#my poor gf has heard me rambling all week about it
good-beans · 1 year
I think ghosts should haunt people with cats because they’d be able to get away with a lot more that way. Things I’ve done this week because I know I have a little baby around:
Woken up to find things not where I left them, signs of destruction, and scratches on the bedroom door. Shrugged it off without a second thought.
Further – heard scratching at my door in the dead of night. The distinct sound of something with claws trying to get in. Went ahead and opened the door for it.
Saw the bathroom door slowly creak open behind me through the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Saw that no one was there to open it. Decided not to turn around because I know he gets nervous and I wanted him to come in.
I can only imagine how more cats/living space would allow for even more shenanigans that could be easily exploited.
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handswritteeen · 4 years
me or them? - oikawa toru
oikawa x reader
warnings: a sprinkle of angst and cliche fluff (and lil’ bit of cursing)
word count: 2,251
note: iwaizumi, hanamaki, and matsukawa act like ur big bros. enjoy~
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You showed up at his door. Soaking wet, bruised, and covered in glitter. Now, you are a strong, independent woman. However, you were also pure human. With emotions and actions. And sometimes those things can lead you into other things. 
Which, of course, can lead to bigger situations and problems in the first place. Being the Oikawa Tooru’s significant other is sometimes hard. You never really thought that being in a relationship would be that hard either, especially with someone like Oikawa. Surprise, surprise, he asked you out, if you were wondering.
To be honest, you were just another person in all of his classes, he piqued your interests every once in a while, but nothing serious. Oikawa saw you differently from the others. Ever since Oikawa started to notice you more often around Aoba Johsai and his classes, he would try to strike up a conversation, even acting a little bold and flirting a bit. And it worked. He asked you out, and boom - you guys were dating. The only thing was, is that all the sane people knew a certain group of people wouldn’t take this well: Oikawa’s fangirls. That was a problem. Which is why you came soaking wet, bruised, and covered in glitter at his humble doorstep.
“Y/N-chan! What happened to you?” Oikawa asked, ushering you inside with your belongings.
“Oh, you know, just hanging around. And then boom! Out of nowhere, I get wet, hurt, and get turned into a disco ball!” You said sarcastically.
“Really?” Oikawa inquired, quirking his head to the side a bit.
“Huh? Really? They would never do that though! They all love you!” Oikawa says.
“Love me?! Are you insane, Oikawa? They all want to be with you, so they’ll do anything to have my spot! Hell, I bet they would even kill me!” You contradicted.
“Oh, my god - Y/N you’re overreacting. I’ll even ask them when we get back to school!” Oikawa said as he ran his hand through his hair.
“I’d like to see you try to get the truth out of them,” You sighed. “Now I’m going to have to get rid of all this.” You gestured to yourself.
You cleaned yourself up in the bathroom, occasionally grumbling under your breath.
“I cannot believe he thinks his fangirls would never do this. What does he expect?” You sighed.
You changed and walked to the couch, Oikawa doing his homework in the kitchen. You grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. “You already finished your work, Y/N-chan?” Oikawa asked, looking up from his laptop.
“Hm, yeah. Just a while ago,” You grumbled. “I’ll sleep on the couch tonight, I have to get up early tomorrow anyway.”
“What? You don’t wanna sleep with me?” Oikawa whined.
“Sleep with you?! Oikawa-san, no-”
“I-I’m sorry,” You stuttered, a blush starting to form on your cheeks. “What?”
Oikawa stared at you, thinking back to what he just said. He turned to look at you, red-faced.
“U-um, not like that Y/N-chan!” He panicked, scratching the back of his neck. “But you know, in bed, next to me…YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.”
You sighed, “I’m gonna be late if I stay with you tonight anyway. I’ll just head home, see you tomorrow.” You grabbed your backpack which held your dirty clothes and walked yourself out the door.
“Wait! Y/N-chan! I’ll take you home!”
“Oikawa-san, I’m fine. Finish your work, I said I’ll see you tomorrow.” You responded coldly.
Oikawa looked at the now-closed door with a frown on his face. He didn’t know why you were acting this way, assuming that you were just moody, that’s all.
“Iwa-chan! Wait up!” Oikawa shouted. It was the next day in the early morning. Oikawa couldn’t get his mind off of you because of last night’s incident. “Did you finish the reading assignment? It was so hard~”
“Of course I did, Trashikawa. Who do you think I am?!��� Iwaizumi said, punching Oikawa on the shoulder in the process of doing so.
