#my parents paragraph for class 6
blankwashed · 5 months
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Content Warnings: 18+ stuff here, ddlg (daddy dom, little girl), broken family, pretty rough sex, Toji himself should be a warning-
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You let out a big sigh. It was probably the hardest or easiest essay you have ever gotten academically. It was an easy question for the rest of your classmates as they were happily writing away about their parents or guardians, thinking about the happy holidays and birthdays that they have received throughout their life.
15 minutes have passed and your paper was still blank, without even a paragraph structure. What could you write about your father? Sure, he wasn’t your actual father per se but your mother married him ever since you were a child so that counts, right?
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At the age of 6, your mom kept going out on Friday nights, leaving you to be taken care of by your aunts and uncles. She would leave until it was Sunday night when she picks you up and brings you home. In the mind of a little child, you figured she went out for work purposes but in reality, she was going on dates with a special man whom you would eventually call dad.
Sometimes, she leaves you at home with food already prepared and brings him over. Of course, she would place your toys around the television and goes into the bedroom with the man. As you were innocent, you thought that they were both talking about business as your mother always looks pleased whenever she comes out of the room. A little tired, but a smile on her face.
This went on for 2 years until she came to you saying that you’ll finally have a father figure in your life. Of course, he was your father. The striking, muscular, tall man built like a soldier. Sometimes he made your heart beat faster and louder when he was around the home minding his own business. He watched you grow up into the gorgeous and pretty girl you are now. Attending teacher-parent meetings when necessary, signing documents and being your personal chauffeur whenever you and your friends wanted to go for outings to malls.
Behind all of that, you kept a deep and dark secret from everyone. Something you would not even tell your best friend or even a fly.
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“Nyah! Daddy, sore from P.E. class yesterday! My teacher asked us to run laps and I think I overdid myself-“
He thrusted himself deeper into your dry pussy while his fingers were forming quick circles around your clitoris.
Sure, he filled the gap in your mom’s life when your actual dad left. But that wasn’t the only thing he was filling. Toji isn’t blind or stupid. Maybe a little out of his mind but as a man, he watched you grow up. Breasts forming, hips enlarging. It would be a lie if you say you didn’t secretly touched yourself thinking about him.
“No buts, bitch. Today was a hard day at work and the only thing that could make my day is your tight pussy. Mmm, thankfully it’s still tight,,,,,” He pushed himself deeper multiple times while playing with your clit. You were in pain due to the lack of foreplay and you remembered an idea you had in school during Arts class.
It was always something you’ve wanted to try. Running towards your school bag, rummaging through all your utensils.
Found it. A thick flowy strip of red ribbon.
“C‘mere daddy, let me decorate you before I feast on you,” smirking while tying a beautiful ribbon around his leaking hard cock. “Look daddy! It’s giving me a reward for making it look so appealing~” you said, referring to the trickles of pre-cum dripping.
Toji was about x years older than you. This wasn’t the first time he saw a chick gawking (no pun intended) at his length. Obviously that was also the way your own mother knew that he was the man for her.
“Getting creative, are we? Let daddy reward you for giving our play-time a little more effort,” he says lowly while playing with your left nipple with his tongue. His big hands always perform wonders on the rest of your body while his prize winning cock was busy elsewhere on your body.
Your moans were and are melodies to his ears. You weren’t big on being able to form sentences while getting fucked silly, however…
“Please daddy! I-I’m your little dirty slut, make me come daddy! I need it, I NEED you! Daddy…” you tried to touch your clit with your fingers but they were swatted away by his hand.
“When has it ever been about what you want, toy?” he spit on your pussy, and started to rub vigorously. It was in no way pleasurable and it hurt.
You knew he was doing this on purpose and knew that it wouldn’t get better if you kept disobeying his commands. With both your mom and Megumi away, he made you sit on the family’s dining table. Pushing away everything that could be in the way of him and you.
He pushed you down, readying himself to slurp on his wet, awaiting treasure. You were still a mess, moaning and screaming his name. “Daddy please, don’t make me wait any longer, please daddy,,,” your toes start curling and you could feel the long awaited climax reaching.
“Cumming daddy!!! Shit, I fucking love you-“ you screamed as you came while holding onto his broad shoulders. Your mind was as if it was in a different world, a world where Toji, your step-dad was yours. Where you didn’t have to hide your feelings towards him and you could touch him romantically and sexually in public.
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so fucking horny for toji, are we???? (we as in me)
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97 notes · View notes
kikyan · 2 years
Yandere Diasomnia Headcanons
TW/CW: Dark content up ahead!! Yandere headcanons means yandere content y’all! Mentions of abuse and violent acts either towards the reader or the character!! Mental instability, gaslighting, manipulation, stalking, possessiveness, obsession, emotional whiplash, etc. (Don’t think I’m missing anything but if I am, please do let me know!)  This is your TW please proceed with caution!!
ALSO FYI!! A minor spoiler warning, it’s during the last paragraph of Lilias Headcanons! It’s slightly mentioned in book 6 but emphasized in book 7!
DISCLAIMER: These are my interpretations of his/her/their persona and none of these is 100% accurate. I don't condone any of these actions in real life and all of this is purely fictional and should be taken as such! Underage characters will ONLY  be given SFW headcanons, please respect this decision!
As always, banner made by the lovely bestie @herestrish​ thank you for making all of these, you’re literally the best I love you so much! 
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Malleus Draconia  
THIS IS MY DORM. THIS IS MY SHIT RIGHT HERE Y’ALL! I was and STILL am rooting for them!! Clearly, I have a bias and saved the BEST for last. Anyways, moving on! Malleus as a yandere is so popular because of how he’s literally pursuing the MC when TWST is not an otome game. Breaking the boundaries of the game fr. Not to mention, he’s so mysterious in the first chapters until you discover more and find out he’s quite sad :(( sorry babes </3. The main traits I see in him are possessive, clingy, obsessive, and overprotective. I will however start off with the main trait and the biggest thing that distinguishes him (book 7 spoilers really enhanced this headcanon), he wants a fairytale-like romance/story. 
Malleus is known as one of the (top 5 I wanna say?) wizards in the world of TWST. I’m sure his magic capabilities surpass his teachers so while he has no need to attend the school, I’m sure the main goal was to get him to socialize which he does with the MC. He wants to make friends, he wants to have a relationship with his fellow peers that isn’t the “strongest mage in NRC” or “future king of briar valley”. I honestly think he wants others to see him as Malleus Draconia (mostly Malleus because his last name has power), which will make sense with the rest of these headcanons. When it comes to Malleus, his relationship with his S/O is different than any relationship out there. Think about it, we got to call him Hornton/Tsunotarou because it was a name we picked for him because he did not want to reveal his name. I feel like he had the chance to speak with us because we’re not from this world. We don’t know the rules, the powerful families, and shit, we didn’t even know who Malleus was. Someone could say his name but it wouldn’t affect us because it holds no meaning. So when Malleus found out we didn’t know him, this was his way of testing the waters which I think is really cute. He wanted us to see him as himself, not as the all-powerful malleus and future king. 
He’s possessive with his S/O because you’re his friend(hopefully something more soon) and someone who saw him for himself. I think he cherished the nickname we gave him because it’s something from us to him. He’s possessive of us because we’re the only ones he has this important connection with. Sure he has one with Lilia and the others but with us it’s different. Leading me to a tiny headcanon I have that apparently isn’t that uncommon. Nice to know we think alike y’all! I feel like Lilia treated Malleus and Silver differently. I always saw it as Lilia feeling it was his duty to take care of Malleus as opposed to choosing to raise Silver. Malleus was probably raised as the future heir of briar valley, he probably had to attend many boring classes that prepared him for this role while Silver got the fun parent. I feel like Lilia raised Malleus with the intention of him growing to be a leader whereas he raised Silver with the intention of making Silver’s childhood the best it could be. Letting Silver be a child and then slowly bringing in the responsibilities, same with Sebek. So sorry for this analogy but I feel Lilia was the “daddy who was always working and never had time for me” with Malleus while it was different with Silver. Granted he didn’t treat Malleus with malicious intent, it was just that at a glance it was clear to see who got more of the ‘fun parent’. THIS IS ALL A HEADCANON BTW NOT CANON! These are just angsty times with Kikyan! So that being said, this is a very close and personal relationship that Malleus has with just you, so forgive him if he’s a little jealous. Malleus is well aware that it’s not right, but he can’t help but feel like this. He does what he can to prioritize your time, always being there in the evening for a nightly stroll. Sometimes, when he’s brave enough, he’ll try to plan something other than a nightly stroll. Maybe coming into your dorm and talking for a bit, maybe even inviting you to his? Maybe a small picnic at night because why not? Maybe a cup of tea? 
While that’s partly a reason why nobody approaches him (and a part that he dislikes), I can see him using his title as a way to intimidate others. When we called him by his nickname in book 5, everyone was stunned. I think Vil even accused him of taking advantage of our ignorance, but when we still called him by that name even when knowing who he really was, he “allowed” it. I already know he was kicking his feet, twirling his hair, and giggling when he left the stage. If you’re with him and standing by his side, nobody would dare approach you nor look at you differently. You have the protection of Malleus Draconia after all, who would even DARE approach? Even if he’s not physically there, his influence makes up for it. Everyone knows you hang out with him and honestly, nobody wants to take that risk. I don’t think you’d lose friends because he still wants you to have friends (maybe even open up his circle too?). However, if it’s just you two I think he could live. This goes in hand with his unique trait, the storybook romance. Think about it, it’s so romantic that even in his cursed world you will always have your lover by your side. Imagine it, just you and him in a castle all alone, just feeding off each other’s company. Who needs the others when it’s just you two? 
Obsessive and over-protective. I think they go hand in hand. Malleus would be a gentle lover, the one who wipes your tears away as he softly asks, “why do you weep my child of man” (crying, throwing up, and contemplating he sounds so pretty wtf and this is my writingDFJS). He thinks that you’re made of glass, a porcelain doll (don’t mind me I think I created possible fic ideas I’m carefully jotting all of these down) to be exact. If he looks away for even a second, you’d wither in the air. He’s so obsessed with you and so intrigued with what you do. You’re so lovely, you’re so unique and so precious. You came here from a foreign land and have no knowledge of him and his abilities. No knowledge of this world and its rules, yet suddenly you managed to rescue 6 over-blotted students and befriended so many people. Just how on earth did you do that? You don’t look at him with fear and I’m sure prior to knowing his real name if someone said “Malleus Draconia” you’d probably look confused. You probably wouldn’t have cared (I know I wouldn’t). You’re you, he’s probably head over heels for you. Absolutely smitten! He’s probably somewhere right now plucking flowers, “They love me, They don’t love me” and imagining what your reaction is. He’s probably the one keeping an eye on you, when he’s not busy he’s either taking your time or just nearby watching your peaceful life. Nobody will harm you, not while he’s alive and babes, he’s living for a LONG time. 
