#my ultimate fav comfort movie
sapp0w0 · 7 months
Paradox was fr like "get a room already" pfft
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queenofcoquette · 5 months
being an it girl like cher horowitz
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since i've been talking about fictional it-girls recently (elle and rory) i want to talk about my personal fav, cher from clueless! cher is my ultimate it girl- i love how she is giving and helps other people (tai's makeover and volunteering at her school), is serious about self improvement AND has such a cute style!
make your school routine fun. in the morning make your routine fun- maybe listening to your favorite music while you get ready.
put effort into how you look. cher always dresses up for school and honestly it does make it so much more fun to wear cute clothes and do your hair for school. do what makes u happy! i like to do overnight rollers so my hair has volume for school and also just painting my nails and wearing cute accessories.
be friendly to your peers, especially new kids. make small talk with the people who you sit with in class. if you have a compliment in mind for someone, give it to them even if you're a little nervous. go outside of your comfort zone when it comes to being social.
get involved in extracurricular activities. this is great to make friends and also just a good way to spend your time.
study smarter, not harder.
self improvement:
do work for your community. after the pismo beach disaster cher helped by donating things she had and volunteering for fundraisers. cher knew that she was priviledged so she helped other people.
read one non-school book per week. cher mentions doing this in the movie, and it's just good advice! personally i read before bed and once i finish my schoolwork. (i have a block schedule so my classes are long and we get a lot of free time).
do self care. cher is serious about taking care of herself. skincare, haircare, etc. take care of yourself and pamper yourself :)
take better care of your health. cher makes sure to eat well and stay active. i think it's good for all people to learn more about nutrition, eat more balanced and create fun ways to workout. we only have one body so we need to make sure that we're taking good care of it.
build your vocabulary. cher likes learning new words and using them. having a better vocabulary makes people take you more seriously, and also it's just good to learn new things ofc.
be authentic to who you are, while also being your best self. being kind and helping other people, having a good heart, those are the important things. remember to take care of yourself, your health and also just pampering yourself once in a while. work on taking care of your body and your mind. :)
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nevernonline · 4 months
✧.* pancakes for dinner; profiles 001
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masterlist  ▸ 002. coups' bad bitch club.
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✧.* y/n: third year, your fav film/tv guru on campus, runs on coffee and potato chips 99% of the time. rlly relies on the days that one direction was active for comfort
✧.* yunjin aka jen: y/n’s roommate and ride or die bestie. all around good girl, with the ultimate bitch face. if you flirt with her or any of her friends she will probably roast you to hell.
✧.* mingyu: head of the coolest GWU fraternity who has coined them the dream boys (after watching the dream girls movie, ofc) certified best boy, voice of reason and ultimate cheerleader.
✧.* hoshi: y/n’s fake twin brother and her best friend since diapers. a certified campus flirt and chaos demon, has a crush on our y/n of course, but thinks nobody is aware of it.
✧.* bella swan: y/n's private twitter, for simping purposes.
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note/s: just posting these now to give ya'll a lil taste of who you're dealing with, just a bunch of crazy hoes. if you're interested in joining the taglist pls reply to the master post or in my ask box xoxox.
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monstersinthecosmos · 2 months
List 7 comfort films and tag 7 people!
is it obnoxious if i put some pictures in the post too? Sorry I get really excited to talk about movies hkjdslgasd please don't feel obligated to put pictures in yours, I'm just being extra.
Terminator 2: Judgment Day [1991]
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LISTEN I CRY EVERY FUCKING TIME it's just the best, ROBOT DADDY??? HOT MOMMY???? The T-1000 is so scary?? ALL THESE RIDICULOUS EPIC FIGHT SCENES AND THE ACTORS ARE JUST NOT EMOTING AT ALL BECAUSE THEY'RE ROBOTS? The director's cut with the extra scene where John is trying to teach the Terminator to smile and you realize when he does his little side smirk it's because he's copying John's smile, bc when he copied randos it didnt fit on his face?!??! Eddie Furlong's voice cracking which feels like such a happy accident because he's a weak little fragile human in contrast to the killing machine?? PLEASE.
Hellraiser [1987]
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Pet Sematary [1989]
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okay this one and the next one and the last one are all GRAINY 80S COZY FEEL, you have to understand that I grew up watching 80s horror from like the age of 5 so that flim look, the grain, the flat lighting, it just !!!!!!! gives me so much cozy fuzzy warmth for childhood and I just adore it. Anyway !!!!!!1 I LOVE THIS MOVIE SO MUCH it's so extremely dark and also extremely absurd, somehow it's so magnetic that you are immediately immersed even though it's got the aesthetic of a bad TV movie, it's just wonderful I adore it. ALSO a rare super faithful Stephen King adaptation!
An American Werewolf in London [1981]
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PRACTICAL EFFECTS MY BELOVED!!!!!!!!11 blah blah cozy 80s, but also! FUNNY! ROMANTIC! TRAGIC! SCARY WHEN IT NEEDS TO BE! I'm so deeply deeply impressed by the practical effects in this film, too! But wow it's so good every time, the hot nurse in this movie is a crazy monsterfucker I adore her, it's a good Armand/Daniel AU, the end is a gut punch every fucking time, it's the best, a naked American man stole my balloons, etc. Absolutely perfect film.
Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain [2001]
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VISUALLY STUNNING FILM ABOUT AN ASEXUAL WOMAN WITH SOCIAL ANXIETY, PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I think this movie like, changed my life maybe? I think I saw it when I was 15 or so and it just had such a huge impact on me. I used to watch it so much I would just turn the subtitles off because I'd get distracted and didnt even need them anymore. It's a movie I used to bring with me when I traveled, like I brought the DVD with me when I studied abroad because I was so scared I'd have anxiety or get homesick, I just always wanted to be able to watch it if I need to. IF I WATCH THIS AT THE WRONG TIME OF THE MONTH I CRY MY EYES OUT which is cathartic in the end, idk if it's comfy or comforting but wow. but wow really amazing film it's so beautiful and had such a huge impact on my worldview and my creativity and the way I write and the way I do photography and just !!! ;.; I'm gonna cry!
The Departed [2006]
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I really like it when Leo DiCaprio cries and he's not a super crybaby in his one but he does scream in pain and have the shit beat out of him and has panic attacks and needs anxiety meds! The cast is sick! The music is amazing! It's such cool storytelling!!! It's exciting every time! The ending fucks! GOD. Just wonderful, I love it so much. The Blu-ray starts over every time it ends so every time I watch it I tend to walk away and let it loop all day LOL. It's disgusting how many times I've watched it. ALSO MY BABE VERA FARMIGA WHAT A MILF god i love her.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall [2008]
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this is like such a perfect comedy for my sense of humor, INCLUDING A BONUS DRACULA SUBPLOT CAN YOU BELIEVE IT, but is actually such a clever and lovely story about getting over heartbreak wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love this movie so fucking much oh my god. Also ever since I worked on ships I feel like especially potent to it because there's something about the social community within the resort that feels so much like the community of a cruise ship crew!! ;.;
Tagging (but no pressure!): @rugbertgoeshome @hekateinhell @mothmage @apoptoses @cup-of-lixx @somevagrantchild @covenofthearticulate
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inlocusmads · 5 months
countdown to 2024 ~ writers edition
Okay yes, 2024 is here, I am so late to this, but I hope I'm not too late to this! Anyway, 3 writers.. Once again, it kind of sucks to choose only 3, so I'm going to break seventeen laws once again. @choicesfandomappreciation
Arguably yes, I have to catch up with some of your guys's wonderful writing and I will! That's a resolution lol, I promise. 2024, year of reading - let's do it.
@jerzwriter : I'll never stop talking about Elsa's writing because it reads like how you'd expect a movie script to sound like. It's full of realistic scenarios, quippy witty dialogues (did I mention she's like, so freaking amazing with dialogues??) and the way she portrays a scene with just interactions between characters is nothing short of an actual masterclass in writing. Seriously, where can I buy some of it? Everything she puts out is so down-to-earth and it feels like a warm comforting hug - like doesn't matter if there's shit out there, let's talk about characters doing their little thingies, even if it is as simple as a coffee run. Link to masterlist.
@peonierose : Peonie's writing is so wholesome, like it's like condensed hot chocolate. I'd say the one thing I love about her writing (if I had to pick *one*), it would be how she deals with a cast of characters. They all have their own unique traits, how they deal with everyday problems, their relationship with other characters- especially Luna's cousins. You find a part of yourself in her writing. Also can I just say I'm a sucker for the 'found family' trope? Peonie depicts them so well! Bryce, Luna, Soraya, Skyler, Evie, Keiki being super supportive of each other is just everything to me. Link to masterlist.
@lilyoffandoms: Lily's drabbles are to literally die for. Their stuff actually inspired me a lot to get started in writing! It's tough to depict a specific scene so astutely and with the vibes, it's almost a superpower to do the same. Their descriptions are always so magically written - it is almost a literal tutorial in how to write - especially for me, who goes off on fifteen different tangents. I love Lily's writing also because of how just downright cool the characters are- Like - Maiele? Who wouldn't want to be his friend? Gabriel? Cool is literally engraved into their DNA. Merida? She's everything, Ethan's just Ken. I love them your honour. Link to masterlist.
@moominofthevalley: Okay, I admire a lot about her work but if I had to pick one for me, it would be her descriptions and just 'painting' this scene. Emily's inner monologue is honestly something we should've definitely had in canon and Moomin does this in this way that sheds some much needed light into how grief, loss, pain, love and so many others feel like. It's always an uphill climb to do so, it's an even tougher feat to fold it into parts of larger works and she does it ever so brilliantly, it gives me a literal whiplash lol (affectionate). One minute I'm like "Beat him up, Emily! Get his ass!" and the next second I'm bawling like a baby. I love their portrayal of Trystan too, it's such a delight everytime I read them both! And I'm def looking forward to what you have planned for 2024! Link to masterlist
@mydemonsdrivealimo: MJ's writing is so brilliant because it's just painfully real. The characters are brought to life with how well-rounded they are. Jensen's own strengths can come back to bite him in the back. They're ultimately people and MJ does this so effortlessly well that it is almost as if I'm reading a biography of them in action. Jensen's story is one of my absolute favs and how MJ tackles a lot of different themes such as Jensen's heritage, the whole what's-the-deal-with-hospitals-anyway, neurodivergence, old friendships coming back to life - it is just so so easy to relate to or be able to share some of that perspective. Link to masterlist.
