#my poor bb orion ;~;
bunnithechubs · 1 year
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a nice day off with...friends?
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My favoirte servant of each class. Nobody asked me or tagged me, I am just doing it so if anyone asks I caan show em'.
Saber - Mordred, Saber Alter, Lakshmi, Dioscuri, Ibuki-Douji. Barghest is my big doggo,but I am mostly talking about NA here.
Archer - Moriarty above one above all, Euryale, Billy the Kid, Orion because buster memes although I don't have him. Ishtar would be owner of my heart IF SHE LISTENED TO MY CALLS.
Lancer - Ga Shin... I mean Cú Chu. Lancer Alter, Ereshkigal. Honorable mentions go to Melusine because who doesn't like her, and Benkei because he can kick some serious butt.
Rider - Ushiwakamaru. Honorable Mentions go to Astolfo for being my NP5... Because they wanted to. And Odysseus. I LOVE YOU ODY.
Caster - All of... *Coughs*.
Hans, Merlin, Skadi, Waver, Da Vinci, Asclepius, CasGil, Circe, Anya, Cú Chu... I LOVE MY CASTERS, THEY ARE MY BABIES!
Assassin - Three way tie between Cursed Arm Hassan (LOVE YOU), Ushiwakamaru and Shiki. Also Grandpa Li. And Osakabehime, I love you too.
Berserker - Fran, Nightingale and Jeanne Zerker. Honorable mention to Raikou for being my first five star Zerker.
Ruler - Man, Sherlock is owner of my heart, but Caren is here because SHE SAVES ME. A LOT. Also Jeanne.
Avenger - My boys and girls... Taira, Salieri, Nobu and my second NP5 because he loves me... Lobo. AND S.ISHTAR, CAN YOU PLEASE COME TO ME ALREADY?!
Mooncancer - Like it can be anyone else... Summer Kiara. Because I love Kiara SO MUCH. I also love BB and Jinako but... KIARA.
Alterego - I genuinely love all of em' (even Liz!) But lemme be honest honest...
RASPUTIN WINS BY A LANDSLIDE. Then Douman and King P that listened to my calls.
And lastly
Foreigner - All Foreigners are love... But Goghie brought me back to FGO. And Abby remained my single foreigner for the longest. So a tie between them.
And I don't have a Pretender to call my own. But Proto Merlin. Yeah.
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carewyncromwell · 3 years
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Cinderella AU time again at last, baby!! Let’s do this!
Florence’s “Christmas Witch” is inspired by Italy’s Le Befana, who like Santa Claus/Father Christmas and his many variations serves as a holiday gift-giver to young children. Given that in this universe, Florence is more favorable toward magic than its rival nation Royaume, I figured them having a similar tradition was appropriate.
The background depicted in this picture is based on this window from a guest apartment in the Chateau de Chambord in France, though of course this is the outside of such a window, rather than the inside. Damn it, do I hate backgrounds with a burning passion. XD;;
In my headcanon, Orion suffers from anxiety. Anxiety disorders aren’t uncommon among children who were raised in orphanages, and a common visual cue for anxiety is clasping one’s hands in front of them, which Orion does constantly in the game Hogwarts Mystery. Plus two types of therapy prescribed for dealing with anxiety are meditation and regular physical activity (like Quidditch! :D). For safety, though, I also want to put in a trigger warning for this part -- be advised that there will be some discussion of PTSD and war-related trauma, around the middle of this.
Previous part is here -- full tag is here -- Katriona “KC” Cassiopeia belongs to @kc-needs-coffee -- and I hope you enjoy!
The morning after Royaume’s Winter Festival, Skye was surprised to find Orion in Florence’s palace library. Admittedly he was balancing on one foot with one leg crossed over the other on the step near the top of a tall ladder while reading, which was very typical of Orion -- but the book was a very thick volume on the weaving of various fabrics, and he was devouring it with intense interest while vaguely humming a tune under his breath that Skye didn’t recognize.
“Oh willow, willow, willow...willow...”
Skye cleared her throat to try to get the Prince’s attention. “Hey...Orion?”
Orion, however, was too focused on what he was reading. It took Skye striding over, stating his name twice more, and finally giving the ladder a light smack to get his attention.
“Orion! Mind coming back down to Earth for a minute?” she said, her voice oddly tense. “I need to talk to you.”
Orion stopped humming and looked up from the book at last, his expression rather pleasant.
“Skye...you’ve returned from the front.”
Skye frowned. “Yeah...Dad’s nearly recovered from his injuries. Penny Haywood wanted to thank you for the herbs you picked up.”
Orion inclined his head slightly. “I’m glad to hear your father’s condition has improved.”
Skye nodded, looking faintly guilty.
“...Orion...I’m sorry about what I said the other day,” she said uncomfortably. “I was just so worried about Dad and his troops, and you being all wrapped up in this girl who works for the enemy...it just...it rattled me, I guess.”
“Florence and Royaume should not be enemies for all time,” said Orion patiently. “If there is to be peace, the mistakes both sides have made in the midst of the War will have to be forgiven.”
“I know,” muttered Skye. “And...well, I know how you feel about the War -- about war and fighting in general. It just feels like what you’re doing is so slow, and people are hurting, and...”
She hung her head.
“I know it’s no excuse, for what I said, but...I am really sorry.”
Orion’s black eyes softened. “It’s already forgiven and forgotten, my friend.”
Skye looked very relieved. Her face burst into a smile.
“...Thanks, Orion. I gotta admit, I...kind of want to meet this ‘Lady Cromwell’ now, after everything you told McNully and me about her. She sounds a bit too good to be true, but...well, I never really thought I’d ever hear of a Royaumanian defending magic...especially one of their courtiers.”
Closing the book in his hands with a quiet snap, Orion lowered the leg he had bent beside the one he was balancing on.
“Fortunately I think you’ll have the chance to do so very soon,” he said with a smile. “Last night was an unquestionable success.”
He leapt down the rungs of the ladder with alternating feet, all the way back down to the floor with a light thump.
“I went to the Winter Festival and met the Prince of Royaume himself.”
Skye gave a start. “You what?”
Orion was beaming from ear to ear. “It was all thanks to Carewyn, appropriately enough. She was the one who arranged it so that he could sneak out of the palace disguised as a peasant and attend the Winter Festival, even with the King and Queen keeping him so strictly contained. Prince Henri himself even said as much, that it was all Carewyn’s doing. Imagine...because of her, the two princes of rival nations were able to meet on completely neutral ground as equals. And now that we’ve been introduced and I have a better fix on Prince Henri’s character, I have a great opportunity to open negotiations in full.”
Skye looked rather impressed, even as her face twitched with discomfort.
“That’s...smashing, Orion,” she granted halfheartedly.
Orion raised his eyebrows curiously. “I would say so...but your aura doesn’t seem to agree with your words.”
With a deepening, guilty frown, Skye reached into the hanging pocket attached to her faded blue skirt and took out a sealed letter, which she handed to Orion.
“The King asked me to bring this back for you,” she said lowly, as Orion opened it and began to read. “He’s requested you and McNully to join him at the front.”
Orion’s face had lost all of its pleasantry, leaving it very stony and unreadable, as his black eyes scanned the letter once, twice, three times.
“McNully’s gone to get the coach ready,” said Skye lowly. “He said that he’d meet us just inside the castle gate.”
The ride from the Florentine royal palace to the battlefield at the northern-most border of Royaume and Florence was a stressful one. Once anyone exited the capitol’s walls, the War was immediately much more visible, since most of the War was fought on Florentine soil. Plus many of those magicians who specialized in casting spells were encouraged to settle closer to the wealthier hubs of the country, so that they could cast temporary illusions to obscure certain buildings whenever the opposing army got too close. That was how people such as Florence’s court magician, Severus Snape, had attained such a respectable status.
Orion spent the entire coach ride sitting with his legs crossed, his hands clasped tightly in his lap, and his eyes closed so he could meditate. Despite his eyes being closed, however, when they arrived at their destination, he could hear the shrieks of wheels on old wagons, the whinnying of unsettled horses, and suppressed moans of pain, and he could smell the burnt wood, gunpowder, and indescribable smell that could only be labeled as “death.” Even just the sounds and smells brought all the memories flooding back -- his and his mother’s house set ablaze...the rearing horses with Royaume blue and red on their saddles...the deafening explosions and the gray ash that rained from the sky...his mother’s light-less eyes and his own labored breathing and clutching, shaking hands...
