mysticerror · 4 years
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how scandalous;;
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mystiicsm · 5 years
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          ᴍʏꜱᴛɪɪᴄꜱᴍ          ɪɴᴅɪᴇ ᴍᴜʟᴛɪ-ᴍᴜꜱᴇ                       ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ,  ᴍᴀɴɢᴀ,  ɢᴀᴍᴇꜱ                                                                               ᴍᴜɴ 21+          ᴍᴜꜱᴇꜱ & ʀᴜʟᴇꜱ
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hivemined · 5 years
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" i’m respecting . believe me , i’m respecting . ” axel @ saix           @mystiicsm​   /   prompted   /   still accepting !  
amber eyes   trail the other up   &   down ,   a silent survey of the all-too familiar face before him ,   increasingly aware that axel would perhaps say   anything   to keep saix from blowing up at him .   it’s something that’s carried on from objectively happier days ,   where the blue-haired of the two would incessantly nag at his friend to look after himself ,   among other things the redhead   clearly   didn’t see as that important     (     or at least ,   not as important as charming everyone   &   running amok causing mischief     ) .   but it mattered to him that his friend ,   his   best friend   would take care of himself ,   and not be so lost in the sweet ,   sweet carelessness of being young .   saix   ———   isa ,   had grown up much too fast ,   the best of his youth stolen by tragedy .   but that was part of why they had been so close ,   once ;   they   evened   each other out ,   with one nagging the other to be more responsible ,   and the other teaching the one how to   lighten up   a little .
but things are different ,   now .   saix will always look back on those days with an earned   fondness ,   even if he may not admit it aloud ,   but they aren’t the people they once were ,   and their bond had become   broken   somewhere along the road between then   &   now .   now ,   things are a lot more bleak ;   a second-in-command tasked with keeping a subordinate in line ,   one of xemnas’ most prized   exterminators   when it comes to traitors ,   aside from saix himself .   deep down ,   part of him really hates that things have become this way ,   but there’s a larger ,   more logical faction of his mind   &   the cold hole where his heart once was that understands that they   had to .
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he’ll spare his old friend the   earful ,   for now  .   out of the   kindness of his heart .     “     that sounds awfully familiar ;   like something you’ve said to me before ,     ”     he comments ,   a waning trace of a   smile   rendering along his lips .   it’s nothing like the smiles he used to give ,   but it has the   shadow   of one ,   perhaps because he’d forgotten how to smile like that ,   for the time being .   he’d forgotten how to do   many things ,   to become what he must .     “     don’t think you’ve fooled me into believing you ,   but because you   so graciously   did what i asked ,   i suppose i can turn a blind eye to your insubordination ,   just this once .   lea .     ”
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mysticerror · 4 years
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i love jumin more than i love my actual boyfriend
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mysticerror · 4 years
when you havent slept in four days for mystic messenger bcus your dad taught you that losing sleep = something being important to you
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mysticerror · 4 years
jumin: h-
zen: jErK wAs bOrn with a golden spoon in his mouth!!! no worries WHATSOEVER!! only cares about himself!!! not funny!!! ugly!!! 0/10 hOw dARe hE eXisT
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hivemined · 5 years
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    " you’re my best friend, but i really don’t know what the fuck you’re on about most of the time . ” axel @ demyx            @mystiicsm​   /   prompted   /   still accepting !  
gloved fingers   halt   against the strings of the enchanted instrument in his arms ,     the surprise that floods demyx’s face detectable at once ,   all wide eyes   &   parted lips .   of course he’s aware that he   &   axel are friends;   they’ve been for what some may consider a   while   now ,   as the musician had been initiated in soon after axel himself ,   leading the two of them to become friendly almost instantly .   the organization ,   despite sharing a common goal ,   isn’t necessarily known for its   inseparable bonds ,   though there are a few notable relationships here   &   there ,   beyond those few exceptions ,   everyone seems to be either casual acquaintances or sworn enemies .   demyx ,   being his   easygoing   self ,   seems to be on somewhat    amicable     terms with most everyone     (     except larxene ,   who appears to just hate his guts ,   and saix ,   who despises his lack of work ethic     ) ,     but axel is a   special   rarity .   even then ,   he had never expected the other to refer to him as a    ‘  best friend  ’ .
he’s not entirely sure   why ,   but he’d just come to accept that roxas is axel’s best friend ,   and there was no point in   vying   for that title himself .   and that was   perfectly fine ,   in his eyes ;   he didn’t need to be axel’s best friend ,   so long as he could just be a friend of any kind ,   and they could still spend time together   &   be part of each other’s second lives .   but acquiring this knowledge ,  that axel does   indeed   think of him this way ,   despite his doubts ,   makes demyx’s chest feel so warm ,   he’s almost convinced he’s got a heart .   the shocked parting of his lips spreads into a full-on grin ,   the kind nobodies aren’t even supposed to put on ,   unless they’re   really good at acting .   but it’s entirely real ,   nothing rehearsed about it ,   just pure joy in its most recognizable form .
