealous?
Getting to a ramen place you both sat down and filled our sheets with your orders, casually sitting in silence your phone dinged, “So.... did he confess? Or do women really have to do all the work, 🙄, Sero didn’t understand what I meant until I- never mind, how’s it going?”
You smiled at the message and shook your head.
Denki being curious why you were smiling tried to peek, “Mina is trying to confess to Sero and she says he’s an idiot.” You smiled and turned to Denki explaining before he could see.
“Yeah, I didn’t wanna say anything sometimes Sero isn’t the smartest.”
You felt a smile pulling at your lips, “Yeah, I know someone else who is just the same.” You propped your elbows on the table and placed your chin on your palms. He did the same and pushed his cheeks so they looked chubby against his palms.
“Kaminari,” you called his name in a chirpy tune with a smile, he closed his eyes and smiled before he said your name in the same way.
“How good are you at noticing small things?” I asked and tilted my head. “Hmmm, did you grow out your hair?” His head tilted, and he smiled.
“No? It’s been this short for a while.” I dropped my arms flat against the table palms up, “try again.”
“Yooouuuu,,,, are wearing contacts?” He asked. “I’m not blind.”
“Yoouuuuu.....are trying a different Boba?” “No... well yes, but not what I’m talking about......try one more time and I’ll give you a hint if you can’t guess.”
He nodded and squinted at me looking like he was concentrating hard.
“I know!” He took my hands in his and squeezed them, I felt my heart start to race, “You’re fingers are cold, the tips are turning reddish.”
I smiled and looked away and licked my top lip trying to not laugh, “That wasn’t it but a good guess.”
“Then what is it?” He asked pouting.
“Close your eyes.” I said and waved a hand, he nodded and then closed them, I placed my finger tips on the left side of his jaw and tried to pull him closer, after getting him halfway across the table I leaned forward and lightly pressed my lips against his cheek.
I pulled away, and moved my hand away from his jaw.
“I...so think you should try again, I didn’t get the hint.” He looked away with a bush slowly becoming prominent on his cheek.
I smiled and shook my head, silence fell over us as I shifted around, “Another hint huh?”
“Maybe just one... or two... or a few....” he still didn’t look at me hands now fiddling together.
“You know, for a flirt you sure do get nervous when someone actually makes a move on you.”
“Heh, yeah.” He was smiling but not looking at me, “Sooo, when?”
“Do you remember the day, you got sick and made me baby you for a whole week? It was that Thursday, you feel asleep on my chest, and I held you and had to pull the blanket off, I realized then, how much I cared about you, and how much I’m willing to do to make sure you’re okay. I realized how much I love your terrible jokes and cheesy pick up lines, your warm hugs and the face times late into the night, and the movie nights passing out at three in the morning and rushing to class when we woke up late. Holing your hand when you were scared, and bullying Bakugo, honestly, I wouldn’t wanna die at the hands of Bakugo with anyone else. I’m not saying I love you or anything, but if this is what falling for someone feels like...I don’t not like it, especially when it’s you.” I looked out the window we sat by and could feel his stare, I looked at him through the corner of my eye.
“I wouldn’t want to be murdered with anyone else.” He held his hand out and I tilted my head to look at him, I took placed my hand on his and he smiled, before he shifted his fingers and closed them around mine. I smiled and closed my fingers squeezing his hand.
“So? Are you going to ask?” He said.
I felt my brows furrow, “Ask?”
“Ask me to be your boyfriend.” His smile widened.
“You’re supposed to ask me!” I scolded and shook our hands.
He tucked his head between his shoulders, “okay okay, fine.... now you’re going to wait because you yelled at me.”
“Y/n!” I turned to look for the person who called my name, “yeah?” I asked and pulled my blanket tighter, the Christmas season was here and I was freezing on the sofa.
“Come look! The snows falling again! And the it’s pretty on the blossoms that are still around.”
“Fine.” I grumbled and stood up, I walked to the second floor windows and looked out. Sero, Denki, Kirishima and Bakugo were all outside, I could hear Katsuki screaming at them while the ran around dropping things on the floor.
