#my smol big bitch
dian-mian · 1 year
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I too would be nervous in a room full of optimuses that could absolutely crush my head
especially idw op
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Yknow, the fact that Matsushige looks like a knock-off Sohei Dojima probably really didn’t help matters did it
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nix-that-rad-lass · 2 years
I think I have decided I will only have either very cute yappy dogs or huge scary as shit dogs in the future. No in between. Im gonna be the crazy lady at the end of the street with a bigass rottweiler or something and like four toy poodles or some shit
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evilminji · 2 months
I just Literally Galaxy Brained :D???
Oh? My? God?
So here I am, on a Star Wars kick, when I Ponder my beloved Danny Phantom. As ya do! Who? I wonder? Could I mix into the star wars universe?
You know who LOVES kids? Just... will Burn Down Planets for this kid they literally JUST met? Mandolorians. Know where you can find a SHIT ton of those, genetically? The GAR!
Those are CLONES, baby! WE got a Clone! She's feisty and adorable! Smol! Bites! Got them big ol tooka eyes and itty bitty hands! Likes to fly, explore, and fight! She's BASICALLY born for this!
Tell me they would collectively look at this tiny feral child, with her poofy lil hair and chubby cheeks, fangy lil grin and biting tendcy, and go "is BABY!" Come on, tell me. I'll call you a liar.
And you KNOW the Force and Ectoplasm are probably messy EXs. Dani could TOTALLY use they "why should you allow me in? .....because they're not the boss of you" argument to GREAT effect.
Here, Skywalker. Kenobi. Watch this mysterious child... foooooor.... uh, Reasons! Yes. I, the Force, definitely have valid reasons for doing this! I am NOT just being a petty bitch! #SoundsLegit
But? Gasp! The child is a Cadet?! A BABY Clone! Of WHO? A legendary warrior king, from what context they can gather. Made by his enemy. Sent to kill him. Forgiven then adopted. Ooooh, lots of life lessons there. Clone rights and forgiveness and such.
But more IMPORTANTLY, to the GAR?
We are ALL Buir now! All of us. Biggest family in the galaxy. Dani is cool with it, congrats New Fenton's! On the Be-Fenton-ing! Tremble in FEAR, scrubs! It's OUR HOUSE NOW!! Mwahahahaha! *cackles from her perch on top of a table*
But... wait... what is that glowing stuff that you're getting low on?
Oh? This? New beloved Highly Unhinged Jedi Friends and Clone Dads? Oh it's just my LIFE SAVING MEDICINE that I NEED TO LIVE that I never told you about! :D
*horrified silence*
It's okay. It's OKAY! Everybody STOP SCREAMING! W-well just reverse engineer... *machine makes the equivalent of a Dunno noise* FUCK! Okay! New plan! Dani, sweetie, lil warrior, what do you remember about your medicine? What does it DO, exactly?
Unstable clone.
Okay! Okay, that's a start! THEY are stable clones. Right? Right!
.........r-right? Are... are they SURE? Cause, I mean, it's ONE thing when it's just THEIR health on the line... but when it's their YOUNGLING? Their lil tooka Dani? Their ade? Are they SURE? How sure. Bet HER life on it sure?
....no. No they are not. They don't trust the long necks NEARLY that much. Time do do a DEEP deep scan. Best they can find. They got to make SURE. Boba might be the only STABLE clone... assuming the sleemo even told the truth about that.
And? They LEARN some stuff.
Like about the chip in their head's. Supposedly an "inhibitor chip". Sends Skywalker into a karking rage, cause that looks a whole lot like a slave chip to HIM. Dani says they can CHECK. Then doesn't wait for an answer as she sticks her HAND into someone's head to just... pluck it out. Hand it over to be sliced.
Dani, sweetie, c-can you do that for the rest of us? Sure!
But! The race is ON. To either figure out how to contact the original, stabilize Dani, or synthesize Ectoplasm in a universe that DOES NOT HAVE IT. All while unknowingly? Absolutely Fenton CURB STOMPING Ancient Sith Plans into oblivion.
As is the Fenton Way.
This IS The Way~☆
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @the-witchhunter @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @legitimatesatanspawn @lolottes @spidori
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catiuskaa · 9 months
my knight in comforting armour
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bc changbin just changbin changbin and like this was meant to be a small drabble but nothing can be small when changbin is the topic, only binnie. smol binnie. my binnie.
@evermourning hope you like this one, darling!
wc: 1.6k
tw: harassment, swearing
[☆★ ✈️ ★☆]
You let out a soft grunt, eyeing at the black screen of your phone, squinting at the sight of small dents and cracks.
You had been in the plane for what probably was two hours, which made you sigh due to the lack of anything to do for the remaining 6 or 7 hours left. You were sat directly on the side of the corridor, making looking at the window a hard task considering not only the distance but the fact that the woman there had closed the window so she could sleep. If you could, you would’ve whined, but it was your choice to stop using the phone after it reached the 20%, so it was more of a you problem really for keeping your charger out of reach and being overall lazy to just stand up and get it.
You kept staring at the kids in the seats in front of you, listening to how they were decorating their Animal Crossing island, whether they should kick out “that ugly cow” or not when you suddenly felt a shiver ran through your spine, and you had to hold back the urge to look around in an anxious matter, the feeling of being stared at creeping in your body. Instead of acting like a total maniac, you calmly pretended to strech yourself until you spotted the culprit.
There he was, just a few rows behind you, his stare burning into your skin, almost making you flinch. It was a random guy you’d bumped into when trying to put your suitcase into the compartment and failed miserably, and even though he felt a bit too close to you for your liking, he had been nice and helped you with your stuff. Aside that, he was a complete stranger. You couldn’t help but move uncomfortably on your place, his gaze almost lingering on your skin. In a burst of awkwardness, you left your place and zoomed your way to the back of the plane and locked yourself in the bathroom.
What the hell was going on? Was he going to kiddnapp you or something? Getting you into the international drug dealing world? Steal from you? You didn’t know but it was sure fucked up, reason why you jumped when you got out of the bathroom and Creepy Guy was in front of you, his eyes trailing all over you— more like at your body. You shifted you pose and grinned politely, reminding yourself the definition of manners: smiling even though you’d rather punch the bitch in the face and run away.
“Excuse me,” you mentioned, hoping that the clusterfuck that was going on in your mind would just fade away, a scenery sort of like that meme with all the little Sponge Bobs running around in Sponge Bob’s brain as it was burning down.
“No, eh, excuse me. I noticed you earlier in the plane, I was wondering whether I had met you before…”
Oh my god, were you just paranoid all this time? For a second you felt bad, it wasn’t his fault that several men behaved like total shitheads.
“No, sorry, I don’t think so…” You tried going back to your seat, but he grabbed your forearm, his sweaty palms making you shiver in contrast of the AC that had been blasting at you for the past half an hour. Your whole body tensed up as his expression changed into a smile, one different from the sheepish smile from a second ago, this one felt dark and really, really creepy.
Changbin was heading back home with the rest of the members. Due to scheduling problems regarding the time they would spent out of the country, the agency had managed to get them sits for the plane, but separated from each other, unlike the usual three rows close they used to book, the lack of other services or departures that day being a bit at fault, although there was really no one to blame. Arriving was far more important than sitting close to eachother, so they’d decided to take the plane, thinking it wasn’t that big of a deal anyways.