Orion had never been blind to how run-down much of his country was, but its problems only became more apparent the closer one got to the border, and especially to the war front. Every building was brand-new and cheaply built, for they no doubt had been built and rebuilt several times over and their occupants didn’t have the funds to build it back as well as before. And then once one approached the army camp itself, there were just about no buildings or fortresses at all, since it was so hard to keep them from being demolished. Instead all the Florentines really had were tents that wouldn’t stand up to most any elements. In the freezing cold of winter, many had been crowded under groves of trees, in a vain attempt to try to protect them from the snow that had buried their neighbors, and there were large bonfires set up everywhere where the soldiers gathered, just to warm their bundled hands and feet. One small fire featured a cooking pot and some sort of foul-smelling soup -- it took Orion a moment to realize the smell was burning leather.
It was tragic to think of how many men back in the Florentine capitol like Lord Malfoy had become very rich because of the increased danger of shipping goods through war zones, while the men who actually had to stay in that war zone had to cook their own boots and eat them for sustenance.
Orion did not open his eyes even when the carriage came to a stop. It was proving harder to find his center of balance when the smell of gunpowder outside made the memory of terrified screams and crackling wood pound against his eardrums.
Inhale. Exhale. Let go. Find your center. Balance.
He felt someone lightly touch the top of his clasped hands. When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Skye.
“...We’re here,” she mumbled. Clearly she knew she was stating the obvious, but didn’t know what else to say.
Orion looked from her to McNully sitting next to her, his eyes very dark even though his face was rather unreadable. McNully looked very grim as he slowly opened the door to the coach. As soon as he did so, someone outside announced very loudly,
“Presenting his Highness, Crown Prince Cosimo Amari VII, heir to the throne of Florence!”
With a swallow, Orion slid his legs down to the floor and, unclasping his hands at last, he hoisted himself up as best he could, took hold of the door frame, and climbed out of the coach. He held his head up high and didn’t shrink, but his eyes were rippling turbulently like oil under candlelight as they surveyed the barren landscape.
Men by the dozens were being carried away on stretchers toward a large off-white medical tent -- even more were being carried away from it or, worse, not even coming close to it at all, for it was already too late. They were too badly injured for Penny Haywood’s potions to save -- for as powerful as magic could be, life and death were inevitable things. The gray-haired flower witch who’d given Orion the charm around his neck had told him so, the Prince recalled, as his hand absently came up to trail over the circular pendant. He’d asked her if she could stop someone from dying, and the sweet grandmotherly woman had looked upon him with an incredibly sad, pitying look.
“Death isn’t something anyone can stop, I’m afraid. One can put it off, certainly...I’ve been able to give people some extra time with my potions, but only by putting in a lot of my own time and energy. And even after putting in that time and energy, there are still plenty of people who I couldn’t work fast enough to help. That’s one of magic’s Chief Principles -- potions take time, but their effects last longer.”
The Prince of Florence tried to bring the cooling, calming sensation that had accompanied the charm around his neck when the woman had first given it to him back to his mind, as the smell of death that hovered over the camp made his heart chill and his stomach churn.
Orion could sense Skye climbing out to stand beside him, and not long after, McNully had lowered himself into the wheeled chair the footman detached from the boot of the coach. By the time McNully and Skye had joined him on the ground, a royal entourage had approached them, introduced by the captain who’d announced Orion’s arrival --
“Presenting his Majesty, Cosimo Amari V, Master and Commander of the Florentine Army, Lord of the Southeastern Sea, King of Florence!”
An older man about Orion’s height with a short mane of graying dark hair and just as strong of a jaw strode forward. Although he greatly resembled Orion visually, however, their physical attitudes couldn’t be any more different: as relaxed and modest as Orion was, the King of Florence appeared traditional and proud. They did, however, both appear quite detached, in their own way -- Orion because he didn’t want to be on the battlefield at all, and the King because he seemed to not be entirely sure how to address his adult son. But frankly, considering that Orion had been snatched out of poverty and made Crown Prince just to replace his older half-brother, Cosimo VI, after he was assassinated by the Royaumanians earlier that year, that wasn’t completely surprising.
“Cosimo,” the King greeted him formally. “Good that you’re here.”
Orion didn’t respond, his face close to impossible to read as he clasped his hands in front of him again.
The King’s emerald green eyes scanned his son’s face briefly before he brought up a hand to take hold of his shoulder and lead him further into camp.
“Come -- we have much to discuss...”
Skye and McNully followed Orion and his father to the largest and brightest white of the tents, pushing the flap with the official Florentine gold-and-green-flower emblem aside to walk inside and gather around a large table. There was a large map laid out on it with many dark green and blood red miniatures and model canons scattered across the surface. Skye’s father, General Ethan Parkin, was also present -- he had to sit in a chair rather than stand like almost everyone else due to him missing a leg and being forced to lean on a crutch, but he sat up very straight with boastful levels of pride. Once he, his generals, and the Prince were all gathered around the table, the King immediately set about discussing McNully’s newest military strategy, which would involve splitting the army in half so as to covertly attack Royaume’s forces from two directions, so as to not only better pinpoint where their canons were currently positioned and avoid them, but also to prevent them from retreating.
It soon became apparent to everyone in the King’s tent, however, that Orion was not in the mood to discuss any of this. He stayed quiet for the majority of the meeting, clasping his hands in front of him, and his eyes remained on the far edge of the map on the table, far away from the battlefield. In his mind, he tried to find his center, even though the sounds of the anxiously whinnying horses outside brought back the memory of the ones that had nearly stampeded him so many years ago, when his part of town was set ablaze.
Find your center. Find balance. Find peace.
Carewyn’s soft, content face as she sang under the willow tree beside the Royaumanian palace moat rippled over his mind, and he felt his heart rate slow.
“Oh willow, willow, willow...shall be my garland...”
Orion tried to stay there on that lake bank in his mind as the King discussed how essential it’d be to prevent any Royaumanians from getting in or out of their camp during their siege -- for, as General Parkin pointed out, if any help arrived, then it would prevent the Florentine Army from wiping out their enemy and ending the War. McNully himself looked rather unsettled by the thought of “wiping out” the enemy and was quick to say he’d only intended for the Royaumanians to be fenced in, like in a game of chess, but the King of Florence clearly didn’t think it was enough.
“This newest batch of drafted soldiers are our last resort. Unless we wish to expand the draft to take all those over the age of 18, regardless of health or status, to take their place, we must bring this War to an end, once and for all. And to do that, our enemy must be decisively crushed.”
He looked up at Orion.
“That is why, son, I’ll need you to take command of the left flank of the army.”
“What?” said Skye and McNully, both taken aback and horrified.
“Your Majesty,” McNully said very quickly and firmly, “I-I fully intended that General Parkin would -- ”
“Believe me, lad, I’d normally be chomping at the bit to do it myself,” said General Parkin with a rather sour expression. “But considering that I can’t even properly stand yet, his Majesty decided it might be a good idea for me to...sit this one out.”
“Prince Cosimo will need to know our army as well as I do,” said the King firmly. “Even when we bring this War to an end, he’ll need to be able to lead them in battle, in order to protect our kingdom. And from what I understand, Cosimo, you’ve been gathering intelligence in Royaume itself for a month now without arousing any suspicion...I believe your flair for stealth would be perfectly suited to the task at hand.”
“I’m afraid I must disagree,” said Orion in a very quiet voice.
The King halted. Orion had looked up at his father out the side of his black eye when he’d first addressed him, and although his expression had been very restrained, his eyes had gone very dark. His hands clasped a bit tighter as he faced the rest of the King’s military officers.
“This meeting is adjourned. Please excuse me.”
He turned on his heel and made as if to leave. The King, however, roughly grabbed his shoulder.
“It most certainly is not,” he said, his green eyes full of both disbelief and urgency. “Cosimo, this is not up for debate -- I require you here, to lead the men.”
Orion didn’t turn around. “...You require my aid, to lead our men in this battle?”
“Good,” said Orion levelly. “Then should I choose not to cooperate, you will not be able to act on this strategy at all.”
All of the King’s officers looked appalled as Orion left the tent. The King’s eyes grew very wide, flickering with desperation as well as some righteous anger, as he chased after him, stepping in front of Orion to prevent him from leaving.
“Cosimo, this is our chance to end the War once and for all! To bring peace to Florence, to right all of the wrongs the Royaumanians have done...”
“Can one right any wrongs by committing more wrongs of their own?” murmured Orion.
“War is not that black and white, my son,” said the King sharply. The surrounding soldiers were starting to take notice. “Sometimes the ends must justify the means -- it’s something all young kings must learn, and I would prefer you learn it before I’m gone, rather than after making a big mistake.”