They all stopped and moved away as Bakugo screamed at them and took off his gloves, it looked like he was grumbling something until Denki slung an arm I’ve this shoulders, Bakugo brought up his hand causing sparks and Denki to smile nervously before patting his shoulder and moving his arm off.
Mina tapped on the window and they looked at us, we waved when three of the four waved. Denki turned to Bakugo and with a simple blast a chain reaction started and lit up a circle, inside the circle were the words made in very sparse but still pretty blossoms, “will u be mine?” Your phone began to ring and you answered it.
“So, after two months of non official dating, will you be mine?”
You smiled, “Yes, Kaminari, yes.” You swallowed and over the phone you heard cheering and watched to em high five minus Bakugo who was pulling his gloves back on. That night, you spent under the blue keys you two piled high, his head on your chest, and you kissed his head running your fingers through his hair, “I love listening to your heart, it’s pretty, like you.” Your take his face in your hands and kiss his lips or forehead, and eventually would change spots, still cuddling to keep the warmth and love between you while the rest of the world was slipping into sleep or madness.
I hope you have a good day, and remember to stay hydrated 💙
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1lymark · 5 years
yellow paint blues || renjun
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→ summary: a few hours before renjun needs to submit his art project, he realizes that he’s run out of yellow paint. luckily, you’re there to help (or not.) → genre: fluff, humor, college!au → words: 3.2K → a/n: dedicated to mary, my lovely patron. as always, this got way out of hand and got longer than i anticipated. i hope you enjoy!
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Renjun had thought that the art course would be an easy A. He hadn’t needed the easy A to begin with anyway––his grades in every other course were beyond stellar, so most people would probably assume that he was doing it to pass time or to gain extra credits. Or so, that was what he wanted people to assume.
In reality, he had signed up for the course because you had wanted to. It wasn’t like you asked him to accompany him; he recalled you mentioning the course in passing a week before registration and somehow, that little comment had wormed its way to the forefront of his mind as he clicked “ADD COURSE” to his already packed schedule.
“Should be easy enough,” he assured himself, patting his own shoulder in untimely congratulations as he thought of the extra three hours in a week that he would get to hang out with you. After all, Renjun’s art skills weren’t shabby, so surely this could not go wrong in any way possible.
He forgot, in his hubris, about the tantalizing taste that procrastination had to offer. The sweet nectar that he had yet to conquer in all his years of education had once again enticed him like a fly to a fire. It was inevitable, and yet… how could he have been so blind?
So there he was, in his room at one in the morning, with more paint on his fingers than he had on his canvas. The blank surface taunted him in his mind, laughing hysterically at the cruel fate he had assigned to himself in the name of love.
The project should have been simple enough: it was a self-expression piece, wherein the objective was to present what makes them happiest. His professor was lenient to the point of negligent, allowing her students to use any medium they pleased for this first assignment. Macaroni and glue, string and popsicle sticks, scrap paper with a drunken doodle… She was open-minded to anything under the sun. However, the thing about Renjun was that he was an overachiever to a fault, so even though he could’ve theoretically slapped a Spotify playlist together on a CD and called it a day, he simply was not spiritually able to hand in anything less than perfect.
So of course Renjun chose to paint for his first project. Painting wasn’t even his strongest suit, but he wanted to challenge himself, or so he said when he had loudly announced that to you almost a week ago.
A week ago. He had an entire week to finish, with no other pressing assignments or tests in between, and yet he still found himself in this predicament. Thus was the fate of unending suffering that every university student must face.
You had texted him a few hours ago, asking to see a picture of his work. Despite your excitement to take this course, you had always been a bit self-conscious about your art pieces, though you have never expressed this to anyone. Renjun could see it in the way that you would close in on yourself when people ask to see your work, quickly redirecting the conversation elsewhere once people have their eyes off of you.
Not him though––you always showed each other your works. It made Renjun’s heart race just a little bit every time you exposed this side of yourself, and so he made a promise to always give you any sort of reassurance you might need.