He was sitting on the left side of the corridor, last row, with the only company of a cute old lady that fell asleep almost as soon as the plane took off.
He hadn’t seen you speed your way to the toilets, it had been Jisung who noticed your poor act of running away. He was sitting a few rows ahead, in alley sit, and turned around to look at him, head motion pointing towards your direction. Changbin shrugged, he hadn’t really paid attention to the situation until a man went behind you, in quite a brute way, as if he didn’t remember he was in public.
And that behaviour was… weirdly off putting.
Jisung and him stared at eachother for a second, Han’s eyebrows arched in confusion.
“No, stay here for a second.” The man had said to you in a rough tone.
Seo tensed up, eyes big, and slightly shook his head sideways towards Jisung, who immediatly turned towards the other side of the corridor, looking for a way to call the flight attendants’ attention.
“Let go of me, sir.” You were still scared, yet you hadn’t paid self-defence classes for nothing. “I won’t repeat myself a third time. Let. Go. Of. Me.”
Changbin was frozen in shock. He looked towards Han’s direction, in hopes that his silent cry for help could be noticed by someone on the fucking metal bird they were on, but it wasn’t being really helpful.
“Oh, you’re a strong woman, yeah, that’s why I had to help you with your suitcase.” He had laughed, as if what you had said had been a joke.
“Get over yourself, pretty legs.”
Seo flinched and frowned. He was waiting, waiting for a signal that could tell him if you were actually fine on your own or if he had to launch himself to help.
Because no doubt on it.
He would.
You were surprisingly calm, although your heart was racing due to the adrenaline in your body. You moved your arm away and tried getting into the toilet again, yet barely managed to enter when Creepy Guy pushed you out of the cubicule.
“You’re getting on my nerves, bitch.” He murmured.
“Get off me, you fucking pervert!” You tried to push him, and repeated what you’d learned before. You turned your arm inwards, making his bend in an uncomfortable position and then grabbed his wrist, twisted it again until he was at your mercy, and finished it by stepping on his foot.
Changbin looked at you, mouth partially
opened in surprise, then smiled slightly. He shook his head, ‘sometimes people are their own heroes’ he thought, but just when he was about to sit back, Creepy Guy had tried to elbow you when your attempted escape hadn’t quite worked.
“I am going to beat you up.”
You turned pale. Fuck, fuck, fuck. How to get out of this one? You were running out of patience and ideas.
“Everything alright here?”
You looked at the shredded man in front of you, dressed fully in black, curly hair making him look quite cute, yet his expression would make anyone at least a bit wary of their actions.
A note must be cleared, because on one hand, you could have gotten out of the problem just fine. Most likely. But you on the other hand, did what every sane human being would do in danger, and greeted the helping —and beautiful— man with a warm embrace, literally, because you yeeted yourself to his arms, whispering at least four ‘thank yous’ when he hugged you back slightly.
“Changbin.” He mentioned, what you supposed was his name. “Pretend with me for a second, ok?”
You nodded and turned around, facing the man.
“Any issues with my girl that I would need to know of?”
You held back a shiver that creeped from the deeperst parts of your body, unable to understand exactly why, because it had been just a nickname. Creepy Guy almost groaned, huffing in response as he fixed his shirt.
“Your girl? This bitch was almost on her knees for me not even two hours ago, dude. Teach her some fucking manners then.”
You noticed Changbin’s hand lying on the small of your back, at the exact spot where it could look like he was gropping you, but the skinship just felt quite comfortable, him almost barely touching your lower back.
“Excuse you, you absolute delusional freak. There’s only bitch in this conversation, and its not me.” You fumed, adrenaline still rushing through your body.
“It’s ok, babe.” Seo held you sofly by your waist, and you leaned into the touch, at first purely by instinct, which surprised you.
Creepy Guy tried heading outside, when Changbin grabbed him just like he had grabbed you minutes ago.
“By the way, I’ve got the whole thing on video. Good luck getting out of this one, champ.” He smiled, and your insides twisted.
“You bast-“
“Is everything ok, sir?”
Changbin recognized Jisung waving in his place, sending him thumbs up with a smile, mouthing what he got as “sorry”, as well as Chan, who was directly behind the flight attendant that stood in front of both of you, a woman that looked fierce as hell, and clearly wasn’t having any of this situation, despite the apparent sweetness of her tone.
She called for other flight attendant who guided the man to his seat, then directed herself to you, her whole facade wearing off and looking at you in a mix of proudness and a bit of pity, understanding your awkward position.
“Is your seat close to his?” You nodded.
She pinched her nose, visibly holding herself back from behaving violently. “Are you traveling with these gentlemen? I could try and search for a seat closer to them” She pointed to the other men that looked at you.
You noticed again the somewhat soft palm in the curve of your back, which brought you back to reality.
“No, but I still would want to change. Is that a problem… Changbin?” He smiled, cheeks softly turning pink.
“Oh no, its ok. We’re a group of eight scrambled through the airplane, I don’t think it’ll be an issue to find a spare seat.”
Ten minutes later, you were giggling next to him, using his phone while you charged yours with his cable as you both kept loosing at the same game, failing to find more words for the crossword.
You hoped you could keep the contact with all the group after you met them when the airplane landed. And something made you think you would, noticing a hand drawing soft circles on the palm of your hand as you all tried to get out of the crowds.
~Kats, a fluff Changbin enthusiast who is being deeply affected by cuffing season and binnie in a compression shirt.
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pseudophan · 4 days
i need to be a bitch somewhere and where better than pseudophan dot tumblr dot com (said in a very honoring way love you nora)wait pause i just heard like a squeaky rubber duck noise out my window. im on a 10th floor in nyc. hello? okay anyways i need to keep being a bitch ducks aside but oh my god fics have been so unreadable lately. why is everyone so obsessed with doing like yaoi gender roles to them. i dont think ive opened smut i havent clicked out of in months at this rate. like every single one is like "ohhh phil is a delicate helpless uwu little princess and dan is the big strong manly man" im actually going to start killing people like it is so insufferable why does no one hear themselves. do you people hear yourselves? for real? pause i just heard the duck again. is it an omen do you think
LOVE the journey this ask takes you on first of all, i wonder what the duck's fanfic opinions are it seems eager to share
i haven't read enough fic recently to comment on ALL of them but i can't say i don't get where you're coming from cause a lot of what i have seen... yeah... and look if that's the dynamic someone wants to portray in their fic that's whatever i guess, i'm not here to police people's fiction, but it is annoying that there's so much of it. kinda feels like we're back in 2015 just with the roles reversed
the whole uwu princess phil thing is largely brought on by dnp themselves and i don't even have a problem with that at all, by all means live your precious baby angel smol bean (sigh) dreams phil but what bothers me a little is the part where a lot of people take that and feel the need to then make dan, like you said, some Big Strong Masc Dom Top like can we be sooooo serious for just one second... again if thats what people want to write porn about whatever i guess but i totally agree the sheer amount of it is a bit.......... hmm........
