#mystic messenger unknown cosplay
mammonprotectionsquad · 2 months
Sometimes I forget that I actually did a Fem! Unknown cosplay but... Tbh this look kinda ate? Sadly I had to throw most of the clothes out 🥲
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edgelord-saeran · 2 years
For the amount of black that Unknown wears, it really bothers me that he paired it off with brown boots.
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2kawaii4u-bishes · 1 year
Don't you want to become a cult leader?
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findurfuture · 1 year
Unknown (real name Saeran Choi) is a believer of the cult Mint Eye and the twin brother of 707 in Mystic Messenger. His biggest aim is to take revenge on his brother who left him alone. In terms of looks, he has mint-colored eyes and vermillion-colored hair with frosted pink highlights. He wears a black leather jacket that he tends to let hang off his right shoulder. Collect all the accessories of the Unknown costume from Mystic Messenger for Halloween and cosplay.
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simplearcticfoxes · 1 year
Some art of my sona Creek for this animation
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bluejay-writes · 1 year
A sort of Fairy Tail - Chapter 9
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Rating: T / PG-13, SFW. Fandom: Mystic Messenger Relationships: 707/MC (Jaena)/Saeran Chapter 9 Wordcount: 2304 Summary:
Freelance Hacker by day, cosplayer by weekend, Jaena Grey was living her best life. One fateful convention, she meets a scarily talented fellow costumer and his friend Zen.
When Jaena finds herself embroiled in the usual Mint Eye apartment plot, Seven panics to see someone he knows. Hijinks ensue, including Jaena spending the majority of her time cosplaying as 707 in his own bunker to hide herself from Vanderwood - for better or worse.
You can also read this on AO3! <- Also a good place to check tags.
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Chapter 9: Tangerine
The car ride home was mostly quiet, with everyone lost in their own thoughts.  Jaena wanted to compare it to other road trips she’d taken, but other than running away with Tangerine when she was small, she’d never been in a car with other people for this long, and she really had no benchmark to compare to. With the sun beating down from the west, Jaena closed her eyes and let it shine on her as they drove.  It didn’t take long for her to start to doze off. As she was fading, she felt Seven’s good arm reach over and guide her to leaning on his shoulder, his arm around her shoulders. She slid closer to him so her head wouldn’t be at as an extreme an angle, and heard him chuckle. The sun was warm, her boy-pillow was warm, and her heart was warm. It was moments before she was sound asleep.
Jaena started towards wakefulness to the sound of a low argument.
“I can carry her fine with one arm, you just need to get the doors.”
“You’re injured. Let me do it.”
“I can’t handle the locks one handed, you have to do that, and you can’t do it holding her.”
Jaena startled when she felt herself get lifted carefully but quickly into a bridal carry, and in her sleepiness mumbled something that even she wasn’t sure what was in reaction to the existence of light, and nuzzled her face into the shoulder of whoever was carrying her, falling back asleep almost immediately.
She woke an unknown amount of time later, being tucked into the bed she was using at the moment - Seven’s bed.  She cracked her eyes open to see Vanderwood smoothing her hair out of her face.
“Go back to sleep, Red. We’re all crashing, we’ll handle the fallout in the morning.”
“mmk.” She said sleepily, and let her eyes flutter back shut as Vanderwood placed a tender kiss on her forehead. 
“Sweet dreams.”
Is this what having a dad is like? He’d hate if I called him that. Guardian is better. I miss Tangerine…
The next time Jaena woke, it was to the soft sounds of someone in pain.  She turned carefully and found Seven next to her, in a cold sweat, clearly in pain. She was immediately awake (thanks, adrenaline!) and on her feet.
“Don’t move, I’ll be right back with pain meds.” She said, and slid out of bed, stiff because she was still in her jeans. Ugh, sleeping in jeans is horrid, the only thing worse is sleeping in an underwire bra.
The moment she set foot in the hallway, Vanderwood appeared at the kitchen doorway, startling her. Willing herself to calm down, Jaena put a hand over her heart and took a breath until she stopped hearing her blood pounding. Vanderwood just raised an eyebrow at her questioningly.
