#my twitter username is so good it's from 2016 but it's aged well because like i said it's just a name
maddy-ferguson · 1 year
tumblr user jackietaylor hasn't used her blog since november 2021 she should give the url to me
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thesunwillshineonus · 6 years
Loki is coming back theory: A hopeful post
I think the majority of us agree with the fact that Loki, one of the most complex and acclaimed MCU characters, deserved a better ending to his redemption arc. I have decided to write this post in order to spread some hope that this is not the last we’ve seen of the God of Mischief.
First of all, his death was not convincing nor fitting for a character that is known for dying and coming back in almost every movie he is in (and don’t forget about the comic books). If the directors intended to make his death believable, they should have made him use his powers, try to trick Thanos with his illusions or attempt to fake his own death again and ultimately fail. He should have had a good plan only for it to be disrupted by Thanos and the fact that he doesn’t even seem to try makes me think either Loki is not dead or he let Thanos kill him on purpose.
It’s interesting that neither Loki nor Doctor Strange seem to use the infinity stones they own against Thanos. Even Thanos acknowledges that Strange doesn’t “use his greatest weapon”. But we know that Strange made use of the time stone to see into the future and realised that he (and half the universe) had to die in order to win in the end (presumably). Maybe Loki knew this as well. Maybe his death was also necessary in order to reach that outcome and that’s why he let Thanos kill him.
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“The Tesseract can show visions of the future, which may or may not come true. The people who have seen this power are the Red Skull, Eric Selvig, and Hawkeye [...]” [source] Loki seemed to be looking at the tesseract very intently before saying “I assure you, brother, the sun will shine on us again” to Thor. The tesseract could have shown him a vision of a future in which Thanos is defeated and Loki’s brought back to life somehow, hence the optimism of his statement. Also, I’m 100% sure this line is foreshadowing, it’s too cryptic and striking.
Also, it’s odd that Loki just drops the tesseract on the floor and doesn’t even try to pick it up while Thanos is distracted, considering he seemed so unwilling to give it away only a moment before. I guess he was too busy doing… whatever it is he was doing while Thanos was beating the crap out of the Hulk and killing Heimdall. Because, really, where was he? If the Russos’ intention was to make us believe Loki was out of options and would finally meet his definitive end, it was not a good idea to have the audience lose sight of him for 4 whole minutes, especially since he’s a character who has faked his own death before and whose most distinctive traits are being mischievous and unpredictable.
When being asked about Loki’s death at Ace Con 2018, Tom Hiddleston said “I’ve known about that scene for two years. I met with Marvel in May 2016, and they were actually telling me the story of Ragnarok with concept arts and images. [...] My whole journey through making Thor: Ragnarok I knew this was coming” [source] Tom knew about his Infinity War scene back in 2016 and yet he said this about Loki on September 2017: “He’s cunning and transformative and changeable and will do everything he can to survive. He’s the trickster. He’s the God of mischief.” [source]
Tom Hiddleston also had a reassuring message for fans who were worried about Loki before Infinity War was released: “Loki is the God of Mischief, the Lord of Misrule, an Agent of Chaos. Chaos isn’t something that’s threatening to Loki and everything’s fine.” [source]
Even Loki himself reminded us who he was right before being ‘killed’ by Thanos. “I, Loki, prince of Asgard, Odinson, the rightful king of Jotunheim, God of Mischief [...]”. His last words “you will never be a god” also point out the fact that he is a god (and Thanos is not). This line sounds too cryptic as well, it’s almost like Loki is telling Thanos “I know something you don’t”.
It is also known some members of the cast filmed at least one scene in Durham Cathedral (2017), and Tom Hiddleston was supposedly among them. Although he has not been photographed, different people claimed to have spotted him on the set.
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The scene(s) shot in the cathedral never made it into Infinity War. However, it is unclear whether this footage was shot for Avengers 4. It’s important to remember that this location was also used to film Thor’s vision in Age of Ultron, a vision which seemingly represented Hel. We also know that Loki’s death in Thor: The Dark World was originally intended to be real, although not definitive, as Thor was supposed to travel to Hel and retrieve Loki in Thor: Ragnarok. [source] Perhaps this idea has not been fully discarded, which would be a plausible explanation as to why Chris, Tessa and Tom were spotted filming in Durham. It could be assumed that Loki is truly dead this time, but not for good: Thor would go to Hel in order to bring him back from the dead, hopefully in Avengers 4, or in another Thor movie. You can read more about this on this Reddit thread.
