#mystic messenger discourse
ghostiedreamsz · 8 months
Me, through gritted teeth: Jumin Han is a well-written character who does not fucking suck. He is essential to the plot, and even when he acts selfishly he is a good character just like everybody else
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Do you think Rika had an actually desire to be close to MC or was she just trying to hurt V and or control Searan through us?
See, this is a tough question to answer because it ties into a question about Rika’s wants and desires that can only be encapsulated if you put in the time to learn everything about her... from the diary content in the packages you can buy, the flashbacks in every route, and her DLC.
It's not one of those things where I can definitively tell you the answer since there are many factors that go into what she wants and what she needs. In some regard, you could say that both of these things play into it but it's not one or the other. It might feel like there is a sense of totality in this situation but there is not.
So, to answer this question, I’m going to talk at length about a lot of things that most people don’t. I’ll start with the way Rika feels about V and go from that to show you more.
So, what is V to Rika?
If we want to go with the simple answer, you can go ahead and say that he is the sun. You could say that he is the light she imagined when she was stuck in such a dark place. Growing up, she was adopted by a family that abused her in more ways than one. The amount of religious shame and trauma placed upon her Shoulders by her adopted mother is not something to scoff at.
When she did not live up to the expectations that her adoptive mother wanted from her, she was screamed at, locked away, and told repeatedly that she was the devil. She started to believe she was the devil. it didn't matter how hard she tried or what she did to be a better person, she was never good enough. That was just the start of what she went through as a child.
At some point, her adopted mother decided that it was a good idea to give her personal sessions with the pastor. Her mother claimed that it was a good thing that she could be close to God in this way. It was her attempt at trying to cleanse her daughter of everything she imagined to be the devil. However, that Pastor was a monster of a man and did unspeakable things to Rika.
Both of these things together ultimately accumulated on her shoulders. Until one day, when Rika decided she couldn’t take it anymore because her mother hated Sally and threatened her dog, she decided that she would fight back.
She walked right into the church and claimed to be that devil that would destroy all of them. If any of them dared to hurt her or Sally, she would bring hell upon them and nothing could stop her from doing so. She decided that she could be a so-called devil if it meant that she could protect herself. if they were going to call her that, she knew that she could be that if only briefly. 
That was the start of a long and arduous process. It was that decision to feel as though she was the devil that would ultimately lead to her downfall emotionally. After that point, we all know what she started to do for herself. She started to do volunteer work to feel like she could do something good for the world and distract himself from the way that she felt like the devil.
She didn't have a therapist or anybody to turn to to deal with her feelings, and that made it hard for her to confront anything that she had gone through. The only thing that she could do was mask herself. She could pretend that she was okay and for a long time, she thought that if she continued to do that, it would eventually make her feel that way genuinely.
We all know that's not the way it works. She masked for a long time, keeping hard at helping others as best as she could. She met with her cousin Yoosung eventually and inspired him with that mask, then she met Saeyoung and fought to gain his trust because she’d seen her hurt in his eyes.
And then, she met V on a field-trip she had taken with the church. She went to support Saeyoung who got to witness something interesting for a change, and at that place, she V’s photos for the first time in person. It was like a switch went off in her head. She couldn't believe the way that those photographs made her feel. It was as if someone had painted stars with everything she’d ever experienced in her entire life.
She was inspired and impassioned by the way it made her feel. In the midst of that, she also discovered V’s photos for the first time. It didn't take long before she became obsessed with the way that they made her feel, but she knew that she needed to see it in person. 
Rika’s Diary:
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A lot of people haven't delved into her Diaries so they do not know the context for these things. As you can see, while she feels a strong admiration and love for Jihyun Kim, there’s something else inside of her heart. It's not that she's falling in love with him. She cares for him but it is not the feeling of somebody who is in love with another person. He makes her feel something she's never felt before and she loses herself inside of that.
She lets her feelings get the better of her as she decides his photographs make her feel like... it should be the same way that he makes her feel. If she loves his photos and they make her feel alive... seen... happy... shouldn’t he make her feel the same way?
The way that she describes how he makes her feel is a lot more complex than being in love with someone. It's as if she's clinging to the idea that being in love with someone can fix the way she feels. After she kisses him, she mentions that she's heard before that showing off your beloved to someone else can make you feel good. She's working on assumptions that everything can be better if she just has the sun. If she just has the person that makes her feel as though the sun can protect her from her devil.
But, as you can see, the longer she's with him in a romantic relationship and trying to build a life with him, you notice that it's less about being in love with him, and it's more about wanting to become him. She wants to be him. She wants to become Jihyun Kim. She doesn't want to be herself and she doesn't want to be the person that is in love with him. She wants to be him. She thinks that all of the problems she feels would go away if she was inside him.
If she could be the artist that builds her sun and makes it feel safe. 
She doesn’t want to be the shades of darkness that pool in her heart. She wants to be the sun.
These are the thoughts that are going on inside of her head that nobody knows about completely unless they have dived into who she is. When you think about what's happening as she's feeling this way, some of the pieces start to come together, don't they? V finds out about her innermost demons the longer they’re together… and he decides that he wants to help her because of his own trauma and neglect he went through. He hasn't even begun to unpack what happened to him and that adds on to how this situation becomes embroiled in a mess.
There is no other way to describe it but a mess. She tries to get therapy through his help, but the therapy doesn’t make it better because who she's working with doesn't seem to care.
She's only in therapy for a few weeks before she gives it up. She doesn't have a therapist who wants to commit themselves to helping her sort through all of the things that she has suffered, and that on top of the way that she copes with her emotions and the way that V tries to redirect her pain… Well, it’s a damn cry for help. V tells her to destroy him to cope with her devil, and she continues to push herself into that realm to handle her darkness. Their relationship was toxic on both ends, but I won't get too heavy into that since we all understand that they hurt and pushed each other in countless ways.
Make no mistake, Rika made her choices and she had many chances to stop. This post is not excusing any of her actions. There were a million ways she could’ve made a different decision and stepped away from what was happening. But, to understand why things happened the way they did, we have to understand what factors went into it and what was going on inside of her head.
I won’t get too deep in Mika since most people don’t even know who Mika is since they haven’t done Rika’s Behind Story, but the long of the short of it is simple. There’s a second party in Rika’s ears, pushing her devil and nudging those insecure and frantic thoughts of hers until she cracks. The combination here of V and Rika’s horrible relationship, Rika’s struggle with mental health, Mika’s hand on Rika’s shoulder ultimately pushed Rika into a corner where it happened.
She cracked.
The moment of no return happened when Rika killed Mother Choi in self-defense and blacked out.
That was the moment when there was no turning back in this game. It became proof that she was the Devil in her eyes, and nothing would change that. You know the rest of it, she decided that she needed to become Saeran’s mother to save him like she wanted to be saved as a child, she and Mika started to build Mint Eye together until Mika’s death, and V and Rika’s relationship collapsed as neither of them could do a thing for the other but self-destruct.
When it comes to V, Rika wants to be him.
So, you could say that her obsession with the player in V Route stems from that. The minute he takes an interest in you is the minute she wants to know more about you. Before that, there wasn't much thought she put into you. But if you'll pay close attention to the way that she tries to get into your head, you'll notice that it's because she wants to better get a grasp on V.
She still wants to be him in many ways but there's no way for her to verbalize that feeling. She's not trying to get close to you to prove that she can hurt V. She knows she can hurt him. She's getting closer to you because he wanted to be close to you. She wants everything that he has because that was the idea of happiness and perfection in her eyes.
Why do you think when V finally realizes what their relationship was… he calls it an obsession? It might be bold to say but they were never really in love with each other. They were obsessed with the idea of what the other could bring to them. It's possible that they thought they were in love with each other but that's not really what it was.
He was looking for an artistic muse that could help him feel as though he was finally together. He found something in her that made sense and it pushed him to feel like he could be more than his father ever was. She found the sun in his eyes and it was all she ever wanted. What she wanted from him was what the photographs made her feel in the first place.
They were never going to get those things out of each other. it was always going to end up in an explosion. So, she wants to be close to you at first because V wants to understand more about you. In the context of that bad ending where you decide to side with her, she settles into her devil and decides that she can be herself as long as you are with her. But there's a part of me that knows she's going to keep chasing after the idea of what she imagines V to be.
