disdaidal · 2 years
can you tell us about the omega!billy ideas you have? i'm also very fond of the concept <33 i love when billy is suffering even more than usual -myriadof-fandoms
Aww thanks for asking me. ♥ And suffering Billy can be just something so... personal. Why do we enjoy torturing him so much? I don't know. But I can't get enough of it. 🤧
Anyway... I think I posted a little snippet of it last year (as a response to some writing tag game) and in that particular idea Billy's the usual 'secretly omega but pretending to be alpha/beta'. And Tommy and Steve are his best friends but they don't know about Billy's true identity yet because he's using scent blockers etc.
So this one school day Billy gets upset during a biology class (the topic that particularly upset him was regarding omegas of course but he wouldn't admit it), and Tommy and Steve wanna cheer him up so they invite him to Tommy's place for drinks/weed and some movies. And Billy knows it's a terrible idea because his heat is fast approaching and he should be at home getting ready for it; definitely not hanging around with two alphas (or alpha/beta, haven't decided yet). But he's angry, not thinking clearly, and feeling a little bold, a little rebellious, so he says fuck it and goes with them.
(also these ideas got way longer than they were supposed to so hiding them under the cut):
Naturally, Tommy's idea of a movie night is watching porn together while getting high/drunk = a jerk off contest, yay. Tommy and Steve are definitely getting into it, and Billy... well, he plays along. Billy thinks it's fucking stupid and risky but he's also competitive you know? And maybe they've fooled around before (just not mentioning it after), and so Tommy and Steve - one of them or both of them because they obviously both have a crush on Billy - want to get down on him, and Billy lets them but he's also really nervous because he knows that he's playing with fire here.
So his heat doesn't (miraculously) start right there that night, but then he stays over and falls asleep on Tommy's bed, being spooned and cradled by both of them. And when Billy wakes up, he feels awfully feverish and slick between his legs and he starts to panic. Especially when Steve starts to slowly stir awake as well, sniffing the air and sleepily mouthing against Billy's neck.
Billy gets off bed upon realizing that his heat has started and that the other boys will soon start to notice it, so he quickly excuses himself and drives back home as fast as he can. He lives alone, so no parents (especially shitty parents) to make him feel even worse about his condition as he quickly starts undressing and building a comfy nest on his bed.
He doesn't show up at school for the next two or three days and won't answer his phone because he's plugged it off the wall. Steve and Tommy start getting worried - Steve especially because he could smell something different that morning and his alpha senses got stronger, but he just couldn't tell for sure why. And they both finally decide to skip school and drive to Billy's place.
Billy lives on the second floor, and they first try ringing his doorbell downstairs but get no answer. Since Steve's good at climbing windows (heh), he's obviously going to do that here, too. And when he finally reaches Billy's bedroom window and peeks through it... well, he figures out a thing or two. :'D And I still haven't decided yet if both Steve and Tommy are gonna help Billy with his "little problem" or just Steve, but one thing is for sure: none of them are gonna ridicule Billy for being an omega (they're just a little surprised/shocked), and he's gonna be fed and taken good care of afterward, just like he deserves. <3 So I'm not actually gonna put him through hell this time - I'm just gonna make him suffer a little, heh.
But the other idea I had (I guess this was my original idea) was this kind of a... fantasy/medieval setting I guess? Where Steve's an actual king, a prime Alpha who rules an entire kingdom. So there's this backstory that he used to be a real dick when he was younger - a spoiled prince who became a king - and didn't always make the best decisions for his people let alone rule fairly, so he has definitely made enemies in the past (what king hasn't?) - and there's a group of rebels that keep causing him and his army trouble all the time.
So let's just say that Billy comes from a poor family and he's a male omega on top of that. And in this universe, male omegas are not just extremely rare, but they also often end up as prostitutes or worse because there's this tale among his people that omegas are born out of a curse, not as a sign of blessing. So in my mind, Billy's this poor guy, poor omega fella who lives with his stepsister Max and stepmother Susan who had his father murdered because he kept hurting his own son, and Susan could no longer take that.
