#my order number was 10000+
eonixx · 1 year
Requiem cafe needs to ship my order so it’ll arrive exactly on 4.13 pLEASE
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3584-tropical-fish · 1 year
It’s become a bit of a trend of mine to write epistolary novel style fics that require tons of research for really mundane things. So, I’ve found myself with one regarding Ms. Perumal trying to find her kid, featuring phone calls varying in their level of helpfulness, anagrams, and a brochure about fishing locales.
Also written under the cut if a Google doc is not ideal.
Letter, addressed to Reynie Muldoon, Boatwright Academy, 100 Copernicus Road, ST0087
Dear Reynie,
Congratulations on your acceptance to Boatwright! I’m so proud of you, and I always will be. I sent a package with some of your belongings and a couple gifts from me, but do let me know if there’s anything I missed. And, of course, you are always welcome to reach out if you ever need me. You know where to find me.
I know this is a big change for you, but I also know that everything will turn out perfectly fine. You can do this! You’ll learn a lot more from the Boatwright Academy than what I could ever teach you, and I know that this will be a great opportunity for you. Though, as I’ve said, I’ll be here if you ever need me.
Much love,
Ms. Perumal
Phone call, Ms. Dipika Perumal and Boatwright Academy Offices
MAN: Boatwright Academy, how can I help you?
MS. PERUMAL: Good afternoon. I recently sent a package to Reynard Muldoon, a new student at your school? It just arrived back at my house, and I wanted to make sure that he was alright.
MAN: Things don’t just get sent back, maybe there was a mistake in the address you wrote. Nothing to worry about.
MS. PERUMAL: I’ve double checked it multiple times, I am certain that I haven’t made any errors.
MAN: Well, if there wasn’t a mistake, I’m afraid I can’t help you any more. We–
MS. PERUMAL: You’re the only ones that can! I cannot reach out to him any other way.
MAN: (sighing) What was the name? I’ll see what I can find but I can’t guarantee–
MS. PERUMAL: (frustrated) Muldoon. M-U-L-D-O-O-N. Reynard Muldoon.
MAN: Ma’am, I’m sorry, but–
MS. PERUMAL: This is the Boatwright Academy, isn’t it?
MAN: It is, but our policy states that we are not allowed to disclose any information about our students to non-family members.
MS. PERUMAL: (increasingly firm) Be that as it may, I sent a package to one of your students. Why was it returned?
MAN: I have no idea.
MS. PERUMAL: He is a student there, is he not?
MAN: Ma’am, there’s no Reynard Muldoon enrolled here.
MS. PERUMAL: There must be a mistake. Tell your headmaster that I’m on my way to talk to her in person.
(call ends)
Security Feed, Boatwright Academy Headmaster’s Office
(The HEADMASTER sits at her desk, typing something on a computer. After a moment, there is a knock at the door.)
(MS. PERUMAL enters and sits in the chair across from the HEADMASTER.)
HEADMASTER: (curtly) Ms. Perumal?
MS. PERUMAL: (just as curtly) Yes.
HEADMASTER: You are lucky that I agreed to see you, Ms. Perumal. You have no affiliation with anyone at this school, but we deemed it more beneficial to everyone involved if we prevented you from… (pause) breaking in.
(The HEADMASTER shifts to fully face MS. PERUMAL and places a paper in front of her.)
HEADMASTER: A class roster, M section, of course. You’ll notice there is no “Muldoon”.
(MS. PERUMAL picks up the paper and skims through it. She frowns.)
MS. PERUMAL: He would’ve been admitted just a few days ago, are you certain this is up to date?
HEADMASTER: (sighing) Yes. I printed it just this morning. Our records are updated upon any student’s admission. Reynard Muldoon is not a student here.
(MS. PERUMAL rifles through her bag and pulls out her own paper. It is a newspaper from a week or so prior. She places it on the table.)
MS. PERUMAL: What’s this then? (reading aloud) “Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities? Boatwright Academy is offering gifted children a chance to participate in a special testing day. Children who pass the test will be offered a full scholarship to Boatwright Academy”. My student attended these exams, and, following their conclusion, I received a call that he had been admitted into the Boatwright Academy. (with force) Why is he not here?
(The HEADMASTER frowns.)
HEADMASTER: Those tests are run by an affiliate of ours. They informed us that no one had passed the tests this year.
(MS. PERUMAL looks stricken.)
HEADMASTER: Is there anything else?
MS. PERUMAL: No, I— no. (She clears her throat.) You’ve helped me enough. (MS. PERUMAL stands.) Thank you for your time.
HEADMASTER: Of course. I hope everything turns out well.
(MS. PERUMAL nods, turns, and exits the room.)
(feed ends)
Phone call, Ms. Dipika Perumal and The Stonetown Gazette Offices
CAROLINE: You’ve reached The Stonetown Gazette, my name is Caroline. What can I help you with today?
MS. PERUMAL: I’m looking for the name of the person or organization who ran the ad that offered scholarship opportunities for the Boatwright Academy. They did not include clear contact information and I’d like to get in touch.
CAROLINE: I’ll see what I can find, ma’am. What did the ad say, exactly?
MS. PERUMAL: In large font, “Are you a gifted child looking for special opportunities?” It was quite unique.
CAROLINE: Ah, yes. I remember that one. Quite unique, indeed. Excuse me for a moment while I look for this, I’m going to put you on hold.
(soft piano music)
(several moments pass)
CAROLINE: Unfortunately, I only have a name, no further contact information, though I’m sure you could reach out to the Boatwright Academy for further details. It was paid for by Cheri Turpintown. Spelled C-H-E-R-I, T-U-R-P-I-N-T-O-W-N. Anything else I can do for you, ma’am?
MS. PERUMAL: Oh, no. That’s all I needed. Thank you very much.
CAROLINE: Of course! Have a nice day, now.
MS. PERUMAL: And you too.
(call ends)
Stonetown Registrar, List of Local Business Owners
Affiliation: Boatwright Academy
Phone: None
Address: None
Journal, Owned by Ms. Dipika Perumal
Cheri Turpintown
Placed the ad
No known address
Connections to Boatwright
Possibly the test proctor
truth in ceinoprw
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power cin inc
truth in power inc
Power in Truth Inc.
Stowntown Registrar, List of Local Businesses (Shell Companies)
Owner: Withheld by request
Phone: None
Address: None
PO Box: Power in Truth, Inc.
PO Box 2733
Stonetown, USA 02748
Security Feed, Stonetown Market (Video Only)
(MS. PERUMAL approaches a storefront. This store belongs to the FISHMONGER.)
(The FISHMONGER greets her and asks a question. MS. PERUMAL shakes her head and asks something in return. She speaks for a moment, making some gestures with her hands, and eventually points toward the salmon displayed behind the FISHMONGER.)
(The FISHMONGER frowns and shakes his head.)
(MS. PERUMAL says something more, and swiftly walks away and out of sight.)
Brochure, Stonetown Fish and Game Commission: Fishing Locations
There are a multitude of picturesque locations in and around Stonetown that are perfect for fishing. The waters off the coast are known for their catches of mackerel, sea bass, Atlantic cod, and plenty of other species. Beginners can find many coastal areas or freshwater ponds and rivers in the area, while more seasoned fishers can try their hand at sites off the coast.
Due to the importance of fishing on the local economy, fishing licenses are required in almost all shorelines and waters off the coast of Stonetown. Licenses can easily be acquired from the Stonetown Fish and Game Commission offices, but caution should still be taken to not fish in dangerous areas or private property.
Should one wish to spend a weekend casually fishing without a license, the Beauchamps Woods, central to one of Stonetown’s many public parks, is home to a two-mile stretch of shoreline where unlicensed fishing is permitted. For convenience, multiple trails lead to various spots in the area.