It’s actually a fact that Loki will appear in the next Avengers movie, as these leaked photos of the A4 set confirm.
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These photos suggest that Avengers 4 will recreate the Battle of New York. The widespread assumption that Loki’s presence in the pictures indicates a flashback is wrong, as we can see Scott and an older Tony in the company of Captain America, who is wearing his old costume (meaning he is Steve’s past self). Thor and Loki are also dressed as in the battle of New York and Loki is gagged. He has something that looks like the tesseract in his hand and this doesn’t add up to the events of the first Avengers movie, which could mean that time travel is involved. This alone doesn’t prove that Loki is alive in the current timeline, but maybe his death can be reversed if the Avengers alter the past. In any case, at least we can be sure that his past self will play a role in the movie.
Kevin Feige tweeted this letter dedicated to the fans after Infinity War was released. We can see Thanos' gauntlet as well as a Loki keychain in the picture, next to the letter, which seems suspicious since Loki’s role in IW was pretty limited.
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When it comes to Kevin Feige, it is also important to point out that he has barely spoken about Loki’s death. In fact, when asked specifically about Loki, he only said that the scene was emotional, as were some other scenes in the movie [source]. He seemed to avoid answering the question by beating about the bush and repeating the same thing over again. One would think that if this were Loki’s final scene, Feige would have something more to say, considering that Loki is a fan favorite and that Feige himself always seemed to appreciate the character.
In addition, Jeremy Conrad seems to believe Loki could come back and has hinted he will on several occasions. For those who don’t know who this man is, he’s a journalist and the founder of MCU Cosmic and he has proven himself to be a quite reliable source when it comes to information regarding the MCU. This is what he said on the matter at hand:
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Then, he shared the link to a brief article about the possibility of Loki being brought back to life through time travel. You can read it here. 
Two months later, this was Jeremy Conrad’s response when someone suggested Tom Hiddleston should be the next James Bond:
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He basically hinted that Tom Hiddleston’s Loki is not over yet though when some users asked him to elaborate he didn’t answer. We all know that Avengers 4 is in post-production by now and this movie definitely won’t keep Tom busy so we can assume Jeremy Conrad is referring to the possibility of Loki being in other MCU movies yet to be announced.
Many of you may not know this but some weeks ago a man who claimed to have worked at Tom Hiddleston’s house tweeted that Tom has signed up for 4 more Marvel movies:
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We should take this with a grain of salt but I personally think he might be telling the truth. Though I’ve chosen to hide his username because of the negative response he got for this tweet, this is not just an anonymous person hiding behind a computer screen, but someone who has personal information on his twitter profile, such as pictures, location, occupation (he is indeed a plumber and works in the UK) and he deleted the tweet once it started to gain some attention. He said he only wanted to share the good news but regretted tweeting about it because of the way Loki fans had reacted (some were calling him a liar). However, he insisted that he wasn’t lying and that we would see Loki in more movies. To be honest, I was really skeptical about this whole plumber thing at first but a few days after this, Jeremy Conrad insinuated that Tom Hiddleston won’t be James Bond because that would be incompatible with his role as Loki, so, even though 4 more films sound too good to be true, I think something might be going on with Tom’s contract.
At this point, it seems there is more evidence of Loki coming back than being permanently dead but, of course, nothing is confirmed yet. I’ve made a list of links just in case you want to read more theories about Loki’s death:
Reasons why Loki is alive
More reasons why Loki is alive 
Ego Stone theory 
Loki’s left hand theory
Undying fidelity theory 
The sun will shine on us again
You will never be a god
More hope for Loki
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I know I have been really bad at keeping in touch with you guys, but I just want to start this out with saying how happy I am that I still have all of you. I love you all so much! I have a small update for you all, so read on, if you want to! If you choose to go from here, please continue to support me and read and share my fic.
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(p.s. hover over key words for links!!)
Username changes!!
My personal blog, my AO3, and here have been changed, due to a need of change. My name used to be bright-eyes-writes on here, but I have changed it to darling-writes. It matches my Instagram, Twitter, and art blog (that i also haven’t updated in ages xD). Please feel free to follow me on the links I have provided! I love hearing from you guys and I love knowing I can make all of you happy. Rewrites and continuations!!