She named the cult Mint Eye. She was the one who chose to name it after him and it's obvious that the way she handles things has greatly to do with how much she wants to become him.
Now, if you want to talk about Saeran, that’s a different thing. She wants to take him under her bosom because she got rid of his mother. She feels guilty for doing that even if it was an accident. It wasn't like they went to that house intending to get rid of her for good. Mother Choi threatened the two of them and in the heat of the moment, Rika responded.
The only thing they wanted to do was to make sure that she wouldn't make a fuss or get in the way of the two of them trying to get Saeran away from her for good. They were trying to do it in such a way that it wouldn't tip off Saejoong Choi. The guilt she feels over that action is not something to be discounted.
She truly does think of Saeran and Saeyoung as her sons in Another Story. It’s different when she’s too far gone in the cult mentality and loses sight of her original wants in OS/DP/SE. But, in the prior, she convinces herself that the best way to make amends with killing that woman would be to make sure that the boys were taken care of as a mother. If she became their mother and looked after them the way that they needed, she knew that she could make it right.
She convinced herself that that was the only way to make it right. It's this specific line of thinking that gets her on the path that ultimately leads to what we see in Saeran’s After Ending. 
Her convoluted dream in that reality is to be able to have a family that cannot be taken away from her. Honestly, that's all she ever really wanted. All she ever wanted was to have a family that would be able to know her as she was and not be afraid of the things that she felt. But it is so hard to feel like you can open up to the people that you love and trust. That's why the RFA never really knew her the way that she was.
She was always too afraid to let go of the mask that she had been wearing for so long. But, V and the twins…? They know all facets of her at this point. That's why she makes the deal she does to be able to get the boys in her possession. It might not be the best reality but at least she can have the happy family she always wanted and the boys don't have to die. This gets mangled a bit when it comes to how she sees Saeran and Ray.
Ray is her perfectly molded son. That’s why she screams at GE Saeran that she wants him back.
In his route, we are no stranger to her weaponizing his affection towards us to try and control him. In that situation, it's because she wants to keep him close. He is not only useful to her as a tool, but as the lingering notion of a son. That would slowly lose itself over time. The further she falls into being the savior over time, the less she starts to see him as a son and more as a weapon for her personal gain for revenge.
She loses sight of everything she wanted by the time you get to romance the RFA instead of Ray and V. That's particularly why it hurts so much when she screams at Unknown during the Secret Ending she wanted to take Saeyoung instead… that she never wanted him. That's not actually the truth. But, there is so much nuance to this stuff. So, yes, she is willing to weaponize people in the name of getting what she wants, but that's not always the case because she can be a little wishy-washy with her own desires.
Now, do I think that she genuinely wants to be able to know the MC? 
I think there are circumstances when she does want to get to know you. you remind her of the person she used to be, or at least the person that her mask was trying to be. In that sense, she knows you but she doesn't know you. She wants to know how you survive living that way. She wants to understand how you are the way you are.
If there is somebody that is just like the way she wanted to be, there's nothing more that she could want then to get inside of their head to know what makes them tick. I think she wants to know you for the sake of knowing herself. Do I think that that could be something that is good for her? In some ways, Yes. In other ways, no. 
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shubox-imagines · 11 months
hello all it is I, the shubox in ur closet that holds ur darkest secrets.
I felt like fuckin' around and making an imagines blog for the first time since god damn Mystic Messenger (y'all remember that shit?)
That being said, this blog has the potential to contain smut so so help me GOD if you're a minor ignoring my warnings I will throat slam you into the sidewalk please bro make this easy on both of us.
- Into the Spiderverse
- Across the Spiderverse
It is a spiderverse blog i do not know what you expected
I will write for any and all characters!
I will do 18+ posts if requested for the Adult Characters Only So Help Me Lord
This includes
- Anyone that is not fucking Peni, Miles (610 or 42), Gwen, Pavitr or any other child
- Hobie is 19 and if y’all come at me with that ducking discourse i will block you into the sun i do not care enough
Inbox is open and i take requests! I’m also fully able to decline one if I don’t feel comfortable doing it 👍
This is where my rules list will start, as right now I don’t have much I won’t do but will add to it if need be.
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abitbaby · 2 months
My intro
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🦄 Name: Destiny / Luna
🌈 Nicknames: Flower, sweetie, sunshine, rosey, little one, bunny, star
☁️ Pronouns: She/xe
⭐️ Age: 15
🍼 Little age: 0-9
Important things to know about me:
I’m a SFW age regressor, and I don’t support fetishised/sexual age regression or anyone who participates in it
I would like it if you used tone tags with me, but you don't have to if you don't want to
I’m okay and comfortable with adults interacting and talking to me
🧸 My likes:
Tv shows I like: Gravity falls, steven universe, ever after high, my little pony, tangled the series, star vs the forces of evil, miraculous ladybug
Favourite movies: howls moving castle, the tinkerbell movies, all the Disney princess movies (my favourite is beauty and the beast 🌹), thumbelina, alice in wonderland, frozen, trolls, despicable me and minions
Favourite games: ff7r, the sims 4, legend of zelda botw, hogwarts legacy, just dance, stardew valley, animal crossing, a hat in time, omori, ddlc, minecraft, mystic messenger, obey me: shall we date
Personal favourite things: napping, rainy days, ldshadowlady and laurenzside, kiddy music
🍭 DNI: Anything nsfw, anything unsafe for kids, discourse, meanness or malicious intentions towards me, if you’re bigoted, if you post gore, MAPs, if you sexualise age regression
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fayrinferno · 2 years
The Mystery of Leon Schezar
@radical-rad1986 @konstantya in response to this post:
Don't blame the messenger, lol. But yes, it does say that.
But then, I was thinking... what did I think of the whole thing, really? Why would he be so desperate to meet this girl he only talked for a while again? Why else would Allen flip out when Dryden reads about her from the journal? Well, the obvious take is that he "fell in love" with her and dumped his family for that. What's your take?
This actually gave me a reason to do something I had planned for a longer while: to take a closer look at the Leon and Hitomi's grandma situation.
I never really paid too much attention to that part of the story, because yes, it's sort of creepy as it is and it's also sort of complicated with the timeline revealed through Hitomi's visions, random flashbacks and excerpts from Leon's journal. So maybe it will be nothing new for those who were actually analyzing it before already. But here goes, and chronologically this time.
The First Meeting
First revealed part (cold start to ep. 16)
What do we know of the first meeting? Younger!Leon (or let's call him Moustache Leon) climbs some sort of mountain. It's windy and foggy but not frozen; he just climbs a mountain for whatever reason, wherever he is, during his search for the secrets of Atlantis. On the top, a pillar of light hits, bringing a girl with it -- with a summer yukata and a pinwheel.
Second revealed part (Hitomi's vision)
Their revealed conversation goes something like this:
ML: "I can't believe it. You're from the Mystic Moon. I left on this journey to leave all my ties behind. But when I look at you, at your eyes... I think that maybe it was all in vain. You'll forgive me, won't you?"
HG: ... (gets whisked away by the pillar of light)
This doesn't seem to be something that a man falling in love on a first sight would say? Also, what is interesting, Allen gives the very same "you'll forgive me, won't you?" line to Hitomi in "present day", as he flips out about his dad and she is concerned.
Anyway, how old is ML at this point? Are the ties he mentions his family here already? I was hit by an idea that he could possibly be not married yet? Later on, he calls it an "encounter of his youth". Is it possible, he met the girl before marrying Encia, he tried to forget her and the whole Atlantis discourse but later on, he can't escape the restless wish to look into it further?
Whatever it is, he is supposed to be much younger here than his bearded self that appears in the other visions and such. If this is actually the first time he had left his family, I believe he would be in his late 20s or older (Allen is about 10 at the time). If this is before starting a family, perhaps even early 20s. Making the age difference same as Allen and Hitomi/Millerna.
The Search
First revealed part (Leon's journal)
Year of Crystal Northeast, Green, 12th Moon
In his search, Leon (the Older or Bearded; BL) is coming to the dark continent of Asgard, where "no man has set foot before". This means that the first meeting with the girl did not take place in Asgard! I believe I never realized it before.