this isn't just fics though it's the way people talk about them in general. at least with fics you're technically allowed to write whatever the hell you want, it's all fictional, but when it's posts talking about their real life selves .... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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quodekash · 5 months
yeah so im gonna make my silly little commentary posts for we are sometimes but not all the time
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he stared at his friend's water and started smiling like a fucking idiot 💀
h2o just makes him giddy like that 🥰
also I genuinely fucking adore Pham and Fang's dynamic, they care about each other so much (I might cry)
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here to pick up his twink
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i think i just really love satang cos during msp every time sound was on screen i lost my shit and now every time toey is on screen i lose my shit
btw i fully had to rewatch that entire scene, i was entirely focusing on satang’s little adorable fuckin face that i forgot to read and process the dialogue lmao
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his expression is like “did you bring me here to do your chores, or are you gonna be honest and just say you want to makeout"
the real answer is just that he wants to spend time with him btu doesnt know how to do that normally 💀
(and also that he wants to make out with him)
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I genuinely adore accidental kiss tropes in bls, its just so unrealistic its fucking amazing
[insert image of phum's friends walking in here (I had to delete some of my screenshots because I can only do 30 and I dont want to do more than one post for this)]
it's so awkward and I am LIVING for it
people in bls always walk in at the WORST possible moments and its AMAZING
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phuwin’s character trying to cook is so me
and also my sister, one time she was making spaghetti bolognese for us for dinner and she put way too much salt, and then to attempt to solve the problem, she put water into the pan to "evaporate the salt" 💀
the best part is I didnt even realise why that wouldnt work until my brother started laughing
anyway, back to the ep
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Youre fucking KIDDING
literally last week I was like "yeah okay I like it" and then suddenly im on the verge of tears when they make physical contact???
[insert image of pun eating]
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oh fuck yes I love this friendship already and it just started
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they look like tired dads fr
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is phuwin just fuckin short or is pond like 3 metres tall cos holy shit
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woah he really just went for it there
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great frame
[insert that entire scene with the jump onto him and the holding hands and the FUCKING CHEEK KISS]
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he's jealoussssssss
I love pun so much, I truly would die for him
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Welcome back to another episode of Toey Thinks Peem And Phum Are Dating (And He’s Right)
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Im gonna be completely honest, if pond looked at me like that, id probably do whatever he tells me to without a second thought
thats all im saying
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this song is so out of winny’s range tho 💀
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so fucking SMOL
also chains hand just always naturally rests on pun’s shoulder
literally all the time
what im saying here is I think they should kiss
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Cool! 👍
im glad they finally got there
okay now I just have one final question before I take my leave: what the FUCK was the song playing in the background of the qtoey scene near the end of the episode
it was just electric guitar and I KNOW recognise it but I cant figure out what fucking song it was (literally I finished the episode at like 1:30 but didnt go to sleep til 3 because I was trying to find the song)
so please, if ANYONE recognises it and knows what it is, tell me as soon as you can cos Im fucking dying
update: a moot is pretty sure the song played over other qtoey scenes earlier in the show (the same way msp did with noelm) so now im fuckin PSYCHED for the new song that’s gonna come out eventually
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Random Merlin Rewatch: Where a random number generator gives me a season and an episode from BBC Merlin; and then I comment on it as I go.
Today's episode: Season 2 Episode 11 - The Witch's Quickening
First off, before I start. It's got Mordred on the cover, so I'm assuming it's the episode where Merlin tries to kill little baby Mordred? And bby Mordred fucking shows off some of his magic in it as well. Don't remember much else but that, so.
Oh, it's that ugly ass blonde guy that's gonna manipulate Morgana or whatever it is. Ugh. I don't like him. Glad to see him on the floor, but I know it's all a ruse.
Why is every Camelot knight fucking useless, y'all cannot be serious right now.
Was he. Fucking floating or something??? That looked goofy as shit, brother. Loser.
It is a testament that Camelot must have a lot of different knights and guards, 'cause they don't recognize the guy but that's alright. I'm assuming they're so used to seeing each other with the helmets that they just. Forget each other's faces?? I don't know, maybe it's me, but I can recognize a face.
Oop, not Merlin snooping in on some random telepathy convo.
Before that, I wanted to comment. Absolutely bonkers that they're carrying Mordred (? maybe) inside a barrel. At least I'm assuming that's what they're doing.
That must've been so goofy to film, thank god colin just puts his whole pussy into everything he does.
A rare occasion of some guards being useful. Too bad magic's a thing, huh.
Does the druid speak give Merlin headaches?? Poor boy looks like is getting one. Also he looks so comfy.
NOT MORDRED INSIDE THE BARREL, MY GOD. That cannot have been comfy. Also him just. getting out like that. So creepy, I respect it.
Oh the two people just lifting him up like that, he's so smol!!
Why does the blonde guy has such a slutty shirt, wtf.
Why is Morgana sleeping with a big ass bracelet on, girl, take that off!!! You don't need it babe.
Morgana smiling :((((( My love.
Ohhh the way Arthur just get's so protective when Merlin tells him they're in Morgana's chambers. They love each other so much, I'm SICK.
Ugly ass man, no one asked for you to talk, BITCH. fucking Alvarr or whatever the fuck, he can suck my dick, his vibes are SO OFF.
Morgana is so empathetic, like, she GETS IT!!! Of course she has some degree of privilege by being Uther's ward, but she is so fucking afraid everyday of being found out!! I'm SICK.
Hate seeing Morgana get so manipulated, hate it hate it, I'm SICK OF IT, LET MY GIRL LIVE HER FUCKING LIFE
She's so gorgeous. But also I love Merlin's little head tilt at Morgana's excuse "Don't you think if there was someone in my room, I'd know about it?" because, frankly, no you wouldn't!! And merlin knows this, but she says it with so much confidence they just take it.
Damn, Arthur getting so sassy n aggressive 'cause he was so scared of finding a horrific scene in Morgana's chambers, and now he's got nothing but Merlin to let out steam to. Damn, damn, boys.
I don't Mordred understands that his role in this mission is nothing more than just ensuring they get the crystal via manipulating Morgana with his existence. Very sick game Alvarr is playing. But Mordred could also be in the know. Hmmm.... we'll see.
Merlin IS very smart, he understands people, but most of all he understands magic users and what they need to do to survive, even if it means sacrificing yourself for others to survive.
Ough, that braid and that green dress. Morgana is just stunning.
"I was looking for Arthur." immediately looks down, guilty as fuck. Morgana is a good liar, but that doesn't mean she likes it all the time. This is Merlin, someone she supposedly trusts. And she is committing a serious crime. Tense.
God, I do love the aesthetics of this show. Love it love it, the fire, the stone walls, everything. And they never played about the clothes.
Merlin can never sleep in peace, and Arthur can never eat in peace.
Well. I do have to say, I was wondering why Arthur's door wasn't locked if he's known to be away. Merlin babe that's kinda on you, you should've locked it :///
Love the difference between Merlin apologising to Arthur n him just walking away, and then Uther being very harsh to Arthur for the same reason. Something something if Arthur can, he'll bear the burden/blame of others since he already feels responsible for a whole kingdom even as a prince, so what's more of that weight on his shoulders right? Technically, the fault is Merlin's but if Arthur can help it, Uther will never know it. He cares so much for Merlin.
Arthur lying through his teeth for Merlin, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh
This damn fucking dragon, fuckkkkkkkkkk
"Because you don't have a choice." OOP MERLIN ATE WITH THAT ONE.
