#my sister-in-law sat in an aisle seat and touched them when they came out into the crowd. my jealousy is unspeakable
britneyshakespeare · 1 year
i hate to say it as a life-long logan girl but james is the best-looking of them in person
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banditthewriter · 2 years
Good luck for the wedding from hell. Hope you don't suffer too much from the sunflowers. Do wear the love is love bracelet. It's not an insult to anyone. If they wish to be insulted, that's their choice.
So do tell how everything goes.
The wedding wasn't that bad. Like, I'll be honest, it was nice. We got there early to set up and while CN did some heavy lifting, I went into the little tent with my sister for about an hour and helped her get ready and helped my nephews get ready. A lot of our extended family came up and were all happy to see me which felt nice. A few were like "when are you and your man going to get married?" And I'm just like..."uh, two years ago?" My sister's bff and maid of honor asked my brother and his wife when they were getting married and they both said "uh, ten years ago?" lmao so you see how much my sister talks about her family.
The sunflowers weren't too bad. CN moved the ones at our table so I didn't have to deal with them. And when I fixed my sister's hair I made sure not to touch the sunflower detail there. And my aunt who I love so much came over with a cupcake that she had "deflowered" for me lol. Cause the first thing she said when she gave me a hug was "oh god, and you hate sunflowers" which made me laugh.
So I got to see some family which I haven't seen in years and years. And it was nice getting to see my sister. She was anxious and ready for it all to be over I think. I mean, I was the same way and I just did a courthouse thing.
And! While my dad walked my sister down the aisle and everyone was using their phones to film that, I used my phone to film her husband (and technically my nephews because they were standing up there with him) and getting to see their reactions to seeing her? Her husband was teary eyed and in awe and the boys were both teary eyed. It was just...a sweet moment. I'm going to send that to her when they are back from their "honeymoon"
So. It wasn't as bad as I was expecting (although the actual ceremony...we prayed like 4 times and the pastor who is her husband's grandfather and very old school and said something about how they have to put God first and their relationship second and then themselves last...oof) but I sat with my sister in law and my brother and and CN so we just tried not to laugh.
OH yea! My stepmom made the seating arrangements and was trying to have CN sit further back during the ceremony but I pointed out that my sister in law was going to be there so CN should be too. My sister said she'd always intended for us to be seated together but my stepmom has a habit of taking things over and she "forgot" that I was married.
But. Yea. Not too bad. It was hot and long and exhausting and I'm in pain. We have our nephews because my mom was going to watch them tonight but I knew she wasn't feeling good and the boys are emotional so CN said we should take them for tonight and she can have them tomorrow night. So I'm gonna go make sure the hoodlums haven't ended my husband because I can't hear him, just the two of them cackling lol
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shining-m00nlight · 3 years
5 times Catelyn didn’t think of Brandon Stark (4)
Everyone thinks she is with Ned because of Brandon but they are wrong. Fourth one is Brynden.
Chapter 4 of my Nedlyn 5+1 story. It’s their wedding day, yay. Very fluffy and feel good. You don’t need to know the other chapters. Have fun.
"And I promise to love you and cherish you for the rest of my life. To be your partner by your side always, until the end of my days." Ned's words still rang in her head when they got to the wedding reception.
She never felt this much happiness in her life before. She was married to Ned. To her sweet, kind Ned, her rock. If she wouldn't have been in the middle of her wedding reception she would have squealed and screamed full of joy. But she had to remember that there were a lot of people around them.
To be completely honest she had a hard time remembering that other people participated in her wedding, the whole day. From the moment she had walked down the aisle the only one she saw was Ned. Everyone else had just fainted into the background.
Distantly she had known that her father had led her to Ned but even his significance blanched in comparison to her future husband. Ned who had waited for her at the end of the aisle looking at her as if all his wishes had just come true. He had claimed this two days prior but when she had seen it so plainy displayed on his face it had made her heart skip a few beats.
Before the wedding both Lysa and Lyanna had asked Catelyn if she was afraid that Ned would look as "frozen" as he always looked. She got quite mad at both of them because to her Ned had never been frozen when they were together. Yes it took her some time to recognize and read his emotions but frozen was not a word that came when she thought of her now husband.
People who called Ned frozen and unfeeling were people she couldn't understand. And the moment she had seen him she knew that everyone who thought that Ned was frozen today was an idiot.
It wasn't like any of those people mattered to her anyway. Nobody but Ned mattered today. Of course Ned would disagree with her on this. For him she was what mattered most on their wedding day. They had a long discussion about this and at the end they came to the conclusion that their love should be the center of their wedding which was a result both of them were satisfied with.
Now she was in her husband's arms while dancing. Ned always declared that he was a terrible dancer and she knew he had been nervous about dancing infront of so many people but she also knew no one had ever danced with her as well as Ned did today. She also knew no other man's arms could ever fit as perfectly around her as Ned's did. She knew that she could never feel this safe with anybody else by her side. And she knew that there was no one she would have rather married than Ned. She knew all those things without a doubt.
"I love you, Ned" she whispered in his ear. Everyone's eyes were on them but they only had eyes for each other. They pressed their foreheads together to be as close as possible to each other.
"I love you too, so much. Before you I never knew I could love someone this much." he told her and gave her a small kiss on the lips. It was a short kiss but it was full of promises. Promises for later today and promises for their life together, a life that started this moment.
After what felt like a wonderful eternity their first dance was over. She still felt like she was floating when Ned went to sit down at their table next to Robert, his best man. Catelyn stayed on the dance floor and waited for her father so they could start the father-daughter-dance. Hoster came to her smiling brighter than she had seen him smile in a long time with open arms to start their dance.
"Little Cat, you look radiant. I am so happy for you and I'm very lucky that I get to be here for your special day. I just wish your mother could be here to see you getting married. I know she dreamt of this day ever since you were born." he told her.
"Oh daddy, thank you. I wish mom would be here as well but I believe that she is with us today. Of course planning the wedding would have been easier with her here." she tried to make a little joke. One that was true.
Ever since Cat was five years old and her mother had shown her pictures of her own wedding, Cat had set her heart on having a wedding that resembled her parents. With Minisa Tully gone from life too early this had turned out to be a challenge and her father hadn't been of much help.
But again she had been blessed to have Ned. Even though he was missing his own mother, he had helped her plan the entire wedding and to find a way to perfectly combine the different traditions of their faiths. They somehow managed to have a wedding that was a perfect combination of her dreams and his wishes. There was no way in which this wedding could have been better.
At the end of the father-daughter-dance Rickard Stark took over for her father and other people started dancing around them as well. Cat enjoyed dancing and she liked her new father-in-law but she wanted to get back to Ned. She tried to find him without interrupting her dance. He wasn't in his seat anymore. Instead she found him dancing with his sister. He looked up and her and their eyes met. Immediately the smile returned to his face and she couldn't help but blush and smile back.
When the song ended they both returned to their table again. Ned took her hands: "I missed you even though you've only been gone for 2 dances"
She laughed and again Ned looked at her like she was the most beautiful creature on this Earth. It filled her with joy that they both missed each other irrationally. But this was their day of course they wanted to be together as much as possible.
She took one of her hands and stroked through his hair carefully to not get it messy. He silently raised his eyebrow and she knew exactly why. She had made him promise not to touch her hair until after the wedding to not ruin it.
"Don't look at me like that. I'm not making a mess out of your hair like you always make of mine. I'll make sure you will look just as handsome as you looked before I touched your hair."
Instead of saying something he took her hand, that was not in his hair and kissed the back of it. They sat together like this, just looking at each other and exchanging little touches until her uncle came over and asked her to dance. She was conflicted about leaving Ned again but he just smiled and gave her hands to Brynden.
Her uncle spun her around on the dance floor laughing and most likely not suitable to the beat. When their dance slowed down a bit the topic of how cheerful this day was came up again.
Brynden with his typical teasing grin on his face asked her a question she really expected: "Tell me little Cat are you happy with your choice of groom?"
"Of course I am happy. Ned is the best man there is. Why would you even ask that?" She was a bit irritated by his question. Why would she not be happy? If she had been unhappy she wouldn't have married Ned.
"Oh I just remember how enamored you were with the handsome older brother." he said wiggling his eyebrows at her. "Just seemed like you replaced the older one with the one that is less likely to take the wrong girl home after the wedding"
Cat almost fell when she missed a step because she felt it raging inside her. She knew her uncle was making a joke. One he wouldn't make if she had actually married Brandon. He would not laugh, he would threaten Brandon instead. But in this moment she was just mad being reminded by her own uncle that she had a history with Ned's older brother. She hated that people constantly asked about Brandon or assumed that he was the reason for her relationship with Ned.
"Uncle, why would you say something like that? At Ned's and my wedding no less! I love Ned. My loving Ned has nothing to do with Brandon. Ned is 10 times the man that Brandon is. And I'm really tired of all of you questioning my decision and thinking I have some twisted reason for being with Ned." She didn't yell but she came damn close to it.
She almost left her uncle on the dancefloor to get back to Ned but he stopped her to apologize. He told her he was just joking and that he didn't mean to hurt her. Cat knew that it was true but she told her uncle that she would not tolerate anyone saying these things anymore. They finished their dance but Cat's mood wasn't as good as it was before. Her plan was to go straight back to Ned but when she turned around he was already there to take over for Brynden.
"Are you ok? You looked like you got a bit mad there." he asked her. For the millionth time today she beamed at him as he put his arms around her and started dancing again. This was one of the many reasons she knew Ned was the right one for her. He always was so observant and could sense her distress very easily.
"I'm fine, my love. My uncle was just making a stupid joke." she reassured him.
"Mmh, I don't like you being upset you should be nothing but happy today."
"I am nothing but happy, I promise. I just look at you and there is no space in my heart for anything but love, hope and happiness." It was true the moment she had been back in his arms her anger at her uncle had completely disappeared.
Despite this little incident the rest of the reception had been lovely. She danced with Edmure, Benjen and even Robert, she saw Ned dancing with Lysa, she ate cake and had a great time. At the end of the day Ned and her ended up in their bed naked tangled up in each other in a way that you probably couldn't tell which limp belongs to who and she thought of nothing but their future.
No Brandon occupied her mind, only Ned. 
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juniweasley · 4 years
Each and Every Kiss
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Fem!OC (Rosie)
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Narrator thinks about her relationship with Fred Weasley as she walks down the aisle.
Warnings: None other than fluff, mention of Battle of Hogwarts
A/N: This was written for an assignment for a creative fiction writing class where we had to play on time, using flashbacks in reverse order and playing with tense changes with the flashbacks. (I changed the names for the assignment buuuut...)
To help with readability, I also put the ‘flashbacks’ in italics.
This is my first fic and really, first original post on this account, so I hope you all like it!!
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          I’m bouncing on the balls of my bare feet – having the ceremony outside on Fred's family’s lawn was a good choice. Feeling the cool grass between my toes is proving to be a good grounding technique, and my breathing slows down. My palms are clammy, and my hands are wound tightly around the bouquet of freshly picked daisies, so tight I can almost bet my knuckles are a shade of ghostly white. But I’m smiling, smiling so hard I can hardly feel my cheeks that are surely redder than my soon-to-be husband’s hair on his head.
          Husband. Wow. Today. I’m attempting to slow my thoughts, staring up at the few clouds that litter an otherwise clear, blue sky. I jump when I hear someone clearing their throat, and I realize the music has started, and my soon-to-be father-in-law Arthur is standing at the corner of the house, his arm out for me to take. I take a deep breath and put my arm in his, my smile unwavering. I’m practically vibrating with joy as he leads me around the house on the makeshift path covered in daisy petals. As we round the corner, I spot the arch that marks the beginning of the aisle. I can feel everyone staring at me, but I only focus on one set of eyes – the mahogany brown eyes at the other end of the aisle, the ones I feel like a magnet drawing me to him, making me want to walk so much faster than this slow wedding song allows.
          I had stared into those same eyes last night while I told him we should just elope that second, that I couldn’t wait any longer. He quieted those feeble attempts at coercion with a soft kiss – one would think that kiss was just the same as any of the other kisses we had shared, but it wasn’t. It was gentle, yet urgent - loving and careful and demanding at the same time. It was a plea to stay, stay with him, though I had already promised a thousand times. He was trying to make sure I was here, really here, and I let him know that I was. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said before he nimbly climbed out the window. How cliché.
          His eyes shine with tears as he watches me pace closer to him. His eyes are filled with love and wonder and awe – I know mine are, too.
          I remember that exact same look present in his eyes after the battle. When the school fell and everyone lost so much, we hadn’t lost each other. When we realized it was over, he turned to me, his hand in mine as it had unconsciously been for the last hour or so, and he looked at me with love and wonder and awe. Awe that we were still alive, that we were safe, that we hadn’t lost each other. We stood for a moment, bathing in that awe, before he kissed me so desperately that I wondered if he had thought he had lost me after all. That kiss was a kiss of relief, full of sadness and haste, and I poured all those emotions right back into his lips. It was a necessary kiss, one that tasted of blood and tears and unspoken “I love you”’s.
          I’m halfway there and I still can’t feel my cheeks from smiling so much, but I know there are tears falling down my face. A few tears escape his eyes as well, resting on his high cheekbones for a second before completing their journey to his jaw and falling onto the grass below him. He brings a hand up too late to wipe them away, but he swipes at the wetness anyways. I can’t hear the music now, nor can I hear the sniffles of family members in the crowd. The world falls away and I only see him, in the emerald dress robes I’ve always said were my favorite.
          He wore the same color dress robes to the dance in our sixth year. He went with a seventh-year girl and I went with a group of friends who ended up leaving me alone at our table to dance with their partners. I sat alone all night – well, almost all night, until he approached me. I saw him walking toward me and decided to avoid that conversation at all costs by getting up and going out to the garden. His date tried to follow him, but he shoved her off and followed me. It didn’t take him long to find me on the bench in front of the fountain, and he sat next to me without saying a word. After an uncomfortable amount of time, I turned to see him staring at me, with what looked like pain and regret in his beautiful mahogany eyes. I was confused. After the confusion came anger, and I stood up, scoffing.
            “Don’t look so sheepish, Fred. I’m sure your date misses you; you should go join her.”
          He stood up as well, reaching a hand out but not quite touching mine. “Rosie…”
          I scoffed again at his use of my nickname. “Don’t.” I turned to leave, but I was stopped by his hand on my wrist.
          “Rosie, please. Wait,” he pleaded. When I turned back, his hand left my wrist. He started to say something, but closed his mouth again, seeming to contemplate what exactly he needed to say. “I… What’s going on? Why aren’t you speaking to me? I don’t understand.”
          I was done. Did I have to spell it out for him? I scoffed for a third time, not being able to help it. 
          “Do I really have to say it? Really?”
          After a moment of hesitation, I looked down at my shoes and asked quietly, “Why didn’t you ask me?” I hesitated. “To the dance, I mean.”
          He stuttered a bit, probably in disbelief. “I-I didn’t… I didn’t know you…”
          Frustrated and feeling done with the painful interaction, craving to just get it over with, I interrupted him. “Damn it, Fred, I love you!” I shouted as I looked up to meet his eyes again. His mouth was agape, as if he were about to say something but it got caught in his throat.
          Without warning, he was stepping towards me, his hands were on my cheeks, and he bent down and kissed me – this one was insistent, reassuring, and nervous. It was a kiss built of all the previous almost-kisses and pent up feelings all coming out at once. He pulled away to utter a breathless “I love you, too, Rosie,” before kissing me again in earnest.
          I reach the altar and Arthur leaves to go to his seat. I still haven’t taken my eyes off of him. I take my place in front of him and we say our vows that we spent all week writing. I tell him of my love and how it has blossomed and bloomed over the years and will never stop, and I promise to never leave. He tells me of when he first knew he loved me.
          It was on a summer break before our fifth year. I was visiting for the last month of the summer, staying in his sister’s room. I’d become close friends with the entire family, but it was Fred with whom I was closest. Fred, his sister, two of his brothers, and I were working in the garden for their mother. It was getting close to sunset and I was watering daisies. When their mother called for dinner, Fred and I were the last ones to leave the garden. He waited for me without saying anything. When I turned to leave, I saw him looking at me.
          “What?” I laughed.
          He shook his head. “Nothing. Your hair just… looks really pretty. In the sun. Right now.” He cleared his throat nervously. “Should we head back in?”
          He threw his arm around my shoulders and I put mine around his waist, and we loped inside. I could’ve sworn I felt his lips on the top of my head for just a split second. I didn’t say anything, though. Just smiled and kept walking.
          I smile as I hear him recount his side of the story like he has so many times since then. We say our “I do’s,” and before his lips reach mine, I say, “I love you.” 
          “I love you more, darling,” he replies, and he kisses me with the sweetest kiss he has ever placed upon my lips, with both gentle affection and fervor. Each kiss we have ever shared has been unique from the rest, and always better than the last. This kiss is no different.
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Sophideon Wedding
A/N: Thank you to the Anon that suggested this and for their kind words! I’m sorry for the delay. School and Physics are killing me at the moment but I hope you enjoy! (Anna and Christopher are next!!)
Sophie had never thought she would marry. She had definitely dreamed of it ever since she was young, but ever since she begun working in the institute, it was but a wild dream, distant and unobtainable. And yet, here she was, sitting on a chair, looking at her reflection while Tessa styled her hair into an intricate braid.
“Oh, Tessa, I’m having trouble believing this is really happening.”
“Would you like me to pinch you?” Tessa joked
“Perhaps.” Sophie said. “Tessa?”
“What if we fall out of love?”
What if he falls out of love? Sophie wanted to ask.
“Sophie, you cannot worry about such silly things. You and Gideon love each other too much to ever fall out of love”
“Yes, yes. You’re right Tessa. Of course you are. I’m just stressing over nothing.”
“Nothing indeed.”
For a moment, all that could be heard was the sound of the hairbrush running through Sophie’s hair. Tessa sighed.
“What is it, Sophie?”
“Tessa, what if it’s not like I imagined it?”
“What? Marriage?” Tessa said, “It probably won’t be.”
“It won’t?” Sophie asked, her eyebrows traveling up her forehead. That was not the answer she was expecting at all.
“No. It will be so much better.” Tessa said, and squeezed Sophie in a sisterly brace.
“Now enough of all of this fretting, it causes you to age quicker.”
“Then I must look like I’m a thousand year of age.” Charlotte said, coming into the room with Cecily. “I apologize for not being able to help prepare the bride earlier.” she bent down and planted a kiss on Sophie’s cheek. “Charles would not stop fussing.”
“How did you get him to stop?” asked Tessa.
“Oh, I didn’t. I just handed him over to Will.”
In spite of her nervousness, Sophie could not help but laugh along with everyone else. Her problems didn’t seem so bad once she imagined what Will must be dealing with.
The rest of the morning was a blur. While Tessa finished Sophie’s hair, Cecily got a bottle of champagne and they toasted to Sophie’s ‘final hours of freedom’. They had spent hours helping put on Sophie’s wedding dress, which was impossible to figure out. By the time she was ready, Cecily had made them all laugh so hard with tales of her childhood with Will and Ella, that her cheeks hurt. Sophie was gasping for air, when all of a sudden Charlotte said:
“Oh, Sophie. You look so beautiful!”
“Tell Gideon to watch out because I might just steal his bride.” Cecily joked.
Tessa choked on her champagne, fanning herself with her hand as she laughed. Sophie smiled and turned around, so that she was facing the full length mirror. She sucked in air and she ran her fingers over the gold dress. All of a sudden, it felt real. She is getting married. And to the most incredible man she could ever dream of. At the thought of Gideon, it felt like there was a cord around her heart and it was being pulled taunt. She was dreading having to walk down the aisle, in front of all of those Shadowhunters. She knows what they think of her. The whispers that say it’s a shame a fine man like Gideon is marrying a scar-faced mundane like Sophie. Although she knew she should excited for the ceremony, all she really wanted to do was sleep in his arms. She wanted him to love her and for his face be the first thing she sees in the morning. She felt a blush creep up her face.
She turned around and faced her friends.
“So, am I ready?”
“Hell, no.” Cecily said as Tessa nodded solemnly and they got back to work.
Nooooooo no no no no no no no, no. Gideon thought as he looked around the room. Will, Gabriel and Charles were seated on the floor, staring at him while he ran around the room, looking for his shoes.
“They’re not here!”
“Calm down, Gideon. They didn’t sprout feet and just walk away.” Gabriel said.
“They wouldn’t need to.” Will said, wincing as Charles pulled a fistful of his unruly black hair. “Shoes are like foot-gloves, they would just bounce away.”
Even Charles looked confused.
“What I meant to say, was that they are not capable of going anywhere without assistance.” said Gabriel
“It doesn’t matter whether they walked away or not, all that matters is that I don’t have shoes.”
Gideon was growing restless, which was strangely out of character, since he always carried a calm demeanor. He took a breath and let it out.
“Will,” he said, “could you get one of the ladies?”
“Okay.” Will said quickly, his face scrunched up as Charles continued to pull his hair. He had finally managed to pry Charles’ hands away from his hair and turned to Gabriel, as though to hand Charles over to him. Gabriel put his hands up.
“I’m not taking that hair-yanking demon.”
Will grunted, saying something about Lightworms being ruthless before shutting the door. Gideon sat down and immediately got back on his feet and opening the door.
“Will!” he yelled.
Will turned around.
“Don’t get Sophie.”
“When I said ‘get one of the ladies’, I meant any of them that other than Sophie. Don’t get Sophie.”
“I wasn’t planning to! Do you really think me that stupid?”
“Yes!” Gabriel called from the room.
“Shut up, Lightworm!” Will turned back to Gideon. “I’ll get Tessa or Cecily.”
“Alright.” Gideon let himself breathe.
He was going back into the room when he heard Will curse in Welsh. Over his shoulder, he saw that Charles had, once again wrapped his hand around one of Will’s curls and was yanking it hard.
Tessa was sitting down for the first time in what felt like ages. Her sister-in-law Cecily was hunched over Sophie, adding the final touches, when Will came in through the door. Charles had Will’s soft curls wrapped around his fist and was pulling, rather harshly, causing Will’s cheeks to turn an adorable shade of pink.
“Charlotte, your brat seems very keen on making me bald before I reach the age of twenty.” He said through clenched teeth.
“Give him here,” Charlotte said.
Will handed him over with obvious relief. Then he looked around the room, as though seeing it for the first time.
“Sophie, you look wonderful.” He said.
“Thank you, Will. Though, sadly, I cannot say the same for you.” Sophie said, looking at his hair which, thanks to Charles, was sticking out in every which way.
Will and Sophie’s friendship grew for the better after Will discovered he was not cursed anymore. There used to be a time in which Sophie couldn’t stand Will. Now they act as siblings, joking around and laughing over memories. It was strange to think that out of all of the five children Charlotte and Henry practically raised (Jem, Jessamine, Will, Sophie and Thomas) only two remained present. The thought was Jem sent a pang through Tessa’s heart.
Will laughed, locked eyes with Tessa and walked over to her. The other girls were back to gossiping when Will sat down next to her.  
“Tess, could I talk with you?” He said so that only she could hear.
“Of course. What’s the matter?” She said, as she massaged Will’s head, where Charles had yanked.
He looked at the other girls and signaled her to lean closer. His breath tickled her ear as he whispered in her ear.
“Gideon has lost his shoes.”
Tessa’s eyes widened.
When Tessa came into the room, Gideon felt as though cold water was dropped on the back of his neck, after a very hot day. She immediately knew what to do. She forced Will to take off his shoes “You won’t need them during the ceremony” she had said. Thankfully, Will’s feet were only a little bit bigger than Gideon’s shoe size, which they fixed by putting fabric in the empty areas.
“So, am I going to be in my socks the entire time or—?”
“Just ask Henry for his, I don’t think he’ll mind. Come to think of it, he probably wouldn’t notice either.” said Gabriel.  
“What?” Henry asked, looking up. When Will came back with Tessa and saw that Henry was there, he practically threw Charles into his arms.  
“Could Will borrow your shoes for the wedding?”
“Of course! It’s not like I’ll need them.” Henry replied, smiling down at his legs.
“Thank you, Henry, but I’m not sure they will fit like a glove.” said Will eyeing Henry’s shoes.
“Why would they fit like a gloves? They’re shoes.” Henry said.
Before anyone could respond, Cecily Herondale burst into the room. She locked eyes with Gideon before speaking.
“I need you to come with me. It’s about Sophie.”
