#my vibe has always been that he felt the most safe and at home with the Magic situation in his current home
felidthing · 2 years
i know that i decided basil had done a lot of traveling around before settling where he currently is and i guess i decided he had some memorable bad times
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yumeka-sxf · 10 months
In addition to Yor's epiphany scene, this scene was the other one I was most looking forward to in season 2 - a scene that, in my opinion, is one of the most Twiyor-ish scenes in the series so far 💖
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Why is it so significant? Because there was no reason for Twilight to put on any Loid Forger acting in that moment. He wasn't conversing with nor being scrutinized by anyone. So why would he give that soft smile followed by such affectionate, comforting words as "お疲れ様/otsukaresama"? (this can be translated in many ways, but generally it's something you say to thank someone for their hard work).
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The answer is because it's something he truly felt...he understood the sacrifice Yor made for Anya's happiness and genuinely appreciated it (if only he knew the sacrifice she made on the larger scale, lol). While he's a bit perturbed at first since some onlookers were snickering at him, it didn't take long for him to soften and then graciously carry his queen and princess the girls back to the ship 😭
But Twilight overall was really soft in this episode and I loved it~ From his blush upon seeing Yor to the several times he gave that same soft smile when talking with/looking at her...I think Anya was right when she called him out on the ship about missing his wife 😅
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I liked how the anime conveyed his shock when noticing her bruised face...what must have been his thought at that moment? 👀
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The scenes of the family activities translated better in animated form in my opinion. While they were each only a single panel in the manga, they lasted a few seconds each in the anime, plus the addition of the insert song helped the with the comfy, wholesome vibe~ Also the part where Yor inadvertently chucks Anya across the ocean is still hilarious.
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Loid's dorky skip at the beginning of the episode translated very well in animated form too 😅
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The ending of this chapter in the manga always felt a bit rushed to me...it quickly jumps from the aforementioned scene of them returning to the ship, to suddenly being home, reuniting with Bond and Franky, having a meal together, then Twilight meeting Sylvia, all within a few panels. Even though I wish the anime added more than just some additional scenes of the ship leaving the island, I felt it flowed much better in the anime since, just like the family activities, each scene in the ending lasted a second or two instead of being a single illustration.
But I love how this chapter/episode ends, with Yor, Anya, and Bond napping while Anya draws about her family vacation. This seems to take place the next day or maybe later the same day they got home, so makes sense they'd still be tired from the trip!
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By the way, the manga has this additional scene showing that Olka and company are safe. Weird that the anime didn't stick it in at some point.
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Also, the anime team didn't have to go so hard with this episode's key visual but they did...and I love it 😍 Might actually be my favorite of the key visuals so far!
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I was very happy to see the "surrounded by liars" panel finally animated! This is such a funny scene and a great way to fully wrap up the cruise arc.
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I also burst out laughing at Yuri's locker 🤣
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Damian is surprisingly laid back in this episode. I think the reason is because Anya's antics aren't directly involving him. He tends to go total tsundere only when she's actually talking to him, lol.
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The new scene of Yor getting the keychains for her coworkers was a nice addition! Guess it's canon that Yor and Anya didn't sleep for the entire trip back, lol. Glad they got to spend family time on the ship too! (though I wish we could have seen Yor's reaction waking up in Loid's bottom bunk bed, haha. He must have brought her to his room since he wouldn't know where her room is. Unless she woke up before he even put her in a bed, in which case she would have been super embarrassed knowing he was carrying her around in public 😆)
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Looks like next week the anime will be changing the order of things a bit and giving us the Becky home-wrecking and Fiona chapters (the latter of which seems to have some anime original content?) The Becky chapter is one of my favorite stand-alone chapters...I'm already dying of laugher thinking about it 😂
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sorchathered · 2 months
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Guilty Eyes and Little White Lies
Pairing-Bob Floyd x reader, Bob Floyd x Natasha Trace, Jake Seresin x reader
Warnings-talk of sexual activity, language, drinking, adultery, angst
Summary- you’d thought you had the perfect marriage, what happens when you’re betrayed by the one you love most, and how do you piece yourself back together? Sometimes a little revenge isn’t a bad thing.
A/N- This one has been sitting in the vault for a while! Not my usual at all, but I’m feeling the angsty vibe lately and rolling with it!
He truly hadn’t meant to let it get this far. The bird strike incident a few weeks ago had them both on edge, feeling their mortality and in a moment of weakness he’d let her kiss him. He’d blamed it on nerves, claimed it didn’t mean anything and continued to push down the gnawing feeling that it might be something more. Then the mission had happened, they’d nearly lost Maverick and then Bradley, and when everyone came back safely everyone had gotten a little too drunk on the carrier that night and he’d somehow found his way to her bunk. They’d fit together in a way that scared him, and when he woke up the next morning he looked down at her sleeping form and didn’t think of you once. But reality hit when they got home, and the wedding ring on his left hand felt like a 1,000 lb weight.
Bob Floyd had royally fucked up, he’d broken protocol by sleeping with his front seater, and the worst part of it all? He’d cheated on his wife. His sweet, beautiful, faithful wife who was waiting for him back in Lemoore. The one he’d sworn to love until he died, and it brought on another wave of nausea as he paced the floor of his barracks room just thinking about how far he’d let things go. He’d fallen for Natasha Trace in the weeks he’d been at Top Gun, he hadn’t meant to truly but she got under his skin in a way that he couldn’t shake. She knew he was married, knew what they were doing was wrong and had agreed to stay apart until he could figure out what to do, but seeing her every day made it more and more difficult to do the right thing. The right thing…the right thing would have been to end it immediately and tell you the truth right when it happened. The right thing would have been to request an immediate transfer back home after the mission ended, but he didn’t do that either. He’d been dodging your calls for days, making up excuses while he tried to find the right things to say, but he knew you were too smart to believe him. You knew something was wrong, and it wouldn’t be long before it all came toppling down.
When you’d both been stationed at Lemoore two years ago it had been like a dream, finally in the stationed in the same place after years of long distance. You’d soaked up all the quality time, getting to work together every day and go home together every night had always been the goal and it had been everything you’d hoped for. Nothing is ever perfect though, and Jake Seresin was the very definition of throwing a wrench in the machine. He lived to rile Bob up, and nothing ruffled his feathers more than when Jake flirted with you. He always joked that you were far too good for Bob, that you needed someone wild to balance you out and keep you on your toes, you’d constantly shut his flirting down and asked him to be nicer to your husband and for a while Jake did back off. That is until he and Bob got called back to Top Gun for this mission, and most especially when his jabs had been confirmed, opening an empty conference room door one evening to find your husband pressed against Phoenix with her hand down his pants. After they’d been caught he had ended it, he hated himself for what he’d done but couldn’t bring himself to find the words to tell you the truth.
Bob knew there was no point in begging Jake to keep his mouth shut, so he simply asked to be able to explain to you himself. You’d been devastated, but not surprised. He’d been avoiding you for weeks, every time you’d discussed coming down for the weekend he’d claimed he had things to do and didn’t want to drag you down to San Diego just to sit in a barracks room. You’d held it together as best you could but you were furious, you’d never given him any reason to stray and to watch him throw 5 years down the drain for a woman he barely knew set a fire in you. So one Friday you packed an overnight bag and drove down to North Island, pulling into the unfamiliar apartment complex late in the afternoon. The ridiculous jacked up truck in front of the building told you he was home from work, and you made your way to his door still shaking with nerves despite feeling so confident all day. Jake Seresin in nothing but sweatpants was a sight to see, and the shock on his face was even better. He had texted you a few days before to make sure you were ok, offered you a place to crash if you decided to come down and discuss things with Bob in person, he certainly didn’t expect you to show up and had to say he was glad he got to reap the benefits of Bob’s shitty lapse in judgement.
“As happy as I am to see you Sweetheart, are you sure you’re up for all this? You don’t have to do this yet if you aren’t.”
“It needs to be done Jake, I need closure and I want to move on. So take me out to this bar you guys keep talking about, and let’s burn the rest of my marriage to the ground.”
Just a few hours later you and Jake were perched at the bar, nice and tipsy and feeling lighter than you had in days. You knew Bob and Phoenix would be there soon and the thought suddenly had you white knuckling the bar stool, maybe you’d been too bold in thinking you could handle catching him in some other woman’s arms, maybe you weren’t as brave as you thought you’d been after all. Jake seemed to notice the shift in you, knocking his knee into yours to pull you out of your head. He gave you a wink and peeled your hands from the stool, taking them both in his.
“You sure you still want this? I am totally fine with us heading home with some ice cream and letting you cry it out, but I’m also down to kick his ass if you need me to. Whatever you want to do we’ll do it, just say the word and we’re out of here.”
You heard him before you saw him, the group of aviators from his squad calling his name and you knew it was too late to run. You shook your head, plucking Jake’s tequila shot from his hand and downed it, revenge was all you had left and you’d be damned if he took that from you too. Standing up and smoothing the material of the dress that was your husband’s favorite you backed yourself up against the bar, settling yourself between Jake’s legs and wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Put your money where your mouth is Seresin, show me what I’ve been missing.”
Meanwhile on the opposite side of the bar everyone is saying their hellos, none of the squad know what’s been going on behind the scenes and as far as they can tell it’s just a normal Friday night meetup. Phoenix is the first to notice that Hangman is missing from the crew, Rooster nodding towards the bar letting them know he’s on a date with some girl from out of town.
“Hangman has a girlfriend?! Since when?”
“Beats me, he just said she’d come down to visit for the weekend and he’d bring her over when she was up for it.”
Bob is clueless to it all, and offers to grab the next round as everyone sets the table up for a new game.
He’s settling into a bar seat with Phoenix to wait for their beers as she nods in your general direction.
“Well they look cozy, but I swear I’ve seen that girl before, she looks so familiar. Bob, have you seen her before? I feel like we know her.
He looks up towards the direction she’s pointed and it feels as if his world has been upturned. Because just across the bar from him is Lieutenant Jake Seresin with his tongue down his wife’s throat, bodies pressed together with a handful of your ass.
“I know exactly where you know her from Phoenix, that’s y/n. That’s my fucking wife.”
Jake is having the time of his life if he’s honest, he’d always been fond of you but he had enough respect for the sanctity of marriage to keep his hands to himself. You’d always belonged to someone else, that is until Baby on Board had done exactly what he expected and fumbled the bag. He knew you were hurt and that his chances would be slim for a while, but he’d bide his time if that meant he got to hold you like this tonight. And if it helps satisfy your need for revenge? He certainly wouldn’t mind helping you out with that. He was just a philanthropic kind of guy after all. You were a little tipsy now, giggling while he kissed you and he decided to play up the game a little and slide a hand down to grope your ass. You yelped but leaned into his touch, and he had to keep reminding himself this was just a game, that you weren’t his and that he still had to win you over.
“Jakeeee, you’re gonna get us in trouble if you keep this up, I don’t want us catching an indecent exposure charge” you said a little breathlessly into his mouth, maybe this hadn’t been the best idea; you could definitely see the appeal, and as it turned out Hangman wasn’t just all talk- he was very good.
“Sweets if I had it my way we’d already be halfway to my bedroom, but I’ll save that for another night. ‘Sides it looks like we’ve struck that nerve you were looking for, your husband’s looking our way and I think he’s getting a taste of his own medicine.” Jake cocked his head in the direction of Bob and Phoenix, winking at them as he continued to press kisses into your neck.
“Oh-oh shit, maybe we should go outside before we start a bar brawl.” You were wide eyed as you pushed him back a little, but he could see you were still comfortable with him continuing the plan so he looped an arm around your waist and tossed a 50 on the bar as he led you towards the back exit.
“What do you mean that’s your wife?! What is she doing here, and what is she doing with Seresin?”
Natasha is spiraling, meanwhile Bob can barely hear her. He can only hear the rush of blood in his ears and his heart thumping out of his chest, nausea rising up in his throat as he catches Jake’s eye. The motherfucking gall of Jake Seresin, he’d spent months jabbing at Bob about how you were too good for him and while it had stung he’d been confident that you’d never be interested in him, but now to see your body pressed to his, kissing someone else? It confirmed every fear he’d had, he absolutely deserves this; you’d given him everything and he’d burnt it down but damn if it didn’t hurt to watch you walk away in the arms of someone else.
“Nat- I can’t do this right now. Can you find a ride home? I need to talk to her, see if she’ll let me apologize in person.”
She looks hurt, but she knows damn well she has no reason to be, this is on the both of them and she has to respect whatever choices he makes.
Bob follows the path you and Jake took towards the back exit, no idea what he’s going to say or if you’ll even listen but his feet carry him anyways, into the balmy night air and across the lot where he can see the two of you talking.
“Alright pretty girl, had enough revenge for tonight? Think it’s about time we get you home.” Jake said with a grin as he ushered you towards the truck at the back of the parking lot, you were a little unsteady in your wedge sandals but it had felt good to let loose tonight. You didn’t give a shit what Robert Floyd thought of your behavior, you’d tried to be his everything for so long and knowing that he could throw it out the window so quickly just solidified that it had never had anything to do with you. Something in him was broken, he could have had a long lasting love and he took it for granted. You wrapped both arms around Jake’s bicep and leaned into him with a sigh; you didn’t know what this was with him but you definitely knew you weren’t ready to get your heart broken by another handsome face anytime soon. All you could hope was that he’d settle for friends in the meantime, but you couldn’t dwell on it now, because through the buzz of the alcohol you suddenly heard a voice you knew all too well calling your name above the crash of the waves. Of course he was, he couldn’t just let you have this one night to have the upper hand, he’d actively avoided you for weeks and the second someone else paid you attention he suddenly had something to say.
You went ramrod straight and froze, Jake turning slightly to see what had you so tense and scoffed as he watched Bob make his way towards you both. He tugged a little to shield you from Bob but you looked up at him and shook your head, you could handle this; there was no need to delay it like he had and you had plenty to say.
“Y/n, can I just have a minute-“
“You don’t deserve a second of her time Floyd and you know it.” Jake snapped, but the gentle touch of your hand on his arm gave him pause; it wasn’t his job to be the white knight and he knew damn well you could handle yourself, but he couldn’t help but want to shield you from anymore pain.
“I’ve got this Jake, give me some time ok? I’ll be back.” You squeezed his arm and stepped away, and you thought you saw pain flash over Bob’s features at the familiarity between you two, but he had no right and he knew it. You followed him down the rickety wooden ramp to the beach, the sound of the crashing waves filling the awkward silence.
“I’m sorry.” He said, so quietly you could barely even hear it, tears pricking the corners of his eyes as he looked down at you, and all it did was make you see red.
“You're… Sorry? After shutting me out for weeks and then telling me what happened in an e-mail, you’re sorry? Well I’ll be, that’s gotta be the biggest pile of horse shit I’ve ever heard Bob.” You laughed, but it was harsh, it had him wincing from the coldness in your tone.
“You’ve got to be shitting me, I get an adrenaline rush, I get feeling your mortality, hell I’d even get it if you just kissed her. But you slept with her, you gave pieces of yourself to her that were only ever supposed to belong to me, and then to make it worse you hid it from me…for weeks! You have always been someone I considered to be honorable, and this? This betrayal? This is slimy. This is cowardly, and you fucking know it.”
You didn’t cry, you didn’t scream, you simply said your peace and when you looked back at him his eyes were full of tears and regret.
“I broke us, I know that. I’ve always known you deserved better, tried to be better, and I don’t have an excuse for any of it. I don’t know how I got here, I just know that I’m sorry. I ended it, we are just friends now, and I know that means shit to you but I’m trying. I just didn’t know if you’d even listen if I called, and then you came in tonight, with him and I realized just how much it hurt. God, seeing you with him- it makes me sick. I get it now, I get how much it must’ve hurt you. I know that’s why you did it, and I deserve it, I deserve it all. I don’t know where we go from here, but I don’t want you out of my life, I know it’s unfair to ask.” He couldn’t even look at you, it was infuriating to think that the man you loved had become this shell, a person you couldn’t even recognize.