“Pain meds. Seven needs them.”
Vanderwood looked at his watch and winced, nodding. “Yeah, he’s past due.”
Only about a minute later, Jaena was armed with a cold PhD Pepper and some prescription-level painkiller that Vanderwood probably shouldn’t legally have.  She walked along Seven’s side of the bed and set the soda on the side table, helping him sit up enough that he could sip it without spilling, then handed him the pill, and the can.
“Not making me dry-swallow it?” He said, after a long drink from the can.
“Who do you think I am, Vanderwood?” She said, jokingly offended, both of them laughing quietly like idiots.
As she stood to go back to bed, it occurred to Jaena that they’d been sharing a bed, and she felt herself flush, and freeze in place.
“What is it?” Seven said, suddenly worried.
“N-nothing.” She stuttered, knowing he’d know she was full of shit, so she shook her head. “I.. should go sleep on the couch, or t-the cot in the basement.” Where is this stutter even coming from? I haven’t had a stutter since I was seven!
“Please stay.” Seven said, no trace of a joke in his tone. “I don’t want to be alone in this kind of pain. Please.”
Jaena couldn’t argue with him when he asked like that. All full of logic and shit.
“Uh. Okay. I. Um. I don’t want to go back to sleep in jeans, is it okay if I take them off?” She was sure she was made of blush now.
“Yeah, it’s cool. Remember, I’ve seen you in less.” Even with pain in his voice, Seven was one convincing nerd.
Jaena smiled, thinking that it wasn’t fair of him to use her own words against her, but slipped out of her jeans and under the covers, laying stiffly on her side of the bed.  After a minute or two of silence, Seven’s voice sang out again.
“Scarlet? Would it be asking too much to ask for snuggles? My arm hurts, and I really could use a distraction.”
Jaena probably should have thought about it for more than half a second, but sleepy brain isn’t logic brain, and she scooted over in the bed, laying her head on Seven’s chest, his good arm wrapped around her shoulders.
“Yeah.. like this.” Seven said, with a sigh. 
Morning came, and with it reality in the form of Vanderwood knocking obnoxiously on the door frame.
“Time to get up, you two. I need to check Zero Seven’s bandages.”
Jaena cracked her eyes open and realized she was using Seven’s chest as a pillow. Did she drool while she was asleep? Was he uncomfortable having her there?  She sat up and away from him so he could get up, and met his eyes for a brief moment, before blushing and looking away. 
“Yes Sir, Madam Vanderwood!” Seven said brightly, getting out of bed too quickly and jostling his arm. “Probably about time for more painkillers again, too.”
“Past due as usual, but you two were just so damn cute I put off waking you up.”
As he followed Vanderwood out of the room obediently to get his bandages checked, Jaena realized that he too was sleeping in a t-shirt and underwear. No wonder he didn’t mind when she took her jeans off.
In a hurry, Jaena got up, gathered a new outfit, and threw herself into the shower. She needed to stop thinking about how comfortable her Seven was and start thinking about … anything else. Please, brain. Anything else.
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“Hacking. With one hand. You’re joking, right?” Vanderwood was clearly upset.
“What else am I supposed to do?!” Seven all but yelled back at him.
“Recover, idiot.”  The voice that could only have been Saeran said, deadpan.
“But then…” Seven whined, and Jaena sighed, stepping out from the hallway.
“Listen to your family.” she said quietly, her appearance and interruption still enough to gather everyone’s attention without adding volume. “You got hurt because of me. I’ll do your hacking. You can shoulder surf. It’ll be fine.”
“Since when were you a hacker?” Saeran asked, bluntly. “You’re supposed to be a costumer. With interest in special effects, no familial contacts, few friends, and enough spare income to just bum around Seoul for weeks after your class was over.”
“Since longer than you.” Jaena rolled her eyes. “Obviously I didn’t want you to know that, so you didn’t.”
“But then… why did you go to the apartment?”
“Because this cute goth dude asked me to return his phone and I had nothing better going. I didn’t expect to get locked in! Or rescued by someone I met previously!”