[image: A map of a section of Stonetown’s coast, which is surrounded by Beauchamps Woods. Multiple trails are marked in colorful lines throughout the area, most leading to various spots along the water. Across the water, on the edge of the map, one side of Harbor Island is pictured. Boxed in red, centered on the map, is a section of coast that is labeled “UNLICENSED FISHING AREA”.
This particular brochure copy has multiple trail ends crossed out but one, which seems to have a good view of Harbor Island, is circled in several frantic rings.]
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kaziwi · 1 year
Hii! I love your writings very much! For the event prompt.. number 3 with Smoker? 🥺
YAYYYY SMOKER REQUESTTTT thank you sm for requesting him i was so scared no one was gonna
Link to Event
"You're heavy..."
Character(s): Smoker
WC: 778
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If someone told you this morning you'd be carrying Vice Admiral Smoker on your back, you would have laughed in their face.
You weren't laughing now.
Earlier today Smoker had gotten a report that there were some pirates who robbed a marine based that wasn't too far from where the G-5 was sailing. They had stolen some important documents and weapons, and Smoker was determined to stop them. After finding the island, there was an all out battle between the pirates and the G-5. Being the G-5, you of course won, but after the battle was over no one could find Smoker. Tashigi ordered everyone to split up and search the island, and you had been the lucky one to find him. Apparently he had been hit with a sea stone bullet from one of the weapons the pirates stole. It was funny at first, seeing the Vice Admiral flopped on the ground like a fish, but when he suggested you carry him back, you got quiet fast.
And that's how you ended up in this situation.
"Could you maybe go a little faster..." Smoker groaned weakly on your back. It was hard to move when he was much heavier than you. Him being like 1000 feet tall and having the biggest, heaviest muscles in the world didn't help.
"I'm trying here," you hissed, "It's not as easy as it looks..."
Smoker was usually a calm man, but this was a very different circumstance. He wasn't trying to sound rude, but he needed to get back to the rest of the G-5 as quick as possible. He needed to know if any of his men were hurt and if they had lost anybody. There was no time to waste.
Unbeknownst to him, you had hurt your ankle while in the battle. It wasn't too bad at first, so you didn't mention it, but after carrying him and putting weight on your ankle, it was starting to get to you.
After a few more minutes of walking, you couldn't take it anymore. You slowly lowered him down, propping him up against a tree while you laid down on the mountain floor.
"Why'd you stop," Smoker yelled, "We need to get back to the ship, the rest of the men need me." If he didn't have a sea stone bullet in him right now, he'd pick you up and run back to the ship, but he was too weak to even clench his fist.
You on the other hand were dying. Not actually, but it felt like it. Your ankle felt like someone had dropped a 10000 pound weight on it and you were still exhausted from the earlier battle. You slowly turned your head to Smoker and croaked out, "You're heavy..."
Smoker didn't know why, but hearing the rasp of your voice, made him look past his worry for the rest of the G-5. He finally took in you appearance, your exhaustion, and most importantly your ankle, which look like a bone was basically sticking out of it.
"Shit..." he sighed, "Looks like we're both stuck here...no way you're moving anytime soon."
You wanted to retaliate, but you were too tired to do anything but pant.
Smoker looked defeated for a minute, till he remembered something.
"In my back pocket, there's a mini transponder snail, grab it we can call Tashigi."
You honestly did not want to move, but he did give you an order. You slowly crawled over to him and reached into his pocket. You picked up the snail and dialed Tashigi's number.
"SMOKER," you heard from the end of the other line, "ARE YOU OKAY?? WHERE ARE YOU??"
"Tashigi, calm down, I'm okay. I'm with Y/N, but we are both pretty beat up. How's everyone else?"
"Everyone else is fine sir, only minor injuries." You could almost see the weight being lifted off of Smoker's chest.
"We're gonna need some medics and a stretcher, so try to find us as quick as possible.." Smoker gave a quick description of the area you both were in, and then ended the call.
"Help is coming soon, so just relax," the Vice Admiral stated. It was quiet again, the only sounds being the forest that surrounded you and your deep breaths. Smoker cleared his throat, looking a bit nervous, then spoke again.
"Thank you, for putting up with my persistence, I just wanted to make sure the rest of the men were alright," a pause, "and thank you for carrying me even though you were injured....you should be proud to call yourself a marine."
A warm smile crept on his face, and soon you followed.
"Anytime Vice Admiral."
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random-french-girl · 1 month
Do you have any favorite chappell roan moments you'd like to share? This could include anything - song, lyrics, performance, interview, quote, photo. Let's talk about it!!
Omg anon thank you for enabling me! you're so right LETS TALK ABOUT IT
Fave song: Impossible to only choose one, but i'll give you my top 5, in no particular order: Good Luck, Babe ; Red Wine Supernova ; Picture You ; The Subway (SHE'S GOT AWAAAAAAY) ; Pink Pony Club
Fave lyrics:
if we're talking funny lyrics, then I have to go with "I heard you like magic, I've got a wand and a rabbit"... brilliant. showstopping. never been done before. such a clever joke, it literally made me laugh out loud in disbelief the first time I listened to the song :') we love an unapologetic horny lesbian song
if we're talking serious lyrics, "And when you wake up next to him in the middle of the night / With your head in your hands you're nothing more than his wife". Brutal. Perfect.
Fave performance: obviously the show i went to!! lollapalooza after party at the Vic Theater in Chicago you will always be famous to me and the other 1200 people whomst attended. she was amazing, i've never seen such energy on stage and in the crowd. it felt almost spiritual, i'm not exaggerating. her live singing is fantastic, and she has both incredible command of the crowd and endearingly self-conscious stage banter. Also the marie antoinette costume was beautiful and she looked great, and the wig drop was hilarious and perfect to set the tone. she's so extra in the absolute best way <3 10000/10. Other performances i think about a lot: her actual lollapalooza show (she really gave her best to both Chicago shows! and the Chicago crowds gave it right back! we love our Midwest princess!) and her performance of good luck babe on Jimmy Fallon, which was stunning visually and musically.
Fave interview: i love when she gets to chat with other queer people, so i have to go with the time she got interviewed by Trixie Mattel, the most recent one with Bowen Yang, and this Triple J interview.
Fave quote: ooof there is so much to choose from... "you're not FUUUUUUN" at Outside Lands, "there's gay people here" on Jimmy Fallon, and of course the classic tiktok rant which i will attempt to quote from memory: "how DARE you chappell roan?? how DARE you make fun of the indie pop boys? it's such a ResPEctable genre! they're so respectable you don't know anything about music you fucking CUNT!" <3 bless her
Fave photo: save me number 1 draft chappell roan.... number 1 draft chappell roan save me
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j0kers-light · 1 month
What was J's dynamic like with Harley? Was he abusive?
Hey hi anon!!! 🖤✨
If your referring to canon then YES 10000% YES. Joker is the most toxic abusive and manipulative boyfriend in the entire world. In fictional history he's top five and I assure you, he's not number five. 👀
He does not care for the health and safety of Harley and willingly sacrifices her in order to save himself without hesitation time and time again. I can't even site all the times he has been abusive there's so many. It would be easier to source times when Joker was actually loving to Harley and I can't think of any off the top of my head. 🤷🏽‍♀️
That's why it’s such a huge deal when she finally realizes that Joker does not lover and ultimately breaks up with him......... only to canonly fall back in love after some time apart.
Comics, movies, tv shows, and other various media love to portray this toxic relationship and romanticizes it to a high degree with slogans like "ultimate couple goals" or a true "ride or die" um no. 👀
I think its sick and unhealthy. I would never let any type of behavior that Joker pulled on Harley to be 'couple goals' in a real life relationship. It’s just sad to see how Harley is treated only for her to be deeply devoted to J. She truly loves the man and he couldn’t care less.