I have two very favourite fics I am writing on my AO3 and they hold a special place for me. I have let them drop off, but i hope to continue them very soon.
Day by Day is an Attack on Titan fic featuring Eren and Armin. Armin is a single omega, pregnant after a one night stand. It follows his life raising his little alpha son, Edward, and his friends who help him and act as his family. He is happy, but he worries that he won’t be enough for his son. That’s where Eren comes in...but it isn’t all roses. Wherever You Are is a Haikyuu!! RP rewrite that I have turned into a fic. Bokuto is a simple country boy and his best friend went to become a member of the royal guard when they turned of age. Every time they get the chance, they spend time together and Bokuto hears stories of the palace. He never thought he would ever meet the princess who is known among his peers as prince Keiji. He also never thought he would become a suitor for Keiji, or fall in love with him. These are my continuations! I haven’t updated them since 2016 but they give me a lot of my favourite feelings. I hope if you guys choose to read these that you will fall for them like I have (especially the last one!! It is my favourite) As for Rewrites:
Do I Wanna Know? is another BokutoxAkaashi fic I have been writing. I have some brand new changes I plan on undertaking soon. I am going to leave the first chapter, but the second chapter will be totally null and void very soon. Please look forward to the new changes and give it a read! I plan on updating you guys on here as well, regarding it.
If I Die Before I Wake is another BokuAka centric fic based off of a Witch AU RP I have written with a good friend. This version of the fic? No. Goodbye. In a couple of months, this link won’t even work. You won’t even be able to find it under the same name. I am going to delete this whole version and rewrite the whole thing. I am halfway through the first chapter right now and I can’t wait to post it. If any of you have read this and are thinking, I really like this as is, why are you changing it? My only answer is that, since this is based off an RP, my partner and I have had it copied all down and I had read through what we have done, I feel that, looking back, I made a summary of what it could be. What is written really only scratches the surface of what it actually is, and I really hope that the new rewrite will be just as loved as the original. I will make sure to keep you all updated.
Brand new projects!!
I have been actively working on my cosplays and art and have high hopes in making a Tictal for charms and prints, and even getting into artist alley at some cons next fall in 2019! I am very busy, but I still have a lot of writing to do before I rest. I don’t want to give away too much information, but I have a big Haikyuu project that I want to have started by the end of this year. It features your faves and has action, romance, betrayal, angst, and baby Shoyou and Natsu with Papa Bokuto. The latter should be enough to draw you in because it is MY favourite part! I also plan on always taking prompt ideas, so always send me what you would like me to write! I am open and happy to accept what I can to make you guys happy.
Personal note
This year is a year of healing for me. I have had a lot of ups and downs and I am working really hard on myself. I have been forcing myself to get my life on track, and along with actively working on cosplays, art, and rebuilding myself with going to the gym and changing my fashion to finally be the person I want to be. I may have been slow with making new material and working on fic on this blog and my AO3, but seeing the notifications I have been getting, from likes or reblogs from my fics, comments and kudos...it has really given me a reason to keep writing. Every time I see something new, it drives me and I am so honored to have all of you read this. Now, or if you have just stumbled on me right now, thank you. All of your praise, your loyalty, your love, and support are the tools I use to write with. However, I don’t want to just rely on you. I want to be inspired by you. Never stop inspiring me.
One last thank you before I go. Please continue to do what you do. Just be sure to watch me fly!
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stvlti · 7 years
11 Questions
i was tagged by @privatekururugi, @espiadimonis, and @transguynoriaki a while ago. each gave me a set of 11 questions to answer, so i will answer these 33 questions. i’m not gonna tag anyone in particular, but if you see this do feel free to have a go at any or all of these sets of 11q’s.