“Ouch, Iwa-chan! That hurt!” Oikawa wailed. “You’re so mean.”
Oikawa and Iwaizumi went to their designated homerooms, meeting Matsukawa and Hanamaki in the hallways.
“Did you talk to Y/N-chan last night?” Hanamaki whispered.
“Yeah, she isn’t happy. Check up on her at lunch?” Matsukawa whispered back. Hanamaki nodded and nudged Matsukawa’s elbow a bit harshly, and gestured over to Oikawa and Iwaizumi, who was coming towards them.
“G’ morning guys,” Iwaizumi nodded.
“What were you guys talking about?” Oikawa asked, eyeing them down.
“Uh, nothing important,” Hanamaki responded, scratching the back of his neck.
“Just some things about the next game. I mean, we’re going against Shiratorizawa again. Lots of things can change in a short amount of time, you know?” Matsukawa said.
“Really? You guys are worried about that? We’ll smash them to the ground this time!” Oikawa exclaimed. As Oikawa and Matsukawa were talking about the next match, Iwaizumi dragged Hanamaki a little bit away from them.
“What the heck were you guys talking about? You obviously don’t want Trashikawa to know, so you know I have to-”
“Well, long story short, it’s about Y/N,” Hanamaki confessed, lowkey terrified of Iwaizumi’s rage. “We saw her on our way home, she was crying. Not only that, but she was covered in water, bruises, and glitter. Apparently, Oikawa’s fangirls attacked her right after she went home from club. She told us that she was heading over to his house anyway, so we walked her there. Then, she texted Matsukawa and told us that Oikawa didn’t believe that his fangirls attacked her, so she left and went back to her house. She’s not happy.”
“Why wouldn’t Loserkawa believe his own girlfriend?! He’s such a dumbass, I will punch him into an abyss right now-”
“She told us that Oikawa said that he was going to talk to his fangirls about it. But we all know that they’re just gonna play him. See - look,” Hanamaki looked at Matsukawa, who was now slowly inching over to him and Iwaizumi, trying to avoid the crowd of fangirls who managed to spot Oikawa upon entering the school.
“Oh, Oikawa-san, you look so handsome today~” “Ladies, you’re just as beautiful as my level of handsome~” “Ah! Oikawa-san, we’ll be looking for your game this week~” “I’m always so grateful you girls come to only support me~”
“How does he not cringe-” “Maki, that man is a man somehow. That’s why.”
“Oh, I have something to ask you girls, though,” Oikawa piqued. “Did any of you do something to Y/N-chan last night?” He said, with a bit of a cold edge to his voice.
The girls quickly all glanced at each other, some of them even whispering in the back of the group.
“U-uh, no, not at all, Oikawa-san!” One mustered up. 
“Ah, really! I knew I could trust all of you! Well, for that, I’d like to thank you for respecting our relationship!” Oikawa seemed to suddenly brighten up in this very moment; Iwaizumi groaned and facepalmed himself as Hanamaki and Matsukawa sighed in defeat.
“How can he be this stupid out of the court-” …
“Did you guys end up talking with Y/N at all? She literally looked like a depressed potato all day today.” Hanamaki said, finding himself walking alongside Matsukawa and Iwaizumi.
“She told me that Oikawa texted her that he wanted to talk to her during lunch on the rooftop or something,” Matsukawa explained. “We should probably follow, right?”
“Shittykawa better not hurt her. For all we know, this isn’t gonna go down well. You guys saw how he handled those fangirls. Heck, everyone could tell that they were lying!” Iwaizumi rambled.
A ding erupted in Matsukawa’s pocket.
1 New Message From: captain’s gf that probably deserves better Subject: ~it’s time~ matsun i’m going to the rooftop now. wish me luck ig?
“She’s going with the devil now, let’s go.” 
“Yes, sir!” Hanamaki salutes.
Iwaizumi, Matsukawa, and Hanamkai walked up the stairs towards the rooftop and hid behind the stair building. There, they saw you pacing back and forth. They were a bit startled when they heard the door they came out from and saw Oikawa. Oikawa looked at you, seeing you gazing out from the fence that surrounded the rooftop. He sighed and called out to you.
“Y/N-chan? I’m here,”
“I can see that, Oikawa-san.” You grumbled. “And since you are here, please enlighten me to what your fangirls had to say to yesterday’s incident.”