I have argued with many fans over the years who claim "Joker loves Harley!"
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Where? When? Because from the beginning Joker used Harleen Quinzel as an asset to escape Arkham. He is incapable of love (canon wise) so HOW is he able to love her? He loves how gullible she is. How easy it is to manipulate her. That's what he cherishes. Even Batman and other characters warn Harley about Joker's true intentions all on deaf ears.
I encourage you anon to research the Gotham City Sirens and read the backstory of how Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn became great friends (and lovers) and really help Harley have a redemption arc of sorts. Harley with the Sirens is my favorite version of her from the comics.
I have rambled for far too long. I hope this answers your question anon!
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I've made the choice not to get mired in arguments so I'm not responding to my own post endlessly but in case people are coming here to be annoyed at OP or whatever I guess my message is that "you're one of the lucky 10000!" is not, in fact, a statement that carries over onto internet interactions. If you were a person I knew socially and we were talking irl and I brought up Kent State and you didn't know what it was I'd probably briefly explain and, if you were an adult educated in the US I would at most be like "you...never learned this?" On the other hand if you see a post talking about something that is presumed to be common knowledge and, instead of navigating off Tumblr, going to your web browser, looking it up, and saying "wow, now I know this" and quietly moving on, you whine about how you were never taught this...you literally did not need to do that. You decided that strangers needed to be aware that you think education ends with high school when you could have never let another person know and no one would be the wiser.
I haven't posted any links because literally, in this case, I do mean "read the Wikipedia article, because it both points out it's on the national register of historical places and covers the basics of what happened." I'm not asking for deep analysis, I'm literally saying hey you should know that the National Guard killed several college students at Kent State University in Ohio during a peaceful anti-Vietnam war protest on May 4th, 1970 and that this is pretty widespread knowledge within the US with a large number of pop cultural references and maybe you should look askance at a 100k+ post that claims this isn't taught in schools.
More generally if your instinct is ever to defend your own ignorance instead of remedying it, I believe that you should feel deep shame about that. I would love for you to be an informed person because you are curious and love learning but honestly if you achieve it because you don't want a bunch of people on Tumblr to laugh at you that works too. Social pressure isn't always the answer, but it can in fact be a great motivator when it comes behaviors entirely under our control. A really effective way to get people to stop saying bigoted jokes is to act like they are cringe and unfunny. You clearly know this, because you're now trying to scold people who are correctly pointing out that you are dull and incurious and susceptible to latching on to conspiratorial thinking in order to defend yourself. You just don't like it when people use it on you.
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millepara · 1 year
for fun yesterday I did a lot of experimenting with coords and tags to see what gives the best score. starting with the conclusion abstract:
the Brilliant Prince cyalume is equally effective as the usual green Twinkle Ribbon SCR for grinding.
BUT if you're creating a promise, you're very slightly better off with the TR SCR because it's more likely to get filled, as not everyone has the BP CR. (this was not something I tested for, but something I inadvertently found out in the course of experimenting.)
details and numbers below 📝 📈 📊 (extremely boring and long)
various disclaimers: I'm 100% sure all of this is on twitter already, but I don't use and thus can't see anything on there. mega thanks to Idollandhero Hayami for being my only source for what's going on over there and making me realize that this was even something to check out, and for Luna's post pointing out the BP cyalume was a viable green coord alternative. I shan't tag you bc I don't want to even accidentally make someone read this post.
also, don't pay attention to the reward amounts when I joined others' promises, bc at those times I was focusing solely on coord bonuses and not the rhythm game. the score bonuses are the same amount whether creating or joining a promise, but joining takes less time. a lower score just means I was playing OPEN DREAM LAND according to the beat map in my head rather than the mistaken one in the game lol
background 🧬
your score is composed of:
base score. what you get from the rhythm game
rank bonus. silver rank is +1000 iine (bronze +500?)
heart bonus. max is rainbow x3 +3000 iine (rainbow +1000, gold +800, silver +500)
assigned coord bonus. premium pripara rare is +10000 iine (idk what others are)
hashtag bonuses. 5 gold tags gives you, in order, +1500, +150, +300, +450, and +600 iine. 4 gold tags removes the final +600 and +1 silver tag is only +500, so 5 gold tags is best (i.e. 5 gold = 3000 vs 4 gold + 1 silver = 2900)
I always use the green TR SCR without paying attention to the numbers, so I wanted to verify if/how worn coords affect your bonuses, and if wearing all parts of a coord or having the same tag multiple times (like the BP CR) do. these are things that were true in the arcade game, so maybe they matter here too? ...is what I wondered.
experimental procedure 🧪
the TR SCR has 2 gold tags, with no gold tag on the shoes. but changing them to the BP CR ones, adding a 3rd gold tag, gives the same 5 gold tag bonus as above, in the same order. (tags in the coord being worn are marked with a ⭐︎.)
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this is true no matter what order the tags themselves are in. above the unworn #今日もあまってまーす (from the Dressy Ruby coord) gave 1500, below the worn #gold did.
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wearing the full TR SCR gave the exact same bonuses as well, despite having only two gold tags on the coord:
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finally, wearing the full BP CR (worn gold tags are #cyalume coord x3 and #prince for a total of 4) was... exactly the same!
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and in all of these, the assigned coord bonus was the same +10000 too.
last was to confirm that they give equal rewards when creating a promise. I did Chaotic Hurricane for both of these, and both have a perfect score, so all rainbow hearts, all x3 on appeals and making drama, and full cyalume change bonus.
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the same! this is also the same as the max score with the green SCR before the Dark Nightmare tag was removed, btw.
conclusion 🔬
the coord you wear does not affect the tag bonuses at all. they are entirely determined by the tags you own. wearing or owning more items with the same tag also doesn't matter. basically, as long as you do a promise with 5 gold tags you own, you get the maximum tag bonus.
the coord you wear is only relevant to the assigned coord bonus, which is the same for the BP CR and the green coord. I guess there are paid or gacha coords that give that bonus too, but the rarer a coord is, the less likely you are to fill a promise with it as the assigned coord. it's best to create a promise with easily-available coords and tags.
future research 👁️
I do have an unsolved mystery. both of the above had a base score of 14175,
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but the first time I tried creating a promise I got a base score of 14170, despite having what I thought was a perfect score. all the bonuses were the same, and the rewards were only 1 iine and 1 i$ less
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so in terms of grinding, it super does not matter. but it does matter when my goal is trying to figure out score mechanics. now I probably just got a x2 on the appeals or making drama without noticing, but I was watching pretty hard. and I'm pretty sure a miss there knocks off more than 5 points? I had photo evidence of getting all rainbow hearts and I got a full cyalume bonus as always, so...???
the other option is that... your team's coords matter?? this seems incorrect, but the only difference in that first promise was that one idol had different shoes and accessory. all the ones I did after (not just the 2 pictured) had 5/6 or 6/6 coord items assembled, so it's literally the only difference I could think of?? I really genuinely think I just missed a note though. the way to check this would be to screen-record lives, miss notes in a variety of ways, and see how that affects the score, but... even I have my limits.
also: songs. I'm interested to see definitively what song is best, but I'm putting this off until OPEN DREAM LAND's untenable beat map is fixed. it is definitely a better choice than Chaotic Hurricane, which I always use, but I'm afraid of accidentally memorizing the wrong rhythm. and personally I would do anything to avoid hearing Cool Star, so idk if it's better than Chaotic Hurricane or not. I think a couple paid songs are better also, but it's so difficult to fill those promises that it's best not to rank up with them.
last, I wonder about the red+black VIP coords because they seem like idol land's version of Mystery Rares (which were v high-scoring), but... I don't have one. and even if it was significantly higher, it would be impossible to fill that promise, so it couldn't possibly matter.
if you read all this, congratulations and forgive me. if you have any questions, let me know. I think I explained everything badly and maybe I assumed everyone knows stuff that maybe they don't? not to mention that I've made and joined promises so many times now that maybe I can help with something other than what's here too.
