#n then I started texting my bestie n she thought it was hilarious
makkie-is-screaming · 7 months
yesterday night was so fucking funny
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yanban-san · 2 years
"Honestly this idea probably deserves a drabble at some point- I am loving the idea of the servitor depot agents having panic attacks over Darling liking them a little too much-"
That would be fucking amazing! That poor agent. If reader is devious than they might've brought the agent to one of those restaurants that has low lighting and enclosed booths for privacy before springing the one night stand offer on them. Or even waited until the end of the night and ask the depot agent to walk them home and then spring on them there. I can see it now, the reader leaning on them with a giggle after making their offer, waiting for their answer. The poor agent has broken out into a cold sweat and is staring in fright at the wall behind the reader at the mass of white feathers writing and struggling to exit the wall, held back by a single black tentacle. The feeling on inpending doom if he doesn't start talking fast and find a way to redirect the reader. The agent is praying for someone, anyone to him! Then someone calls out a greeting to the reader, drawing her attention away from the agent. Elesa had coincidently stopped by the restaurant to share a meal with Skyla and had spotted the danger on her way back from the bathroom. Somehow they manage to redirect the reader into gushing about the twins and their work (Elesa and Skyla moved to their table) and the agent is near crying from happiness from being saved. They manage to get the reader on their way home safely, before turning to each other and exchanging numbers to bond later over the stress of having to deal with the twins. Elesa and the agent deserve to have a friend who understands what they're going through. I imagine it probably goes something like this.
✨️: Bestie, you would not beLIEVE the bullshit they just pulled.
🦇: 👀 What did they do now???
✨️: Do you remember the ice cream parlor up on the corner of Rhydon and Sticks?
🦇: Kind of???
🦇: Oh. Oh no.
✨️: I was walking home with y/n last night and she pointed it out and joked that the new Cherri Pistachio flavor was 'an insult to humanity and the whole place needed to be erased from existence for its sins'
🦇: Isn't that the only parlor in the city that carried you and y/n's favorite kind of ice cream???
🦇: hopefully it doesn't take them a week to remember that fact like last time
(Sorry if the text exchange seems weird. I am not a good writer, what so ever. I did want to get my ideas off of my chest though, hopefully it got a laugh)
sahgahkag Don't worry Tiny I fuckin LOVE this it's hilarious (btw apologies for taking a good long while to answer this ^^”)
I imagine Elesa would have quite a shocked reaction once she learns that the Depot Workers themselves are magical servants made by the twins to be the ideal crew for managing a magical subway system- At first wary, but then realizes... the Depot Agents are strangely better at acting human than the twins are; probably due to the lack of overwhelming eldritch power and arcane knowledge they possess.
Anyway, on to the drabble- That actually ended up tying into what I’m doing with Recordatio and Communion(ication)
Also made reader a lil on the insecure side for this as well.
Tags: NSFW Mentions, Poly, Demon/Monster AU, AFAB reader
Under Cut for the NSFW-ness and the fact it is long
Word Ct: 3.5k
—— Darling shoots their shot with their coworker, Depot Agent Jackie- saying they've always thought them to be... rather handsome, pretty attractive; and uh, well, Agent Jackie has always seemed to be rather amiable to you, and if it’s not too much, would- Would he be interested at all in… coming back to your place for an evening together? To put it as delicately as you could.
And Agent Jackie immediately recognizes exactly what you’re implying. He’s- well, first of all, flattered- And how could he not be? You’re the chosen soulmate of his creators. He has you and your whims to thank for existing in the first place, technically- Although he doesn’t feel any sort of romantic affections for you at all. To him, if not for the fact that his masters- his Gods- adored you, obsessing over you with such intensity that they’d move the very divine spheres of creation to bring about their opportunity to meet you in this world- You would just be a regular human, no different than any of the thousands of passengers on the trains he helped to run day by day.
But now, you were asking him- to- come back- to your place? That implied you liked him.
That you liked him more than the Station Masters.
Oh Sinnoh Above.
And thus, secondly, Jackie felt pure, abject terror. He respected and revered his masters- But he knew just how utterly terrifying they really could be, especially to anyone or anything that dared to interfere with their plans; Their wrath brought down Gods- and countless hoards of their own kind. It could reduce Unova to ashes in mere seconds, if they were feeling merciful. What was he to them? Nothing but a useful puppet, he assumed- Something that assisted in their plans. They could- And would- discard of him at the drop of their hats if he became bothersome.
To say they adored you was putting it lightly; They were utterly obsessed with you. You were so innocently unaware of the power you wielded, having two Eldritch Demons for soulmates; And the danger you were in as a result, as well.
And now, you were also unaware of the danger you’d brought down on Jackie’s head, as well.
But no matter! He was an expert Depot Agent- A master in managing uncomfortable situations through hundreds of interactions with inappropriate, rude, aggressive passengers, fielding awkward inquiries from journalists and reporters who wouldn’t leave him and the other agents alone- A master at conversation, deflection, and diffusion.
Why could he not redirect your interest in him to his masters? They’d probably thank him too!
You fiddled with the straw of your drink- Some sort of margarita you’d ordered. Coconut. Lime. Freezing cold. With an extra shot of tequila. Not much a drinker, but trying to get a little tipsy to work up the courage to ask this of your coworker. You felt guilty yourself- You weren’t even asking this of Jackie because you liked him specifically, but because…
No. Admitting that to yourself was way too difficult.
You looked up at Jackie; A warm, almost mischievous smile across your face. He was certainly very handsome, you noted. His black hair was beautiful, and his side burns clung to his cheeks, curling and frizzy- amid the cute tousled locks on his head. You were honestly amazed at how pretty and handsome so many of your coworkers looked. It almost felt like it was a requirement to be unnaturally beautiful to be hired at Gear Station, you had kidded to yourself. Jackie was certainly no exception to the rule, and you did have to admit- He really was quite cute.
Especially with those sideburns- and when he frowned or smiled especially hard. And his silver eyes…
You couldn’t have the Subway Bosses, you knew. You were a simple Depot Agent, working for them. And even if Ingo or Emmet wanted to date someone working for them- Well, you’d seen your coworkers. Some of the women working at Gear Station made you turn your head more than once- And you were only slightly bitter over the idea- The twins would probably- No, they absolutely would- pick your coworkers over you ten out of ten times. You just couldn’t compete. And even if it wasn’t in comparison to your appearance, still no. The Subway Bosses were Legendary trainers. World-Renowned, in a way. Champions- League Champions, World Champions, Regional Champions- Sometimes came through Gear Station only to be absolutely humiliated in battle against the twins. It was bad enough facing off against one of them- But both? You’d seen them. Ruthless. They had a clean sweep of Champion Alder’s team, even- And of the entire Elite Four, without resting or healing up in between battles.They were both handsome to boot, smart, clever- funny, efficient, hardworking, beautiful…
There was no way they’d look at you. Ever. Sure, you’d been having so much good luck lately- Even landing your job at Gear Station was lucky, you knew. But to catch the eyes of one of the Subway Bosses? No. Not with all the luck in the world- It would take a divine miracle to make them even acknowledge you as anything other than one of their employees.
But still, those facts didn’t stop them from stealing your heart and making you quietly and desperately pine after the pair.
And then being around them was Hell. Every day it seemed to take more and more willpower not to just turn to one or the other or both of them and ask- no, beg them to consider taking you on a date, even if it cost you your dignity and/or your job. Ingo’s voice perpetually echoed in your ear. A low tenor- A sonorous murmur- Asking if you were alright… If there was anything he could get you- And how he was always happy to assist you. The words took on other meanings to you, and you’d forget whatever he’d been talking about- Oh to hear that pretty voice talking to you intimately- You’d have dropped to your knees in an instant if he’d even just whispered for you to do so. How you wanted to see his pretty face upturned to your own, leaning up to kiss you affectionately- He’d called you Dear- And your own name on his lips made your heart flutter madly.
You thought of the way Emmet liked to grab you. In the heat of the moment you always “forgot” to tell your boss that it made you uncomfortable; Unable to find a otherwise polite way of saying you were going to go change undergarments in a minute because you were a fucking mess between your legs. His hand on your shoulder was enough to make you feel flushed and hot, not to mention the absolutely adorably innocent way he’d ask several times if you were feeling okay. You knew you were a blushing mess, and every single time every thought in your head went away and got replaced by blank static while you muttered out that sure, you were fine-
It didn’t matter which one it was, both of them made you horribly aroused and wet just by being in their presence- And for some Sinnoh-damned reason, no matter what you did…
You couldn’t even masturbate about it either. Your favorite erotica just didn’t do it anymore- And your internet was so slow and horrible that you couldn’t get a single video to play either! Although, to be fair, it wasn’t like train conductor porn was a common tag to find on any XXX video site, or even… written erotica. The few times you had, the comments were full of rail maniacs pointing out inaccuracies and nothing else, and you’d been unable to focus on the actual porn.
Nothing worked.
And you were growing desperate.
You could not have the Subway Bosses. They were your bosses, first and foremost- And they were so far above you in every category, of course they’d never look at you as a potential love interest!
So what to do? You couldn’t satisfy yourself. And you couldn’t get to the source of your pain, either.
So you turned to the next best thing.
Looking for someone who… resembled them. Just for a fling, of course!
Not that you wanted to admit to Jackie that the whole reason you’d picked him was because he resembled the Subway Bosses. He had similar sideburn things. His eyes were a dusty silver-gray. His smile and frown could make him look like Ingo or Emmet- And he could do a mean impression of the twin’s demeanor. He was a similar height. Similar build.
He would do.
“So, uh- What do you say, Jackie?” You asked coyly. You smiled up at him, face tinged with blush. “It’s not, uh- I don’t want anything permanent, of course- It’d just be a night together, right?”
And Jackie blushed fiercely- His eyes wide, and he almost looked- frightened? No, definitely surprised, you decided. He smiled weakly, letting out a soft laugh.
“Oh dear…” He trailed off, coughing into his fist- His eyes were looking everywhere but your own. Oh no. Please don’t-, you thought-
“I’m- I’m quite flattered, I really am, Miss- But uh, I just couldn’t. I simple can’t. You’re a very attractive young woman, yes- But- I have a strict policy against dating anyone from work,” He added. “And uh, I don’t do… er, flings- Not that I have anything against those who do, or anything!”
Gods this was an awkward conversation- At least, Jackie thought, his masters weren’t here to-
Oh no.
While his eyes darted everywhere else but yours, he locked onto a pair of silver eyes- Glowing with malice.
Lord Kudari, who had turned around in his seat to glare at Jackie- And also you. His smile was clearly strained, and Jackie knew exactly what his master was thinking.
Go on, Little Agent. See what happens if you don’t somehow turn this around immediately.
Jackie’s expression fell, and all the color drained from his face as his adrenaline shot through the roof. He was sixty seconds from being killed- And his face fell even more when Lord Nobori ominously leaned over from his seat as well, looking even less amused than his brother.
“Please, Jackie-” You continued- Sinnoh above you sounded pathetic- “Are you sure you wouldn’t reconsider? You said it yourself- I’m attractive, aren’t I?”
“Y-Yes, of course Miss!” He added, beginning to panic. “But- Really, I don’t do one-offs, ever! Please- er, respect that.”
You sighed heavily, embarrassed. “All right, I’m sorry I made you uncomfortable- I shouldn’t have pressed you like that, Jackie.” You took another sip of the margarita. “Could you forget this conversation ever happened between us?”
“Of course, Miss! Water under the bridges, and all that.” He smiled brightly. “Though I have to ask- Why me? Especially- Well, you didn’t strike me as the type to like… flings, exactly.”
“I’m… Well, I’m not,” You admitted. “It’s just- Arceus above, I’ve been so frustrated lately. And- Well, you’re exactly my type! I’ve never done something like this before, and- Well, I would prefer a long-term relationship, but not right now.”
Jackie felt a new rush of fear- And felt something grip his leg tightly. “You- You think I’m your type, you say? And why don’t you want a relationship right now?”
You weren’t about to admit to Jackie that it was because you were desperately trying to get over your infatuation with the Station Masters- You absolutely couldn’t ask anyone out on an actual date with the way you were towards your bosses right now.
“Well- yes- You have a really cute face. And uh, I’m avoiding relationships right now for uh, personal reasons.”
“That’s uh, interesting- I thought- I would’ve thought the Station Masters would be more your type, haha!”
“Oh, those two? Psht, Not in a million years!” You kidded- They wouldn’t take you in a million years, of course- You would’ve taken them at the drop of a hat.
Unfortunately, that was not the way Jackie interpreted that line.
And not the way the two Station Masters who were listening in with rapt attention interpreted it either. Ingo’s claws scraped at the edge of the table they were sitting at- And Emmet snapped the metal fork he was holding, bending and twisting it- Not in a million years would you take them, you said? You preferred that little Depot Agent to them so much? How dare you. Jackie was panicking even worse now. How- What was he supposed to do now?
Well, at least he’d had a pretty good run at this whole “being alive” thing. He was certainly going to miss Gear Station. He silently prayed- Not exactly to Arceus, but to any God- Heck even his own masters- He didn’t want for this to happen either!
“Agent Jackie!” A familiar voice called out to him.
ELESA! Jackie waved her over enthusiastically. Maybe Arceus didn’t hate him as much as he’d thought! “Miss Elesa! Fancy seeing you here!” He shouted through gritted teeth. Elesa came over to say hi- And he turned to you to continue your conversation.
“I find that remark rather strange, though Miss- Why on Earth wouldn’t you want to date the Station Masters? They’re respectable and, well, a lot of the ladies tend to find them pretty attractive.”
Elesa, meanwhile, had alarm bells ringing in her head- She saw Emmet and Ingo seated at a table together- Staring over at your table like a flock of starving Wingulls over a beached Finneon. Emmet was twisting a metal fork in his hand like it was limp noodle of spaghetti, and the dark look on Ingo’s face was borderline murderous.
And now this. Your coworker was desperately trying to catch her up to speed on the most important bit of whatever trainwreck of a conversation you’d been having earlier-
“Whatcha talkin’ about?” Another cheery voice asked, popping up behind Elesa.
Skyla. A very good friend of Elesa’s. Evidently out for a girl’s night? Date? Who knew? Elesa did.
“Oh, uh- Skyla! These are two of my friends from Gear Station.” She introduced you to the Mistralton Gym Leader- And Jackie, as well.
“Pleasure to meet ya!” Skyla remarked, smiling brightly.
“But anyway, what was that about not liking the Station Masters? I thought you liked them!” Elesa remarked. Please be them misunderstanding whatever you, just said Please be them misunderstanding whatever you just said-
You were rather flustered- Why was Agent Jackie and now Gym Leader Elesa demanding to know your thoughts on your bosses with the Mistralton Gym Leader hovering over you-
“W-Well, it’s not like I don’t think they’re handsome- Or anything like that,” You added bashfully. You were certainly not going to be divulging the depth of your… desires for your bosses to your coworker and two famous Gym Leaders, one of whom you’d literally just met. “It’s just-”
“They are pretty handsome, aren’t they?!” Elesa agreed excitedly- And Skyla stared at her friend with an expression somewhere between horrified and utter confusion. Handsome? Those two creepy muppet men, with their bizarre frog mouths- who talked in sync, walked in sync, seemingly having appeared out of nowhere one day- looking like menacing, train-themed clowns? Handsome?!
“Yea.” You agreed, a slight blush settling on your face. Jackie interjected. “What was that you were about to say?” You looked up again. “O-Oh, it was just- Well, You know how they’re such good pokemon trainers, you know? They’re famous, they’re powerful trainers, hardworking, cool… I doubt either of them would- Er, I mean, I just couldn’t. They’re out of my league.”
Elesa was only mildly dumbstruck; Jackie, on the other hand, was utterly dumbfounded.
You couldn’t be that oblivious, could you?
Your attention was on Miss Elesa and Skyla- Jackie was desperately gesticulating to his two masters in the corner whose expressions had changed from what had looked like We-Are-Actively-Plotting-Your-Murder to what now looked something in between blushing from the compliments their beloved had given to them, and intense confusion- You didn’t like powerful, hardworking, handsome, cool guys…?
But that went against everything they’d learned about your preferences. And they knew now you at least admired them- So why did that make it not okay for you to ask them out??
They would have to ask Miss Elesa about this later, they decided- But before they could move again, Elesa had turned to them- Jackie distracting you- and motioned for them to leave, a strange, stressed out look on the model’s face.
The absolute audacity of this mere mortal, Emmet thought- He would leave when he wanted to- Ingo turned his attention to his brother. “I actually agree with Miss Elesa, brother.” He whispered. Emmet turned to face his twin. “But Darling-” “Miss Elesa has it… dealt with, I believe. Though we shall intervene if necessary.”
And they disappeared as quickly as they’d materialized.
Eventually you all said your farewells- Agent Jackie left, texting a quick and heartfelt
to Miss Elesa; And you went home, alone again for the evening.
Elesa smiled at the text as she finally sat down with Skyla, and then put away her XTransceiver.
“So, Skyla- Why’d you want to meet up so urgently?”
Skyla dryly smirked back at her old friend.
She knew Elesa quite well- The two were as close as sisters, in some respects. She held up a piece of paper. Small, square- and evidently with something on the other side.
“I had nooo idea you thought the Subway Bosses were attractive, Elesa.” Elesa looked confused; No, no she did not- Especially since she knew what they really were- “Oh, you’ve got it wrong! I’m trying to help my friend- confess to one of them, She’s awfully shy, isn’t she?” Skyla’s smile disappeared. She knew Elesa very well. The two were as close as sisters. In many ways. And she could tell when Elesa was hiding something. She slammed the square on the table.
And Elesa looked down, the color draining from her face. After all the stupidity she’d dealt with from the twins- No, no no- not again- A photo. Of a four-armed blur that resembled the Station Master Emmet- with strange lights and stranger shapes around him- “Something strange is happening at Gear Station,” Skyla repeated. Oh no. “Don’t let this photo get deleted, no matter what.”
Elesa felt a bead of sweat run down her face. Skyla leaned back, watching her friend closely. “Oh, that photo? It’s- I’d forgotten all about that! It was just a bad photoshop prank, Skyla- I’m- I’m sorry for making you worry, but that was nothing!” Skyla looked at Elesa, studying her face. Oh, Elesa. The two of them were as close as sisters. And Elesa knew- And Skyla knew- Skyla could tell when Elesa was lying. And Elesa knew- that Skyla knew.
That she was telling an incredibly dumb lie.
There really wasn’t an end to this nonsense, was there?
On a side note, of course Elesa makes friends with the Depot Agents! They’re infinitely friendlier and far nicer than Ingo and Emmet are, and they’re like wizards- Warlocks? Clerics? Who get cool magical powers from their masters as well, and once they learn that Elesa knows the secrets of Gear Station are absolutely 100% showing off the cool magical powers they were given for the explicit purpose of keeping the Station safe and secure from any threats- After all, Miss Elesa is a regular ol’ human being and she’s suuuper cool!
And you think they’d erase the entire ice cream parlor??? The one that had YOUR favorite flavor of ice cream? No, of course not! However, you notice that awful weird flavor you hated is gone from the menu-
Yet you fail to notice that the person who made it in the first place seems to be... absent as well.
We’re gonna need some Depot Agents Gossip now... I love the ice cream parlor story asdjh
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pascalpanic · 4 years
Tik Tok Tyranny (Marcus Moreno x f!Reader)
Part of the Making Moves universe
Summary: Missy has become obsessed with Tik Tok. Luckily for her and not-so-luckily for you, her mini-mom adds many likes to her posts. Marcus gets roped in too.
W/C: 2.6k
Warnings: Language, Missy gets The Full Name when Marcus gets mad. otherwise it’s rlly tame.
A/N: PSHSHRHTS guys this idea has been rattling around my head and I thought it was super cute so I had to do it!! Lots of love to @leonieb for inspiring the first fic in this universe (who knows, maybe there are more to come?), @theteddylupinexperience for helping me out with all of my plot and helping me come up with this idea in the first place, and my babe @softly-sad for simping over Marcus with me and giving me some ideas!!
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Missy’s Tik Tok page has been blowing up lately, and most of it is due to you.
It all started when she downloaded the app, showing you and her father the funniest ones she’d found. Many of them consisted of cute animals and bad jokes, since she inherited her father’s sense of humor. Your phone constantly dinged with new messages from Missy, sending you funny videos and recipes.
This morning, you wake to big brown eyes in a tiny head above your bed. “Good morning,” Missy sings. “We’re making a Tik Tok. Up and at ‘em!” She shouts, pulling back your covers.
You groan and roll over, finding Marcus’s side of the bed empty. “Where’s your dad?” You ask with a gravelly voice, eyes fluttering open.
