#yells at the protag for not turning around/being concerned
good-beans · 1 year
I think ghosts should haunt people with cats because they’d be able to get away with a lot more that way. Things I’ve done this week because I know I have a little baby around:
Woken up to find things not where I left them, signs of destruction, and scratches on the bedroom door. Shrugged it off without a second thought.
Further – heard scratching at my door in the dead of night. The distinct sound of something with claws trying to get in. Went ahead and opened the door for it.
Saw the bathroom door slowly creak open behind me through the mirror as I brushed my teeth. Saw that no one was there to open it. Decided not to turn around because I know he gets nervous and I wanted him to come in.
I can only imagine how more cats/living space would allow for even more shenanigans that could be easily exploited.
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sorrel-minis · 1 year
So my working theory with Welcome Home is that the Puppets were exploited for their charming appearances by a bunch of human bigwigs. The neighbors were cute and cuddly, which is marketable! But they were also queer and neurodivergent and all sorts of other things that made the human staff look at them with disdain. Y'know, since it's the 70s and the dudes in charge woulda been older men in there 50s and up.
Tw: theory got some abelism, anti queer attitudes, and narcissist based trauma and the cut so warning
I'm thinking the neighborhood has a Toontown situation going on (but with like puppets, and it managed to stay a secret for decades). Some humans discovered it in the colonizer sense and started talking up a storm to these little dudes about fame and fortune (but being hush hush about the cheap penny payment they'd give our puppet protags, and how they'd have to keep their lifestyles and mannerisms on the downlow y'know. That fine print is a bitch). Once the humans got em to believe that, the scuzzballs then convinced the puppet pals to form the neighborhood as we know it now: secluded from other puppets, far from family and friends. Y'know. Real narcissistic type behavior that only a real slime would know how to pull off. Isolate and cut them off from anyone who could see through the bullshit. Convince the puppets that anyone who says the human staff is bad news is just jealous of their fame or trying to clip their wings! If any of the neighbors object or try to ask more questions, just turn the blame around! Convince the puppets they're being unkind and ungrateful! Threaten to hurt yourself! Bring up how badly they're hurting you! Yell if you need to! Repeat as many times as you need until you've got puppets with broken spirits who'll just go along with whatever you say.
Once the black ooze/mold/ whatever started forming in Home (either it was dumped or it's just a natural forming thing) Home and Wally tried to speak up but the humans were all like "ugh you puppets will complain about anything 🙄"
And Wally is like "Okay but seriously this is making me sick please help"
And the humans were all "Ugh it's not even that bad. You people and your made up problems! Just keep making the show! That's the problem with these types! Give em an inch and they take a mile!!!"
Wally started clamming up more about it cuz honestly these guys get terrifying when they're mad.
But it got worse and worse and more concerning. Humans kept being all "Ugh! You think YOU'VE got it bad?!" And eventually Wally just stopped trying to speak up. Dude even started feeling guilty and bad and like he was lazy, so he just lived in these worsening conditions, much to the detriment of his health. The other puppets even grew concerned.
The humans finally took note and were either like "sucks to suck, but w can't do this show anymore with him looking like...that..." Or "This stuff is hurting the important human staff! Why didn't you say it could do that! We can't work here anymore! It's too dangerous!" Or something and just peaced out (maybe giving Wally two aspirins as a courtesy). They may have even tried to create a barrier between puppet town USA there and wherever they were. I'm guessing either to prevent the spread of the illness to more staff, or so no puppets will come up begging for help cuz think of the publicity scandal!!! And also mangled puppets???? Ew.
Fast forward to now. Wally's health has seriously declined over the years, and his friends are trying to just include him and keep him happy in these uncertain times. Being real pals, y'know? Heck, they might even be aware of the spread of whatever the thing is and be terrified themselves, but just continue to live life as though everything is fine. Plus, they've all got the burden of that unspoken trauma, they've lost all contact with other family and friends (and are worried about spreading the ick to them anyway), and are just trying to repress as many uncomfortable unhappy feelings as they can. That chapter is done. It was bad. In the spirit of the 70s, let's all pretend everything is always okay and we're all fine!!!
Wally or Home on the other hand has finally found a way to get contact outside of the neighborhood for help.
Sending out messages and info to anyone who will listen, hoping SOMEONE will bring justice down on the humans that used them. Wally's whole "Let me in" thing might literally be him trying to get into the human part of the place. The neighborhood doesn't have puppet doctors. He's SUFFERING and just wants to be healed and fixed. All the puppets need some kind of healing, either physically or from their mental trauma.
Buuuuuuut that's just the ramblings of a bitch with CPTSD rambling and projecting onto little puppet dudes
Could be anything really
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Anyway that's my Hotep inspired sleep deprived theory.
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tvstarkuma · 11 months
Happy November 5th, everybody! Time for the post I've been promising!
We begin the evening of 11/05 at Junes. This scene is implied to take place at the same time that Yu was at the police station but before midnight. Yosuke and Teddie are doing stock duty and chatting idly before Yosuke presents Teddie with the new cellphone he bought him to make sure there's always a way to reach him. As an example on how to use the phone, he calls Yu but our protag isn't picking up.
Teddie instantly realizes that Yu being out means that Nanako is home alone and expresses his desire to go play with her. He reiterates the promise he made to play with her (something that comes up a lot during this arc) but Yosuke still shoots his suggestion down. That is, until he connects the dots and is able to understand what Teddie meant by all this.
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Everyone on the team is like an older sibling to Nanako, that is definitely true, but I believe the bond between Teddie and Nanako is especially strong. So strong, in fact, that I could make a separate post over how beneficial their relationship is.
For now, Teddie's greatest strength during this portion of the story comes out: his empathy and emotional maturity. Nanako being home alone is an instant concern for him. She may say that she's used to being home alone but Teddie understands that it still hurts for a young girl to be going through this. He understands how terrible it can be to be alone.
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Once Yosuke turns around on his suggestion, Teddie's already begging for them to bring her dinner. He is not about to let this poor girl have to feed herself or wait hours with no food. Teddie wants her to be safe and happy above all else.
Yosuke then, still concerned over Yu not answering his cell, calls the Dojima household directly. This is where the plot really picks up for them as Nanako has to reveal both the weird letter and how Dojima took Yu to the police station, leaving her all alone. Yosuke is unable to hide the panic from his voice and shouts at Nanako without meaning to to confirm the situation again. Now, Nanako may be incredibly mature for a 7-year-old, but when a child hears an older family member or friend yell, all it does is make their own fears worse. It was already clear from Nanako's voice how scared she was over her father accusing her big bro right in front of her. Yosuke's own emotional outburst, if continued, would only make Nanako feel worse in her current situation. That is why Teddie demands for Yosuke to hand over his phone so he could talk to Nanako instead.
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I love this moment so much because it shows Teddie remaining calm under pressure for the sake of others. One of his main jobs in the team is maintaining morale and he can do so well even at the expense of his own emotional health. I do not doubt that he is extremely worried over everything going on and it only becomes worse later. For now, all that matters is making sure Nanako feels better. Teddie's voice has to remain calm to provide a sense of security for Nanako. He also invites her to eat snacks with him again in a cheery tone so she has something good to look forward to in the future. A good thought to protect her from the bad ones.
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Teddie's then the first person to vocally set the team's next course of action, something that Yosuke will lead very soon. It was important that Nanako was informed of this so she knows that help will be on the way and that (hopefully) her family will be back soon as well. Having at least a basic awareness over what her big bro's friends were doing to help her ensures that Nanako was not completely in the dark over everything going on around her. This is good because this added awareness that Teddie is providing her also helps calm her anxieties more.
We now end Teddie's call with Nanako with a final bit of comfort.
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These are the last words Nanako ever heard before her kidnapping, Teddie telling her not to worry. A promise he'll break soon after.
This is when the Junes scene ends. Yosuke asks for his phone back so he can begin calling the others to set their plan in motion. Since this is a Teddie-centered post I will not be going over most other events that happened that night.
Along with the other guys, Teddie was part of the group that arrived at the police station first. He doesn’t say much during the team discussion over the identity of the kidnapper besides asking if he was someone Nanako knew.
When the team finally reach the crash site of Dojima’s car and Namatame’s delivery truck, his main purpose was stopping everyone from going straight into the TV in the truck to avoid falling into any preventable dangers. Even if he wants nothing more than to save her as fast as possible, Teddie knows that taking this risk could do more harm than good. When it comes to his world he tries his best to provide all the information he can and this is where a lot of his more intelligent moments lie. What good will they be for Nanako if they fall into a dangerous section of his world because they went in after her through the same TV?
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Quick detour but both the anime and manga have Yu trying to dive headfirst into this TV in a passionate plight to rescue Nanako and Teddie being the person holding him back. Great moment for both characters and I appreciate the addition. I love whenever Yu gets to show strong emotion in any P4-related work. The manga also takes a lot more liberties with Heaven overall but I might cover them later.
That should cover all of Teddie's actions during November 5th. He was able to remain calm throughout everything, was a source of emotional support for Nanako, and made sure his friends didn't make the stupid decision of jumping into a random TV.
Yosuke, Naoto, and Teddie were true MVP's on this day. They had the team brain cells.
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1in5-demigods-agree · 3 years
The affect Childhood Abuse Had on the Earp Sisters
The underlying fear of being like Ward clearly runs deep in Wynonna. I can’t blame her, as someone with first hand experience, a kid who was raised by abusive guardians are scared of continuing the cycle. So in the 4x10, when Waverly brings up her concerns and compared her to Ward, it is going to fucking hurt but we will get to that later.
Lets start with Willa, we know that Ward not only abused them but he also, as seen in season one, he places an insane amount of pressure on these kids. If you don’t remember let me give you a refresher, in season 1 when Willa figures out she is the Earp Heir, we get a flashback of her training with Ward, in which he takes her out in the middle night while he is obviously drunk to shoot bottles. When she hesitates and complains he yells at her and tells her ‘that she is the only one preventing the revenants from killing everyone and and the blood is on her hands if she failed to do her job as Heir. Thus Ward created a paranoid solider much like himself, and Willa grew with the mindset that she is has to do whatever it takes to get the job done. With this mindset combined with years of no socialization, everything she does goes along the line of if the reward outweighs the cost, that is the option she is going to chose. Like when she shot Haught, she would get a reward of delaying her sister and having less hinderance to her goal while it costs her nothing, she has no emotional attachments to Nicole and while Waverly does, she made no secret of the fact that she hates her. Or when Willa sent Whiskey Jim back to hell, to her the reward is another one off her hit list, while the cost would be loss of information and possibly BBD help. Also the ‘cost’ were partnerships that to her generated more risk than reward, and thus the decision was easy profit. So, the training and abuse from Ward created a child  who knew only one purpose: To be the Earp Heir. 
