#my norton account
korgamesh · 1 year
figfht club???????
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allagashed · 7 months
aaron stampler has the kind of sadness in his eyes u only see in precious moments figurines
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andessence · 2 years
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thinking about them (the ocs i can’t add as muses because the d&d campaigns they’re in haven’t finished and canon consequently isn’t solidified) 😔💜
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gumheel · 7 months
now this may shock and surprise the true thomas harris' hannibal series posters of tumblr dot com. but i don't think the original manhunter film was very good
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softgrungeprophet · 2 years
going to lose my mind
i straight up disabled windows firewall and it's STILL trying to quarantine a specific file every time i navigate to the folder containing it because i didn't disable windows security i guess lmao
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"turns back on automatically" so it will eventually turn back on and go right back to trying to delete this file i guess!
I have un-quarantined and allowed this file THREE times since I installed it and Every SIngle Time I open the folder it's in for the first time after turning on my computer, windows stupid security quarantines it again
just shut the fuck up it's not a fucking trojan it's a fucking 3d model conversion tool
this auto-quarantine shit is fucking annoying
edited my fucking registry to stop auto-quarantine so here's hoping it actually works and forces it to *ask me* before quarantining files but for now i'm leaving it off until it turns itself back on
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lxgentlefolkcomic · 3 months
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Start reading Episode 1
Dialogue transcripts:
Panel 1
Prof. Aronnax: <I am relieved that you are fluent in French, Mrs. Norton. Usually my friend Conseil aids me when English is spoken, but he is away for a time.>
Panel 2
Aronnax: <I beg you excuse the mess as well. I am quite hopeless without him.>
Irene (offscreen): <Oh, please don’t worry. I’m glad you could see us on such short notice.>
Panel 3
Aronnax (offscreen): <And what brings you here today? Perhaps it is concerning my recent paper on deep-sea mollusks?>
Irene: <Nothing so fascinating, I’m afraid. My husband and I have a small quarterly newspaper back home, in a coastal town populated by fishers and whalers.>
Panel 4
Irene: <We heard you had a bit of an adventure at sea a few years ago, and thought our readers would enjoy an account of your experiences.>
Aronnax: <Adventure? What, ah, what do you mean?>
Panel 5
Irene: <We were intrigued by reports that you were found off the northeast coast of South America, miraculously unhurt and in perfect health, after several months lost at sea.>
Panel 6
Aronnax: <There is, ah, really not much to tell. My companions and I washed up on a deserted island, but survived quite well thanks to one being a top-class harpoonist. Bless him!>
Panel 7
Godfrey: …
Aronnax (offscreen): <The details are, ah, quite dull, really.>
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nightwonder7 · 4 months
So I found your account recently, and I've been obsessed with your IDV comics (I love them, they're probably my favorite ones I've ever seen). I totally forgot about tumblr's archive function though, so I would furiously scrol down your page to look at your older comics. BUT! As a result, I saw your post from like 4 months ago about how you imagine everyone just hanging out in the manor purgatory.
And I just wanted to say, I had almost the exact same HC??? Down to similar relationships between the final game group? Seeing someone with the same HC was just like "damn. Good taste".
The only main difference is rather than Norton and Alice having a strained relationship, I imagined Alice hallucinating Fool's Gold that one time is why hunter Norton looks like that, and it's secretly because she thinks he's hot...
Anyways I don't really know where I was going with this but I was just happy to see that not only someone was making great content I enjoy, but they shared a similar HC with me :>
HHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh 0///////0 I'm so happy to hear that you like my comics! ;w; They've been a lot fun to make, and I've learned so much from the practice! And oh gosh, it's crazy to hear that we have similar headcanons too! I base most of my comics on this eternal manor purgatory AU, cause it gives lots of interaction opportunities. I love interactions! It's probably the case for most artists in this fandom as well. It's kinda strange for me sometimes to think that I use the AU more than the canon timeline itself.
...Okay I'll admit, I actually find the idea that Fool's Gold's image came to be because of Alice thinking Norton is good-looking kinda funny. I couldn't resist fgdhsjfdhj
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I also had a more angsty version of this in my head, but that'll be for another time =P
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sreyaya · 4 months
late night drabbles, Part IV
Part III, His Birthday, My Present
Part V, Big Yet Gentle <3
Missing Underwear, huh?