Saeran made a considering sound, and sighed. “I should have realized you’d know Saeyoung based on your similar interests. And that he wouldn’t just leave you there, given that. A mistake on my part.”
“Saeyoung… is me… by the way.” Seven said, awkwardly. Jaena nodded.
“Right, you gave that name up when you gave me up.” Saeran said, bitterly. “Luciel, now? Or should I call you Seven?”
“V was the one who told me I needed to stop being Saeyoung.” Seven said bitterly. “I’d… I’d love for you to keep using it. I don’t.. I don’t think I’m Luciel anymore. But father’s still out there…”
Saeran sighed. “Alright, Saeyoung in private. Seven in public. Luciel never.  There are multiple of me, I think the least I can do is manage a couple aliases for my twin.” The ghost of a smirk twitched at his lips, and he turned and looked at Jaena. “Regardless, I’m sorry I thought of you as an object. You aren’t wrong to be upset about that. I should have known better. You’re a human being, even if an entirely different one than I thought you were.”
“Honestly…” Jaena started, and sighed. “I’m glad I wasn’t what you were expecting. I think you’d have felt more guilty if I really was as helpless as I let people believe. And you obviously cared - How’s your hand by the way? That punch looked like it hurt.”
“Saeran.” Vanderwood said, sharply interrupting where that conversation was leading. “Where do your allegiances stand, now? We need to move from here as V knows this location, and is clearly not to be trusted.”
“With Saeyoung.” There was no pause to think, no moment of hesitation. “He’s my twin. He can’t lie to my face without me knowing, especially not with drugs in his system.”
“Aw.” Seven said quietly.
“Red, how long will it take you to pack an overnight bag? I handled Seven’s and mine earlier, and it won’t take 5 minutes to put together clothes for Saeran out of the basement.” Vanderwood said with a slight shudder at the thought of the basement, slamming the end of his mug of coffee and moving into project-mode.
“I live out of a suitcase.” Jaena said, turning back to the bedroom. “5 minutes is plenty.”
Four minutes and thirty-seven seconds later, Jaena was packed and waiting at the door. Seven was standing with her, leaning against her shoulder, his good arm holding his own bag.
“Good.” Vanderwood said as he and Saeran emerged from the basement. “Let’s go.”
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Whatever Jaena was expecting, it wasn’t a modest little two-bedroom apartment in a high-rise suspiciously close to the building Rika’s apartment was in.  She’d been expecting another bunker-like location similar to Seven’s hideout. Seven had likely been expecting the same.
“Wait, why are we in the city?” He asked, in that way that implied the drugs were hitting him particularly hard right now.
“Because they won’t look for us here.” Vanderwood said. “Also, it’s a good staging point for the rest of the plan.”
On the drive into town, they’d been in contact with Jumin to go over all of the options for taking down Mint Eye. Saeran was adamant that they needed to do it basically immediately, or the cult would disappear - there were plans in place for it,  but it would take longer to enact them without Saeran.
“She intended for me to go down with the ship, as it were.” Saeran had said, explaining that the building had a demolition setup wired through it that required on-site detonation. Less sophisticated than the bomb setup in the apartment, but then she hadn’t had Seven’s expertise when she built Magenta.
In the end, Jumin didn’t even need their help - he had everything planned, and he wanted them to stay out of it. And so, they were trying to relax — and failing — in Vanderwood’s safehouse.  No one was more relieved than Seven when Vanderwood’s phone started to ring. Work would keep them all distracted in different ways.
“This is Vanderwood.” “…” “Yes, I am with Zero Seven.” “…” “What circumstances?” “…” “How soon?” “…” “We can be there in ten.” “…” “Understood.”
Vanderwood turned and looked at them, Jaena sprawled on the couch with her legs in Seven’s lap and Saeran sitting in one of the chairs poking at his phone.
“Zero Seven, we’re needed for a meeting at HQ.”
“What? I haven’t had to go in since… god, it’s been years.”
Jaena looked at them, and then back at Saeran. “Sounds ominous.”
“Meh.” Seven shrugged. “It’ll be fine.”