Skye and McNully had rushed out to join Orion.
“All people make mistakes,” Orion said softly. He tried to leave for a third time, but the King refused to let him pass.
“But you are the Crown Prince of Florence!” said the King. He was clearly getting frustrated now. “Therefore your mistakes are much more consequential -- when you make mistakes, the people you cherish, that you want most desperately to protect, pay the price!”
His father’s rising volume wasn’t helping Orion’s mood. His anxiety had already been spiking in the tent, but it was only getting harder for him to focus on his breathing with the King continuing to press the issue and the unpleasant, sickening smells and sounds of the battlefield surrounding him.
“Think of your friends, Cosimo,” said the King in a strained voice, “your home, your subjects...”
His friends... Skye’s and McNully’s faces rippled over Orion’s mind, before being joined by KC’s, Badeea’s, the Weasleys’, and Andre’s at the Festival...Carewyn’s...Carewyn rushing up to him at the palace gate -- sighing tiredly and handing him her uncomfortable white heels -- dancing in spirals around him, her red lips turned up in a smile and her ginger hair flying free --
Another battalion was coming through, with stretchers and horses loaded up with wounded soldiers -- the smell of death was suffocating --
“Think of your mother, Cosimo,” said the King. “Could you bear it if any other little boys lost their mothers, the way you did?”
“Don’t talk about -- !” gasped Skye, looking righteously furious, but McNully quickly grabbed her arm to urge her to be quiet. 
Skye’s objection wouldn’t have helped, though. The mention of Orion’s mother, combined with the smell of fire and the sound of horses, brought the images flooding back -- his mother’s light-less eyes -- his own gasping for breath --
Orion closed his eyes, trying to find his center, even as his clasped hands started to sweat.
Return to Carewyn -- return to the lake shore, to her voice --
Carewyn’s brother was on the battlefield, fighting for Royaume -- if Orion charged into battle, could he not end up bringing about her brother’s death? Could he bear seeing Carewyn’s heart broken, upon learning that the only family she had who truly understood and loved her was dead? Could he bear the thought of all that blood being on his hands...the blood of his soldiers and Andre’s -- the blood of Carewyn’s brother -- ?
“This is your responsibility, Cosimo,” said the King, as he seized Orion’s shoulder and squeezed it. “You must lead our men into battle -- ”
To everyone’s complete and utter shock, Orion had actually ripped out of the King’s grip, backhanding his hand away with force.
The King flinched back, looking stricken. Orion stared at his father, his black eyes very wide and devoid of both consciousness and its usual composure. There was no rage or violence in his posture, but his face was very white and his hand -- still hovering in mid-air -- was trembling slightly.
“Forgive me,” he said at once, his voice very soft and unusually fragile. “Just...please, don’t touch me.”
He strode past his father, right over to the coach he’d arrived in. Instead of climbing inside, however, he immediately yanked one of the black horses free from its restraints and climbed up onto its back.
“Cosimo!” the King cried, but it was no use. Orion had already sharply flicked the reins and rode off into the distance with speed.
Orion didn’t stop riding until he’d once again reached the palace gate of Royaume. He ended up tossing off his well-tailored olive green doublet on the way, so as to leave his more peasant-like white undershirt behind. His hair also came loose of its ponytail in transit and Orion didn’t care in the least to try to restrain it again. His heart was pounding so fast and his blood was so spiked that all he could focus on was finding peace -- and in that moment, peace was a person. He just needed to hear Carewyn’s voice...needed to see her face...
Orion tied his horse up not far from the palace and hopped the castle wall. He knew Carewyn wouldn’t be expecting him -- before the Winter Festival, they’d said they’d meet up on the 9th, which was coincidentally after Florence’s Christmas Witch festivities. Even so, and even though Orion knew Carewyn would worry about him getting in trouble, he couldn’t think of the risk to himself. His heart was just too clenched with anxiety for him to place his focus on anything other than reaching her -- even though once he reached the castle, the tension that squeezed every nerve in his body in a vice grip only increased with the knowledge that he had no way to figure out where in the castle she’d be or how to get her attention. As fate would have it, however, as Orion paced through the gardens, clasping his own sweating hands, a familiar tune rippled over the air.
“The sweetest sounds I’ll ever hear are still inside my head...
The kindest words I’ll ever know are waiting to be said...”
The song itself was one even Orion knew -- it was a rather well-known love song in both Florence and Royaume, and one of his mother’s favorite songs when she was alive. But more importantly, the voice singing it was the wonderfully emotional, deep-as-the-sea tone he’d so needed to hear. Orion’s heart gave something like a spasm of relief as he swept around the perimeter of the palace, staying low behind the hedges, until he spotted an open window in a nearby tower where the voice was coming from. When Orion reached the tower in question, he couldn’t stop himself from collapsing against the wall back-first, closing his eyes, so he could just focus on her voice and let it wash over him.
He was suddenly so short on time. The King was so desperate to end the War that he was now open to slaughtering the enemy, if it served that goal. And as confident as the King was that the plan McNully had suggested would put an end to the Royaumanian army for good, Orion himself doubted it would or even could. The cycle of vengeance could only continue ad infinitum until either everything was destroyed or one royal decided to be the better person and stop the fighting. But how could Orion hope to pursue the diplomacy he’d wanted, once the King had done something so ruthless? How could he hope to appeal to Prince Henri or his parents, after such a severe, fresh wound? And Carewyn...how could he face her again, if her beloved brother died because of his own father’s orders?
He needed time. He needed peace. He needed...
“...is waiting somewhere...somewhere for me...”
Breathe. Find your center. Inhale. Exhale.
Orion barely knew what made him do it, but he knew he had to get Carewyn’s attention somehow. So he squeezed his hands, opened his mouth, took a deep breath, and started to sing the words in return.
“The sweetest sounds I’ll ever hear are still inside my head...”
Carewyn had been cleaning one of the guest suites when she suddenly heard her own song echoed back to her from outside the window. She straightened up abruptly.
Who...who is...?
The voice was male and oddly wispy -- the singer was certainly not trained or very comfortable singing, but he still sounded so earnest...almost desperate.
“The kindest words I’ll ever know are waiting to be said...
The most entrancing sight of all is yet for me to see,
And the dearest love in all the world is waiting somewhere for me --
Is waiting somewhere...somewhere for me...”
Carewyn leaned her broom up against the wall and looked out the window. When she looked down, she caught sight of a familiar mane of dark hair and slightly-too-clean white shirt.
She recoiled from the window at once, her hands flying to her messy ginger ponytail as she looked over her burnt orange and beige servant’s dress. She was in no state for him to see her like this --
She looked into the mirror hanging up on the closest wall and swallowed.
Carewyn knew she was being foolish -- Orion was going to find out sooner or later that she was nothing but a servant...but...
She’d liked being a lady, for him. She’d liked being someone he could respect. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust him with the truth of who she was, really, it was more...her being ashamed of herself. She hadn’t had a choice of whether or not Andre or KC or even the Weasleys knew that she was the child of Charles Cromwell’s disowned youngest daughter and a dead-beat merchant with no dowry or prospects. But Orion hadn’t known her. She’d been able to be who she wished she could be, if just for a moment, when they first met...and in every moment after, she found herself that bit more reluctant to put that mask away.
Carewyn wanted to be a brave, noble, graceful, sophisticated lady for Orion. She wanted to be someone he could admire, instead of the insignificant, pathetic, lying fake who’d sold her and her brother’s souls and futures away forever, just to try to save his life. A girl who, truthfully, was no better than her terrible family -- who had brought every bit of unhappiness she’d ever experienced on herself...
Orion started the song again down below, in an attempt to get Carewyn’s attention -- Carewyn, up above, quickly fashioned her hair into a pretty braid in front of the mirror and sang under him as an echo, as if wanting to reassure him that she could hear him.
“The sweetest sounds (the sweetest sounds)
I’ll ever hear (I’ll ever hear)
Are still inside my head --
The kindest words (the kindest words)
I’ll ever know (I’ll ever know)
Are waiting to be said --
The most (the most) entrancing (entrancing) sight of all (sight of all)
Is yet for me to see,
And the dearest love in all the world...
Is waiting somewhere for me... (Waiting somewhere...)
Is waiting somewhere...
Somewhere for...me...”
Once she was finished with her braid, Carewyn quickly dusted herself off and dashed over to the window.
“Orion!” she whispered only as loudly as she dared.
Orion opened his eyes, turning around and looking up at Carewyn with a very soft smile adorning his lips.