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the nocturne is so distracted by the casual   declaration   of his status ,   he almost hadn’t caught the rest of what had been said to him .   he doesn’t ask about the whole  ‘  best friend  ’  thing ,   even if he must look strange for smiling so much ,   all of a sudden .   looking strange is just demyx’s standard state of being ,   so it’s   hardly   that alarming.     “     honestly ,   me neither ,     ”     he admits ,   snickering lightly as he goes back to tuning his sitar ,   fingers   thoughtlessly   gliding along the sleek strings ,     “     did i say something weird ??   i’ve been ,  like ,   half listening   to myself for the past minute .     ”
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hivemined · 5 years
@mystiicsm​   /   cont’d!  
with   an   eye-roll   at   his   friend   -   who’d   chosen   now   to   apparate.   he   shook   his   head   -   spikes   bouncing   with   the   motion.      he   wasn’t   the   most   hard-working   guy   himself   -   he   liked   to   chill.   relax.   take   in   the   scenery,   whatever.   but   demyx   -   how   xemnas   let   him   get   away   with   being   so   slack   he’d   never   know.      and   he   knew   it   pissed   saix   off   to   no   end.  
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  “   i’m   off   the   clock   ,   you   know   ,   since   i   did   all   the   work.      but   you      -   wouldn’t   be   surprised   if   xemnas   gave   you   another   mission   to   make   up   for   this   one..“      there’s   little   annoyance   in   his   words   -   clear   by   the   smirk   forming   on   his   face.      he   wasn’t   going   to   snitch   on   his   friend   -   it’s   not   like   he   couldn’t   handle   himself   alone.  going  solo  was  better ,   they   weren’t   compatible   teammates.   their   talents   just   cancelled   each   other   out   anyway,   right   ?     “   what’d   you   have   in   mind?”  
the organization is a  hub  of mysteries,  a reality which creates its  nebulous  air,  but one of the largest  internal wonders  of the syndicate is how exactly demyx had ended up there.  obviously he has potential;  a  formidable  combatant when he wants to be,  hence why xemnas sought him out in the first place   —   but it wouldn’t take  anyone  very long to realize his general lack of a work ethic.  despite his capabilities,  demyx doesn’t  care  about fighting or getting stronger,  only bothering with missions   &   training so that he can hold his own when he absolutely needs to.  many of his colleagues  dread  being paired with him for an operation because they know he’ll find a way to pin the majority of the work on them.  
interestingly enough,  it just became a  fact of life,  and no one complains much about it anymore   (  except saix,  but he complains about  everything,  so that’s to be expected  ).  the younger members especially seem not to mind much at all,  for demyx’s entertaining personality at  least  offered some morale during the assignments  nobody   (  pun intended  )   wants to do.  
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so he knows axel isn’t  serious  about ratting him out to the superior.  and even if he did,  xemnas would probably just sigh   &   roll his eyes,  and order saix to give demyx more solo assignments   —   which would not be fun for him,  but the so-called  punishment  wouldn’t last longer than a day or two,  anyway.  demyx has this down to a  science.   “  oh   c’mon,      you   can’t   say   i   didn’t   do      anything.      i   cheered   you   on,      and       i   looked   cute   doing   it!      i’d   say   that   counts   for   something,      right?  ”   that  eccentric  grin is still there,  emphasizing his jest.  
his eyes light up at the appearance of the other accepting his invitation.  sure,  he has a few friends around here,  but axel is  definitely  the most interesting,  and fun to hang out with.  even if he could be a little  grumpy,  sometimes.   “  there’s   a   lantern   festival         .   .   .         thing      in   one   of   the   worlds   i   get   stationed   at,      sometimes.      it’s   a   yearly   thing,      i   think.      anyway,      i   was   gonna   go   see   it   today,      and   you   should   come   with   me!!  ”  demyx isn’t ashamed to admit he’d kept track of the passage of time in that world,  wanting to know    when    the next of the lantern events would be so he could see it again.  he’d been wanting to take someone with him,  too,  but there were only  so many  options;  zexion most likely would be busy,   luxord probably wouldn’t be interested at all,   larxene would just complain the whole time,   and roxas would be confused   &   ask too many questions.  but  axel  seems perfect   —   if he catches him in a good mood,  at least. 
“  it’s      really      pretty,      and   there’s   lotsa   cool   music         &         stuff!!      so   how      ’bout   it,      big   guy?      you   know   you’re   the   most      cultured      of   all   my   friends,      right?  ”
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