#my situationship keeps sending me one off texts
bi-writes · 2 months
if you can’t tell by my recent works lately, i hate men at the moment 😃
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junkissed · 7 months
love thy neighbor
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member — fwb! neighbor!joshua x f reader genre — smut, light angst, college au, idiots to lovers, happy ending word count — 5.1k synopsis — there's perks to having your fwb live next door to you, but there's also downsides. like the fact that it's really hard to hide that you're in love with him. warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, one mention of periods, masturbation (both reader & joshua), the smut is REALLY quick, premature ejaculation sort of, a little bit of body worship, nicknames (baby, good girl), not really described but implied creampie, they are idiots and they are in love and it's gross and sweet notes — tysm to @wongyuseokie & @onlymingyus for help choosing the banner <3 and thanks to @petrichor-han for this idea !! fun fact this was originally going to be for skz han but i figured it would also make a great shua fic so i chose him instead. fun fact #2 i am addicted to giving shua's fics religious titles even when there's no mention of religion in the fic at all lmao. it gives me a giggle like how could i not when it fits so well?? also this is one of my few attempts at angst so if you liked this please reblog or send and ask and lmk how you liked it! hope you enjoy!!
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joshua should be asleep right now. 
really, he should. it’s 11pm on a sunday night and he’s got his chemistry lab at 8am tomorrow, and he’s still got a couple of assignments that he really needs to catch up on before the final next week. 
but then there's that bump against the wall that he’s grown so accustomed to, and his eyes fly open.
maybe becoming fuck buddies with your next-door neighbor isn't the smartest idea he's ever had, because this is the fourth time this week he's had to hear your moans as he tries to fall asleep.
the walls are thin, but he's certain that you must not realize just how thin they are, because he can hear every sound you make as clear as day. every whimper, every buzz of your vibrator, even every moan of his name, barely muffled by the wall separating his room from yours. especially every moan of his name. and it’s been driving him insane.
really, it’s his own fault for trying to be a polite neighbor. he almost wishes that he hadn’t run into you when you’d moved into the apartment next door at the beginning of the semester, because then he probably wouldn’t have recognized you at that party during homecoming weekend and got to talking with you. 
and because of that he probably wouldn’t have taken you home from said party and given you the best dicking down of your life (your words, not his), and then after that you probably wouldn’t have decided that you wanted to keep fucking him and agreed to become friends with benefits.
except he doesn’t actually wish that at all.
having your situationship live right next door is pretty convenient, after all. you’ll shoot him an “omw” text and be waiting at his front door seconds later. he forgot to bring condoms? it’ll just take a sec to run home and grab some. when you accidentally leave your panties in his apartment, he can drop them off the same day and then forget about it (he definitely won’t). 
he could probably even just bang on his side of the wall and you’d know to come over, but to him that’s a little too far, too impolite. he at least has the decency to send a text first.
a part of him wonders if that’s why you’re so noisy at night, if you’re doing it on purpose and knowing he’ll hear it, secretly hoping for him to come knocking at your door. but he doesn’t want to assume, doesn’t want to show up without asking and realize he’s been completely wrong this whole time and make himself look like a fool.
so he settles for earplugs instead. because there’s no way he can sit there and listen to the sounds you make and not start thinking about all the times he’s been in your bed with you just inches away. and by the time he’s cum all over his fist and he’s finally worn himself out enough to fall asleep, it’s 4am and he has class in the morning and he’s wasted an entire night yet again.
he’s been inside your apartment dozens of times, enough to know the layout by heart. enough to know that your bedroom sits directly next to his, enough to know that your bed is pushed against that very thin wall the same way his is and that your nightstand with the drawer full of toys is right next to the bed.
oh, he’s gotten to know more than just your apartment over the course of the semester. he knows which positions are your favorite (you’ve never told him outright, but you always cum harder when he fucks you in missionary). he knows the names you like to be called and the ones you like to call him. he can even tell which vibrator you’re using right now (the red one doesn’t buzz as loud, so you only use it when your favorite purple one is dead. tonight you’re using the purple one.)
but he’s also gotten to know the way you smile when you see a cat video, the way your forehead wrinkles when you talk about your calculus professor, and the way you like your pancakes in the morning (though he’s never been able to make them for you himself, he swears one day he will. one slice of butter, a ton of syrup, and a handful of cut up strawberries.)
so maybe that’s what makes these nights so unbearable. he can keep lying to himself that it doesn’t bother him, that it wouldn’t bother him as much as it does if he just… didn’t like you. 
but, unfortunately, he does like you. and he’s stuck with this problem until he finds a way to fix it, but just like in the lab analyses he has to write every week, he’s got no ideas. so he’ll have to settle for fucking his hand and biting his pillow so you don’t get suspicious of the noises he’s making, and hope that his silly little crush goes away on its own. 
after all, he isn’t anything to you. albeit a sexual one, he’s still just a friend. and he’s certain that’s all you want.
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god, you wish that joshua could see you right now. you’re certain he’d love it.
earlier tonight you’d had to physically force yourself to turn your phone off so that you wouldn’t be tempted to text him to come over. you’d already texted him on monday night and thursday afternoon, and you’d knocked on his door on saturday at practically the crack of dawn because you’d woken up thinking about him.
were you embarrassed about it? absolutely, but that wasn’t enough to stop you. okay, maybe sometimes it was, because the girl who lived across the hall had caught you (on multiple occasions) sneaking out of joshua’s apartment twice in one day and you refused to meet him again for nearly a week after that.
but joshua didn’t seem one bit embarrassed by your arrangement. he always gave you a friendly smile and offered to walk you to your door afterwards, which you always declined, and he always made sure to say he looked forward to seeing you again. you even saw him wave at the nosy neighbor girl when he’d left your apartment once (which you only remembered because you’d spent the rest of the night in tears about it, but not that you were jealous about it or anything).
you felt bad enough meeting up with him so often, but you felt even worse that you didn’t even have a label to show for it. you knew it was probably exactly what he’d wanted out of this, just somebody to call for a quick fuck, but it made you mad. it was why you got so angry about the girl across the hall; because you knew everybody loved joshua, so of course he couldn’t love only you. 
he was hot and he was in a frat and he probably had a hundred girls he could call if he wanted to. with how often you text him to fuck, plus the other people he’s probably seeing? he’s gotta be exhausted.
which is why most nights you opt for touching yourself instead. in the months since you first met joshua, your vibrators have been going through batteries a lot faster than usual, a fact you’re not exactly proud of but will own up to nonetheless.
it’s not your fault that the image of him leaning over you, his thin gold chain dangling in your face as he fucks you is burned into your head practically 24 hours of the day. or the fact that his voice plays on repeat in your brain, specifically that one time he called you “baby” and you came so hard you nearly passed out. 
so really, it’s actually his fault that he’s constantly on your mind. his fault for being sexy… or your fault for falling for him?
either way, you find yourself yet again with your pussy stuffed full of your own fingers and your favorite purple vibrator on your clit (you remembered to charge it last night, after you came to the thought of joshua fucking you on your kitchen counter), wishing he could be there to see it.
you close your eyes and picture him in front of you, holding the vibrator against your clit as he grins down at you. such a good girl, he’d say, brushing his thumb over your nipple with his free hand. you love this, don’t you?
“fuck, yes, joshua,” you reply, gasping as you push your fingers deeper inside. you arch off the bed a little, pushing your head back against your pillow. you’ve learned that he loves it when you call him by his full name instead of “shua” or “josh”; you don’t know why, but it always seems to drive him crazy, and you never fail to leave his apartment sore in all the best places afterwards.
you spread your legs a little wider and moan, rolling your cheek to the side as you imagine him fucking you with his fingers instead of your own. i can tell you’re getting close, imaginary joshua says with a smirk, his hand cupped against your pussy as he thrusts his fingers in and out at a bruising pace.
“mhm,” you whimper, curling your fingers and trying to convince yourself that it feels as good as when he does it. “please, joshua—”
you turn your vibrator up to the highest setting, your hips canting into the air as you squeeze your eyes tighter shut. you can feel the waves beginning to wash over you and you repeat his name like a plea, chanting it over and over until you can’t form words anymore.
cum for me, baby, all over my fingers, he says, and your mouth falls open as you let go, your knee accidentally smacking against the wall as your legs shake with pleasure. you keep your vibrator held firmly against your clit until it sends you over the edge again, still riding the high of your first orgasm as you struggle to breathe through it. joshua loves to overstimulate you, until all you can do is weakly push at his hands and beg him to leave your exhausted cunt alone.
the post-orgasm clarity soon starts to hit and you’re left with the realization that you just got off from pretending your neighbor is just as in love with you as you are with him. absolutely pathetic. 
but your eyes are starting to droop and you’re quickly finding that you’re too tired to stay awake to think about how much of a loser you are, so you tuck your favorite vibrator back into its spot in your drawer and put your pajamas back on and tuck yourself into bed, trying not to wish joshua was there beside you instead of infinitely far away on the other side of the wall.
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when joshua wakes up the next morning, he half expects you to be waiting outside his door again.
of course anyone would be annoyed at being woken up by their neighbor before 7am, but then you’d sheepishly told him that you’d had the most insane wet dream about him and he’d been more than happy to let you come in and bounce yourself on his lap while he watched the early morning sunlight stream through his bedroom window onto your cheeks. 
pretty much the perfect morning, in his eyes, except for the fact that you hadn’t slept in his bed with him. you never sleep over and it’s obvious why, but maybe it’s for good reason: he won’t get so attached to you.
unfortunately, though, this morning you aren’t waiting for him, so he trudges to his kitchen to make himself one lonely cup of coffee and one lonely stack of frozen waffles and get ready for his day.
he’s started noticing patterns about when and why you text him, and he finds himself checking his phone all day. 
on mondays, because you have all your classes on those days and you’re already exhausted so why not get fucked within an inch of your life before you settle in for the night?
on thursdays, usually in the afternoons because both your schedules happen to line up where he’s just finished his work shift and you’re on your break between classes so it leaves the perfect amount of time for him to eat you out.
if you have a particularly hectic morning you’ll text him right away and ask him if he’d come over once you get home that night, and he’ll reply that he can’t wait with a big red heart emoji.
in fact, most of the times you want to see him is when you’re stressed or upset, which makes sense to him but at the same time makes him a little disappointed. he hopes that you’d want to see him on your happiest days, because any day he gets to see you is automatically his happiest day. but he supposes that’s where you’ve drawn the line, and he’ll have to be okay with that.
joshua’s restless through his chem lab this morning, and then his english lecture, and then his shift at work, not-so patiently awaiting you to ask him about his plans tonight.
but you don’t text him at all on monday, and you don’t text him on tuesday, either. he catches you going into your apartment at the same time he’s leaving on wednesday, and he waves as usual but you just give him a small nod and hurriedly close your door behind you. he’s almost positive you’ll text him on thursday, but your lunch hour comes and goes without a word.
he almost never texts you first, because you text him so often and most of the time he’s already thinking about you anyway. so when sunday rolls around again and he still hasn’t heard anything from you, he thinks maybe you’re waiting for him to say something first this time.
he knows you’ve been home, because he’s heard your friends coming and going. maybe you’ve just been busy with other things and didn’t mean to ghost him. sure, you get together pretty often, but that doesn’t mean it’ll happen every single week. plans change and that’s fine, and it is right before finals week after all. 
but even when you’re on your period and aren’t in the mood to see him, you usually send a text as a heads up, and he’s definitely not keeping track or anything but this week shouldn’t be one of them. he’s going through every possibility he can think of as to why you’ve seemingly disappeared, but he just can’t find a reason why.
but then he realizes something else; he’s stopped hearing you at night, too. and then he really starts to worry, because he remembers how upset you looked when he saw you in the hall and maybe something really awful happened to you and he’s been pouting in his room like a selfish idiot this whole time.
so he pulls up your contact, cursor blinking over the text box as he tries to figure out what to say.
hey, he decides on, and he’s surprised but happy when you read the message right away. 
he waits a moment, but you don’t respond, so he texts again. you can talk to me, you know? about other stuff. i’m your friend.
he shakes his head and deletes that last sentence before pressing send. you read it immediately again, but it’s a long and agonizing few minutes before you reply.
he frowns, not knowing what to say back. did i do something and make you mad? you seem upset and i’m sorry.
it’s nothing. don’t worry
joshua wants to say, but i do worry, but he knows that might be too far and he’s still not even sure what’s wrong. 
so instead he stands up and walks out his front door, leaving his phone on his bed. he may be an idiot, but the least he can do is try to act like your friend.
you don’t answer when he knocks, so he calls your name. “i know you’re home, i can hear you through the wall.”
finally the lock clicks, and you open your door just a crack. “what do you mean, you can hear through the wall?”
he pauses. “i can hear you… walking around, and stuff. making noise. the walls are thin.” so you really didn’t know? oh god, now he feels like an asshole for listening, even if he was trying not to.
“oh. well.” you sigh and close your eyes, inhaling. “that’s embarrassing.”
“can we talk?” joshua asks, suddenly feeling exposed. he’s plenty comfortable in large groups of people, but when he’s around you he wants to hold you tight and keep you secret and safe, out of sight of any wandering eyes. standing out in the hallway where anyone could hear is not how he’d like this to go.
“sure,” you mumble, swinging your door open for him to come inside.
you close the door but don’t move from behind it, standing like you’re waiting for him to say something. so he does.
“listen. i know whatever this is, is messy,” he starts, gesturing between the two of you. “but you’re my friend, and i care about you and i want you to be happy.” he sighs. “so please tell me what’s wrong, because not texting you has been really weird, and if you want to end this then that’s fine and i’ll leave you alone, but don’t just ghost me. we’re still neighbors and i’m not a fan of awkward hallway conversations.”
you crack a smile for a second, but it quickly fades. “do you want to end this?”
“no, not really. but i don’t want you to feel like you have to keep doing this if you don’t like it.”
“i thought it was pretty obvious i did like it,” you say with an almost laugh. 
he stares at you quietly. “then what’s going on?”
“i want to keep doing this, but i just… i don’t think i can,” you say, avoiding his eyes. “at least not like this.”
“what do you mean, ‘like this’?”
“joshua, because i like you. and i feel awful because i know we’re not on the same page and it feels like i’m taking advantage of you because you probably have a dozen other women telling you the exact same thing and it’s probably exhausting and it’s not what you want!”
his face contorts in shock at your words. “well, first, that’s not at all true. and second of all, stop trying to guess what i want without just talking to me. what is it that you want?”
“you! i don’t know. i don’t know what i want anymore,” you say, covering your face with your hands. 
joshua’s not sure if he should hug you or not, but he really, really wants to. “is that all that’s been bothering you this week?” he asks softly.
“yeah,” you say, moving your hands but still avoiding his eyes. “it’s stupid. i know, and i’m sorry.”
he laughs, and you look up at him like he’s crazy. “you don’t have anything to be sorry for,” he says. “i’m sorry. because for months i’ve been wishing we could change this but i never said anything because this is what i thought you wanted.”
you keep staring at him, but he can’t read the emotion on your face. “so… what is this, then?”
“i’ll be whatever you want me to be for you. your fuck buddy, or your friend, or your boyfriend, whatever.”
“you really don’t see other people?” you ask, still unsure.
now it’s joshua’s turn to look at you like you’re crazy. “no, why would i want to? i don’t care if you do, but with how often you text me it sounds like you don’t, either.”
“i just figured— nevermind,” you sigh.
“can i give you a hug?” he asks after a minute. “we’ve been sleeping together the whole semester, and i don’t think i’ve ever given you a real, proper hug.”
you smile, and seeing that instantly makes his day. “yes, please.”
his arms feel secure around you, and his chest is warm against your cheek. with a sigh you close your eyes, breathing in the smell of his cologne that you’ve been trying to push out of your brain for weeks.
you stand there for a while, neither of you making any moves to pull away. it's been a really, really long week without joshua and you didn’t realize how badly you missed him until this moment.
“so about the walls thing—”
“hm?” he mumbles.
