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Did a photo shoot with my late 18th Century ensemble.
Corset stays, skirt support (bum roll and pad), petticoat (2 layers), chemise, over-dress, a riding hat and a bergere, and a cloak. Photographers are Capturing Heartbeats and Fire Bird Creative
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elekisip · 7 years
21 April 2017
What are you discovering around the structure you are currently in?
I am in Auckland, away from my working space and environment. I have found it stressful to think about completing work that was set for me over these holidays (outside of my internship) because I don’t have my usual structures and resources surrounding me. As a designer I need my tools and resources to hold me so I can begin to seed ideas. I’m now considering the possibility of putting together a kit that I can take with me in case I need go elsewhere to work. Also going for walks around the area made me feel like I knew the space I am in, therefore felt more at ease and could continue on with my work.
I see how sure Poppy is when she makes her decisions as a designer, she stands by them and trusts her instincts. I see the ease in her sourcing for costumes, it becomes fun and exciting rather than stressful. I want to somehow apply this ease into my own practise trusting my instincts more and having fun with the process.
I have also realised the importance of networking in this industry. This is a skill I think I don’t have and want to develop. To be able to talk and network in a ‘direct’ manner. (?) 
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My photos from major work shoot with Stephen A'Court arrived just in time to reflect on my year. The past year has been a (challenging) blast. Super busy at times, but always fun, and I had the chance to work on so many great projects. Original design Disney meets Warcraft by LiberLibelula
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Somehow I never posted a photo of the hat which goes with this dress! Late 18th century riding hat, complete with ridiculously big bow, but still comparatively subtle
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I got to make shoes! 18th-century shoes to match my dress. Fabric upper, leather inner. Handmade from scratch. Thanks to Lou at the Wellington Shoe School
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Costume Showcase 2018 Jane Greystoke Toi Whakaari
The first shots of my Major work graduation piece are coming through. I worked on this for about 3 months alongside my coursework.
Based on Disney meets Warcraft - Jane by LiberLibelula
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Costume Showcase 2018 Jane Greystoke Toi Whakaari
Some behind the scenes and construction shots of my Major work. I worked on this for about 3 months alongside my coursework.
Based on Disney meets Warcraft - Jane by LiberLibelula
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We took some more photos of our 18th century gowns
This is the whole department. First and second-year costume construction and our tutor Kaarin
I’ll miss these girls like crazy now I’ve graduated!
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Once on This Island Toi Whakaari Costumes designed by Simone Wiseman Erzulie - Meg Sydenham
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Pattern making project We were given the basic design and fabric, were allowed to pick the accent colour, and the sleeve and collar style.
Photography by Phillip Merry Modeled by Emily Brady
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Official photo’s of my 18th Century dress
Photography by Phillip Merry Modeled by Tara Erenskjold
Progress photos at http://vicdustrael.tumblr.com/post/159773504189/making-a-late-18th-century-ensemble-for-the http://vicdustrael.tumblr.com/post/161537120704/completing-my-late-18th-century-ensemble-for-the
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Completing my late 18th Century ensemble for the Costume Construction course I’m doing at uni. Corset stays, Skirt support (bum roll and pad), Petticoat (2 layers), Chemise, and Over-dress
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My latest project I have just finished at Toi; an extra for the RNZB’s Ryman Healthcare season of Romeo and Juliet, directed by Francesco Ventriglia and designed by (3x Academy award winner) James Acheson
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Making a late 18th Century ensemble for the Costume Construction course I’m doing at uni.  Corset stays, Skirt support (bum roll and pad), Petticoat (2 layers), and Chemise.
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elekisip · 7 years
19th April 2017
What are your expectations of professional practise?
Design Meetings.
It’s changed, I think its about getting into the work with purpose. Watching the design meeting today I saw designers working in an environment that was casual (tea, biscuits, warm sunny room) but focused (gathered/surrounded by work, models, costume drawings, photos). the group got straight into work but it didn’t feel pressured, just focused.  Even if the conversation was around props, the set designer would still listen intently because the conversation touched on ideas that affected everyone. There was a purpose, something driving the conversation that revolved around rules/ideas that affected the piece of work. I think that we can work more directly and effectively if we are clear around our questions/purpose of being at each meeting, making the most of who is in the room with you. Are the questions I am asking helping solve something or bringing something up that is relevant and can be worked with? Being direct and know when ideas and questions are useful for the group and listening for these things in other conversations.
What is the purpose of props, for example, through this story/piece? 
To develop my professional practise I want to use some of the actions/environment that appeared within the design meeting today in my design meetings to see how they affect the formality and to the point. How do I create an environment that is both comfortable but creates a drive to work to come to the forefront without it being pushed. What can I ask people to bring to meetings? How can my purpose or working question going into a meeting feel liberating rather than restricting?
Useful questions/later reflections:
The ship. Where does it come from? What does it do? Where does it go?
Sustainability/Stamina. How do I sustain myself to stay productive in long design meetings?
The block in the shed. Revealing the potential of the rehearsal room in terms of solving design.
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elekisip · 7 years
18th April 2017
Making in order to explore, not making in order to show.
Poppy and I had a discussion around the difference between devised and scripted work. We discussed the fact that when working with a scripted piece, as a designer, you must always go back to the script. The script holds the answers and your design decisions are based on something concrete.
We discussed that in devised work there is no initial script, so as a designer one must find the concrete. We discussed that space, actors/body, context and audience are all concretes. Under these also stands the themes that the performance/piece wants to deal with. The concretes are the things that I must respond to in order to create devised theatre that is focused.
Questions that have arisen:
Discussion around the presence of representation within the design practise. Is there something we are avoiding (social/political context)? Go to what we avoid and design around that. 
Constantly asking yourself if you are doing it for the right reasons.
Seeing myself as a young/new designer as a strength, not a weakness. Offering my own way of seeing things and working hard outside of the student bubble.
Stamina and sustainability. I have noticed the importance of understanding what I need to sustain myself during and after projects. Poppy spoke of working on multiple projects at once in order to be financially stable. This means knowing how much I can take on and how much I need to take on. Also acknowledging how much I think about a project and the emotional toll it takes on me. Knowing how much I need to give to feel satisfied (creatively) but not burnt out (giving too much, or too little). I think an important skill for me to develop is to recognise the above sentence in my process as well as constructing frameworks that keep me alive within a project.
Exploring experience. We take interest in a show for what we are told through experience. In Mise En Scene I want to explore different ways I can present a feeling. Story is just a vehicle. In the scenes I was given, what is the story/dialogue a vehicle for? Explore that.
Storyboarding the transformation of elements (e.g. props, AV, set)
Sourcing as a a source of process and inspiration rather than as a final “buy”.
Not to stress about making, it can be as simple as a sketch. 
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