Now onto our angel, Waverly, from the beginning of the show it is made abundantly clear that she was neglected at early childhood. Throughout the show a running gag is that no one remembers when Waverly’s birthday is, especially Wynonna, this alone tells us that she was overlooked by her family. (This also shows a character contrast between her and Wynonna seeing as in the very first episode Wynonna turns 27 and Waverly immediately sends the sister she hasn’t seen in years a birthday text. This has nothing to do with my point, I just thought it was interesting how we hadn’t met Waverly at that point but the show hints at what she is like, good job Andras). In her youth, she lived an environment where those around her either hated and ignored her, or loved and eventually left her. This is going to create abandonment issues and is what drives Waverly to hide her true self. She becomes what others want her to be to decrease the chance that she’ll be left again. In season 1, we see her playing the part of the town darling but in exchange she has to hide her interests (she literally hides her Earp curse research under her bed and behind a curtain) in order to maintain shitty friendships and her relationship with her ex Champ. She seeks validation from others, and when she falls short of what others want seem crumbles in on her self. We see it in the first season, when she has to come to terms that Wynonna is in fact the Heir and no matter how much she prepared and hoped, it will always be Wynonna in the end. She does gain confidence but the shit that Ward did to her not only created the problem but also caused friction between her and Wynonna. 
Speaking of which:
Wynonna, our beloved protag, she has been through so much shit hasn’t she. As the middle child she got a fascinating mix of what both Waverly and Willa had to deal with. She was subjected to both the monolog of how they are the only thing between the revenants and destruction of everything they love and was also neglected by her father as she just a spare, the second born. Not to mention she also feels abandoned by Mama Earp, as we see in season 3, and has to deal with the trauma of the attack on the homestead when she was twelve during which she accidently killed her father and her older sister was taken. And oh yeah, she had to deal with this trauma while she was in a mental hospital because she killed her father and truthfully said revenants attacked them. A mental hospital by the way whose chosen ‘treatment’ was shock therapy until she told them what they wanted to hear. So not only Wynonna have survivors guilt, she has abandonment issues, PTSD, a substance abuse problem. She also has spent years running from and denying her past only to be pulled back the curse she can’t escape. Her father instilled the mindset of being the Heir, is a responsibility you can’t afford to fail at. She also sees the consequences of failing first hand, people die, every death is just another person she failed. All the while she is dealing with her burden, she sees Waverly’s attempts to heal, she sees Waverly having the normalcy she desperately wanted but can’t have. Wynonna is protective of Waverly and just wants her safe, so seeing this brings up a weird mixture of happiness and jealously toward her sister. A mixture that anger is introduced in when Waverly share her concern in 4b, because Wynonna doesn’t see concern, she sees her sister for whom she gave up so much for so, she can be happy, asking for more. Waverly also compares her to Ward (as someone who has been abused and has been told the ways I act like said parent by my siblings, that shit cut deep), which hurts, as she has tried to be better and avoid being like him but no matter how hard they try to break away Ward still haunts them.
TLDR: Ward is an alcoholic abusive dick
Ward: I raised prefect war ready soilders
Me: You fucked up perfectly good children is what you did. Look at them they have trauma  
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kikoqueenofrats · 3 years
New post, will probably just spam the rest of em in today. If I can get the art done quick enough that is heh
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This was Mari's worst nightmare come true;
Well, one of them at least.
The duo were currently hiding inside one of the desktops folders as the internet had randomly cut out whilst they were searching for webpages to visit.
Cel and Mari couldn't see into the outside world anymore so all they could do was wait and take sneaky peeks outside of the folder until the internet turned back on.
Mari jumped down, using the other folders as platforms, after checking on the Internet's progress for the fourth time in the hour the duo had been trapped here.
"Still nothing" Mari sighed before Cel could ask; Cel deflated at that and Mari frowned as they tried to think of a way to lighten up the current mood.
Having an idea they jumped down the rest of the way, sitting down next to the saddened blue stick figure with the biggest smile they could manage to pull on their face.
"Hey! You don't really talk about your game that often, have any nice memories of it?" Mari smiled, Cel deflated even more at that.
Mari cringed, realising a little too late that that probably wasn't the best thing to say.
They were about to change the subject when Cel opened his mouth.
"There was this one time...I was making flower crowns for the girls in our village...Protag came along...but instead of making fun of me like he usually did....he actually took one...yeah it was for his girlfriend but-" "What do you mean usually?" Mari asked, completely forgetting that they were supposed to be making Cel feel better in favor of finding out what Protag had done for Cel to say something like that.
Cel shuffled nervously as his mind fought with itself. On one hand, if he answered Mari truthfully all he would be doing was complain about his past life, he had it good back then didn’t he?...Cel wasn’t sure anymore...on the other, Mari had done so much for him...enough to have gained his trust completely.
Mari wouldn’t yell at him for complaining, they would listen and comfort him if he needed it.
Just like they always did.
Cel let out a breath.
"I...I like flowers...and one of my favorite colours is pink...Protag says that kind of stuff is only for girls...so he kinda...sorta.
..bullied me a lot about it...called me names, said I was, I was one wrong step away from being kicked out of the village completely that I...I was only allowed to stay because, because I was a part of the game...." 
Cel sniffed,trying to prevent his breath from getting stuck in his throat.
Mari's continued to watch Cel, a concerned look in their eye. Underneath that soft look however was a growing anger, it was mostly directed at Protag. However a small part of Mari was frustrated that Cel still seemed to want to go back, even after going through all that.
Mari was about to voice this feeling when Cel began talking again.
"I used to have two friends...both guys...we all bonded over how girly our jobs and interests were, one of them was a seamstress... The other wanted to become a ballet tutor...They-They gave up everything for each other, including me...I used to be mad at them, but I'm not anymore...I understand why they did that...their life was hell" Cel chuckled humorlessly at that before taking a few moments to compose themselves.
"Your life sounds like it was hell as well..." Mari pointed out slowly, still trying to keep their frustration in check.
"It...it was..." Cel whispered out his response, not looking Mari in the eye.
"Then why do you still want to go back?" Mari asked before he could stop himself.
Cels head shot back up at that and Mari flinched in response, expecting Cel to explode at them again.
"I-" Cel started before his mind went blank...he couldn't think up a reason for a few moments, before someone specific popped into his mind.
"I want to see if one is okay..." Cel replied softly, still looking at Mari, but not with the same anger that had been there only moments before.
Mari nodded slowly in response, glad Cel didn't seem to be mad at them anymore but remaining alert as they were still on the touchy subject.
"That's fair...is One another one of your friends?" Mari asked, genuinely curious. Cel shuffled awkwardly in response "Not...really...the only time we've interacted was when he...when he comforted me during the attack...and encouraged me to defend my shop against the two powered sticks before...before going off to rally the other villagers to help him fight the...the bad sticks" Cels voice gave out near the end of his last sentence as he held back the tears that had been building up since Cel had started talking about his old life.
Maris' soft smile turned into a frown at that, without another moment's hesitation they lunged forward and pulled Cel into a hug.
Cel stiffened at the sudden contact but quickly realised what Mari was doing and relaxed into it.
"That guy sounds cool...I hope I get to meet him after we find your game" Mari muttered, Cel chuckled in reply "Yeah...he's pretty cool..." Cel sobbed burying his face into Maris shoulder as tears began running down his cheeks.
The duo stayed like that for a few moments, before Cel slowly pushed away. "Thank you...I needed that" Cel smiled as he wiped away the remaining tears.
"No problem" Mari smiled before looking up "I...should probably take another look" They muttered before standing up and beginning the climb.
Cel nodded in response for a few moments before a sudden surge of confidence caused him to ask a question he had wanted answered ever since he first met Mari.
"Hey Mari!" Cel called up, causing Mari to stop climbing and look down.
"Yeah?" Mari asked curious as to what Cel could want but also worried.
"I've always wondered...how, what...what kind of game were you made in?" Cel asked.
"A stick fight game!" Mari replied before beginning to climb again, making it to the top before Cel called up again.
"Why'd you leave your game?" Cel asked, genuinely curious...a stick fight game involved other sticks usually...why would Mari leave a game like that.
Unless the other sticks kicked them out...
"Because I was bored!" Mari replied slowly, sticking their head out of the folder and looking around.
Cel spluttered, bored? Mari left their game, their home! Because they were bored?!?...
Mari truly was the strangest stick Cel knew.
Cel was about to ask another question before Mari called out.
"Hey! The internet's turned back on! Let's go!" Mari gestured for Cel to climb up and Cel obliged albeit reluctantly as he still wanted his questions answered.
Cel took longer to scale the folder as he wasn't as athletic as Mari was; So Mari ended up having to pull Cel up the rest of the way. They both jumped out of the file, as soon as Cel had made it to the top, and made a beeline for the WiFi icon; Managing to make it out of the computer before the user realised they were even there.
Whilst they traveled through the tube Cel decided to ask Mari about their game another time.
He wanted to focus on finding his game as much as he possibly could at this moment in time.
Mari would probably tell him about their game at a later time.
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phantomrose96 · 5 years
new Kimetsu new liveblog
Madlad trio CONTINUES to be utter dumbasses and it’s so entirely endearing
“Hey so what’s Kimetsu about?” “Oh it’s this pretty dark shonen where man-eating demons murder the protag’s whole family, except his sister who’s turned into a demon and he’s trying to save her. It’s got a lot of gore and body-horror and.... um... whatever this is:
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just, um
they’re doing it wrong.
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^^^one ENTIRE braincell among them
I like this screenshot in particular because it’s entirely unclear who’s yelling and who’s being the moron (its all of them)
btw i just? really love the soundtrack. good shit
and the colors. and the animation. like wow this show could be terrible and i’d still watch it for the aesthetic
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Inosuke, who runs around half-naked in dirty clothes wearing a pig-mask trying to fight literally everyone including children, has never heard of “shame”. I am.........not surprised. Utterly unshocked. He can’t read.
I like how Inosuke keeps calling Zenitsu “creepy” almost definitely due to the fact that Zenitsu called Inosuke creepy last episode and... Inosuke... learned a new word... Because he’s not using it right but he’s having a gr8 time roasting Zenitsu
hey u know it breaks my Fucking heart that Inosuke is straight up Confused(TM) by the act of anyone showing him consideration, concern, or kindness, like this poor fucking boy
ALSO Im in fucking stitches every time they show Inosuke being happy about these things cuz it just. zooms in on his fucking pig mask. his fucking wall-eyed boar mask. with little happy floaty puffs beside him. 