I added that he was clingy because I feel like he would be. He seeks out your attention and love, honestly, it’s so cute. The storybook romance, it’s unique. It’s something you two have and it’s something that keeps him going. He’s a gentle lover and if you give him attention, he turns to putty in your hands. He would change the time just to have your nightly strolls come faster. He really only has eyes for you, in Book 5 when Vil over blotted, he asked US what happened. He didn’t care for the others, he looked at us and asked us to explain the situation. His eyes are on us and only us. If he’s sad or annoyed, ask him what's wrong and if you place a hand on his or on his cheek to make him look up, it’s over bro. You’ve ignited a fire that cannot be contained. He’s the perfect partner, he listens to you, he does what he can to protect you, he puts YOU above him, and you’ll always have a place with him. HOWEVER, drumroll, please! Do NOT think for a second that he’s willing to let you treat him and this relationship with disrespect. He does not WANT to act out because he does want that fairytale romance, that attraction where you both are content with the other but if he’s pushed he will. I don’t want to say he’d hurt you because he doesn’t want to, but if you fight against this relationship he too will fight. Put your boxing gloves on because it’s about to get real. He’ll understand if you don’t quite accept it at first, but once he shows you the PowerPoint on why you two belong together and why he’s the better option and you’re still not getting it, he may be a bit upset. 
Wrapping off these headcanons, he’s a 9/10 on my danger scale and he’s a chain-turned saw on the rope-chain-saw scale. He’ll start off tame, he won’t take too many restrictions and he won’t say it like that. He’ll just say “that area is restricted because of construction or because they have so many dangerous magical items out in the open and it’s a huge risk! This is your room, he read that even when people are together they may need space away from each other (as much as he dislikes that) so you have that. Honestly, he’s super lenient right now that it seems like he doesn’t pose a threat but, keep in mind that he doesn’t like repeating himself. If he says that area is off limits and you’re wandering he’ll worry for your safety but then proceed to tell you off. “I did warn you that it was dangerous, I don’t like repeating myself. Perhaps I need to clip your wings to prevent you from wandering off, as much as I love that curious nature of yours. A joke, I assure you.” Babes. . .I don’t think it’s a joke anymore. Which is why I say chain-turned-saw. While he isn’t too strict on you and genuinely wants that romance between you two, he can turn strict to the point where you may find yourself with a broken limb or a cut-off one but it’s okay because he loves carrying you around! He’s the most powerful wizard (one of them at least) in the world and while he doesn’t want to hurt you, he’s not above using that strength to get you to behave. He’s a 9/10 because as much as he loves you and wants those fanfic moments doesn’t mean he’s powerless and that you can get the jump on him. He gives you ONE warning and that’s it before he takes matters into his own hand. He’s been so patient with you, this is the thanks you give him? Fae live for a long time and if putting you to sleep is the only way he can do it, he will. After all, he’ll invade your sweet dreams and turn them into a nightmare if you choose. Another last measure would be branding, he once set Briar Valley ablaze but your skin is such a pretty canvas. 
Lilia Vanrouge 
Lilia, my beloved. The love of my life. I love him so much he’s so quirky and his aesthetic? To be honest, I hated neon green, like the highlighter colors. He changed that, the black and magenta is such a great combo. The green on their uniforms and their overall aesthetic. I love Diasomnia, I feel like I’m betraying Heartslabyul because I love Alice in Wonderland, but their styles never called out to me. Regardless, I am biased because I love him so much and I hope I can do justice to his character. The main characteristics that I see him having are manipulative, possessive, and overprotective. 
I was tempted to say that he was obsessive, but he and Rook share some qualities where they make it a game to find out about their S/O. He wouldn’t stalk you like prey but instead, he’d create a situation where you reveal that information about yourself to him. I do have plans for a Lilia fic (again bias) but without revealing too much information I’ll get into my personal headcanons of him. I truly think of Lilia fitting the troupe where he was emotionless at first, especially during the war but eventually toward the end came to appreciate life. Something happened to him during the war, that’s my biggest headcanon. It’s not something huge and over the top, but I think this is what caused him to have a change of perspective on life which will significantly change how he sees his S/O. 
He has a very quirky personality and he’s definitely unique. I love that about him! In order for this to connect, we need to talk a bit more about his personality. It’s very unique and he enjoys putting smiles on others’ faces. He gets along with the others for the most part and even teases them, especially when he hangs upside down (he's so cute omg I love him). I remember in his normal card Vignette, the one with Trey they were choosing a topic for their paper and Lilia was talking about magical pens and how they went through changes. As Lilia was explaining, Trey assumed it was a joke, and when he casually mentioned “I have the hardest time figuring out what's true and what isn't”, Lilia smiled and went “who knows”. He knows more than he’s letting on but then again, nobody believes him so that’s partially their fault too.  When Epel was getting bullied and Lilia saved him, his whole mannerism was that of someone who was trying to fit in with the ‘young folk’. He gave Epel advice on how to take care of himself and mentioned that in a fight, it’s about winning unlike in a sport where you have to adhere to the rules. He’s strange, but he truly means well. This leads me to connect Lilia and his overprotectiveness on his S/O. 
Lilia cares for his S/O. Though he doesn’t seem like much, he packs quite the punch that may soon come to understand if they try to take something that’s his. Possessiveness comes into play as well! If someone ever tried to hurt his S/O, they better start preparing their funeral arrangements because it won’t end well. Underestimating Lilia is what leads to their downfall and honestly, these headcanons would sound smoother if I just led with his unique trait. I want to say he mirrors Rook where he will never trust his S/O, but it’s the opposite. It’s US who CAN’T trust him. Well, we can, but we can’t take anything he says without a grain of salt. You may think Lilia is petite and a cute harmless guy, but then suddenly he’s handing out ass-whoopings left and right. You may think Lilia is joking, but his devilish grin might be one of malice as opposed to humor. Again, he cares a lot for you but he’s not above scolding you and treating you like a child, which should get on your nerves. Nobody but him is allowed to tease you but him! 
Your safety is his priority, without a doubt. You mean the world to him so again, nobody will mess with you. His possessiveness is something that’s brought by his teasing nature. He may refer to you as ‘his’ and may do it in a teasing nature. He’ll do anything to get a reaction out of you, maybe even call you by some cringe-ass name. “So how’s my little snuggly wuggly piggly wiggly baby pie”. “Lilia, don’t ever call me that please”. Overly cutesy names to tease the fuck out of you. Though it’s embarrassing, he means well. He also prioritizes your time by filling up your schedule, suddenly you’re at the dorm playing online games with him and Idia (though they don’t know that which lowkey stresses me tf out). You’re trying out another dish he makes because Silver and Sebek are beyond horrified to try something else. He’s inviting you to the music club to listen to them play and to give them advice. He might even ask you to help him dye his hair. His relationship with you is so wholesome that it’s almost hard to believe he was once a war general and can scare the shit out of many. 
I want to touch on his manipulative side, it’s because of the lack of trust. You think it’s silly old Lilia (emphasis on old) playing games on you. Maybe one day when you promised to hang out with him you had to stay behind for an assignment. Apologizing and here he is, “Oh well, it can’t be helped! Don’t want you to fail now do we?” Thanking him for understanding, you turn to leave only to miss out on his eyes lowering, half-lidded before smiling. That devilish grin that you can’t forget and you can’t read. You can’t read him and that comes to be your downfall. He has the element of surprise, to the point where you’d start being on edge with him (like the leech twins). He may pop out and scare you or he maybe pushes you only to cause you to tumble. He certainly underestimated his strength, are you okay? Spoiler alert, it wasn’t an accident. If you start to ignore him, he’ll get aggressive. Scaring you, causing you to fall, your books to fall to the floor, spilling drinks, etc. He’s so silly and clumsy, must be the age huh? It only gets worse when you confront him, “Hey Lilia, did I do something to make you upset?” 
Eyes wide, “Why ever would you say that?” He’s surprised, what brought this on? Of course, he knows, he’s not stupid. He listens to you explain, eyes full of worry, reassuring you that it was only a joke and he never wished for you to feel like that! You believe him because when he looks at you like that he must be telling the truth! This is how it is at first until you start to realize that maybe he’s hiding something else. It gets even worse when his yandere traits start to come through. You could be crying and questioning why, why you? Why does he love you and why does he do what he does? That gentle look, those beautiful eyes are softened and he answers in pure confusion, do what? He acts surprised, are you sure you have the right guy? That doesn’t seem like Lilia does it? Oh well, the cat is out of the bag and while he had fun playing around with you, guess it’s time he gets serious (book 2 serious). His devilish grin is back and instead of it being of a playful nature, he’s hiding some ill intent toward you. His smile that usually would bring one to your face strikes fear, is this all a game to him? When he warns you of the consequences of defying him or escaping, he still has the grin on his face and that friendly tone, but the words he says are a bit frightening. Is he joking with you? Is it worth the risk? Like Rook, you never know if he’s telling the truth so should you risk it? Is it beneficial to stay put as he says and not fight him? Just like Rook, it’s about the thrill of your actions. He sits back and enjoys your reactions and how you handle the little tests he gives you. 
His character is hard, I hope you know I struggled for a GOOD while when writing this despite how much I love him. As far as the scaling goes, he’s a 10/10 (dare I say 11?). He has the magic to back it up (well had is more like it) and he’s open to change. Darwin once said that a species' chances of survival are not determined based on strength but rather their ability to adapt. This is Lilia, he’s strong but given the situation, he can adapt to the circumstances. His sweet words are laced with poison and spread doubt inside your mind. He could say the next time you decide to flee it’s off with your legs, but he does his adorable huff, “I don’t think I need to worry about that though, you’re so well-behaved right now.” He seems to be serious, but the last time he threatened that he didn’t do it, so was it a fear tactic? Do you want to risk it? If you do and get caught, I see him approaching you with a hum, a smile on his face as he stares at your pitiful form, apologizing and struggling to speak. He shushes you as if you are a child. Softly petting your hair, giving you false hope that you can talk your way out of this. His hands softly trail to your ankle, you’re panicking but he continues his antics. You know well then to underestimate him, no? I can see Lilia being all three, rope because at some point he does enjoy the taste and thrill. The hunter being hunted is a delicious trope. He could be chain, he’d scold you like a child and take away your favorite toy until you think about what you’ve done. He could be saw, he could be tired of your futile running and while he’s been so nice and caring you’ve really pushed his buttons and if he needs to take away your freedom he’ll do it. Do you want to see someone other than him? Too bad, you have no one to blame but yourself. 