Vanderwood nodded. “I’ll text when we’re on the way back.”
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Something was wrong. 
Jaena turned to look at Saeran who was dozing in the chair he’d been in all morning.  He seemed fine.  Then, her phone chimed in her lap, and it startled her so bad she jumped up. She was not in any way prepared for the text message she’d received, however.
Vanderwood > Jaena: Treasure, pull a Tangerine and get the fuck out of there. NOW.
She blinked. Something went wrong.
Jaena > Vanderwood: Find me this time.
She clapped her hands. “Saeran, get up. We’re leaving.”
“What?” He looked at her in confusion.
“Shit hit the fan. Leave your tech behind, we’re disappearing.”
Something about her body language must have convinced him that she was serious. Saeran threw his phone on top of where hers lay on the couch, and stood up. “What about Saeyoung?”
“He’s with Vanderwood. Together, those two are basically unstoppable.”
Saeran scoffed, but sighed. “What should I bring?”
“Nothing. I’ve got my hacking laptop, so we’ll get what we need before I dump that, too.”
“Where are we going?”
“…somewhere that’s not here. I don’t feel safe talking about it.  I just need you to trust me and follow my lead from here out. If I tell you to do something, I need you to do it without argument. Fuck, new names are going to be so weird.”
“You mean to say Jaena’s not you?”
“Ha.. I have been… so many people.” She sniffled. “But I’ve been Jaena the longest.  Definitely going to miss her.”
“I don’t know that I’ll miss being Saeran.” he muttered, but took the hand she held out to him, following her out the door and into something entirely new.
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Author's Note: Sorry this chapter's a little shorter than usual - I decided a little shorter was better than a filler section.
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niko-sad · 5 years
“ Darkness shall fall soon “
YaY! Here the full video of my Saeran cosplay!
Thanks to Totoro Photoset Orders for this! >-<
That day I couldn’t do any photos because I was helping my friends all day long and I thought that the day was finished as it :( but they were so good and asked me if I wanted to do it! 
It was already late when we filmed it! And we were all sooooo tired! It started raining also!!!! >___< I was literally freezing cuz it was a winter day! 
And there was also a problem with the camera and we couldn’t do moving scenes ;_; 
I hope you’ll like it! 
I requested the final scene! (we made one without mask and a smirk, but I hated so much how my face looked so I asked for a change, although as a video sequence it was better that one)
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momomallowart · 2 years
I've decided for June this is a mystic messenger blog in celebration of the Choi Boys, so here's my friend and I's cosplays from Magfest this year~
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fishshapedbun · 2 years
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i was wearing Unknown's outfit (credits to my friend who drew the tattoo ♡) tho i knew already no one in my city would recognize it lmao but it was a lot of fun ( ꈍᴗꈍ) first time i went to a convention since 2019
I'll do better for my Jumin and Zen cosplays tho (〃゚3゚〃)
(Unknown wearing a Kuromi choker... much canon)
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persona-25 · 4 years
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Look at how pretty he is!!
Credits to @/dxrkbrows on Instagram 💙
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error13816error · 3 years
Is it time to finally post my cosplays on tumblr? I think so! Without further ado, a few pictures of Unknown from Mystic Messenger! Please be sure to check me out on Instagram! I'm on Twitter as well, but most cosplays will be on IG! I will be posting some more pictures soon!! New cosplays are also in progress, so bear with me ^^
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Got into cosplay for the first time in months and it felt good! 😊
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Those are two of my favorite pictures from today as genderbend Unknown 💕
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naura-speaks · 4 years
Didn't get to post my Halloween cosplay pics at 4am last night so here I am now. Enjoy my spoiler-free* cosplay of Unknown!
*don't look too far into the tags if you want it to stay that way
Yes, I tried for the white hair.
Yes, I used an entire can of white hairspray.
No, it barely did squat for my two feet of hair.
The lovely Hailey Morgan did the first round of eyeliner tattoos for me and I so wish she had a social media account that I could refer you to because she does fantastic work!
And yes. I totally did this one for the mask.