“I don’t know. Doesn’t matter, he’s not gonna be in it. Actually, we do need a cameraman- Dad!” Missy hollers into the hall.
You groan and rub your eyes, reaching for your glasses. “It’s like 7, kid. How do you have so much energy? You don’t even drink coffee,” You ask her, a yawn overtaking your face.
“Because I’ve been planning this since last night,” she says with a grin, ripping the covers back once more. “Come on, please.”
Another yawn. “Fine. What are we doing, hm?” You ask her, eyes opening as you stretch out in bed.
“I’m dressing you for the day,” she sings. “You know those videos?”
“No,” you groan. “There are a lot of videos, kid.”
“You’re annoying,” she pouts and plops next to you. “Your Gen Z bestie dresses you for the day!”
Marcus walks in with two mugs of coffee, and he hands one to you. You smile and thank him and he looks at his daughter with a furrowed brow. “You’re not making her regret moving in, are you?” He teases her.
“No,” she rolls her eyes as you sip your coffee. “We’re making a tik tok. I’m gonna dress her for the day and you’re going to be our cameraman,” she tells him with a grin, handing him her phone. “Alright, let’s go,” she says and stands, hauling you up and almost making you spill your coffee.
“Damn, Missy,” you laugh and stand with her. “Okay, what do you want me to do?”
She shrugs. “Uh, wave at the camera. This will be the before shot.” Your hair is messy and tied up, your glasses perched on your nose. You’re wearing a large t-shirt belonging to Marcus and a pair of shorts. You sip your coffee and wave as Marcus records it. “Good, all is going to plan,” Missy grins and leads you along.
That video got a fair amount of likes; it didn’t go completely viral, but you were popular. It made Missy excited beyond belief and she insisted that you make another. “How good are you at dancing?” She asks casually over lunch.
“Oh God, Missy,” you chuckle and shake your head. “Not great, but I can move somewhat easily. What did you have in mind?”
She beams at you. “The scene from Mamma Mia where young Donna is on a boat Bill and they dance around on it!”
You both adore the Mamma Mia movies. They’re what brought you together; Missy needed a female presence in her life besides her grandmother, and one night, after being ditched by her friends, Marcus suggested she text you. You brought her to your house and the two of you watched Mamma Mia while eating pints of Ben and Jerry’s, singing along at the top of your lungs and making jokes at the movie’s expense.
It turns out that the dance isn’t overly complicated. You’ve both watched the movies so many times that it’s almost like second nature to the two of you. You’re practicing the dance to the blasting speakers in the backyard when Marcus finds the two of you. “Hey ladies,” he calls out, but you can’t hear him. The two of you are spinning each other around and laughing as you practice, Missy bonking into you and making you both stop, beaming laughing.
Marcus pulls out his phone and records it for a moment, grinning as he watches it. His two girls having the time of their lives, dancing to the Mamma Mia soundtrack in their shared home. It’s wonderful.
The dance segment ends and you both stop, catching your breath. You grin as you see Marcus and rush over to him, throwing your arms around him. You kiss his cheek before burying your face in his neck. “Hi, snuggles.” It’s your favorite name for Marcus: he’s tall and strong but so cuddly and unbearably soft. You want your arms around him at all times. “I missed you all day, stupid work,” you chuckle.
He wraps his arms around you too. “Missed you too, baby. You and Missy are two great dancers,” he chuckles.
“Please. I look like I’m dying,” you snort, lifting your head and kissing him softly on the lips.
That’s your second Tik Tok video to earn a favorable amount of likes: the video of the dance that Marcus took while you practiced.
The two of you make a new joint account: @missyandminimom. Mini-Mom was her new favorite term for you: you weren’t quite her stepmom yet, not married to Marcus and not a legal guardian to her. But you were like her mom. Thus, Mini-Mom was born.
The video was posted again there and got likes in the thousands, sending you into relative fame. Missy screamed every time she checked the app, her new followers exciting her far more than it excited you.
The next step, Missy decided, was that Marcus needs to be a participant. But not a willing one, or at least not a participant that appears as willing.
“Please Dad, you just need to walk through the background!” Missy begs of Marcus with wide eyes.
Marcus shakes his head but smiles. “You’re not making me dance.”
“Nope! It’ll be just the two of us dancing, and you do whatever you need to in the background. It’ll be funny!”
“Isn’t the point of those things that the people don’t know they’re being recorded?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Just act like you’re not! People will think it’s hilarious, us dancing and you just walking in the background. Everyone will recognize you and we’ll get famous!”
“Fame isn’t the goal,” you clarify to Marcus and to Missy. “We just think it would be funny,” you offer up.
Marcus can’t say no to you. “Well, I suppose,” he groans, and Missy cheers and throws her arms around him.
“You’re the best! I love you so much!” She squeals, letting go and running over to where you stand. “Okay, we’re gonna count down then do the dance, you just walk through the background, stop and look, whatever.”
Marcus nods and you give Missy a high five. “Nice going,” you tease and nudge her side. “Alright, you ready?” You and Missy have been preparing the dance for the past couple of days, and you’re wearing matching outfits now.
“Yeah, here we go,” she squeals and presses the record button. She backs up next to you as the timer beeps.
You start the dance, and Marcus walks dutifully through the background a few seconds in. He stands there for a second, staring at your ass, before wandering out before you complete the dance.
“Woo!” You and Missy both shout as you walk to the camera and check out the video. The dance goes perfect, and you widen your eyes as you look back at Marcus over your shoulder. “Jesus, Marcus,” you tease.
“I got distracted,” he murmurs, blushing, and you run over to him and wrap your arms around him, jumping up and wrapping your legs around him too. He holds you up and kisses the side of your face. “You’re so good with her.”
“She makes it easy,” you laugh and bury your face in his neck.
Missy whips around with her phone and records the two of you, where you stand koala-wrapped on Marcus. “You’re so gross,” she groans and heads off to edit the video.
The video does, indeed, go viral, as people recognize that that’s Marcus Moreno in the background, so that must be his daughter and does he have a girlfriend now? You even found you and Missy on the cover of a digital tabloid, in a shot of you hugging. At least they were kind about you.
The next video is a prank on Marcus. You and Missy spent the day planning it, giggling nefariously as you set everything up. You replaced Marcus’s katanas at home with a pair made of plastic, meaning he can’t summon them with his powers. When he returns home, the trap is laid, and you and Missy follow a loose script.
As you cook dinner side-by-side with your boyfriend, you smile up at him. “You know, you’ve never given me a demonstration of your powers, baby,” you murmur to him and kiss his cheek, continuing to stir the ingredients you’re working on.
“Because at home, I’m just your man,” he says and kisses you softly, cupping your face with one hand. You smile into his lips, and you have to admit that you appreciate it. You didn’t realize he was a Heroic until a few weeks of being his neighbor, when it finally clicked that he wasn’t just Marcus, he and Missy weren’t just the Morenos, he was Marcus. Moreno. He always leaves his work at work and you appreciate it.
“Why are you so fucking cute?” you coo and kiss him again. “Still. Just… do the thing, please, whoosh those katanas over here?” You ask, wrapping your arms around his middle and looking up at him with big eyes.
He sighs and nods. “I suppose.” You can see Missy shooting from around the corner and you sneak her a thumbs up. He stares in concentration, holding out his hand to summon them. Damn, he must be out of practice, he thinks, focusing harder. His lip twitches in frustration as it doesn’t work. “Fuck!” He ends up shouting after a few moments where nothing works, and Missy claps a hand over her mouth.
“Dad!” She exclaims with a laugh. Marcus very rarely curses, if ever, and his eyes widen as he realizes she was filming it.
“Melissa Angélica Moreno, don’t you dare-” he threatens as he realizes what she wants to do with it. It’s going on Tik Tok, whether he likes it or not. He lunges after her and Missy squeals, launching off a chase through the house as Marcus pursues her.
That video got the most likes of all of them. Glimpses into celebrity lives always do, and you knew from the start that Marcus’s videos would garner lots of attention. Lots of people thirsted over him in the comments. Many duets were made of people saying they wished they were you. You only supposed it was fair; who wouldn’t want to be with Marcus?
“Baby?” You mumble late one night in bed.
“What is it?” A sleepy Marcus murmurs next to your ear.
You sigh, rolling over in his arms to face him. “I know you’re famous, and Missy’s Tik Tok isn’t helping either, but you love me, right?”
His eyes open and he frowns. “Where the hell did that come from?” He asks, pulling you closer and wrapping his arms tight around you. “Of course I do.”
There’s still a small frown on your face. “You’re a superhero. You have a ton of people who would line up to date you. Lots of options.”
He chuckles and kisses your forehead. “Baby. I fell in love with you when you were wearing a fuzzy bathrobe and drinking coffee on your porch. How could you ever question how much I love you?” He asks, voice tinged with sadness.
You feel warm inside at his words, scooting closer. “I know. I just… get insecure about it sometimes.”
“You never have to be,” he assures you and kisses your forehead. “I have never and will never love anyone more than you, except Missy. That’s a tie.”
You giggle softly. “I love you so much, baby,” you murmur into his skin.
“I love you too, cutie. Now please go the hell back to sleep.”
“More like a grizzly bear,” you grumble but smile. You fall asleep just like that, your arms around him tight and face nuzzled in his neck.
Two days later, Missy comes flying into your bedroom on a Sunday morning, nearly making Marcus spill his coffee. “You guys!” She squeals. “I just posted a Tik Tok that got the most likes ever, and it’s only been up for like ten hours!”
You groan and scoot away from Marcus so Missy can cuddle in between the two of you. “What did you make now, huh?” You ask as she nestles in.
Missy projects her phone to the screen. She takes your left hand and Marcus’s right, joining them and grinning. “Let me first just say… you’re welcome,” she giggles.
The video starts. my simp-erhero dad and his love🧸✨ flashes across the screen over an image of you on Marcus’s shoulders in their backyard pool.
The video rolls, and it’s about 40 seconds long. A popular love song plays in the back over clips of you and Marcus. You kissing Marcus’s cheek after he found you and Missy dancing to Mamma Mia in the backyard. You, cuddled on top of Marcus on the couch, the both of you napping. You koala-clinging to Marcus after he stared at your ass in that dancing video. Marcus kissing you softly as you cooked dinner and asked him to demonstrate his powers. The last video is of you, Marcus, and Missy at a theme park. Both you and Marcus kiss one of her cheeks in sync, making her giggle. The music fades and the video starts again.
Marcus turns to the two of you, eyes watering. He looks into your eyes first. “Did you help her make that?” He asks.
Your eyes are watering too, grinning. “No.”
He grins down at his daughter, the tears slipping from his eyes. “Missy. That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. What inspired you to make it?”
She has a real answer: it’s that she wanted the two of you to see your relationship the way she did. She wanted to reassure you. She’d heard you that night when you told Marcus you felt insecure.
But Missy is a snarky little preteen, 4’4” of prepubescent rage and glitter. “The likes I knew I’d get,” she shrugs and skips out of the bedroom happily.
Before you can say something loving to Marcus, he takes your face in his and kisses you slowly. You both chuckle into each other’s lips, you breaking away and looking at him with big and happy eyes. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Marcus grins, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “Hey, I have a question for you. Well, it’s more of a statement.”
“Go for it,” you nod.
“We should get married,” Marcus says plainly with a smile. “I’ve already asked Missy about it, she thinks we should too. Of course, if you don’t want to, I get that. I know we haven’t been dating as long as other relationships do before marriage, and-”
“Yes,” you grin. “Let’s do it.”
He grins and kisses you, holding both sides of your face in his hands. “You know, the two of us seem to really like rash decisions.”
“They always work out in the end, don’t they?” You ask with a grin.
Marcus kisses you in response. They do, they really do. He breaks away a moment later, grinning and watery-eyed. “I still don’t know what a simp is,” he sniffles.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Galactica, Chapter 65 (Group Fic) - TheDane/Veronica
A/N: Chapter 65 seems like a good time to tell you that there’s nothing we love more than talking to you guys about this story! We are both on tumblr (@theartificialdane and @veronicasanders) and we’d love to hear from you!! We also have other Galactica content there under the “galactica” and “galactica wardrobe” tags. XOXO!! Click here if you’re looking for previous chapters (or here if you’d rather read on AO3). 💫
Last Chapter: Bianca threw a wrench in the annual holiday party when she brought Courtney as her date, and Katya tried to (not) deal with her surprise pregnancy.
This Chapter: Miss Fame and the team work on the final lineup for the spring runway, and Katya figures some things out.
It was Violet’s luck that she was a light sleeper, the first note of her alarm barely ringing before she had grabbed her phone from under her pillow and turned it off.
There really wasn't a need for Violet to wake up at 6, for her to start her day so early since she couldn’t go to the gym because of her ankle, but habits were hard to break, and she liked how quiet the world was in the morning, how it felt like she was the only one awake.
She wasn’t hungover, had barely had a drink because of her crutches, but she had a feeling all of her coworkers would be wearing sunglasses and asking each other to shut up, the Friday after the Christmas party always an experience.
Sutan’s bedroom was dark, his curtains swallowing the ever present lights of Harlem, the man asleep next to her, his head resting on his pillow.
It took everything in Violet not to reach out and run her fingers through his hair.
She had been so annoyed with him last night, so uncomfortable in the beautiful red dress she had bought with his money, the simmering anger not leaving her until she had felt Sutan’s clever fingers undo the zipper on her back, skin against skin finally freeing her from the smoldering fire.
“Stop staring at me.” Violet froze, Sutan’s voice deep with sleep.
“I’m not.”
“Oh?” Sutan cracked an eye open, a smile playing on his lips as he reached out, grabbing her hip on top of her blanket. “Could have fooled me.”
“Well,” Violet smiled back, allowing him to pull her in, “Maybe I was. A little bit.”
As her alarm sounded, Courtney groaned, burying her head into Bianca’s neck. Bianca laughed, reaching over to hit snooze, giving them a few more precious minutes in bed before Courtney had to get up.
Bianca had never been much of a morning person, but she’d discovered that, in many ways, this was her favorite part of the day. When the world was dark and still, and they were curled together under the covers, naked and warm. She trailed her fingers up and down Courtney’s back, pressed a kiss to her temple.
“You okay, sunshine?” Bianca asked.
“Mmmhmm...I just don’t want to go to work.”
Bianca smiled, one hand settling into the curve of Courtney’s waist, enjoying the way they fit so perfectly together.
“Then don’t,” she stated, warming up to the idea of taking a day off, just the two of them. “Call in sick.”
“I wish,” Courtney scoffed, a deep sigh leaving her. “But I can’t, so…”
“Why not?”
“The day after a party? Everyone will think I have some crazy hangover.”
“Yeah, so?” Bianca laughed.
“Plus, I’m pretty sure Miss Fame is less than pleased with me right now. I don’t want to give her any reason to be annoyed. And there’s a big meeting to decide on the spring runway, and I have to-”
“Alright, alright...forget I suggested it,” Bianca said, holding up her hands in surrender. “I just really liked the idea of spending all day in bed with you.”
Courtney raised herself up on her elbow, gazing down at Bianca with a dreamy smile on her face.
“Maybe, um...can we do that tomorrow?”
“You’re on, angel,” Bianca said, reaching up to run her fingers through her hair.
“And...we still have about seven minutes before the alarm goes off again.” Courtney brushed her lips against Bianca’s neck, murmuring, “You wanna go back to sleep, or…?”
“Hmmm...” Bianca cocked her head, pretending to think. “I may have some other ideas…”
Courtney let out a delighted squeal as Bianca flipped her onto her back with a wicked grin.
Maxwell groaned as a loud clatter sounded through the design floor.
“Sorry!” Kiara whisper-shouted, quickly picking up the pair of scissors she had dropped. Trixie had gone to the department head meeting about 20 minutes ago, which meant that everyone had given up the pretense that they were working. Alexis had gone straight for the couch to take a nap as soon as the door had closed behind him, April still nursing a terrible-looking green smoothie at her desk. “Sorry everyone!”
“Don’t even think about it girl!” Bob smiled, his phone pressed between his shoulder and his ear, and Maxwell groaned again, sliding down so he could rest his head on his arms, Bob chatting away.
He loved his boyfriend, he really did, but there were few things more annoying than when Bob had managed to get into any tabloid, the perceived fame of it always going directly to his head. And of course, it was made even worse by his friends and family back home in Georgia playing right into it, acting as if it meant anything at all.
“Listen, I didn’t ask to be born fabulous, but it’s my cross to bear, and I’m-” Bob laughed, adding, “Exactly!”
“He’s really getting into it, huh?” Maxwell looked up to see Violet standing next to his desk, looking over at Bob, Jovan at her side holding three cups of coffee.
“Here,” Jovan smiled, giving one of them to Maxwell, the scent filling his nose.
“Oh god I love you,” Maxwell grinned, taking the liquid magic. It was probably not healthy to be on his third cup already, but he didn’t care.
“Love you too boo,” Jovan grinned, taking a seat on the edge of his desk, Violet doing the same, balancing her crutch so she could take her own cup. They didn’t talk, and Maxwell loved that, Violet fitting so nicely into their little boys club that he barely even thought about the fact that she was a girl and straight most days.
“Pearl! Pay attention!”
Pearl snapped out of it, the wheels of her chair squeaking as she moved, her eyes wide open at the commanding tone in Fame’s voice.
“Sorry!” Pearl sat up straight, Bendela hiding a snicker behind a sketchbook, her brown eyes clearly filled with delight over Pearl getting reprimanded.
“God,” Fame rolled her eyes, her hand on her hip, her outfit of the day a white cropped cashmere sweater and white linen high waisted pants, her blonde hair in a high delicate updo, a golden belt snug around her waist. “Did anyone come to work today?”
If they had been alone, Pearl would have opened her mouth to point out that she was the one who always arranged for the Christmas party to be on a Thursday, but they weren’t, so Pearl kept her mouth shut.
“Fame,” Raja’s voice was warm, and it apparently functioned just as intended, her tone a soothing balm on whatever had Fame into such a tizzy. “We’re almost done.”
If Pearl had to make an educated guess, she’d say it was probably the whole Courtney and Bianca thing, though it could be anything from her breakfast grapefruit not being ripe to morning traffic to a photographer catching a bad angle of her last night.
“You’re right,” Fame sat back down, sliding her chair over to Trixie. “So, fourth look. What do you have?”
“I was thinking about these pants?” Trixie held out a sketch, and Pearl folded her hands over her stomach, watching her best friend do his job exceptionally well.
Fame tapped her fingers against the table, french tips hitting the wood and Pearl made a mental note to see if she could sneak in a visit to Fame’s office, providing their boss with an orgasm before lunch a great Christmas gift to everyone in the company.
V-List Alert: BDR’s Latest Blonde Bombshell
[Pictured: A large photo of Bianca and Courtney kissing on the red carpet, along with a few smaller shots of them looking giggly and affectionate. And lastly, a grainy, low-res photo of them on the street after the event, kissing while a driver is opening the car door.]
Well, well, well…
Okay, so to begin with, let’s all admit that BDR showing up on a red carpet with some sweet young thing is nothing new. In fact, it would be strange if she didn’t. But the shameless PDA last night at Galactica’s annual Christmas party—both on and off the carpet—had us wondering...who the hell is the new paramour?
We did a bit of digging and strap in kids, cause it gets juicy…
Turns out that this little darling is named Courtney Jenek. Sound familiar? No? Yeah it shouldn’t. But she happens to have two very interesting connections to BDR: 1, apparently she’s friends with B’s baby sister, princess of the underground punk scene Adore Delano. And 2, even more hilariously, Lil Courtney here is the Executive Assistant to none other than Miss Fame of Galactica.
Wonder what the illustrious and brand-conscious Miss Fame thinks of her bestie using her staff in what appears to be an extremely filthy unprofessional way? And how’s it all gonna play out?
We can’t wait to watch this drama unfold…
As Courtney slipped on her coat and grabbed her bag to head downstairs for yet another coffee run, she glanced at her personal phone, laughing to herself when she saw the 17 missed calls from Morgan. She scrolled through the text messages in the elevator.
ADORE: You guys didn’t know? ;)
TATIANNA: Yawn, old news :p
Courtney called her back, laughing some more when she picked up even before the first ring.
“You know I’m working, right?”
“I am going to murder you,” Morgan announced.
“Wow Morgan. A hate crime? I really thought more highly of you,” Courtney replied with a giggle.
“Omigod, shut up! How could you not have told me already?!”
“Well...I don’t know, I wasn’t sure what it was at first-” she said.
“It’s still fucking major!” Morgan laughed. “I guess it makes sense, though. God, you always chose the worst men.”
