dokidoki-tae · 5 years
myinkandtrees replied to your post: I’m still not over the interview…im kicking myself...
I"m sure you did well Shay! After interviews we always think of what we could have done better and based on that we judge ourselves rather badly :/ But i’m sure you did amazing!
Thank you, Aubrey ;~; I hopre you’re right! I need to tell myself that even if I don’t get hired, that doesn’t mean I never will! But I’m crossing my fingers! I just hate I have to wait a week ahhhhhh
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grundyscribbling · 6 years
@myinkandtrees replied to my earlier appeal for prompts with the following:
What about something having to do with Arwen? Maybe Arwen trying to "fit in" with the humans, and if not that Arwen + morality? 
(Thank you again!)
Apparently, by ‘drabble or two’ I actually meant ‘short fic’, because despite me thinking it would be drabblish, it ended up at slightly more than 1000 words. 
She had known it would not be easy. Arwen Undomiel is no daughter of the Edain to believe in ‘happily ever after’. She has lived long enough to know that being Queen was far more than just smiling prettily and bearing heirs, even when it did not involve sundering yourself from your family forever. Her choice had not been made lightly.
Estel had evidently never thought much about what she would do after wedding. He had thought on what he would need to do as king – he had had time enough to think on it, even if he likely hadn’t always envisioned it coming on the heels of a destructive war that had left not just Minas Tirith and Osgiliath but also Lebannin and Pelargir ravaged.
Elessar Telcontar was rebuilding his realm brick by brick, farm by farm, and quay by quay, striving to make the Reunited Kingdom a reality rather than just a name. His people, Gondor and Arnor alike, already spoke hopefully of a prosperous peace such as they have not known in their lifetimes, or even their grandparents’ lifetimes.
But Estel had not thought on what the achievement of their shared dream might mean for his bride. In the third year of the new Age, Arwen found herself increasingly…lonely. It was an odd idea, to be lonely when she was surrounded by people so constantly. Yet, even in a room full of her ladies, she often felt as though she stood alone.
For all her wisdom, she had not known what it would mean to be the only one of her kind here. Nor had she thought to ask any of the ladies of Imladris if they would consider postponing their departure to the West to serve as her companions, for it had seemed advisable that such prestigious positions should be given to girls of Gondor and Arnor, to consolidate support for the new royal house.
Her brothers would visit, she knew, as often as they were able. Elladan and Elrohir had delayed sailing for her – a blessing for which she daily thanked the Valar and the One. Their presence, even at a distance, helped. And her grandfather would not sail before she departed the world, no matter what the Galadhrim might decide. But they could not spend all their time in Minas Tirith.
Grandfather had responsibilities in Lorien, all the heavier now without Grandmother to share them. Her brothers led the remaining folk of Imladris, and would see to it that the valley would still be in good order when they departed, to be left as an inheritance for her children. Her family write as often as there are messengers to carry their letters, but it is not the same as other times when they have lived apart. This time there is no expectation that she will eventually rejoin them.
Legolas spoke of bringing some of his father’s folk to help heal Ithilien, but she knew Wood-Elves would visit the White City but rarely. Any visits she might make to wherever they choose to establish themselves will be limited by mannish ideas of time and propriety, not elvish ones.
She glanced at the cradle. Her firstborn slept peacefully, untroubled by his mother’s thoughts. Eldarion would not understand this feeling of otherness. He would never know anything but mortality. 
For all the Edain she had known over the years, it had not prepared her to live among them – and only them – for all the years that remained to her. She had not realized that there would be so many subtle things that would mark her as different. She does her best to cover, but she sees the gaps between them, even if they don’t. (And sometimes they do. Occasionally the gap is so unexpected that her surprise shows.)
It was things like not knowing intimately the ways they marked births or deaths – for though Men had died at Imladris over the years, they had not had all their kin or community around them to observe their customs. (Even if they had, the customs of early to mid Third Age Arnor were not those of present-day Gondor.)
But more than that, it was not knowing the true meanings behind polite euphemisms. It was not having heard the same songs and tales as a child. (Her childhood was so remote to her new people, and even to Estel, that it was best not to raise the subject.) It was a completely different set of expectations of what a Queen was and did. It was the curious looks at her torso and subtle questions about why she is not yet with child again, when they are still several months away from celebrating Eldarion’s second name day. (Obviously she cannot wait the best part of a yen between children as her parents had, but she felt certain she would need several more years before begetting another child.)