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And a bonus pic from a convo with my sister:
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justjen523 · 5 years
When You Meet Unknown on Your Birthday
It's a beautiful day in Chicago Illinois and it also happens to be my birthday today. I decided to take a stroll by myself to the drugstore to buy some hairdye. It's loud and beautiful and I am simply looking at buildings and everything in between. Definitely not people, I see them all the time.
I come to the crosswalk and the light changes red. There's someone standing next to me and I'm not paying attention. Until I get this weird feeling and the hairs on my arms stand up. I glance over and do a triple take. For real? I thought I was insane and actually deliberate whether or not I should call a doctor. Then I realize, hey, this is a big city, cosplay isn't uncommon. However, the unbelievable likelihood of meeting my favorite fictional boy nonetheless on my birthday of all days seems completely insane. While I am thinking all of this I am staring and he looks up from his phone and over to me. Me? Panicking. He briefly smiles before narrowing his eyes and says ".......what?" I have currently lost the ability for vocabulary, I raise my eyebrows and look straight ahead.
The light changes and we walk side by side staring at our phones though I am not paying any attention to what's on the screen. I am trying like hell to keep the goofy grin off my face. About mid block I steal another glance through my peripheral and notice he's doing the same and we burst into laughter. Unfortunately, we had to part ways. Before he goes, in full character, he shifts his stance and looks at me with intense seriousness and says "...This never happened." Gives me the smirk and continues on his way. As I watch him leave I finally find my words. "You're awesome!" I yell. He waves.
I'm euphoric and so happy it takes me an entire block before I realize I didn't take any goddammn pictures. Meltdown on the spot. However, I realize what an amazing chance encounter I had. It is certainly one birthday I will never, EVER, forget.
Thank you to the guy cosplaying Unknown. You made my birthday a memorable one. ❤️
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bluejay-writes · 1 year
A sort of Fairy Tail - Chapter 4
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Rating: T / PG-13, SFW. Fandom: Mystic Messenger Relationships: 707/MC (Jaena)/Saeran Chapter 4 Wordcount: 2905 Summary:
Freelance Hacker by day, cosplayer by weekend, Jaena Grey was living her best life. One fateful convention, she meets a scarily talented fellow costumer and his friend Zen.
When Jaena finds herself embroiled in the usual Mint Eye apartment plot, Seven panics to see someone he knows. Hijinks ensue, including Jaena spending the majority of her time cosplaying as 707 in his own bunker to hide herself from Vanderwood - for better or worse.
You can also read this on AO3! <- Also a good place to check tags.
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Chapter 4: Careful Decisions
“A twin?” Seven repeated, freezing for a second before deciding that she was being silly. “Well, yeah. You, obviously, since you’re me right now. I don’t think parent trapping Vanderwood is a good idea though.”
The joke shook Jaena from whatever funk she was in, and she looked up at him in confusion. “What?”
Seven took in her reaction at a glance and strode over to her. “Were you serious?”
“Yeah. It didn’t really hit me until I caught his face on camera, but Unknown looks like a goth bizarro version of you. Same height, same build. Hair color’s different. Eye color’s different, but the similarities are striking.”
“That’s not possible.” Seven said, sitting next to her and pulling the laptop onto his lap in one fluid motion, staring at the image. “Saeran…?”
Jaena watched a series of complicated emotions cross Seven’s face before he started muttering to himself.
“He must be completely shameless, he’s not even covering his face. He’s practically skin and bones. I hated that the agency made me go through physical training… but i guess it made a difference. No way…”
“Seven, do you know him?” Jaena asked, not really wanting to break his concentration, but not being able to help being concerned about the way he seemed to be spiraling in on himself.
“Oh… That’s…” He glanced at her, but them immediately back to the still. “What… what happened? Why is he… why is he there? That has to be Saeran, right?”
Jaena leaned against Seven and wrapped an arm around his shoulders. There wasn’t much she could do about whatever was going on right now, but he really seemed like he could use some support.
