#mylo x sibling! reader
princesssmars · 1 year
in love with the piltover enforcer
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some thoughts about your relationship with vi through the years
contains : fluff. reader is an orphan taken in by benzo and described as ekkos older (adoptive) sister. feels like most of this isn't even relationship headcanons but reader in arcane headcanons but whatever.
a/n : we loveee starting this in march 2022 and releasing it when the vi x reader tag is dead ass <3. anyway big shout out to @jackdrawsjunk and @kittyt-hexxed for feeding us black girls in love with vi <3333 anyway lets get into this shit.
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there was one thing that kept you alive in the lanes: family. it was an unforgiving city, the complete opposite of the polished and pristine piltover beside it. the people were rough, and you'd be lucky if some punk only tried to rob you once a week. most loners only lasted a few days.
which is why every night you thanked the gods for your family. it felt silly considering that you were an orphan, but most ended up falling into gangs or worse to protect themselves. you were lucky that before they passed your parents were great friends with the local pawn shop owner, benzo, the man taking you and another boy named ekko under his wings.
because of him, you met vander, the large man who seemed intimidating actually being one of the nicest adults you've ever met in the lanes. when you first met ekko was slightly scared, hiding behind you as you tried to protect him. vander said he admired your protectiveness, and how you reminded him of someone who he thought you would get along with.
when you meet vi for the first time it just…clicks. vander wasn't wrong, the two of you more alike than you would have thought, most notably in the way you were protective over your siblings. they got along wonderfully, unable to spot one without the other. their closeness resulted in yours and you found yourself growing feelings for the pink-haired girl.
thinking back on your pining you laugh, how you refrained from telling vi about your feelings worried you would ruin the relationship if she didn't return your feelings, not knowing that she had a massive crush on you as well. vander pushed her to confess once he noticed, giving her good advice compared to mylo’s “stop being a pussy.”
it’s during one of your usual hangouts sitting on the rooftop of the shop and gazing out at your crappy home and beyond, at the gleaming buildings of piltover and fantasizing about what your life could be like that she stood up and took your hands in hers, telling you shed do whatever it took to give you the life you wanted because she wanted nothing more than for you to be happy. your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest as you asked her what she meant, and the look in her eyes told it all.
after that, your relationship was relatively easy. the both of you still hung out often, just with the added bonus of longer hugs and kisses when the others weren't watching so you wouldn't be bombarded with “ew!”s.
unfortunately, there weren't that many romantic spots for private dates, but vi having been ever the persistent made a way. she took on more chores helping vander at the bar, getting some money in return to save up, and buying you some expensive snack from piltover you wanted to try while talking and laughing on the roof.
but things started to go downhill with growing tensions between the two cities, coming to a head with the failed heist. vi hadn't told you much, not wanting you to worry and slightly forgetting when she saw the way you reaffirmed powder that she would do great on their “little adventure”.
it’s safe to say when they got back you were livid. of course, you were thankful that they were ok but vi could admit she was slightly scared at the way you glared holes into her head when vander was criticizing her. she had apologized, and you were still upset but felt better.
but it didn't help, because, in the next few days, your life was ruined.
enforcers stormed the lanes. your father figure and most of your friends were murdered. and you were left with a broken home, a devastated brother, the sister of your best friend lost and left with only a memory of the girl you used to love.
but ekko needed you, and you had to stay strong. for him, for powder who was on the brink of losing herself for good, and for the voice of vi in your dreams who told you to keep going no matter what.
and so you had worked together with ekko to build the firelights, a new community to help uplift people who had been in similar situations to you and take out the drug that had helped to make everything worse.
you were doing good work so far, thankful that you and your brother were geniuses and had created the hoverboards and many other devices to keep you safe and help your mission. life was getting better, even if you still caught yourself sitting at the memorial wall late at night thinking of what your life could've been like if you would have pushed more and never let vi and the others go on that heist.
it seems like the gods in a sick trick may have heard your thoughts. after going out to do some scouting after a tip, ekko headed back to the hideout with two captives in tow, refusing to tell you what was going on until later. you understand why he didn't because if he told you your girlfriend who had been dead for six years had been found walking through the lanes with an enforcer you might have smacked him.
she was standing and looking at the memorial wall when he brought you to her, looking just as beautiful as the day you lost her. her hair was still focused to one side while shaved on the other, bringing up the memory of how her face had reddened when you told her she looked hotter that way. you don't get time to dwell when she’s running up to you and squeezing you into her arms.
you tried to stay strong, but she burrowed her nose into your neck and whispered “god, did I miss you, muffin,” you couldn't help but crumple into her arms.
you took her back to your room and she explained everything, the factory, silco, stillwater. it broke your heart a little to realize you thought she was gone when she was actually so close. you'd never wanted to kill the sheriff more than you did in that moment.
when she told you she was going to go after jinx you were divided. you had encountered your childhood friend, who at some points felt more like a little sister, multiple times over the years. sometimes you'd be able to see glimpses of the girl underneath when you snuck into her place with silco and held her so the voices would be quieter. but you also had seen how much she deteriorated, and as much as you didn't want to admit it you knew powder was gone.
but you believed in vi, and told her as much. it was hard to send her off to the bridge, much less with an enforcer, but you knew it had to be done. but it felt like what happened six years ago happened again, you staying behind and everything going wrong. vi and the enforcer had fled to who knows where and there was no sign of ekko until he popped up with a former council member?
vi popped up a few days later, looking defeated and craving comfort. she didn't need to be invited but you do anyway, telling her she may stay with the firelights for as long as she needed.
vi had been eager to make up for lost time, following you around almost like a puppy when you were showing her the ins and outs of the hideout. despite the stress of the things going on in your lives, it was so easy to fall back into a friendly and romantic relationship with her.
it became strained however when she was offered the job to be an enforcer, helping manage the tense relationship between zaun and piltover. she was excited about the opportunity, ready to help her community in any way how. but you couldn't help but be scared of how it might change her to be around the people who took part in making your life worse.
but you believed in vi, and knew she’d do everything she could to make your home better.
she had already started beforehand by helping with some firefly runs, it being easier to clean up the mess of shimmer left with silco’s death. it warmed your heart to see her coming back from a run laughing and joking with the other firelights.
she continued your beloved tradition, taking you up with her to the top of the tree to observe the stars together. you both didn't speak much, the comfort of each other enough for this moment.
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caramelmillktea · 2 years
Pairing(s) : tattoo!artist!Vi x florist!fem!reader
proofread : Yes/no
wordcount fic : 1.279 words
warnings : little bit of playful bantering ?
author's note : chapter two of the inked flower series. Check out my masterlist for all the parts. (I'm absolutly in love with this girl omg) I appologise if you see any grammatical errors, english isn't my native language 
          previous part           masterlist          next part 
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You plucked a red rose from the pile of flowers on the counter and put it in the bouquet you were currently assembling.
“Do you think my boyfriend would like these?” A young man spoke nervously while watching you work on the bouquet.
“I don't think but know your boyfriend would love these!” You smiled. “If I may ask, how long have the two of you been together?”
“Six months, in fact today it is our anniversary ”
“Wow! Congratulations!!” You taped the paper closed that held the flowers together. “That will be 8.99”
“Alright!” the young man said before handing you a bill of ten. You opened the cash register to give him the exchange.
“You can keep the change.” The man smiled “Think of it as a tip”
“That’s so sweet of you sir! But I can’t accept it” You protest.
“I insist”
“Well… thank you” You smile.