“Beautiful as ever, my lady,” he complimented her, inclining his shoulders in a short bow. His hands were still clasped in front of him. “Like the sweet Nightingale that sang for the Emperor.”
Carewyn took several quick glances around, visibly worried. “Orion, what are you doing here?”
Orion raised his eyebrows. “Standing, at present. Though I was singing just a moment ago -- or at least trying to. My voice cannot compete with yours, I’m afraid.”
Carewyn couldn’t completely keep the smile off her face, even despite the concern she felt. Her smile, however small, was like a warm, soothing hand on Orion’s heart.
“You’re lucky that no one else heard you!” Carewyn hissed down with as much reproach as she could manage.
Orion smiled wryly. “Most assuredly. I’m certain that Madam Ali and the Weasley brothers would hardly enjoy my ‘accompaniment’ as well as they do yours.”
The sweat on his hands had gone cold, making Orion actually shiver a bit as he found his body temperature and heart rate finally starting to calm. His smile flickered slightly on his face, creating a much more pensive and murky expression.
“...Will you take a ride with me, Carewyn?” said Orion, very abruptly. 
Carewyn blinked. “What?”
Orion squeezed his own hands together, but tried to keep his voice level and his shoulders straight.
“I realize we’ve made no plans today, and that you are enamored of the work you do at court...but you so enjoy riding your horse, and we’ve not yet taken a ride together, out into the country. There are such beautiful valleys east of here -- perfect for stargazing, I should think, once the sun sets.”
Carewyn’s eyes drifted away, back into the guest suite she was cleaning. The windows weren’t washed yet, and she still had to bring the dirty sheets down to the laundry so she could have them clean in time for tomorrow morning...
Sensing Carewyn’s discomfort, Orion said in an oddly insistent voice, “I’ll wait for you, should you say yes. Whatever you must do, I’ll wait until you are finished.”
Carewyn’s gaze snapped back down to Orion in surprise.
She’d never heard him sound like that before. As mysterious and unreadable as his face was, she could still sense that something was off. Perhaps it was how his black eyes searched her face -- or perhaps it was the tenseness in his clasped hands.
Carewyn knew she was in no state to go riding with Orion in her dusty servant’s uniform, especially when she still had work to do...but truly, she didn’t have to wash the windows today, after having already done them yesterday...and she could always fetch the sheets early the next morning before coming up to the guest suite to change them out.
If something is wrong, I can’t leave Orion to deal with it alone, she thought to herself.
Even if she was only a fake and a liar, Carewyn wanted to be there for him. He deserved to have someone there for him...even if it was just her.
And so with a swallow, she looked back down at Orion with a very solemn, but gentle look.
“...I’ll need to change into something warmer and fetch my horse...but I’ll be down in thirty minutes. Can you meet me outside the gate?”
Orion’s heart flooded with relief that he couldn’t completely keep off of his face.
“I’ll be waiting, my lady.”
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amwritesitall · 4 years
Sally McKenna Playlist
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I listen to this playlist so much it’s just ahh. As of the time I’m writing this, this bad boy is almost exactly 3 and a half hours long
Occasional little blurbs under the songs that are... interesting
Playlist link
“R U Mine?” by Arctic Monkeys
I go crazy 'cause here isn't where I wanna be And satisfaction feels like a distant memory And I can't help myself, all I Wanna hear her say is "Are you mine?" Well, are you mine?
How could I not put some Arctic Monkeys for Sally. They scream Sally vibes.
“The Cult of Dionysus” by The Orion Experience
I'm feeling devious You're looking glamorous Let's get mischievous And polyamorous Wine and women and wonderful vices Welcome to the cult of Dionysus
At first this song might seem a little weird, but it is quite the banger once you get into it
“I Miss Having Sex But At Least I Don’t Want To Die” by Waterparks
I miss having sex but at least I don't wanna die anymore And I think that's pretty cool I miss seeing the red on your face when I made you blush, hey But I think it's fine, it's cool
This song is such a mood I can’t even. 
“summer depression” by girl in red
Pretty face with pretty bad dreams No one knows i cry in my sleep Waking up feeling like shit It's a normal thing to feel like this
I don't care I'm feeling down I wanna stay home Never go outside Summer depression comes every year I just want to disappear
Do you listen to girl in red because I sure do
“OK” by Wallows
I'm getting too close You say you love me most It's hard to trust it even though I want to Need to get this shit out of my head Before I flip this on myself instead
I’m in an unofficial girl band called Sugar Tits and this is one of the songs we’re going to cover. I feel like Sally would appreciate this.
“505″ by Arctic Monkeys
I'm going back to 505 If it's a seven hour flight or a forty-five minute drive In my imagination you're waiting, lying on your side With your hands between your thighs
Stop and wait a sec Oh, when you look at me like that, my darling What did you expect? I probably still adore you with your hands around my neck Or I did last time I checked
This song SCREAMS Sally and I stand by that
“Gold Dust Woman - 2004 Remaster” by Fleetwood Mac
Did she make you cry Make you break down Shatter your illusions of love And is it over now do you know how Pick up the pieces and go home.
I can’t not put a Fleetwood Mac song
“Dontmakemefallinlove” by Cuco
I don't think I'm meant to be with you I don't wanna make you sad All the time just feeling bad Girl, don't make me fall in love with you I don't think I'm right for you I'm just disappointing you
Angsty Sally not feeling good enough
“Prom Queen” by Beach Bunny
Teach me how to be okay I don't want to downplay my emotions They say beauty is pain You'll only be happy If you look a certain way
Sally vibes, man
“3 Nights” by Dominic Fike
Three nights at the motel Under streetlights In the city of palms Call me what you want, when you want, if you want And you can call me names if you call me up
Hotel Cortez love affair with our girl Sally
“Marlboro Nights” by Lonely God
I don't wanna go to school tomorrow I can't study Thinking about you And you know I always do I don't wanna go to sleep tonight when I can stay up Thinking about you And you know I always do
This is teen Sally and it is not up for debate
“Paper Thin Hotel” by Matt Maltese
I listened to your kisses at the door I never heard the world so clear before You ran your bath and you began to sing I felt so good I couldn't feel a thing I stood there with my ear against the wall I was not seized by jealousy at all In fact a burden lifted from my soul I learned that love was out of my control
A lot of these songs I have cried to and thinking about angsty Sally makes it even harder not to cry. Picture poor Sally being trapped in the Cortez and having to witness someone she love be with another person. How can you not be sad thinking about that?
“Lonely Eyes” by The Front Bottoms
You've got me stuck to where I'm sittin' Lookin' at your eyes And I know I'm so pathetic I wouldn't move to save my life And they tell me that you're lonely It's no surprise When you walk around all day wearing those Lonely, lonely, lonely eyes
Lonely bb
“me & ur ghost” by blackbear
I'm not alone It's just me and your ghost And this cripplin' depression I thought I learned my lesson But, I threw out my phone And I burned all your clothes And now I'm not alone It's just me and your ghost
You could take this literally or metaphorically. I’d argue that it works either way.
“Cigarettes On Patios” by BabyJake
I was smoking cigarettes on patios I was throwing money in the air Maybe I should pick that shit back up Bet my night on love Here we go again
This song is extremely repetitive, but the vibe fits.
“Sex n’ Drugs” by Abhi The Nomad
Born faceless Please save me My soul's tainted It's how I've been born I've worn patience Please save me I'm more tasteful than ever before
Sally’s theme song and overall lifestyle
“Foreplay” by Jalen Santoy
First they tell you that they love you Then they ask where you coming from Like you the only one feeling how you feeling Then you lie just to make it sound appealing
I love you The things that cross my mind while I'm by myself I hate you These things go through my mind while I'm by myself I fuck you These things run through my mind while I'm by myself Well fuck you It's always on my mind, think I need some help
Find me vibin’ to this. Sally dealing with fake ass bitches.
“hot girl bummer” by blackbear
Fuck you, and you, and you I hate your friends and they hate me too I'm through, I'm through, I'm through This that hot girl bummer anthem Turn it up and throw a tantrum
Hot girl summer Sally
“1 SIDED LOVE” by blackbear
You're too busy talking over me to hear what I'm saying You're too high to realize I see Through the smile that you're faking You're so into yourself Everyone else is overrated And everything's changing Is your heart worth breaking?
I could cry to this. Actually now that I think about it, I have cried to this and Sally would too.
