#mythic quest: raven’s banquet
realbeefman · 11 months
if ian grimm and poppy li were same sex rob mcelhenney would be in QUEERBAIT. JAIL!!! that’s all i’m saying
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veinsandknuckles · 2 years
Brad Bakshi x inexperienced reader?
This was a fun challenge, I haven't written an inexperienced reader insert in a long time! I chose to play it like the reader kind of gave up trying because of at least one not-so-great previous encounter but everything else and all the details are up for interpretation. Let me know what you think!
Oh, Wolfie (pt 1)
Brad Bakshi/f!reader Rated mature (for now) Not BETA'd Warnings: mentions of bad previous sexual experiences, slight D/S dynamics, Brad can be interpreted as being a decent person An office party is the perfect place to make some bad decisions and a Halloween costume is a wish your heart makes. --------- “And what are you supposed to be?”
“Brad from monetisation.”
The annual office halloween party was getting into full swing, you’d had a couple of drinks and they had convinced you it was a great idea to screw up your courage and finally try to catch Brad’s attention. You leaned (casually, you hoped) on the doorframe to his office where he’d spent most of the party behind his desk. The few times he’d had to leave to use the facilities or grab some coffee, he’d made a big show of how embarrassing this whole thing was. You knew, because your eyes always followed Brad.
“Not scary enough for you?” he asked and you shrugged, noncommittally. He certainly scared you, in the best possible way. “What about you?”
You looked down at your outfit. Wasn’t it obvious? You put the hood back up, just in case. “Little red riding hood.” You’d opted for safe rather than daring, but it was still pretty cute. The dress could have been longer. 
“Babe in the woods, huh?” Brad looked you up and down and you had to tense all over not to shrink away from him. “Yeah, I guess I can see it.”
You quickly raised the sticky single-use cup to your lips to hide your embarrassment. 
“So why are you bothering me?” he asked. “Shouldn’t you be out there getting into trouble?”
“I just wanted to check if you wanted anything.” Oh no, that was too broad a hint. You were really floundering here... “I don’t know. A drink or something.”
Brad gave a little laugh. “Right. Well, I have a drink.” He lifted his mug of coffee. “Thanks, though.”
You did your best not to look too disappointed and nodded to him. “Alright then, I’ll... let you get back to work. Maybe I’ll see you later.”
Brad watched you with an amused look and gave a lazy wave as you turned to leave.
It had been worth a shot. Up until just now, you’d kept your little crush a careful secret and since you never really had to interact much around the office, Brad had probably barely noticed you. Silly to think you could entice him to join the crowd with just a word.
 You knew it was for the best and tried to let that be some comfort. When Brad took an interest in anybody it usually didn’t do them any favours... but he was so handsome, so confident and so self contained. Whenever he was within your arm’s reach, you felt weak and lightheaded every time. You couldn’t help thinking a few bruises could be worth it if they came from him. --------
There was a stairway to the roof. No one was supposed to come up here, but you’d been let in on it a few weeks ago as the perfect spot for a quiet lunch break or a hideaway when work got a little too intense. Someone had gone through the trouble of carrying up a mismatched set of of lawn furniture and a couple of old flowerpots to use as ashtrays. A part of the jutting roof protected the seats from the worst of the weather and tonight, a string of lanterns were wound around the railing, competing with the stars and the city lights for twinkling beauty. This little spot was fast becoming a very open secret - after tonight, it probably wouldn’t be much of a secret at all. When you’d opened the door and stepped out here to cool off, you’d caught two lovebirds almost in the act and tactfully turned your head to let them slip away unrecognised. 
You leaned on the railing now and looked out at the skyline. Right now, it felt less lonesome to view the world from a distance than to see people up close - it was just turning into that kind of party. Your coworkers were fine, most of them were as kind and well adjusted as people ever got but you couldn’t help suspecting that if you stayed up here all evening, none of them would notice your absence.
Logic reminded you there were lots of lonely souls out there, but tonight you weren’t in the mood to be comforted by logic. It wasn’t just your impatience talking, it was disillusionment as well. Honestly, you didn’t want to date around and learn to settle, you didn’t want something grounded and reasonable, you didn’t want someone safe and normal, you wanted... oh, it was silly. 