College AU | Pervert!Norton Campbell x Reader NSFW
Content Warning: bj w/o relationship, Perverted!Norton, handjob, blowjob, getting caught, short drabble, 500 words, MDNI
(A/n: i purposefully wrote it this short cuz it was all just my late night imaginations! Sorry if it doesn't make sense or ends badly :[)
smut under the cut!
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Being best friends with Norton since childhood had its perks, he was always THE gentleman, helping your parents when needed, accompanying you when they were away, and listening to your endless stories about college or work stress. He even applied and went to the same university just so you wouldn’t feel lonely.
On the contrary, Norton was also such a tease, making fun at your grades, your height, and a bunch of other things. It baffled you how so many girls went crazy for him. But who could blame them? His handsome face and flirty attitude were an irresistible combination. Sometimes, his flirts left your heart racing, especially when he does it to you.
But nothing could have prepared you for this moment. You were supposed to tell him your grades were better this exam, when you walked in on him, moaning softly in his bed with your missing underwear wrapped around his erection. It was no wonder some of your undergarments had been mysteriously stained.
As he sees you, he stammered, trying to form coherent words as you quietly closed the door behind you, setting your bags down, seems like it's your turn for all the teasing~
“Don’t stop on my account,” you grinned mischievously. “or do you want any help?”
His eyes widened, shocked at your suggestion, as he hesitated for a moment before nodding unassuringly, guilt and desire mixing in his gaze. You moved closer, positioning yourself on the floor as he sat on the edge of the bed. You grasped his erection firmly, feeling the heat and pulsing need beneath your fingers. Norton whimpered lightly as you began stroking him, your touch sending shivers through his body.
"So you're the one who's been stealing my underwear, huh?" you asked, your voice teasing yet firm. Your hand moved constantly up and down his shaft, occasionally flicking your tongue over the slit of the head, looking at him lazily. “I have to clean up everything twice because of your cum stains. It’s such a hassle, you know”, you continued.
Norton’s face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and pleasure. He couldn’t deny the truth. All those nights he had stolen your underwear, fisting his cock while imagining it was you, especially when you wore those low-cut tops that revealed too much of your breasts or the tight pencil skirts on Fridays that hugged your thighs and accentuated your ass, it was all in his head, roaming rent free. He bit his lip, his eyes locked onto yours, filled with a desperate hunger.
"sorry, 'm so sorry," he managed to whimper out, his body shivered at how much he enjoyed this, probably a little too much too~
You smiled, leaning in to lick the bead of pre-cum leaking from the tip of his cock. "Just make sure you make it up to me," you murmured, once again looking at him with that eyes, making him melt under your touch, your breath hot against his sensitive skin. "We wouldn’t want any more of my underwear to go missing, would we?"
Norton groaned, his hips bucking slightly into your hand. The line between guilt and pleasure blurred as you continued to pleasure him, muttering more 'sorries' and 'thank yous' as your teasing words only heightening the pleasure he's feeling. Patting your head every now and then for how good you were sucking him.
Truth to be told, this was one of his silent wishes. You walking in on him pleasuring himself with the thought of you. What other erotic scenes have he been imagining?
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ingravinoveritas · 7 months
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Oh, boy. Well, I was on a plane when I saw this, but now I'm finally at my hotel and have time to answer.
So right off the bat, I'm having a little trouble discerning the "tone" here, of both the comment and Georgia's response. I honestly can't tell if what the commenter is saying is meant positively or negatively (it kind of comes across as a backhanded compliment, or at least one that was worded badly?). But because I can't tell how the comment was meant, it also makes it difficult to tell how Georgia took it. Did she respond out of genuine annoyance, or was she not annoyed but just saw an opportunity to give a sarcastic/funny response? I have no idea, but I'd love to know what everyone else thinks.
All that said...there is certainly a lot going on with Georgia's response. We already knew that Michael had a stealth/private account on Instagram, so does this mean he's created another one? I noticed as well that Georgia cropped out the avatar of the person who left this comment, but did leave in the avatar of another commenter whose comment she posted in a story after this one (which has since been deleted). So it seems strange that she cropped one, but not the other, for some reason.