Courtney chuckled, nodding as she exited the elevator and headed for the coffee shop.
“So what did your parents say?”
“Uhhh...I haven’t exactly told them yet.”
“What? It’s not gonna be dramatic or anything, you know my brother’s gay.”
“Omigod, Court, you absolute idiot. You have to-”
“One sec.” Courtney lowered her phone to give the orders for the meeting, then went back to the phone. “Sorry, I’m on a coffee run.”
“Yeah, I heard. Listen, Courtney, you have to tell them! Do you really want them to find out that you’re dating a woman who’s almost twice your age from a fucking tabloid?”
“I don’t think my parents subscribe to American fashion blogs.”
“Did you even read the link I sent you?! Someone’s gonna send it to them, trust me.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll tell them,” Courtney told her with an eye roll. She really didn’t see the big deal though; telling her parents was the last thing on her list of worries at the moment.
“Also…” Morgan’s voice lowered, taking on a sing-song, teasing tone now that the business was out of the way, “When are we hanging out? ‘Cause you know I absolutely need all the sordid details.”
“Soon, I promise.”
“Tomorrow night?”
“I’m kind of busy tomorrow,” Courtney admitted.
“Busy getting railed, you mean?”
“Ha, you slag.”
Maybe she was avoiding going home. That was certainly possible. But on Friday, Katya just seemed to keep finding things to do to prepare for the next week of school. It would be their last week before winter break, so she knew that any kind of serious learning would be difficult. Rather than spend her time fighting with the kids to focus when they just weren’t capable of it, she planned as many fun projects as possible, and though a lot of them were old hat for her by now, the prep work never seemed to end.
Which is why, when Jasmine, the woman who ran the afterschool program, came to her door at almost 6:45, she was still there.
“Hey, I’m sorry to bother you…”
“It’s no bother, come on in,” Katya said, a big smile on her face, especially when she saw that Jasmine had Grace with her--one of Katya’s favorite students.
“You know we close at 6, and Grace’s mom is running late today,” Jasmine said. Her tone of voice was light and cheerful, but her eyes told Katya a different story--that this wasn’t the first time it had happened, and that she was likely furious. “I gotta get home, and Dani’s out with the flu, so...do you mind keeping her here until Leslie shows up? It should be soon, she texted me ten minutes ago that she’s on the way.”
“No problem. We’ll have a great time, won’t we Grace?”
The little girl nodded, skipping into the classroom happily.
“You’re a lifesaver,” Jasmine said. “Thank you!”
Katya turned to Grace, who had dumped her jacket and backpack on the rug and was already prowling around the book bins, likely looking for her favorite Junie B. Jones stories. Soon, the two of them were settled into bean bag chairs in the comfy zone, Katya reading a few chapters out loud to her before realizing that she was probably hungry and suggesting a snack. Grace was just finishing her juice box and goldfish crackers when her young mother, Leslie, came rushing inside, harried and out of breath, apologizing profusely.
“Mama!” Grace jumped up from her seat at the little table, knocking the chair over in her excitement to leap into her mom’s arms. She hugged her tightly, face buried in her neck, and Katya could see some of the tension in Leslie’s face melt away.
Katya stood up from her own seat, picking up the book they’d been reading.
“I’m gonna put this book in Grace’s backpack so that you can finish it together this weekend,” she said, and Leslie shot her a look of pure gratitude, nodding.
“Grace, can you say thank you to Mrs. Zamo?”
“Thank you Mrs. Zamo!” she echoed cheerfully, taking the backpack and her jacket as Leslie dropped a kiss to the top of her head.
“Honey, can you go wait for me on the bench for a minute?” she asked, tugging gently on one of her pigtails.
As Grace skipped into the hallway to wait, Leslie turned to Katya, tears filling her eyes.
“I’m really so sorry about being late, I-”
“It’s okay,” Katya said, head tilted sympathetically. “I get it, things happen.”
“It’s been happening all week. I got this new job, and the hours are so tough and the commute is shit, but it’s an extra two dollars an hour and I can’t say no to that. But I just feel like...I feel like I can’t do anything right.”
“I understand,” Katya nodded, putting a hand on her arm. The truth was, though, she didn’t understand. Not really. She’d never been in a position where an extra two dollars an hour would make such a big difference in her life--not even when her dad cut her off. She’d always had money, and by the time her trust fund was depleted, she was living with Trixie, whose generous salary more than covered what they needed, her meager teacher’s salary mostly paying for fun extras, keeping them entertained and living their best lives, or just going in the bank.
She knew she was lucky, but until that moment, seeing the pain in Leslie’s eyes, the fear that she was failing at life and failing her child, maybe she didn’t understand just how lucky.
“I was sitting on the bus thinking about her waiting and waiting, wondering where I was.”
“Can I tell you something?” she asked softly. “Grace didn’t care that you were late, she was just happy to see you when you got here, because it’s really obvious what a good mom you are.”
“Sometimes I feel like the worst mom ever,” Leslie admitted, tears spilling down her cheeks.
“No way. Grace is an amazing kid. She’s smart and kind and enthusiastic--and it’s totally okay if you need some more help. That’s what all of us are here for. I can talk to Jasmine about maybe extending the hours next week, until you can get your schedule sorted. Or maybe Grace can go home with Joey’s mom...don’t you all live in the same building?”
Leslie nodded, a deep sigh leaving her. “Thanks, that’s a good idea. I...I’ll figure it out.”
“Okay. Just remember that you’re not in this alone, you know?” Katya handed over a box of tissues from her desk.
“Yeah. Thanks. Sorry, I-” Leslie wiped her eyes.
“Don’t be sorry,” Katya said, giving her a warm hug.
“Oh god!” Gigi groaned, pushing the door to the modeling apartment open, her shoulders aching, her fingertips numb. “Finally!” She dumped her bags down in the hallway, slumping against the wall.
She had been around the town with Sutan all day, shopping for what he called a model wardrobe, Gigi trying on several pairs of heels and flats, her new backpack and purse stuffed with a newly printed book and her brand new phone, their last stop of the day Gigi’s new gym that was just around the corner.
“Gigi?” Bimini popped her head out of the kitchen door, the golden rim around her eyes and her crimped hair clear indicators that meant she had been shooting, Bimini rarely bothering with removing hair and makeup on set. “Welcome home sweetie! How did it go?”
“I’m exhausted!” Gigi pushed out from the wall and kicked her sneakers off. “Who knew shopping could be that hard?”
Gigi heard Symone giggle, her friend sitting at the table and painting her nails, the apartment's newest arrival chopping vegetables for whatever vegan crock pot Bimini was cooking for everyone. They had someone new arrive every couple of days, most girls only staying for a night or two in the bunk beds in what Naomi had dubbed the summer camp room before they were shipped off again if they didn’t interest any of the agents.
“I told you, didn’t I?”
“I know,” Gigi groaned, dumping down in a chair to rest her aching feet, “but I thought you were kidding.” Symone had gone on the trip two weeks ago, her Instagram exploding with content now that she had a brand new phone to post with.
“Did he give you the drink speech too?”
She had eaten lunch with Sutan at an awkwardly fancy restaurant, three sets of cutlery surrounding her plate, her manager going through each set as well as her wine glasses, explaining it to her. Gigi’s mom had always insisted on good manners, but it hadn’t been anything like that.
“The ‘never leave your drink unattended’ one, I mean.”
“Mmh,” Gigi nodded. “The whole entire speech.”
She hoped it’d be unnecessary, but Sutan had run her through what he called the basic safety procedures like putting a hand or a napkin over her glass when she wasn’t paying attention, her manager drilling it into her skull that she shouldn’t accept poured drinks or opened bottles from strangers in clubs unless she saw the bartender prepare it.
“Is he seriously doing all that?” Naomi raised an eyebrow. “So far, all my agent has told me is that if I showed up in any tabloid looking messy, he’d drop my ass.”
Suddenly, Sutan’s mothering didn’t feel as smothering, the attention and assistance the man had poured over her nothing compared to the terrifying thought of being left basically on her own like Naomi.
At first, Katya wasn’t sure why she stopped at Macy’s on the way home. Especially now, on a Friday night during the holiday season, when the sales clerks were at their most frazzled.
She wandered around, unable to get Grace and Leslie out of her mind...and in particular, the look of pure joy on Grace’s face when her mother appeared in the doorway. Leslie was a single mom, and by the look of her, she was pretty young, but she had managed to raise an exceptional kid who was sure how much she was loved.
Why was Katya so afraid of having a baby? It was like she’d told Leslie--she wouldn’t be doing it alone. Not by a long shot. No, she was fortunate to have the most wonderful man in the universe by her side. And lord knew, Trixie would make up for any maternal instincts she may lack herself. And plenty of people, people much less capable and loving than her, had babies every day.
She stopped, looking around, realizing that she’d found herself in the baby department. Specifically, in front of a shelf full of tiny little infant shoes. She smiled to herself, knowing exactly what she needed.
When she arrived home, she was thrilled to see that Trixie had prepared dinner, heating up some leftover chicken and mashed potatoes and throwing together a salad--exactly what she was in the mood for.
She smiled when she saw him, announcing, “I brought you a present.”
Trixie’s face lit up, and for a split second she could imagine that exact same expression of joy on a tiny child, the thought making her insides warm as she handed him the little bag.
He looked inside, where the two tiny pink moccasin slippers sat in their plastic box, his head then snapping up to look at her with an expression of amazement.
“Kat, are you-” His eyes were bright with tears, hopeful but still a bit tentative.
She shrugged slightly, self-consciously, afraid to say what she’s been thinking out loud, but Trixie seemed to know anyway.
He rushed forward and swept her up into the biggest, tightest hug she’d ever had, repeating over and over how wonderful she was going to be. She took his face in her hands, kissing his tear-stained cheeks, finally sure that as a team, they could do it.
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threeletterslife · 4 years
Change of Plans
→ summary: So how did you and Seokjin meet? Now that the two of you are engaged, you’re ready to tell your friends the night you were supposed to get laid but didn’t. And it’s all your fiancé’s fault.
→ pairing/rating: seokjin x reader | PG-13
→ genre: 80% crack, 20% fluff | college!au & est. relationship!au
→ warnings: profanity, mentions of hooking up, crude humor, tinder lmao
→ wordcount: 2.5k
→ a/n: guys when i was editing this i laughed at my own fucking jokes ohmygod 🤡🤡
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"So," Jungkook snorts, swinging his arm around Seokjin's shoulder as he looks at the happy couple curiously. "You're getting married."
"Hell, yes!" you say, pumping your fist. "Look at my ring."
Everyone around you groans.
"Y/N, we looked at your ring so many times, I think if someone told me to resculpt it blindfolded, I could," Yoongi sighs. He half annoyedly half defeatedly grabs a can of beer and downs it.
"Shut up, Yoongi," Daehyung says. "Y/N, your ring is beautiful," she gushes. "Yoongi's just jealous because he's single."
"It's beautiful because I helped Seokjin pick it out," Yoongi argues. "Even though I'm single, I have excellent taste."
"You also have a cocky attitude," you giggle, admiring how the sparkling ring fits perfectly around your ring finger. "But thank you. I appreciate the advice you gave my fiancé."
"Can you believe a year ago, I didn't even know your name?" Seokjin laughs, nudging you. Giving him an ungrateful glare, you push him back.
"Wait, really?" Jungkook says, eyes wide. "I thought you guys were college besties."
"No, they met on a hookup app," Daehyung giggles.
"Seriously??" Yoongi says.
"It wasn't exactly a hookup app," you pout. "We didn't even hookup."
"It was too a hookup app," Daehyung says. "Tinder, to be exact."
Everyone except you and Seokjin gasps dramatically.
"Come to think of it," Yoongi says, "you two never told us how you met."
"Yeah, and if we tell you, you're going to embarrass the shit out of me and my future wife when you give the best man speech at the wedding," Seokjin frowns. "I'm not setting myself up for humiliation."
"I promise I'll keep it a secret!"
"Hey, I thought I was the best man!" Jungkook yells.
"You can be the flower girl," you snort.
"What?!" the young bachelor shrieks.
"Can everybody shut the fuck up so I can hear this story again?" Daehyung yells at the top of her lungs.
"Again??" Seokjin says curiously. "When did you hear it the first time?"
"Oh, Y/N was drunk," Daehyung giggles. "When she's drunk, she spills straight up tea."
"Oops," you say when your fiancé gives you a dirty look. "Why do we have to keep it a secret, anyway?"
"Because it's embarrassing."
"Yeah, embarrassing for you. I sound like a hero."
"Y/N saves the day?" Yoongi grins. "And Seokjin wrecks something? What's new?"
"I'm this close to making you the flower girl," the engaged man threatens.
Yoongi shuts up.
"Oh, come on, babe, let's tell them the story," you plead. "It's so funny!"
"Yeah, for you."
"Learn to laugh at yourself, Seokjin," Daehyung chastises. "Plus it wasn't even that humiliating."
"God!" Jin shrieks. "Yes it was humiliating!"
"Shut up, you big baby," you say, patting the head of your soon-to-be-husband. "I'll take the floor now."
"Oh, god," Jin groans.
You grin in response. "Okay, it all started senior year of college... Monday... November 14th, 8:02 p.m..."
"It did not start then," Seokjin argues.
"Stop being so petty," Jungkook snorts.
"Wait, no Jin's right. It didn't start then," you giggle apologetically. Seokjin facepalms. "It started a week and a few days before November 14th."
"Does the date really matter?" Yoongi groans.
"Yes," you, Seokjin, Jungkook and Daehyung chorus.
Yoongi shuts up—for the second time that day.
"Okay, where was I?" you mumble. "Oh, right! It all started..."
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Tinder is an annoying bitch.
It keeps pairing you up with dudes you know in your class. You are not going to have a one night stand with a guy and be stuck in a group project with him the next day. You're going to avoid that awkward possibility for as much as you can.
You've used the "dating" app off and on in your college years, but it's never amounted to anything more than craptastic hookups and hectic morning afters. So you deleted it.
Until early November when you had to third wheel Daehyung and her boyfriend to a local fair. You were so bored and desperate that you re-downloaded Tinder and started swiping. There are way too many hot guys on one app. It makes you start to wonder where all the hot guys in your school are.
There are a few guys who match with you, but it's clear that they are massive dodo brains when they start off the conversation with a one-worded 'hi' or 'send nudes plz' or the worst: 'your beautiful.' With the wrong 'your' and all. You don't even answer them.
But one guy's messages catch your eyes.
[SEOKJIN]: Roses are red
[SEOKJIN]: Let's test my luck
[SEOKJIN]: We should get in bed
[SEOKJIN]: So we can—
The unfinished poem leaves you almost choking on your own spit. If that wasn't creative, you don't know what is. After background checking his profile, you realize he's one of those hotties. You wonder what on earth he's doing texting you, but you're not going to miss this amazing chance.
[Y/N]: Fuck?
Seokjin replies about three seconds later.
[SEOKJIN]: Oh no that's so vulgar
[SEOKJIN]: I was going to say cuddle :((
You giggle. Sort of a low-grade joke, but what can you say? You're a complete sucker for those.
It's hard to find men these days who are perfect texters. Most men are dry, sending in one-word answers and letting emojis talk for them. Other men write way too much. Seokjin is right in the middle. Already, he has your attention. (Especially because you like his humor.)
The two of you text back and forth until you're back home in your bed. You would've texted him more but it was 3:04 a.m. and you had class the next day.
Butterflies erupt in your stomach when Seokjin, a complete stranger, mind you, tells you, 'goodnight. sweet dreams.'
What follows is a week's worth of texting. You've been swiping and texting other guys on the side, but if Seokjin's available, you ditch everyone else.
You learn that Jin's a history major and he despises STEM with all of his guts. You let him go on a ten-minute rant on why math should die all because it's adorable how he has so much supporting evidence for his argument. Seokjin had to backtrack and apologize when he learned that you majored in physics, though, which was hilarious. You could feel him blushing via text.
The more you text Seokjin, the more you want to meet him in person. Also, his Tinder bio promises mind-blowing sex, so you're down for that too.
On a fateful day, you finally somehow schedule a meeting with the hot man. Monday, November 14th at 8 p.m. You're to meet at Seokjin's little apartment (which seemed to be in a safe neighborhood). You have fun picking your lingerie with Daehyung. (You kept saying Seokjin would be the type to like pink and lace, but Daehyung argued that he'd like scarlet red and leather. But you kicked her out of your room and chose the pink lace lingerie set anyway.)
It was an understatement to say you were excited about this. You were elated, insanely thrilled. Not only did you find a hookup partner, but also you found a man you could potentially see yourself dating.
Daehyung keeps telling you not to get your hopes too high because in her words, "You've never even met the goddamn dude." But you know a gem when you see one. Unlike Daehyung. She's been off and on with about four different guys since the beginning of college. What does she know about love??
In the end, you want to be more than hookup material to Seokjin. But of course, that would be after you get laid tonight. The flirty wink faces and jokes were indicative that tonight would be a very, very enjoyable night. You just have to get to his apartment on time.
At precisely 8:02 p.m., you knock on his door. Okay, you were going to knock on his door when you originally got there (at 7:56 p.m.), but after consulting Daehyung, she said that it's better to make men wait. For once, her advice kind of makes sense. So you wait six minutes and then knock on his door.
"Oh shit!" you hear from the apartment.
You raise your eyebrows. He was expecting you, right?
"Just a second!!"
His voice is much smoother and more delicate than you thought.
You're dreaming about finally seeing his beautiful face in person when the door opens. Damn. He's really, really hot. You feel on fire just looking at him. But you quickly see that the man is panting. He's also sweating.
"O-Oh, is this a bad time?"
"Fuck," Seokjin curses. He runs his finger through his silky black hair. "Uh..." He trails off, eyes darting below to see just a sliver of your pink lace lingerie set peeking out from under your black coat. He gulps. You can see his Adam's apple bob. He exudes this warm, chaotic energy you wouldn't have expected from someone who looks so well-put-together as him. But you kind of find that hot.
"Okay, change of plans," Seokjin finally gasps out. He tugs you in his apartment and holds out a good stack of papers. "College happened."
You laugh. "What??"
"Okay, remember when I told you I fucking hate math?"
"Yes??" The ten-minute rant—how could you forget something so iconic?
"Well, I made a huge mistake of taking accounting this year and now I'm behind on five assignments that are all due tomorrow—"
"Oh god."
"Don't worry. I'm going to get it all done. So we can uh..." Seokjin glances at your scandalous outfit behind the confines of your coat. "Finish the rest of my poem."
"In that case..." You roll up your long sleeves. "Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow?"
"Y-Yeah," Seokjin says. He dashes away and after a split second, he comes back with a navy, oversized t-shirt. "Here."
"Thank you!" you chirp. "Now," you say, tying your hair up in a messy bun and gesturing toward the heap of paper Seokjin is holding, "I took accounting two years ago, but I'm sure I remember all the essential stuff. Wanna get to work?"
Seokjin looks at you like you're an angel.
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"Shut up!" Jungkook laughs so hard he almost falls over. "You're telling me that you were going to get laid, but you got cockblocked by Seokjin's procrastination??"
"Yes! I know!" you snort. "But it's a good thing I can actually do math. Unlike Mr. I-hate-math-so-much-I-barely-do-my-homework, here."
"In my defense..." Seokjin trails off. "I don't have an excuse, actually."
Yoongi rolls his eyes. "Did you finish the assignments, though?"
"Why are you guys asking the irrelevant questions?" Daehyung sighs. "Shouldn't you guys ask if Y/N got laid like she was supposed to??"
Seokjin grumbles. "We finished the assignments in three hours."
"We??" you say incredulously.
"Okay, fine. Y/N did more than half of it because I had no idea what was going on."
"And I did get laid!" You pump a victorious fist in the air. "But it was really late and I fell asleep before we even got to the good part."
"So she got properly laid in the morning," Seokjin snickers. "And it was so good she left after having breakfast."
"I think I fell for him because he can cook so well," you laugh. "And he felt extra bad about the night before so he made a three-course breakfast meal."
"Oh my god, men who finesse in the kitchen," Daehyung gushes. "Why haven't I caught a case like that yet?"
"Your personality is your birth control, bro," Jungkook snorts. "I thought you knew."
"I will shove a pregnancy test up your fucking ass," Daehyung threatens.
"How do you know I won't like how that feels?"
You and Seokjin give each other another look. Ever since you introduced Daehyung to Seokjin's two best friends, it's been... uh, chaotic. At this point, you're not sure if your friends argue out of pure love or pure hatred.
But the fact that Jungkook uses the same flirting tactics of a pre-teen boy explains a lot about his relationship with Daehyung.
"At this rate, do you even want these people at the wedding?" Seokjin whispers jokingly.