Gideon stiffened. Everybody in the room stood up, ready to help Sophie. Well, except Henry for course, but he did straighten up, which was his equivalent to standing up.
“Just Gideon.”
“Is she hurt?” Tessa asked, clearly worried.
“No, she’ll be okay.” She said as she steered Gideon to where Sophie was.
Sophie didn’t remember ever feeling this way before. It was as though, all of a sudden, she couldn’t breathe. Her hands were sweating and numb. She was trembling like a small dog. She felt cold all over. It was a though someone had thrown a bucket of cold water over her body. By the angel, she can’t breathe. Charlotte had a hand on her shoulder and was telling her to remain calm. She was standing up when the feeling had come, though she was now on the floor, leaving against the wall closest to the door. Her panic had subsided when she heard a knock at the door.
Sophie wanted to cry. She wanted to shrivel up and disappear. She wanted her face to not be scared, she didn’t want to walk down the aisle. Not because she didn’t want to marry Gideon, because she had never loved anyone as much as she loved him, but because she didn’t want to hear the whispers.
“Sophie, can I come in?”
“No!” She said, though it came out sounding something in between a gasp and a whisper, “It’s bad luck!”
“Sophie, I don’t care if it’s bad luck. If you need help, I will do so to the best of my ability.”
Sophie was about to argue that Charlotte and Cecily were here, only to find they were, in fact, gone, probably to give her and Gideon some space.
“It’s alright, Gideon. I’m fine now. It was nothing to worry about.”
“Soph, I’ll close my eyes, just please let me in.”
Sophie closed her eyes and nodded when she remembered that he couldn’t see her.
Gideon opened the door and, sure enough, he had managed to blindfold himself with what she was sure was his cravat. He felt around the wall and Sophie couldn’t help but smile at how silly and adorable he looked.
“A little bit more to the left.” she said, helping him.
Gideon sat down beside her. She put her head on his shoulder, and he held her with both of his arms. She breathed in his lovely scent as he pressed a kiss on her head.
“Would you like to talk about it?”
“It’s silly.”
“No. You do not worry about silly things, Sophie.” he paused, “Is it b— do you not wish to marry me?”
Sophie pushed away.
“No. No, Gideon of course I want to marry you. You are all I could ever dream of marrying.” Sophie’s eyes were stinging. Did Gideon truly think she did not return his feelings?
Sophie swore she felt Gideon relax beside her. He turned to her, even though he couldn’t see.
“Then what is the matter, love?”
Sophie swallowed. How could she tell Gideon about the things she hears? The whispers behind her back. The ones that say Gideon is throwing away his life. That he is further disgracing his family name by marrying a mundane, despite the fact that Sophie is an ascended shadowhunter. She couldn’t burden him with that. She looked over at Gideon, who was patiently waiting.
“Are you sure you want to marry me?”
“I have never been more sure of any decision in my life.”
“My face is ruined.”
Gideon turned her face and ran his fingers over it, until finding her scar. He kissed her left temple, the place where her horrible scar ended. He kissed a line all the way down to the other end of her scar. He kissed the corner where the scar and her mouth met, and then hovered other her lips. He gently nudged her nose with his own, as though he were asking for her permission. She leaned in and their lips met. Gideon kissed her softly, as he always did. Sophie held her hand to his face and stroked his cheek with her thumb.
“Your face is beautiful.”
“I just want you to be happy, Gideon.”
“But Sophie, I could never be happy without you.”
Sophie looked at Gideon. She wanted to see his entire face and his beautiful eyes, not some stupid cravat across his face. She held her faces up to his face and lifted the silly blindfold from his face. Gideon looked at her in surprise.
“I love you, Gideon Lightwood.”
“I love you, Sophie Collins.” He kissed her forehead.
Sophie smiled. “That’s not my last name anymore.”
“Yes, but I met and fell in love with you when you were still Sophie Collins. It was the name a whispered before I went to sleep, and for that reason I could never think of you as anything else. Besides, Sophie Ashdown does not have the same ring to it.”
“What about Sophie Lightwood?”
Gideon smiled and kissed her. “I like the way that sounds.”
“Me too.”
They sat there for a while, Sophie in Gideon’s arms, occasionally stealing small kisses. Then, all of a sudden, Gideon sat up straight, and put his hand over his eyes.
“Sophie, you didn’t want me to see you before the wedding! It’s supposed to be bad luck!”
“It’s alright, I think our love can survive a little bad luck.”
Gideon smiled, but proceeded to cover his eyes with the blind fold again. “Nonetheless, I shall leave you to finish up here. Are you alright?”
“Are you are sure?”
“Okay then.” He kissed her one more time, and felt his way out the door.
Sophie smiled. One day, she will tell Gideon of the whispers. Or maybe he will hear them for himself. But this was their wedding, and it was going to mark the start of the most wonderful life she could ever imagine. One that she would discover hand-in-hand with Gideon Lightwood.
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merrickkingston · 4 years
Our Forever Starts Now
Merrick: After a few delays, our wedding day was finally here. Kiara was going to marry me and become my “first lady”. Our wedding ceremony would be an intimate family affair. Her aunt Celina was our officiant, and her sister Amelia was escorting her down the aisle. We couldn’t wait to see Miranda toddle down the aisle in her flower girl finery. Baby Jaden was too young to participate, but he’d be there in his Dad’s arms. I had a feeling that Miranda would veer off the aisle and run to him too which would be just fine with us.
I had talked to Kiki about asking Chase to stand up with me until I found out that my childhood friend Damen had returned to the area. He was a couple years older than I was, but we couldn’t have been closer. I still remember when he left to go to college and then medical school on a full scholarship. I was as proud of him as his family was. It had been many years since we’d seen each other, but as soon as we reconnected and I introduced him to my fiancée, I couldn’t see anyone else standing up with me on the most important day of my life so far.
Kiki: I didn’t think this day would ever come. Staying the night away from Merrick sucked. But I had to admit, having a girls’ night was just what I needed. It was amazing spending the night with Kenzi, Kenzi’s sister Cat, Amelia and the little ones, and my Aunt Celina. We sat around talking, playing with the kids, and just enjoying each other’s company. I know a lot of brides have this whole idea of how their last night as a single woman should go, but honestly? I couldn’t wait to get married.
I stretched as I got out of bed and grinned as I inhaled the scent of breakfast. I slipped my slippers on and giggled as I made my way to the kitchen. The one thing I missed about living with my aunt was her cooking. She made the absolute best breakfast...well her and Merrick.
Merrick: After dropping off Amelia and the kids at Celina’s house, Chase came over with breakfast. Damen had spent the night to catch up and keep me from going to see Kiki. Both of which I knew I would eventually appreciate. Once we had our fill of the amazing breakfast skillets and hash browns Chase picked up, we took our coffee outside for a few minutes of calm looking out at the lake. Damen noticed the time, “Think you better start getting ready, Mer. We know it takes forever to do that hair of yours.” I thought Chase was going to choke on his coffee to keep from laughing.
After a few minutes of good-natured goofing off, Damen cleared up our dishes while Chase herded me to the shower while he laid out my suit and Damen’s. By the time I was showered and groomed, I was ready to go get married. Damen and Chase were discussing the big reception that everyone in the pack was invited to after our ceremony when I came out. After several whistles and requests for me to spin, they deemed me ready to get married. We headed outside and down to the ceremony site near the water.
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Kiki: Breakfast was just as amazing as I remembered it. Even more so with everyone gathered around the table and eating, talking, and laughing. It was a great way to start this day. Before long everyone was full and sitting in the living room, talking about some of our favorite stories. Some of growing up, some from when we all moved here, just happy times.
When it was 2 hours before the wedding, everyone started ushering me upstairs to get dressed. I laughed as I pretended to drag my feet and made it a point that everyone needed to get ready, not just me. Before long, I was sitting in front of a mirror with Amelia doing my hair and Kenzi tackling my makeup. Once it was all done, I slipped into my dress and couldn’t help but grin. It all came together so perfectly. I couldn’t believe it was me standing in front of the mirror. My eyes teared up, “Oh my gosh!” Kenzi laughed, “Oh no, no crying! You’ll ruin your makeup!” She grabbed a tissue and started dabbing at my eyes to make sure the makeup didn’t get ruined. Then it was everyone else’s turn to get ready so we could go!
Merrick: When we arrived at the ceremony site, Alexi met us after making sure all the plans for the reception were well in hand. We talked for a few minutes about what a gorgeous day it was and how excited the pack was to celebrate the wedding all together. I hoped that it didn’t overwhelm my bride. All talking stopped when we heard a vehicle in the distance and Chase got a text. The ladies had arrived. Chase gave me a quick hug, then hurried off to get Jaden from Amelia and escort Celina down to the site.
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Celina was beaming as she walked over to us on Chase’s arm and then hugged me tightly while he took a seat with his son. I held her as she whispered a few words in my ear that may have choked me up. She let go of me and reached up to caress my cheek with a smile before greeting Alexi and Damen. Once she was in place, Damen and I stood to her side and Alexi started some music on his phone. It played through Bluetooth speakers placed on either side of the rustic curtained arch we were using as an altar of sorts. Then everyone started to smile as Miranda started to toddle towards us in her lovely flower girl dress. As expected, she ran the last few feet to Daddy’s waiting arms. Then it was time for Kenzi. She seemed to float towards us, her eyes only on Alexi. She stopped on the other side of Celina and gave me a thumbs up. That was when my heart skipped a beat. My bride was next.
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Kiki: I was a bundle of nerves. A part of me wanted to race down the aisle to Merrick’s waiting arms, but the other part of me was terrified I was going to face plant it walking up the aisle. I almost jumped when Amelia touched my arm, “Your turn,” she smiled. I grinned and nodded at her, “Am I supposed to be this nervous?” She laughed and told me it was normal. “Good, I was worrying that it was just me.” We both laughed and I hugged her, thanking her for everything that she had done for me and how much it meant to have her with me. Then I shut up before both of us were in tears.
I smoothed my hands down my dress and took my flowers from Amelia. “I’m ready!” She laughed and linked her arm through mine. I took a deep breath as the music started again. When I stepped into view, my eyes went straight to Merrick. He looked so handsome standing up there. I felt like we weren’t moving fast enough. I heard Amelia giggle and tell me to take it easy. I blushed and slowed my steps again. I think I held my breath until Amelia placed my hand in Merrick’s.
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Merrick: Once her hand was in mine, I could breathe again. We stood there for a long time simply looking into each other’s eyes. And then Celina cleared her throat and Damen rested his hand on my shoulder. Everyone laughed as we came back to earth and looked towards Celina. Kiki handed Kenzi her bouquet so she could take my other hand. We couldn’t seem to touch each other enough. Holding both hands would have to do for now. We laced our fingers together as Celina started to speak.
“We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the union of Kiara Sawyer and Merrick Kingston. In the time that they have been together, their love for each other has grown, turning them into the couple you see before you. Now, they are ready to spend the rest of their lives together as husband and wife. A true marriage begins well before the wedding day, and the efforts of marriage continue well beyond the ceremony. A brief moment in time and the stroke of the pen are all that is required to create the legal bond of marriage, but it takes a lifetime of love, commitment, and compromise to make marriage durable and everlasting. Today you declare your commitment to each other before family and friends.”
As Celina’s voice proclaimed our intentions, I squeezed Kiki’s hands. I felt like this day was never going to arrive. Not for me. And then my bride smiled at me. That’s all it took and I was hers.
“Do you, Merrick, take Kiara to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”
I grinned from ear to ear, “I do,”
“Do you, Kiara, take Merrick to be your Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”
I swear I stopped breathing as I waited for her answer.
Kiki: If it wouldn’t be for Merrick’s hands holding on to mine, I would have floated away. I couldn’t put my words into feelings. I was over the moon happy and I knew nothing could bring me down. Not today. When Merrick said I do, I was silently cheering.
“Do you, Kiara, take Merrick to be your Husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part?”
I looked at Merrick and smiled, “I do!” I didn’t think Merrick’s smile could get any bigger, but it did.
“By the power vested in me by the State of Montana, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride!” As Merrick dipped me and kissed me, our ears exploded in applause from everyone around us. I slipped my arms around his neck tightly and returned his kiss. We were finally married. I laughed when we came up for air.
“Family and Friends, I present to you for the first time Kiara and Merrick Kingston!”
Merrick: She was mine and I was hers in front of family and friends for the rest of our days. I felt like my heart grew seven sizes larger as I kissed my wife. My wife! The fact that we were married finally hit me. I couldn’t stop laughing as everyone gathered round hugging us and congratulating us. Alexi gave me a look over Amelia’s shoulder as I hugged my sister-in-law. I winked at him with a grin as the music changed. Our friends started to form a small circle around us. It seemed to confuse my bride.
“Merrick?” I took the bouquet from her hands and handed it to Kenzi. “I know that the reception will be a big party with almost all the pack members present. So I asked Alexi to help me surprise you with our first dance here and now in this intimate circle of love. As Elton John’s voice started to serenade us, I slowly danced with my Tiny Dancer into the future. Our future together.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
The wedding; Queen x reader
*Author’s note*
And here we go people. The chapter that’s been long over due. And in light of my sister’s recent marriage I felt like I had to post it up sooner rather than let it continue to drag on. So be prepared for some serious FLUFFY FEELS HERE!!! Also I’ve listed some songs that you all MUST LISTEN TO!! I’ve linked them within the chapter so just click on the link and it’ll take you straight to the songs and put you in the mood :) Hope you all enjoy this chapter.
PS; This chapter has been brought to you be E-Harmony lol Just listen to this song and you’ll find out why. Please listen to this song before reading :) (or just wait till the very end like the explanation of all the pics and other reception stuff I’ll let you all choose but definately listen to this song)
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*July 12th, 1984*
“(Y/n). (Y/n) come on sweetheart wake up, we need to get you ready.” I groaned in my sleep and opened my eyes to see Veronica standing over me.
“Ready for what?”
“Oh come on now don’t play dumb. You know what today is. It’s your big day, come on we’ve got to get you dressed and ready.” It was then my mind suddenly clicked awake as I realized what today was.
My wedding day.
“Oh my god I’m getting married today.”
“Yes you are, now get up. The girls and I are already getting dressed and we need to make the bride stand out as the fairest of them all.” I got out of bed and Veronica escorted me to the master bedroom where I saw Chrissie, Dominique, Danneel, Gen, and my future mother in law Kelly all getting their makeup on.
“Ahh there she is!” Gen proclaimed.
“About time, come on sit down I just got done and now Veronica and I can get to work on your hair and makeup.” Dani said.  I went over to the makeup stand and sat down on the chair and Gen worked on my hair and makeup.
The whole morning was a hustle and bustle of women running around getting their dresses on, making sure everything was good, and checking to make sure that I was all good and ready.
“Do we have the bouquet?”
“Where’s the flower girl basket?”
“Has anyone seen the curling iron?”
“Okay who was in charge of the wedding veil it’s not here!”
“Check downstairs!” All those types of questions were proclaimed between all the bridesmaids as well as the future mother in law.  
I swear if this is what every wedding is like, I only hope I just have to do this once.
It was an hour and a half into the preparations and we soon heard a knock at the door and Roger’s voice soon called out.
“Fathers and brother of the bride entering! Hope everyone’s decent.”
“Do you have the groom with you? If so then get out you know they can’t see each other!” Veronica called from upstairs.
“Nope, it’s just us.” Deacy called up to his wife from the bottom of the stairs.
You see the arrangement for the night before the wedding, the women were staying at Jared and Gen’s house while the guys stayed at Jensen’s and Dani’s place.  Then we’d all head over to Kelly’s place for the wedding.  And since they all lived within like 20-30min. from each other, it wouldn’t be a long drive to get there.
Some of the girls went downstairs all dressed up in their bridesmaids dresses while Kelly was helping me with the final touches while we were still in the master bedroom.
“Okay, now one last thing and then you’re complete.” She then went over to her jewelry box and pulled out a beautiful pearl necklace. The pearls all gathered in the front but then at the part where it circled around to the back of the neck, the pearls were now a gold chain, I also took notice that at the very center of the necklace there stood a single diamond shining so brightly if held in the light just right. “I wore this on my wedding day, I find it only fitting that my future daughter-in-law should wear it at hers.”
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“Oh Kelly it’s beautiful, are—you sure?” She smiled at me and said as she hooked the necklace around me.
“I’m sure. You’re already family to us, and I always said that if I were to have a daughter I’d want her to wear this necklace. Now I can finally see that dream become a reality.”  Once it was hooked on, she stood behind me leaning against my shoulder and she said, “Aww, aren’t you a vision? My son is lucky to have found someone like you.”
“Thank you Mrs. Kline I—I can’t thank you enough for all that you’ve done.”
“Well in light of what’s to come, you could start by calling me…..mom.” My eyes widened and I couldn’t help the smile that came across my face.
“Okay—mum.” She smiled and we both hugged each other.
“Now let’s get you downstairs and show your family how beautiful you are. Just wait till I give the announcement okay?” I nodded then she led me towards the stairs and told me to wait.
*3rd Person POV*
Roger, Deacy, Brian were all sitting on Gen’s couch. Gen and Dani were both on the love seat while Chrissie, Veronica and Dominique were sitting on the various chairs around the giant family living room. It was then Kelly came down the stairs and she said.
“Here comes the bride.” With that everyone stood up and slowly walking down the winder style staircase was (y/n) all ready looking like a bride.  The girls who finally got to see all their hard work were stunned at how beautiful they had made this young 22 year old look.
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But of course the people who were amazed the most were the three members of Queen.  Deacy’s eyes filled with pure awe and he couldn’t help the wide, soft smile that came across his face.  Brian bless him almost had tears in his eyes, to him it was like he was now looking at a bright star in the cosmos explode into a super nova dazzling the sky for all eternity.
And Roger—dear old Roger Taylor has always been the hard one to stump because he was always so confident, but now staring at this young girl whom he’s adopted as his own daughter from day one of meeting her just 4 years ago, he couldn’t believe that right here, right now she was already in a wedding dressed about to be given away to another man.
*My POV*
Coming down, everyone was in pure awe at me and I heard Chrissie say.
“Oh my god (y/n)…..look at you.”
“Is it vain of me to say I never wanna take this off?” The women all laughed softly and Veronica said.
“Jack is going to love you in this dress.”
“I wouldn’t have gotten this dress without you V. Thank you for helping me pick it out.” She smiled and lightly kissed my forehead and she wrapped an arm around my shoulder as she said to the guys, “Well boys, what do you think of your Rock Angel now?”  They spoke not a word but their eyes were filled with tears and pure happiness.
“I usually never know what to say but now—there are just too many things to say and such little time to even say them.” Deacy stated as he stare at me lovingly.  He came up to me and took my hands in his and he said, “To sum it up, you look absolutely perfect.” I softly laughed and said.
“Thanks Deacy, you look quite dapper yourself.” He brought my hands up to his lips and he kissed both my knuckles before gently guiding me over to Brian and Roger.
“We’ll meet you guys at Kelly’s. Don’t keep the bride to yourselves you overprotective dads. Don’t want Jack to be the one waiting at the altar.” Said Dominque eyeing each of they guys, especially Roger. Soon all the women left the house.
“Key’s under the mat, be sure you lock up before you all head over there.” Informed Gen as she was the last one to leave I nodded and told her we understood and soon she shut the door leaving me along with the guys.
“(Y/n)—I have seen everything regarding the cosmos and the wonders of space, but not even that compares to what lies in front of me right now. You truly are the fairest of them all. And no star can outshine you right now.”
“Brian stop you’re gonna make me cry.” I whined out which made the guys laugh as Brian cupped the side of my face and wiped away a tear that was about to fall.  He leaned down and softly kissed the crown of my head and that’s when I finally turned towards Roger.
His lips were slightly parted and his eyes wide like he had seen a ghost or something as his eyes were locked onto me.
“You’re gonna catch flies if you keep your mouth hanging open like that Rog.” I teased.  He shook his head as he softly chuckled.  He then came up towards me, taking my hands in his softly swaying them back and forth before suddenly picking me up and spinning me around.
I let out a squeak before giggling madly as I buried my face into his golden mane.  He set me back down and he immediately embraced me and he said.
“Had I known just how beautiful you’d look in a wedding dress, I would’ve locked you away in a tower and kept you to myself.”
“That wouldn’t have worked, I’d just scale down the tower and make it to my wedding.” I said which made him groan and me laugh softly.  I separated enough from him just to look up at him and I asked him, “But seriously though do I look ridiculous and Brian and Deacy are just being nice to me just because I’m the bride?”
“Darling you—are an absolute vision. My little lioness cub is all grown up.”
“And you’re happy right?” He looked at me as if I had grown two heads but answered with a smile.
“Love I’m…..very happy.” He brought me back into his arms and held me.  “And you should be too.”
“I am it’s just…..” I trailed off.
“Just what love?” asked Brian with a tilt of his head.  Roger released me from his embrace but kept an arm wrapped around me as I spoke the truth.
“I know I shouldn’t be thinking of this, especially today but…..I still wished that there would be four people walking me down the aisle on my wedding day.”  The boys instantly knew what I was talking about.
Even after what he had said, I could still hear Freddie speak about all the wedding plans he had in mind over a year ago when Jack and I were still just friends.  He said that he knew what dress I should wear, how he’d do my hair, makeup, everything.  
Claiming that he’d be the best Maid of Honor and know exactly what I would want for my big day.
“We know love. But he made up his mind, and he lost his chance when he said those things to you. Anyone who would say something like that to the future bride has no right to walk you down the aisle. But we’re here for you. Because we love you, and that will never, ever change. We’re a family, right till the end.” Roger said as he brought me close in a one armed hug and turned up my chin to look at him.
He smiled softly and leaned his forehead against mine as he lightly pecked my nose making me smile.
“Now there’s the smile of the bride we needed to see. And that smile better stay there till the end of the day.” Deacy said.  I rolled my eyes playfully at him and that’s when the three of them put me at the center of a group hug.
“Thank you Brian, Deacy, Roger. You guys have—done more for me than I could possibly ever imagine. I’m proud to call you three my family, and to give me away to Jack.”
“We’re just happy that you came into our lives. We don’t know what we would’ve done had Jim hired someone else for that internship.” Said Brian as he lightly stroked down my hair as well as the two tier wedding veil that was pinned into my hair.  After awhile of staying in the guys’ group hug, we all separated and Deacy asked me.
“You ready poppet?” I exhaled deeply and I said with a smile.
“Ready.” Deacy nodded then he headed for the door and opened it up while Brian took the first section of my veil and turned it over so that my face was now covered.  Brian stood to my right while Roger was at my left and the two of them each held out their arm crooked out for me to take.
I quickly grabbed the bouquet and wrapped my arms around each of theirs and they escorted me out of the house and the second my dress was in the clear, Deacy shut the door and locked up Gen’s house with the key that she said she had.
When we arrived at the car, Roger opened the door for me and I got inside with their help of getting my dress inside and soon Roger came and sat beside me while Brian sat in the front passenger side and Deacy drove us to the Kline family ranch where the wedding and the reception would take place.
Within 25 minutes we arrived and you could already see cars and limos parked alongside the front of the house.  We pulled right on in since the dive way had to be reserved for when the bride would arrive.  
Deacy parked in the side garage of the Kline house and there stood Kelly and her husband and my future step father in law or I guess I should call him father in law since he’s been there for Jack since the beginning, Misha.
Deacy shut the car off and we all exited the car. Since this was America and cars were built differently, Brian opened my door and helped me out of the car while Deacy and Roger got out on their own.  
Roger came around and helped Brian with me and once Misha saw me he said.
“Wow (y/n), you look beautiful.”
“Thank you Misha.”
“Everyone’s waiting for the bride. Just come through the kitchen and out into the backyard just like we rehearsed last night.” Kelly said. I nodded and soon my in laws left the garage leaving the boys and I alone once more.
I was helped up the stairs by Brian and we soon entered the kitchen.  I exhaled once more and I said.
“Please tell me this isn’t a dream.”
“No love, it’s real.” Assured Deacy.
“Good, because I don’t wanna wake up from this.” I said happily.  The boys smiled at me and they each got to their positions.
Roger would stand to my left, Brian to my right and Deacy just behind Roger with a hand on my shoulder.
*3rd Person POV*
All the guests sat on white chairs with the groom’s family on the right and the bride’s family and friends on the left, and a stake of four different colored roses being yellow, red, pink and white sat in a small basket hanging from the hooks of the stakes.  