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nicnacsnonsense · 9 months
can i ask why you thought ofmd s2 was bad? unrelated to you disliking it, i mean.
Oh Nonny. I could write you a 10000 word essay on the problems I see in OFMD s2 and still have much more to say. I am currently sitting on nearly six hours of footage going episode by episode detailing issues I see and the corrections I would make and why, and that still doesn’t fix everything. And part of the issue is all these things are so interconnected that it is hard to sit here and make a brief list of problems because it all feeds back into each other. What I will try to do here is list some of the broad topics of where I see issues, and you or anyone can ask follow up questions if you would like more info.
1) Character arcs
With the exception of the mini arc Ed goes through across the first three episodes, which is generally very well done, none of the characters go through any sort of satisfying coherent arc throughout the season. I count Ed’s reconciliation with the crew & retirement arcs, Stede’s manliness arc, Izzy’s “redemption” arc, Lucius’s trauma arc, and the arc related to Olu and his romantic relationships, all of which were poorly done.
2) Antagonists
Much like in s1, s2 has 3 characters seemingly set up to be major antagonists. However in this case none of these antagonists live up to their set up or potential at all. Ned gets killed off the same episode he’s introduced in and ceases to matter as a character after that, Ricky is a complete nothing of a character, and Zheng drops all the compelling themes and contrasts to Stede and the looming threat of her fleet to actually be our friend who we like now. And the plot that these antagonists deliver is underwhelming to say the least.
3) Humor
One thing the first season handled really well was the balance of the humor and the more emotional moments and more serious subjects. It was always careful about who or what it was making the butt of the joke. It did sometimes delve into slapstick or otherwise make a joke out of things that should have been painful or otherwise traumatizing but it didn’t generally ask you to laugh at trauma and certainly never invited you to laugh at trauma that you were at other times supposed to take seriously.
Another issue with the humor I have in this season is that there are a number of jokes that exist at the expense of characterization. The first season did have the occasional one liner that maybe didn’t totally fit in with the character, but this season has multiple extended joke sequences that bend characterization in order to work, which ultimately sucks a lot of the potential humor out of it.
4) Themes
This one is a bit of a odd one out in that in a different show I would not count it as point against the show that it fails to have meaningful themes. But the first season of OFMD set the standard for the show as one that does have a lot to say about things like trauma and recovery and emotional support, about masculinity and toxic masculinity and patriarchy, about racism and colonialism and white supremacy. Season 2 seems vaguely aware that it is a show that is supposed to have themes along those lines, but largely fails to incorporate them beyond the occasional wink at the camera and often ends up perpetuating the same things that the first season was trying to criticize.
5) Just the writing in general?
I realize this is kind of a cop out, but yeah. There’s just a pervasive problem with the writing throughout that’s hard to put into specific boxes. Set ups with no or underwhelming pay off, pay off with no set ups, characterization frequently feeling a bit off, characters lacking a clear motive for their behavior, and a tendency to jump from big emotional moment to big emotional moment where each individual moment is well done but there is a serious lack of connective tissue in between or even consideration for how these emotional moments reflection on each other.
Hopefully that helps give you an idea of what some of my issues are Nonny; like I said I can offer more specifics on any of these points on request.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
I can 10000% see the devils boys pulling "if you don’t hurry up and ask them out, i will” stunt with their teammates so any one of those boys? you can pick because I'll be happy with any of them!! thanks lu! 😽
Nathan and Mikey frequented the same coffee shop every single day.
Nathan had picked it out and it only took Michael a few weeks to figure out why.
You worked everyday in the morning when they’d come by.
Six months in and he had enough. The two had ordered their coffee and smiley was watching as Nathan stared at you.
“If you don’t hurry up and ask them out, I will”
“Nate just ask her out man, you’ve been coming here for long enough”
Nate hissed lowly “what if she thinks it’s weird”
“You are weird but maybe she’ll dig that!”
Nathan rolled his eyes and when you called his name for the order made his way over
“Hey y/n?”
“Do you wanna go out sometime?”
You laughed “I’ve been putting my phone number on the edge of your cup for four months! of course I do!”
Nate gasped “I thought that was a serial number! I gotta go to practice but I’ll call you!”
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calumsash · 1 year
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teresa just know im in literal tears over this, the wait was totally worth it AHHHHHHH!!!! @merry-the-cookie
from you designing them, to asking me to check the website before it goes up that it's all good, to ordering everything (obvi im number teresa fan) and to ACTUALLY GETTING THEM AND HOLDING THEM IN MY HANDS!!!!! im so proud of you
they came out perfect and they're so cute i can't stop smiling looking at them <3
and don't get me started on the drawings cause im never gonna recover from this 😭🥺🫶 you're too kind and im lucky i get to call you my friend love youuuu <33333
10000/10 would order again my new favorite 5sos merch the boys WISHED they could achieve this level of greatness <3
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ptiautiste · 9 months
I was looking for a really good shortwave receiver for at least a decade -an old tube equipped one of course. The problem getting one nowadays is that they were only produced in small numbers half a century (or more) ago, since then most are scrapped, botched, altered or corroded cause of bad storage -or all together. So if you have the chance getting one today you most likely will buy a 'construction site', needing hundreds of working hours for restoring it in a good working condition.
But after a looong search finally i had real luck. A big wooden crate was delivered on a pallet.
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In this crate was one of the -for my opinion- ugliest shortwave receivers ever built, but at the same time also one of the best ones: a Rohde + Schwarz EK07.
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Built in 1958 this one was a storage unit from the German Army. Well stored, regularly maintained and serviced, not altered, not botched, never used. So it is in nearly mint condition. It wasn't cheap but getting my hands on this was just sheer luck. Without doing anything: it's in perfect working order. No potentiometer, no switch crackles, every tube checks new -of course you can check all the tubes in the radio itself without removing them.
The manufacturer is more known for it's precision Lab-Equipment and less for it's shortwave receivers. This is also because their receivers weren't consumer or amateur gear, this was pro gear by any means. They were used in applications like coast guards or military surveillance and such. Always things where equipment costs doesn't matter -only the outcome. So back in 1958 when this unit was manufactured you could buy at least two brand new cars for the same amount of money. In exchange for this you got a masterpiece of german engineering and craftsmanship -and also an electro-mechanical nightmare if anything fails and you're not absolutely familiar with it's guts.
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Fancy? No, there's absolutely nothing fancy on these. These are absolute workhorses, designed for doing an important job 24/7/365 for decades. Just take a look to that bandswich gear in the photo above. How often you have to switch over the bands until this would be worn out? Millions and Millions of times... And nope: this dark residues at that drum on the left and box below isn't mold or such. These are completely silver plated so it's just the darkened silver.
As you may see, most of the structural parts are made of die-cast and aluminum, so from the materials used it's relatively light weight. But all that built-in sturdiness and shielding adds up to staggering 147lbs/67kg. It's only a receiver, not a transmitter or a power amplifier.
Tubes... and more tubes
If you're not familiar with tube radios: your average AM (and shortwave) Radio from the 50's or 60's used 4 tubes (without the rectifier if this was a tube). Your trusty Hammarlund or Yaesu shortwave receiver from that time would have somewhat from 8 to 12 tubes -and these were quite good and sensitive receivers! This Rohde + Schwarz counts 28 tubes.