"I heard that!" Daehyung shrieks. "I will be at the wedding whether you want it or not!"
"Don't worry," you laugh. "You're going to be my maid of honor!"
"Whew," Daehyung sighs. "Since I'm your maid of honor can I uninvite Jeon Jungkook for being an asshole?"
"No, we're putting you two in the same table at the afterparty dinner," Seokjin grins. "And Yoongi, you'll be there to witness the madness."
"Lovely," the sarcastic man gripes.
"Exactly!" you say.
But it is lovely indeed.
You never thought your ability to zoom past accounting assignments would ever come to use. Until Seokjin opened up a whole new door for you. Sure, you wanted a plain ol' hookup, but instead of getting dick, you got yourself a boyfriend. And now a fiancé.
If you think about it, now you have an endless supply of dick—all from the same, magnificent man. So it all worked out in the end.
Before all of your friends leave after the friendly gathering, you tug Yoongi to the side and pay him a hundred bucks to retell the hilarious story in his best man speech. Once money is involved, Yoongi will do anything.
Sure enough, on the faithful day of the wedding, and quite to Seokjin's horror, Yoongi tells the story of how you and Seokjin had first met—leaving out explicit details to save the ears of the older guests. But the story leaves everyone in tears of laughter.
Seokjin is so enamored by the attention that he doesn't even get angry at Yoongi.
"I'm glad I took that stupid accounting class!" he announces at the afterparty. "If it hadn't been for Professor Le Chory and his endless assignments, I would've never met my wife!"
And when the party's over and the two of you go off to your shared apartment to rest before going on your honeymoon trip to Yeousu, Seokjin clears his throat.
"Yes??" you say, giggling as Seokjin shyly fidgets with his hands. "Did you break something again?"
"No!" he says. "I just thought of another poem."
"Yeah. Wanna hear it?"
"Sure. But if this keeps up, you'll become a poet, Jin."
"I know," your husband grins. He takes a deep breath and recites the poem from memory, closing his eyes as he concentrates on each word.
Roses are red,
You are now my wife,
We should sleep in bed,
So tomorrow, and until forever, I'll show you the time of your life.
With Seokjin, life is spontaneous. But you don't really mind. Living in the moment and changing your plans as they go isn't too bad.
Especially when you wake up the next morning and Seokjin announces instead of Yeousu, the two of you will embark on a journey to Jeju instead.
Perfect. You've always wanted to visit Jeju Island.
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khoicesbyk · 4 years
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My First Two Loves.
First Time Love. Part 1.
A/N: I’ve read a multitude of books. And this one is becoming one that I thoroughly enjoy. So; Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. Contains sexual content, brief mention of violence and strong language. You know? The basic usual from me. 😁 | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Characters: Isaiah Harris (LI) and Kailah Price (MC) | All Characters: names (except MC) are property of Pixelberry. | All Characters are 18+ | A/N 2: This story follows the plots of Ch. 17 and 18. There are mentions of underage drinking in both this two part story and the original MTFL. This is also a story about sexual discovery. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised. | A/N 3: Song and Story Inspiration: Chaka Demus And Pliers-Murder She Wrote | Childish Gambino-Redbone | Lita-Ciao Ciao | PJ Morton feat. JOJO-Say So | Rihanna feat Drake-Work | Daniel Caesar feat Brandy-Love Again | Current Word Count: 2,193 words.
Weekly Challenge Prompt: “I honestly don’t know.” This one was not only easy but hella fun! 😁
It was her first time ever experiencing something so life changing.
It was her first time experiencing him.
Let’s go back, shall we?
Kailah was excited for tonight. She was going to her bestie Brandi’s big bash. Brandi’s parents were gone for the weekend, she had the house to herself so what else does an 18yrold do? She throws a giant party for all of her friends and fellow seniors! Because; what 18yrold wouldn’t do that?
After she got herself all dolled up, and after she texted Isaiah and Jaylen a photo of her outfit; Kailah was down the steps; and headed for the door. Until she ran into her dad and had the biggest argument of her life with him. Not because of her grades or anything like that. No; it was because he felt she was abandoning her commitments in favor of; spending too much time with Isaiah.
And well; she felt like he was being a hypocrite and told him so. It wasn’t until she brought up her deceased mom that it all went left; and she was effectively grounded.
Leave it to her sister MacKenzie to come up with the plan of a lifetime. She was gonna sneak out and go to the party; despite her dad grounding her. Besides; she promised Isaiah she’d be there so she had to go. She didn’t want him to be there by himself.
When she got to the party; it was already popping and Brandi was already drunk. Kailah loved her best friend more than anything; but even she thought Brandi had over done it on the booze.
“Giiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrrrrrllllllllllll you made it! And damn you look sexy, baby! Somebody’s trying to get fucked tonight!”, Brandi said as she wobbled up to her best friend. “Babe! How much have you had to drink?”, Kailah asks her as she tries to peel her very drunken friend off of her.
“I honestly don’t know! I started drinking before everybody got here so…”, Brandi replied with a shrug; while trying to steady herself. “Okay! Let’s get you some water babe. You need it!”, Kailah says to her as she tries to steer her best friend to the kitchen.
That’s when Jaylen called out to them, “there you two are! And Brandi you don’t look so good.” “Kai was gonna get me some water! Isn’t she like the sweetest thing ever?!”, she drunkenly asked Jaylen before flinging herself across him. “Yeeeeeeah…I think I’ll get you that water. Come on.”, he tells her as he drags her to the kitchen. “Best! Boyfriend! Ever!!”, she drunkenly squeals as she follows him.
She hated to see them together so; she decided to find Isaiah. When she scanned the room she saw people; drinking, laughing, dancing and generally having a good time. But; she didn’t see Isaiah. Knowing Brandi’s house like the back of her hand; Kailah decided to check the backyard before she checked the basement. When she stepped onto the patio; she saw that the backyard was in shambles. But again; she didn’t see him.
Until he came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You look like you lost something. Maybe I can help you find it.”, he whispered in her ear. She turned her head and smiled up at him. “Who told you to come out the house looking like a five course meal?”, he asked her; clearly letting his eyes roam over her body.
“Stop it! Are you enjoying the party?”, she asks him. “I mean if you wanna call high school cliches, cliques, loud music and spiked Jamba Juice a party then yeah; I’m having a blast!”, he says sarcastically with a shrug. She just rolled her eyes and giggled.
“But now that you’re here; I might just enjoy myself after all.”, he told her with wolfish grin.
“How’d you do on your test yesterday?”, she asks him. He raised his arms in victory and said, “nailed it!”
“Told you! Now all we gotta do is keep it up; and you’ll be pulling girls at Princeton in no time.”, she told him as she beamed with pride at him. He just shook his head at her.
“So, I was thinking about ditching this snooze fest.”, he told her. “Already?! Awwww!”, she pouted. It made him want to suck on her bottom lip. “I mean you could always come with me, ya know?”, he told her. “Ohhhh really? And where would we go; should we decide to leave?”, she asked him with eyebrow raised.
“We’d go back to my place. My mom doesn’t really have any restrictions on me having company over, plus my sister is at my cousins for a weekend sleepover thing and my brother is out with his friends for God knows how long; doing only God knows or who for that matter. So, we’d pretty much have the whole house to ourselves.”, he told her as he wrapped his arms around her again; and pulled her close so that she was flush with his chest.
“Tempting. And what would we do, alone at your place?”, she asked him in a not so innocent voice. “Whatever you want to do babe.”, he whispered in her ear. His voice was low and husky; and in sent a winding chill down her spine. Before she could answer; Jaylen popped around the corner; causing her to take a step back from Isaiah.
“Well! Well! Looks like juvie actually showed up, tonight! He’s not bothering you; is he?”, he asks her. While Isaiah rolled his eyes; she replied, “no Jay he’s not. We were just talking.”
“Are you sure? Because; you know that I can always have him thrown out of the party, right?”, he told her.
“Heyyyyy golden boy! Are you deaf? She just said that she’s fine!”, Isaiah snapped back at him; clearly agitated at this point.
“Who said I was talking to you, juvie?”, he told him. “Man! Don’t make me embarrass you in front of her!”, he replied to Jaylen. “Please do. Because; I’ve been dying for round 2 with you!”, he told him as he got up in Isaiah’s face. “I bet you have, golden boy! Especially with the way the last time went. You gotta regrow your balls somehow!”, he told him.
After remembering how the last time these two got into it turned out; Kailah stepped in between them.
“Stop it! Both of you! Jay I’m fine! I’ll be inside in a few. Go get the games started. We’ll be there shortly.”, she told him to get him to back down. Jaylen turned on his heel and went back inside.
That’s when she turned to Isaiah and said, “Isaiah please calm down! It’s not worth it!” She watched as he clenched and unclenched his fists.
But; soon he calmed down after he saw the look of concern on her face. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t let him get under my skin; but somehow he always does.”, he told her.
“It’s okay Isaiah. I know he can be aggravating at times. Trust me. Now let’s go play a couple games. And we can discuss leaving later.”, she told him as she led him back inside.
After a few rounds of truth or dare; that included Isaiah taking body shots off of Kailah and using her as a weight, Jaylen stripping down to his underwear and doing laps up and down the street and more than a few nearly embarrassing truths.
It was time for everyone’s favorite card game: Suck and Blow. The rules are simple: pass a card from person to person; by only using your mouth.
What started out innocent soon turned awkward between Kailah and Jaylen. When the card slipped from Jaylen’s lips before it reached hers. And; he inadvertently kissed her. “Oh geez! I’m so sorry, Kai! That wasn’t supposed to happen!”, he sheepishly told her. He had a look a completely embarrassed look on his face.
“It’s all good. ‘Twas an was accident. You good!”, she told him. In the very back of her mind; she wasn’t so sure that kiss was an accident or that he was sorry about it. Especially when she saw the irritated look on Isaiah’s face. But; it wasn’t her that he was irritated with. He knew that kiss wasn’t “accidental”. Or at least; he knew that it wasn’t an accidental kiss on Jaylen’s part.
After a few more crazy and hilarious rounds of Suck and Blow; the living room had dissolved into a full on dance floor. With bodies swaying to whatever random song played on Pandora; Kailah was hoping to dance with someone.
While Jaylen was dancing with a VERY drunk Brandi; Isaiah walked over and asked, “hey Kai…wanna dance?” She eagerly accepted his invitation.
Being that close to him, feeling his strong arms around her, dancing to the beat, inhaling the scent of his musky cologne. It all had changed the way she looked at him. The world just disappeared, when she was with him. It was there in that moment; where she realized how much she started to really deeply care about Isaiah.
That moment of internal bliss was interrupted by Lauren; when she swayed right into them both, spilling her drink on Kailah. “Seriously Lauren?! Look what you did!”, she snapped at her. “Whatever! Just go wash it out in the bathroom, you’ll be fine!”, Lauren snapped back.
Rather than punch Lauren in the face like she was dying to do; Kailah stormed off to guest bathroom to clean herself up. While she was in the bathroom cleaning herself up; she got a text from her dad.
Daddy-o: hey you two, they need me to work a double tonight. So I won’t be home until some time late tomorrow morning. Don’t wait up! Love you both. Goodnight.
Younger sister unit: Kk
Me: 👍🏾
That’s when there was a knock at the bathroom door.
“Hello in there! This is your friendly neighborhood chimney sweep calling!” With a giggle she replied, “you’re an idiot Isaiah! The door isn’t locked.” When he entered the bathroom behind her; she soon found herself alone with him. “Damn. Brandi’s parents must have some serious money. This is a nice ass guest bathroom!”, he said before asking her, “You okay? I came to check on you.”
“Yeah I’ll live. I just a got text from my dad. According to him, he’s working a double at the hospital; and won’t be home until some time tomorrow morning.”, she told him. He cocked an eyebrow at her with mischievous grin on his face and said, “so that means that you and I can go around town and cause mischief and mayhem!” She shook her head at him and said, “and what kind of mischief did you have in mind, Mr. Harris?”
“Well Ms. Price, the mischief I had in mind begins with us; getting the fuck outta here and going somewhere much quieter.”, he told her. “Is this your way of asking me to go with you; back to your place, Mr. Harris?”, she asked. “Not in so many words but; yeah.”, he replied as she wrapped her arms around his neck. “Hmmmm…I’d love to!”, she said. His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Perfect! There’s just one thing.”, he said. “What? What is it?”, she asked. “I’ve just been thinking about that so called kiss you shared with golden boy.”, he told her.
She grimaced as she thought back to it. “I’m sorry Isaiah. I wasn’t trying to be a jerk to you.”, she said to him. “I ain’t mad at you, Kai. It just got me to thinking. That’s all.”, he said to her. “Thinking about what?”, she asked. “It got me to thinking; why does golden boy get to have all the fun?”, he said to her. “What do you mea—“, was all she said before his lips devoured hers.
His kiss was hot, hungry, powerful and definitely horny. When their kiss was finally broken; she was out of breath and he was apologetic. “I’m sorry…I shouldn’t have done that.”, he told her. “No, you shouldn’t have!”, she said before she pulled him into another hot kiss. He effortlessly picked her up and sat her on the sinks’ marble counter.
With her legs around his waist; he leaned her back towards the bathroom mirror. They couldn’t get enough of each other. He started to trail hot kisses down her jaw and the hollow between her neck and her ear. Doing so, not only made her whole body hot but; it made her shiver. He wanted to keep going but; he stopped to whisper in a low growl, “ohhh yeah. We are definitely getting the fuck outta here, now!” She simply smirked at him and said, “Well…lead the way.”
With that; he pulled her off the counter and out of the bathroom and house they went, no goodbyes to anyone, nothing. They just left. When they got outside, he tossed her his extra helmet, she climbed on the back of his bike and they were gone. They were on their way back to his place; for a very fun end to their evening.
Stay tuned for Part 2!
Tag list: @txemrn @choicesficwriterscreations @choicesweeklychallenge @lucy-268
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sinfullystanning · 5 years
Begin Again
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Genre: Fluff
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A/N: Based on an idea I had late last night.
Summary: Sam had been unsuccessfully trying to get Bucky back in the game until he had a chance encounter with a kindred spirit.
You were standing at one of those tall tables squished into the back of the bar, shifting your weight from one heeled foot to the other uncomfortably, silently wishing one of your feet would just fall off so you’d have a reason to leave that wasn’t what your friends would describe as chickening out. People pressed up against you from time to time and your fingers fidgeted with the edge of your napkin in an attempt to distract yourself from the pressing need to shout at the complete and probably inebriated strangers to stop touching you. The room reeked of alcohol and bodily fluids, and you tried your best to breathe through your mouth lest the smell caused you to pass out. One of your hands was wrapped around a glass that held a virgin Cuba Libre that you were hoping no one could tell was just a fancy name for coke. Alcohol had never really been your thing, and the idea of getting loose around complete strangers was not exactly your dream Friday night. Glancing at your phone you wondered for the thousandth time that night if you’d been here long enough to go home. Just as you were about to chug the last your drink and head out, pride be damned, a man came up to your table, placing a bottle of beer on the opposite side before leaning his forearms on the table chancing a glance over his shoulder before facing your curious expression. You’d been here for hours and he was the first person that wasn’t on staff to even acknowledge your presence.
His cautious expression melted into an apologetic one as he rubbed a hand over the scruff of stubble on the lower half of his face. “Look, I know this is probably really weird, but my friend keeps bringing me to bars and he’s dead set on getting me with a girl and honestly I just need a break so I can I just hide out here for a while.” You blinked, surprised. “Unless you’re here with someone of course.” He sputtered, clearly uncomfortable, glancing around looking for your nonexistent companion.
“Nope, the only one here with me is loneliness and I’m sure even he’s starting to get bored of my company.” You fidgetted with the bracelet on your wrist, not meeting his eyes as you gave a self-deprecating laugh. The mystery man chuckled before running a hand through his long dark brown hair, pushing it back away from his face, probably unconsciously.
“Well, I hope he doesn’t mind if I take his spot, then.” You shook your head, still shy. “I’m Bucky.” He stretched out a big strong hand that you nervously took in yours.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. You know, maybe it’s not my place, but you look about as miserable as I do here so where’s your captor?” He ducked his head, trying to catch your eyes that were very fascinated with your hands at the moment. Sensing his movements you looked up to accidentally meet the most beautiful pair of eyes you’d ever seen, a melancholy mixture of icy blue and lonely gray that you wanted to dive right into. You shook your head, surprised at your embarrassing thoughts, flushing as you took a sip of your drink before answering him. “Well, mine’s a little less corporeal, I call her my pride and she’s probably hooking up with loneliness in the bathroom as we speak.
At that, Bucky burst out laughing, tossing his head back, eyes scrunched shut in joy. You couldn’t help but smile at his amusement. “You are hilarious.” He said as he straightened back up, leaning his head in one hand as he watched you. “But seriously, you’re here all by yourself? Why bother if you don’t want to be?”
You sighed, sipping your drink again before continuing. “Well, I live with five of my friends from college, and as of two weeks ago, all five of them are in relationships. Tonight, they’re on probably the world’s most ambitious quintuple date so I guess I decided I should do something to change my status from the world’s biggest third wheel to something else. Yeah, I could have come with them one day, but I really want to do this on my own terms. No half-drunk bestie shoving me across the room towards the nearest hot guy. I’m more of a conservative dater even if the rest of the world has moved past that.” You shrugged, surprised at how much you were telling some stranger you’d just met. “How about you? You said your friend wants to set you up? Is it all pure intentions or does he just want a wingman?”
Bucky laughed at that. “Well, it's technically all pure intentions, but nothing seems pure when it's the exact opposite of what you want to do, you know?” You nodded, understanding completely. “I’ve been out of the game for a while and he’s just trying to help me get back in, I’m just not sure it’s something I want to do yet.” You pushed a hand through his hair again.
“Were you in a long-term relationship or something? What kept you ‘out of the game’ until now?” You asked before adding. “Sorry that was really nosy, you don’t have to answer that.”
“No, you’re good.” He reassured you. “Just life, mostly, work, in particular, doesn’t leave a lot of room for that sort of thing.” You could tell he was trying to simplify something way bigger than the bubble the two of you were in but you let it slide, it was none of your business.
“What do you do?” You asked, carefully. Harmless question, right?
He scratched his chin before answering. “Former US Army, now a bit more of a specialized soldier.”
“Damn.” The word slipped out before you could stop yourself. You had tried to ignore it before, but Bucky was definitely not built like the average guy in here. His body was broad with decently muscled arms from what you could see under his long sleeves. Now that you knew what all that was from, it made sense. “Who wouldn’t want to date a soldier through? Every girl likes a man in uniform.” You pointed out, finishing off your drink and pulling a piece of ice into your mouth.
Bucky chuckled, “Maybe, but most girls aren’t exactly thrilled about a guy having so many guns in his closet.”
“Well, something’s got to keep those skeletons company.” You pointed out and Bucky laughed.
“Y/N, I don’t think I’ve ever met another girl like you.” He mused, shaking his head in wonder.
“Oh thank God, otherwise the whole world would dissolve into a nihilistic black hole.” You said, flagging down a waiter. Bucky threw his head back laughing again as the waiter approached the table.
“I’d like another virgin Cuba Libre, please.” You said, handing him your empty glass.
The waiter’s face drew into a condescending smirk. “Virgin Cuba Libre, sweetie? Don’t you mean a coke?” Your face turned red with embarrassment and you looked down at the table, cheeks flaming.
“No, I’m pretty sure she meant a virgin Cuba Libre.” Bucky’s voice made you peek up through your lashes. “And I’ll take another beer. You can put both of those on here.” He handed the waiter his credit card, giving him a firm look that said ‘get lost’ all over it. The waiter gave him a disgusted look before leaving the table. You felt a hand cover your own. “Hey, are you okay?” You lifted your head to see Bucky peering at you, worry in his eyes.
“Yeah,” you straightened, pushing your hair out of your face and trying to keep yourself from folding in on yourself out of embarrassment. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“What was that guy’s deal?” He said, glancing back towards the bar. “He didn’t have any right to treat you like that.” Bucky turned back to you, a sincere look in his blue eyes.
You shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe I’ve been hogging the table all night.”
“Well, you aren’t anymore,” Bucky said, grinning. “We are.” You felt your stomach flip at the sight of his smile. “Maybe I should go ask for a military discount.” He glanced back at the bar again, chuckling.
“He’d probably kill you.” You said, laughing.
“Well, at least he didn’t spit in our drinks,” Bucky said as the waiter approached the table again, holding your glass and Bucky’s bottle. He didn’t say anything as he set down the drinks and handed Bucky his card back. The moment he was out of earshot, the two of you burst out laughing, Bucky holding his sides and you holding a hand over your mouth as you shook with it.