“—you can really hear everything?”
he laughs. “oh, yeah. your bedroom is right next to mine. been having trouble sleeping for so long because i kept hearing you moan my name and it got me hard every time.”
your cheeks burn in embarrassment. “joshua, i’m so sorry! if i had known—”
he shakes his head, cutting you off. “you can make it up to me by telling me everything you were thinking about.”
“probably nothing you don't already know,” you grin shyly.
“probably, but i wanna hear you say it anyway.”
you lean away from him a little bit, releasing your arms from around him to rest against his chest. “i should've known this is why you wanted to come over,” you say, pretending to be mad, but you can already feel the tingling feeling building up in your stomach at the thought.
“it's not,” he replies smoothly, “but i did miss waking up to you knocking on my door.”
you pout. “that was only that one time!”
“doesn't mean it has to be the last.”
heat creeps up into your cheeks and you glance away from him, gaze trained on his shoulder. 
“you really wanna know what i was thinking about?” you ask, finally building up the courage to look back up at his face.
“of course i do.” his eyes are sparkling as he watches you, and you can't exactly identify the emotion but you know it makes your heart flutter.
“well,” you start, “it was different every time, but most of the time it started like this.” you trail your hands down his torso, pausing when they reach his hips. he stays silent, eyes fixed on your movements and a little smile on his face that you don't think he even realizes he's doing.
“and then…” you look down, a little surprised to notice the bulge in his pants already there. you place your hand over him gently and look up, waiting for him to say something, but he doesn't stop you.
you clear your throat and start again. “and then, you'd sit on the couch and let me gag on your cock for a while.”
you start to push on his hips, backing him into your living room. he’s enjoying this way more than he should be, but then again, you basically just confessed your love to him so it’s kind of the best day of his life.
the back of his thighs hits the arm rest of your couch, but before you can move him any further his hands pull you flush against his body, his bulge pressing into your stomach. 
“how about we skip that part for another day?” he says, his voice low. “tell me what happens after.”
you try your best to hold back a moan, suddenly losing your ability to speak. you can practically feel his cock throbbing through his clothes and it makes it impossible to come up with a coherent sentence.
“don’t get shy on me now, baby,” he hums, hands still firmly gripping your hips, and if your brain hadn’t short-circuited already then it definitely has now. “been hearing you in your room for weeks, i know how loud you like to be.”
“that’s not fair,” you finally manage, still trying to collect your thoughts.
joshua leans forward to kiss your neck, gently at first but quickly growing harsher, and you’re sure he can feel your pulse jump every time his teeth graze your skin. 
“fuck, just like that,” you whimper, “exactly like that, shua—”
after a minute he hums and glances up at you through his lashes, clearly waiting for you to keep talking.
“we’d make out for a while, and then you—you’d fuck me on the floor,” you gasp out. joshua moans against your skin, and it’s only then that you realize your hands have found their way to his hair, tugging on it to urge him on.
your fingers loosen and he pulls away, the corners of his lips wet with saliva. “on the floor? you deserve better than that, baby,” he tsks. “can i take you to bed instead?”
“please,” you whine softly, suddenly feeling unbearably eager to fuck him. all week you’ve been using every last ounce of your energy to avoid thinking about joshua, but now that he’s here in front of you and way too willing to play into your fantasies, all the emotions you’ve been holding in are spilling out, and you don’t feel like containing them anymore.
you grab his hand and it’s like you can’t make it to your room fast enough, falling onto your bed and pulling him down on top of you. by then you’ve both forgotten the conversation you were having before because you’re too busy desperately pressing your lips against his, barely remembering to breathe as he kisses you and kisses you and kisses you and what were you even talking about again?
your brain is clouded when he finally pulls away with a gasp, kissing your cheek and your neck once more. his hands slip beneath your shirt and tug it over your head, making his way between your breasts and down your stomach and leaving more kisses as he goes. your skin burns with each touch, gentle lips and not-so-gentle hands covering every inch of you until you feel like your whole body is on fire.
he sits up just long enough to pull his own shirt off and now it’s your turn to touch, your hands instantly finding his chest as you trace your fingertips down his abs.
“how do you want me?” joshua groans, his hands joining yours at his hips to help him push his pants to the ground.
“fuck… missionary? just like this?” you say as you kick your pants and panties off in a rush, wrapping your legs around his waist.
his cock brushes against your stomach and you sigh out a moan, your hands moving up to grab at his biceps. he doesn’t say another word as he runs his tip through your folds, his attention fixated on your pussy and how you’re already dripping for him. for a second he forgets where he is and what he’s doing, so engrossed with the sight of you and how fucking glad he is that he didn’t lose you because you’re both idiots that assume too much about what the other wants instead of communicating your feelings like normal adults.
you let out a little noise and his eyes flick back up to your face, his gaze immediately softening at the blissful expression on your face. to think, he could’ve been seeing you like this the whole time if he had the balls to admit how he felt sooner. but there’s plenty of time for him to pout about it later because right now you need him, and he needs you, too, so why waste time thinking about that when he can think about how good you look taking his cock?
he leans down because he can’t resist kissing your beautiful face one more time, and finally he pushes into you, letting out a loud whine at the same time you moan his name. the sound of your voices joined together goes straight to his dick as he pulls almost all the way out, thrusting back into you with renewed energy.
“baby— fuck,” he groans, his grip on your body tightening as his thrusts begin to grow faster and rougher. “so good to me.”
you clench hard around him at the nickname, clinging onto him as you squeeze your eyes shut.
and then without warning everything hits you all at once, and you go boneless in his arms as he whimpers and groans and gasps and holds you tight and he probably told you he loves you about a million times as he was cumming too but you can’t hear anything as you lay exhausted on the bed, staring up at the ceiling with your ears ringing.
even with his shaking hands you can still feel the gentleness in joshua’s touch as you start to come back down, the warmth of his breath on your cheek as his fingers lightly brush your hair out of your face, feeling him twitch inside you before he slowly pulls out. 
with his own orgasm following just barely after yours that was probably some kind of record for the fastest round ever, but you don’t even have the strength to care. so what if he usually fucks you for hours on end? all you care about is the fact that he’s tracing your collarbones with a fucked-out little smile on his face and it’s probably the cutest thing you’ve ever seen in your entire life.
with a soft grunt he stands up, and you call out his name with all the energy you have left.
“can you stay?” you ask, and somehow you both know you’re talking about more than just for the next few minutes.
he smiles. “wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else.” and when he comes back with a towel and a wet wipe and apologizes for how fast it all was and promises to give you more whenever you want because he’s officially yours now, you know he’s telling the truth.
even when he’s doing nothing at all, joshua never fails to make your head spin. 
laying in the dark with you, his fingers absentmindedly twirling your hair as you snuggle into his chest, you can’t even begin to find the words to explain how good it feels knowing he loves you and you love him back. 
but it doesn’t seem like he needs words right now. all he needs is you.
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kvtie444 · 8 months
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A/N: sorry this took so long I decided last minute to go across the country lol + this turned out more of a toxic situationship im sorry - also just imagine chris has a car and drives pls, LMK WHO WANTS A PART 2
Summary: being in a situationship w chris lol kinda toxic tho
Warnings: very heated making out, arguing/ swearing, toxic???
"Im sorry, bby" Chris's text message read, and as I read those words on my phone, a mixture of frustration and resentment washed over me. I turned off my phone, deliberately ignoring the stream of missed calls and messages from him. Unbeknownst to his brothers, Chris and I had been entangled in a complicated "friends with benefits" situation. It all began this summer night at a party; we were both intoxicated, and one thing led to another, leading to an intimate encounter with "no strings attached."
However, Chris, being Chris, desired something more than just casual encounters. He wanted me all to himself and went out of his way to prevent me from getting involved with anyone else. He used psychological manipulation, and at times, openly discouraged other men who expressed interest in me. Yet, he continued to see other girls on the side. Last night I was on facetime with Nick, when he obliviously told me about a girl named "Gia" staying the night with Chris.
How could he date others whilst expecting me not to do the same?
My phone vibrated again, and the message "come outside" illuminated the screen. With an exasperated sigh, I headed downstairs. Fortunately, I had just returned from hanging out with my girlfriends and still looked presentable. Grabbing my keys, I stepped out of my front door, locking it behind me. I saw Chris parked in my driveway, his eyes locked onto mine as I approached. I got into the passenger side without a word, keeping my gaze fixed forward.
"Hey," Chris said, his voice barely a whisper as he leaned in to kiss my temple, followed shortly by a chuckle leaving his lips. My anger was palpable as I turned my head to glare at him.
"Don't push me, Chris. I swear to fuck if you keep acting like a dickhead when we BOTH know how much you fucked up, I'll lose my shit," I warned, my hand raised to my temple.
The car fell into an uncomfortable silence before he finally spoke up. "Listen, Y/N, I'm sorry. I’m not gonna lie to you, that girl gave me head, but that's it, I promise." My stomach sank, as I had expected as much, but some part of me had hoped it wasn't true.
"That's not the point, Chris! Why do you get to see other people, but I can't?" I quickly retorted, my hand now rubbing my temple in frustration.
Another awkward silence filled the car, and I reached over to open the door. "Y/N," he called, but I ignored him and stepped out, slamming the door behind me. He hastily rolled down his window and yelled, "Y/N, get back in the car." I slowed my steps, torn between walking away from someone so infuriating – but the other half of me just wanted to shut him up and sit on his face (😋)
I turned around and re-entered the car, turning my body to face him. I looked over all his features – his ruffled brown hair under a backward cap, slightly dilated pupils, and enticing pink lips. His silver chain hung nicely over his white tee, and I couldn't help but imagine how I wanted it dangling over my face again.
Our eyes locked, his gaze occasionally piercing into mine before settling on my lips. His hand cupped my face, while the other soothingly caressed my arm. "The only reason I act like a dick is because I care about you. You know that, right?" His eyes staring into mine, and his tone softened, filled with affection, the tone that had a chokehold on me.
I nodded and leaned in, our lips crashing together in a passionate kiss, quickly turning into a make out. He pulled away, trailing kisses down my jaw and neck, leaving a trail of marks. "Mine," he murmured against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. He unbuckled his seatbelt and pushed his seat back, creating space in front of him, and guided me by my waist to straddle his lap, resuming our make out session.
I broke away to tear off his shirt from his body, then leaned down to paint his neck with a trail of hickeys, matching the ones he'd given me. "don't want any other bitches looking at you," I said, pulling back and gripping his face, locking eyes with him. He smirked, his hands firm on my hips, sending butterflies through my body. "mm, I'm all yours baby," he replied in a low voice. His right hand slipped under my shirt, sliding up my back to pull me closer for another kiss. His hands removed my shirt, and they found their way to my hips, gripping them with bruising intensity, pressing me against him as he grew hard. My hands dipped lower, teasing the waistband of his pants. "God, you drive me so crazy," he whispered, out of breath.
Our intense moment was suddenly interrupted by his ringing phone, connected to the car's aux, blaring loudly. I turned my head to see the caller ID, reading "Gia."
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gojoath · 2 months
yūta’s never been one to back down easily. especially not after you told him you’d be together forever. soulmates. you can’t expect him to just let you go.
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summary. fem reader. yandere yūta. ex-boyfriend yūta. obsession. manipulation. stalking. yandere themes. dubcon. exhibitonism. dry humping / grinding. breath play - he puts his hand over your mouth. alcohol mention. previous fwb mention (not yūta). aged up characters. wc, 4.9k.
note. repost, the first yandere yūta fic i posted :)
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this was not your preferred way to get over a failed relationship.
you grumble to yourself as you rest in the kitchen of the party your friend maki dragged you to— you know she meant well, opting to get you out of the house rather than letting you sit alone feeling sorry for yourself. but honestly, at this point you don’t know what you’d prefer.
the atmosphere in here is buzzing, full of intoxicated bodies with red plastic cups in their hands and loud music blasting through the halls of the house. the liquid in your own cup is a little questionably coloured— something maki had mixed, although bartending was never her strong suit— but you still grit your teeth before bringing it up to your lips and knocking it back anyway.
the concoction hits your taste buds immediately and you try not to gag as you swallow it quickly— feeling the burn set fire to your throat. you cringe at the drink, but honestly you need to loosen up somehow.
it’s not that you were heartbroken over your situationship, he had simply been something to pass the time. he was handsome enough, a good fuck and a decent guy— he helped you forget, which was really the main focus and reason behind spending so much time in his presence. but you still think it’s annoying that he just disappeared without a trace, not even shooting a quick text like hey, thanks for sucking my dick so many times, it’s been fun. 
you find yourself rolling your eyes again, before you’re pulling your phone out of your back pocket to check the notifications, huffing when it comes up empty apart from a few instagram story updates and spam emails.
now you’re alone, you’re only stuck with the memories you try hard to swallow down, they still sting a little— ache across your chest and you find yourself shaking your head side to side like it’ll rid you of them, even just for a few hours.
“hey, quit feeling sorry for yourself! you gonna mope around all night?” you’re thankfully snapped from your own thoughts when maki wraps her arm around your shoulder, letting a fair amount of her weight lean on top of you until you’re both stumbling slightly. but she manages to steady you as she sends you a frown.
“i am not moping.”
“you’re totally moping.” your bestfriend sighs before she takes another swig of the drink that’s currently swaying a little too much in her other hand, and you’re glad that she’s atleast strong enough to keep you both upright despite being the one about to take you down.
“loosen up a bit, relax~ he’s just a guy.” she tries again, but you can’t help the way your body seems to stiffen with her statement, she feels it too,
“it’s not about the guy.” but still you’re quick to reply, brushing it off as you let your eyes roll slowly over the crowd of people shoved around the kitchen island. a lot of them pre-occupying themselves with different things such as raiding the fridge, setting up beer pong and—
“it’s not about that guy, but it’s about a guy.” maki’s words are matter a fact and you know she’s right despite the way you wish she wasn’t. it’s not about your failed situationship but the one that came before that, the one you’re trying to forget. you shoot your bestfriend a glare, and she pulls her arm back from its place over you before she’s squeezing at your shoulder, sending you a reassuring grin as she backs off.
“gotcha, let me grab you another drink. stay put.” she knows you better than anyone.
it only takes a few minutes before you begin to finally feel the affects of your last drink, you’re not quite where you want to be yet but you feel a little hazy— a little softer as you let yourself float around the room in your own blissful trance.
although you can’t help but feel like someone’s eyes are on you, feeling goosebumps burst along your skin every so often— like when you almost bump into someone or you’re helped by a stranger when you stumble. their hands will be on your skin to steady you but your gut is screaming for you to look over your shoulder, but there’s never anyone there when you do— not paying enough attention to you atleast.
maybe the alcohol is just making you paranoid. 
you find yourself fading in and out of conversations, not really absorbing any information as you sway from your place between panda and inumaki. they’re talking about something you can barely make out, a little too enthusiastically as your eyes scan the room again— wondering where the hell maki is with your other drink.
inumaki moves slightly, waving at someone from across the room and you can’t help the way your gaze follows the movement— blinking slowly until you feel something twist in your gut. you catch a glance at a familiar looking figure, hair pushed back into a relaxed sort of style and a gaze that feels like it cuts through you.
it can’t be, right?
you don’t cast it a second glance to check when it makes you stumble back, because you already find yourself pushing your way out of the room as it suddenly becomes a little harder to breathe.
it’s warm and stuffy, sweaty bodies cramped together in the hallway but you’re drowsy and most likely hallucinatingat this point, atleast that’s what you’ve convinced yourself as you round the corner. you’d make your way to the bathroom, but when you see a considerable amount of people already queued up and looking like they’ve been waiting too long already, you opt to push your way into the backyard instead.
you're thankful for the decision, when you finally push your way into the dimly lit garden— sighing when you feel the cool air roll over your shoulders in waves and it has you taking in a deep inhale.
it’s quieter out here, the music is more of a faint sound that only fades even more as you take a few steps deeper onto the grass— letting yourself bask in the glow from the moon and the fresh air. the backyard wasn’t big, it was only littered with a few plant pots and a single bench— there was a corner to the side that led to the gate and the back entrance to the house, and plot of grass in the middle.
but it was small enough for people to very rarely want to come out here, especially at a party and you’re pretty sure the smokers have opted for out the front when you hear the faint chatter of voices over the fence.
you like this though. another slow breeze pushes through you and despite the haze of your mind, you let your head fall back as you sway with it, letting your eyes rest closed. you almost forget about the whole reason you were seeking the outdoors in the first place,
almost, because it’s only a few beats later when your peaceful alone time is interrupted by the soft sound of the back door closing behind you. your eyes are suddenly wide open despite the way you don’t dare to look behind you just yet.
you find yourself listening, intently— hoping that maybe it was just that same breeze that was to blame for it. maybe some drunk party-goer stumbled into it and didn’t realise you were out here, it was dark after all. yeah, you were just being paranoid. so you let yourself exhale the breath you didn’t even realise you were holding before you perk up and go to turn again.