from @privatekururugi:
1) Do you have any specific diet you go by? (Vegan, Gluten-Free, Paleo, etc.) i used to be pescetarian, but then the deficiencies it gave me caused some pretty bad dental / gum problems, so i started eating a bit of lean chicken and pork on the side again... (yeah i know supplements exist, but even my nutrition major of a friend thought a pescetarian diet won’t yield deficiencies, and also supplements are fairly expensive. get off my case)
2&3) Do you have any siblings? If so, how close are you? nope, i’m an only child
4&5) What’s your favourite book and why? (I might want to read it lol) hmm. i still really like 1984, it was the first dystopian classic i read and the concept of Newspeak, tampering with historical authenticity on such grand scales, etc. just blew my mind. so even though i still dislike its weakass character-writing (p much anyone besides Winston has no personality, no distinct personal motives, etc), it’s got a soft spot in my heart. next to that i also liked A Clockwork Orange for the philosophical discussion of the nature of right and wrong (although in hindsight the story is a bit didactic); To Live by Yu Hua (the ill-fated episodes and tragic ends are made all the more absurd by the subtle and simply narration style, but it really is a humbling and informative experience for us readers of a different era and socioeconomic background); and of course, my favourite fable, A Little Prince.
6) Would you describe your personality as dominate or submissive overall? what the fuck kind of question is this. well i’m opinionated as heck, so i’m not submissive “personality-wise”. and that’s all i’ll say on the matter because i’m p sex-indifferent lol, if that’s what this question was trying to get at.
7) What are your dreams usually like at night? oh man. i usually don’t dream normal dreams; as in, most dreams i have is either one big adventure / story, or some bizarre situation that would have been questionable at best, fucked up at worst, in real life context. when i start dreaming about mundane everyday life problems or situations, like failing a test or being stuck with a friend i’ve cut off from my life years ago, that’s usually when i’ve got some kind of stress going on in my life.
(i’ve been trying to restart my dream journal tag actually, but i got stuck on my second entry trying to recall the specifics lol. maybe i should release entry #3 from the drafts first.)
8) Is there anything you’re currently anxious about? well, yeah. my future. my job prospects. being homeless once my parents decide to sell their house off for retirement because the housing prices are through the roof here. pick one.
9&10) Are you looking forward to Thanksgiving? Will you be contributing anything? we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving!
11) Whose your favourite Death Note character (if you have one)?  Light Yagami, even though he’s a slimy fox.
from @transguynoriaki:
1. What kind of music do you listen to?
hmm, i only listen to really slow music or something dark or rock-ish, nothing in between!! muahahaha!! 
okay that’s generalising it; i do love The Honey Trees and The Novembers, which are on opposite ends of the “slow” spectrum (one’s dream pop, the other’s infused with shoegaze and other distortions + some screamy vocals and loud noises at times), with Lana Del Rey and her decadent sounds smack in the middle lol. but yeah i certainly have a taste for the more atmospheric stuff, so aside from the fuzzy feelings of The Novembers’ stuff and the grandness of Lana’s string instrumentals i also like the darker chill vibes you get from The Neighbourhood, some of The Weeknd’s older stuff, etc. 
and I also really enjoy MCR, Muse and the like - i.e. dramatic sounds, that’s the good shit to me haha.
i also like more conventional pop acts like Lorde... and my fave local singer, Ivana Wong, of course!
2. Do you prefer to keep your living space neat and tidy or do you like a certain amount of mess?
i do prefer order and routine in my life, sadly if i can’t do that on a structural level you think i can do that with my desk?! lol. in an alternate universe, maybe.
3. What was the first ship you remember really shipping?
hmm probably TerraxBeast Boy from CN’s Teen Titans. i was lukewarm / indifferent to other canon pairings i’ve seen in media up until that point; but i guess i was more persuaded by the storyline than their characterisations as looking back there are glaring trust issues in their relationship (and that’s an understatement)
4. Do you have a certain show or book series that holds a lot of nostalgic value for you? If so, what was it?
hmm, i guess Courage the Cowardly Dog? (i was a weird kid but shush) and Teen Titans of course. as for books, hmm... ASoUE is definitely one of the ones that just takes me back to middle school. i even bought the Beatrice letters files thingy. tbf the whole Lemony Snicket universe did teach me a lot about cryptography, which i guess if me or a friend of mine were to do an L rp and solve cases it would help a lot (*cough* not saying that’s what’s happening right now because i’ve got other stuff i’m investing my time into. i guess my friend’s gonna make themselves scarce as well hahaha *cue Mariah Carey’s i can’t read gif except it’s L*)
5. What is your favorite type of food?
Italian and Japanese are my fave cuisines! i guess that means i love richly-flavoured foods and creamy stuff. ooh, love those sauces.