“I wish you well Robert, I would never wish harm on you, but no. You clearly need to work on yourself, and so do I. Wherever that journey takes us, it’s not us against the world anymore. I don’t think I could ever look at you the same, and it’s not fair to ask me to try. I’ll speak with our lawyer, see if we can wrap this up as smoothly as possible, but there is no more us. I hope you find what you’re looking for.” You say with a sigh and a small tear rolls down your face before you can swipe it away, one last tear shed for the end of a life you’d always dreamed of. As you walked away from him and made your way back to the lot, you could hear his broken sobs, and you prayed whatever higher power existed would help him move past this, because you couldn’t stay.
Jake helped you get in the truck and the two of you drove in silence on the short trip back to his home, he could see you lost in thought so he let you drown in it for a few minutes until he pulled into the parking area. You swiped more stray tears, and then with a deep breath let your body sag into the plush leather of his f-150.
“You know why I was always on him about not being good enough for you?” Jake said quietly, causing you to turn and face him. You had always wondered, and begged him to stop more than once, he’d always said it was just fucking around but you had a suspicion it was something more.
“It wasn’t because I was trying to put a wedge between you two, well…maybe some of it was, but really it was because he never really saw you. It was always about him and you seemed sad, like you were ornamental, a box to be checked off on his list (and he did love to make lists), but never like he truly saw what he had. It drove me nuts, I’d kill for that, and I knew it was wrong, but I wanted it with you. And then when he fucked it all up I knew it would hurt you, but I couldn’t help but think that I could be the one to show you how much better you deserved to be treated. I can love you better, maybe not today, maybe not for a while, but I’ll wait y/n. You’re worth the wait.”
He looked wrung out from his confession, you knew he’d had some kind of schoolboy crush but it had never occurred to you that his feelings were genuine. He was the Hangman for gods sake, he’d always seemed like this larger than life flirt, why on earth would he be into some mousy little jag lawyer who was already married to one of his teammates? Maybe he was right, you did have a habit of putting yourself in small boxes to let Bob shine, he’d never asked you to but you’d done it anyway; you’d always put him first but he’d never thought to do the same.
“I’m not ready yet Jake, and I can’t promise I’ll be ready anytime soon. I’ve got to find me again, I don’t even know how I got here. But someday…someday I think I might like to know what it’s like to be loved by you. If you can wait for me, I’d really love that.”
He grinned at you and you couldn’t help but smile back, there was just something about him that lit you up in a way you’d never felt before. Friends would have to be enough for now, but someday you’d let yourself really appreciate just what it could be like to be truly loved.
🏷️ Tagging- @attapullman @mynameismckenziemae @bobgasm @sebsxphia @roosterforme @seitmai @sailor-aviator
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turcott3 · 3 months
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never lose you
luca fantilli x estapa sister
warnings?: cursing, pregnancy, fluff and kissing
“mark, i threw up again this morning.” you groan, holding the cold towel to the back of your neck as you walked into his room.
“come here.” he waves you over pressing his hand to your forehead.
“nope still not warm. somethings up with you, and i think i might know what it is.”
“i don’t want it to be true.” you whine.
“i know, but you’re not alone. go put on some shoes im gonna take you to Walmart. you’re taken care of okay? we can work it out sis. i’ve got you.”
“thank you.” you reply tearfully as he hugged you.
“i’m always here to protect my baby sis. it’s my job.”
“only by a year and a half.”
“well it’s 2 years when you look at the number.” you giggle smacking his arm.
“go get your shoes,” he laughs lightly, sliding his slippers on. he met you out at his car, nonstop picking at your nails.
“moms gonna kill me.”
“no she’s not y/n. you’re 20. sure you’re young but you’re not a teenager. you’re in school and have a good job. everything will work out. and besides you don’t even actually know yet.” he says shaking your shoulder, forcing a small smile out. you and mark had thankfully always been really close and you knew you could trust him with anything.
once you were checked out at the store, mark paid for everything. you almost wanted to cry. your brother was always supportive but he knew this could be the biggest obstacle of your life possibly.
“you didn’t have to pay for all of this stuff.”
“it’s the least i can do. you’re just giving me stressed vibes and i wanna try to help.” he replies.
“farah has made you a softy.” you laugh and he smacks your arm.
“hey that’s a good thing. we love her.”
“the most.” he giggles, driving you safely home.
“moms at work so, i’ll just sit out here while you do your thing and just come out when you’re ready.” mark says sitting on the end of your bed, turning on a tv show so you could be properly isolated.
you sat impatiently on the edge of your tub, waiting for the timer to go off. once it finally rang, you stood up and walked over to the counter, your breath uneven. you picked up the test flipping it over.
just as mark had suspected. positive.
“mark.” you say aloud, your voice growing weak.
“what is it? do you want me to come in there?” he asks, pausing the tv.
“yeah.” you say wiping a tear.
“whats the verdict?” he asks and you simply hand it to him and he sighs.
“how do you feel?” he asks, looking back up at you.
“i don’t know.” you reply, feeling the tears begin to well up in your eyes.
“do you need anything?”
“i just need you bubba, i’m scared.” you say, calling him the nickname that hasn’t left your mouth since his 12th birthday, choking on the tears that threatened to fall.
“hey no no, don’t cry.” he says pulling you into his chest, cradling your head comfortingly.
“what do i do?” you sniffle.
“you need to talk to mom when she comes home. don’t tell luca first. as much as i know you might want to.” he says,’letting you go and taking the test back out of your hands, setting it on the counter.
“okay.” you reply weakly.
“hey, everything’s gonna be okay. i’ve got your back. one hundred percent.” he states, confirming the sense of comfort he was giving you.
“thank you mark.”
“of course. i can’t believe my homie knocked you up.” he giggles and you shove him jokingly. he’d always joked about you and luca dating but he honestly adored the fact that one of his best friends was able to make you the happiest he’s ever seen you.
“too soon man, too soon.” you giggle, hugging your older brother one last time before exiting the bathroom.
it now felt like a waiting game, waiting for your mother to get home. you waited and waited until you finally got the text that she was on her way. going over and over in your head what exactly you should say to her, what questions you’re gonna ask her. it was all happening so quickly.
“hey y/n.” your mom says walking in the door and you say hello back, letting her get settled. the longer she was home the more nervous you grew. after a few short minutes, you called her into the living room.
“what’s up? you seem so serious.” she giggles nervously.
“mom can i please just ask that you won’t be mad at me when i tell you this.” you start, already feeling the tears well up, mark sitting and listening at the bar. supporting from a distance.
“i mean i can’t promise any-“
“please mom.” you beg, wiping the single tear that fell.
“okay okay, what’s wrong?”
“momma i’m pregnant.” you say, your voice cracking slightly before breaking down in tears once again.
“oh honey.” she replies, hugging onto you instantly.
“i’m sorry.” you cry into her shoulder.
“no sweetheart don’t apologize. it’s gonna be okay.” she says softly, letting you go.
“i’m so scared. we didn’t plan for this at all.”
“i know you didn’t, it’s okay we all make mistakes, but hey, at least we know who the father is,” she giggles, “have you told him yet?”
“no mark told me to tell you first.”
“atta boy.” she winks at him as he giggles.
“are you sure you’re not mad?” you ask, sucking up your tears.
“no y/n, im not mad. you’re 20 years old. you’re not 16 anymore. you’re a grown up.” she says rubbing your arm.
“what do i do? i need help.”
“and that’s why i’m here, im your mother. im always going to help you. you’re my only baby girl, you’ll always be taken care of my love.” she says, wiping your final tear.
“thank you momma.” you reply, hugging her once again.
“why don’t you invite luca over tonight, you can tell him. and if he needs a moment, i’m here. we’re all here for you y/n.” mark adds in.
“that’s a great idea. call him.” she replies and you nod, inviting luca over to stay the night which he of course accepted. about an hour later, luca was walking in the door. your heart dropping at the sound of his voice.
“hi baby.” he says sweetly, walking over to kiss you as you sat anxiously laid back on the couch.
“hi.” you reply before he says hello to mark and mom.
“luca, go sit with my sister. it’s important. but i’m staying right here.” he insists, directing luca back to the couch.
“oh um, are you okay?” he asks, the nerves in his voice ticking immediately.
“well, i’m not really sure. how you react to what im about to tell you will determine if im okay.” you giggle, scratching the back of your head.
“whatever it is, i won’t be mad.” he reassures you, concern filling his eyes.
“lu im-“ you pause, breathing out before continuing, “im pregnant.”
“what?” he replies quietly.
“i’m pregnant luca.” you repeat. he says nothing and pulls you in for a hug. he still hasn’t said anything which wasn’t making you feel the best.
“if you need a second i understand, im still processing it too” you say as he pulls away and nods at your words, mark pulling him into the guest room. you shuffled quietly over to the shut door, pressing your ear against it.
“bro why didn’t you say anything?” mark asks.
“i didn’t know how to reply, i don’t want to upset her.”
“what’s that supposed to mean? are you gonna dump her? are you gonna tell her what to do about it? what is it?”
“no of course not, i fucking love her dude, i love that girl like crazy, i would never leave her to do this alone. ever. i was just in shock. i still don’t even know what to say to comfort her. i know she’s probably taking it really hard.”
“well get out there, and use your words dude. she’s crazy about you. and hearing any kind of words of affirmation ate important to her, especially right now.” mark replies as you quickly shuffle back over to the couch, the door opening once you sat down.
“y/n, i’m sorry i didn’t say anything back. i- i was just in shock. i know this is my fault and im fully prepared to take on that responsibility. whatever you choose to do, i’m here to support you. i love you so much baby. you’re not alone, you’ll never be alone.” he spits out, spilling a few tears taking your hands into his.
“thank you.” you reply tearfully as he presses a sweet kiss to your lips.
“always. you’ll never lose me y/n, i swear to god you won’t.” he reassures you as you cuddle yourself to his chest, leaned back on the couch.
“okay.” you reply quietly.
you were about 4 months along now. still sick every morning, back pain sinking in. your belly was still a little small but definitely growing.
“no no fuck.” you whine, your favorite jeans now no longer able to zip.
“what’s wrong? i heard you from out there.” luca says burst through the door.
“luca my favorite jeans don’t fit anymore.” you frown, tears threatening to spill.
“hey no no, it’s okay baby. those jeans will hug your beautiful body again in a few months my love. go put on some of my sweatpants and we can go find you some new jeans. is that okay?” he asks stopping your tears.
“okay. thank you.” you reply softly.
“anything for you, you know i’ll always take care of you.” he replies, kissing your head and reaching for his shoes.
luca had moved into your house to be with you during your pregnancy. he couldn’t bare the idea of sleeping in his bed while you slept in yours. he’s been great helping out around the house and making sure you don’t have to go or drive anywhere on your own. making sure you and your baby were safe at all times. you grew more comfortable with him day by day.
you picked out a few pairs of jeans as well as a couple of dresses to try on. just to make sure you were getting something you’d actually wear.
“okay here’s the first pair.” you said before pulling open the curtain revealing the maternity jeans that closely resembled your favorite jeans.
“you look beautiful.” luca says, a smile growing widely on his face as he observed your body.
“well we know this size fits so, i’ll show you the dress i picked out.” you giggle, walking back into the dressing room and shutting the curtain, quickly yanking the jeans off and pulling the dress over your head. you adjusted it and looked in the mirror. your bump was showing well in this dress. you turned to the side and frowned. it hit you all at once what was happening, tears welling up in your eyes.
“everything okay in there?” luca asks, standing outside the curtain.
“yeah, can you come in here?” you ask, wiping the tear, turning to face the curtain.
“oh wow.” he says tugging the curtain shut behind you as he looked at you before noting your expression.
“what’s wrong y/n? you look absolutely gorgeous.”
“i know but look.” you frown turning to the side running a hand over your small bump.
“what about it?”
“look at me luca. just look.” you frown a quiet sob leaving your mouth.
“don’t cry baby no.” he says pulling you to his chest.
“it’s just all hitting me so fast. my body is changing so fast.” you sniffle.
“i know i know, but you’re gonna be such a beautiful momma. baby fantilli slash y/l/n has the most beautiful mommy in the world. i know you may not feel the greatest but you’re so gorgeous y/n. you look so fucking perfect.” he says running his hands over your stomach and on your sides only making you cry more.
“shhhhh it’s okay.” he says hugging you tighter, cradling your head in his hand, grazing his thumb softly over your hair.
“so?” you question mark as he enters your room and plops on your bed.
“i got you something, well it wasn’t all me, it was like ninety percent luca.” he says holding up target bags full of things.
“something? looks like more than that.” you giggle.
“yeah well, luca left early for family dinner so that he could go shopping for you and the baby. he wanted my help so, do you wanna see?”
“i mean i guess i don’t have much choice do i?” you laugh, grateful they’d thought of you while out together.
“okay so,” he starts before showing you everything him and luca had picked out for you and the baby. your heart melted more and more with the thoughtfulness of each object.
“thank you for everything mark.” you reply as he finished, hugging him tightly.
“luca has one more thing, but he’ll give it to you once he’s home.” mark smiles, putting everything back in the bags and setting them on the floor.
“oh? okay.” you reply as he exits your room with a goodbye. it shouldn’t be too much longer that luca would be gone. you hoped at least. you sat in your bed looking through the objects when luca came in the room.
“hi baby,” you smile as he walks over to kiss you sweetly.
“how was dinner with the family?” you continue.
“it was so good. they were asking me about how everything was going and they wanted me to give you this check from them. it’s for a thousand dollars. my brother and parents all chipped in.” he smiles, unfolding the check from his pocket and handing it to you.
“that’s so sweet of them.” you pout looking up at him and hugging on tightly.
“they wanted to make sure you’re taken care of. this money is for you. not the baby. for you.” he repeats and you nod.
“i also have something else for you.” he says quietly.
“go on?” you smile.
“close your eyes.” he says smiling and you do so, smile growing wider. you feel a ring slowly pushed onto your ring finger, you stomach dropping at the sensation.
“open.” he says quietly and you open your eyes to a delicate diamond ring. a simple design and a small diamond.
“luca what-“
“this is not a marriage proposal, you know i would go all out for that. this is just a promise ring.”
“it’s beautiful.” you say looking closer at it.
“i got it because i wanted to show you how truly serious i am about this. im so in love with you, and im in love with our future. you’re everything to me, our baby is everything to me, we are everything to me. and more.” he says, grabbing onto your hand, running a thumb over your knuckles.
“this almost feels like a dream and like it’s gonna be over soon.” you say shedding a tear.
“well it’s not a dream and it’s not too good to be true. i also got the ring so that no creepy guy would try to think you were some young single struggling mom. had to stake my claim properly.” he giggles.
“well thank you for thinking of me luca.”
“i don’t wanna do any parties or anything.” you tell luca as you sat in the ultrasound room.
“no showers?”
“can we just mail out like an announcement and maybe we’ll get some gifts and stuff.” you ask.
“if that’s what you want, it’s entirely up to you.”
“i’m already stressed enough, that would probably make it worse.” you giggle.
“then we’ll do that.”
“okay my lovebirds, i have the gender right here. do you want me to save it? or do you want it now?” the doctor asks, entering the room.
“now, please.” you smile anxiously.
“i’ll hand it off to you.” she smiles at luca as she hands the paper off to him.
“it’s a……” he pauses scanning the paper before stopping, a smile growing across his cheeks.
“it’s a girl.” he says sweetly.
“really?” you exclaim.
“yes baby, it’s a girl.” he says showing you the paper. quickly you jump up off the bed, wrapping your arms tightly around him.
“luca fantilli, girl dad, has a nice ring to it.” you giggle pulling away.
“y/n fantilli, girl MOM, has a better ring to it in my opinion.” he giggles.
“come here.” you say to the doctor, squeezing her tight, thanking her for this special moment.
“i’m so glad you guys are happy. please come back and see me once she’s born.”
“absolutely we will.” you smile as she guides you back to the waiting room.
“god i’m only a few weeks away.” you grown, leaning on your hands over the counter in hopes of relieving the stress on your back.