The bridesmaids and groomsmen were already standing at the side of the beautifully handmade archway with beautiful ferns hanging from the corners and sides of the archway.
There with the priest stood Jack in a light grey suit waiting to see his future bride walk down the aisle.  Soon music began to start up.
Coming down the aisle first was John and Veronica’s daughter Laura who was the flower girl.  She was all dolled up in her salmon pink dress and everyone awed at how adorable she was as she tossed down the flowers as she walked down the aisle. When she was done, she raced towards her mother who was standing as the Matron of honor.
The music then changed to a different tune.  Instead of the traditional ‘here comes the bride’ theme, (y/n) and Jack agreed to have the song that both made them realize they were in love with each other, and that was a ballad version of ‘Somebody to love’.
Everyone stood up and turned towards the house and soon coming out from the opened kitchen doors was (y/n) being escorted by her brother and two fathers.  When Jack saw (y/n) walking down the aisle, never had he thought he’d seen something so beautiful and he knew that she would always be the one he’d spend the rest of his life with.
(Y/n) stared at Jack with tears forming in her eyes but a wide smile was spread across her face through her veil.  Once they reached the alter they stopped and Roger being the one who was more like a father to (y/n), took the front part of the veil and lifted it over (y/n)’s head and smoothed it out so that it now looked like a single long veil that reached passed her midback.
Roger cupped (y/n)’s face and kissed her forehead, letting his lips linger there for a moment like any other father would probably do at seeing his little girl getting married.  He then stared at her lovingly with tears in his eyes as she now turned to Deacy.
As the brother of the bride, he hugged her before giving her a loving kiss on the cheek.  He whispered to her.
“Congratulations sister dear.” Which made (y/n) smile. Finally she turned to Brian who cupped both sides of her face and stared deeply into her eyes.  His blue eyes filled with tears of happiness as he leaned forward and kissed the one spot he always favored; her nose.  He pressed his forehead against hers as he stroked her cheeks with his thumbs before finally separating from her.
All three boys then turned to Jack and one by one starting with Deacy, they shook hands with the groom in one final acceptance as well as congratulations.  Brian was next and he nodded to Jack and muttered to him.
“You’re a good man Jack, you best take care of her.”
“I will.” Jack whispered.  Finally Roger stepped forward and the two shook a firm grip and spoke not a word, but in Roger’s eyes there was nothing but acceptance and pride.
The three members of Queen turned back towards (y/n) and they each held a hand out to her.  (Y/n) raised out her right hand and they each took a hold of it; Roger taking the tips of her fingers, Brian around her palm and Deacy at her wrist and together the three of them placed her hand into Jack’s.  
Once Jack had a grip of her hand, they were forced to let go and allow a new man to take care of her.  But they knew she’d be in good hands.
It was then Brian, Roger and Deacy walked over to the groom’s side so that way they could walk with their wives back once the ceremony was over.  Deacy stood as Best Man while Brian and Roger stood behind him.  
Brian patted Roger’s back knowing how his friend was taking this.  Roger did the same for Brian while Deacy stayed calm and collected but on the inside he was just bursting with emotion as he watched his sister now position herself in front of Jack.
*My POV*
I can’t believe it.  I’m standing right here in a wedding dress in front of the man I love about to get married and become Mrs. (Y/n) Kline.  Jack stared at me with eyes full of love and awe as the initiator finally spoke.
“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together Jack Kline and (Y/n) (l/n) in holy matrimony.  Love transcends even the greatest of distance. And even from different countries, these two in the eyes of God were meant to find each other.  As Mr. Kline and Ms. (l/n) have chosen to recite their own vows, we shall begin with the wife’s vows.” I turned towards Veronica who handed me a piece of paper all the while keeping a hand on Laura.  I took the paper and turned towards Jack as I unfolded the paper to show the vows that I have poured my heart and soul into.  I looked down at it and spoke.
“Jack Kline; for so long all I ever wanted was to one day find the love that my mother had found in my father. After their death, I thought that dream was gone forever. That my life would one day perish just like they did in the blink of an eye. But I guess my parents must still be watching over me, because a year ago at a club, they sent you to save me from the annoyance that is the press. And now here we are, with our future before us. And I know that I only wish to spend the rest of my life with you. You are my prince, my soulmate……my best friend.” I tried so hard to keep my tears at bay but I guess one must’ve slipped out because I soon felt Jack’s hand cup my face and wipe away my right cheek.  I handed my vows to the priest and he turned to Jack.
“Jack Kline, your vows next.” Deacy then handed Jack a piece of paper but Jack didn’t unfold it.  He merely gave it to the priest and Jack said.
“(Y/n) when I went to London, I thought I was just going because I needed an escape. But from the moment I saw you; I knew you were more than just the fame and fortune that came to your name. I found out that the Rock Angel was the sweetest, down to earth, caring yet strong and independent person. Every day with you over that last summer was an adventure, and now I am ready to take whatever new adventures the two of us embark together. And it doesn’t matter what happens because I am always going to love and be there for you no matter what. We may have our fights but I know we’ll pull through because that’s what we do. Because you are the melody to my harmony, my princess, my Rock Angel.”
I sniffled softly at hearing his vows and knowing that he didn’t even have to open his vows to read them, he just knew it like the words to a song.
“Now that the vows have been exchanged may we please have the rings?” We each turned towards our Matron of honor and Best Man and they handed us our rings then Jack and I turned back towards each other taking each other’s hands. “Do you, Jack Kline take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife. For richer, for poorer, to hold and to keep from now till forever. In sickness and in health till death do you part?”
“I do.” Jack answered as he placed my wedding ring on my finger.
“And do you (Y/n) (l/n) take this man as your lawfully wedded husband. For richer, for poorer, to hold and to keep from now till forever. In sickness and in health till death do you part?”
“I do.” I answered lovingly as I placed the wedding band on Jack’s finger.  The two of us held hands with each other staring lovingly into each other’s eyes smiling happily.
“Then by the power vested in me by the state of Kansas, it gives me great honor to pronounce you both; Husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” Jack immediately cupped my face and we shared our first kiss as husband and wife.
The entire crowd cheered and applauded as Jack and I kept the kiss going.  After what felt like eternity we separated and Jack picked me up and spun me around making me laugh joyously.
It was official. I was now (Y/n) Kline, wife of Jack Kline.
The reception then moved into the barn.  It was all decorated with strings of warm lights and elegant tables all around with seating charts for the guests.  Jack and I stood outside the barn kissing each other softly before we would enter inside.
“I can’t believe we’re finally married.” I stated in awe as Jack’s hands cupped my face and his thumb delicately stroked my cheek.
“Well best believe it baby, you’re stuck with me for the rest of your life.”
“I’ll gladly take you over anyone else.” We kissed each other again.  He tried to make the kiss more passionate but I stopped him and teased him, “Save that for the honeymoon sweetie, we’ve got a reception to go to.”
“Can’t we just bail out?” he whined.
“No, no we need pictures of the reception and I need my father-daughter dance with the boys. I didn’t bust my ass trying to convince Brian to dance with me for months on end to let it all go to waste just because you couldn’t keep it in your pants till we got to Capri.”
“Okay, okay fine. It’s just—you look so beautiful that I want to have all of this to myself for the rest of the day.”
“I know, you look quite dapper and really sexy in this gray suit. But come on, just a few more hours and then it’ll be just you and I for 8 whole weeks.”
“You’ve got yourself a deal, Mrs. Kline.”
“Mm I like the sound of that, Mr. Kline.” I said as I leaned forward and captured his lips with mine.  After softly making out with each other for a few more minutes, we entered the barn and the minute everyone saw us, they applauded.  We waved to them and arrived at our table and that’s when the Best Man and the Matron of Honor would give their speeches to the bride and groom.
As everyone sat down, Veronica first started up since John’s never really been one for starting up a speech.  She lightly tapped her champagne glass and she was given a microphone by Jensen whom she thanked and she said.
“Test, test ohh okay can I have everyone’s attention for a moment, please? Thank you.” The place quietened down as Veronica gave her speech. “Now I may not have known her very long, but it’s felt like a lifetime ago that I first met (y/n) back way before she became known as the Rock Angel. But I knew from the moment I first met her, I knew she would be going places. And within just barely a year of knowing her, she’s become a rock legend for young women everywhere. She has a heart of gold and a powerful soul. You’ve become like the sister I’ve always wanted.” I smiled up at her and I reached out my hand and she took it as she continued, “Now you’re about to embark on an amazing adventure with the man who chose you out of every girl in the world, and I am so happy that he did. You both remind me so much of John and myself and I hope that you both last forever. To (Y/n) and Jack.”
“To (Y/n) and Jack!” the crowd toasted as they raised their glasses for the Matron of honor’s toast.  It was then Deacy stood up and he said.
“Well I’m not as good with public speaking, nor can I ever top my lovely wife whenever she speaks in general.” That got a few soft laughs as Veronica playfully shook her head at her husband. Deacy softly laughed and said, “When I first met (y/n), I knew in a second that she would be worth something special. Not only can she match my sassy attitude, but she’s helped me come out of my shell even more than I thought I could. And it was that moment I knew we had that connection with each other, and I said to myself ‘no man is ever gonna be good enough for my little sister’. But then…..a year ago this young man Jack Kline came along in her life, and I’ll admit I like those two over there,” gesturing towards Brian and Roger, “Wanted to take this boy and interrogate him for a week in order to make sure he was good enough for our girl. But as I got to know him, he’s a genuine, talented and a great guy that I am honored to call not only my apprentice, but as a friend.”
Deacy and Jack looked to each other and he continued,
“And when I began to notice the way he started looking at her, much like my lovely wife mentioned; it was like seeing myself and Veronica all over again. I knew they’d eventually had to end up together, and I can’t think of any two people more meant for each other than the two people sitting next to me.” I looked up at my brother as Jack and I held hands with each other.  “To the bride and groom. May you both remain together forever.”
“To the bride and groom!” everyone raised their glasses once more and we all downed our champagne glasses.
After the toasts, I got up from my seat and took Jack’s hand.  I then escorted him onto the platform stage at the far end of the barn.  Brian, Deacy, and Roger came up on the stage and Brian helped me up onto the stage and I tapped the microphone at the piano and tapped on it and said.
“Okay hope this works, is it too loud? Or have I made you all deaf?” They all gave me the all good clearance and I said. “Good, good. Umm. First of all I want to thank you all for coming on this beautiful day to our wedding.” I then turned my attention to Jack who stood beside me at the piano, “Jack, my prince charming. No other words can describe for what the future will hold for us. But what I do know, is that I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you. To share a million hopes with you, a million adventures with you, a million dreams with you.”
I then turned to Brian who was sitting on a stool with his 12 strong acoustic, Roger who was at the drums and Deacy who had borrowed one of the cellos from the orchestra players of Jack’s church orchestra.
First Deacy began to slowly play the cello and then Brian began strumming the guitar of the song the guys helped me make back in London and I played the first three notes of the piano and I stared up at Jack as I began to sing my song dedicated to him for our wedding.
I called it; “A Million Dreams”.
I close my eyes and I can see
A world that's waiting up for me
That I call my own
Through the dark, through the door
Through where no one's been before
But it feels like home
As the song began to pick up, Roger came in with a steady and gentle beat of the drums. And then by the time of the chorus, my voice went up in volume as the three instruments began to pick up the speed with the chorus.
My eyes not leaving Jack’s once as I sang into the microphone and I took his hand with mine stroking the back of his palm.
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say I've lost my mind
I don't care, I don't care, if they call me crazy
We can live in a world that we design
'Cause every night, I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all its gonna take
Oh, a million dreams
For the world we're gonna make
Now the piano bit really started to come in for this verse so I took over for majority of the second verse with the piano, while the guys came in on their cues.
There's a house we can build
Every room inside is filled
With things from far away
Special things I compile
Each one there to make you smile
On a rainy day
They can say, they can say it all sounds crazy
They can say, they can say we've lost our minds
See, I don't care, I don't care if they call us crazy
Run away to a world that we design
Roger came in on the 2nd chorus and just like we had rehearsed, he went up in his high, raw range while I kept to my well-known low mezzo alto rang.  Our voices blending together in perfect harmony.  And like I had finally clicked and debated when I first started writing the song, on the word “take” I stayed down while Roger went up on the word.
*Roger and I*
'Cause every night, I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all its gonna take
Oh, a million dreams
For the world we're gonna make
It was then I stood up from the piano and wrapped my arms around Jack while Brian now sat at the piano and took over for me.
Allowing Jack and I to have our bride and groom dance.
Jack smiled and stepped off the stage in tune with the music and by the “share your dreams with me” line of the song, Jack gently picked me up by the waist taking me off the stage and down to the dance floor.
The two of us waltzed around the entire open space as I kept singing my song, not once stopping for a second and keeping in time with both my song and our dance.  Jack twirled me around so that my back was touching his chest his arms wrapped around me as I kept hold of his hands and the two of us side-stepped forward.
There gentle lifts in the air, a two step waltz before we came together and I spun out of his arms and continued to softly spin, my wedding dress luckily with its ballroom like shape lifted up when it needed to on the spins allowing me to not trip over my dress.
However big, however small
Let me be part of it all
Share your dreams with me
We may be right, we may be wrong
But I wanna bring you along to the world I see
To the world we close our eyes to see
We close our eyes to see
Jack caught me in his arms allowing me to stop spinning.  I leaned up against him my back to his chest as his arms wrapped around my waist and my head rested near his shoulder as we stared into each other’s eyes.
Just before the start of the final chorus, I twirled out of Jack’s arms but my left hand remained in his right and like a ballet dancer I posed with my right arm extended upwards.  
Our danced picked up once more with dancing around each other, keeping our hands locked together as we waltzed some more.  He brought me into his arms before allowing me to spin outwards but I stopped just as our fingertips were about to separate from each other while my right arm was extended outwards in front of me.
Every night, I lie in bed
The brightest colors fill my head
A million dreams are keeping me awake
I think of what the world could be
A vision of the one I see
A million dreams is all its gonna take
For the final part of the dance, Jack spun me back towards him and our hands joined together as we held onto each other as the two of us began spinning around and around in a circle.  We never once broke apart as we spun faster and faster and even when Jack moved his hands to my waist and I held my hands up in the air as I belted out that last note proudly.
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By the end of the song, Jack brought me close to him, my arms wrapped around his shoulders, our foreheads touching together and our noses grazing each other’s as I smiled and sung out the last line.
A million dreams
For the world we're gonna make
For the world we're gonna make
As the last notes of the guitar was played, Jack and I leaned close and gently kissed each other with pure love, while the whole barn erupted with cheers and applause.  Whistles were blown out specifically from Jensen and Jared, and as I turned toward the stage Roger, Deacy and Brian clapped and smiled down at Jack and me.  I smiled back at them and Jack and I gestured towards the boys and they took a bow for their performance.
Soon everyone got the chance to dance with their partners and after a couple more dances with Jack as the bride and groom, now came time for the “Father-daughter” dance for the bride and her father, or in my case fathers and brother.
First up was Brian.  He came up to me and like the gentleman he was, held out his hand for me and asked.
“May I cut in?” Jack nodded in acceptance and stepped aside allowing Brian and I to stand face to face with each other.  I took his hand and we got into position while everyone cleared the dance floor and soon playing through the speakers was Kenny Roger’s “Through the years”.
Brian and I chose this song because like the lyrics say, both of us had taught each other something in life.  He had taught me how to be more self-confident and to not listen to the dark voices in my head, he taught me how to be a better guitar player and song-writer, and together we both taught each other that it’s okay to not be okay.
Sometimes Brian had his dark days and I was there to help him through it when he was going through a rough patch with gentle snuggles and warm hugs.
The 2nd chorus is what really drew the song for us.  With all that’s happened these past several months since March, we needed each other now more than ever and there would be some good and bad times head but so long as we’re together we were gonna be okay.
By the end of the song, everyone applauded and Brian cupped my face and kissed my nose gingerly as he stroked my cheekbones with his thumbs ever so gently.
He then took my hand and held it out and soon taking it was Deacy.  Brian soon stepped aside and now Deacy and I got into position one.  My arm wrapped around his back and soon our song “Here comes the sun” by The Beatles came up on the speakers.
Since this was a brother-sister dance we both agreed to not let the song be too mushy cause I would get enough of that from Roger and Brian and I didn’t want to cry so much at my wedding.  
So one day while I was at his house visiting the kids, I was playing with Laura when I heard John in the kitchen who was preparing lunch for his munchkin army, whistling the song.  I bopped my head along and then right at the time the song would begin I softly muttered the song while still playing dolls with Laura.
Deacy turned towards me and I looked toward him the two of us staring at each other in silence before he resumed whistling and I sung the next verse of the song.
After lunch while the kids played out in the backyard, the two of us played his Abbey Road record right to the song and as we listened to it, we turned to each other grinning at each other and as two born and bred Leicestershire Brits we knew this was our song choice for the wedding and we practiced our dance but agreed to not tell anyone our song until the wedding.
And here we are now.  My head leaning against his shoulder as I softly hummed along to the song.  
Then out of nowhere I actually got to hear for the first time Deacy actual sing in my ear.  It was around the start of the 3rd verse, now it wasn’t as raw as Roger’s, strong as Freddie’s or melodic as Brian’s but it had that low, steady range.
Of course there were some small cracks in his voice as he softly sang, but it just made it more special because never did I think would I ever hear Deacy sing.
But it was here on my wedding day that I got to hear his voice, his real voice without the overpowers of the other members of Queen.
Once the song reached the end, everyone clapped and Deacy bowed to me like a gentleman and kissed the back of my palm before hugging me to which I immediately hugged him back.
“I’m never gonna let you live this down singing to me Deacy, you know that right?” I whispered to him.
“Just don’t push it sweetheart.” He whispered back before pecking my cheek and went off to find Veronica.
As the reception progressed on, I started to wonder where the hell Roger was.  He was supposed to come right up after Deacy for our father-daughter dance but I couldn’t find him anywhere.  I asked Dominique if she had seen him but she told me he slipped out during my dance with Brian.
I began to worry that he had ditched the dance or something, either that or he’s probably already shitfaced by now. God I knew I should’ve told the bartender to give him a limit.
“You okay baby?” I turned to see Jack coming up to me.
“Honestly Jack, not so good. Please tell me you know where Roger is.”
“Sorry hadn’t seen him since he performed our first wedding song.”
“Oh god,” I groaned as I sat down at one of the tables. “Today of all the times during my wedding he chooses now to ditch and probably get shitfaced and shag another woman probably.”
“Now hold on I wouldn’t go saying that. Maybe him and Jensen are out in the back having a long smoke break, you know those two are practically twins with the way they are.”
“Yeah. But I just wish that—”
“Umm excuse me can I please have everyone’s attention?” Roger’s voice soon came out from the speakers.  I turned around and low and behold there stood Roger on stage with Brian, Deacy and Jensen.  
Everyone began to quiet down as their attention turned to Roger.  As Brian and Deacy grabbed their guitar and bass respectively and Jensen went behind the drum set, Roger spoke once again.
“Thank you. I promise you all can go back to drinking or snogging later I just need to make this one quick announcement. It may only have been just 4 short years ago but (y/n); You’ve come such a long way from the day I first saw you at that piano, and you have grown into such a beautiful young woman, and an inspiration to everyone around you. And I couldn’t be more proud of everything you’ve accomplished in life at such a young age. On this day; you’ve reached the highest milestone one can achieve. The man you’ve got sitting right beside you, he’s a good man. And I cannot imagine someone being worthy of you than Jack Kline.” At that point the guests all clapped and I smiled softly as Jack wrapped an arm around me and kissed my temple.
He put the microphone back in the holder and adjusted the stand to his height and he turned over to Deacy and nodded once. Deacy nodded back and first sound checked his bass before finally doing a familiar three note bassline.
Ba-da-dum. Ba-da-dum. Ba-da-dum.
Brian then came in on the guitar making his red special make that twang sound and I knew right away what song was about to be sung. Jensen soon began to play the drums as Roger then began singing “My Girl” by the Temptations.
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
When it's cold outside
I've got the month of May
I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
*Roger (Brian, Deacy, Jensen)*
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)
He hopped off the stage and walked towards Jack and I and held out his hand as he kept singing.  With a teary smile I just stared at him and took his hand as he helped me up and gave me a gentle twirl before bringing me close as the two of us began our Father-Daughter dance.
By the chorus I was now standing practically chest to chest with him as he stared into my eyes singing my dad’s song to me. I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his neck and just stare back at him with tears filling my eyes.
I've got so much honey
The bees envy me
I've got a sweeter song
Than the birds in the trees
Well I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
*Roger (Brian, Deacy, Jensen)*
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)
At the short instrumental break while Bri, Deacy and Jens did their little vocalization, Roger whispered to me.
“I love you so much my lion cub.” I choked out a laugh as tears were streaming down my face and I buried my face into his shoulder as he kissed my cheek before resuming the song.
As he came to the end of the song, he’d lift my chin up and wipe away my tears and was singing as his forehead was leaning against mine.
*Brian, Deacy, Jensen*
Hey, hey, hey
Hey, hey, hey
*Roger (Brian, Deacy, Jensen)*
Oooo yeah.
I don't need no money,
Fortune, or fame (ooh)
I've got all the riches baby
One man can claim
Well I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl (my girl, my girl)
Talkin' 'bout my girl (my girl)
I've got sunshine on a cloudy day
With my girl (My girl)
(Talkin' 'bout my girl my girl)
I've even got the month of May
With my girl (My girl, woah)
Talkin' 'bout, talkin' 'bout
Talkin’ ‘bout my girl (my girl, woah)
As everyone applauded, I couldn’t help but cry happy tears.  Of course Roger wiped them away and I said to him.
“Thank god you went with My Girl rather than Happy birthday.” He smiled and said.
“C’mon love did you really think I’d pick that song for our father-daughter dance?”
“But why this song? I thought you hated songs like that because they were too disco for you?”
“I did, but then I remember you telling me that your dad would sing this to you when you were a little girl. Thought he would’ve wanted this song to be sung at your wedding.”  I looked at him surprised.
“Roger. I told you that like 4 years ago when I was still Jim’s intern,  how is it that you remember that?”
“When it comes to you love, I remember everything.” He said as he stroked my cheek.  I looked at him ready to cry all over again as I whimpered.
“Oh dad, I love you!” I hugged him as tight as I could and he gladly hugged me back and said in my ear.
“I love you too my proud lioness.” I felt him kiss the side of my head as he kept me in his arms for a little while longer.
For the rest of the reception it was filled with nothing but love and happiness. Jack and I got to cut the cake together, and of course we had to tease each other as he playfully wiped a piece of frosting on my nose to which I retaliated and wiped a bigger bit of frosting across his cheek.  
Hundreds of pictures were taken with family members; each picture being mixed up with various people in each pic like for example one picture was just with my and the boys, then me and Jack. Or Jack with the boys and me with his mum.
The bouquet and garter were each thrown and the lucky lady to catch the bouquet was none other than Deacy’s daughter Laura with the help of Veronica, and the garter was caught by Jared’s son 7 year old son Thomas with the help of his dad.
By nightfall all the guests had cleared out of the farm leaving Jack’s parents, my boys, their wives and children.  Robert, Laura and Veronica were doing the last ribbon details on the back of Jack’s impala which read on the back window the famous.
Jack and I came up to the car and we each said goodbye to our family and they bid us goodbye and for us to have a good honeymoon. Jack got in the driver’s seat and I got in the passenger seat and we both waved goodbye as Jack revved his engine.
Soon we drove off into the night.
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lovemesomerafael · 5 years
EL AMOR TODO LO PUEDE Chapter 18:  Being There
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Chapters 1-10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12  Chapter 13  Chapter 14  Chapter 15  Chapter 16  Chapter 17
There was only a text. Two words.  But it was all she needed to know.
Peter: He died.  
Laura:   On my way.
And then, being Peter, he texted:
Peter: I’m OK
She took a second to roll her eyes at that.
Laura: Still on my way. 
That one didn’t even get a response.  
Laura was grateful Peter had shared his father’s illness with her at all.  He was private as hell; guarded even with her sometimes.  But somebody had to support him as he walked through the emotional minefield he’d been in for weeks now, and she was honored he’d chosen her.  Even after all they’d been through, Peter still knew he could count on Laura any time, for anything.  The thought made her tear up a little.  
As she sat in the back of the cab on her way to the hotel, Laura thought about a lot of things.  She thought about whether she was going to sleep with Peter.  Hard no.  She’d be an emotional mess in ten seconds, and she wasn’t about to mess with his head that way, either, especially now.  Given their history, it was a miracle they’d managed to figure out a friendship.