Writers whose works I'm looking forward to reading this year:
@storyofmychoices: Especially Mal's Orphanage series! I've come across Dani's writing only in passing but I'd love to get to know their characters better. Especially Daenarya. The Blades hyperfixation hasn't left my body lmao. Plus Olivia and Bryce are such a delight whenever they appear on my dash, and I'd love to learn more about them! Link to masterlist
@starlight-starfury: Ever since the WIP Wednesday snippet, the Elhalas series has just put me in a chokehold. I have definitely come across some of their works before - the writing style has me sitting down with a pot of tea ready, but I'm yet to really be able to sink my teeth in - y'know? Tyril was one of my favourite characters back in Blades #1 and I'd love to revisit my old hyperfixation through Tyril and Raine again! Link to masterlist
@stars-are-within-me: Stars is such a positive force in this fandom, plus I am obsessed with their Trystan and Carina and especially their Trystan-centric fics because it's high time Trys gets their own story to tell. I'm also like super eager to check out their Blades fics too. I'm such a sucker for character-centric stories where their pasts are explored or they're confronted with a problem only they can solve. Link to masterlist.
@a-cloud-for-dreams: As a fellow South Indian, to see a South Asian!MC fills me with a ton of joy. (I definitely did not do a lot of stalking, no of course not). I'm so looking forward to reading more about Chandini and Bryce. Even Haeyln! And I'm def looking forward to checking out the College!AU series you're working on as well (being an ardent fan of young adult lit). Link to masterlist
@trappedinfanfiction: Fast Break has to be a fandom classic, right? Like c'mon. Celia is such an icon, I hate myself for missing out on so much of her story. In addition to that, I'm def looking forward to more Sofia and Trystan; more Ran and Imtura, Avery and Eli, and generally more Blades lol. Link to masterlist
Honestly I'm yet to catch up with so many other writers and their works - I probably sound like a broken record, but maan, life do be hard for real. But I hope this year isn't going to be as stupidly congested as 2023. If I have missed any writers, I am so sorry lol, I am writing this on three hours of sleep, the words might as well float around me but enough ramblings ha.
I hope you have a great 2024. I hope you get to write so much, create a lot of art, work on tons of different projects, don't ever suffer from writer's block and have enough time to do everything. I hope you have all the inspirations you'll ever need, harness all of that awesome energy and hope the days to come are kinder, are less taxing and are much more hopeful. Happy New Year, everyone!
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lingy910y · 4 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday (V-Day Edition)
hi everyone!! i've already been feeling the love from the lovefest, let's continue it with this week's tag game :> tagged by my lovelies @deedala, @creepkinginc & @energievie
name: ling
where the heck are ya? ny
do you believe in love at first sight? no, maybe attraction and then it can become love tho
do you believe in soulmates? irl no, but you don't need the "perfect" person, if they're good to you it's enough
what's a song you've been loving? honey by troye sivan
how about a show you've been loving? still haven't watched any other show besides shamey lmao
your ultimate otp: prob gallavich
your comfort book: rwrb?
a fan work you adore (fic, art, manip, etc — tag the creator!): it doesn't fit any of the lovefest's prompts so i've been DYING to talk abt @jademickian's poem that has become one of my fav poems of all time
a trope that captures your heart: amnesia
favorite candy: wangzai milk candies
dark chocolate or white chocolate? neither
romance novels or thrillers? haven't read actual thrillers cause they scare me, i feel like romance novels and thriller movies? haha
pink or red? red
and finally, spread some love! share words of encouragement, a positive message, or say something kind to yourself—it's up to you! it is what it is!!! this too shall pass!!! fuck it we ball!!! if it sucks hit da bricks!!! you can do whatever you want forever!!!
tagging! @michellemisfit, @mmmichyyy, @gallawitchxx, @doshiart, @krysmiss, @iansw0rld, @mybrainismelted, @sgtmickeyslaughter, @ms-moonlight-inn, @softmick, @juliakayyy, @sleepyfacetoughguy & @too-schoolforcool
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sabrondabrainrot · 2 months
Hihi! What are 5 things that make you happy? (bonus, ask the last 5 people in your notes :0)
TMNT - Seriously like every show and movie is GREAT and I'm currently reading the IDW comic. I've literally adopted each and every turtle as my own son.
Trigun - Vash the Stampede is my BABY GIRL and MY HUSBAND. I've been into Trigun since I was a lee wass. I love Vash so much. I got my dad to actually watch Trigun with me so it's something really cool to bond over with family. Trigun stampede is also like SO good. I also read Tri Max in the library and didn't publicly cry. :)
Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle / XXXholic / Magic Knight Rayearth/ Clamp - I'm super into these classical shoujo series. They shaped how I am as a person to this day. Clamp was a lot of firsts for me in terms of manga reading so they're forever in a special place in my heart.