“hey y/n, we gotta try this.” luca comes sliding around the corner, tossing his phone on the couch.
“try what?” you groan sitting up.
“okay turn your back to me.” he says and you do so.
“ready?” he asks.
“yes?” you question. moments later feeling all of the pressure leave your back.
“oh my god.” you breathe out as he holds your belly up.
“does that feel good?”
“yes fuck yes. i feel like i can breathe properly.” you giggle with borderline orgasmic pleasure lining your tone.
“unfortunately i cannot stand here forever but i will gladly do this whenever you need it.” he says gently lowering your belly.
“thank you baby, that felt amazing.” you say turning around and pressing a sweet kiss to his lips.
you laid restlessly in the hospital bed, luca lying awake on his phone in a chair just across the room. your water broke at home but you were nowhere near ready to give birth.
“i can’t sleep.” you groan.
“me either.” he replies, shutting off his phone.
“can you come lay with me?” you ask softly.
“yeah of course.” he says getting up off the chair and instantly finding his way to your side.
“i’m so scared lu.” you whisper.
“i know. it’s scary, but im here. your mom is here. mark will be here.”
“will you hold my hand when the time comes?” you ask, nuzzling yourself to his side as best as you could.
“of course baby. let’s try and get some sleep in you okay?” he says.
“okay.” you reply, shutting your eyes. after what seemed like hours of silence your consciousness dwindled.
“i’m so proud of you.” he whispers pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. those words being the last you heard before you finally drifted off to sleep.
you woke up the next morning with jerk and a sharp pain.
“ouch.” you groan, seeing luca had already been awake and moved to the chair.
“oh gosh, are you contracting?”
“yeah, good morning to me.” you groan, squinting your eyes shut.
“do you want me to get your mom?” he asks and you simply nod, gritting your teeth. he calls your mom on his phone, her entering just moments later.
“how frequent?”
“well this was the first one so i don’t know.” you reply, the pressure subsiding.
“i’ll go grab a doctor and they can check you out. just hold tight honey.” she says, rushing back out the door.
“what if it happens like soon soon?” you ask luca nervously.
“we’ll all be by your side. i can’t sit here and say it’ll be easy because it’s definitely not, but i’ll hold your hand and make sure you’re doing okay. that’s my job.” he says, reassuring that you were not alone in this process.
“okay miss y/n. how are you feeling? i heard you had a contraction.” the nurse says entering the room.
“yeah, that’s what i woke up to.” you sigh.
“what a pleasant wake up call.” she giggles.
the nurse stayed in the room keeping tabs with your dialation. you grew more and more nervous at every update.
“come on baby, just one more.” luca says as you held a death grip on his hand, your knuckles turning white. you somehow mustered up the strength to give one last push, resulting in the sound of your precious baby girl crying, resulting in you sobbing instantly.
“you’re baby daddy?” the doctor asked luca and he nods, being beckoned over.
“well boyfriend and baby daddy but yes.” he giggles as a nurse pats him on the back.
“he’s cutting the cord y/n.” your mom says kissing the side of your head, brushing the hair off of your sweaty face. you brushed over the ring on your finger. it was unreal that this was your life now.
all you could do was cry. the wait was finally over.
“hi baby.” you frown sweetly as they handed you your daughter, luca finding his way back to your side immediately.
“she’s beautiful.” you sob out, sniffling.
“just like her momma.” luca replies, kissing your temple a few times, his hand rested on top of yours as you held her. admiring your beautiful creation, the one you were so afraid of those 9 months ago.
“i like lilly.” you say to luca quietly.
“lilly fantilli. i love it.” he smiles.
after some hours, the nurses trickled out and the room became quiet again. you’d been holding her for hours, never wanting to let go. not until it was just you, her and luca.
“hey momma, before you leave can you do something for me?” you smile.
“yes of course sweetie.” she replies as she walks over, whispering in her ear. you handed the baby off to your mom, who carried her over to luca.
“now i know im your mother-in-law so this is gonna sound weird. but i need you to take off your shirt.” she says in her humor that you always adored. you wanted to cry as his face lit up. he slid his shirt off quickly and got comfortable before your mother carefully handed her off to him, resting her softly on his chest.
“oh my god.” he stuttered out, a tear falling down his cheek, followed by a sniffle.
“lu don’t cry honey.” you said softly, carefully getting out of bed finding your way to his side. luckily since you were young, recovery wasn’t so hard.
“i can’t help it, look at what we did. she’s perfect.” he continued, quiet sobs leaving his mouth. in all the time you’d been together, you’d never seen him like this. so vulnerable and sweet.
“awe baby.” you said, lightly scratching his scalp.
“i love you my sweet lilly girl, i’ll never let anyone hurt you and i’ll always be here for you. daddy loves you so much.” he cried quietly to her on his chest, bringing you nearly to tears.
“i can’t believe this is our life now.” you say in his ear pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
“i would never change it, not for anything in the world.” he replies finally looking at you. his eyes puffy with tears.
“i love you luca, so so much.”
“i love you more, zero argument.” he smiles, you roll your eyes playfully pressing a kiss to his lips, closing the last chapter of your youth.
this was your life now. mother of lilly mars (mark wasn’t a good middle name for a girl) fantilli, and obviously future wife of luca. it was the best gift the universe could’ve ever blessed you with.
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userttpd · 13 days
Hi! Can you recommend me your favourite spuffy fics? Any genre is welcome I desperately need the void after finishing bingewatching Buffy 😭. Thank u xx
hi! thank you so much for giving me an excuse to share my favorite spuffy works! if you read any of these, please come back and lets talk about it! okay here's the list:
these are all completed on ao3, most of them contain smut, most are oneshots, no deaths/cheating/nothing too dark, some toxic typical s6 stuff but they all have happy endings or hopeful open endings cause i cant stand them being sad!
do you wanna break bread with me?
this is fun, dawn comes out as bi to spike which spirals into everyone realizing they are queer, its pretty touching and domestic.
High Stakes
sexy fun poker smut, no plot, just vibes
Service the Girl
s6 smut but with complicated feelings
(Unintended) You Could Be
there's something about spuffy and roadtrips that hits so right plus parenting dawn, s5 set
i could've been your girl (we've all been here before)
post s7 buffy running into drusilla, starting a relationship and then spike joins them (i might be the only person ever into this pairing)
What Remains
again spuffy roadtrip, sad one cause s5 but they lost the battle and everything, but still have each other
honey and milk are under thy tongue
smut but with complicated s6 feelings plus spike reading poetry
nothing safe is worth the drive (follow you home)
i highly recommend EVERYTHING by this author, my favorite spuffy writer ever. this one is a s5 roadtrip escaping glory and its domestic, funny, sad, sexy and hopeful, felt like watching an episode (i seriously love this one but plz check them all out)
i will follow you into the dark
this one is by the same author but it deserves its own mention. its heartbreaking but healing at the same time, just the most beautiful spuffy work ever
Let's Get Lost
OH THIS ONE, s2 buffy runs away but runs into spike who has a little problem. its so so in character, captured so well both characters and their dynamic where they are all each other have and absolutely hate that
The Choice
s6 dynamic, spike starts seeing a buffy that loves him, its a choice whether he'd rather have that or the real buffy, its pretty sad but u know, they always find each other
spuffy roadtrip! s5 set, he comforts her through mourning and feeling helpless
What it is to Burn
post everything, long distance relationship that buffy can't stand anymore
What She Deserves
another roadtrip fic, i know so surprising. buffy heals by herself, runs into a spike that felt like she did in 6, she's the one helping him now with an actual healthier dynamic where they both heal
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Sterek Fic Rec - April & May 2023. Sorry team, I know I am late and now combining months. Been busy with other things so while I hope to keep doing rec lists, they may be less monthly overall. But I promise I am still here! :)
Orbit (yours is the only one i'd follow) by whenwordsmakesense (1/1 | 1K | Teen)
Stiles flashes back to the nights and mornings he has spent in Derek’s bed, only because he’d fallen asleep researching the latest trouble in their town and Derek hadn’t felt like waking him up, only to drive sleepily and more than likely end up on his computer again once he got home. And he thinks of this pack, his family, has tied them to each other—all of them—and he thinks of how love has filled them up where the holes of loss have taken place.
Stiles muses on what love is.
The Ink Under My Skin by rainsoakedshoes (1/1 | 10K | Mature)
Derek is looking for an Emissary. What he finds is Stiles Stilinski; resident witch.
Stiles would do whatever it takes to protect the Hale pack and his Alpha.
“I want to protect my pack as well as I can,” Derek continued. “Emissaries traditionally keep balance, having someone who wants to tip the odds in our favour may come in handy.”
Figure it Out by Gia279 (1/1 | 5K | Not Rated | Podfic by josilverdragon)
“He isn’t cursed,” Derek said suddenly, “I am.” As he spoke, no less than three lizards tumbled from his mouth. He caught them before they hit the ground, clutching them in folded fingers.
Dream Mate - Real Mate by TheyDraggedMeInNowIAintLeaving (1/1 | 4K | Teen)
Stiles is hired to put magical protection on the Hale house, Derek is incapable of making words in his presence. Somehow they still manage to get a happy ending
Derek Hale--Even in the Wind His Hair Is Perfect by literaryoblivion (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
It’s not the greatest job in the world, but someone’s gotta do it. And Stiles makes the most of it, okay?
Writing captions for the live broadcasts as well as helping run and write the copy for the online news stories can get rather tedious and boring, but Stiles tries his best to keep himself entertained. Slipping in a movie or comic book reference inside a human interest story just to see if someone comments about it, putting up a funny headline to see if someone catches it and puts it up on reddit, you know harmless things that to the casual viewer and reader will go unnoticed but to those that actually pay attention, they might get a kick out of it.
Recently though, he maybe has been… abusing his power.
(There's) no smoke without fire by Ark (1/1 | 6K | Explicit | Podfic by  pricklywhicket)
They kiss for entirely too long. If anyone found them in the woods just then they would be like, dudes, this is excessive.
“Stiles, I was talking about the lasagna” by quackquackcey (1/1 | 2K | Teen)
The time Stiles thought his dad could read minds and ended up confessing his inner most thoughts starring Derek—twice.~ 🐺💝
Couldn't find the words by Tails89 (6/6 | 21K | Teen)
John stands, holding out his hand for Melissa. “I never thought I’d be happy to see my son dating Derek Hale."
“They’re good for each other.” Melissa lets John pull her up onto her feet. “I’m happy for them.”
Five times someone thought Stiles and Derek were dating (plus one time they finally used their words and were!)
all my blossoms by WeAreTheLuckyOnes (1/1 | 7K | Mature)
Stiles has to nudge Derek over as he climbs into bed and under the quilt, but Derek goes easily, rolling onto his side and curving around Stiles's body when he settles. He puts his face into Stiles's throat, nose nudging against Stiles's jaw, arm sliding around Stiles's waist. Stiles is asleep in mere moments, comfortable and warm and safe against Derek's body.
Or the one where Stiles and Derek just get to be happy.
You Always Make A Bloody Mess by Sweetsyren (1/1 | 5K | Explicit)
Stiles is used to hiding his scars.
princecharmingwinks special mention (the found family vibes are so sweet!)
here is the deepest secret nobody knows by owlpostagain (1/1 | 22K | Teen)
“Derek,” Stiles groans. “You have me. You’ve always had me, you absolute moron, how many physically impossible feats of life-saving heroics do I have to perform before you get it?”
See you next time team! Hopefully not as long before the next list. Remember to send all the love and kudos to our fabulous writers (and podficcers!).
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winterfleursblog · 1 month
Oh baby, but it's cold outside
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☆ Genre: Fluff
☆ Warnings: Just over fatigue !
☆ Pairing: Idol!Seungkwan x SoloArtist!reader
Reader is a solo artist, Seungkwan is ... Seungkwan. They met through promotions and being under the same entertainment. The two have been dating for three months now, but it seems like the reader still feels afraid of being vulnerable with him. These all changed due to a hectic day that 'took out' every last bit of energy from the reader.
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It's just a week before Christmas, but it didn't feel like it—you were still finishing promotion videos, recording special covers, and the like. Although doing this was something you enjoyed, you can't help but wish for rest ... even just for a day.
"Y/n, our last two takes are in 3 minutes, let's get prepared now" said your manager, quickly waking you up from your half-asleep state. Work began to be tiring after a month without breaks, and if your manager weren't watching, you would've escaped and went to your boyfriend's filming location to hug him as you listen to his daily stories.
Things took a turn for the worse. What you thought was a 5-minute take turned into 30 minutes.
"Try holding this flavor instead"
"Hmm... wouldn't this poster be better"
"Let's try a different dress, one that would suit the new flavor's vibe better"
The company you're endorsing for came unprepared, and now you had to deal with it. Although your inner monologue has been spitting out curses since they started making sudden changes, you remained calm and professional on the outside. Sooner after the shoot was done, it was time to go home to the one you loved the most.
You absolutely adore Seungkwan. If you could give him the universe, you would. And so it became a hobby of yours to care for him each day; make sure he never leaves on an empty stomach, pamper him with the things he needs when he's in a hectic schedule, and even massage his head when he's exhausted. None of those felt like chores to you, as they felt like privileges that God has given. Your love for your boyfriend was one that didn't expect anything in return.
However, your boyfriend loves you just as much as you do. He always tries to take you home safely by personally driving, and gives gifts (which he rarely does to others!).
This day had been a tiring one, and it has ended. Now all that's left is to go home and see the love of your life after war (a long day shooting).
After the 2-hour shoot, you open your phone to missed calls and unread messages from Seungkwan.
"Where are youuu?"
"Should I pick you up now?"
" :⁠-⁠[ "
Instantly, your face lights up.
"I'm sorry boo, schedule was tight, I couldn't read them earlier"
"I'm at XXX district, I'm about to go home, don't worry"
You pack your bags to set off to go home, 'til your phone vibrates again. Seungkwan has replied in an instant despite your hour-late reply.
"Okay, I'll come there :⁠^⁠) wait for me"
There it is again, your heart beating like crazy. Being practically half-asleep right now, you start wondering if you are dreaming; but thank the heavens, you aren't. A part of you wants to tell him not to come since it's already late and he too should get some sleep, but you yourself knew you couldn't go home at this state too.
While waiting for Seungkwan, your seniors pull you over and take you along.
"Hey, that's the last shoot for this month, let's go celebrate y/n"
"Oh come on, don't be such a kill joy"
In a matter of seconds, you find yourself dragged outside in the snow. It took all the energy you got to let go and reject their offer.
"Sorry, I really can't right now"
And then came a chorus of sighs, but it was inevitable. If you drunk now, you'd probably wind up dead tomorrow.
Out in the cold, you could no longer think straight. "Should I go back inside?" but the building is far from you now. "Where could seungkwan be?" and he has just started driving by now. "How longer will my eyes stay awake?" and you're basically sleep walking right now.
It was useless, all you could do is walk back to the building or else you'd freeze to death. Half-asleep, you start making your way back to where you were before getting dragged. With your state right now, one wrong step and you'd stumble on the snow. You start waking yourself by slapping your face, which barely made a difference. Suddenly you hear the a familiar car horn—it was Seungkwan.
He got out of the car and waved his hand to you.
Ah, it's that cute smile coupled with his chubby cheeks that made you fall for him.
The thing you so feared of happening, finally happened. You stumbled on snow and are now like a kid trying to make a snow angel. You could hear Seungkwan's giggles getting louder as he runs towards you.
"HAHAHA— are you— HAHAHA— okay?"
"you need some rest, let's go home"
You look at him with a sarcastic smile as he helps you up. As he glances at your face, his mocking slowly turns into concern.
The moment you sat on the passenger seat, you fell asleep. It was just a 10-minute ride home and you could've just waited, but the land of the dreams were already pulling you in.
Soon, you woke up to the sudden feeling of stopping. The moment you opened your eyes, it wasn't your apartment through the window that you saw; rather, your boyfriend's front camera snapping photos. He was taking selcas of you together while you were asleep.
Seeing you open your eyes, he immediately stopped giggling while posing and hid his phone.