She thought about what she could say to him.  Nothing that would make any difference to the shitstorm in his heart.  Peter both loved and hated his father, and now he would be grieving both the man he’d been and the man Peter had needed him to be.  All Laura could do is tell him, as many times as he needed to hear it, that he wasn’t alone and that he’d be OK.  
And then she thought about Ben Stone himself.  Laura had her own complicated relationship with Peter’s father.  “Mr. Stone,” never “Ben,” even though he had been fairly kind and welcoming to her during most of her relationship with his son.  She had tried hard, and succeeded in bonding with him a little over their shared Catholicism and, of course, Peter.  The only obstacle Laura had run into in those early years was when she tried to express an interest in Peter’s sister, Pam.  That effort had run into an absolute brick wall, and had actually cooled him toward her for a while.  Apparently, Pam was not something Mr. Stone was willing to share with anyone.  He barely discussed her with Peter.  
Winning Mr. Stone’s approval had been critical to her.  At that point, she had expected him to be her children’s grandfather.  He was important.  For a while, Mr. Stone had treated her as though she was already his daughter in law.  He wasn’t warm or affectionate, but he let her in.
All that was before the drinking.  The first time Peter mentioned to his father that Laura had a drinking problem was fairly late in the game.  After all, Peter had spent an enormous amount of time and effort lying for her and trying to protect her from the consequences of what she was doing.  That confidence between Peter and his father was all it took to end, irrevocably, any kindness or consideration from Mr. Stone to Laura.  He didn’t simply stop liking her.  He developed an active dislike that caused him to urge Peter, over and over, to dump her and never look back.  For Ben Stone, alcoholics were to be hated and shunned, period.  Despite her years of sobriety, Mr. Stone’s loathing of Laura persisted until the day he died.
 When she landed in New York, Laura checked into her hotel room, dumped her luggage, and texted Peter.  He was at the courthouse talking with his father’s friend, District Attorney Jack McCoy.  She headed there.
 Peter let the door fall closed behind him.  He stood just inside, simply looking around the darkened courtroom in the patchy, accidental light that came through the windows.  He let it sink in.  This room had been a vital part, perhaps the most important part, of Ben Stone’s life. Peter tried to feel his father in the room, but instead felt only the same cold emptiness.  It frightened him.  
The building was venerable.  Solid. The courtroom had a high ceiling and huge windows that rose from waist height nearly up to the ceiling.  The walls were decorated with marble and carved paneling, with a seal of the State of New York hung just behind the Judge’s bench. A room meant to impress those who entered with the power of the State.  The long pews were solid wood, the kind of thing furniture was never made from anymore, especially in a public building.  Peter thought he could catch a faint scent of some sort of polishing wax.  
For long moments, Peter stood, imagining the many scenes – glorious, tragic, mind-numbingly mundane – that this room had seen.  The thick quiet of the room enveloped him.  As he stood unmoving, the stillness began to affect him.  He felt as though the room was suspended outside of time, outside of the real world.  
Peter’s eyes were eventually drawn, as he knew they would be, just to the right of the gate into the well of the courtroom.  There in the gloom, a simple wooden chair sat, neatly pushed under a plain wooden table. It was only natural, since that chair was his own domain as lead prosecutor in his trials.  But not in this courtroom.  In this courtroom, it had been his father’s domain.  Ben’s Stone’s chair, day after day, trial after trial, through most of Peter’s life.  
Like a wraith, Peter silently moved down the aisle toward it.  He moved as though sleepwalking, unaware of his own body as his thoughts and emotions swirled.  Pulling out the creaky wooden chair, Peter took his father’s seat.  He sat without moving, only his eyes sweeping gradually across the jury box, the witness stand, the judge’s bench.  He told himself he was seeing what his father had seen. Peter tried to imagine his father’s thoughts.  
They would have been about evidence.  Strategy. Precedent.  Never about his son, a little boy desperate to please, and aching with loneliness for a father he barely knew.
It came upon him without warning.  Peter was suddenly blasted from within by an overwhelming surge of loneliness and grief. He was six years old again, ten, thirteen… a hurt, confused kid in a baseball uniform, looking for his dad in the stands and knowing he would not be there.  Knowing that this room, this chair, were what mattered to his father. Not the kid in the baseball uniform. Not Peter.  And now, he never would matter to his father.  
The choked sob that tore its way through Peter felt like a wave of molten rock, heavy and scorching. He reached out his hands, laying them flat on the table in front of him for support.  More acid cries were wrenched from his throat.  He moved to bury his face in his hands, clenching his head as though to keep from flying apart into a million pieces.  He struggled to gain control, tears flowing unchecked down his cheeks, his breath ragged.
He thought he heard the softest sniff behind him.  He turned quickly, squinting through his tears into the shadowed rear of the courtroom. There, in the back row, leaning forward on the row in front of her, sat Laura, a tear glinting on her cheek in a shaft of light that fell across her from the window.  
Peter’s ravaged face was barely visible, but she could see him reach out a hand toward her.
Laura was instantly down the aisle and through the gate.  She knelt before Peter, taking him into her arms.  Great, wracking sobs broke from him as he buried his head in her shoulder, leaning all his weight on her.  
“I’m here,” she crooned, holding him tightly, beginning unconsciously to rock him as he cried. She could feel him tense, fighting to gain control of his grief.
“I’m sorry,” he wept.
“Just let go.  I’m here.  I promise, I’ve got you,” she soothed.  With one hand, she began to stroke his hair.
And he did.  Peter was barely aware of the animal groans and muffled wails he uttered as he allowed himself to give full vent to his pain. Laura simply held him, rocking him gently back and forth, murmuring words of love and comfort.  Neither felt the passage of time.  It may have been a few moments or a few hours that Peter wept bitterly, allowing himself to depend entirely upon Laura as he surrendered fully to his burning, crushing loss.  
When he seemed close to being spent, she lifted up from her knees to slip into his lap, never taking her arms from him.  She cradled his head to her chest, still purring softly to him.  Again and again she stroked and kissed his hair.  “I know it hurts.  I love you.  I’ve got you…”
After a time, Peter quieted, sniffling and occasionally convulsed with the stuttering breaths that follow a hard cry.  “I’m so glad you’re here,” he said in a small voice.
A long time later, Peter and Laura emerged from the darkened courtroom.  Each had both arms wrapped around the other, Laura’s head against Peter’s chest.  It made for slightly ungainly progress, but it seemed to be what Peter needed at the moment. They saw no one in the hallway as they made their way to the door. 
“Let’s get you to the hotel,” Laura said.  “You need to sleep.”
 Ben Stone’s funeral was excruciating.  It was lovely, and well-attended, but Peter sat like a statue every moment.  In a room full of people, he seemed completely alone.  He let Laura hold his hand, but otherwise seemed unable to accept any comfort.  His responses to condolences from his father’s many friends and colleagues were polite, automatic.  Apparently, he had shed all the tears he was going to over his father, which scared Laura.  
Laura was surprised to see Lieutenant Benson and Sergeant Tutuola at the church.  The greetings were subdued, given the situation, but both had known Ben Stone, and wanted to pay their respects.  Peter calmly and courteously accepted their condolences as though they were at a business meeting.
Olivia Benson pulled Laura aside.  She looked over at Peter and then back to Laura.
“Are you two…?”
“Friends.  Since college.  I’m… backup.”
“Got it.  Listen, it’s a strange coincidence that you’re here.  I was going to get in touch with you.  This isn’t the right time or place but, have a cup of coffee with me before you head back?”
Laura was disconcerted. What in the world could Lieutenant Benson want with her?  It had been months since the Gentleman Barber case.
“Uh… of course.”
“I’ll text you.”
 The coffee shop looked like every other coffee shop in the world.  The last thing Laura needed was caffeine, given her level of nerves, so she ordered chamomile tea, the most soothing beverage she indulged in these days. She now knew what Benson wanted, and she didn’t have the first clue how to feel about it.  Any of it.
When she’d called Hank Voight on the off chance that he might know what Benson wanted, she’d gotten a surprise.  Voight knew all about it.  Voight had made it happen.
“I figured she wouldn’t waste the opportunity,” he’d said.
“So you know what she wants?”
“She wants to tell you about your new job.”
“My new…”
“Your new job, Parker. She’s gonna offer you a place at SVU. And you’re gonna take it.”
“Wait, what?  Are you firing me?”
“Talk to Benson.”
“Sergeant, this is… a lot.  I live in Chicago.  I can’t move to New York.”
“Talk to Benson.”
“What are you doing? Is this real?”
“Talk.  To.  Benson.” Voight had hung up on her.
 Olivia Benson bustled in, caught sight of Laura, and gave a casual wave of recognition.  Laura was so nervous she thought she might throw up. It appeared to her that the barista set a world record for longest time to put together a cup of tea and, even once Benson sat down, the pleasantries seemed to take forever before she finally got down to business.
“You talk to Voight?” Benson asked.  
“I called him last night.  I thought maybe he would know what you wanted.”
“What did he tell you?”
“He said that you wanted to offer me a job.”
Benson’s laugh wasn’t pleasant.  “I wouldn’t exactly put it that way.  He called in a favor.”
“So you don’t want to offer me a job.”
“I wouldn’t put it that way, either.”
Laura set her cup down on the table.  “Lieutenant? This is pretty high stakes for me. With respect, could you just tell me what this is about?”
Benson raised an eyebrow.  “Says what she’s thinking.  Little bit of a double-edged sword there, but in this situation it’s a good thing.  I need my detectives to be straight with me.”
Laura distinctly heard the word “detectives”, but she couldn’t ask about it and hold her breath at the same time.  
“SVU needs another detective.  Numbers-wise, it should be a woman.  Voight heard and called me.  He says, and I’m quoting here, ‘You don’t hire Parker, you’re a fucking idiot.’”  
Laura was too anxious to smile.  
“You should know that I wouldn’t hire someone on Hank Voight’s word alone.  I saw what you did on that case we worked in Chicago.  I think you have potential.  But there’s something else you should know.  I’m not Hank Voight.  In my unit, we don’t do things the way he does.  You work for me, you play by the rules.  If that’s a problem for you, this conversation is over.”
“That wouldn’t be a problem.”
“Good.  I could give you a month to get out here, but not longer.  Let me know.”
Benson held out her hand, and Laura shook it, actually trembling.  Holy shit. She was being offered a job working sex crimes in New York.  And a promotion to detective.  How the hell had that happened?  
 Peter felt as untethered as he ever had in his life.  At his age, he shouldn’t be feeling like an orphan, especially when his old man had never been much of a father.  But here he was.  He lay on the bed in his hotel room, thinking, while Laura lay on the other side with her head at the foot of the bed, just letting him be.  
Jack McCoy had offered Peter a job.  
At least half an hour had to have passed since either Peter or Laura had said anything.  Out of nowhere, Peter sat up and announced he was hungry.  
“In or out?” Laura asked.  
“Out.  Definitely out.”
They ended up at a steakhouse a few blocks away, for a while just chatting rather than trying to tackle the major decisions they had to make.  But it was impossible to avoid the topic for long.
“Adulting blows,” Laura observed.
Peter came as close to smiling as he had in days.  “Maybe. But you know what, Sunshine?  I’m starting to think I know what to do.”
She waited for him to continue.  
“Pam’s here.  With Pop gone, I’m all she has.  And this job offer, it’s a good one.  Maybe this is a sign I’m supposed to come home.”
“Huh.  Maybe it is.”
“And maybe it’s a sign you’re supposed to leave home.  They’re making you a detective, Sunny.  Anyway, you really think Voight’s gonna take ‘no’ for an answer?”
“It didn’t sound like it,” she admitted.  “Benson, either.”
He looked her in the eyes.  “Let’s move to New York.”
“I’m in,” she said, her voice shaking.
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When In Rome (7)
Chapter 7 - Missing Pieces
Pairing: Dean x wife reader
Word Count: 1775
Warnings: A little smutishness
Summary: Dean notices changes in Y/N after she’s brought back to life, slowly realizing she isn’t the same woman he fell in love with and that she’s gone bad. Will he be able to save her? Or is she lost to him?
A/N: I’m really really proud of this series and I cannot believe how close we are to the end. Thank you all so much for sticking with me, and tell me how you like it! Three chapters left!!!!!
Feedback is amazing and makes me happy.
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“Dean, I’m sure she’s fine.” Sam said softly.
Sam and Dean were in the Impala on their way back to the bunker.
Once Dean got Sam back to the motel and made damn sure he was alright, Dean went back out and searched all over for Y/N. Once he’d inspected the alleyway better he made an anonymous call about the body that had been there.
Dean had no idea where it came from, he could only suspect that Ruby had something to do with it.
The demon bitch probably took Y/N, why else would she be missing?
Dean felt too many questions swimming around in his head. After Sam had told him he’d been dead Dean chose to shrug it off for the moment, the Winchesters had a habit of escaping death, hell his wife had just come back from the dead.
His only answer was that maybe Y/N convinced Ruby to do to Dean whatever she did to Y/N, and in exchange… he didn’t wanna think about the rest.
After 24 hours Sam finally convinced Dean they had to head back to the bunker, suggesting that maybe Y/N could have gone back there to hide out.
Dean didn’t want to leave, not without knowing what happened and where she was. He’d failed his wife too many times already, he’d seen her dead body, he’d watched the woman he’d burned run into his arms, and he’d embraced her happily.
She didn’t deserve whatever was going on. She didn’t deserve to be hurt every time something happened to him.
She hadn’t deserved to die.
So as Sam drove and Dean sat with his arms crossed over his chest in the passenger seat, all Dean could do was worry.
“There’s no way to know if she’s fine Sam. For all we know, Ruby could have her strung up and torturing her.” Dean said,
“Why would she do that?” Sam asked, “Dean, Ruby brought Y/N back from the dead, and if what she said to you was true than hurting Y/N would mean hurting Ruby, I can’t imagine she would wanna torture her.”
Sam had fought to find Y/N just as hard as Dean. She was Dean’s wife, yes, but even before that Sam had been her best friend. While Dean and Y/N worked through their feelings and struggled to keep a relationship between each other, Sam had been there for the both of them. He wasn’t just her brother in law, or her best friend. He was her brother, and he loved her just as much as Dean did.
Dean let out a heavy sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“I don’t know why Ruby does anything, Sam. I don’t care anymore. I just want Y/N back.”
“You’re not the only one. I love her too, but we searched that town high and low, she wasn’t there.”
Sam was always the voice of reason, and Dean knew it. But he couldn’t accept that Y/N had just vanished. She was a fighter, even with Ruby’s upgrade. That was what had attracted him to her in the first place. The first time they met she broke his nose. What a love story.
He could only hope his little brother was right and that Y/N was save, wherever she was and whoever she was with. He had to have faith in that defiant spirit of hers. Although your absence sent a pain through his heart, he had to believe you were okay.
Because if he didn’t believe it, he didn’t know what he would do.
“Why the fuck are we taking transit?” You demanded, Ruby taking her seat beside you.
“Consider it team building.” She suggested, earning a dirty look from you.
“Ruby, I don’t trust you, and I’m never gonna trust you. So why don’t you just zap us to the bunker.”
“Because it’s warded,” She reminded you, “I can’t just zap us anywhere near it.”
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “How far away are we?” You asked, “Where are we?” You restated.
“We’re about a day away.” Ruby said, “Just keep your fingers crossed that we’ll get there first.”
“To the bunker? Why?
“Do you wanna walk in and be asked a bunch of questions just to be caught with hex bags?” She asked, “Now be quiet, I’m trying to sleep.” She sat back and closed her eyes.
“Ruby, demons don’t sleep.” You reminded her,
“You’re right, I just wanted you to shut up.” She said, earning a dirty look from you, which she didn’t even see as she plugged in a pair of headphones. You rolled your eyes and turned away, your gaze falling out the window and gazing at the outdoors as you began to move, silently praying that Dean was okay.
Dean hated letting Sam drive the impala, but Sam had insisted, knowing Dean had exhausted himself looking for Y/N.
Dean snoozed a bit in the passenger seat, but before he knew it, Sam woke him up and informed him that they were back.
The older Winchester didn’t waste a second, he was up and out of the Impala, trudging his way into the bunker and through the halls, straight to his room.
He dropped his bag and stared at the empty bed. He would have to sleep alone, again. The realization making his heart hurt.
The tired man pushed away his feelings. He was tired, he didn’t have time to cry and worry. Sam was right, you were fine… you had to be.
Dean dropped his bag and flopped onto the bed, crawling to his side of the bed, reaching over and grabbing your pillow, wrapping his arms around it and burying it in his embrace.
It wasn’t you. It never would be, but it would have to do for now.
It seemed as though Dean’s eyes were closed for a solid minute before his eyes reopened. He let out a groan. He was stomach down on the bed, his face buried in his now sweaty pillow.
He turned to his back and felt movement beside him, frowning as he looked over and found you lying there.
The sight of you sent a shock to his system, he pulled in a breath and let it out, trying to recover from the surprise.
You were bare beneath the sheets, your sleeping body resting on your stomach, nothing but your arms and upper back exposed, hair cascaded in your face, and arms tucked beneath your pillow as you cradled your own head.
“Y/N.” He whispered, not wanting to wake you. He reached out, his hand gently flattening over your shoulder blade. Your skin was warm to the touch, soft, it was you, and he wasn’t asking questions this time.
He let his hand gently rub your back, allowing his touch to soothe you awake, but also relax him, the feeling of your skin, his touch to yours, such a small reminder that you were there, but it was enough to him.
You woke slowly, your eyes opened to meet Dean’s, you smiled at him, stretching like a cat before resting your head back down.
“Everything alright?” You asked him, turning to lie on your back as Dean’s finger’s gently gripped your shoulder.
“Yeah… I, think I just had a nightmare.” He muttered, earning a frown from you as you reached up, your hand gently cupping one cheek, gently rubbing his cheek with your thumb.
“You wanna talk about it?” You asked him, looking up at him lovingly. He shook his head, smiling down at you.
“No I, I’ll be fine.” He assured you.
You nodded softly, turning back over onto your stomach again, curling your arms beneath your body.
Dean’s fingers stayed on your heated skin, the feeling of your warmth beneath his fingers was a comfort to him, the knowledge you were there making his heart thump in his chest.
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the skin between your shoulder blades. That earned a slight hum from you, you wiggled softly and turned to him, looking up at him.
Dean’s eyes met yours, your head still rested on the pillow as he dipped his head to rest next to yours.
“I love you.” You whispered,
At this Dean’s lips came in contact with yours. It was soft at first, just a comforting kiss. Your lips were soft against his, your noses pressing between your faces, his hand came up to rest on your cheek as he kissed you lovingly.
He pulled away, for only a moment. His gaze met yours and he saw the look in your eyes, which just pushed him on to press his lips to yours again, this time the kiss was needier, more desperate. He sucked in a breath as his lips met yours again, his fingers tangling in your hair.
Dean flipped you onto your back so that he could hover over you, he was obsessed with your lips, but he needed all of you right now. He trailed his kisses from your lips and down your jaw, down and pressing a kiss just where your chest met your shoulders.
He pulled back and pressing his lips to yours yet again.
Suddenly Dean’s eyes opened. He was in his bed, but you weren’t there, and he realized with a heavy sigh and the feeling of his heart dropping, that it had been nothing more than a good dream.
He would have given anything to have you there, to be able to wrap you in his arms, to have your arms wrap around his.
Dean was tired of this, he needed you, he wanted you. But it felt like no matter what he just couldn’t keep you safe anymore.
You’d fallen asleep on the train to Kansas, Ruby had not.
Ruby was not a pleasant person to be around when you first wake up.
You felt a piece of ice pressed against your forehead, then your shoulder, then your neck.
Yet it still took a moment to wake up, when you registered the cold on your skin you opened your eyes to Ruby’s smug look.
“C’mon, it’s time to get off.” Ruby said, grabbing her bags and walking away.
You let out an annoyed groan, but promptly followed her, grabbing your bags and stumbling along the small aisle to get off the train while wondering where the hell Ruby had gotten the ice.
You climbed off the train and hopped to the concrete from the last step, looking and spying Ruby.
“Come on,” You muttered, “We’re almost home.”
My Tag Lists are Wide Open!!!
Dream Team
@spn67-sister @queen-of-deans-booty @ria132love @winchestergeekfreak@maui137 @katymacsupernatural @jayneysimp @emoryhemsworth @just-another-busy-fangirl @bunniesowlsandwhales @jensensjaredsandmishaslover @mogaruke @kristendanwayne @cassieraider @jensensjaredsandmishaslover@hms-fangirl @heyitscam99
Dean Team
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When In Rome
@my-ships-will-never-be-sank @5sosandsoph @leilagracx@bisexualdolphinthings @reddhead95 @becs-bunker @neganslittlebird @babyismyspiritanimal @aubreystilinski @ryantherandomhero
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thorne93 · 6 years
Curious Conundrum (Part 25)
Prompt: You’re John Watson’s sister. One day you decide to visit your brother for lunch, only to meet the infamous Mr. Holmes…
Word Count: 3032
Warnings: language, flirtation, sexual innuendos (maybe? idfk), murder/crime/case related stuff, angst, jealousy…
Notes: Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong Not only did she beta, but I literally couldn’t have written half these scenes without her help. She contributed majorly, even wrote some parts of scenes. I am forever in her debt.
Also, this starts AFTER Season 2, episode 1. I don’t follow all the episodes, but it does follow the timeline and hit some major events : )
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 |  Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 |
Reservations made, vendors paid, outfits picked up, certificates ready, and it was the day of the wedding, finally. Sherlock had gotten up before you, shockingly.
He’d been composing a song on violin for them and you had absolutely loved the way it’d sounded. Secretly, you hoped and prayed if you two ever got married he would do something similar but you would never bring up the idea of marriage to him.
You were busy texting Mary, grabbing your dress, heels, makeup, and accessories, and box of wedding goods while he had his recorded violin music going.
“Y/N, will you come here?” he called from the living room.
“What is it?” you asked as you stepped in.
“Dance with me?” he requested, his dreamy eyes alluring as he held his hand out. Even though he was in his pajamas and robe, he still looked like the best dance partner you could ever ask for.  
“I--Sure,” you breathed, gliding over to him and taking his hand. Without much warning, his other hand snapped over your waist. The sensation awoke feelings in you you hadn’t felt in a long time.
You and Sherlock had been living together, sure, and the touching was slowly but surely coming back. Holding hands was more frequent, and you kissed nearly every day, but the sex had yet to come. That was something you’d been really scared of.
Being this close, smelling his aftershave, your chests pressed together… It was hard to resist him before, and growing even harder right this second. The two of you began dancing, twirling, and he dipped you just as Mrs. Hudson walked in, making you blush.
“Shut up, Mrs. Hudson,” he snapped casually as she stepped in.
“Sherlock,” you chided, still holding on to him.
“I haven’t said a word.”
“You were formulating a question. It’s physically painful watching you think,” he remarked.
“I thought it was you playing.”
“It was me playing.” He let you go and paused the music. “I am composing.”
“You were dancing,” she noted, walking in with a tray, smiling.
You blushed and nodded. “He’s road testing his new song,” you informed.
“Oh, you two look so cute together. I’m so glad you finally moved in, darling. Sherlock really missed your company--”
“Why are you here?’ he suddenly demanded, turning to face her.
“I’m bringing you your morning tea, you’re not usually awake,” she noted.
“You bring me tea in the morning?” he asked before plopping into his chair and you went to stand behind him.
She giggled. “Where do you think it came from?”
“I don’t know. Just thought it sort of happened.”
“Your mum has a lot to answer for.”
“Mmm, I know. I have a list. Mycroft has a file.”
She sat across from the two of you, grinning ear to ear. “So! It’s the big day then!”
“What big day?” Sherlock asked before you playfully tapped him.
“The wedding!” she stressed. “John and Mary are getting married!”
“Two people who are currently living together are about to attend church, have a big party, go on a short holiday, then carry on living together. What’s big about that?” he asked.
“Marriage changes people.”
“No it doesn’t,” you and Sherlock said in unison. He looked up at you with a half-smile.
“Well you two wouldn’t understand because you’re not married.”
“No, but we live together. Just because the government doesn’t recognize it and I haven’t taken Sherlock’s last name..” you insinuated slowly, “doesn’t mean we don’t understand.”