Sebek Zigbolt 
I’ll be honest, I didn’t like Sebek at first and I lowkey still am not a huge fan, but I still love him. Let’s start at the very beginning, Sebek struggles with some identity issues. He’s very prideful of his fae side, despite being half-human. When I read how much he idolizes his mother but not his father, shit lowkey brought me to tears. I don’t know if his other siblings feel the same way, but his father tries his hardest and he’s a good father, loving, caring, doting, and always makes time for them. I truly believe that Sebek grew up around people shaming his parents, specifically his father and he fell into that hole as well. As a yandere, his traits would be that of overprotective, possessive, and manipulative. 
Continuing, Sebek hates humans despite being half one himself. He’s very prideful when it comes to that fae part of him. I know he talks down to them and makes it seem like he’s superior to them because he’s a fae, but deep down he probably knows better than anyone that he’s not all that. I want to curse the people who made him feel like that, they’re nothing but a bunch of gossiping hoes. If his S/O were a human, he would probably have a hard time accepting that. He’d probably hate himself for liking them. As an overprotective yandere, he’d care for his S/O. If you’re a human, everybody knows how fragile you guys are so expect him to do everything but not without belittling you. “You humans are so forgetful, fine I’ll help you find what you need! Just know I’m wasting precious time I could be used to get stronger to protect Malleus, wait don’t go!” He would probably tell you everything he could be doing instead of being here with you, but he dreads the idea of you leaving him. I think Sebek would see his S/O as a stress relief, but not in that way. He’d be like Malleus who thinks you’re the only one who can understand him to some extent but don’t expect any special treatment. He’s very contradicting, “A human like you wouldn’t understand what I mean! W-wait, but what were you saying?” 
You’re so fragile, try not to double down and break! You’re only holding him back from his true potential, but don’t think about leaving! He needs to show you how amazing he is! The type who would see you get picked on and save you from them only to say, “who wouldn’t pick on you? I mean look at you! W-wait! Typical humans, won’t thank someone who saved them!” Honestly, if you see him coming your way just turn your ass around. Save yourself the emotional whiplash. This is where his ‘manipulation’ side comes out, he’ll try to get you to depend on him to boost his ego, only to realize you want nothing to do with him. Sure, you’re thankful that he’s there to help but if he’s just going to berate you for being yourself then what's the point? He’ll show signs of weakness that get you to think that he needs you but then proceeds to act the same. It’s not worth it in the long run but if Sebek is struggling, then we should help. Going back to him seeing you as someone who can understand him, this goes hand in hand. At times yes, you understand what Sebek is going through. The need to be the best and somehow stand out, the feeling that he needs to make up for what lacks, that being his other fae side. 
Trying to get him to understand that it’s all an external factor that is making him feel that way isn’t helping. He’d shout and say that you nothing, so no point in helping someone who doesn’t want to help. Regardless, he does try to help you or at the very least love you in some twisted way. He cares for you because despite not liking humans, he’ll give credit where credit is due. He thinks you’re very strong but also very stupid. You managed to handle over 5 over-blots which is impressive but the fact that you’re always smack in the middle of them, how reckless! Soon you’ll get the title of “his human”, doesn’t that sound great? Silver would be confused and Lilia would be somewhat content that Sebek is changing for the better! Malleus would probably be content knowing that Sebek isn’t always there and is finally directing his energy somewhere else. While he has the support of his dorm, Sebek would constantly deny his feelings. He does love you, but he hates that he loves you. He tells you he hates you, that you’re going to hold him back, that you’re not worthy but at the same time he can’t stand the idea of you spending time with anyone else. 
While his possessiveness isn’t like the others, he tries to make it like a training regiment. He’d push his S/O to be better, to be the better version of themselves. While he loves you, he wants to be proud of the person he’s next to, again emotional whiplash. He’d explain how he’s doing this because you need it! He’ll take over your time and try to mold you into someone whose traits stand out more than their human side. You’re his responsibility and under his care, so he’ll take care of you to the extent of educating you. I think he would isolate you from your friends, after all, they’re a bunch of good-for-nothings who aren’t fit to protect Malleus. So this is what it’s really been about, it’s never been about what Sebek likes but rather being someone who Malleus could approve of. Sebek would not understand you, he’d call you silly humans for harboring such feelings and how you’re so complicated, it’s annoying. Your feelings are so strange, you should be glad that Malleus approves of you. All his hard work is finally paying off! 
As far as danger level, he’s a 5/10. He’s not a danger to you at the start, he’s really just annoying. Sebek has some things that he needs to work on but they’re not something he can do on his own. This is why he needs you and as much as you hate the idea or could care less, there is someone about him that guides you to him (or Lilia and Malleus causally threatening you). He could care less about you (or so he says) but as much as he says that, he cares for you deeply to some extent. You’re his support and he doesn’t want you to leave him, to add insult to injury he’s probably delusional and created this friendship/rift with you. On the rope-chain-saw scale, he’d be a chain leaning to saw. It’s not his restrictions but his training regiment on making you a better person that keeps you trapped. He’s basically in control of your life, dictating what’s the best course of action to mold you into someone others can be proud of. Let’s be honest, it was never what he wanted because if it was, you’d be perfect the way you are. It’s about the social pressure of others and maybe something he created that makes him strive harder to shape you into a pretty gem that he can show off to others. Towards the end, he becomes more aggressive because what is the point of this futile fighting? You’ve come so far, now you’re just throwing it all away? At first, he was strict but a bit lenient, you’re a human so, of course, your capabilities are limited. After a while, he’s frustrated. Like when you’re teaching someone and after 30 minutes of them not getting it, you’re frustrated and ready to give up. He’d insult you, yell at you, and he may hurt you. It’s for your own good he reminds you, it’s your fault he’s doing this. He’d get stricter if you’re not getting it through your skull and start taking away your freedom little by little. I don’t want to say it’s like a doll that he gets to dress us because he’s a bit more aggressive, but it’s like a soldier and his general. He leads, and you follow. You don’t question him because he’s doing this for you.��
Silver (no last name :( ) 
My adoptive son, my boy! So I’m going to go ahead and say it, he’s not meant to be a yandere. Like the theory that he’s supposed to be in RSA and that he’s a hero as opposed to a villain? Yeah, I believe it. For that reason, he’s hard to see as a yandere (ironic because I can see Neige as one and possibly Chenya but not him) and if he does ever show traits like that, it’s because he has Lilia and Malleus to push him to that. One thing I didn’t mention at the start, is that Diamonia see each other like family, that being said this is one dorm (like Pomefiore) that stick together and actually encourage their yandere behavior. His main traits would be overprotectiveness, manipulative, and possessive. 
Starting off strong, I don’t see him as a yandere, in fact, he’s the only sane mf up in this dorm! He would never hurt you nor would he ever want to. If anything, he’ll save you from danger and care for you. Even if he wasn’t a yandere, he’d still be overprotective of his S/O. He’d be a sweet lover, he’d walk you to and from class and would ask special permission from Malleus to be able to leave his side for a little bit. Sebek might yell at him and call him irresponsible, but Malleus is intrigued so he allows it. Lilia is ecstatic! They really do grow up so fast, he remembers seeing Silver as a young boy and now he’s all grown up, even ready to date someone! Not to mention, he feels comfortable sleeping around you. He would use your lap as a pillow, sleeping peacefully as he has sweet dreams of you and him. It’s such a peaceful life. He’d help you study any subjects, telling you stories of his past and his life, and he’d even invite you to Diasomnia to meet his family. What could go wrong? 
Well, it’s under the influence of his family where it goes wrong. Maybe, just maybe you and Silver aren’t together just yet, he was a bit shy. Did someone else start to put the moves on you? They started to ask you out, and take up your time and the time you spent with Silver begins to diminish. Little by little, eventually Silver begins to accept that this is fate. If this made you happy, he’d protect you from the shadows and would let you be happy. Only thing is, Lilia didn’t let that slide. What do you mean you aren’t in love with Silver? Oh, that won’t do! After all, if you love each other why would you ever want to leave? Silver is another person who wants that storybook romance, he’d be such a gentle and caring lover, but Lilia and Malleus are the poison that taints him. His father would never be wrong and even Malleus is agreeing, so there must be something Silver isn’t seeing. He’d start to be a bit more assertive, offering to walk you to class again and spending time with you. He’ll steal you back from the others who took you away in the first place. Soon, you’ll start expecting Silver and patiently waiting for him. 
Just like how he cares and wishes to protect Malleus, he’ll hold you in the same regard. You’re special, you mean the world to him. As his father says, you’re the sun that greets his day! So don’t be surprised when he suddenly starts showing up to everything. Silver would never see you as something to own, sure you’re “his crush” but aside from that, it would be immoral to claim you as if you were a prize. Lilia seems to think differently, I mean you’re practically together no? If Silver truly does love you, then surely he would fight for you no? Lilia would remind him that if he lets you go, someone will take him. If he seems weak, who is to say someone won’t come and steal you, much less hurt you to get to him? He needs to be on that ASAP! Though Silver doesn’t want to keep you on a leash like that, it’s hard to go against his father’s and future king's advice. Surely they speak from experience. Silver would start small, continuing to take up your time without it interfering with his club or other duties. When someone notices that you’ve been spending time with him, they’d ask if you’re together or not. Before you have the chance to say anything, Silver is beating you to it and answers, “yes we are.” He’s a bit of an air-head at times so maybe he’s not aware of what that means. Aside from taking up your time as his, he wouldn’t do or say anything too drastic unless pushed towards it. 
Unlike the rest of Diasomnia, Silver has morals. Unlike Malleus or Briar Valley which happens to be a dark and foreboding place, Silver is different. He was raised under Lilia’s influence but I’m sure that he also wants to cultivate his own path, which is why I say he’s not a yandere of his own free will. He wants to protect you, he wants to love you, but he’ll also respect you and your decisions. Lilia on the other hand will push and brainwash Silver to believe it HAS to be him. Silver is training to be a knight for Malleus, but he can be a knight for you as well! It has to be Silver, nobody else will treat you the same. Lilia is no fool and can see that Silver is fighting his inner demons so he redirects his doubts. Sure, Silver doesn’t want to claim you nor force you, so he won’t. Instead, Lilia convinces him that nobody else but him is suited to take care of you. He’s already a knight in training but he’s been around you for so long, there is no one better. He starts to tell Silver that it has to be him, nobody else. Maybe even exaggerate and say, “not even I could be suited to take care of them, Silver don’t you see? You’re their knight.” Silver would see it like that, the relationship switching to that of knight and royalty.