“you’ve been avoiding me.” the words are low, but they take a soft sort of lull that makes your movements halt mid turn. your eyes are wide and something familiar to a shiver seems to race it’s way down your spine before you’re easing your head in the direction of the sound.
“you know why that is, okkotsu.” your words come out a little harsher than you intend them to, and you watch the way your ex boyfriend picks up on that too as he shuffles on his feet. his brows furrow and he bites on the inside of his cheek as he looks away from your gaze.
okkotsu yuuta was your ex boyfriend and the reason you were even in that stupid situationship in the first place. he was overbearing and protective, to the point where you couldn’t even go on a study date with a classmate without him bumping into your boyfriend in the library and suddenly they’re requesting a new project partner. everyplace you ever went to without him, he always seemed to end up there anyway.
although if you asked him, he would deny that you guys were broken up in the first place. he would always rather say that you just needed some space, you just needed a little time to relax but you’ll come back to him because you said you were soulmates afterall. why wouldn’t you? 
which is why, yes you’d been trying to avoid yuuta— tryingbecause he always still managed to find his way to every, single party you attended anyway, insisting that he was there for you, because he’s your date. you’d been avoiding this confrontation since the last one, and the one before that. you’d changed your phone number, but he knew your schedule, he knew the places you visited on your days off and the places he could find you because he knew you.
“baby, please don’t call me that.” his voice is tender as he takes a careful step into your space but he stops immediately when you meet him with a step back.
“i thought you’d be happy to see me. i’m here for you.” yuuta speaks again but he emphasises the way he says it’s all for you. like you’re making him act this way, it’s yourfault. you take another step away from him as you frown, opting to walk around the side of the house as you head towards the gate— you weren’t doing this right now. not tonight when you don’t have a clear mind.
you hear him call out a don’t leave as you retreat away from him, but it was always unnerving how quickly he seemed to move— feeling his hand wrap tightly around your wrist before your back is almost slammed against the brick wall of the house and he’s looming over you.
you hiss at the slight, sharp sting of pain you feel up your body at the impact and you hear yuuta gasp at the sound before his hands are reaching over you with a “sorry. i didn’t want you to leave me again.” but you’re quick to slap away his other hand when it reaches for your face aswell, earning you a pitiful, puppy eyed look.
“i’m not doing this tonight.” you try to argue, trying to shake his grip off your wrist but it’s tight, and you feel suddenly too warm underneath his stare as his lidded gaze crawls over your features. he leans into you, his free arm that’s now just resting in the air between you opting to rest against the wall instead as he keeps you caged beneath him. he’s close enough for you to smell the faint, familiar scent of his cologne.
“is it because of that guy?” yuuta asks, softly, like he’s sympathising with you— like it’s a touchy topic that he doesn’t want to bring up but it’s a question that fills you with unease when you finally find it in yourself to lift your eyes to meet his.
“what?” your words come out slowly, hesitantly and the dark haired male over you looks away as your gaze narrows, “how do you know about that?”
“hey, it’s fine. i don’t blame you.” a soft reply, like a lover consoling another— like he’s about to wrap you in his embrace and keep you there, but the smile he’s wearing is a little too happy for the subject. his eyes close with the close lipped grin as his hand squeezes around your wrist. like a reassurance— a reminder that he’s got you there. you can’t go anywhere else.
“you’re safe now. i got rid of him, we can be together again.” yuuta hums, like he’s being careful with his words— although he can still hear the way your breathing picks up. maybe if he leaned in a little closer he’d be able to hear your heartbeat, he wonders if it beats for only him. would you let him have it if he asked? he lets his hand against the wall fall slightly, resting on your arm as he strokes at the skin but the stare you’re giving him now is cold as he tries to soothe you with his touch.
“it was you?” your words are deliberately harsher now, sharper as you try to pull yourself from his touch but despite his appearance he was stronger than you’d expect. he doesn’t have any trouble holding you there as he tries to shush you, casting a few quick looks over to the gate to make sure you’ve not caught the attention of the people on the other end. it’s quieter now than it was when you first came out.
“he was in the way of our love.” this was okkotsu yuuta. he still remembers how upset he felt seeing you with that other guy, laughing and smiling so prettily when it’s only supposed to be for him. it was your fault. it wasn’t hard, he didn’t have to hurt him too much before he decided to give you up— to give you back, you deserve someone better than that. someone who would give up his life to keep you, and you have him for that already. you don’t need anyoneelse.
although he still had to teach him the consequences of touching what’s his. he’d do it as many times as he had to. they don’t stand a chance against him.
“i’m all yours remember. all of me. that means you belong to me too, doesn’t it? we’ll be together forever.” it’s unnerving how honest yuuta’s words sound, there’s no waver to them and his dark, lidded gaze is sharp as it holds yours. “you promised.” he brings your hand up to his cheek as he presses your fingertips into his skin, leaning into the touch but your fingers don’t stroke softly like they usually do. they’re rigged, stiff while your hand falls limp in his hold. you stare at him, and it makes him shift uncomfortably opposite you as he takes a loud swallow.
you can’t deny you feel scared, bile turning in your gut as you begin to blink a little more with your exhales but he picks up on that.
“i missed you.” yuuta tries again as his hands squeeze at your skin— his fingers around your wrist loosen slightly, but only so he can try to intertwine them with your own. he presses his chest into yours, pushing you harder against the brick behind you and you try to push yourself back against him as you huff.
“yuuta, stop it! are you crazy?” you try to argue because you’re mad at him, try to push against his chest but you can already feel the way his lips are grazing along your jawline, nibbling at the skin. his fingertips cold as they push underneath the hem of your shirt to touch your bare skin.
“sorry, it’s been so.. so long.” you shudder as yuuta breathes his words along the nerves in your neck next, fidgeting beneath him as he knocks your legs apart with one of his— pressing his hips into the space that’s left behind after, before they’re grinding into yours.
you’re breathing deep but yuuta’s panting into you like a dog as he ruts you into the brick behind you, it almost hurts with how it grazes along the bare skin he reveals. his hands are everywhere and you feel too hot for your skin, feeling the same bile rise in your throat as your eyes squeeze closed.
“please.” he gasps again, but the soft, pathetic little plea is cut off by the slam of the back door as you watch it illuminate the light around the corner. you feel the tension in your shoulders relax as you hear maki call for you, seeing what you would assume is her shadow fall out of the doorway a few moments later. it’s almost too eager, the way your arm shakes free to reach out, just as your mouth drops open to call back.
but just as your lips part, you feel the hard press of yuuta’s palm across your mouth— so fast and precise it almost knocks the air out of you as your head whips towards him.
“please. don’t.” he grits and you’re pretty sure if his hips weren’t pressing you into the wall right now your legs would’ve buckled entirely with the way they’re trembling. there was a few instances where he got like this, it was like a switch flipped and some dark aura that he kept wrapped away inside of him pushed its way to the surface. his lidded gaze feels like it cuts through you and you can barely breathe with how tight his grip on your mouth is as the veins in his hands bulge.
you feel yuuta press into you again, and you can feel how hard he is through the fabric of his slacks— accompanied by the flush of his cheeks as he suddenly avoids your gaze. he trembles over you, quietly grazing the blunt head of his cock between your legs but your eyes are still on the shadow of your bestfriend as she calls out another time.
your fingertips tremble as they reach out but your ex-boyfriend is quick to take them back in his own before you let them drop by your side again. your vision blurs with tears as you hear maki spit out a slurred curse before stomping back into the house, slamming the door closed just as loudly again before you’re wrapped back up in the shadows like you were before.
you feel lightheaded as yuuta’s fingers dip almost painfully into your skin, accompanied by the way you’re only left to breathe out of your nose right now because his palm is still tight over your lips. you try to speak, but it’s lost behind his grip and he’s so flushed and needy, he can barely hear you as he rolls his hips into yours once more— pulling a soft, dreamy whine from his lips that you cant deny makes something twist in your gut.
“i’m.. im sorry, ive just missed you.” he shivers over you as his thighs tremble at the feeling of your hips sliding along his. the look he gives you is lidded and dazed, clouded with lust as he pulls your hips up towards him, and you can’t help the whimper that would slip from your lips as he angles himself against your clit. you’re suddenly thankful that the sound goes lost behind his palm instead.
it’s insane the way yuuta moves you, dragging you along his own body as he takes control of you— making your body clap almost painfully against the wall behind you both. but you can’t deny how pretty he looks with his lower lip sucked between his teeth, his dark bangs falling slightly over his gaze as he blinks up at you.
his movements are messy and eager, like he’s trying to prove how much he’s missed you— how much he’s lovesyou in his movements. like all of those threats were acceptable, he really was just looking out for you and with every graze of his shaft along your clothed clit you consider forgetting about them entirely.
you did love him afterall, the chemistry was there— it’s evident in the way the feeling of yuuta’s body against yours is making the space where you both take a breath spin. maybe that’s why you’d been avoiding him, because you know you’d go crawling back as soon as you felt his touch, as soon as you heard his soft pants fall from his lips. that’s the reason, right? 
your mind and willpower melting away with every quick shockwave of pleasure his thrusts send through you.
“shhhh, i know what you need. i always do, i’ve got you.” his lips trail spit along your cheeks as he drools against you, whimpering against your skin and it’s almost instinct the way your arms finally relax— instead easing their way to his chest to twist at the fabric of his shirt.
yuuta gives you a look as he inspects you, slowing down his needy grinds to a slow, seamless crawl— like he’s making sure you’re not trying to trick him before he finally releases his palm from your mouth. your lips part as you take a much needed breath, but your gaze is lidded and blown when it meets his, and suddenly his palms are resting on your cheeks as he pulls you in for a kiss.
“b-baby,” he gasps as he grabs at you, tongue pressing past the seal of your lips to graze against your own— messy and lewd, like a sweet little welcome home as his hips ruthlessly rut into yours. the push of your mouth makes him whine, his palms clammy against your skin as he drinks up every sinful swirl of your hips you offer him.
you’ve become so lost in your pleasure, your fingers move to twist in his hair and you feel yuuta moan softly at the sting before his jaw tightens. his hips continuing to move in sync with yours as a low, slurred praise pours from his lips like honey. he feels so lost in the familiar, silky grind of your clothed pussy. “feel—feels so good.”
“all mine.” follows after before he curses under his breath and you can barely hear him with the ringing in your ears. he’s rutting into you almost too desperately, you can almost feel every detail of his cock through the thin fabric separating you both as he mumbles messily against your lips, insanity intertwining with his lust. “you belong to me.”
“yuuta~ah!” you moan, so prettily that it makes yuuta’s pace stutter before he’s grabbing at your thigh to hike it up higher, to perfect the angle so you can feel him rub right between your clothed folds. he can almost feel you, his mind swirling with the thought of finally sinking into your warm pussy again— finally claiming back what’s his after you kept it from him for so long.
“i love you.” his mind and senses blur as he pushes love confessions between your lips, promises and threats that go unheard as you lose yourself in the pleasure between your thighs. “don’t leave me again. i won’t let you.” he gasps again, and you know he’s close when he pulls away to nuzzle into the crook of your neck.
the press of your panties against you feels damp and if it wasn’t for yuuta holding you upright you’d have collapsed entirely as you hold onto him for stability. your breathing is ragged but you’re just as fucked out as he is, trying to meet each of his needy thrusts with mindless little humps of your own as you both near your orgasms.
“t-tell me, please.” your ex boyfriend trembles as your body claps against his, desperate hands clawing at your bare skin as you feel the shaft of his cock throb against you— begging just as much as he is with every breathless plea he buries into your throat. “please, i need it. i’m gonna—“
“i love you, yuuta.” you moan, it’s whispery and choked off just as he angles his hips exactly where you need him too, and it’s enough to have yuuta curling over you as the words ring true in his ears. it’s instantaneous the way his orgasm feels like it rips through him, his hips jerking and twitching into you as he babbles out slurred and whimpered thank yous, and his fingernails dig so tight into your skin you’re sure they’ll bruise.
he continues to roll his hips into yours, prolonging his blissful state because you’re whimpering his name, grabbing at him as you chase your own high— grinding into the mess he’s made in his pants and it only takes a few more presses onto your puffy clit before you’re going rigid.
your lips part, but yuuta’s quick to meet them with his own as he swallows up your moans— keeping them for himself as he holds you steady through your orgasm. your high hits you so hard and good your toes almost ache with how tight they curl, insides begging to be filled as you pull at the man infront of you’s dark roots and he whines into your mouth.
it’s greedy, the way you both ride out your highs until you’re a mess of limbs and agonised moans. your kiss is prolonged until it’s lewd and messy, pulling away with a string of drool despite the way your still ex boyfriends grip is as tight on you as it was when you started. he won’t let you get away from him again.
although with your dwindling pleasure and lust, you realise the weight of what you just did when you feel yuuta’s eyes on you— gazing down at you all fatuous and adoring. you clear your throat slightly as you try to move, feeling the ache in your spine from where you’ve been pressed against the hard surface but he’s quick to let his hands graze up the skin— smoothing out the area like it’ll help at all.
although the touch makes you shudder more than anything. 
“i have to go change. let’s go.” yuuta mumbles softly before his hand is intertwining with yours again, and you’re so aware of how tight his hold on you is that you know you’d have no chance to shrug him off. your lips part again, like you’re going to object and he looks at you— something a little dark twisting in his expression and it’s enough for you to suddenly forget how to speak.
another beat and he leans into press a kiss to your forehead, a whisper of a smile on his features before he’s pressing another to your lips after and sending you a soft, kind smile.
“i won’t let you leave me again.” and the confession makes your body betray you— maybe as a means of survival as you take a step in his direction on shaky legs to follow behind him,
love was like a curse afterall.
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© gojoath. please do not copy any of my layouts or writing and translate or repost onto any other sites.
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gay-wh0re-slut · 7 months
Hiiiiii THERE!!!!!!!!!
I love love loveeeeee everything your writing and would like to that the opportunity to thank you so much for your services! 🫡
I have a request if that’s okay…
Rhea x Fem Reader having had a fling now and then nothing serious besides a kiss or two. Reader has a toxic situationship she keeps going back to where the guy hurts her constantly as in not being faithful, but they still have make up smex in a constant cycle.
Rhea’s finds out about all of this through friends of a friend type situation. She confronts Reader one day to make you leave him. Reader basically confronts that she stays with him cuz he’s a man and she likes that masculine energy for security but there are hardly any good men left so she won’t bother leaving him in search of a new one. Rhea asks like what about a woman? and Reader laughs and says a woman can’t give her what a man can sexually. LOL
Rhea is upsets but sees the challenge..
Thank you so much❤️‍🔥
hehehe you’re welcome soldier🫡
but oh shit oh fuck this is so good…damn i have no words to describe how i feel rn this is crazy good thank you for the request seriously.
after writing: this is soooo incredibly long i’m sorry so get comfy haha
rhea x fem!reader
content: talks of a toxic relationship before getting down and dirty with Mrs. Hot Goth Wrestler with a skilled tongue, good fingers and huge strap 😌
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“We have to stop doing this,” she says out of breath.
“Yees,” you moan, “but not now.”
The two of you were in a one stall bathroom backstage, away from everyone. Rhea was feeling you up as she went back to kissing you roughly. Her hand travelled down to the zipper on your pants but you stopped her.