“Is he the hacker, then? God… when did he learn to hack?! Who taught him? And why would he be doing this!? Rika told me he… Something bad must have happened after Rika… I knew I should have asked V more. I should have pushed, I…”
Jaena tried to pretend she couldn’t hear the tears in Seven’s voice.  Something about seeing Unknown on the screen was breaking him, and she felt so guilty for showing him this, for making this happen. For being involved.
“I’m sorry.” She said, finally, and Seven leaned his head against hers, but didn’t say anything.  She could feel the quiet tremors of his crying, but couldn’t bring herself to mention it, or even move.  From just the little bit she’d learned about him today, it sounded like he spent the vast majority of his time alone in this bunker. He probably didn’t know how to handle her being here and seeing this any more than she knew how to comfort him. And so they sat in quiet silence together, until Jaena felt his breathing calm.
“Seven. That man…how do you know him?”  She didn’t need the information, really, nor did she feel he owed it to her, but she had this feeling that if she didn’t get him to talk about it, he might never say another word.
“That man…” He took a deep, steadying breath before he continued. “You got it in one, Scarlet. He’s my twin brother. And… you shouldn’t have found out about this. Ever.”
“Why? Is he also an agent?”
“No. And I can’t… I shouldn’t… can you please keep what I said, what you know about us, a secret? You can forget it completely…”
Jaena barked out a pained laugh.  “I can’t forget anything, Seven. Not even if I try. The best I can do is attempt not to think about it, and promise not to share.”
“I… that… yeah, okay.” He was flustered, and upset, and neither of them had moved from where they leaned on each other.
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“Scarlet?” Seven’s voice was soft, and she cracked open her eyes to see him hovering just out of reach of the bed. “I’m sorry to wake you, but I have time to take you to get your things, if you still want to do that.”
Jaena sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, glad she’d taken the contacts out before deciding to sleep.
“I shouldn’t go dressed as you.” She said.
“My thoughts exactly. And you probably don’t want to wear yesterday’s clothes again so… uh. There’s lots down here; pick whatever, get dressed and meet me in the kitchen?”
“Yeah.” She said, smiling at him. “Thanks for letting me raid your closet. It’s like having a big sister suddenly.”
“That’s me,” he said with a grin. “Big sis.”
Jaena made quick work of picking an outfit. She’d already taken time to explore what he had yesterday while she was waiting for code to compile. There was a lot here, and she had a sudden need to see Seven dressed up in one of the girlier outfits. For reasons.
Seven looked up as she appeared, grinning. “You look adorable. Shall we?” He held out his arm for her to take, and she laughed, letting him escort her to his garage, the contents of which still boggled her mind.
“Which babe should we take? I’m partial to this one;” he gestured to a blue Herrari, “if the choice is too difficult.”
Jaena chuckled. “Let’s drive your favorite. Someday, I hope you trust me enough to drive the yellow one.”
“Sure, sure.” he said, laughing. “Maybe when you know what it is other than ‘the yellow one’.”
The drive back into the city seemed longer, but it was likely just because she was actually awake this time.
“So.” she said quietly. “Will you tell me about Saeran? Since I’m not supposed to know anyway?”
She saw his hands tighten lightly on the wheel, but he nodded. “Okay. I guess hiding it doesn’t mean anything now… I’ll tell you a bit. That boy, well man, that you ran into. He’s my twin brother, but I haven’t seen him in years. I have a floppy disc of pictures of him that Rika gave me when we would have been in high school, but… we never got to go to school.  Saeran was always weak and got sick a lot.”
“I wonder what he would have looked like with red hair.” Jaena said, encouragingly, but also out of pure curiosity.
“Well, he’d have looked like me.” Seven said, amused. “Because we’re twins. We look alike but our personalities were very different.”
“Well, he’s an angsty goth boy with pink and white hair, so…”
Seven snorted out a laugh. “God, angsty Saeran. What is this world coming to?” he sighed. “When Saeran was with me… he was barely able to leave home.  We grew up in a very complicated household.”  he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye before continuing. “Our father is one of the presidential candidates at the moment.”
“Whoa. Important family.”
“Ugh. I guess? But I won’t tell you who, since you might end up in danger even knowing that. Hell, knowing us.”