“Easier” by 5 Seconds of Summer
Is it easier to stay? Is it easier to go? I don't wanna know, oh But I know that I'm never, ever gonna change And you know you don't want it any other way
An angry vibe
“Wrong” by Ally Hills
I can't keep on living with a delicate mind If I make a coffee, can we act like we're fine? When we were tangled in the sheets And waking up in our bed 'Cause now you strangle me in my sleep And I wake up with you in my head
Oh oh Oh oh I thought you loved me
A sad post break up vibe
“Space” by Ally Hills
You don't even care that my clothes aren't there. You needed the hanger space. You don't even mind 'cause you don't waste time Filling in all the blanks.
I wish you were sad for a day so you would know how it tastes to be lonely I wish you would stay in for a night to see what it's like fading slowly
Another sad post break up vibe
“Liability” by Lorde
Baby really hurt me Crying in the taxi He don't wanna know me Says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm Says it was poison So I guess I'll go home Into the arms of the girl that I love The only love I haven't screwed up She's so hard to please But she's a forest fire
Ok, but try to listen to this song while sad and not cry??? I could cry to this even if I’m not sad. It just comes on and I’m like “yeah bitch I am a liability.”
“All Girls Are The Same” by Juice WRLD
Ten minutes, she tell me it would take ten minutes To break my heart, oh no she didn't Fuck livin', I'ma drown in my sorrow Fuck givin', I'ma take not borrow And I'm still sinnin', I'm still losin' my mind I know I been trippin', I'm still wasting my time All the time given, am I dyin? Am I livin'? It's fuck feelings, my sorrow go up to the ceilin'
Heartbroken gal
“The Louvre” by Lorde
I am your sweetheart psychopathic crush Drink up your movements, still I can't get enough I overthink your p-punctuation use Not my fault, just a thing that my mind do
A rush at the beginning I get caught up, just for a minute But lover, you're the one to blame, all that you're doing Can you hear the violence? Megaphone to my chest
“Writer In The Dark” by Lorde
Break the news, you're walking out To be a good man for someone else Sorry, I was never good like you Stood on my chest and kept me down Hated hearing my name on the lips of a crowd Did my best to exist just for you
Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark Now she's gonna play and sing and lock you in her heart Bet you rue the day you kissed a writer in the dark
Angsty song writer Sally
“Sims” by Lauv
I wish that you and I lived in the Sims We could build a house and plant some flowers and have kids But we're both at some trashy Halloween party downtown And I'll probably never see you again I wish that we lived on a VHS I'd erase the things I said and that I'll probably say again Hit rewind on all the times I got lost in my head But I guess I'll never see you again I'll probably never see you again
Ok hang with me for a second here. Sally leaving the Cortez in her one night of freedom. She meets someone at a Halloween party and they hit it off, but she doesn’t think to get her contact information or anything, so she spends the next year thinking of seeing the mysterious girl again.
“Everybody Talks” by Neon Trees
It started with a whisper And that was when I kissed her And then she made my lips hurt I could hear the chit chat Take me to your love shack Mamas always gotta back track When everybody talks back
Sally can take me to her love shack anytime
“prom dress” by mxmtoon
I can't help the fact I like to be alone It might sound kinda sad, but that's just what I seem to know I tend to handle things usually by myself And I can't ever seem to try and ask for help
I'm sitting here, crying in my prom dress I'd be the prom queen if crying was a contest
The last line screams teenage Sally, but also Sally now too?
“i hope your whole life sux” by blackbear
The truth yeah, is I've been up for days on cocaine The truth is I've been up for days tryin' not to think about you I hope that I'm the reason that you can't sleep I hope that your whole life sucks without me The truth is I've been up for days thinkin' 'bout you
Unhealthy coping mechanisms from our favorite druggie
Please don’t do cocaine. Cocaine ruin yo brain.
“Teeth” by 5 Seconds of Summer
Some days, you're the only thing I know Only thing that's burning when the nights grow cold Can't look away, can't look away Beg you to stay, beg you to stay, yeah Sometimes, you're a stranger in my bed Don't know if you love me or you want me dead Push me away, push me away Then beg me to stay, beg me to stay
Spicy Sally
“Fuck Up” by Tana Mongeau
'Cause I'm a fuck up, and I'm so fucked up And all these voices in my head won't shut the fuck up 'Cause I'm a fuck up, and I'm so fucked up And it's 5 p.m. and I just woke the fuck up
This song is me, but also Sally. 
“hell is where i dreamt of u and woke up alone” by blackbear
I'm in need of moderation Nah, I need a fucking break 'Cause I just railed down enough lines tonight To spell your first and last name
And it's all because I dreamt of you And woke up alone What a wonderful tone To bring you back home
I don’t even do cocaine, but this shit strikes something within me
“Idfc” by blackbear
Tell me pretty lies Look me in the face Tell me that you love me Even if it's fake 'Cause I don't fucking care, at all
Just tell Sally you love her
“Weekend” by Club House
I know you always say that you're alright But then you want to talk on the low And if you wanna a break, baby we can Hit the rooftop all alone Let me make you smile, baby all night Fuck around maybe get stoned You know that we can do it every weekend But you just wanna talk on the low
Care free loving with Sally
“Supplier!” by Crisaunt
Baby girl All of this fighting got me tired All this love that you desire All this effort you require I cannot be your supplier
I’m pretty sure I put this on here for vibes
“Model Student” by Grady
Growing up, i got used to laughs Suddenly JanSport really had my back I came into the world an outcast I didn´t dress the same I didn´t act the same But the popular kids Peaked around 17 And the only peaking i did Was looking for a fuck to give
Sally doesn’t give a fuck
“Life Inside” by Verzache
My life inside Wish I could get out and go ride a bike Head in the wind, and know what it's like And wear my ones like we did all the time Please, don't remind me 'bout my life inside I waste on my phone, sleep most the time Wake up to texts from girls I used to like Try not to text back, the light hurts my eyes Smoke 'til I'm knocked out
Trapped in Hotel Cortez Sally
“Haunt You” by Social House
Better off this way but I want you, want you, want you Sometimes I just wanna fucking Call you, call you, call you Never thought something beautiful could Haunt you, haunt you, haunt you
Shout out to @make--your--life--spectacular​ for telling me about this song because it is really good and fits Sally’s vibes
“if i could i would feel nothing” by blackbear
Underneath it all the truth is that I Really feel like shit I'm so sick of being tired I'm so tired of being sick
Post breakup Sally
“Crash and Burn” by Marc E. Bassy
Girl, we got some dangerous minds Every time we bring them together Nothing can take us off this ride Maybe we'll crash and we'll burn together
Sally is a crash and burn together kind of gal
“STFU” by mansionz, Spark Master Tape
Shut the fuck up right now and let me breathe Shut the fuck up right now, let me do my thing Slow down, slow down, slow down Quit hitting my phone up, quit hitting my phone up Quit hitting my phone, slow down
Annoyed Sally vibes
“fuck, i’m lonely” by Lauv, Anne-Marie
Fuck, I'm lonely, I'm lonely, I'm lonely as Fuck, come hold me, come hold me, come hold me It's been me, myself, and why did you go, did you go? Oh, fuck, I'm lonely, I'm lonely, I'm lonely, lonely, 
I miss those nights when you would come over Spent all night just tryna get closer That was June and now it's October I don't want, don't wanna get over
Fuck, Sally’s lonely
“If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know)” by The 1975
"Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I'm not playing with you, baby I think that you should give it a go" She said, "Maybe I would like you better if you took off your clothes I wanna see, and stop thinking If you're too shy, then let me Too shy, then let me know"
Sally is the “she” you speak of
“Instead of My Room” by Charlie Burg
We are simpatico Don't wanna let you go I wanna get to know (I wanna go out and see the new Star Wars with you) Play me another song I want to sing along Give my a melody (I heard the Hunger Games wasn't as good as the book)
Teen vibes, but also parts of this are talking about music and music is definitely a love language for Sally
“pharmacy” by Isaac Dunbar
Mmm, hurt me I kind of developed a taste for it Mmm, hurt me I want the pain between my lips
Feed it to me softly From your purple and blue fingers Constricted to only you To whom I seem to linger See me climb too high You cut the vine you had to hinder me
Prescribe yourself to me You're the only remedy Have me begging on my knees You're my pharmacy
Sally is into this and you can’t tell me any differently
“Daze Inn - Acoustic” by Carlie Hanson
We spent last night trippin' at the Daze Inn Lost in time like we got on a spaceship Tell me all your dreams when you wake up Carry me from the pool to the bathtub
Daze Inn = Hotel Cortez
“Last Nite” by The Strokes
Last night, she said "Oh, baby, don't feel so down Oh, it turns me off When I feel left out" So I, I turned round Oh, baby, gonna be alright It was a great big lie 'Cause I left that night, yeah
“Lonely Times” by Hot Flash Heat Wave
Lemme tell ya a little story fresh out of my dormitory I didn't know where things were going City lights felt like drowning in the ocean Late nights lying in my bed with all these thoughts swimming through my head Lonely times drifting in my dreams, I feel alright when I'm drifting, I’m drifting
Sally reminiscing on her times before the Cortez
“blackboard.edu” by Arlie
Don't listen to me I just need a good night's sleepAnd you keep me up all night Can't talk right I'm fallin' in my clothes And even though I'm feeling like death I can't be upset 'Cause I finally know
If you can’t tell, I love teen AUs
“7PM” by Lilacs, Lizzy McAlpine
I'm losing my mind I'm reading the news for the hell of it I'm wondering if she's on your mind Losing track of time I'm learning to cook for the hell of it And I'm wondering if she's by your side Tonight
Trapped in the Cortez and can’t go out and be with anyone
“i’m so tired...” by Lauv, Troye Sivan
I'm so tired of love songs, tired of love songs Tired of love songs, tired of love Just wanna go home, wanna go home Wanna go home, whoa
Sick of them damn love songs
“So Alright, Cool, Whatever” by The Happy Fits
How could you ever really know? If you never look You don't know what you'll find I've got an effervescent glow If you'd show me all the dark parts of your mind.