It was also in the little things, like the dishes she misses but does not know the recipes for (she could cook, but she had not mastered every dish served in Imladris, for her talents did not lie in that direction). It was not having someone else who remembered her mother, or another elvish parent at hand to talk to about Eldarion. (She may be mortal now, but her body was still elvish, and her son is not entirely Edain in his growth and development.)
She does not doubt her choice, painful though it had been. She is certain of her love for Estel, and she will not let this feeling of not fitting in among his people come between them, not when they have so few years together. But she does sometimes wonder if he understands how difficult it is for her some days, when she looks around and sees grandparents playing with their grandchildren, or at holidays that had been celebrated in Imladris but were not in Minas Tirith.  
Occasionally, she wonders what it would have been like had she been the one able to demand that her beloved accompany her to live among her people, and had Estel go West with her as Tuor had with Idril. It helped, in her lonelier moments, to imagine their positions reversed, with him the fish out of water, even more so than he had been in his childhood in her father’s house. She liked to picture her great-grandfather commiserating with him about what it was like to be the only Man surrounded by Elves, and to be sundered from one’s own kindred.
And then she carries on, being the Queen the Reunited Kingdom needs, with all the grace and serenity her husband’s people expect from her.
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diversetolkien · 6 years
#FantasyFriday Story List: 6/29th
Here’s the Master list for the fics written this Friday (I took the liberty of writing titles and summaries for fics that don’t have them)! Hope to see more next Friday!
Violette's Escapades by @celestlian
After  spending time out in the Kingdom to get a breath of fresh air, Princess Violette attempts to rush home before her brother, the King, realizes she is missing.
As Fate Would Have It by @myinkandtrees Elros stops Maedhros from committing suicide, and deals with the consequences of thwarting fate. 
Unpleasant Discoveries by @ilanawrites
Fallon finds a key that opens the door to a gruesome discovery.
Go support the work, follow the writers, and ask about their works :D I hope to see more next Friday! 
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izzyovercoffee · 6 years
@myinkandtrees replied to your post: “i do regret not like … waiting for a long elaborate detailed post...”:
Is this ok to reblog because honestly I feel the same
yes! absolutely! and thank you for asking ❤️❤️❤️
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Perpetuating tropes that disabled, ND, and/or mentally ill people are incapable of understanding “advanced reading” or “big words”.
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luminioushope · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Plo Koon/CC-3636 | Wolffe, Plo Koon & CC-3636 | Wolffe Characters: Plo Koon, CC-3636 | Wolffe Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Humor, Love Confessions Summary:
When the Wolfpack is granted some down time before their strike against Separatist forces, Wolffe stumbles upon a strange yet familiar creature deep down in one of the planet's caves.
Wolffe sees Plo for the first time without his mask or his goggles. Wolffe has no idea who, or what he is. Plo is rather amused during the entire thing, even if Wolffe nearly blinds him.
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macabretrees · 4 years
prismatic-bell mentioned you in a photo
@myinkandtrees he didn’t, but Seto was 14 and heavily abused when all of this happened. It’s easy to see where he might have gotten “if I just hadn’t challenged him/made him mad, he’d still be alive.”
Definitely, and I like to note that he hadn’t become ruthless for the sake being ruthless until after Gozobaru died, and prior to that his ruthlessness had been for the  sake of he and his brother.
Though I’m almost certain Seto does deal with conflicting thoughts, not just the ones regarding him feeling guilty about killing his step-dad, but also relief, because while there’s no doubt he felt guilty, I feel as if relief soon followed.
But I’m sure it’s conflicting as hell for a kid like him, just as it would be for any child. On one hand he blames himself for someone’s death, on the other hand he would naturally feel relief and feel guilty about that, but bury it with the ruthless personality that would develop later.