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Some tubes here, some there, all fully shielded. But why the hell that much? The answer is quite simple: stability. On every count. Constant and stable gain over all bands and for a looong service time, stunningly stable VFO frequencies and all that stuff. No, they used no consumer tubes like in your TV or such. All of them are out of the 'commercial'-tube-series with a guaranteed service life of at least 10000 hours like in every aircraft of that time or such. Failing was not an option, this HAD to work.
Speaking about stability and accuracy:
this of course isn't digital stuff -it's purely analog. In the pictures below you can see the dials. Just add both frequencies and you know where you are -here on 29.630MHz or 29630kHz.
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As you see: your readout is easily accurate down to less than 500Hz. So you can read at least 500Hz out of 29630000Hz. With other words the accuracy of your readout is 0.001687% in this case. Your average modern digital multimeter would be proud if it came only near to this 65 year old contraption.
Of course that large dial in the picture on the left isn't the only one. There are 12 of 'em, mounted on a drum and rotating according to the selected band. Giving you a simple S-Meter like in other shortwave receiver was of course also not possible.
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Instead they provided you with a Voltmeter which displays directly the input voltage at the antenna input -and the threshold voltage for the 'Squelch' (if you have set that) which isn't a normal squelch. If activated it doesn't cut your Audio, it reduces the Gain instead with a settable time constant, so it acts more like a active noise cancelling between any signal -also between any dash and dot if you're receiving CW (Morse Code). Besides that you can choose your IF-Passband between 150Hz and 12kHz, have a absolutely stable BFO, a good Envelope Detector for AM-Reception and a perfect Audio Stage - that's all.
Speaking of the Audio Stage: 2W undistorted output power from a single end class-A is more than you need with a good speaker. McIntosh ® would call that circuit 'Unity Coupled', further a E88CC for the Audio-Preamp. We're talking about an Shortwave Radio, not an 'High-End' Audio Amplifier. Wanna take recordings of what you hear? No problem: here's your Line-Output, symmetric, 600 ohms, transformer coupled and with +10dBm (if you want) and in accordance to all Studio-Standarts. Sound quality for AM Broadcasts? With a passband switchable up to max. 12kHz for the IF better than the majority of stations can provide.
So far so good, but what's about the heart of every shortwave receiver: the Oscillator or VFO? How stable and precisely does it beat after 65 years?
In your trusty -and quite good- Hammarlund or Yaesu amateur Radio from these days the VFO usually is equipped with two tubes: the Oscillator itself and the buffer amplifier -both sometimes also united in one bulb. If i hadn't lost track here they used 12 -and tons of other stuff. So that frickin VFO has a component count which is easily about the order of a complete shortwave receiver.
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What the hell is all that stuff about -and wtf they had for breakfast back then? The answer is again simple: precision and stability.
As i said: this thing is 65 years old and i touched nothing. Of course I checked how much it's 'off' in terms of the frequency. After warming up for 20 Minutes i checked it every 1000kHz from the bottom to the top of its range. It was a bit different between all points, at some less than 50Hz and about 1kHz worst case.
My Lab-Equipment is quite good and precise, but for these low errors the tolerances of the measuring equipment has absolutely taken into account. So i made a separate measurement only for 10MHz -with the aid of a frequency standard sourced from an atomic clock. So this was 'the real thing'. After warming up for an hour i measured for 15 Minutes. The deviaton was between -717 to -722Hz. Including the error of the dial. This means frickin' 71.7...72.2ppm. PPM -parts per million! 65 years after manufacturing.... Just absolutely stunning -and with what freaking kind of equipment they had calibrated this back then??? Just have in mind: this is pure analog goodness, not a modern PLL. How the f***k they got there? Here's the clear link between a manufacturer of high-grade Lab Equipment and a shortwave receiver. I'm just stunned over the knowledge of the engineers who designed that circuit back then and the precision this was built.
All without doing anything and all it's original capacitors. Yap, i could realign that but tbh it's just wayyy to less been worth the effort. So it will stay as it is.
you're not provided with that fancy stuff your new digital or SDR may have on board. There's no notch filter, no panoramic display -not even SSB! Why the hell they just 'forgot' all these things? The answer is easy: it's modular. The EK07 is just the 'mainframe', everything else you wanted to have can be added as external components you had to buy separately -also for tons of money of course.
Wanting SSB? Just add this:
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35kg/77lbs and 18 Tubes more -to mention it's also a synchronous detector for AM is not worth the effort. Panoramic display, digital frequency counter, Teletype Adaptor, a remote control for controlling that beast over a telephone line? FM? Diversity reception?? No problem, you had just buy it. Everything of course with the same standards for precision and build quality.
The outcome...
Yea, i spent a good amount of money getting this -but in my opinion it was worth every dime. I wanted a good tube receiver and i got a really good one. Compared to upper class modern Radios it's still a very good radio. So the only thing I have to add is an external SSB/AM-Synchronous Detector. The originals are nearly impossible to get today, so i decided to build one. It's on the way and i will give you the results later. So stay tuned...
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m34gs · 1 year
What are your Top Five Ships of All Time that you can Scream (TM) about and why?
All time? Of All Time???? OOOOOH you are making me choose! This is tough, but an exciting ask! Thank you so much, friend!!! I will list them in reverse order, from number 5 to number 1!! (as always, this is just a list based on my current interests, and it could change in the future!)
5. Brawler/Hoodlum from Akudama Drive. Listen, listen. These two? They are in love. So clearly in love. Brawler is Constantly showing off for Hoodlum, and Hoodlum blushes??? When he's talking with Brawler???? Excuse me?????? I 10000% believe Brawler knew Hoodlum stretched the truth with his amount of years he owed the system, but he took One (1) look at Hoodlum's pretty eyes and went "yeah that's fine he's pretty I want to keep him around I will humour him" and that was IT. (I could also talk about the scene with the bridge but I WILL NOT for reasons😭😭😭 He's resting. Just resting.) This one comes out at number 5 because while I love it and could easily go on and on and on about it, I haven't talked about it as much or as often as the others on this list.
4. Mondo Oowaa/Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa. These two. THESE. TWO. Ugh. I love them so much. Mondo is MY SON. He's just so...precious. And so is Taka. I love them both and I think their dynamic is very sweet. I think they are very similar to Brawler and Hoodlum in some ways, but obviously not exactly the same. I do love how they bonded over a mutual respect for each other that came from competition. I also will cry every time I watch Mondo's execution, and every time Taka ends up murdered. Pain. I live for the AU where they are both alive and healthy and able to fall in love and live happily ever after. This ship is at number four because I did settle down a lot after my initial playthrough of the game and while I can definitely scream about them at any given time if prompted, I don't search them out as actively as I used to in fanfiction or fanart.
3. Jade Leech/Floyd Leech/Azul Ashengrotto from Twisted Wonderland. This OT3 is honestly addicting to talk about for me. I love them. They're three of my favourite characters in the game, and I really find their dynamics fascinating. They have this incredible trust with each other, they know each other so well, and they support each other. Also I am *here* for the Mafia theme. Love that so so so much. Honestly, over the past few days I don't think I've shut up about them in our DMs and texts.
2. GrimmIchi from Bleach. Honestly, I had to give Grimmjow and Ichigo one of the top two spots. I mean, honestly, I'm one of the co-writers for a blog *dedicated* strictly to GrimmIchi (though I haven't written anything there in a long while...ooops). I have Many Many Many thoughts about them and I love to yell about them. It's very hard to get me to stop once you get me going, and it's so easy to get me going. Just ask @backwardshirt
Honourable Mentions: Byakuya/Kirigiri/Naegi from Danganronpa, Gundham/Souda from Danganronpa 2, Noiz/Aoba from DMMD, Vash/Wolfwood/Meryl from Trigun, Lawrence/Adam from Saw (2004), Byakuya/Renji from Bleach, Vil/Rook from Twisted Wonderland, Bokuto/Akaashi from Haikyuu!