His love would be suffocating. You’re wrapped around his arms and he’s not letting go, “You’re safe with me my love.” There could be no real danger, but he somehow believed that if there ever was, he was the only one qualified to protect you. You two have a bond unlike any other, you trust him so much and he’s not willing to break it. I don’t want to say he’s manipulative, but he can guilt-trip you. He knows he’s not perfect, his narcolepsy sometimes holds him back and while they tried to cure him, it just wasn't enough. He’s here to repay a debt, the debt he somehow thinks he owes to Lilia and Malleus for raising him. He doesn’t mean harm, I mean he’s such a kind soul. He cares for his father and Malleus, no doubt he means well. Then again, has Silver ever once hurt you? He probably doesn’t even know he’s guilt-tripping you, he just assumes he’s confining in a trusted friend who happens to be so nice. I can see an instance where you’ve had enough, telling Silver that you’re fine and he doesn’t need to be hovering over you. There’s no danger and nobody is out to get you, but he so stubbornly scolds you saying that the moment you lower your guard they’re there. He’s here so you can lower it, if you were someone of royalty, he’d become the very castle walls that protect you. You don’t need to fear, he’s here. 
He’s a 3/10 on the danger scale, the only thing he’d be is suffocating by how much he hovers over you. He doesn’t mean to, want to, or plans to hurt you. Any and everything he does is for your safety (or so he believes). If he ever believed that your reckless behavior posed a threat, he would probably keep you locked in a room or chained. He constantly reminds you, “it’s for your safety, please understand”. So he gets some points because he can be unpredictable, but the bottom line is he does it out of love and the need to protect. Not as a selfish desire, yet. He’s a rope on the rope-chain-saw scale because he’s not one to take away restrictions and make you feel like you have to earn them. He’d only ever resort to those methods if he felt like you were a danger to yourself, because of this you could probably get the drop on Silver but his dad and future king are right there ready to alert him. You managed to get Silver out of the room while you plan your escape through the window, but there Lilia is, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. You’d be hurting Silver’s feelings after he went through the trouble of caring for you. Not to mention, you wouldn’t get that far.” Over time, he would start to be more alert and you won’t be able to get the drop on him, sure his a bit of an air-head but you can’t fool him twice. In the end, your safety and protection matter the most and I see Silver being the person who starts to see what Lilia means. You’re safer tucked away in a tower than so be it. If you must suffer the same fate he does and sleep, so be it. It was never about keeping you, it was about protecting you.
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force0fchaos · 2 months
Last yap session of the day but while I’m at it, i wanna share my kanade headcanons!!
Unrelated opinions paragraph here, scroll to the red title to get to the actual hc’s
Headcanons are a tough thing for me in the pjsk fandom because sometimes I see people get a little lost in the sauce and use ‘hc’ when what they really mean is ‘au’ or ‘thing I want to happen/wish happened.’ In addition, many hcs I’ve seen tend towards being reductive in my opinion, or not necessarily accurate to the way I see the character. This is fine with me! I love fandom discourse (as long as everyone stays respectful). Everything is a matter of opinion, and as someone who prefers to stay near the canon-accurate side of things (unless I am making an au, see: evil nightcord) not everything will be for me. All that is to say, these takes might not be super daring. I’ve thought a lot before coming to my own conclusions about my favorite characters, and feel a strong need to sufficiently explain and support my takes with evidence and elaboration. But I do hope they’re fun to read nonetheless, and I’d love to hear other people’s opinions as well as their own hcs in the reblogs, contradictory or otherwise!
KANADE HEADCANONS (in order from least to most elaboration)
1) kanade has albinism :D she inherited it from her mom, and it’s (part of) why the sun is especially rough on her
2) kanade is terrible at stem, especially math. She seriously struggles doing operations in her head, she has good spacial awareness but can’t grasp conceptual stuff. When she was younger her parents considered getting her a tutor, but since she’s going into music anyway she just took the bare minimum math classes and moved on
3) (this is a little contrary to canon but) kanade DOES have some semblance of a hair routine (bc how else is it not all matted by now). When she was younger, her mom liked to dress her up and would braid her hair before bed, so kanade always brushes and braids her hair whenever she goes to sleep properly instead of passing out. She will neglect her own needs for the purposes of composing, but her hair feels more like her mom’s than hers, so she makes sure to take good care of it.
4) kanade is the rectangle body type. I only feel the need to say this myself because pjsk has such little variation between their character models, and you really have to look hard to discern their features from one another, but I do think it’s fairly obvious for kanade in particular. Part of it is her lack of healthy eating habits, but I always picture Kanade to be relatively flat with a boxy torso and a round face
5) kanade is demiromantic & ace! (This one is just for me) but I like to imagine her wondering at some point why she doesn’t have crushes on anyone while in junior high school, but all of those thoughts get pushed aside and mostly forgotten after her dad collapsed because ‘I don’t have time for that, I need to make music.’ In terms of other orientation, I imagine kanade to be pan as I don’t think she would have much of a preference as long as she knows the person well. And I can’t honestly picture her going out of her way to use pronouns other than ‘she/her,’ at least in the context of canon.
(Now for the more major/stretching canon hcs)
6) kanade has a chronic illness, which is a major cause of her general fatigue. Yes I know it’s canonically because she doesn’t eat enough or go outside but I think that’s part of why she doesn’t know about it: she rarely engages in physical activity, so she chalks up fatigue to lack of practice, not realizing her fatigue is abnormal. I also think it makes sense for her because her parents both have histories of underlying conditions. Not that pjsk gives us anything to work with, but we know her mom passed away of an illness, and her dad suffered a stroke due to stress; one so major that it could only have been caused by an underlying condition. Running on the assumption that she would have inherited her condition from her mother, I’m sure this would be a subject that would, at least, be on Kanade’s mind. I can’t imagine when she was younger that she would be able to understand her mother’s condition in its entirety. But I can easily imagine as Kanade grows older and puts herself out there more, her having to confront that she may be sick. She would admit her concerns to her grandmother once she realizes she can’t deny it anymore, and her grandmother would confess that she had feared this all along; that it was the same condition her mother suffered from. It’s a compelling concept to me, and one I definitely want to fanfic in the future…
Last but not least, the one you’ve been waiting for:
7) kanade has autism. This one is also tough because project sekai gives us nothing but my CANON evidence is: she eats the same thing every day (not just out of convenience because she also orders noodles when she goes out to eat), wears the same thing every day (verified in a 1koma that she has several of the same outfit, and possibly pointing to sensory issues), focuses on composing for such long stretches that she forgets to eat and take care of herself, and ofc, special interest. I also like to think that kanade is hyper-empathetic, doing things in her childhood like: “I have to spend the same amount of time with all my stuffed animals so none of them feel left out”. Not having the words (much less the diagnosis) to explain some of her behaviors, when she goes nonverbal with niigo she will use the chat function and say something like ‘my voice hurts,’ or more often skip out on the call saying she needs to focus for a while (because when she’s stressed enough to be nonverbal, she’s also going to fall back into the mindset of needing to work herself to death composing). She stimmed a lot when she was younger but (as many do) learned to mask it as she got older. It still manifests in her drumming her fingers on her desk, bouncing her knees, etc. when working at home, and a lot of the time vocally in the form of singing. Her house has always been musical, so this was never a problem. But whenever honami hears her doing this (as it’s often without her realizing it) she gets very embarrassed, so honami pretends not to hear it so that Kanade will do it more.
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flaresanimedump · 1 year
Ok so. I was gonna make a post that Ranpo technically didn't go to school. So I went to look at the Origins novel and I checked the raw because of all the omissions in the TL (Ranpo was kicked out of the police academy 6 months before the start of the plot not "less than a year ago" it's very explicitly 半年 "half year"). And uh. Well so on that topic they kicked him out when he was 13, but a police academy isn't considered a real school in Japan so while his education in Japanese language continued he didn't have the core subjects from the age of 12 on. But also.
The English line when Ranpo talks about the school is: "The rules were a pain in the ass. Don’t leave the dorm after curfew, no buying sweets, wear these clothes, follow these rules. And the classes bored me to death."
These are all relatively common restrictions for Japanese schools (snacking is only prohibited at stricter ones), though a couple of wording things stood out. One, the "pain in the ass" rules is 規則 (actually rules) and "follow these rules" is 規律 - ominously "discipline" (this line being more like "not to mention X, Y, Z, Z being the discipline). "Discipline" isn't "punishment," it just has a strictness vibe, but it's a creepy thing to say imo. I hear this and think Trunchbull from Matilda.
So I went to check out the Wikipedia page on "Police Academies" and I see "脱走及び逃走の防止" - "escape and escape prevention" which is an immediate red flag for any live-in institution. "Escape" could also be translated as "desertion" but what followed was a short paragraph saying "there's no barbed wire like a prison but coming and going is strictly controlled" so I'm going with "escape." Ranpo attended something like those kiddie marine bootcamps that were all the rage in the 2000s. I don't know about anybody else but growing up nondivergent camps like that were my absolute worst nightmare.
So I'm already Distressed at the thought of this - but thing about "no buying sweets" is it's age-focused. "No buying sweets" is like "no snacking" but it's specifically "[a child] buying and eating sweets [while away from home thus spoiling their appetite]." This is against the rules because "they should eat food prepared by their parents" and the,,, incredibly sad irony isn't lost on me there even though the academy was feeding him. Which begs the question: can you really train a 12 year old to become a detective?
So I went to the Japanese National Police Agency website because I wasn't sure what the age range for attendance at these schools was. And I found it.
Eighteen to thirty.
Ranpo lasted eighteen months in a military academy for eighteen to thirty year olds until they kicked him out.
*I'm not going to claim this is all 100% right since Japanese prefectures set the lower age limit at 18, which could mean Asagiri was just makin' shit up or there's some lesser-known police middle school that calls itself the exact same thing as the one for adults. You're only supposed to stay at them for 10 months so there's already some other suspect things here. But I think it's pretty on-brand for Ranpo to think college-level classes are boring. Also his dad was connected to the principal so he could probably bend the rules a little to get Ranpo admitted.
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thebeesareback · 10 months
Almost everyone, I think, interacted with some form of media which wasn't age appropriate. For example, when I was about 8 years old, I was given a copy of The Princess Diaries. Not only was it targeted at girls about 6 years older than me, it was also incredibly American, so I was even more confused. I read it over and over again, and understood almost nothing. I decided to return to Genovia recently to see if I could decipher it any better now.
- I did not know how tall 5ft9 is. That girl is loooooooong!
- when one is described as a "freshman", how long does it take for one to ripen?