As the evening progressed you found yourself more and more attracted to Bucky, hanging on his every word as he told you horror stories from previous bar trips and you paid him back with your own escapades. Finally, your conversation was interrupted by a voice calling his name from across the bar and Bucky excused himself as he went to go see what his friend, who you’d learned was named Sam, wanted. You took his absence as an opportunity to check the time and your jaw dropped as you realized it was 1:30 and you had dozens of missed calls and texts from your friends. You craned your neck to see where Bucky had gone, but you couldn’t see him. Pressed for time, you pulled a pen out of your purse.
When Bucky got back to the table you were nowhere in sight. He looked around but didn’t see any signs of you. Another girl that had ditched him. This time he’d thought he’d actually had a connection with you, unlike the other girls that he’s half-heartedly forced conversation with over the past few months. He shoved a frustrated hand through his hair, and just as he was about to go ask the bartender if he’d seen you leave, his eyes caught a napkin pinned under his empty bottle on the table. He picked it up and a smile spread across his face as he read the note that you’d hastily scribbled onto it.
“Sorry Bucky, I had to run, but call me! -Y/N” followed by your number. Bucky grinned as he pulled his phone out, entering your number into his contacts before placing it and the napkin into his pocket, heading back to where Sam was entertaining a few other women by the bar.
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retro-rezz-the-est · 6 years
Birthday Surprise (Elias/OC fluff)
Summary: Elias leads OC on a hunt to find out what (or who) has their hands on her birthday surprise.
(A/N: This was written for my bestest, most amazing, stylish, beautiful, hilarious, relatable, absolutely wonderful Tumblr bestie @writing-reigns for her birthday today. Thank you for all you’ve done for me since we first started talking on this hellsite, sis, and I hope I can show you how much I care via this. You deserve this and so much more, and I hope you have an awesome day today ;) 💕❤💕❤)
(A/N #2: Also added cameos of a few great gals who run their own fantastic Tumblrs ^^;)
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“Ok, so is everyone ready?”
The show had already been on for more than an hour at that point. He could hear the stream of boos and cheers from the fans as they watched a match between two people he had already forgot about. His mind was focused on something else, something more important...
He scratched at his beard nervously as the small ragtag group of members of the RAW roster Elias had gathered in the hallway nodded, the figure leaning against the nearby wall giving a short tilt of his head instead.
A female voice rang out from the back of the group and asked, “Um, what are we getting ready for, exactly?”
His fingers pinched the bridge of his nose as he sighed, trying to hold back the boiling petty remark.
“You all,” he spoke firmly, pointing his finger out towards the group, “are going to wait in your designated spots until Kris comes around to you so you each can give her the small pieces of paper I gave to you to lead her towards the next person.”
“What’s even on these things, anyways?” the voice asked again, Elias hearing the sound on paper unfolding.
“Don’t!” he shouted, startling everyone and leaving the area completely silent. He cleared his throat and took the slip of paper back, refolding it and passing it back along to her. “Please… don’t look at these. They’re for her eyes only, ok?”
Turning around, he pointed to himself and said, “As you are doing that, I am going to go back to my locker room and prep her actual surprise for the end of the night. I think Kris is really gonna like it”
A chorus of “awww” and “how cute” erupted from the females in the group, some of the men tossing a smirk at how affectionate Elias was being for this woman.
“So… what time does she normally get here?”
A warm Irish accent from near the front responded with, “Well, she isn’t scheduled for a match tonight, so she’ll probably be her by aroun’ 9:30 - 10:00ish.”
A sigh escaped the bearded man’s lips as he wrapped his hair up into a messy top bun, looking up at the eyes staring down on him. “Do any of you have the time now?”
“I do,” the gruff voice from against the wall suddenly said, the body pushing off of it and causing waves of goosebumps to roll down his exposed arms. Reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out his phone, he told him that it was exactly 9:15.
Elias’ blood ran ice cold with a sudden nervousness and shock. “9:15?! We have to hurry this up, then!”
He shoved his way through the group, his fresh man bun starting to come undone and sweat beginning to dot his forehead. He was nervous before, but the time drawing this close only spiked his worries that this entire plan would just go to shit.
“What are you people doing?” he questioned the group, noticing how the majority of them where just standing there, looking unsure. “Everyone get to your stations. We don’t have that much time left, so move!”
Kris carried her duffel bag through the backstage entrance, a small grin appearing on her face when she recounted how many of her friends and fans had reached out to her to wish her a happy birthday. The feeling was almost heavenly; like a dream she didn’t want to awake from.
She felt around her jacket pocket for her phone and turned it on, her heart fluttering as she read the unopened texts from some of her friends.
💞Re💞: Happy b-day sis 🎂🎂🎂🎊🎊🎊 Eat lots of cake & I love ya 😊😊
👑Empress👑: Treat ya self today, ok? Enjoy urself for us 😜😘
♥Mara♥: Happy birthday, Kris! 😉😙
💙Lexi💙: Have an amazing, fun-filled birthday, love <3 <3
The breath she let out was long and serene, a smile plastered on her face as she made her way down the wide hallways and to her locker room.
After a few short minutes of walking, she’d reached her room door but was confused. There was no large group of superstars smiling whilst holding a large cake with her name written in frosting. There were no balloons hanging from her door or even confetti spilling from under the doorway. There was nothing there.
Sighing, she opened the door and propped her bag up on a close wall, closing the door before noticing a small piece of paper folded and taped  to the door. Feeling deflated, she took down the paper and unfolded it, reading the short note to herself.
Dear Kris, it read, follow the leads that will take you to your gift. I promise you’ll love it. Come and find me.
Below the short lines of text was a small drawing of a figure with red and orange streak scattered in its dark hair. It almost looked like…
“Ember?” she mumbled to herself, still confused about the whole situation. “What’s she got to do with this?”
Taking a few steps towards the corner of the hallway, she went to knock on Moon’s door but it fell open, revealing said Superstar almost falling flat on her face. The silence between the two only grew when she rightened herself, leaning her elbow against the door frame and giving her an odd smile.
“You ok, Ember?”
“Yeah, I'm fine,” she chuckled awkwardly, scratching at the back of her neck with her free hand. “So, what brings you knocking on my door?”
She felt her cheeks heat up as she answered with, “Well, I found this note thing with my name on it taped to my door and it had a drawing of you inside of it, so I came here because I wanted to  know if you knew anything abo-”
Moon's body straightened with a sudden realization. “Oh!” she exclaimed, “that's what this is about!”
The door suddenly slammed in Kris’s face as she shut it abruptly, her raising an eyebrow at the noises and muffled curses she heard from behind it. A few moments later, the door opened to an even more eager looking Ember holding a similar piece of folded paper in her hand.
*Here,” she said, thrusting the paper into her hands, “he wanted me to give you this when you came around.”
“Who's 'he'?” she questioned her as her eyes shifted from the grinning Superstar back to the identical folded note in her hands.
Moon pinched her pointer finger and thumb together and dragged them over the seam of her mouth. “That's for me to know and for you to find out, hun. Now open it already!”
Unfolding it, she was met with another drawing in a similar style, this time showing a certain Irish wrestler with what seemed like a sandwich in his hand.
“Are you telling me to go find Finn?”
She saw her eyes light up as she responded, “I’m not telling you to do anything. That's for you to decide.”
And with that, the door slammed in her face again, the sound echoing throughout the empty hall. Kris turned to leave but the door reopened, Ember reaching her arm out and gripping the back of her jacket.
“And by that, I mean yes. Yes you do.”
Before shutting the door a final time, she whispered a faint “happy birthday” before shutting it, finally leaving you alone.
“Well, that was weird,” she uttered, backing away from the door and pocketing the now two pieces of paper.
She was acting weirder than usual, she thought as she walked away from the door in search of Finn. And who was that “he” she was going on about?
Time seemed to fly as she walked towards catering and amidst the flurry of wrestlers congregating in the space, she spotted her target near the back having a conversation with Rollins.
“Finn!” Kris yelled, happy to see a familiar face and drawing his attention. She maneuvered her way around the room until she was face to face with the man himself. The two shared a quick hug before he placed an object in her hand, which turned out to be another piece of folded white paper.
“Another one, Finn? Really? What’s going on?”
He looked down at her confused and slightly angry expression and chuckled. “Can't tell ya that one, love. You're gonna have ta find that one put on your own.”
“That's exactly what Ember told me!”
She huffed in defeat after pestering him for a few more minutes, clearly not getting anywhere with finding out what's happening. Opening it all the same, she saw the drawings of a frowning male figure and a smiling blonde female figure that looked a hell of a lot like Dean and Renee. Turning on her heel, she threw the Irishman a look as he patted her on the head before walking off, crumpling the paper in her fist.
“Dude, are you really doing that stupid birthday hunt for Elias?” he heard Seth ask in his ear as soon as she was a fair distance away.
Brushing him off, he said, “First of all, it's not stupid. It's romantic. Secondly, I know that she'll love what he got for her.”
After finding Renee and Dean, they handed her another similar looking note which led her  to Alicia, who was sitting with the Glam Squad and getting her makeup done for her upcoming match. After their interaction, the last paper led Kris to a waiting Bayley and Sasha near the ramp entrance, eagerly chatting amongst themselves before she made herself known.
“Do you guys have the last drawing?” she asked, out of breath from walking all over the arena. “I really hope so.”
Bayley straight out her side ponytail before laughing lightly, her and her violet haired friend moving away from her. The two of them walked towards the curtain and pulled each side of it back, revealing a dark arena lit up with hundreds of phones.
“We don't have the last one,” Sasha told her, “but he does.”
She'd just about had enough of this secrecy crap, to be perfectly honest. “That's it! Who are you guys talking about? Tell me now!”
Chuckling, Bayley stated, “You're about to find out for yourself.”
As Kris walked through the curtain, she heard the two of them “ooh” as a lone spotlight suddenly flashed down onto her. Looking down the ramp, she gasped when she saw her well-known crush Elias sitting in the middle of the ring strumming on his guitar.
“She arrives,” he smiles, brushing a stray hair away from his face, “and just in time too. I was beginning to worry that you wouldn't show.”
She began to walk down towards the ring and heard him begin to play the first few chords of her favorite song, which brought some small tears to the corners of her eyes. Time seemed to slow down when she finally made it to the ring and stepped inside, their two spotlights merging into one as they looked each other in the eye.
He got up when she asked, “Was that…?”
“Side Effects by the Chainsmokers?” he blushed, scratching the back of his neck. “I heard from a few people that it was your favorite song, so I decided to learn it for you.”
“So these were your doing?”
“Guilty as charged. I just wanted to surprise you for your birthday today.”
A loud “aww” rang out from the fans, but she could barely hear it as he placed the guitar down and grabbed a small black gift box from behind his chair. Reaching inside of it, he pulled out a small blue velvet box and fiddled with it.
“I also found out that the stone for December birthdays was a blue topaz and since I love seeing your eyes sparkle with joy, I thought I could try and replicate that with a gift of my own.”
Holding out his hand, his cheeks blazed with a red glow, and a collective gasp was heard throughout the large space. Kris could even hear the faint shoutings of “What the hell?!” from Corey back at the announcers table as she opened the box to reveal a silver ring with two connected silver hearts. In the middle of it laid a blue topaz heart connected by the two smaller ones.
“Don’t worry, it’s not an engagement ring,” he rushed to the rescue, seeing how wide her eyes got. “I just wanted you to have something that matched your beauty to me.”
She couldn’t even form words, but chose to use the flush in her cheeks and the tears now falling from her eyes to express herself. The world came to a stop around them, and all she could sense was his warm and calloused hands on hers as he placed the ring on her right ring finger.
“Happy birthday, Kris.”
Nothing could stop her from jumping into his arms in front of all those people as soon as he finished his sentence, planting her lips onto his slightly chapped ones. The two of them shared a sweet, soft kiss, and she could feel waves of emotions rolling through the both of them as the WWE Universe clapped for them.
The heat from the lone spotlight above them was the only thing she could feel as they drowned out the rest of the world, leaving only them in that moment on her birthday to just enjoy the new kindled love they had for each other.
~~Tagging: @writing-reigns @gold--gucciempress @tacoshu @crossfitjesusinskinnyjeans @aj-mac21 @caramara3 @flawlessglamazon @timesnewreigns @the-carter-mob-don @neversatisfiedgirl @nerdlife0612 @theneverendingthirst @melinated-moon-goddess @wrestlingbabe @wrestlingfae @lhcartoonist @littledeadrottinghood @thetherianthropydaily @taryndibiase @crookedmoonsaultpunk @missmoxy @vebner37 @hardcorewwetrash @deepdisireslonging~~
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lexiecarver · 6 years
Fine, I Like You. Now What?
Prompt: Imagine your friend Charlie setting you up on a date with Crowley because she knows you have the hots for him. At first, you and Crowley refuse to admit the attraction to each other but that quickly changes.
Paring: Crowley x Reader, Reader x Charlie (friendship, mentioned)
Word Count: 1,591
Warning: None
This was a hard prompt. I hope I did it justice.
It’s been a year since you meet Charlie. She was on a “hunt” her words, not yours. Apparently, your new beau at the time was just trying to kill you, chop you into pieces and then eat you. Definitely not fifth date material to be sure. Charlie came along just in time to save the day and since that day you’ve been besties.
You looked up to her, a smart intelligent strong woman standing on her own two feet in the scary world of monsters. You wished you could be that badass. Give it time. She even taught you a few things. You can proudly say that you now know to hack. Of course, you wouldn’t want to shout that fact from the rooftops - jail and all.
You even met with the Winchesters. They were a big deal in the hunting community apparently, super handsome but not the kind of life you’d necessarily want to live or put up with as the girlfriend. You actually helped them both several times with research. Go you, right? You also met the King of Hell - major baddie, kind of an ass, hella sarcastic, also kinda cute and charming if you’re into that.
Today was a girl’s night. Charlie came over to hang out, watch movies, eat pizza, geek out etc. Midway through the munchies, she suggested that you go on a blind date. She was sure you’d like the guy. You groaned. I mean who likes blind dates? They never go well! It was always better to find your own guy but where? You needed a new guy, you were starting to feel lonely and even worse, you’d look at couples and wish they’d die. So yeah the whole single thing was getting to you. You agreed to the blind date and stuffed your face with delicious pizza and homemade popcorn which is the perfect way to drown out everything else.
It was show time for your date. You left the house wearing your favorite dress, the one that showed off all your curves and highlighted your best asset, your legs. You wore your “good luck” boots and had a natural makeup moment going on. You were pretty in your own right and didn’t need tons of makeup to sell it. You even put your gorgeous dangling pearl earrings on. You smiled in the mirror before you left. You closed the door arriving there a bit early. Why did you agree to this again? Oh yeah desperate, right. Charlie knew you were worried and sent you texts throughout the night stopping only when you reached the restaurant.
“You’re awesome.”
“He’s gonna love the dress. OMG girl!”
“You look like an awesome confident woman.”
“Go get ‘em, tiger.”
“Just trust me and go with it.”
That was the last one she sent and boy did it worry you. Trust her? Oh god, who were you meeting?
You went up to the hostess and almost whispered. You were way too nervous to speak at a normal volume.
“I’m waiting for someone…uh… on a blind date.” The hostess giggled.
“I knew he was with someone.”
Ok so he’s handsome, you thought. Handsome enough that she noticed and giggled. Hmm…
“Follow me sugar.”
You gulped as she lead you to the table all the way in the back away from the other patrons. Ok, privacy is good, right? She placed the menus on the table and smiled at you both before leaving. Your heart stopped when you saw it was Crowley. Really Charlie? Crowley. What the hell? No pun intended. What was Charlie thinking? I mean yes he was hot, duh. That was a given but the King of Hell. Would you even survive sex with the King of Hell? I mean he’s gotta be into kinky stuff. Runaway brain. Shit. Ok. Just sit down, talk a little, eat something and then get out of there before you do something stupid. I should have worn something ugly.”
Crowley was also having a bit for a hard time. The moment he saw you he fought to keep his expression bland. He thought you were interesting before, even intriguing but in that dress, in that outfit, wow! Now he wanted you.
“Well, this is a surprise, hello Crowley.”
“It really is. Hello, y/n. Charlie was the one that set that up? Remind me again who Charlie is?”
“The fiery red-headed lesbian hunter computer genius?”
“Ah yes, that one?”
“You know another Charlie?“
Crowley smirked.
You both looked at the menus doing the awkward eye dance where you looked at Crowley and then suddenly looked away focusing on your menu whenever you caught him looking back. You held your menu higher so he couldn’t see you at all and almost whispered your order when the waitress comes back. She raised her eyebrows at both of you. Both of you were completely silent making a point not to stare or even look at each other. When the food came, Crowley was the first to break the silence.
“You don’t have to be afraid-.”
“I’m not afraid. I just don’t like you so it’s awkward. Besides we have nothing to talk about. What, you want me to ask about hell?”
“You don’t like me, I’m offended.”
“Oooh, a non-hunter offended the King of Hell I should get a medal.”
“Feeling pretty good about yourself?”
“Yep. Besides you don’t like me either.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Oh please. I’m not a hunter, nor am I Buffy or a computer genius,  I’m just a plain human. How uninteresting so let’s just get through this dinner.”
That comment really got to him. He struggled to keep his anger at bay. He was a chore for her! How dare she!
“Get through dinner. I’m a King, y/n I don’t get through dinner! I don’t need to be with-.”
“Wow, righteous indignation from the King of Hell. Calm down we were talking almost pleasantly. No need to start killing and freaking out. If it helps I withdraw the previous statement.”
“Did you mean it?”
You say nothing and continue eating. Crowley’s face pales and he looks dejected and nervous. He feels insulted and normally he would just kill anyone who would have even dared to suggest that. He knew for a fact that you were lying. Damn it he did have feelings for you. Maybe this was why you said it? Is Y/N trying to manipulate me? To what end? he pondered. He was furious at what you said and wanted payback. He would make you admit your feelings by the end of dinner damn it or he was going to kill someone!
“Hell’s good thanks for asking.”
“I didn’t really but good to know that the torturing of souls is going well. Hate for that to be all out of whack.”
“And you’re the champion of goodness.”
“Well, at least I don’t kill and torture people. “
“What do you do?”
“Don’t feign interest. It doesn’t matter. I hate when people ask about jobs as if defines the person. Who cares what I do.”
“If you hate it so much why not quit.”
“Have you ever tried looking for a job? Filling out resumes? I’d rather cut my eyes out and burn myself alive.”
“That pleasant.”
“Seriously try it sometimes. The King of Hell applying for a job. Hilarious.”
They continued eating in silence for a bit.
“How did you meet Charlie?”
“My last boyfriend tried to eat me in a nutshell. I just have bad luck with men, I’m always attracted to the wrong ones.”
Crowley raised his eyebrow
“Pompous much. You think I meant you?”
“You know dear, you are quite good at sarcasm.”
“Thank you. My first compliment of the night. Yes, I pride myself on my sarcasm.”
“You look amazing in that dress.”
“And so the night shifts. I wasn’t fishing for compliments but thanks.”
“You always like this on dates?”
“What? You mean on the defensive from a guy that can kill you with one snap of his fingers? Why no, usually the men I date are human. So this is all for you.”
“Why would I want to kill you?”
“You’re evil? It’s fun? I make you angry one day? Didn’t I already actually? This you and I, what you’re trying to start may be a death sentence for me. You have tons of enemies and I hear not all your demons are loyal. This starts and I have a bullseye on my back.”
“I would never harm you y/n. I do have a temper, but I’ve never killed a woman over it. Well, one that betrayed me.”
“Not inspiring confidence.”
“As for everyone else. I will personally see to it you are not harmed. I can ask my most loyal demons to watch you.”
“Like a demonic bodyguard?”
“He better be looking and not touching.”
“He wouldn’t dare touch you.”
That smoldering look in his eyes. Shit that was sexy. Mmmmm. Damn you resolve. Why did he have to be so fucking handsome? Yeah ok, so maybe you liked him so what?
“Someone really likes me. Good luck boots save the day.”
Crowley smiles.
“They are great boots.”
“What makes you think I even like you?”
“Oh come now, dear. I know how you feel. I read your mind when you came in.”
“What? Complete invasion-.”
Crowley reached across the table and kissed you passionately.
“Worth it?” he asked
“Read my mind and see.”
You smiled and winked at him
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adotblog · 7 years
Brave New World-Chapter 1-Baptism of fire.
Pairing: LMM x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, discussion of a crappy relationship.