“Oh is that the time!” The man looked at his watch. “I better get going, or I'll be late! Thank you so much!”
“It was my pleasure.” You smiled and waved the man goodbye. You cleaned up the ribbon and the thorns of the roses. Suddenly the doorbell chimes, signaling someone has entered the shop.
"Hello and welcome to The Florish Gardens, I'll be there with you shortly!" You called out from the back as you threw away the mess you created.
"Sorry for the wait-" you stopped in your tracks when you saw Vi in front of the counter. She was wearing the same thing as yesterday. The only differences today was that her sleeves were rolled up to her ellbows, she wasn't any rings  and that she wore white wrapping around her fists and forearms. Her two hands each held a take out coffee cups.
"Vi? What a pleasant surprise!" You smiled as you walked behind the counter. "To what do I owe this special visit?"
"I wanted to thank you for the cupcakes the other day. I'm sorry if my little sister made you uncomfortable... she likes messing with people sometimes." Vi smiled sheepishly.
"Wait, that was your sister? Powder right?" You said.
"Yup, that's her."
"Oh, I didn't know you had a little sister. Don't worry, she didn't do anything to make me uncomfortable" you assured her.
Vi lets out a sigh of relief.
"I wouldn't have guessed you had a younger sister. Do you have any other siblings?" You asked.
"Yeah, I have two brothers, Mylo and Claggor. Do you have any siblings?"
"Nope, I'm an only child." Vi nodded and hummed.
"Oh! I almost forgot" She held up the two cups. "I actually didn't know how you like your coffee so I just bought a regular coffee. I also got some extra sugar and cream" She pulls out a few little packages of sugar and cream out of her jacket.
"Ah, Thank you! You're too kind." You smiled. "I hope you liked the cupcakes and the Violet."
"The cupcakes were really good! Did you make it from scratch or did you buy a cupcake mix?"
"I made it from scratch." You replied.
"Damn…" Vi mutters "You should really open a bakery or something, they were so good, hell even my siblings loved them."
"Well, I'm glad! If you want another batch, you know where to find me!"
"Wait… for real?"
"Sure! Why not?" You took the cup of freshly brewed coffee in your hands. "Oohh! So cozy" the warmth of the drink ran from your hands through your arm causing you to shiver a bit. Vi gave you a satisfied smile.
"Hey… I kind of have a kinda weird favor to ask of you." Vi said, scratching the back of her neck.
"Oh, so that's why you bought me a cup of coffee, to pry?" You teased as you raised an eyebrow.
"I don't need to pry you with a drink, I just need to use my sunny personality for that." Vi retorted back, leaning against the counter with her elbows and forearm.
"I'm intrigued" you mirrored Vi's smirk. "Give me your best shot."
“Before I begin, I need your advice on something.” you nod before Vi continued.
"So, ya know how I'm opening this tattoo parlor right next to that cute flower shop?"
"Well, I want to ask the owner a favor."
"And what would that be?"
"The flower shop has a lot of beautiful flowers, it would be a shame not to capture such beauty before they wilt, am I right?" You could see where this was going. In other words she just wants to sketch here to practice.
"Yes? Your point is?" You played along.
"So me being the thoughtful person I am, had the idea to maybe ask the owner if I can sketch those pretty flowers of hers. But I don't know if she'd be ok with it."
"Hmm…" you pretended to think for a long time. "I think you should ask her."
"But what if she says no?"
"But what if she says yes? You will never know if you don't ask, and I'm sure she doesn't mind. You should go ask her."
"Already did." Vi looked up and cocked her eyebrow. "The cute owner didn't seem to be against the idea." You smiled at Vi's response.
"Wait here, I'll get you a stool." You disappeared into the backroom, after a few minutes you came back with a stool. “Make yourself at home.” You said as you put the stool against the wall
Vi took off her jacket, revealing her tattoo’s in all of their glory. If you didn’t grip your cup with two hands, you were sure you would let it spill. You stared in awe at her tattoo, they were truly were a work of art.
“Ya like em? I got these half a year ago.” Vi tied her jacket around her waist.
“They’re so cool and so detailed!” You gasped as you admired your tattoo’s from afar.
“You know, you can have a closer look if you want.”
You shuffled a few centimeters closer to Vi. “You know I don’t bite right?” Vi chuckled.
“I know but this is also a good view from here.” You laughed. “I’ll be right back, I just need to grab a few things from the back.” Vi nods and sits down, grabbing her sketchbook from out of her bag.
Half an hour later the coffee cups were empty and chatter filled the air. You were currently making a few bouquets to put on sale while Vi was sitting right angled from the cash register, talking to you and sketching.
“I didn’t know that this place was from your parents.” Vi looked around, she was slouched against the wall and her legs were stretched out. “Yeah, I practically grew up in this shop” You looked up and took a deep breath “Oh the memories” You muttered to no one in particular.
You heard your cat meow in the backroom. "You have a cat?" Vi raised her eyebrow. Whiskers entered the room where the two of you were. "Yes! Her name is whiskers. I hope you aren't allergic to cats or dogs.".
"Don't worry, I'm not allergic." Whiskers walked over to Vi and meowed as a greeding. "Hello to you too." Vi let out a chuckled and petted her. You smiled watching the two of them get along.
"Have you ever thought of getting a tattoo?" Vi looked up at you. "Or a piercing?"
"Not really, though a little tattoo on the hip or the upper thight would be cool." You replied. "Why?"
"Oh no reason." Vi picked up the cat and scratched behind her ear. Soft purrs coming out of Wiskers. "Just checking if I can schedule you in for an appointment."
You let out a laugh "If you really want to see me again so badly, you can always come by anytime. There will always be a stool free for you to sit on."
"I'll keep that in mind." Vi hummed. "I might take you up on that offer."
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justgrey · 1 year
Jinx x Reader - General Headcannons (Platonic)
Warnings : Description of Jinx venting, swearing
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She's basically what Jevil from Deltarune says when you fight him.
"Chaos chaos!" That's literally her in the funny way and the not so funny, traumatised way.
She'd probably just see you in The Last Drop one day and decide "I like that thing. They're my friend now. Lets go blow some stuff up!"
Jinx can be very innocent but have very malicious intentions sometimes.
She takes you out heaps after the first time you met and she eventually starts to grow on you to the point where you're more like siblings then friends.
You've met Silco a handful of times and most of them, you were very busy explaining what you and Jinx had messed with before he kicked you out to have a word with her.
Does the wackiest stuff when you're with her like girl stop hanging upside down while trying to snipe somebody for shits and giggles, you're actively being hunted by hundreds of people this is not the time.
Shows you her inventions and lets you test them if you wanted to although be aware they may blow up in your face.
Would make you listen to Get Jinxed religiously and would throw little parties with you, "Mylo" and "Clagger"
Vents to you about her trauma if you allow her to and they would mainly be about how bad Vi hurt her and how she never meant to hurt her family.
After that, Jinx would trust you with her life and she would protect yours with everything she had.
All she needs is someone to reassure her and tell her that it is not her fault and although she may react negatively to it, she deserves to hear it.