The sound of the door swinging open behind you nearly made you jump out of your skin. As if in answer to your wish, Brad stepped quietly onto the roof and sauntered over to stand beside you. His smile was almost warm. 
“Nice view up here,” he said without taking his eyes off you. 
It might mean nothing or it might be a joke he didn’t want you to be in on, but you couldn’t stop the longing from welling up inside you. You probably couldn’t help it from showing, either. 
It had been such a long time since someone had touched you and the few times it had happened, the experience had left you so empty and rotten you felt as if you could happily go the rest of your life without it. But it couldn’t always be that bad, else why did anyone ever bother? With someone you really wanted...  You hoped despite yourself. So, let him see it. 
“Hey, Brad.” You cleared your throat. “I didn’t expect to see you outside of your office.”
He shrugged, then leaned on the railing and joined you in watching the city. Whatever reason had brought him up here, he seemed to be in no hurry. 
Eventually, you just had to ask. “If you hate these parties so much, why do you still show up?” 
Brad looked over at you and smiled again. “Why do you think we host them?”
“I don’t know. To keep up morale, bring people together, let them blow off steam...”
“That’s one way to look at it.”
“What’s your way?”
“The way I see it, you’ve got a whole building full of people who spend all day every day driving each other crazy - I can guarantee you that every single person down there has at least one coworker they obsessively fantasise about killing. Or fucking, or both. We know that, and we still let them back in after hours, dim the lights and ply them with alcohol.” Well, at least Brad didn’t seem to have any trouble being honest with you. That was something, although you weren’t sure what. He went on, sounding pleased. “The last thing you want from an employee is a clear sense of boundaries.”
You wondered who Brad fantasised about fucking and/or killing. You might have assumed he was above it, but it didn’t sound as if he was really above anything. “But why do you show up in person? Is it just to watch the carnage?”
He shrugged. “If you wanna get dirt on your colleagues, there’s no better time than an office party.” 
Another characteristically cynical take. Did he ever think about anything else? You scratched some of the paint off of the railing and watched the flakes float down like confetti. “You’re not going to find much dirt up here.”
“No?” Brad seemed to be watching you carefully. “There’s no one you’d like to... introduce to the copying machine?”
You met his gaze and held it. When you replied, your voice sounded very small. “Maybe there’s someone.”
He wasn’t going to break away either - your nerve held out another couple of seconds, then you lowered your gaze and took another sip of your drink.
“...how many of those have you had?” he asked and his voice was lower now, too. You thought you heard a promise there.
“It’s just water,” you replied. 
“Still...” he seemed to deliberate. “Are you sure you know what you're asking?”
“Please, Brad,” you whispered. It slipped out before you’d had a chance to think it through. 
He could deny you, that was fine, but you just couldn’t let him believe you didn’t mean it. You had no power around here, nothing he could want to use. What you did have, he was welcome to. As long as he knew that, right now nothing else seemed to matter and you just couldn’t make yourself care whether things got awkward or whether or not he’d treat you right. 
Your hand trailed across the railing and found his, slim and strong and warm. He took yours and his thumb traced a lazy pattern across your palm. That was enough to make you shiver, and Brad laughed.
“Wow, you’ve got it bad...” He tugged on your wrist, and you took a step closer. His voice was almost a whisper. Perhaps he was speaking more to himself than to you. “Yeah, I could have fun playing with you.”
You gasped. “Please...”
“You said that already.” Brad slipped an arm around your waist and pulled you close, then brushed his nose against yours to make you look up at him. 
It was a wonder you didn’t fall to a puddle at his feet. That wasn’t just your attraction to him, although that was strong enough. He was older, he was gorgeous, he was cruel, he had no reason to care enough to be gentle or patient with you, and you’d never expected this little hope of yours to stand a chance - how could you ever keep up with him? How was it not painfully obvious you didn’t know what you were doing?
Before you could warn him, he leaned in and kissed you, soft and teasing, once, twice, until you let yourself go soft and pliant in his arms and parted your lips to let him in. When his tongue grazed yours, you moaned, a weak and needy little sound. That seemed to do it for him because he pressed you against the metal bars and his next kiss was rough. Whatever you’d stirred in him, you liked it and prayed he wouldn’t reign it in too much. After a moment or two, Brad pulled away to let you breathe and his teeth raked across your bottom lip. 