Mrs. Hudson continued to talk about her friend and their wedding day, about how marriage changes you but you personally couldn’t imagine it. So two people who love each other make it legal, what could it possibly change? In the meantime, Sherlock had nearly thrown Mrs. Hudson out of the flat. His nerves were just a jumbled up mess. You had half a mind to offer him a cigarette, but thought better of it.
Sherlock looked over at John’s chair, a solemn expression touching his face. It didn’t take a genius to see what had suddenly bothered him.
“He’s still your friend, Sherlock, just like he’s still my brother. He’ll have time for all of us,” you assured softly.
“Right,” he said, his tone making it clear he was changing the subject. “You need to take all of those things to Mary and I need to finish this song.”
“You’re in the mood for kicking people out today,” you noted with a smile.
“I’m in the mood to do our jobs,” he remarked lowly, his tone making you quiver.
The day went off almost without a hitch -- well the first part. Getting Mary into her gown, getting the veil on, the makeup and hair artist helping her. You and Sherlock walking down the aisle when it was your time, trying to keep your eyes off him in a tux.
He looked good in pajamas, great in his business casual, but god damn did he look delicious in a tuxedo.
The lot of you were getting your pictures taken, when you noticed one of the bridesmaids, Janine, had leaned over to Sherlock during the photo session to whisper and talk. He nodded for a moment, and then gestured to some guests. For some reason, this action went up your spine.
After the photos, you were shown over to the garden room where John and Mary greeted the guests one by one. Once you got inside, everyone started to mingle. You stayed by Mary’s side, as your duty was practically written law to be there. She assured you to go off and have fun, but you felt it would be best if she needed help that you were right there.
While you stood there however and tuned her and John out, your eyes washed over the crowd, searching for your boyfriend. There he was again with Janine. The two were huddled closely, talking lowly as their eyes moved about the room. The more they talked, the more they seemed to grow fond of each other. He turned to her and gave a small look of satisfaction, and she gave him a look of adoration.
The sight alone sent flames to the top of your head.
Time drug on as you tried to stay by Mary’s side, but it kept getting harder as you watched Janine practically like a shadow on Sherlock. Every time, you wanted to nearly rip your heel off and beat her with it.
Normally, you wouldn’t have had this sort of reaction, this level of jealousy. But those awful words Sherlock had spoken to you before… well, they still resonated. He’d assured you time and time again they weren’t real, but how could you be sure? Maybe Irene Adler had given up on him? Maybe he’d settled for you? Maybe now that he had a taste of a real romance and relationship, he was ready to move on from you. As if you were training wheels - the first set, just the thing to get him broken in, ready for the real thing, then as soon as you weren’t needed, off you went.
You tried to reason, think logically, tell yourself they were just talking. People could do that after all, just talk… But this was your boyfriend, this was the man who had put you through hell and back, this was the man that was supposedly hard to woo, anti-social person. Yet here he was fraternizing.
You shook your head as all of you had taken a seat at the wedding party table, Sherlock next to you, Janine on your left. If she even looked at him funny, you’d break a glass over her face.
They commanded attention for the Best Man and Sherlock realized that was him. A slight look of panic shadowed his face before you squeezed his hand and he stood up, ready to speak. The room was still applauding as he got things ready.
“Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends… and… um, others,” he stammered, looking out onto the quiet and awkward crowd. “A--a--also…”
Your insides twisted for him. It was your job to stand before people and talk nearly every day, but not his. He never had to talk to a lot of people at once, and if he did, it was usually to brag about himself.
“Telegrams,” you suddenly whisper, hoping to push him along and help.
“What? Oh, oh right,” he noted. He picked up the cards and said, “First things first. Telegrams. Well, they’re not actually telegrams. We just call them telegrams. I don’t know why. Wedding tradition. ... because we don’t have enough of that already, apparently.”
You cringed at his words. You knew he loathed weddings, marriages, all of it, but he needed to keep in check his negativity on John and Mary’s day.
He read off the cards. He got through about three before he started to sum up their intentions and toss them onto the table.
“Bit of a theme – you get the general gist. People are basically fond.”
You adjusted nervously in your seat next to him.
“John Watson. My friend, John Watson. When John first broached the subject of being best man, I was confused.”
He then went on to recall the humorous conversation, one that you had not been present for, but now wish you had been.
“I confess at first I didn’t realize he was asking me. When finally I understood, I expressed to him that I was both flattered and ... surprised. I explained to him that I’d never expected this request and I was a little daunted in the face of it. I nonetheless promised that I would do my very best to accomplish a task which was – for me – as demanding and difficult as any I had ever contemplated. Additionally, I thanked him for the trust he’d placed in me ... and indicated that I was, in some ways, very close to being ... moved by it. It later transpired that I had said none of this out loud.”
To this, you and your brother gave a laugh, granting an opening for others to do so as well. After this anecdote, Sherlock pulled out the index cards that you had suggested and then he began leafing them out onto the table. All the while muttering “Done that bit.”
Finally, he set on with the speech. “I’m afraid, John, I can’t congratulate you.”
You stilled, remembering that you had helped him with the speech and that was not in there.
“All emotions, and in particular love, stand opposed to the pure, cold reason I hold above all things. A wedding is, in my considered opinion, nothing short of a celebration of all that is false and specious and irrational and sentimental in this ailing and morally compromised world. Today we honour the death-watch beetle that is the doom of our society and, in time – one feels certain – our entire species.  But anyway ... let’s talk about John.”
“Please,” your brother urged gently.
"If I burden myself with a little help-mate during my adventures, it is not out of sentiment or caprice – it is that he has many fine qualities of his own that he has overlooked in his obsession with me."
You couldn't help but smile and look down at your lap at that one.
"Indeed, any reputation I have for mental acuity and sharpness comes, in truth, from the extraordinary contrast John so selflessly provides. It is a fact, I believe, that brides tend to favour exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big day. There is a certain analogy there, I feel, and contrast is, after all, God’s own plan to enhance the beauty of his creation."
At this, you grinned to, cocking your head slightly, wondering where on earth he summoned talks of God.
"...or it would be if God were not a ludicrous fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity for the family idiot."
Ah, there it is.
"The point I’m trying to make is that I am the most unpleasant, rude, ignorant and all-round obnoxious arsehole that anyone could possibly have the misfortune to meet. I am dismissive of the virtuous, unaware of the beautiful, and uncomprehending in the face of the happy."
A sad look shadowed your expression for a moment.
"So if I didn’t understand I was being asked to be best man, it is because I never expected to be anybody’s best friend. Certainly not the best friend of the bravest and kindest and wisest human being I have ever had the good fortune of knowing."
A round of awws went around the room and you wanted to join them.
"John, I am a ridiculous man redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship. But, as I’m apparently your best friend, I cannot congratulate you on your choice of companion."
For a moment, you wondered if he'd shattered the somewhat beautiful speech he had just built. But before you could assess the damage, he spoke again.
"Actually, now I can. Mary, when I say you deserve this man, it is the highest compliment of which I am capable. John, you have endured war, and injury, and tragic loss ...so sorry again about that last one. So know this: today you sit between the woman you have made your wife and the man you have saved – in short, the two people who love you most in all this world. And I know I speak for Mary as well when I say we will never let you down, and we have a lifetime ahead to prove that."
To your surprise, you were tearing up. Sherlock had somehow managed to insult everyone in the room, even himself, and yet say the most eloquent and loving thing. And that is why you loved him.  
“Ah, yes. Now on to some funny stories about John…” but he looked up and realized everyone was misty eyed and quiet. “What’s wrong? What happened? Why are you all doing that? John? Y/N?"
You couldn't say much so Sherlock turned back to John.
"Did I do it wrong?"
"No, you didn't. Come here." He embraced Sherlock warmly , your heart glowing with love at the sight before you.
After that, Sherlock started to go into some of their cases together, all of the noteworthy ones. Then he moved on to the bachelor night. The recollection of it tickled you, even with Molly in the story. It was a rather hilarious night, while Sherlock had tried to control their party, you’d treated Mary to a night of drinking, clubs, dancing, and then back at their house, loads of gifts.
He finally reeled in the speech to an almost close, as he said, "Ladies and gentlemen, pray charge your glasses and be upstanding. Today begin the adventures of Mary Elizabeth Watson and John Hamish Watson. The two reasons why every single one of us is ..."
But suddenly, he stopped, frozen. He stared forward a moment and you looked over at him, worried. Before you could react, he’d let go of his glass and it fell to the ground around your feet, shattering. You should’ve jumped back to protect your exposed feet, but your worry for Sherlock kicked into overdrive.
“Here today,” he finished. A waiter offered him another glass but you could tell, his demeanor had changed. It’d been subtle at first, but with every growing second it was more evident. Something was wrong.
“Ladies and gentlemen, people tell you not to milk a good speech – get off early, leave ’em laughing. Wise advice I’ll certainly try to bear in mind. But for now--" he put a hand on the table and launched over it. If you weren't so concerned for whatever was going wrong, it would've aroused you, that level of agility. “Part two! Part two is more acton-based. I’m gonna ... walk around, shake things up a bit. Who’d go to a wedding? That’s the question. Who would bother to go to any lengths to get themselves to a wedding? Well, everyone. Weddings are great! Love a wedding.”
Meanwhile, he was pacing up and down the tables, eyeing everyone.
You leaned over to John. “What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know, but something,” he acknowledged, both of you having your eyes on him. The two of you watched on in worried anticipation as he continued to pace. He muttered, mumbled, ranted, and rambled. He got Lestrade to leave to go to he bathroom.
You gasped. Someone was here. Something was going to happen. Something...fatal.
Just as you worked it out, Sherlock confirmed your fear by saying, “Oh! Ladies and gentlemen, can’t stand it when I finally get the chance to speak for once, Vatican Cameos.”
Those two words sent chills down your back. You knew very well what they meant, and John did too. He informed Mary and Sherlock seemed as if he was going to snap. In fact, he kind of did. He slapped himself twice and you couldn’t help but stand up, ready to go see if you could help him.
He continued to work out his theory aloud as he walked all over the room until he finally came up to the table and said, “Major Sholto is going to be killed. I don’t know how or why, but it’s going to happen.”
John kissed Mary, told her to stay there, then followed Sherlock. You and Mary looked at each other, speaking with your eyes for a brief moment before the two of you jumped up and traced their steps.
The four of you ran to the Major’s room as Sherlock explained that the man was in grave danger. However, he wouldn’t open the door for them. He demanded Sherlock solve it, but Sherlock claimed he couldn’t back then so he couldn’t now. John accused him of being a drama queen, and that unless ‘the game is on’ Sherlock can’t work properly. With this information, he was able to start sorting through possibilities, until he finally realized how he’d a murder had already been attempted on Major Sholto.
After reasoning with the Major, he finally opened the door and all of you rushed in to help him.
Forever Tag:
CC tag: @disneyoncerlover815 @ultrarebelheart @tngrayson @clairese1980 @ladyblablabla  @molethemollie
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selkie-elf · 6 years
Read the whole fic in AO3
This is the third chapter in my Taaktiz selkie fic “Song Of The Sea”. Find the warnings in AO3
“I’m sorry. I don’t think I understand. You already know who I am, I introduced myself yesterday, didn’t I ?” Kravitz asked, letting his fur fall all the way down. Before he could even notice Taako’s raising blush, he quickly settled the head of the seal on his lap. It might have been a while, but he remembered well how land creatures reacted to nudity.
“Yeah yeah I know your name and you know mine, but like… what are you? Are you like fairy folk or something. Why… why did you came here? Are you here to drown me?” Taako gulped down the lump in his throat and faced Kravitz again. He wasn’t even sure what he was feeling. Fear? Comfort? This was just too absurd. Kravitz giggled a bit, seemingly amused by Taako’s blushed face.
“ If I wanted you to drown, I had a perfect chance yesterday. Your mother never told you about selkies?” Kravitz asked, settling his hands on to his lap. Taako’s ear flinched at the word, but his expression didn’t change. “Not really. Me and momma didn’t really get along to be honest” Taako sighed. Kravitz noticed how the elves tail started to draw slow circles around. “But it seems you are familiar with the story?” “ My brother-in-law told me a bit. Beautiful people who can turn into seals,right?” Taako said and threw a fishbone to the waters below. Kravitz almost jumped after it, before realizing that he would only make himself look like a fool.
“Yeah. That’s like the basics” Kravitz said, nudging himself a bit closer to Taako, when he noticed that the elf had taken another fish from the basket and started to gut it.
“ So, what does mister “in reality I’m a greedy seal who likes to hang around near dangerous fishing nets” does on my deck? Are here just to beg for free fish?” Taako raised an eyebrow and threw a fish to Kravitz. Even in his human form the selkie still catched the fish with his mouth. Taako let out a small laugh when the man grabbed the fish like puppy would grab a ball his owner had just thrown at him. He took a gently bite of the raw fish. It seemed that even in his human form, his teeth were still the same sharp teeths of his other form.
“ I should ask that question from you. Like I’m pretty sure that you didn’t just call me to offer me free fish, though I’m not complaining” Kravitz smiled and took another bite. Taako could hear the sickening crunch of small bones as Kravitz continued with his meal. “And what do you mean by that? I think you can drop the “oh I’m a magical creature, wow at my presence”-act. I’d just like some answers” Taako groaned, feeling the blood drip down his hands. “ You cried seven tears in to sea. You called me and… it’s my duty to answer a call” there was a sense of hesitation in Kravitz’s voice. “And then you almost drowned and of course I had to help you but I know that wasn’t the only thing I need to do” “ So, you are here to help? With what?” Taako asked. Kravitz’s shoulders tensed up a bit. “ Well. I don’t know…” “ That’s okay. I don’t mind you hanging out near our deck, but please be careful. Sazed has nets all around, it would be a shame to find you one one day, all tangled up and drowned” Taako said calmly, concentrating on the fish.
Kravitz felt lost. Taako just sat quietly splashing his toes in the water, not even looking at him. An awkward silence rain over the two men as they just stared at the black water below them.
“So you have a husband?” Kravitz broke the silence. “Yeah. For a while now” Taako answered. “Was he the one that came look for you last night?” “Yeah. That’s Sazed”
“ Are you happy?”
Taako’s hands stopped. Kravitz gathered his fur around his hands, ready to jump to the sea. The knife in Taako’s hand looked sharp, making the scar on his back ache with a bad memory.
“I think. I’m not sure. I… we at least were happy” Taako dropped the knife by his side. The wedding ring on his finger was stained. He had not bothered to take it off for so long. Taako knew that if he took it off, he would see the beautiful carving of their wedding day and Sazed’s name inside the ring.
Their wedding had been nice and small. Not that many people had even been invited. Magnus with his wife, Barry, and even a rare sight, a Taako’s relative, Aunt Orchid with her two children had arrived to the wedding. The children had trouble staying in their seats while aunt Orchid had just watched the ceremony, not once putting out her pipe. In the end, most of the seats had been taken by Sazed’s friends. But Taako hadn’t mind it. It was still positive attention. And that surely was what he had needed. Sazed’s friends had cheered and clapped as the newlyweds had read the vows to each other in front of the priest. Sazed had looked handsome in his black suit, and for once in his life he had combed his hair. Taako had felt beautiful in his white dress, with a crown made of lupines on his hair. A much wanted change for the black skirt he had worn for the last couple of months.
“I do”, Taako had said. And he had not lied. That moment, Taako had truly believed that he would love Sazed forever. And when Sazed had leaned closer to kiss him, Taako had truly felt loved. They had made a promise to each other to stand by their side. Taako loved him. Taako loved him so much. He had already helped him through so much, and when Sazed had dropped to the his knee and promised to buy him a house on top of the hill, he had no other option than to say yes. He didn’t want to say anything else than “Yes”
Magnus had cried through the ceremony, sobbing uncontrollably with Julia patting him on the back. Taako was happy to see a small smile on Barry’s face when he had wiped away the corner of his eyes as he silently clapped. The children had been more interested in the table full of goodies that was waiting for the wedding guests.
Food had been, of course, Taako’s own cooking, and amazing as ever. Magnus and Julia had asked if Taako would be willing to do catering to their wedding as well and Taako had happily accepted offer.
Aunt Orchid had proceeded to complain about their choice of priest. A dirty, hippie looking fella with mud under his fingernails in her opinion was not a fitting choice for such a ceremony. Even when Taako had tried to explain that mister Highchurch was their friend and he much rather had his marriage blessed by a friend than a stranger Orchid had just turned her nose up and muttered something how she was not surprised that others of their family had not shown up. Taako really had wanted to shout something mean about hoping that none of them had shown up, but Sazed had asked him to dance.
While they had danced their wedding waltz, Barry had disappeared somewhere. Taako didn’t even realize it at first. His head was already spinning so much from the dancing and the alcohol, that one guest missing had hardly even passed his thoughts. Only when the others had joined the dance floor, giving Taako a good moment to rest his feet for a moment, had he noticed his brother in law missing. Magnus was too busy being spun in the air by Julia and Merle was in middle of a conversation with Orchid, which neither of them really seemed to enjoy. Taako looked around for awhile, before seeing the similar silhouette sitting in the shore.
“What the fuck are you doing now Barold?” Taako whispered to himself before starting to walk towards him. Taako knew that Barry wasn’t the biggest fan of big social gatherings, maybe he had just needed a breather? A small voice in Taako’s head however suggested a much worse scenario.
“How’s it going? Wanna go dancing?” Taako smiled. He would have sat next to Barry but he had not wanted his beautiful dress to get dirty.
“Oh Taako. Sorry. I just needed some time. I’ll be back soon”, Barry muttered. Taako sighed and patted Barry on the back.
“If you want to go to take a nap, there is a bed in the guestroom. You’ve drank quite a lot Barold” he said. Barry’s shoulders quietly trembled under his hands and his hand was holding his necklace close to his heart.
“ Do… do you think if I had proposed she would have said yes?” Barry whimpered, staring at his feet, avoiding Taako as much as he could.
“I’m sure she would have carried you down the aisle immediately”, Taako answered. He tried to keep his voice nice and even. This was his day. Last two ceremonies that he had attended had been in honor of his sister. They had been ceremonies to cry about her. This was supposed to be his day. His day to be happy.
“ She would have looked beautiful”, Barry sighed. Taako nodded. Yeah sure they had had plans. A double wedding. Both Taako and her throwing their bouquets at the same time. They would have celebrated and been so loud that their happiness could be heard all the way from mainland. They would have so happy.
So what? Plans had changed. Taako still wanted to be happy.
“Okay Barry. You know what? Sit here as long as you want. Come back when you are not making me sad anymore” Taako said dismissively and started to walk away, tears prickling in the corners of his eyes.
“Taako, I didn’t mean…”
“Well then what the hell was your objective!? I’ve spent last half a year wallowing in my sorrow. Yes she is fucking gone and you were to much of a coward to ask her to marry you. That’s not my fault! Fucking let me be happy!” Taako’s hand fisted on his wedding dress as he tried to calm his breath.
“ Do you really think Lup would had wanted us to cry about her death on my wedding day? This is my fucking day. Don’t ruin it for me!”
Taako flinched under the sudden touch. His fingers were still wrapped around the wedding ring, tear flowing slowly from his eyes.
“Oh my gods, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to. I- I shouldn’t have asked! It’s just that usually when people call for selkies, they... “ Kravitz started to ramble, clumsily wiping Taako’s face with the back of his hand. Taako’s hands grabbed the selkie’s wrist gently. A small smile crept on to Taako’s face as he placed one Kravitz’s hands on his own cheek.
“It’s okay. It’s just..it’s been awhile since I have thought about that day” Taako sniffed. “I’m sorry Taako, I didn’t want you to feel bad” Kravitz whispered, leaning just an inch closer. “ It’s okay. But going back to your original question...I’m not sure. I can tell you the day I fell in love with him. I could tell you how much I did love him. It’s much more harder to pinpoint the day that I...didn’t anymore.” Now Taako found Kravitz’s hands gently combing his hair. It was something that Sazed had done a lot after Lup’s death. A familiar feeling of comfort and safeness.
“Taako?” Kravitz asked carefully, when the elves breaths had started to become steadier again. The elves grip on his wrist had started to ease, before he finally dropped his hands by his sides. “ Taako. I want you to know that… I’m here to help. I don’t know how to, yet...but I’ll be here” Kravitz’s voice was calm and gentle. Sincere. Taako wanted to believe him. “Okay” Taako sniffed, leaning his head to Kravitz’s bare chest. He could hear Kravitz’s pulse starting to raise, as the selkie’s hands wrapped around his back. “I’ll have to go soon. Is it okay if I visit in the evening?” Kravitz asked, drawing slow circles on Taako’s back. “No, Sazed will be home. He is leaving tomorrow morning. He wants us to spent the evening together” Taako muttered. Kravitz nodded lifting Taako’s chin up with his thumb and index finger. “ Would the night be okay then?” he asked. Taako smiled, bit unsure “ I think that I can make up a lie to excuse myself for a nightly walk. I’ll bring the storm lantern. If Sazed wants to come with me, I won’t bring the lantern ” Taako explained, nudging himself from Kravitz’s embrace. “I’ll keep that in mind” Kravitz said, gathering his fur around his body again. “But you’ll come back, promise? I still want to know more about mister sharp teeth” Taako asked, reaching for the knife again. He knew that any minute, Sazed could come back home, and he still had a lot to do. Kravitz nodded, almost bowing his head to Taako. “I promise”
Kravitz pulled the hood of his fur over his head. Taako watched in awe as the seals eyes, that had been empty just a second ago, were now filled with the golden glimmer. And in a loud splash, he was gone.
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justanoutlawfic · 6 years
Resurrected: Sometimes Goodbye’s A Second Chance
Summary: Robin and Regina go on their second first date. (Definitely NSFW)
Also on AO3
Regina had never been the type of person to want a sister. She knew herself quite well and a sibling would’ve just gotten in the way, especially a sister. Even so, the closest she ever felt to having one was when her father married Ruth, which gave her David as a step-brother and Mary Margaret as a sister-in-law. Mary Margaret was vibrant and always just a little too happy, but she always meant well. She spoiled the kids rotten and Regina knew that during her time away, Mary Margaret had helped a lot.
After they returned from vacation, Regina called Mary Margaret to ask if the kids could spend the night at her place so she and Robin could go on a date. All of the above was why when Mary Margaret screamed-nearly deafening her-and asked if she could come over to help her get ready, Regina said yes. David came by to pick up the kids and Mary Margaret stayed, under the guise that she wanted some help with planning Emma’s 16thbirthday party. They didn’t seem any wiser, spending the night at their aunt and uncle’s was a treat for them. Neal and Roland were around the same age, Henry wasn’t that far off from Emma so they could play video games and Margot loved to play with their numerous animals.
“Where is he taking you?” Mary Margaret asked, opening up the closet. Regina stood close behind her. The two women had varying styles and while she didn’t think Mary Margaret would send her out in a cardigan and pink dress, she had to be sure.
“I don’t know,” Regina admitted. “All he said is that we’re going out of town, to make sure that it doesn’t get back to the kids just yet. Speaking of which…”
“David isn’t going to tell them and neither am I. I get it, you know? We didn’t tell Neal about Emma until we were sure that she would be able to stay with us long term.”
“How did all of that work out?” Regina leaned in the doorway, watching her rifle through the clothes. “I mean, when I left, Emma wasn’t entirely sure she wanted to be adopted.”
Mary Margaret smiled. “She didn’t and David and I were fine with that. We didn’t need the piece of paper. Then one day she took off with this boy in her Science class, they went on some road trip and when they came back it was like everything had changed. She wanted to be a part of our family, officially.”
“That’s really great.”
“It is. When we found out we couldn’t have more kids after Neal, we were pretty devastated. Now I feel like Emma was born to be my daughter, even if it took her 10 years to get to me.” Regina watched as she blinked away the tears, Mary Margaret was such an easy crier. “So, are you nervous?”
Regina paused. She wasn’t sure the right answer to that question. She had been on dates with Robin before, but it had been so long. There was no going back to the way things had been before, she knew that. Regina wasn’t walking into things thinking that they would separate. This was a sure thing. Yet, there were butterflies in her stomach.
“A little,” Regina admitted. “Which is weird. He’s my husband, well…ex-husband.”
“That’s all just paperwork. You two will be marching down the aisle again in no time.”
“We still have a bit of ways to go before that.”
“You’re the couple that got engaged within 6 months of knowing each other.”
“We were different then, younger. A lot changed during our time apart.”