6. Was there ever a fad or activity from your childhood that you could never understand or get into?
i wasn’t a gamer at all. we didn’t own a single console and i wasn’t allowed to get a handheld. the most i had was a Tamagotchi. so i guess it’s not so much i never got that ‘fad’, just that i was never given the opportunity to discover the really good games. i’ve only ever played a bit of Mario Kart or Cooking Mama on my cousin’s NDS so yeah. didn’t see the appeal in the more light-hearted games like that.
(now that i’ve played Undertale i’m kinda wanting to explore more PC games though. i heard Papers Please is good, and PJ (@kickthepj)’s been recommending Hyper Light Drifter a lot, and the art looks amazing, so yeah... too broke to get them though... and even if i had the money and time to play them i’d be allocating it towards other stuff you know?)
7. What’s your favorite time of day?
well i got 2 fave time periods. the first one’s the witching hours between midnight and early morning, when the world is quiet and you could do anything and nobody would know. the other one is early morning, just after sunrise, and the air is clear and slightly chilly, and it’s also really quiet but you can just hear the birds tweeting somewhere.
i’m more likely to be awake for the first time period described here though... ._.
8. What’s your favorite type flower and why?
hmm i'm not really a flower person. i’m just gonna steal Luke’s answer and say cactus flowers haha (well i do like cacti, they’re some of my favourite plants; i even named my IG/Twitter and Pokemon Go usernames after the plant; also some of you might remember that i had a pet cactus for 8 months)
9. What’s your favorite cliché/trope in fiction?
lovers running out of time...
10. Did/do you do any extracurricular activities when you were in school and what were they?
(wow Luke that’s a lot on your resume!)
i did bits and bobs throughout school, but perhaps my longest commitment was my Clarinet lessons. started when i was in Year 2, carried on until i obtained a Pass in Grade 8 ABRSM certificate in Year 10. i had to quit and give up on a diploma there because i was starting the IB diploma programme in Year 11...
this commitment is only rivalled by the dance classes i took. i did ballet from a young age until i was about 12~13, quitting just before en pointe shoes were introduced; i had also been in Chinese dance lessons from Year 1, so after quitting ballet i just focused on that until Year 10 as well (again, quitting to focus on my full-time diploma).
i also did Taekwondo as a child and obtained a black belt qualification by age 12. i quit once i did though, because again i couldn’t afford to juggle so many commitments the older i got and the more demanding my studies became.
perhaps the proudest extracurricular i’ve done is in my senior years of high school: i started and chaired the student committee as the editor in-chief for the school’s first student-ran and seasonal (now monthly) publication. it’s not student-ran either anymore because i guess the kids that came after the classes of 2014, 2015, and 2016 just dgaf about slightly more demanding extracurriculars that require organisation as long as they can earn their credits elsewhere (yes i’m salty, i’m allowed to be okay, it was my brainchild but apparently kids these days don’t care about having their voices heard if it means having to negotiate diplomacy with the adults in charge. god, how do they expect to survive in uni or in a workplace?)
11. What’s your favorite piece of work that you’ve ever created and what about it do you love so much?
hmm. i think for sure the prose poem i wrote about Light’s death in the anime. idk, the flow and the imagery is just a good concentrated example of what i could be capable of given the right tone and context. (of course, i’ve been trying hard to branch out in genres and forms, so that sort of language isn’t always applicable. but yeah, it remains my fave as a showcase of my best writing abilities ^_^)
and from @espiadimonis​:
1.If you could have one piece of death note merchandise of any kind, what would it be?
oh man! i’ve been pining after the Hot Topic official DN poker card deck for quite some time! i’ve checked Blue Banana while i was in the UK, but it’s not available there, and it’s not at Tokyo Toys either (they do sell a DN playing card deck, but it’s a lot cheaper in design :/)
2.What’s your favourite 3D animated movie?
does Lego Batman count? if not, then i guess Zootopia.
(there’s a reason these 2 are listed in my bio fandoms list like...)
3.What superpower would you like to have?
i used to always choose levitation / flying, but lately i’m not so sure. i’ve heard a lot of compelling arguments for other powers haha.
you know what, i’d trade for something as simple as better control of my own brain. i don’t care about mind control over others; i just want to be able to harness the best parts of my lightning fast thought processes and out-of-the-box thinking on my best days without being constantly tripped up by executive dysfunction like that on a metacognitive level.