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notyetjae · 2 years
Being friends with act 1 Vi
*゚pairing: Vi x reader (Platonic)
*゚warnings: Underage drinking, mention of vomit, kids doing stupid shit, description of injuries
*゚A/N: Some of these stories are stolen from friends 💀
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Growing up in the lanes is dangerous but that doesn't mean you can't have fun
You, Vi, and her siblings are constantly doing stupid shit, once Mylo stole a box with fireworks and almost set himself on fire trying to light them
Powder is there to witness all the dumb shit, she never really engages but she's definitely just in the background
"How much money to chug this whole thing?" said Vi, gesturing towards a water bottle bigger then mylo's hair. She drank the whole thing in 20 seconds and nearly puked.
injuries, injuries, injuries, at least one of you is injured at any point and time, Vi once dislocated her shoulder trying to show off her parkour skills, she missed a jump and fell on her elbow, making a loud POP! sound echo throughout the quiet alley, you'd never seen her cry until that day
While Vi wins most Injured, Mylo takes the cake when it comes to stupid ideas.
In the same week he gathered an army of poro's and freed them onto the street a few days later he stole a mutated god knows what from a street vendor, it bit him so hard he was sure he lost a finger
Claggor may seem like the peacemaker but he is most definitely the one provokes others to do risky things
"I'll give you a bag of silver gears to make that jump. What do you mean you'll fall? Chicken."
When you're not out and about terrorizing the streets of zaun with your teenage antics, you're terrorizing each other In the basement of the last drop
Powder usually plays music while she works on her gadgetry, sometimes you find yourself humming to the catchy tunes but most of the time your yelling at Mylo to stop screaming the lyrics at the top of his lungs
"Wanna play nutball?" Mylo questions, tossing a full plastic bottle at Vi, she catches it with ease, "What?" "Sit on the floor, roll the bottle super fast and hope it doesn't hit your nuts" Violet snorted, "I don't have nuts asshole"
Despite that they played for a good 30 minutes, until Vi shoved the bottle a little too hard and basically paralyzed Mylo, he started whining so much Vander came down and the two of you tried to explain what happened through laughter and tears, your stomach hurt from cackling so hard.
Powder was always a sensitive kid so you tried your best to be gentle with her, but no amount of strength could've helped you hold back your laughter when the girl hissed at you like a cat when she was angry, Vi being used to it told her to cut it out but you were rolling on the floor dying.
Powder is a BEAST at arcade games, she spends hours hunched over the dusty screen strategically smashing the buttons while sticking her tongue out to focus, it's the one thing Vi can't beat her on but you? The both of you will go back and forth for days, desperately fighting for the number 1 spot, Vi got so tired of powder staying up to plan strategies and combos that she ripped the cord out the of the machine.
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kodamaghost00 · 6 hours
𝑰𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖,𝑽𝒊𝒌𝒕𝒐𝒓?
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☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
Fandom: Arcane 2021 (NETFLIX ORIGINAL)
Pairings: Viktor x GN!Reader
Genre: Long-lost Friends to Lovers, Fluff
Summery: After you thought your Best friend died you reunite with him after 12 years of being apart.
Warnings: Loosing close people, Death, Fights, Spoilers EP3, Emotional, Slow burn, forced to move on fast
Word count: 2,4K
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
“Viktor! Viktor over here, look at this!!” You are around 11 years old and call out for your best friend. He walks over to you as fast as he can. “What’s going on, Y/N?” He asked cautiously, but then looked at what you pointed out. “I’ve never seen something like that before…”. Now you both stare at a little bug crawling around in the dirt in front of you. You and Viktor watch the bugs and animals around you all the time, but this one... you’ve never seen it before. It had short legs, but the colors were beautiful. “Do you think it’s a new species?” You chuckled. “Well, maybe it is. What shall we call it?” He smiled at you softly. “Hm. I’ll name it sooner or later!” You two watched it crawl away. You stood up and helped him to do the same.
“Let’s go home you look tired…” He just nodded, and you both made your way to the small shed you called home. You both laid down facing each other. “Viktor? Do you think we’ll make it big one day? To the topside, I mean.”. He thought about it but responded calmly back to you, “I know we will. With my brain and your brawn, we make a pretty good team.” You chuckle. “That’s right. Goodnight Viktor…” "Goodnight, Y/N…” and with those last sentences, you two fall asleep.
*BOOM* Something exploded, and your little shed crumbled to pieces. Everything burns, there’s smoke everywhere, you can’t see anything but call out for Viktor. There’s no response. You try to free yourself from the remains of what you called home once, but you’re trapped underneath. There’s no way out. You are in so much pain that you black out. There’s nothing, only darkness. Then the memories of the happy day before came flooding back, and you violently woke up, tucked away in a cozy-looking bed.
“Where am I?” You ask cautiously. Looking around for any enemies you could encounter, the only thing you see is a large man with a beard. "Oh, you’re awake, kid. How are you?” He came closer, and you flinched away. “I’m not your enemy, kiddo. I’m here to help you.” He said reassuringly as he handed you a glass of water to drink. “What happened? Where’s Viktor?!” You asked, looking around to find your best friend again, but to no avail. “Viktor? You’re the only one I found. I’m sorry.” You started to cry, and he came to hug you. You cried on his shoulder for a while until you calmed down. “Do you want to stay with me? I assume you don’t have family here.” You nodded quietly and held his hand, not wanting to let go. Then another man came into the room. He was big and scary-looking but had a rather friendly aura. "HAHA, Vander is gonna be a dad now? That’s something I never thought was possible!” The man shouted. “Shut it, Benzo…” he said, rubbing his nose bridge. You only giggled at that, maybe your new life won’t be that bad after all.
From that day on, Vander was like your dad. He taught you how to fight. How to defend yourself. How to protect the ones you love… You didn’t even notice the 12 years that went by. Now you basically have 4 younger siblings. VI,Powder,Mylo and Claggor. You were the best role model for them, and they looked up to you. You trained with them and taught them valuable lessons. Especially VI, she was young and naive, but you knew that she only wanted the best for your family.
Then the tragic day came. Silcos people attacked you guys, and not only Vander, your beloved father, but also Mylo and Claggor died during that incident. You fought with them, but to no avail, the shimmer was too powerful. You got hit badly by one of silcos men, you didn’t know what happened to VI and powder before your body gave in and you blacked out. “Is that what happens again…? I don’t want to die. I don’t want them to die! NOT AGAIN!” The next thing you know is that you woke up in a fancy-looking hospital.
You woke up in shock and looked around, panting, “VI? POWDER?! WHERE ARE YOU??” Then someone calmed you down. “ You looked down at the creature that’s trying to help you. “A... a furball…?”. Heimendinger was amused by your comment. "Well, I wouldn’t say a furball, but that’s a fair assumption.”. He laughed. “Where am I? Who are you? Where are my siblings?!” You asked frantically, starting to panic again. “Calm down, young one. I’ll explain.” He took a deep breath as you went quiet again. “You’re in a hospital right now. I am the head of the council, Heimendinger. And your family…” he frowned. “Where are they?! My sisters!?” You asked in a demanding manner. “The chief enforcers told me you were the only one found alive… I’m sorry.” You were so shocked that the fact didn’t register at first. Then you cried. You were sobbing hysterically into your own hands. You didn’t process the fact that all your loved ones died. ‘Once again? I thought I got stronger? I wasn’t able to do anything…’ The pain was talking out of you, and you thought it should’ve been you, not your beloved family. Under your sobs, you managed to form one sentence. “What am I going to do now?” Heimendinger looked at you with the most heartbreaking expression anyone ever gave you. “If you want to, you could become my assistant. I already have one that’s been with me for a while now, but... I don’t think another one would hurt.” He said this to you while resting his hand on your shoulder. You looked at him again, not realizing what he said completely, but you nodded. The chance to help someone… you won’t throw that away. That’s what dad would’ve wanted, after all.