“Well, I choose to know you, Seven.” Jaena said, her voice full of determination. “But he chose me, so I think I might just be stuck with the both of you.”
“Right, so this just turned into 707 history hour. Promise you won’t tell anyone?”
“Who would I tell? Tiktok? No thanks. Besides, the only person who should be telling your story is you.”
Seven laughed. “Okay, fair. Uh. Right. So even before he was elected as a congressman, our father was an honorable man… on the outside.  But he and my mother had twins without marrying. Of course, our father probably didn’t know about us when we were born.  Since our mother asked for money in return for keeping quiet about us.”
“Oh, she sounds like a real piece of work.”
“Mhm. When we were young, our mother didn’t let us leave the house. She didn’t consider us as her children, but as a tool to threaten our dad.”
“Our father tried multiple times to kidnap us. And our mother was an alcoholic and half insane most of the time. Putting it into words makes me realize how impossible my family was.”
“If it weren’t for the tone of your story, I would have assumed your father was trying to save you from that house. But that said, it sounds terrifying. How did you end up such a skilled hacker at our age, then?”
“Oh, that… I’ll tell you that if you promise to tell me your story, too.”
She nodded. “Okay. I’m sure it’s a lot less interesting than yours, I’m boring.”
“You’re not boring.” Seven said, sparing her a look. “Anyway. So… I was the healthier of the two of us twins, so whenever our mother needed something, she made me do it.  When her alcoholism was at its worst, she couldn’t really walk or do anything herself.  Later, I analyzed her pattern and left the house when she couldn’t catch me.  So when I wandered outside, I found this church, and at it V and Rika, and they realized by watching me at the Sunday School that I was immensely talented at patterns and computer-related things, and started bringing me coding books to learn from.”
“Church? Wow, I… I mean they mentioned your baptismal name in chat, but I never really connected it. I’m not a churchgoer myself, never have been, so it’s all outside of my wheelhouse, I guess.”
“It’s… a time.” Seven said, but shook his head. “Anyway, no matter how much I learned or how hopeful I was about saving us from the life we were growing up in, there just wasn’t any way for me to save Saeran.  My father became more and more powerful, and I lived in fear of him trying to take us out.  Thankfully with V’s help I was able to abandon my identity and my family and go abroad for school so that my father couldn’t track me.  Well, all of that was from the Agency, but… V introduced me to them, so I credit him.”
“That explains getting your codename at 12.”
“But what about Saeran, then? You wouldn’t have just left him. I’ve not known you that long and even I know that much.”
“V and Rika promised me that they would take good care of Saeran. That’s the only reason I was able to leave on my own. I worried constantly about him, but they always told me he was doing very well, and getting healthier.  I promised him that I’d always be with him, that I’d protect him. But I broke that promise, just trusting V’s words. And seeing him now… I betrayed him, I think. I never meant to, but there’s no way he would be doing anything like this if he were really taken care of the way I promised and was promised he would be.”
Jaena could hear the tears in his voice, and reached out and put a hand on his leg, in comfort. “You didn’t betray him, Seven. Not if you feel that strongly. You still care. I’m sure you always did.” 
He smiled slightly, letting one of his hands drop from the wheel to rest on top of hers.
“Thinking about it now, I’m so mad that I never had a single ounce of doubt! To be honest, I missed him so much ever since we parted ways.”
“I feel so bad you had to go through all of this Seven. Him, too. I shouldn’t want to hug the man that kidnapped me, but I think both of you probably need huge hugs right about now.”
“Mhm.” Seven said quietly. “You know, a secret agent doesn’t need such a backstory. I could have just lived forever in your mind as happy-go-lucky 707 who cosplays too much and doesn’t take anything seriously.”
“But that would have been a lie.  Besides, I like this you. The real you. You’re great, ok?”
“Pffft.” He dismissed her compliments. “I failed even that though. I couldn’t be an agent who abandons his past completely. I couldn’t let go of my brother. So I kept begging Rika to tell me how Saeran was doing.  That disc of photos I mentioned… she sent them in secret. Two years ago, my 20th birthday gift.  Clearly she’d had them awhile, but… She told me that Saeran was happy and healthy and that I shouldn’t worry about him.” He sighed. “Something must have happened right after that. Was it when she died? Did he get caught up with the wrong crowd? But V still tells me he’s doing fine.”