Unfortunately for this time, he was a bit too busy trying not to drown in his own irresponsibility to answer you properly when you had texted.
to: renjunnie from: y/n-chi
hey!! how’s your project holding up? can i see yours? i finished mine just now and idk if i’m happy with it tbh…
to: y/n-chi from: renjunnie
not… going well… send reinforcements… T_T i think i’m gonna rot now…
to: renjunnie from: y/n-chi
eh??? the infallible huang renjun is suffering??? from a first year art assignment??? someone call the catholics, because i think the rapture is coming
to: y/n-chi from: renjunnie
y/n don’t be mean >:( this is srs!! i think i have inhaled enough paint fumes to fail a drug test by now
to: renjunnie from: y/n-chi
tsk. that’s what you get for procrastinating, babe. sending my thoughts and prayers!! txt me updates so i know you don’t die from paint ingestion ^^
If you weren’t so god damn cute, he would have smothered you (with his love) by now. Even if you didn’t know it, your texts had given him enough motivation to get something on the canvas, even though none of his drafts seemed to be good enough at the moment.
What was it that made Renjun happy, anyway? He liked listening to music, but that was as generic as it gets… Who didn’t like music? He also liked reading and travelling, though those don’t seem to be too appealing to paint either. Some of his friends had joked that he should just paint a bunch of Moomin, so that he wouldn’t really need to paint because it would mostly be white anyway.
Those things just seemed too shallow for him. While they were things that he enjoyed, he wouldn’t want to be that guy who showed up to class with a half-assed doodle and some stupid explanation like “happiness is what you make of it.” No, he would be better than that.
There was something quite obvious that he could use for his project, or rather, someone. It would be too embarrassing though––not that he was embarrassed of you, by any means. He just wasn’t brave enough to do it, not yet at least. Someday, he’ll have the heart to tell you his feelings, but for now… he was stuck with a blank canvas and an emptier mind.
The clock read 3:30AM when Renjun had decided to throw all his morals to the wind and just paint a field of sunflowers out of desperation. He thought that if all else failed, maybe he would submit that and say something about how he remembered going to a place like that in his childhood. It would be a complete lie, since his family hardly went out to nature spots like that, but at least you would like the painting. Sunflowers were your favorite, after all.
Halfway through his painting however, he realized that his tube of yellow paint was looking awfully empty. He squeezed it as much as he could, scrapping it out as much of the remaining paint as physically possible.
“Crap,” he moans out, looking at his half-colored canvas forlornly. There were still at least six sunflowers to be painted, though he had already painted most of the background. This couldn’t do; he had no time to start over. The art supply shop didn’t open until at least 9AM, but his classes start shortly after that. There was no way he could pull this off at this rate. Unless…
He reached for his phone from his table, almost tripping over his easel in his haste to grab it. He knew you were an early riser, though he doubted you’d be awake even at this ungodly hour. He just hoped to whatever entity up in the clouds that you would pick up your phone and not start cussing him out for ruining your sleep. Though it was hard to imagine you getting mad at him for anything, as he knew you always had a bit of a soft spot for him.
To his relief, you answered on the fifth ring.
“Hello?” You murmured quietly, voice still sounding rough with sleep. Renjun could hear you smacking your lips sleepily, the mental image of it all eliciting a grin on his face. He wanted to know how you looked right now, with your impossibly cute bedhead and droopy eyes.
“Y/N? You awake?”
You yawned, the sound of rustling sheets accompanying your reply. “I am now, I guess. It’s… 4AM? What gives? You don’t normally wake this early. Unless…”
“Yup,” Renjun sighed, head hanging in defeat. “Kinda haven’t slept all night. The project isn’t coming along too well.”
“Aww,” you cooed. Renjun perked up a little at your tone.
Then, “Tough shit.”
Renjun flinched at that, staring wide-eyed at his phone before returning it to his ear. “Excuse me?”
“Well, if you hadn’t been goofing off the entire week before, you wouldn’t be in this mess, would you? Now excuse me… I have another two hours of sleep before my alarm is supposed to go off, so I’ll see you later! Peace,” was all you said before promptly hanging up.
The room was silent as Renjun stood in the middle of his room, shocked beyond all belief. Was that really you that he had just spoken to? Where was the kind, empathetic friend he had come to know and love? Perhaps lack of sleep really does change a person for the worse.