Heimendinger sat by your side for a long time before asking you something again. “How old are you, my child?” “I am 23, sir…” you responded hesitantly. You knew Heimendinger wasn’t a threat, but opening up to strangers was even harder now. “23… so young. Yet you had to go through all of the misery. I’m really sorry for you, child. I’ll leave now, we will discuss the more serious details tomorrow. Please take care!” He waved you goodbye and left the room. Now it’s just you. Alone. In a hospital bed in Piltover. All the events came flooding back, and you cried again. So hard that you cried yourself to sleep.
The next morning arrives sooner than you wanted. The sun is coming through the window, and with a clear sky, you sit up and pinch your nose bridge. “Such a headache...” you whispered to yourself. As you stretched out. You glanced at the nightstand beside your bed. “A letter?” You take the letter and open it gently, and it reads:
Dear Y/N,
When I came to visit you again, you were dead asleep! I didn’t want to disturb your peaceful sleep, so I decided to write this letter instead. I asked one of the nurses when you could go out again, and they told me you could go today. Talk to a nurse before heading out to my office later,alrighty?
P.S. . The clothes are also for you, so you blend in a little better.
In best regards, Heimendinger!
You chuckled at the fact that Heimendinger wrote you a whole letter just for you to sleep a little longer.
You still mourned a lot about your family, though, so it's understandable that you weren't the happiest. You put on the clothes he gave you and went out of the room to call a nurse, and one came rushing to you.
"H-Hey! You can't just stand up like that!!" She rushed over to you, helping you back to your room. "I feel better. Can I go now?" You ask, wanting to go out of here as soon as possible. "Oh, you're the one that heimendinger favorites... what's your name? So I can look you up in the system." She pulls out a device you never saw before. "It's Y/N". "Last name?" She was a bit confused. "Don't have one." You snarled back a bit. She looks confused but enters your name anyway. "Ah! Y/N! Wait a second!" She rushes out and comes back with a small bag in her hands. "Take one of them per day it's best if you do it right after breakfast." You looked at the bag suspiciously but nodded. "Thanks." And you're on your way out. "Rude..." the nurse whispered to herself.
You totally forgot to ask the nurse where heimendingers lab is, so you wander around the halls of the academy. “Why is this place so big…” You looked around and admired all the pretty painted walls, amazing wooden floors, and bright chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. When you were focusing on the big windows next to you, you ran into someone. "Fuck, I’m sorry… I should’ve looked where I was-“ you were cut off as you looked at the man in front of you. Tall, flawless brown hair and a cane. You stare a little too long, and he asks, “Are you okay?”. You nod “I’m sorry… You just remind me of someone who I was close with a long time ago.” He doesn’t respond until you ask something. “Excuse me, but where is heimendingers lab? I was supposed to meet him.”. He looks a bit surprised but points in one direction. With a thick accent, he says, “Turn left around that corner. It’s the third door; you won’t miss it.”. You thank him and walk away. You can’t shake the feeling that this man you were talking to was Viktor. But no… He was dead, right? There’s no chance that he’s here…
You couldn’t think about it longer as you stepped into heimendingers lab. It looked scary but fascinating at the same time. “You wanted to see me, sir?” You say this as you quietly close the door behind you quietly. “Ah! Y/N! Just in time, young one.” He smiled as he stood up from his chair. A little horned furball barks at you happily. "Oh, you just missed my other assistant! He’s bringing us some papers for you to fill out so we can make your employment official!” He says he is smiling. He seems super happy that you’ll work with him soon, he has high hopes for your future.
Then Viktor comes into the room after a few minutes. And heimendinger brings you two closer. “Y/N, that’s Viktor, my assistant for years by now. Viktor, that’s Y/N, the second assistant that will work with us from now on. I hope you two will be a good team from now on!” Heimendinger says, and the room falls silent. “Y/N…?” Viktor said it with a shocked expression. “Yes Viktor?” You smile at him, and he lets his cane fall to the ground, running into your arms. “I thought you died… I’m so sorry for not recognizing you earlier. You’ve grown so much I…” he said as tears welled up in his eyes. They cause you to cry as well. "No, no Viktor… Please don’t cry…” you say as you go through his fluffy hair, and you both have a very emotional moment. Heimendinger notices and leaves the room quietly. “I have missed you so much… I’ve been searching for you for so long…” you say softly, wiping his tears away. “What happened to you that day?” He said this as he stood up straight again, stumbling over his own feet. You grab his cane and hand it to him for support. “How about we talk about that in peace later? We have so much to talk about…” you declared, but Heimendinger chimed in. "Oh, young ones, you can take the rest of the day off if you please…”. You wanted to protest, but he cut you off and sent you two away.
Now you both are on your way to Viktor's chambers since you don’t have your own yet. As you both walk next to each other, an uncomfortable silence is in the air, so you try to ease it a bit by trying to hold his hand. Just like in old times, he takes it gladly, and you both walk to his room. With a pink hue on his face, he closes the door behind you. “You have a lovely room.” You try to start a conversation with something small. As you sit down on his bed, Viktor does the same and looks at you. “Thank you… I appreciate it. What happened that day, Y/N? I haven’t thought of anything else since that day… It’s haunted me ever since.” He says straight up, not wanting to let any more time pass. “There was an attack near our home. I called out for you, but you didn’t answer, so I thought…” You go silent, and he notices that you assumed he was dead. “I went to our home every day to look for you. I missed you so much.” You feel your tears well up. He suddenly spoke up. “One of the enforcers took me with them. The attack was so intense that I blacked out on the spot. Heimendinger raised me. I’m sorry that I left you like this…” You listen to him but nod. “I had a good family as well… but they…” You started to cry now, giving in to your emotions, and Viktor hugged you, noticing that you had lost important people once again… “I’m here now... I’m here for you, Y/N. And I will never leave again.” He pulls you in, laying you on his chest with the last sentence. His presence is so comforting that you let it all happen. “We’re together again… that’s all that matters now…” he says caressing your hair, kissing your head gently. You blush deeply and burry your face into his chest gently. “Thank you, Viktor… I’ve missed you so much…”. “I think you should rest now… It’s been a long week for you…”. You nod and fall asleep on his chest. Quickly, before you fell asleep, you heard his voice saying one last thing that made your heart bump like crazy.
"Goodnight, dear, I love you.”
You wanted to answer, but your body caved in, and you fell asleep.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧ *✧・゚: * *✧
A/N: Hello and thank you for reading this short story that came into my mind! It’s my first time writing out my thoughts out actually so please don’t be too harsh on me. I’m so excited for S2 and I think many of my fellow Arcane fans are as well. Have a great Day/Night and goodbye!
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claggorstuff · 2 years
Foul play (Milk starts naming her fics real?!?!)
Claggor x reader hockey game claggor gets injured by a cheap shot (someone taking him down on purpose so they don't lose) RAAHHH
I was cheering at top volume as powder kept shaking me telling me to "Shhhuuutttt UPPPP!!!!"
He shot me a quick glance and hit the puck right into the net as I cheered like a banshee and he waved passing by me, powder still shaking me full force waiting for Vander to come back from the bathroom
"WOOO-oh shit!" The idiot next to him bashed him into the walls of the rink tripping him up with their stick.
"claggor!" He did not look too good, vi helped him up and brought him to the bench, Vander came back right as the event happened and didn't look too happy, as it was his son of course.
"what'd he do to deserve that now?"
"I dunno! It's bullshit 😠"
"calm down. Language, your mother wouldn't appreciate me letting ya say words like that."