(so anyway it’s like guilt times 2)
And especially looking at Seto from the perspective of a child that faced abuse, he’d feel relief and guilt at the same time, and it would end up spiraling into personality that’s pretty much been altered heavily by what he experienced, which is why we have him acting abnormally cruel. I mean abnormally. Not only is he abnormally cruel, but he’s emotionally stunted, which is common in cases of children who were abused. In my terms of emotionally stunted, I refer to how he treats Joey, the gang, and his brother.
And honestly I’m rambling about this because my recent research proposal was about child abuse and  development XD, and its one of my areas of studies. And you also caught me in the middle of crafting an essay about Joey and protective factors. His ruthlnessness can absolutely be seen as a coping mechanism and how he dealt with the guilt of his step-dads death/feeling relief, and just not being able to process it because he didn’t know how or he didn’t have the time.
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F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
I’ve read so many fics I’m losing track of them all. So I’ll list my two current favorites. One’s finished the other is in the making. Purple Flowers by @lafeae is SOOO GOOD! It was literally everything I wanted from one of my favorite ships (pup/violetship) and it’s complete! And Ode to Imitations by @myinkandtrees (puzzleship) is promising to be the hurt comfort fic to end me and I can’t wait for more of that!
H: How would you describe your style?
That’s a great question that I’m still working on defining, but so far I’ve got this: My style is very similar (or I hope it is) to listening to your bff telling you about the legit craziest day they’d ever had. It’s conversational, humorous and... concise? I guess is the right word. It’s faster paced. At least that’s the style I’m striving for. I love reading books/fics where it feels like the author is sitting in my living room telling me the story as a friend I’d known a while. I want to create that kind of feeling. 
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven't tried yet.
OOOOOOOOO This is difficult. I’ve tried my hand at (at least as back burner ships) a lot of pairings. I’m going to say Ryou Bakura x Yami Marik. It’s pulling at me. Don’t know if I’ll ever write it, but I want to.
Thank you @alectoperdita!!! 
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dokidoki-tae · 5 years
myinkandtrees replied to your post: all the reading this semester is gonna make me...
I’m already burned out and I have like…3 exams next week
all the content I’m reading is so similar. I go into one class and have a class discussion idk if what I’m vocalizing is from that class or another. I’m so confused about what reading i got my information from,
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grundyscribbling · 6 years
That last reblog is a sterling example for anyone who needs it of why you should have no shame about reblogging  and/or linking your own work. Your followers are not on Tumblr 24-7 and they may not happen to be around at the right time to see it when you first post it, or even the second. And they would be very sad to have missed the awesome.
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I got tagged by @oswaldcobblepots-umbrella aaaaaye
Nickname: I don’t have one lol, I guess “Saint” is one because I use that for my online “persona”
Zodiac sign: Cappycorn!
Height: 5'6
Hogwarts house: Slytherin aaaaAAAAAYYYEEeeeeeEEEE
Last thing I googled: Bean feast definition lol! It was in a lyric to a song and idk what it was
Favorite musicians: BTS, Gorillaz, Queen, Hank Williams Sr, I know.. I’m all over the place
Song stuck in my head: Mariya Takeuchi - Plasti Looooove
Following : 327
Followers: 317
Amount of sleep I get: 4 I’m a horrible person
Lucky numbers: 13, 14, and 15. I’m consistent 
Dream job: digital artist on ig I guess but idk how that will happen
Wearing: oversized pj shirt and joggers
Favorite song: ooof idk cuz i dont have an ultra fave song since i go through phases of genres but i’ll state the song i’m listening to now! it’s barracuda by heart
Favorite instruments : auto harp, i wish i could play it
Random facts :
- I want to visit Croatia because their fifa team rlly inspired me to want to visit 
- I don’t like mac and cheese SHOCKERRRRRR
- I took Russian in high school and for one semester in college last year. I wish i could get back into it again
Anesthetics: city-scapes, landscapes, dusk, night time, neon lights, candid pictures
I tag these people!! @myinkandtrees @snakesandpepper aaaaye
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diversetolkien · 5 years
Below is a list of all submissions for Fantasy Friday this week (8/2/19)! Please check out all of the wonderful works and support the content creators! Can’t wait to see all your wonderful works next Friday :)
Reprimand by @myinkandtrees When Aziraphale makes an offhanded comment about snakes and their eyes, Crowley takes it to heart. Upon realizing what he’s done, Aziraphale moves to make amends. or Crowley is insecure about a lot of things–his eyes included. Unfortunately, Aziraphale forgets this when comforting a girl who is terrified by a snake toy.