“Oh God,” you gasped. Even with both hands clinging to his clothes, you felt in danger of collapsing. 
Brad tangled his fingers in your hair and pulled back, slow but hard. It didn’t even cross your mind to complain or resist, you just whimpered and bared your throat. He grinned at that and it looked beautiful. And then you felt his other hand, hot and greedy, trailing up your leg and slipping under your skirt and you gasped again, shivering all over. 
It was too much, too soon. At least, it would be if you didn’t tell him, not because you were scared but because you wanted it so badly and you needed him to know what it meant. Being honest with him would make you vulnerable, and you wanted to be vulnerable. You wanted him to hold all the cards, take charge, lead you and know exactly what he was doing to you. The small part of you that was still thinking somewhat clearly also reminded you that he might be frustrated with your inexperience - or even worse, he might be into it in a way you couldn’t be comfortable with. 
You had to know. Better to know now than later. 
You grabbed his wrist and held him in place.
“Brad, I’ve got to tell you something.”
He leaned out and eyed you apprehensively. “...What?”
“I... I haven’t really...” God, what a time to become tongue tied. 
“You’re not about to tell me you’re a virgin, are you?”
“No. I mean... no, not technically.”
Something in his look softened a little. “Alright, I get the picture.” He sighed and watched you, trying to gauge what you meant and what you wanted. Either he was being more of a gentleman than you’d ever expected him to be or, more likely, he was recalculating the odds of you becoming clingy afterwards.
“I know this is just for tonight,” you insisted. “I’m happy with that, just...”
“You want me to go slow and make an effort.” He snorted, but didn’t seem annoyed. “Yeah, I can do that.”
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goodsirs · 2 years
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I want something bleak and hopeless, like real life.
Mythic Quest 1.05 "A Dark Quiet Death"
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octopusoptimusprime · 2 years
me, talking about grown men: he’s so babygirl
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yesihyperfixate · 2 years
Brad on the verge of tears: honestly *sniffs* I have a lot of childhood trauma and I’m like really starting to unpack it and-
Literally two seconds later
Brad: that was just a moment of weakness. Fuck bitches get money
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vinylattes · 2 years
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You know, as janitor, I see a lot of things... But you have nothing to worry about.
DANNY PUDI as BRAD BAKSHI in Mythic Quest (Season 3 Trailer)
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march32nd · 4 months
notes n essays masterpost
easy navigation to see my notes and essays on tv (mostly mostly community)
Notes Season 1
Notes Season 2
Notes Season 3
Somewhere Out There Essay
Notes Season 1
Notes Season 2
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them-bo-dacious · 3 months
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rosethorn108 · 2 years
ian and poppy
love them - him coming to hug her during pandemic
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her soothing him in hopso
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and ian being her biggest supporter - he will go to war for her
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couple without being a couple
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azcuemo · 5 months
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i love this show and this is my favorite episode i never see anyone talking about mythic quest
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peachyxxpuffs · 2 years
brad bakshi is pure evil. and i love him so much for it. 
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newton-radio · 2 years
Was absolutely certain that episode 5 of Mythic Quest was gonna be the peak of the season so far after learning Danny pudi was directing the episode and I was RIGHT!!!!
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veinsandknuckles · 2 years
You’ll just have to learn the hard way, pt 7
Brad Bakshi/cis f!Reader part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 (explicit) PG
From a distance, Brad seems like a perfectly nice (and distractingly handsome) man. When you start working at Mythic Quest, he catches you looking on your very first day and happily lets you misunderstand him; by the time you realise what he’s really like, you find yourself already entangled.“Friends” to enemies-with-benefits, conflicted feelings, hate fucking with a slow build and all that good stuff.
Through some miracle, the dinner went rather well. Everything stayed polite, everyone acted genuine and authentic, most of your own jokes and comments went over well. It certainly helped that no one seemed to expect you to make any real contributions beyond nods and smiles.