God, the way Kilgarrah talks abt Morgana, I hate it!! UGH
Hm. The fact that Mordred possibly can use the crystal but Morgana can't (KIlgarrah's words). Interesting. So, from least to most poweful: Morgana<Mordred<Merlin.
Gwen just trying to spend as much time with Morgana because I bet they normally chat and stuff.
Oof, the mix of anger/fear/apprehension on Gwen's face with "My Lady." i bet it doesn't happen often when Gwen is reminded that Morgana is a lady and has the power to fucking execute her at will, she's that powerful. It must be so scary when she gets reminded of that. Of course, she knows Morgana would never; but what if?
The difference between Morgana's pristine tall white horse and Merlin's smaller black horse. Love that. Loveeeee it.
Oof. The fact that Morgana balks at Alvarr and his strategy of just. Killing anyone at Uther's side, even innocents. Like, she just cannot understand that, but!! She's at her most vulnerable at this time. Right now, she's not sure what's right or wrong. She doesn't know if what she thinks it's the right thing to do anymore, if it's what's needed for magic to be free, for her to be free of this fear and be herself. Is cruelty the answer? Is she being too merciful? I wonder if these are thoughts that she's having, knowing that what feels right is that she doesn't want to kill civilians, just bring Uther down. But what if her approach is wrong, and they fail, and it makes it all worse? What is there cannot be any "half measures"?
"I dont want to be alone anymore." THIS!!!! This is what leads to Morgana becoming what she becomes in season 3. Ultimately, she feels so alone. What other friends she has besides Gwen? Arthur? And now those two are poisoned because of her secret. She doesn't know if she can trust them fully anymore. She was already bitter, and full of hatred for Uther, and she was already capable of being ruthless and brave. But this? Being alone? This is what sets her off at her path. Even if she has allies, in the end she will always feel isolated, separated, alone. Even with Morgause. The second she gets into the mindset of "I have nothing of value to lose." She goes down Uther's path. The second she convinces herself that everyone either wants her dead or gone or whatever, she's on Uther's path. And Morgause doesn't count; she helps with this actually. Because Morgause is also very isolated and alone, but still puts herself in a certain distance with Morgana. Yes, they're sisters, they're High Priestesses. But they know their roles are much grander than themselves. Morgause even makes Morgana sacrifice her for their shared goal. The connection she has with Morgause only intensifies this idea that Morgana does not need others, she has a purpose outside of herself, and nothing else matters. This is what leads her down Uther's path. And once you start self-destructing, you realize how easy it is; and how much harder it becomes to put yourself back together again.
EWWWW THEY ALMOST KISSED!!! Another proof that Morgana is just so desperate for connection. First sign she sees of pure acceptance without fear she wants to dive right into that "safety". Ugh. Hate Alvarr and his manipulation.
Oop, cult leader esque vibes. Should've known.
Not Gaius straight up telling Merlin "Let's lie to the King." Bet Merlin teases him abt that.
Goddd, I love their sibling banter. Also love how Arthur just cannot seem to tell when someone's hiding something when they're someone he truly deeply loves n trusts. Hope that doesn't bite him in the ass or something.
Not Arthur just bullying the fuck out of Merlin. Too bad he's too busy listening to a telepathic convo.
THIS IS SO FUNNY, MERLIN JUST BEING LIKE "There's a footprint!!! (Oh fuck it's not enough, um-) LOOK!! MORE!!!"
"Yes they are" says Merlin prophetically and then somebody get shot with an arrow. Seriously, how did nobody get that Merlin was a sorcerer?? Did they just think he was. very weird???? Actually, that's exactly it.
Not Merlin aiding in the death of a child.
And just like that, another part of the prophecy solidified. Welp!!
Not Merlin seeing what Kilgarrah will do if he releases him and then that's exactly what he does.
OOP??? I FORGOT HOW HARD SHE WENT IN THIS SCENE HOLY SHIT???? This was, lowkey, Morgana sealing her fate. She was just so done with being passive and just taking the luxury of being Uther's ward. She saw what Alvarr and the druids and anyone with magic has had to do to survive and to end this reign of terror and she got so sick of just being on the side-lines. No wonder it was so easy for her to just betray them past this point. To her, she was already alienated from Uther and Camelot and everything it stands for. Alvarr being sentenced to death, not even telling the whole truth of her aiding him, radicalized her here. The title of this episode makes so much sense, this is Morgana getting more and more cold and ruthless towards Camelot whether before she just hated it and suffered under it. Go off queen.
OUGHHHH NOW THAT BROKE UTHER'S HEART, DAMN!!! She fully just. resigned from this family (I don't think she's fully processed that this means resigning from Arthur as well, she's just so focused on Uther).
"The future is as yet unshaped." This is why I believe destiny is not set in stone, but!! Once you do a set of actions, one path of the future solidifies and it is basically impossible to erode yourself out of it. But not truly impossible.
Morgana lying to Gwen, separating herself more n more from those she loves but that could hinder her new path. Oof...
Not Morgana bribing the guards with alcohol, jesus they're so stupid.
Oh, the way that Uther knows, and Morgana knows he knows, but Uther just cannot bear the thought of the truth, cannot say it out loud. OOOOOHHHH DELICIOUSSSSSSSSS
Damn what a good ass episode bro. This is really where we see Morgana become herself, I guess; or the hateful, ruthless version of her. It is both sad but so freeing to see. But I do think she only really wanted Uther to be gone, her hatred for Arthur and Merlin came later, through Morgause and her manipulation, but also their own actions.
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smolwritingchick · 5 months
73 Questions
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Summary: A smol brainstorm of some questions Jen would get when interviewed by Vogue.
Walking around Big Hit's building with a camera following her along with an interviewer from Vogue, Jennie smiled as she heard the next question asked.
'Most interesting nickname you've been named?'
She chuckled at the question. "A Bratz doll,"
'Favorite curse word?'
"I love saying this word. FUCK!" 
'What angers you the most?'
"Lately...xenophobia especially regarding K-Pop groups. It irks my soul. I hate it so much,"
'Most expensive thing you've splurged on?'
"I recently got a penthouse in New York," she proudly answered. 
'Funniest sibling and why?'
"Vienna. Because she has the best one-liners," Jennie giggled at the memories.
'Favorite thing you have worn?'
"Nike. Everything Nike,"
'Who's another artist you'd work with?'
Opening up the door to her studio, she held it for the interviewer as they walked in. 
"Travis Scott. I need that energy. It's lit!"
'Secret hobby?'
"I still learn about wrestling,"
'Favorite fashion icon?'
"So many! On the top of my head, Rihanna, Zendaya, Lady Gaga, G-Dragon, and CL!" she excitedly said as she grabbed a few packs of smarties from her dish bowl and began to eat a few pieces.
'Favorite candy?'
"Smarties! Duh! They really need to sponsor me. If I can be blessed with Nike, I will work hard to get Smarties to have me endorse them,"
'What's the funniest thing you read about yourself in the press?'
"Recently? That I'm pregnant. I don't understand why everyone keeps saying that. You clearly see me downing alcohol with my friends,"
'Favorite thing to bake?'
"Ooohh....this is a tough one...okay, honestly? I like baking cupcakes the most. Cookies are a close second,"
'Least favorite BTS song to perform?'
"Oh God...I'm going to get roasted for this...Recently I have been sick of Butter,"
'Favorite BTS song to perform?'