Love, Retribution, and Other Inconveniences by @kamibanani
Unsettled by his separation from Heaven, Aziraphale finds his spirits are lifted when Crowley begins to pursue him in earnest after the Notpocalypse. With both Heaven and Hell off their backs (even if only temporarily), their relationship starts blooming after six thousand years of fleeting, stolen moments.
But their paradise on earth begins to crumble when Abaddon, the angel of the abyss, appears. Neither Aziraphale nor Crowley are sure which side Abaddon is on, but whatever the case it's certain that the keeper of the bottomless pit is not on their side.
Thank you so much for the submissions! Apologies for taking so long to make the list! Please share and check out everyone’s stuff!
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johnnyclash87 · 5 years
How Captain Keeli got his name
I think it could use a lot of work but after starting over again about 4-5 times, I finally finished my Keeli fic about how he got his name. This actually ended up being nothing like what I originally planned but it feels good and I think I like it over all. Just a note, I couldn’t decide if I wanted my OC to be male or female so I decided on both/neither and to just use they/them. I’m definitely open to constructive criticism and advice. @myinkandtrees I believe you wanted to be tagged in this when I finished it?
Anywho, here it is in its imperfectness...
“A fire fight would be less stressful..”
CC 8234, for the tenth time in just a little over the same amount of minutes, checked every entry point of the gathering area, counted the number of sentients, and went over every possible way something could go terribly wrong . And every time he confirmed what he knew before the night began; this was a bad idea.
But the Twi’leks insisted and General Gun Di thought it would be good for moral and relationships with Cham Syndullas Resistance. So here they were, dozens upon dozens of Twi’leks gathered in one area.. for of all things...a dance.
The Clone Trooper activated his wrist communicator.
“Ajax, hows the perimeter?”
“All clear, Captain.” 8234 could here the irritation in his first sergeants voice. Most of the Troopers in the Garrison felt the same way, which was of course understandable. They were soldiers, not bouncers. But, as they say, orders are orders.
“Just a couple more hours. They can’t dance all night.” 8234 tried to be encouraging, but he knew a lot could happen in two hours.
“Excuse me, Captain? I believe it is?” The voice came from behind. 8234 turned and found a Twi’lek standing, hands politely held together in the front. Very rarely did any of the Twi’leks, outside of Syndullas lieutenants, speak with the Republic Troopers. Was something wrong?
“My name is Mira Kal. I hope I’m not being a bother. I just wanted to thank you and your men for being here and protecting us.” First this Twilek.. Mira.. Kal? Yes that was it.. Mira Kal.. approaches him and then... they actually thank him for doing what he and his Troops were bred to do..? 8234 had trained and prepared for many things and many situations, but being thanked was not one of them. He might as well thank his blaster for firing.
“It’s really nothing. We’re just following orders.”
“Still I’m sure there is much you’d rather be doing. You’re risking death for us, so we can be free.” Now Mira Kal unclasped their hands and held them at their hips.
“What we would rather do isn’t anywhere on the list of the Republics priorities. We’re just soldiers., it’s our job to die.” As awkward as this conversation was, 8234 hoped he didn’t sound too harsh. Strange enough it actually felt good to be appreciated. And not just good in the same way as completing a mission.
Mira pointed to the dance floor where a group of Twileks was performing.
“Any one of those dancers would make a slaver very rich and very happy. But they’re so much more than just dancers. They matter simply for existing. And you matter too. I see how you treat your men. You’re always the last to eat, you take the hardest most dangerous tasks for yourself, you never raise your voice to them. Just with those small acts of compassion you’ve done more to brighten this Galaxy than you can imagine.”
Why did 8234s eyes suddenly feel tight and watery? And why did he suddenly have an almost irresistible urge to grab on to Mal and scream into their shoulder?
After a pause, perhaps because they saw 8234 wasn’t going to respond, Mal spoke again
“You know, you never told me your name. It can’t just be Captain.”
“I, uh, don’t have one, my number is 8234.”
“Many of your men have names. Why not you?”
8234 shrugged his shoulders “Just never saw the point to be honest. Nothing fits anyway.”