"I saw that"
"I know you like my face so much, but can't you just wait until I wake up?"
There is it, your cocky tone that makes him flustered.
"Whatever...! We're home"
You step out of the car to battle again with your fatigue. Just like the usual night routine; half shower, change clothes, and the last thing—properly remove your makeup. They put on so much makeup on you earlier that it was so hard to remove. Thanks to 'that' company's indecisiveness, your makeup remover has now run out. With no options left, you go to Seungkwan's room.
"Kwan-ah, can I borrow your makeup remover?"
He pointed to where it is—just infront of the make up desk. His makeup desk was much grand compared to yours thanks to being an idol for longer, might as well remove your makeup in his room, too.
As you were removing your makeup, you were in your last straw—using up the last bits of energy and consciousness. The cold weather wasn't any help too, now that it is lulling you to sleep. Seungkwan was scrolling through his phone, but his attention was on you minutes later as you fell asleep on his desk.
"Aigo~ Y/n"
"You haven't finished yet, you'd irritate your skin if you sleep like that"
But his efforts were futile, you were already asleep.
He took matters to his own hands. Gently, he removed your makeup for you and cleaned up right after. Since you two sleep in different rooms (something YOU yourself wished for), Seungkwan was thinking whether or not to wake you up. A part of him felt scared of you getting uncomfortable sleeping in his bed, but another just wanted to cuddle with you and adore you as you sleep.
Amid all of this thinking, he didn't realise that his shuffling woke you up.
"Oh, sorry, did I fell asleep?"
"I'll go back now, goodnight baby"
It was one of the rare moments you were vulnerable, and he knew 'cause you started calling him "baby." Now flustered and desperate to adore you as you sleep, he started retaliating.
"Ah~ Why don't you stay here for the night? C'mon, you can't even walk"
At this point, you had no sense of rationality left in you, so you just spouted out the purest of your thoughts
"But I sleep really noisy, and I don't want you to see me in the morning bare faced"
"But I want tooo~"
Seungkwan was acting like a lovesick boy, despite the fact that you two had been dating for 3 months now.
"And I...I'm shy...to sleep in the same bed as 'THE' Seungkwan"
"I promise I won't do anything weird!"
You suddenly blush
"I-I know! That's not what I meant!"
You started thinking of excuses to escape the situation when the real reason was just that your heart races every time he was near. The fangirl in you still can't believe that you're dating him, and will probably become very clingy if you slept on the same bed. With your drunken-like state because of fatigue, you made the stupidest excuse ever known.
"But... it's warmer in my room"
"Oh baby, but it's cold outside"
He himself can't believe he said such words, and is now a blushing mess.
"...I meant, it's cold on the way to your...room"
Great, now you can no longer resist.
You finally sigh in defeat and put your weight on him though a hug. He quickly understood this and helped you walk towards the bed. The second you laid down, you start wondering why his bed was much comfortable than yours. Was it the matress? The sheets? Or was it simply him being there?
Those thoughts were dismissed once he started poking your cheeks and stroking your hair.
It was the first time in your life someone not your parents has done so, and you could no longer fight your intrusive thoughts. Suddenly you hug him tightly and act all clingy. He reciprocates anyways with a forehead kiss. You two are basically fools in love right now.
"I love you all the time, but I think I love you more when you're like this"
He didn't realise that you were asleep already, and he was basically talking to himself. Still, he continued hoping that his teasing will he heard in your dreams.
"You can't even stay awake for a whole minute, how can I trust you with 20 steps to your room?"
"Ah, you've been overworking again, I told you, you aren't going to lose popularity just because you haven't done a comeback in half a year!"
"Really, you're so stubborn"
"...and I love it, too"
A few moments later, he also drifted to sleep, and whole night was just you clinging to him like some sort of koala. He enjoyed this, though, and will now coax you everyday into cuddling with him until you both fall asleep.
Extras ; [the next day] !
The next day, he woke up first, and did what he's good at—taking photos of sleeping people. This time around, though, you didn't catch him. When you woke up, he was wearing a grin that looked like it told a thousand words. Was it a cocky, embarrassed, or smitten grin?
Your thoughts weren't composed yet right now, but as soon as you realised you were sleeping on the same bed, you sit up and panic.
"W-Why am I sleeping here?? Did I do anything crazy? Oh God"
Seungkwan giggled a bit at your actions, but immediately calmed you down by giving you a recap of what happened a few hours ago—just that, it's his version now.
"Well, you were soo tired and you basically wanted some cuddles from the most handsome man in existence, and so you asked me kindly if I could shower you with love. I didn't mind doing it at all since you asked nicely."
And there it is, he's starting to get cocky again. Luckily, you remembered last night because of his twisted story.
You were about to protest until his phone switched on for the morning alarm, and you saw his lock screen to be a collage of sleeping faces. What's worse? They're all pictures of you.
He tried to hide it but it was too late.
"Hm? What's that?"
"... Nothing ...."
Since he was caught red-handed anyways, he used it instead to tease you.
"Ah, how cute, I got a sleeping koala with me~ hehehe"
This obviously was embarrassing for you and it required drastic measures.
"Kwan-ah ... what do you want?"
Your tone was serious, and that took him aback.
"Hm? ... What I want...?"
"The latest American-style store or the hamburger shop down the road ... you name it..."
"...in exchange for ... changing your lock screen"
He suddenly burst out into laughter and started getting all demanding.
"Hmm... can I have both?"
You look at him with a defeated expression
"Well, I have two versions of the lockscreen, can't have one showing randomly, right?"
With your sleeping face getting exposed to the other members of seventeen on the line, you just follow his request. He ends up paying for the food anyways and turns the food hunt into a date.
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello I AM ALIVE AGAIN ON TUMBLR but now writing for Seungkwan 😄 This fic is not proofread or what, PLEASE BEAR WITH ME !! thank you 😊🌸
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
Jikook's Rainy Day Fight
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So FINALLY getting around to making this post. Lol so honestly go read this one first. It's a HUGE post I made where I really broke down my thoughts about the rainy day fight before they told us more about it. I still stand by alot of these thoughts for the most part now that we know more. The only thing I might switch up a bit is the very last paragraph where I said something like "this clearly has nothing to do with BTS as a whole and seems like a couple-esque fight more than anything else." Imma walk that one back with the new info given lol
Regardless, read this post first before proceeding. Thanks!
Okay, all done with that post? Great! So here is what JK said about the rainy day fight:
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And here is what Jimin said:
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Overall, the dramatics were ridiculous (i say lovingly) for what this fight was about and somehow it still gives off couple vibes simply because of the way they escalated this "speak more politely to your hyungs" conversation into a "I'm cutting you off" and a slam dunk hug in the rain reunion. Lol
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(The way they both think back the most fond over that reunion hug is so freaking cute)
Things I want to additionally point out.
- Hobi hyung getting angry was the barometer of "wow. I super fucked up this time" which makes me cackle 🤣 the man is an angel lol
- after brushing aside his other members remarks and everyone else huffing but leaving, Jimin was the one to make the effort to pull him aside to have a more serious conversation about it. Trying to take it seriously with him, give him respect in return and not make it seem like he was being ganged up on. It speaks once again to how they have always been so incredibly close to each other. This was back in 2015 ish and they made these allowances for each other and gave each other their trust.
- Both Jimin and Jungkook told the same story, but took the blame for the fight upon themselves. They recongized what happened but when sharing the story with a third party, made it seem totally like their own fault (when clearly they both had some anger issues and bad judgements during that fight). It seemed like they were lowkey trying to protect the other and mostly just felt bad about their own contributions to the fight rather than the other person's. Clearly the forgiveness was absolute.
- Jungkooks snarkiness clearly got Jimin feed up to the point where he snapped and said something he clearly didn't mean, but also clearly felt. He probably felt disrespected and felt like that wasn't the type of bond they had cultivated together. And JK clearly felt bad and was upset himself and even after they separated, when he found himself upset and lost, his first instinct was to reach out to Jimin. And even pissed off and mad, Jimins first instinct was to answer JKs phone call and make sure he was okay and safe. Just for them to reunite not too long after, both feel shitty for their behavior and find a secluded spot for them to actually talk it through before they went home and to bed. Regardless of their full day of schedules right after that too. It's incredibly sweet of them.
- its still lowkey giving off couple fight/break up and reunion vibes. Lmfao but only in how they handled their dramatics, not in the actual fight. Nor do I think they were a couple during this time frame. I do think they were harboring crushes on each other, but that's a seperate conversation. And the fact that JK held onto feeling guilty over his bratty attitude and causing this fight so many years later??? Clearly, it had a lasting impact, even though he still acts like a brat to Jimin sometimes lol its done in a teasing manner rather than a disrespectful one. And it's something that the two of them clearly encourage in their bond together.
- the acknowledgement of that through this fight (and the subsequent conversation on the roof and make up afterwards) they got closer is worth highlighting and mentioning too. When a fight/disagreement is done in a healthy way (and while it didnt start that way. They clearly got there), the communication and the way you can get to know someone better can be so helpful for having an even better relationship. Platonic, romantic or any other kind. I'm glad they spent that time together on the roof. It was probably something they both really needed that night and lead to even more emotional vulnerability and comfort between the two of them going forward I'm sure.
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Thanks to everyone for waiting so long for me to write this up and for anyone who read this far too. 💜 I know I ramble a lot! I think this was everything I had to say about the rainy day fight though! 💜 Hope you all have a good rest of your day/night!
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roe-and-memory · 7 months
mack is seriously one of my favourite side characters. i literally adore him SO much
- i think mack has like. 5 sisters. and hes the oldest and only boy of all of the siblings. this is a hc roe and i have had for a while, he just has such oldest brother of the family vibes but also like hes so gentle as if he grew up with sisters. i can imagine him, 17, the second oldest being somewhere around 11 or 12, and theyve convinced him to bake cupcakes with him. hes got his mothers pink apron on, hes doing all the work, while his sisters are hanging off of him and playing with their toys all over the kitchen floor. he couldnt bake for shit, but anything for his baby sisters
- adding onto above, i dont think he did too much in school. his mother worked two jobs and his father was away a lot on business trips, so he very willingly and very happily took care of his younger sisters 24/7. and im not saying his parents were neglectful - not at all. i think his parents worked hard to take them on trips and keep them afloat. the did family trips as many times a year as they had the chance to and their parents made sure the kids knew they were loved.
- AMAZING driver. hes been driving since he was young, and he can maneuver his hauler better than most other drivers. both his parents contributed to teaching him how to drive, and they both gave him their separate tips and tricks, so he is quite literally the collective bunch of his parents driving habits all in one.
- he left to work for rusteze as a truck driver when he was around 22/23, when the second oldest sibling was old enough to hold down the fort. a lot of his extra cash went to his family back home, but he stayed on the road.
- not too interested in relationships, he’s always been kind of held down and its nothing against his family but now he likes the freedom of home being on the road
- his truck (1985 mack superliner) was his grandfathers cab. he bought it brand new and never used it much, trucking ran in his family (even his father was a trucker before he met macks mother and settled down), so his grandfather gave him the cab for free as a gift one year and he’s used it and kept it in tip-top shape ever since
- lightning is like that little brother he never had. he found the kid at a truck stop, a distressed fifteen year old looking to get out of town (he was running away from home) and saved him from getting his shit rocked by some pissed off old guy because he’d asked for two dollars for chips and the guy took a personal offence to it. mack literally felt sick at the idea that this kid was out this far from the city alone. lightning had WALKED from henderson to vegas to see the race, and then just decided he wasnt going home. mack was so heartbroken because the thought of one of his sisters ever being in the situation that this kid is in right now made his stomach churn. the kid had begged to go with him, and mack felt so guilty he said yes. he initially tried to take the kid somewhere safe, like a home for kids or something, but lightning was quite content to stay, and it felt like having a little brother around and it was Different (mack checked the news every day for any missing child reports and Nobody reported lightning missing. it literally destroyed mack emotionally because How do u not report ur own child missing when he leaves and doesnt return.)
- his truck has bunk beds since its a sleeper cab and he let lightning decorate his bunk with posters and those glow in the dark stars and literally anything the kid wanted he could plaster on the walls and mack did not care. this also included a bunch of stickers, because oh Lord that boy is obsessed with little stickers
- mack had no idea how to bond with lightning considering he himself had grown up being forced to play barbies with his little sisters (they would try to make him be evil ken but then they’d get mad because he was too nice. he got to play as the dollhouse dog instead) whereas lightning grew up with Nothing. lightning didnt really know how to interact with toys without feeling ridiculous because he’d been conditioned to believe toys were for Babies. mack eventually gave up trying to guess what lightning liked and just took him to a toys r us, where lightning Immediately found a stuffed dinosaur he liked and got like 2 hot wheels cars and then proceeded to profusely apologize for wasting macks money on such stupid stuff. mack did not give af, as long as his little brother was happy he was ok
- he gave lightning his first ever hug. before that not a Single person had ever hugged that child and mack was so sad to learn it because how do parents go 15 years without ever hugging ur own flesh and blood
- he taught lightning how to drive in a field with the truck during break days, and realized the kid’s potential and signed him up for late model stock races after a bit of talking. rusty and dusty also took an interest in racing at this point, and allowed mack to carry the kids late model stock car in the truck (they figured out a way for him to get both product and the car in the truck, and conveniently every delivery was for the city lightnings next race was in)
- hes kept all of lightnings late model stock trophies, the kid was a real good winner even back then and he’s even got photos that photographers had taken of the wins when little 15 year old lightning mcqueen was standing on the roof of his car holding his trophy above his head with the biggest smile in the world plastered on his face (those wins were like the proudest big brother moments ever until he got into the piston cup)
- hes a MASSIVE harv hater but hes too nice to say it. when doc starts expressing his own dislike for harv, mack starts talking to him about it and they bond over the fact they hate that man so fucking much that they end up managing to get him fired
- during the piston cup off season he goes back to delivering product for rusteze
- even though lightnings older now he still sees him as a younger brother
i think this is it.. THANK U FOR THE ASK!!! i love talking about mack :3
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berlinini · 10 months
some Thoughts about the 02 show (while the days of ltwt show recaps the length of essays are gone, I thought I'd share some stuff)(this of course got kinda long anyways, I am nothing but predictable!)
first of all it's so interesting to go online after a show and "consume" the show through different perspectives... I was in the pit close to the sound booth and could see a tiny Louis like tunnel vision (and not even always - I had to look at the screens a lot more than any previous shows). I had never been to such a big venue and it felt like the arenas I'd be previously - it's so hard to gage. Anyways when I saw Louis' IG post I realized how far I was and seeing pictures and videos of the venue - I truly hadn't realized the sheer number of people. Also the lights project from our POV seemed to have bombed but seeing the videos, it did create the intended effect. Also I was so far that I had to ask the gc for the color of the pants (#purple #slay) and only in the encore, when there was a camera on Louis' entire body, did I notice the shoes (unfortunately my eyes deceived me into thinking they were Nike). I missed all the little quirky faces and interactions that I now see in gifs. HOWEVER I did not miss the several times Louis teared up including during Chicago and during his speeches and I tell you my heart was bursting. I love that he talked a bit more than usual - I think he said something like "I can't put into words... well let me try" and he said everything so perfectly! The reference to his dreams and the "we" - I just listened to him and thought how much I love him. His special thanks to his band was super sweet.
setlist: HOTH safe! If I hadn't known DMD was back on the setlist I wouldn't have recognized it. No 7 :( I tolerate Angels Fly but tbh I don't understand how it's there and not like Headline or Always You or FEARLESS. High in Cali was hilarious because you could tell weed isn't legal in the UK lmao - the vibe was so different than back home. 505 still so good and now I can sing every single lyrics but in a very oh poor me, the show ruined my 5 x 505 streak this year since it's now 6. But 505 Laval you'll always be #1 in my Heart <3. We Made It is still the It Girl and Silver Tongues... I doubt a closer will ever come this close (hehe) to how fucking epic it is. Tbh I could hardly tell when the string section was playing but I'm glad I had a show with strings! Me still in LTWT mode wondering why the pyro didn't go off during Walls only to be told there hasn't been any for this tour ouuuups. The Megamix SLAYS so hard and the special effects were SO cool! I did miss the classic rainbow lights for SIBWAWC cuz the lasers didn't reflect on the crowd as nicely but the clouds and at the beginning of ATT were beautiful.