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End me, how is that face cute
Oh no, non-descript black-haired background characters. They’re gonna fucking die.
Oh no, they fucking died.
Them: -show Giyuu for 4 seconds- Me: “yes... bring back Sasuke Elric... Show me more of this boy”
Zenitsu: “Woe is me... everything is against me... my friends left me.” Zenitsu’s sparrow: “Listen up #NiceGuy stop pouting and go fucking help them” Zenitsu: “what’s that? i dont fucking speak Sparrow”
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^^^ 50/50 CHANCE INOSUKE ALREADY KNEW ABOUT THE SPIDER THREADS IN THIS PANEL? he got mad when Tanjiro told him “hey no” to this one, and then later claimed he ALREADY figured out the spider thread puppetry before Tanjiro. I’m dying to know if this translation is basically an ambiguous “I’m going to slash [those threads] to ribbons”
when your new SO is afraid of bugs and they scream for you to help:
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tbh i feel bad for Inosuke in this fight? Tanjiro just keeps shutting him down and he’s doing a pretty good job imo
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^^^the fucking self-awareness
also please bring back more nezuko fighting she’s great and i miss her
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 224: More Like Slidin’ Go Fuck Yourself
Previously on BnHA: We caught up back to real time and learned that the Shigaraki Squad has been battling Gigantomachia basically nonstop for the past month and a half. Tomura in particular has barely eaten or slept (the others at least got breaks), yet is in an oddly good mood despite having not made much progress. Anyway, Twice got a phone call from Giran’s number, except that it turned out not to be Giran, because we of course know that the Quirk Liberation Army has captured him. Guess what else they’ve done! If you guessed “tortured him for a week and severed five of his fingers and placed them in symbolic locations to send a message to the League,” you guessed right and that’s pretty fucked up that you actually guessed that! So anyway, DetCEO, who apparently goes by “Re-Destro”, bragged to Tomura about how they have 116,516 “liberation warriors” spread throughout the country and have been preparing for this moment for generations. They want to tear down the world and rebuild it as a place where everyone can freely use their quirks. Almost doesn’t sound too bad, until you remember the whole “kidnap, torture, and dismember” thing (and the fact that Re-Destro killed poor Mickey Mouse just a handful of chapters ago). Also they knew Tomura’s exact location somehow, and Re-Destro threatened to sic all of the top heroes on them if they don’t cooperate. He told Tomura to meet them at Deika City in Aichi Prefecture so they can have an epic battle.
Today on BnHA: Re-Destro invites the Shigaraki Squad to a big ol’ murderfest free for all in Aichi prefecture. The squad takes a few minutes to debate the merits of accepting this invitation, with the most pressing arguments in favor being “they kidnapped and tortured our bro Giran” and “they know our location and will sic all of the top heroes on us if we don’t”, while the biggest argument against is the whole “it’s obviously a trap” thing. Ujiko, who’s listening in on the whole thing, warns that he won’t be able to lend them any High Ends for the time being. But Tomura doesn’t seem too concerned, and asks Ujiko to warp them over. His plan is to have Gigantomachia follow them and fuck up the Meta Liberation Army’s day, thus killing two birds with one stone for him. So they head to Deika City, picking up Dabi on the way, and are greeted by none other than fucking Slidin’ Go, who’s apparently evil. Huh. He leads them through the city, which seems mostly abandoned. “Seems” being the operative word, as it turns out the city is occupied by Liberation army cronies, who proceed to greet Tomura and the gang with some friendly violence. Tomura and co. respond in kind, and the focus shifts to Toga, who’s facing off with Kizuki from the Army who has All Might’s eyes and Katsuki’s quirk (a winning combo if I do say so myself). Anyway so now they’re gonna fight.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’m caught up with the manga now at chapter 226, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so apparently Re-Destro told Tomura to be at the location within the hour, because Horikoshi has apparently learned his lesson about long, drawn-out arcs. thank you god, thank you jesus
apparently they know the League can warp, so they won’t accept any excuses for them taking their sweet time
and this is super creepy tbh
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satellites. why didn’t you think of that, Tomura? here you guys are relying on secret traitors for your intel instead like amateurs
but seriously, it’s so creepy to have people with this capability and have them be the bad guys. imagine what kind of dystopian shit they’d get up to if they actually won?? it wouldn’t be pretty, I can tell you that much
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obviously go meet up with them and kick their asses. or, even better, take the gorilla with you
oh my god Twice I love you so much though
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Twice you are the Kirishima of villains. Tomura! listen to him! you can be villains who both win and rescue!!
oh my god Toga
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Twice is passionately saying that if there’s even the slightest chance he’s still alive, they have to go
now Compress is chiming in and pointing out that charging in with no plan is a very bad idea and that Twice always gets “attached” too easily. omg. stfu Compress. so sorry for actually giving a shit, dude
so what does Tomura have to say about all this? villain he may be, but his origin story involves being “rescued” by AFO after being seemingly abandoned by everyone else (or so he believes anyway). are you going to just leave Giran to a fate like that? and then there’s the matter of that satellite tracking you too
oh shit
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wow what a fucked up move dude. but effective though
ooh now he’s getting in touch with Ujiko and asking if he was listening in
Ujiko is all “you kids are always on your fancy little ‘radios’“ lol what. Ujiko it’s 2214, cell phones have been around for 250 years. get with the fucking times dude
meanwhile poor Twice is clutching his head and moaning that he’s splitting apart, but only Toga seems to care. ;_; ahh Twice
Compress is getting all hopeful and thinking that they can use the High Ends to battle the Liberation Army
but Ujiko is all “sorry but no”
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please stop calling them children you fucking creep omg. do you not even care
so Hijack Noumu’s name was “Hood”, huh? farewell, High Puns Noumu. it’s been fun times but I was seriously running out of things that start with “high”, so I’m gonna latch on to this Hood thing if you don’t mind lol
well we all know AFO being gone is more of a temporary inconvenience (:
lastly, it’s very curious how he says “difficult” as opposed to impossible. please give us the deets of how Noumus are made already Horikoshi. I know I’m gonna regret being so curious but I want to know all the same. open that big ol’ Pandora’s box
Compress is all “well fuck”, but Tomura says that wasn’t his plan anyway. oh?
I bet you he wants to use the recording of AFO’s voice to get Giganto under control
ahhh, yeah, it’s looking that way my dudes
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oh my god you guys
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fuck me. but just. it’s the first time I’ve ever been struck by a resemblance between the two of them, is all. something about the confidence in his smile. for once he’s not unhinged; he’s perfectly in control of himself and he is a man with a plan, and just. damn. boy you look like your grandma and I’m feeling those Shimura feels though
anyway, so it’s interesting that he’s also getting Dabi to meet up with them. meaning his plan is (for the moment, at least) beyond my comprehension, because I certainly can’t figure out wth he’s thinking right now
and now Spinner’s all “we’re seriously rushing straight in?!” and pointing out that they have no idea what they’re getting into and they’re going up against an army that’s supposedly 110,000 strong
ah, okay, maybe I did figure out his plan after all
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okay but then why do you need Dabi
now Ujiko is yelling in his ear “BUT WHAT WILL YOU DO IF IT WAS ALL A BLUFF?!”
and Tomura is all “well then Giganto will fucking die, s’no skin off my back”
Spinner keeps expressing doubts and it’s really starting to look like he may actually switch sides you guys
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Tomura is all “don’t make me say it again”
oh good he is fixing Twice up now
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... [headpats]
oh Tomura
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the good folks of Deika City might want to think about getting the fuck out of Dodge you guys
(ETA: they are all bad folks. you fuckers have only yourselves to blame. have fun being dusted, roasted, compressed, and floated twice over. and Goron pounded. and whatever Spinner fucking does. is it really just the samurai sword. whatever.)
oh look Dabi did join them after all
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you guys seeing them act like heroes is so fucking weird though. I know they’re our protags for this arc but still. weird
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why did you agree to come?? because you love them you jerk. and you owe Giran as much as anyone
petition to rename this the Villain Feels arc you guys
oh shit
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good instincts you guys! good eye, Toga!
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so there really was a reason chapter 219 was named after this guy, huh?? he had such a minor role but Horikoshi wanted to make sure we didn’t just immediately forget about him! holy shit. motherfucker did you even return all of those wallets??
holy shitballs this frictionless fuck hugged Katsuki and Shouto and no one suspected a damn thing
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as we know, Katsuki was right to call attention to this. but now we know Slidin’ was being intentionally dismissive of the villain’s tech in order to hide Detnerat’s involvement! son of a bitch. that might even have been why he was there in the first place
look at this piece of shit
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fuck this guy so hard
oh my fuck
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petition to rename this arc the Villain Feels/Stephen King Novel arc
holy shit
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well at least we know they’re all expendable. that’s good, considering the League isn’t likely to go out of their way to keep any innocent passerby from dying horribly. run that mission statement by me again one more time, Tomura? “destroy everything?” yeah that’s what I thought you said, thanks
wow and the big bads are here too already!!
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if the one on the left (Kizuki, just went back and checked) fights anyone other than Toga I’m gonna lowkey be rooting for her ngl
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like, okay, so you wanna come at us like that then?? fun! fucking bring it!
holy shit this guy is a politician??
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is that what he means by “party”? damn these guys are in the fucking government and everything
government, big business, satellites... look, no pressure here Tomura, but if you don’t win, I’m starting to think we are seriously screwed
anyway so Twice is all “who cares about these guys, where’s Giran?” and I have to admire his focus in the face of... all this
Hanabata is gesturing to the observation tower in the distance and says Giran is “waiting” over there with Re-Destro
and Twice is all outraged because they said they’d return Giran to them when they got there. “you filthy liar.” wow imagine that. bad guys lying about shit
someone or other appears to be watching everything from the nearby security cameras. probably RD. motherfucker
now these two guys are introducing themselves to Tomura because I guess they’d like to be disintegrated today
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nice knowing you guys. but not really
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I know it’s fucked up, but they had it coming, and that was some of the stupidest shit anyone in this manga has pulled in a hot minute though
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hard not to see an explosion and immediately think of my boy Kacchan! but obviously he’s not there, so what gives??
oh shit
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okay. okay hold up. gather my thoughts. can’t just keysmash, gotta get my brain back into working order here...!
motherfucker how did I know the girl was gonna fight the other girl. well whatever
and on top of that, that gesture with her fingers is giving me strong flashbacks to [S] Cascade from Homestuck
oh my god. hype for days. you guys. this is amazing
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auncyen · 5 years
Because anon asking about p5 protag sacrificing himself got me wanting to write this, though it isn't an intentional sacrifice.