"my mom would say something way worse!!!"
"reasonable, but I dunno if that's quite true."
Later on the game ended and claggor came out of the changing room with his gear bag, I inspected him for injuries
"hey- I'm fine y/n I'm fine! Ow!" Just as expected there was a huge bruise where he was hit in the shin from the stick, and on his elbow which he used to guard his land.
"oh come on! Fine? You nearly cracked your skull open like Mylo does I dunno. Every single damn game!"
"hey! I can hear you 😡" he walked past ready to leave
"look it's just a small injury compared to most, I'll heal up in no time don't worry about it." He took my hand and I gave him a concerned look
"you're SURE there's no concussion?"
"We can check when we get home it's fine!"
"HUURRRYYYY UPP! VANDERS GONNA LEAVE WITHOUT U TWO!" We could see vi's head poking out with an angered expression
"yeah we'll be right out calm down!" He took me out to the car calmly, does he ever know when to worry about himself?
"you good bud?" Vander looked back when we got in
"yeah just a few bruises a possible concussion, basic hockey stuff."
"for Mylo." Powder snickered and he scowled at her
"that's enough now, be nice."
"but it's so hard when he's him!!!"
"yeah yeah. Whatever ya say." He started driving home, vi talked to powder, Mylo stared out the window and claggor held my hand like nothing happened, soon we'd gotten home, my family on one side of the duplex claggors on the other, that is how we'd met after all when his family moved in. Back then we were only young, now we're sophomores in highschool.
"alright kids let's get in, ekkos parents let him sleepover and so did yours y/n!"
"even after Mylo set my fucking hair on fire trying to straighten it?"
"language. And yes, why was he even trying to straighten your hair?"
"he got gum in it and wanted to burn the gum out."
He turned to Mylo who glared at me
"well now you have a better haircut so thank me!"
"well fuck you too then 😠"
"Mylo. Language, both of ya's language!"
"fine, I'll stop because I'm the perfect angel dating your son and Mylo is a molerat 🥺"
"yeah. Angel" vi brought powder in, Vander and Mylo followed as I got out "I need to get my pajamas from my house, go on in without me clag!"
"mkay." He went inside and up to his room to wait for me
I was greeted by my dad making supper "hi dear!"
"hi dad, I'm here to grab my pj's and a blanket n stuff"
"yep, I have your favourite pjs and some stuff set out for you, but sit down and eat first." He'd started setting plate for me, my siblings, and my mother.
He set down the plates on the table as my mother came down with my little brother following behind. Him being ekkos age, soon my elder sister followed, we ate dinner and I grabbed my stuff and went next door, to see claggor already dressed for bed on the couch half asleep. I flopped right onto him
"wake UPPPP!"
"WOAGAHAV- Jesus you scared me!"
"it's fine... For now 😒"
"what you thought I'd be a wolf or something?"
"no. U act more like a Chihuahua 😘"
"my point"
"let's go to my room so that powder doesn't bother us-"
"are u guys kissing? Ew 😠" powder was standing in the kitchen staring at us
"we aren't kissing ur just blind 🤨"
"HEYYY!! claggor tell ur GIRLFRIEND to stop being mean" she stomped her foot
He sighed and looked at me "stop bein mean 🙄"
I sighed "fineee"
"thank u!! 😼" She ran off, probably up to her room.
I got off claggor because I was still laying on him from when I flopped onto him, and he got up aswell "I'm gonna get changed in the bathroom and I'll come up to ur room, go on up!"
"alright alright don't rush me 😒"
"I'm not!!!"
"mhm mhm yup 😁" he went upstairs and I went upstairs with him, going into the upstairs bathroom and getting changed into my pj's, after I finished getting my pj's on I grabbed a little stuffed animal out of my overnight bag going to his room
"awwww ya brought the stuffy"
"oh hush 🙄"
"it's adorable!"
"and comfy." I laid down next to him hugging the stuffy
"you look so cute cuddled up to your stuffy ☺️"
"thank you 🤭"
He snuggled up to me and wrapped my arms around him running my fingers through his hair
"lets go to sleep clag.. I'm tired"
"mmm.. mhm..." He was already half asleep, anyone who's ME would know how relaxing he finds it when you run your fingers through his hair
"night night!" I kissed him on the forehead and he patted my head and fell asleep (hey wasn't this fic about an injury why is this girl writing about me and him snuggling to sleep with only one or two mentions of the injury💀) (is this the 4th wall?)
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brainrot-buffet · 2 years
Can I request a modern AU Mylo x GN reader where the family finds out about his s/o and get to meet them?
Ayo??? OF COURSE???? ANYTHING for my mans ;-;
Characters: Mylo, Vi, Claggor, Powder, Ekko, Vander
Notes: Fluff, Crack, siblings making fun of each other
Modern AU: The Vander Crew meets Mylo's S/O
As you all know, Mylo has a big mouth
If he were to ever miraculously start dating someone, he'd immediately let everyone know about it
The family's heard him talk about this one person that's caught his attention from time to time, but overall never really pictured him ever scoring an S/O
So imagine one afternoon when school lets out for the weekend: The Vander Crew + Ekko all meet up at the front getting ready to walk to the subway station and go home
Mylo suddenly calls out to them from the top of the stairs, sliding down the metal railing and bouncing up to the group with the biggest grin on his face
Mylo: Guys! Guys! You won't believe this!
Vi: You made a 6th grader cry.
Powder: You grew a second brain cell.
Claggor: You drew red middle fingers on Coach Sevika's free pads from sex ed and taped them to the wall.
Mylo: No, shut up Powder, and that was ONE time!
Mylo's jumping around as they all walk out the door, him hopping to the bottom of the concrete steps turning to face all of them
Mylo: Guys... I'M DATING Y/N!
Vi: ...
Claggor: ...
Powder: ...
Ekko: ...
Upon hearing that, Vi was snickering, Powder and Claggor tried hard to swallow their giggles, and Ekko started chuckling and snorting at the same time
They all gradually erupted into cackling laughter, Powder and Ekko holding their stomachs as Mylo was glaring at all of them with a deep frown on his face
The laughter dies down as everyone notices Mylo's expression, and it's only then that it finally dawned on them
Vi: Wait... You're serious?
Ekko: You're probably getting pranked, Mylo.
Powder: Are WE getting pranked?
Mylo: Wha— Do you guys NOT have faith in me?!?!
Mylo swears on his life that he really managed to ask out his crush, and the best part was that they actually like him back ;-;
He keeps ranting about it their entire subway ride home, all the way til they entered the front of The Last Drop
Vander was wiping down the bar when he sees his kids come in, and his brows raise the moment Mylo tells him he's now dating someone
Vander's surprised, but congratulates him as he adds that he'd like to meet his S/O someday; The others perk up and agree, saying they'll only believe Mylo if they actually see his S/O in person
And that's how you wound up at the Vander Crew's apartment the next day, awkwardly looking around the room at everyone peering through the hallway at you
You look down and see a small, blue-haired girl opening the door for you, staring up at your face with inquisitive, bright eyes
You smile, saying hi to her as she tilts her head to the side
Powder: Are you doing charity work for Mylo?
You: What? Oh! It's not like that—
Ekko: Is he bribing you?