- "flunking" is an odd word, and from context I could tell that it wasn't anything good
- when I eventually learnt the FOIL method, I realised it was really easy. I also had to shut up and not mention that I'd heard of it through The Princess Diaries. My fellow students would not have understood
- in two paragraphs, there are the words "Bigelows", "alpha hydroxy", "Drakka Noir", "synapses" and "senior". I'm pretty sure I thought Josh Ritcher might be a pensioner
- not strictly relevant but Lilly is the worst
- I was also surprised to learn that British schools have Gifted and Talented programmes. Unsurprisingly, I was not selected
- Michael has a webzine called "Crackhead". I think this is noteworthy
- there is a joke about Michael making a bomb and blowing up his school. This clearly places the narrative as something which is set (and written) before We Need To Talk About Kevin was released
- Lilly and her parents have a "don't ask, don't tell" policy with Michael. I only just realised how fucking sad this is
- Michael has a dog named Pavlov. Solid joke
- ok I actually think Michael might be a bit creepy because he does start sexually harassing Mia. She is clueless and thinks he wants her to "take his mom's empty Tab cans back to Gristedes for the deposit money".
- I was confused by the whole "mom"/"mum"/"mam" thing. All are better than "mem" or "mim", I guess
- there are some homework notes at the back which I still don't understand. Perhaps that's the point
- Lilly and Mia make a list of hot guys. Including: Prince Harry (odd, I always thought Prince William was the late-90s hearthrob. Shoutout to those Princess Di genes); Timothy Dalton (just checked and I got him confused with Timothy Spall, who played Wormtail in Harry Potter); Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic (surprised Titanic wasn't mentioned earlier! Also, apparently he kept farting on set); a guy on a billboard (they think he should have his own TV show) and Joshua Bell (modern me had to do some googling because I wanted to know if that had anything to do with "Drake and Josh").
- Mia's parents are separated and she seems fine with it. She is upset about her mum dating her teacher and is hyperfixated on the fact that he teaches maths and she is struggling in his class. Shortly after I read this book my own parents separated, and I was FAR more confused and unhappy and destructive, so it was interesting/weird to see her perspective
- Mr Gianini actually seems really sweet. I guess that's the point
- Mia thinks about going to the Cultural Diversity Dance. Dunno what cultural diversity has to do with dancing, unless everyone starts doing Irish jigs? Also, what is the deal with homecoming? Who is coming home?!
That's just the first three days of diary entries. V v weird but kinda fun
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martsonmars · 10 months
[wrote most of this last January — I'm not deleting the tags but LOL — and I'm not changing my answers — not even the last time I cried — but I'll add stuff]
15 Questions 15 People
Thanks @nausikaaa @johnwgrey @shrekgogurt @raenestee @yellobb @stitchyqueer @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @sillyunicorn and at least two more people (whose notifications were eaten by Tumblr) for the tags! I love being tagged in these games even though I don't always participate. [And now it just took me a year...]
I almost didn't participate this time either because I don't like some of the questions, but I really wanted to answer a couple of them so here we are 😂 It'll likely be long so...
[Tagging @onepintobean @brilla-brilla-estrellita @palimpsessed @ileadacharmedlife @technetiumai @thewholelemon @youarenevertooold @iamamythologicalcreature @ic3-que3n @theearlgreymage @messofthejess @theimpossibledemon @artsyunderstudy @cutestkilla @valeffelees. That's 15! If you played last year you can ignore me or play again.]
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not really? Definitely not after a relative (thank god, I'm not a fan of it), but:
a) my mother's religious enough that biblical Marta was on her mind. She used to say that if she had another girl she wanted to call her Miriam, and it wouldn't have happened anyway because when we thought my brother would be a girl — before that “uh there's a penis here” that made me cry because I was used to being a single child by then, and I was already so upset to get a sibling that at least I wanted a sister — I fought for the name Emma, but she did want to play a vague Martha&Mary game. (My brother got a religion-inspired name too, anyway.)
b. there's a song by one of her favourite singers that's called Marta che parla con Dio (I love this song so much!) and she always mentioned it when I asked about my name
c. Marta Abba was an actress and the muse of my mother's favourite writer. I always say that I'm named after her because I like the idea.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don't remember when I last cried properly (not because I never cry but because I cry too often) but the last time I had to fight tears because I was in public and almost failed was two days ago.
3. Do you have kids?
Nope! I'm baby myself. I used to say I absolutely didn't want kids but now my stance is more “we'll see what happens”. Kids feel like too much — I'm always exhausted when I have to take care of my brother (who's almost 11 now, so not a baby, and still requires so much time and energy) and spending a week with my 3yo cousin reminded me of how it is when they're younger — and I'm not sure I'd want to devote such a big part of my life and my days to someone who, at least at first, would need me so much. But I love kids. I usually joke and say that I love them as long as they're someone else's and they go home at the end of the day, but I think I'd like having my own kid. I want to believe I'd be a good parent. But I definitely don't want to birth anyone, so we'll see what more queer rights or moving to another country life brings!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I think so? I love sarcasm, but I probably don't use it as much as I think I do.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
This is one of the questions that bothered me because I couldn't think of any physical characteristic, but then I realise that the answer is SO easy: the first thing I notice about people I interact with is whether they pass my anxiety's vibe check.
(What I notice about people I don't interact with is whether they'd be good fancasts. The only faces I remember among all the people I've seen in 3 months of classes in person are: potential Shep fancast & potential fem Baz fancast.) (They're friends btw.)
6. What’s your eye color?
Brown. (I almost found a way to turn this answer into 15 paragraphs too, but I'll spare you.)
7. Scary movie or happy endings?
Happy endings for sure. I'm not a fan of scary movies in general (can't see the appeal), but I'll always pick happy endings. Though I can bear sad movies better than sad books, probably because everything's faster.
8. Any special talents?
I'll skip this one. Not because I don't think I have any special talents, but because what's a talent? What's special? Honestly my special talent is not being able to answer this kind of question about myself (along with “describe yourself in 3 adjectives” and shit like that).
9. Where were you born?
Wouldn't you like to know.
10. What are your hobbies?
I am, sadly, pretty inconsistent about hobbies. The ones that never leave are reading and writing (even when I had my 3 year long writer's block, writing was still at the top of my mind), but other than those two I have a wide variety of hobbies that come and go. Mostly because if I don't master a skill immediately I give up, and so I keep picking hobbies up and then abandoning them and then picking them up again. I'd probably be happier if I stopped wasting so much time on my phone and dedicated more time to getting better at some of these hobbies I've tried, but alas, my brain cannot be coerced into it.
December edit: learned and learning to crochet and I have a feeling this hobby will stay.
11. Do you have any pets?
Nope. I probably wouldn't want a pet that can move around, or one I'd have to touch (I assume you have to touch most pets somehow... but when I helped my aunt with her fish I didn't have to touch them because she had a little net I could use to move them when cleaning was needed, and it was great, so I could probably handle something like that). I'd also be sad about their lifespan.
Honestly, I'll probably only have a pet if someone I live with will have or strongly want one.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I did ballet from age 4 to age 11, then I let them fat shame me away from it. I probably would've quit after middle school anyway, but I wish I hadn't let them make me feel like shit about my body because I really love ballet, and I was the best of my group (the examiner from the Royal Academy of Dance said so twice.), and we were going to try point shoes the next year, and I was just a chubby kid.
Then I did archery for 2/3 years in high school. I quit because I felt like I didn't have enough time to do it AND study, and so I didn't want to commit to it to the point of buying my own bow, and the equipment my trainer gave me for free wasn't good enough that my skills could improve past a certain point, and so I got frustrated with it. I'd like to pick it up again someday.
(I almost googled whether ballet is a sport because I feel like a lot of people would say it isn't for different reasons, but then I decided that I don't care. It counts as a sport to me.)
13. How tall are you?
174 cm, I think. Maybe 173. 5’8”?
14. Favorite subject at school?
Oh boy. I could spend hours on this, I'm such a swot (which is why my current struggles with studying hurt so much! I never thought I'd be the kind of person who'd struggle with the only thing I used to be the best at, and yet here we are).
I think my favourite subjects to study are things like history and law. I also love languages so much and I need structure to study them (I struggle to be consistent and practice on my own). I loved scientific subjects and kinda miss them occasionally. I loved all the literature/social sciences classes I've had in my life but most of them are mostly stuff I like to read about and don't really want to study.
[December comment: I didn't post this in January because I didn't finish answering this question. I still don't want to finish because it's too much. I just want to say that there's a difference between subjects I like in general and subjects I like to study, and I think the two categories intersect in the fields of history, languages and law.]
15. Dream job?
There are two wolves inside of me.
The wolf that wants to leave a very specific mark in the world, which is the reason why I'm studying politics. I am not saying that politics are the way (or the only way) to change the world. I'm not even saying I want to be a politician. But there is in me the desire to do something for the world from this point of view, be it through writing or activism or NGOs or European/international institutions and organisations or the government. I'm currently [December] planning to write my bachelor thesis in International Law and talk about the regulation of AI, and my professor says this is a field that's creating more job opportunities and isn't yet as saturated as the human rights job market, so maybe this is something to pursue.
And the wolf that wants to stay in my little bubble and write fiction. Or translate books (though I don't think I'd actually want to be a translator. It's a shitty job). Have a nice house and a family and forget about the world.
I know these aren't necessarily mutually exclusive (in the sense that both could be possible at different times), but I'm not sure what will prevail. I guess it also depends on the jobs I will find when I'm done studying.
I agree with who said they want a job they like well enough but that leaves them time and energy to pursue their actual dreams. Work doesn't have to be your dream, it can be just work. But maybe I'll turn my dreams into work and have more, different dreams in my private life. We'll see!
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53951683139 · 2 years
I wrote a add in paragraph for the great Gatsby for my English class. Can people pls give me constructive criticism? I would first like to say that I have never considered myself a good writer so try to be nice if u can?