"Recently? Idol,"
'What is your biggest success?'
"Right now, I would say my biggest success is my mental and physical health. I'm happy to be in a good place," she smiled as they left her studio and continued to walk around the building. 
'What are you often told when people work with you?'
"You know what? People always assume I'm mean or disrespectful because of my resting bitch face. But once we work together and begin to talk those thoughts go out the window,"
'Who is one of your role models in the K-Pop industry?'
"G-Dragon. I owe so much to that man. He is truly the best and has mentored me for many years. I'm very grateful to him. He's an icon,"
'Current obsession?'
"I've been getting into skydiving, more,"
'Favorite place to visit in the world?'
"Japan. Gosh, I love going over there,"
'Most overworn item in your wardrobe?'
"I wear a specific pair of Nikes that I call my lucky pair if I need that extra push. Right here," she presented the sneakers she was currently wearing.
'Beauty product you don't go a day about wearing?'
"Chapstick! Keep your lips moisturized, please! No crusty lips up in here!"
'Favorite piece of jewelry to wear?'
Jennie smiled proudly and presented her ring to the camera. "My wedding ring,"
'Alright, I have a few Jungkook questions here.'
Her eyes lit up when they mentioned his name and she smiled brightly. "I'm ready!"
'Which of Jungkook's tattoos are your favorite?'
"His tattoos are so nice. I love them all but to pick one? Um...I'd say our couple's tattoo. We have our heartbeats tattooed on each other. On our ring fingers,"
'Favorite thing to wear of Jungkook's?'
"Definitely his hoodies," she couldn't stop smiling as her heart skipped a beat.
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Relax a Little
Daryl Dixon [PLATONIC] • She/Her Pronouns • The Youngest Dixon • The apocalypse stresses everybody out, but the eldest one had the best idea • SFW/Smol ANGST • TW: Drug Consumption (Weed) / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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“She said yes and she’s an adult so. You ain’t playing dad anymore. If she wants to try. She wants to try”
“You’ve got to be kidding right? There’s fucking sickos around. If she gets a bad one, she’s gonna flip”
“Such little faith in me, big bro” Y/N scoffs at Daryl who was only looking out for her while Merle is the devil in disguise. “What’s the worse that could happen?”
I’m losing my goddamn mind
Y/N found herself in the middle of the woods that the Dixons had found solace in since the outbreak started. She already couldn’t wrap her head around what time it was and whatever kind of strain Merle gave her, made it worse.
“YOU LOOKED AWAY FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND AND SHES GONE” Daryl snaps at the also stoned Merle who was zoned out in his outdoor chair. “Goddamn it. You’re useless” he quickly picked up his crossbow and made his way into the woods tracking where his sister went.
Everything feels weird Y/N frowns rubbing her hands together feeling the dryness of her hands which only started to make her panic a bit. I’m drying out? Isn’t Atlanta like water…uhh….I don’t know. I need water. She groans brushing her hands on her jacket making her way toward any sound of water.
But it was all silent for the most part. With the few grumbles by walkers that weren’t even close.
“Stupid son of a bitch. Can get eaten by sickos for all I care.” Daryl groans continuing to follow the trail Y/N had left, given she may have gotten far but she was slow and left heavy foot prints. “Dumbass is a drug dealer. All of his shit could be laced. Why would she even think…” he stops himself from saying more when approaching a walker and taking it out.
He quickly picked up his step finding Y/N’s jacket on the ground covered in blood that he couldn’t tell if it was hers or not. But it got him to start running.
Weird. Weird. Weird. Y/N sat at the edge of the creak watching the water run for a while with her feet in the cold water. She was lost in thought as the sound of water drowned out everything around her.
“Get out of the creek” the teen picked up the screaming child as all she wanted to do was stay in the water. But the annoyed groan coming from the eldest made it clear.
“Why the fuck do I gotta take care of her as well as you? Can’t she stay with da—-“
“No one is staying alone with dad! Fuck Merle” The teen being Daryl holding the youngest Y/N close as she struggled to get free from his grasp. “You’re already leavin’ for what. The military?”
“The military” Y/N mumbles staring at the ground giving up with fighting his grasp. “He’s leaving? Like mommy?”
“That can be dark, but nah peanut. I’m just gonna fight for this stupid ass country” Merle took Y/N from his brother’s grasp and putting her on his shoulders.
“And most likely get discharged” Daryl scoffs following his brother and sister back to the car.
“Well would yea rather have me come back after being discharged…or with a flag?”
“A flag” Y/N replies with holding onto Merle’s head for stability as Daryl couldn’t help the laugh that escaped him.
“She doesn’t know what that means. But I’d take the first one”
“See I knew you cared about me baby brother”
“I care more about her than you”
“Fair enough”
“Y/N!” Daryl yells stopping by the creek finding her shoes by the water but no sign of her. “This goddamn woman. I’m going to kill h—-“
Daryl quickly ran across the creek knowing that was his sister’s voice and relaxed knowing it’s not a walker or another person. But a raccoon? The fucking girl is fighting a raccoon.
“Y/N, you’re fine”
“I don’t think he did. But uh. He’s gonna make a good dinner” Daryl readies his crossbow and before he could fire, more noises were made causing Y/N to run off. “Motherfuck—-“
“Hold it”
The unknown man held his shotgun up at Daryl as he kept his crossbow steadied. He wasn’t going to take any chances either. If he shot, so was he. Then they’re both taken out of the picture. But given Y/N’s state of mind, some would say certain emotions were enhanced by the drugs, she wasn’t going to let her brother meet his maker by this unknown.
“Where did you come from?”
“Why should that matter? The woods is the woods and you scared my sister off”
“Your sister is the crackhead?” He questions and that comment only enraged Daryl.
“She AINT a crackhead. She’s fucking stoned. Did you touch her? Talk to her? How the fuck do you—-“
“She’s been running around in the goddamn woods by herself without her shoes. You expect me to believe she ain’t no crackhead? Granted I’ve seen a lot of weird shit. What’s next a nudist?”
“What the hell is your deal?!” Daryl snaps keeping his weapon up and in the corner of his eye he spotted Y/N sneaking up behind the unknown. But what he didn’t know was that Merle had been following him and given the situation, he raised his gun up high firing out of both their lines of sight.
Causing them to move their weapons out of view of the other. Leading to Y/N’s opportunity to swing the branch they got, knocking the man in the back of the head and onto the ground unconscious.
“Jesus Y/N”
“I DIDNT KILL HIM. IT DIDNT KILL HIM. HES GROANING. BREATHING. I DIDNT—-“ Y/N stopped her panicking when she heard a gasp behind her resulting in the brothers aiming their weapons and her quickly raising her hands up. “I did not kill your husband”
The woman that came through looked at the three confused before drawing her attention quickly to the man on the ground. She ran over dropping to her knees making sure what Y/N said earlier was true. He was in fact still breathing, he’ll have a killer headache by the end of this.
“Who the fuck are you?!”
“Oh well I’m Y—-“
“Shhhh ain’t gotta tell nobody who we are until we know you ain’t one of them…one of them. Uh”
“Bad bitches”
“I tell yea that once and it sticks in your brain in adulthood. What else do yea call bad guys?” Merle continued to struggle with the conversation with his sister as Daryl looks at the woman who was struggling to follow.