Also, Leon is not searching for the girl per se (meaning he expects to find her there), he is searching for "the Mystic Valley, where the power that makes miracles happen resides - the Power of Atlantis".
Next, we are shown the leviship that is about to crash into the seas near Asgard. Leon "paid a large sum for the ship and the crew" and will not let them turn around. He is then shipwrecked and washes ashore of Asgard, possibly after several days. He mentions "the memory of girl reappeared, and that the gods led him there". It was "destiny". He also reveals he is seeking to "ascertain his feelings for the girl" and that "everything he looks for is in the Mystic Valley". I feel like he is planning to use the power of Atlantis to summon her.
Blue, 16th Moon
Bearded Leon reaches "driven snow and jagged rocks" that block his path. He also meets "Isaac" an old man saying he comes from the Mystic Moon.
White, 3rd Moon
Bearded Leon walks the misty moor that he is convinced is the last obstacle just before the Mystic Valley together with Isaac, but loses him in the fog. He doesn't care much as he is hell-bent on "revealing the mystery of Atlantis", and "meeting that girl, because if he can meet her..." Aaaand Allen has a ragefit and won't let him finish.
The Reunion
First part (revealed by Allen's vision in the Mystic Valley)
Bearded Leon is injured and runs from the Zaibach soldiers. He says "they chased after him since he left the valley" and that they were after "the mystery of Atlantis". But then, his whole visit to the Mystic Valley happens offscreen, doesn't it. And without any obvious results. What does happen to him there? What is the content of the torn journal page? Did the gate open for him, like it did for Hitomi and co.? Because apparently, the big realizations come only after he leaves the valley, is assaulted and left for dead by Zaibach.
Who, as it turns out, just wanted his journal, but he was cleverer than them and had ripped the important pages out. They, on the other hand, were dumb enough to kill him even if they wanted information out of him (you were supposed to be smart, Isaac). Defeated Isaac/Dornkirk leaves, left to his own devices about Atlantean power.
Then, using the pendant (that he has now and can be assumed found in the Mystic Valley as the only thing that confirms he was even there), Leon summons the girl one last time. Upon seeing her being the same age as she was the first time, Leon understands that wishes "transcend time and space" and "the power of Atlantis is the power of human heart (or wishes)". He also says his "hunch had been correct", meaning, he had assumed this earlier already. Finally, he sends his journal home, to his beloved wife, Encia.
One more thing is funny here, how did Allen not realize the final part of Leon's journal should not be at his villa? But maybe he just thought it was delivered by some sort of messenger and his mother never told him cause it was too painful or something.
Anyway, Allen, sill pissed at his cheating homewrecking father (also, the large sum of money that Leon used to "buy the lives of the crew" of the Asgard leviship was surely missed in the household budget, which is something the artbooks confirm as well), finally sees the truth which is that his parents truly loved each other. But he still can't understand why Leon left.
What Leon says to that is that "he wanted to break free of his destiny" because he married and had family out of duty. Finally, he says something like "what did it matter finding out if the Power of Atlantis is the power of wishes/feelings, when I didn't even understand my own wishes/feelings"... he concludes that he "loves Encia" and encourages Allen to "follow his heart" as well. The wishes/feelings duality comes from the word 思い (omoi) that Escaflowne uses very often. And means both, btw. That's why I didn't use literal translation of that line, cause I think Leon is talking more of his feelings there.
Also, I want to say something the words for "love" that were used:
恋する (koi suru) in the artbook for Leon / Hitomi's grandma
愛する (ai suru) Leon in his own words towards Encia (Allen also uses this in his confessions).
Ai suru is definitely the deeper type of expression, where koi suru can be sort of the infatuation, crush, yearning; ai suru is something you do not say lightly and shouldn't be something short-lived.
(My Own) Conclusions
So from all this, I feel like I want to headcanon that Leon met Hitomi's grandma even before Encia. I believe nothing that I've seen in the anime contradicts that option (even if the artbook kinda does). It would also be the most merciful one that puts him in the better light. He was researching Atlantis, met this mysterious girl on one of his trips but went back and married for duty. But the "what ifs" haunt him and the call of Atlantis prevails over his "destiny" in Asturia. The age difference of their meeting would also be way less creepy.
The worse option would be, he actually left the family first, met the girl and spent all the years searching for the power of Atlantis that could lead him back to her again. But I don't think it necessarily had to mean romantic love. Actually, I decide it doesn't. She probably personifies his obsession, the goal of his Odyssey. Imagine, he gives up on everything, including his own family and life, in search for something pretty unspecific. And then, at the end of one torturous journey, a girl falls from the sky. Probably, the fate would have him believe he searched for that girl, right? There has to be some higher meaning to their meeting. It's really as if one of these scholars and adventurers searching for Atlantis (on Earth) could suddenly talk to someone who lived there. Of course they would become obsessed. Their talk was too short, if he could talk to her some more, maybe he would understand. It would give a meaning to his journey. But in the end he realizes he had it wrong. He was searching for something he already had with his wife and family.
One last thing that would be interesting to look into is how it all influences Allen. One strong thought I had was, at one point in the episode, it really looks like his father abandons his "duty" for a woman which is something Allen doesn't do with Marlene. But I always feel like it haunts him a little that he gave up on his first love like that. So would he understand Leon a little, if it wasn't for all the grief he caused his mother? I really like the "heroic story can be forged out of the playboy Allen" from the artbook btw. I think this sort of captures the creators intentions for him. As for Leon, he still remains kind of an enigma... also wish I hadn't noticed today that the color of Hitomi's mother's eyes seemed dark blue in some shot... damn, I don't even want to go there X_X So I won't. This is it for today.
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flyingdumpsterfire · 1 year
This is my introduction post that I should have done when I joined Tumblr but I have been blind to Tumblr etiquette until recently-
I'm Kalidas, I'm an INFP and I currently identify as transmasc nonbinary boyflux and bisexual demisexual (questioning aceflux?) with he/they pronouns.
I am also a pimo member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, or more commonly known as the Mormon Church.
I usually post random stuff with not very much organisation, often about one or more of my current hyperfixations!
Warning, I do post some creepy content, usually reblogged from another creator, especially (but not only) in the OMORI, Ghost And Pals, The Owl House, Little Shop of Horrors, Heathers, Toilet Bound Hanako-kun, Alice in Borderland, School Bus Graveyard and Lake of Voices fandoms. I also like yandere content, so if you don't like yanderes or they make you uncomfortable, feel free to filter/avoid those posts (although most of those types of posts are usually just things I find and reblog)!
Please don't come at me or interact solely for hate purposes, I am not trying to offend anyone. If you don't like what I post, or who I am, or what I stand for, no one is forcing you to interact with my account.
Basic DNIs, e.g queerphobes / transphobes / homophobes, pedophiles / MAPs, proshippers, antis, people who ship irl people (including kpop idols), racists, fascists, sexists, misogynistic people
Also just anyone who's trying to start a fight with me because I am not here to be sucked into discourse.
Fandom list:
Most Disney movies, but faves are listed
Stray Kids
SCANDAL (J-rock band)
Tangled The Series/Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure
Heathers (Movie and Musical)
Little Shop Of Horrors
How To Train Your Dragon
Rise Of The Guardians
Big Hero 6
Percy Jackson
Miraculous Ladybug
Voltron Legendary Defender
The Dragon Prince
Avatar The Last Airbender
XOXO Droplets
Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
Nagi No Asukara
Komi Can't Communicate
The Orbital Children
Children Of The Whales
The Promised Neverland
Demon Slayer
Sirius The Jaeger
Mystic Messenger
Dangerous Fellows
Toilet-Bound Hanako-Kun
My Hero Academia
Attack on Titan (not really that into it tho)
Kamigami no Asobi
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
Koi to Shinzou
Uta no Prince-sama (s1 only)
Cinderella Phenomenon
Lake of Voices
The Owl House
Error 143
Blooming Panic
Our Life Beginnings & Always + Now & Forever
Epithet Erased
Welcome Home ARG
Into/Across The Spiderverse
She Ra and the Princesses of Power
Vocaloid, especially Ghost and Pals
Newsies: The Broadway Musical
Alice in Borderland (Netflix show only)
Ado (the singer)
Alter Ego
The Amazing Digital Circus
School Bus Graveyard
Good Omens
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max-nico · 8 months
About MaxNico's blog...