Talking about lasers I was eyeing this guy in the soundbooth that I'd never see before and was clowning about him being there for the LIVE ALBUM RECORDING. I even took notes to figure out later where he works (spare a thought for tumblr user bbrox who has to put up with my insanity). ONLY to figure out 1 hour later that the guy was the special lasers guy as made so obvious by the fact he packed up his stuff after Saturdays in a box that said "laser fx triangle C" lololol. Sometimes I think it's good to clown for nothing - be humbled!
I saw most of the crew in the soundbooth - the person I was with was trying to spot the Tomlinsons while I was looking for Oli and K and was mentally putting a check on names for the sound and lights guys - priorities! (Blaming Red Rocks for having us go down the rabbit hole of every single member of the crew)
Oh yeah the KMM lights! It was kinda spontaneous? He had a little shy smile like he was telling himself 'look at this lot' and it was soooo adorable. I'm glad I got to be a part of it <3 Which pretty much summarizes this whole show - witnessing a moment in history.
Finally - TANK TOP LOUIS WITH MY OWN 2 EYES!!!!!! And what a tank top!!! #blessed #cantspellslutwithoutlt
Everyone's been saying being a louie is for life and that just keep getting stronger and stronger everytime I get to see him perform! Can't wait for future shows!!!
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erikiara80 · 2 years
Will and Jonathan
To celebrate Will’s birthday, long post dedicated to my favorite brothers and their beautiful bond.
Season 1
The most terrifying week of Jonathan’s life. First, he thought that if he had been at home, nothing bad would’ve happened to Will. Then, if you think about it, he is the only one who thought for at least two days that Will really died. His worst nightmare. He failed to protect his little brother.
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But he’s always there for Will. And if he had been there that night too, the Demogorgon would’ve killed him and taken Will anyway. And Will would’ve have been lost.
When Will is sad, Jonathan can always make him smile and feel better: 
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I have a brother, eight years younger than me. We are very close. I basically raised him. You know, single mom (divorced parents when I was 13 and my brother was 5), night shifts. And we were also poor. 
I relate to the Byers so much. In my family, I am Jonathan. It’s so painful to imagine what he felt when Hopper told him that they had lost Will
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When he saw Will’s small body on that table
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Season 1 is a roller coaster of emotions. But they all love Will too much. And their love saved him. This is one of the most precious moments in the whole show, imo. I love it so much.
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Jonathan is so emotional. He holds Will’s hand as if he wants to be sure that Will won’t go away again. Also, wonderful performance from Charlie. I can feel all Jonathan’s love, happiness and relief
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Season 2
Another big season for the Byers brothers. And another time Jonathan risked to lose Will. The crazy thing is that this time Will is there but something is trying to erase everything he is. Another nightmare (army of monsters aside, lol)
Once again, the season starts with Jonathan taking care of his family (I really hope tho that at the end of the story, he can finally live his life and find his happiness, knowing that his family is safe. It’s so unfair -Lonnie’s fault- that he has all those responsibilties at such young age)
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Fortunately, he also has Nancy. He’s starting to find something for himself. Problem is, Henry doesn’t care. So, the moment Jon leaves town... oops, Will gets possessed. No wonder he thinks he can’t leave him and his mom. 
But before that, we get another beautiful moment where Jonathan encourauges Will to be himself and be proud of it (Jonathan is just a wonderful person, ok?)
Will is so upset about everything. He knows nobody can understand how he feels. At first he doesn’t even want to talk with Jonathan.
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But Jonathan knows him so well and always knows what to say. Being a freak is actually the best. Normal people never accomplish anything important in this world. 
And then this. So sweet. Aaaand we also have little shit Will, who always reminds his siblings that they are friendless, lol. I love him
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And of course, Will smiles again
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Then, sorry Jonathan. The real nightmare begins. I love S2, because there’s so much love for Will in every scene. From Mike, Joyce, Jonathan. What an amazing season! I’m so happy that S5 will include big S2 ideas but also have S1 vibe. The two seasons where Will and the love people have for him are central.
The last episodes are incredible. I just love everything.
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The shed scene is absolutely one of my favorite scenes of the show, and imo, one of the best. Stellar acting, perfect shots, amazing dialogue, and oh, the emotions. It’s simply perfect. And different from what we usually see in Stranger Things.
They love him so much
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But then this moment kills me every time. Jonathan is desperate. He can’t hear Will screaming and being in such pain without helping him. I’m glad Nancy was there. In fact, a few minutes later, he tries to help Will, but it was a mistake. 
Jonathan couldn’t think anymore. He was sure Will was dying. He had to save him. But Nancy, as always, helped (yeah, she hurt Will, but it was the only way) This scene!
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And then, he got his brother back
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Season 3
There aren’t as many scenes as in the previous seasons, but the love between them is always there. 
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Always protective
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And even when he doesn’t say anything, Jonathan always see his brother’s pain, like Charlie said.
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Season 4 
Both brothers are struggling a lot now. They’re older and for a while they probably thought they weren’t as close as they used to be. And that hurt and must have felt so strange. Jonathan is almost adult now. He feels all the weight of his responsibilities. He feels like living his life means abandoning his family. So he’s stuck. So glad he has Argyle!
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And Will is dealing with feeling different, his feelings for Mike and the fear that he will never be happy. He’ll never find love. It doesn’t help that for the first time he doesn’t feel his brother’s support. Jonathan seems different and distant. Maybe Will, who’s more aware of his sexuality now, even believes that it’s his fault if his brother doesn’t spend much time with him anymore. 
That’s heartbreaking.
But of course it’s not true, it will never be true. Jonathan never stops caring, or being protective. No matter what.
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Oh, and this moment. This moment...
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This is the season where both Will and Jonathan have much less scenes than in any other season, and yet S4 is where they share probably their most emotional and beautiful moment. This is the only scene in the show, along with when they find Will’s fake body in the quarry, that made me cry.
It’s so beautiful. Many people criticize it and say it wasn’t clear enough. That the writers were cowards. But I think it’s the opposite. It’s so delicate. And so in character. Jonathan was so sweet. 
He didn’t push Will, because he didn’t know if Will was ready. He knows Will is afraid of losing the people he loves, that they won’t accept him. So he didn’t explicitly say that he knows. He just let his little brother know that he will always love him. That he will always be there. He made Will understand that he is important and special to him, and he will always be. 
And NOTHING. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING will ever change that.
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And Will’s little smile and tears when he hears those words. Jonathan hasn’t forgotten about him. He wasn’t distant because he knows and doesn’t approve.
He’s just dealing with his own problems. And I love, love that here Will also wants to reassure Jonathan that he will always be there for him too.
This has never happened in other seasons. It was always Jonathan the one who offered support. And it makes me hope that in S5, the season of Will’s coming of age, he too will reassure and protect Jonathan, and tell him that he deserves happiness. 
Jonathan’s always been there for Will, and I’m sure he will do everything to protect him again in S5. But Will will protect his brother (and mom) too. Jonathan will see him become confident and find love with Mike. He’ll see his mom with Hopper, and El happy too. And he’ll finally know that he can live his life and that his family is safe and happy.
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tactician · 10 months
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leaving alola behind him, reides the kingdra headed for generation 8 of the pokemon games in his quest for more ribbons! gen8 of these games feature the galar region (via pokemon sword and shield) as well as the sinnoh region (via pokemon brilliant diamond and shining pearl)! this leap to gen8 was super alarming, as my beloved kingdra moved from the 3ds to the current nintendo console - namely, the nintendo switch! it's crazy to think about how this whole journey began on my copy of emerald version, slotted into my pleasantly clunky brick of a grey ds.
reides' journey through the generations has been filled with its highs and its lows, but once he arrived safely in pokemon home, it meant that i could be a bit flexible with my approach to the ribbons available in swsh and bdsp! (it also meant bidding farewell to my shoddy photos of my (3)ds screen for these posts... they will be missed...)
anyway, before i get into the story of reides' gen8 journey, i gotta do my customary shoutout to all the other parts of his ribbon master quest. it's really easy this time around, as i finally put together an index for these posts on my personal site! you can find it here! that page also has a lot of information about the challenge itself, along with some helpful resources if you'd like to take it on. as always, you can also peek in my ribbon master tag on this blog, too.
if you're all caught up with the story so far, it's time to get started on a brand new chapter.
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transferring reides into my copy of pokemon shield was a really emotional experience. kingdra looks absolutely gorgeous on the switch, and i was blown away by how awesome the shiny form looks, too. this moment on the beach at sunset - with a galarian slowpoke and a kingler lurking close by - felt pretty cinematic. it was also really nice to see my trainer character again! i absolutely love all of the different fashion items available in swsh. immediately, i knew that i had to make my ribbon mastery team a big ol' pot of curry for all of their hard work thus far.
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we also played together while we camped out. i was really glad that i was already in shield's post-game, as it saved a whole lot of time on this ribbon master journey AND meant that i'd have tons of toys for my pokemon at my disposal.
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after goofing around for hours, i finally decided to take on the first ribbon available in galar. this ribbon was the galar champion ribbon, which your pokemon receive upon entering the galarian hall of fame. i ended up needing to play through the galarian star tournament first, though, as i had procrastinated on doing that for the longest time... so reides ended up taking part in a few more battles than one would think!
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it was absolutely awesome to see dynamax in action with reides! it made me wish that kingdra got a gigantamax form, but i guess that would be a bit too amazing for anyone to handle, huh? while taking on this ribbon, i also realized just how much i missed the vibes of the gym challenge in the galar region. the wide stadiums, the cheering crowds, the MUSIC... all of it is so incredibly top-tier and it really got me pumped up! not to mention seeing the absolutely INCREDIBLE cast in action. shoutout to everyone but especially piers. all hail the reigning king of the pokemon punks.
anyway, reides was eventually able to sweep his way to victory in both the galarian star tournament as well as the league battles. he joined the hall of fame and got the galar champion ribbon!
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with that handled, it was time to take on galar's battle tower. according to most, this battle tower is an absolute cake-walk, as you can dynamax while most of your opponents (barring leon) can't. it was just a matter of buckling down and spending the time required to amass your wins. as a result, i ended up abandoning the tried and true durant strat and instead took the og trio of albatross, origin and reides, himself, along for the ride.
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hilariously enough, i ran into ONE road-block in this tower in the form of a shedinja which i could literally not attack. i had NO moves that could get past its guard... sobs. but another nice thing about the galarian battle tower is that it isn't streak-dependent, instead swapping over to a system relying on ranking up or ranking down. so i brushed off this shedinja encounter without letting it get to me all that much, haha! i also taught albatross shadow ball... just in case.
ribbons also got a bit of an upgrade in the switch games of pokemon. no longer limited to just being pretty graphics on the ribbon screen, you can now equip one ribbon on your pokemon and give it a little title every time you send it out in battle. i equipped the ribbon that reides got for mastering all of the contests in omega ruby, which granted him the title of 'shining star'!
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it was so nice to see it every time i sent him out, but i can definitely see myself swapping between all the various titles at reides' disposal!
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my climb to the master ball rank was fairy uneventful, though i really understood this child's plight. it's how i felt many times while in various battle towers during this ribbon master journey.
eventually, i made it through the rank itself and got to the final battle against leon. though i had faced him at the end of each rank prior to this moment, it still felt very intense to encounter him knowing that this was my very last battle tower match for the forseeable future. also, his battle tower outfit is SO DRIPPY. love him so much.
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not gonna lie, it was pretty funny seeing him say something so inspiring while looking so sad (and the snowscape from one of dynamax-form reides' attacks really added to it). leon is an absolutely amazing character and one of my fav champions ever, though, so i was thrilled that he got to be the final match in my battle tower saga!
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even though the swsh battle tower was WAY easier than the others that i faced, i was still so happy to be done with it. my goodness. i really went from ignoring the battle towers in the series to gaining streaks of ~50 in each and every one... it's kind of unreal. reides truly earned the title of 'tower master'!
upon getting the tower master ribbon, we were done with galar. i was sure to make my pokemon team some more curry before they set off for sinnoh! but i honestly wasn't too torn up about leaving galar, as pokemon home lets us shift pokemon between the switch games however we'd like. after so many one-way transfers out of prior generations, it felt kind of surreal - and was also a huge relief.
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this cute curry wasn't the only treat that got eaten, either! i made some pokemon cookies in Real Life to celebrate, as well. i used cookie cutters from the official pokemon store to make these pikachu and munchlax cookies!
i then set my sights on the remake of diamond version... pokemon: brilliant diamond!
the last time reides visited sinnoh, he did so via my childhood copy of diamond version. as i wrote in my post about the gen4 part of reides' journey, this copy of the game was already in the post-game, so i didn't have to play through any of diamond's plot whatsoever when he arrived. however... for this sinnoh visit, i actually didn't have a post-game available! despite owning brilliant diamond since the day it released, i had barely played it. (fun fact: in my first run of the game, i ran into a shiny bidoof on my very first night playing it. i ended up transferring all of the pokemon in it - bidoof included - to pokemon home and restarting it, though, as i was toying with the idea of doing a shiny starter hunt... and then i simply never touched it. so i guess restarting it was actually a waste of time. weeps.) i knew that i'd need to play through its plot to get the ribbon that reides needed, so... you know what that meant.
it was time for a whole other adventure to begin.
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i decided to keep reides in the pc for the storyline part of this playthrough. i wanted to raise a team of pokemon from the sinnoh region, and i knew that reides' status as a fully ev and iv trained pokemon at level 100 meant that he would absolutely STEAMROLL the plot. we still went on walks together very often though, and he had his pal hammer the garchomp in the pc for company! (i usually raise a garchomp for my sinnoh teams, as it's one of my fav pokemon in the sinnoh region, but i decided to try to resist this time around and limit myself to pokemon that i had never raised before!)
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i absolutely loved my brilliant diamond playthrough. the art direction is a point of contention in the pokemon fandom, but i'm a big fan of it! it seems like people either love it or hate it, and, thankfully, i'm definitely in the 'love' camp! the chibi style is endlessly charming, and the environments were just gorgeous. something about the lighting in brilliant diamond is just SUPER pleasing to me, and re-visiting sinnoh like this allowed me to really appreciate it. since my diamond file was in the post-game, i guess needing to play through this one in its entirety actually kinda worked out in my favour, huh?
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i was super delighted to see that the ribbons screen is absolutely gorgeous in this game, too! i really like the status screen featured in bdsp. it's so nice and colourful.
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this simple little screenshot is also really important to me. you see, when i was a kid, i got diamond version as a gift from a family friend. he'd gone abroad and generously brought back it back as a present for me. back then, the country that i live in didn't get pokemon games in a timely manner at all (we'd get them in video game stores months after they released in the u.s.), and i actually had no idea that diamond version even existed. (not knowing that a new pkmn generation dropped was a recurring experience in my childhood, LOL.) so playing this game for the first time made for a really magical experience. i have a very, very clear memory of playing it for hours and hours on the night that i started it up... until i could barely keep my eyes open. i trained my team a whole lot and was exploring this route right outside of jubilife, and i thought that the small island on the water was very pretty. i saved there for the night, imagining my trainer setting up a little camp for herself and her pokemon... and now, every time i'm on that route, i can't help but smile at the memory. so you can imagine just how happy i was to take a photo with reides there, with the updated graphics and everything!
furthermore, on the course of my sinnoh journey, i ran into lots of old friends... including none other than riley!
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thanks to the way he helped me out in the gen4 battle tower, riley is a really special character to me now. so i was really happy to see him and play through iron island with him! after thwarting team galactic, he surprised me with a little gift.