Notes: Alright, here it is-the follow-up to the Brave series. I’m basically going for a Sliding Doors kinda thing here-the same characters from Brave meet in the same way but take different actions and we see how their relationship would’ve progressed on this different path. I’m thinking it’ll be 5/6 parts and I’ll aim to publish every Friday. Since they’re the same characters, there will be callbacks to Brave-similar phrases used, backstory elaboration, that kind of thing. You know I crave feedback so please let me know what you think-use anonymous ask if you’re shy :)
There’s a sort of West Wing reference (when isn’t there?)
Words: 3005. I’ll never change.
It’s your second week at the theatre and you’ve already settled in pretty well. Most of your working hours are spent with your colleague Clare who is chatty and loves to sing and boogie her way through prep, which was a welcome surprise. Everyone you’ve met so far has been sweet and the work is varied. Overall quite the good start. You’ve yet to meet Lin-Manuel Miranda, the composer and lead actor, as he’s been on vacation. But Jonathan (another new friend) says he’s funny and lovely. Today you’ve brought in a ton of doughnuts for everyone-two-show days are long and you figure people might need a pick-me-up.
You’re surrounded by stage crew as soon as you come through the door and they immediately take one box off your hands. You head through to the common area with the others and go to place them on the table. You see that there are a couple of people in the office and since the door is open, you decide to take the plunge and go in with the final box.
As you near the door you see that Jonathan is one of the people in there and he beckons you to come straight in. Chris is also there-you’ve met him once already-and as you go through the door you realise the other person is Lin-Manuel Miranda. You nearly freeze on the spot as he flashes you a big smile.
You’re dimly aware that Jon is introducing you and saying something complimentary. There’s a hand stuck out in front of you and you juggle doughnuts in order to shake it. “Please, just call me Lin”. Lin. Ok. Well, Lin is an absolute dream.
He has long dark hair, pulled back in a scruffy bun. His skin is a rich olive and so smooth-looking that it really makes you want to stroke some part of him. Uhoh. His smile is broad and beaming, his voice warm and so New York it almost hurts. Oh boy, new crush. Absolutely no escaping this one. Shit.
You pull yourself away from your reverie and start offering out doughnuts as the guys continue their conversation. “And so I was thinking of changing that line up and putting in another Shakespeare quote”, says Lin. Chris plays eenie meanie minie mo to choose a flavour as Lin elaborates “so Eliza will refer to New York as a ‘Brave New World’”.
“Oh, I wouldn’t”, you say before your brain connects to your mouth. Jonathan freezes, hand hovering over a doughnut. He catches your eye and manages to convey with a single look “What are you doing correcting the boss the very first time you meet him?!”. You panic. This is not a good career move. “Why wouldn’t you?”, prompts Lin, an amused smile on his lips.
You look briefly to Jon for help but he just makes a “go ahead” gesture. Fuck it. You turn to face Lin and try to keep your voice even as you say “Well, Shakespeare was poking fun-Miranda refers to the place as a ‘brave new world’ because she’s seen some hot dude. Brave means ‘handsome’ and the subtext is that it’s handsome but lacking any character or depth. So you’d be suggesting that New York hasn’t got anything under the pretty. Also, Miranda was sappy and pathetic-Eliza’s too badass for her words.”. You finish by extending the box of doughnuts in Lin’s direction, as if they’ll protect you from any backlash.
Lin reaches out and takes one “Alright then, no brave new world!”, he says with a smile. Oh thank god, he’s not mad. You smile back and begin to retreat out of the room, saying you’ll leave the box by the coffee maker. “Hey Y/N?”, Lin calls after you. You stick your head back around the door and he says “Don’t write off all Mirandas, Ok?” and winks at you.
Over the next week or so, you get to know Lin and the rest of the cast and crew a little better. Whenever Jonathan is around he introduces you to new people and tells you what everyone’s role is, which really helps you feel more at home. Jonathan is hilarious and warm, you clicked right away and he’s a lot of fun to hang out with. The only downside is that he has an adjoining dressing room to Lin’s, so you’ve also seen a lot of him. That means your inappropriate-attraction-to-the-boss situation has not got any better. It doesn’t help that Lin is charming, sweet, honest and welcoming. You’ve a burgeoning crush and it makes you nervous as hell.
It’s the break between shows and you are alone in the wings getting everything back in place for the evening. You’re blasting some tunes from your Spotify when a head pops around the scenery-a beautiful head. It’s Jasmine, a principal cast member you’ve spoken to a couple of times. “I was just wondering where the music was coming from!”, she says with a grin. “Oh, sorry-do you want me to turn it down?”, you ask nervously. “Hell no! I came to dance!”, she answers as she comes into the wings. You laugh and the track changes to Superstition by Stevie Wonder, causing Jasmine to holler “I looooove this song!”. She grabs your hands and spins you round and round, insisting that you dance with her.
Jasmine’s enthusiasm is infectious and you’re giggling as you both slip out onto the stage, dancing all the while. When the song ends, shuffle picks out something soft and instrumental, eliciting a boo from Jasmine. She stands, hands on hips. “This is not dancing music”, she disparages. “Pssh, you’ve no imagination!”, says a voice from the wings. Lin’s voice.
Jasmine rolls her eyes as Lin steps out onto the stage. He heads straight over to you, takes your right hand in his, puts your left hand on his shoulder and grabs your waist. He leads you in some kind of haphazard salsa all over the stage. It’s totally unsuited to the music and you’re laughing uncontrollably while Lin keeps a mock-serious face. Jasmine declares you both crazy and heads back to her dressing room. Lin continues to spin you around the stage until the song ends. When the music shuffles to a Biffy Clyro song he holds up his hands in defeat. “I’m out!”, he laughs. He pulls you to the front of the stage to take a bow and then drops your hand to take his leave. “Welcome to the company”, he says with a smile as he heads away.
Three weeks in and you’ve essentially committed yourself as chief two-show day snack-bringer. You’ve met everyone now and are thrilled to be working with such a lovely group. You place a box of cookies in the green room and take a handful upstairs to the dressing rooms. You drop a few off with Oak and Anthony and then knock on Lin’s dressing room door.
“Come in!”, he yells. He’s only half-dressed when you walk in. Breeches are on but he’s naked from the waist up. Oh god. He looks good. He really looks good. “Oh sorry, I thought you were costumes!”, he apologises “I have a shirt emergency” he holds up a torn shirt sleeve as evidence. You drag your gaze from his torso, his smooth, kissable torso, to his face. “No problem.”, you say. This is a lie. This is *entirely* problematic. You won’t be able to shake this image for days. He pulls on his torn shirt and asks what you need.
Oh yeah, there was an actual reason you came here. “Cookies…I brought cookies”, you say. “Thanks!”, he says, taking one and moaning as he bites into it. This is really not helping. “Ok I gotta go!”, you say abruptly. “Uhh, more deliveries!”. You wave the cookies as you make a quick exit.
You pause with your back to his door for a second or so to recover your senses. There is no denying now that you have a full-scale, ridiculously school-girl crush on Lin. This is a recipe for disaster.
You knock on Jasmine’s dressing room door and enter. You’ve been spending most of your breaks with her, becoming fast friends incredibly easily. You toss her a cookie and squish into the chair in the corner of the room. “I just added you to the WhatsApp group”, she says as she throws her phone in her bag. “Group?”, you ask. “Yeah a bunch of us go out or have dinner semi-regularly so we have a group chat, and since you’re my new bestie you’re automatically required to come with me.”, she says matter-of-factedly. “I’m your new bestie?”, you ask with a hand clutched to your heart-you’re only partly joking, you’re quite touched. “Duh!”, she says and adds a wink. “It’s the snacks, isn’t it?”, you joke. “Aww man, you’ll never know…”, she answers and you both dissolve into giggles.
Chris: Ray’s bar, 8. Who’s in?
Lin: I’m there.
Jasmine: Me and Y/N are in.
Jonathan: Of course.
Lin: Woah, Newbie’s first #Hamilouting
Jonathan: Lin that’s a terrible hashtag.
Y/N: Uhh, Apparently I’m in…
Lin: We’ll ease you in gently, don’t worry.
Chris: Naw, baptism of fire, I say!
Y/N: Oh shit.
Nothing fancy, Jasmine said. Jeans and a nice top, she said. Nothing you have is any good. Staring at your wardrobe, you may as well be looking at racks of cloth sacks-nothing is jumping out at you. In desperation you text Jasmine.
HELP. I have nothing to wear. I know people always say that but it’s actually true.
Jasmine: Just a nice top will do, honey.
Jasmine: You wanna come over? You can borrow something?
Please. Now?
Jasmine: see you in a bit.
Jasmine’s place is a subway ride away from yours, so you grab your makeup and put on your best jeans and head straight out. When you arrive, Jasmine instantly approves of your jeans and shoes. She has laid out a few tops for you to try on, and perches on the bed while you turn this way and that in front of the mirror. Ten minutes later, she’s bored. “The purple one was fine, Y/N”, she says. You make a dissatisfied noise. “It was! Why are you so bent out of shape about tonight, anyway?”, she asks. “I just want to make a good impression”, you say. “Mmhmm”, she sounds skeptical but doesn’t push it further.
When you arrive, Lin and Chris wave you over to a booth they’ve saved. “You’re both looking lovely”, Lin says. “She always looks amazing”, you say as you sit down next to him and Jas goes to the bar with Chris. Lin gives you a look. “What?”, you ask. “Just, that’s a funny way of taking a compliment.”, he jokes. “Oh, yeah no I don’t do that well”, you admit. “And why’s that?”, he asks outright. “Well Dr,”, you tease “low self-esteem, shitty ex destroying my confidence-you know the drill”. Lin nods slowly. “Well, we gotta do something about that.”, he says. “What do you mean?”. “Well I’ll just have to keep giving you compliments until you believe them”, he shrugs. Well, you don’t quite know what to do with that.
Thankfully Jonathan turns up at that moment and wraps you both in hugs, complaining about the weather and enthusing about the cocktails. On cue, Jasmine and Chris return from the bar with a tray of drinks. Whiskey for Chris and Lin, Cosmo for Jasmine. “And I got you two an Old Fashioned each”, she says. “I love you”, you and Jon say in unison and then collapse into each other in a fit of giggles. “Oh boy, they’re off!”, calls Chris.
Four Old Fashioneds in and you’re a teeny bit tipsy and having a whale of a time. You’ve danced with Jasmine until your feet are too sore and now you’re nestled safely in your booth between Lin and Jon, shoes off and feet tucked under you. “I’m so ladylike”, you groan, indicating your crossed legs. “Look at Jazzy, all class and grace-how d’ya get like that?”, you question. Lin does a double take “I’m wearing sneakers and a hoodie, don’t ask me!”, he says. You both turn to Jon. “Darling, you either have it or you don’t.”, he says dramatically. You and Lin roll your eyes at each other as Jon laughs at his own joke. He downs the rest of his drink and after checking his watch, announces that he’s got to go. He tracks down Jasmine and Chris and hugs them goodbye before running out to hail a cab. Jasmine tried to drag you up for another couple of dances but you protest about your feet. Chris has reached his limit too and she’s just about to work on Lin when she gets a text message from Anthony. He wants her to join him and his friends at a club a few blocks away. Chris offers to walk her their on his way home. You and Lin both jokingly boo them for skipping out before midnight, but it’s all kisses and hugs as you part.
And then it’s just the two of you squished into the booth. You settle back with your legs crossed again, facing Lin and sipping another Old Fashioned. “So the shitty ex”, he begins. “Ugh, yes?”, you reply. “How long ago was he?”, Lin asks. “Couple of years ago, he moved away when we broke up-he never liked New York and resented me for moving here”, you say. “Well, another reason to hate him”, says Lin. You nod. “He just. I always felt like he was ashamed of me, you know? He would go out with his friends but never take me, he just used to put me down all the time and our sex-life was just fucking DEAD”, you exclaim. “Oh god. Why did I tell you that?”, you say, rubbing your temple. Lin laughs to try and break the tension “Because you’re on your fifth Old Fashioned?”, he suggests.
You shake your head. “I’m not drunk. Merry, maybe.”, you admit. “I’ve not told anyone any of that before. I mean, with everything else I’m a pretty open book but not…this”. Lin takes a drink, and then takes your hand. “I’m glad you told me.”, he says. “He sounds like an idiot, though”. “I thought I loved him. I did, once. I don’t know if he ever loved me though. That bugs me, makes me doubt my instincts.”, you admit. Why are you telling him all this?! He’s just so inviting-those warm eyes, the way he makes you feel like he’s really listening. The odds are really stacking against you ever being able to resist this ill-fated crush.
“Don’t doubt yourself. You strike me as pretty bright, pretty observant…just generally pretty too”, he says with a grin to lighten the mood. You give him a light punch on the arm, unsure whether he was serious and clueless as to how you should react.
“Now, how we gonna get you home?”, he asks, looking at your feet. “Barefoot, baby!”, you laugh. “Umm, no. No, no. Your feet’ll be in shreds. We gotta get a cab to your apartment.”, he insists. “Is it on your way?”, you ask when you’ve told him your address. “Sure”.
You spend the cab ride talking about the last movie you both saw, and the time passes very quickly. When you reach your building, you’re so busy wincing at your shoes as you get out that you don’t notice Lin has also got out and has paid for the cab. “Lin is this really on your way home?”, you ask as he offers you his arm. “Good lord, no!”, he laughs. “Lin!”, you protest. “I promised Jas I’d get you home safe-I’m under strict instructions to walk you to your door”, he says.
You wonder for a second if Jas has caught on to your crush on Lin, and this is a set up on her part. But then you’re at your door and there’s no time left to wonder about that. Lin stands awkwardly as you search for your keys. “Do you want to come in for some coffee?”, you ask as you pull the keys out of your bag. Even though you know you can’t sleep with the boss, a little rebel part of your brain hopes he’ll come in and is daydreaming about how that would go. “I can’t, but thanks.”, Lin says. “How was your first Hamilouting?”, he asks with a grin. “So much fun”, you smile. “And hey, sorry if I unloaded on you back there-I’m kinda sober now and regretting revealing all my insecurities…”, you say, trying to laugh it off. Lin moves closer, standing right in front of you now. “Not at all.”, he says. “I just wish that no one had ever made you feel anything less than strong and beautiful”. He reaches out and moves your hair behind your ear as you feel your own breath hitch.
In the next few seconds, your mind races: is he making a move? Isn’t he technically your boss? This can’t be a good idea.
Then he strokes his thumb across your cheek bone and brings his lips to yours and oh but it’s the best fucking idea. You lift your hand to his neck and close any remaining distance between you by pressing your body up against his.
The kiss is pretty much perfect-gentle but firm, sweet but insistent. It makes you want to pull him through your door and keep kissing him until your lips are bruised.
But soon he stops. He is looking for a sign from you that this is ok. You reach up to give him a peck on the cheek and softly say “Goodnight, Lin.”. “Goodnight, Y/N”, he says, and you smile before turning to open your door. “I’ll see you tomorrow “, he calls as he heads for the stairs, flashing you a smile as he goes.
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shuakkinda-blog · 7 years
Vernon crushing on you !! // scenario
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a bullet-point scenario featuring the legendary meme, Vernon/Chwe Hansol !!
Send in requests for scenarios and reactions on my page if you’d like to :)
- Hansol yall
- this guy is a literal dork but he doesn’t always show it
- on stage he’s kinda cautious and uptight
- but he’s suuuper funny and genuine off stage
- and I guess he’s kinda like this when it comes to his crushes
- he’ll be super serious at first
- but once his crush breaks the ice for good
- she better get ready for a shit ton of moments with
- not just vernon
- but with our legendary memesol too ;)
- you’ve been an intern at pledis for a couple of months now
- and during those months you found this one svt member that you really really really click with:
- you love his sass and he loves how you react to it
- the conversations you guys have are just so interesting too, and they’re nEVER quiet
- he’s practically screaming and making a fool out of himself whenever he’s with you because he loves hearing you laugh
- Seungkwan is so full of energy whenever he’s around you like
- he’d be practicing a extremely difficult dance in the practice room with the rest of svt and feel like he’d rather die than get the moves right
- but then you’d walk in and Seungkwan would spring from the dead like
- and the rest of svt would groan and want to slap the shit out of him for interrupting their much-needed break
- anyways, knowing how much !positivity! and !motivation! you guys bring into each other’s days, the two of you choose to hang out often
- and a lot of his fellow group members would think it’s because Seungkwan is crushing on you
- but it’s not that
- it’s just one of those super duper close bff connections ykno
- your amazing friendship with Seungkwan is probably one of the best things you’re getting out of the internship
- ONE of them, just wait ;)
- and although you know that the other svt members find Seungkwan’s attitude is 5x more annoying when he’s with you
- you didn’t know your friendship was really starting to bother a particular member:
- “Hansolieeeee~” Seungkwan comes barging into the practice room to see Vernon sitting by himself on the floor, back leaning against the wall mirror
- “mm?” Vernon hums but doesn’t look up from his phone. He knows the loud voice can only be Seungkwan’s
- “wanna go get some bubble tea? Like right now?” Seungkwan grins widely, but his positive gesture is met with a dull response
- “I don’t know,” Vernon’s eyes are still glued to his phone
- “come on,” Seungkwan pulls on one of Vernon’s arms. “It’ll be fun because-”
- “y/n will be there, I know,” Vernon huffs
- “you never hang out with us,” Seungkwan pouts. “Why can’t you just give today a chance?”
- “you go have fun with your little crush. I’ll be here,” Vernon says coldly
- “HANSOL, FOR THE LAST TIME, I DON’T LIKE HER LIKE THAT,” Seungkwan gets defensive
- “and you’re my best friend. I can’t just leave you here like this...” he looks down in guilt
- “well then go have fun with your new best friend then,” Vernon says as his eyes avoid Seungkwan
- (now a lot of us would expect Boo to get offended by this statement and sass the living shit out of Vernon)
- (but nah)
- (in fAct)
- Seungkwan snickers. “Is my best friend... jealous?”
- “I’m not, I just...” Vernon struggles to make up an excuse
- “HAH YOU’RE SO CUTE, JEALOUS OF SOME GIRL HUH...?” Seungkwan collapses and rolls on the floor, dying of laughter
- Vernon doesn’t respond and keeps busy on his phone
- “okay okay, I’m sorry,” Seungkwan collects himself again. “But for real, I can’t replace someone like you. Ever. You’ll always be my best friend, and no other person can say otherwise.” VERKWAN FEELS YO
- “just please, I’d love to hang out with the two of you guys. I think you’ll get along well... I mean there’s gotta be a reason why I’m so close to both you,” Seungkwan justifies
- Vernon contemplates for a long moment
- “... okay,” he says hesitantly
- “AYYAYAY OMG OKAY LET’S GO LIKE RIGHT NOW BC Y/N IS WAITING OUTSIDE THE BUILDING AND I DON’T WANT TO MAKE HER WAIT SO LONG,” Seungkwan screeches says excitedly as he pulls Vernon off of the floor and onto his feet
- Vernon smiles as he gets dragged out of the building
- and upon arriving at the building’s entrance, he sees you casually waiting on your phone
- while keeping quiet, Seungkwan pushes Vernon closer to you, making you look up
- “uh hello, I’m Vernon,” Vernon smiles plainly at you
- “oh come on,” Seungkwan lightly punches Vernon. “She knows you and you know him. Don’t act awkward like that.”
- “call him Hansol if you want,” Seungkwan looks to you and pats his original bestie. “He’s usually not like this, so please forgive him, y/n.”
- “ah okay,” you smile. “Nice to finally hang out with you today! Seungkwan has told me a lot about you.”
- “same here,” Vernon replies and his smile grows a little. He points to Seungkwan “This guy just doesn’t know how to shut up when he’s talking about you sometimes,” he says as he nudges Boo in the gut
- you laugh. “I think he just needs to learn how to control himself in general,” you respond
- “ALRIGHT ALRIGHT, let’s not gang up against me so soon,” Seungkwan comes in between you and Vernon to link arms with the both of you. All three of you start heading over to the bubble tea cafe
- and during your trio date
- it’s pretty awkward at first
- but then you bring up something dumb or embarrassing that Seungkwan has done before
- and Vernon would be like
- “oh my god I thought I was the only one who saw him do that before.”
- “yeah I know, I can’t believe he actually sneaks his plush toys to the company building everyday. I always catch him talking to them when he’s alone. It’s hilarious.”
- “I know, right?” Vernon would laugh. “You know there was this one time he-”
- “OKAY THAT’S ENOUGH,” Seungkwan would have to shut up the both of you before he can be insulted any further
- and for the rest of the time at the cafe, you and Vernon are just snickering at each other every time Seungkwan tries to change the subject from something he can’t/doesn’t want to talk about lmao
- overall the bubble tea date turns out to be a great time
- while Seungkwan goes to use the restroom, Vernon leans over to your side of the table and asks
- “hey, if you ever need some more Seungkwan blackmail, I gotchu.”