Last edited on December 18th, 2023
Table of contents
About me
Other blogs
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Nico's About Me
I am Maxwell, or Nicolas, or D'Angelo, whichever you prefer. I am autistic, aromantic, and African American. I am 18, a girl who boys and a boy who girls
Listen to me. Your pronouns are my pronouns, they are our pronouns we share.
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Nico's DNI
No terfs or terf adjacent
No MAPs or MAP adjacent
No trolls or troll adjacent
Generally mean spirited people
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Nico's Rules About Interaction
Sending asks/submissions
be specific
Just to chat
Keep it clean, keep it friendly
We can be mutuals, but I hate keeping conversation don't expect me to do that, but don't expect me to ignore you either
Keep it friendly
We have to have been talking for a while for me to be comfortable with any NSFW
Rp? Idk... I haven't done that in years so it's a possibility
Tag me in whatever, but keep it kind and clean
And make sure you tell me why you tagged me lol
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Nico's Special Interest
Sonic the Hedgehog - I have been a hedgehog lover for the past 6 years I won't stop now
Undertale/Deltarune - it's been 5 years for this fandom, it still means so much to me
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Nico's Fandoms
ROT/TMNT - I love you audhd Michaelangelo I love you autistic OCD Donatello
Spiderverse - I am literally spiderman wtf are you talking about
Mystic Messenger - Yoosung and 707 stan, as I'm writing this I'm replaying Yoosung's route. I love this game, I've loved it for years
Legend of Zelda - Link is the sexiest she/he/it/they in all of the land and I am jealous
MHA - Don't watch the anime anymore, but I do read the fanfic
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Nico's Other Blogs
@max-nicoxposts - my main blog, but sometimes fandom content leaks through the cracks
I did have a writing blog but I'm probably gonna delete that since I'm posting all my writing here now
More coming soon (probably)
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#I have the mic - my talking tag
#asking and answering -asks tag
At some point I'll have a master post
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The way I get into otome games always seems to be “seeing people complain about them and deciding to be contrarian about it”.
For example, I played Mystic Messenger after reading some awful article about how the whole game is about Doing Emotional Labor for a bunch of attractive men (and a lesbian) in a simulated chatroom.
Now, I always thought the emotional labor discourse as applied to interpersonal relationships (as opposed to its original context in service work) was pretty dumb.
Being pleasant to people, listening to others, giving them sincere appreciation, and making people feel good in your company never struck me as some kind of Special Burden For Women but as something between “basic social skills” and “generally useful and mutually-beneficial behavior”. It can even be highly rewarding.
In fact, getting these fictional guys to adore you is particularly easy. You barely even have to think to figure out what they like and how they can be won over. It’s not some kind of huge sacrifice to just be nice to them.
So I played Mystic Messenger and largely enjoyed it. I helped out the lesbian and motivated her to quit her depressing job and follow her dreams with my support.
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And I also mommydommed the depressed League of Legends addict into playing better games and moving on.
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This is the kind of thing my past self used to do all the time in real life. I still really like how it makes me feel, too.
So it’s not surprising that I really enjoyed the idea of simulating that in a game as well, even if the article describing this was very negative about the concept. My values are just radically different.
For similar reasons, I ended up getting into Diabolik Lovers after seeing people complaining about how Problematic it was for being about a self-insert protagonist who ends up trapped and tormented by half a dozen sadistic yet extremely attractive and emotionally wounded vampires who treat her like their property and suck her blood at will.
In that case, my reaction was much more simple: “Oh, I’m into that actually.”
And so I ended up like this.
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bluejay-writes · 1 year
A sort of Fairy Tail - Chapter 10
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Rating: T / PG-13, SFW. Fandom: Mystic Messenger Relationships: 707/MC (Jaena)/Saeran Chapter 10 Wordcount: 3147 You can also read this on AO3! <- Also a good place to check tags.
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Chapter 10: Coffeeshop AU
Paradigm Coffee was located just south of downtown, and it attracted an eclectic variety of clientele, from the usual hipster coffee crowd, to the tech sector folks who didn’t want to work from the office, to the local goth community, and beyond.
The owners, Tyler and Cassandra, had taken over for her grandfather, who was all too ready to hand off his business to a worthy (and youthful) successor.
The coffee was good - a nice medium blend that didn’t taste burnt like one of the popular chain’s did, and the specialty drinks weren’t bogged down in sugar the way the other popular chain’s were.  If you asked Tyler, their real draw was the food that Cass cooked, down home favorites that kept everyone warm in the cold snowy season, and reminded them of home.  If you asked Cass, their draw was the hot barista. Tyler drew in so many people, women, gay men, teens who wanted to be him. His model looks, golden blonde hair and deep blue eyes made anyone swoon for him. (He disagreed, of course, and wished people would stop hitting on him in front of his girlfriend.) For her part, Cass didn’t mind him getting the attention. She was perfectly happy to blend into the background, with her dark brown hair in its cyberpunk inverted-bob and way too much eyeliner lining her brown eyes.
They had lots of customers, but the regulars always caught their eye.  Sean, who was always there on Wednesday and Friday working from the shop - he ordered a coffee or some kind of baked good at least once an hour, as if he was paying rent on the space.  Oftentimes on Fridays he’d claim the largest table, and throughout the day a gaggle of college students would come and hang out, doing their own assignments or gaming. Oddly popular, that one. Then there was Liz with her long red hair and her boyfriend, the latter who never came inside but always waited outside while she was getting drinks, hood up and skateboard in hand, even in the dead of winter when skateboarding on the city sidewalks was a death wish. Cass always felt like all of them had such unique stories, and she wondered what would happen if she wrote stories around what happened in the shop. 
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The news in Seoul was full of stories about the cult up in the mountains, and the millions of won that they’d been contributing to Prime Minister Saejoong Choi’s campaign for President.  The response from his campaign was swift and decisive, denying any knowledge of these donations having been from a cult, and pointed the media to his records, where they were all linked to the parties thrown by the RFA.
The RFA, of course, retaliated with details about all of the Prime Minister’s illicit dealings throughout the years, with a video wherein up-and-coming musical actor Zen presented ‘just a fraction’ of what the Prime Minister had done over the years, which included information about his twin sons, Saeyoung and Saeran, both of whom were missing, along with the RFA’s newest member Jaena, who’d gone missing during her vacation in Seoul earlier that summer. They also implicated the intelligence agency Saeyoung had been first targeted by at the request of his father, and then recruited by later, once the cult had started funneling money to the Prime Minister through it.
The coverage was so thorough that the news spread to other countries, appearing on every local news station, the scandal and terror of the cult’s existence and the way it preyed on the fatigue of white-collar workers and the general lack of proper discourse about mental health issues becoming trending topics across social media. The fact that an American woman had gone missing amidst the scandal did its part to make the situation an international one, when it might otherwise have stayed isolated.
A few weeks into the tense media circus that surrounded the situation, Saeyoung Choi reappeared, worse for wear, but alive. He explained how he’d been taken by his father in an attempt to clear his name, but between the RFA’s information campaign and the dissolution of the agency, there way no way to use him to that effect. The Prime Minister was booked by the authorities on several felony counts, as well as multiple more pending, and the leadership of the Agency likewise.
People were so shocked by Saeyoung’s reappearance that he had interviews on basically every channel, and even was a guest on Noprah’s show, where he basically told his life story, including fighting his way free of the agency that basically owned him, losing, finding, and losing his brother, and meeting but missing out on the woman of his dreams. At Noprah’s insistence, he made a plea into the camera at the end of the segment.
“Wherever my little brother and my perfect scarlet are out there, I hope they’re watching. I love you both so much, and I hope you’re taking care of each other. Stay put, I’ll find you soon. I promise.”
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Cass tore her eyes away from the TV in the corner that was showing that episode of Noprah again. Daytime TV was the worst. That episode aired over a year ago, and they were still rerunning it.
“That episode is always on.” the girl at the counter said, and Tyler laughed.
“Yeah, that whole thing was an entire time. I’m so glad we live in a civilized country.” he said, and Cass just rolled her eyes.