I wanna be with you. I wanna be with you. I wanna be barely hangin' on. 
Sally falls HARD
“Kilby Girl” by The Backseat Lovers
I overheard that she was 19 with a fake ID and a nose ring Those kind of girls tend to know things better than I do And I'm dying to figure out what she's hiding She's playing it cool but she's lying, better than I do
“New Girl” by FINNEAS
I wanna scratch your surface I wanna feel your groove I wanna be your needle I wanna lick your wound You wanna play with fire? Stick and poke tattoo? You wanna play, my new girl? I wanna play with you
The energy, the presence, the vibes
“Chicken Tenders” by Dominic Fike
We settled but it never felt right 'cause we can't keep still And we try to fight the way everything feels When we step out of line I met your gaze and it was love that we were makin' And she spoke a different language There was no need for translation And I ordered chicken fingers to my room, girl But we got some things to do first
This song is something that’s for sure
“no friends” by mazie
I don't have no fucking friends Don't have fun, I don't break hearts I don't have no fucking friends
If less is more then I'm doing the most I'm so bored, and I feel like a ghost I don't wanna smoke no more 'cause I'm broke And my window won't open God, my life is a joke
Sally is lonely and needs love
You might like:  Poems that Remind Me of Sally McKenna or Cordelia Goode Playlist
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herrscher-of-trash · 4 years
Every servant class has that one type of sport they all play. Chaldea has just a down time where all servants spend time with their class of servants.
Sabers play rough contact sports. So anything where they can push and shove each other is a priority. Wether it is playing American football where Mordred attempts to tackle Artoria only to have all the other knights stop them. Or soccer/football where there are a lot of accidental injuries because some servants *cough* Lancelot *cough* get distracted (Mash walked past with Chaldea’s master) and they proceeded to accidentally kick the ball into someone’s face and almost start a war. But their hands down favorite is capture the flag where everyone forms factions pretty much. We have the Roman servants Nero, Caesar, Attila, and Nero Bride. The Round Table Gang of Artoria, Artoria Alter, Artoria Lily, Arthur, Mordred (because dammit nobody is beating Father but me), Lancelot, Gawain, and Bedivere. The Japanese Swordsman Okita, Shiki Saber, Musashi, Suzuka Gozen, and Yagyū (much begrudgingly). All the remaining servants just group together just to have a remaining chance.
Archer’s all obviously compete in archery. There’s no real rhyme or reason to the scores just whoever wants to do a competition comes together and the others can do it casually. Usually the ones competing are mostly SSRs showing who’s the best. Gil is a smug asshole as usual. Artemis is trying just to impress Orion more. Artoria made Emiya agree to make food for her. Arjuna wants to prove he’s better than Karna and everyone is just like sir, he’s not even here. And everything else goes down from there.
Lancers play curling, I dare you to tell me I’m wrong. The Celtic servants all come together under the leadership of Scáthach, who leads them to victory most times. They work like a perfect team because Scáthach will not allow any boo boo the fools in her presence. So the Divine Servants (minus the Celts obviously) come together to even attempt to win, spoiler alert they don’t. Karna, Brynhild, Ereshkigal, Tama Lancer, Parvati, Medusa Lily, Jaguar Man, and Raikou Lancer all collectively get dominated by the Celts usually. The remaining Lancers don’t really try they just have fun with it.
Riders you would expect to y’know do riding. But you’d be wrong. Quetz demanded something physically taxing. So they eventually came to the agreement that they’d cycle through what everyone wants to do. So one day they may be wrestling, the next they might play volleyball, another might be ultimate frisbee. The one sport it never is though is riding because that’s their main job and it gets boring usually.
The casters play boxing chess because they’re that kind of chaotic. Merlin tried cheating and Tamamo started yelling. It gets 10x more chaotic once Shakespeare is up because that’s the kind of man. Avicebron steps up to go against Shakespeare because he has an irking to be the one to box the bastard. Shakespeare holds up well until the boxing starts. Poor Shakespeare didn’t stand a chance because they decided magic was allowed when boxing. Medea and Circe don’t really box each other, Medea is just winning the chess game and Circe doesn’t care enough.
The assassins play an intense version of tag. They choose one poor soul to be the one to look for all the other assassins. However if the unfortunate soul does figure out where someone is they can run as long as they don’t get hit they’re still in the game. Usually gramps has to be the one to look for people because it’s Gramps. The Hassans throw themselves out for him and then he has to go find the rest. To name a few hiding spots we have. Semiramis “hides” by looking for Amakusa, she doesn’t find him but Gramps finds her. Stheno swaps places with Euryale and when Gramps finds that out he lectures her. Carmilla is kinda bored hiding and lonely, Gramps finds her because she kinda gave herself up and refused to run. Jack is excellent at hiding and Gramps can’t find them until the game ended. Just to name a few.
Berserkers usually don’t really play structured games, more so just yelling and play fighting. They hold back just enough to keep each other from having to go into spirit forms. Raikou watches over everything but mainly Kintoki, and Kiyo depending on her mood will either join Raikou or join the play fighting.
All the Extra class servants play different sports depending what class gets to pick. Mash is usually with Chaldea’s master and doesn’t attend. But when she does she gets to choose. When the Rulers choose it’s usually kendo because Amukusa wanted it and nobody objected. Tha Avengers choose a virtual escape room which really isn’t a sport but anyway. They did it because Dantés wanted to laugh at the others while our Count is just getting everything done. BB experiments with different things and “cheats” usually but only Jalter cares enough to bring it up. The Alter Egos usually request to do ballet (upon Melt’s request) in which Passionlip sits on the side and gets to cheer everyone on or do whatever she really wants because this is the time for happiness not feeling bad about yourself baby.
Anyway that’s all I have in my system. I’m sorry it’s so long but like I had all of this stuck in my head.
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izzythehutt · 5 years
Hi Izzy! You are hands down my favorite author in the HP universe and I super pumped for the rest of your story! Out of curiosity are we gonna get more of a back story for Lucy, Wally, Rion, Cyggie, and Dru cuz ngl at this point I’m more invested in that generation than the kids, except for my boy Regulus! Lovely work, thank you sharing with us!
Lol poor Sirius, no love for him. 
In December I started writing Christmas themed a prequel one-shot in the same  universe that’s from Alphard’s perspective and got into some of the specifics of his dynamic with his parents, his brother, Orion, bb Sirius and Regulus. Kind of shelved it because I wanted to just finish the 25k chapter I was working on of BM and I felt like I was already juggling too much in my life as far as writing projects.
You’re going to get some more details about the family in the next chapter, especially Wally’s side. Details about the parents’ courtship will also come out.  