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i actually wasn't planning on raising a riolu - much less a lucario - on my main team AT ALL... but, upon receiving this egg from riley, i knew i had to. as silly as it may sound, i thought it would be a great nod to our time in the battle tower all those generations ago! and so, on that note, here is the storyline team that i journeyed through sinnoh with, and who helped reides get to where he needed to be:
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as you can see, there's a bit of a theme going on with their nicknames! i decided to name each member of my brilliant diamond team after in-universe berries. i thought it'd be cute!
anyway, the berry bunch and i had a fantastic time exploring sinnoh. days passed, and, eventually, we faced what i believe to be the most difficult league in any of the pokemon games... including the most daunting champion battle ever.
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cynthia lived up to her status as the most skilled champion in the pkmn franchise thus far. we had a battle for the ages, knocking 5 of each other's pokemon out. i actually almost lost to her - she had me completely backed into a corner. but my team pulled through, as kelpsy the glaceon MIRACULOUSLY toughed out an attack that should have knocked him out (via the affection system - namely, if your pokemon really loves you, they can occasionally 'survive' attacks that'd knock them out with 1hp instead) and managed to land a single ice beam on her garchomp. this clutched out the win, and my team was added to the sinnoh hall of fame.
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now that i had access to the post-game, i could focus on reides once more. to get his ribbon in brilliant diamond, we'd have to foray into the brilliant contest scene.
brilliant contests are a calibre above the typical condition contests and are linked to all of your contest stats rather than just one. you actually don't gain access to this category unless you've achieved a master rank win in all of the solo-stat categories. luckily, ribbons from oras are recognized in bdsp, so reides didn't have to prove his worth to the judges and could instead get right to competing in the brilliant contests.
in addition to this category, bdsp also introduced some new contest mechanics, too. your final contest score can be split into three parts: 'visual', 'dance', and 'move'. these all seem pretty self-explanatory; the visual part is linked to your pokemon's contest condition/sheen, the dance part is linked to how well you perform in the rhythm game, and the move is linked to your timing in executing the one contest move that you're allowed to take in with you during the contests. but the visual part actually has an element of added complexity in bdsp, as it also involves a new mechanic of placing stickers on your pokemon's pokeball so that cool effects play when you send them out. (this feature was also in the gen4 sinnoh games, albeit not incorporated into those games' contests.)
the effects which these stickers play have a direct impact on your pokemon's visual score. however, for brilliant contests, normal stickers don't really cut it. instead, people recommend grinding out champion stickers (from taking on cynthia's rematch team post-heatran plotline) and showstopper stickers (from beating the other master rank contests) in order to get a decent appeal score. since reides didn't need to take on the master rank contests, i didn't have any of those - and i wasn't all too interested in grinding for more. i figured that grinding out champion stickers would work out better, since they give more points in the visual portion of the contest, anyway.
before starting that grind, i decided to give the brilliant master contest a try with nothing but the base-game stickers. given reides' perfect contest stats from omega ruby, i wondered if his contest skills would be enough to scrape through and secure a win.
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as it turned out...
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...they were not. people are NOT exaggerating when they talk about the difficulty of the brilliant master rank contest!! i was pretty shocked that my lovely kingdra was getting absolutely terrible visual ratings. (LIKE, LOOK AT HIM!! LOOK AT HIM!!!!!!! HE'S SO CUTE!!!!!!! AND PERFECT!!! AND SWEET, TOO!!!!!!!!) anyway, my outrage aside, it turns out that using those two types of stickers to boost your pokemon's visual rating is pretty much a necessity. the rhythm game portion of it is also not to be underestimated and typically requires a bit of practice. luckily, i'm fairly decent at rhythm games, but i knew that i would have to get those stickers from cynthia after all. i played through the pre-requisite bit of the post-game - catching heatran in a premier ball! - and made my way back to the league. with my storyline team vibing in the pc and my ribbon mastery team ready to FIGHT, i got settled and began grinding out the battles.
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initially, i intended to get 20 champion stickers on the ball so as to fill it up entirely with them. after getting 8 stickers in one night, though, i was kind of worn down and decided to give the contest another try. i also taught giga impact to reides, as it's SUPER good in the bdsp contests (your pokemon gains a big boost to its score when you use it while you have a positive 'jam' score in the dance game) and can be easily bought in the veilstone department store. i was delighted to see that my protag's mother - johanna - was there for this contest, as well as gym leader fantina. both johanna and fantina are great at contests in-universe, so i was excited at the prospect of at least succeeding on this contest round, even if reides didn't manage to clutch out the win.
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...however, by some miracle, reides managed to do just that!! not only did i finally manage to succeed in the brilliant master rank contest, but reides also secured the win. at this point, it was, like, 4 in the morning for me. i was absolutely astounded; i actually wondered if i was somehow hallucinating. the twinkling star ribbon was the one and only ribbon that i needed in brilliant diamond, and after so much work to get to this point...
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...it was finally granted to reides!!!
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upon recieving this ribbon, reides acquired all of the ribbons that he needs in order to be a ribbon master... save for ONE. one (1) single ribbon stands in his way... and that ribbon is the one that's granted to a pokemon for emerging victorious in a master ball ranked online battle. now, i can technically get this ribbon by putting reides back in pokemon shield and trying to climb the ladder in gen8... but, as you likely know, the current gen (as of me writing this post) is gen9. that means that the gen8 battle servers are... well...
okay, no. they're not entirely empty. but people have stories of waiting for hours to get into one single match, and i'm not sure if i want to put myself through that unless i absolutely must. and i might just have to, as kingdra hasn't been officially announced as part of the generation 9 pokedex... however, with indigo disk on the horizon (3 more days!!!), i figured i'd wait to see if kingdra would be included in its national dex before subjecting myself to gen8's very delayed match-making times. if it isn't, i'll just devote another post to my competitive climb in lieu of a gen9 one. (tbh, i'm considering making a totally seperate blog post for my very first foray in the vgc realm regardless - but we'll see how it goes!)
either way, i really, really enjoyed my time with reides in gen8. it has been so awesome to see him in games that i can play with the most up-to-date nintendo console, and kingdra's models across the switch games have just been so incredibly snazzy. i said this at the start of the post, but it truly is crazy to see just how far my little shiny horsea from emerald version has journeyed. i love reides so very much and i couldn't possibly be more proud of him!!!
so let's keep our fingers crossed that reides will be allowed into gen9 so that he can explore the paldea, kitakami, and unova regions! thanks again for cheering him on, and i'm looking forward to writing another update soon!!! that update may very well include reides finally achieving full ribbon master status at long last, so i'm already excited for it! :D
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sillyromance · 10 months
Good day, dear anonymous!
🩹 - healing vore:
I think it's very interesting concept which has a kinda joint base with comfort vore but still stands out of other vore scenarios as a unique thing. There is a mix of two directly opposite actions: sending someone inside your stomach and... healing their wounds with this! Using such unusual combination, artists get an endless amount of angsty and comforting scenarios - and also a great push of their imagination limits: their characters can possess anatomical features no one ever thought of before. As for the action itself, it's just very good for a pred to know that they won't ever feel lost or helpless in case their prey friend get into trouble which can lead to the latter being badly injured. The prey feels safer too when knowing their big pal is around... Sensations are pretty enjoyable as well: the feeling of your ache being instantly eased by the miraculous liquids, combined with a soothing vibe of the cozy stomach massaging you is unspeakably beautiful...
So, I definitely love such way of healing!
💗- the most favourite trope:
Well... I suppose: a gentle pred/ a kind and submissive prey. If there are these two, I will love any scenario from safe to fatal. Although, there is one I love the most:
Safe vore/reformation:
A prey comes home after a really rough day; the pred sees it, however, their little friend doesn't admit it. Instead, they just head to their room and start working again - or go to the kitchen, seeking for something to eat... Meanwhile, they big partner watches them silently for some time. The pred hasn't dined yet. But they know perfectly what they want for a snack right now - so, the big guy grabs the shorter one in a nice, tight embrace, saying the prey they were going to dive right in without any delay. The latter tries to protest at first, but quite soon they submit to the gentle cooing and warmth of the pred's hug: the little one sleepily thanks their partner and, finally, gets swallowed up; settling in the warm belly, they gladly sense their sore body relaxing and their mind clearing as tender walls move around them, the gurgling mixing with the pred's calm breath and heartbeat and creating a comforting symphony of natural peace which helps the prey to doze off. The pred feeling good for their friend and for themselves smiles and rubs their visibly rounded stomach which is lovingly churning over its favourite meal...
❗- discovering vore:
I'd say it has been a long way. I remember when I was four me and my father often played a game: he was a monster and I was its prey who had to avoid being eaten. Of course, everything was just for fun: we messed around a lot, giggling and encouraging each other; he often wrapped himself up in a large blanked to seem bigger and "scarier" and then "attacked" me in the darkness with a "monstrous roar". Usually, everything ended up with him "devouring" me which he always loudly announced while I was still laughing after a great session of tickles. I think, that's how the fun began...
The older I got, the more I felt that something strange was going on with me. I was fascinated with snakes who could swallow their victims whole. Sometimes my grandma asked me to read aloud some fairytales - but if it was Red Riding hood, I couldn't help but lowered my voice as it was coming to the "tense part" because I felt quite uncomfortable about it. Especially, because I saw that exact scene in a way I wasn't able to really understand.
But all I knew was that I liked it. It was just... special.
There were other things too; but it is too much to tell. If shortly, there were thoughts. They came to me periodically; and when they did, I sank in them for an hour or two. Then I was trying to imagine myself as both a pred and a prey - and what it should feel like to be one or another.
Once I decided to search in the Internet for something that could satisfy my needs... And there it was. Vore.
I won't lie if I say that I was scared at first due to my mind, basically, connected vore with cannibalism (the mistake many people make when they come across it for the first time)... I literally suffered after I figured out it was I seeked for. Consequently, I tried to block this part of my nature by completely denying it. But things were getting only worse: I couldn't concentrate on my usual businesses, I felt terrible, I was reading and watching EVERYTHING vore-related, even if I didn't like it at all - but I just had to ease the painful pangs attacking my brain. So, after some time, I gave up. I thought it was the best option because that way at least I wouldn't go crazy about the things and I would be able to go around my day without uncontrollable "hunger" I had for vore. That's what saved me.
Slowly, I understood that I wasn't bad or weird. I was simply built like that - like many other nice people, and there was nothing in vore that would really mean harm to anyone. My mom who was aware about my problems supported me as much as she could - and she accepted my interests without any negative words about it. After giving myself freedom, I could study and filter the information I was consuming and, finally, I discovered what I TRULY liked. I calmed down at last. That's when the blog was started which turned out to be the finishing dot in the book of my struggles.
Now, I'm into vore from the bottom of my heart - and I'm not ashamed of that! As many say, it's OK to be different since there is no threat to others. Our features are what make us - us. It's the truth we should never forget about.
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The Tortured Poets Department (Taylor Swift) - Dateables Part 1
Okay, this album has been by far the hardest to do for the boys. Some of them jumped out at me really quickly but most of these took a lot of thinking and, when thinking failed, I turned to the vibes. A lot of these songs are dark, sad, or introspective which doesn’t lend itself so well to healthy, happy relationships - just as a warning. So here’s part 1 - TTPD the original 17 tracks. There will be a part 2 next week with the songs from the anthology.
Levi: TTPD
Sometimes, I wonder if you're gonna screw this up with me But you told Lucy you'd kill yourself if I ever leave And I had said that to Jack about you, so I felt seen Everyone we know understands why it's meant to be 'Cause we're crazy
This song is a love song even though the person is also making fun of the person they were with, which just seems fitting. It really highlights how both people can be so completely not stable or develop codependency when you’re guided by strong feelings rather than logic. I think Levi is absolutely one of those people who, once he’s in love, is 100% dedicated to his partner and would lowkey be suicidal if that person ever left him. I’m sorry, I say it with love, but Levi absolute is capable of that toxicity. It’s part of his envy, you know? If he can’t have you, there’s no point to anything. I can also imagine MC telling him that they’re just two idiots in love, not some super important people with a modern day perfect love story so he can’t go around over romanticizing everything and getting swept up in the glamour of a relationship rather than the actual relationship itself. 
Lucifer: Fortnight
I touched you for only a fortnight I touched you, I touched you I love you, it's ruining my life
The sound is what leads me to Lucifer’s choices most of the time and this song has the sound/vibes that fit the most for my vision of him. I also think Lucifer is so entirely not thrilled with loving MC; it was never his plan and he’s a lot more reluctant to acknowledge those feelings than some of the other dateables. He’s never struggled with separating friendship or sex from love but, with you, he gets caught up in it. It doesn’t take long, just your brief stint in the Devildom, to make a permanent mark on him and lead him into a love that can’t be ignored or forgotten. He loves you and it’s ruining his life to know that that love will have to end when either you leave or change your mind or die eventually. 
Diavolo: Down Bad
I'll build you a fort on some planet Where they can all understand it How dare you think it's romantic Leaving me safe and stranded
I see this song as MC post Diavolo after he breaks up with them. He’s the kind of person who will always want to put his partner first, even if that means breaking both of their hearts. He loves you more than anything else in this world so he will do anything to make sure you’re safe. Once it’s time for you to return home to human realm, he’s going to to let you go and wish you the best. There’s nothing you can say to him that will make him change his mind and let you stay, not when it’s so much safer and easier for you back there. He knows you can find a good life back home but you know that you’ll never be able to see the human realm the same way again after your adventure. How can you ever go back to normal after that kind of life and love? You can’t and you hate him for taking that away from you. You’d rather be damned and happy with him than safe at home; fuck everything else. 
Mammon: My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
'Cause I knew too much, there was danger in the heat of my touch He saw forever, so he smashed it up, oh, oh My boy (My boy), only breaks his favorite toys, oh, oh
I love Mammon so much that it actually hurt a little to make this his song but I think it just fits him very well. The sound, the lyrics, the idea that a man can love you so much that he has to break your heart. Mammon loves you but Mammon also knows that he destroys everything he touches. He’s scummy and a cheat and thoughtless and selfish and the list goes on. He’s happy with you, happier than he’s ever been in his entire life, but he knows he’s only going to bring you down if you stick around. He does his best to do right and give you the world but it’s always hanging by a string, his sin keeping him one misstep away from losing it all. So he does the only thing he can for both of your sakes - he runs. He’d rather you hate him for leaving than hate him once you realize who he really is. 
Solomon: But Daddy I Love Him
Now I'm running with my dress unbuttoned Screaming "But Daddy I love him!" I'm having his baby No, I'm not, but you should see your faces I'm telling him to floor it through the fences No, I'm not coming to my senses I know he's crazy but he's the one I want
The song sounds like Solomon to the very core. Something about this man makes me think feral country music just fits. Solomon is definitely considered a bit of a madman by anyone who knows him; you try being sane when you’ve lived for thousands of years and have the rest of eternity to go. We all know MC was warned up and down about the shady sorcerer but they ended up falling for him anyway. They don’t care about his past or reputation or mental stability and, honestly, the more people push against the union, the more compelling it is. Deep down, Solomon is a good man and he’s good for MC. They may be a chaotic pair but they love each other to death and have fun the whole while, just them against the world. 
Barbatos: Fresh Out the Slammer
And no matter what I've done, it wouldn't matter anyway Ain't no way I'm gonna screw up now that I know what's at stake here
Finding one for Barbatos was a lot tougher than I expected honestly. The sound of the album fits with him but none of the songs were really sticking with me when I thought about him. This song was the closest I could get because it’s about Taylor serving her time (aka dating someone and suffering) and leaving to return to the person she really wants. I think of this as MC going through everything the brothers and Diavolo put them through, including dying, and how they’re so ready to move on from everything. MC has made a lot of mistakes and they would be afraid to make them with anyone else but with Barbatos there’s no worry about that because he knows everything and is always going to keep them on the right path. He’s there for them every time without fail, waiting for them to ‘come home’ and offering a safe place to land when everything goes wrong. 