So Susan is now trying to look after them but she's poor and her job at the market isn't bringing them much food or money at home, so Billy has to do something about it. He doesn't want to prostitute himself (and the herbs/potions he takes to mask his natural scent cost them, too) so they need money and protection, and Billy decides to join the rebels because the army won't hire him (he gets laughed at and spat on because he's poor). So having joined the rebels, he gets paid some at least and on top of that, he gets to fight for something good, too - which is a fight against the cruel king who's made their everyday lives a living hell.
So one night, during a particularly vicious attack against the king's castle, Billy finally gets captured and thrown in jail with the other rebels who survived the battle and tried to escape. He spends time in jail for days, without proper food or herbs/potions to mask his natural omega scent, and others are starting to take notice. The guards are mocking him and making obscene gestures and comment at him, and Billy has never felt so vulnerable and scared in his entire life - not even when his father was still alive and beat him up.
Max has somehow managed to talk her way into the king's castle (she can be very persuasive) and she begs King Steve to let Billy go because 'my brother has this... special condition, he could get really sick'. King Steve won't release Billy no matter how much Max begs him, but he reluctantly agrees to go down into the dungeons to actually see what the fuss is all about. The guards have drug Billy by force and struggle to keep him still because Billy might be an omega but he's still strong. When Billy finally stands in front of King Steve, snarls and tries to spit at him while the guards hold him still and punch him... King Steve's dark eyes are dilated and his blood feels hot in his veins. Billy's scent, now fully unmasked; vivid and intoxicating. Billy's not just one of the most beautiful men that Steve's ever laid his eyes on: he also happens to be a male omega who are supposed to be extra rare - even a complete myth, they say.
So naturally, once King Steve has laid his eyes on this unique specimen, he's absolutely enchanted by Billy's beauty and his strong spirit, and releases him from the dungeons. However, Billy isn't free to walk away from the castle - he must now serve King Steve as his personal assistant and advisor. Billy's given his own room and a soft, warm bed to sleep in, and the best healers and alchemists in the entire kingdom, to help him with his 'rare condition' - also that King Steve wouldn't be 'tempted' when he's around (he absolutely is but that's beside the point). And Billy gets to socialize with other omegas in the castle to avoid being too lonely (albeit Billy still feels lonely because he's still the only male omega around; nobody can truly understand him and 'his curse').
And well, let's just say that Billy's hate for the king slowly begins to dissipate over time as he realizes that Steve isn't all that cruel and evil as the stories tell. And while Billy's still a prisoner in the castle because he's committed a crime, at least he isn't down in the dungeons, and King Steve allows Max and Susan to visit him as well (Billy thinks about them all the time and worries for them).
Whether King Steve finally lets Billy go after Billy's served his time in his castle and then Billy returns to him, asking if he could come back and bring his family along, too. Or that Billy stays there willingly because he's fallen in love with the king and vice versa (Max and Susan moving in later)... I haven't decided yet. D:
It's kind of a twisted story (maybe a little akin to Beauty and the Beast), with an A/B/O + soulmates twist, and I've been feeling nervous about it even starting it, 'cause. I don't know. It's a heavy story to write I guess. :D But I still keep thinking about it every once in a while.
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ihni · 2 years
so i finished baby steps.
what do i do now. how do i go on. what. i need sammy? and frank? billy's internal monologue? soft harringrove kisses? i have to live without them now?
i'm. you'll get a proper comment on ao3 but i just 😭 -myriadof-fandoms
I love you. And please know that Sammy is doing just well with his two dads and granpa Frank. Billy and Steve and Sammy are all happy in their house and are living their best life.
(Meanwhile, Neil gets explosive haemorrhoids and dies alone and unloved.)
Please feel free to dream up your own future for little Sammy and his dads <3
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lazybakerart · 2 years
hey! so i read the witching hour recently and i loved it - it's so so good. and well i couldn't help but wonder if you had any plans to finish it? i really loved your characterisation of billy and the general vibe so i'd love to know where it'd all go! though obvi no pressure i just really loved it and it's a lovely piece of writing as it is xx -myriadof-fandoms
aww thank you!! tbh, i'm going to rewrite it! so it'll be a bit before i update (i realize it's already been a bit adksjhgfg. just know i'm trying!)))