Scum Villain's Self Saving System - This book lives rent free in my mind. I can't believe how funny it is. It's so insane and I love every second of it. How am I somehow Binghe and ShenQingQiu at the same time, but lowkey I want what CumPlane have IRL. that's the ultimate romance to me and they're platonic .
Lout of the Count's family - LITERALLY go read it this series. Cale Henituse, young master silver shield, is EVERYTHING. That sweet man who adopts everyone is just like me FR except we're nothing alike BUT I STILL LOVE HIM.
My secret 6th - DO YOU KNOW Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint is written by a married couple???? Kim Dokja is apparently modeled after the wife??? Hello??? I'm not normal. I'm not sane.
I'm asking you next @noname-nonartist @wrathofnature @wallstoothin @wizard-finix @tinyballerinadancer1 :>
real answers below
Art/ Creative Expression! Being able to draw pretty neat stuff whenever I want is so awesome! It's more then drawing, I like writing and making stuff by hand too.
Super generic answer but my family! I have a pretty small family and a bunch of pets. We're all super close and they bring me joy. I like helping and taking care of them and I like it when they help and take care of me!
Another Generic answer, my friends! Sometimes they're the reason I get up out of bed! Friends are awesome like that.
Brainrot! Zoning out about my latest brainrot is my life copium. I like to imagine my current fav character being horribly tortured by the narrative but it's ok because my brainrots always have hurt comfort. Or I just imagine bundling up my Oshi in a blanket and giving them a warm bowl of soup. It can go either way really.
Cartoons, Anime, Movies, Media/entertainment in general - I can't get enough of them. They're just so delightful especially the ones with whimsy.
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mthofferings · 8 months
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See FestiveFerret’s existing works here.
Preferred contact methods: Email: [email protected] Discord: festiveferret Tumblr: festiveferret
Preferred organizations: - Assistance Dogs International - Girls Who Code - Innocence Project - Médecins San Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - National Disaster Search Dog Foundation (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Romance, angst with a happy ending, hurt/comfort, rom com, non-power AUs (college, coffee shop etc), a/b/o, dub-con, pining, tropey nonsense (soulmates etc). If you’re not sure if I’m up for something, please contact me! I may be open to doing a sequel/timestamp to one of my fics, but it’s not guaranteed (especially for collabs) so please check first if that’s what you want. My wheelhouse is tropey romance with angsty pining and Big Moment get-together at the end and meet-cutes with lots of fluff and banter.
Will not create works that contain: Underage (T-rated high school AU is fine, no graphic underage or one under/one over-age situations), non-con, torture (this is fine if it’s a setup for H/C or an otherwise happy ending, but I won’t write torture porn with no resolution–writing pain, I can do!), dark/evil, unhappy endings, permanently unrequited feelings, death, fantasy/medieval AUs, OOC, CW fix-it (or anything at all about the Accords), anti-Endgame (including fix its for stuff you didn’t like about it), bathroom kinks, age play, daddy kink, pet play. Again, contact me if you’re not sure!
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1153
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU, Ultimates Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton - MCU
Work Description: I’m offering a custom fic written to your prompt. It will be at least 3k words long, but is unlikely to be longer than 5k. I like to be involved with my prompter, so if you’re someone with a lot of ideas who likes to ramble about your favs and see those rambles included in a story, I’m your ferret! I can also work with short prompts and no input, but there’s no telling where the story will end up. I like to take tropes and flip them on themselves. I’m happy to have more than one pairing in a fic, but I won’t end any of the pairings I write in favour of another’s endgame (reach out to me if you want to know which characters I'm happy to use as the "bad ex"). There are some fics of mine that I may be willing to write a sequel or timestamp for (please check first) but I’ll be less flexible about which prompts/ideas I accept for those, if any. I can do shippy AUs of movies, but as this is a short fic, it likely can't be the whole plot. I don’t write gen or friendship fic, but I will write established relationship. I prefer not to write pure porn/pwp, but I can add a bit of smut if you like. By request, my winner will have access to my wiplist/plot bunny hutch, if you don’t have a prompt of your own, and can optionally pick one of those. If you have any questions at all about what I will or won’t write, please contact me! I have examples of all the ships on my AO3 and you can see full fics between 3-10k here plus all my ficlets here
Ratings: Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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folkookie97 · 3 months
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— clara, 21, she/her. 💌
— brazilian ficwriter, angst & smut.
— INTP-T, enneagram 6w5, caprincorn sun, taurus rising & moon, sagittarius venus, scorpio mars.
— jungkook utted, taehyung & yoongi biased. bts stan since dope era 2015.
— fav movies: hunger games (all of them but especially catching fire & tbosas), the notebook, priscilla, twilight saga, scream (1996), titanic, pride & prejudice, little women (2019).
— fav TV shows: daisy jones & the six, gilmore girls, bridgerton, the haunting of hill house, grey's anatomy, friends, YOU, gossip girls
— fav artists: bts, taylor swift, ryan gosling, jacob elordi, margot robbie, emma stone, tom hiddleston, lana del rey, tom blyth.
— more random facts: i'm 5′ 2. my fav album is folklore (taylor swift) and my fav song EVER is "all too well" but that 10 minute version. i'll graduate in education degree in december. i'm left-handed and my fav colors are pink and red.