“Oh come on,” she tried to seduce you back into it.
“I can’t, I’m sorry,” you pushed her away a bit, “I’m sorry,” you wiped your mouth.
Her whole aura changed when you broke the kiss but she didn’t want to push you to do anything you didn’t want to do. She didn’t say anything which made you feel worse than you already did.
“I’ll uh… text you later,” you fixed your shirt that she had roughed up.
“Yeah,” she stepped out of your way.
You walked out of the bathroom hanging your head, feeling horrible.
Several months have passed and you are back with your ex, but you’ve been on and off the whole time. You swore you would never date a cheater but when it was good, it was so good. He treated you like a queen by giving you flowers all the time, setting up random dates and the sex was amazing. He worked you out better than anyone else and he knew it too and held it over your head.
It’s only been one time that he’s gone behind your back. You caught him sending pics to “The Pizza Palace”, so you screamed and yelled and cried then left him for a good few weeks before he came crawling back to you.
Your friends begged you not to go back to him but you couldn’t get over how good he was in bed and you were afraid you wouldn’t find anyone else who could love you.
“I’m so sorry baby, I promise I won’t do it again, I’m so sorry, I love you so so much. I was stupid and I couldn’t see that you were perfect for me. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me, I’m so sorry,” he cried.
As soon as you accepted his apology you had ground rules: whenever you were suspicious of his texts, he had to let you look; his location was on at all times; and you needed to know his work schedule.
But once a cheater, always a cheater and somehow he found a way to cheat on you again. You had enough and finally cut ties with him for good, or so you thought.
“Baby please, I’m so sorry, I can’t live without you. You’re my baby, I need you, I won’t do it again,” and you ended up right back in his bed.
This went on for a couple months and Rhea had kept trying to meet up with you again, but you pushed her away. She had no clue what was going on behind closed doors but she was going to find out. So she asked a mutual friend of yours when they went to lunch.
“You didn’t know?”
“She never told me anything,” the wrestler’s face was shocked.
“Oh yeah girl. He’s obviously mentally unwell himself and he’s taking it out on her by cheating and then asking to come back. The only reason she keeps going back is because ‘he’s a god in bed’, ” the friend air quoted.
“My god. No wonder why she’s been avoiding me,” Rhea was upset about the whole thing. Her mind was racing trying to figure out what she could do to help you out.
“I’ve been trying to tell her not to go back to him, but she won’t listen to me,” the friend said insinuating that Rhea could most definitely do something.
You haven’t talked to Rhea in a while, just some brief hello’s here and there as you passed her by. She kept her distance after you basically ghosted her but she couldn’t stay away for long.
“Hey,” Rhea texts you.
“Heyy,” you replied but you were on your couch a couple weeks after you got back with your ex, refreshing the maps for his location every second.
“Wanna get coffee tomorrow?” she asked not wanting to set off any alarming messages that she was basically having an intervention so she could get you alone.
“I’d love to! I’ve been thinking about you,” you weren’t lying, you did miss her but as a friend more than anything else.
“Perfect, 10 okay? At the one near your place?”
“I’ll be there!” you smiled at this small interaction but you couldn’t think about anything other than when he was going to get home.
The morning came and you were sat at a table in the coffee shop when you heard the door open for the australian.
“Hi!” she walked towards you displaying her arms for a hug.
You were engulfed by her muscles as she squeezed, “How’re you?” you questioned knowing something was up because she doesn’t usually hug you.
“Almost broke my clavicle last night but I’m good,” she chuckled rubbing on the bone, “how about you?”
“I’m doing okay,” you couldn’t lie to her, “there’s been some ups and downs but everything is good.”
“That’s okay,” she gestured towards the register.
Both of you waited in line talking about random things, ordered and went outside to sit.
“A little birdie told me you were back with your ex?” Rhea wasn’t one to dance around a subject.
You faked a laugh, “yeah,” was all you could say.
She took a sip, “and how’s that going?”
“It’s… good I guess. I’ve made some rules with him about his whereabouts and texts but nothing too crazy,” you took a drink to hide the awkwardness. You knew that she knew what had happened by the way she asked the question so you didn’t want to bore her with the details again.
“Yeah? Well that’s good, but you really should be trusting of your significant other you know,” her accent was calm but strong.
“I do!”
She threw you a look.
“To a point,” you cleared your throat, “He’s just so…” you balled your fists in front of her, “good.”
She rolled her eyes, “that shouldn’t be the reason that you should stay with him,” she took another sip to let that sit in the air, “there are other people that would kill to be with someone like you.”
“I know, I know. But I like having a man around you know? It makes me feel safer knowing that he’s there,” you smiled but your subconscious knew that it was a fake smile.
“Right,” her tone was stern, “have you even tried to find someone else?”
Another look.
“Okay fine, no I haven’t because every time I think I’m done with him and download a dating app, he comes crawling back.”
“Oh my god. You can’t keep going back to him,” her eyes were piercing into yours.
“I know, but he’s so kind and caring when he’s not in someone else’s bed,” you rolled your eyes as you sat back in your chair swirling the cup.
“Well,” Rhea sighed as she mirrored your movements, “have you…ever thought about being with a woman?” again, not one to beat around the bush.
“What!? No. I couldn’t. I don’t even know what to do with myself sometimes, let alone another woman,” you said nervously.
“Have you even tried it?”
“Well no, but-”
“Exactly. So,” the tattooed legs crossed, “leave him and find you a woman,” she smirked.
You were taken aback at her bluntness but you shouldn’t have expected anything less. “Are you…asking me on a date Ripley?”
“Not unless you want me to. As if you haven’t thought about it,” she chuckled.
“No, I mean- I like you but not like that,” you waved away her response. Well, maybe you could be with a woman, you thought. No! No… well…
“Uh huh,” she let you work it out for yourself for a minute before she brought you back in, “let me know the next time he cheats,” she snarls as she stands. “I have to get back to training,” as she pushed her chair in.
You looked at her in confusion at the sudden change in energy, “okay,” you stand and walk over to give her another awkward hug.
Though it was weird, she accepted. Holding you in place, she whispered in your ear, “Trust me, I can treat you much better…in and out of the bedroom.”
You let go of the hug as she smirked at you before she walked away. You watched her put her cup on top of the trash can by the food trays before walking towards her car.
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself.
Not even a week passed and he went and cheated on you once more. You cried and screamed again as you finally walked out of the house for the last time. You sat in your car fumbling for your keys as you tried to call Rhea, “pick up, pick up, pick up,” you chanted between sobs.
“Hey,” you sniffed, “Can I come over?”
You could feel her smirking her devilish smile behind the phone knowing she was saying ‘told you so’ to herself, “C’mon,” she said.
You sped over there and banged on the door.
“Damn, chill, the door didn’t cheat on you,” she opened the door but you pushed past her.
“Hey woah,” she closed it, locking it behind her, “sorry about the joke but-”
You threw your wallet and keys on the kitchen table as she followed you in as you cut her off with your finger, “don’t say you told me so because I already know, but you got in my head and now I can get you out,” you dropped your hand.
She confidently leaned herself on the counter, “Well,” she shrugged as she gestured to herself smirking.
“Stop it,” you slammed yourself down on a chair.
“I’m kidding! I am sorry that he cheated on you though…again,” she tried to hide her giggles.
“Rhea please,” you wiped your nose with a napkin that was neatly stacked in the middle of the table, “I know I’m dumb for going back to him but when it was good it was good, okay? It wasn’t just the sex even though it may seem like it,” you broke down again.
She immediately stopped feeling proud of herself and started feeling sad for you. She hated seeing you hurt but she knew that she had to be the voice of reason right now. She sighed as she sat across from you, rubbing your arm, “is there anything you need me to do?”
“Beat his ass?” you joked.
She laughed, “I don’t need a lawsuit, but I would if I could.”
You blew your nose then crumpled up the napkin, “Remember what you said at the coffee shop?”
“When?” she knew exactly when.
“When you hugged me. Did you mean it?”
“Oh…yeah,” she said casually as her muscular arms crossed leaning back in the chair.
“Could you-”
“You wanna do it right now?” her eyes widened, “yeah, no. What we are gonna do,” she stood, “is run you a shower for as long as you need, to get him off of you, use whatever you want in there, and then,” she pulled you out of the chair walking you to her bathroom, “we can talk about what happens next.”
“Okay,” as you stepped inside the bathroom.
You were in there for probably 45 minutes. You stepped out with a towel wrapped around you, your hair dripping with some left over eyeliner stuck on your eyes, but you didn’t care too much.
“Clothes are on my bed,” she shouted from the kitchen before she walked out with two glasses of wine, setting them on the coffee table.
You changed into one of her big tshirts and sweatpants, then joined her on the couch, “Thank you,” you said weakly.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll always be here for you. Now, did you think about anything specific you wanted to talk about?” she handed you the wine glass.
“Mm,” you took a sip, “I’m not sure how to word this,” you became embarrassed.
“Try your best,” her hand landed on your thigh as she turned to sit criss-cross facing you.
“How does it…work?” was the best you could do.
“How does what work?” her eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
You bit your lips trying to muster up the courage but decided there was nothing left to lose, “sex…with a woman,” your face turned red.
“Oh!” she chuckled gently slapping her hand on your thigh, “the same as with a man but it’s more enjoyable and much hotter,” she winked.
“But there’s no-”
“There is, it’s just… silicone,” now Rhea’s face was a bit red but not for the same reason, “But there’s plenty other ways to get the job done.”
“Oh,” you blinked as your mind tried to figure it out.
She took another big sip, followed by a big sigh, “did you think of anything else? I know today’s been a lot so we don’t have to talk if you don’t want to. And you’re more than welcome to stay the night if you need to, plenty of room,” she gave you a sincere smile.
“Not really,” you picked up your legs onto the couch and hugged them, “and thank you, we’ll see what happens,” you finish your wine.
“For sure,” she finishes hers too and gets off the couch. She gestured towards you silently asking if you want another, but you shook your head no, so she took your glass with her into the kitchen.
She came back out and sat back down in the same position.
“Thank you,” you said again.
“For what?”
“For being here.”
“Anytime,” her eyes were staring into yours, twinkling in the sunset light coming from the window. She looked so beautiful in this light, was it because she actually did or because you were heart broken, again, and you needed a distraction? Whatever it was, you made a quick decision.
So you cupped her face with your hand and gently kissed her. She easily fell into it but broke it off gently.
“Are you sure you want to start this? Because I won’t be able to stop,” she was sure of herself.
“Yes,” you tried to kiss her again but she backed away.
“Because I know you’re just doing this to feel as though you’re getting back at him. And I don’t want to be used as a distraction so I need to know if you actually want to go through with this,” she was calm but stern with her words, wanting to make sure you understood.
“Ever since, whatever we had back then, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you. I think he was the distraction from you,” the light bulb went off in your head as you said this, because it was true. Rhea always made you feel loved and appreciated no matter what.
Her mouth fell open slightly as she took in this new revelation, “Never thought of it that way,” she cleared her throat.
“So yes, I want to go through with this. Mainly because I want to see if you can keep your promise,” you smirked.
“Ah ah, I didn’t promise anything,” she pointed, “but I can definitely prove it.”
“Then prove it, teach me the ways,” you tried to think of anything else to say but it came out before you could stop it, “of lesbian sex.”
“Please don’t ever say that again,” she scoffed.
“Sorry,” you hid your face.
“You should be, that was weird.”
“Yeah, oops,” you chuckled.
“So, you sure you want to go through with this because,” she cocked an eyebrow and smirked as she shrugged, “I’m pretty good if I do say so myself.”
“Alright alright, calm down,” you smiled putting your hand up to stop her. You took a deep breath and took a second to think about everything, “I want to do it.”
“Finally,” the wrestler breathed as she grabbed your face and smashed your lips together. It wasn’t like you haven’t kissed her before, but it was different this time. There was yearning and lust and you wanted more of it.
Small moans came from the both of you as your hands glided up her bare thighs, prying at the edge of her booty shorts. Her hands moved to your waist to pull you closer but you decided to straddle her instead.
“A little desperate, are we?” she guided your hips down onto her lap.
“Sshhh,” as you kissed her again. Now her hands were gliding on your thighs. After a few moments, her hands found their way under your, well her shirt, and felt up your back pulling you in tighter. You arched your back into her with a low whine. Her nails dug into your back sending shockwaves through your body and directly to your core.
You gently began to grind your hips and she took the opportunity to put her hands on your ass and guide you through it. Moaning into the kisses, you ran your hand through her hair while the other kept your balance on the back of the couch.
She snuck one of her hands to the front of the waistband playing with it, “can I…”
“Yeah,” you said quietly, you were nervous but you’ve never felt safer.
She slowly slipped her hand underneath and began to gently caress your hot center with just a layer of fabric separating her hand from you.
“Shit,” you whined.
“You okay?” she caught your gaze.
“Mhmm,” you bit your lip.
Drawing small gentle circles on your sensitive bud, your hips jerked a bit as you let out a small whimper. You tried to cover it by kissing her again.
“Don’t hold back,” she whispered, “It’s hot.”
You were still weary but thankful she said something. So you nod in response before resting your head on her shoulder. Her pace had gotten faster now and you were riding her hand in perfect unison. “Mmmfuck,” you threw your head back.
You removed your hand from her hair to meet with hers in the sweatpants. You stopped her hand and moved it under the one layer that was blocking her. You removed your hand but she got the message immediately. She ran her fingers over your wet folds picking up what had been oozing out of you before going back to her pace.
You moaned as your head fell back onto her shoulder, breathing heavily. She twisted her head and started to kiss your neck before ever so slightly biting. Your moans became more frequent and the pressure was quickly beginning to rise.
“Fuck, I’m gonna-”
“Don’t say it…just do it,” her voice was deep in your ear.
And with that, the pressure released, “Oh GOD,” you yelled as you threw your head back once more. She kept her pace and let you ride it out.
After an about a minute she removed her hand, “you okay?”
You were breathing heavily into her neck, “yeah,” as you sat up.
“Good because we’re not done yet,” and she easily picked you up carrying you to her room and onto her bed. She set you down gently, “totally up to you, but on a scale of one to ten, how rough-”
“Seven,” you blurted out a little too quickly.
“Hm,” she stood above you with her hands on her hips, “so what do you…”
“Oh, uhm,” your face turned redder than it was. You never had this conversation with your ex he just kinda did what he wanted, “I’m… not sure.”
“Do you like when someone talks you through it?”
You thought about it, “yes.”
“Do you like being praised or no?”
You thought again but longer this time, “I’m not sure.”
“We can try both and see what happens,” she said casually, “What about choking?”
“Oh yeah for sure,” you didn’t have to think about that one.
“Okay,” she chuckled, “obviously you’re a pillow princess.”
You acted surprised, “how’d you know?”
“I could tell,” she laughed. “Are you okay to start again?” her tone became serious.
You readjusted your position, placing your hands in your lap neatly, “Yes ma’am.”
“Ooh, I like that,” she cooed. “Now get comfy, princess,” as she pointed to the pillows behind you.
So you scooted back a bit and laid down on the bed. You watched as she crawled menacingly on top of you. The tattooed hand slid up your torso and to your neck turning your head to the side and holding it in place. She ran her tongue up your neck, sending a shiver through your body. Your hands were carefully placed on her sides just to have something to hold on to.
She kissed down your jaw, to your mouth before making eye contact with you, “Anything he could do, I can do better,” she growled.
You couldn’t say anything you were so turned on now. Never in a million years did you think you would be in this situation. So you smiled devilishly in response.
“Promise,” she tacked on before going back to your neck. She sat up and tugged at the waistband of the sweat pants, “Can I take these off?”
“You can do anything you want,” you finally admitted.
“Don’t tell me that,” she smirked.
“I’m serious,” your tone was stern as you caught her icy blue eyes with yours.
Her eyes flicked up and down your body, “okay,” her voice graveled.
She easily slipped the pants off of you but you took it a step further and took the shirt off too, leaving you in nothing but underwear.