Then there's the undertones (overtones? Today is the day for tone issues, apparently...) to Georgia's response. What struck me first is that she read this comment and associated it with Michael, suggesting (on some level) that Michael is jealous of her for being married to David. This could, of course, simply be playful jealousy--which would speak to what a lot of fans seem to be embracing, that idea of Michael, David, Georgia, and AL as one big, happy, Brady Bunch of polyamory--but I have a feeling that is not actually their dynamic in reality.
This brings to my mind comments I've read from @cloud-based-and-rainpilled and others about how poly arrangements can go so far south because they quickly become about ownership and possessiveness. As I've talked about previously on my blog, Michael does not seem to be a big fan of sharing (thinking of how he got jealous/possessive toward Chris Hemsworth when he and David were on Graham Norton in 2019). So if there is jealousy on Michael's part, I can't help wondering if it's because Georgia gets to be with David in the public way that Michael wishes he could be.
(Also I would really like to know what the hell the rationale was for Georgia using "Nessun Dorma" as the song in this Insta story. So many questions...)
Whatever the case may be, the implications are definitely implicating, in some way and on some level. I would love for my followers to weigh in to see if anyone else has made sense of this, though. Thanks for writing in! x
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itsyoung8 · 2 months
If the greasers had Twitter
Well this time I have no excuse for my absence. I just like to be away from social networks sometimes.
Johnny Vincent:
Most of his tweets are when he quotes Derby tweets to insult him
Like ALL of Lola's tweets. Not a single one is left unliked
The hot guy from your tl. Every photo of him posted has at least more than 1000 likes
When he's not messing with Derby, he's tweeting about car mechanics or music
Peanut Romano:
For once, he's the one who likes all Johnny's tweets
He is one of the people who tried the famous date of birth bug
Well he suspended his account lol
His @ is imnotpeanut
Ricky Pucino:
RT tweets about heartbreak like "it's now that you're no longer in my life that I realize how much you used to put into it"
The boys ended up masking him except Lucky because he's his best friend
Tweet about F1 et NASCAR
Sent a picture of his toilet to Chad in DM to let him know that he does have a toilet
Norton Williams:
As soon as his account was created, he blocked Lola
Always ends his tweets with a "."
The only time he got confused on this network was when someone had spoken badly about The Outsiders. He let out a "fuck your mother" in the greatest of calms
"2 a.m., I confess: I use my hammer as a cuddly toy. That's it."
Lefty Mancini:
He dm that the girls and his friends
There is the Italian flag in its tn
Made a thread of why Italian food is above others
When he ate a sauce, he just replied "I don't give a damn, go cry somewhere else"
Lucky De Luca:
Basically he was just there to watch his group so that they didn't do anything stupid
You will NEVER see him tweet with an emoji 🫵
His account you have the impression that it's the account of a new user when he's been on it for a long time
He just doesn't give a fuck
Hal Esposito:
"There's a guy in my school, he gives you farts, it can destroy the fauna and flora"
Sent a follow-up request to Eunice, it's been 6 months that it's been waiting
He never responds to his DMS
When there is a mess in his TL, he responds with a popcorn emoji
Vance Medici:
Has another account, which is private, where he talks about his crush (it's Gord)
THE sunshine of your TL
Participates in all the # where you have to show photos of yourself
rt of One Piece content (since it's a manga about pirates and Vance loves pirates)
Lola Lombardi:
His entire account is aesthetic
Post of make-up tutorials and outfits
Sometimes she complains about guys
Blocked Mandy and Pinky as soon as she landed on Twitter
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kanasmusings · 9 months
[Stage News] Identity V Stage Episode IV - "Phantom of the Monochrome"
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Identity V Stage Episode 4 news have been announced together with the new survivor and new main game content earlier~! I'm so happy we get another installment to the stage, and that we get to see them back in action again! Here are the cast (returning and new) and details regarding the new episode~!