“Hmm. Well I’m not calling you 8234. But in the meantime.. I’m guessing you don’t know how to dance?” For someone who seemed so reserved just a few moments a go, Mira was asking some very strange questions.
“Does close order drill count?” Even stranger was that 8234 was feeling much more relaxed than he had before.
“Captain, that almost sounded like a joke.” Mira smiled as they reached their hand out. 8234 didn’t move and looked on hesitatingly.
“Dance? No, I can’t. I have to keep watch. An attack could come at anytime.” Was it fear of an attack or fear of embarrassing himself that rooted his feet?
“I’m sure your men will see it coming before it happens. Please, you deserve it.” The Twi’leks smile did make him feel even more at ease. He slowly reached out and took the hand in front of him and let himself be led to the dance floor. Mira was patient and encouraging as they showed him some basic dance moves.
“For someone who never learned to dance, you’re not bad, Captain.” Mira’s words felt genuine and not forced. 8234 couldn’t remember ever being told he was good at something, even when he passed ARC Trooper training.
“Well, some of the Mandalorian instructors on Kamino did try and teach us how to dance. They said it would help unify us and be good for our spirits. But the Kaminoans felt it was an inappropriate use of Republic resources.”
“Because obviously they know better about combat training than the most feared warriors in the galaxy.”
8234 couldn’t help it, a hearty laugh burst from his mouth and wouldn’t stop for a whole minute. By then Mira Kal was laughing and smiling too.
“Well now I think I know what to call you.” Mira had spoke through shortened breath.
“What’s that?” 8234 was wiping tears from his face now.
“Keeli. It means ‘good laugh.”
Keeli. Captain Keeli. Yes that felt right.
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Theme for the week was: Mirror Mirror
FAQ // About Us // Writing Wednesday // Fanart Friday // Past Themes // Submit
these our bodies possessed // @thesunwillshineclearer​
Tup experiences the most horrible of nightmares. Fists clenched as he looks at the mirror and sees a tired and worn reflection. He dreads the day he is going to one day lost control of his mind and body.
Twisted Mirror // @eirianerisdar
Plainly put - what if, on Mortis, the Son had temporarily caused Obi-Wan to Fall, instead of Anakin?
Reflections // @outcastcommander
He was a mere boy, not even old enough yet to hold a blaster in his unsteady hands. Yet he’d been old enough to end up face to face with a damaged detonator, the blast sending him careening into a wall. 
Losing Ground // @sith-shenanigans​
There is a hungry, angry look in her eyes. She trains within the night, swinging the practice saber with great determination. They’ve told her some people are meant for other things -- it’s something she refuses to accept.
settling in // @darth-occlus
Jesse gets accustomed to having his own room, being able to purchase items to furnish it. All the while he is finding, little by little, that he can trust his new partner more.
Not Like Before // @maylovelies
When Rex first wore the armor, he was filled with a sense of pride and honor.
Times have changed.
the terms of luck // @tiender
She is a stranger to their world. Scared, bruised and alone. 
To them, this isn’t personal. It’s what they have always been.
Light from the Shadow // @myinkandtrees
Anakin is given the chance to atone for his deeds during the short reign of Darth Sidious.
Scars // @holocron-inthe-restrictedsection
After a mission gone wrong, clone trooper Riggs recalls the event that disfigured him.
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Condoning the use of racist language.
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acommonanomaly · 6 years
I was tagged by @myinkandtrees​ to name 10 of my top fave female character in different fandoms! Thank you so much for the tag! <3
Aredhel – The Silmarillion
Eowyn – The Lord of the Rings
Merrill – Dragon Age 2
Josephine Montilyet – Dragon Age: Inquisition
Uhura – Star Trek TOS
Molly Weasley – Harry Potter
Katara – Avatar: The Last Airbender
Lin Beifong – The Legend of Korra  
Arya Stark – Game of Thrones
Lagertha – Vikings
I’m tagging @nixiegenesis, @woodlandcrowns, @elesianne, @morgause1, @doegred-main, @maedhrosrussandol, @admirable-mairon, @across-the-cypress-trees, @entrenous88, @annaknitsspock, and @naamah-beherit if you’re interested! =)
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