She was surprised but her energy quickly changed. Her eyes filled with hunger as she looked over your body taking in every inch. It didn’t take long for her to spread your legs to begin to kiss on your thighs.
You whimpered at her touch as your hands flew to her hair, holding it out of her way. Kissing her way up your thighs, moving from one to the other with every other peck, she looked at you as she landed one on your soaked center.
You moaned catching her gaze as she smiled into another kiss. You writhed under her as she continued to touch everywhere but where you needed her most. You were over it so you pushed her head away.
“Just,” you threw off your underwear as quickly as possible, “fucking go for it, please.”
“I thought I was teaching you?” she joked.
“Please, please, just fuck me,” you begged.
“So desperate,” she said slyly.
“God, please Rhea,” you were basically whining at this point.
“I don’t know, I like hearing you beg,” she smoothed her hands over your thighs.
You did whine a little, gently hitting your fists on the bed, “Ugh! Pleeaase!!”
She scoffed before she dove her head back down. Her tongue smoothed over your wet folds immediately.
You gasped, “fuck, yesss,” as you picked up your legs, folding at the knees.
She held your hips in place as her tongue worked its magic. She hummed into you, causing your body to shiver again at the vibrations. She skillfully flicked her tongue over your clit before lapping you up again.
The noises coming out of you were something you didn’t think would happen but you let them come anyway. Moans and whines filled the room as she continued. The knot inside of you returned, causing you to ride her face.
She smiled into your movements holding you tighter. She kept her pace steady as your hips jerked against her, “shit…ffffuck,” you moaned. Just a few more moments and you were coming once again. You yelled in pleasure as she forced your legs open to stop you from suffocating her, she didn’t stop though, letting you finish out your high.
Once you came down, she kissed her way up to your mouth, “you taste so…” she thought about it, “delicious,” and kissed your mouth. You could taste yourself against her but you didn’t mind. She was right, she was doing everything better than he was.
“I think you’re ready to turn it up a notch, yeah?” she said as she slinked off of you and went to the closet.
You covered your eyes with your hands trying to think of what she meant. You couldn’t believe you were here with her of all people. THE Rhea Ripley, pleasing you, making you feel safe, giving you everything you need and more. You were afraid you were in love with her.
The door clicked open, “Close your eyes,” she said before walking out.
“Okay,” your hands fully covered your eyes now as you heard her walk towards you, then felt her crawl onto the bed above you once more.
“Don’t peek,” she said as she felt you up once more, running her hands over your hot skin. She slid them up your torso and to your breasts, gently running her thumb over your nipples. Your back arched into her touch. She maneuvered herself between your legs, “such a pretty sight.”
Another shockwave went through your body as you heard those words, you didn’t know you liked praise until this moment.
“You liked that, huh?”
“Mhmm,” you tried to remove your hands.
“Nuh uh, I said no peeking,” she started to draw small circles on your clit again with her thumb, “you’ve been such a good girl…”
You whimpered into her touch, arching your back a bit.
“But I’d like to see you,” her tone became harsh, “be a slut,” and she pressed harder into you.
“Fuck,” you whined.
“Good to know you liked that too,” her fingers danced at your entrance before easily pushing inside of you.
You slammed your hands onto the bed gripping onto the sheets as you arched your back, “FUCK,” you screamed.
She slowly pumped her fingers in and out of you holding one of your thighs open. She kept her steady pace watching you squirm at her touch. You didn’t dare open your eyes but you could feel her staring.
“You’re doing so well for me,” she purred.
You moaned at her praise, hearing her deep chuckle in response. She picked up her pace gradually until she was satisfied, and stayed like that for a few minutes.
As more whines fell out of you, you barely noticed her moving into a different position on top of you until she pulled her fingers out, “Look,” was all she said.
So you fluttered your eyes open, “holy fuck,” you breathed as you watched her suck her fingers clean. But what really caught your eye was what she was wearing: a strap.
“Don’t worry, you can take it, easy,” as she lined it up with your dripping entrance. But first she picked up your legs and folded you in half, “You ready princess?”
“Fuck yes,” you groaned.
She smiled as she guided it into you slowly, letting you get used to it.
“Yessss god…Holy fuck,” you moaned when she started to slowly pump in and out of you.
“You okay?” she reassured.
“Never better,” you choked out.
“Thought so,” she smirked. Quickly picking up the pace, “Bet he never made you feel this good, huh?”
“N-never,” your eyes were in the back of your head.
She was now plunging into you at an ungodly pace, “too bad he never got to see how good of a slut you are.”
The praise mixed with degradation was driving you insane, and she was right. He never treated you this well and you loved every second of it and she could tell too. Your tits were bouncing, your eyes were rolled and your legs were shaking. She was hitting you just right, “Oh god, Rhea!” you whined.
She loved hearing you say her name. She was enjoying the view as much as you were enjoying her. The bed began to squeak as she pounded into you. One of her hands snuck its way around your legs and to your neck, gently squeezing around it. Your hand gripped her wrist as you smiled devilishly at her.
“Be a good girl and cum for me, princess,” she huffed.
“Go…faster,” you choked out.
“Such a fucking whore,” she barked, but she grabbed your calves with either hand and pushed your legs father down, completely folding you in half. She took a deep breath and began to pound into you so hard and so fast that you lost your breath.
“YES,” you screamed and after a few more seconds, “FU-U-U-UCKK!!” and you came again. But that didn’t slow her down.
She kept her insane pace, “C’mon baby…one more,” she demanded, “I know you got it in you.”
Whimpering at every push into you, it didn’t take long to the pressure to rise again, “OH FUCK, YESS…GOD, RHEA,” and once again, you came but this time your whole body shook and your legs fell weak under her.
She finally slowed her pace and gently pulled out of you. Your body fell limp as she slid off of you smiling and breathing heavily.
You caught your breath, “four times,” you rested your hands on your forehead, “four…times.”
“I never break my promises.”
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
a slight continuation of this
no caller ID pops on your screen, pulling your attention away from your previous task at hand: not fucking up your eyeliner. you typically wouldn’t care if it was a little uneven, but you’re going on a date tonight, for the first time in so long, and you want everything to go as smoothly as possible.
which is why you groan when you end the call, and that same no caller ID pops right back up seconds later. you know who it is—who else would it be? you figured he’s already seen your story of being excited for going on your first date in a while, on the only app you hadn’t blocked him on. petty? perhaps, but it’s on him to be keeping up with you despite you cursing him out for wasting your time and then blocking him right after.
you watch it ring though, contemplating for a while longer than you should. you blocked him for a reason. no need to entertain his same shit that he always spews to you when he realizes that he might be losing you once more?
….but it doesn’t hurt to hear the hero beg for you.
“What do you want, Bakugou?” You sigh irritably as you finally answer his call, putting him on speaker as you go back to even out your eyeliner. You hear him huff on the other side of the phone at the use of his surname, but he doesn’t say anything about it, instead, quickly telling you what he’s been bothering you for.
“Who’s the fuckin’ loser that’s gonna drool over how good your tits look in that stupid green dress you love so much?” Bakugou grunts, and you instantly feel your face heating at his crude words. You glance over with a frown at that same green dress that makes your tits look good, where it hangs on your closet.
“None of your damn business, Bakugou.” You snap at him, wondering if it’s too late to find something else to wear. “Not like you ever took me out in my stupid green dress.” Your voice holds a level of bitterness that only he can bring out of you, and you hear his sigh through the speakers.
“I told you this before, I’m always—”
“Busy.” You cut him off, voice suddenly thick as you think back on the countless rejections he’s splattered at your feet every time you tried to further your relationship with him. “You reminded me of how busy you’ve been since you first started this whole situationship.”
“Situation—? Huh? We were dating!” Bakugou protests with a huff, and you can hear how he paces the floor quickly. You glare at your phone, setting down your liner to instead pick of your (his) favorite lipgloss.
“You’d have to ask me out to be dating, Bakugou. You’d have to court me to be dating, Bakugou. You’d have to make time for me and take me out on dates and not hide me to fucking date me, Bakugou.” You spit at him, venom dripping off of your lips in waves. You don’t know why you answered, why you even entertained him. You shake your head with a huff when the line goes quiet, eyebrows quirking up when your date sends you a text to make sure you’re still on for tonight.
“I’m sorry.” Bakugou mutters pathetically, his voice suddenly soft. You hesitate, for some reason, when it comes to texting your date back. Why do you always hesitate when Bakugou is around?
“Let me make it up to you, court you, and shit. I can take you to one of my favorite places, you can wear that pretty green dress and that gloss you know I love.” His voice is pleading, thickening and sweet and suffocating. You shouldn’t respond, should reply back a yes to your date.
“Please? You know how much you mean to me.” Bakugou mumbles, and you can hear the earnestness in his voice. Why haven’t you said yes to your date yet?
“I’ll do better this time. Just one more chance, sweetheart.” Bakugou’s voice is so soft, you’ve never heard him this vulnerable before. You sigh with a shake of your head, slumping back into your seat in defeat.
Sorry, I can’t make it tonight. Something came up. Maybe we can reschedule for another time?
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sugar-omi · 4 months
i saw *this tweet, and i had to write it.... happy valentines dayyyy🫶🫶💞💗🙈🙈
tags : NSFW, gn reader, multiple choice words/dialogue, rockstar!baxter but not mentioned so he could just be a pain in your ass, so ooc, he's a Bit toxic <333, situationship/FWB, bottom reader, (mean) dom baxter, creampie, mention of his neighbor having a crush on you, you're loud. the whole block hears you. he's getting kicked out tmrw--
synopsis : valentines day with rockstar!baxter.. as always, he butters you up and then fucks you like a dog. then showers you with gifts again in the morning <3
Tumblr media
when he messages you a crude text about keeping the 14th open, not asking- telling you. you wanna hit him
but as he does sometimes, he ends up surprising you
when you go to his dinky studio apartment, you see he's set it up all nice for the occasion
baxter's in a three piece suit, there's rose petals everywhere (you ignore the heart he drew out of them on the bed...), candles, and he even decorated the table for dinner! he also pulls out the extra nice wine and cooks in front of you, not letting lift a single finger!
"you're my date, all you gotta do, is sit there 'n look pretty for me.."
it's a very nice start to your date, makes you forget that he's not always a gentleman, and that 97% of the time, he's giving you a headache
but somehow, you go from laughing and flirtatious looks, to cuddling on the couch...
to getting your guts rearranged on his queen bed.
he's gentlemanliness doesn't last long, because unless you grab him by the neck and take it off yourself, he ends up ripping your outfit
even if he promises to fix it or buy you two outfits, he's still a bully
mmm probably decides he wants to start the night off with you on top of him, makes you bounce on his lap and do all the work by yourself...
even if you're whining, needing his help to move your hips, he still won't give in! which is really cruel since he'd eat / rim you out within an inch of your life, helping you move is the least he could do!
don't worry though, because after you've reduced yourself to weak, shaky knees and watery eyes, your sex absolutely drooling slick / pre down your thighs / length,
he carries you to the bed and throws your legs over his shoulders, fucking you so shallow, and so deep... you can't even think because his pretty cock is grinding against your g-spot, and he's rubbing your sensitive clit / tip, smearing your arousal all over your sex
he coos at how pretty you look too, tells you how gorgeous you are split on his cock and that you look even better with your valentines day clothes all bunched up, your makeup ruined...
is he picking on you a bit? maybe.
but he does pick one of the rose petals out your hair, isn't he so nice? <3
he's still a bully though. as always.
because by the end of the night, he has you ass up and your face buried in the pillows to muffle your moans, and you're all but sob into the pillow, clutching onto the sheets trying not to hit your head against the wall
"quiet down, before my neighbors complain about the noise again"
as if he isn't the one always rearranging your guts at 3 in the morning, or sending you some obscene video of him alone in his room, showing you just how much he misses you.
pulls you against his chest and starts nibbling on your already bruised neck, purring in your ear, still jackhammering into your tight heat.
starts talking about how that neighbor is probably listening to you get fucked, how he probably hears the bed hitting the wall and your whorish moaning, and that he's probably gonna cum in his pants just hearing you cuss, stutter, and call out his name
don't bother muffling your moans, because he pries your mouth open, shoves his fingers in and fucks you harder
"don't muffle your sounds, baby. let him hear you. let the whole fucking complex hear you."
kisses your tears off your cheek, tells you you're so good, so cute
reaches between your legs, wraps his arm around your waist to stop you from squirming, leans over you until your face is buried in the pillows again and now you have no choice but to take his dick and let him stroke your clit / cock, your sex making a big mess on his cock / in his hand.
the room is filled with sounds of shlick-shlick-shlick from your wet sex and baxter's quick, rough fucking, your loud moans and whines, and baxter's headboard about to knock the wall down.
one more deep thrust is what pushes you both over the edge, your sex squirting your spend over the bed, soaking the silky sheets, and baxter finishes inside, groaning lowly into your ear...
by the end of the night you're sweaty, there's rose petals stuck to your skin, any makeup you have on is smudged and/or rubbed off onto baxter's pillowcase (at least they're black?...)
plus you're covered in bites n hickeys, cum running down your thighs..
at least he runs you a bath and massages your aching muscles, and he even buys you pancakes in the morning! and draws a heart on the stack with syrup <33
(just ignore the plan b and the teddy bear with a note reading "sorry for fucking your brains out ♥️")
also don't be too embarrassed when you do the walk of shame out his house, just... try not to make eye contact with that aforementioned neighbor who is blushing bright red when he sees you, or the scandalized grandma... at least he's driving you home so you don't have to walk back in his clothes, looking like you just got the best dicking of your life
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sunlightwoo · 11 months
pairing: hueningkai x g.n reader
genre: comfort fic, almost bff2l, slight angst warnings: mentions of running someone w a car rating: 13+
wc: 654
a/n: originally this fic was supposed to be posted in july as a gift but happy late late (like literally 3 weeks late) birthday @fairybinie <3 i hope that your birthday was spent so so well and i feel like it's been such a pleasure to call you one of my close friends :(( i also wanted to say happy birthday to hyuka as well!! this fic is for both val and our favorite maknae so i hope you guys enjoy reading this!!
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“I can't take another moment with him.” You groaned before tossing your phone into the backseat of the car and slumping down even further into your seat. 
It was another one of your late night drives with your best friend, Kai, when you had been distracted with the sound of your buzzing for the past 2 hours. The individual that you had been texting, or at least trying to cut off, was someone that you thought would reciprocate your feelings but it ended like any other situationship that you found yourself into. The only thing coming from them was just the same three words that you weren’t looking for. 
‘Send a pic.’
“Am I allowed to run him over with my car?” Kai asks but you sigh to yourself, shaking your head at his question. 
“I think you should be, at this point.” But you always wondered why it was so hard these days to find someone genuine. 
It had been over a year or so since your last relationship, and to say that you were still in your healing process was a bit more extreme said than done. You wanted to find your inner peace at some point, but it was hard when every other person was just like the last, making you want to rip your hair out and never be in another relationship again. 
“Why can’t I find someone that actually wants to know more about me?” You mumbled to yourself quietly and stared at your fingers that were in your lap, but what you failed to notice was the latter’s glance that was focused towards you. 
For the past three years that Kai has known you, he could’ve mistaken all of the supposed platonic dates and actions that you two have done together as purely platonic and just that. He never had thought of you in the light before where you had meant much more to him than a friend. But ever since the start of you looking for other guys to date and find love in, he realizes that he was stuck as the friend that comforts and heals your broken heart at the end of the night. 
Even if it had meant running some of them over, hypothetically, with the car that you both were sitting in right now. 
“I always like knowing more about you.” He speaks up with a small smile, making you turn your head to look at him as a playful scoff leaves your lips. 
“You’re obligated to say that, you’re my best friend.”
Right, he was stuck in the friend zone. 
Maybe someday he will tell you how much you mean to him, in terms of wanting to protect you against the world. The way that love should feel as though you’re a feather floating around in mid air, letting it take its course with ease from the moment that you have found that right person. Maybe that one day will be the day that he tells you about how he wants to be the soft summer breeze that helps keep you afloat in happiness, if you were a feather.