Ekko squeaks as Mylo yanks him from the hallway, the tall boy taking his place as he crosses his arms and leans against the wall
"Sup babe?", he smirks at you with a quirked brow (Vi audibly chokes in the background)
You wave back in return, saying you're guessing this must be his family
Vi and Claggor are leaning against the kitchen countertop while Powder and Ekko make their way to sit on the couch; Vander's standing by the kitchen and warmly greets you himself
Talking with the Vander family + Ekko was pretty chill; They all liked you, though are still in shock that you're REAL — a person actually willing to date MYLO of all people
And just like any other family, they thrived on humiliating him in front of you
If the family photos on the wall happen to catch your eye, Vi and Claggor would point out Mylo's most embarrassing pictures from when he was a younger and tell the stories behind them
Vi: Here's Mylo in 9th grade when he went through his angsty emo rock phase. He really thought he could be like Rodrick from that one movie
Claggor: And here's him in 3rd grade, when he fell on a jar of brown paint during picture day and had stains all over his ass
Mylo: *dying inside*
It comes to a point where Mylo tugs you aside and announces the two of you are going out for your date, inwardly hoping that his friends and family didn't scare you off enough
He's relieved to hear as you both walk out the bar that you loved all of them, and you find their shamelessness in roasting him very amusing
Mylo just rolls his eyes as he wraps his arm around your shoulders while trying to hide a smile
After your date, Vi, Claggor, Powder, and Ekko happened to be hanging out on the sidewalk in front of The Last Drop when they spot you and Mylo standing near the corner of the street
Both of you were laughing at something he said, and Ekko notes that he's never seen Mylo this soft or bashful around a person (His ears were going red as he was rubbing a hand on his neck while talking to you)
The Vander Crew's brows raise when you place your hands on Mylo's cheeks before gently pulling him in to peck his lips
Powder and Ekko snicker when they watch his entire face and neck bloom pink, him just staring at you dumbfounded as you tease him for it
After you leave, they're all smirking at Mylo as he walks back to the bar trying to contain a grin about to break across his face
Ekko: Man you are down BAD
Claggor: Mylo I'm gonna be honest, you BETTER not mess this up
Mylo: Tch, as if I plan on doing that
For real though, you're in for a wild but rewarding ride
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boltwrites · 2 years
Hi! I would like to request just an arcane x fem reader fic where she is the big sister to Vi and Powder/Jinx plus a rlly important sister figure for the whole gang. She makes sure everyone is okay, matched bruises, comforts and makes sure everyone is happy. Just some wholesome moments back when everyone were kids and a little Vander and adoptive daughter bonding too. Thanks ;)
Headcanons - Older Sister
A/N: i hope these are ok! i don't write too much gen fic so this was a little bit outside of my comfort zone. i hope you enjoy regardless!
if you were an older sister to vi and powder, things probably would have gone a lot differently
vi has a strong personality, but she also respects people deeply - vander and you. she looks up to you and always strives to be like you
you end up being the ringleader of all of vander's kids. they always ask your advice, and you're the one that picks out their next job and how they're going to take care of it. that's a lot of responsibility, but by the time act 1 rolls around you're almost an adult, so you feel like you can handle it
because you're older, you try to keep the kids away from super dangerous jobs. they're all a couple years younger than you, and powder is a baby, so you're very careful with what jobs you take
this ends up frustrating vi, mylo, and claggor, who want to try things that are more difficult. this probably results in some arguments and you taking just yourself and powder on a few jobs
this, surprisingly, works out really well for powder. she's always been unsure of herself, but when she's with you on less serious robberies, she actually starts to come out of her shell. it's ok for her to make mistakes because she's not in horrible danger, and she learns from them
on the other hand, vi and the older kids end up pulling off their more difficult job, and you're shocked. you get a greater appreciation for them and their abilities, and admit you were wrong for stifling them.
but, this probably lets you sit down with vi and actually talk about powder and what she is and isn't capable of. because you know - you're the one who has been helping her out. mylo and claggor trust vi because she's closer in age to them, and when you're all on the same page, it makes more sense
this leads you all to generally going out and doing jobs that are safer for powder as she works up her courage. if the boys ever say anything about it you threaten to throw them off the building they're standing on
outside of stealing, you help the kids with other things too
you teach powder how to braid her hair, since you're the only other kid who's had long hair (either currently or in the past)
you help vi with her combos in the boxing ring - she's stronger than you, but you're a great coach
you have a long talk with mylo about thinking before he speaks
and you start a little book club with claggor, who's the only one who really likes to kick back and read fiction with you
although you're the older sister, sometimes you feel more like a mother, and that does kind of suck sometimes when you want to do normal teenager things
you end up complaining about this to vander, who has a deep conversation with you about how he thinks he fucked up as a dad, which shocked you
he says he was young and didn't know how to raise kids when he adopted you all, and that he was so busy rebuilding the city that he couldn't really focus on rebuilding your lives. he apologizes for putting so much pressure on you to practically raise your siblings and that he knows it was fucked up
you agree with him - yes, it was fucked up - but do forgive him, because he really just tried his best. he was there for you all when he could be, but it's difficult running the entire underground and being a single father of five
if you're very mature, he might even open up about the agreement he has with the enforcers, which leads to an argument between the two of you, of course
you understand his point, but still think it's ridiculous
you're even more careful with the kids after that
and vander eventually does let you have time to be a teen, where he makes sure he looks after the kids when you go out to hang out with kids your own age
vi and powder are still a little upset when you leave without them, but when you end up bringing back a new partner, then they just start making fun of you
all of this to say: if you were there, it's very likely that none of arcane would have ever happened and everyone would have been happy
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aceofaves · 2 years
Mylo Fluff Headcanons
Mylo x Fem!Reader
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He's super-duper protective of you (but not in like a possessive toxic way it's cute)
He gets jealous easily, especially when your hanging out with his siblings more than him
Cuddle sessions are a MUST
He writes you little love notes
Vi teases him for it
"Are you writing notes to you're girlfriend again?"
You play with his hair a lot
If you rest your head on his shoulder you're pretty much guaranteed to fall asleep
He wants to say 'I love you" so bad, but he's afraid of rejection
Making out on rooftops when no one's around
He loves falling asleep on your lap
You steal his jackets and he doesn't have the heart to ask for them back
He gets flustered so easily and you find it hilarious
"Aw, look at you. You're face is red~"
"I'm gonna vomit if you two don't be quiet..."
On Movie Nights, you all rarely watch scary movies, but if Powder's not there or okay with it you'll watch a scary movie and he always clings onto you and then acts like nothing happened
Vander loves you
Why? You make his son happy, so he's happy
Mylo tries his best to teach you about lock picking
You help with Mylo's aim
It flusters the fuck out of him
You fluster him with compliments and flirting, he flusters you with dirty jokes/humor
"Hey Y/n."
"Yes, babe?"
"They say that kissing is a language of love, so would you mind starting a conversation with me?"
"...What the fu–"
He scares you, whether it's from behind doors or a loud noise, he scares you
He plays guitar
He didn't tell you this because he was afraid you'd laugh but you think it's cute how focused he gets when he plays those chords
And at the end of the day you two cuddle to sleep
♥︎ Bonus –
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Vander has caught you two cuddling before
That's how Vander met you
That was a very long and awkward conversation that lasted about an hour
Mylo's face was so red and you couldn't stop giggling
That's how Vander knew you we're a keeper
Vander treats you like his own, especially when you're sad (but that's the kids' territory for the most part)
The others actually contemplated your existence for awhile because Mylo's, well, Mylo.
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claggorstuff · 2 years
Another fic but this time it's an idea from one of the comments (cutebean-123 I think)
Tickle war, also movie night a week after the first fic 🏃🏼🏃🏼 claggor x reader n stuff you know the drill
I sat in my room on my bed, waiting for him to pick up the phone, was he held up at hockey or something?