1.Number one spot goes to:
Kalim/Idia from Twisted Wonderland. I mean. It's not hard to figure out, I'm sure, lol. I talk about them a lot, and I make a lot of posts about them. I love to discuss different dynamics, different possible aus, and I have written several one-shots and short scenes about them now, as well as a multi-chaptered fic centered around them as a pairing (and there will be more to come!!!). I love them and I will take any and all opportunities to shout about them. They are so cute; the introvert and the extrovert, the grumpy rain cloud and the sunshine beam. I love that dynamic with my entire soul. I can't help but be drawn to them. They got that Sun and Moon dynamic. Both of them have such complex emotions, and I think both of them struggle with conveying what they feel; just in totally different ways. I love them so much!!!!!!!!!!
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renpyhelpdesk · 2 years
Hey!! Thanks for your time. So I was wondering how I would write the code for something where I want the chances of success to be based on a percentage. I'm trying to implement lottery tickets, and I need it to have a 0.09% chance of success. And also, how would I make it so you get a different response for each outcome? Like if you failed to get one, I want your buddy to say "aw that's too bad, maybe next time!" And if not I want everyone to freak out, plus the earnings to be added. Thank you!!
I return from the void now that everyone is migrating back from the land of the South African Muskrat! Yours is a rather involved answer to see all of it below the cut
The answer to your question, at least the percentage part, is a matter of the randint() function in the Python library. In this case, you want something to happen only 1 in so many times. For example, 1 in 10 is a 10% chance. To simulate this in code, you can have the interpreter pick a random(note this isn’t true randomness, but it’s good enough for a video game we aren’t making a cyber security system!) number between 1 and 10. If it comes out to one number and one number only, then you pass the check. This makes it a 10% chance, just like if you rolled a 10 sided die. 
For your .09% chance(very rare!), it would be 1 in ~1,100 chance.(.090909...%). So if you have Python pick a number between 1 and 1,100 and check to see if it’s one specific number, then you’ll have your lottery win.
The easiest way to implement this in game is to record the results of the 1 in 1,100 chance inside a function wrapper so that you can call it multiple times and they can check lots of tickets.
init python:    def Lottery_Ticket():        ticket_num = renpy.random.randint(1, 1100)        return ticket_num
In order to use the randint() function from the random library, you just need to invoke it! It’s a part of Renpy’s library. So you’d type renpy.random.randint(1,1100) like above. :)
Once that is done in your game code itself you’ll put the logic for the winning number. Let’s say it’s 42, for meme reasons. 
You could write in your game file:
label check_ticket:    $ ticket = Lottery_Ticket()    if ticket == 42:        jump you_win    else:        jump you_lose
This simple logic sets the ticket equal to the result of the Lottery_Ticket function. It then checks if the number is exactly the winning number you chose. If so, it takes you to the winning section of your game code, if not, it falls through and says you lose.
Every time they buy a ticket, you can send them to this label, it will re-run the Lottery_Ticket function anew, picking a new random number, and see if they won.
Under your winning code, since you asked, this is where you’d put your characters reacting positively! Note the thing in brackets is the player character’s name as a variable being interpolated by the engine. If you let the player pick their own name, that’s how you’d get it into the script. If they have a set name, just type that instead. 
label you_win:    e “Oh my God! [PC_Name] you did it!    e “It’s like a dream come true!”    $ Inv.add(lottery_winnings)    $ renpy.notify(”You added“ + str(lottery_winnings) + “ to your wallet!”)
As you see, I’m using to functions. One that comes with Ren’Py calls in the notify screen context through the function. It needs to be a string inside which is why I’ve turned the int representing the lottery winnings into a string here.(This assumes you have a variable called “lottery_winnings” that has a specific integer value! Please initialize one before the start of your game!) (example: $ lottery_winnings = 10000)
The second is me assuming that you have an Inventory class instance with a method called “add” that can add money into a wallet variable. To make something like that:
init python:    class Inventory(python_object):        def__init__(self, wallet = 0):            self.wallet = wallet            self.pocket = []            def add(num):            self.wallet += num            return self.wallet
Then you just need an instance of it:$ Inv = Inventory() (I wrote it with defaults, so you don’t need to pass any arguments to the instance when you make it, though you are welcome to pass an INTEGER to it when you instantiate it so that your character starts with a certain amount of money. :D )
Then you can call the method on the variable to add the earnings to their wallet. :) 
There’s also an empty pockets list inside of the inventory you can use to store the string names of objects they also own. For something like that:
$ Inv.pocket.append(”apple”)
This will add a string called “apple” to the pocket list inside the inventory. Which you can use to check if they “own” an object by checking if it is in the list.
if ‘apple’ in Inv.pocket:    .......
But that’s more detail for another time. 
You need to put the class in an init python block before the game starts so that you can make an instance of it to manipulate later.
For not winning, just have the ‘you_lose’ label have the dialogue you wanted.
label you_lose:       e “Aw, that’s too bad. Maybe next time!”
And then continue on with the rest of the game.
I hope everything here is clear and this helps. I know this ask came in ages ago, but I still think answering it will help Ren’Py users in the now. Remember: If your code won’t compile, and you don’t what to do; who you gonna call? The Ren’Py Help Desk!
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kaygun · 1 year
A Collatz-like Conjecture for the Projective Line
Description of the problem
Consider the following self-map of the projective line over integers $\mathbb{P}(\mathbb{Z})$: $$ T(a:b) = \left(\frac{a}{ord_2(a)}:\frac{3b+a}{ord_2(3b+a)}\right) $$ where $ord_2(a)$ is the largest power of $2$ that divides $a$. The question is the following:
If we define $x_{n+1} = T(x_n)$ for an initial point $x_0 = (a_0:b_0)$ do we always get a cycle. That is, for every inital point $(a_0:b_0)$ is there a $k>0$ and $N>0$ such that $x_{N+k} = x_N$?