Please check their official Twitter for more news and updates~! I've also linked the actors' official accounts (at least, those that I could find) for those interested in giving them a follow~
[Focus Cast] "PRISONER" : Luca Balsa - Anazawa Yusuke
Mechanic: Tracy Reznik - Tsuboi Miku
Seer: Eli Clark - Chiba Mizuki
Prospector: Norton Campbell - Suga Kyosuke
Mercenary: Naib Subedar - Matsufuji Takuya
Grave Keeper: Andrew Kreiss - Masaki Kohei
Postman: Victor Grantz - Suzuki Yota
Priestess: Fiona Gilman - Sakura Karen
Painter: Edgar Valden - Miyagi Kodai
Gardener: Emma Woods - Uchida Asumi
Embalmer: Aesop Carl - Hirai Yuki
[Focus Cast] Wu Chang -> White Guard (Xie Bi'an) - Kunishima Naoki & Black Guard (Fan Wujiu) - Agata Gouki
Ripper: Jack - Narimatsu Yoshihiko
Photographer: Joseph Desaulniers - Igarashi Keisuke
Axe Boy: Robbie White - Watabe Hiroki
Geisha: Michiko - Nakano Aimi
Sculptor: Galatea Claude - Yagi Mashiro
-Ensemble Cast-
Nihira Shogo
Tachibana Ryo
For those asking where to find the first three episodes, the Blu-rays are still available for order on Movic or on CDJapan. As for the subtitles, they're all available in my WordPress masterpost here!
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metatronhateblog · 9 months
Not to Be a Bearer of News pt 2 with some essence of Duck Duck what the Fuck
Something fowl is afoot. Between the newspapers and the ducks and the content of the newspapers. I have had the drafts for these posts sitting on my account for about a month or so now and was immediately screaming at the responses I was getting on the first part of this series of posts. So let's get further into this bit of a mind fuckery.
This one is gonna be a long one so just hang in there, I promise it's worth it. There's A LOT going on with this.
Back to the newspapers.
Last go 'round we talked about Mr. Brown (of Brown's world of carpets) and his very strange newspaper that is the cause of the opening sequence having an accordion duck in it, as well as some of the other appearances of ducks throughout the series.
This time, we're going to look more at the newspapers, with a touch of me screaming about my thoughts from the comments on part one of this mini-series of posts.
We already know Mr Brown (of Brown's world of carpets) holds a weird ass newspaper...
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and how he practically waves it around like a billboard every time he's on screen, going so far as to even cover his face with it at some point.
Now I could go on about how the way time works in Soho seems practically non-existent, but we'll save that for a later day because we're talking about the newspapers. At least...the newspapers in season 2 specifically.
As we already know, thanks to the X-Rays on Amazon, Nina's coffee shop strangely holds the magazines that Adam read in season 1 (a very strange and deliberate choice to be making...) but those aren't newspapers so to speak.
(Screenshots for the people who didn't know)
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So I'm gonna get started with the FIRST newspaper(s) we see in season 2.
And that would be a stack of them on the street right next to Aziraphale's bookshop.
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Now unlike most of the other newspapers, you can't exactly see what these ones have to say, which is fine. I'm more intrigued by the fact that there just so happens to be (I assume that red thing is a newspaper thing because I'm from the US and that's not what those normally look like) a place to buy newspapers right outside the bookshop. The building itself says 'The News Agency' but I'm more intrigued by the little red cylindrical thing. How intriguing that so many characters wave their newspapers around for us to see and the News Paper building is literally right next to the bookshop.
Even more importantly this thing ALSO makes an appearance in the opening sequence. I know, I know, you're all probably tired of me screaming about the opening sequence at this point but seriously. Look.
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And then this extra right here appears to be holding a stack of presumably newspapers, possibly making a delivery to The Dirty Donkey based off trajectory.
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But I've also noticed we never really see anyone on the street holding newspapers, only in isolated locations where you can very clearly see the front page of their papers.
Which brings me to our second newspaper appearance (technically the first if you're going by readability)
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Crowley (notice the ducks in the background, but kind of a given based on the location.)
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We have three big 'headlines' on this one page we see right here.
"Maple Lane Post Box Becomes Home to Spider Species Not Seen in 45 Years."
"Norton Institute Reports its Highest Intake of Students Since Opening in 1888."
"Billions Still Owed to Millions."
Little weird. we have two things that are an increase in happenings since a certain time period...and a not so surprising 'billions owed to millions.'
Then we flip it around a bit (and ignore the...weird way he's holding his hand)
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And we have the name of the newspaper. "TADFIELD ADVERTISER." With the main headline 'Is Tadfield the Best Village in England?' and no surprise that Crowley is keeping up to date and looking to see if anything else continues to happen with Adam.