*voicemail* "if this is Mylo I'm gonna hit you in the shins during hockey practice dude. Anyone else sorry I'm not available right now!"
I sighed "siblings."
Suddenly I heard the doorbell ring and all but bolted downstairs to open the door to see none other than the man the myth the legend himself
"well if it isn't claggor (L/N)"
"yeah yeah I know I'm late, Mylo fell right on his ass and damn near cracked his head open!"
"he's okay right though?"
"not, but he's gotten a concussion before, this is Canada who hasn't gotten a concussion on the ice!"
"anyone who doesn't skate perhaps"
I grabbed his hand and lead him up to my room happily
"so what's the plan for tonight?"
"last week you said in exchange for a kiss on the lips that this week I could pick the movie, so guess what we're doing!"
He sighed dramatically "watching a moooovvviiiiieeee..."
He chuckled, "that's if you can get the remote!" He snatched it and held it higher than I could reach, he's pretty tall compared to his siblings and I, nearly as tall as Vander even!
"give it baaaacckkk!"
"mm-mm, never!" He reached higher and higher as I jumped up trying to get it, suddenly an idea came to me
"well if ya won't give it! I'll take it!" I started tickling him and he fell back onto the bed
"nnnooo! Stop! Ahaaaa! That tickles!" He laughed like crazy squirming around
"not until ya give me the remote!"
He grabbed me and started tickling me right back and it became an all out war
"I will never surrender! Neevverrrr!" Suddenly his glasses fell off and smacked me square on the nose
"AHA! YOUR ONE WEAKNESS! you're blind as hell."
I got him off glasses in hand, and tickled him until he was huffing for air
"do you yield mere mortal?"
"yesss yess I yield oh great sorceress!" He handed me the remote and I put his glasses back on his face
"good! Now let's pick out the movie."
He sat up and put his arms around me as I picked out a good movie, I grabbed a blanket and some snacks, this time I definitely won't be falling asleep, I picked out Friday the 13th the first movie
"really? This late?"
"shoulda made sure Mylo didn't crack his head like an egg"
He snuggled up to me, naturally loving horror movies, just not at night.
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brainrot-buffet · 2 years
Hi! Just here to say I adore your Modern AU with all my heart cause the crew was just taken away from us way too soon </3 I also saw your Claggor x reader work and wondered if you would write a Mylo x reader one too? Preferably in the Modern AU and you can decide if it’s already dating or getting together <3
Oh man. You guys don't know how many Mylo x Reader ideas I have just sitting in my drafts. I make them when I cry about the huge lack of content for him, not to mention how much slander this guy gets. Therefore, this post sounds more like a long scenario told in headcanon form in order to feed every Mylo stan for a while, I mean this is Brainrot Buffet for a reason ;-;
Notes: Fluff, mild mention of Cupcakke
Mylo x GN!Reader Headcanons (Modern AU)
Mylo needs someone patient and forgiving, someone willing to be open-minded whenever he says something not everyone's ready to hear, and takes time to understand why he is the way he is
People weren't so kind to him as a kid; He learned at a young age that the world doesn't give a fuck about you, so it's best not to give a fuck in return and flip it off (this is why middle fingers are his favorite symbol)
He shields himself by becoming a sarcastic loudmouth with an egotistic exterior — AKA a person who doesn't have a lot of friends outside his own siblings
In short, it's gonna take some time for Mylo to truly warm up to you
You befriended him after the two of you got paired up for a group project; Spending a while on it together made him realize that you two get along well, so he decided to continue annoying talking to you afterwards
He'd have an easier time opening up talking to someone just as opinionated and snarky as he is; Bonus points if you're non-judgemental, don't take his words too seriously, and know when to tell him to shut up
Ngl, he was expecting you to stop talking to him when he says something in front of you that's considered "controversial" by social standards (that's actually a good word to describe him: controversial but correct)
One day, he whispered to you that a pretentious classmate's violin playing was shit despite the entire class excessively praising them for their "talent"
Mylo realized what he said too late and immediately froze, mentally cursing himself for potentially losing ANOTHER new friend
Then, he heard you snort, and GIGGLE
You whisper back trying to suppress your wide grin, "I thought I was the only one thinking that!"
That day marks the start of Mylo gradually allowing himself to let his walls down for you
Once he gets comfortable as friends, Mylo doesn't hesitate to tease you every chance he gets; You'll often have friendly banter and jokingly roast each other (He's going easy on you though, he's not as unhinged as he is with Powder)
You both learned how to skateboard together, buy bagels and soda from local delis after school, sneak onto the school's rooftop to draw vulgar imagery and Mylo's face on the walls, have karaoke nights on his laptop in his room, etc.
Constantly sends you Snaps and DMs you on Discord/Insta, spamming you with weird memes or TikToks he thinks you'll like; Added you to the Vander Crew Discord server where he makes you join voice chats with him, both of you staying up late to talk about anything and everything
During class work hours, lunch periods, subway rides to and from school, or when you're doing homework together, he shares his airpods with you so you can both listen to stuff on Spotify
He puts on Cupcakke at max volume just to try getting you to laugh in the middle of class; "D**pth***t" starts playing on his airpods and he just grins at you while wiggling his eyebrows
He keeps tons of pictures of both of you on his phone; Sometimes he'll find himself looking at your pics for a few seconds too long, causing him to get flustered and immediately put his phone away
He'll always bug you to hang out with him and his siblings + Ekko; Gets jealous the moment you start talking with Powder a lot (cuz who wouldn't wanna be friends with her???); Becomes super petty and argues with a CHILD in front of you
Will ABSOLUTELY throw hands if anyone tries to pick on you, and uses his gift of verbal savagery to make people cry if he has to; If you scold him for it, he'd be all, "What??? They had it coming!"
In return, whenever people try to "cancel" Mylo, you're always there to defend him and defuse situations which often means grabbing his ear and dragging him away; His honesty is something you love about him, but sometimes he just doesn't think before he speaks (which causes him to be HUGELY misunderstood by a lot of people)
He's probably already liked you for a long time, but it takes a while for him to realize he's caught feelings and would need someone to directly point it out to him
And that someone was Ekko
Mylo was making obnoxious kissy-faces behind Ekko as he was talking to Powder, and once she left Mylo called him a simp
Ekko: Well look who's talking, I'm not the one making googly eyes at Y/N all the time 🤨🤨🤨
Vi and Claggor back up Ekko, saying they've always been sus at how Mylo's much softer and friendlier to you in comparison to his "badass" persona
Mylo tries so hard to deny it despite his cheeks and ears burning bright red
Claggor comments, "Denial is the first step towards acceptance, Mylo"
After a day of mulling over it, he begrudgingly accepts his fate as a simp
The process of the two of you getting together can be described with two words: Slow. Burn.
Mylo's really curious to know if you think of him the same way, but is aware that coming on too strong might cost him his friendship with you
And again, he's never been in a relationship before, so he knows he's gonna fuck up by rushing and going into this blind
His behavior towards you doesn't really change after realizing his feelings, except for the fact that he flirts with you more often
The way you can tell Mylo is flirting is by observing what he does; His actions speak much louder than his words (which are also loud but you get the point)
For example, you'll be the only person he'll share his food with; He steals stuff from the cafeteria cuz the school lunches barely give kids enough to eat, and does his best to get two things instead of one if he can
Like he'll tap your shoulder and wordlessly take your hand to place a small muffin on your palm, expectantly waiting for you to eat it ;-;
Doesn't know how to comfort you emotionally, but will listen to you rant and take you out to do something with him to get your mind off it, or lifts your chin with his finger so you can watch him wiggle his brows while making funny faces at you
Becomes more touchy-feely with you: Grips your hand whenever you're walking down busy sidewalks, does that thing where he yawns and drapes his arm around you, lets his knee touch yours when sitting next to you, etc.