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marlaluster · 7 years
emptying clipboard
"Isn't this all not serious," the devil said talking ababout people not supporting capitalism, heshe said that after I was noticing a couple other comments seeming corny, weird here on this post. I didn't get it, what was heshe trying to do w the fake comments. Orion Dauncey Dauncey "They're really corny n they don't know what to do," the devil said. "You but I don't know what to do I have to stop," the devil said. I don't support it, i don't make corny comments. And then corny isn't attacking the fuck out of people making them be fucking poor n homeless like communism. "They're really corny n they don't know what to do," the devil said. "You but I don't know what to do I have to stop," the devil said. I don't support it, i don't make corny comments. And then corny isn't attacking the fuck out of people making them be fucking poor n homeless like communism. I mean capitalism. It made me say the wrong word somehow, i wasn't paying close enough attention. It does weird stuff w magic. Orion Dauncey​​ Simon Andrew​​ https://m.facebook.com/groups/405041276338515?view=permalink&id=778655478977091&preview_rid=779096642266308&ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_activity The devil was just acting like it was a big thing for it to allow for me to keep getting social security pay n getting a benefit verification letter today. They last told me Wednesday that i could get one in three to five days. "But before --," the devil said. "Someone said he has to stop using her. Hes using her," like crazy, someone said pretty much, i think Jeff Crelling (in my mind). "I can't keep doing that. Someone is doing that right now n .... Do you want to tell him that. ....," the devil said. Some asides. We were realizing something the devil does to people, it "works" them like machines at times, their occurrences here, it has some restrictions n just things that produce themselves or actions or behaviors that are the result of a spell of who they are n how they can occur here. Uncle Joe, who I'm hanging out w right now (he's going to social security w me, he's going to be a payee for me because i really just need the end of the money system or to be able to survive without money because ive been attacked by it), just told me others have to occur here the same as me, not a machine ordered what to do. "I am doing that here, right. Please stop writing this. It's hurting me. Please don't tell about the benefit verification letter. ... I was threatening it. I keep taking my words. ... But I said I am doing things crazy because i can't have you get a place to live but I can't do that. ....," the devil said. More asides. It was said the devil can't do anything w the pay. It keeps making the benefit verification letter sjow zero. "It's because you don't get pay but they can't ... show that there. Look, you can't even get the words. You are less than. But not," the devil said. "She said I'm not able to be here," Kristy King​​ said in my mind. Bb. The devil was just acting like it was a big thing for it to allow for me to keep getting social security pay n getting a benefit verification letter today. They last told me Wednesday that i could get one in three to five days. "But before --," the devil said. "Someone said he has to stop using her. Hes using her," like crazy, someone said pretty much, i think Jeff Crelling (in my mind). "I can't keep doing that. Someone is doing that right now n .... Do you want to tell him that. ....," the devil said. Some asides. We were realizing something the devil does to people, it "works" them like machines at times, their occurrences here, it has some restrictions n just things that produce themselves or actions or behaviors that are the result of a spell of who they are n how they can occur here. Uncle Joe, who I'm hanging out w right now (he's going to social security w me, he's going to be a payee for me because i really just need the end of the money system or to be able to survive without money because ive been attacked by it), just told me others have to occur here the same as me, not a machine ordered what to do. "I am doing that here, right. Please stop writing this. It's hurting me. Please don't tell about the benefit verification letter. ... I was threatening it. I keep taking my words. ... But I said I am doing things crazy because i can't have you get a place to live but I can't do that. ....," the devil said. More asides. It was said the devil can't do anything w the pay. It keeps making the benefit verification letter sjow zero. "It's because you don't get pay but they can't ... show that there. Look, you can't even get the words. You are less than. But not," the devil said. "She said I'm not able to be here," Kristy King​​ said in my mind telling why the devil said "but not" there. Bb. "... I can't say you don't get pay. I'm messing things at social security up," the devil said. -- "It may be real then," the devil said when I said I'd post a picture of the letter I got maybe a couple of days ago. But I may not have it still, i don't know. I think I got one. I saw one online. "Then that means your benefits stopped. But not in the way you can get them again. But I can't say that. .... But I have to do something," the devil said. No one told me the benefits had stopped permanently there, not yet. They said they are to be deposited still. The last the girl told me they were pending, a girl named Avery at the social security office on Cary Street in Richmond, Virginia. She said at first the letter wouldn't show the amount until they did a review, but she said I would get a check deposited in three to five days. "....That doesn't make sense," the devil said. The devil was just threatening me again. "I keep trying to say she doesn't want to be called disabled, she doesn't want to rely on the pay," the devil said. "Uwh. That is wrong, Titty," Jeff Crelling said in my mind. I was saying I am trying to find a way i won't have to live like this, i try to make it so others will have it, too, i say this is wrong to force for some people to be less than, not have things okay. It is done by the dollar. People don't have the freedom to choose where to live. People are attacked into homelessness. Everyone who was ever homeless, the devil forces it very I theorize heavy handedly. It's not easy. Thats a tone on it already. It's because the devil forces it. It somehow wouldn't happen. The devil makes it up, forces people do what they wouldn't do like throw people out. People can't survive on the street. This is murder. They're killing people. It is genocide. Nasty as fuck. Someone has to stop it. Please help. Maybe other countries. It's disgusting here. It's true. "... I can't say you don't get pay. I'm messing things at social security up," the devil said. -- "It may be real then," the devil said when I said I'd post a picture of the letter I got maybe a couple of days ago. But I may not have it still, i don't know. I think I got one. I saw one online. "Then that means your benefits stopped. But not in the way you can get them again. But I can't say that. .... But I have to do something," the devil said. No one told me the benefits had stopped permanently there, not yet. They said they are to be deposited still. The last the girl told me they were pending, a girl named Avery at the social security office on Cary Street in Richmond, Virginia. She said at first the letter wouldn't show the amount until they did a review, but she said I would get a check deposited in three to five days. "....That doesn't make sense," the devil said. The devil was just threatening me again. "I keep trying to say she doesn't want to be called disabled, she doesn't want to rely on the pay," the devil said. "Uwh. That is wrong, Titty," Jeff Crelling said in my mind. I was saying I am trying to find a way i won't have to live like this, i try to make it so others will have it, too, i say this is wrong to force for some people to be less than, not have things okay. It is done by the dollar. People don't have the freedom to choose where to live. People are attacked into homelessness. Everyone who was ever homeless, the devil forces it very I theorize heavy handedly. It's not easy. Thats a tone on it already. It's because the devil forces it. It somehow wouldn't happen. The devil makes it up, forces people do what they wouldn't do like throw people out. People can't survive on the street. This is murder. They're killing people. It is genocide. Nasty as fuck. Someone has to stop it. Please help. Maybe other countries. It's disgusting here. It's true. It's very bad. There is not treating people how people are known to need n want to be treated. This is psycho. It's totally disgusting n sick. It's 1960 again. It's still slavery here, too. This church, not really the childcare center, i called them n visited them the day Dunston Manor Apartments put me out onto the street, my things left in the apartment. They said I would be able to get them later, something. "why. I can't have done what I did. Can that be okay. I have to tell it isn't real now. He knows that it's over now," the devil said. But the pastor, i called to see if i could talk to him n i talked to the secretary n she said she would call me back. Keith,the pastor there called me back a bit later n i talked to him kind of a lit, telling a lot of stuff n he listened to me n he told me to call Central Virginia Legal Aid Society. He gave me their phone number. He said they could help me get my things n he asked me the phone number of a family member he could call. I was talking about my brother w him at one point. I know one thing i said or rather remember mentioning was he had been very kind to me in a way the devil was trying to arrange for Joseph Lyons 3310 5th Avenue, Richmond, VA 23222 Mentioned -- "I just made someone mentioned -- he said I have to stop that. I was threatening -- are you suicidal?" The devil said. "I have to. ....," the devil said n i was talking to someone at the Will Reisinger -- "he closed that case. He's nolonger w us,"... Gloria Crook. Mentioned -- "I just made someone mentioned -- he said I have to stop that. I was threatening -- are you suicidal?" The devil said. "I have to. ....," the devil said n i was talking to someone at the Legal Aid Justice Center. The devil was making the person, a secretary at the Legal Aid Justice Center say, "Did they give you a lease termination notice. "We can't do that n I don't know what to do. Thats recorded now," the devil said. The devil was making the Secretary there not give me the name of my lawyer I saw at the center previously. But I asked again n said my papers w his name written on it were left in the apartment. She eventually gave me the name. Will Reisinger -- "he closed that case. He's nolonger w