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hello!! i love this blog very much that i always have it on notifs! keep up the awesome work! may i ask for a scenario with p3, p4, and p5 protags experiencing a "too close for comfort" moment with their crush/would be s/o?
-Akihiko Voice- IVE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS…!!! And thank you so much for having this blog on your notifs! It means so much to me! I will do my best for this blog so please continue to support me!))
Lol the more i wrote the more inspired i got I’m sorry they only got longer and longer pfft))
Minato Arisato:
>Your Knowledge increased
With finals coming up and your overwhelming desire to be in at least the top 10, you begged Minato to help you study. He had softened up a bit thanks to his friends and he had no problem accepting your desperate calls for help. You look between the address he had written down and the tall building in front of you. So he lived here, huh?
You go in and are met by quite a few pairs of eyes. You gulp nervously and ask for Minato who immediately comes out thanks to Junpei’s yelling.
“WHAT?! LUCKY BASTARD! I WANNA STUDY WITH HER TOO!” Junpei loudly complains as he looks between you and his blue haired bestie.
“…You don’t even study, Junpei…” Minato responds, walking up to you and taking you by the hand. “Cmon, I’m in dining room.”
The two of you sit down and begin studying quietly. Some time passes and you were having trouble with a complicated math problem. Your hand gripped at your hair, your foot bounced rapidly, and your pencil tapped away at the page with the same impatience.
“What’s wrong?” He asks suddenly, taking you out of your frustrated trance.
“Oh! Uh…This stupid problem has me stumped.”
“Lemme see…” Instead of bringing your notebook closer to him, he leans in closer to you.
He smells nice, was your first thought. Once you realized what just went through your head, you could feel the heat rise on your cheeks and your chest felt tighter than usual. Minato didn’t seem to notice your embarrassment as he narrowed his eyes down at your problem. He adjusts himself, only resulting in getting closer. This time you’re able to vocalize some kind of sound to catch his attention. “M-Minato…?”
“Hm…?” The hard blue stare of his softens when he looks up, his face closer than expected.
“C-c-close…!” You manage to squeak. God, his eyes are so intoxicating…
It takes a few moments until the color on his cheeks deepen as he registers the situation. “Oh, uh, sorry…” He straightens up and looks away bashfully, scratching at his cheek a bit.
There is a slight tension in the air before he clears his throat and gives you a small smile. “I know what you did wrong… I can show you…” He gestures to your notebook.
You respond with a smile and scoot a little closer to him, moving your notebook where it was in the middle. The rest of the time was peaceful but it seemed the two of you never stopped blushing over that one moment when it came back into your mind.
Yu Narukami:
>Your Charm increased
After everything that happened at the Love Meets Bond Festival, you became interested in the art of dance. You hadn’t realized how easy it was to pick it up and how fun it was to express yourself in such an artistic way. One dance that had interested you was Tango. One problem though: It takes two to tango.
So you called up Narukami in a desperate attempt to get someone you were familiar with to be your partner. And thankfully he agreed to take the classes with you. One more problem: Tango involves close contact and passionate gazes between the two parties.
“I hadn’t realized how close we’d have to be…” Narukami confesses, chuckling a little.
Your heart sank a bit. Did you force him into this? Did you make him uncomfortable?
Narukami chuckles again, being able to read your worried expression. “Don’t worry about it, [Name], I’m having fun! Justbeingclosetoyoumakesithardtocontrolmyself.”
“What was that last part?” You tilted your head in confusion.
“Nothing! Don’t worry about it.” He smiles so sweetly that you went ahead and forgot about it.
The weeks fly by and it becomes a blur to you until the final day where you have to perform the dance, not only in front of your class but also in front of a live audience of guests, you had been practicing since day one. You were nervous to say the least. A lot of the time you blanked out during the dance but you knew today wouldn’t be the case. Narukami asked if the two of you could go last so he could watch the other performances. At the time you had no problem with it but now your heart and soul were trying their best to escape your body.
You felt a strong and warm hand grip yours. Reassurance flooded your body and once again you felt calm. As the dance for the team before you was coming to a close, you take a peek at the audience. Full house. And the Investigation Team was there to show their support, even Teddie took it seriously by showing up in his human form.
The next thing you know, you and Narukami are getting into place. The audience claps and cheers once your names are introduced and then it’s quiet. The music plays.
Why you hadn’t noticed Narukami’s strength at this point was a shocker to you. The way you two moved together was breathtaking. Just as breathtaking as being to intimately close to Narukami’s face was. Your face becomes flushed but you somehow manage to keep your composure. His strong hands holding you firmly but gently, the passionate look in his eyes, the strength and skill that is portrayed to the audience at the climax of the dance where you do a complicated move in which you are lifted up and trust your body to move along his until he catches you.
Your performance ends and you feel breathless, more so than when you first started practicing. The audience goes wild and the team is the loudest out of everyone. Narukami takes you backstage and sits you down in a chair.
“You alright? I could tell you were ready to faint.” His face seemed just as flushed as yours.
You nod quietly, refusing to look at him.
He laughs softly and leans in close, “Don’t worry about it…. I know exactly/ how you feel…”
[Mini Bonus, the video that inspired this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3vsiiRK5GU ]
Akira Kurusu:
>Your Guts increased
You weren’t really the courageous type but there were times you were able to pull through for the greater good. Saving a stray dog from being beaten by a bunch of idiot bullies was no different. You recognized their faces from your school, Shujin High. Before they could touch the dog, your voiced boomed an authoritative “Quit it!”
“What are you gonna do about it, bitch?” One of the guys scoffed.
You lifted your phone, “I know how to contact the police and inform them of idiot bullies like you for terrible behavior. I’m also willing to throw in a white lie of harassment, if I have to.”
“Tch. Let’s bale man. She’s killin my fun.”
“We’ll remember this, [Name]! Don’t think I don’t know who you are and what class you go to!” You forgot one of them was in your class. Shit…!
They run off and the dog scratches at your shoe until you look down at it. Its eyes thank you silently before it runs off. Now the anxiety begins to seep in. What’s going to happen to you? What are you gonna do? What are they/ gonna do??
While you were lost in thought thinking of the worst possibilities, you almost missed a gentle voice. “Uh, excuse me?”
“Ah! Please don’t kill me…!!” You jolt and look at who was speaking to you. You relax when you see it was your desk neighbor, Akira Kurusu. “Oh…! Akira! You scared me…”
“Are they bothering you?” He sounded concerned.
“No…but they might try something tomorrow… You don’t have to worry about me. My life will be over by tomorrow anyway…” You groan, conflicting emotions causing a massive headache. “Sorry, but I’m going home…” You push past him and make your way home.
You could have sworn you felt someone’s eyes on you…
The next day you were on edge and barely made it to class on time. You struggled to focus in class and you didn’t dare leave the classroom for lunch like you normally would. You wished so desperately to turn back time. Each second was shaving off five years of your life. Finally it was time to go home. You noticed Akira hurriedly gathered his things and left the room and decided to follow his example.
The boy in your class reacted a little slower to make it seem like he wasn’t still interested in making your life a living hell, which was his first mistake. You make it out of the classroom and try to make a run for it for the school entrance until a hand snapped closed around your wrist. You gasp and turn to see it was Akira, quietly shushing you with his finger. “Come with me…”
He pulls you along and runs down the halls, a lot of eyes staring and wondering just what had gotten into him. Was the delinquent going to hurt you? Eh, it wasn’t any of their business…. Akira eventually makes it to the janitor’s closet and opens the door before rushing you inside. He quickly follows and starts to slow down his breathing as he shuts the door.
You were really out of breath. This guy was more athletic than he looked. “Wh-what are you doing…?”
Without answering you, Akira gives you a serious look and closes the distance between you. Naturally you stepped back, scared and vulnerable. Oh, you thought, I get it. He’s the one that’s going to dish out my punishment for messing with those guys… Your back hits the wall and you flinch, closing your eyes. When you feel no pain, you peek up. Akira has his arms on both sides of your head, trapping you. But you notice his focus was elsewhere.
“Akira…?” Your voice was breathy.
“Quiet…” He shushes you gently, pressing a little closer.
You gasp and wait it out. Then you hear familiar voices. It was those boys from before, calling out to each other and swearing a storm. They stopped in front of the closet and you held your breath. Akira noticed your discomfort and pulled you into a protective hug.
He smelled like all kinds of delicious blends of coffee. Your ear was pressed against his chest. Why was his heart pounding? He looks so calm and collected, so serious. So why…? Once they leave, he lets you go. He chuckles seeing your disappointed face.
“Heh… you’re pretty cute when you pout…” He smirks down at you.
“Wh-what?” Your face flushes with many shades of red.
“Ah, nothing… Who were they?”
You explained the situation to him from yesterday. When you finish by thanking him, he pats your head and gives you a gentle smile.
“You’ve got a good heart… One more thing: Do you know their names…?”
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whiningaboutyuri · 7 years
Peeing in the Hall Addiction
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So okay, I seriously need to talk about Nurse Love Addiction. Word on the yard is it’s a ‘darker’ and ‘more serious’ take on the Yuri VN. Clearly coming from a mindset where everyone being drawn in pink crayons and looking seven wasn’t a flag for mass cast murdering.
I was really expecting it to be unremarkably dull, but six hours in and...well, I’ve already had to grab my friends on a holiday weekend and bleed out what happened. Though it was less a “dude someone died!” need-to-get-it-out so much as a “MY MAIN CHARACTER PEED ON THE FLOOR IN SOLIDARITY WITH ANOTHER CHARACTER PEEING ON THE FLOOR, I THINK IT’S VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU KNOW THIS, ALSO HEY, HAPPY FOURTH GUYS. AND THIS IS A YURI GAME, I PROBABLY SHOULD HAVE SAID THAT FIRST”.
So what the hell, if this is some divine call for me to come out of an unofficial hiatus, then who am I to argue. Let’s take a deeper look into one of the highest humanitarian callings there is, through the eyes of a literal pissbaby and her little friends. But first, dramatic personae.
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The dude I’m playing as. I am somehow supposed to be assured that this is a nineteen year old woman completely capable of sexual consent. You can tell she’s a protagonist because she is single, stupid, and unable to feed herself into her late teens. Her motivation is that of the classic VN protag, i.e. actually do something, someday, maybe? And her character turning point is wetting herself in an ICU. 