The mini headline under the big bold one says 'According to voters of latest 'Best Village in England' poll Tadfield really is the loveliest place to live.' And in the tiny little blue box 'Entirely perfect weather AGAIN for Tadfield.'
So even after the end of season 1, it appears we still have some strange happenings in Tadfield. Right on.
By the by for those of you who didn't know, pretty sure every single page of Crowley's newspaper is the exact same.
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But I think another important detail is, same as Mr Brown (of Brown's world of carpets) Crowley also seems to be holding the newspaper so you can very clearly see what's on it.
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Next time something news related appears, we have our little red vessel appearing while Crowley loses his shit.
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Now we don't actually see newspapers again until episode 2. This specific one is a doozy and had me and @lady-of-the-puddle screaming over it.
When Aziraphale is looking for clues over the Buddy Holly record, we see him pouring over some newspapers.
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SO! Here we see Aziraphale reading a Scottish newspaper with an article titled "Everyday It's a gettin' closer" and we can see a couple more on the desk next to him. Now I've gone through and read the article (I'll post a screenshot so you can too if you want) and to sum it up it's basically the owner of The Resurrectionist discussing the records that keep changing to 'Everyday' by Buddy Holly and how he thinks it's a group of pranksters but never can catch them and the security measures he's tried to put up to prevent it from happening again.
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Now the thing that's weird to me is actually the variety of newspaper articles Aziraphale seems to have...from different countries.
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Now you might just kind of brush that off....but why on Earth would this news be important enough to make world news? Why would it be in news articles from different countries.
But most importantly...there's a typo.
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Now. I don't speak German (so correct me if I'm wrong) but I do know how to use Google Translate.
This German article is titled 'Eden Tag nähert es sich... dem Wahnsinn des Wirts!'
And I don't speak German (though I'd love to) but I plugged this in to Google Translate and what I found was insane. Now when it translates you'll notice that the word Eden doesn't translate.
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And there's a little suggestion underneath the German sentence, indicating you probably had a typo, and here's what you're probably looking for, which when you allow it to translate as such gives you...
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Weird right? You'd assume the correct version of the news article would be where they're quoting the song they're talking about (unless it's a different dialect or slang of course.) But it's interesting that if I'm correct and that is a typo...it says 'Eden.' Now if you watched season 1 or have some Biblical knowledge of sorts, you might be on the same page as me...
Why Eden? Why create an article that translates to 'Eden Day' instead of 'Every day.' I wonder how many of the other news articles seemingly have a typo?
If this show has taught us anything, what do we know about typos? (Insert Markiplier voice here) DEMONS, JIM! So could that news article possibly have been written by a demon?
Anyways as we continue on, the next (and most frequent appearance of newspapers) is Mr Brown (of Brown's world of carpets.) And I won't add all the instances of that because if you read my last post, you already saw them.
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But there he is, with his strange recurring article about accordion ducks.
But I actually want to focus on a different newspaper that appears in this scene. This gentleman right here.
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Looks normal right? Except you can just barely make out the corner of something peaking out next to his leg. Well guess what? This is the same guy who was sitting at the table Aziraphale emptied.
In which his newspaper never comes 100% into focus, but it's right there on screen, flashing and saying 'HEY LOOK AT ME!'
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in which he folds over his 'your travel' 'Milton Keynes' newspaper as such
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to a completely new side of the newspaper and walks away. But wait there's more.
Check this out.
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In which he turns to look at his newspaper AND ROTATES IT before going back to standing there looking like there's nothing in his hand. Look at these back to back shots though.
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Would you look at that. Our newspaper is back. Guess what though. When we look away from him again and back, the newspaper is once again gone.
Mind you this whole time, when the newspaper appears, you see Aziraphale's eyes continuously flickering away from his conversation with Mr Brown (of Brown's world of carpets) and directly past him. Possibly to the newspaper? Maybe trying to direct your attention?
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Here we have 'Thenewspaper' with articles
"Unearthed mysteries of sealed library basement."
and "Government approves funding for citywide [insert word here because i can't make it out thanks to his finger] stations."
Interesting....library basements and citywide funding. Huh.
Now as far as I'm aware, the only other times you see newspapers in the rest of the season, are Mr Brown (of Brown's world of carpets.) And even if there were more, I'd have to make a part 2 because I actually reached the image amount on this post.