Mary Margaret sighed, shaking her head. “I get why you two have stayed separated this past year, but this isn’t really a second chance. Yes, you’re rebuilding your relationship but you know how this is going to end.” She held out a black dress for Regina to inspect and the latter made a face, it was a bit too formal. Mary Margaret nodded and returned to the clothes. “Speaking of which, are you on the pill?”
Regina’s eyes nearly bulged out of her sockets. “Mary Margaret!”
“Well, if you’re nowhere near ready for marriage, something tells me you’re not for another baby either.”
“Well, I mean…I wasn’t even…”
Mary Margaret fixed her with a look and she sighed. The truth was, of course sex was on her mind. If Robin wanted to do it, she’d be more than happy. She just wasn’t sure if it was what he wanted.
“I haven’t exactly had a reason to be on the pill these last four years. He kind of sprung this on me unexpectedly, so I haven’t had time to make an appointment with my gynecologist to get on anything again.”
“Then did you buy condoms?”
Blush tinted Regina’s cheeks. “I did.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re really blunt?”
“I get it from my mother, here try this on.” Mary Margaret thrusted a red dress in her direction. “I want to see if I can find some shoes to match it.”
By the time Robin got home from his secret errand, she and Mary Margaret had landed on an outfit. The latter left the house only minutes before he arrived, leaving her to put the finishing touches on her makeup. They had decided on a dress that had a white top with a flowy blue skirt. She had decided to not wear any jewelry, just as she had on their first date.
“Regina?” Robin’s voice carried from the entry way. “Are you ready?”
“Yeah!” She called back. “Just give me one second!”
Regina stared at herself in her vanity mirror, letting a breath escape her lips. It was time to go on a first date with Robin Locksley-Mills…for the second time.
She walked out of the room and into the foyer where he stood. She hadn’t seen him before he left, but he looked very handsome in his grey button down with black slacks. Robin had trimmed up his beard and ran a comb through his hair, the scent of his signature forest cologne radiating off of him.
“You clean up nice,” she whispered.
The smile wouldn’t leave Robin’s face. “You look beautiful, milady.” He took a step forward and extended a bouquet of daisies, with feathers mixed in there. She accepted them into her hands, running her fingers over one of the quills.
“Flowers, you shouldn’t have.”
“It’s a first date. I know you’re not a roses girl.”
“And how would you know that if this is a first date?” Regina teased, smirking a bit.
Robin rolled his eyes. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yup. The kids are with Mary Margaret and David, so we’re all set.”
Regina put the flowers in a vase and the two headed off. For a few minutes, she didn’t even think about where they were going. She simply sat in the passenger seat of his car, taking in how beautiful the night was.
“So,” she said after a few minutes. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see.”
“If you’re really trying to recreate our first date, I’m gonna be a bit grouchy driving six hours to get a bite to eat.”
Robin laughed, shaking his head. “I’m not trying to recreate anything. This is about making new memories.”
“Do you remember our first date?”
“Which one, we always argued if the coffee counted.”
“I still say it did.”
“It didn’t. I took you out to celebrate you placing second in the talent show, but that was it. We didn’t even drive together. Was half afraid you wouldn’t show.”
“I don’t know, I assumed it was.”
“No, our first date was at Contois Tavern. I picked you up at your dorm and you wore that little black dress. Cecelia practically asked me every question in the book about you.”
“She was a protective roommate, sue her.”
“You ordered a martini and knew just how you liked it, I thought that was the most sexy thing in the world.”
Regina tilted her head. He had never said that. “Really?”
“Yup. Where I was from, people didn’t even order martinis. Beers, maybe a margarita. You were so confident, so sure of yourself. You told me all about your plans and I realized how badly I wanted to fit into them.”
Regina felt her heart flutter a little bit. “And you did, with ease.” After spending so long thinking that Robin hated her, it was really nice to hear all of the reasons why he had fallen in love with her in the first place.
It was another half hour before they reached their destination. They were at a beautiful seafood restaurant, overlooking the water. Regina had been there with clients a couple of times before she had to go away and always had wanted to take Robin, but there had just never been the right moment. He opened her door for her and together, they walked arm in arm inside. Robin had called ahead, making sure they had a table with a view. She ordered more adventurously, getting the spicy lobster bisque to start with the shrimp and scallop risotto as an entrée. Robin went with the classic surf and turf.
“I can’t believe you’re getting steak at a seafood place,” Regina teased, taking a sip of her white wine.
“I like steak,” he defended himself, shaking his head. “You act like that’s crazy.”
“It just reminds me of the time my dad and I took you to that Japanese place in New York and you ordered a hamburger.”
“Oh God, I was so nervous,” Robin chuckled. “I wanted to impress him so badly but it was the only thing I thought I could stomach on the menu.”
“He loved you right away. Wouldn’t stop talking about you for hours, said I’d…” She cleared her throat, getting a little misty eyed. “Said I’d be an idiot if I let you go.”
Robin reached over and grasped her hand. “Well, we’re back. You also weren’t an idiot, you were protecting us.”
“Still…the fact that we’re here again…”
“We never ate here before.”
Regina rolled her eyes, sniffling a bit as she did so. “For a while, I wondered if we ever would. When I saw you with Kathryn…” She shrugged. “I guess I just assumed it was over.”
“For a bit there, I almost did too.”
“What changed? I mean, outside finding out she lied to you.”
“Honestly? The second time we had sex, the only way I could get off was by fantasizing of you.”
Regina nearly choked on her wine, causing the waiter to give her a worried look as he delivered the soup and salad. She waved him off, taking a long sip of her water.
“Are you serious?”
His cheeks pinked a bit. “Yeah.”
“Wow. That wasn’t the answer I was expecting.”
“Does it make me sound like a terrible person?”
“No. It makes you sound human.”
“I should’ve broken things off with her long before I did. She didn’t deserve to be lead on.”
“She didn’t, but we all make mistakes. I more than anyone know that.”
“Did you…did you feel anything for the man you went out with? What was his name?”
“Baron Samdi, and no. He was nice, charming, knew all the right things to say…but he wasn’t you. I knew I’d never find someone like you, but it was then I realized that you were it. Even if I couldn’t go back, you were the one that I wanted.”
“After Kathryn, I felt the same. I knew I wasn’t going to date anyone else. I just wasn’t ready to come back to yet.”
“I understand why you took the 10 months, Robin, I do. If we had jumped back into things like nothing ever happened, it’d be a disaster. It wasn’t just you that wasn’t ready. Even if I thought I was, we needed the space emotionally.”
“And now?”
“Now,” she raised her wine to touch his beer. “I’m ready if you are.”
Robin smiled, their glasses clinking. “I’m all in.”
Dinner left both of them stuffed, though they managed to get some cheesecake in for dessert. After the meal, they took a moonlit stroll on the boardwalk until the wind go to be too much. They drove back to the house and lingered on the front steps. David had texted Robin to confirm that Margot was asleep, while the boys and Emma had hunkered down in the living room to watch some Harry Potter. They were coming back to an empty house, with an equally empty second floor. Robin could feel the condoms burning a hole in his pocket, but he didn’t want to be presumptuous.
“I had a lot of fun tonight,” he said.
Regina nodded, the smile hadn’t left her face since they cheered to a new start. “Yeah, so did I.”
“You know, if this was really our first date, we’d stand here awkwardly…eventually I’d kiss you on the cheek and you’d go inside. I’d kick myself for not giving you one on the lips and go vent to Will…”
“Except this isn’t college or our first date, this is our house and Will is all the way across town. Unless you’d rather go talk to him than kiss me right now.”
Robin let out a deep breath, before cupping her face and kissing her. It was the first time in nearly four years and yet it felt like riding a bike. The same electricity sparked through his veins, her tongue slipping inside of his mouth. He pushed her up against the door, his hands moving slowly around her waist. By the time they pulled apart for air, they were panting and looking into one another’s eyes.
“I have protection,” he whispered.
“I have backup.”
“So…you’re okay with this?”
“Robin, I have been waiting for this for four years.”
He fumbled through his pocket and pulled out the key. They alternated between kissing and taking off each other’s clothes as they walked up the stairs to the bedroom they once shared. By the time they arrived, Robin was shirtless and Regina’s dress had been discarded somewhere around the 5th step. He lifted her into his arms and she wrapped her legs around his waist, running her fingers through his hair.
“I love you,” he told her.
“I love you too.”
Robin laid her down on the bed and she undid his belt before sliding down his pants, followed by his boxers. He took care of her strapless black bra and matching panties, leaving both stark naked (bar his condom). Robin started kissing her once more, slowly going downwards. Without even thinking about it, he left several love bites all over her body.
His cock was getting hard, but he internally cursed himself to be patient as he finally reached her thighs. He ran his tongue over them and could practically feel the chill that ran down her spine. Robin ran his fingers over her freshly shaven pussy, reveling in the moan that escaped her lips as a result.
“That’s not the part of you I want there,” she panted
“What is it that you want, milady?”
“Don’t tease me or I’ll make you regret it.”
Robin let out a laugh before straddling her, running his finger over her chin. God, she looked beautiful. Her breasts hung a bit lower and she had loose skin from three kids, but the stretchmarks and C-Section scar were sexy in his mind. They showed that she had given him three of the greatest gifts that she could ever imagine, that she had been brave and done more than he ever could. He placed a kiss to each of them, before finally allowing his tip to just ever so slightly enter her.
Regina’s hips shook as he made his way in, the two moving together just as they had before. It was clear she had been worried about how much time had passed and it was a bit awkward at first, but soon she was completely into it. Robin leaned downwards, giving her tiny kisses in between, both grunting and being as loud as they wanted given the state of their home. He held off the cum for as long as he could, but she was getting increasingly wet by the minute herself.
Just as he came, she let out a scream of ecstasy. He fell beside her, his chest heaving up and down. Looking over at Regina, he saw that hers was doing the same thing. He took care of himself before moving closer and wrapping his arms around her bare body. She rolled over, cuddling into his chest.
“Don’t go downstairs tonight,” he whispered. She looked up at him, an eyebrow raised. “I’ve…I’ve gone to bed the last 3 years and 10 months by myself. I don’t want that anymore. When I wake up tomorrow, I want you to be there.”
Regina nodded. “I’d like nothing more than to stay in this bed with you.”
“I know we still have stuff to work out, but this just feels right.”
“It does.”
That night when Robin fell asleep, he had his arms around someone. Not just any someone, but the woman he loved more than anything in the world.
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sunsetinmyvein · 6 years
Just Off the Key of Reason - Chapter One - Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?
Monday, 5th of March, 2007 – Boston, Massachusetts
The trip to Boston had mostly passed in silence. She had sat on the back bench of the bus working on paperwork given to her by the label while the rest of them did their own thing. Pete scrawled in his notebook, Patrick listened to music, and Joe and Andy chatted happily at the front of the bus, too far away for her to hear the conversation properly over the music coming from the radio. They had set out somewhat early that morning so that they could sleep well and continue the drive to the venue the next day. Patrick’s older brother lived in the middle of the two cities and had been happy to let them crash at his house while he was away for the week with work. After a few hours of driving they pulled up for their first rest stop to refuel the bus and themselves. Joe was the first to make the brisk jog to the bathroom, and while the others waited for their turn they stood around the small aisles of the glorified gas station convenience store. A pair of blue tinted sunglasses instantly caught Pete’s attention and he strolled away from his two band mates to investigate. He took off his own and tried them on, admiring himself briefly in the small mirror attached to the stand before coming to the decision that he wanted them. Taking a quick glance at the price tag hanging off the side, he ripped it off and slipped his old sunglasses into his pocket. Suddenly he felt a presence standing behind him, so he busied himself examining the rest of the sunglasses on display.
“I don’t think you came in with those.” She spoke up from behind him. He spun on the ball of his foot to face her, seeing the look of disapproval etched into her features.
“I’ve had these for ages.” He lied with an easy shrug.
“Really, now?” She asked, her gaze flicking to the price tag lying by Pete’s feet.
“Put them back.” She ordered, leaning down to pick up the tag and hold it out to him.
“No.” He frowned, pushing them further up the bridge of his nose for emphasis.
“Yes, Peter.” She growled. He could tell she wouldn’t budge, so he opted to change his tactic.
“Pete,” He corrected, turning on his charming smile as he lowered the glasses to make eye contact. “Babe, don’t you want me to look my best? You’re the one who has to look at me every day.” He purred, taking a step towards her and placing a hand on her waist. She only looked up at him, so he continued. “I could get you something too.” He offered, moving close to her ear so that he could whisper and place a kiss on her cheek. For a moment she didn’t react, so he held his ground, knowing full well that girls always fell for his charms. She ran a hand up his chest and moved her head slightly so that they were close enough to feel their breath mingling between them. He was instantly silently celebrating his success as he leaned in for the kiss. But before he could close the distance, her hand shot up and pulled the glasses away from his face faster than he could even comprehend what she’d done. There was no opportunity for him to object as she marched to the counter and placed the glasses and the price tag in front of the cashier, apologising briefly before calling them all back out to the bus. He cursed under his breath, annoyed that he’d been so easily tricked into giving them up. As a move of revenge on the way out, he snatched a candy bar and slipped it into his pocket. But he swore he saw her paying for it at the till through the bus window as he moved back into his seat.
 It was another few hours before they made it to Patrick’s brothers’ house. It was a small, family home tucked into a suburban neighbourhood with all the usual trimmings; a white picket fence wrapped around the property and a small wooden porch sat out the front with a bench next to the entryway. They felt a bit like they were walking into a movie set with how perfect it looked. Patrick walked up to the door, grabbing the key from above the frame before letting them into the house. The inside was just as sickly sweet as the outside. They were greeted with a staircase as soon as they entered, family portraits lining the wall on the way up. To their left was a living room with a fireplace and a large couch. Further in the back a kitchen could be seen and it was assumed all the bedrooms were upstairs. Thankfully, Patrick’s brother had a relatively large family and everyone could have their own room for the night, but all of them felt a little bit uneasy in the house, like they were intruding even though nobody was home. Pete in particular felt out of place. He was never one for the middle of the road life, and staying in a house like this only made him remember why. Everything seemed so fake to him; the smiles in the posed family photos, the way everything was ridiculously clean and most importantly, the fact that the place seemed like people didn’t actually live here. Andy meanwhile looked mostly at home, though part of him felt the tension as well, albeit for different reasons. Part of him had always wondered what it would be like if he hadn’t chosen this path, and as he examined the obviously meaningful trophies and Knick-knacks placed carefully on top of the mantle, he felt a bit bittersweet that he might never have a life like this for himself. After a few silent minutes of contemplation from everyone, Patrick finally spoke up.
“I’ll stay in my brothers’ room; all of the others are fairly similar but you guys should probably go up and pick where you want to sleep. He told me there was a casserole in the fridge with instructions on how to cook it, so I guess I’ll go work out how to use their oven.” He said with a small smile before moving into the kitchen.
 It turned out Patrick’s sister-in-law was a very good cook, and Patrick himself was handy enough with an oven to work out how to not ruin her hard work that she had left for them. The meal was mostly quiet, excluding the odd comment about their show tomorrow night every now and again. By the time they had finished, most of them were happy to turn in for the night, tired for being stuck in the bus all day.
“I might hit the hay.” She yawned.
“Yeah, I’m beat.” Joe added, running a hand through his hair. Andy nodded in agreement, pushing his chair out from the dining room table to stretch slightly.
“I’m gonna make sure my guitar is ready for tomorrow. I’ll see you guys in the morning.” Patrick said from the kitchen as he finished drying the dishes.
“Yeah, I should probably tune my bass.” Pete sighed, standing up to retrieve it from the bus. The singer watched from the sink as everyone slowly filed upstairs.
“Hey,” He heard her call from the stairwell. He looked up from the dishes to meet her gaze down the hall. “Don’t stay up too late.” She flashed him a friendly smile and he nodded in response. “And Pete?” She called as he stepped back into the household. He hummed in response as he shut the door behind him. “Don’t break anything.” She added before continuing up the stairs to her room for the night.
“DoN’t BrEaK aNyThInG.” He mocked under his breath.  
 Patrick had insisted on leaving the house how they had found it, wanting to make sure that everything was clean before taking care of his guitar. After a very long hour of waiting for the bassist, he and Patrick soon found themselves sitting in the front lounge room. Pete had a look of deep concentration on his face as he tried to tune his bass by ear, in the end snatching Patrick’s tuner and doing it properly. “I feel like we should go talk to her.” Patrick said quietly, plucking one of the strings lightly before twisting the peg a touch to the left.  
“Why?” Pete grumbled, slipping his bass back into its bag.
“Because she’s going to be hanging around for like… half a year?” He scoffed. “Do you really want to be angry at someone for that long?” Instantly he regretted his words, because he knew that Pete would relish in that. Pete liked being angry at people. It gave him a reason to be a dick and not feel bad about it, to cut out people who were too much effort. More often than not, it was just easier for him to find reasons to be angry at someone than it was for him to compromise the parts of his personality required to maintain friendships.
“Is that a challenge?” Pete grinned deviously.
“No, Pete…” Patrick sighed. “Just… cut her some slack. She’s only doing her job.” He strummed a few notes, making sure he was content with how his Gretsch sounded before placing it back in the carry case.
“Yeah, well her job is fucking annoying.”  He spat.
 Tuesday, 6th of March, 2007 – Boston, Massachusetts
They left early the following morning to get to the venue with plenty of time to set up for the show. Andy and Joe were happy to split the final eight-hour shift at the wheel, while the other three members of the road trip crew continued the journey in silence. They arrived with three hours before the show, but most of that time was used up in unloading their equipment from the bus and sound checking. They only had just over half an hour to sit down and mentally prepare for the crowd they would be facing. When the time came for them to take the stage, she stood on the sidelines and watched them play. It was undeniable that they put on a good show, and their songs sounded just as good live as they did on disc, if not better. She had wondered if Patrick’s voice was altered at all in their tracks to hit some of the notes that he did in songs, but she was surprised to see that he could hold up to all his own music when it was played live. Joe was happy to get the crowd into it, always jumping and spinning and putting as much energy as he could into all his movements. Andy seemed content to sit behind his kit at the back of the stage and not have to engage with the crowd, but the look in his eyes suggested that he was in his element. And Pete… Pete was just constantly a worry. At one point throughout the show he swung his bass around his shoulders so hard that from the sidelines she could just picture the strap snapping and it crashing into their equipment. Or worse, a part of the venue that the label would have to pay to fix. During another song he leapt off an amp with so much force that it nearly tumbled off the stage into the crowd. When they stepped off the stage for their short break before the encore, she made a beeline for him.
 “Be more careful with your bass.” She scolded. He looked down at her from over his bottle of water, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he pulled it away.
“What?” He frowned as he placed the bottle next to him.
“How you were swinging it around out there and jumping off stuff, it’s not a cheap instrument.” She elaborated as Andy caught wind of the conversation and slowly made his way over.
“It’s my bass.” He reminded.
“That your label bought for you.” She countered. He stood there for a moment, trying his best not to reach out and punch her in the face.
“Don’t fucking tell me how to do my job.” He growled.
“I’m not telling you how to play, I’m just telling you not to-”
“Break anything? Steal anything? Cost the label any more than the bare minimum they want to offer me? I know! I fucking know!” He yelled as he took a menacing step towards her. Andy quickly grabbed Pete’s arm and pulled him towards the stage.
“Come on, we’re back on.” He said, trying to diffuse the situation. As they walked out for their final few songs, the crowd went wild. Pete made sure she was looking straight at him as he kicked a hole through one of their amps in the last number, shooting her a sarcastic smile.  
 The show was a hit with the fans and the band decided to spend a few minutes by the back door, posing for pictures and signing items. By the time they had finally made their way back inside and loaded all the equipment into the bus, it was just after midnight. Patrick walked down the empty halls of the venue, trying to make sure that they hadn’t missed anything before setting off to their next stop in New York. As he rounded the corner he saw a familiar figure sitting on the edge of the stage. “Sorry that the guys haven’t been very… sociable.” He apologised with a sheepish smile, making his way over to her.  
“It’s all right,” She shrugged, looking up at him. He noticed that she had been reading as he moved to sit next to her. “I can’t say I’d like it if I was told I was going to be stuck with someone I didn’t like day in, day out either.” She shut the book in her lap, turning to face him.
“No, no, no, I’m sure it’s not that,” Patrick assured, although the voice in the back of his mind told him that Pete and Joe were probably not overly fond of her. “They just don’t know you yet!”
“And you do?” She asked with a smirk. He paused for a moment, adjusting his glasses as he tried to think of an answer.
“Well, no… I, uh…” He stumbled as he scratched at one of his sideburns anxiously. “You seem cool. I’m not about to write you off just because you got stuck with us. The fact that you’ve put Pete in his place a few times already says a lot about you. Most women would’ve fallen prey to his charm instantly.” He chuckled.
“Thanks, Pat.” She smiled at him, making him freeze for a moment at the new nickname. Nobody had called him that in years, he was pretty sure the last person that had called him Pat had been yelled at so badly that nobody dared to bring it up again. It was a name that he only allowed for family members because he felt bad whenever he told them off for using it, and his grandma also seemed to constantly forget that he didn’t like it. But as he looked at the girl sitting across from him, he felt like maybe it didn’t sound so bad this one time and decided to let it slide.
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Continuing Travels of Cophine, Part 2.2
It’s on Ao3 here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/13525500
And Part 1 is here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12116799
They stayed in Fès for five more days, checking and rechecking every establishment they could enter for a glimpse or of information about Malika, the clone who allegedly lived there. There was a woman in a perfume shop who said she knew Malika, but hadn't seen her in years, and she had no contact information for her. She also spoke very little English, so Delphine handled the entire conversation.
“Et ses parents?” Delphine asked.
The saleswoman shook her head. “Non.” Then she rattled off a string of Moroccan French that Cosima caught pieces of, like “school” and “away,” though the hand motions helped a lot with that one.
“She says Malika's parents moved away a long time ago,” Delphine told her when they left the shop. “She last saw Malika in 2002 or 2003 maybe, and they were never very close. They went to school together, nothing more.”
Cosima leaned against a wall outside the shop and sighed. “We could check the police station again.”
“What? They might have something.”
“If they had something, they would have called us.”
Cosima chewed on a hangnail and shook her head. “I don't know that they would. It's not like we're a super high priority for them, you know?”
“We've been there twice.”
“A third time won't hurt anybody. Come on.”
Delphine rolled her head to one side, but Cosima was already walking away. An hour later, they sat in the police station, in front of the same officer they'd seen each previous time.
“No, madam, there is no record of her on file.”
“Could you check again, please?” Cosima asked.
“I said, could you check again, please? Check to see if she's on file anywhere. Any file, for any reason.”
He did so, and came back empty handed. “As I said, madam, there is no record of her. Perhaps you should check your own files.”
Cosima rubbed her tongue over her teeth to keep a retort from coming out, and allowed Delphine to lead her out of the station. “I'll show him where he can stick his damn files,” she muttered as soon as she could.
“No, you won't, chérie.”
Chilly, sandy wind stung their faces, so Delphine took them into a little restaurant across the street from the station. While they waited for their food, Cosima rested her head in her hands. This hadn't happened before. They'd always had leads before. Always. Even when they needed to travel around some more to find a sister, they had always found her, or gotten some clue about where she was, even if it was as broad as “She's in Asia for the semester” or “She's gone to the mountains for a while.” There had always been something.
“Cosima...” Delphine wrapped her fingers around Cosima's forearms. “I don't think she's here.”
“Yeah, I'm getting that impression too.”
“That doesn't mean she doesn't exist.”
“Right, but she could be anywhere.” She looked up at Delphine. “Like, literally anywhere.”
“Correct. Which means... we should leave.”
Leave. Leave Fès and Morocco behind. Leave the only address they had for Malika behind.
“Art still has translators in Toronto looking for all the sisters, including her. But, we've been here eight days,” Delphine reminded her. “That's three days longer than-”
“Look, I know. I know we agreed to five days only, but that was back in Nicaragua, and we found Dalia's parents in time, so it all worked out.”
“Yes...” Delphine had that look of forced patience on her face. “It did all work out. But Cosima, what do you think we can accomplish by staying in this city? We have no leads. We're not helping anyone by being here, and we've had to change hotel rooms twice.”
“Yeah, I was there, thanks.”
Delphine was right, too. They had looked everywhere, talked to everyone. There were no rocks left to look under, no more people with the same last name left to question. By now, a third of the population had Cosima's picture on their phones and Delphine's information card in their pockets. She let out a long breath and checked the time.