“They’re stoned. Mind yer business, tell us who you are and we’ll go from there”
“Lori. This is Shane and he ain’t gonna be happy when he’s fully up.” Lori frowns trying to get him to sit up when he was protesting at first. Y/N couldn’t help herself and help the stranger get Shane situated upright.
As Y/N rose to her feet she didn’t wait another second to start heading back to their camp. Daryl groans pushing Merle to follow their sister about to join him when he turned to the two once again.
“Yea alone?”
“No, we’ve got a camp…what are you doing out here?”
“Survivin’ what else?” Daryl put his crossbow on his back and that sparked something in Lori’s head.
“You hunters? All three of yea?”
“Well when this guy gets clear again, where can I find yea?”
“See if we can help each other out. It is the end of the world.” Lori shot a reassuring smile as Daryl stood to ponder but there was pressing matters.
“I’ll think about it…” He states leaving on that note, and Lori was left a bit confused thinking he wouldn’t find them again. But he’s one hell of a tracker.
The middle Dixon half expected his siblings to struggle to go back to their camp, but to his surprised Merle was laying in the ground right beside Y/N staring up at the sky. Both seem to be lost in thought and Y/N temporarily snapped back when her shoes and jacket were dropped on her by Daryl.
“Thanks D”
“You’re the wander off kind of high” Daryl frowns sitting in the outdoor chair Merle was in earlier after setting his crossbow down.
“Gonna need a leash on her” Merle yawns a bit. “Not the sexy kind”
“Gross shut up” Y/N smacks Merle beside her hearing him groan as he rolls over to lay on his stomach in the dirt. “Everything is spinnin’”
Daryl frowns bringing himself out of the chair and kneeling beside her. “Like you might pass out or?”
“Such a worrywart” Merle groans into the dirt turning away from the two knowing Daryl is glaring at him.
“Don’t be a bitch Merle…and nah. Just spinnin’. Ain’t gonna…react bad” She sighs rubbing her eyes a bit as Daryl sat down on the ground staying close to her in case of anything.
As the night crawls in and the high was subsiding. Meaning Y/N was sober enough to help set up the can barrier with Daryl as Merle continued to lay in the dirt since he passed out after a while. The two stayed up a bit longer keeping their fire low and preparing the squirrels Daryl found before their high endeavors.
“Merle’s right yknow”
“About what? And that coming from you? Really is the end of the world” Daryl scoffs taking a bit of his portion, tossing the canteen to Y/N when she made grabby hands for it.
“You’re a worrywart, Dar”
“So what? I’m yer brother. Second nature to be”
“Yeah but you were more than a brother to me growing up. You and Merle may have not had the best role models growing up. But I did. I don’t think Merle would care hearing that you’re my favorite brother but you took care of me and made sure I was safe even with our bitch of a dad and moron of an older brother”
Part of him thought she was still stoned, granted she could be. But Y/N always thought that. Daryl’s the best big brother anybody could have.
“But I don’t wanna. Where are you gonna be?”
“Back at 1pm to pick yea up. Don’t matter beforehand”
“Matters to me…” Y/N pouts squeezing her brother’s hand not wanting to go to kindergarten as Daryl sighs letting go of her hand kneeling beside her. “Why can’t I stay with you?”
“Because you gotta learn something, and tell me all about it when I come and get yea. Alright? Can yea do that?”
“Love yea D”
“Love yea too, kid” Daryl smiles standing up about to leave when Y/N suddenly wrapped herself around his legs.
“Be safe please”
“I will, you know I promise yea”
“Yer my favorite too yknow”
“Uh…duh?” Y/N smiles tossing the canteen back before getting up to grab a blanket for Merle.
Leaving Daryl to relax a bit.
Thankful nothing happened to her
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crimson-lair · 5 months
I just thought of something. Chief and Zoya as "adoptive" parents. Of course, their opposite views , with Chief wanting to maintain order and Zoya being the violent chaos she is, does lead to some conflict. Hey, opposites do attract, so they could be married and adopted a child, or they're coworkers watching over a young Sinner.
The two would keep saying that they don't want to watch the kid, yet are overprotective over them. I can see Zoya encouraging the kid to do something stupid, and won't be upset if they get into a fight at school. As for Chief, she would probably get annoyed at Zoya and the child's antics, and would cast Zoya an annoyed glare.
With the two of them being more on the stoic side and rarely expressing their emotions so openly, it would be pretty heartwarming to see them slowly warm up to the kid.
AWW a not-so-ordinary wholesome family 🥺 (also, ME ME! I'M THEIR CHILD 🙋‍♀️)
Finally some fluffy things, this blog is full of thirsts honestly.. hehe. Anyway, I'd like to think Zoya as a fun scary-looking uncle aunt to the young Sinners in MBCC. Well, she knows that she has resting bitch face, that some children would run away from catching a glimpse of her, (or maybe some would staring at her with admiration instead, like Horo). That's why she'd put a grin so that smol Sinners wouldn't think that she's angry or anything, but only for children tho. But as the favorite child amongst all? Be ready for the chaos since she wouldn't hold back to show what she's famous for (let's break all the furnitures available). She's going to teach you many things like Leggett did 🥹. And occasionally bringing you for a ride, which she almost run into a car.. but we don't talk about that now (she's not that good at driving okay)
And Chief, my wife, everyone's wife (look, I'm being fair here). Of course she isn't as stoic as she looked. I know that she's a softie, maybe she doesn't show it much at the beginning but as the story goes by, yes. A mother to her hen although she looked stiff af to be one, proven by her children (Hecate and Hella + OwO😌). She's calm most all the time, but well.. until her Sinners. Like, what do you mean Zoya broke down the ceiling again??? Was she worried? Not really.. maybe yes since Zoya brought you with her. But her MONEY. MBCC IS SO BROKE ALREADY!... Chief is so done with Zoya, she's going to snatch the child away from the big bad guy's influence, more or less.
As their child, who would be afraid of the tiny gremlins in school if you have Zoya at the back, silently staring down menacingly. And obviously, she'd be proud if you won the fight, regardless of injuries and Chief standing, glaring besides her (Bet some mothers wouldn't care about their child either, they'd be staring with their mouth agape. She's hot okay🏃)
Also, I'd probably run to the other Sinners and let the parents have a make up s-- ahem- Chief is miserable already. Give her a break.
Thoughts on Chapter 13 Chief and Zoya?? Hehe 😏 Zoya becoming powerful emo, and hotter mature than before. But there's a little bit more spark of evil playfulness that she isn't afraid to show/do. Guess it's Adela's time to shine! Cutting the stressed-out Chief's hair almost every week. CHIEF IS SO PRETTY WITH LONG HAIR THO
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violently smashing my two major fandoms with an F together as a form of procrastination
A question for the ages: WHICH Avatar character matches up with WHICH Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle one and WHY the fuck should anyone (besides me) care? We'll answer at least one of those questions for you tonight, dear viewers!!!!
First up
Neteyam - Leo
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Eldest son, blue theme (like I could say this for all the Sullys, but shush), can do no wrong except when one of the siblings stubs a toe and then the Guilt, daddy's favorite solider who's also a huge dork (like we don't see a lot of evidence of this in canon for Neteyam but let me have this), Neteyam's Untimely End vs Leo getting treated as such a punching bag by each TMNT iteration that throwing him through a goddamn window is an established franchise staple by now.