You were more than happy to act the part of the wide-eyed, easily pleased trophy date, especially since it meant you could shower the other two with attention and show Brad what he was missing out on. Of course, he wouldn’t take it that way, but at least it made you feel better.
His guests were nice enough to you - belittling in a thoughtless way but never sleazy, even a couple of bottles of wine in. The food was surprisingly good; fancy without being too pretentious. The drinks were good but you paced yourself carefully.
And Brad really was on his best behaviour. Watching him string people along like this was uncanny. He didn’t flatter, he didn’t hesitate to disagree with either of them, but he really did appear to enjoy himself, and looked for all the world as if there was nowhere else he’d rather be.
He even included you in this sudden attack of courtesy. The only reason you could tell he hadn’t been possessed by a much nicer - and duller - person was that once or twice, when either of the fat cats said something particularly inane, he just couldn’t stop himself from gently kicking your foot with his. Apparently the two of you were a team as soon as Brad decided you were no longer the most pathetic person in the room.
It might just be the wine, but Gabriel seemed to take a fancy to you. You weren’t sure how Brad had introduced you before you’d arrived; certainly not as his girlfriend, but it could still be an attempted power play, trying to steal you away with subtle compliments and less subtle bragging. He even slid his card across the table and said something about always being on the hunt for fresh talent. You thanked him warmly, told him you were spoken for and left it by the side of your plate. Brad looked about to laugh but said nothing.  
And then, thankfully, after some of the tensest hours of your recent life, it ended. Brad asked you to wait for him at the bar, you gave your most polite goodbyes and felt yourself grow lighter with every step you took away from that table.
The bartender seemed attentive, but rather than sit down for another drink, you just lingered, leaning on the counter and waited for Brad to come over to get his stern talking-to. It took a couple of minutes. A movement in the corner of your eye made you look up - you hadn’t heard him approach, but there he was standing beside you, looking satisfied.
“I thought that went pretty well.”
“Got what you came for, did you?”
He shrugged. “We’ll see. Speaking of which, you forgot this.” He held up the card Gabriel had handed you.
“Oh. Yeah.” You sighed, stepped back and took it.
Brad put his head to one side. “You weren’t planning on keeping it, were you?”
“Why should I? I already told him I’m not interested.”
“Sure. He’s only handsome, rich and charming.” His eyes glittered. You’d hadn’t been left to stew for even five minutes, and he was already back to trying to wind you up again.
“Yeah. Like I said, not my type.”
“Yeah, I guess we both know charming doesn’t do it for you.”
“Can I leave now?”
Brad shook his head in disbelief. “Come on, let me at least buy you a drink. You can tell me what you’re so pissed off about this time.”
As if he didn’t know... but he didn’t relent. “You can throw the drink in my face if you like.”
“See? I know what women want.” He slid onto a stool and waved over the bartender. “Scotch, please, no ice. And whatever the lady asks for.”
Despite your better judgement, you joined him and hopped onto the stool beside him after pulling it away to a safe distance. “I’ll have a gin and tonic.”
Brad scoffed. “Really?”
“The very cheapest gin and tonic you can make, thank you.”
“Jesus.” You could almost hear Brad rolling his eyes. “So, what did I do wrong this time?”
Now you glared at him and tried to broadcast as clearly as possible that as far as you were concerned, he did everything wrong. “You made me feel like a piece of meat tonight. And not in a good way.”
“...I took you out to an incredible dinner with two of the most important people in our field.”
“Yeah, as your arm candy.”
The bartender returned with your drinks. In the pause, Brad took a sip of his and made no attempt to deny the accusation. You pressed on.
“I can’t represent MQ in any meaningful way and you couldn’t count on me to make you look good. The only reason you asked me along was to humiliate me.”
“If that was my plan, it failed. You were charming.” He looked so pleased with himself, it only made you angrier. He fixed you with another look, one of unabashed admiration. “You really can just turn it on and off, can’t you?”
You knocked back about half of your drink. “...When I have to.” God, it was bitter. Very fitting.
“You smiled, you giggled, you told cute, self deprecating little anecdotes... anyone who didn’t know better would think you were having a blast.”
“Yeah, but you do know better.” Where was he going with this?
Brad scooted his chair a little closer. “So how come you never tried to reel me in? You might have succeeded.”