But that day isn’t going to be for today, as he knew that you needed him more now than any other day. 
“Then as your best friend, let’s just go home and watch some Netflix, hm? No more being sad, and let’s just take our time debriefing ourselves at home.” He suggests while holding up a french fry as an offering, a silent one that definitely has more meaning than it should at this moment. 
Another day, Kai tells himself, as he watches as you take the fry with a small smile and eat it, while nodding your head towards the direction out of the parking lot.
And when that day comes, he promises to himself that he’ll be there to keep you safe at all times; to be happy like a feather.
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permanent taglist: @viastro @wooyoung-a @pwttychannie @sunwoahkim @karsohn @escapewriter @awfullytiredbuthealing @fylithia @i4deonu @flrtsbin @whereisgyu @myluv-yeonjun @allorysayshi @nlnkm @jannine00742 @rebsmoonn @jjhmk @ilvaussie @idontwanttobehereanymore @beomgyugyu @99cyj @butterflx @theoskies @biuebinnie @ja4hyvn @ilovechanhee @wccycc @invuwrld @ahnneyong @bambi-vixey @soobprised @comic-wanda @ksunwooqt @black-rose-29 @jaysbestie @glyxiebear @strawbrinkofdeath @vatterie @marsophilia @soonyoungblr @jinjccns @rosymetal @justalittlwtooshy @ineedsomezzz @serendipityjaemin @lilactangerine @baekberrie @theskzvibe @watanabehan (add yourself to my permanent taglist here!)
cannot tag: @brinnalane @iovaki @cowboyjaehyun @soobin-chois @kpoploverforever27 @Xoxozainab @f1usw @flowergirl95 @sadbixth11 @yoonslefttoe @allyg-onz @smolmochiminie @lilyluvsgyu @luv-ivi @Msxflower @ashxxkook @ineedaherosavemenow  @yurikkiri @magicalstudentwhispers @artgukk @sunwooskies @fairy-of-sugar
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Warnings: toxic, fighting, unprotected sex, oral, jealousy, angst
I didn’t go to the bar tonight because I knew if I did I’d spend the night in a cell with Shoupe calling me every name under the sun. Hell, he’d probably put me next to my dad to try and teach me a lesson.
Instead, I’m pacing in my apartment while Kie sends me snaps of my “situationship” dancing and flirting with anything that buys her a drink. I told Kie I didn’t want to know but she doesn’t listen. Kie’s my best friend and wants me to cut Y/N off but I can’t. My head won’t let her go. Certainly not my dick either. There’s just something about the way she looks at me. Only me.
My phone buzzes with another notification but I don’t want to look. I don’t. But I do. It’s a video from her.
“Wish you were here. I need someone to lick up this vodka I just spilled down my top.” She blows a kiss and the video ends but not before showing her cleavage. I think I feel my teeth shatter with how hard I clench my jaw.
This fucking girl.
“Come over and I’ll lick whatever you want.” I text back. She immediately reads it.
“Why should I? There’s plenty of guys here willing to lick up whatever I want.”
“Because you like when I do that thing with my tongue.”
There’s a long pause after she reads it. I walk over to the fridge and grab my unopened bottle of Jack after sitting my phone on the counter. I watch my phone as I chug from the bottle, savoring the burn and the calm it brings my nerves. I was not getting through this night sober.
I sit the half empty bottle down as the three dots appear. Then they stop. Was I really going to let a girl get me caught up like this? I could have anyone on this island. But Y/N had my balls in a vice.
I look down at my phone just as a picture message from Kie appears. I click on it, my stomach in knots.
Sure enough it’s Y/N kissing some guy. Although it looks like he kissed her by the way she’s leaning away and her lips are pulled back. Still. Another man has his hands on her. His mouth on her. I throw the half empty bottle into the sink and glass flies everywhere. I’d keep going but I hear the sound of my door opening and shutting. Only one person has a key.
Y/N appears in the entry way of the kitchen, big doe eyes pleading with me along with a slight pout on her lips.
“You’re mad.” She says softly, eyes flicking to the mess Id made and back to me. She sits her purse and phone down on the counter, keeping her distance.
“You’re observant.” I dead pan, my hands balling into fists.
“Don’t be like that.”
“Don’t let other guys touch what’s mine.” Her eyes flash as it dawns on her that I know. She’s surprised for a moment but then she’s pissed.
“You’re having Kiarra spy on me? We aren’t in a relationship.”
“I’m aware of our situation. You like to remind me every time you go out and flirt with other dudes and I get pissed off about it.”
“You knew what this was from the beginning. I didn’t change. You did.”
“You’re right. Why am I only sticking my dick in one chick when I could have several? Do you want to see all the notifications I have on Snapchat?” I can’t hide my smirk as her cheeks flush red in anger. She grabs my phone off the counter and throws it at the wall with an angry yell.
“Whoa! Now who’s jealousy is showing?” I throw my head back with a laugh, not backing away when she rounds the counter after me and shoves me against it.
“Don’t talk to other bitches.” She snarls, yanking me closer by my belt loops
“I’ll think about it.” I whisper, gripping her hair at the nape and forcing her head back so I can kiss her. Hard.
She’s angry so she tries to dominate the kiss but I don’t let her. When her tongue forces it’s way into my mouth, I suck on it and she moans, melting against me. I scoop her up, her ass falling out of her skin tight dress as I sit her on the counter. I forced her down on her back, yanking the top of her dress down in the process as I glide my hands to her thong. Just when I’m about to rip it off, her phone lights up and a guys name flashes across it. Rafe fucking Cameron’s name.
“Don’t stop.” She pant, lifting her hips off the counter as my anger over powers my lust again. I snatch up her phone and read the text before it disappears.
“Will you be over later, baby?” It says. She tries to snatch it from me but I hold her at bay with one hand. She’s helpless against me. I click the text and hit FaceTime.
“JJ!” Y/N shrieks, too stunned to move. I prop the phone up on my right just as the call is answered and I yank her thong to the side then dive in. She moans loudly. Her pussy was practically dripping so I don’t hesitate in shoving three fingers knuckle deep. I hear a string of curses, turning my face to the camera just before the call ends.
That’ll teach him.
Her thighs shake uncontrollably as she rapidly approaches her peak with a squeal. I slap her clit a few times until she’s trying to clamp her legs shut and her pussy is quivering then I yank away. I grip her chin and force her to sit up right, dazed and confused. She spreads her legs like she’s ready for me to fuck her. Her hands find the rock hard bulge in my pants but I’m not giving in.
“We’re done. I don’t care how hard my dick gets for you. We’re done. Now get out.”
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Days go by and I’ve finally had to block her number. I took her key back before kicking her out, all but kicking and screaming. It didn’t stop her from using everything else in her power to get my attention. Hell, she even went to Kie who promptly slapped her across the face.
Now, I’m hiding out in a Pogue bar she’s never been to just to get some peace and clear my head. It doesn’t last though.
“Look what the trash dragged in.” My hands ball into fists as Rafe Cameron sits a stool down from me, wearing a smug smile.
“Yea, the dumpster is out back. Go find it.” I don’t even look at him as I finish my beer.
“Funny. Still don’t see what she sees in you though.”
“And you won’t because I’m not fucking you.” His smile drops. So he is a jealous fucker.
“Word is she’s not fucking you either.” The bartender gives me a nervous look as he switches out my beers without a word and Rafe orders a scotch.
“What do you care, Rafe? Need another show?” I chirp, downing half my beer in one go. My body was so rigid it was making my back hurt. He slams his hand down on the bar and the bartender and I both look at him. Rafe points his finger at me.
“I don’t know what you’re holding over her but it stops now.” I smile at him while he loses his cool. He looks rough now that I finally get a good look at him. Like he’s losing sleep.
“You think I have to blackmail her to get her to fuck me?”
“Why else would a Kook be fucking with a Pogue? She’s way out of your league and you don’t have shit to offer her.” I laugh and Rafe bristles, downing his drink. He looks seconds away from smashing the glass against my head.
“I’m pretty sure she’s not looking for marriage, Rafe.” I down the last of my beer and stand to leave. If I stay any longer, I’m liable to hit him first.
“She doesn’t know what she wants so let her go.”
“I did,” I say as I take a step towards him, my lips tipping up into a smirk. “Maybe you just don’t do it for her the way I do.”
The words barely leave my lips before he hits me.
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When I get back to my apartment, she’s there waiting for me. I roll my eyes but don’t say anything despite how fucking delicious she looks in her shortie shorts and crop top. Her navel ring was on display along with as much tan skin as possible. Hell, I don’t even think she’s wearing a bra. My dick hardens painfully at the thought of her nipples showing through the fabric.
I ignore her and all her pleads as I push past her and unlock my door. She follows me, grabbing my busted knuckles and pulling me to a stop in the kitchen.
“JJ, please don’t shut me out. I’m sorry about everything.”
“I don’t want to hear it.”
“Things with Rafe are over. They’ve been over. He’s just not good at taking a hint.”
“Neither are you.”
“Wow. Dick much?”
I laugh as I grab a beer from the fridge and press it to the gash in my brow.
“I’m tired of the games, Y/N.”
“No games.” I track her movements as she slips off her sandals and purse then lets her hair down before sauntering over to me. I press the cold beer to my knuckles next as her hands land on my waist, big doe eyes looking up at me.
“Just you and me.” She whispers, setting my heart on fire again. Of course I want to give in. I want to purge this pent up aggression on her pussy but I have to resist. I can’t think when her hands are on my body.
She takes the beer from me and sits it on the counter before placing gentle kisses on each of my knuckles.
“I don’t trust you.” I bite out but my resolve is already fading as she pushes my shirt up and starts to kiss up my abs, trailing her tongue as she goes.
“I know.” She purrs, tugging my shirt off and running her hands down my chiseled front. I had to stay in shape to surf and it made me feel good that she liked what she saw. My cock also liked that she was so close and touching me.
Her hands slide around to my back, caressing the muscles as she presses her lips to my sternum, smashing her tits against me. I visibly shudder and I feel her smile against my skin. Like she’s won.
“I can’t keep doing this.” I sigh, attempting to pull her hands off me but she quickly cups me through my jeans and I bite back a moan. I was so hard it ached.
“Look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel something for me.” She murmurs, kissing my chin as she makes quick work of getting my jeans open. Fire runs through my veins as her hand wraps around my cock and she smears my precum down my shaft like lube.
“I feel too much. That’s why this will never work.” I pant as she cups the back of my neck so she can kiss me there. Chills breaks out across my skin.
“I feel it too, J.” She drops to her knees and tugs my jeans down to my ankles, those eyes looking up at me under her lashes as she kitten licks my shaft.
“You’re not the marrying type.” I growl, thinking of my conversation with Rafe again.
She bats her lashes at me as she sucks on my balls. I could cum just by seeing her like this.
“Neither are you.” Then she’s taking me to the back of her throat, gagging until her eyes water. I moan loudly, gripping the countertop to hold myself up.
This is what she does. She gets me worked up in knots until she’s the only one who can fix me.
I can’t take my eyes off hers as she sucks me down hard and deep, gagging and stroking me with her free hand. I was going to cum too fast. I grip her jaw and pull her off, spinning her around and shuffling forward with my pants still around my ankles as I bend her over the counter.
I tear her shorts and thong down eagerly before guiding my dick to her dripping wet pussy. I hold myself there at her entrance then grab a fist full of her hair, making her cry out.
“No more bullshit. No more Rafe.” I growl, not sliding in until she gives me what I want. She nods frantically then I slam inside, unable to hold back anymore.
Her cries/moans quickly fill the air of my apartment as I fuck her without mercy. I can’t control myself. Like burying myself inside her will erase all the images of her with Rafe or her flirting with strangers at the bar. I’m probably hurting her but she doesn’t tell me to stop so I don’t. I’m already leaving handprints behind by how tightly I’m holding on to her hips, pulling her back into every powerful thrust.
A dam breaks as she orgasms with a cry, hands stretched out in front of her as she grips the counter while her body shakes uncontrollably. It’s dripping down my thighs.
“Jesus, Fuck.” She rasps but I don’t slow down, slamming in over and over until she’s a whimpering mess.
I’m not ready to cum yet so I withdraw and spin her around then place her ass on the counter, tossing her shorts and panties. I bury my face in her pussy before she can say a word.
We had all night and I had a lot of anger.
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Hello, there’s a lot of questions, so to keep from cluttering the blog I’ll answer here before I go to sleep. If there's more I'll answer in the morning.
Does the friend group go on Tumblr or know people stalk their filmandfrendz account?
Yes they are on here (i'm probably gonna get jumped lol). And yes they know people are watching, they love the attention.
does sammy keep her account private for her sake or does the hughes tell her to and she wants her account to be public?
It's a personal choice, she doesn't want hate or harassment from people.
How do they fight exactly lmfao
idk what you mean by this question, but mainly over the phone unless they're together. Idk they yell at each other a good bit.
Wait so Jack doesn’t give a shit that Sammy did that to his brother?? Wow could you tell us more anon on why he doesn’t and isn’t weirded out if you do know! 
I love Jack to death, I truly do, but bro doesn't use his head unless it involves hockey. I do want to say in Jack's defense, when Luke would tell people about Sammy he never referred to her by name, my ex and I only knew bc we witnessed it. He didn't confirm it was Sammy until like January, but by then Jack was so smitten with Sammy he didn't care. I think it's weird as well and a lot of people in that circle do too, but Jack's mental health was really bad last season so that's why people are being more careful with criticizing their relationship bc despite her faults, she was really there for him during injuries and bad games.
I have to ask, anon. Why does he compare get to an owl lol? 
Because Sammy looks like one, that's about it.
hello knowledgeable anon! ik you can't send proof, however may i ask a question that could prove you do generally know the boys? associates of jack would know, but what was he getting up to in PA in may 2021? yes this is a test lol. not to expose him fully bc I know this isn't really public, so you can put it in vague terms.
Bad bad boy did bad bad thing while being a behind a vroom vroom ( i cannot give specfics or i'll get jumped or sued his team lurks here and they'll know it was me). The only thing I will say specifically is that he didn't do anything that was insanely illegal, like behind bars level. He's just an idiot (i say lovingly).
Secondly, do you know if Luke is seeing anyone right now? One anon said they spotted Luke in Michigan holding hands with a brunette but he’s still following girls on Instagram so idk 
Last I heard he was texting a few girls (i felt like a proud mom) but I don't think he's particularly seeing anyone yet.
What does not serious mean? Like they aren't dating but are exclusive? Or does it mean moving in together, marriage, etc?
Like moving in, possibly getting married in the future etc. They are exclusive.
To the anon with all the tea, is Jack actually 5’9? Cause he always looks really short, but I know he’s listed at just under 6’0
Well brother would look 5'11 if he ever learned how to stand up straight and quit bending his knees when he stands. But I think he's actually like 5'10 1/2 or 1/4 idk somewhere around that.
Were they always toxic or did this start a couple months ago? they seemed so happy at the family skate like he kept looking back and smiling at her.. it could be for show who knows
this is fairly recent, ever since they've been doing long distance.
I am not saying this against anon. So if Jack and Sammy are super volatile, she hasn't visited him after surgery, they blew each other off in NY etc, how did her joining him at the lakehouse/concert come about? Like they had an argument months in the making, hooked up, and suddenly he was like "yo you want hang out in Michigan for a few days?" I have minimal experience with situationships, but just the thought feels exhausting and peculiar.
Their relationship wasn't toxic in the beginning, that's a new development. Jack had a really rough season and his mental health was really low at a lot of points because of that and Quinn and Luke having good seasons. Sammy isn't a good person, but she was there for him when he was injured and when he had rough games. I think Jack is holding onto those good times and really looking through rose colored glasses when it comes to the toxicity of it all. He really thinks their problems stem from long distance so her being there will fix everything.
What did Olivia think of Sammy?
Olivia is a sweetheart, so she probably liked Sammy. Sammy is nice to people she deems important, so she was probably nice to her bf's brother's gf.