Simeon: Guilty as Sin
What if the way you hold me is actually what's holy? If long-suffering propriety is what they want from me They don't know how you've haunted me so stunningly I choose you and me religiously
This song was the very first one to come to me and it was like a lightning strike. Like, hello? Simeon who spends all of his grappling with his less than platonic feelings towards MC. He keeps it sweet, keeps it chaste, keeps it clean but, in his head in the darkness of his room at night, his thoughts are anything but. MC is the only person who makes Simeon feel more like a man than an angel. He feels so so so guilty for the thoughts he has and even though he doesn’t act on them, he feels like he’s just as guilty as if he did because the thoughts are just so strong and never ending. Then we get to watch as he loses this internal struggle against himself and his upbringing until he’s right at MC’s feet, ready to receive whatever they’ll give him. He chooses them because surely nothing they offer him could ever truly be wrong. 
Satan: I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
They shook their heads sayin', "God, help her" When I told 'em he's my man (I told 'em he's my man) But your good Lord didn't need to lift a finger I can fix him, no, really, I can
Satan is great. He’s typically polite and studious and vaguely charming. However, no one can ever forget that he is made up of the darkest parts of Lucifer. To see Satan lose his temper and unleash is sin is to be in serious danger. That’s why the citizens are more terrified of this brother than they are of most of the others. There’s something so deeply disconcerting about a demon that seems so tame having such a wild and deadly side. When you get together with him, onlookers are holding their breath. They warn you about the risks, about how easy it can be to flip the switch in him once he’s passionate, but you’re not worried. You’ve spent all of your time in the Devildom navigating dangerous situations and even more dangerous demons who actually wanted you dead. You’re not afraid of Satan; you know you’re the only one who can tame him and, truly, he’s such a good boy it won’t be very hard work at all. 
Asmo: I Can Do it With a Broken Heart
All the pieces of me shattered as the crowd was chanting, "More" I was grinnin' like I'm winnin' I was hittin' my marks 'Cause I can do it with a broken heart
This is possibly the most depressing song on the album lowkey. It’s so cheerful sounding and you can dance and sing your heart out but the lyrics make you want to cry. I think this song is so Asmo coded because we watch him perform for his fanclub and for strangers all the time. He always has to look his best, be charming, be flirty. He’s expected to be this wonderful ray of sunshine to everyone he meets and to never show a single flaw - that includes any negative feelings as well because, let’s be honest, emotions can be very ugly things to witness. So he keeps any anger or sadness or bitterness tucked carefully away where no one can see it. You won’t ever see Asmo fall apart in public. You won’t ever set it at all, actually, because Asmo can live through the worst things in the world and still come out a superstar on the other side and you don’t get there by letting anyone see you cry. 
Belphie: Smallest Man Who Ever Lived
Were you sent by someone who wanted me dead? Did you sleep with a gun underneath our bed? Were you writin' a book? Were you a sleeper cell spy? In fifty years, will all this be declassified? And you'll confess why you did it and I'll say, "Good riddance" 'Cause it wasn't sexy once it wasn't forbidden
Belphie, Belphie, Belphie. I would’ve given him something lighter if I could have but, with the options I was offered, this song was truly the one that made the most sense. Taylor feels so incredibly betrayed and confused in this song; it’s less about wanting revenge or belittling the man behind it and more about getting some closure. MC doesn’t see it coming at all when Belphie goes in for the kill. To them, they have a wonderful friend (maybe something more), someone they’re doing their best to save, only to have that person turn right around and stab them in the back. It’s heartbreaking and trust shattering, and MC can’t help all of the questions running through their mind at the end about why Belphie is doing what he’s doing and, in the end, the why doesn’t matter as much anymore either - just that he was willing to commit such betrayal says everything they need to know. 
Beel: The Alchemy
Call the amateurs and cut 'em from the team Ditch the clowns, get the crown Baby, I'm the one to beat 'Cause the sign on your heart Said it's still reserved for me Honestly, who are we to fight thе alchemy?
Any song about Travis belongs to Beel simply because they are the same person. Let’s be honest, what else could I possibly have put with him? Three guesses what his song is for part two. Anyway, Beel is just here to love and be loved. The man has been struck by tragedy and kept his heart closed to any one but his family for a long time but then you come along and he starts to open up again. You have a bunch of other demons fighting for your time and attention but you know that Beel is the only one for you. There’s no point in pursuing anyone else or him trying to fight the growing feelings because you’re going to end up together regardless. It doesn’t matter how slow it moves or how many times one of you goes back and forth either - the alchemy is going to turn whatever relationship you have into gold and it’ll last. 
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chibivesicle · 1 year
The woes of running a secret organization; Steven’s burden and complex partnership with K.K.
It is time for some manga meta for Kekkai Sensen!  Yes, we will be delving into manga only content through Back 2 Back and the Calamity Auction arc.  Anyone who has been reading my meta since Golden Kamuy means I have a love of certain types of characters and Steven and K.K. really fall into that type.
I’m really interested to delve into Steven first and then K. K. (in a later post) but she’ll be in this one for sure because K. K. is intimately tied to Steven all the time in the manga (and I don’t mean in a sexual sort of way).
My previous Steven meta was only based on the anime for the most part and up through episode 7 of season 2.  Which really is more stuff from what should have happened before events of season 1.  Yet, I digress.  I’ve already put out there that Steven has an immense sadness about him in part with how he’s alone and has been making life choices to keep himself alone.
One should always be concerned if this is how you encounter him in the dead of night.
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Steven is the ice cold pragmatist to Klaus’ fire filled idealism.  Certainly, one always needs to look for that single flicker of light but Klaus can state this openly since someone else is in the dark corners trying to make sure it happens.  That being Steven.
Kekkai Sensen characterization and moral conflict scenes
Early on when Steven and K. K. take on the first named Blood Breed in the 23rd Street Station, K. K. gives him absolute shit for being with such a black hearted man.  This implies that K. K. is knowledgeable or bold enough to verbally acknowledge that Steven doesn’t always do things above the board.  Which likely means that Klaus has to know this as well on some level.  Klaus isn’t naive, he’s more compassionate than most but will still crush you if you are inhumane. 
Early on, Steven is set up as the deadpan snarker, with a quick quip or sarcastic comment.  He loves his coffee and can get seriously hangry (where is my subway sandwich?) and does a lot of boring paperwork that no one else does. 
We learn that in ‘Day In Day Out’ about his swanky condo, sophisticated, educated circle of human friends.  Who aren’t really good friends.
It says a lot that he’s got Mrs. Veded as his Beyondian housekeeper with whom he is relaxed and chill with.  He even appreciates her roast beef enough to smile softly commenting on it. 
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We also get to see how his relaxed clothing is a white dress shirt, dark pants and slippers.  Not only is he in his own home, but Steven is always on guard when out and about.  It took me a few reads of this to notice that the manga showing his slippers indicates that he is safe with her.  He’s not wearing his special Esmeralda Blood Freeze shoes.
I am always a sucker for domestic scenes and love the one with him chopping and cooking with Mrs. Veded for his party.  The first person to arrive is Ellen with her new boyfriend/male fling/something.
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Steven is blushing hardcore as he smiles at first.  I think it is pretty clear that they were involved romantically at some point in time previously.  This is backed up by the next page.  They hug while the other guy is just standing there and Ellen even tells Veded that her tentacles look great which is like your hair looks great.  I think.  She then finally introduces her date.
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That is totally a sort of, yeah here was my past fling current date vibe there.  The other guests then start to arrive.  Everyone seems to know that Steven is overworked and they joke about helping him to party more.
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What is most telling though is when he approaches Veded.  We can see that his shoes are his work shoes.  If he felt okay with the guests, than he’d perhaps wear non-vampire hunting shoes, but he’s got them on.
He thanks Veded for her help and makes it very very clear that she’s done for the night.  Only after she leaves does he get a severe expression and tells himself to get things started.
There are almost two pages of all the guests at the dinner party talking to each other in groups while Steven is - completely absent.  We only see him when he volunteers to get beer for a few people who are out from the kitchen.  When his back is turned to them, they all draw their bioweapons on him and it becomes awkward as they request that he come with them or else.  They lay down their job to capture him as a key member of Libra and he at first tries to jest with them.
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His snark is on full force when he thanks them for not killing him violently and destroying his place.  But even more so that if they wasted that precious Veded roast beef.  If Steven cares about you - he really takes anything related to you seriously.  Was that roast beef made with care and attention?  Yes, thus, the roast beef is to be protected!
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The entire group is frozen by his Needles of Absolute Zero attack and then he proceeds to tell them how they blew it.  The manga takes it even further with more examples of his observations of various people.  His comment about Ellen’s perfume continues the idea that they had been involved when he tells her, that she was previously worried about it being too strong.  You’d have to be up close and personal for someone to worry enough about if your perfume is too strong for them. 
They of course think that Steven has Libra do his dirty work but that is not the case, he reveals to them that he’s got his own squad to deal with threats like this - ones that can impact key members of Libra, like himself and eliminate them before they get to the rest of the team.  Their job is to maintain balance and Steven will maintain that balance.
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Steven is also bold enough to reveal that Klaus wouldn’t condone what is about to happen to them with his personal crew but that being interrogated is not going to be good.
He leaves his subordinate to clean things up while he goes out for fresh air with a look of utter defeat and sadness.  The man can’t even have a dinner party without people wanting to kidnap/torture/kill him.  Fun times.  The fact that he goes out alone and then thinks back to the friends he froze and sent off for intel purposes.  That has got to suck on so many levels, but what would you do? Let them kill you? Use you to hurt your friends and colleagues and disrupt that balance?
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His entire lambasting of himself for having too much fun and being normal is sad and pathetic in the worst way possible.  He can’t have any happiness or friends with his job.
Which is why when Veded stops by to check in on him with the party already being over it is so heart warming. He gets to thank her properly.  Technically, his party was a complete failure but she was great.  He also is polite and friendly with her kids.  How many times do humans in Kekkai Sensen act totally normal with Beyondians besides Leo that we see?
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This entire interaction between Steven and Veded’s family and the cat shows that he’s someone who cares about all of the residents of HL and wants to protect all of them.  He also gives thanks and means it, not some sort of lip service.  Other than Leo, the only other character who has totally normal actions with Beyondians on a regular basis is Klaus, but Klaus is the ultimate example of this.  This is also before Zed joined their team so the current Libra line up lacked a full non-human.
Another aspect of Steven that is established very early on in volume 1 is how he will act when someone acts against Libra.  In this case, it is when Leo was kidnapped. 
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He is organizing the entire team to rescue Leo to make it clear that whatever you do, Libra will comeback with way more force to make you suffer.  And the rest of the team doesn’t have an issue with this policy, they all follow it and operate with full force to stop the other party.  AKA, You hurt someone on my team, I will make you suffer tenfold more. 
We also get another example of Steven using any means necessary to acquire information in volume 6 about criminal activity in the city.  Including seducing a police officer and stealing a USB drive from her.  He clearly left her hot and bothered and is strolling along alone before spotting Klaus.  Whatever they were up to, he took of his jacket and tie and unbuttoned his dress shirt and things were getting heated.  Until he isn’t and he quickly makes himself presentable for the general public (which in his case is tie and jacket).
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He’s cold as he shows him the drive.  Klaus didn’t even ask him to tell him about it, and Steven isn’t cocky either.
However, this is really it for the first ten volumes.  We know he has his personal squad for dirty but necessary deeds, has definitely used his sex appeal to his advantage and is very protective of those he cares about.
The story continues on with Kekkai Sensen Back 2 Back for another ten volumes.
Kekkai Sensen Back 2 Back increases the stakes for Steven’s actions
We get the return of Steven’s personal clean up squad, who also get some more fleshed out information than just being giant thugs.
The background is made clear, for two weeks, Klaus is traveling around the world for Libra business with Gilbert and K. K.  That’s right, Steven’s most frequent partner is out of the country.
We learn that Zapp and Zed are in the hospital after being seriously injured by a foe they barely escaped.  This indirectly tells us that someone is out there targeting Libra while Klaus, K.K. and Gilbert are away.  This means that Steven is in charge.
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Patrick really hammers this home for the reading making it obvious that this was not normal and we get this guy named Garrett introduced.  He decides to purchase something crazy dangerous and Patrick is concerned about giving him something so powerful.
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But in the end, he heads out (notice the number of deadbolts on that door!).
Of course this random guy named Garrett is immediately drawn in such a way that we are suspicious of him.  He looks like he’s just walking calmly away but then we see his face shaded in darkness.  He’s got an agenda for sure.
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Obvious suspicious character warning 101 right here.  He proceeds to go into a diner.  A lithe individual with a baseball cap and glasses sits down next to him and does something super fast to connect to the man’s phone.  The mysterious team gain critical information and decide it is time to contact “Frost”.  I’m sorry Steven, but pick a better code name  9_9 . 
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They speak simply in fear of someone else overhearing them and we can only think who will be woken up.  As in these individuals aren’t free to do their own things and have a specific job.
Garrett drives to an abandoned alleyway and arrives at his meeting place.  Only to find Steven alone.  He at first seems concerned and when he realizes it is Steven his eyes fly open in shock.
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We see a very closed off and cold Steven.  He’s still slouching but subdued and not looking up either.  He is incredibly calm as he addresses Garrett making it clear that the jig is up and Garrett should give up.
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Of course, those who he was working with appear.  It is the woman from before directly addressing him for figuring out that they’d infiltrated Libra.  Thus, Steven is also using himself as bait to draw out the nefarious party.  However, he makes it clear that Steven’s behavior is one where he lacks trust in them.
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I would think that it is less about Steven not trusting them, but more that it is his job to protect them from having to deal with this.  Or that he feels that it is his job to protect the rest of the team from this dirty work.  Additionally, Steven wants to punish those who hurt his teammates. Way back in chapter 4, Steven made it clear if someone fucks with Libra they will respond in kind.  Of course he hasn’t changed how he feels about these sorts of things since he first appeared in volume 1.  She seriously injured Zed and Zapp and Steven is not going to let her forget about that.
His squad is able to pin down the tricky tentacle monster and he asks if they are going to kill her or not.  Yet, it seems that she might be in trouble having tussled with them even if they try to get information out of her.  Steven maintains a straight face at Garrett looks concerned.
The expression from Steven where he looks dumbfounded that Garrett is assuming that he’s a cold-blooded man seeing all beings as disposable which is harsh.  However, he does add that what will happen to her isn’t going to be pleasant.  Intelligence seems sexy when you think of James Bond movies and Spy x Family, but so much of it represents an incredibly dark side of human nature.  Think more along the lines of Tinker Tailor Solider Spy.  Focusing on the lack of humanity demonstrated by the agents and the KGB and what snippets we get today from US intelligence etc etc etc.
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What is most interesting is that Steven takes the time to explain why he’s doing what he’s doing.  Which honestly, I don’t think Garrett needs or deserves this since the context would imply that Garrett was a voluntary defector trying to take down Libra.  The fact that he was eavesdropping on Leo’s conversation with Patrick and Neyka implies that Garrett was confirming that she hurt them and likely helped her to cross paths with them.
Steven is completely business about this.  He is managing a crisis, where he has a rat who has compromised the nature of Libra.  Yes, he’s going to find out what Garrett knows methodically.
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In the face of such a terrifying thought, Garrett of course asks if this is the real Steven and throws out the obvious comparison to Klaus, upright to a fault.  This was the absolutely worst thing that he could say to Steven.  His eyes narrow and his expression becomes so awful that Garrett is shocked.
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The bottom panel shows a man who is beyond upset.  He’s sad, disappointed, angry, resigned, foul, and worn out.  Steven doesn’t want to do this.  It isn’t like he gets up in the morning wondering if he’ll get to interrogate a traitor, who already injured several of his colleagues and was going to injure more.
The action then shifts to the morning as they had limited time to act at night to capture Garrett and get to work.  Steven is outside talking with his assistant as they discuss Garrett’s words about what Klaus would think about the situation.  The assistant notes that even though Klaus would ultimately reach the same conclusion, he would have tried to take on the pain of someone like Garrett until his actions resulted in the inevitable self-destruction by his actions, likely at the hands of Libra.
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The nameless aid is trying his best to make Steven feel better.  He believes that one who is the direct aide to a leader is to keep that leader on their path by dealing with things that would distract them and prevent them from being overburdened with more responsibilities.  And here, I 100% think that Steven’s aide believes this and is how he does his job as the coordinator for Steven’s squad.