Develops a habit of resting his forehead on your shoulder, especially when he's exhausted; Also allows you to sleep on his own whenever you're riding the subway or a bus
His love languages are physical touch (giving) and words of affirmation (receiving)
All this guy needs is a genuine compliment or words of encouragement; Feels his stomach turn into mush when you tell him you think he's cute for the first time
It's cuz people always slandered him for his appearance: They call him Vegeta hair, shit for brows, paintbrush, Mylo admits they're pretty creative
Hearing you say he's actually not as ugly as people think reroutes his brain and boosts his confidence (and unfortunately ego) so much
It becomes a little obvious to others that you've developed feelings for each other, but are too scared of being rejected; You both end up pining over one another for a long time (months, years, your choice)
The breaking point occurs one day when you were having karaoke night in Vander's family car
You're both taking a breather and laughing after having finished energetically jamming out to a song when Labrinth's "I've Never Felt So Alone" starts playing on Mylo's phone
He notices what song this is and quickly sits up to change it; He secretly listens to sappy music but has an image to uphold (Fun Fact: He listens to this song specifically because it makes him think of you)
You stop him before he can reach his phone
You: I didn't know you listened to Labrinth.
Mylo: And you were NOT supposed to know, so lemme just—
You: What? No way I love this song! And it's the extended version?? Niiiccceeee
Mylo: Shut up... Thesongwastooshortok?
You chuckle as his response, and silence falls between the two of you as the bass fills the car
You're staring out the window at the colored lights and bustling people inside Vander's bar, ignorant of how Mylo's leaning against the steering wheel, blissfully admiring your face under the streetlight
You look back at him, noticing he's staring at you, yet he doesn't break eye contact
You then ask him if he's alright and if there's a problem with your face
Mylo doesn't respond, a beat passes before he slowly turns his body to you, biting his lip thinking that what he's about to do is STUPID, but this shit has gone on for too damn long and he needs to know now or never
He leans in close, just stopping inches away from your face; Despite the dim lighting from outside, you can see his pupils quickly flicker from your mouth and back up to your own
Mylo: The problem with your face is that my lips aren't on yours.
You are shocked; Pickup lines are a form of humor between the two of you but he was never this bold or looked this serious; In your mind you're like "DAAAYYUUUMMM okay, okay... I can dig this"
So you gently tug on the collar of his hoodie to pull him closer, feeling his quickened breathing against your cheeks as his ears become redder with each second
You: So... are you gonna fix said problem or nah?
Upon hearing you say that, Mylo gets the cutest, wide-eyed look on his face as his mouth hangs agape a little
And that's how you two end up awkwardly yet passionately making out in the car; He apologizes for his nose hitting your eye but you assure him it's alright, pulling him in to kiss him again
That's until Vi and Powder come out Vander's bar to tell you both to get back inside
Powder innocently mistakes the sounds of you groaning in pain after Mylo bit your lip too hard as both of you having a fight
Vander: Mylo...
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brainrot-buffet · 2 years
Masterlist Menu
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(This list will be regularly updated as I post and make more WIPs)
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Arcane Highschool/Modern!AU
General Headcanons/Clubs (Vi, Powder, Mylo, Claggor, Ekko)
Proud Dad Vander HCs (Vander, Vi, Powder, Mylo, Claggor)
Powder joins the Riflery Club HCs (Powder, Vi, Mylo, Claggor, Ekko, Caitlyn)
Mylo and Musicals HCs (Mylo, Powder)
Benzo, Sevika, and Silco at Zaun Southern High School HCs (Benzo, Sevika, Silco, Vi, Mylo, Claggor, Powder, Ekko)
Viktor at Piltover Prep HCs (Viktor, Ekko, Powder)
Piltover Prep HCs (Jayce, Mel, The Council, Heimerdinger)
Powder gets everyone to play Genshin HCs (Powder, Ekko, Vi, Claggor, Mylo, Silco)
Powder gets her first Boyfriend HCs (Powder, Mylo, Vi, Claggor, Caitlyn, Ekko)
The Vander Crew helping Teen!Ekko with a crush HCs (Ekko, Powder, Vi, Mylo, Claggor)
The Vander Crew uses the Internet (Vi, Claggor, Mylo, Powder, Ekko)
Misc. EnglishTeacher!Silco HCs (Silco, Powder, Vi, Claggor, Mylo)
Vi saving her Siblings + Ekko (Vi, Mylo, Ekko, Claggor, Powder)
Specific Details for AU World-building (Vi, Powder, Mylo, Claggor, Ekko)
ᴀɢᴇꜱ / ɢʀᴀᴅᴇ ʟᴇᴠᴇʟꜱ (ꜰᴏʀ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴀᴜ), ʟᴀꜱᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ, ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛꜱ, ᴇᴛᴄ.
Mylo gets a Part-time Job (Mylo, TBA)
ᴠᴀɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛᴇʟʟꜱ ᴍʏʟᴏ ɪᴛ’ꜱ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ꜰᴏʀ ʜɪᴍ ᴛᴏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴀ ᴊᴏʙ :)
Prom Night (Vi, Claggor, Mylo)
ᴘʀᴏᴍ ʀᴏʟʟꜱ ᴀʀᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴏʟᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇ ɴᴏ ɪᴅᴇᴀ ʜᴏᴡ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴇᴀʟ ᴡɪᴛʜ ɪᴛ. ᴅᴏ ᴛʜᴇʏ ɢᴇᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴇꜱ? ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴅᴏ ᴛʜᴇʏ ᴛʜɪɴᴋ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇᴠᴇɴᴛ ɪᴛꜱᴇʟꜰ? ᴀʀᴇ ᴛʜᴇʏ ɢᴏᴏᴅ ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇʀꜱ???
Modern!AU Mylo and Powder Sibling HCs (Mylo, Powder)
ɢʀᴏᴡɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴀ ᴘᴇʀꜱᴏɴ ᴡʜᴏ'ꜱ ᴊᴜꜱᴛ ᴀꜱ ꜰᴇʀᴀʟ ᴀɴᴅ ᴜɴʜɪɴɢᴇᴅ ᴀꜱ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ɪꜱ ᴀ ʟᴏᴛ ᴏꜰ ᴡᴏʀᴋ, ʙᴜᴛ ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ᴍᴏʀᴇ ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴀɴ ᴛʜᴀᴛ
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Character Specific Works
Mylo x GN!Reader Modern!AU HCs
The Vander Crew meets Mylo's S/O HCs (Modern AU)
Mylo with an Affectionate S/O HCs
Mylo being oblivious to someone who likes him HCs
Claggor x GN!Reader Modern!AU HCs
Claggor x Energetic!Reader HCs (Modern AU)
NOTE: Yes I know they’re all mainly about Mylo. These are fics and ideas I’m personally writing for myself cuz he’s honestly my favorite character. I want to contribute making more content for him since he doesn’t get enough love :(
Tending his wounds after a fight (Mylo x GN!Reader)
Playing with his hair (Mylo x GN!Reader)
Mylo x Artist!Reader HCs
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