jazzbeary · 1 year
Fungi: mycelium
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xxanonymessxx · 4 months
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To continue my art dump....
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mycoblogg · 1 year
Hello! I see you use the word "mycorrhizal" often, what does it mean?
a "mycorrhiza" refers to a symbiotic relationship between fungi & green plants. a mycorrhizal association will occur when a fungus plays a role in a plant's root system.
"in a mycorrhizal association, the fungus colonizes the host plant's root tissues, either intracellularly as in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, or extracellularly as in ectomycorrhizal fungi. the association is normally mutualistic. in particular species, or in particular circumstances, mycorrhizae may have a parasitic association with host plants."
you can read more about it here (link) !! <3
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pineforest-tapeloop · 2 months
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Today I found these golden chantanelle mushroom! These sporophores are from a mycorrhizal fungi which has either associations with birch trees or some kind of conifer, since I found these near those trees. They are easy to spot and safe to eat so I plucked a bunch of them for our barbeque in the evening. My girlfriends family was very happy to get the chance to taste them. They tasted very well, with a slight hint of spice.
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peptechscience · 4 months
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Mycorrhiza Fertilizer | Peptech Biosciences | Manufacturer and Exporter
Do you know? Mycorrhiza fertilizer is enriched with helpful fungi that team up with plant roots. These fungi boost nutrient absorption, improve soil quality, and foster robust plant growth. It's a great choice for eco-friendly gardening and promoting healthy plants naturally. For more information visit peptechbio website.
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onehourgameplay · 2 years
Mycorrhiza - 1080p Gameplay, Walkthrough. ▲One Hour Gameplay #Mycorrhiza #1080p #Gameplay #Walkthrough #OneHourGameplay
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bees-with-swords · 1 year
The trees don't "help" each other. They don't "decide" to let the fungus in. All they know is that when they call for help, the fungus answers. Without the fungus, they'd be nothing. It's like if a government was part of your body. It's the closest thing they have to a god. Isn't there something horrifying about that, deep down. God exists and you can't escape it. God exists and you can't live without it. God exists and spends every day ensuring that your brother's blood flows through your veins. Deep, deep in your DNA, there is a pact that links you all to the beast underground.
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fungus AM
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rebeccathenaturalist · 5 months
Bizarre question for worldbuilding: what kind of fungus would be best at interfacing with electronics? Whether that be actively picking up and transmitting signals or just wiring itself into a keyboard and manipulating it that way; it's a librarian, so I don't have to be picky. I was thinking a cordyceps, but if you have better ideas, I am all (wood) ears!
@specsthespectraldragon Honestly, I think any mycorrhizal fungus would work. The mycorrhizal network of fungal mycelium is already thought to function as a communication network among trees and other plants (though to what degree is debatable.) The signals in a mycorrhizae are chemical rather than electric; there's some evidence for plants sending electrical signals, but I believe that's largely between different parts of one plant rather than among multiple individuals.
Of course, you're working within a fictional setting, so feel free to mess about with this as much as you want. If your world's scientists have discovered that plants evolved ways to extend their electrical signalling capabilities to the mycorrhizae through the fungal mycelium, I think that would be a perfectly reasonable bit of science fiction to toss in there.
Good luck with your project; it sounds like a lot of fun!
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cainhowlett · 1 year
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Calypso bulbosa. Hand pulled prints
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turtlesandfrogs · 2 years
So on dendryte's suggestion, I read a paper called "Feed your friends: do plant exudates shape the root microbiome?", and it is awesome and filled with ideas that were new to me, and all in all was very exciting. Like, I didn't even know about/remember border cells, and they apparently do a whole lot! I'm back from work now, so now I'm going to share the Questions I have, and am going to spend the weekend looking for sources on:
1. As crop rotation was developed for a tilled, monoculture system as a way to address the disease issues that pop up in such a system, is crop rotation actually beneficial in a no-till, truly polyculture setting where care is taken to support mycorrhizae?
As we know know that plants alter the population of bacteria in the soil, and that these population compositions differ between plant species, is it possible that there might be some benefits to planting the same crop in the same location if you're not disrupting microbe populations through tilling?
2. Since we know that applications of nitrogen can cause plants to kick out their symbiotic fungal partners, increasing their vulnerability to pathogenic fungi & drought, might it be better to place fertilizer outside of the root zone so as to force the plant to use the mycelium to get at it?
How far can mycorrhizal networks transport mineral nutrients? Are they capable of transporting all the mineral nutrients plants need? In other words, can I make a compost pile in the middle of the garden and be lazy and depend on the fungal network to distribute the goods?
3. How deep can fungal hyphe go? In other words, in areas with shallow wells, and thus fairly shallow water tables, can we encourage mycorrhizae enough to be able to depend on them for irrigation?
4. For folks on city water, does the chlorine effect plants' microbiome both above and below ground?
5. When do plants start producing exudates? If you had soil from around actively growing plants of the same species you're sowing, could the bacteria and fungi play a role in early seedling vigor & health?
6. Has anyone directly compared the micronutrient profiles of the same crop grown in organic but tilled settings against those grown in no-till, mycorrhizae-friendly settings?
7. Since we know that larger molecules, such as sugar, can be transported across fungal networks between different species (Suzanne Simard is where I first food this info) , have we checked for other compounds created by plants? Say, compounds used by plants to protect against insect herbivory?
8. Since we know blueberries use ericoid mycorrhizae rather than endo- or ectomycorrhizae (which are the two types used by most plants), but gaultheria (salal & winter green) use both ericoid & ectomycorrhizae, and alder uses both endo & ectomycorrhizae (and fix nitrogen too!), and clover use endomycorrhizae, might blueberries be more productive if there's a nearby hedge of salal/wintergreen, alder, and clover? Willows and aspens also both use endo & ecto, so they could be included, and the trees could also be coppiced for firewood or basketry supplies.
I'm going to spend some time this weekend reading research papers. If anyone happens to know any that address these (or related questions), please send them my way!
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xxanonymessxx · 4 months
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I drew my boy Kazuki as Argenti from HSR (Argenzuki?)
Putting the night in knight of beauty eh? (Im so funny)
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sweetpea-sprite · 1 year
i wanna make another nnk meta post but like i've already DONE the politics one what the fuck do i do now
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rotten-pest · 4 months
In a fight my muse…
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Bold the applicable, italicize if more situational or nuanced for what fits your muse tries in battle.
-closes distance / makes distance
-uses overwhelming force / whittles down an opponent
-can endure a long fight / cannot
-is quick to start a fight / is rarely the instigator
-tries to dodge / tries to block
-uses psychological tactics / focuses on martial approach
-is a graceless fighter / elegant fighter
-values honor / uses dirty tactics
-accepts defeat / begs for mercy / cuts and runs
Inspired by a few things across rp tumblr, feel free to elaborate more if you’d like. And feel free to modify as needed for multi-muse blogs. Repost please instead of rbing!
Tagging: @izar-tarazed @yellowfingcr @miserycorde @fishermcn @hexenjagd @wanderer-among-undead and YOU!!
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alpinezro · 4 months
going into my dark tomato closet that i forgot about for a week and pulling my bolting yellowing sweet 100 out of the dungeon only to see one perfect tiny tomato. my boy
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tenth-sentence · 2 years
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi develop, outside the root of their host, a highly branched system (mycelium) of hyphae (fine filamentous structures 2 to 10 μm in diameter) that explores the soil (Figure 5.12).
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"Plant Physiology and Development" int'l 6e - Taiz, L., Zeiger, E., Møller, I.M., Murphy, A.
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