So exciting that you loved Queen’s Thief so much! It is most definitely worthy of discussion!!
My favorite thing is hearing about people’s experience reading book 2, especially with regards to the portrayal of Irene! At one point did you start to sympathize with her? And at what point did you realize she’s coming Nahuseresh? I know when I first read it, I stayed Stressed and Confused pretty much until the part when she gives her speech (about gifts and bribery) to Nahuseresh above the battlefield, but I have some friends who noticed what she was up to much earlier! (And of course on reread, I see so many of the hints!)
Also you mentioned you want to talk about the last book! What was your favorite moment and/or was there any scene that shocked/surprised you?
Finally, if you haven’t already discovered them, I’d just like to recommend the amazing Queen’s thief art done by @emilybeemartin, and @shebsart. The QT fandom is blessed to have SO many amazing pieces of art dedicated to it, but these two have some of the largest collections and I’m forever stunned by them.
Hiiiii!!!! Oh yes please let's talk about book 2!
It was easily the most complex out of all of them. It was VERY hard to guess what the Queen was thinking, since this one, out of all the books!, was the most about her, yet it still wasn't told from a first person POV. I wavered between "please don't be dumb and silly please don't be dumb and silly" and "naww she's playing everyone again, I just can't guess HOW" and that made me so angry!!!!! Lol.
The scene where Gen was recaptured and then the earring scene following that, were of course fantastic.
As for the last book, I have to reread the entire battle season. I just have to. Poor Pheris betraying and saving Eugenides at the same time and just hoping for mercy is so endearing. And I need to get the details of the Mede's camp again and get a list of what exactly Eugenides damaged when he was there ;)
I also liked the way the army train was described. It was very vivid how a mass of armed and heavily supplied people would move across the countryside. The author obviously did her research, and I was delighted to find out that it moved no differently than an ordinary group of hikers, just on a much larger scale!
I have already discovered TQT art and it's stunning!!! I'm so glad people made art, it would have been so hard to enjoy the fandom if there wasn't at least a little bit of art!! What actually got me hooked on TQT in the first place(!) was @/emilybeemartin's Gen vs. Costis art and @/mothsartart's Puppet King. They are both awesome.
Thanks so much for asking, friend!!! :)
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petrosapian · 4 years
Hello! I've just finished wooden overcoats, and I've been going through your tag (ty for the great content) - I was wondering if you knew anything about the scene at 1:45 on the season 3 kickstarter video. It features a potentially (?) chapgone moment and I am so curious about where it's from since I've listened to the specials already.
Hey! So thank you for liking my wo content lkjdslkdja this podcast is approx 60% of my will to live at this point so i love someone else is getting something out of my intense rants lol
As for the clip your referring to that’s actually a scene from season 1! It’s actually from the first episode its from the scene where Chapman comes to introduce himself I’ve listened to every episode like minimum 3 times so im pretty positive about that but its really nuts how many scenes there are so overtly like this
I dont think this is the end of these inadvertent flirting yet since even post-Antigone in the spotlight you see her having to remind her self no, im not wallowing in that any more (very much in the sunshine treatment) some im excited to see how that plays out bc there’s gonna be more accidental flirting on Chapman’s side, since this dynamic is pretty integral to the series and idk what kind of drama they would bring up instead in season 4 to replace it, like season 4 is gonna be 10 episodes long instead of the regular 8 
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Eddis: I can’t seem to do anything right now!
Gen: Mhm, I never thought I’d have to say this, but there is only space in this family for one unstable cousin, and I have held that title for a very long time, so you are going to have to get it together.
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bugeyedfreaks · 8 years
mytardisnowspacetravel replied to your post “I despise the term "toxic masculinity" because masculinity isn't...”
I think toxic masculinity is actually a little more specific than being an asshole.It's is a type of masculinity (which by itself isn't actually bad) in which boys are taught that to be a "real man", they need to be the dominant figure & suppress their emotions. they can't "act like a girl"(which is derogatory) All these things hurt both men and women. So toxic masculinity isn't criticizing masculinity itself, it's the way society teaches boys to men in problematic ways
Yes! Actually, @mytardisnowspacetravel​, several people correctly pointed this out as well but I wanted to explain some things a teeny bit more and responded here about it!
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gentil-minou · 3 years
You're absolutely right Puppeteer 2 was one of the best episodes
I've gotten so many Puppeteer 2 asks these past few days, I'm putting them all here to avoid spamming! But just know that I'm very proud of you all <3
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@ariadsishereagain next time i shall send you forth and spread the word of puppeteer love to the world <3
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I can kind of see why folks would be cringed, the first time I saw it I was sooooo embarassed. But I also didn't know this scene was coming and so I had already enjoyed the the rest of the episode so my feelings changed about it. I'm glad other folks like it too!
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@mytardisnowspacetravel ahhhh I'm so glad you liked it! And flatter you went through my tag <3 I do agree that this episode has suuuuuuch good parts and elements it really is one of the best episodes of the season. And I hope you friend liked it too!!!
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FOCUS UP YOU LITTLE MONSTERS!!! Not you Pheris, you’re an angel and we’re thrilled you’re here.
Gen addressing his attendants
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Gen (sending Costis off to go kidnap Kamet): You can handle this, I have total faith in you.
Also Gen: There’s like a 30% chance they’ll both die. 
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Gen: haha babe you had a cRuSH on me!?! that’s embarrassing
Attolia: we’re married
Gen: still!
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(Gen walks in on a conversation between Relius and Teleus)
Eugenides: Relius, lunch today?
Relius: No 
Eugenides: Mmm very well, I’ll dine alone then :(
Teleus: …
Teleus: See?
Eugenides: See what?
Relius: Teleus seems to think you like me more
Eugenides: Teleus, don’t be ridiculous - that’s exactly the kind of paranoia that makes me wary of spending time with you!
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I have no idea what I’m doing but I know I’m doing it really really well
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Teleus: Please stamp the form.
Attolia: I just want to admire it one more time. Again, fantastic work… In fact… such good work–I think i’m in love with you.
Gen: Oh my god that’s great news ‘cause I’m in love with you too.
Attolia: What?!
Gen: What?!
Teleus: Stamp the form.
Gen: Ok, let’s not let Teleus feel left out. We love you too Teleus.
Teleus: Stamp the damn form.
Gen: Group hug!
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