4.Favourite piece of clothing?
my soft furry hoodie, which i’m wearing right now! <3
5.Who’s your favourite Sailor Scout?
i don’t have one, sorry! i was 4 when it aired on TV, so i don’t remember much from those years except the Sailor Moon t shirt i got courtesy of my aunt because it was all the rage back then... i’m sorry, but i have more vivid memories of Pretty Cure and Sugar Sugar Rune!
6.Do you prefer potato chips chocolate?
it is a good combo for sure! we are talking about Royce’s chocolate potato chips, right? (if you haven’t tried it get some next time you or a friend/family goes to Japan! we can buy it locally from like Citysuper or something, but i doubt they export it to any countries beyond East Asia haha)
7.What song makes you feel melancholic?
oh, Six Billion did last week. it left me feeling cold all over. an effect from the combination of the layered vocals and the instrumentals i guess. (is it in minor key? i’m sorry i can’t tell anymore, it’s been far too long since i’ve had any musical training. but if it’s in minor key it would explain why.)
there’s also some of the stuff off The Novembers’ catalogue... mostly 終わらない境界 from To (melt into), which was my daily commuting soundtrack at a time when i had brainfog on a regular basis, so yeah, anxiety and all that fun stuff :/
8.Which dn character would you invite to Spaceland(the amusement park)?
Sayu or Matsuda? they deserve a lot more than the hand canon dealt them. hmm maybe Rem too? but she wouldn’t be able to interact with a lot of the stuff there :/
9.What’s the funniest movie you ever watched?
i guess The Lego Batman Movie? i’m sorry i know i keep bringing this film up, but it’s comedic genius for a “kid’s movie”.
10.You can only choose one pokémon! Which one do you choose?
Blissey was gonna be my go to answer. she’s a tank, have you seen her? but is she really my fave mon? debatable. idk man. i really liked Vulpix/Ninetales as a kid... but dark and ghost types though!! okay i can’t choose, next question 
11.What made you happy recently?
i went to another poetry event last night and i met up with a friend i haven’t seen since September :P
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geek-gem · 7 years
Sonic Movie Fan Casting
Well was thinking what the title should be and I'm at Target right now. Yet yeah titles like fan made Sonic movie casting and Sonic movie casting choices. But wanted it to sound just what it is. But not a bad thing.
Honestly started making just on my blog. But okay just I've been thinking about this for some time. Along with the Reddit leak of the movie whether real or not. I might as well make this. Including seeing two comments by the same person on a video by Sega Collecting someone finally made a video in the leak. Reception some what seems mixed or how I hope and want it. But I remember me going NO NO NOT THE MCU yet me realizing just I was talking to myself and saying I just want a good movie or a damn good movie or both. I'll find the video.
Including I have a post I reblogged showcasing the leak. Along have linked it before on a post talking about character. Including paused the video twice just I'm in public but not many people just a man and woman at another table and some kid far away.
I'm just saying sorry to take long. In fact I'm gonna tag this and gonna be quite some tags so sorry to bother. But some of these choices are by me. Including this one guy who I watch on Deviantart who makes movie casting choices. Along with for movies based upon video games. He's done some Sonic ones and I honestly like the choices yet some I'm not with on. Including a Eggman one because of some recent events I've heard and had my own ideas. So I'm gonna be taking some of his choices yet I wanted to mention him. But not his username.
Including even those comments I mentioned below the Youtube video you can find them. The mention of Finn, Scarlett, and remembered JK that guy's idea. The other two I even thought before even with Finn as a joke.
Along with some will seem type casting like Scarlett and just I wanna share these. Including I'll be using Google to find some names from some movies. You guys can give me your opinions on these almost left the word my. Yet what I mean I want some opinions from you guys if you want. Because I'm gonna be putting some names but only one piece of work ether a show or movie they've been in or are in working on.
Along with the jokes of oh that character is playing that character. I'm rambling but I wanted to talk about this first. Even thought of Deviantart but can just put the names I'm just explaining this shit okay. Almost put the first name but these are some choices I've had for even the games. So I'll just get started again.