Though giving this game due credit, this pink stain doesn’t have a harem of hungry lesbians swimming around her like a pack of sharks. She only has her sister-housewife, who mitigates things by being deeply disturbed and codependent.
Speaking of that...
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My creepy ass sister-girlfriend; as pictured above; my peeing moves her deeply. I have strong suspicions that she may be the “canon” girl with all the official artwork floating around of them cuddling and hugging each other’s arms and crap, to which I say...okay, sure. 
I won’t lie, the incest doesn’t bother me so much as the fact that I’m pretty sure she’s drugging my food with how incapable I am of getting up in the morning without her threatening to kiss me. I am utterly at her mercy for food, laundry, toilet training, and studying--you know, like anyone’s kid sister would do. Also, she said that if she wasn’t my sister, she’d happily be my stalker instead. To which I say...okay sure.
I am 85% sure they’re going to drop a “Not Blood Siblings” bomb to make this less weird. I am 100% sure it will only serve to creep me out more. Hot contender for “yeah, I can see this chick going bonkers and kacking someone.”
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My teacher. But I’m nineteen, so it’s fine. Also, I think she may be nineteen too, which makes it finer? 
Her biggest standout thus far is that she’s shockingly low on the sleaze option totem pole. I think they’re going for “hot genius instructor ditz with a DARK SECRET”, but she’s somehow totally selling it. Granted, most of this is based off a part where I showed her my crotch in concern that I have yet to grow hair (for reasons that SORT OF make a little more sense in context). And she made the whole thing surprisingly not weird?
Not to mention her surname is Ohara, which I think is someone’s surname in Freezing, which is a good enough reason to like any character in this game. It’s pretty telling when dating your instructor seems like the sane option of your romance corral.
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The campus’s evil lesbian couple. They are even introduced with “we are totally, actually having sex” sparkles. As you can see, their character designs are beautifully bizarre, like they’re trying to throw regular clothes over their BDSM costumes and pass it off as “trendy”. But they are shockingly equitable, if only because they’re probably actually in love, and locked in a passionate battle of who is more dom and who can shove more weird straps out of their nethers.
The girl to the left is Sakuya. I think she might be canon-leaning girl number two, because. She’s rich! And hot! And she hates me! Being a potential romantic partner, she is perfect at everything, was planning to be a nurse for a bajillion years, and may have actual magic. She can’t walk into a room without either yelling at me or grinding a heel in my face, but it’s offset by her being EASILY EMBARRASSED YEE HOO HOO HOO. The jury’s out on whether her design is the best or the worst of the cast.
The girl on the right is Itsuki. She’s the “enigmatic cackling mastermind” type to try to hide the fact that she’s a huge nerd with no friends other than her girlfriend. As you do. Also, she has glasses, so she’s...smart? Or at least a little more assholey. I’m pretty sure that dating her is an objective mistake no matter which angle you take it. Not gonna lie, she’s currently my top pick for the one I’m guessing to start a-murdering people. And if she is, I’m really hoping she knocks of my crazy sister.
So yeah, I’ll admit a big part of this game’s sell is that there’s literally no way you cannot commit a dark human sin if you actually pursue any of these girls. Let alone the fact that you yourself are an incontinent sponge brain just shy of twenty, your only dating options are your sister, your teacher, or breaking up two perfectly happy super villains. SO I OF COURSE AM ONE THOUSAND PERCENT IN LETS DO THIS GUYS
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FISH!!!!!! in the water Episode 3 - Only dead fish go with the flow
Summare under the cut!
There’s a short, mysterious sequence of scenes with a dark figure hiding behind trees and street corners and such, apparently following someone. Their face is hidden. As they sneak inside the fishing school, we can hear the narration by an unknown voice listing the schedule of the protagonists. Then the shadow opens up a locker by picking the lock and starts examining the fishing rods inside.
“2 meters, bamboo, old, anime and baseball stickers… Nostalgic and sappy. This is Friendo-kun’s no doubt. This one is thick and robust, fibreglass, neon colours, wants to look professional but isn’t… 4 meters… Must be Token-chan. Only that punk would use something this distasteful. What about this one? It’s one of the ones they give out for rent… And the line isn’t rolled back properly… This is the newbie’s, but I can’t figure anything out if it’s not his own rod… Shit!”
The figure sneaks around for a while and then disappears.
The scene cuts to Protag-kun, Friendo-kun and Token-chan in Friendo-kun’s room, just chilling out since they’re now Friends™. Token-chan starts asking Protag-kun about what happened with his family and Protag-kun narrates the story about how his father passed away when he was small and he had to move to a big city with his mother and sister. Then he also tells Token-chan about how this motivated him to participate in the competition, to which Token-chan is shocked and goes “NANI?????”. But directly after this, Token-chan’s stomach growls very loudly and her face gets kinda blue in that anime way. Friendo-kun declares that this is an emergency and they have to feed her as soon as possible or she might do crazy stuff.
The three go to the sushi bar and the shadow from previously is waiting for them sitting at the table in the darkest corner, camouflaged with a newspaper and silly hat. We can briefly see his eye as he secretly stares at them. He states that everything is going as predicted; they came at the right hour and sat down at the exact places he was expecting. Token-chan greets the barista loudly as soon as they enter - she’s a regular due to her eating habits. The protagonists sit at the counter. Token-chan orders 2304912031 different kinds of food, Protag-kun gets sashimi and Friendo-kun gets “whatever Protag-kun is having”.
Then, for a moment, Token-chan briefly mentions the competition and asks Protag-kun how he’s planning to practice for it. Smart-kun is in momentary shock and listens up more closely, musing on how he needs even more information. Meanwhile Token-chan talks and laughs very loudly with her mouth full and acts in a generally obnoxious manner to the point of irritating the mystery person to the point of snapping. They stand up and walk up to the three of them, only to reveal themselves.
“You people must be real professionals if you have time to stuff your faces before the competition instead of practicing.”
There’s a full visual of Smart-kun from head to toe with his name written on a small card along with his technique. There’s a closeup of his face as he adjusts his glasses, only to show his emerald green eyes. We can hear a short description by Friendo-kun of who Smart-kun is, how he’s part of a noble family and is very obsessed with analyzing and practicing. Nobody has ever seen him smile. He’s a genius and is respected by everyone.
 Smart-kun takes issue with Token-chan’s behaviour and they start bickering to the point of almost starting a bar fight, but Friendo-kun holds her back. Smart-kun then proceeds to ignore both of them, stating that he’s only interested in Protag-kun and the secret of his technique.
 “I’ve been watching you. I know everything about you” he says in a soothing voice. Protag-kun is shocked and slightly intimidated.
 Then Smart-kun starts interrogating him about his technique, but all Protag-kun can say is that he did it spontaneously. Smart-kun gets angry thinking that he’s just joking and making fun of him. Soon, he gives up on asking about Spontaneous Spirit, turns around and leaves with the phrase:
 “Whatever, you’ll never win this competition anyway. The only way to fish is to have control and to calculate your moves in advance. Without that, you’re not worthy of being called a fisherman.”
 Token-chan shouts insults at him as he walks away.
 In the next scene the three friends are practicing again but Protag-kun can’t get Smart-kun’s remark out of his mind and keeps getting flashbacks about the part where he was called unworthy of being called a fisherman. Friendo-kun notices that there’s something wrong with him because ‘he knows Protag-kun well enough to read his emotions just from his face’. He quickly realizes that it’s about Smart-kun and makes an inspiring monologue about how Smart-kun doesn’t realize Protag-kun’s real potential.
 Suddenly, Coach-san shows up with two new chicks he’s flirting with. He addresses Friendo-kun and Token-chan to tell them to clean up inside the school (since he wants to hang out with the ladies). Before they could protest, he starts walking away. Protag-kun instantly wants to go help them but Coach-san orders him to stay because he’s so terrible at fishing that it’s better for him to practice. This demoralizes him even further but he stays nonetheless.
 It’s sunset and Protag-kun is still fishing. His depressive thoughts are interrupted by a loud splash somewhere nearby. His reflection on the water surface is disrupted by a harpoon flying at the speed of light and literally impaling three fish before the line is rolled back and the only presence besides him by the lake collects the bleeding animals.
 Protag-kun is shocked. The person he sees is the scariest and edgiest man he’s ever come across - Antagonist-kun. He has a black, shiny fishing rod made of carbon fibre, wears leather and has bright red hair and piercing, cold eyes. Besides him is a bucket full of bloody, dead fish. He looks towards Protag-kun for a moment, their eyes meet for a few seconds. Antagonist-kun decides to ignore him.
 Protag-kun decides to ask him, in complete shock, if what he’s doing is even within the rules, to which Antagonist-kun replies that it doesn’t concern him and tells him to leave him alone. Protag-kun insists on stopping him in murdering fish like this and Antagonist-kun get so annoyed after a while that he declares that he’ll stop if Protag-kun can defeat him in a fish-off as a joke. Protag-kun challenges him seriously claiming that he wants to show the other how to fish properly within the rules.
 The duel beings and Protag-kun is about to be demolished miserably. Antagonist-kun’s moves are impossible to follow. The two had previously posed 5 fish caught as a target and the showdown goes horribly for Protag-kun. He hasn’t caught any fish when Antagonist-kun is already at 4. In the meanwhile, everything is commented by Smart-kun who was spying on them hidden in a bush, wondering what’s going on. He makes a few comments about how the competition against Antagonist-kun is more important since he’s dangerous. Antagonist-kun is about to catch his fifth fish and Smart-kun panics, thinking that Protag-kun won’t make it and suddenly runs out to implement his technique, Practice-made Perfection. Coincidentally, Protag-kun also uses Spontaneous Spirit in that moment. Their techniques combine in an explosion of motivation and mathematical formulas. Not only do they catch the next fish Antagonist-kun was about to kill, but seven more along with it.
 Despite it not being a fair win, Antagonist-kun is pissed. He makes a degrading comment on how Protag-kun couldn’t even win without being helped, but Protag-kun rebuts him with yet another motivational speech. He goes on about how this day made him realize that what makes a good fisherman is not control or never being helped by anyone but cooperation with others and strong will - with this, they even managed to defeat Antagonist-kun’s complex moves.