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pixiegrl · 2 years
Pretty boy Harrington is a problem for Billy and his resolve to lay low in Hawkins
For @myriadof-fandoms 
Hi! If you know me from the 5sos fandom, I'm sorry but this fic isn't for you.
If you're new here, hi. Welcome. Long time reader, first time writer for Stranger Things. Recently, Mimi and I have been watching/talking about Stranger Things and Harringrove and one thing led to another and I decided to write this little fic. Thank you to Mimi for looking this over and commenting on it. Love you!
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37965472
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disdaidal · 2 years
i need to talk about billy hargrove. you too are a billy hargrove enthusiast so,, hi :)
honestly i just need to point out that when billy goes to the wheelers looking for max he fucking abuses that doorbell, like he rings about 30 times in 2 minutes at least and doesn't even wait 10 seconds after the first ring to ring again at first like the menace of a teenaged boy that he is. i feel like it's wildly overlooked how annoying and just inherently idiot boy (affectionate) this fucker is and the repeated doorbell ringing just to be a nuisance goes hand in hand with practising his pickup lines in the car and is overall very fitting for mr "i wink at myself in the mirror" hargrove. he's just a little shit and i love him so much.
i'm sorry i'm rewatching season 2 -myriadof-fandoms
Ahah you're so right though! He's so freakin' impatient, a real nuisance indeed! Really wish we'd gotten to see more scenes like that with Billy and not... well, the other thing. He was such a jackass but at least he was fun to watch. What a goofball. ♥
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disdaidal · 2 years
hello! this is a bit random but i just need to share it lmao so my best friend is finally watching stranger things (mainly bc i begged him to do so) and we were just on holiday together so over the last 4 days we watched most of season 2 together and let me tell you i was Terrified of his reaction to billy, bc our other friend who was watching with us is not a fan of the little trash boy and yk it's easy to go down the not liking him route. however today i got to see my best friend's reaction to neil hargrove and The Scene. and it was glorious. he immediately said sth along the lines of "holy shit now i feel bad for this kid and suddenly all his behaviour makes sense." it was lovely and reassuring to see this reaction from a guy who isn't as involved in fandom spaces or drama and really had a completely neutral pov. hearing this outside perspective in between all the anti bullshit and stuff was so nice -myriadof-fandoms
That's good to hear! :) Sometimes it's hard to like characters because their behavior annoys us for one reason or another but eventually they just might grow on us. Sometimes it even takes two, even three rewatches for us to fully understand that character (definitely happened to me more than once lol). So it's good to hear that your friend ended up having a more empathetic/understanding response to Billy's character instead of just sticking with a negative bias because of how Billy acts.
I actually had a similar experience with my best friend who's also here on Tumblr. :) With the exception that she wasn't actually biased against Billy because she doesn't watch the show, but rather she asked me to pick an episode or two for us to watch because she was curious about Billy. And I recall showing her at least the second episode from s2 where Billy drives like a madman and taunts Max, and my friend immediately picked up on it and said something along the lines of "he's definitely got some issues" and "he needs help". And it was also a very neutral response from her so I felt good because Billy's character really divides opinions.
Of course we didn't watch the entire show so I don't know if she would've felt otherwise if we had haha. On the other hand, she was a hardcore Loki fan back in the day so yeah. :)
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ihni · 1 year
omg happy birthday!! i hope you had the loveliest day and were celebrated as you deserve ❤️ you are so very lovely and bring such positive energy into the fandom so we can all be very thankful you're around xx sending lots of love and all the best wishes for your new year of life 🥰 -myriadof-fandoms
Thank you, for both the birthday wishes and for the kind words, that's so nice of you! <3
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ihni · 2 years
ihni drop your location i just wanna talk about that fic - myriadof-fandoms
I don't think I dare to, now! "I just wanna talk" sounds vaguely threatening ...
Would it help if I said I was sorry ...?
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disdaidal · 2 years
these are so amazing and i love all the answers you had so far so!! pls share:
👩‍👦 — What’s your fave Billy + his mom headcanon?