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💌 i love writing smut and i also love writing angst with some BTS members x Female Reader/Female OC. i like exploring AUs and writing prompts inspired by songs too.
💌 sometimes i like to write darkfics (and the characters aren't always good people, but anyone who reads fanfic should know that these things have anything to do with the real-life members).
💌 on this account i usually pick writing ONLY about my biases (mainly jungkook, who's my ultimate). in no way am i belittling the other members, cuz i love them too, but i just feel more comfortable this way. i hope you respect that. <3
💌 but if i ever write something about them, i'll add it to the alternative masterlist.
💌 if any of my writing involve love triangles (or something like that) with the other members, I'll add it to the 2 masterlists (the real main and the alternative).
💌 THINGS I REALLY DON'T WRITE ABOUT: pedophilia, incest (step-incest MAYBE), rape/non-con (dub-con MAYBE), male!reader or male!oc, ABO, anything sexual involving poop. anyway, there are several other criminal things that are kind of obvious too, right?
💌 REQUESTS: closed for now, but you can feel free to send me messages suggesting some idea. <3
💌: all my fics are crossposted on my ao3.
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gaysails · 4 months
coming towards the end of my mash watch thx to ur influence... these guys in my screen are my fambly now. what would you consider the ideal conditions to watch GFA for the first time ? would also love to know what u consider to be the best/ur fav episodes Of All Time
sorry anon I saw this right before I went out for the afternoon and I only remembered it now as I'm about to go to bed. so excited for you reaching this critical point of no return in your journey. my recommendation for watching gfa for the first time is to free your mind of all expectations going in no matter how much you think it's going to fuck you up it will go even beyond that. for maximum impact, two episodes that I think pair very nicely with gfa are s4 the interview and s8 dreams so you can pregame by watching those and indulging in an alcoholic beverage if you so choose
my ultimate comfort episodes are no laughing matter and movie tonight 💚 period of adjustment is way up on my favorites as well (along with any episode where bj is being insane). off the top of my head some episodes I would consider among the best of the show are dear sigmund, the late captain pierce, peace on us, carry on hawkeye, officer of the day, where there's a will there's a war
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safety-writes-noms · 8 months
Spidervores ask
Do you have any headcannons for Scarlet spider/ Ben reilly? (Only if this character isn't outside of your comfort zone ofc.)
THIS IS NOT NSFW AT ALL!!! KINK BLOGS AND NSFW BLOGS DNI so sorry I'm not too familiar with him. I do know he's a sort of clone from peter Parker but other than the characterization I've seen in the movie, I don't know him too well. I'll do my best though! sorry this is a bit short or ooc 😭🙏
in the movie he's so goofy and dramatic lmao. he seems like the kind of guy who'd do long edgy monologues and then shush you loudly of you try to interrupt. like idk:
"hey man I have your coffee ord--"
"my past... it haunts me, curdles in my veins and follows me no matter where I go. I must shoulder the burden. alone. my suffering will be the price of the people's happiness..."
"...I'm just gonna leave this here."
despite having a major affinity of being kinda edgy he’s a really good Spider-Man and person overall. He can and will nom people if they’re in danger while also trying to calm them down in his own way. That being long and complicated spiels of conversation and repeated assurances.
I don’t think his stomach would be too soft on the inside? I think he’s pretty muscle-y and that kinda reflects on his insides too, so probably firm and maybe somewhat slimy. pretty warm though, he seems like the kind of person who’d run hot. Very nice hugs on the outside and the inside.
he likes cuddling but feels like it ruins his “cool” image so if anyone hugs him or asks him to nom them he’ll try to downplay his excitement/happiness. Or if someone’s having a bad day he’d tentatively offer to gulp them down and if they say yes, he’ll feel proud of himself for helping them out. Same result if they ask him to nom them.
always feels thrilled when people will listen to his long monologues and add onto it, or just maybe letting him talk. It’s also why he likes having a prey nestled in his gut and because he can talk for as much as he wants and he knows rhey’ll listen.
likes to flip his hair off to the side. He thinks it makes him look badass; he just looks sassy when he does it. Has a small preference toward savory flavors, but will ultimately gulp down any prey anyways. Sweet and salty combos are his fav though, loves sea salt + caramel. If you taste anything like that, best believe he’s going to constantly gravitate towards you when he has the time. Especially if you smell like it too.
overall very cool dude I wish he had more screen time :)
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kogameh · 5 months
People you want to get to know better tag game
I got tagged by @njikeartist I swore I haven't done these things in ages holy fucl thank y
Last song: Odo by Ado. Uh. I was working with MMDs but it's actually my fav Ado song ahah
Favorite color: RED.........All my electronics are in red/black for a reason
Last movie/TV show: Not counting "Youtube videos played as background noises" I was rewatching Hidamari Sketch x Hoshimittsu which is my ultimate "I'm not in the mood to watch anything else and just wanted smth comforting" series lmao.....The Italian food episode best episode btw
Sweet/spicy/savory: Spicy because if it's not spicy it's automatically bland to me 💔 Also on the team of Buldak noodles are a cakewalk for me
Relationship status: Gonna mark two decades and a half of "never been in a relationship" this year 😔✌
Current obsession: shjgjasdagd obviously Pokemon SV....I feel bad being too obsessed about it rn but I'm having major copium from the epilogue (which is PEAK please watch it its only an hour-long comedic not-filler episode kinda thing) being the last major content of the game before we're 100% moving on to BW remakes and gen 10 so I'm trying to savor it.... (I'm still majorly into hobbyani's still)
Last book: This horr/or shoujo. Has some cool ideas I don't often see in J-h/orrors and it didn't rely on gh/osts or j/umpscar/es but all of them are really short ahah.