 Antagonist-kun takes his leave with a ‘Tch’ and announces that he’ll have his revenge at the competition with an evil smirk. Meanwhile, Friendo-kun and Token-chan come back and start wondering what happened. They find Protag-kun and Smart-kun trying to get their fishing lines untangled since they got stuck together due to the combined techniques. When they ask about it, Smart-kun blushes very slightly and comments on how embarrassing this is for him. Protag-kun tells them that Smart-kun has been very nice to him and helped him defeat ‘that weird guy’. Smart-kun denies all of it while the others are busy being perplexed about the situation. Protag-kun also brings it to his notice that being spontaneous brought more results in that moment than calculating every move, to which the other claims to have predicted everything since the beginning (which is obviously false). Protag-kun asks him why he helped him then and Smart-kun tells him he was too pitiful and it was painful to watch. Besides, he wanted to see Antagonist-kun lose. Token-chan looks oddly in thought when hearing that name. Smart-kun is too embarrassed and just leaves.
 Protag-kun tells the others enthusiastically about how he managed to use his technique again. They decide to celebrate and start walking up to the usual sushi bar. For a short period of time, Token-chan drags Friendo-kun with her so the two can lag behind without Protag-kun hearing them talk. She expresses her concerns about Protag-kun interacting with Antagonist-kun and makes Friendo-kun swear that they’ll try in any way to prevent the two of them to talk so that Protag-kun doesn’t find out about that thing. Protag-kun yells at them to walk faster and they all revert to their happy mood.
 We can lastly see Antagonist-kun in the moonlight, stabbing a fish with a knife mercilessly as he smiles. 
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figjelly · 8 years
How do you approach worldbuilding?
Okay, full disclosure here but I’m still working on feeling comfortablewith my abilities in “world-building” (I put the phrase in quotes for a reasonI’ll explain in a moment). When I started writing fanfiction, I did so becauseI wanted to write but didn’t reallyfeel like I had the skills to develop something from scratch. But I had a fewcharacters and I was really into playing Skyrim at the time. So, I thought, “MaybeI’ll just start out writing a journal for Rook in Skyrim.” Rook was a characterI thought I had a good-enough handle on (spoiler alert: I didn’t and, boy, do Isometimes STILL pay for it) and I thought sticking with the Dragonborn DLCwould be a really easy story to chart a beginning, a middle, and an end for acharacter I didn’t have to build from the ground up or build an entire world ora story. A diary for a character seemed like a good start.
Rook of Skyrimquickly became not a journal (althoughin the first couple of chapters, you can still see where it started out assuch). There are probably still some of the very first drafts on a Skyrim forumsomewhere (that I just never bothered deleting because who cares). Whilewriting in this older style though, all ofthe characters started yelling at me (“I don’t sound like that!” or “I see how it is—I’m just a cardboard cut-out to put hereas a convenient thing to mention. Fuck you too.”).  So, while I’ve feel I’ve gotten better atdialogue and the like, world-building is still something I keep floaters onfor. That’s not to say I’ve not tried my hand at world-building (Cognitiva Uprising had eleven chaptersbefore I sort of put it aside. I don’t think it’s hosted anywhere currently,but it was something that I have a beginning, middle, and end for. There arestrong characters. The world was just a bit weaker than I wanted it). Fanfiction is basically the way in which I practice small-scale world-buildinguntil I can get a handle on it. With something like The Elder Scrolls (althoughat one time I also wrote for Dragon Age so I think that would work well inaddition to Fallout), big events exist and some details but thegames don’t often give you mechanisms for why the world is the way it is a goodamount of the time. It’s easy to build a world and populate it but it’llbe super flat if you’re looking to build a narrative that has some richness toit. For a story like Thistle Do Nicely,I don’t have to build a world—or atleast worry about the mechanisms behind why it is the way it is. It’s set inthe reality we have first-hand experience with. I don’t have to explain howcollege works in Thistle Do Nicely. IHAVE to do work in Relentless toexplain the academic systems of knowledge on a number of levels: an individualstudent’s progress, dynamics of an individual institution, how a particularinstitution interacts with local government/state government, and how otherinstitutions view one another (to be fair, I also use Raven’s Song to do some of this work). We do not have firsthand experiencefor the world of The Elder Scrolls. We dohave firsthand experience for what issues concern universities in ourworld.WHEW. That was really long-winded. Why did I put “world-building” in quotesabove? Because I feel that it the phrase is often used as an inefficient proxyfor “external environment.” I would classify developing characters as internalworld-building and building the environment around a character as externalworld building. I think we could then classify these even further (e.g.interpersonal relationships as being an “ecosystem,” a character’s interactionswith the physical environment as being “embodied world-building,” etc etc) butit would detract from the point. Here’s what I’ve learned from my own experiences and approaches ofworld-building. The usual YMMV and these are from my perspective und so weiter:
Don’t build worlds off of our currentworld’s assumptions. I don’t care if you are writing a modern day romance set in the United States, take allthe assumptions you have and put ‘em in a box because you’re gonna need to dosome hardcore reassessment about “the way things are.” For example, compulsoryheteronormativity isn’t just a story we hear when looking at the “usual”romantic comedy but also things like a “socially-acceptable” transgendernarrative that looks like “I am a woman in a man’s body.” It’s a narrative thatconforms to the expectations and assumptions that heteronormativity asserts. Inhomosexual relationships, it is common to hear, “So who’s the man and who’s thewoman?” Even beyond hot topic issues (such as gender and sexuality), there alsoexists assumptions about how communication works (usually “data transferbetween two people”), how social interactions work, and even how someone thinksabout the world (we don’t all interact with the world in the same way, we don’tall have the same mental dialogue with ourselves etc etc).
Become an expert at thetop-down/bottom-up analyses of your world. “Ash,” you sigh. “What the fuck does that mean?” Here’s an example:
A lot of writing advice with world-building has writersthink about what the lay of the land is. So, is the setting on an island? Alarge, land-locked continent? Near mountains? That’s fine. But I think whatthen happens is a disconnect between thinking about the land to thinking aboutsomething such as governmental policy or import/export mechanisms. When I sayto think about your world from a top-down perspective, I’m asking you to thinkabout larger phenomenon and behavior of the characters and then how we cantrace that back to smaller elements in the world. For example, if you statethat in your world the local government has always had strict policies in placethat regulate the hunting of certain wildlife, then it’s also important to knowwhy that is from smaller, foundationelements. Perhaps the particular wildlife upon which the regulations are enforcedare a species that in some seasons are superimportant for soil recovery (idk like maybe they have a jacked upmetabolism and poop a lot). THEN you might look further down and see, “Ah,well, these people would want a quicker turn around on soil recovery duringseason X because farming season Y is right after that time.” And so on. Youkeep taking this large-scale, overarching observation (strict rules on huntingduring a particular season) and then keep breaking down the whys and hows until you’ve got a good idea for why things are the way they are. (obvs I like repeating myself). But what about a bottom-up approach? Let’s take something like a friend groupfor this example. Suppose you have three characters that are really goodfriends (A, B, and C because I’m so creative). If friend A says somethinghurtful to friend B, then not only will friend B’s feelings become hurt butalso friend C will have a/some reaction(s): be angry at friend A, besympathetic to friend B, agree with friend A, not give a fuck about either A orB because it ain’t their business, etc. We’ve got individual elements A, B, andC but we can now trace this one incident like a ripple effect. A, B, and C havelives outside of their relationship so how does this effect their otherrelationships? Work? Family? Etc etc. Let’s take our Poop Factory species fromthe top-down approach to understanding the whysof a world. Think about the very first time the local government first passedthe regulation. What did they notice? Well, sometimes the crops would be stableenough to sustain people but then other years it was absolute shit. You canpretend one of the Top Poop Scientists of the Country (I’m sure you’d give thema better name) was also like, “Hey guys, I think I’m noticing that on years inwhich the crops are better, there are more Poop Factories around.” And on andon. Now, is it important to describe all of this to your readers? Absolutely not unless it is important to the story. If it’snot, then you’ve got a good working knowledge that you can explicitly describeinside and out—AND THAT will shine through in your world.
Consistent, tinydetails matter. So, you’ve gotthe world, you’re an expert in it, and you’ve got a pretty solid idea of yourcharacters. Just don’t forget to include the tiny details in the story! Treat thislike seasoning on food. Too much will ruinthe balance (garlic is the exception in the food analogy, so think of garlic inplace of “good grammar” because you can’t have enough of that).
 Culture andreligion: usually a hot topic to bring up in any world-building how-tothat can be found via google. I would add to this simply by referring to the “Don’tbuild a world off of this world’s assumptions” advice. Religions are usuallydeity-based but one should think about how deities are interpreted/ARE in a particularworld. A really good example of this is the pantheon in Bastion (rpg by Supergiant Games). Each god seems to represent theextreme ends of a particular spectrum (e.g. health and atrophy) and would grantfollowers one or the other with no rhyme or reason. In the game, this plays outin two ways. In the world, there are temples but you get the feeling thatthings aren’t quite stable (inreference to the deity impulses, not the actualworld that is literally fallingapart from under your feet). In gameplay, the main character can worshipone god at a time. If you choose to worship the god I was referencing above(health/atrophy), protag will get +5% on experience and currency earned in eachfight but all enemies become resistant to physical attacks. This is a unique mechanismby which deity creation drives the mechanisms by which religion is establishedand how culture conducts itself (if we are all subject to the god’s whims, nomatter how deep our belief and devotion, how would that come out in culture?).You might have entire towns where nowhere daresbe anything less than a devout follower of a particular god.
But I’ve done a bad thing and lumped these two ideastogether. In actuality, culture gets played out in a number of ways: food,medicine, geography, clothes, dialect, how to conduct oneself based on powerdynamics, etc. If you’ve decided to world-build on an island, I bet thatculture is going to differ a lot than if you’ve decided mountain valleys areyour thing. The difference will probablybe reflected in the geography by which characters are bound. Meals willlook different and because they look different, you might see a difference inwhat is considered polite ways to eat food or to conduct one’s self at a meal. If you’ve got specific questions about the myriad of ways culture is going tobe built into the world, hit me up. I haven’t even touched tool-use anddevelopment!Okay, I’ve written a lot so that’s it for now!
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arcelian · 5 years
Tales of the Abyss Hogwarts Houses
Here's something I've been working on for... almost two years apparently??  Some friends and I started an Abyss Harry Potter AU a while back, and sortinghatchats was brought up, and I ended up trying to sort all the main characters using their system.  So here it finally is!
Obvious disclaimer: while I've had feedback from said friends while making this it's still ultimately subjective; I've written explanations for all the main chars (protags and villains) but if you disagree with any of these that's okay! (and you should tell me because I will be interested!!)  There's also some bonus major npcs at the end that I didn't write explanations for bc they're.... bonus....