Thank you anon
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dusteebowl · 6 months
When the party's over
pairing: Baptiste x Mauga
warnings: slightly spicy. nothing explicit, but its implied that they did the horizontal tango before the start of the fic, unrequited love, hurt but no comfort
rating: T
a/n: I wrote this in like 30 minutes, do not judge me. also i have no idea what the interactions between mauga and bap are like in game yet but we can all agree there was some kind of situationship going on, right? also, if you find yourself in Baptiste's position, run girl. you're too good for him
“Don’t you know I’m no good for you?”
Baptiste looked up at Mauga who was lying next to him, both of them naked as the day they were born. He hadn’t meant for it to go this far again, but when his friend had sent him a text asking him to come to the Talon Med Bay at 1 am, what was left of his judgement had gone out the window.
The audacity wasn’t lost on him, however. Mauga was the one that had sent the message, and now he dared to tell him he wasn’t good enough for him.
“Why do you keep contacting me outside of work then?” Baptiste pointed out now.
The tank chuckled. It was the one that Baptiste could barely resist, and he had to force himself not to feel the butterflies in his stomach from it.
“I mean to say,” his companion said, “that you don’t come here expecting there to be feelings and sentiment and that bullshit, right?”
I learned to leave you, can’t afford to.
“Of course not,” Baptiste said. “I’m an adult, Mauga.”
It was a lie, though. Not that he didn’t know there weren’t feelings on Mauga’s part. But that some part of Baptiste, however small it was, really wanted to believe that eventually maybe there could. “But you nearly gave me a heart attack when you told me you got hurt on your latest mission. There are other medics in Talon, you know.”
Mauga smirked. “I know, but none of their bedside manner’s as great as yours. Neither is their, well, should I say post-op care?”
Baptiste snorted despite himself. “I’d hardly call wrapping a few bandages around your wounds an operation. You’re lucky I’d been in the Talon dorms when you texted at all.”
He wasn’t.
Tore my shirt to stop the bleeding
Another smirk, and before he knew it Mauga’s lips were on his own leaving the medic absolutely breathless. It dizzied him and made him see stars. They fit so well together and were always so soft, no matter where he placed them. How could he make him so thoroughly drunk on his scent every time? So absolutely intoxicated with his touch? It was addictive.
 The medic placed his hand on Mauga’s cheek to pull him closer. He wanted to be utterly lost in him, but before it could go any further, the larger man pulled away from the kiss he himself initiated.
“What can I say? You’re my lucky charm.”
He said it so easily, like he hadn’t given Baptiste the kiss of his life. Meanwhile Baptiste fought to keep his breathing under control.
Before he could even get his bearings right after that mind-blowing kiss, he felt rather than saw the bed shift next to him and heard Mauga grunting as he put his clothes back on. The tank must have seen the look on his face because he quirked up one of his eyebrows. “What? Don’t tell me you were expecting me to stay?”
Yes. “No, of course not.”
But nothing ever stops you leaving
Mauga chuckled again. “Thought you’d gone all soft on me, Bap.”
Without so much as a look back, Mauga bid farewell and left the room, taking his warmth with him.
Quiet when I’m coming home, and I’m on my own.
It could’ve been 15 minutes that Baptiste stared at that door. He didn’t know. He hadn’t expected that last kiss. The two of them hardly kissed after. There was never any cuddling, either. A part of him hoped that maybe this was the time he would come back, that he would rush through the door, sweep him off his feet and—
“Jesus, I’m acting like a child,” he muttered to himself. “Really Baptiste? One kiss is all it takes to send you spiraling?”
Yes. Yes, it was.
No, it was better that the arrangement stayed the way it was. For the both of them. The world was a dangerous place, and they couldn’t afford to be distracted. Out there on the field when there were enemies everywhere, even one moment of hesitation could be life and death.
It was better like this. Definitely.
I could lie, say I like it like that, like it like that
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antpernas · 2 years
I want to make a journal entry about this guy I've been seeing to clear my head (and my heart hopefully lol) because I've just been so anxious in general lately and I'm hoping this will help!
The thing is, I have no idea where to start! I guess I'm just sad? Or hurt? I just keep going through the same thing over and over again and it's so disheartening. Like my heart literally aches over this stuff at this point! I'm so confused. I don't understand why people will express interest in you and form these "situationships" only to not pursue you. I value communication so much and it's so stressful to be kept in a limbo with someone *I* was looking to pursue something with.
I'm really tired of feeling like I put in more effort! But then when I've made up my mind and I'm ready to start distancing myself (because who am I to keep pursuing someone who I feel is indifferent??) I feel bad to change the dynamic of the relationship from what it's been. And then I start doubting my certainty of cutting it off/putting in that distance, and I feel paranoid for basing the "decision" on the small things I have been... but they add up! I'm just so tired. And this is maybe the 5th time this happens with a guy I really like.
I don't want to believe it's my fault, and that I'm pursuing relationships in a healthy way. That I'm taking the right steps to set the right expectations between myself and another person. But when I'm the common denominator, I feel delusional to try and convince myself it *isn't* my fault.
And now I'm concerned that the next time I do see this guy, he'll make a move and I'm not even sure I want to pursue anything further with him. I feel dumb to be so happy about the scraps of attention I do get. I don't want somebody to change who they naturally are just to satisfy me, and if I'm not happy with our dynamic before we start dating, why would I be happy with it once we do start? But then, I feel like I'm just anxious from reading too much into it, and that I might be robbing myself of a good thing.
It's something I want to talk through, but I feel crazy thinking to bring it up with him, especially considering that lack of intention I feel from him.
Just to clear my head of it, and because I would feel like a fucking psychopath to say these to him directly, I wanna list out the things that make me feel like he's not interested
Every time we've hung out for the past few weeks has been at my request. This Sunday was the first time in a while he initiated and asked to hang out first, but it was to join him in plans he'd already made with other friends. I don't mean that in a "I need to have him for myself to be satisfied" kind of way, but in a "he's still indifferent as to whether he sees me or not" kind of way.
He texted first the other day, which was nice, but I asked him how his day was and he didn't say anything. He acknowledged a different part of the text, and then the convo moved on. It gives me the feeling he doesn't really have that strong an urge to talk to me.
I invited him to come to Go club with me, and he said yes, and then he didn't show up the day of :( I didn't text to confirm he was coming because I wanted to see if he would reach out first, but he didn't. He asked me how it went after the fact and didn't acknowledge the fact he didn't come
I asked him what our relationship was, and he just didn't respond. It was right as I was leaving, so I just told him he didn't have to answer (which is true! I didn't want to pressure him) and I left.
I feel like he doesn't really appreciate the memes I send him... This one's kind of weird because it's very sporadic. Sometimes he'll look at them, sometimes he won't? I don't know :(
He calls me "bestie" when we text... which isn't that big a deal, but also it's a deliberate choice to use that instead of something more affectionate?
After sitting and writing this down, the only way I could see us still pursuing something is if I'm totally misunderstanding his signals and he actually does want me but didn't want to be overbearing... But knowing how it's usually gone for me I doubt that's the case. One of those. "if he wanted to, he would" type situations. But sitting and writing this out did help me frame this in my mind at least. And accept it. Sigh.
Anyway, my internship ends soon and I'm back to Miami right afterwards. I'm hoping to start up all my routines again and really start growing this year, especially since I'm starting upper-division electives and start research :D The paper I'm writing for this internship is also super cool and I'm so excited to have it finished! Despite the stress of life and love at the moment, I'm actually really hopeful for where things are going.
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pelykhanne · 5 months
I almost finished analysis seminars, and tried to understand optics. I took off my tattoo foil but still a bit afraid sleeping with an open tattoo haha
Yesterday I couldn’t fall asleep by 11, instead at 1 am I was thinking about the situationship with one guy, who started ignoring my messages for a week now. Again, the same shit came back over and over again. I see him online and I know he answered to our common friend about the bday gift. Cause he is having a birthday soon and I am still planning to gift him something, even though I literally want to puke because of the thing that is happening.
I keep wondering why I deserve such shitty behaviour towards me, anyway here is the message of anger I wanted to send but changed my mind:
“Ok, you know what? I feel stupid, the situation is stupid and everything in general is stupid. I am sick of randomly being in ignorance, I’ve been patient more than enough and this is happening again. I do not find it normal to not reply after holidays and not to come by to say hi, if you decided to disappear again you could have at least informed me about it instead of doing this kind of thing to me again again and again. I do not believe that a person can be that goddamn busy for several days while appearing online from time to time and not find a few minutes for a talk and I hate the feeling that I have at the moment, the fact that I again trapped into this emotional state and that I was fool enough to have a hope for something better and continued hoping after seeing the changes. And I hate the way I feel right now as well, as I said I feel so stupid and anxious asking myself why I deserved all of this and what I have done wrong to receive such behaviour from you, my mind is splitting again of how come one can be ok with a physical intimacy and being kind and romantic in the texts, but not committing to anything and being such a dick.”
There is noone from my acquaintances nor family/friends on my Tumblr so I don’t mind posting whatever I want. This is the secret world I have. Save and mine
Good news: I wrote a paper letter to my best friend and will send it to her hopefully soon, cause I got inspired by a tv show Anne with an E. I really like thinking about the world without tiktok and all those bad internet things that are causing addictions etc. but that is a topic for another post that probably will never be created ahahah
I also noticed how modern people tend to forget all the shit you asked them for, or postponing everything, and my sentence about a post reminded me of that sorry ahaha, hopefully I will stop being like that some day
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heartate · 8 months
lol sorry ANOTHER VENT because the COMEDIC timing men have like i swear sometimes men have this knack of just coming in and fucking shit up at the worst time possible. please ignore me LMAO i just need to scream into the void because i'm so mad!!!!
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like you have got to be KIDDING ME. i have a tellonym because it's what the cool kids on ffxiv twitter are doing. i made it with the intention of people sending me questions about cherry, but no one does that so i just gave up and stopped posting about having it. i don't publicly post my answers anymore, but i still answer them in the app when i'm bored, as long as they're not too personal, because most of the questions are from bots. i didn't even realize the ex-situationship knew i had one, because he's barely on his main twitter anymore lmao and i just never followed his gpose twitter bc idk i didn't wanna overstep bc i noticed he made it during a time he wasn't... clueing me into his life anymore even tho we were still... a thing. so out of respect for him, i just left it alone and muted the account so that i wouldn't see it pop up on my feed, because i found out about it to begin with bc a mutual of mine had retweeted a collab gpose they'd done with him.
ANYWAYS. i haven't spoken to him since the 17th bc he stopped answering me and i just felt so annoying and he's been going through it so i figured he'd talk when he was ready, but then the days kept going by, and i wanted to reach out again, but then i stopped myself and said, no, you've done enough of that. all you do is reach out. all you do is give and give and give and you never get. cut that shit out.
so, i haven't.
but i'm so pissed off because you went the MOST roundabout way possible to contact me when you could 1) message me on discord (most convenient) 2) message me on snapchat 3) or even TEXT me because you have my number.
how dare you "even if we can't be together" you are the only thing standing in between that, because i've expressed to you over and over my willingness and my desire to be with you and move forward and be happy with you, and that i'd be willing to wait for you no matter how long it took, and that i'd be happy to move at your pace, but i started to change my feelings on that when i realized how torn up you were over some other girl you barely knew compared to me, how you lied to me, how you went and ruined yourself over someone who treated you like garbage, when i've sat here even after all this time like a stupid idiot pining over your ass and still loving you and just, being so stupidly faithful to someone who's chasing any other girl but the one he said he was in love with for over a year.
you were the one who said i love you first. you asked me for permission to say it first. you were the one who brought up living together all the time. you were the one who started asking about pets and just one child. all of this was your idea, not mine, because i never wanted to overstep and make you feel uncomfortable when i knew you weren't rushing or ready for something official. but you discarded me so quickly for some literal flavor of the month who even your friends think is crazy manipulative. like.
don't you dare say "i will do anything for you if it makes you happy" because i've asked for just a few things: just to spend time with you and chat with you, and the one thing i really want from you, i'll never ask for because i'm not going to make you feel cornered or rope you into a relationship that you don't want. i just. how DARE you come swooping in the moment i decided that i didn't want to keep doing this anymore and keep hurting myself and being sad over you. it's been over three months of this and i cannot keep doing this to myself. i'm so miserable all the time. i have sat here and cried and cried so much and so hard over you for so long, and it hurt so badly that i felt like i could die because it was just so excruciating to feel that hurt. like a normal person's emotions are at a 10 and i'm at 1000 like it hurt. so. much. i cried every day for almost 2 months straight like i was not. okay. and finally, one day i stopped. i was trying to go on, while still holding out hope, but i'm tired of it now. i can't do that again. i can't put myself through that again.
the timing of this is just so. funny to me. it's just. laughable. seriously. the second i tell myself that i give up, that i'm not going to try anymore, that if we never speak again, "oh well." i cannot believe this lol. why is it always when you're drunk too. people say that people are the most honest when they're drunk, but. if you can't say this shit to me when you're sober, then. what's the point. i'm not. putting myself through this anymore. i'm done.
you have shut me out for so long. you don't let me in. why should i lean on you and let you in when you've shown me i can't even rely on that, because when i've asked you if i could talk to you and vent to you about things, you just. leave me hanging and i don't feel better, ever. which makes me feel even more annoying and like i'm too much, and i don't want to put that burden on ppl and u say i'm not one, but i just. feel like one, especially when you just. don't say anything at all. like im not asking for u to process my feelings and like talk in depth about it but like. a little acknowledgement goes a long way for someone like me. idk. it's so stupid. it's so so so stupid and i'm just done. i've spent the past 2 weeks trying to get over myself and move on and then you just come in like this. on TELLONYM of all things. and then just. god.
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deadass-pool · 2 years
october 31, 2022 - halloween pms
oh boy oh boy DO I HAVE A STORY TO TELL
so in the past 3 months, i got a job, met new people, life kinda sucks, i met a boy, i also met another boy, i met more boys, went to a kpop music festival, met another boy, jesus fucking christ, please check in on my temper because my patience was tested.
aside from the clients that i have to deal with during my work hours in the morning hours to afternoon, i was also dealing with MEN and i dont know!!!! i havent been screwing around the dating scene in so long because i was so invested in other things such as being delusional with my celebrity crushes and college was sucking the life out of me but jesus christ, i kinda wished it stayed that way because now i got money problems (its a me problem) and boy problems (that i have to get rid ASAP)
anyways, i’m not gonna write about the 10 guys i talked to simultatnoeusly at once, the another 5 men whom all i met through stupid online dating apps, WHAT im gonna tell you is that i ended up forming a whatever situationship with a guy that i used to go to the same elementary school with. WHICH WAS WEIRD BECAUSE I KNEW HIM SINCE FOREVER LIKE IN 1ST GRADE IMAGINE HAVING HIM SEE YOUR TIDDIES NOW AT AGE 22 LIKE, THATS SO WEIRD WHO FUCKING KNEW RIGHT 
anyways, yeah based on the last paragraph that i have written, if it isn’t obvious enough for you, yes it was very sexual (and very confusing at times) and ITS SOMETIMES WEIRD because i cant stop picturing him as some random 6th grader that i walk past by numerous times when i was in 5th grade and idk idk its so fucking crazy like, THATS CRAZY RIGHT?? WHO KNEW LMFAO
anyways yea we would call each other at night, it was nothing serious, obviously. out of everyone he was my favorite since there was a common ground and experience we share so i felt more comfortable with him than the rest of the guys that i talked to. so i trusted him enough with photos that i took and hes literally the only guy i ever sent those photos to (and hes gonna get beat up by me if anything happens GOD FORBID ANYTHING HAPPENS) 
he would send good morning texts bla bla bla, it was a one month short lived experience until i decided to just be distant or whatever because hes literally any other guys. god, we were evn supposed to go on a date but it didnt happen. the point is, just because you knew him since forever does not mean he’s going to be different. i have met way too many of the same people like him, AND LIKE ME, to keep my guard up anyway.
anyways, the point is i can feel the void in me getting alot more worse. the more i entertain these men, even women (i cant for the life of god play with women even when im attracted to them i just CANT) the more i feel like this is all i ever am worth of.
i always dreamed about being cherished, being taken care of, being seen, being listened to, and just being loved and that’s because of the numerous love songs that i heard, movies that i watched and books i read, but why does it feel like i will never be worth of any of those things?
i think the dating scene of today made it worse. i think that’s why i can’t keep on settling for stuff like this anymore. i am not embarrassed to admit that i believe that i deserve being treated with respect and live the fluffy romantic corny shit you see in dramas. i truly want that lol
i just feel like i wasted so much time on spending to get to know these people, even when im not looking for anything serious, time is still a cost to even acknowledge their existence. i just feel like absolute shit over it.
idk maybe im just pmsing and its a halloween and i literally have nothing much better to do (i am literally supposed to go on errands but i ended up crying over the remaining balance in my bank account) but idk idk
and also i cut off my ties with this guy, not fully, just distanced myself. if he tries to reach out, then i’ll let him in. there’s nothing going on anyway and he’s a manwhore lol. idk im just upset over everything rn idk why im typing this maybe its because its eating me alive. did u guys know that i used to have such a huuuuuge crush on him until he went for the sexual part in our relationship or whatever we have and now i could not respect him at all lmfao
anyways, thats it ill tell more on the careeer part soon, im working on something. see if this one works out. we’ll see.