Looking forward to: For my next off-day bc I've been stalling a lot of tasks and replies I should be responding to orz. Ultimately I've been wanting to stream games and do more aggie. io with friends... (also my birthday is in less than 3 weeks does that count)
I think most if not of all my oomfs are already tagged so I'll only tag Yuuhi @ogatakanna hiii
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imagineronpaz · 2 years
Shuichi, Kiyotaka, Rantaro, Kaede, and Mikan with a SHSL Gamer
I'm in need of comfort and had this idea for so long so hehe enjoy
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omg cuddles when you play games yes
let him lay his head on your chest and listen to your heart
he wants to learn the gaymes you play so he can play them with you
teach him please
a literal GOD at amonguss
"kokichi is the killer"
"bitch we just started the round-"
he wants you to take care of yourself because you're too busy gaming to do so
he will bring you snacks and watah and meds if you take them
"y/n baby here"
he hit you when he died in the pool in the game but he laughed
will laugh if you through a temper tantrum but will kiss you so you're fine in the end
Games to play with him: Among US, Animal Crossing, Sims, Detroit: Become Human, Tomadachi Life, any murder mystery
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like hat boi, he wants to learn how to play games with you
he sucks, but he tries
"y/n I killed a thingy! :D"
like if you play survival make sure to set him to creative cuz literally it will go like:
you are just like "-_-"
but he can and will build a garden for you so i guess that's that
he also does those reactions to just watching you play as well
get him a nintendo nes, trust me
he's a God a legend of zelda tbh
any og games, he can fuck with tbh
hes like an old man but we love him ❤️
Games to play with him: Minecraft, any classic game
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like playing those games with him is like watching Cowbelly play cp
or msp while watching "how to movie star feat. quackity" cuz that's my all time fav video
100% popping off in minecraft
ugh he's so
not to be nsfw but he can cuddle me while playing games together bye
Games to play with him: CLUB PENGUIN, minecraft, Animal Crossing: pocket camp.
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probs a "papa's ___" kid
she gives those vibes idk
if she catches you not taking care of yourself she will hit you with a pillow
then hug you cuz she's sorry
idk she seems like one to play piano tiles, papas ___, and like maybe monolopy that's its
idk she seems like she wasn't that kinda person idk
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like hall boi, she makes sure you are taking care of yourself
"Y/N, is this game scary?"
"no, love"
later that day
"mikan honey"
"leave me alone I'm almost done playing again"
bestie you've played it twice within an hour-
just please be soft with her she needs it
cuddle her when she plays the games.
do it.
she will cry.
soft bb
Games to play with her: DDLC. Sally face, any nurse simulation games
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dirthara-dalen · 4 months
Was tagged by @frauleiiin! Thank you so much for the tag!
3 ships
Canon ship: This is hard to be honest as i don't really do canon ships anymore. It had to pick out of the ones i do have then one of my favs is Anakin/Padme. I grew up watching the prequels and always loved them (ty clone wars for making theri relationship even better)
OC Ship: Ligastar/Theron is my comfort ship if that makes sense
Ship of the week: Right now it's Vilkas/Vector due to how much i'm working on their fics atm
First ship
Oh man...I was like in 8th or 9th grade when the term was finally explained to me. I'd honestly have to say it was either Sailor moon/tuxedo mask or Inuyasha/Kagome.
Last song
Your Mother is Dead - Nicholas Britell (Andor: Vol 3). I have several playlists for various ocs that i listen to while planning out future story beaters etc...ya, I've been spamming this one lately as well as the cover by Jeremy Brauns Music
Currently reading
I cannot remember the last time i was able to sit down and read a book. I struggle to do so due to my ADHD but I have been reading a lot of cookbooks lately so i guess they count? My most recent 3 are 'Stars Wars the ultimate cookbook', the Final Fantasy 14 cookbook, and lastly the critical role cookbook
Last film
I can't really sit through movies anymore as i get bored extremely fast and need something to do at the same time. The last thing I watch and actually still am watching is Classic Time Team!