Also disclaimer: this uses sortinghatchats' two-house sorting system, so if you've never heard of it before you might want to look at this post first so you don't get confused by my references to primaries and secondaries and other stuff!
Full thing under the cut bc Long.
Luke: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Luke is definitely Hufflepuff primary, even before his character development; he was so isolated that he didn’t really have much understanding of or attachment to anyone outside of the manor, but even then he was quick to empathize with others.  Even pre-development he shows concern for others’ wellbeing, shown most explicitly with Ion and with his reluctance to kill.  Most of his role models as a child are very discriminatory, so he tends towards that at first, but by the endgame he’s trying to save everyone, up to and including his enemies who are actively trying to kill him.
For secondary, he’s the most ridiculously stubborn Gryffindor I’ve ever seen, to the point that the rest of the party yelling at him about how he’s making incredibly stupid, impulsive decisions is a fairly regular occurrence, even post-development.  He almost has to be physically dragged out of Sheridan during the disaster, he chases Spinoza halfway across the world to prove a point to Asch, etc.
Tear: Gryffindor/Gryffindor
Tear is the sort of person who prioritizes justice and morality above anything else.  She is kind and apologetic to Luke when they first meet, then treats him coldly when she starts seeing him as rude and selfish, then is the first person to support his efforts to become a better person.  She’s also willing to turn against anyone, even her own family or the Order of Lorelei itself, if she feels their actions are unjust, and will do whatever it takes to correct that injustice.  She is capable of performing Slytherin when necessary, but she feels most at home in Gryffindor.
Guy: Slytherin/Hufflepuff (models/adopts Hufflepuff primary & Slytherin secondary)
Guy’s a bit hard to get a handle on at first, but if you look close he’s actually Slytherin primary; he’s just very warm and friendly in his regular interactions.  However, there’s really only a few people he’s very attached to; before and during the beginning of the game, that includes his family, but that expands to include Luke, and the rest of the core party to a lesser extent.  He also adopts Luke’s Hufflepuff mindset as a moral code for the part of the world he’s not emotionally invested in, which is what causes the confusion.
He is Hufflepuff secondary though, perfectly happy to spend years on his revenge plan, or sit in Aramis Spring for hours, or devote himself to helping Luke grow.  He can model Slytherin as a secondary as well, but in the end his more favoured tactic is calm, stubborn persistence.
Natalia: Gryffindor/Gryffindor (models Hufflepuff primary)
Natalia has Hufflepuff leanings as well, but ultimately she’s actually Gryffindor.  She values her people, yes, but that’s because she believes that it’s her duty as a princess, so she models Hufflepuff.  However, in the end, she puts that duty above all else, as she does when she chooses to fight Largo for the sake of her people, for example.  She does slip towards burning for a short time during the heritage plot, but manages to pull herself back up.  By the time of the peace conference, she’s returned to doing what Gryff/Gryffs do best: seeing injustice and marching straight in to right it.
Jade: Slytherin/Ravenclaw (models Ravenclaw primary)
Jade is almost always the smartest person in the room, and he takes pleasure in knowing that (and lording it over everyone else).  He’s also incredibly logical and methodical, trying to study a situation from every angle before deciding on a course of action - he just happens to have enough experience to do this incredibly quickly.  Overall Jade is a good example of a hypercompetent Ravenclaw secondary - his ability to draw on an extensive knowledge base is what makes him such an effective threat.
Despite that, when push comes to shove he really wants to protect his people over all else, and when he’s sufficiently stressed he begins to fall back on this instinct, which is why he’s a Slytherin primary with a Ravenclaw model, and not a Ravenclaw ignoring his gut feelings to do what’s logical to him.  For example, his pre-Rem conversation: “I would ask you to die, yes. If I were an Emperor, with a country to consider.  But as your friend, I feel compelled to stop you.”  Jade’s desire to follow his Ravenclaw-model idea of what is correct is ultimately secondary to his Slytherin instinct to protect his own.
This is also shown during his backstory: Nebilim was part of his inner circle, and her death and Jade’s failure at properly replicating her causes him to begin to Petrify.  His Ravenclaw model was built primarily as a way of coping with this loss and preventing it from happening again.
Interestingly enough, by the end of the game Jade’s added Luke to his inner circle, to the point of adopting some of Luke’s Hufflepuff primary tendencies, shown with his plans to resume his fomicry studies for the sake of the remaining replicas.
Anise: Slytherin/Slytherin
Anise is incredibly Slytherin!  Her major motivation is protecting Ion and her parents, and she will do anything to further that goal, including lying, spying, and sucking up to every rich person she meets.  Most of Anise’s struggles during the game are a result of her guilt over being forced to act against her inner circle (her parents, Ion, and eventually the rest of the party).  This comes to a head during her traitor subplot, when she’s forced to choose between her parents and Ion, shows off her Slytherin secondary with her plan to save both, and is heartbroken when her attempts ultimately fail.
Asch: Burned Slytherin/Gryffindor
Asch started off as a Slytherin primary, with his family, Natalia, and Van among his inner circle, but was Burned after the kidnapping incident and stopped trusting anyone.  During the events of the game, the group, especially Natalia, started to pull him out of the burned state, but he wasn’t able to do so entirely before the endgame.
On the other hand, Asch is, like Luke, a Gryffindor secondary.  He’s stubborn and hardheaded, refusing to follow any path but his own, especially when Luke is involved.  He’s also surprisingly blunt and honest, choosing to explain things to Luke at the beginning of the second act despite his personal feelings towards him.  Unfortunately, the combination of this secondary and his burnt Primary lead him to ignore the party’s suggestions and offers to help, which ultimately lead to his downfall.
Van: Burned Gryffindor/Hufflepuff
Van is a good example of a villainous Gryffindor.  When he was young he was likely an idealist, believing in the Score, or at least his family’s duty as descendants of Yulia - but when Hod was destroyed, he lost his faith in those duties and Burned his primary.  He chose to destroy the Score that betrayed him, and by extension the world that allowed it to exist, and refuses to be swayed by any outside arguments because he is no longer capable of seeing any other solution.  And he chooses to sacrifice anything that could get in the way of his goal, even his sister or the lord he was sworn to protect.
To reach that goal, Van spends years working his way up to the position of Commandant in the Order, charming and manipulating everyone around him, and just generally being a very effective Hufflepuff secondary.  Van’s most dangerous attribute is his relentlessness, with his ability to gain people’s trust as a close second.  Using it, he manages to draw the God-Generals and Mohs to his side, and several others including Luke only oppose him once they’re far enough from him to break free from his influence.
Interestingly enough, Van’s sorting is an inversion of Luke’s, with his Gryff/Puff opposing Luke’s Puff/Gryff.
Legretta: Burned Slytherin/Ravenclaw
Legretta is another Burned Slytherin primary, with her brother’s death and her confrontation with Van as the catalyst for her primary burning.  By the time the game happens she’s stopped being able to trust her heart, because she’s no longer sure whether her feelings are actually hers or if they’re being caused by the Score.  In the meantime, she’s adopted a rather Ravenclaw-like mindset in order to cope with her loss of trust: her reason for destroying the Score is to find out whether or not it’s manipulating her feelings.  The Score is the greatest threat to both her and her loved ones, and until she can confirm that she’s safe from it she refuses to let herself care about anyone.
She is, however, a true Ravenclaw in her secondary, with her gambit to follow Van to restore her primary showing that off best.  She is careful and methodical, following the plan to the best of her abilities, thorough in everything she does.  This even shows in the flashback to her assassination attempt, as she apparently did enough research beforehand into the Closed Score and Van’s actions to know that her brother’s death was foretold there.
Dist: Slytherin/Gryffindor
As a Slytherin primary, Dist is an extreme example of the ‘selfish ambition’ Slytherin stereotype.  His ultimate goal is to win back Jade’s approval, to make Jade happy; it’s the driving force behind all his actions.  Unfortunately for him, he fundamentally misunderstands who Jade is and what he wants, which is why he’s so unsuccessful in reaching that goal, but that is his goal regardless.
Dist also tries to emulate Jade’s Ravenclaw secondary, playing the part of the scheming mad scientist, but unfortunately for him he’s actually a Gryffindor secondary.  During most of his interactions with the party, he ends up resorting to stubborn tenaciousness to try and get what he wants.  He brags and taunts, throws robots around liberally, and absolutely refuses to consider any other options, no matter how many times Jade brushes him off.
Largo: Burned Gryffindor/Gryffindor
Like Natalia, Largo is both Gryffindor primary and secondary, but unlike her, his primary is Burned, caused by the loss of his wife and child.  He could no longer believe the Score was just, and he couldn’t trust his king to do what he believes is right.  Largo doesn’t follow Van because he believes Van’s plan is any better than the Score, though; it’s because he can no longer see a path that’s truly ‘right,’ so he latched onto Van’s convictions in an attempt to find stability.  He became the muscle of Van’s faction, preferring to use brute force and implacability over his allies’ less straightforward methods.
However, Largo still holds onto the shreds of his Gryffindor ideals.  He may not know for himself what is right, but he still places value on the idea of justice, and respects anyone who can wholeheartedly believe in something, even if he can’t agree with it.  It’s what convinced him to side with Van, but it also shows in his conversations around his final battle, as he praises Luke, Natalia, and the rest of the party for standing up for their own beliefs.
Sync: Burned Slytherin/Slytherin
Sync is a Burned Slytherin at its most extreme, caring for nothing and nobody, including himself.  Van comes the closest to being part of Sync’s circle, but in the end Sync follows him more because of their shared goal than out of any significant emotional attachment.  Sync’s Slytherin primary is also what makes it easy for him to follow Van’s plans - he has no loyalty or attachment to the world in general, and thus feels no guilt over destroying it.
Sync’s secondary is also Slytherin, as his preferred method is manipulating and toying with others instead of meeting them straight on.  He uses the curse slot he put on Guy to attack the party several times, sneaks onto the Tartarus during the planet core mission to wreak havoc, and after Ion’s death he uses their similar appearance to mess with Anise.
Arietta: Hufflepuff/Gryffindor
Arrietta as a Hufflepuff primary sounds odd at first, but that’s because her Puff loyalty is very different from the stereotype.  Like most Puffs, she cares about people - but Arietta’s definition of ‘people’ is almost exclusively her monster family and friends.  With a few exceptions, she doesn’t seem to see humans as worthy of her time or respect; it’s arguable that she doesn’t even perceive herself as ‘human,’ identifying with her monsters more.  Ion, of course, is the rare human exception, with the other God-Generals counting only through Van’s connection with Ion.  However, the rest of humanity is beneath her notice, and she treats the party with active malice.  They killed her family, after all - to Arietta it’s the humans that are the real monsters.
