#my oc: japanese
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Basic Japanese Vocabulary - Transport 
車 - くるま (kuruma) - car
自転車 - じてんしゃ (jitensha) - bicycle
バス (basu) - bus
電車 -でんしゃ (densha) - train
地下鉄 - ちかてつ (chikatetsu) - subway, metro
新幹線 - しんかんせん (shinkansen) - bullet train
飛行機 - ひこうき (hikōki) - plane
船 - ふね (fune) - ship
駅 - えき (eki) - station
切符 - きっぷ (kippu) - ticket
When saying you go somewhere by a method of transport, use the particle で. You can use へ (e) or に to say where it is you’re going.
私は日本に飛行機で行きます。(I will go to Japan by plan)
彼はいつも仕事に電車で行きます。(He always goes to work by train)
You can say how long something takes with the verb かかる. Use the particles から and まで to indicate from and to respectively.
ロンドンから東京まで飛行機で14時間かかります。(It takes 14 hours to go from London to Tokyo by plane).
東京から京都まで新幹線でどのくらいかかりますか? (How long does it take to get from Tokyo to Kyoto by bullet train?)
Another useful verb here is 乗る (のる). This means to ride or to get on.
昨日、地下鉄に乗りました。(Yesterday, I took the subway)
土曜日、初めて新幹線に乗ります。(On Saturday, I will take a bullet train for the first time).
Please let me know if I’ve made any mistakes!
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An Okami-style Ninetales piece I drew a long while ago!
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gatoburr0 · 2 months
I need to post her here cuz I love her
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vbnhuet · 6 months
Got into a Bowser mood again, so here's my original design of Bowser's mom and dad!
Presenting: King Bowser Senior the Battle Worn, and Queen Cinder the Furious
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Queen Cinder was a high ranking champion, before the king fell for her might and fierceness. They were unstoppable in battle, fiery brutality combine with cold-hearted mercilessness. They absolutely have no soft spot... except for each other.
It's a shame that they left before their son could hatch.
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palossssssand · 2 months
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I hit 'em with the human beam
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smilepebble · 10 months
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thanks to @drainbangle for reminding me how funny JPN grovyle is
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zivazivc · 2 months
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I've been slowly tweaking these designs for a couple of weeks now, and now I can finally introduce the Uncles, the colorful group of friends/roommates who raised Hed and Les (word "raised" used loosely, but they definitely shared the living space with them).
From left to right: Kymani, Bramble, Adewale, Benji, Jenga, and Licorice "Ish" with his boys. Let's say Hed and Les are 15 and 19 here, maybe a year older, which means the rest are only in their mid 30s.
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all-lee24 · 9 months
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Aldrich, devourer of gods
I’m cooking up a comic for him, I have many narrative ideas about my favorite darkmoon and my favorite man eater.
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dasnercaret · 1 month
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gonna be busy for the next couple forever + working on some Big Projects that'll take a while to be ready for posting, but have some quick little scribbles i've done recently + an isat-style attack portrait for one of my isat ocs! their name is himawari and they use he/they pronouns. and have a katana. because i can
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lokh · 1 year
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mom avoids dead anime mom curse because he transitions. he’s always had a complicated relationship with pregnancy because of how woefully little people are told about potential complications and aftercare, and also because of how gendered it is, so after the birth of his second child he’s finally had it and decides to transition
he joins a local community group for mothers and at first it’s played for laughs how often they fall to the dead mom curse, but soon we find out more about how society has failed mothers and people who give birth, from information being withheld, procedures being carried out without consent, lack of accommodations and maternal and paternal leave, racism…
it also turns out that becoming a man doesn’t help with this, not really, because being a pregnant trans man brings its own problems. follow along as he learns more about being a parent and a mother, and maybe even… finding love???
coming to you never because I can’t write!
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Basic Japanese Vocabulary - Basic Verbs (Part 1)
食べる(たべる)- to eat
飲む(のむ)- to drink
行く(いく)- to go
働く(はたらく)- to work
読む(よむ)- to read
書く(かく)- to write
聞く(きく)- to listen
見る(みる)- to see, to watch
起きる(おきる)- to wake up
寝る(ねる)- to sleep
These verbs are given in the dictionary form. The dictionary form is also the informal present and future tense (Japanese doesn’t have a separate future tense).
Verbs in Japanese can be divided into 3 groups:
Group one: -u verbs (Godan verbs). These verbs end in -u. In this verb list, nomu, iku, hataraku, yomu, kaku and kiku belong to this group. To make the formal (keigo) present tense, change the -u to -i and add -masu:
Group two: -iru/-eru verbs (Ichidan verbs). These verbs end in either -iru or -eru. In this verb list, taberu, miru, okiru and neru belong to this group. You can put them in the formal present tense by changing -ru to -masu
Group three: irregular verbs. Good news: there are only TWO irregular verbs in Japanese! These are する (to do) and 来る (くる - to come). The keigo form is made like so:
Please let me know if I’ve made any mistakes! :)
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blaithnne · 4 months
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Beakley's final sheet is here! I gave her a new surname because…. I wanted to, but I think she still uses Beakley sometimes. Half as a pseudonym, and half because it’s a little easier in an English speaking country. This, by the way, is the sparknotes version of her backstory, because there’s SO much stuff I didn’t have room for, and I barely had space to talk about her after joining SHUSH.
MORE Beakley content you ask? Say less
Meet the Cast!
╰┈➤ Canon ☄. *. ⋆
→ Scrooge McDuff → Matilda McDuff → Hortense McDuff → Qalhata Duiker → Ludwig Von Druska → Goldie O'Gilt → LÙ Huifen (pre-caseflies) → LÙ Huifen (post-casefiles) → Bradford Butcher
╰┈➤ OCs ☄. *. ⋆
→ Lucrais NicRiada
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highflyartist · 1 month
Oh yeah, I have a TADC oc... I forgot about her...
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Celta is reborn and this time I also drew her as her human form! Her real name is Naomi and she's a Japanese-American teenager.
Celta suffered the same fate as Pomni 10 minutes after she fell in. Make sure you hide your sweets cuz even in her digital form, Celta LOVES sweet treats.
TADC Wonderland AU belongs to @endomentendo
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guirgaleo · 5 months
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final pass at an oc design
additional sketches I made as I was figuring this out
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ryllen · 3 months
by some extreme luck (which is, having a very competent co-worker) horrorboros & cohozuna managed to be taken down in a triumvirate session
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hoaxghost · 10 months
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Redesigning some faves... Wanted to push the alien-insectoid aspect of em a lot more- whaddya think?
Them before
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