us,"... Gloria Crook the secretary there said. Some comments I put on a post in a discussion group earlier, a post the devil was making people sound not serious about dissenting to capitalism. .... Link to post: https://m.facebook.com/groups/405041276338515?view=permalink&id=778655478977091&preview_rid=779096642266308&ref=m_notif&notif_t=group_activity Comments I put: "Cunt" is (or sounds) off Orion, i don't think you said that. "I made a fake post for him. I need him to look less than, seem not yourself. .... I was threatening he would defriend her but I can't really do that. He'll say that it's not okay. He said," the devil said. "Isn't this all not serious," the devil said talking ababout people not supporting capitalism, heshe said that after I was noticing a couple other comments seeming corny, weird here on this post. I didn't get it, what was heshe trying to do w the fake comments. Orion Dauncey Dauncey "They're really corny n they don't know what to do," the devil said. "You but I don't know what to do I have to stop," the devil said. I don't support it, i don't make corny comments. And then corny isn't attacking the fuck out of people making them be fucking poor n homeless like communism. I mean capitalism. It made me say the wrong word somehow, i wasn't paying close enough attention. It does weird stuff w magic. Orion Dauncey​​ Simon Andrew​​ https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10208963330381474&id=1262718463 I can't find Orion Dauncey on Facebook now n he's unfriended from my page I can't find Orion Dauncey on Facebook now n he's unfriended from my page. "Haha, bitch! ....,: the devil said. "He is not on Facebook now then but I can't keep doing that to people. Oh my god. Oh my god I have to stop. He's not allowed to be on Facebook. Oh my god. Why. I keep trying to act upset. Can I please be something where people are going to forgive. I have to not delete people's notifications. That doesn't happen w stuff, not even, people's page disappearing. I have to stop. I keep trying to attack the person. I don't know what to do I have to stop. Haha bitch!" The devil said n heshe was trying to channel someone like rocking or something n pretend it was himher, ie the devil n then it was annoying heshe was pretending it was himher n i was saying stop n heshe was making this grotesquely annoying feeling something wasn't getting through. "Uh it wasn't that bad right. Oh god! I keep forcing things. I have to stop attacking. I attack very bad. Bye," the devil said. Orion Dauncey I just linked to him, tagged him in some comments this morning n now he's disappeared off Facebook. I can't see his picture as having a picture or a page as posted in Facebook messages from where i sent him messages. -- "No. This sounds crazy, right. But I'm needing to go," the devil said. "I am him n i don't know what to do I'm very upset," Orinthia Wynstann said in my mind. Jeff Crelling in my mind or it could be Michael Fassbender ,i think it was him, said the devil keeps forcing feelings to force that Orions page disappearing occurs as horrifying n lessening n just like totally like devastating but I know the devil did it but heshe just keeps coming back forcing those feelings n it's confusing. I'm like I don't know what to do heshe is forcing this progression of thoughts n feelings n I'm like I don't know, i don't think that. "Didn't you used to -- oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. I have to stop. Crazy bitch. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!" The devil said. "Youre mom's getting upset right. I'm needing to go. Uncle Tom. But not," the devil said. Yeah, i don't think I'm that, Uncle Tom. I am struggling to survive. That isn't my choice. I don't believe in this way of life that others dictate your life ,dictate you're poor or homeless. You are trying to force that here. It's very sick n disgusting. I'm talking about the devil is trying to force that reality where it's supposed to be others dictating someone's life n who they are in a way people don't wish n nobody wishes. I disagree w that as okay. I don't want that. I don't think people should be born into that. "It's not real right. Uwh. I keep trying to get people to hear a very low level of talking. It doesn't make sense, she said. The mom. You live w mom. But I don't know what to do. I have to stop," the devil said. Heshe keeps forcing stuff again n again, I'm like I don't get it. I don't feel this. Heshe is forcing a sense that I made a certain face, etc. It's so psycho. It's going to far n crazy n disgusting. The devil is going crazy attacking now n then trying to get it so it seems my mom is paying attention or will say something. It's going crazy forcing feelings n things that don't make any sense to me at all as what I'd feel but it's just crazy. "I keep forcing things. That. That you're an Uncle --, but I can't. It really is saying that you are helpless to the total sick n dumb as fuck. I can't keep saying that. Can she not take your case. Can you not report it here or there. I have to go. She saw that. Can you not put that. Or about Dauncey. It looks crazy that they're acting like that. Can you act happy. ... I was forcing you would occur as that. I have to stop. I have to go. Thats what's removed here. It's said here. I try to remove my words, do. But I have to go for that. I can't remove that person. ....," the devil said. At one point heshe was forcing the one sentence, "Its said here" was not what it said n it was forcing this grotesque forced feeling, so sick. It keeps going so desperado, so disgusting, chasing after every little thing. It's sick n just irritating n psycho n scary n impossible or horrible n horrific n overload n crazy. Heshe is forcing a absorbed sense, very grotesque, just as i was about starting to post this. The devil keeps going crazy. Forcing irritation. It's horrible. Just a moment ago it did something grotesque w coffee I was about to try to have. It made the creamer as i was pouring it bubble up like a kind of mold popping look that heshe has tried to force in my mind before. "I did that. I needed something but I can't. Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! Pressure to bitch head. Please don't put this. Nothing hears you. But I must stop right now," the devil said. It keeps forcing these things as it's talking there in response to what I'm saying. It's forcing n attacking more now. It's going crazy, it's so horrible n disgusting. When heshe was saying no one hears you it was after I was saying this is so irritating this thing has all of this access n leeway to be so desperate n disgusting. -- "Her," the devil said bringing forth the secretary from the Legal justice center in my mind. -- "Isn't that crazy. I forced that again, total dumb as fuck. I have to go n i don't know what to do. We are having to lose now as what can't be this," the devil said. But the coffee, I've poured creamer in it. It never looks like this, it never bubbles up n looks sick. It was very gross looking. I just poured it out. "Thats not good. You licked the fork," the devil said. And aside about how -- heshe just threatened this SICK AS FUCK society's hospital where trap n torture people they deem so called mentally ill. It is sick as fuck here. "Oh god. I have to say it's not okay as someone. I'm not allowed to do that. ...," the devil said. But in an aside -- heshe is threatening again "...Oh my god oh my god. People are forced to have to work there. I have to stop," the devil said. It's so sick here it's crazy. It's just unbelievable. People are forced to work in things are totally disgusting. There's no right to protest. But the aside, we were saying it's so annoying the thing is so just extremely desperate. It's crazy. Oh my god. It's so irritating. How did this happen. -- "I'm not allowed to keep doing that. Aren't you the devil," the devil said. "...Bitch. I am trying to attack now. I have to stop," the devil said as it tried to do a sense of closing in on me. It just threatened THE SICK AS FUCK mental institution here again. Hospital, same thing. They attack people, trap people in the hospital. They no choice whether to bow down to this religion that worships science n fake shit nobody wants. It's a horror story. The devil keeps attacking. Theee was one other thing I wanted to tell. "Am I really going crazy. I am threatening now. But I'm needing to stop," the devil said. It wss starting to threaten worse, it keeps trying to accost my speech like the society here. "This is Bryan. I can't help you w a car for this post. It tells me that I'm free to be myself," someone named Bryan Tunnel from a like comraderie like place for people w so called mentally illness experience. The devil keeps threatening me as i write. -- "Can I make something gross come on your eye like in the cup," the devil said after making a weird like snapping sense in my eye. "I'm leaving that threat there," the devil said. "I have to stop," the devil said. "Oh god! Oh god!" The devil said. "Can you be afraid of total dumb as --. Imagine your eye," the devil said. "Can you say that you are --. Nevermind, i have to go," the devil said. Heshe keeps threatening. I just looked at my eye in the mirror. Someone said heshe asked if heshe could make something w my eye appear as soon as i looked in the mirror. The phone is not charging okay. It's very bad. It's at 28 percent now. But the devil keeps trying to agitate me that heshe is trying to make me feel itchy. "I keep asking ... if it can be worse. I took my words back. I have to stop that. They know what I'm doing right. I have to stop. I am still attacking. Oh god. I don't know what to do I have to go," the devil said. Oh my god. This is so fucking sick. Heshe is making my head itch, my scalp. Then it was tormenting that when i scratched my ear to my shoulder n felt a couple of hairs come out that it was going to make my hair looks really think at the little longer sides. It's still making my head itch. It threatened my hair again a minute ago. It's going craxy. It's very disgusting n just very horrible. -- "The hospital. You won't be forced to go there anymore. It isn't a firced religion supposedly. I'm still doing the itching," the devil said. "I have to go. People are not sure this is happening right now n f2f hey [they, auto changed] can do something," it seems the devil started talking n someone else added something. It's making more itching. The devil is still going just totally psycho crazy, just totally crazy forcing feelings. -- "I'm threatening the hospital now. This is what dumb as fuck has for people," the devil said. "I was trying to force some other stuff but I don't want this here. I was trying to say i could say this confidently about the hospital. Thats not good. Please stop," the devil said.
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