“Plenty of bad things happen here.” Cass said with a smirk. “But that ginger really is a media darling, isn’t he?”
“Wasn’t that around the same time as you started running the shop here?” The counter girl asked, grinning.
“Yeah, actually. I think his Noprah segment was the first thing that was ever on that TV.”
“And it’ll be the last, too.” Cass said, rolling her eyes. “They’re never going to get sick of airing that nerd.”
“He’s cute though!” counter girl said, and then slapped her hand over her mouth. “Oh my god, don’t tell my boyfriend I said that, I’ll never live it down.”
“Haha, we won’t.” Tyler said, and Cass reached out to tousle his golden blonde locks. 
“You need a haircut. Quick before winter hits and you just hide it under hats until it’s unbearable.”
“Baaaaabe, we’re at work!” Tyler pouted, and she laughed and kissed his cheek.
“Okay, okay, I’ll leave off until later.”
“Crazy lovebirds.” The girl at the counter said, standing. “Thanks for the coffee, see you next time!”
“Bye Liz!” They chorused unintentionally, and waved as the girl with long red hair sauntered out of the coffee shop, meeting up with a boy in a hoodie who’d been standing outside smoking while she got coffee.
When she was gone, Cass let out a breath she didn’t realize was trapped. 
Tyler sighed. “Gods, she reminds me of…”
“…Jaena.” Cass said, nodding. “You really do need a haircut.”
“I do. And your roots need a touchup.”
“Do not.”
“Do too.”
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Later, in their tiny apartment above the coffee shop, Cass sat scrolling through Tripter on her laptop, her brows creased in a slight frown. Tyler walked up behind her, and started massaging her shoulders. “Checking in on Zen and Yoosung again?” he asked, and she nodded.
“It’s easy to check in on the famous ones. I know the articles about Jumin’s abortive presidential bid and supposed illicit relationship with Jaehee are all trashy journalism, but at least Yoosung’s meTube channel shows me the face he wants me to see, and Zen’s tripter is still full of thirsty women as usual. He’s got a new role, looks like he’ll be starring in Phantom.”
“Oh, that’s lovely.” Tyler said, but she could tell his heart wasn’t in it. He turned away from her, and went into the kitchen, puttering about uselessly.
He turned to look at her, and his cheeks were wet. Immediately, she stood and closed the distance between them.
“I don’t want to be Elfstar anymore.” He said, an old reference that not only made her chuckle but also broke her heart. She reached out and gently wiped the tears off his cheeks.
“I love you.” she said, as if it was the only thing that could help him feel better.
“I love you too.” he said, pulling her into a hug. “But I shouldn’t. We shouldn’t. I feel so guilty.”
“I love him too, still.” She said. “You’re twins. You’re so similar but so different. I’ve done lots of shady things in my life, but I don’t consider loving two men one of them.”
“Can you just… say my name… once?”
She chuckled, and moved away so she could look him in the eye. “Saeran, dear. You should take those contacts out so we can sleep.”
His cheeks pinked, and he leaned forward to press a soft kiss to her lips. “Okay, Jaena.”
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Seasons passed, and summer turned to fall, with the bright colors on the trees flaring to life and fading to brown before falling and being replaced by the unbroken white of fresh snow.
Cass walked up to Tyler, who’d paused at the front door while unlocking it to open. It was a Wednesday, and after the fresh snow last night, it was unlikely they’d have a big crowd. Just in case, Cass made a batch of Mac & Cheese, their sign outside calling it out as the “Warm-up Special.”
“Hey Tyler, you okay?”
“Yeah, I just like looking at the snow. It’s so beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful.” Cass said, nudging him in the side.
“No you.” Tyler pouted, and turned to head back to the counter.
As predicted, it was slow. Cass didn’t mind, it gave her time to catch up on her reading. Or, in this case, to be irritated by the perpetual reruns of that same Noprah segment with Saeyoung in it. Fuck, I miss that idiot. 
Distracted by her own thoughts and reminiscences, she wasn’t expecting the sudden influx of college students. She hopped up to assist Tyler who was quickly taking orders. 
“I know you’re not that chain place, but you wouldn’t be willing to write “shitty hair” as my name on my cup, would you?” the student at the counter said, and Cass turned to look at them, exaggeratedly eyeing them up and down. “You look more like a ‘dunce face’ to me.”
Tyler looked at her like she’d grown an extra head. “What did you just…?!”
“OMG is that you, Bakugo? I never knew you were a goth barista!”
Tyler realized, then, that this was a reference to one of her shows, and tuned out, taking the rest of the orders while they continued to chatter on about characters and quirks and who knows what else.  Eventually, drinks were delivered, and most of the group congregated at a set of tables unsurprisingly around where Sean was working. Weird, she thought It’s not Friday. Guess the snow motivated them.
Cass continued to chatter with the student, while Tyler went to take a break in back. That many people was still a lot for him, even after 18 months of experience. When the bell above the door jingled to signal more customers, Cass called “Be with you in a moment!” as she was busy pulling up photos from comic con a few years ago, to show off that Unbreakable Red Riot she’d seen.
“This is still the best cosplay I’ve ever encountered.” she said to the blonde, who took her phone and stared at it. 
“Wow, that had to have been a ton of work.” They said, and handed her phone back.
“You know the best part?” she said, and they shook their head.
“That was my actual hair.” a voice next to them said, tone full of mischief.
Cass’s head snapped to the side so fast she thought she might have given herself whiplash, her mouth gaping open like a fish. Am I hallucinating?
Her call to the customers was also Tyler’s call to come back out front, and he emerged from the kitchen, giving Cass the customary kiss on the cheek that he’d done every day for more than a year, before realizing who was standing in front of him.
“Friend of yours?” he asked, one eyebrow quirked up, which helped Cass get a hold of herself.
“K-kindof?!” Cass squeaked, her fight or flight reflex leaving her frozen but leaning heavily towards flight.
“Wait, is this that cosplayer?” the student she’d been chatting with said, which got the attention of the rest of his group. 
“Whoa, that’s Saeyoung Choi!” one of the girls said, and immediately the redhead standing in front of them was swept up into the hubbub of students, despite any attempt to escape them. Cass took one frightened look at Tyler, who waved her toward the kitchen door, an excuse to exit that she happily took.
Anything could have been happening in the front of the shop. Cass’ blood was pounding in her ears, and she collapsed into one of the break room chairs, and immediately put her head between her knees to try and forestall the panic attack and/or fainting spell that both seemed equally likely given the situation.
What could have been seconds or hours later, the back door from the alley swung open on its creaky hinges and her head snapped back up. No one came in that door, except if they just took the trash out. She left the hinges squeaky on purpose. 
In front of her eyes stood none other than Vanderwood, with one eyebrow quirked up at her, in that way that spoke volumes only he could manage.
“How the fuck… D-dad?!” Her hands slapped over her mouth when she realized what she’d called him, but it was too late.
“I think Alfred would be more appropriate.”
That startled a laugh out of her. “I don’t have Bruce Wayne’s budget, I’m sorry, but your position has been eliminated, sir.”
“You can’t fire me, I quit.” He said gruffly, and turned as if to leave.
“N-no!” She said, suddenly, launching out of her chair so suddenly that it fell over backwards. She ran into him at speed, and wrapped her arms around his middle, managing nothing more than knocking him into the wall with the force of her motion. “You can’t go.” she choked out, having surprised even herself with the tears running down her cheeks.
“I won’t go anywhere. Let me turn around, treasure.”
She dropped her arms, and he turned around and pulled her into his arms, one hand rubbing her back while she sobbed.
“I found you, just like I promised.”
“About fucking time.” she said, between sobs. 
They just stood there for a few minutes, until her breathing calmed, and he let her go.
She opened her mouth to ask something, but was interrupted by a call from the front.
“Cass! I need you, babe!”
“Fuck.” she said, and then louder “Be out in a sec, washing my hands!”
A quick dash to the mirror above the sink by the door to the front - installed for this exact purpose, though she hadn’t needed it for Vanderwood and Seven’s presence ruining her makeup as much as their absence - allowed for her to quick fix her makeup before washing her hands and reappearing as a completely functional coffeeshop owner… to a flood of people who’d shown up when their friends told them Saeyoung was here.