Currently craving
My aunts homemade mac and cheese but i'm too lazy to make it. After she passed away years ago i was left to decipher her secrets and am the only one in the family who can make it exactly like her :D
I tag @eorzeashan @lanabenikosdoormat @kemendin and @swtorpadawan
no pressure in doing this and sorry if you've been tagged before
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Get to know the blogger
Many thankies for the tag, @ruiniel
:D :D :D :D
Share your wallpaper:
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I too be a simp-le person. 😜 (Normally go with whatever I'm currently hyper fixating on, but at the moment I'm not entirely certain what that is... so, Al it stays for now 😁)
Last song you listened to: Allstar - Smash Mouth (Ah, catchy nostalgia on loop)
Currently reading: Trying to catch up on fanfics... Brain making it arduous. 😵
Last movie: Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind (Had to cut it short cause I started nodding off - long day 😴)
Last TV show: Pokemon Ultimate Journeys (have to wait for the next episodes to be dubbed)
Craving: Busy eyeing the Tex chocolate next to me. 👀
What are you wearing right now: Long navy and turquoise pyjama top (it has unicorns on eet 🦄), white tracksuit pants, and light blue socks with 'lil penguins on dem. Ultra comfort clothes FTW!
How tall are you: 5'1'' ft (Yes, I'm short)
Piercings: None.
Tattoos: None.
Glasses or contacts: Neither.
Last drink: Rooibos tea.
Last thing you ate: Cheesy Doritos and rice cakes with butter. (Ah, so healthy 😋)
Favorite color: Blue. All shades.
Current obsession: Hard to say at the moment. Maybe Pokemon, but with a sprinkling of Beyblade and Castlevania here and there too. It's weird, and honestly contributing to the current state of feeling lost and almost depressive. I need to obsess over something or else I die inside. 😵
Any pets:
*Clears throat*
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Cosmo. African Grey Parrot. Presumably male. Age 5 years. Always up to no good. Good talker. My baby.
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Gringo. Blue-crowned conure. Presumably male. Around 20 years. LOUD! Full of bull. Loves to call everyone an ass. Also my baby.
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Neera. Leopard gecko. Female. Around 15 years. Can do no wrong, just a 'lil gal. Also baby. ALL MY BABIES!
And for whatever reason, my phone does not want to show the photos of the others, but also have a male yellow cockatiel (Rango) aged 15 yrs, and 3 lady doggos (Misty, Kelsey and Roxy) all Border collie x's, ages 16, 13 and 4 yrs.
Favorite fictional character: Let's make that characters cause you can't have just one: 😁
Shiron, Ranshiin, Greedo (Legendz: Tale of the Dragon Kings)
Kai, Tala, Bryan (Beyblade [2000/Bakuten Shoot])
Kyuzo (Samurai 7)
Ponyta/Rapidash, Mewtwo, Lugia, Treecko/Grovyle/Sceptile, Riolu/Lucario (Pokemon) [Throwing in Lance as fav human character]
Sebastian (Black Butler)
Levi (Attack on Titan)
Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter)
Toons/Animated Series~
Alucard (Castlevania [Netflix])
Leonardo (TMNT [2003/2007/Bayverse])
Ripster (Street Sharks)
Ridge, Haxx, Bullseye (Extreme Dinosaurs)
Allo (Dinosaucers)
Cheetor, Dinobot (Transformers: Beast Wars/Beast Machines)
Aaaaand we'll cut it off there, or else I'll be here all night. 😅
The last place you traveled: Bathurst, for their yearly Agricultural show on Friday. Literally a fifteen drive away, but I'm counting it. 😋
And now I shall tag.... @hellovivirose and @fuckiecheeses if you want to do it. 😄No pressure whatsoever.
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Hey Mod Akane! :)
I‘d like to request match up with a male character from Danganronpa (I‘m fine with all games but if you want a specific one choose V3).
I‘m an INFP and my style consists of comfy clothing (hoodies <3) and band t-shirts.
I‘m female, 5‘3 (161 cm), have long (to the waist) blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, wear glasses and I am really pale.
I‘m interested in art, architecture, psychology and geography and I also like helping people. My hobbies are reading, drawing, playing video games, listening to music and playing the guitar and cello. I like tea (turkish apple tea tastes so good 10/10 my fav tea), cats, metal (fav band slipknot <3), indie pop, classical, rainy weather, discovering new things and going on walks. Music is my life like I could NOT live without it. :,) I also LOVE horror (games, movies, etc.), especially psychological horror.
I‘m often sarcastic, creative (sometimes? idk) and try to be nice to people. I have huuuuge mood swings and can turn from shy and reserved to very energetic. I like (okay love) being in leadership but I‘m also a huge people pleaser so I kinda don‘t set boundaries for myself. I daydream a lot, I‘m sentimental and open-minded. I also sometimes need a lot of alone time because I get overwhelmed by a lot of things. My toxic traits probably are that I am (like I said) a people pleaser and that I sometimes feel superior over everyone else and can get very arrogant without even wanting to. It occurs less but it still does and I try to work on it. :,)
I‘d like to have a partner who‘s preferably smart, not very loud and open to discover new things with me together. Also someone who shares similar interests and respects that I sometimes need some time to myself.
Hope this was alright and thank you so much :D <3
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Yeah, this request is fine and I will happily do it for you.
Your Danganronpa Matchup Is….