Let us start with the order function. Rather, let me implement a function that returns a number divided by the $p$-part of that number
(defun reduction (n p) (if (zerop (mod n p)) (reduction (/ n p) p) n))
and let us test
(mapcar (lambda (m) (list m (reduction m 2))) (loop repeat 30 collect (1+ (random 1000))))
((352 11) (17 17) (744 93) (741 741) (858 429) (763 763) (162 81) (274 137) (180 45) (312 39) (171 171) (595 595) (25 25) (602 301) (605 605) (828 207) (477 477) (398 199) (50 25) (379 379) (175 175) (8 1) (362 181) (174 87) (940 235) (393 393) (845 845) (187 187) (656 41) (897 897))
Next, I need a projective reduction:
(defun projective (xs) (let* ((a (car xs)) (b (cadr xs)) (r (gcd a b))) (list (/ a r) (/ b r))))
and we test
(loop repeat 20 collect (let ((xs (list (+ 2 (random 20)) (+ 2 (random 20))))) (list xs (projective xs))))
(((7 14) (1 2)) ((15 8) (15 8)) ((8 4) (2 1)) ((15 16) (15 16)) ((16 20) (4 5)) ((13 20) (13 20)) ((9 4) (9 4)) ((18 18) (1 1)) ((4 6) (2 3)) ((6 11) (6 11)) ((11 3) (11 3)) ((9 21) (3 7)) ((16 3) (16 3)) ((10 10) (1 1)) ((8 5) (8 5)) ((13 14) (13 14)) ((20 11) (20 11)) ((16 10) (8 5)) ((13 12) (13 12)) ((21 9) (7 3)))
Let us implement the iteration function
(defun iterate (fn init &optional result) (if (member init result :test #'equal) (nreverse result) (iterate fn (funcall fn init) (cons init result))))
Let us test
(iterate (lambda (n) (mod (incf n) 10)) 0)
(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
And finally the function that I would like to test:
(defun my-func (xs) (let* ((a (car xs)) (b (cadr xs))) (projective (list (reduction a 2) (reduction (+ a (* 3 b)) 2)))))
and let us test
(loop repeat 10 collect (let ((a (1+ (random 100))) (b (1+ (random 100)))) (iterate #'my-func (list a b))))
(((90 18) (5 1)) ((43 55) (43 13) (43 41) (43 83) (43 73) (43 131) (43 109) (43 185) (43 299) (43 235) (43 187) (43 151) (43 31) (43 17) (43 47) (43 23) (43 7) (43 1)) ((40 17) (5 91) (5 139) (5 211) (5 319) (5 481) (5 181) (5 137) (5 13) (5 11) (5 19) (5 31) (5 49)) ((70 52) (35 113) (35 187) (35 149) (35 241) (35 379) (35 293) (35 457) (35 703) (35 67) (35 59) (35 53) (35 97) (35 163) (35 131) (35 107) (35 89) (35 151) (35 61) (35 109) (35 181) (35 289) (35 451) (35 347) (35 269) (35 421) (35 649) (35 991) (35 47) (35 11) (35 17) (35 43) (35 41) (35 79)) ((81 87) (9 19) (3 11) (1 3) (1 5) (1 1)) ((34 85) (1 17) (1 13) (1 5) (1 1)) ((9 68) (3 71) (1 9) (1 7) (1 11) (1 17) (1 13) (1 5) (1 1)) ((83 63) (83 17) (83 67) (83 71) (83 37) (83 97) (83 187) (83 161) (83 283) (83 233) (83 391) (83 157) (83 277) (83 457) (83 727)) ((100 70) (5 31) (5 49) (5 19)) ((36 36) (1 1)))
But we must check if the sequence terminates for all initial choice of points. Since we can't do that, we are going to check if this is true for random initial points
(loop repeat 2000 collect (let ((a (1+ (random 10000))) (b (1+ (random 10000)))) (length (iterate #'my-func (list a b)))))
(81 79 128 58 77 13 332 158 51 202 233 103 84 648 20 376 334 39 292 48 13 72 51 106 75 46 37 131 60 284 209 442 223 27 91 33 32 52 78 47 487 194 75 24 123 91 29 346 13 184 125 117 206 59 168 84 45 57 143 16 177 114 45 4 313 51 368 188 401 489 153 395 772 48 77 178 92 277 379 183 101 50 20 192 159 26 52 29 103 37 94 12 47 147 138 92 27 94 8 5 39 40 53 49 106 62 424 167 36 234 182 23 195 13 61 207 110 7 57 240 162 339 132 19 22 226 139 29 37 268 176 37 150 148 101 553 64 29 111 194 256 8 52 188 61 51 258 89 50 42 59 81 29 294 102 125 21 8 65 210 340 183 180 129 135 187 43 168 56 29 43 106 110 36 82 50 72 62 413 70 177 187 8 294 203 93 35 498 183 85 277 36 72 20 321 283 36 214 26 36 57 141 230 18 143 6 48 118 113 35 135 11 34 147 236 209 244 150 83 32 193 179 187 132 125 452 25 79 14 43 231 143 421 61 32 230 33 121 69 84 254 41 87 229 523 185 42 102 330 69 221 77 55 57 238 19 249 72 34 36 82 96 149 590 141 55 106 42 33 423 324 411 114 398 56 101 5 30 86 10 177 55 159 319 32 142 372 271 53 61 48 117 27 193 170 37 144 80 87 114 95 60 143 317 49 142 299 159 160 50 20 238 70 155 221 61 75 33 230 82 17 72 25 260 91 85 48 32 28 133 350 233 233 375 117 42 78 17 82 86 68 65 89 39 588 27 69 78 141 50 72 325 10 41 85 16 49 40 478 281 91 472 95 24 28 6 244 22 59 39 70 55 51 44 139 59 66 87 125 16 287 595 35 815 415 182 273 50 16 293 54 30 167 377 172 167 240 95 226 19 195 101 72 186 136 315 57 54 73 766 18 45 7 28 291 290 377 56 116 90 14 145 261 165 41 92 145 31 152 13 93 141 90 220 36 35 88 271 301 89 142 84 49 525 43 139 17 85 280 125 254 71 414 211 94 161 194 508 40 140 98 190 91 171 276 15 119 136 10 29 177 699 38 281 172 37 69 93 267 9 146 135 4 32 473 34 250 4 450 97 106 73 80 438 66 77 245 153 28 39 114 30 84 49 64 101 71 110 23 16 21 35 413 235 600 278 58 51 85 373 55 76 11 64 71 59 164 165 273 85 19 37 124 216 22 365 73 471 15 57 53 42 291 272 36 61 386 116 630 320 12 14 65 184 118 26 26 319 170 50 63 330 161 105 159 65 23 113 374 10 219 356 182 312 92 80 69 79 172 38 221 188 92 44 96 196 211 44 207 70 179 20 60 55 82 213 27 304 45 164 117 58 627 120 66 100 23 139 62 31 87 331 197 24 131 39 20 108 221 76 52 287 306 471 57 59 326 56 62 213 176 270 136 171 19 104 84 43 23 369 300 265 574 50 28 355 196 314 32 193 27 241 39 82 31 23 161 265 15 90 346 263 197 71 213 265 369 242 384 112 6 38 127 16 179 46 172 24 252 231 60 55 202 81 221 41 106 55 187 211 94 71 155 108 97 39 221 16 135 276 58 289 61 598 150 230 151 139 43 35 38 63 25 341 24 26 200 79 139 69 68 51 509 78 24 55 76 182 90 156 135 65 51 121 300 461 9 57 178 23 79 105 15 970 43 506 16 97 15 915 63 54 72 204 187 109 291 49 51 357 87 234 34 312 56 104 79 139 100 75 396 79 19 195 294 32 65 301 121 101 190 186 204 2 49 146 284 74 25 47 34 219 98 48 151 435 196 175 144 59 177 210 97 58 48 104 150 257 31 46 30 32 32 107 41 26 87 146 73 70 199 25 22 38 88 128 19 24 173 93 51 63 50 246 41 157 65 16 132 288 70 109 221 86 68 176 40 211 270 17 14 287 83 101 27 575 83 28 60 351 11 85 84 45 13 31 246 42 390 109 51 45 103 309 83 4 134 14 97 74 89 136 21 71 169 91 224 264 135 147 19 59 16 108 33 172 140 28 215 190 420 137 33 26 209 12 30 292 219 59 9 101 384 214 216 162 105 166 91 356 186 233 244 133 106 110 54 41 32 291 92 34 84 618 16 43 98 125 217 427 30 278 57 54 47 64 17 141 29 176 25 49 262 52 398 138 176 270 78 218 230 160 135 25 161 47 10 58 420 236 142 21 408 23 285 603 86 47 20 97 53 156 184 237 6 245 247 49 343 69 201 144 151 119 102 64 119 75 45 392 139 33 117 18 11 138 511 110 70 122 52 106 186 124 24 95 248 425 601 59 75 50 207 59 60 201 83 117 140 187 25 33 126 87 84 675 29 146 66 17 126 73 11 262 515 181 89 52 136 31 140 48 41 300 76 584 105 219 191 143 99 539 197 252 313 126 60 35 28 300 232 255 192 29 122 268 80 218 28 6 72 106 54 116 33 66 216 136 19 98 21 80 273 48 156 93 73 242 152 42 140 13 106 20 154 109 94 129 266 56 482 53 135 514 106 34 224 38 204 82 55 120 207 203 47 137 143 88 98 38 70 62 413 241 44 91 29 11 209 205 117 434 260 25 159 12 140 356 749 34 149 45 60 65 46 43 160 151 31 167 18 14 140 123 65 24 88 91 21 368 63 145 140 201 59 94 379 47 120 114 208 360 180 98 64 56 108 41 146 46 151 445 49 82 227 261 66 201 282 121 176 51 20 41 41 100 455 26 6 40 37 34 324 369 55 43 185 84 15 118 44 85 83 6 298 211 202 39 143 30 146 192 128 59 72 88 30 80 104 495 183 27 164 648 302 107 138 22 21 221 244 68 18 229 780 177 20 63 9 49 320 53 33 184 395 118 153 163 191 88 77 151 191 136 288 111 13 80 157 89 184 129 306 8 