📺 — What genre of films do you think he’d like? Do you think he ever ‘netflix and chills’ (whatever the eighties equivalent is) for dates?
🚑 — Has he ever rode in an ambulance?
Aw I'm glad you liked my answers! ♥
👩‍👦 — What’s your fave Billy + his mom headcanon?
There are many lovely (and yet sad) hc's I've read about Billy and his mom. I think I'd really like to stick to my previous hc is that he and his mom would sing songs together. She used to be a hippie, and still listened to those old records, and a grown-up Billy would still remember some of those songs and listen to them alone in his room. He's bitter because she used to be his world, his rock, and the goddess who used to watch over him and stood by his side, rocked him in her arms when he was upset, and sang to him until he fell asleep. One day she's gone, simply left him behind and promised to come back but she never did.
Maybe she was a bit of an artist, too. Or wrote poems. And Billy has saved some of them in his room. They're hidden away because the memories of her are too painful and he doesn't want to look at them and remember the good times they had. But he doesn't have the heart to throw them away either. Because they're the only things, besides old photographs, that Billy still has left of her.
📺 — What genre of films do you think he’d like? Do you think he ever ‘netflix and chills’ (whatever the eighties equivalent is) for dates?
I'm probably gonna reduce Billy to a stereotypical, straight white male here by saying that he likes action movies, but yeah. He watches action movies. xD Like Terminator, Rambo II, Robocop, Die Hard (let's pretend Billy lived up until old age so he got to see all of them). The good 'ol James Bond, of course, and he picked up Max's nickname 'Mad Max' from those movies.
I think he's brought a girl or two at home for dates and let her pick whatever boring movie she likes, so he can pretend he's watching it while he slips an arm around her shoulders. They end up snogging on his couch at approximately ten minutes after the movie's started.
Maybe he did with a boy, too, heh.
🚑 — Has he ever ridden in an ambulance?
Maybe once? One of my favorite headcanons for Billy is that he used to skate in California, but he also has asthma. And he had recently taken up smoking to look "cooler" in the eyes of some people in their school. He used to be a good skater but smoking has reduced his lung capacity, so he quickly runs out of breath. His friends mock him about it, ask him what's the matter, can't keep up Hargrove? and you know how Billy is: competitive. So he keeps pushing himself and does a couple of good tricks on his skateboard because he can still do this and he's still the best skater out of them all. But then he makes a mistake and slips, his skateboard flying in the air, and Billy goes crashing down onto the ground and the air gets knocked out of his lungs.
When he tries to inhale and gasps for breath, it comes out short and in a wheeze. It happens again and again, and he thinks he's gonna pass out. He tries fumbling in his pockets to find his inhalator but it's nowhere. He's left it at home. And his friends start panicking around him, pushing at his shoulders and gently slapping at his cheeks as if that would really help. Then one of them runs to a pay phone and calls the ambulance.
So, Billy gets the help he needs and he's soon back on his feet again, going directly home from the hospital. He gets a slap from Neil at home for being sloppy and making them pay for his medical bills.
— billy hargrove headcanons
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ihni · 2 years
hii ihni! idk if you can help me but i hope it's okay to ask bc i'm looking for a fanfic and i cannot find it for the life of me. i only hazily remember the details which is honestly why i should stop reading fic at the ass crack of dawn but i think the general plot was that harringrove were dating and the kids just figured it out because billy was at steve's place a lot .. maybe? see, i can't even tell you if that really was in this fic or a different one bc i remember that little. mostly i remember one scene towards the end of the fic where steve can't sleep bc of anxiety/stress/trauma and billy essentially just fucks him through the night on their couch (yk as a way to settle him down/basically exhaust him to the point of sleep is unavoidable) i remember details from that such as steve being like 'i gotta get up for work in 2 or 3 hours' and billy responds with something along the lines of 'okay does that mean we're going to bed or we're going for another round' and then i believe he makes steve come for like the third time and at least one of them hurts their foot by hitting it against their couch table bc they are idiots. this is a mess of an ask. i'm so sorry, i hope i'm not bothering you i just can't find this and it's driving me nuts!! at this point idek if i didn't make it up lmao. hope you have a lovely day xx - myriadof-fandoms
Don't apologize, you're not bothering me ay all! Unfortunately this doesn't ring a bell, but perhaps someone who reads this had an idea? If so, please let @myriadof-fandoms know, please!