- you shake your head and laugh. “I could definitely use some of those.”
- “yeah, if you give me your number, I can send you a few right now if you want,” Vernon smiles and holds out a hand, which you place your phone in
- as he’s entering his contact info into your phone, you spot Seungkwan returning from the restroom
- “hurry hurry,” you lean over to Vernon. “He’s cominG.”
- “okay, aaaaand done,” he smiles as he finishes up filling out his profile
- he quickly slides your phone back to you before Seungkwan can spot the suspicious activity
- on the way back to the company building, you and Vernon are separated by Seungkwan once again
- but as Boo chats away, you send your new friend a text
- you: “now would be a great time to send some blackmail, don’t you think?”
- upon receiving the text, Vernon looks to you, then to Seungkwan, then back to you
- a huge smile flashes across his face and he begins typing away at the keyboard
- Vernon: “you right” “hold up”
- Vernon: <img231>
- OH MY GOD this is g o l d, you think to yourself as you try to hold back the laughter
- Vernon: “like I said, I gotchuu”
- Vernon: <img257>
- and the two of you silently laugh at each other as the blackmail keeps rolling into your phone
- until
- Vernon: <img47747>
- you check the image and
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(pic creds to topsy.one)
- you: “... I think this picture beat all of the Seungkwan ones”
- “HEY,” Vernon accidentally responds aloud. An embarrassed smile spreads across his face
- Seungkwan turns to the both of you
- oh shit, you and Vernon think simultaneously
- silence sets in for a moment
- “... ANYWAYS,” Boo continues his conversation with himself
- Vernon looks to you and silently wipes his forehead, mouthing the words “phew”
- you sigh in relief
- Vernon: “my bad omg”
- you: “it’s okay Seungkwan won’t suspect anything this early on”
- you: “he’s super oblivious to everything when he’s on chat mode”
- Vernon: “damn it’s like you’ve known Seungkwan for as long as I have lol”
- you: “lmao I think he’s just super predictable”
- Vernon: “naw, comprehending Seungkwan takes talent”
- Vernon: “and lots of patience”
- and the two of you kinda start of your meme friendship from there how beautiful :’)
- Over time, you guys text more, and then texting leads to talking irl, and then meeting up a few times a week
- and it just comes to the point where the both of y’all are practically ditching Seungkwan for your own hangouts lol sorry boo
- the both of you become so comfortable with each other to the point you can freely unleash your inNER MEME SELVES and it’s gREAT LMAO
- all you guys do together is secretly take pictures of other people around the building and make memes out of them I’m so mean I’m sorrY PLEDIS
- and on most days you’d snap pictures of each other and text them as end-of-the-day (aka i-kind-of-miss-you) messages aw
- one day, Vernon’s gonna be hanging out with you and trying to take pictures of you off-guard without catching your attention
- he wouldn’t check them until the end of the day, when the both of you text each other for your nightly meme exchange is that even a thing?? o o p s
- he’d look through what he managed to capture from earlier
- but
- all of the pictures he took of you
- they’re not off-guards
- they’re bomb ass candid photos
- you’re smiling, laughing, looking at him, just being super genuine in the moment
- and Vernon just thinks:
- why is she so... perfect?
- he smiles as he swipes through the pictures over and over again
- but then another thought hits him:
- do I like y/n?
- also:
- shit what am I supposed to send her today?
- then a text notification comes in
- you: “hey where’s the daily dose of my memeself??”
- Vernon: “uhhh... none today, sorryyyyyy”
- you: “wth did you not take any?”
- you: “whatever I have shit load of memesol from today anyways. ENJOY <3″
- and as you’re sending the pictures you took of him that day, Vernon isn’t even checking any of them
- he’s looking through all of your photos again and griNNING LIKE THE CUTEST KID OMG
- Oh god I do like her...
- wait what the hell am I supposed to do no-
- “wHATCHU GRINNING AT THERE,” Seungkwan sticks his nose into Vernon’s buisness
- “n o TH In G,” Vernon’s eyes widen as he shifts away from Seungkwan and turns off his phone
- “I’m not dumb, Hansol. I saw you scrolling through those pics of y/n,” Seungkwan laughs at him
- “they’re just nice pictures, that’s all,” Vernon tries to cover it up but his blush gives it away
- “mmhmm, ‘nice pictures’ my ass,” Seungkwan isn’t buying it mY FAVORITE PART OF SEUNGKWAN IS...
- “and your smile isn’t like that all the time, I know you,” Boo adds. “It’s really cute right now, and that says a lot.” VERKWAN I TELL YOU
- “okay, fine. You caught me,” Vernon gives up. “But it’s not like anything is gonna change because I like her.”
- “actually,” Seungkwan clears his throat. “knowing you so well comes with the duty to inform you with all of the dumb things you’ll do that’ll make your crush obvious to y/n. May I?”
- “Oh my God,” Vernon smiles and rolls his eyes
- “Oh and by the way,” Seungkwan leans over to Vernon and whispers. “If you don’t make it obvious, I will.”
- “SeungkwaN.”
- “Okay fine, I’ll try not to,” Seungkwan replies. “AnYwAyS...”
- Seungkwan’s right when he says that Vernon will be doing things that’ll make his crush obvious to you
- because for one, he’s gonna have to discontinue that end-of-the-day meme exchange because he’ll just be snapping really cute candid pics of you instead:
- you: “okay memesol, don’t disappoint me today” 
- you: “where’s the y/n meme I’ve been waiting for?”
- Vernon: “sorry I ain’t doing that anymore”
- you: “wait really?”
- you: “bUT WHY?”
- Vernon: “Idk I haven’t been getting any memeable pics of you lately”
- you: “wdym? my natural look is an ugly meme”
- Vernon: “it’s not and that’s the problem”
- you: “... whatchu tryna say then, bud?”
- you: “WAIT A SECOND”
- Vernon: “gn dork”
- and although he may seem pretty calm about hinting here, he’ll probably slap himself in the face a couple of times for slipping up
- Vernon would also stop making jokes about you that insult your personality because whY would he insult something he loves so much about you?? do you hear me screaming?
- but don’t worry, meme time with memesol will still be fun because he’d still be willing to make a meme out of himself for you not like he has any control over that anyways lol
- also, he’d be super blushy whenever you guys have accidental skinship moments nkadbkadfbsd
- like even the slightest touch of your hand would trigger him, and he’s definitely one to stutter afterwards
- last crushing habit he’d have would be fuCk tOns of eye contact omg
- and it’s not just your casual, everyday eye contact
- I’m talking about the kind of eye contact that stares you down to the very core of your s o u l
- okay maybe not that deep, but Vernon’s eye contact with you would just be full of admiration
- trust me, he tries to pay attention to the conversation, but when he looks into your eyes, he gets so thrown off and it’s kinda of cute:
- “hellO, earth to hansOl???” you’d say and wave a hand in front of his face
- “ah, sorry, I was kinda-” Vernon scratches the back of his head
- *cue Vernon’s really shy smile that brings tears to every human*
- and sad enough, sometimes you’ll mistaken this constant staring for lack of interest and/or tiredness:
- “dude, are you alright?” you ask with a concerned face. “you seem kind of tired...”
- “aw no no I’m fine really. I’m just-” Vernon tries to snap out of his daze
- “hey, if you want to go relax or take a nap instead of hearing me blabber about nothing, I totally understand,” you explain. “Your schedule doesn’t always come easy, and I want you to rest if you need to.”
- “no y/n, really I’m fine. I love talking to you, and you know that. And even if I was tired, I’d still want to talk to you.” 
- Vernon begins to blush and so do you
- “ah, I’m sorry if that didn’t come out the right way. But you get me, right?” he laughs nervously
- overall, Vernon is a pretty shy crusher, but he wouldn’t be any less of a meme for you while he’s crushing so don’t worry
- now when it comes to confessing, this guy would want to make it short, simple, and all planned out in his head
- but hey, that’s probably not gonna happen because we caN’t forget about Seungkwan in this equation !!1!1!1!1
- so one day you’re eating dinner with verkwan peacefully when all of a sudden
- “it took me awhile to realize that you guys have been hANGING OUT WITHOUT ME FOR SOME TIME NOW,” Seungkwan bursts his bubble. “CARE TO EXPLAIN?”
- “uhh... you’ve just been really busy I guess?” Vernon shrugs
- “Hansol, wtf we have the same exact schedule for god’s sake,” Seungkwan snaps
- “I think it’s all the meme-ing we do,” you laugh and say in an attempt to save your side with Vernon
- “yeahh. We like to play around with memes a lot and we just thought... you know... you might not be too interested in all of it???” Vernon smiles timidly
- “mmhmm, suUUUuuure. Like anyone said I would rather hang out with myself than listen to you guys talk about memes all day,” Seungkwan says sarcastically and rolls his eyes
- before you could justify your point any further, Vernon’s phone rings
- “oh, sorry guys,” he gets up from his seat. “Let me just take this call.”
- you and Seungkwan watch Vernon leave the table and walk away
- and once he’s out of sight...
- “okay, y/n,” Seungkwan looks you dead in the face and leans closer from the other side of the table. “What’s the deal with you and Hansol?”
- “why? Are you jealous of our friendship or something?” you laugh at him
- Seungkwan shakes his head. “No no, I don’t have to worry about that because I know you can’t replace MY spot as his best friend. What I’m trying to ask is...”
- “... are you guys dating? BehiND my baCK?”
- your face goes red
- ofc you guys aren’t dating
- but the fact that Seungkwan is suspecting it makes you think about how suspicious your friendship with him looks
- do we really look like a couple?
- “w-what? No, what the hell, Seungkwan,” you try to cover up your flustered appearance
- “I mean,” Seungkwan scoffs. “If you two are gonna hang out without ME, there’s obviously gotta be something going on...”
- “It’s funny you think we’re dating because I don’t see any reason why he’d like me like that,” you say as you fake a smile and play around with your food.
- Seungkwan stares at you in silence for a moment
- and then he laughs
- hystererically
- like he’s about to fall of his seat
- “yo are you okay, Boo?” you ask the dying fellow
- “no no no, I just-” Seungkwan tries to catch his breath and wipes the tears from his eyes. “Oh my god, y/n.”
- “what’s going on with you???” you say with concern
- “no, I should be asking you that question,” Seungkwan collects himself.
- “I don’t get it,” you reply
- “y/n, I hate to spoil it but how are you not picking up on Vernon’s obvious crush on you? What is going on with you?” Seungkwan smiles widely
- your face lights up at Seungkwan’s words
- does he... really like me?
- “Are you being serious right now?” you ask for reassurance
- Seungkwan sighs. “Hansol has been liking you for awhile now. And I know he really likes you because he doesn’t even talk to me about it. He tells me almost everything, but nothing when it comes to you.”
- “And that just tells me that you really mean something special to him.”
- “I mean pff, not as special as me but you know... pretty close,” Seungkwan fakes a hair flip
- you shake your head. “I don’t want to believe you,”
- Seungkwan’s eyes widen. “Wait why no-”
- “but for the record, I’ve definitely liked him for awhile,” you cut him off
- Seungkwan smiles but his face contorts at the sight of Vernon coming back. “Good to hear, but looks like your ‘boyfriend’ is walking back riGHT NOW, SO ACT NATURAL.”
- “Y/N SHUT UP HE IS- OH HEY HANSOL, WHAT’S UUUUP?” Seungkwan sweats nervously, but Vernon doesn’t suspect a thing
- so after the dinner at the restaurant, the three of you walk back to the company building so that you can head home to your apartment from there
- but the boys agree that it’s too dark outside for you to walk alone
- and of course Seungkwan, being the slick one out of the bunch, complains about one of his feet hurting and insists on staying behind at the company building actor kwan at his finest
- so it’s just you and Vernon walking together
- and although you guys usually talk comfortably
- the walk home was different
- no one says a word
- it’s pretty awkward
- the both of you are busy thinking
- “alright,” you say at the foot of your apartment building. “I guess I’ll see you tomorrow like usual?”
- “yeah, that’s... that’s fine,” he rocks back and forth on his feet. “Like usual.”
- after exchanging “good night” greetings, you proceed to enter the building, but
- “I like you.”
- the words fall out of Vernon’s mouth quietly
- You turn around and see Vernon standing in place, but he’s staring at the ground
- “I don’t believe you,” you say
- “w-what?” Vernon looks up to you again
- “I said I don’t believe you,” you repeat yourself
- “what? Why not?” Vernon says in confusion
- you sigh
- “you would’ve looked me in the eye and told me so.”
- after processing your words, Vernon walks up to you with his eyes down.
- and after lifting his head up to see your eyes only inches away
- he tilts his head and presses his lips against yours
- and at that moment, you believed his words
- realizing how cheesy the moment is, you both giggle into your kiss
- the two of you say to yourselves...
- how did I fall for a dork like you?
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Sugar and Spice, ch 2
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Summary: Your sugar daddy, Richard Speight Jr, takes you to a Louden Swain concert as your first date. Word count: 2096 Warnings: OOC!Rob Benedict, suggestive content A/N: Keep in mind (I forgot to mention this in chapter one) that this is an AU, where Rich is single and was never married to Jaci, and does not have children. Also, you’re 26 in this series.
Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
Chapter two: the concert
Your heart was beating like crazy in your chest when you were slipping into your little black dress. You paired it with some high heeled lace sandals, well aware that no one else would look so fancy, but you figured that hey… he wanted something to show off, and he was gonna get it. You did your hair and makeup, sprayed some of you favourite perfume on, then waited for Richard to pick you up.
When you heard a car outside, you slipped into your jacket, got your purse and left your flat. Richard stood outside his car waiting for you. His face actually lit up when he saw you, which you found adorable. He was wearing a dark blue button up shirt and… fuck me, a brown leather jacket. You would have dropped your panties on the spot if he told you to. You walked up to him and smiled.
“Evening,” you said and smiled. “Wow,” was his response as he eyes you up and down, his pupils dilated as he took in the sight of you. You spun around once playfully and grinned. “Like what you see?” “Love what I see, holy crap, I don’t know if we’re gonna make it to the concert. I don’t think I- wow. Sweetheart, just wow. You look stunning,” he breathed and rubbed his face with his hand.
 You giggled a little and looked at him. “Thank you. You don’t look half bad yourself. With the beard, hair and jacket you almost look like a modern day Jesus,” you said and reached out to touch his arm. “And that’s a good thing?” he asked and narrowed his eyes a little, but a playful smile was tugging at his lips. “It’s a very good thing.” “Why thank you, sweet lady. Let’s go, shall we?” You nodded, and he opened the car door for you.
 “Such a gentleman!” you exclaimed when you sat down. “Of course,” he said before he closed your door and got around and into the driver’s seat. When he started the car you kept going. “I’m not used to… gentlemen,” you said, and Rich raised an eyebrow at you. “Guys my age, they’re not much for the whole gentleman thing. They think it’s romantic to ask ‘netflix and chill?’ or ‘can I see your tits?’,” you said with a small laugh, which he returned.
 “I think you’ll find that neither me or any of my friends are like that.” “And that’s why I like older men.” “Ha!” Richard exclaimed and grinned. “You do?” he then asked and looked over to you. “Yeah. Like I said, younger guys tend to be douchey, whereas older men… better behaved, more like gentleman, and also more attractive.” Richard chuckled bitterly at the last statement. “Attractive, huh?” “Yeah,” you said. For a few seconds, the two of you just looked at each other, before Richard looked back to the road.
 “So, did you check out the band?” he asked after a while. “I did! I really liked them, so I’m excited to see them,” you said with a smile. “Good! Any favourite songs?” “Oh, I loved Be Me, January, Lucky and Trigger Finger.” Richard grinned. “What?” you asked.
“Trigger Finger, it’s written about me.” “What, really?” “Yeah. I’m scared of flying, well, I used to be. So Robbie wrote a song about it,” Richard went on. “Aww, that’s so sweet. So I guess you two are good friends?” I know you’re besties, but… “Oh yeah. Rob’s my best friend, he’s fantastic.” You smiled when he talked about Rob, and listened when he told you a few crazy stories.
 “...so that’s how we ended up with the police in our hotel room,” he finished the story about how Rob accidentally called 911. You were laughing, and almost had tears in your eyes. You exhaled and wiped your eyes, making sure your mascara hadn’t smudged. “Oh god… poor Rob, he must have been mortified,” you said, and Rich just nodded. “I thought it was hilarious,” he replied with a grin. 
The car ride to the concert took about 25 minutes. Rich opened your door for you again, and you couldn't help smiling at his manners. You fixed your dress and looked up at him. “You ready?” he asked with a smile. “Absolutely, let's go.”
 You could already hear music when you entered the bar. The band must be warming up. Rehearsing. When you were inside, Rob Benedict noticed Rich, and smiled and waved. “Hey!” he shouted and motioned for him to come closer. Rich took your hand and you followed him up to the stage, which Rob jumped off of.
 “Hey Bobbo!” Rich exclaimed and they hugged. When they pulled back, Rob looked at you. “Who is this?” he asked with a wide smile and offered you his hand. “I'm Y/N,” you said and shook it. “I told you I'd bring a date!” Rich exclaimed. “You didn't say she'd be young and hot,” Rob joked, then turned to you. “Sorry, that probably sounded disrespectful.” “That's quite alright.” “I reckon it's still more respectful than guys her age,” Rich said and nudged your side. You chuckled and nodded. “Really? How come?” Rob asked and crossed his arms. “Their idea of romance is a text saying ‘tits?’”
Rob laughed at your statement and Richard put an arm around your shoulders. “So, how’d you two meet?” Rob asked. “At a coffee shop. She forgot her wallet so I paid for her,” Rich lied, and you nodded. “Then we got talking, and I really liked him, and now we're here!” you continued. “Wow, what a meet cute! Alright, I gotta get back, see ya later!” Rob said and bounced back onstage.
 “He's cute,” you said and chuckled. “Energetic.” “Oh yeah. Come on, let's get a beer,” he suggested and moved his arms from your shoulders to around your waist. You followed him to the bar. “Do you even like beer? Or do you want something else? Feel free to get whatever you want, on me.” “I could get used to this,” you said with a grin and ordered an Irish coffee, while Rich got a beer. You sat down by one of the round tables, and Rich sat next to you. 
After a while, Rob came back to the two of you with a beer of his own in his hand. He was slightly sweaty already, so his face was shining. “Hey Richie, can I talk to you for a sec?” he asked. “Uh, sure! Y/N, I'll be right back,” Richard said and kissed your cheek.
 Rob pulled him away to where they wouldn't be heard. “Rich! Are you having a midlife crisis!?” he burst out in a loud but hushed voice. “What? No!” “Then what are you doing with that little trophy? How old is she, twenty one?” “Twenty six.” “Still twenty years younger than you! What the hell, Rich?”
 Rob rubbed his face and Rich ran his hand through his hair. “I'm not having a midlife crisis. Just cause I'm dating someone ‘young and hot’ doesn't mean I'm in a crisis.” “But it's weird, Rich! She’s… tell me you didn't get a sugar baby. That conversation was a drunk convo and nothing serious!” “No, she's not a- no! Come on, Rob, give her a chance,” he insisted, and Rob sighed. “Yeah, alright, fine.” 
Rob returned to the stage, and now people were starting to arrive. Rich came back and sat down on the stool next to you again. A while later, the bar was almost full, and the band started playing. You and Rich got up and stood at the outer corner of the crowd. A few people dared come up and say hi to Richard, and then you just stood and pretended to be one in the crowd. The last thing you wanted - and figured last thing he wanted too - was a fan scandal where they went nuts about a young new girlfriend.
 When the band played January, you sang out loud and Richard smiled happily as he watched you. When they played She waits, he leaned in and told you the story behind the song.
“That’s terrible,” you said back in his ear, to which he nodded. When they played Be Me, you swayed slightly and sang along. When they played Trigger Finger, you smiled knowingly at Richard who grinned back and he sang as well. Eventually, Rich wrapped an arm around your waist and held you close to him, and you almost thought you felt him smell you. You couldn’t help the tingle that ran through your body. His hand on your waist was warm, and sometimes he stroked it with his fingers, and you smiled each time.
When the show was over, most people left, but some stayed around in the hopes of meeting to Rob and Rich. “Should I go for a while while you talk to fans?” you asked carefully. “No,” Rich said and tightened his arm around your waist a little. “Let them be jealous,” he continued with a grin. “I just thought, fans can be intense if they see their idols with a girl.” “Yeah, I know. But they’ll have to deal with it. I’m not paying your rent so you’ll hide.” He smiled at you and rubbed your back. The two of you went to the bar and got another drink, then it started. The fans that stuck around noticed Richard and approached him. The ones that asked, he introduced you as his girlfriend, and you smiled and chatted a little with the fans. You figured that if you were nice, the backlash might be smaller. Most of them actually seemed to like you, even though they were - obviously - more interested in Richard.