Ryan Reynolds(Deadpool 2016), Josh Keaton(The Spectacular Spider-Man), Elijah Wood(The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy), Rami Malek(Night At The Muesum Trilogy), Carlos PenaVega(The Loud House), Erza Miller(Justice League 2017) as Sonic. Just saying this isn't all of them and some I don't go with. But also that Erza Miller is straight type casting shit which is silly but okay. Yet might not fit yet just they need to pick a good choice maybe someone I didn't consider or know. On the next choice but almost forgot as Sonic. Including put the characters name first for next one but deleted it just I'll keep going.
Jeffery Dean Morgan (The Walking Dead), John DiMaggio (Gears Of War series), JK Simmons (Sam Rami Spider-Man Trilogy) Bryan Cranston (Breaking Bad), Vincent Donofrio (Law And Order Criminal Intent), as Dr. Eggman/Robotnik. That JK Simmons cast is okay thought in my head sounds awesome. It was an idea from that guy in the YouTube comments and I even was talking to myself making jokes GET ME PICTURES OF SONIC HE'S A MENACE or some shit. In fact I can hear a similarity to Mike Pollack which is another reason I like him.
Anna Kendricks(Pitch Perfect Trilogy), Catherine Taber (The Loud House) as Amy Rose.
Grant Palmer(The Loud House), Collin Dean( The Loud House), Finn Wolfhard( It 2017) as Miles Tails Prowler. I made a wonderful and beautiful joke post of imagine Finn as Tails.
John Boyega (Star Wars The Force Awakens with it's new trilogy), Liam McIntyre(Gears Of War 4) Ray Fisher(Justice League 2017) as Knuckles. The last casting I just thought of that at McDonald's which was some what an hour ago or more. Including I'm not talking about it much but I really liked Ray Fisher but just haven't said much.
Sebastian Stan( Captain America Trilogy) Tim Phillips( DMC Devil May Cry 2013) as Shadow. Including I wanna talk about Tim as Shadow because kept forgetting to make this post I forgot about it. While I mentioned about Kirk Thornton approving as Shadow. But hearing him in the Twitter takeover. I honestly just don't like like Kirk voicing Shadow and that can we get someone that can kind of make Shadow sound kind of normal that fits him. Someone who was as good as David Humphrey and even Jason Griffith. Basically can we have Tim please.
Scarlett Johnason ( The Avengers Films) as Rouge. Now theirs some typecasting bullshit but not bad honestly.
Aulii Cravalho (Moana) as Tikal.
Paul Bettany ( Avengers Age Of Ultron) as E102 Gamma. I wanna talk about this. For characters like Big and E123 Omega I didn't really choose any actors because I kind of want just...John St John while okay any of Big's voice actors are alright but just I didn't wanna just put any actor. Even Gamma I thought some seconds ago when typing about this seems typecasted. Basically it's weird I wanna be careful when choosing actors. But also I remembered it's difficult kind of. Yet I just realized or something I'm taking this a bit too seriously but I do take these casting things seriously at times. Despite some jokes. Including remembered John St John voiced all three of these guys woo and just thought oh my oh lord imagine Paul Bettany as Big and now thought Omega quite silly.
Talitha Bateman( Annabelle Creation) as Maria Robotnik. Just seeing this was basically the reason I suppose trying to think of other stuff...but yeah the reason I saw this film. Because of the casting choice by that guy on Deviantart.
Jeremy Irons(Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice and fine Justice League 2017) Gerald Robotnik. Oh holy fucking shit to the yes I've had this casting for maybe months ago. It's just a casting I really like and enjoy and his voice with lines whether from the games or new. Been wanting to share that. Including I thought now yeah jokes that it's Alfred.
William Hurt(The Incredible Hulk), Ben Affleck( Batman V Superman Dawn Of Justice) as GUN Commander. Honestly the choice with Ben Affleck is a bit too young. Despite right now Ben is 45 and in sorry to say age but in 2022 he be 50. Basically some silly ideas like okay how am I gonna get Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman from the DCEU in the Sonic movie franchise. Mainly as GUN sergeants and Ben as a captain meh sorry just...the others are cool too. Yet the GUN Commander was a choice that popped up. I even thought Shadow but I'm sorry but no I don't think he would fit. I'm not trying to sound stupid but trying to be reasonable.
Honestly I wanna get this done. For Blaze it's difficult. Now for Metal it would be the same voice actor as Sonic if Metal Sonic ever spoke. But in more serious and kind of robotic voice.