“We'll have to hurry if we want to check out of the hotel in time.”
Delphine smiled at her. “I'll call and ask for an extension.”
* * *
After the failure of Fès, the clones in Oran and Saïda, their first stops in Algeria, were a breeze. They went to their appointments and Delphine stuck needles in them, and everyone walked away with what they thought they wanted. While Delphine was at the clinics, Cosima went to cafés and shops, still asking for Malika. She tried asking in French, which led the Algerians to laugh or cock their heads in confusion, and either walk away or switch into English for her if they could. Her Arabic was so poor it wasn't even worth trying.
“She from here?” a woman at the drugstore asked. “Your sister, yes?”
“Yes, my sister. She's from Morocco, from Fès.”
“Ah, yes, Fès.” She rang up another customer before saying more. “Beautiful city.”
“So, do you recognize her?”
“No. Sorry. You try Fès next, okay?”
* * *
Their next stop was Algiers, the capital, where two clones awaited them. This time, Cosima got the aisle seat on the bus, and stayed awake as much as possible to be their eyes and ears while Delphine dozed against the window. They arrived in Algiers at 2:30 in the morning as 7 degree C winds flapped their jackets around them on their walk from the bus station to the hotel. Inside the hotel, the lobby was bright, well-furnished, and devoid of any human activity. Cosima rang the bell and they both tried to stay upright.
The clerk appeared, a young man trying to grow a mustache with limited success, whose name tag read Taoufik.
“Oui?” he said.
Delphine responded in French, holding their credit card next to her face and saying that they'd reserved un chambre under the name Dr. Cormier. The clerk's face didn't change, but he tapped at a computer, and a few minutes later they had a set of key cards for room 144. Taoufik slipped back into the back room before Cosima even picked up her luggage.
When they got in the room, they stood in the entryway and stared at the two twin beds positioned about a meter apart, with a nightstand and lamp between them. “This again,” Cosima muttered.
Delphine stepped around her to put her bag on the bed near the window. “I'll take this one.”
“We're going to let it slide here, aren't we?”
“Unless you feel like risking a prison sentence, yes, I think we should.”
Cosima stretched her arms and rolled her head around on her shoulders. She needed a hot shower, a deep tissue massage, and a hot alcoholic beverage. “You know, when I was 18, gay sex was illegal in Virginia, too, but that didn't stop me from banging my girlfriend there over summer break.”
“That's in the US. The US is not Algeria.”
“No, but I'm just saying, laws and day-to-day life aren't always in sync.”
Delphine walked past her to the bathroom. “If you want to go downstairs to explain to Taoufik that we need one large bed, I won't stop you.”
“He probably doesn't speak English.”
Delphine poked her head around the doorframe. “I know. That's why I won't stop you.”
When she woke at 8, her eye sockets were pushing against her eyeballs. “Ngggghh.....” She reached out for Delphine, but found only the edge of the bed on both sides.
From somewhere outside of the bed, Delphine rustled around, zipping and unzipping bags, putting bottles on tables, and running into something solid with a loud “Putain!” The toilet flushed and water ran in the bathroom, and then a hand shook Cosima's shoulder.
“Hey. Are you getting up?”
She squinted as much as possible and pulled her head from the pillow. “Is that necessary?”
“Euh, well, you did say you had things you wanted to do today.”
“Like what?”
“Work on your dissertation, look around for Malika, email people.”
Cosima let her head fall back down. “Can that wait?”
Delphine put the back of her hand to Cosima's forehead. “Are you not well?”
“Nnnhhh... I don't know.”
“Well, I'm supposed to be at the clinic in fifteen minutes, so I do have to go.” She kissed Cosima's temple. “I'll see you later today. Call or text if you'll be out late, okay?”
The next time she woke, Delphine's fingers stroked her hair, and Delphine herself was sitting on the edge of her bed, dressed in her blue and white blouse and her dark blue slacks, with her hair pulled back into a bun. Cosima rolled over to face her.
“Hi,” she managed. Her throat was thick and sore.
“Hi. Have you been up at all?”
“Umm... no?”
“Hm.” Delphine checked Cosima's forehead again, then put her fingers against the underside of Cosima's jaw, which hurt like a bitch. “Sore throat?” Delphine asked.
“Yeah. What time is it?”
Delphine rose and fished around in her medical bag some. “It's a little after three.”
A little after three. In the afternoon. Cosima moved her tongue around inside her mouth, hating every surface it touched. The lights were too bright, and her bladder was about to explode. With tremendous effort, she crawled out of the bed and stumbled to the bathroom, where she bumped into the sink and very nearly didn't make it on time.
When she re-emerged, Delphine was sitting on her bed again, holding a thermometer. “Here,” she said.
She took the thermometer and stuck it under her tongue, leaning against Delphine while they waited for it to beep. Eyes closed, Cosima drifted off again and jumped when it finally beeped. Delphine took it out and held it up.
“Thirty-seven point five.”
“In Fahrenheit?”
Delphine paused. “In Fahrenheit it's ninety-nine point five. And you know Celsius quite well.”
Cosima stretched back out on the bed. She was more awake than she wanted to be, her throat ached, and none of her muscles wanted to move. “Maybe. It's not a fever, though.”
“Only a very mild one, and only because you've been asleep all day. If you'd been active it would be normal.” Delphine stroked her cheek and yawned. “You should keep resting, though. I'll get you something for your throat.”
She dozed off again, on top of the covers with her legs dangling off the bed. The door opening woke her this time, followed by Delphine dropping a bag from the drug store on the bed. Cosima sat up, rubbed her throat, and watched Delphine set bottles and bags on the nightstand.
“How do you feel?”
“Alert, but like my lymph nodes are made of concrete.”
“Here. Drink as much as you can.”
It was a 16 ounce bottle of water, but it felt like shards of glass going down. Still, her headache and drowsiness improved after a few minutes, so she put on her glasses and looked at the rest of Delphine's haul. There was Algerian Robitussin, NyQuil or its local equivalent, various bags of lozenges, multi-packs of pocket-sized hand sanitizers and tissues, assorted decongestants in pill form, vitamin C chewables, and a bottle of throat spray.
Delphine fell onto the other bed and got the contents from her other bags, which Cosima hadn't noticed until now. One had an eight-pack of Gatorade and some dried fruit, and the other had two styrofoam containers of soup. She passed one to Cosima.
“You're very sweet,” Cosima told her.
Delphine grunted, eating her soup on the edge of her bed. “Some of this is just planning ahead. It's only a matter of time before I get whatever it is you have, and we didn't have enough supplies to deal with both of us being sick.”
“Sharing is caring, yeah?”
* * *
The next day, while Delphine was in the neighboring Casbah district convincing another Leda to get her shot, Cosima stayed in the room. She slept in until 10 thanks to a full dose of NyQuil, ate some flatbread and hummus, and Skyped with Alison in her pajamas.
“Are you alright?” Alison asked immediately. “You look terrible!”
“Yeah, I'm a little sick.” As if to prove her point, her throat tickled, and she coughed unproductively into her elbow.
Alison's eyes went wide. “It's not... you're not... I mean...”
“It's not clone disease. Don't worry. Just a head cold. I don't even have a fever.”
Alison made little sympathetic noises. “It's a terrible way to spend Valentine's Day, though.”
“Valen-” Cosima froze and checked the date on her laptop. Sure enough, February 14th. That explained why Alison was wearing a heart-print sweater, and had red, white, and pink craft supplies in the background. “Fuck.”
“Don't tell me you forgot.”
“Well, we've been kind of busy.” She rubbed her forehead and ran through ideas in her head. There must be some place to buy flowers close by, or some other romantic little token that didn't take up too much space in a suitcase.
“Of course you have,” Alison agreed. “But it's the gesture that's important, not the scale. You're in Algeria now, aren't you?”
“Yes. Algiers until tomorrow morning, then a 10:30 bus to Skikda.” She dug her knuckles into her temples. At least she'd get to sleep for this six-hour trip.
“Well, go out and buy some flowers tonight!”
“What, and carry them with us tomorrow?”
Alison huffed. “I thought lesbians were supposed to be romantic.”
“Hard to be romantic with separate beds and a bitch of a head cold. What are you doing for Donnie?”
She straightened up and smiled. “He is taking me to this lovely little French bistro in town. I'll post some pictures online, so make sure you show Delphine.”
“Because she's French, silly!”
“Right. I'm sure she'll love to see pictures of your food.” More coughs interrupted her, and she gulped some more Gatorade. “Anyway, you didn't answer my question. What are you doing for Donnie?”
“I just told you, we're going to dinner.”
“You said he's taking you. What are you doing for him?”
Alison blinked several times and did not answer. On the table beside the laptop, Alison's phone rang, but she silenced it with an aggressive tap. Cosima, meanwhile, coughed some more, and Alison watched. “At least you're not coughing up blood anymore,” she said.
“Yeah. I wish I'd cough up something, though. It's kind of useless right now.”
“Well, take care of yourself. There's nothing pressing on this end of things, and it sounds like there's nothing new on yours except for your cold. And do something nice for Delphine! Don't let her know that you forgot.”
Cosima nodded. “A'right. Talk next week, yeah?”
Alison signed off, and Cosima closed her laptop with a sigh. Valentine's Day.
Last year, of course, they hadn't done Valentine's Day. Delphine hadn't returned from Geneva until later in February, and then they were too busy catching up with each other and taking down Neolution to care much about dates. This year, though, she didn't have that excuse.
Alison was right. She really did need to do something.
She pulled some clean clothes from her suitcase and carried them into the bathroom. Step one was to get clean, since she hadn't showered in more than two days. In the shower, she let the hot water beat against her chest and back, loosening up some of the mucus that had taken up residence there, and the steam worked its way into her sinus cavities to do the same. While she dried off and got dressed, her coughs wracked her body, until, at one point, she was bent over, hand on her chest, while her throat spasmed. Still, nothing but saliva came out.
“Fuck,” she croaked.
Her phone chirped with a message from Delphine. All done. I'll be back soon.
She pulled up Google Maps and searched around the hotel. In quick walking distance there were two computer stores, a mosque, a bakery, a bookstore, and four other hotels. She clicked on the bakery as more coughs came. Maps had nothing useful about it – a 3 star rating, an address, and a picture of a nondescript store front. Not worth the attempt.
Her throat burned, and more coughs forced their way out. She hadn't coughed this much, or this forcefully, in more than a year, and even in the pits of her illness the coughing fits had come and gone. She finished the bottle of Gatorade and searched for restaurants. It was a crap idea, but her only one. She and Delphine ate at restaurants all the goddamn time. Maybe there was an extra nice one around.
And of course, none of the restaurants had websites or menus posted. One of them had the word roi in the name, which could have been promising, but then, Burger King did, too. Another one said sardines, and a third called itself Le Meilleur Couscous
“The best couscous,” she said. “You're not really selling yourself to me with that. Sorry.”
She coughed some more. At this rate, she was starting to worry that she might actually cough up blood again because her throat was so raw. It didn't make for a romantic afternoon and evening, no matter what she decided to do.
On the nightstand by the box of tissues and the bottles of cold medicine, she spied the bright red throat spray Delphine had bought. If there was ever a time to try it, now was it. She skimmed the instructions, tore off the plastic and the cap, and opened her mouth as wide as possible. The first squirt hit the back of her tongue and tasted like a freshly opened vinyl shower curtain. She gagged and spasmed for a moment, then pulled herself back together. The back of her tongue buzzed.
Bottle of water in hand, she went to the bathroom. This time, as her tongue still revolted against the taste, she leaned towards the mirror and aimed with greater care for the back of her throat. Just as another cough threatened, she pushed down the top and shot a stream of medicine at the back of her mouth. It misted her tongue along the way but hit her pharynx spot on, coating the entire area and setting off her gag reflex. She threw a mouthful of water down after it to still the gagging, but it only spread the effect. Now her entire throat rippled and pushed upwards to keep it out. Swallowing wasn't possible. Breathing wasn't even possible. She grabbed at the wall and went to spit it out, but the spit became a retch, and she vomited crimson into the hotel sink.
For a second, she flashbacks of coughing up red in other sinks and surfaces, but another wave of gagging brought up the electric blue Gatorade from earlier that day, and the image was shot.
Once the retching stopped, she rinsed the majority of the mess down the drain and leaned against the wall, gasping for air. Her throat and tongue still prickled a little bit, but there was no more gagging.
The door opened then, and Delphine stuck her head in the bathroom. “Hello? Cosima? Are you okay?”
“What's wrong?” Delphine stepped in, still in her boots and coat, and saw the brightly colored specks on the edge of the sink.
“I don't think that's gonna work out for me,” Cosima said, pointing to the throat spray.
“No? Did it make you sick, then?”
“Yeah, kinda.”
Delphine sighed and rolled her head around. She'd had a headache that morning, but dismissed it as the result of a cheap pillow. The way she held her hand to her throat, though, made Cosima suspicious.
“Are you okay?” Cosima asked.
“Yes, I'm fine. I just, um, need to use the bathroom. Sorry.”
Cosima left and curled back up on the bed to cough some more, drinking more water as she did. She sat up again when Delphine re-emerged, hanging up her coat and removing her boots. “Does your head still hurt?”
Delphine nodded. “A little bit. It's nothing major. I am very tired, though.”
“How'd the cure go?”
“It was fine.” She pulled off her sweater and jeans, then unhooked her bra inside her shirt and pulled it out of one sleeve. “Her whole family was there. Thirteen all together, all of them getting flu shots. Her husband sat with us the whole time. He tried converting me to Islam.”
Cosima laughed, pausing to cough again. “That must've been fun.”
Delphine crawled under the covers of her bed in her underwear, T-shirt, and socks on. “He was very nice about it. I did learn a lot, actually.”
“Was it better or worse than Julia Luiz trying to save our souls for Jesus?”
“Better. Abdullah never touched me.”
That would make it better. Julia had put her hands on both of their heads for uncomfortable amounts of time while she prayed over them in. “No touching” seemed like a solid policy. “He might not be allowed to touch you.”
Delphine shook her head, her eyes already closed. “He's not. Whatever the reason, though, I'm not complaining about it. By the way, is it okay if we stay in tonight?”
“It is totally okay.”
Cosima watched her sink deeper into the bed. She changed back into her pajamas and turned out the lights after helping herself to another small dose of NyQuil. Delphine would nap better without Cosima coughing all the time, and Cosima might as well nap with her. Well, at the same time as her, at least. By the light on her cell phone, she stepped over to Delphine's bed and kissed her cheek.
“Happy Valentine's Day, Delphine.”
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Storybook (tom holland one shot)
Title: Storybook
Pairing: Tom Holland & Original Female Character
Rating: k (extreme fluff and adoreableness, light swearing, if any)
Words: 2,684
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a/n: based on the above photo. Basically, just read it to find out what it’s about. I saw the picture and was like “I know what to do and I’m super excited.”  I made this board on pintrest for some items mentioned in here. So you can check that out too. I’m probably going to make this into a series too and the fact that this one is the first one written is kind of ironic. But, anyways, enjoy. I’d love to hear feedback. If I do do more, let me know if you want to be tagged in the others. Thanks xx
               She was standing just on the other side of the doors. Music was playing on the other side of the doors. She just stood there. A white dress adorned her body and a light pink, almost white, flower crown sat on the top of her head. In her left hand was a bouquet of light pink roses and in her right hand was his dog leash, holding onto a light grey Staffordshire bull terrier, who was wearing a light pink flowered collar. She stood on the other side of the doors, nervousness eating up at her insides, not sure what to expect when the doors opened and she walked in.
               She stood outside the doors, loud music playing on the other side, his dog in one hand and flowers in the other. A flower crown sat perfectly on top of her head and a white dress adorned her body. She stood there, her eyes un-focusing slightly on the door.
               “This is exciting, isn’t it?” Her sister stepped into her view to get her out of her mind and into the real world. Of course, right now this isn’t the real world. This is supposed to be a storybook. A storybook she had read once a upon a time when she was a young girl. A storybook she read to her friends and younger sisters nearly a decade and a half ago. A storybook that she read to her close friend, who became her boyfriend, who became her fiancé, who’s becoming her husband. A storybook that this whole day is based upon.
               “Yeah, very exciting,” She smiled back and nodded. The Staffie pulled at the leash to get her attention on her. “Tessa,” The girl whined at his dog that was now standing in front of her. His dog’s tail was wagging like she was a helicopter about to take off. “What do you want, Girl? Do you want…” The girl went down to his dog’s height and rubbed her head. “Do you want daddy?” Her voice was childish and filled with excitement for the dog. His dog’s tail only went wilder at the mention of her dad.
               “Are you ready?” Her other sister came up to her once she was stood up. She smiled and nodded, excitement laced in her voice and in her eyes. “Liar,” Her sister squinted at her and shook her head.
               “I’m more than ready. I’m just nervous,” She remarked, putting the roses in her other hand and rubbed her nose. Her older sister gave her the stink eye for even bothering to touch her face.
               “And she has every right to be nervous,” Her best friend came out from nowhere. Her best friend wrapped her arms around her shoulders and placed her lips on her cheek. “I mean, if I were her I know I’d be more than nervous. I woulda locked myself up in the room and stayed in there.” She cackled.
               “Thanks for that, Marlowe,” She pushed her best friend off her shoulder. Her older sister appeared at her side to make sure her make-up was fine. “Listen, I know you’re not one for weddings, but please don’t do anything to embarrass me or my family, or the in-laws,”
               “Pfft, what in-laws?” She smirked stepping in front of her. She eyed up her best friend as if she was silently telling her to be quiet. “I promise I won’t embarrass you or anyone other than myself,” She smiled widely.
               Her three sisters were standing off to the side now, waiting for the grand event to start. Her best friend stayed standing in front of her. All of the girls wore leafy, vinery flower crowns on top of their waterfall styled hair and light pink dresses adorned their bodies. The four of them all looked equally beautiful and it was a sight.
Suddenly, the four boys came from down the hall and found themselves with the girls. They were screwing around, causing his dog to start barking as they grew closer to the party of five girls.
               “You ladies ready?” His best friend asked, walking closest to her. She looked at him and smiled. His hair was combed and gelled back. He wore a dark grey suit with a light pink bow tie and a light pink rose pinned to his lapel.
               “Harrison,” She smiled at him. He smiled back. “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” She smirked at him, putting her bouquet back in her other hand. The dog was jumping and barking like crazy around his best friend. He went to his knees and gave his dog some loving attention.
               “Don’t even joke about that, Ris,” He shot a look up at her. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked down at him. “If you leave, I’ll marry him.”
               “I’m sure you would, Haz… I’m sure you would,” She chucked and went to his height. She was silent for a moment, trying to figure out what she wanted to say next, until the words just started falling out in their own pattern. “I wouldn’t leave him. I’m too in love with him to leave him. In fact, I’m so in love with him that it hurts my being. I wouldn’t ever, ever think about leaving him,” Her voice wavered at her totally honest confession. His best friend looked at her and smiled deeply. It’s almost like he knew something that she didn’t. “What? What is it?”
               “He told me the same thing about you, maybe an hour, hour and a half ago,” His best friend gently ran his hand through his hair, even though that it was stiff with gel and hair product. She looked at him and her face fell. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her with concern lightly covering his face. “Is everything okay, Ris?”
                She shook her head and smiled. “It’s… Just… It’s nothing,” She looked down. She felt moisture in her eyes. She was quick to look up to not ruin her nicely done makeup. Her sister would probably kill her if she ruined her makeup.
“You shouldn’t cry. Come on, Ris, it’s your big day,” His best friend whispered in excitement. She looked at him and laughed. His best friend stood to his feet and helped her up too.
“It’s probably time, isn’t it?” She asked, looking towards the clock that was on a nearby wall. And, almost as if the orchestra team in the loud room heard her, they started playing the music her sisters and best friend and his brothers and best friend would be walking into. She looked towards the door in both excitement and sheer terror.
“Don’t worry, Iris, it’ll happen and be over before you even realize. And then… And then you’ll miss it,” Her father’s voice came from behind her. She whipped her head around and flashed a smile at him. He wore a plain black suit with a light pink tie. A white rose was pinned to his lapel in honor of her mother, who had passed away nearly 3 years ago.
“And you remember this from your wedding dad, Dad?” She asked with a shaky tone. Her father smiled and nodded.
“I remember every moment of that day. And then every moment of the day Haley was born. And every moment of the day you were born. And every moment of the day Zelda and Daisy were born. And I will remember every moment of today,” He reached for her hand. Well, the hand that held the leash of the dog.
“I miss mom,” She let out a small sob but kept her eyes dry. Her dad pouted and pulled her close to peck her forehead.
“I know, Sweetheart. I know,” He nodded and looked at her. She looked a lot like her dad. Everything looked exactly on point, except, she had her mother’s eyes. “Today is the day you will remember the most.” He whispered looking at her. She smiled a toothy grin. “Iris, I remember when you met him. I remember you coming home from school with the biggest, loudest grin on your lips. Your mother and I were so confused. You hated school. Most of the time, you came home, begging to be homeschooled or sent to a different school. So, when you came home on that day, with a grin that took up half your face, your mother and I asked what was going on. I remember the words so clearly.” Her dad paused and looked towards the door where the brothers and sisters and best friends had disappeared into. The pair of them hadn’t noticed that they had left. They were too enthralled in each other to notice their surroundings. “You were sitting at the desk in your room, doing homework and… When we asked you what happened that day at school, you looked at us and you said… You said “I met the boy I’m going to marry, he’s funny and kind. He has the goofiest smile in the world. And, I love him,” I knew from that moment on that I realized… I realized that, my baby wasn’t my baby anymore. And, when he asked me for your hand, you really weren’t going to be my baby,” He finished. He voice was wavering. She looked up at him and saw tears rolling down his down. It was already too late for her to stop her tears. The water works had started and it was too late to stop.
“Daddy, I’ll always be your baby. Don’t ever think the opposite,” She stated, staring at him. Her dad pulled a handkerchief out from his pocket and lightly dabbed her face.
“I better go take a seat,” He lifted up her hand and kissed her knuckles. “I love you, Dear, and I’ll be sitting right where you can see me. Okay?” He looked at her. His eyes were sad, but…. They were a happy sad.
“Okay,” She smiled and nodded. He pressed his lips to her forehead one last time before going into the room. She stood there, alone with his dog, waiting… Waiting for the go ahead.
And, soon she got the go ahead. The doors in front of her opened wide. His dog was sitting next to her, waiting for the command to go. “Let’s go, Tess,” She whispered to his dog. His dog stood up and started leading the way into the room.
She walked down the center aisle. Friends and family stood, not sit, on either side of her and his dog. She held the leash with her right hand and her bouquet in her left hand. She kept her gaze at the ground as she walked forward. Her white dressed looked like a float less cloud, but to her it weighed a ton. She looked up from the ground and looked at the sight in front of her. She passed by family. She walked by his aunt, who was crying. She walked passed some of her friends from school, and by  some Marvel cast. Her sisters and best friend were lined up on the left side. His brothers and best friend were lined up on the right side. He was standing in the center of the two lines, back towards the crowed.
His best friend placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at his best friend. His friend said something to him. He turned around and looked around for a brief second before his eyes landed on her. His hands were shoved in his pockets, but when he saw here, he pulled them out and placed them over his mouth. His best friend placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. He pulled his away from his face and put a wide grin on his face. She smiled back. His dog was filled with excitement when she saw her owner.
“Tess,” She whispered, gently pulling on the leash to get her to stay closer to her. His dog slowed down and stayed close. Once she neared the stage where everyone was, she handed the bouquet off to her best friend. He helped her onto the stage.
“Hello, Darlin’,” He smiled at her. They stood across from each other, holding each other’s hands. His dog sat in between the two of them and looked at them. It was rather adorable if you asked anyone in the crowd. “You look absolutely beautiful,” He whispered to her as the preacher welcomed everyone and started the ceremony.
“So do you,” She smiled at him. He chuckled mostly to himself. The pair of them stayed silent and stared lovingly at each. They both wore joyful faces, even though they were both crying.
“And now fort he vows,” The preacher looked between Tom and Iris. “Iris,” The preacher looked at Iris with a welcoming smile. Iris looked at Tom with a smile.