That being said...there's a lot of weird shit going on with the newspapers, including our strange little accordion duck which has me absolutely bewildered. But I can't help but feel like the newspapers are important when everyone holding one seems to be holding it like a sign, just so that you can read it. Not to mention the freaking typo has me wide awake every night staring at my ceiling.
But for now, that's all I have. Stay tuned for another mental breakdown over something in this show that is preventing me from sleeping.
(Upon further examination I might be making yet another post about this.)
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my-deer-friend · 1 month
The post you reposted about not hating historians was really interesting, thank you for sharing it. Do you have recommendations for historians who are researching queer history in the 18th century?
Do I!
(Note that I'm using "queer" below in the modern sense of "behaviour outside the sanctioned/accepted gender or sexual norms of the time".)
Strands of scholarship
I've come to see two broad approaches in historical queer studies, at least those focused on the 18th century; these are my own observations, and not formal groupings (as far as I'm aware).
One one side, you have those scholars who have a very open and loose conception of queerness, and are usually interested in "queering the past" – aka using a queer scholarship lens to investigate historical social-cultural behaviours. They often focus on literary analysis and tend to be more liberal about applying modern queer terminology to the past, and usually lean social constructionist or postmodernist.
On the other side, you have strict queer scholars, who have much more stringent definitions of what is "definitely queer" and what isn't, and are interested in making sure that only those historical figures who are "truly" queer are labelled as such. They tend to focus on official documents like trial records and homosexual acts as the most valid kinds of evidence of queerness. These are most often critical realists.
The first group risks taking an over-broad approach to historical queerness, while the second risks being overly narrow, so the majority of scholars tend to fall somewhere in the middle. I do however think it's important to be aware of the differing entry points that a historian might be taking, so that you can read more critically.
All that said...
Here are some recommendations
Haggerty, G. E. (1999). Men in love: Masculinity and sexuality in the eighteenth century. Columbia Univ. Press. For me, this is the gold-standard starting point. Haggerty takes a very pragmatic and compassionate approach to investigating historical queerness. He has also published a more recent book about Horace Walpole which I've skimmed and it looks excellent (Haggerty, G. E. (2011). Horace Walpole’s Letters: Masculinity and Friendship in the Eighteenth Century. Bucknell University Press.)
Godbeer, R. (2009). The overflowing of friendship: Love between men and the creation of the American republic. Johns Hopkins University Press. Another excellent foundational work, this one focused more on America.
Tobin, R. (2000). Warm Brothers: Queer Theory and the Age of Goethe. University of Pennsylvania Press. This book focuses on queerness in late-18th/early-19th century German culture, but has lots of useful cross-cutting insights.
Sedgwick, E. K. (1985). Between men: English literature and male homosocial desire. Columbia university press. Sedgwick doesn't pull many punches, and that puts her ahead of her time; you'll find many theorists leaning on her study.
Malcolm, N. (2024). Forbidden Desire in Early Modern Europe: Male-Male Sexual Relations, 1400-1750 (1st ed.). Oxford University Press. I have heard great things about this book and it's somewhere on my long, long reading list – but by all accounts it's worth a look, and is the most recent source on this list, so it should contain the most up-to-date scholarship.
Cleves, R. H. (2014). Charity and Sylvia: A same-sex marriage in early America. Oxford University Press. This one takes place in the early 19th century, so not quite what you're looking for, but is an interesting investigation into (the scarcer field of) female same-sex relations.
Norton, R. (Ed.). Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England: A Sourcebook. Updated 17 December 2023. http://rictornorton.co.uk/eighteen/. An invaluable resource of source documents and analyses (with the small caution that Norton very blatantly uses modern queer terminology in historical context).
These are all books, so they serve as a good starting point for a broad exploration; all of these authors have also published academic articles, which go into much more depth on narrower topics. I also have some more focused resources, if there is a specific topic within this massive field that you have a particular interest in!
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sweetshire · 1 month
HI FRIEND (even though this is text I am waving so fast at you)
I hope you’re doing well! A couple questions but also please take this as a chance to talk about what you think is cool. Ok two questions: who is your fav lotr character?? If that’s too hard, maybe top 5? I am such a Sam fan, I love that silly little guy. I also love pippin. And I also love merry. And I also love Frodo. Can you tell I like hobbits.