Kiri - Donnie
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A case can be made for April-Kiri parallels (particularly for psychic powers re 2012 April, my beloved, and dead mom syndrome) and also Karai-Kiri (for dead mom syndrome, how often I've mixed up their fucking names while writing), but Kiri-Donnie fits the siblings theme, so there. They're tech nerd-nature nerd solidarity, autistic Entities of unparalleled death and destruction, happy to destroy government property, younger siblings pretending to be above the Chaos while very much not, and in desperate need of a nap and a stiff drink.
Lo'ak - Raph
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Rage issues. Daddy issues. Big brother issues. Relatively smol and Keenly aware of that fact. Adored by the (smart) fans, cursed by Eywa/God. Makes strong bonds with animal fwends and also collects traumatic experiences like magnets collect nails. 100% either in a fistfight or sobbing into his pillow rn. In a family living at the bottom of a fucking sewer and/or on the run from the government, still manages to feel like an odd one out. Someone needs to introduce Lo'ak to emo music, it would fuck him up so much /pos.
Tuk - Mikey
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Youngest and most excitable sibling, heart of gold and jaws of steel. Optimism that remains in the face of innocence slowly being shaved away by Events. Hates being left out or left behind, committed to various Schemes and Plans with historically mixed outcomes. Has definitely either killed a man or will do so as soon as the opportunity presents itself.
Spider - Karai and April
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Spider's kind of an unholy amalgamation of April's Token Human We've Shared Traumatic Experiences With journey and Karai's At Odds With Creepy Undead Father Figure And Complex Relationship With Less Creepy Father Figure (see below) arcs. Basically part of my ongoing psyops plans to Feminize That Boy (don't worry Karai-Kiri and April-Kiri parallels, I still love you). Also, Leorai/Apritello and Speteyam/Spiri (mix and match at will) have exciting interspecies and/or vaguely incestous vibes we should all strive for in our weird fanfics.
Jake - Splinter/Hamato Yoshi
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Tired dads trying their best and just so happening to raise The Kids as soldiers-warriors along the way. Exciting and confusing relationships with the concept of this thing you call "death." Shameless species hoppers, even though Jake did it on purpose while TMNT writers in various iterations have to come up with increasingly more convoluted ways for it to happen to Yoshi against his will. Is not afraid of violence, especially when it comes to their homoerotically homicidal relationship with
Quaritch - Shredder
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Big Bad of the story, or at least the one everybody pays attention to. The Bitch Who Refuses To Die. Unhealthy, possessive, genuinely quite creepy (/pos) obsession with sort-of-kid who ended up in his care through Unfortunate Means. Will destroy everything he remotely cares about and sit in the ashes with surprised Pichaku face before finding someone to blame. Refuses to let go of a fucking grudge, be it with aforementioned homoerotic-homicide buddy or various children.
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Technically the best Neytiri parallel in terms of family relationships would be Tang Shen, Splinter's wife and the pseudo/actual (depending on the iteration) mother of his children. However, Tang Shen has an unfortunate history of being Dead Girled and Ghost-Momed in a way that puts her more in common with Grace or Tom Sully (rip). Still, Neytiri has a lot in common with the vengeful demon ghost version of Tang Shen that exists primarily in my head.
Payakan - Casey Jones
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Outcast from society, defender of the weak, wanted by the authorities. Combines genuinely passionate belief in justice/revenge with an equally genuine talent for wanton violence and destruction. Has an interspecies bromance with Lo'ak/Raph that puts Achilles and Patrocles to shame. Someone definitely needs to introduce Payakan to emo music, too, not to mention death metal--he'd start a band to put those Little Mermaid fuckers to shame.
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Arguments? (you're all wrong btw) Only know me from one of these fandoms and have no idea what the hell I'm taking about? Hit me up in the reblogs!
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rzyraffek · 2 years
Fallout characters with plus size s/o!
(Swf)(also by s/o I mean main character😈)(they them pronouns)
(Funfact:back in the days(midage) plus-size people were seen as richer, better taken care of, because it meant that they didnt have to work they ass of And could affort food. And I feel like it would be similar in apocalipse world😈)(and in ancient rome chubby girls were seen as top tier wife materials) (those are my honest thought about characters and how they really would react, so if one of them seems mean, im sorry)
Butch- okay we all know he is an asshole, he would bully them with his super mega cool gang. BUT when they save his mom he will respect them madly, and feel guilt. Sadly there was no time for apologising because s/o was busy looking for their dad. Oh I forgot to mension, he is great example of this cringy prompt "he bullies you because he loves you"🙄 But after s/o came back to valut he went😳 specialy if s/o got some cool scars/piercings/shaved heas/tattoos. Also He will bully Amanda for kicking them from valut. And then probably leave too, its boring without them. And he finds strech Marks hot (they are super hot for him) (when they meet in wastelands he will apologise and simp)
Charon- bruh he simply doesnt care, about their looks. Fuck when they met he didnt even care about their peronality. It was simple they point he shoots. But later after long time and work Charon finally starts to belive them that he isnt just another tool, another weapon. For them he was a person with his own history and opinions and thats what got him in love, not their looks. Of course it took a long time for him to get use to the idea of being his own free person But he slowly warms up to it. Also no matter how much they weigh he can pick them up easly. He sucks at any kind of comunication but Hes trying
Fallout new vegas
Raul-just like charon- He doenst care about their looks. He seen all types of people, before and after bombs.
Boone- this guy judges everyone, doesnt matter if u are top1 skinnies person ever or the most musuclar ever, he will judge you at first. Later he turns into smol bean that needs comforting and hugs. He is this Type of person to never talk about his emotions but He will open up later. He will Just hug them from behind and say some unholy stuff🙄men🙄
Benny-tbh he feels like guy Who would be more into plus-size people than skinny. Also He would spoil them with complements. He has No opinon about strech marks,they are Just there thats all. If any of his chairman would even Look at them in wrong way... guess Who lost job today😎. He would love cuddles and BENNY THE SMOL SPOON🤯
Vuples-this bitch, this little crazy furry. He would say a lot of mean coments. But if his future s/o proves that they are as strong(and even stronger) than average person He will stop. He Just tried to intimidate them, and tried to find easy spot. He wont apologise but wont do it ever again. And deeper into relationship He would love to hug them and say good stuff about their looks (not complements more like honest good words idk how to explain)
Arcade-finds it cute, specialy if s/o has big tights. At first he wont comment on it(he is raised well, he know that its rude to coment someones body) but if they get along he will let them know that they look stunning🥰 Just imagine him resting his head on their legs and reading random book then falling asleep.
Joshua Grahm- he is a chirstian boi he would neve-😳lourd have mercy😳😳 he thought the only women he needs in his life is holy mary but oh my. He is lucky that he has whole body covered in bangades. If he could, he would blush. Bonus points if s/o belives in the same God as him. He will invite them to prays together, if they arent religious he will still invite them in hopes that they will join him🤯 he is in love with their chubby arms and/or legs. And hes the last one to judge their strech marks(his skin care is worse than my math grade i dont think he cares about their ether) (also strech marks arent caused by bad skin care that was a joke please dont cancel me)
Ulysses- he knew them for years, he doesnt care and will bomb anyone mean to them. Imagine romantic afternoon, firecamp, s/o sitting On ground fixing their gun/Reading magazines and ulysses Just laying On their lap or stomach and telling stories. He been thrue alot, most of it may be scary but there were some good parts and thats what he is focusing on at this point of his life.