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idk i googled Tribune 1922 to try and find ads and found this
I tried to add as much unnecessary description as possible
Also I’m pretending his train was at about 6-10 (sunrise) instead of 4
I think I did a decent job if I say so myself
Start of Chapter 3:
I wandered through Pennsylvania Station, the rising sun seemed as though it was electric bolts coursing through my eyes and into the back of my head. I slunk away from those glass panels, made into a prison by the wrought iron bars, forcing a weightless fragility. Should some street rat or one of the suited wall street men through a rock upwards the glass might come shattering down, but those wrought iron bars would continue to hold the thousands of travelers prisoner in its inflexible arms. I shook my head to knock myself back into active consciousness and looked with utter confusion at the Tribune sprawled across my lap; J.C.Penny promised new dress ginghams, perfect for summer, the American Bank inquired about my money’s safety, Ford’s one-ton truck was on sale for only $540, not for long though. I turned the page to a woman pointing directly at, her ink eyes staring through my soul, “J’Accuse” the words screamed in bold font, causing a shiver starting at my feet and traveling though every inch of my body. I threw the newspaper at my feet, had it suddenly lit on fire, prompting a sheepish girl with round spectacles that overwhelmed her unassuming face to stare audaciously at me with pointed blue eyes, while a crowd only looked sideways at me, pretending they did not notice. Embarrassed, I slowly reached to my feet to retrieve the newspaper, like a guilty child who knew his parents were waiting for him to return from boarding school with his report card preceding him. Opening it slowly, cautious as though the woman might jump out at me with her pointed nail like a sword, instead I half-laughed seeing that it was a movie, made by Abel Gance, promising the greatest climax in celluloid. The sheer absurdity of my abject terror to a movie advert was increased relizing this woman had nothing for her to j’accuse me of. I rested my shoulders back on the unforgiving iron of the bench to try to ease the heartbeat trying to break out of my head. As I let my brain wander through the open meadows of my mind, I smiled faintly. Last night still felt blurry and far away, like some distant childhood activity where details flow in and out on the waves of memory, but it had an air of pleasentness that I could not place. I was starting to piece the events together; Tom hit Myrtle, her blood flowed across that tapestry of faux luxury, I left the room about then, I think, McKee was in the elevator too and we made plans for lunch…
With the suddenness of a crash I couldn’t breath, everything narrowed into a cramped space as I fell to my knees choking for breath, each one feeling more ragged and desperate than the last. The world swirled around me into one of those new abstract paintings that disfigure reality. My throat clamored unsuccessfully for air, like Tantalus reaching for the taunting fruit so close to his head. My eyes wer pushed through a dark tunnel, fleeing from the disfigured world. Every breath took tremendous effort to gasp, I was drowning in an invisible sea, and the water was filling my lungs as I gasped and fought for each short hesitant breath.
As the world recentered and my breath regained some semblance of consistency, I could see a crowd gathering around me, murmuring incessantly, thousands of morbidly curious voices pushing closer, shoving me back into that disorienting painting. The burning taste of some stong whiskey from the sheepish girl’s small metal flask brought me close enough to reality to leave the crowds and head into the chill morning outside the train station. I was still gasping, struggling to maintain my lungs, grasping anything that’d hold me as though I was dangling over Niagara falls, every breath taking all of my focus to control and not slip back into that suffocating sensation. That memory, it had to be fake, some drunken invention. But just the thought immediately worsened my state so I repressed it until acknowledge it properly.
Once I had made it back to my humble house, like a molehill in the presence of great mountains, my thoughts still stuck in a thick, disorienting, mist. I collapsed onto the bed with a Gin Rickey in my hand and fierce determination to regain my composure completely. I let my mind wander back to that drunken night, there they were, all of them; Tom and Myrtle, Catherine, McKee… McKee. He stuck in my mind like “On The Alamo” and sang that one line over and over, and in all my dreams it seems I'll go where the moon swings low. I closed my eyes allowing the drunken remembrances to march back, like war weary soldiers, different men then those who marched on the battlefield with bloodthirst glory in their eyes; Tom and Myrtle, the blood, the elevator, then… It couldn’t be, not even in my drunkenness, I wouldn’t of, couldn’t of… But even with the intense shame, it was intensely alluring to recall… I don’t know what I’m saying, of course it was an awful thing to do, but… No that ridiculous, I’m stronger than the musings of a diseased mind. I have never given in to those perverted thoughts, those twisted daydreams that torture my closed eyes in moments of weakness.
Firmly I scolded myself and drifted into a restless slumber till a sharp knock, like a crack of thunder bombarded my door, reverberating off every room till it raced in and out of my ears. Like a somnambulist, I migrated slowly towards my door, grasping at couches to prop up my half-dead figure. At the door, a frighteningly correct butler, middle aged with a sturdy frame wrapped in a suit that had never seen a wrinkle in its life, looked straight at me in unspoken disapproval. My clothes from last night had embedded into my flesh and were peeling out as I struggled to stand upright, propping myself up with the doorframe.
“Mr. Carraway,” the butler said in a respectful tone that was painfully discordant, “Mr. Gatsby wishes for me to deliver this invitation.” I stuttered out a half thanks, lost in a haze, a deep fog shrouding my thoughts. The butler handed me the note, putting it in between my fingers to ensure it stayed in my hand and did not flutter to the ground as he removed his hand. He nodded in that almost sarcastically polite way and turned to leave me staring at the innovation from my elusive neighbor.
Yeah that’s it. Idk not awful I hope
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fountainpenguin · 2 years
If you were given the opportunity to reboot FOP from the ground up, what would you change, shake up, or put your own spin on?
I'll have to give this a short answer, I no joke spent over 2 hours replying to this, then added a Read More and Tumblr told me that my post was too out of this world and it broke the editor. It kicked me out in a split second without any opportunity to save. Sorry to everyone who has to scroll past my stuff in the future, but I'm not living through this again. Read Mores have no place on my blog.
I'm furious because 1) I tried to copy-paste out of this editor like I always do and save in an external place, but the new editor is busted and only copies one paragraph when you do CTRL-A so I gave up, and 2) literally the last sentence I wrote before typing that was "Before my hiatus, Read Mores broke stuff, but I'm willing to give this another try." It's not even the same error it used to be. I can't. I can't.
At least we're friends and I think you know a lot of my thoughts anyway. Sorry it took so long to write an answer to this message, but I've already let it sit for so long that I HAVE to get it out of my inbox now or I'll never go back to it after losing everything :/ I can't believe that just happened. How ironic that one of the main reasons I went on hiatus was because stuff kept breaking and then it's worse when I return. Bleh.
So... Here's the short version of things I can remember talking about:
Update world lore, especially regarding Anti-Fairies. Anti-Fairies debuted in Season 2 and didn't reappear until Season 5; Anti-Fairy World itself made its first appearance in Season 6 because the Anti-Fairies were only seen in jail before that. Anti-Fairy World is kind of barren and stereotypical, and the general vibe of Anti-Fairies is that they are all evil because their magic revolves around bad luck. I'd prefer some gray area. I also feel like the characterizations for Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda were rushed and we should say it.
Logically I know that Anti-Wanda can be said to parallel Wanda's high-class mafia upbringing, but I doubt that was planned since Wanda's family only showed up in Season 5. In another universe, we could have had a classy evil queen. I love the grubby gal, but there are so many cool aesthetics she could have had instead. The Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda vibe doesn't bring anything to the table that Cosmo and Wanda didn't already have unless you take creative liberties.
Maps. Maps would have been great.
Designs. Cosmo, Crocker, and Dad really don't need the same shirt. Wanda's outfit is pretty bland too, and it's honestly a shame that Anti-Cosmo got a unique outfit but Anti-Wanda's is just a recolor of Wanda's. See also, classy queen.
Also I've never liked Timmy's Channel Chasers adult design; I just don't think it's in character. I feel like his body type would be much closer to his parents, and the existing one is just too extreme for my preferences. Doesn't say "Timmy the average kid" to me.
"Fairly Odd Baby" - As much as I enjoy the idea of Fairies placing a ban on babies because they're destructive and Fairy World likes to push away its problems, I'd have introduced Poof as part of an announcement that Cosmo and Wanda had been expecting a baby for 100 to 1000 years. Their lifespans are so long, it wouldn't be out of the question. A reveal episode could have been fun.
I also don't think I would have chosen to leave Poof a baby who can't speak for that long; I think he has a fun personality (Sasses Foop, deliberately puts Foop in harm's way, but also he's super chill and nice and likes sports) and I would have liked to see more episodes where he talks. I don't love how he was shipped to boarding school as soon as he was able to talk and dialogue was needed.
Vicky takes Mark back onscreen. She canonically decided she wanted to start dating him again, after she found out he was an alien and she broke up with him. She made the choice to take back her alien boyfriend and she loves him and we should talk about it. I'm obsessed with them and will forever treasure the deleted "Foul Balled" scene of them holding hands at the senior home while Mark is in his squid form. I support Vicky becoming the shapeshifting queen of a violent planet and being extremely in love with her squid husband.
Chloe / A.J. friendship. A.J. ended world hunger in Season 2 and he built a time machine a few seasons later, I feel like those two would have really hit it off.
More episodes of Timmy playing soccer. I will not re-elaborate.
More of side characters I love, like Molly and Kevin. I love them. I love Kevin falling farther and farther behind his uncle when they walk together, I love Timmy introducing himself to Molly's fairy by shaking her hand... They might be side characters but I feel like they add a lot more to the world and character dynamics in their few scenes than many of the characters do.
Sharing fairies. Timmy sharing fairies with Chloe (or Kevin) as part of a temporary program (like she was just here for one school year before her parents moved again). I think one of the issues people have with Chloe is that it feels like she's here for the rest of Timmy's fairy-related life, and I think a few months of hanging out with her would have been plenty and then there would have been a reason for her to leave the canon afterwards.
Make Chloe Dinkleberg's niece. My favorite headcanon. Also a perfect explanation for why Chloe's family would move to Timmy's street. Also a hilarious parallel of Timmy seething with frustration at his "perfect" neighbor despite spending the entire series making fun of his dad for doing the same thing.
More Timmy/Chloe "step-sibling" interactions. I support Timmy "I will sit with you while you have an hour-long panic attack" Turner in "The Booby Trap" but I cannot emphasize enough that I equally support Timmy "Will take a call from Chloe, listen to her explain that she vaporized a juice box, then hang up and go to bed" Turner. They are step-siblings...
Timmy, Chloe, and Kevin. I support Timmy - Chloe - Kevin trio interactions in general. They're a comedic trio and I want them to support each other.
Gary and Betty. Unironically, we need to talk more about Gary and Betty canonically being aware of the magical world. Or at least they adjusted really fast to being teleported from California to Florida and back again. Also we should talk about that time Gary rang Sanderson on his cell phone, which gets funnier the longer you think about it. Also I love them and we should talk about the deleted "Totally Spaced Out" scene where they tried to flee to Mexico together.
Ending the series with a proper send-off. I'm not a fan of Timmy keeping his magical memories after losing Cosmo and Wanda. Being the protagonist doesn't make him immune. I feel like there are so many ways this could have been done in a sentimental way that people would have loved... I'm sad we didn't get a proper send-off.
On the list of things we don't need to change - Imaginary Gary, Norm, Mark, Molly, Jorgen, the Pixies, Flappy Bob, Foop, and Ed Leadly. They are flawless, 10 of 10. We also do not need to change Chloe casually swearing, but meanwhile Timmy will call you out for saying "Moron" on the radio, and we definitely don't need to change "This isn't a fancy French restaurant- this is a black hole!"
I love the Pixies. If they didn't exist, I would have come along and prepped some worldbuilding about characters who maintain magical paperwork. I love my snarky monotone wasp boys.
Also I just want to shout-out Chloe and Kevin and their personalities being hilarious. I think there are several Chloe-centric episodes that have flawed storytelling, but I do genuinely enjoy the character you're left with after brushing off some of her exaggerated perfectionism.