116 508 238 256 31 388 39 214 138 69 256 35 83 18 6 139 269 33 217 177 292 151 37 9 122 34 36 165 123 31 156 23 55 98 45 41 1108 198 233 169 85 81 110 27 343 77 121 213 232 344 87 354 16 247 41 36 21 41 173 25 361 93 114 97 10 65 29 87 168 141 89 136 82 10 120 88 9 88 35 199 223 67 185 445 274 126 22 19 20 167 39 76 50 157 218 108 45 109 200 56 335 18 89 177 59 332 147 136 36 38 81 150 94 28 109 61 108 32 89 55 106 86 228 46 205 33 53 91 359 67 36 232 89 21 173 234 62 93 47 8 192 22 226 96 113 74 189 83 140 38 200 1009 104 74 95 134 17 345 240 121 8 25 81 243 33 23 47 168 55 48 72 12 51 112 81 54 143 334 19 54 214 513 444 64 48 289 132 211 56 344 11 201 54 24 115 514 48 14 97 9 371 29 23 448 101 43 25 130 36 221 125 413 59 42 439 19 105 387 98 228 63 194 21 302 116 228 146 180 237 29 343 161 8 227 72 66 52 69 200 87 312 393 105 56 61 132 88 17 312 186 38 84 222 29 443 148 112 176 8 11 111 142 112 211 283 337 194 26 107 355 53 91 34 196 23 182 168 138 35 41 233 55 138 75 45 480 86 97 294 61 35 337 222 386 143 57 30 24 180 13 92 15 414 10 40 66 13 428 60 529 373 123 107 31 58 116 225 99 182 130 61 67 53 154 404 215 46 272 10 257 309 23 232 153 27 118 357 218 128 64 61 63 417 264 62 161 36 33 109 338 76 53 315 57 15 219 41 28 20 113 134 17 9 725 67 64 300 214 33 13 139 388 274 230 16 137 49 74 21 232 39 150 164 121 616 108 102 112 24 174 84 289 109 305 268 99 95 279 351 16 6 25 283 82 81 532 171 337 57 49 387 188 70 64 50 166 50 47 73 101 259 24 221 117 38 143 149 75 138 101 332 26 158 115 70 162 314 366 81 18 120 257 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louduvelleroy · 1 year
// pixel-based charm
Textile design, coding system, graphic design, computer programming, hand weaving, pixel-based grid, … Textile design, coding system, … Hand weaving, pixel-based grid, … These words are only turning and jostling in my head. As I tried to explain in my last article, two weeks ago, textile design is not only related to the digital technology. Weaving patterns were used as model by some computer programming pioneers, such as Ada Lovelace to cite but one. Now what is at stake is to go further by trying to connect or create a dialog between these three fields of design: graphism, textile and processing. And a beginning of a track could be found in a known English Eye. 
No need to worry about any sort of eyeball dissection, we are talking about Eye, the international review of graphic design, a quarterly magazine founded by Rick Poynor in 1990 in London, which has since been dealing with graphic design and visual culture. The last Issue of the magazine was the number 103, dedicated to the attribution and design’s role in political and social contexts, is not the copy we are interested in today though. 
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For Summer 2017, subscribers and readers of the magazine were given a surprise. Issue 94 of Eye magazine has been released with 8000 unique covers designed by MuirMcneil, a studio founded by Paul McNeil and Hamish Muir in 2009. As they like to claim on their website, their activities are focussed on exploring systematic and algorithmic methods in type design, graphic design and moving image. 
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For this particular case, they designed a systematic process to generate 8000 uniquely different typographic compositions using their TwoPoint and TwoPlus type systems, two typefaces that they created, and HP ‘Mosaic’ technology to realise the individual covers of this ‘type special’ issue. What they call HP ‘Mosaic’ is a program that enables variable data printing from vector-based ‘seed’ image files. In fact, these 8000 front and back covers printed digitally on an HP Indigo 10000 press at Pureprint, are extracted from the same series of visuals. To make ten seed files, the two graphic designers composed a layout in which you can observe the letters of the word eye repeated, in fixed increments and in three layers. Each set is in a different font of their TwoPoint or TwoPlus typefaces, previously mentioned. As they explained, this visual composition is perfectly constructed : “These settings followed consistent progressions of all 76 weights and styles in each of the three layers, which were shifted laterally in distances precisely proportionate to the letter size and spacing”. 
This square-format and colourful matrix makes it possible to resize, rotate and change the colour palette of the artwork, cropping it to make each unique final cover file. In order to establish a visually, as coherent as possible, range of variation across the entire system, Paul McNeil and Hamish Muir determined a series of scientifically selected parameters. So if you are wondering if each front and back cover of the 8000 produced is really unique, yes they are. 
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In this ‘type special’ issue of Eye, the status of graphic design considered as a business fundamentally creative, is severely challenged. By creating this magazine covers with typographic systems and a software program, they rejected they idea that graphic design is only a form of art undertaken by ‘creatives’. In their practice, those two designers are exploring algorithmic and mathematic processes and are firmly opposed to ‘the tyranny of ideas’ that they consider rooted in systems and analysis. They are standing for methods based upon a fundamentally scientific approach to development and research within design education. However, it is important to differentiate the scientific from the practical. Yet their type system is hardly utilitarian. It remains a type made by and for graphic designers. And as their digitally printed, variable-data cover demonstrates, this pixel-based processes can be a seed from which all kinds of innovation can bloom. 
Lou Duvelleroy. 
Publié le 26 mars, (4035 caractères). 
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mcrololo · 2 years
im dying to know all the songs on numbers ending in 3 please
wondering what your obsession is with the number 3 on this fine evening. also i will exclude instrumentals and songs i already answered because 3-93 would otherwise be very long shfhs sorry
23. People Are People by Depeche Mode
I'm relying on your common decency So far it hasn't surfaced, but I'm sure it exists It just takes a while to travel from your head to your fists
33. Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode (HOW???? SHFJSJ)
this song has many banger lines, but I think my favorite is this one
Feeling unknown and you're all alone
63. 99 Red Balloons by NENA
honestly i prefer the original, the only reason this one is in here is for character reasons. but these lines scratch a particular rhyming itch:
With orders to identify To clarify and classify
83. Toi + Moi by Grégoire
i love this whole song. i can't choose. please give it a listen and/or look up a translation, it's a song about coming together.
93. Een Teken by Froukje
A fucking masterpiece. leaves me shattered on the floor every time. the whole song 10000/1. but there is one lyric that ALWAYS strikes me down and leaves me as a puddle & a mess at the same time.
Ik wil kapotgaan en niet helen (I want to shatter and not heal)
I'm surprised Een Teken has ranked so low, but that's probably because I can't write to Dutch music.
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