Steven ask him to confirm the statement and he makes it clear that it is the truth.  However,  the blank expression on Steven’s face tells us that he doesn’t have that sort of faith in his actions.  First, hesitant to speak and then only to say “That would be nice, but” and he never completes the statement.
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The rest of the team wants him to return since they are having a post-mission office party.  I mean, gotta keep up team morale for preventing more damage to Libra.  In the end, Steven approves a drink for the strange baby genius and we never get to learn what Steven is thinking but it is clear that he does feel guilty and doesn’t want this to be a part of his job. 
This entire chapter shows that Steven is willing to do that it takes to protect the balance, in the city, within Libra and his friends and colleagues. 
But this chapter is a teaser preview for the next time that Steven wonders what is right and necessary in a crisis. Again, when he is in charge since Klaus was arrested and he ordered Steven to take the rest of the team and escape.
The evil human eating pot broke open releasing a monstrous creature that Leo rescued and took to the hospital.  Using the All Seeing Eyes of the Gods, he determines that the horrible creature is what remains of some of the victims of the pot and the auction house wants it returned to them to put back in the pot.
What is also important to note is that most of the team are present, K. K., Zapp, Zed, Leo and Steven.  Leo reveals to the group that the ‘thing’ is human and Steven hunches over it asking if it is alive.
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The group needs to determine what to do next.  He then looks to the medical professionals for an opinion, where they aren’t sure what to do other than note, it is seriously messed up.  Steven knows that it will likely draw trouble to them or cause more so he keeps his back to them when he tells them to leave.  The flushed expression on his face and inability to see his eyes tells us that he’s thinking of how to put it out of its misery.
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He’s officially the one in charge and he’s thinking about what is the least risky thing to do.  Leo argues back that the children that were fed to it are still alive and this wasn’t their choice.  But the one who agrees with Steven is Zapp who manifests his blade and tells Leo to think rationally.  The easiest way is to prevent it from returning to the jar and completing the curse.
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Zapp is thinking that these already non-humans have to be sacrificed to prevent the worse option from happening.
However, Zed then jumps in to fight Zapp, agreeing with Leo that it isn’t their place to kill it.  What is really great about the entire scene is that no morality is black or white and the Libra team are all using slightly different ways to look at the exact same situation.  As Zed and Zapp come to blows, Luciana stops them and makes it clear that no one is fighting or killing anything in the hospital. 
Steven then asks if they can remove it from the hospital to destroy it elsewhere.  The facial expression that he has is just so - ugh - why are you trying to hold this entire burden yourself Steven?
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Yes, you are going to use the letter of the law to defeat the spirit of the law.  He looks absolutely terrible trying to think about what to do to protect everyone else.  Unlike the previous chapter with his interrogation squad and their hyper rational mindset that a second in command must do what ever it takes to support their leader, K. K. finally speaks having sat quietly in the background.  She does not mince her words, instead she acts like the brakes on his runaway train of thought.  Asking if he’s sure about it and using his full name for emphasis.  And then asking the question again implying he’d drop to the level he’s thinking about going.
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And as she asks him, she furthermore tells him that she thought he was on the same page as Klaus and his beliefs.  This causes him to snap back into the situation.  We can see that his eyes are back to being both focused and more open in shock at her direct words to him.  K. K. isn’t screaming at him or being passionate, she delivered her words calmly and directly.  And it works.  The grim unfocused expression then becomes aware and  we can see his facial expression has shifted to tense and upset.  He was literally trying to disassociate himself from the situation until K. K. drags him back from the abyss.
Now, that pause is good as it stops Steven from snowballing himself to his own personal mental hell and more guilt.  It is also bad as it has given the brutal Tycoon brothers time to arrive to steal it back.  As their vampire gate manifests above him we see the look of absolute fear on Steven’s face as he’s seriously fucked.
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With the situation spiraling out of control, it speaks to the level of trust between Steven and K. K.  The two of them immediately spring into action to give the rest of the team time to escape.  Steven’s kick is blocked and he gets tossed over K. K. who dodges him and manages to get close range shots at them.
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K. K. may have questioned Steven’s potential action but she’s still going to defend her partner.  With Steven down for a short time, K. K. orders Leo, Zapp and Zed to leave.  Zapp tries to get in on the action -
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Only for Steven to tell him to retreat.  K. K. and Steven are better equipped to fight them and they need someone to protect Leo and the escaped merged human monster from the pot.  The way that K. K. and Steven naturally stand up and next to each other shows that they know what the need to do.  Additionally, neither of them actually exchanged words.  Both of them gave orders to the rest of the group and not to each other.  This is different than our earlier K. K. and Steven scenes where Steven tries to keep them focused and K. K. complains about being teamed up with him.  They’ve fully accepted and understand how they work as a team. 
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To convince Zapp to retreat, Steven still has to tell Zapp that he needs to do so and that he trusts him enough to figure out how to make things work.  Steven is an excellent manager of people and it shows when Zapp stands down.
Of course the situation becomes dire as Steven and K. K. get seriously wounded trying to take on the brothers.  Only Leo is able to step in to mess with their vision thus allowing for both groups to retreat.
Is the fact that Steven got seriously wounded sort of karmic for thinking about destroying it?  Likely not, as K. K. also suffered the same fate.
When Leo is on the run with the child monster of the pot, it is Steven who sneaks out of the hospital with K. K. of course.  I find it adorable that he apologizes to her as though his actions are inconveniencing her and she only smiles in reply knowing that he would not be able to sit back and recover while Leo was in danger.
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K. K. knows him too well and she only can tease him that he’d have to become involved.  The humor then shifts when Steven gets to some sort of stash he has in a parking garage.  K. K. then gets to bitch at him for having a hidden change of clothing (since it is clearly a personal stash for him).  But the second panel is adorable.  We see his hand already wearing his blue shirt hold out a spare pair of pants.  And he apologizes asking if they would be okay.  Both Steven and K. K. are blushing as she accepts it.  You can see the blush under Steven’s right eye and K. K. under her left.  But that’s not all, being the gentleman that he is, he continues to change in the garage with his back to her as she puts on the pants in the car.
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He unlocks his phone and gets on the Libra network while tightening his tie.  All Libra members are to find and protect Leo.  Right after sending it, he gets a backlog of Klaus’ texts to him after he broke out of jail.  That look of absolute shock as Steven has returned to his full strict mom mode.
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That look of annoyance as he can’t get a hold of Klaus!  As the Calamity Auction arc comes to an end, the group are able to reconnect with Klaus and Leo at the shifting dimensional auction house.  As the hardworking teammates return to his aid, Klaus gives them a simple “Thank you.”
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He’s looking a little rough around the edges but had committed to protecting Leo and the inhuman-human pot victim.  The expression on Steven’s face as Klaus continues to say that he’s been waiting for them.  Interestingly, this time, when we only see Steven’s mouth and nose, we don’t need to worry about if his eyes look unfocused and burdened.  The serious expression, softens to a grin and we know that Steven is glad to have Klaus back. 
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They are best when they are all functioning as a team.  I look at it this way, Libra is the extra-governmental organization that maintains the balance of the worlds.  And within Libra itself each team member maintains balance within the organization to give the world balance.  The entire team rushed there to help Klaus so he didn’t hold the burden alone with Leo.  They are stronger as a team than as individuals.
Another great scene is in the chaotic final a battle, K. K. and Steven work together to hamper part of Curious’ personal team.  K. K. spots the monitoring spy eye.  She shoots it out preventing a remote response.
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And right after K. K. does her job, Steven steps in to finish it off after K. K.’s electrified bullets do their action.  Again, no verbal communication between these two.  They really work well together.
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Seriously, the level of understanding between them is great.
What I really liked about the whole season of Back 2 Back was how it took a lot of the moral grey area questions and pulled them front and center.  It continues to force the cast to ask themselves hard questions to which there are no correct answers to.  Instead, those questions are answered on each person’s individual morality and limits.  What actions can these people take and still sleep well at night.  What is something they cannot do.
Steven is a complex character - and therefore, likely why many readers really like him.  He isn’t someone who does questionable things because they are the most logical or rational way to act in the situation.  He’s doing them out of his role in Libra, to protect others and to maintain the balance in the big picture.  He tries to carry the burden of his actions and finds himself not convinced by the words of his own personal problem solving squad.  Which tells us that he likely wants to be able to be more like Klaus or Leo than like them. 
Steven understands worry -  I think back to the first volume where Steven sees how worried Klaus is - trying to look calm when Leo was kidnapped and then reminding himself that Klaus is tying himself in knots.  It is clear that any member of the cast can slide down that slippery slope of ‘but it was required for the cause.’  I feel like there is more to the interaction in the hospital as Zapp does not hesitate to second what Steven is thinking.  Zapp doesn’t want to do something terrible but he also thinks of the bigger picture.  Zed falls on the other side making them a two versus two.  Until K. K. steps in and calls Steven out.  It goes to show how much Steven respects K. K. and likely does not see her as someone to give orders to like Zapp, Leo or Zed and instead sees her as a peer.
Steven was clearly betrayed in the past - What I really want are Steven and K. K.’s backstories.  I think that it would really inform us of how they came to be and why both of them are so strong and stubborn at times.  I can’t help but think that Steven’s scar came from a situation where his trust was betrayed or someone in charge seriously fucked up.  He will not let that shit happen again, not with his team the only people he cares about besides his housekeeper.  And the general public at large.
K. K. is Steven’s other half - The two of them are an amazing pair.  They don’t need to speak and when they do, they are either apologizing or annoying the other one.  Yet, they totally respect each other.  Steve keeps K. K. serious and focused at times while she prevents him from digging himself into a deeper moral black hole. 
Steven is overly involved in making sure that things work and it clearly is something that he feels like he has to do or need to do.  When there might be other options.
Daniel Law leaves us off with his own personal motto, “It is my general rule to not trust anyone.” 
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Sooooo really, Steven has more faith in people than our police detective. 
In the future, Steven, please get a therapist.  Take some time off for a spa day, shopping for new [same] yellow ties, trying to get his messy hair styled, reading multiple print newspapers and drink high quality small batch roasted coffee.  Or buy more artwork for your swanky condo and most importantly, please sleep.
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extralively · 5 months
Sooooo, I just caught up to your latest chapter upload 😭 And umm.... I think my heart just grew 10 sizes 🥹.
Dear heavens above, please keep the Gojo-Wakatsuki-Fushiguro family safe. 🙏 I mean, they've been giving family vibes since Book 1, but this latest chapter is a whole other level.
Yura being fiercely protective of Tsumiki (like a real mom), Megumi being supportive and watching over Tsumiki, Tsumiki being concerned for everybody in spite of her condition and her need for recovery, and Satoru being such a provider and an absolute pillar of resilience, doing his best to hold it all together and even bring the four of them back to his own apartment. Like, okay Dad.
And Tsumiki is a sorcerer now! UAHDKGHASDGK
How do I properly compute this information..? Canon-divergence go BRRRRR~ Let's gooooo 🔥🔥🔥.
Also Yura the Curse Breaker is one hell of a title. 🔥🔥🔥
(I am wondering if Tsumiki turning into a sorcerer is because of Yura, or if it's just an aftereffect of Yura dismantling Tsumiki's curse. 👀 Strongly speculating that Tsumiki has Yorozu's curse technique, but I'll be here waiting patiently for whatever you have planned for 'Miki as the story progresses.. I'm so happy she's alive and well istg 🥹😭)
Side note: There's the rare and occasional story where Tsumiki is present alongside Gojo's love interest and Megumi, and I feel so bad for Tsumiki most of the time, because imagine being a normal human in a "family" full of sorcerers. I don't care how loving that family is portrayed to be, it still has to be an isolating experience. Being the odd one out always sucks, but I guess that depends on the person anyways. Some actually revel in being the odd one out... (👀 looking at you, Suguru, and your biological family of non-sorcerers).
And and and... the way Satoru and Yura both notice that there's something different about the way they look at each other throughout this chapter and just can't find the name for it actually kills me (in the best way). 🥹😭
Also her stuff in his closet? HADJSGKG Might as well live together at this point. 😭
These two have been falling deeper and deeper in love as this story progresses and they're hopelessly oblivious, and I know they're getting it together (in baby steps). 💘 It sends an arrow straight through my heart every time. The payoff when they realize it and acknowledge it themselves is going to be sooooo....
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...She’d missed this. She’d missed him. Yura didn’t think twice before turning around in his arms, her whole body then sagging into him as pure relief washed over her .....she did push herself closer... and finally, she actually felt at home.
Home is where they're all together as a family... 🏡
Also, home = Satoru... Yura, you're so in love with him, how can you willfully brush it under the rug every time?
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he held her close—unwilling to let go. (He’d stayed up a while after she had gone to sleep, just enjoying the way she felt back in his arms, before his own exhaustion took over and he too passed out.) --- Satoru turned his head, his gaze meeting hers. He hated seeing her eyes filled with worry again, and this time it was worry over him. He wanted to make it go away, he wanted to see her eyes lighting up with joy instead of this; he wished one of his abilities were snapping his fingers and making everything right again, but there was only so much that even the strongest could accomplish. So he only turned his body to her, pressing his face against her shoulder. Yura seemed surprised for a moment, but one of her hands eventually slid up his neck, slipping into his hair. Don’t worry about me, he wanted to say. His hands came up to her waist, lightly gripping at her shirt. Don’t worry about me or I’ll worry about you. —he’d lost Suguru, but he hadn’t lost her
"I hope I never lose you, hope it never ends~" 🎶🎧
There's something so sweet and tender and wonderful about being emotionally vulnerable and intimate with someone on this level in spite of the shit storm surrounding you.
Someone play this song on repeat for them until they realize it all, please. I'm begging~ 😭🙏 YOU'RE IN LOVE... They're so in love. 😩😭
One night he wakes Strange look on his face Pauses, then says You're my best friend And you knew what it was He is in love
Satoruuuuu, the signs~ the signs, I'm telling youuuu~ 😭😩
Your fic's an emotional rollercoaster, and I don't ever want to leave. 😁 I can't thank you enough for writing it and sharing it... always~
This message was an emotional rollercoaster, and I appreciated every bit of it ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
Satoru and Yura are so in love that their subconscious have already 100% accepted it, even if they won't actually put it into words. Like they've already accepted that they're a little family, and Yura's brain has already cemented that THESE ARE MY KIDS ILL KILL WHOEVER TRIES TO HURT THEM
(that's also me looking @ canon)
And yes, Yura has a whole section of her stuff in Satoru's closet now, just like Satoru has a drawer full of his stuff at her place too ehehe. Actually, they've got a bunch of each other's stuff scattered around their apartments, they're like halfway living together now--clothes, shoes, toothbrushes, other bathroom products... I mean, if someone were to just walk into Yura's place it would be painfully obvious that she has a boyfriend lol (Satoru's place is big so you'd have to go to his bedroom, but then yep, there's a woman living there too)
Tsumiki is one of them now! I wasn't actually planning for it initially lol but then it just made sense. Now I'm having to plan for more of her presence in later events, but that should be fun hehe. I'll just say that I'm planning stuff, but anything else would spoilers (◡‿◡✿)
But yeah, she was the odd one out in their little family (and any fics that actually bother to include her lmao). I think she might not have felt it so strongly growing up since Megumi wasn't a full-blow sorcerer at that point, but I think she'd eventually feel a little left out whenever she couldn't be included in jujutsu business. But not anymore tho!! ಠ⌣ಠ
Anyway, things are going to get a little bit better for them now (before it gets worse oop), so get ready for some fluffy but emotional moments in the next couple of chapters or so! And as always, thank you so much for reading and commenting like this <333 It truly is what keeps me writing, being able to share it with you guys <333 Thank you so much!
(...also there's a new School Stories oneshot incoming, beware ಠ‿ಠ)
EDIT: also lemme jam to that song while writing the next fluffy moment between them ᕕ(⌐■_■)ᕗ ♪♬
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