Kevin has some of the best dialogue in the entire series, and those two just seem to write themselves when you pit them together. I like the mental image of Chloe venting to Timmy about how unfair it is that Crocker shows him favoritism and then it slowly dawns on her that she also has a history of getting a lot of favoritism.
Thanks for the ask! I'm sad I lost the full responses, but I think I've learned my lesson and will draft in an external doc first. Please learn from my mistakes, I will not take back my venting >:(
Even if I lost it, it's nice to take some time and think about some answers to these things. I'm also pretty satisfied that I was able to make this post long enough to feel like a good answer. Yay.
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iamstartraveller776 · 2 years
I snagged this from @coraleethroughthelookingglass!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Nope. My parents made up my name specifically for my nickname. My mom thought my nickname was too "boyish" and refused to have it on my birth certificate. What's cool is that my nickname (which is what I've always gone by; I love it) is actually a Scandinavian girl's name. My Norwegian mother-in-law was absolutely tickled about it when I first met her.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. Life is currently tossing me lemons faster than I can make lemonade.
3. Do you have kids?
Yes, a whole bunch of them. I even have a son-in-law!
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Usually only around other sarcastic people, but even then, it's often light sarcasm. I get anxious over the idea of inadvertently hurting someone's feelings.
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Their vibe. It's probably because of childhood stuff, but I notice people's moods before anything else. And I'm usually not wrong when something seems off about them.
6. What's your eye colour?
A warm but very dark brown. Not quite Ben Barnes dark brown, but close.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
Depends on my mood. I don't watch as much horror as I did when I was younger.
8. Any special talents?
Um, I can raise my eyebrows individually and make them do the wave?
9. Where were you born?
Southern California, USA
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, art, playing piano (not very well but I love it anyway), cross-stitching
11. Do you have any pets?
It's more my husband's pet, but we have a little milk snake named Jack.
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I was a competitive swimmer in high school.
13. How tall are you?
5'4" or 152 cm for my non-American friends
14. Favourite subject in school?
Whichever class had the most engaging teacher. I liked learning, so there wasn't a subject I despised. But there sure were teachers I dreaded sitting in class for!
15. Dream job?
Full-time author. But that would mean actually writing a novel, so...
Tagging anyone who wants to play! I'd love to learn more about any of you!
Here is the list of questions in a single paragraph for ease of copying and pasting:
1. Are you named after anyone? 2. When was the last time you cried? 3. Do you have kids? 4. Do you use sarcasm? 5. What’s the first thing you notice about people? 6. What’s your eye colour? 7. Scary movie or happy ending? 8. Any special talents? 9. Where were you born? 10. What are your hobbies? 11. Do you have any pets? 12. What sports do you play/have you played? 13. How tall are you? 14. Favourite subject in school? 15. Dream job?
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keendaanmaa · 2 years
Tagged by the lovely @called-kept *checks calendar* two weeks ago (oops! these are much easier to do on web and I rarely turn my laptop on anymore)
Rules: answer the question and tag fifteen mutuals
1. Are you named after anyone?
My middle name is for a great-aunt who died young and also at least one family friend. I share it with several cousins who are also named after the same great-aunt.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Good question, because I genuinely can’t remember
3. Do you have kids?
Bit hard when I am very very very single
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not really. Occasionally, yes, but not frequently
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I wouldn’t know, because whatever it is, it completely bypasses my conscious brain
6. What’s your eye colour?
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Definitely happy endings, but I’m not averse to some drama or scary bits in the middle
8. Any special talents?
Uh. Reading quickly? Idk, let me get back to you on this one
9. Where were you born?
In the same room of the same hospital with the same doctor as Blue
10. What are your hobbies?
Reading (mostly fanfiction 😬), sewing, worldbuilding (since I probably can’t call it writing if I’ve not written a paragraph of narrative for it in years). Recently contemplating some forays into woodworking, which I did a bit of in junior high but haven’t done since
11. Have you any pets?
Just a timeshare in my parents’ golden retriever 😊
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Archery! I was on my school’s team through junior and senior high, and found out this fall that some friends have a target set up in their back yard so I am looking forward to pulling my bow out again when the weather is warm enough
13. How tall are you?
Shorter than Blue, taller than my mom. And most of my coworkers
14. Favourite subject in school?
In high school, probably the sciences (I took chem, bio, and physics all the way through). In college....probably anything about humanity as a group? So, that one history elective, my sociology classes, world religions, etc. I very very much prefer the physicality of nursing for my full time pursuit, but I found the subject matter of the humanities side very interesting
15. Dream job?
Exactly what I’m doing now! Nursing in a small rural hospital where you have to know something about everything and you get to know the people and community well 😊
Tbh i don’t actually have fifteen mutuals to tag, and I think everyone I would tag has already done this or been tagged..... so I guess open tag for anyone who sees this and wants to join in!
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mathsbian · 2 years
The fact you think you're gay is proof you have no idea what being gay is. Actual gays don't worry about not being perceived as gay while proudly together with their partner bc they're too worried about actual homophobia. Stick to your fucking lane
This is about the comment I made on that comic strip that was wishing oppression on straight people, isn’t it? From like 6 months ago?
Now that were on the same page: I don’t care about being perceived as gay. I care about assholes preaching that we should accept people for who they are (gay or straight or something else entirely) and to not judge people based on stereotypes, meanwhile they’re stereotyping every straight-passing couple as DEFINITELY straight. I don’t give a single fuck if an actual bigot can tell if I’m gay or not. Most of them can’t. What I care about is people who are supposed to be in community together, changing things for the better, are actually just trying to flip the script so they can be the oppressing class. I hate it when TERFs/radfems do it to men, I hate it when cis gays do it to mspec people and trans gays. We aren’t trying to flip oppression, we’re trying to fucking end it.
And on the subject of me clearly not being gay actually, because you think I care about the wrong thing: you literally don’t know me. You know my tumblr account. Just ‘cause I didn’t post pictures of me with my girlfriends doesn’t mean they didn’t exist. Just because I make a big post about something doesn’t mean that thing is the most important thing to me. I’m fucking autistic, I ramble about stuff when I have any level of knowledge or opinion. I could watch one 10-minute YouTube video on a topic and ramble about it when the topic comes up again 3 years later. Just cause I added a sizable paragraph calling out what was basically the equivalent of “I better not see and straight couples at pride” imo doesn’t mean that’s the only thing I care about in regards to my identity. As an arospec, acespec, nonbinary, multi-gender-attracted person I’ve dealt with a lot of shit from cis allo gays and I’m not afraid to point it out. You think I don’t know what homophobia actually looks like, meanwhile you’re over here actually being homophobic. Or biphobic. Or something. Tastes like homophobia the way you said it though.
And I could go on a giant tangent about my romantic and sexual history. I could tell you about the 7 year struggle between my first gay crush to actually identifying as lesbian. The ways my sexuality got complicated by internalized homophobia and sexphobia. The ways it got muddied by first a partner’s gender and then my own. The summer during college that my first ever girlfriend spent terrified my parents would find out about us and send me to a conversion camp despite me being an adult (they are very conservative, very fundamentalist Christian, very politically homophobic, very socially homophobic, and very, VERY manipulative, so my then-girlfriend was correct to be concerned they could get me to go if they discovered us and reacted badly enough). But you don’t actually care. You feel comfortable attacking me because I’m a faceless stranger on the internet so it’s easy for you to forget that I’m a real person with just as many hopes and dreams and fears and memories as you. Since I don’t openly discuss my personal life in great detail, you can pretend that I must never have experienced truly malicious homophobia, because there’s no evidence of that on my blog before now. Just because I can identify more subtle bigotry doesn’t mean I haven’t experienced the worst bigotry has to offer.
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aria-the-motherblog · 3 months
I want to talk about something that literally only affected me but it still hurts, and now I'm mad for child me.
When I was in 2nd or 3rd grade I got kicked out of my school writing club
So my school had a creative writing club and I wanted to be in it so bad because they actually made your book into a hard cover when you were done. so my parents signed me up. If I remember correctly it took up one of your recess breaks.
They had a "3 strike" rule. I know what you're thinking this is for kids being bad. No no, this was for mistakes. And there was a long list of exactly how things were done that was not given to me because I was signed up late
I was in the club for one week at this point. And they met weekly. The first week they wanted us "prewrite" before our first draft.
So mind you I'm like seven so my exposure to prewriting is the bubble method, and to this day it is probably my preferred brainstorming tool, probably because I have ADHD, and writing down a list of events doesn't work for me but turns out that's what they wanted.
I also wrote my bubble draft on a piece of construction paper.
And then I was inspired to I wrote a rough draft early
So I go in the next week I hand my stuff in and as they begin the class I'm pulled out to the hallway by one of the teachers. She hands me back my papers and tells me to go out to recess because I got three strikes
I did my prewriting with the wrong method like I said the bubble method was not acceptable only writing a list of events
I did my prewriting and rough draft on the wrong paper the only acceptable paper was the paper they provided
I handed by my rough draft too early
I will reiterate the child who made these mistakes was never told the rules AND WAS SEVEN
So I went to recess and I cried and some of the kids made fun of me for being "too dumb" for the writing club. This was the assumption because everyone knew I was in special ed.
I went home, told my parents what happened thinking they would be disappointed in me and when I tell you they were mad oof
So in the end I did get back in the club but (when my parents weren't around) the teachers running it made sure I knew I was on thin ice.
So there was this competition at the end of the year where the stories were ranked, I can't remember what mine was about, but remember who won. It was a kid in my grade who apparently wrote several paragraphs about corn and his family business who had professional illustrations.
Looking back it was obvious that the writing club was never about the kids and the reason I was the only one who struck out so quick is because I was the only one doing it by myself.
Not any shade on kids who got help but full shade on the parents that did everything for their kid and won first place. Also a little shade to the people who decided creative writing club for ages 6-10 should be a competition.
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girlboss-enthusiast · 6 months
Everything you just said about class fakers is 100% correct!!!
I am from a working class family but lucked into wealth through marriage (thanks, in laws). When I became sick and disabled, I panicked, because wtf was I going to do?! My family's efforts to get me educated and a good job were ultimately wasted because I couldn't use them. I was right back where I started...
Until I realized I had another family now, and they had the funds. They could support me. I was still going to be sick but my life was going to be relatively okay. I still have to remind myself of this fact 6 years later because my brain is still set to working class panic.
When I think about the difference between my experience of disability vs grandfather or my great-grandmother, I weep. They had nothing to fall back on and the only thing I did differently was have better LUCK. And so I would NEVER complain to them about my finances. Maybe I need a tight budget, maybe I have to wait for things I need a bit, maybe disability makes things expensive... but I know what real financial struggle is like.