“They said they didn’t do it.” A pause of silence ensued the area.
“Are you kidding me?! You believe them over your own girlfriend?!” You exclaimed, rage absolutely taking over.
Oikawa’s face dropped, a frown taking over his smile.
“Look, Y/N. If you can’t handle them, then just break up with me!”
Tears started to well up in your eyes. The boys hiding looked at each other, nodded, and made their moves. Hanamaki and Matsukawa started to comfort you right away, telling you that he didn’t mean it. However, Iwaizumi took a different approach to the situation. Grabbing Oikawa by the collar of his uniform, he pulled him forward and started to curse and shout at the poor boy, who seemed to realize his mistake. But you were already gone with Matsukawa and Hanamaki, away from him.
“Don’t you understand, Shittykawa?! Those fangirls of yours were lying! How could you not tell?! Even Maki and Matsun knew, and you’re the captain of our team! You shouldn’t be dating your fangirls, you’re dating Y/N! Get that through your head, Oikawa!” Iwaizumi threw the collar of his shirt back, making Oikawa stumble back a bit.
Oikawa stared at Iwaizumi’s retrieving figure. A tear rolled down his cheek as he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
It’s been about a week. A week of silence between you and Oikawa. Not only has Seijoh lost again to Shiratorizawa, but the school’s pretty boy was not in his best mood either. Iwaizumi and the others would usually comfort you at ungodly and abnormal times and try to encourage Oikawa to apologize and make it up to you. But he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Seeing your face reminded him of the pain he caused you. He didn’t want to see you hurt again, especially by himself, no less.
I’m going to do it today. I have to make it up to her. It’s been too long.
Oikawa walked to his classroom, seeing you smiling and laughing with Hanamaki. He pulled out his phone, typing frantically.
1 New Message From: ~pretty bf~ Subject: u know we need to talk i don’t want to do this without u. u know i love u, pls let me talk this through with you one more time, then we can decide where the both of us end up.
“Who was that Y/N-chan?” Hanamaki asked, slightly peering over your shoulder. You shrugged and continued to type back to Oikawa.
1 New Message From: my pride and joy~ Subject: ok i’ll see u after volleyball then.
Oikawa’s lips turned upwards a bit, seeing your contact name popped up and was a bit giddy for the rest of the day. He started to prepare, what he should say, how he should apologize, etc., and the other boys noticed.
“Oi, Shittykawa, what’s got you smiling?” Iwaizumi asked.
“I’m going to go apologize to Y/N-chan~” Oikawa pumped his fist up in triumph.
“Why do you look so happy, though? Isn’t it going to be hard?” Hanamaki asked.
“Of course it’s hard. But he’s Oikawa, he can do it.” Matsukawa said. “And we’re going to watch because this can get out of hand in no time.”
The boys nodded at each other and continued to get ready for their club.
“Alright boys, that’s it for today. Get home safely and eat well. Don’t stay up too late!” Coach Irihata exclaimed. The first and second years started packing up and leaving the gym, as it was fairly late to end the practice.
Iwaizumi, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa planned differently, of course. The boys made it seem like they were in the locker room, pretended to leave, and even waved Oikawa goodbye in the process. And let’s just say, Oikawa sulked a bit when Iwaizumi ‘left’ and walked home without him.
“Oikawa?” Oikawa heard your sweet voice erupt at the doors of the gym. Iwaizumi and the others were hiding behind the bleachers, ready to see it all go down.
“Y/N, I’M SO SORRY FOR BELIEVING MY FANGIRLS OVER YOU! I SHOULD’VE SEEN THROUGH THEM, BUT YOU KNOW HOW THEY ARE!” He squealed. You looked at Oikawa and sweatdropped, why am I dating him again?
“Oikawa-san, look at me,” Oikawa peered up at you, noticing how your eyes darkened a bit. “I will forgive you this time.” Oikawa internally cheered, a smirk starting to form as he thought of a gracious victory. “But, I need you to let me know that you do love me over your fangirls, no matter what.”
You tippy-toed and pecked Oikawa on the cheek, “Thank you, Oikawa.”
“Oi, Y/N-chan! You missed,” Oikawa pointed to his lips and pouted.
“I’m your idiot, then~”
“You guys were here the whole time?!”
“Alright, let’s go home, guys!”
the ending is a bit rushed, but thanks for reading! 
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