Ok question 2: do you have a favorite sherlock holmes story? And do you have a favorite adaptation?
Secret third question: do you have a hobby that is not your favorite but that you do enjoy doing? Like if it’s on your list, one that’s solidly in the middle?
Ok that’s it!!! Thank you for being in my notifs, it always fills me with joy to see you there hehe <3
*waves back* HEYYY FRIEND AM I GLAD TO SEE YOUUU!! i was thinking about just yesterday bc GUESS WHO FINISHED READING E.W’S encyclopaedia of faeries? me! i did! this was goood. sweet and wholesome and utterly charming <3 and exactly the kind of book i needed to read atp, given that the next few books on my tbr are mostly classics or hard-hitters. u were so right they ARE giving howl & sophie!! these delightful fuckers- they have me squealing & smiling all day 🥺🥰
1. u should know that this is too hard a question for me & when u ask me anything abt lotr i could ramble for centuries but i’ll refrain from listing every one of my beloved characters, which includes the minor ones too obvsly because i’m me :) anyhow! woo *quivers excitedly* here i go: first would be a tie between frodo and denethor- i physically cannot (& will not) choose. also lmao SUCH a contrast in both their, well, character - lol well done, me! (yet they’re soo similar too. yes i find parallels between their narratives AND everything else as well what of it) then in no particular order- eowyn, faramir, boromir (basically all the gondor men <3), legolas, & as u know i adore the hobbits. all four of them -um 5, including bilbo- but MERRY!! i hate to see him brushed aside & unappreciated. justice for merry, and frodo too!! what selfless, sacrificing, lovely dear hobbits *cries* OH OH AND I ADORE SAMWISE TOO i’d be a fool not to. there’s not a person who’s capable of not loving him. no doubt i’ll be cursing myself later for forgetting other dear ones…
2. charles augustus!! god i’m obsessed w the milverton case. what doesn’t it have?? a master blackmailer. a lady killer (she slays -literally ajdksf). hand-holding. h&w being not at all hesitant abt committing a crime - a master detective who’s always used to solving one!! delicious.. it’s the story™ which perfectly captures the true essence of holmes’ character imho. and ‘a study of scarlet’ ofc. irene adler (nee norton) queen i love u. big shoutout to ‘the copper beaches’ also. i like all the stories with the ladies
3. hmm i do! fav one is - u guessed it - reading. to answer ur question: i looove doing henna!! every summer without practice i’d practice it on any hand i could find. i’m an amateur but still i like it. i haven’t been able to do it this summer :( on account of. me & my whole family has been sick/unwell in some way since the past month & a half or so. but i’m planning on applying mehendi or do a painting soon!! (i also liked to collect coins/stamps/buttons or some such as a child - i habit i’m always in danger of relapsing into but shh)
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mintytealfox · 7 months
Hi!! I've really loved your Alice/Norton stuff and I would like to tag you as the inspiration for a NortAlice fic over on Ao3 -- do you have a preferred place/account you'd like me to link to? My stuff is under Emby_M over there!
OH yes yes yes my Tumblr here is my favorite place to be and where I am most active~ 💞💞
oooooooooooh I am so excited TO READ IT!!!
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nightwonder7 · 4 months
Yeah, it seems like CN Joseph likers are creating multiple guest accounts just to vote Joseph in the global server— I don't know about you but this "nymph award" thing is mad craaaazyyyyyyy
Definitely. I wouldn't have minded Joseph or anyone else winning if it was done legitimately. But the fact that there are spam accounts from CN going around and manipulating the votes feels really crappy.
At this point I'd rather have Norton win for the principle of it. Don't get me wrong, he is my fav, but I didn't really care if he didn't win the Nymph Awards. Though he was in the lead before the spam voting began and would've probably won this year anyway. But the whole ordeal has kinda soured things for me. No matter who wins, it's not gonna be without spam accounts (whether they are the catalyst or the contributor. I heard people from CN who are against the Joseph spams came in to boost up Norton's votes). It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Norton is probably our best chance to not let the spam accounts get their will. It just feels unfortunate that things are like that, and that my fav has to be involved in this brawl jvgjhdzhfx
I wish the devs did more about the situation, but I think the most we can hope for now is that they do something to prevent this from happening next year.
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