Theirs one for Chip but yeah casting by that guy on Deviantart but I honestly want to finish this. Even with my last reblog.
Along with theirs no Infinite yet love his voice actor. Theirs even a idea for KJ Apa as Buddy/Gadget/Rookie The Wolf even though it's an avatar character and even if I like that character. Including even thought of KJ for that role of Grant mentioned in the leak yet I am thinking of others but don't want to.
Got tags done gonna get pizza now and a drink
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garden-forgotten · 6 years
I joined in 2012. Not really sure.
I was a high school. I was 15 or 16 years old.
I started creating RP blogs and my first multifandom and personal blog and then interacted in 2012 – 2014. Second, my first multifandom and personal blog was paddra-nsu-yuel. Some people were interacted me and made a RP thread. Some people got confused. That mean… it was a wrong blog. So i changed my multifandom and personal blog to my RP blog as being a shame.
This… this is the third. I created another multifandom and personal blog since 2013 so my previous url blog was a-forgotten-garden. I changed my url as a-forgotten-garden to garden-forgotten. I love it. I listen to music Garden Forgotten by time, in short Garden Forgotten from Castlevania: Lament of Innocence. RP blogs please don’t interact with me. This isn’t my RP blog you know. This isn’t.
I deleted and abandoned my RP blogs as Shanoa, My OCS, Carrie, Charlotte, Jonathan, Little Maria, Yeul and so on.  I forgot to remember my RP usernames ( > _____ > ). I don’t know when do i come back to my RP blogs???
I’m sorry for bothering you and everyone. It was all my fault.
OHHHHH MAAAAANNNNN , i am not a good writing at all such as drabble, fiction, headcanon and RP thread, profile and verse.
Fourth, my art blog, shanoas-artwork was created and posted my arts since 2013. Yeah, my bad arts are real until now LOL.
Fifth, my Castlevania and Bloodstained Gallery blogs were created since September 2014 and May 2015. I posted Castlevania and Bloodstained sourced arts.
Sixth, my nsfw blog, licking-vanilla-ice-cream was created since January 2016. I was a college student. I was 19 years old and my age was allowed to all nsfw / adult content stuff. Ohohoho, I love seeing yaoi and yuri posts and i want to reblog it. I love it so much more, except the hentai, ecchi and futa because i don’t like it and it’s so disgusting.
I’m not sure if my nsfw blog survived or not. At least i have backed up my nsfw blog. I started creating nsfw blog this month on twitter. Other sites will be added soon, but i’m lazy LOL.
Seventh, my icon blog, shanoa-icons was created since 2017 i think, but i deleted my first icon blog. Rebuild and moved to another icon blog was shanoas-reacticons in July 2018.
And finally, my fiction blog, shanoa-makes-a-fiction was created since January 2018, but i haven’t posted yet… maybe soon LOL.
Well, my lovely followers, friends, acquaintances, wonderful talents and supporters. This is so sad. Time to say goodbye to Tumblr. Back to active on my Facebook, Twitter and other sites.
Tumblr has been banned all nsfw or adult content, but HOW???
I exported my blog, but taking a slow. HOW LONG??? I DON’T WANT TUMBLR GETS PURGED / TERMINATED / DELETED MY BLOGS. Then, Success!!! I downloaded it. I have backed up my blog, but i don’t know how to import.
My posts were flagged as explicit, but it doesn’t really happen. It doesn’t show my posts. IT DOESN’T REALLY FIX IT. THIS IS WHY I HATE TUMBLR. I HATE THIS F*****CKING WEBSITE. Then, no flagged as explicit in my posts using post limit checker. YEAAAAAHHHHH BABYYYYY, I’M FREEEEE.
In that case Tumblr dies…
Feel free to send me a message or comment for your last words or whatever.
Thank you for all the support. Thank you. But i’m not leaving here on Tumblr. I just want to stay here. Now if you leave on Tumblr, that’s fine. If you don’t leave on Tumblr, ok you stay here and you are not alone. If you survive on Tumblr, thank god you are safe, you are alive. If you don’t survive on Tumblr, awwwww too bad. You are not safe, you are dead. It’s up to you.
* sniffs, cries and sad in the end of Tumblr and then leaves now *
That’s all for today. Goodbye, everyone and see you on December 17, 2018.
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