She also shows a Gryffindor-secondary tendency to run into things headfirst, trusting her gut to do what seems right in the moment instead of doing any complicated planning.  Arrietta fights the party mainly because of her grudge over her liger mother’s death, with Van’s plans being secondary.  She also gives the party information on a whim when Ion is threatened, and just as impulsively challenges Anise to a duel after Ion’s death.
Mohs: Hufflepuff/Slytherin
Mohs is the type of Hufflepuff that prioritizes loyalty to a community or group over loyalty to the people in it.  For him, his priority is the Order of Lorelei, and all its religious ideals and traditions - he is the only major faction leader who is unable to let go of the Score when everyone else chooses to abandon it, and he resorts to increasingly desperate measures to cling to his duty.  The Score is an intrinsic part of his identity, and he just can’t cope with the knowledge that it might not be the perfect promise he believed it was.  He spends the second half of the game trying desperately not to Burn, because if the Score is destroyed, his entire identity will go with it.
Meanwhile, his tendency to use whatever means possible - even if it’s underhanded or deceitful - to ensure the Score is carried out proves his Slytherin secondary.  Even beyond his following the Order’s rules of controlling information access for the Score’s sake, he manipulates King Ingobert to try and get rid of Luke, and even goes as far as allying with the God-Generals when he thinks it’ll help him succeed.
Ion - Hufflepuff/Slytherin
Mieu - Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Peony - Hufflepuff/Slytherin
Ingobert - Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw
Duke Fabre - Gryffindor/Hufflepuff
Ginji & Noelle - Hufflepuff/Ravenclaw
Nephry - Gryffindor/Hufflepuff
Cecille - Slytherin/Hufflepuff
Frings - Gryffindor/Gryffindor
(also shoutout to jeredu lyra slip rei for Making Hogwarts AU and thus This Post Happen)
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bidickgrayson · 7 years
i’ve finally almost gotten to the place in persona 3 where i stopped playing a couple years ago. just got to october, and i stopped some time in november in my first playthrough
it’s interesting to revisit shinjiro’s death a couple years later, because that death was one of the few things i remembered with any kind of detail. i remember being very angry at the storyline that had a ten-year-old kid plot revenge for the death of his mother. couldn’t really understand that urge/the fact that that kind of storyline was coming from a TEN YEAR OLD
and i’m still not a fan, but i am a little less directly angry with ken. the first time, i wasn’t expecting it, and so i was just angry that ken got shinjiro into a situation where he was killed lol. i had a lot more sympathy for ken this time around, when i knew what was coming the whole time, and could remind myself more rationally that ken didn’t actually kill shinjiro
really where i disagree with the writing around shinjiro’s death the most is around the aftermath, primarily around akihiko’s reaction. first of all, BULLSHIT on the fact that akihiko was like “we need to stop treating ken like a kid” because HE IS A KID!!!! what are you talking about!!!! “he needs to make his own decisions” like OKAY i get that you want to respect his autonomy but....he was just a kid who plotted a revenge-murder of a high schooler who killed his mom in front of him, only to watch in horror as that high schooler THROWS HIMSELF IN FRONT OF A GUNSHOT TO SAVE THE KID’S LIFE and then died in front of the kid. there’s no acknowledgement of the trauma, because they’re trying to treat this precocious ten-year-old like he’s an adult, when frankly, no adult would go through that without some trauma!! it’s just dumb. and i can forgive the sees members for some of it, because this is a bunch of high schoolers dealing with some heavy shit with no good adult supervision (lol @ ikutsuki), and they’re all just kids themselves, so i can’t really blame them for not knowing the best way to handle it and stumbling through on their own
also, what makes it worse is that it was literally just revealed that ken was suicidal/wanted to die like, just a while before, and tbf none of the other sees members knew, but i knew as the audience, and so to have akihiko go like “well, he’s gonna do what he’s gonna do” was so jarring and distressing. GET THIS KID SOME HELP! but. whatever. and then ken of course decides to come back and has a new resolve, and it’s treated as though that’s the really strong thing to do and not a definitely unhealthy lack of concern for mental well-being. “i’m strong so i’m not going to let the multiple traumatic events/my suicidal ideations (as a ten-year-old!) distract me from our mission”
also, back to direct reactions to shinjiro’s death, and maybe this is more personal preference, but i really Cannot Relate at all to akihiko’s resolution in the face of it. i remember that disconnect was jarring to me when i first played it years ago too. because he’s sad, and then very quickly he’s not sad because “it’s what shinjiro would have wanted”. and i just can’t relate to how quick he came to terms with the death, because this was literally akihiko’s oldest friend. and when the other’s express sadness, he’s like, don’t be sad, it’s what shinjiro wanted. LIKE WTF it is still sad??? i just think a better balance between acceptance and grief could have been found, because i really feel like they jumped over the majority of the grief that i would expect from shinjiro’s oldest friend, which is very jarring. but. i mean, who knows, maybe that would be realistic to some. it feels like a shortcut to me tho. i like akihiko, but this particular instance really disconnected me from his character
i’ve heard that with the female protagonist in p3p, you can do a social link so shinjiro doesn’t end up dead. and i’m really curious how that plays out (/why the social link changes it). i just wanna be able to say “YOU’RE A HIGH SCHOOLER, YOU’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE YOUR DEATH IS THE BEST WAY THINGS CAN PLAY OUT ( :( )”
anyway, some other thoughts while i’m here:
my vague recollection of p3 having some social links with ppl who weren’t really good people was correct. or maybe i should say, weren’t people i really found sympathetic. like, the devil link with the shady businessman (which i still haven’t completed), or the magician link with the classmate kenji (he has called me SO MANY TIMES, and i have turned him down every time, because if there’s going to links i don’t complete, i am fine with one of them being his. i just.....am not interested in his quest to fuck his teacher, i don’t enjoy it. i know i completed his in my last playthrough, but i can’t remember how it resolves but....god i could not care less about kenji). then there’s the hermit link with the teacher online (she’s so annoying lol, and i hate that she tells protag that she has a crush on the irl him, like, fuck off. also, she’s such a bad/unsympathetic teacher, it made me really miss kawakami, who had flaws but was ultimately a good teacher imo). oh, then there’s the emperor link with hidetoshi on the student council who....lol, that’s another link i completed last time but have barely touched this time, because i really dislike him. i kinda remember him softening towards the end of the link, but so much of the first part is just about enabling him being a tyrannical class council member which is not fun. and i ultimately like the tower/monk link, but he’s another character who....doesn’t really seem like that nice of a person. but i do like him because he likes the protag
the other links for the most part are good. it’s interesting the differences between p5 and p3 social links, because p5 had a definite theme to all of the links (/the whole game lol) where they were all ultimately good people who were misunderstood/unfairly judged/treated somehow (altho i haven’t done the iwai link all the way through, i imagine it ends up similarly because he’s a somewhat decent person “doing evil to combat evil” iirc). but there’s no real theme for the p3 links as far as i can tell. which makes sense, because in p5 there is a specific reason to have links with them all because they end up helping you, and they all end up as accomplices to all of the crimes the thieves commit lol
i really dislike that you have to romance all of your female classmates in order to complete their social links. what is friendship lol. really really really makes it feel a whole lot cheaper, and really makes it hard for me to care. very glad they stopped making that a requirement in p3p and beyond
what also make it hard for me to care?? the blank and unemotional p3 protagonist lol. i really have a hard time connecting to him, because he doesn’t really do much?? he’s just a blank wall for all of the social links, and it really disconnects me from the emotions of it. some girl will be confessing her feelings to him, and i’m just like, hm, fascinating, who cares, he’s gonna go on a date with another girl tomorrow. it doesn’t feel real to me at all. maybe i’m just totally unfairly biased toward p5 (and i don’t want to compare endlessly, bc p5 is newer and clearly they’ve made many improvements over the years, but it’s the easiest comparison at hand), but when someone talked to joker about how much he meant to them, i bought into it a lot more than i do with mr. low energy, the p3 protag. joker felt like an actual character to me, that i could care about, who i could understand/imagine his feelings and reactions to things. but for the p3 protag, it’s a lot of, well, i GUESS he COULD care about shinjiro dying, but you sure as heck have to read a whole lot into it to get to that conclusion, because the strongest reaction you can make him have to it is to have him tell the callous students at the assembly to “shut up.” which is nice, but hardly anything at all lol. i just find him difficult to project my emotions onto him in the game, unlike joker, who i didn’t have as much trouble believing in his genuine feeling for the people he talked to. i think also, people reacted to joker in a much more specific way that made him more real than the p3 protag, who kind of feels like a ghost most times, except for his social links where he shows up just to say exactly what the other person wants to hear lol. idk, i’m looking forward to replaying p5 and paying more attention to joker this time
(my feelings on the p3 protag are gonna be interesting come end-game, because if i understand correctly from the vague spoilers i’ve gotten about p3, the protag is gonna sacrifice himself to save the world. i keep trying to remind myself/play with that in mind, because i don’t think someone would sacrifice himself if he was actually as unemotional and detached as he sometimes comes across as)
80% of my rage at this game comes from being unable to control my specific party members in battle and so they do things that i don’t want them to, 10% comes from enemy advantage attacks (especially when i swing at them, but they hit me first), 9% comes from this game challenging me/punishing me for being underleveled when i’m playing on easy and don’t want any challenge at all because i want to get past the silly fighting business and back to social links/story, and a special 1% goes to the sleeping table boss in tartarus, which definitely was a primary punisher for me being underleveled and caused me to yell angrily at my screen yesterday
oh, ikutsuki. it’s funny, because p3 was the first persona game i played, and very early on, i was like, i don’t trust ikutsuki at all, so when the reveal came that you should not, in fact, trust ikutsuki, i wasn’t at all surprised. but it’s funny to replay it, knowing that persona likes the “this guy is not what he seems” trope, and realize that...there wasn’t really a specific giveaway instance where ikutsuki said something that was off (a la pancakes, or adachi showing up to a private conversation with interesting timing), it was just a sort of feeling i got about this weird adult who was having these high schoolers be responsible for saving the world, apparently. he really is a terrible terrible advisor though, lol, even knowing he’s evil. it’s sad to realize that the only adult help these kids have got is someone who is absolutely not on their side, and they’re truly on their own
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