I will make seperate one for fallout 4 characters later. Its just a lot of them and im sleepy.
And by s/o dont mean nesecary romantic relationship, i just didnt know what to call it? Because theres no way in hell im putting y/n in this (unless somone request)
Also if u got offended im so sorry(im not jokin i really apoligise) and im not skinny aswell so some of those ideas i got from my own expirience and life🥰 its 2am btw
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khaleesiofalicante · 7 months
Just a Littul happy story time for you:
I live in a really smol town in India. And there’s this wedding function happening. And there’s this uncle I have. He’s a kinda big deal internally coz he’s a fashion designer and he lives in nyc. He has a husband( bf? Idk). Anyhoo. Not many people know or accept homosexuality here. But he was like fuk this. This is my favourite niece’s wedding and I’m bringing my husband. He’s family. And he includes the husband in all the family photos and wears the wedding band and everything. People aren’t able to say anything to his face coz either they accept it (which is so freakin cool in inida) or they just don’t say anything upfront (which seems more possible than the first option).
People are mostly confused but the husband’s presence coz he’s a white guy (the only one) and they’re shy to talk to him coz mostly people don’t know good English here. Hehe.
Anyways. It just makes me really happy the way my uncle treats his husband. Includes him in stuff. Shows that he exists. And overall doesn’t hide him. Like how usually people would do. And it’s not even like they are always together and cuddling or anything (the typical image of how gay/love married couples ). Uncle os always busy doing this or that I the wedding. And the husband is usually mostly chilling and eating. It’s a really cool and chill kinda scene. As if it isn’t anything out of the blue. Anything uncommon. As it should be.
This was just...beautiful
Kudos to your uncle and his partner. I know this is very bad bitch behaviour, but it also takes so much courage and strength.
I hope you got to spend some time with them!
Thank you for the serotonin 🤧
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bamboobrat · 1 year
succession s4 e3 recap: i just called to say are you a cunt? 1/2
ding dong the bitch is dead!
today we celebrate! extra long recap! (you'll find part two here and at the bottom)
it's finally time to fire gerri:(((
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this has been in the cards since the hazmat suit remark, but still shakes me to the bones.
and sticking her with cruises? horrifying.
almost as horrifying as logan asking roman to kill her...
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"you two, you know, you were close"
dickpickgate, the laughs were too high a price to pay.
on a more positive note, greg is also not having a good day.
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is he out of the inner circle? was he ever in? did kerry really look up if a focus group existed and pull him apart like string cheese?
my guess is it's because he is annoying. on this, logan and i agree. visually aggravating, indeed.
(on a more serious note, yes, i've seen the posts about nick and all i can say is believe women)
big boss man's last words:
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i wasn't paying attention. karolina was in the scene.
tom uses one line to summarize the episode we never got.
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wanting to kill cyd and gerri on the same day can kill you, you know. it's called karma.
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felt a strong impulse to skip the intro having seen the trailer, but i'm a good lil nick britell fangirl of course.
also, you know it's going to be a good episode when it's a mylod.
roman is very nervous about breaking up with his girlfriend firing gerri. "let's enjoy this sham marraige and the death of romance", he said...
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i know i asked for more gerri. THIS NOT WHAT I MEANT!
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roman is me, i am roman etc.
i'm also sad to report that i am, in fact, team hat.
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they are sad and angry but not in a perverted way:(
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so, so pretty<333 j. for supporting! sarah for lead, please!
it's the least they could do. seriously.
looks like having to kill gerri was the last drop for our romey.
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calling your dad a cunt right before he dies? it's shakespearean.
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connor associates victoria spunge with the loony bin. some of you might think the cake is not an essential part of this episode, but you are wrong.
shiv doesn't pick up the phone. first the cake, now this!!
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this is what my mom tells me all the time: gotta pick up the phone, i could be dying.
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and just like that... logan roy died. on the toilet. where all horrible fathers deserve to die. special shout out to tywin lannister!
the writers are absolute sickos for making me actually morn this guy by watching how his children absolutely fall to pieces:
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roman repeating how everything will be okay. ken saying he can't forgive logan, but that he loves him. shiv immediately reverting back to her younger self and calling logan daddy...
anyone else have some trauma responses to share?
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these asshole kids crying over their asshole father </3
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they frantically go back and forth between accepting that he is dead and making action plans on how to save him. it's a beautiful and heartbreaking throwback to the first season, when they still believed their money and status could save them from experiencing death.
even billionaires are mortal. really makes u think 👀
frank calls kendall son and i think it finally sinks in. i'm a pool of tears ready to be wiped up off the floor.
shiv and ken go to let connor know.
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they look so smol and lost and sad, i CAN'T. they really are kids.
connor is on some GOAT shit with this line:
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well, his father may not ever have liked him, but at least he got the world's strangest hug from his homey romey.
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being in denial too hard can cause hug disfunction.
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it's not a nice thing to call someone dead.
truly a heartbreaking rant we get from kieran here. one emmy for our favorite slime puppy!
karl continues to be the voice of reason:
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i feel connected to this man, spiritually and emotionally.
he should pour one for kerry as well.
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our girl is simply not dealing. fingers crossed for a delicious breakdown to come.
tom agrees.
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funniest shit i've ever seen.
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this is why we like to keep karl around, for the drinking and the nicknames.
part 2
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taylortruther · 11 months
I’m not sure why the door thing is such a thing. Her security was already going to do it, Travis just would rather do it himself which I think is fine. I do think it’s interesting though, my dad and brothers are all 6’3 and up, I’ve dated a few very tall guys as well as some shorter ones. In my experience taller guys tend to be more chivalrous and into the old school manners thing. I think it’s because as big guys they automatically feel a bit more responsible in social situations and are more likely to just take initiative to do those things. Like my dad feels like an asshole if he doesn’t help a small person with luggage in the overhead compartment on a plane when he clearly could easily assist. Or I’ve been in a store with my brothers and we see someone trying to get something off a high shelf they’re gonna go just get it down. If someone is being belligerent at a bar or something, they’re gonna be the one to step in because they know they’re bigger they’re more of a deterrent because of their size. They also worry a bit about appearing threatening or scary because of their size in some situations which is part of it too. Anyway that’s my tall guy sociological study lol.
this is reasonable! my bf is not the tallest guy, but he is 5'11" and pretty solid and has major resting bitch face so he has to put an effort into not looking threatening. and i've seen him at protests where he is more on alert, or in protector mode (for other protesters), and it is wild how differently he can carry himself.
i think it's sweet your dad wants to be a helper. i'm sure your brothers learned that from watching him!
society also like, reveres really tall men. there is absolutely tall privilege in professional settings, social, dating, etc. so i think tall men probably receive conditioning from everyone that they're expected to fulfill a more traditional role of provider, protector, and so on.
a tall burly friend of mine once told me that a lot of women he dated assumed he'd be super, super masculine and dominant and alpha because of his appearance. he's more jack black than anything, he doesn't like taking on that role, at least not by default. and as a result, he started dating more women who were closer to his height because they were less likely to expect the smol bean role.
just very interesting stuff to consider!
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