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ihni · 2 years
hello i am dropping in to tell you that i've FINALLY gotten to start baby steps (i have had that tab open for literal ages.. i can't commit to long fics until i really have time) and i'm so in love already
i think the first post you made about it was one i stumbled over when i was just randomly starting to look at harringrove content and just the outline has lived in my head rent free since then
and now the fic itself is so so so so so good i binge read the first 5 chapters and it's breaking my heart but also frank has shown up and i would kill and die for him tbh
apropos kill i just need 5 minutes with neil thanks
okay really i justed wanted to say that fic makes my heart ache but in really nice ways and i love baby sam and baby billy bc yes he is and i just want to wrap both of them in bubble wrap and protect them. can't wait for steve and i did love the few moments of max idk if she'll show up again but just her offering to help billy by baby sitting and calling out to him when he left already were such lovely scenes
yeah overall i'm just in love and wanted to share xx -myriadof-fandoms
Dude, this made my NIGHT. <3 Thank you so much for writing such wonderful things (I also laughed out loud at the Neil part - I'm feeling generous, you can have an hour with him. Make the most out of it, and please put out plastic sheets beforehand for easier cleaning).
It means so much to me to know that you like it. It warms my heart, really <3 Thank you, for making my night.
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ihni · 2 years
AUNTIE MAX [i am doing great i'm sorry this chapter just made my day i'm gonna go cry] -myriadof-fandoms
I love you and your reactions! <3
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disdaidal · 2 years
happy birthday!! i hope you'll have a lovely day 🥰 you are such a wonderful part of this fandom, thank you for all your incredible content ❤️ -myriadof-fandoms
Aww thank you so much, that is so sweet of you! 💖🥰💝I'm so happy to hear you've enjoyed my content, it means so much to me! <3
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disdaidal · 2 years
lmao i'm sorry but i'm laughing (read: crying) in german where we gender everything. like literally everything is der die oder das (male female or neutral) to the point where one of my friends who speaks both english and german complains about the amount of gendering we do. it is hell. i envy you so much -myriadof-fandom
Yeah I took German many years ago and I could never fully understand how der/das/die or ein/eine worked in different sentences or under a different context because the language is so freaking gendered djkgjjgk.
I'm actually restarting German this year, after so many years, and I'm already dreading it. :D jk I want to take German. Your grammar is just so confusing to me!
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ihni · 1 year
This is a ficlet by @myriadof-fandoms which was based off of this post, and it is so many levels of Awesome that I can't even describe it. it's crack, it's funny, it's fantastically amusing to imagine, and it makes me smile no matter how many times I read it.
If you want to laugh, and be entertained on this the last day of the year, this fic is for you. If you want to read about Billy flirting with an oblivious Ted Wheeler for the hell of it while everyone else watches in different stages of horror, this fic is for you. If you want Billy being awesome in the way that only Billy can be, this fic is for you.
This fic is a gift to the fandom, and I love it.
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disdaidal · 2 years
Tagged by: @prettyboybillyhargrovee thank youuu ♥
hot shower or cold shower // texting or calling // earbuds or headphones // paperback or hardcover // matte or gel // 12 hour clock or 24 hour clock // blue or green // sunsets or sunrises // tulips or orchids // candle light or moonlight // sci-fi or horror // ball pen or pencil // pandas or koalas // gold or silver // sneakers or boots // denim jacket or leather jacket // pink or purple // chocolate or sour candy // deodorant or perfume // drive-in movie theater or the cinema // pastel colors or neutral/earth tones // lemonade or fruit juice // past or future
tagging: @catzy88 @morewyckedthanyou @lovebillyhargrove @dandysnob @ashyyboyy @dragonflylady77 @buddiebeginz @myriadof-fandoms and as usual, anyone else who wants to take this. ♥ or don’t take this if you don’t want to, that’s fine. <3
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