Wow, I totally feel that last paragraph. As you know, I haven't dealt with that financial struggle personally, so it's different for me, but both my parents grew up poor and they always made a point of talking to me about it so I wouldn't take my financial situation for granted. I have never dealt with what they went through and thanks to my parents' hard work, I likely never will. Even taking my personal issues into account, I am so goddamn lucky. It's downright offensive when people who are financially comfortable think it's fine to act like they're not. It's just callous and dismissive IMO.
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ramblingvents · 7 months
Vent: Tw for suicidal ideation and hypochpndria
G-d I hate this combination of alternating being suicidal ideation and hypochondria. I didn't do the checkup my doctor's recommended last year because I had like no will to live and couldn't get myself to class a lot of the time, thus also not scheduling an appointment. My throat has been sore for like a full year now and in the periods I'm not depressed I'm scared that it's cancer and that I'm gonna die, even though it's likely GERD.
But then I also think that I've spent so much of my life not wanting to be alive, why force my parents to give up their retirement money to save me if it is something drastic like that? I could just let myself die, they want to live and I haven't wanted to a lot of my life. My partner and friends could live happy lives after I die, and the death wouldn't be directly caused by me so they would know there's nothing they could have done.
But I actually do want to live, for the first time in 6 months. And that's terrifying in its own way because I let everything fall into disrepair due to crisis - the last time I talked to my doctor she was mad I didn't do the tests she suggested but I feel like I don't have time because I live 1.5 hours away and keep on forgetting to schedule them. Plus I feel bad because again I don't want to waste my parents money if I'm wrong and the tests are negative, like what happened when I started getting pains that mimicked heart problems. I'm not sure what I should do, my parents have been supportive but they don't really believe it's an issue even though I've been mentioning it on and off for a year. I'm such a hypochondriac, they're probably right.
I don't know what to do, I'm so scared that I don't know if I can sleep. I just want someone I can tell, because my doctor is mad at me, and my parents don't really believe me, and my boyfriend would worry about me so much and this whole paragraph probably sounds insane. I'm just so tired...
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ulearn4today · 10 months
International English Olympiad
Class 3 / Grade 3
1.    Do you want ______ a phone?
      Do you want to _____ your phone?
A. cell, cell
B. cell, sell
C. sell, cell
2. WORKER is to FACTORY as CAR MECHANIC is to _____
3. BLOOD is to HUMANS as SAP is to _____
4. In America, a sidewalk is actually a _______
A. pavement
B. embankment
C. catchment
5. _______
A. helicopter
B. aeroplane
C. rocket
 6. _______
A. spectacles
B. newspaper
C. books
7. I’ve been living in this house _____ 2000.
A. since
B. for
C. from
 8. ‘Can you show me _____ good pens, please?’
A. any
B. some
C. few
9. ‘Nick, are you coming to school tomorrow?’
“No, I ______’
A. would not
B. am not
C. do not
10. ‘Did Dolly _____ about her performance in the test, Mrs. Hopkins?’ asked the teacher.’
A. told
B. tells
C. tell
11. The clever dog jumped _____ the garden wall and escaped.
A. on
B. at
C. over
12. ______ is an endangered species
A. The tiger
B. Tiger
C. A tiger
 13. ‘Wait. I’m ______ to finish.’
A. nearly
B. almost
C. about
14. You can play with my toys for ______ you like.
A. as soon as
B. as far as
C. as long as
15. Some tigers may appear to be white because they ______.
A. Are different from the orange ones.
B. Suffer from a rare skin disease.
C. Lack a special colouring agent in their skins.
I’m sure you have seen hundreds of Orange Bengal Tigers but did you know that there are White Bengal Tigers too? They are unique for their white color fur which is not a result of any disease. It is actually because of the absence of a pigment or color giving agent, which is found in orange coloured Bengal Tigers.
If you compare the White Bengal Tiger to an Orange Bengal Tiger, you will notice the former are somewhat bigger. Even as cubs, they are bigger than the Orange Bengal Tiger Cubs and tend to grow faster and heavier.
The White Bengal Tiger’s stripes are like our finger prints - no two tigers are the same! Also, the stripes of the tiger are a coloration of the skin.
Did you know that several hundred White Bengal Tigers are currently in captivity worldwide, with about 100 being found in India alone! That’s sad, isn’t it?  I hate the very idea of keeping any animal in captivity, let alone tigers. Another thing I don’t like is showcasing these majestic creatures in entertainment business. It is not fair to force animals to work in circuses, is it?
Nandankanan Zoological Park in Odisha is the host zoo for white tigers. In 1980, the first litter of white tigers were born to Deepak and Ganga, both normal tawny tigers. Subsequent litters of white tigers have been distributed to zoos both at home and abroad.
At present, the park is home to over 34 white tigers. The good thing is that the population of White Bengal Tigers is on the increase! Yippee! Their unique fur has made white tigers popular in entertainment, showcasing exotic animals, and at Zoos. I am not very sure if that is something good to the tigers. What do you think?
  16. An individual white tiger can be identified from its ________
A. fingerprints
B. fur
C. stripes
17. Which of the following statements is TRUE in the context of paragraph 2?
A. An orange tiger is usually bigger and heavier than a white one.
B. A white tiger is usually bigger and heavier than an orange one.
C. An orange tiger cub is usually bigger and heavier than the white one.
18. According to paragraph 5, Deepak and Ganga were ______
A. First known white tiger cubs born in captivity.
B. Parents of the first litter of white tiger cubs.
C. A tiger couple that worked in a circus.
 19. White tigers are popular in the entertainment business showcasing animals because of ______
A. Their size and weight
B. Their unique stripes
C. The colour of their fur
20. Which of the following views does the author hold?
A. Animals should be allowed to lively freely in their natural habitats.
B. The white tiger population is slowly decreasing.
C. Some animals have to be kept in cages for entertainment purposes.
21. According to the passage, the current population of tigers in the Nandankanan is ______
A. Several hundred
B. One hundred
C. Over thirty four.
22. If someone thanks you for something you did for them, what would you say in response?
B. No mention, please.
C. You’re welcome.
23. ‘______is this pen for, please?’
A. How much
B. What price
C. What’s the cost
24. ‘Mom, can I ______ another chocolate, please?’
‘Sorry, there isn’t any left in the refrigerator.’
A. buy
B. have
C. give
25. If someone makes a mistake, which of the following words is he/she most likely to use?
A. Wow!
B. Yuck!
C. Oops!
Italy’s leaning tower of Pisa is ______(26)_____ freestanding bell tower of the Cathedral of Pisa. It is _____(27)_____ worldwide for its tilt to one side. It is situated behind the Cathedral and is the third _____(28)_____ structure in Pisa’s Cathedral Square. The tower’s tilt began _____(29)_____ construction. It was caused by an inadequate foundation on ground which was too soft on one side to properly support the structure’s weight. The tilt ____(30)______ long before the structure was completed and gradually increased until the structure was stabilized. It was partially corrected by efforts in the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
26. _______
A. a
B. an
C. the
 27. _______
A. well-known
B. little-known
C. unknown
28. _______
A. old
B. older
C. oldest
29. _______
A. in
B. during
C. while
30. _______
A. started
B. has started
C. was started
31. ‘Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a _____ of water.’
Look how ____ and weak you are. Don’t you eat anything?
A. peal, peel
B. pale, pail
C. pail, pale
 32. ‘The boys had a hard time finding ______ classroom.’
A. they’re
B. their
C. there
33. ‘Where do you get all these fantastic ideas from? I find them totally _____! They make no sense at all.’ yelled Mrs.Wodehouse.
A. serious
B. stupid
C. boring
34. _____ he is rich, he is miserly.
A. Whereas
B. Because
C. Although
35. Situation : You have to politely ask for some drinking water.
A. Can I have a glass of water, please?
B. Give me a glass of water, will you?
C. I want a glass of water, do you hear?
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drsorrell · 1 year
Mon. 10.2.23
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Announcements & Reminders: Stay on top of all the little moving parts of our class (and your others). In October, the first semester of freshman year (if you're a freshman) starts to weigh you down a little!
Ch. 6, "Naysayers" = Counterargument. Anticipate objections and respond to them ahead of time. Why? It shows you are knowledgeable, helps you write more, and persuades the reader.
Example: Blanda argues that the best way for society to improve is for us to listen to people who don't agree with us and engage in actual discussion with them instead of assuming that we are right. This is a lovely idea, but what if these people--not the extremists he also mentions, but just regular disagreeing people--don't want to talk to us? Blanda has a nice idea but needs to think it through much more practically than he does in his essay. In my paper, I have been arguing that schools and families need to emphasize the basic virtue of being "polite." Now, someone could argue with me that I can easily say this because I am a tallish white guy in a tie; of course, I can be polite. I supposedly have it all. I don't deny that there is something like "white male privilege, nor that I had a lot of advantages that others didn't. After all, both my parents were professors! However, I also don't think that my own situation takes away from a good idea that could help everyone. I'm arguing that we all try to move toward an ideal, not that we all can do it equally right away because we all come from the same exact background! If we are polite and we encounter someone who doesn't agree with us about gun control and who really doesn't want to talk about it, that is okay. If we are polite and encounter someone who doesn't agree with us about gun control and wants to talk about it, great. My argument is not about achieving a specific effect ahead of time; it is about adjusting a general personality trait that it is hard to view as negative.
Is Coryell against all use of the slogan "All Lives Matter" or just when it is used as a response against "Black Lives Matter"?
What do you think about the roles of popular slogans or sayings in our everyday lives in 2023? What are some other examples?
Alexander concludes that we need "dialogue" and "conversation." But what if this conversation goes in a direction Alexander doesn't like? Feel free to bring in other readings from this unit, wink wink.
Do some light googling for prison stats in 2023 and share what you find with us.
Is this lack of attention to Black English in courtroom transcription done on purpose? Can you think of other language misunderstandings like this?
Do some light googling: How are court transcribers hired? Trained?
Overall Class Discussion + Counterarguments to Authors!
Read Ch. 20, Vance  (433-450) and Pruitt (451-457).
Complete InQuizitive: “Comma Splices.”
Extra-Credit: All of the possible extra-credit is in a link to a Google Doc on our main Schoology page. There are 13 possible points there now. That's more than a whole letter grade (10 points)! New entries:
McWhorter: Read this John McWhorter (the same one) opinion essay after the Supreme Court decision this past summer. Summarize what McWhorter is saying here and your reaction to it in a paragraph. +2 points on Final Draft of Paper #2.
Vance/Pruitt: This is a recent piece (9.26.23) about JD Vance containing an interview. Read it, then find one quote from the Vance essay we read for class and explain how it connects. +3 points on the Final Draft of Paper #2.
Mehta/Frum: Read this recent article on immigration (10.1.23) and connect it to Mehta and Frum in a short paragraph. You can also use this reading instead of Mehta or Frum in Paper #2 if you like! + 3 points on the Final Draft of Paper #2.
0 notes