 After a while it took off, and the fans left, and eventually Rob came out to you and Rich. By that time, Richard had finished two beers, and his hand was around your waist again, but now it slipped down to your hip, and to your thigh, where he stroked it softly. Rob arrived and sat down across from the two of you.
“So, Y/N, tell me about yourself,” Rob said. “What's to tell, I'm not that interesting,” you chuckled. “Well, what do you do, for example?”
 Richard gave him a glare, but you didn't notice. “Well, I'm unemployed right now. But job hunting.” “Oh, oh alright! Well, what do you want to do then?” “Right now I’m looking for café and barista jobs. I have a barista education, so.” “Really? And you can’t get a barista job?” “No. I know, it’s weird.” 
You and Rich hung out with Rob for an hour or so before you left, and Rob seemed suspicious of you the whole time. When you were in the car with Rich, you turned to him. “I don’t think Rob liked me much,” you said, causing Rich to turn his eyes to you. “What?” he asked, slightly perplexed. “He didn’t seem to like me.” “Oh, no, he’s just… he thinks I’m having a midlife crisis,” he explained and gave you a pitiful smile. “Oh… alright. Awkward.”
 Richard turned the radio on. “He called you a trophy,” he said a while later. You couldn’t help but chuckle. “Well at least I can take that as a compliment!” You smiled and rubbed your arms. Bob Seger’s night moves played. 
Workin' on mysteries without any clues Workin' on our night moves Tryin' to make some front page drive-in news Workin' on our night moves In the summertime In the sweet summertime
Rich pulled up to your driveway and stopped the car. “I really enjoyed tonight,” he said and put one hand on your leg, squeezing it softly. 
And we'd steal away every chance we could To the backroom, to the alley or the trusty woods I used her, she used me But neither one cared We were gettin' our share Workin' on our night moves
“Me too. So, do you want to see me again?” you asked carefully. Richard looked at you as if you had asked him to become a stripper. “Of course I do!” he burst out. “Good.” 
And oh the wonder We felt the lightning And we waited on the thunder Waited on the thunder 
His hand on your leg climbed a little higher, but still carefully, and you bit your lip and looked at him. “Come inside with me.”
Ain't it funny how the night moves When you just don't seem to have as much to lose Strange how the night moves With autumn closing in
Tagging: @lucifer-in-leather​ @castielspahdehrah​ @pepperwoodatnight​ @becaamm​ @mariairwin666 @sama1314​  @fuckyeahfeysand​ @wayward-mirage​
Sugar and Spice tags: @lucifersxvessel​ @with-eyes-turned-skywards @meganwinchester1999 @jannalionheart @kinkystevesgirl @magpiegirl80 @catlady25me @lamthetwickster @bellastellaluna @melodyhiddleston @izzyweisz @calicat79​ @amyapathetic​
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mrevaunit42 · 7 years
UnderStar part 2
Hey everyone, Mr.E here with the second part of my Undertale/Star vs cross over. I hope you are all having a great weekend and getting ready for starco week! Starting tomorrow. I won’t be doing all the prompts because i have a horrible track record but hey, check out @starcoweek3 for some great starco art and stories. So here’s underStar part 2 and in case you missed the giant wall of text that is the first one, here’s the link https://mrevaunit42.tumblr.com/post/158949799587/understar-part-1
Have a great week everyone
Marco said nothing, guilt filling every inch of his entire being as Toriel let loose a single tear, her fireballs steering themselves away from the approaching boy.
He knew she couldn't hurt him, that she was trying to scare him into giving up, into hurting her to get pass. He could've but he didn't. He chose to spare Toriel every chance he got until....she gave up.
“It is pathetic...is it not?” Toriel muttered softly “I cannot save a single child....”
Marco said nothing, deciding it was best to just stand since he was unsure how he could comfort her sorrow.
“I wanted to be a teacher...obvious when you look back on it....but...how could I ever become a teacher....if I cannot save a single child...”
Toriel let out a defeated sigh
“I understand. You would just be unhappy here. The ruins are small once you are used to them and without Star, you would be consumed by your worry....she is your bestie after all...your feelings for her go far deeper than you know.”
Toriel closed her eyes as if to shield Marco away from her pain.
“My expectations.....my loneliness....my fear....for you my child...I will put them aside.”
“If you truly wish to leave the ruins” Toriel told him, so forlorn and sad that it destroyed  Marco's heart “I will not stop you....”
“However” Toriel went on, her face tight with emotion “When you leave...please do not come back”
Marco could feel his eyes tearing up at the sight of Toriel so broken and defeated
“I hope you understand.”
Marco's tears trailed down his cheeks, their existence disappearing into Toriel's soft, warm fur as she embraced him, her touch loving and motherly.
“Call me goat mom....one last time child...” she whispered into his ear.
“Good bye....goat mom” Marco cried as Toriel broke her hold on him.
“Good bye....my child.”
and like that, Toriel was gone, retreating back into her home, into her self imposed exile in the ruins.
Marco wiped away his tears as he made his way pass the doors that barred his path, pass the single patch of sunlight that reminded him of the first time he met Flowey and into the forest, the dead tall trees looming over him like towers, the snow covered floor giving every step a deep, thick crunch.
Marco shivered against the icy temperature of the cavern, unable to believe this was still the Underground.
There was no sign of life, no sign anyone else nearby or clue where Star had disappeared to. Just nothing: an empty landscape void of anything.
Marco stopped. He felt strange like someone was watching, waiting for him to notice.
He whirled around suddenly only to find the doors back to the ruins and his footsteps trailing after him.
Marco frowned, unsure if he was just on edge and paranoid or that someone had indeed been watching him.
Marco faced forward only to find someone who wasn't there a moment before barring his path.
“Yeah” The creature said lazily “it was me kid.”
There was a moment of silence before Marco let out a panicked yell, arms flailing everywhere which way before dropping into a fighting pose.
The creature was a short, big boned skeleton with a dimpled, permanent smile on his face, something Marco never thought he would say when describing a skeleton. His empty eye sockets had this white glint to them almost like pupils. Strangest thing of all was that he was clothed: He wore an unzipped blue hoodie (both hands tucked within its pockets) with the hood having a white furry interior. He seemed to be wearing a white shirt, black shorts with a single, vertical white strip on either side of his legs and even a pair of sandals.
“Hiya kid” The skeleton waved, his tone equal parts friendly and laid back “How you doing?”
“umm....” Marco was unsure how to respond. You think with having Star Butterfly as his best friend he would've been used to strange sights by now but a clothes wearing, friendly skeleton took the cake.
“Well....isn't this a bare-bones conversation?” The skeleton said with wink, chuckling merrily at his own joke.
Scratch that: a clothes wearing, friendly pun making skeleton.
“Sides” The skeleton went on “don't you know how to make a new pal? Shake my hand kid”
Marco gulped nervously at the sight of the skeletal hand attached the skeletal body that once may have been human....or was this creature born this way, without any eyes or skin?
“Aww, don't tell me I scared you? Sorry kid, I can be a real bonehead sometimes!”  
Marco anxiously chuckled, swallowing his fear and gripping the skeleton's hand lightly in case it decided to pull him forward and attack.
Marco flushed when the loud whooshing sounds of a fart echoed loudly through the near empty forest
“hehehe....the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick” the skeleton said with a grin, holding out his hand and showing Marco the deflated prop “It's always funny.”
“You're human right? With the flesh and squishy organs? Hehehe that's hilarious.” The skeleton went on, slipping his hand back into the shelter of his pockets “I'm Sans....Sans the skeletogrin”
Another wink
“I'm Marco” Marco managed to get out between laughs. Between Star missing and having broke Toriel's heart, Marco needed a good laugh and while these jokes were terrible, they were helping lift his gloomy mood.
“Anyway, I'm supposed to be on watch for humans right now...” Marco felt his heart stop, the idea of being captured so quickly made him wish he had heeded Toriel's warning “But y'know, I don't really care about capturing anybody.”
Marco let out a sigh of relief.
“Now my brother Papyrus....”
“SANS!” another voice called from afar, causing Sans to turn around and peer carefully at who was calling him.
“Actually....I think that's him right now.”
“What?!” Marco couldn't keep the fear out of his voice “You got to hide me! I can't be captured, I need to find my best friend Star.”
“Huh, best friend? Not girlfriend?” Sans nudged Marco with a playful wink.
“N-no!” Marco stammered, his cheeks bright red from the cold “Best friend.”
“I'm just joking kid. Say, you haven't lost your....funny bone, have you?”
“Sans!” Marco motioned to the approaching person, his height making it impossible for anyone to miss his arrival “I need to find Star and go home!”
Sans smile never left his face but he nodded in understanding.
“It's alright Marco, just follow my lead. Put your hands in your pockets and stand like me.”
Marco didn't like the sound of this but left with little choice, he followed Sans's directions, placing his hands in his pockets and slouching lazily like his skeletal savior.
“Now face the same way and don't say anything.”
Marco did as he was told just in time for Sans's brother to make onto the scene.
If Marco thought Sans was strange, that was before he met Papyrus. Sans was dressed for style and possibly comfort but Papyrus? He was dressed to stand out, impossible to ignore.
His skull was anatomically incorrect, much longer and thinner than his brother Sans. He too had an eternal smile and his eye sockets were more slit than humanly possible. Around his thin skeletal frame was a large torso piece with various golden trims and a symbol Marco was certain he had seen somewhere before, something from a video game. He wore a long, flowing red scarf with matching, red gloves with more gold trim, a blue...briefs? With a, you guessed it, gold belt and large red boots. His spine, arms and legs were covered by black sleeves or leggings or...something.
Marco could feel the sweat form on his brow as Papyrus came closer but if he had noticed anything odd about this picture, the skeleton had yet to say anything.
“S'up bro?” Sans greeted his brother casually like he wasn't hiding a human from his human hunting brother.
“YOU KNOW WHAT IS SUP BROTHER!” Papyrus answered, his voice dramatic and overflowing with unnecessary flourish.  “IT HAS BEEN 8 DAYS AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T RECALIBRATED YOUR PUZZLES!”
“kay....” Sans replied, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly
“Hanging out with my buddy here” Sans pointed to Marco with his head “New to town.”
Sans snickered at his brother “You haven't even seen a human bro.”
“hmm.....maybe my friend can help you, he's a human”
Marco couldn't believe Sans ratted him out so quickly, he knew he couldn't trust a no skin, wide grinning, punning making skeleton!
Marco's deadpanned face made him seem like the undead one.
“but I did a ton of work” Sans replied “A skele-ton”
Sans gave his brother his trademark wink.
“SANS!” Papyrus shrieked
“come on, you're smiling”
“I AM” Papyrus answered, childishly pouting and stamping the ground in a way that reminded Marco of Star “AND I HATE IT!”
Papyrus let out a defeated sigh “WHY DOES SOMEONE AS GREAT AS I HAVE TO DO MUCH WORK FOR SOME RESPECT?” “Sounds like you're working yourself....to the bone”
Marco saw it now, he saw how these two opposing personalities could be brothers. It was their lame jokes.
Papyrus took his leave without another word, laughing all the way out of view.
“see, told you. My brother may be a fanatic about catching humans but he's harmless. He couldn't hurt you even if he wanted too.”
“Thanks Sans.” Marco offered his hand to shake Sans's once more
Sans shook his head, all joy and humor leaving his face “Don't thank me yet, we got to find your not girlfriend Star.”
Marco flushed a little but decided to ignore it for time's sake “Do you know where Star is? Was she captured by the others? I mean she's really good at fighting and has her magic wand that's make her tough to beat but still...you never know.”
Sans shook his head “No I don't think so but something isn't right with this picture. Tell me, did you two run into a small sunflower? Cheerful and 'helpful'?”
“Flowey...” Marco growled, fist clenched angrily
Sans nodded  but did not elaborate if such information was important. “I don't know where your friend is now but I know where she'll be in a bit if she's hanging with the flower.”
Marco wanted to tell Sans that Star would never go with Flowey but last night's fight surfaced in his mind, how betrayed and angry Star looked at him when he told her to trust Toriel and Marco had seen firsthand how charming Flowey could be.
“ Can you take me Sans? I need to find Star.”
Sans winked at Marco “Sure skelebro, we'll take one of my shortcuts.”
“Shortcuts?” Marco questioned but Sans was already off, disappearing into the thick, dead trees. “SANS WAIT UP!”
“Wait...just happened?” Marco's eyes were wild, hair an unkempt mess like he had just go.
“Best not to think about it” Sans told Marco calmly, the two appearing over a breathtaking over of a city far below “Your friend will be heading through that door over at the far end.”
Marco turned, the door giving him a dark, foreboding feeling in his stomach.
“What is that place?” Marco asked, fright and dread slowly overwhelming him.
The white glint in Sans's eyes disappeared leaving a lifeless, void-like darkness in his eyes “Where everything ends.....”
“I'll stand here” Sans continued, the white gleam returning “Make sure no monsters bother ya. I like you and I wouldn't want to see you captured. Find your friend, come back here and we'll go somewhere I can keep you safe until we figure out how we can get you out of here.”
“Thanks Sans” Marco told him, hugging the skeleton tightly.
“No worries Marco” Sans told him, parting from the teen slowly “We're hoodie bros. It's what we do. I wish I could help you but I don't have any guts”
Marco laughed loudly at the horrible joke, waving goodbye to Sans as he entered the mysterious room.
Sans felt his grin drop a bit, wondering if Marco could really handle that sociopathic little flower on his own.
“Star!” Marco's voice rang out, echoing loudly through the empty halls, the sound bouncing off the golden walls, becoming weaker as his voice traveled further away from him into the endless room.
Marco didn't like the silence that remained after his call for Star went unanswered, the clicking of his footsteps the only sign of life in the barren, empty hall.
Marco tried to calm his worried heart as he walked between the two rows of gigantic pillars that held up ceiling of this majestic room as a bright, warm light poured in from the outside despite the fact they were underground, deep within a cavern of mazes. Perhaps the light was not from the sun but rather some other source, the warmth spreading through his body a trick his mind playing on him in response to the solar-like illumination filling the room.
Marco wanted to stare out the beautifully crafted and designed windows, he wanted to explore a bit more but Sta ran off, possibly with a psychotic flower, there was no time. Who knew what lay in the Underground and Marco couldn't help feel a sickening sense of dread bubbling in the pit of his stomach.
Something had gone wrong, something happened to Star and Marco needed to find her now. She was his best friend and if she was in trouble, it was up to him to rescue her. To save her and be there for her. And the only way to be there for her was to press forward.
Marco's footsteps were the only thing accompanying the worried teen as he made his way through the massive corridor, the near quiet atmosphere far worse than being draped in complete silence.
A deep, thick shadow of a pillar blanketed Marco for a moment, blinding him as his eyes struggled to cope with the sudden contrast between light and dark.
Marco stepped into the glowing light pouring through the unblocked window, his vision finally clearing the multicolored flashes that plagued his closed sight.  
Marco could feel his heart beat happily at the sight of Star's turned back though the gloomy dreaded he felt remained. Where had she appeared from?
But it didn't matter. Sans had been correct and there she was in one piece: her devil hairband tucked safely in her long, blonde hair, her sea green dress and purple orange striped stockings looking more...faded than usual.
It had to be the room. That's all. Just the lighting and vastness of the hall simply skewing the color scheme a bit....that's all....
So wasn't Marco believing that? Why was every bone in his body telling him to run as fast as he could away from his best friend? That he was in an unrecognizable amount of danger?
Why did he feel like he was going to have a bad time....?
“Star!” Marco couldn't keep the relief out of his voice, nearly running forward to embrace his best friend before a subtle movement caught his attention
Marco frowned but before he could say anything, Star pivoted on her heels, staring directly at him with a wide eyed smile.
But this wasn't a regular Star smile, it was far too large and emotionless like someone simply gripped Star's cheeks and pulled them apart and upwards as far as they could to give the appearance of a smile. The hearts on her cheeks were no longer a bright, loving pink but dull, nearly as pale as her skin. Her normally sparkling oceanic blue eyes that were always filled to the brim with life, love, emotion were now dim, glossy with a distant vacant gleam that lay within.
Star was there....but she wasn't really there....
Marco openly glared at what the magical princess held tightly in her palms, the sight of the creature sparking his memories and causing the feeling of dread to grow to indescribable levels.
“You” Marco accused, pointing a finger at the yellow sunflower that nestled itself comfortably in Star's hands “Flowey! What are you doing with Star?”
Flowey's cartoonish smile and eyes were joyful like he just won the lottery.
“Howdy friend!” Flowey voice was laced with cheer and happiness that Marco knew to be false, a front used to simply lower his guard “Fancy running into you two again in this big, empty hall.”
Marco's glared deepened “What did you do with Star?”
Flowey chuckled nervously like he'd been caught with his petal in the cookie jar “Gee Marco, I don't know what you mean. I hope you're not accusing me of any wrongdoing. Gosh, that would be terribly mean of you.”
Marco stared into the magical princess's face once more, her features seemingly frozen their manic, deranged state.
“I am not asking you again Flowey, what...did...you do...with Star?”
Flowey's bright yellow petals around his face folded, a sadden expression graced the flower's face “You're being mean Marco. Golly I can't believe...”
“Don't!” Marco's outburst rang loudly around them, fading away as Flowey's face morphed from shame into an evil triumphant smirk.
“Well looks I can't fool you like I did with Star here” Flowey's tone was sharp and demeaning “of course makes me wonder which of you is the bigger idiot.”
“Don't you talk about Star that way” Marco threatened, clutching his fist tightly, trying to contain his boiling rage.
“I'll talk about her all I want idiot” Flowey sneered, taking pleasure in Marco's anger “She's my puppet and with her at my side, looks like I'll be top monster round here”
“P-puppet?” Marco repeated, fearfully looking into Star's blank stare, no trace remained of the girl he called his best friend “What did you do to her!?”
“Gee, you sure are a dumb one idiot” Flowey mocked “I just told you. I brainwashed her. She's my toy now and there's nothing you can do to stop me.”
“Why would you do this?”
“It's kill or be killed” Flowey responded simply, winking at him as Star carefully placed him on the floor behind her “And now that I control Star, looks like I will be the one doing alllll the killing.”
“I won't let you get away with this!” Marco shouted, dropping into his fighting stance “You are not taking Star”
Flowey chuckled, a simple act that sent shivers down Marco's spine in the worst way possible “I will be getting away with this. Because Star's going to be one that stops you from stopping me....”
Marco let out a disbelieving laugh, unable to hold in the wave of chuckles that came pouring out of his mouth.
Marco wiped away a tear, crossing his arms smugly, throwing a sly grin towards the demented flower “I'm Star's best friend. There is no way she'd ever hurt me...”
“Well...” Flowey pursed his lips, concerned with this unforeseen winkle in his grand master scheme “Golly, I guess that is a big problem.....except...”
Marco felt his blood run cold at Flowey's knowing smile as the insane flower told Marco “You misunderstood something. Star isn't in control anymore.”
Star's grip tightened on her wand, the frightening smile and lifeless eyes never changing as she rose the magical item high into the air
“I am”
Marco watched, terror filling his body as Star took the sky, hovering lazily above Marco, a murderous twinkle in her gaze, passing the wand between her waiting hands like she was playing some sort of game.
Marco felt odd as the world shifted, the vibrant hue of life drained away while everything took on a black and white coloring. Lighter hues of the spectrum became white outlines with skin tone filling in the pale, bright color while clothing, the hall and many background items were filled in different shades of black, their shape and appearance remaining the same despite the lack of varying colors.
Before Marco could question what was going on, Star playfully winked his way, her pale pink hearts becoming dark blue that glimmered brilliantly in the darkness of the hall.
Marco could hear the fluttering melodic sound of Star's magic activating, the center of his chest feeling warm and sending a reassuring wave through his frightened body.
Marco looked down to see the tiny red heart appearing in the center of his now black hoodie, its glow matching Star's hearts perfectly, the two lovely colors shining through a world of black and white.
Marco closed his hands into fists, determination surging through his body. Star needed him. He couldn't rely on anyone else to save her nor should he. He was the magical princess's best friend and he would be damned if he let some psychopathic flower take Star away from him.
Marco fell once more into a ready position, arms and legs bent in preparation while Star hovered above him, swaying back and forth hypnotically with the wand held loosely in her hand.
“Idiot” Flowey said as the glow of Star's wand charging filled the room.
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