“Whoa.” She said, and Tyler shot her a glance that told him he was already beyond overwhelmed, but even so was more worried about her than about himself. “I’m fine.” She said, immediately getting to work putting together complicated coffee drinks.
“If you need an extra set of hands, I’m happy to help.” Vanderwood’s voice said from just behind the door to the kitchen. “He tends to draw crowds wherever he goes these days.”
Tyler whipped around, already holding a spare apron as Vanderwood stepped through the door. 
“Put this on. Do what Cass tells you.” 
Cass would have been more surprised by Tyler’s tone, except for the fact that he’d known Vanderwood a sum total of 12 hours, 6 of which he’d been asleep, and all of which were 18 months ago.
As he finished tying his apron, Cass looked Vanderwood up and down. “You know how to run an espresso machine?”
“I’ve been making coffee longer than you’ve been alive.” That one-eyebrow look again.
“Good. Recipes for the fancy drinks are on the counter.” She said, and turned to make the complicated smoothie concoctions instead, choosing to trust her chosen father-figure with the coffee that was his lifeblood while Tyler manned the counter and the bakery case.
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Finally, they hit a lull, and Cass turned to see Seven looking a little worse for wear. At least to a practiced eye. He was still smiling and being his goofy 707-self, but she could see the strain of it.
“I’m gonna—“ she started.
“Go, he needs it.” Tyler interrupted, and she nodded, dishing up a bowl of mac & cheese and grabbing a PhD Pepper out of the cooler before slipping out from behind the counter and over to the area where Seven seemed to be holding court. He looked up and saw her, and turned to address the group.
“Hey, my dinner’s here. Can we pick this up in a bit?”
For some reason, they all nodded like he was the one doing them a favor by eating, and shuffled off to other tables and conversations.
“Mac & Cheese.” She said, handing him the plate. “And your lifeblood, good sir.”
He didn’t say anything right away, simply took a bite of the food she’d brought, and washed it down with a sip of soda.
“It really is better with the vegetables in it.” He said, then. “Damn vegetables.” He looked at the dish as though it personally betrayed him.
“It meets your standards then I hope, Mister Celebrity.”
“More than. God, Scarlet. You look so different. If I hadn’t heard you talking about my cosplay, I might have missed you entirely.”
“I never would have missed you, my Red Riot.” she said, quietly, trying to keep herself from crying. “Not in a million years.”
“Was 18 months too long to wait?” he said suddenly, sharply, his gaze not on her but on the counter, where Tyler had his back to them and was walking Vanderwood through something. “Who’s the handsy blonde, and where the hell is my brother?”
Cass froze at his initial question and then slapped a hand over her mouth to cover her laugh at his follow-up questions.
“Seven, I… your brother is behind the counter. He’s blonde. He’s your fucking twin, how did you not recognize him?! You Have. The Same. Face.”
Seven blinked, then shook his head. “Seven.exe has stopped working. Abort, Retry, Fail?”
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Author's Note: Saeran's commentary about not wanting to be Elfstar anymore is an old school (as old as 1984...) reference to anti-D&D religious propaganda, specifically a chick tract called "Dark Dungeons". I don't agree with any of the messages from that hate group, but it's one hell of a meme, and seems like exactly the kind of shit the twins would know about and mock-reference. Here's an article from The Escapist about the tract, that has a good breakdown of what it's about without furthering the hate.
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zevlors-tail · 2 years
About Me
Hello! I'm Sweater Dove, the creator of this blog. Below are some things that will help you get to know me and my blog a bit better. OR, you can just search the tag 'sweatercore' on my blog. :)
⚠️Have an age in your bio or you will be blocked!⚠️
Spicy Sideblog: @angel-wings-in-pretty-strings
This blog is a safe space for me. As such, you will not see me reblogging any political posts, fundraisers, donation posts, or anything that 'spreads awareness' of issues related to said topics (save for an occasional meme or if a friend needs help).
I also do not engage in ANY sort of fandom discourse, vague posting, or call out posts. I come on here to have a good time and get AWAY from everything going on in the world and forget about it for a little while.
If for whatever reason you have an issue with me, please address it with ME directly via DM's.
Sweater | 25 | They/Them pronouns.
Sometimes I post writing here, but mostly I reblog from other content creators. I'm more active on AO3 when it comes to my works. I really love cats, otome games, ASMR, candles, classical piano music, rainy days, and spooky stuff!
I particularly love Halloween and a good, cozy, autumn playlist to listen to with some coffee shop background noise. If you'd like any ASMR recs, I'd be happy to give you some! :) I'm also pretty fond of Christmas and winter decorations/atmosphere. I just really like the colder holidays in general.
Favorite Genres/Tropes:
Hurt/Comfort, Whump, Sickfics, sincere and heartfelt fluff, mundane things romanticized, flower shop/coffee shop, Only One Bed, Friends to Best Friends to Lovers, Domestic Fluff, Seasonal Activities (mostly Fall and Winter stuff), Friends to Enemies, Angst, Life or Death with a Happy Ending
Smut/N$FVV Tag:
sweater is a simp
Sweater, do you still take requests?
Currently, no- I do not take requests. Respectfully, please do not leave requests in my ask box as I will have to decline them outright. I just can't keep up with them anymore. But you're always free to come chat with me and share ideas! I may be willing to take a suggestion or two, depending on the situation.
Current Fandoms/Interests That You'll Find On This Blog:
Obey Me!, Arcana Twilight, Mystic Messenger, Tears of Themis, The Ssum, Genshin Impact, Kingdom Hearts, Over The Garden Wall, anything Spooky/Autumn related.
Current Top Comfort Character(s):
Zhongli (Genshin Impact), Venti (Genshin Impact), Albedo (Genshin), and Kaeya (also Genshin)
Check Out My OC's:
Muse, Cypress, & Claire | Auriel/Uriel | Aska & Silas (Next Gen Obey Me OC's) | Rowan (Next Gen Obey Me OC, coming soon!)
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urb0yjai · 1 year
𓂀 ℝ𝕦𝕝𝕖𝕤 𓂀
Here are my blog rules!!
I will do oneshot requests! x reader only and requests are greatly appreciated (currently open)
I will also likely do my own little fanfics with my oc’s
Please note that if I don’t do your request chances are it violated one of these rules!
Request Rules:
Please tell me which character you want, and a brief scenario of what you were thinking. Reader will always be gender neutral unless stated otherwise in the request
Fandoms i write for:
Genshin Impact (ever playable character, klee diona sayu and qiqi will be platonic ONLY. No nsfw of traveler to avoid age discourse.)
Mystic Messenger
FNAF Security Breach (everyone, Gregory will be platonic only)
Tokyo Revengers (everyone)
Haikyuu (everyone)
Yuri On Ice (everyone)
Black Butler( everyone but Ciel and Lizzy are platonic ONLY)
Friday Night Funkin (everyone but skidd and pump are platonic only)
Danganronpa (don’t be weird please.) (everyone except hifumi, and shirogane)
The Legend Of Zelda (BOTW, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, OOT)
High Rise Invasion (everyone however, Mayuko and Yuri will be sfw only because i believe they are minors)
Jujutsu Kaisen ( sfw only for the students)
BNHA (sfw only for the students)
I might add more later on :)
What i will write:
Nsfw(characters must be canonically 18+)
Crack fics
What i will NOT write:
fics with Self Harm
fic with suicide
anything to do with sexual assault or rape (this includes cnc)
Piss and shit (in a sexual context)
Rules for NSFW:
Characters must be 18+
tell me the kinks you want involved and the setting.
No huge age gaps
No step family type shit
No teacher x student
No forced shit
However i will do cheating scenarios.
That’s all for now!! send in the requests! I’m currently on a writers block!
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Btw on the topic of mysmes fandom being 'dead'... As an oldy myself, am I the only one that kinda likes it better this way? Sure, there was more content before, but with it came a lot of controversies and toxic people in general (*cough* the whole Rika hate train *cough*). I feel like our fandom is such a cozy and safe space right now! Everyone supports one another and healthy discussions are a common thing. Compared to bigger fandoms, this one feels like a little safe heaven! Sure, there are cons to being in the relatively small fandom, but there are pros too. And just like you said, there is so much content being created every single day! Our fandom is so damn creative and I adore it 💕
There are benefits to a big fandom vs. a small fandom. There are hit-and-miss concepts for both options here. Neither is better than the other. You get what you get when you make your experience, and it comes down to interacting with what you want and avoiding all of the things that you don't.