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hey-there-love · 3 years
Summary: Friday nights don’t have to be lame when Katsuki Bakugo is involved.
Content Warnings: Aged up, NSFW, 18+, Fem oral receiving, penetration, slight anal play, slight dacryphilia, slight spit play, choking, AU, Adult Language, Enter at your own risk.
WC: 3.1K
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It was a boring Friday night alone. You were lost in one of your many textbooks studying for a big test on Monday when your phone notified that you had a snapchat. Assuming it was from your roommate Mina, who should have been busy with work, you grabbed your phone.
It was from Katsuki Bakugo. You rolled your eyes and threw your phone onto the pillow. Bakugo was your on and off again friend with benefits. On and off meaning you saw him when it was convenient to Bakugo and Bakugo only. Sadly, you came back each time because you genuinely liked the guy...
Plus it was the best sex of your life.
It was an unfortunate situation to say the least. In the moment when you were with him you were satisfied, but as you got back home you craved more. You were both alike in many ways. Rough around the edges, but soft once you opened up. Goal oriented, focused on your schooling and your futures. A fucked up sense of humor that matched toe to toe. You both came to a mutual agreement that you were meant to be friends early on, but lately you longed for more.
The thing about your situationship with Bakugo was on the rocks since he canceled on you a few nights ago to go out with his friends. Granted you didn’t owe each other anything, but canceling last minute really pissed you off.
After a few minutes of pondering about the Snapchat, you went against your better judgement and opened it.
Bakugo: What are you doing?
You sucked your teeth and debated on messaging him back. Tentatively you set your phone down, deciding to give him a taste of his own medicine and leaving him on read. You stuck your nose back in your textbook. About 10 minutes of note taking had passed and your phone had went off again. You glared and looked at the message.
Bakugo: Don’t ignore me shitty woman.
Your body fluttered. The part of your body that did was undetermined though. You scraped your brain of something wity to say back.
Y/N: What do you need? You’re interrupting my hot date.
He responded instantly, almost as if he was awaiting your response.
Bakugo: An actual date or your hand because you know I’m better than both.
You swallowed the lump that had formed in the back of your throat. He wasn’t exactly wrong. Bakugo was far more experienced in the handiwork than you were, but that’s exactly what a vibrator was for. You snapped a picture of the textbook in your lap and captioned it.
Y/N: His name is Pearson’s Guide to Anatomy and we’re madly in love.
At this point you gave up on studying because you were clearly distracted and laid down. Your message sat on delivered for a few minutes before he finally opened it. This time it was a picture. You looked at instantly. He snapped a picture of his roommate Kirishima grinning in front of the stove with a spatula in his hand.
Bakugo: Come eat and before you say no it wasn’t a question.
You fought the battle inside your brain. You were still pretty upset with him, but you hadn’t ate since breakfast so you were hungry. Plus...sex of course. You opted to send him a short message.
Y/N : Gimme 30 minutes asshole.
Bakugo replied with the thumbs up emoji and sent you into action. You had just taken a shower and thankfully something told you to shave your legs. You brushed your teeth quickly and brushed your hair back into a tight pony tail. Everything you needed was already in your purse. A toothbrush, a pair of underwear, deodorant, a few condoms, a charger, and body spray. ( AN: I always recommend keeping a mini spendanight bag in your purse just in case :) )
You spent a few minutes deciding what to wear before putting on a black lace bra and matching underwear. You opted for a pair of black sweats and long sleeve shirt. It was a little chilly out so you threw on a hoodie. Deciding you were finally ready you sent a message to Mina, alerting her of your absence.
Mina: Wear protection! ;) I get off at 2 if you need a ride home.
You laughed at your best friend’s response and began the short walk to Bakugo’s. There was a little bit of day light left so it was easy to navigate through his neighborhood.
Pretty soon you were standing in front of his building. You pressed the buzzer. Kirishima’s sing song voice sounded through the speaker. “Whooooo is it?” Clearly he knew it was you.
“Kiri let me in! I’m freaking freezing.” You whinned.
“That’s not the passworddddd.” He chided, laughing.
“Let her in dumbass.” You heard Bakugo growling in the background.
“Hey!” Kirishima cried and the door buzzed. You rode the elevator up to the third floor. You rasped on the front door. It was opened abruptly by Kirishima who rubbed the back of his head cautiously.
“Let me guess, he smacked you didn’t he?” You pondered and gave him a side hug.
“Yeah and it wasn’t very manly of him either.” He sighed and hugged you back.
“Keep it up and I’ll do it again, Shitty Hair.” Bakugo called from the kitchen. You shook your head and ruffled his hair.
Kirishima grinned and whispered in your ear, “I’m glad your here, he’s been in a mood all day.” You blushed majorly and looked down as he trailed off into the kitchen. It wasn’t a secret to your friend group what you and Bakugo were. Kirishima and Mina had walked in on you two multiple times, but it still wasn’t embarrassing.
You removed your shoes and padded into the kitchen. The aroma of deliciousness hit your nose instantly. Your stomach grumbled. “See I knew you were hungry.” Bakugo said finishing up the stir fry.
Your wrapped your arms around his waist tightly and laid your head on his back. “Shut up and feed me.” You mumbled.
“You want dinner or desert first?” He replied and rubbed your arm as he mixed up the food in the pan.
“Who said you were getting desert?”
“Please guys! Not infront of the stir fry! It’s innocent!” Kirishima groaned and shoved you two out of the way deciding it was done.
You both shot him a glare as he happily loaded his plate up with food. Bakugo fixed your plate and handed it to you. The three of you sat down on the couch in front of the tv. Kirishima put on a series he just started. You began to chatter about the show in between bites. Pretty soon you were done eating and he gave you a synopsis. Bakugo took your plates to the kitchen.
“Hold on wait, so wait. If he’s an international criminal why did he just turn himself in like that to help the agent?” You questioned, clearly enthralled by the show.
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out! There’s literally 7 seasons of this! I need answers.” Kirishima agreed.
“Bro what if that’s his like secretly his daughter? Like it makes sense why he’s so connected to her and protects her.” You said excitedly, slapping his leg.
“Dude. That actually makes hella sense.” He replied. Bakugo quietly sat down next to you and began to stroke your lower back, signaling it was time to retreat to his bedroom. You looked up at him with pleading eyes to finish the episode. He rolled his eyes and moved his hand to the back of the couch.
Pretty soon the credits rolled at the end of the episode. “I’m going to bed.” Bakugo announced and stood up.
“Ugh, lame.” Kirishima huffed. Bakugo walked into his bedroom without a word, leaving you two on the couch. You both looked at each other and shrugged.
“I’m definitely going to start watching whenever I get home. Text me about it tomorrow yeah?” You asked making your way to the room.
“For sure!” He called after you as you shut the door. You set your bag down next to the bed and sat down to check your phone. You heard the sink running and then the bathroom door opened revealing a shirtless Bakugo. Grey sweatpants hung off of his hips.
You licked your lips slightly as he turned off the lights and slinked to the bed. A candle faintly flicked in the corner, giving a slight orange glow to the room. “Damn that was like pulling teeth, Y/N” he said and laid down next to you.
“What? You weren’t interested in the show? It was good.” You replied, feeling your pulse quicken as he looked up at you through his lashes.
“I’ve been interested in something else for the past hour.” Bakugo sighed and wrapped his strong arm around your waist, pulling you towards him.
“And what would that be exactly?” You questioned and leaned back into the pillows. He quickly moved ontop of you and hovered over your lips.
“Getting inbetween your thighs.” He whispered. You sucked in a breath before his lips landed on yours. It was slow at first. Sweet closed mouth kisses turned into a passionate tongues mingling together. One of your hands began to run its way through his hair while the other traced the expanse of his bare back.
He groaned into your mouth and you pulled his hair lightly. His hand caressed up your neck until it grabbed your jaw holding you in place. Bakugo began to slowly grind against your sweet spot. Causing you to grow wetter than you already were. His freehand began to explore your body, running along your stomach and up to your bra.
Moans escaped as he began to stroke your nipple through the fabric. He lifted you up from the bed and removed your hoodie and shirt in a swift motion, throwing it somewhere off the bed. You weren’t too concerned at the moment of the location. The hand that gripped your jaw made its way down to your neck as he delicately squeezed the side of your throat.
He kissed down your neck until he made it to the area were your breast pooled ontop of your bra. He began to suck on the revealed flesh before pulling it down to free them. “You’ve got such nice tits, babygirl.” Bakugo growled and took a nipple into his mouth.
You mewled at the praise. He began to nip and suck at it, making sure to tweak and pinch the other in the same fashion. You bucked your hips to meet his, adding more friction to the equation. A few moments passed before he began trail down to the hem of your sweatpants.
Bakugo worked diligently sliding them down your legs before laying in between your thighs. You locked eyes as he started to speak, completely in a trance. “Allow me to formally apologize for canceling on you before.” You nodded slowly. He smiled devilishly and kissed your inner thighs.
The teasing was unreal. It made you so hot that you knew your panties were soaked. He planted a light kiss to your clothed clit. Using his index finger he stroked your pussy vertically with the tip. “You smell so good, Y/N. I can’t wait to taste you.” Bakugo growled. He pulled your panties to the side and slipped the finger in. You instantly clenched around him as he began to pump the tip teasingly.
You were a mess. The strokes were torchous, your mind swirled. “Look at you, grabbing my fucking finger and it’s barely even there.” You loved how vocal he was. He slowly pulled his digit out before entering it again, this time deeper inside you. Your juices cascaded down his hand.
“Shit.” Bakugo cursed and tore your underwear off. You were much too distracted to even worry about your thong being shredded. He added a second finger into the mix. He curled them up inside you, finding the spongy spot that sent you crazy.
Removing his fingers he held them up to the light, entranced by the stringy substance that coated them. “Open your mouth.” He demanded. You did as you were told, no questions asked. Bakugo inserted the two into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around and inbetween then, collecting your slick. He groaned as you sucked and bit down.
His mouth attacked your clit promptly. It was a relief you craved. There was no kitten licks about it. His tongue did figure 8’s around your cunt. You were a moaning mess, saying his name without a care in the world that Kirishima could hear you. Then he did something foreign that you never experienced before. His tongue trailed down your pussy until it found your tight, puckered hole.
You weren’t quite sure what was going on, but in the moment it didn’t matter. Bakugo had your trust completely and he knew it. He didn’t go too far though, just kissing and licking it slightly before focusing his attention back on your throbbing pussy. He plunged the two fingers into your hole again, but this time he fucked it.
The lewd sounds that came from your cunt were enough to make you blush. His free hand flew up to your pelvis and began to gently press down causing pressure. “You hear how loud your cunt is babygirl? You sound like your enjoying it.” Bakugo called. He bit down harshly on your thigh.
“Please Bakugo, please fuck me.” You begged, wrapping your leg around his shoulder.
“That’s not what you should call me Y/N. What’s my name?” He slowed down his pumps, but kept the pressure, making the pleasure the same level of intensity as before.
“Katsuki please!” You cried out. He grinned as you.
“I’m sorry Y/N, but I’m not done apologizing yet.” You threw your head back against the pillows as his mouth attacked you once more. His pace began to speed up again. You felt his fingers scissoring inside of you. Your release barreled towards you.
“I’m about to cum.” You whimpered, pushing his head closer to your cunt. His fingers pumped faster than before, hitting your g-spot every time. Your orgasm washed over you promptly as you moaned his name. Your once rigid body melted against the bed. You felt Bakugo climb up your body.
He grabbed your face and made you open your mouth. He spit the saliva and cum mixed fluid into your mouth before running his hand over your breasts again. You were putty and under his mercy.
“Still want me to fuck your brains out?” Bakugo questioned as he stroked himself through his sweats.
“Please.” You breathed out. He chuckled and stood up, removing his pants. His dick sprang free and slapped against his stomach. Precum pooled around the tip. He pulled a condom out of the drawer on the bed side table.
He noticed you staring at him, “See something you like?” Bakugo questioned as he rolled the condom onto his cock. You nodded sheepishly and spread your legs. He shook his head and then nestled inbetween your legs again as he kissed your lips sweetly. He began to rub the tip against your sensitivity, making you jump at the sensation.
“I’ll go slow this time, I promise.” Bakugo kissed your forehead and gently pressed into you, giving you inch by inch. You both hissed until he sank himself fully in your heat. “Shit, you’re always so tight for me baby.” He moaned rested his head on yours.
He began to thrust slowly allowing you to adjust to the pain. Bakugo was not small in the slightest, so you were grateful at the pace he set. He buried his head into your shoulder as profanities escaped his lips. “Fuck, Katsuki. You fill me up so good.” You moaned, scratching his back lightly.
This encouraged him to increase his speed, grinding his hips into yours until he filled you to the hilt. “You are mine. You’ll always fucking be mine Y/N.” He growled, nipping at your collarbone. The declaration made your heart soar, but it also gave you a sinking feeling in the back of your mind.
Bakugo threw your legs over his shoulders as he drilled deep into you. You felt tears prick in your eyes at the sensation as another orgasm began to build. He grasped your face, “Look me in the eyes when you cum because I know you’re close.” You nodded quickly. Tears flowed freely as your mouth hung open. The next orgasm hit you like a brick wall. You were pretty sure you screamed his name that time, but you couldn’t be too sure.
Once your body calmed down Bakugo pulled out, flipped you over onto your stomach and pulled your ass into the air. He slammed back into you. You attempted to jerk forward, but he gripped your hips tight. A loud smack landing against your ass for trying to run away.
You felt his warm saliva drip down to your puckered hole before he used his thumb to swirl it around. Unintentionally, you jerked again. He paused his actions. “You trust me right?” Bakugo panted and rubbed your cheek delicately.
“Yes, of course.” You whinned at the loss of rhythm. Another slap landed on you cheek.
“Okay, run away again,” he stated, “I’m fucking your ass.” That caused you to remain absolutely still. Granted after the experience before you didn’t mind the thought of it, but you we’re too spent for that tonight and you knew Katsuki Bakugo would make good on his promise. He began fucking you again, this time not as rough. He repeated his actions from earlier and teased your ass again before gently pressing his thumb in your tight rear.
You were grateful that you could shove your head into the pillow because the noises that came from you would have woken up the whole building. You mentally reminded yourself to apologize to Kirishima tomorrow. “Shit, I’m really fucking close babygirl.”
“Please Katsuki, please come inside of me.” You moaned, egging him on. That was all it took. His once steady, prominent strokes turned into sloppy thrusts as he filled the condom. Once he steadied, he removed himself as you collapsed. Bakugo rolled the condom off and threw it into the trash before falling in next to you.
You were both panting messes. Once you caught your breath you glanced over at him. “Apology accepted.”
“Shut up, shitty woman.” Bakugo laughed and kissed you cheek.
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