“Of course not, but you didn’t know that when we met. At work you seem to be sweet to everybody.”
It’s called being polite, asshole. “Is it really so difficult to believe someone might really be interested in you? I mean, if they didn’t know you.”
“No, I was pretty sure from the start that you wanted me to fuck you,” he said without even bothering to lower his voice. “That part isn’t surprising. But in my book only an idiot would fuck their boss without angling for at least a pay raise.”
You sucked in a sharp breath and looked over your shoulder to make sure no one had overheard him. “Shut up, will you? And stop saying you’re my boss - you’re really not.”
“Your superior, then. Even better.”
He was just baiting you again - for all you could tell, his comment about throwing your drink in his face had been more of a wish than a joke. His insinuation bothered you, though.
“No, I was never angling for a pay raise.”
“So you’re an idiot.”
That was a playground-level insult and not worth a reply. On the other hand, you had just spent an entire evening letting Brad puppeteer you because you were that desperate to encourage his teasing...
“Even if you owned the entire company, I wouldn’t suck up to you. If you liked me I’d take it as an insult.”
“Sorry to disappoint you, princess - I already like you.”
Yeah, that figured. You gripped your glass tight, considered smashing it over his head but instead downed the last of the cocktail. “See you at work, Brad.”
Without giving him a chance to reply, you went for the door as quickly as you could duck past the staff and the other guests, snatched your coat from the rack and walked out into the cold. If he really was trying to rile you up until you caused a scene in public, you were happy to disappoint.
You looked around but saw no cabs passing this quiet street. If there was any justice in the world, you could order one to pick you up before Brad got impatient and headed out himself. Your fingers shook as you unlocked your phone and rifled through your apps. Before you’d had a chance to press the right icon, the door opened again behind you and he stepped out. You didn’t even have to look up to know it was him. He bumped your shoulder gently, forcing you to step sideways.
“What do you want?”
“I dunno. We could go for another drink.”
“No, what do you really want?”
Brad reached up and wiped a snowflake from your cheek. You bared your teeth without even thinking and he laughed. With his eyes locked on yours, he swiped his thumb across your bottom lip. This time you just shivered and closed your eyes. Do whatever you want, just stop teasing...
As if you’d spoken the thought aloud, he softly asked “how about I get us a hotel room?”
Your eyes snapped open. The question hung in the air but try as you might, you couldn’t read him. You sounded hoarse. “Will that finally get this is over with?”
Another little laugh. “Are you asking if I’m gonna get bored and drop you once you let me win?”
He seemed to ponder this. Then, with a smile and a shrug, “yeah, I probably will.” Of course he wouldn’t lie about something like that. “Why - don’t you want me to?”
“God, yes.” Whether he meant dropping you or fucking you didn’t matter. Either worked.
“Alright, then. I’ll call us a cab.”
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Brad Bakshi headcanons
Because some ppl are woobifying him a little too much and I need to bring y’all back down to reality. he’s not a good person.
Yes he has a cat. It’s name is Trashcan, and it’s a feral cat that lives in Brad’s backyard. It brings Brad dead animals as gifts.
Brad hates dogs and isn’t afraid to tell a dog owner, to their face, that their dog is ugly.
He hates kids.
His favorite food is plain cheerios Or Brussels sprouts
He likes basketball and his favorite team is the Chicago Bulls.
He smokes. Poppy tried to get him to switch to vape but he thinks vaping is for pussies.
He rewatches Texas Chainsaw Massacre every Christmas.
Brad saw the Beastie Boys in concert 3 times.
If he’s in line at Starbucks and get the “pay it forward” chain, he just takes the free drink and stops the chain.
He has a bit of road rage
He’s never cried at a Disney movie
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doingthelordswork · 9 months
so desperately need mythic quest fics (specifically ian or poppy x reader) that im gonna write them myself. pleaseeeee send requests/ideas!
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yesihyperfixate · 4 months
Ok so sorry for the mini hiatus on the next chapter of “buttered noodles and ducktales”
I’m working on it now and it should be out in the next two days, I’m making it longer to make up for the wait. Some shit went down so I took a little brake but we are back and I got so many ideas for where the story is gonna go :D
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