You've got people that would love for things to be popular so there are all kinds of content rolling around the place, and then there's the strong awareness that with popularity comes a lot of discourse and nonsense that can be super hard to avoid even if you use the handy dandy block button.
You've got people who prefer a quiet space that feels safe and almost as if you know everybody who posts and creates content for the very many things you love in that fandom! Yet, that comes with the reality that there's a strong chance that content will roll out slowly over time instead of a state of non-stop pinging.
I've been here when it's been flooded with all sorts of things over the years. Some of it bad, some of it good, and some of it somewhere in the middle. it's always been like that. I feel comfortable right now as it is but I'm always happy to see new creators and old alike join us to keep making our space safe and happy. I feel like a lot of the worst of the discourse died down and now it's not as overwhelming.
We are simply enjoying Mystic Messenger here these days. It's nice to be here! I say just try to enjoy what we have in this fandom and do what you love if you want this place to stay "alive". Don't call it dead if you want to see it flourish. Support creators in any way you can and spread the love you want to see.
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sunnyssoftware · 2 years
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I'm Sunny but feel free to also call me Huey or any nickname!
I am:
♢ AroAce Gay!(abrosexual/romantic)
♤ A trans guy!(Agender/genderfluid/nonbinary)
♧ Neurodivergent!(AuADHD + other disorders)
Feel free to use any pronouns on me apart from she/her! I much prefer he/it and any neo/xenopronouns though!
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My interests currently include:
Honkai Star Rail, Bungō Stray Dogs, Genshin Impact, Project Sekai, Vocaloid, cosplay, art, editing & general digital media, computer science, music, and the overall horror genre!(i.e horror literature, videos, games, etc)
Currently hyperfixating on:
Honkai Star Rail!
I also want to start getting into classic literature and I'm slowly learning Russian when I can!
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Like any other person in fandoms, I have kins!
Here's my kinlist! Highest to lowest‼️
[PM] Osamu Dazai(Bungo Stray Dogs)
[BEAST] Osamu Dazai(Bungo Stray Dogs)
Yozo Oba(No Longer Human)
Ashley Graves(The Coffin of Andy and Leyley)
Nikolai Gogol(Bungo Stray Dogs)
Ame(Needy Streamer Overload)
OMGkawaiiAngel(Needy Streamer Overload)
Jason "J.D" Dean(Heathers the Musical)
[Suit] Saeran Choi(Mystic Messenger)
Atsushi Nakajima(Bungo Stray Dogs)
Kyōka Izumi(Bungo Stray Dogs)
Scaramouche/Wanderer(Genshin Impact)
Mafuyu Asahina(Project Sekai)
Saeyoung "Luciel" Choi(Mystic Messenger)
[ADA] Osamu Dazai(Bungo Stray Dogs)
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Few more facts about me!
I live in the UK!(England)
I live in a sea-side city!
I'm Eastern European(Romanian)
I'm bilingual(English & Romanian)
I wear glasses(I'm short-sighted)
I play the piano!
I'm short!(143cm, about 4'8")
I love sour sweets!
I hate white chocolate
I like spicy food despite low spice tolerance
I DESPISE mushrooms
I love noodles or any type of pasta!
Please DNI the following:
★ Under 13s(shouldn't be on the internet anyways!)
★ "MAPs" aka pedos! Please seek help!
★ Zoophiles
★ Proshippers/Comshippers unless you are using it as a coping mechanism! (Even then, beware I'll be reluctant to interact back with you and I'd much rather prefer those that are recovering to interact)
★ You shit on people's interests
★ Engage in ANY type of LGBTQ discourse(i.e exclusionist/inclusionist, anti neos/xenos, etc)
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✦ To any adults interacting: I'll be wary of interacting back with you because you're and adult and I'm a minor, don't take it personally.
✦ I'm mentally ill! I have depression, social anxiety and possibly BPD, please do not attack me if I say or do something you deem "wrong", instead please just approach me and talk to me about it and specify you're not trying to argue or hurt me and are just trying to educate me
✦ I don't care for people's likes and dislikes! If we click, we click! But I still do value my opinions so if you might not be able to handle different opinions then proceed with caution because I am open about them.
✦ I use humor to cope! So if I make an insensitive joke it's either because I've been affected by the subject matter or it was pure ignorance.
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Thank you for your time!
I usually don't post on here, I just read fics and reblog stuff but I hope you lot enjoy regardless!
I'll try see if I can find stuff to post, might just use this blog for personal reasons lol!
My other socials:
Discord server
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xiaowiki · 2 years
⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐌𝐄
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📁 INTRO— hi, my name is drew! she / they , aegosexual / panromantic ׂׂૢ libra sun - cancer moon - leo rising , infp ! ♡
📁 GENSHIN— ar 59 , xiao + kazuha main , na server UID - 602106579 !
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⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒
📁 GAMES— genshin impact, dragon age, mass effect, the legend of zelda, project sekai, mystic messenger, obey me, stray, ffxiv, the quarry, sims 4, stardew valley, animal crossing, dead by daylight, overwatch, nier, little nightmares, resident evil, persona, skyrim
📁 ANIME/MANGA— fruits basket, blue lock, buddy daddies, the rising of the shield hero, bnha, horimiya, csm, jjk, sk8 the infinity, shikimori’s not just a cutie, tbhk
📁 MUSIC— blackbear, cigarettes after sex, breaking benjamin, troye sivan, 5sos, ariana grande, halsey, starset, i prevail, taylor swift, abba, yungblud, bts, blackpink, bmth, evanescence, avril lavigne, one direction, ryyzn, chase atlantic, n3wport, corpse, doja cat, post malone
📁 OTHERS— pink, writing, reading, drawing, my friends, eating, concerts, my mom, animals, hot showers, makeup, skincare, shopping, video games, anime, my OCs, lore, money, pandas, butterflies, hearts, making playlists
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⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐒
❕ DISCOURSE— i’ve seen my fair share of fandom discourse over the past several years and i’m exhausted tbh. i believe in enjoying the ships & characters you like in peace and curating your space so you don’t see the things you dislike. fighting over this kind of stuff is pointless, no one will change their minds.
❕ BIGOTRY— i won’t accept racism, islamophobia, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, or any other form of hate speech or bigotry in my vicinity. this is a safe space for minorities and not for bigots.
❕ KAELUC AND ZHONGXIAO— while it’s not technically illegal to ship kaeluc and there’s actually nothing wrong with zhongxiao, these two ships make me incredibly uncomfortable. i don’t have anything against people who ship them but i do not like seeing this content so i will not interact with you and might block you if you make content about them just to curate my own space 🤷🏻‍♀️
❕ OTHERS— onions, cruelty, food or whispering asmr, lying, infantalization, bad hygiene, people who mischaracterize xiao, narcissists, know-it-alls
❕ BYI/DNI— link
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⋆·˚ ༘ * 𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐒
📁 GENSHIN IMPACT— xiao, kazuha, kaveh, tighnari, albedo, venti, razor, heizou, shinobu, thoma, itto, ayaka, ayato, alhaitham
📁 BLUE LOCK— nagi, rin, bachira, chigiri
📁 DRAGON AGE— cullen, fenris, alistair, zevran, isabela, morrigan, iron bull, dorian, cole, josephine, varric
📁 MASS EFFECT— garrus, tali, liara, mordin, jack, thane, jaal
📁 BNHA— kirishima, shouto, izuku, denki, bakugou, ochako, shigaraki, dabi, toga
📁 FRUITS BASKET— tohru, kyo, yuki, momiji, rin, haru
📁 JUJUTSU KAISEN— nobara, yuuji, yuuta, megumi, inumaki
📁 HORIMIYA— miyamura, ishikawa
📁 SK8 THE INFINITY— reki, langa, miya
📁 SHIPS— i’m mostly a selfshipper nowadays, ngl. but i still consider myself a multishipper and some of my faves are kazuxiao, heikazu, xiaoven, cynonari, beiguang, xingyun, kaebedo, ittorou, tododeku, kiribaku, todobakudeku, and todobaku
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aurivore · 2 years
"let me tell you a sad story....." clownkuno said, as she began to tell him a sad story. "A girl and a boy were driving a car. Suddenly the boy stopped the car and asked the girl to step out of the vehide, without any explanation. The girl got pissed, removed all her facebooks and ripped all the photos. The next day the girl heard that the boy had died, as he had driven into a wall The boy had noticed that there was a wall infront of them, had stopped the car, and saved the girls life, before he had driven into the wall."