Undeterred by your rejection, Renjun decided to head over to your house anyway. Was he probably going to get his ass handed to him for disturbing you even more? Probably. Was he willing to face the consequences of your fiery wrath? Absolutely. Was he going to enjoy getting berated by you as he stared, lovestruck, at your cute pajamas and angry, puffy eyes? Undoubtedly.
Luckily, your house was only a few blocks away, although Renjun still ran all the way because he was (maybe, slightly, on a little bit) afraid of the dark. So what if he screamed a little when a cat jumped out of some trashcans? No one saw, and that was all that mattered.
He arrived at your place in record time, the dark window panes indicating that you were still, in fact, asleep. He tried opening the door to no avail, not being able to find the spare key you used to place under the mat. With no other option in sight, there was one last thing he could do…
Tap. Tap. Tap.
There was something tapping incessantly against your window for a couple minutes now. At first, you had ignored the sound completely, assuming that it was the first drops of rain before a storm. After a while, you began to realize that rain did not sound like that, and it reminded you more like a finger tapping or knocking. That was impossible though, because you lived on the second floor of a shared house. Surely, it wasn’t what you thought it was––
Before you could contemplate further, you phone started to ring for the second time that night, and the pieces of the puzzle immediately fall into place. It was him, that fucking bastard. Grumbling loudly, you grasped your phone against your ear, a chain of swears tumbling out of your lips quicker than any seasoned rapper out there.
“Wait, Y/N! Lemme explain—“
“Renjun, I swear if I go downstairs right now and find you throwing pebbles at my window to disrupt my sleep even further, you better believe I’m calling the cops on you, friend or not!”
“I just need yellow paint!” He cried out, loud enough that you can hear him from outside. You hiss at him to keep quiet, worried that his noise would also wake up your roommates.
“No, Renjun! You have to learn to be more responsible! You can’t always expect things to go your way without proper preparation! 4.0 GPA or not, I’m not letting you keep doing this––hold on,” you paused, stopping mid-sentence. There had been loud thunk just outside your bedroom wall. There was a suspicious lack of response on Renjun’s end, though you can hear his heavy breathing through the speakers. You slipped out of your covers, padding your way to the window. You peered over, squinting blearily at the darkness of the night.
“Renjun? What are you––“ You gasped before finishing, slamming open the windows and letting the cool breeze gently brush your face. The sight before you was not as great as the wind, though. “Are you fucking crazy? Stop climbing before you get hurt!”
“Almost there,” Renjun grunted, his hands grasping tightly on your ledge. You watched in stunned silence as the gangly boy hoisted himself over and into your bedroom with the ease of someone who had done that at least a few times before. It took you a while before you could find your bearings as you stood, mouth agape, at the beaming boy now standing before you with neon green paint on his cheek.
“Hey,” he greets, smiling.
It took all the energy in your body to keep your hand from meeting his cheek (either to caress him or to slap him? No one was for certain.) “You could’ve fucking died.”
Renjun lifted both his arms into the air and shook his legs around. He shot you a cheeky look, faking contemplativeness. “I feel pretty alive, I would say. All limbs in working order, as far as I know.”
Oh my god. You were friends with a maniac!
“This is so unlike you,” you said. “You’re never this relentlessly annoying.”
“Well, you wouldn’t let me finish my urgent plea on the phone, so of course I had to take drastic measures! I’m gonna fail this GPA booster course, and then I’ll die, and then it’ll be your fault!” He said in one breath, grin never faltering. As his gaze flitted around the room, he noticed your finished project, sitting on your desk and covered in plastic to hide its contents from the world. “Ooh, is that your submission? can I see?”
You rushed over to it, hiding it behind your back with a huff. “Absolutely not! You lost all privileges from me the moment you called me up at 4AM! Now get out of my house before I really call the cops.”
He pouted, deflating visibly. “Okay, look… I know I’m being a prick right now, but you really gotta help me! I ran out of yellow paint and you’re the only person who can help me!”
You were not sure why, but hearing that reason coming from Renjun of all people was making your blood boil in anger. He went all this way to your house, throwing pebbles out your window like some cliché romcom protagonist, even climbing up a building, just to ask for fucking yellow paint?!