“Tom,” She stopped and pulled a hand to wipe her nose. “I’ve loved you since the day we met. My dad and I were just talking before the wedding started. He said he remembers the day we first met. I was happy. You make me happy. You’re goofy when needed. You’re serious when needed. When… When my mom died, you never left my side. You were always there when I needed you. And, even when you were away filming Civil War and Homecoming, you were there for me. I love you so much, it hurts my body.” She stopped and looked down at the ground. “Thomas today is the day I marry you. Today is the day I start the rest of my life with you, the man I love the most.” She looked at Tom with a smile, even though she was crying. Tom, who was also smiling, held a firm grip on her hands.
“Thomas,” The preacher looked at Tom. Tom smiled at looked at Iris.
“I came unprepared. Unlike Iris, I came unprepared. I was sitting in the men’s room with Harrison, trying and trying to write something. But, nothing came. I love you, Iris. I couldn’t put how I feel into words to share in front of all of our friends and family.” He closed his eyes. “Iris, I knew I was going to marry you the day we met. I fell in love with you the very first day. And, here I am. Marrying you.” He nodded with his typically goofy grin, the goofy grin that Iris had fallen in love with. Tom wore a boyish glee on his face. It was the one that he had when he spilt the beans about him planning on proposing to her.
“And, now for the rings,” The preacher looked up. Iris and Tom let go of each other’s hands and turned to their respective best friends.
“Here you go, Love,” Marlowe gently placed Tom’s wedding band on the center of Iris’ palm before she turned back to face the preacher and Tom.
“Iris, repeat after me,” The preacher looked up at Iris. Iris nodded and looked at Tom.
“With this ring,”
“With this ring,”
“I thee wed,”
“I thee wed,” She repeated, carefully sliding the ring on his left ring finger. She looked up at Tom through her lashes and smiled. He smiled back. It was then Tom’s turn.  
“And, by the power invested in me, in the state of New York, I now pronounce you husband and wife,” The preacher looked at Iris and then at Tom.
“Can I?” Tom smiled and looked at The Preacher. He was lightly bouncing on his toes out of excitement. The preacher chuckled and nodded.
“Tom,” He smiled, “You may kiss your lovely bride,” He nodded. Tom placed a hand on hip and a hand on her shoulder before dipping her into a kiss. She smiled halfway though.
“I love you,” She whispered, looking up at him while he still had her in a dip. He smiled brightly.
“I love you too, Iris Holland,” He smiled before pressing his lips to hers. He then scooped her into his arms and carried her down the center aisle. Tessa ran behind the newly married couple.
a/n: this is a lot longer than i had originally planned. again thanks for reading it, i had a lot of fun writing this. if you think i should do more tom holland stuff, let me know xx
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omeliafics · 7 years
A Music Affair: The Wedding
Hi guys!!! So, finally, here it is! I’m so sorry that I kept you waiting for so long, I got really caught up with college, but thank you so much for your patience and constantly asking me to post the fic. Love your devotion <3 So, this is the first chapter of a two-shot of mine. In this one, you get to see Owen and Amelia’s wedding and on the next one, you’ll see their honeymoon (and how Melody was conceived haha). But yeah, hope you like it and please, give me your feedback! :)
That was it. It happened. They were finally married.
Amelia had just heard the priest’s words “I now pronounce you husband and wife” and she could feel her heart pounding in her chest.
She was a wife now. Owen Hunt’s wife.
Looking at him, Amelia couldn’t help the big smile on her face when she saw him grinning from ear to ear, such a happy look in his eyes, one she had never seen before. In that moment, seeing how much that man loved her and how he was filled with joy about being married to her, Amelia felt like the luckiest woman on Earth.
She couldn’t even believe that, hours before, she had almost left him at the altar.
It had started with the fear that the big storm in Chicago that day would complicate things for the guests to arrive and, eventually, ruin their wedding; which then ended up with her freaking out about getting married in the first place, considering the big spotlight her and Owen would always have on their lives. But, thankfully, her best friend Maggie stepped up to calm her down and make her put things into perspective. It actually didn’t matter what could happen to her and Owen, just the fact that she was marrying the love of her life and that was what made her happy and fulfilled in that moment. So, that’s what she did.
And now, feeling the touch of his strong hands on her waist while her fingers caressed his cheeks, his breath against hers, foreheads touched and eyes closed after their first kiss as husband and wife, Amelia didn’t regret it one bit.
Slowly opening her eyes, she started to regain consciousness of what was happening around her and Owen, coming out of their little bubble. Turning and looking around the church, she saw their friends and family on their feet applauding and cheering for the couple.
“We’re married.” Owen whispered in her ear, giving Amelia a kiss on the cheek.
“We are.” She looked back at him, smiling, before taking his hand in hers and walking down the aisle with her husband.
The wedding reception was being held at a venue not too far from the church and thankfully, even though the reception would be indoors, it had stopped raining once everyone made their way to the location, the sun coming up to shine bright in between the clouds and above the newlywed couple as they got in the car.
Hoping to finally get some alone time now that they were married, Owen and Amelia both sighed once they sat in the back of the car.
“Hi.” Amelia looked at him, smiling. It was the first time they actually got to properly talk with each other in such a quiet space or without being rushed by anyone, like it had happened through the past few days.
“Have I told you how stunning you look?” Owen asked, not being able to take his eyes away from his wife. Amelia had her hair up in a bun with a few strands of hair falling on the sides of her face, which had light makeup, enhancing her natural beauty. Her dress was a lace and silk long sleeved dress with an open back, going along her curves and opening up by her knees. When Owen saw Amelia walking down the aisle that day, his chin almost fell to the floor. That was the most beautiful women he had ever seen in his life. And she was his wife.
“No. But I noticed.” Amelia smirked at him. He didn’t need to say it. The way Owen looked at her was already enough. Amelia had never felt so beautiful than when she noticed him admiring her.
“This is certainly my favorite look of yours. Ever.” Owen commented, resting his head on his seat.
“Yeah? The ‘your bride’ look?” She bit her lip, finding it funny.
“There’s no better look than this one, I’m sure of it.” He said, putting his arm around Amelia’s shoulder and pulling her closer to him.
They had both been so busy with the preparation for the wedding throughout the previous days that, now that they were finally married, all Owen and Amelia wanted was to enjoy each other. The day before had been their bachelor and bachelorette parties, which Nathan and Maggie separately hosted for their friends. While Owen was taken for a beer with his friends, following the traditional stripper dance, even though Owen didn’t mind at all about that, Amelia, on the other hand, who was actually hoping to see some strippers, had the classic bridal shower with gifts and friends telling stories about her. Although bored, Amelia pretended to have a fun time and thanked Maggie from the bottom of her heart for the effort she put in that party.
After their parties, both Owen and Amelia had arrived home pretty late only to wake up early and fly out to Chicago to help with the finishing touches for the wedding and get ready, staying in different hotel rooms.
So, before that moment, they hadn’t actually had time to take a deep breath and enjoy themselves. But, after talking for just a few minutes, they had arrived at the venue.
Before stepping out of the car, Owen and Amelia looked at each other, sighing in frustration.
“I never thought I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my husband at my own wedding.” Amelia complained, throwing her head back at the leather seat before the car fully parked in front of the building.
“You’ll get a whole life to do that.” Owen squeezed her hand and gave her a half smile, actually making Amelia feel better, like he did every time.
Looking out the window, the couple saw the many paparazzi flashing their cameras towards the black car, all gathered behind the security guards, eager for the first pic of Owen and Amelia as a married couple.
They had actually tried to keep the venue where they were having the reception a secret, but of course the information leaked and spread like wildfire. The truth was that Owen and Amelia were the hot couple of the moment and their wedding had been very expected, so there was no way of avoiding it. And they actually didn’t mind it.
Once Owen got out of the car and went around to open the door to Amelia, the flashes of the cameras started going nuts.
Actually not bothered by it, the couple held hands and smiled through the small walk to the building.
As they stepped into the venue, the couple was greeted by all of their guests and soon got orders to what they should do next, once again not getting to spend time with each other.
The band started playing some upbeat songs and Owen and Amelia began their task of going from table to table greeting their friends and thanking them for coming.
“You look so lovely, Amelia. My son is the luckiest to have you.” Evelyn Hunt, Owen’s mom, got up from her seat and held both Amelia’s hands, giving her new daughter-in-law a genuine smile. They hadn’t met a lot, but the few times Amelia got to spend with Evelyn, the woman had been the sweetest to her, comfortably allowing her into their lives.
Owen wasn’t one to introduce many women to Evelyn, even because before Amelia he had only had Cristina as a serious relationship and he knew how much of that was a let down, so to avoid disappointment, he had just stopped introducing the women he dated to his mom, until Amelia came around.
The moment Evelyn was introduced to Amelia, she knew that girl meant a lot to her son, since he had even stopped talking about his love life with her ever since Cristina. And, getting to know Amelia and how much she made Owen happy, Evelyn started to love her like her own daughter.
“Thank you so much, Evelyn.” Amelia said, hugging the tiny woman tight in her arms. “I actually feel like the luckiest one here today.”
Evelyn stepped back to look at the couple one more time and took Owen and Amelia’s hands in hers.
“You two are gonna be really happy, I’m sure of it.” She squeezed their hands and smiled widely at them, a tear falling from her eye, to which Owen quickly dried with his thumb before hugging her.
“I’m so proud of you, son.” Evelyn told him, kissing his cheek and stepping back.
“Thanks, mom.” He smiled at her, before they could head to the big Shepherd table.
After talking to Amelia’s mom, all of her siblings, nephews, brothers-in-law and sister-in-law, the couple actually got real tired, but had to move on to other three tables.
“Okay, hang on.” Amelia turned the other way and let go of Owen’s hand, confusing her husband.
“Wait, what? We still have a few guests to talk to.” He frowned.
“Babe, I really have to pee!” Amelia exclaimed, making Owen laugh at her desperation.
“Okay, but in that dress, you’re gonna take like an hour.” He pointed out. “So, I’ll be all alone to do this?”
Amelia looked at the other tables he was pointing at and shrugged her shoulders.
“That’s the loss of being my husband, sorry.” She joked, giving him a kiss on the cheek before stepping away. “I’ll be back in a few minutes!”
After finally figuring out how to pee in her wedding dress, Amelia left the bathroom and ran into Maggie before she could meet Owen again, who she spotted talking to some people at the other side of the room.
“Oh, there you are!” Maggie exclaimed when she bumped into Amelia. The woman was wearing a beautiful and flowy vivid red dress, a brighter shade from the wine coloured ones Meredith and April were wearing, since they were bridesmaids and Maggie was the maid of honor. “The wedding planner is looking for you everywhere! It’s almost time for yours and Owen’s first dance.”
“Sure, hang on, let me fix my shoe.” Amelia leaned on Maggie’s arm to get some balance while she fixed her shoe, but what Maggie said next threw her off so much that she stumbled in surprise.
“Wait, where’s your ring?”
Holding tighter onto Maggie so she wouldn’t fall, Amelia recovered her balance and quickly stood up, looking at her left hand, which had no ring on it.
“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.” She widened her eyes and talked fast, even looking at her right hand to see if it was there. “Oh my God Maggie, I lost my ring!”
“You lost your wedding ring?!” Maggie raised her eyebrows at her best friend. She really shouldn’t be surprised, though, that was totally something predictable coming from Amelia. But still, losing your wedding ring on the day of your wedding was something else. Seeing Amelia looking around to see if it was anywhere near them and freaking out, Maggie tried to calm her down. “Okay, hold on, when was the last time you saw it?”
“I have no idea!” Amelia exclaimed, getting more nervous by the second. How the hell could she lose her wedding ring?! “I only remember it when Owen put it on my finger, at the church! Oh my God Maggie, what if I lost it at the church? What if those paparazzi took pictures of me without my ring?! Oh God, we’re gonna have so many rumors about our relationship!” Amelia paced around, both hands on her forehead, completely stressed out.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Meredith passed by the two of them and immediately stopped when she noticed how nervous Amelia was.
“Meredith, great!” Amelia shouted when she saw her friend. “You’re in the search duty. Let’s all start looking, c’mon!”
“Amelia lost her ring.” Maggie exclaimed to a very confused Meredith.
“Her wedding ring?!” Meredith widened her eyes, surprised.
“Yes, my wedding ring! Now, quit talking and let’s look for it. C’mon, people!” She clapped her hands and started to walk around them, looking for the ring on the floor.
“Wow, bossy.” Meredith murmured, to which Maggie laughed.
The three women went around the whole room, eyes on the floor the entire time, looking for the lost ring, meeting each other back by the bathrooms.
“Anything?” Amelia asked them, hopeful, to which they denied with their heads. Frustrated, she sighed and put her hands on her waist. “Seriously, how can I be this stupid? Who loses their wedding ring literally an hour after getting married?!”
“Have you tried asking Owen? Maybe he can help.” Meredith suggested.
“Of course not. I can’t tell Owen!”
“Why not?” Maggie asked.
“Maggie, we just got married. How will I tell him that I lost my wedding ring? I’d divorce me if it were the other way around. I’m so irresponsible…” Amelia said, sighing.
“Amelia, that’s ridiculous.” Maggie told her.
“Yeah, I know he wouldn’t do that and probably wouldn’t even mind. But let’s just… Not tell him yet, okay? Let’s keep looking.”
“Hey, I’ve been looking for you everywhere.” Amelia turned around when she heard Owen’s voice from behind her. “It’s time for our first dance, c’mon.”
As he was taking her left hand in his, Amelia suddenly remembered she had no ring on it and quickly snapped it away from him, causing Owen to frown in confusion.
“I actually can’t right now. I’ll be there in a few minutes, okay?” She told him.
“What’s going on?” He asked.
“Uh… we’re helping Meredith look for something she lost.” Amelia made it up, pointing at Meredith, who nodded, getting involved in Amelia’s story. “Yeah, she lost… Uh…”
Seeing Amelia was stuck, Meredith quickly thought of something she could’ve lost.
“My pin! The pin that I had on my dress.”
“Oh yeah?” Owen genuinely believed it, starting to look on the floor for it. “What color was it? I can help you girls find it.”
“Oh, there’s no need to!” Amelia quickly excused him. “You can go and tell the wedding planner I’ll be there in a few minutes, okay?”
Seeing Amelia was eager for him to get out of there, Owen stopped in his tracks, analysing his wife.
“Okay, what’s really going on?”
“Nothing. I told you, we’re looking for Meredith’s pin.” Amelia insisted, not looking into Owen’s eyes.
“Amelia…” He saw right through her that she was lying to him.
“Okay, fine.” She sighed, accepting there was no way she’d be able to keep this lie from Owen any longer. “I lost my ring.”
“You what?!” He raised his eyebrows in surprise, just like Maggie had reacted.
“Yes, my wedding ring, Owen. I freaking lost it and I can’t find it anywhere!” Amelia sighed again in frustration, hands on her hips.
“Oh my God, Amelia…” Owen just wanted to laugh at the fact his wife had been able to lose her wedding ring not even two hours after they got married and looked completely desperate about it, even though he didn’t find it such a big problem. But, being aware that Amelia would probably hit him if he laughed about the situation, he kept his mouth shut.
“Ugh, how can I be this reckless?!” She moaned, hands on her face.
“But, babe, I don’t think it’s such a big deal.” Owen said, making her shoot up her face to look at him, her eyebrows raised. “I mean, we could just get a new pair of rings after we get back from our honeymoon. After all, they’re just a symbolism.” He suggested, honestly thinking it was a simple solution.
“What?! And then we would end up with replacement rings for the rest of our lives? Rings that weren’t even at our wedding ceremony? Blessed by the priest or whatever?” Amelia said and Owen tried his hardest to contain his laughter at her ‘whatever’, since his wife was pretty serious about it. “Besides, the problem is that if I lost my ring at the church or in the car, it probably showed in the pictures taken outside! So, as we speak, there could be a big rumor going on about me not wanting to wear my ring because I don’t want to stay faithful and committed to you or something like that. You know how crazy these celebrity news can go.” She went on, trying to prove her point.
“Well, I don’t know where your ring is, but I actually just saw the first released pictures of you two getting in the building and you’re definitely wearing your ring, Amelia.” Meredith told them, showing Owen, Amelia and Maggie the picture she saw on her phone.
“Okay, so that’s not an issue anymore, no need to worry about it.” Owen reassured Amelia, running his hand up and down her arm to calm her down.
“Oh hey, have we checked the bathroom yet?” Maggie suddenly asked. “I remember you had just left it when we noticed your ring was gone.”
“Oh my God, the bathroom!” Amelia quickly turned around and ran inside it, Maggie and Meredith following her while Owen patiently waited outside the bathroom door, getting some weird looks from the women passing there.
After a few minutes, Amelia was back from the bathroom, a big smile on her face as she paraded her left hand with her wedding ring on it, making Owen laugh.
“Thank God for Maggie.” He said.
“It was in the trash.” Maggie sighed. “Your brilliant wife washed her hands, dried them and the ring slipped into the trash.”
“Yeah, it’s a little loose because we measured it a long time, but it just needs some adjustments.” Amelia said.
“Okay, can we go now? Sophie must be dying looking for us.” Owen asked, talking about their wedding planner.
The couple finally headed to the dance floor, for Sophie’s relief, and the woman then signaled the band for them to introduce Owen and Amelia’s first dance.
Perfect by Ed Sheeran started playing.
Ed Sheeran’s songs always meant a lot to them. Photograph was the first cover they did together back when they had just started dating and Owen also had a song of his with Ed himself, which was the main thing that made him start gaining success in the music industry. So, the couple thought that Perfect was the best choice for their first dance, since it also described exactly the way they felt about each other.
Owen gave Amelia a smile when they stepped at the empty dance floor, taking her hand in his and pulling her closer to his body, all eyes on them.
“I’ll probably step on your feet a lot, you know that, right?” She let him know, looking down to her feet. It wasn’t a complicated dance, just a slow song as her and Owen swayed to it. But dancing wasn’t something Amelia was completely comfortable in doing at all.
“That’s why there were rehearsals, Amelia.” Owen chuckled, holding her tighter so she’d feel more at ease.
“Yes, but now there’s all these people watching us…” She looked around at everyone circling the dance floor, taking pictures of them.
“Uh, but you’re a performer…” He looked at her, confused.
“I’m comfortable singing in front of everyone, but dancing is a whole other story.” She told him.
“Okay, then don’t look at them. Just look at me.” Owen suggested and she did so, looking into his eyes.
The couple stayed dancing in silence for a while, Amelia’s arms around Owen’s neck and his around her waist.
“Do you remember when we danced on the grass at Meredith and Derek’s wedding?” Amelia asked him all of a sudden.
“Of course.”
“That was the moment I knew that my future was with you.” She said, making him smile even wider. “I mean, I’ve known it ever since you stayed and helped me through rehab, but that moment made it all official.” Amelia explained. Seeing he was silent for a moment, she added: “And don’t you dare tell me you’ve known you wanted to marry me ever since we met.”
Owen laughed out loud, making the guests around them wonder what they were talking about.
“I wasn’t, I swear.” He told her, still laughing, even though he knew he wanted to marry her when they started dating. “And it’s not a competition, Amelia.”
“I know it’s not, but I still want to win.” She smirked at him, both of them laughing together.
As the song was coming to its end, Owen leaned down and met his lips with Amelia’s, slowly and gently kissing her, aware of the eyes and spotlight they had on them.
Separating their lips as he heard the sound of applause, he whispered in her ear.
“I wish I could just make out with you right now.”
“Me too.” She sighed, wanting to spend some alone time with her husband.
To make appearances, they stayed on the dance floor for a few more songs as the guests joined them, everyone seemingly having a nice time.
Getting some fresh air outside the agglomerate of people on the dance floor, Owen and Amelia sat together at a table nearby.
“Okay, what’s next for us to do, Mrs. Hunt?” Owen asked, going through their wedding obligations in his head.
Amelia smiled widely when he called her ‘Mrs. Hunt’. Even though she wasn’t changing her name due to artistic reasons, it was nice hearing that.
“Come with me.” She smirked at him, grabbing his hand and pulling Owen out of his chair. Both of them just wanted to be alone for a little while at their own wedding and that’s what she was getting them.
“Where are we going?” Owen frowned as Amelia took him away from the crowd and through the hidden back door of the room.
It was an open space with some heavy boxes around, probably from the band’s instruments, and a little old bench. That space could be used for smokers but there was no one there in that moment.
“You said you wanted to make out.” Amelia smirked at him and motioned to the empty space, once Owen closed the door behind them.
“God, I love you so much.” Owen smiled and quickly grabbed Amelia by the waist, pulling her hard against his body.
Their lips collided and they started kissing passionately, hands all over, since this time there was no one watching.
Owen gently pushed her against the nearest wall, putting one hand on her neck and the other on her hips.
“Wait, I probably need to be more careful.” He chuckled against her lips.
“Why the hell would you need to be careful?” She asked him, out of breath, annoyed that he’d stopped kissing her.
“I don’t know, your dress? Your makeup?” He said, not entirely sure.
“Who freaking cares about my makeup?” Amelia stated, back at devouring his lips.
They continued kissing for a while and slowly stopped, resting their foreheads against the other while both tried to regain their breath.
“I seriously cannot wait for Hawaii.” Owen said, talking about their honeymoon trip. After all the stress before the wedding and barely having any time to enjoy each other, he just wanted to relax on a beach with his wife.
“Me either.” Amelia agreed, putting her arms over his shoulders, a smile on her face. “Just you and me with some peace and quiet.”
The couple talked in each other’s arms for a few more minutes and took pictures of each other on Owen’s phone, a memory for them to have of that moment.
When Amelia had just taken a silly selfie on her husband’s phone, the door beside them opened, revealing an astonished Maggie.
“Oh my God, are you kidding me? You two have been hiding here this whole time?!” She exclaimed, an unbelievable look on her face. “What are you? Teenagers?”
“Sorry, Maggie, we just…” Amelia using an excuse, but couldn’t contain her laughter at Maggie’s expression.
“Oh God, Amelia, look at you! Your lipstick is all smudged!” She promptly got a tissue from Owen’s jacket pocket and wiped Amelia’s face. “Seriously, sometimes I feel like your mother.”
“You sure act like it.” Amelia joked, still laughing. “Even more than my mom does, actually.”
“Okay, c’mon. You guys need to cut the cake. Me and Sophie have been looking everywhere for you!” Maggie ushered the two of them back to the room where the reception was happening.
Owen and Amelia cut the big white cake and actually got to enjoy the party and socialize with their friends.
By 3am, the party was finally over. Owen said goodbye to his mom and her boyfriend and there were only him, Amelia, Maggie and Nathan left. The newlyweds almost demanded their two friends to go home, but Maggie insisted on staying and helping out with the things they’d keep from the party, stating she had promised Amelia’s mom she’d do so, sending the woman home. And Nathan, being Maggie’s boyfriend and her ride home, stayed as well and helped carry around a few boxes.
Owen made his way to the table Amelia was sitting at and threw himself on the chair beside her, exhausted.
“Do we just let them take care of it all?” He asked, seeing Maggie and Nathan walking back and forth.
“Why the hell not?” Amelia shrugged her shoulders, taking off her shoes and resting her feet on Owen’s legs. “We already did a lot today. I mean, we got married, for Christ’s sake!”
Owen laughed out loud at Amelia’s statement that getting married was already doing a lot.
“High five to getting married.” She raised her palm and Owen high fived her, both of them laughing.
Owen threw his head back and closed his eyes for a bit as he massaged Amelia’s feet on his lap, enjoying the quiet time with her at that after party vibe.
“Okay, so what is the next step for us?” He heard Amelia asking and opened his eyes, frowning at her in confusion.
“I mean, we hooked up, we dated, got engaged and now we’re married. What’s next for us?” She explained her question. Unlike Owen, Amelia had never been in such a serious relationship before, at least not one where she planned a future with the person, not even back when she was a teenager. So, the whole thing was kind of new to her.
“I don’t know… Kids?” Owen answered, not sure.
“Yeah, let’s hang on a little about that.” Amelia chuckled.
“Of course. For now, we can just enjoy each other.” Owen smirked, his hand going up her dress a little bit to show his intentions.
“I’d love that, babe. But all I really want now is to get some rest, seriously.” She said, lying back on the chair, exhausted.
“Don’t worry, tomorrow we’ll be flying to Hawaii and you’ll be able to get lots of rest.” He smiled at her, excited for their honeymoon.
“I can’t wait.” She bit her bottom lip, smiling back at her husband.
Both Owen and Amelia were dying to finally get to their much awaited two week honeymoon and spend some time with each other after all the busy days preceding the wedding.
They just didn’t know they’d have so many obstacles on the way and what would come out of it in the end.
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