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Rantaro Amami:
* Rantaro has a few band t-shirts, since his sisters got them for him and would happily give you a few that he can’t fit into anymore
* And he will always let you borrow his hoodies, which often ends up with you keeping some of them anyway
* Now due to him being the ultimate adventurer he has found some very unique art and architecture and is happy to indulge your passion and tell you all about them and sometimes show you pictures of them
* Due to his talent he has probably been to most places, so any questions you have about different places for geography purposes he can probably tell you about them
* Doesn’t know much about psychology though, but silently listens when you talk all about it he will talk about some of the sorts he does know though, but most of his knowledge about psychology is psychological tricks he saw advertised on websites
* Admires how kind you are to help people and will try his best to help you when he can, since it can’t be easy to help everyone out at once, so he is there to lend a helping hand
* Is happy to read a book with you and get into in-depth conversations with you about the plots
* Also comforts you if you get sad when one of the book characters die
* Will go digging around his room to find you new books to read
* He also checks out the libraries on his adventures to find new books to give you, that he finds from them in different countries
* Any pictures you give him he will hang them on the wall in his work space and asks you to help him practice his drawing
* Surprisingly though he is actually a decent drawer from the days he used to draw stuff for school projects to help out his sisters
* He will gladly draw pictures for you as well
* However, no drawing he does will compare to yours, since you have the actual talent for this stuff
* He doesn’t play many video games, so is mediocre at best when you play them together, but he still never refuses an invite to play them with you
* Even though Rantaro is quite a chill person he still gets slightly competitive during a game of Mario kart with you the only game he is really good at playing
* However, he still congratulates you if you end up winning, regardless
* Also gives you updates on new games, especially your favourite horror ones coming out and he picks ones up as well when he goes exploring if they haven’t been released in your country yet
* He doesn’t really have a favourite type of music, so will listen to anything you recommend
* Also let’s you use his Spotify and when you are together you are allowed to just take his phone, go on his Spotify and put on music you like that you both can listen to when sharing headphones
* Has a whole playlist dedicated to metal, classical and indie pop because of you
* And tries his best to get tickets to watch slip knot in person, since he loves it when you are happy
* Thinks your talent of playing the guitar and cello is very cool because he understands the effort that needs to be put in to learn how to play an instrument well
* Any piece you play he will compliment you on how good it sounded and jokingly says how he wants your autograph before other people want it
* He likes to drink tea as well when he is feeling stressed, since it helps to calm him down
* He has also tried a range of different teas on his travels and makes them for you to try, will still always make you your favourite Turkish tea for you though, especially if you are feeling down in the dumps or something
* He us a lot of stray cats that come around his house, so he will gladly take you to meet them, due to your love for cats
* He does dream sometimes about the two of you owning a cat together one day
* As he has gone on loads of adventures he’s the king of having new things to show you, so takes you to random places he’s been to whenever he gets the chance too
* Will gladly go on walks with you as he thinks it is a good bonding experience
* Will definitely always ask you to go on walks when the weather is rainy and will always have an umbrella to put you under or will share his coat with you if you get too cold or wet
* Rents horror movies that the two of you can watch together and let’s you know that you can cuddle up to him if you get scared, but that rarely happens. But he still puts his arm around you regardless anyway
* Rantaro doesn’t really react if he gets scared either he just slightly flinches at jump scares or gets a slight sweat on his forehead and that’s about it
* He will happily reciprocate the sarcasm you give back, growing up with sisters has made him really good at dealing with sarcasm
* If your creative he definitely helps you to nurture it
* He is glad that you are nice to people as he wouldn’t want to be with anyone too mean as he is not like that himself
* Can handle your mood swings like a professional if your in your energetic moods he makes sure to provide things for the two of you to do together or lets you drag him to places
* If you are in one of your shy moods he will deal with people for you if your too shy to say things to them
* Will definitely let you lead him as he is more of a go with the flow kind of guy, so doesn’t mind when you take the lead
* But will intervene if your giving too much to people than you can handle, due to your people pleasing nature and he will set the boundaries you want for you
* If your daydreaming Rantaro doesn’t, even bother to snap you out of your trance and just guides you to wear you need to be and do things throughout the day for you, until you snap back to reality yourself
* He is happy that you are sentimental it warms his heart when you save things he gives to you and appreciates how open-minded you are, since he wouldn’t be able to reciprocate someone who is too judgemental of people
* If you get overwhelmed by things Rantaro will do his best to make them things disappear and be there to comfort you
* But if you need some alone time he will understand and gives you the space you need, trying to stop other people from interrupting your alone time as well
* He will try his best to break you out of your people pleasing habit to stop it from damaging you mentally and physically
* He doesn’t mind if you are arrogant sometimes and always tries his best to wheel you back into reality if you get to arrogant and it’s hurting other people’s feelings
* And he will definitely work on it with you, so you have some help and not alone while working on it
* Rantaro is definitely a smart person as he grew up around his sisters who are unique individuals, so he knows a lot about different topics, due to each of them showing and telling him about their interests
* He is also not very loud as well, due to him being very laid back and not raising his voice very often, even when he is angry, which is very rarely
* He is also open to discover new things with you as that is the whole premise of his talent anyway and he does have similar interests with you, such as geography and his happy to learn more about the topics you are interested in as well
* And he respects that you sometimes need time alone, to yourself
* Overall, Rantaro fits all of the qualities you could want in a man and that makes your relationship together amazing and it forges an unbreakable bond between the two of you.
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