“Are you hearing yourself, Huang Renjun? I’m going to kill you!” You grabbed a few of the still open paint tubes by your desk, squeezing its contents all over his clothes in a fit of rage. He gasped, crying out in anguish as globs of blue and red marred the cute little Moomins on his shirt.
“You did not just do that!” He yelled, slapping the paint out of your hands. You were pretty shocked yourself, though you can’t help but giggle a little at how flabbergasted he looked.
“That’s what you get for being ridiculous, you stupid shit––hey, stop! Put down that cup of paint water now before I––NO!”
Murky black water splashes down your left cheek and onto your pajamas, the gross, cold sensation making you splutter out indignantly at the smirking boy. “Oh my god, you absolute bastard!”
It did not take long for the argument to dissolve into a full-blown paint fight as the two of you sprayed each other with every bit of available art supply in your room. Paint, brushes, pens, and markers were launched into the air, both of you screaming in both anger and delight as you hit the other with every type of projectile imagineable.
Renjun jumped across the bed, searching your bedside table for more ammo once you managed to hoard most of them on your side. It didn’t take long for him to find one of your unopened bottles of yellow paint, and he hooted in victory as he held it up in the air like a trophy.
“Yes, I found it! Ceasefire, Y/N! I got what I wanted!”
“And you think I’m supposed to stop just because you’re happy?” You screeched back, readying a large amount of black paint on one of your paintbrushes like a makeshift catapult. “Drop that paint bottle if you wanna live, Renjun!”
It was in that moment when one of your roommates suddenly barged in to the scene, her entire being blazing with heat as she furiously accessed the room. There you were, paint dripping from every inch of your body, with a similarly painted boy on the other side of your bed with a little 50mL bottle of yellow paint in his open fist. No one made a sound for a moment, afraid to explain what the hell you both were doing, until––
“I’m not even going to ask. Just shut up before I get you evicted,” Yeri growled, slamming the door with the frame rattling in her wake.
“Oh god, she’s going to kill me tomorrow,” you moaned, dropping the paintbrush and dropping your head against your newly painted bed. Not looking at him, you pointed your finger in his general direction, forcing him to stop as he tried to covertly escape through the window. “Don’t you dare move another muscle. You are helping me clean my room before class, or so help me I’ll paint angry eyebrows on all your Moomin plushies.”
That got him moving to help you quickly, at least. With the two of you working together instead of fighting, you managed to get all your bedsheets into the washer and most of the paint splatters removed from your walls and floor in record time. Thankfully there wasn’t much damage on your room, as you and Renjun were the main casualties of the paint war.
While the two of you finished up, you hadn’t realized that the sun had already begun its approach into the sky, meaning that it was time to get ready for class.
“Shit, I won’t be able to shower in time,” you whined, fruitlessly picking at the paint clumping your hair together. You gave Renjun the evil eye, who had the decency to look sheepish at least.
“Wait, hold that thought,” he said, grasping your hand in his as he appraised you with an odd look. His brows were furrowed, thinking deeply as he traced the strokes of yellow and blue on your cheeks, all the way to your neck. His proximity made the blood rush to your face, and you hoped that the paint was doing a good job covering your flush.
It was an odd sensation, feeling so aware of your friend’s presence. You never noticed how cute he looked until that moment, when he was so focused and thoughtful like this. He had always looked handsome to you, but for whatever reason, the dash of red on the corner of his lip never looked more enticing than it did then.
After a bit more staring, he smiled softly at you, tucking a bit of your hair behind your ear with the sort of gentleness that you have come to associate with him. Your stupid, funny, smart, lovable Renjun. The only boy that you could never stay mad at.
“I think I have my submission for my art project right here,” he said, simply and honestly.
You giggled a bit, not quite understanding. “Well, you got the yellow paint, right? Shouldn’t you head home and try to finish your painting before class starts? You got a bit of time, I think.”
He shook his head, cupping your face like something to be held. Like something to be admired. There was something blooming inside your chest; a field of sunflowers, all of them reaching towards the light right in front of you.
The sun grinned at you, and the sunflowers rejoiced. “Nah. I think I’m good. More than good.”  
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