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"it is a sad story...." clownkuno cries a single tear of sadness from the sad story. it is only one (1) tear because clownkuno has cried over this story many times because (plot twist alert) she is actually the girl from the story...........
Let the court records show that the King is in great abdominal pain. 
     An-Kala, a scribe born and reared in the Godly Ages, might rightly consider himself inured to occurrences that possessed a greater magnitude of mysticism and its upheavals than his descendants further down the chronological chain might avow in any lustrum of their lives. If Cataclysm peddled wares, the man would hush it by glance and strike of his own inventory. Listen well, he might edify with the grain of a sophist, and had he fancied it capable of high ideas; The firmament could tear seven times and resunder eight, the Earth could roar with hankering ululations for want and slake of its abyssal imago, bovines could make stellar victualage of the horizon, and he would still ready his clay come morning and archive them come evening. And the same could be declared of the oarsman, the bricklayer, the potter, the bard. These were external phenomena which An-Kala held in conscious operation, paddocked in so stringent a mental capture and concord of understanding, and if by some measure there was no reconciliation between thought and what was observed in its discourse, then one would be found, whether by writer or he who reads, at the wedged end of his reed stylus, in the scribed face of his clay. What force, as though with the vengeance of the southern wind to shill our boats, could imperil the firm construct of understanding which had thus weathered the tempests of obstruction? 
Yet this, This eluded him. 
     This, which smacked An-Kala by the stem of his brain and beguiled him about the eyes, apprised him that his construct had instead the constitution of a house of thin reeds pirouetting on the scuds of a gorging marsh. He beholds it and knows it to be true, for he had always held certainty that he suffered no disease of perception nor any eccentricity of thought, and yet he could find himself amongst these orchards of intellect no reconciliation; had he been privy to the dense and fibrous neural dance of action potential and the membranes to which they were received, and of the synaptic trains that seemed in the crux of that moment to betray him, then he should liken this bloody communion between the reception of senses and the vagaries of reason to the legendary confusion of tongues between Enmerkar and Aratta’s Lord, with the amendment that their messenger had died with his body still dangling from the horse. 
     But there, there. An-Kala held not the pride of a metaphysician, but that of a scribe. His mind may bear its torment, but his hands shall suffer no loss. 
The mirth-bearing beast and its proboscis of carnelian continued to spit its ill-tidings, like unfurling bitter maledictions from its smarmy marsupial pocket of curses, a pungent zoonosis of nonsense which strove to raven An-Kala, the subsequent inheritor their scrying tongues. What bitter portent would the rainbowed creature spit next? The scribe's brow furrows; he is too cold to sweat. Would it claim that his instrument was not a stylus but a wooden caterpillar, his clay not made of earth but the pits of a rotting date? The human mind could handle much in its service, but fathom more; yet parse it less; and the adaptability of language can only be so moulded from the cast of necessity, or corralled by purpose on the counters of the tongues it graces. The language of the land was logographic, and, much like a crossbow being used to fell a cedar tree, or a spoon of felt being used to harvest fish, An-Kala was left to phonographs for concepts and terms for which he held no appropriate cognate or mere helm of understanding. But on his honor as a court scribe would he find some way to do it, even if it felt like he was playing a song composed for a trumpet on a lyre. 
‘Car’? ‘Vehide’?   Was a ‘face-book’ some sort of death mask? 
     Had An-Kala the audacity to lift his hand from his work he would scratch at his head, which was beginning to feel like its internal contrivances were melding into a veritable ooze of cuneiform cacography that the impish little harlequin would fashion into some linguistic apparatus for his king’s entertainment. 
     But it seems the beast would hardly need it.
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     “Hohoh! What utter nonsense!” Gilgamesh held the jocular organism by firm grip, his thumb impressing upon the prismatic fibrous net about its motley cranium as if the act could rouse him further entertainment. The spill of its lachrymal glands gratify him. “Your inanity redeems you, mongrel. Let your soul gladden at the fact it has bestowed the King such laughter. You may continue until its novelty wears!”
Silently, yet with doubtless progression, did the growing pile of clay tablets approximate of his throne dais rise to commendable number. Since the chanticleer-cry of the dawn’s Imdugud had the King of Heroes and the privileged members of his court been the recipient of the harlequin’s damfool ballads, jejune sonnets, lurid poems, such trifling regales, and now, a fatuous tragedy redolent of folly and diaphanous woe. A graceful caryatid of resplendent verisimilitude amidst the short anthology of jests, however, raises a decorous voice amongst the palais. “Your Majesty, if I may.” Siduri, the paragon of forbearance, held her head in respectful inclination, yet her tone, as though forged by the edges of the years to adamantine quality, arose with even, dutiful cadence. “When I suggested a tribute to smooth over tensions, this is not exactly what I had in mind.” 
“And you shall spare it none. It would be a peerless honor even had I granted her a common stone.” The King declares, noble and peerless in his gesticulation even with a clown in his grip. “But they will receive no such privilege. The words of a fool are an offering to which they are equal.” He snaps his fingers. “Put it with the rest.” 
     The depredation of squalls alarmed in An-Kala’s consciousness would betray no expression to their vociferous churnings, for there was an indelible pride to the curvature of his spine, and a pleasure about his clay-kissed fingertips. His Majesty need not shout any words to the scribe; the King demanded perfection, and he would receive it. There is a pulchritude in An-Kala’s work above that he might discover as an oarsman, a bricklayer, a potter, a bard, in the fruits of his labor and the records that would outlast him. The King’s unimpeachable words, his thunderous elocutions, his imperial didactics, his every utterance, were all far heavier than any tablet or stone upon which they are carved. And An-Kala reveled, as might an oarsman in braving tumultuous tide, or a bard in brightening the people’s souls, with the honor of conveying His word.
And a court scribe does not question what he writes; he simply does. But when An-Kala looks down at his clay, it is almost as if he can parse his worn expression on its jester-cursed surface. 
             ⁠— An-Kala makes a mental note that he, himself, was suffering great cranial agony. 
     Amongst the throng thrashing about his mental chassis of prudence, the scribe could hear the efficient rustle of palace attendants as they knelt by his side to acquire another folly-laden tome, the soft placement of their tender blocks near the lick of fire to harden. “Of course, your Majesty,” Comes a servant's response. “Right away, your Majesty.” The jester’s mouth begins to open. Another folly will be borne. There will be no balm to An-Kala's disquiet.
       “I am certain Lady Ishtar and her temple will enjoy such an...abundant offering.”
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juni-writesx · 2 years
♡ mystic messenger
• jumin/reader
• jihyun/reader
partners. written for Cirque du Mystique, a circus AU fanzine.
• juminv
(eventual) proposal thing. but right now just a thing. "tv 14" if it was on television. who knows how to rate this writing other than bad? hints of sexual intimacy.
• juminv/reader
• jumin drabbles
♡ genshin impact
• zhongli/reader
untitled. comfort fluff. pg.
first kiss scenario. pg.
• zhongli drabbles
wip — you. pg.
• yanfei drabbles
• yoimiya drabbles
♡ ace attorney
• mitsumayo
it was an accident. fluff. pg.
spontaneous. fluff. pg.
• feyquill
• maya drabbles
september 5, 2016. mentions of blood and murder. pg-13.
Requests: Open! I enjoy writing fluff and sometimes 🔞 scenarios (though I will not touch anything that has non-consenting characters or actions. We adore romance and sweetness in this house!) Hurt with a lot of comfort. I do not write angst, as I'm just not good at it. ^^;
Please respect my ships. I do not tolerate any ship bashing or hate. Anything of the sort will be deleted and you will be blocked. 🚫 I'm too old and too tired to participate in ship hate and/or discourse.
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