He squeezed her hand, then let it go, returning his hand to the wheel so he could use his left to push his hair out of his face. 
“God, I’ve rambled too much about all of this. You just make me want to tell you everything.”
“Well, I’m no therapist, but I do care.” Jaena said, squeezing his knee before taking her hand back. “And besides, you saved my life. The least I can do is care equally about yours, right?”
“Well, if you put it that way.” he said, smirking. “I can think of lots of ways you can repay me.”
“What, like doing your agency work so you can sleep ever?”
He laughed at that, a true laugh. “That would definitely be a high value payment.”
“What about cooking you an actual meal?”
“I might take you up on that someday we can be sure Vanderwood won’t show up in the middle of you cooking.”
Their conversation devolved back into teasing each other and banal topics, and Jaena couldn’t help but think just how happy she was to spend time just chilling with Seven, and how nice it would be if they had no grand plans or nefarious plots tying them together, but were just allowed to exist.
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Jaena tended to be a neat person. Even staying in an extended stay hotel with its own laundry, her things were sorted into clean and dirty, most of it still in her suitcases. The most packing she needed to do was her bathroom necessities.  Seven just stood at the door and watched, only speaking up when she was about finished.
“You know, this is the perfect opportunity for you to just slip away. Go home. Pretend none of this happened.”
Jaena turned and looked at him, considering.  He wasn’t wrong. She could go back to the states and pretend this was all one weird fever dream.  But she’d come here hoping to find her fellow cosplayer back, and if she left now, she’d be turning her back on any kind of connection she’d made there. On the chance to actually find out what it was that she was feeling when she was around him.  Because she’d be leaving him to handle it alone. And that, that was unforgivable.
“I can’t.” She said, shaking her head as she walked up to him, practically crowding into his personal space and making him step backwards into the door by reflex.  She leaned her forehead onto his shoulder. “I want to. This is terrifying.” Her voice cracked, and she was glad he wasn’t looking at her. “But I came here to find you. And sure, I found you in the most impossible way, but you’re here. You’re real. You’re not a fever dream. And I can’t just leave you to try and save your problematic emo twin turned evil hacker on your own. I can’t. I just—“ Jaena hadn’t predicted the tears. She didn’t cry in front of other people. She especially did not show weakness in front of people in her field, let alone someone she had feelings for. As such, she wasn’t expecting Seven’s arms to wrap tightly around her and hold her close.
“You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that.” Seven said, his own voice rough in her ear. “I’ve had you in my life for like 8 hours and I don’t think I can go back to sitting in that bunker by myself.”
They stood there in silence for another minute or so before Seven’s phone started to ring in his pocket, which startled the two of them apart as though they’d been caught by one of their conservative parents.
“Fuck.” Seven said roughly, and cleared his throat as he dug his phone out of his pocket.
“This is Zero Seven.” “Hey. I know I promised you tomorrow off, but we got an urgent job. I managed to get you until morning. Get a shower and some sleep, I’ll send you the information, start when you wake up.” “Thanks, Vanderwood. I owe you.” “Damn straight you do. Boss wanted you on this hours ago.”
Seven tucked his phone back in his pocket. “Pretend you heard none of that.”
“Okay.” Jaena said. “But before I do - we should get you back home so you can do that thing your handler wants.” She walked over and closed up her bags, doing the usual mental math to figure out how to carry them.
“What, sleep? Or was it shower?” Seven said with a chuckle as he took the heaviest of the bags from her without asking.
“Pretty sure it was both.” She said, sticking her tongue out at him. “You know I can carry that.”
“Yeah, but there’s no point in me walking out empty handed while you carry everything.”
Jaena conceded, and shooed him out of the room ahead of her.
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niko-sad · 5 years
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I made this 2 for the challenge! :D
Uff I should do more photos of Saeran <_<
But I always forgot what I want to shot ._.
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